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Chapter One Introduction to Mass Communication

?Key Terms

communication 传播,交通:mass communication, be in communication with,

feedback 反馈: asked the students for feedback on the new curriculum.

interpersonal communication 人际传播:interpersonal relationships

encoding 编码: audio encoding, hybrid encoding

decoding 解码: adaptive decoding

public relations 公共关系

noise 噪音,响声,无用数据,吸引注意的言行

medium 媒介(media),手段,

mass medium 大众媒介,大众传播工具,影响大量观众的一种公众媒介

mass communication 大众传播,大众传播工具

inferential feedback 推断性反馈

reciprocal messages 交互讯息:(reciprocal互惠的,彼此相反的)

cultural definition of communication 传播的文化定义

dominant culture (mainstream culture)主流文化

bounded culture (co-culture) 亚文化: bounded function

technological determinism 技术决定论: (determinism决定论,宿命论)

visual communication 视觉传播

third participant 第三方:(participant 参与者,参与的)

concentration of ownership 所有权集中

convergence 融合,会合点,集中,收敛

conglomeration 集团化,混合物,凝聚:The state of being conglomerated

economies of scale 规模经济;因经营规模扩大而得到的经营节约

oligopoly 寡头式的垄断,求过于供的市场情况(oligopolies)

globalization 全球化:globalize

audience fragmentation 受众分析:(audience:听众,观众,读者。fragmentation: 分裂,破碎)narrowcasting 窄带广播

niche marketing 分众营销:By definition, then, a business that focuses on a niche market is addressing a need for a product or service that is not being addressed by mainstream

targeting 瞄准目标

taste publics 对某媒体内容有共同兴趣的人群

literate culture 书面文化(literate 学者,有文化的)

oral culture 口头文化(oral 口头的,口腔的oral surgery)

Production values 制作标准

?Mass Communication

Communication: transmission of a message from a source to a receiver.

?Basic elements of communication


Says what?

Through which channel?

To Whom?

With what effect?

?Conditions of communication

Sharing (correspondence)


The process of creating shared meaning

?Important Clause:

The media so fully saturate our everyday lives that we are often unconscious of their presence, not to mention

their influence.

Media often reduce us to mere commodities for sale to the highest bidder.

A fundamental theme of this book is that media do none of this alone. They do it with us as well as to us through mass communication, and they do it as a central—many critics and scholars say the central –cultural force in our society.

There is no clear identifiable source or receiver.

All the participants, or interpreters are working to create meaning by encoding and decoding messages.

Mass communication is the process of creating shared meaning between the mass media and their audiences. Encoded messages are carried by a media, that is, the means of sending information. When the medium is a technology that carries messages to a large number of people---we call it a mass media.

?Definition of Culture

The learned behavior of members of a given social group.

Contents of Culture

Patterned, repetitive ways of thinking, feeling, and acting

Functions of Culture

Guide of life style

Limitation of Culture

Unwilling or unable to move past patterned, repetitive ways of thinking, feeling, and acting.

?Mass Communication and Culture

We are everyone involved in creating and maintaining the culture that defines us. We are the people involved in mass media industries and the people who compose their audiences.

A culture’s values and beliefs reside in the stories it tells. Our stories help define our realities, shaping the ways we think, feel, and act.

Mass communication has become a primary forum for the debate about our culture. The most powerful voices in the forum have the most power to shape our definitions and understandings.

?Scope and Nature of Mass Media

No matter how we choose to view the process of mass communication, it is impossible to deny that an enormous portion of our lives is spent in interaction with mass media.

Despite the pervasiveness of mass media in our lives, many of us are dissatisfied with or critical of the media industries’ performance and muc h of the content provided.

?The role of technology

To some thinkers, it is machines and their development that drive economic and cultural change. This idea is related to as technological determinism.

But others see technology as more neutral and claim that the way people use technology is what gives it significance.

Technology can be our best friend, and technology can also be the biggest party pooper of our lives. Technology does have an impact on communication. What technology does not do is relieve us of our obligation to use mass communication responsible and wisely.

?The role of money

Some observers think the money on mass communication was a devastatingly bad development, not only in the history of mass communication but in the history of democracy. It robbed people of their voice, or at least made the voices of the advertisers more powerful.

Others think it was a huge advance for both mass communication and democracy because it vastly expanded the media.

?Chinese to English:




Translation Practice

English to Chinese:

Culture is the learned behavior of members of a given social group. Many writers and thinkers have offered interesting expansions of this definition.

Creation and maintenance of a more or les common culture occurs through communication, including mass communication. When we talk to our friends; when a parent raises a child; when religious leaders instruct their followers; when teachers teach; when grandparents pass on recipes.

A culture’s learner traditions and values can be seen as patterned, repetitive ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. Culture limits our options and provides useful guidelines for behavior.

Chapter Two Books

?Key Words

linotype 莱诺机械排版,莱诺排版机

offset lithography 胶版印刷(offset 偏移,平版印刷,胶印;lithography 平版印刷术)

dime novels 廉价小说(dime 一角硬币;novel 新奇的)

pulp novels 低俗小说(pulp 纸浆,果肉)

paperback books 平装本,纸面本

pocket books 口袋书

hardcover 精装本,精装的

audience reach 受众面(reach 延伸,区域)

censorship 审查制度,审查机构

mail order books 邮购书(order 定购,定单)

trade book 普及版图书,普及版

publishing houses 出版社

remainders 滞销书(残余物,剩余的,廉价出售)

e-publishing 电子出版

print on demand (POD)按需印制

d-books 网上下载图书

e-books 电子图书

personal digital assistants (PDAs) 个人数字助理

priority 优先,优先权

refinement 改进,精致,文雅

concentrate on 集中,全神贯注于

literacy 有文化,有教养

magnitude 大小,数量,巨大,广大

commercialization 商品化

?History of books

In addition, books and reading were regarded as symbols of wealth and status and therefore not priorities for people who considered themselves to be pioneers, servants of the lord, or anti-English colonists.

After the War of Independence, printing became even more central to political, intellectual, and cultural life in major cities.

The 1800s saw a series of important refinements to the process of printing.

These dime novels were inexpensive, and because they concentrated on frontier and adventure stories, they attracted growing numbers of readers.

The combination of technically improved, lower-cost printing and widespread literacy produced the flowering of

the novel in the 1800s.

?Books and their Audiences

The book is the ―mass‖ of our mass media in audience reach and in the magnitude of the industry itself, and this fact shapes the nature of the relationship between medium and audience.

?The Culture Value of the book

The book industry is bound by many of the same financial and industrial pressures that constrain other media, but books, more than the others, are in a position to transcend those constraints.

?The role of books in social movements

The mystery and miracle of a book is found in the fact that it is a solitary voice penetrating time and space to go beyond time and space, and to alight for a moment in that place within each of us which is also beyond time and space.

?Trends and Convergence in Book Publishing

Convergence is altering almost all aspects of the book industry. Most obviously, the Internet is changing the way books are distributed and sold.

Because anyone with a computer and a novel to sell can bypass the traditional book publishers, first-time authors or writers of small, niche books now have an outlet for their work.

Print on demand is another form of e-publishing. Companies store works digitally and, once ordered, that book can be printed and bound at a bookstore that has the proper technology.

Industry insiders believe POD is here to stay. After all, it reduces production and distribution costs, and it gets more books to readers faster and cheaper than can the current publishing business model.

One way books can be read in their electronic form is to download them to your computer. The publishing and technology industries had a brief flirtation with e-books, handheld computers resembling books and dedicated to the receipