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Conversation 1:

Passage 1

Man: Hi. Are you Paula?

$ Woman: Jim?

$ Man: Hi. Nice to meet you.

$ Woman: Glad to meet you.

$ Man: So, you need some tutoring in English?

$ Woman: Yeah. I'm taking English composition, and I'm not doing very well on my essays.

$ Man: Right. Um, well, first let's see if we can figure out a time to meet . . . that we're both free.

$ Woman: Okay.

$ Man: How about Mondays? Maybe in the morning? I don't have any classes until eleven on Mondays.

$ Woman: That would work, but I was hoping we could, you know, meet more than once a week.

$ Man: Oh. Well, Tuesdays are out. I've got classes and, uh, I work at the library part time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Bu t I could get together on Wednesdays.

$ Woman: In the morning?

$ Man: Probably nine-thirty would be best. That way we'd have an hour to work before I'd have to get ready for my eleven o'clock.

$ Woman: So that would be two hours a week then?

$ Man: I could do that.

$ Woman: Oh, but, would that be extra? You know, 2. would I need to pay you for the extra session连续授课时间?

$ Man: No. Um, just so you meet me here at the Learning Center, and we both sign in, then I'll get paid. Tutoring is free, to you, I mean. The school pays me. But we both have to show up. 3 If you don't show up and sign in for a session, then I don't get paid. So . . .

$ Woman: Oh, don't worry about that. I really need the help. I won't miss any sessions unless I'm sick or something.

$ Man: Okay then. So you want me to help you with your essays?

$ Woman: Right. I could bring you some that have, you know, comments on them. I'm getting C's and . . .

$ Man: Well, that's not too bad. Once I see some of your writing, we should be able to pull that up (名次提前)to a B.

$ Woman: You think so?

$ Man: Sure. But I need to explain something. Some of my students in the past . . . they expected me to write their essays for them. But that's not what a tutor is supposed to do.4. My job is to help you be a better writer.

$ Woman: Oh, I understand that. But you'll read my essays, right?

$ Man: Oh yeah. No problem. We'll read them together, and I'll make


$ Woman: Great. I think part of the problem is I just don't understand the teacher's comments. $ Maybe you can help me figure them out.

$ Man: Sure. Who's the teacher?

$ Woman: Simpson.

$ Man: 5. No problem. I've tutored a couple of her students, so I know more or less where she's coming from. Okay, then. I guess we'll meet here on Monday.

$ Woman: I'll be here. Nine-thirty you said.

$ Man: Just sign in when you get here.

Passage 2


6. Okay, today we’re going to discuss the four major types of drainage patterns(排水系统).

7. I trust you’ve already read the chapter so you’ll recall that a drainage pat tern is the arrangement of channels that carry water in an area. And these patterns can be very distinctive since they’re determined by the climate, the topography(地形学,地形测量学), and the composition of the rock that underlies the formations. So, consequently, we can see that a drainage pattern is really a good visual summary of the characteristics of a particular region, both geologically and climactically. In other words, when we look at drainage patterns, we

can draw conclusions about the structural formation and relief of the land as well as the climate.

Now all drainage systems are composed of an interconnected network of streams, and, when we view them together, they form distinctive patterns. Although there are at least seven identifiable kinds of drainage patterns, for our purposes, we’re going to limit our study to the four major types. Probably the most familiar pat te rn is the dendritic (树枝状的) drainage pattern.

8. This is a stream that looks like the branches of a tree. Here’s an example of a dendritic pattern. As you can see, it’s similar to many systems in nature. In addition to the structure of a tree, it also resembles the human circulation system. This is a very efficient drainage system because the overall length of any one branch is fairly short, and there are many branches, so that allows the water to flow quickly and efficiently from the source or sources.

$ O kay, let’s look at the next example.

$ This drainage pattern is referred to as a radial(辐射状的) pattern. Notice how the streams flow from a central point. This is usually a high mountain, or a volcano. 9. It kind of looks like the spokes(辐条;) that radiate out from the hub(中心) of a wheel. When we see a radial pattern, we know that the area has experienced uplift and that the direction of the drainage is down the slopes of a relatively isolated central


$ Going back to the dendritic for a moment. The pattern is determined by the direction of the slope of the land, but it, uh, the streams flow in more or less the same direction, and . . . so it’s unlike the radial that had multiple directions of flow from the highest point.

$ Now this pattern is very different from either the dendritic or the radial. $ This is called a rectangular (长方形的; 矩形的) pattern, and I think you can see why. Just look at all of those right-angle (直角) turns. The rectangle pattern is typical of a landscape that’s been formed by fractured joints and faults. And because this broken rock is eroded more easily than unbroken rock, stream beds are carved along the jointed bedrock.

10 Finally we have the trellis (格架) pattern. And here in this example, you can see quite clearly how the tributaries (支流的)of an almost parallel structure drain into valleys and . . . and form the appearance of a garden trellis. This pattern forms in areas where there are alternating bands of variable resistance, and by that I mean that the bands of rock that are very strong and resistant to erosion alternate with bands of rock that are weak and easily eroded. This often happens when a horizontal(水平的), plain folds and outcroppings (出露地表) appear.

$ So, as I said, as a whole, these patterns are dictated by the structure and relief of the land.

$ The kinds of rocks on which the streams are developed, the structural

pattern of the folds(褶层), uh, faults, and . . . uplift will usually determine a drainage system. However, I should also mention that drainage patterns can occasionally appear to be, well, out of sync with the landscape. And this can happen when a stream flows over older structures that have been uncovered by erosion or . . . or when a stream keeps its original drainage system when rocks are uplifted. So when that happens, the pattern appears to be contrary to the expected course of the stream. 11. But I’m interested in your understanding the basic drainage systems. So I don’t plan to trick you with test questions about exceptional patterns, but I expect you to know that exceptions to the patterns can occur when geological events influence them.

Passage 3


$ Drawing is a very basic a rt form. It’s appealing because it can be used to make a very quick record of the ideas that an artist may be envisioning(imaginative), so, a drawing can serve as a visual aid for the artist to remember a certain moment of inspiration and maybe use it for a more detailed work later on. Okay, usually such sketches allow the artist to visualize the proportions and the shapes without much attention to details so these images can be used by painters, architects, sculptors—any artist really. And large renderings, sketches of parts of the whole . . . these

can be helpful in the creative process when a . . . a huge image might be more difficult to conceive of in its entirety. Or, a sketch of just one face in a crowd can allow the artist to . . . focus on creating just that part of the image.So, in many artists’ studios, countless drawings are strewn about as the final painting or sculpture takes form. And this gives us insight into the creative process, as well the opportunity to see changes from the images at the beginning in the images of the finished work. It’s rare, in fact, for an artist to use permanent materials to begin a piece of art. And some painters, for example, even sketch onto the surface of the canvas before applying the pigments. 13. 14. Now, architects are especially prone to(be likely to)sketches because, of course, their buildings are so large that an image in smaller scale is necessary to the imagination and implementation of such projects. So, uh, these studies become the basis for future works. And again, this is very interesting as a record of the creative process. Okay so far? 14

12. Okay, drawing has several other functions besides as a temporary reference. For centuries, artists have used drawing as a traditional method of education. By copying the great works, especially of the Old Masters, aspiring artists could learn a lot about proportion, how to capture light and shadow and . . . and so forth. In fact, some artists who later achieve recognition, still continue to use this practice to hone their skills or . . . or simply to pay homage to another artist, as is often the case when

a work of art originally created in another medium like a sculpture . . . when it’s recreated in the form of a drawing. Many examples of drawings of Michelangelo’s sculptures were re-created by well-known artists. One that comes to mind is the Study of Michelangelo’s Bound Slave by Edgar Degas. The original by Michelangelo was a marble sculpture that was, oh, about seven feet in height, but the small drawing was made in a sketchpad. In any case, the study is also considered a masterpiece, on a small scale, of course.

12. So . . . what additional purposes m ight be served by the medium of drawing?Well, let’s remember that photography is a relatively new art form, so prior to the use of photographs to record historical events, a quick drawing by an artist was about the only way to preserve a real-time visual account of an important moment. Although a more permanent visual impression might be rendered later, it would be based on memory and not on the artist’s actual observation. 15. Probably the most often cited example of a sketch t hat preserved a n historical record would be the small drawing of Marie Antoinette(玛丽安彤奈特) as she was taken to the guillotine(断头台) in a cart through the streets of Paris. Jacques-Louis David sketched this famous drawing on a piece of paper about the size of the palm of his hand. And the artist, the artist reporter, is still important even in modern times, when photography isn’t possible, for e xample, when judges won’t permit cameras in the courtroom.

17. Ok ay, to review, we’ve talked abou t three functions for drawing—as a visual aid for the artist to complete a future work, as a method of educ ation f or aspiring artists or eve n practiced artists, and as a way to report an event. But the sketchbook has . . . other possibilities. $ Sometimes a drawing is the final execution of the art. Picasso produced hundreds of drawings in, well, every conceivable medium, but especially in pencil and crayon. I find it very interesting that Picasso did so much of this kind of work . . . drawing, I mean, in his last years. Some critics have argued that he was just laughing at the art world, which was willing to pay outrageous sums for anything with his name on it, and clearly, a drawing can be executed in a short period of time. But others, other critics, 16. they feel as I do that Pi casso was drawing because it was so basic, and because it was so spontaneous and so much fun. And also, think about how difficult it really is to produce a quick drawing with a few lines and, uh, no opportunity to . . . to recreate the original, either by painting it out or remodeling the clay or changing the building materials, or . . . or any of the other methods for revision of a finished artistic work that artists have at their disposal. So, what I’m saying is that drawing when it’s elevated to a finished piece, it must be done with confidence and it must show a high degree of creativity and mastery of the art form. In a way, it harkens back to the beginnings of art itself, when some unknown artist must have stuck a finger in the earth to draw an

image or . . . maybe he picked up a stone and made a drawing on the wall of a cave.

Okay, so, as a first assignment, I want you to make a couple of sketches yourself. I’m not going to grade them. This isn’t a studio art class. I just want you to use a few basic strokes to capture an image. You can do the first one in pencil, crayon, ink, chalk, or even charcoal . . . whatever you like. Then, I want you to sketch the same image in a different medium. So, if you do a face in pencil, I want you to do the same face but in chalk or crayon. Bring them to class next week and we’ll continue our discussion of drawing, but we’ll talk more about the ma terials artists use to produce drawings, and, uh, we’ll refer to your sketches as examples.

Passage 4

Student: Thanks for seeing me, Professor Williams.

Professor: Glad to, Alice. What do you have on your mind?

Student:18. Well, I got a little mixed up when I started to go over my notes from the last class, so I had a few questions.

Professor: Shoot.

Student: Okay. I understand the three basic sources of personnel for multinational companies.

That’s fairly self-explanatory.

Professor: Host country, home country, and third country.

Student: Right. But then you started talking about staffing patterns that . . . let me see . . . okay . . 19.. you said, “staffing pa tterns may vary depending on the length of time that t he multinational company has been operating,” and you gave some examples, but I got confused and now I can’t read my notes.

Professor: Okay. Well, one pattern is to rely on home country managers to staff the key positions when the company opens, but gradually moving more host country nationals into upper management as the company grows.

Student: So, for example, if a French company opened a factory in Canada, then French management would gradually replace themselves with Canadian managers. Is that what you mean?

Professor: Right. I think I used that very example in class. So do you want to try to explain the second pattern to me?

Student: Sure. 20.I think it’s the one where home country nationals are put in charge of the company if it’s located in a developed country, but in a developing country, t hen home country nationals manage the company sort of indefinitely.

Professor: Right again. 20. And an example of that would be . . . Student: . . . maybe using German management for a Swiss company in Germany, but, uh, they might send Swiss management to provide

leadership for a Swiss company in . . . in . . .

Professor: How about Zimbabwe?

Student: This is one of the confusing parts.

Zimbabwe has a very old and highly developed culture, so…Professor: . . . but it’s still defined as a developing country because of the economic base—which is being developed now.

Student: Oh, okay.21. I guess that makes sense. Then the example of the American company with British management . . . when the company is in India . . . tha t would be a third-country pattern. Professor: Yes. In fact, this pattern is fairly prevalent among multinational companies in the United States.Many Scottish or English ma nagers have been hired for top management positions at United States subsidiaries in the former British colonies-India, Jamaica, the West Indies, some parts of Africa . . .

Student: Okay. So I’ve got all the examples right now.

$ Professor: Anything else?

$ Student: Just one thing. There were some typical patterns for certain countries.

$ Professor: Like the last example.

$ Student: No. This came later in the lecture. Something about Japan and Europe.

$ Professor: Oh. Right. I probably said that both Japanese multinational

companies and European companies tend to assign senior-level home country managers to 22. overseas locations for their entire careers, whereas multinational companies in the United States view overseas assignments as temporary, so they may actually find themselves reporting to a senior-level manager from the host country who has more experience.

$ Student: So, for example, a Japanese company in the United States would most probably have senior-level Japanese managers with mid-level managers maybe from the United States. But in Japan, the senior-level Japanese managers at an American company would probably have mid-level American managers reporting to them?

$ Professor: Well, generalities are always a little tricky, but for the most part, that would be a typical scenario. Because living as a permanent expatriate is a career move in Japan, but a temporary strategy in the United States.

$ Student: Okay. That’s interesting.

$ Professor: And important for you to know as a business major with an interest in international business.

$ You’re still on that track, aren’t you?

$ Student: I sure am. But, you know, I wasn’t thinking in terms of living abroad for my entire career.

$ That really is a huge commitment, and something to ask about going in.

Anyway, like you say, most American companies view overseas assignments as temporary. That’s more what I have in mind, for m yself, I mean.

Passage 5 astronomy 天文学


$ Okay, let’s get started. Um, as you know today I promised to take you on a walk through the sola r system, so let’s start here with the central object of our solar system—the Sun. As you can see, the Sun is about five inches in diameter an d that’s about the size of a large grapefruit(柚子), which is exactly what I’ve used to represent it here in our model. So, I’m going to take two steps and that will bring me to the planet closest to the Sun. That would be Mercury(水星). Two more steps to Venus(金星). And one step from Venus to Earth. Let’s continue walking three steps from Earth to Mars(火星). And that’s as far as I can go here in the classroom, but we can visualize the rest of the journey.

24. Don’t bother writing this down. Just stay with me on this. So, to go from Mars to Jupiter(木星), we’d have to walk a little over half the length of a football field, so that would put us about at the library here on campus, and then to get from Jupiter to Saturn(土星), we’d have to walk another 75 yards, so by then we’d be at Harmon Hall. From Saturn to Uranus(天王星), we’d have to walk again as far as we’d gone in our

journey from the Sun to Saturn, and so we’d probably be at the Student Union. From Uranus to Neptune(海王星)we’d have to walk the same distance again, which would take us all the way to the graduate dormitory towers. From Neptune to Pluto(冥王星), another 125 yards. So, we’d end up about one third of a mile from this classroom at the entrance to the campus.

$ Okay. That’s interesting, but now I want you to think about the orbits of the planets in those locations. Clearly, the first four planets could orbit fairly comfortably in this room, but to include the others, we’d have to occupy an area of more than six-tenths of a mile, which is all the way from College Avenue to Campus Drive. Remember that for this scale, the Sun is five inches, and most of the planets are smaller than the lead on a sharpened pencil. Okay, with that in mind, I want you to think about space. Sure, there are some moons around a few planets, and a scattering of asteroids and comets, but really, there isn’t a lot out there in such a vast area. It’s, well, it’s pretty empty. And that’s what I really want to demonstrate with this exercise.

Now, it would really be even more impressive if you could actually make that walk, and actually you can, if you visit Washington, D.C., where a scale model is set up on the National Mall, starting at the National Air and Space Museum and ending up at the Arts and Industries Museum. I did that a couple of years ago, and it was, well amazing. Even though I

knew the distances intellectually, there’s nothing like the experience. Has anybody else done that walk?

$ Student 1:

$ I have. And you’re right. It’s an eye-opener. It took me about twenty minutes to go from the Sun to Pluto because I stopped to read the information at each planet, but when I made the return trip, it was about ten minutes.

$ Professor: Did you take pictures?

$ Student 1: I didn’t. But, you know, I don’t think it would ha ve captured it anyway.

25. Professor:

$ I think you’re right. What impressed me about doing it was to see what was not there. I mean, how much space was between the bodies in the solar system. And a photograph wouldn’t have shown that.

So back to our model. Here’s another tho ught for you. The scale for our model is 1 to 10 billion. Now, let’s suppose that we want to go to the nearest star system, the neighbor to our solar system. That would be the Alpha Centauri system, which is a little less than four and a half light years a way. Okay. Let’s walk it on our model. Here we are on the East Coast of the United States. So if we want to make it all the way to Alpha Centauri, we have to hike all the way to the West Coast, roughly a distance of 2,700 miles. And that’s just the closest one.

$ To make a model of the Milky Way Galaxy would require a completely different scale because . . . because the surface of the Earth wouldn’t be large enough to accommodate a model at the scale of 1 to 10 billion. Now, let’s stop here for a minute because I just want to be sure that we’re all together on the terms solar system and galaxy. 26. Remember that our solar system is a single star, the Sun, with various bodies orbiting around it—nine planets and their moons, and asteroids, comets, meteors. But the galaxy has a lot of star systems—probably 100 billion of them.Okay? This is important because you can be off by almost 100 billion if you get confused by these terms. Not a good idea. Okay, then, even if we could figure out a different scale that would let us make a model of the Milky Way Galaxy, even then, it would be challenging to make 100 billion stars, which is what you’d have to do to complete the model. How many would that be exactly? Well, just try to count all the grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth. That would be about 100 billion. But of course, you couldn’t even count them in your lifetime, could you? If you’d started counting in 1000 B.C.E. you’d be finishing just about now, with the counting, I mean. But of course, that assumes tha t you wouldn’t sleep or take any breaks.

27. So, what am I hoping for from this lecture? What do you think I want you to remember?

$ Student 2: Well, for one thing, the e normous distances . . .

$ Student 3: . . . and the vast emptiness in space.

$ Professor:

$ That’s good. I hope that you’ll also begin to appreciate the fact that the Earth isn’t the center of the universe.

$ Our planet, although it’s very beautiful and unique, it’s still just one planet, orbiting around just one star in just one galaxy.

Passage 6


$ Okay, we know from our earlier study of Freud that29. defense mechanisms protect us from bringing painful thoughts o r feelings to the surface of our consciousness. We do this because our minds simply can’t tolerate these thoughts. So, defense mechanisms help us to express these painful thoughts or feelings in another way, while we repress the real problem. The function of defense mechanisms is to keep from being overwhelmed. Of course, the avoidance of problems can result in additional emotional issue s. And there’s a huge distinction between repression and suppression. Anybody want to explain the difference? $ Student 1:

$ I’ll try it. 30. I think repression is an unconscious response to serious events or images but suppression is more conscious and deals with something unpleasant but not usually, well, terrible experiences.

$ Professor:

$ I couldn’t have said it better. Now remember that the thoughts or feelings that we’re trying to repress may include, just to mention a few, anger, depression, competition, uh . . . fear, envy, hate, and so on.

$ For instance, let’s suppose that you’re very angry with your professor.

31. N ot me, of cou rse. I’m referring to another professor. So, you’re very angry because he’s treated you unfairly in some way that . . . that could cause you to lose your scholarship. Maybe he failed you on an examination that didn’t really cover the material that he’d gone over in class, and an F grade in the course is going to be unacceptable to your sponsors. So, this wou ld be very painful, as I’m sure you’d agree. And I’d say it would qualify as a serious event.

$ So let’s take a look at several different types of defense mechanisms that you might employ to repress the feelings of disappointment, rage perhaps, and . . . a nd even violence that you’d feel toward the professor. Most of them are named so the mechanism is fairly obvious and one of the most common mechanisms is denial, which is . . .

$ Student 2: If I want to deny something, I’ll just say I’m not angry with the professor.

$ Professor:

$ Exactly. You may even extend the denial to include the sponsors, and you could tell your friends that they’d never revoke your scholarship. And

this mechanism would allow you to deny the problem, even in the face of direct evidenc e to the contrary. Let’s say, a letter from the sponsor indicating that you won’t receive a scholarship for the next term. . . . Okay on that one? Okay. How about rationalization?

$ Student 2: Well, in rationalization, you come up with some reasons why the professor might have given an unfair test.

$ Professor: And how would you do that?

$ Student 2: Well, you might defend him. You could say that he gave the test to encourage students to learn information on their own. Is that what you mean?

$ Professor: Su re. Because you’d be rationalizing . . . providing a reason that justifies an otherwise mentally intolerable situation. Okay, another example of rationalizing is to excuse the sponsor for refusing to hear your side of the situation. You might say that sponsors are too busy to investigate why students are having problems in their classes. And you might do that while you deny your true feelings that sponsors really should be more open to hearing you out.

$ Student 3: So when you deny something, I mean when you use denial, you’re refusing to acknowledge a situation, but . . . when you use rationalization, you’re excusing the behavior?

$ Professor:

$ Excellent summary. So, now let me give you another option. If you use


剑桥雅思4Test4 听力 Sectio n-1答案+解析 剑桥雅思4Test4听力Section 1 答案+解析 Section 1 谈话场景:筹备告别会。人物关系:关系亲密的同事。谈话话题:讨论将给要离开的同事 开告别会的有关事宜:时间、地点、邀请人员、礼物等。 交际与语言表达 1.这部分考查的是一个日常生活场景一一为要离开的同学/同事举办一个告别晚会。其中涉及到活 动举办的地点和时间、邀请人员、何时发岀邀请、活动项目以及需携带的物品等。 2. “1 think a hotel will probably work out rather expensive, and I 've been looking at the College Dining Room. ”我觉得去酒店太贵了,我一直在考虑学校的餐厅。“work out ”表示“解决,解答,做出,制订出,消耗完”的意思。例如:It will work out rather expensive. 这样做成本很高。 “be looking at ”表示“留心,注意”。 3. “ We usually go round with an envelope during coffee break, don 't we? ”我们通常在喝 咖啡的休息室带着信封顺便过去,不是吗?“Coffee Break”这个词早在1952年就出现在报刊上了,《咖 啡的益处》中说:“只需清晨的一杯咖啡就足以使我们拥有顺利度过一天的好心情。这也正是工作休息时 间喝咖啡的意义所在。”管理者发现“Coffee Break ”作为一种办公室文化,不但可以激发员工的创意和 灵感,提升工作的热情与专注,而且还是一种特殊的沟通方式。现在公司开设的“Coffee Break ” 都是了解咖啡、互相沟通、提升公司形象的良好模式。接待客户抑或朋友小聚,如果您可以不经意间对咖啡的“前世今生”侃侃而谈,那必将令对方刮目相看。而为客户提供一杯贴心的现磨咖啡,更是对客户表示尊敬、 拉近彼此距离的法宝。


托福TPO5综合写作阅读+听力原文+满分范文 【雷哥托福整理】 在备考托福写作的过程中,总是将托福的独立作文放在了第一位,但是实际上,综合作文也是占到了作文总分30分里面的50%的分值,不要等到分数出来了,才发现其实是综合作文的limited或者fair极大的影响了自己的分数。 考过的同学会发现托福综合作文分数不高,很大程度上是受我们听力实力的影响,我们很多托福考生的听力分数只有16分上下的时候,对于托福综合作文的听力妥妥的是束手无策,而且很多托福考生还感觉自己都听懂了,那也只能说明你听懂了大意,但是听力里面要的是每一个细节!请注意,是每一个细节! 雷哥托福小托君给大家分享TPO1-33综合作文部分的阅读和听力文本全集与综合作文的满分作文,以及满分作文的解析。如果自己的托福综合作文分数如果可以很给力的话,就已经搞定了15分的分数,可极大地缓解托福独立作文的压力。文末教你如何使用这个材料。 TPO5 综合写作听力+阅读原文 Reading As early as the twelfth century A.D., the settlements of Chaco Canyon in New Mexico in the American Southwest were notable for their "great houses," massive stone buildings that contain hundreds of rooms and often stand three or four stories high. Archaeologists have been trying to determine how the buildings were used. While there is still no universally agreed upon explanation, there are three competing theories. One theory holds that the Chaco structures were purely residential, with each housing hundreds of people. Supporters of this theory have interpreted Chaco great houses as earlier versions of the architecture seen in more recent Southwest societies. In particular, the Chaco houses appear strikingly similar to the large, well-known "apartment buildings" at Taos, New Mexico, in which many people have been living for centuries.


hello,and thank you for asking me to your teachers' meeting to told about the dinosaur museum and to tell you a bit about what you can do with your students on there Well let me give you some of the basic information first In regard to opening hours We are open every day of the week from 9.am to 8.pm except on mondays,when we close it at 1.30 pm And in fact the only day in the year when we are closed is on the 25th december You can book a guided tour for your school group any time that we are open if you bring a school group to the museum when you arrive we ask you to remain with your group at your car park one or more of the tour guides will welcome you there and brief you what the tour will be about we do this there because our entrance is quite small and we really haven't got much room for briefing group in the exhibition area as far as the amount of time you'll need goes if you bring a school group you should plan on allowing a minimum of 90 minutes for the visit this allow 15minutes to get on and off the coach 45 minutes for the guided tour and 30 minutes for the after tour activities if you are going to have lunch at the museum youwill,ofcourse,have to allow to have more time there are two cafes in the museum with sitting for 80 people if you want to eat there you'll need to reserve some seating as they can get quite crowded at lunch time then outside the museum at the back there are tables and students can bring their own lunch and eat there in the open air when the students coming into the museum foyer we ask them to check in the backpacks with their books lunch boxes at the cloakroom before they enter the museum proper i am afraid in the past we have had few things gone missing after the school visit so this is a strict rule also some of the exhibits are fragile and we don't want to be accentidentally knocked but we do provide school students have handouts with questions and quizzes on them there is so much that students can learn in the museum and it is fun for them to have something to do of course they'll need to bring something to write with for these we do allow students to have photographs


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO12综合写作阅读原文+听力原文+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO12综合写作阅读原文文本: Jane Austen (1775-1817) is one of the most famous of all English novelists, and today her novels are more popular than ever, with several recently adapted as Hollywood movies. But we do not have many records of what she looked like. For a long time, the only accepted image of Austen was an amateur sketch of an adult Austen made by her sister Cassandra. However recently a professionally painted, full-length portrait of a teenage girl owned by a member of the Austen family has come up for sale. Although the professional painting is not titled Jane Austen, there are good reasons to believe she is the subject. First, in 1882, several decades after Austen's death, Austen's family gave permission to use the portrait as an illustration in an edition of her letters. Austen's family clearly recognized it as a portrait of the author. So, for over a century now, the Austen family itself has endorsed the claim that the girl in the portrait is Jane Austen. Second, the face in the portrait clearly resembles the one in Cassandra's sketch, which we know depicts Austen. Though somewhat amateurish, the sketch communicates definite details about Austen's face. Even though the Cassandra sketch is of an adult Jane Austen, the features are still similar to those of the teenage girl in the painting. The eyebrows, nose, mouth, and overall shape of the face are very much like those in the full-length portrait. Third, although the painting is unsigned and undated, there is evidence that it was painted when Austen was a teenager. The style links it to Ozias Humphrey, a society portrait painter who was the kind of professional the wealthy Austen family would hire. Humphrey was active in the late 1780s and early 1790s, exactly the period when Jane Austen was the age of the girl in the painting. 托福TPO12综合写作听力原文文本: Professor:The evidence linking this portrait to Jane Austen is not at all convincing. Sure, the painting has long been somewhat loosely connected to Austen's extended family and their descendants, but this hardly proves it's a portrait of Jane Austen as a teenager. The reading's arguments that the portrait is of Austen are questionable at best.First, when the portrait was authorized for use in the 1882 publication of her letters, Jane Austen had been dead for almost 70 years. So the family members who asserted that the painting was Jane had never actually seen her themselves. They couldn't have known for certain if the portrait was of Austen or not.Second, the portrait could very well be that of a relative of Austen's, a fact that would explain the resemblance between its subject and that of Cassandra's sketch. The extended Austen family was very large and many of Jane Austen's female cousins were teenagers in the relevant period or had children who were teenagers. And some of these teenage girls could have resembled Jane Austen. In fact, many experts believe that the truesubject of the portrait was one of those relatives, Marianne Kempian,


1 Community service is an important component of education here at our university. We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called "One On One" helps elementary students who've fallen behind. Y ou education majors might be especially interested in it because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching—that is, tutoring in math and English. Y ou'd have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. Y ou can choose to help a child with math, English, or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Dodge will act as a mentor to the tutors---he'll be available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Y ou can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutoring next week. I'm sure you'll enjoy this community service and you'll gain valuable experience at the same time. It looks good on your resume, too, showing that you've had experience with children and that you care about your community. If you'd like to sign up, or if you have any questions, stop by Professor Dodge's office this week. 2 I hope you've all finished reading the assigned chapter on insurance so


Text 1 Section1 W: Good evening. King's restaurant. M: Good evening. I'm ringing about the job I understand you have vacant? W: Oh, yes. M: I'd like to find out a few more details if I may. W: Yes, of course. Can I take your name? M: It's Peter Chin. W: Ok, Peter. Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if we're both still interested, we could arrange you to come for an interview. M: Great, thanks. I'm afraid I missed the advert for the job but I heard about it from a friend. W: That's no problem at all. What would you like to know? M: Well, um, what sort of work is it- washing up? W: It's answering the phone. M: Oh, right, fine. W: And not waiting at table. M: That'll be good. And how many nights a week would it be? W: Well, we're really only busy at the weekend. M: So two nights? W: Three actually, so it would work out 12 hours a week. M: That'd be fine. It wouldn't interfere with my studies. W: Are you in the university? M: Yes, first year Physics student. W: Oh, right

托福听力TPO1原文 Lecture 4

下面就让小编来为大家介绍一下托福听力TPO1原文中Lecture 4的文本内容吧,大 家要好好把握,这些都是非常有价值的材料,希望能够给准备托福听力的同学带来帮助。 TPO 1 Lecture 4BiologyNarratorListen to part of a lecture in a biology class. ProfessorFor today’s discussion, we’ll review the case study on how some animals have behaviorally adapted to their environments. Now you had to read about two animal species, the Eastern marmot and the Olympic marmot. Marmots are rodents. They are large ground squirrels, about the size of an average house cat. And they live in a variety of habitats. And even though they spend the significant portion of the year hibernating, according to this case study, marmots are still considered excellent subjects for animal behavioral studies. Why is that? StudentWell, when they are not hibernating, you can find them in open areas. And they are pretty active during the day, which makes them easy to observe, right? ProfessorUh-huh, so first let’s discuss the Eastern marmots. They reside throughout the eastern region of North America where there is a temperate climate, where the growing season lasts for at least five months of the year, which is when they do all their mating, playing and eating. StudentOh, I see. At first I wasn’t sure what growing season meant, just from the reading. But now I get it. It's the amount of time it takes for them to grow, right? So it would be five months? ProfessorUmm? Oh, uh… I’m sorry but no. It has nothing to do with that. It's not about the time it takes for Eastern marmots to grow. It’s when the food is available. That is when it’s not covered in snow and there is no frost covering the grass and, umm, vegetative parts of a plant’s herbs and the flowers the marmots like to eat. So growing season refers to the availability of the food they eat, OK? So now how would you describe the Eastern marmots’ social habits? StudentWell, they are really territorial, and loners, and just so aggressive even with other Eastern marmots. And their mating ritual is just so impersonal. ProfessorUh-huh? Now when they emerge in the spring from hibernation, the mating process begins. For them, well, they come together to mate and then they


S e c t i o n 1 题目解析: 原文难句 1.Will that work out to be any cheaper? 那样会不会便宜一点呢? that 指代前面所说内容:I know the conference is for three days but actually I want to attend on the Friday and Saturday only. 一般对于前面所重复的信息不会在下一句话中重复出现,避免语句重复现象,用指示代词 that/this/these/those等指代即可。 work out的本意为:解决;算出;实现;制定出;消耗完;弄懂;锻炼,但是在这句话中没有特别的含义。 2.They are only £15 per night, but they are very basic and you’ll have to get your own breakfast, because they don’t provide you with that. 那些房间每天晚上只需15磅,但是房间里面只有一些基础设施,而且你要自己买早餐,因为它们不提供早餐。 basic指的是房间内只有一些非常基础的设施。get 的意思有 vt. 使得;获得;受到;变成n. 生殖;幼兽vi. 成为;变得;到达,在这句话里面指的是自己买早餐吃。 provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供什么 3. The details are all in our conference pack, which I’ll send you. 细节内容在我们的会议安排表内有具体说明,我会邮寄给您的。 pack的本意是n. 包装;一群;背包;包裹;一副 vt. 包装;压紧;捆扎;挑选;塞满vi. 挤;包装货物;被包装;群集。在这句话中的意思是“所有费用都包含在会议的费用之内”。which引导非限定性定语从句,指代前面所说conference pack 4.Otherwise, you can take the bus which runs every half an hour from the station - that's the 21A — and it brings you straight to the conference centre. 或者,您可以乘坐21A路公共汽车,每半小时一趟,直接到会议中心。 which引导限定性定语从句,指代前面所说bus that's the 21A是插入语成分 straight a.直接的 题目答案: 1. 75 2. cheque/check 3.15 4,.25 5. 10minute(s')/min(s') 6. conference pack 7. South 8. library 9. 5 10.21A


Section1 剑桥雅思5Test3听力Section 1答案+解析 谈话场景:售车中心购车咨询。 人物关系:售车中心工作人员与购车客户。 谈话话题:购买合适的汽车,讨论车况细节以及客户信息。 交际与语言表达 1. 本篇文章主要讨论购车咨询过程中的细节问题,这也是雅思生活场景听力试题中经常涉及的内容之一,考生对一些常用的买车购车以及汽车的词汇和表达法要耳熟能详,并且还要了解填写顾客情况调查表时所涉及的一般常用问题。 2. 在售车中心,或者在一般性商场,工作人员或者是销售人员都会主动向顾客问好,并且通常会说: How can I help you? 或Can I help you, Sir/ Madam? 或者是Is there anything I can do for you? 考生在听到这一问题后,应首先反应到下面的对话应该是属于买家与卖家的对话。 3. Had you got any particular make in mind? 您心里是否已经有了特别钟意的( 汽车) 牌子了? 许多考生可能不知道、或者没有留意到make 这个词在这句话的实际意思,但该词直接影响到第一题的答案。事实上,如果我们事先注意到题目的设置,我们就会知道make 在这里是指“汽车牌子”。 4. Any idea? 您有什么想法/ 意见吗? 该句是地道的口语表达,两个人在说话的时候都有针对前文的省略语,很多地方必须理解说话人

上句话才能理解下一句,这在口语中很常见,所以考生一定要对这种省略语倍加注意。这句话如果补充完整应该是: Do you have any idea of the engine size? 下文中a 1. 4 should do 和I don’ t think I need a 1. 6 or anything 以及Mileage? Roughly? 都是如此。 5. I presume you’ d want a manual? …but I assume that’ d be OK? 这两个问句都是售车人员在征求顾客的意见,其中presume 和assume 都等于think,但售车人员在问这两句话时一般都是期望得到顾客肯定的答复。 6. Have you given that any thought? 您是否考虑过这一点? give thought to sb./ sth. 意思是:考虑某人或某事。 7. I think I’ ll go for that. 我想我还是选择那个吧。 go for sth. 意思是:选择某事物,这里的go for 等同于prefer。 8. The cash price is going to be somewhere in the region of seven and a half thousand. 现金支付的话大约是7, 500 英镑。考生要注意该句中出价的表达方法和黑体部分,这句话可以简单地表达为The cash price is going to be about 7, 500。下句Are you in a position to pay cash?您是否愿意现金支付? 同样可以简单地表达为Are you going to pay cash? 注意这两种表达方式的区别。 9. Could I have your full name? 请问您的全名是什么? 这样的问法要比What’ s your name? 有礼貌的多。类似的说法还有Is there any possibility that I can have/ get your name?


0401 W: Hey Steve, got any plans for tonight? M: Hi, Jane. No, I don't think so. Why? Got any suggestions? W: In fact, I do. I just got two tickets to the opening of the exhibit of the reprints by Julia Margaret Cameron. I would have tomention it earlier, but I was on the waiting list for these tickets and I wasn't sure I'd even get them. M: An exhibit, huh? I like such things. But I don't know who Julia…… W: Margaret Cameron! She was a photographer in the 1800s. She is interesting to art-historians in general and students ofphotography in particular because she ... how should I say, change the aesthetics for photography. M: What do you mean? W: Well, her specialty was portraits and instead of just making a factual record of details like most photographers did, you know, justcapturing what a person look like in a dispassionate thought of way. She, like a portrait painter, was interested in capturing hersubject's personality. M: Interesting! How did she do that? W: She invented a number of techniques that affect the picture. Like one of these things she did was blur images slightly by using asoft focus on the subject. That's pretty common now. M: Yeah, seen that. Who did she photograph? W: Famous people of her day, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Charles Darwin, I don't know who else. We'll seeat the exhibition. M: You really pick my curiosity. I am going to enjoy this. 31. What is the conversation mainly about? (A) A famous photographer 32. What did Julia Margaret Cameron emphasize in her portraits? (C) Her subject's personality 33. According to the conversation, what unique photographic technique did Margaret Cameron use? (D) Soft focus 34. What will be the subject of the pictures at the exhibit? (C) Well-known people M: Do you want to the movies with on Saturday? W: Thanks, but I have to study my research project. I'm taking that same anthropology course you took with Prof. Grady. M: The one on ethnographic interviewing? Oh, good! I'm sure you'll get a lot out of it. W: I have to admit the word "ethnography"(人种学) scared me a little at first. It seems so technical. But then when she explained that it's what anthropologists do, you know, how they investigate and record aspects of a culture, I didn't seem so intimidating! M: Yeah, it's all part of the fields work anthropologists conduct and it's good to start doing that now before you become a graduatestudent and have to conduct large projects yourself. Who are you going to interview? W: You know the publishing office where I used to work? Vivian, the woman I worked for, she's been a manager there for over 30years and had seen a lot of changes in the industry. I thought I'd start out by interviewing her about how the people in the officeinteract with each other and with outside clients. M: Isn't it funny how we use the thing that anthropologists study to foreign cultures and had the travel halfway across the world to doit? The best part of that course is that it shows you that ethnographic research can also be done on a familiar ground. W: Yeah. I got the idea from my project from reading Robert Marshal's study of office life and I


剑桥雅思听力超详细解析(1) 场景背景介绍 在国外留学时,学生在学习过程中经常要针对某一专题找资料,整理之后在课堂上以演讲的方式展示给大家。老师经常布置这类任务,有的还要评分。 在这段对话中,由于是第一次课堂演讲,所以不评分。因此,男生听到这个消息后会说“Good news”。 本节必背词汇、词组 presentation n. 针对某一专题发表的演讲overhead projector 投影仪 assess v. 评估scale n. 规模 historical a. 历史的resource n. 资源 geographical a. 地理的brochure n. 小册子 overview n. 综述literacy n. 识字,读写能力;有学问 nope ad. (口语)不encyclopaedia n. 百科全书 seminar n. 研讨会enthusiastic a. 有激情的,热情的 positive a. 确定的,肯定的tutorial n. 指导课,个别指导 词汇拓展 assignment n. 作业survey n. 调查,研究 deadline n. 最后期限,截止日期questionnaire n. 调查问卷 extension n. 延期 文本及疑难解析 1. No...not this time round...because it's the first one...you know. 不,这一次不评分,你知道,因为这是第一次。 该句的难点:“this time round”的意思就相当于“not this time”。另外“you know”没有什么具体含义,只是一个口头禅。
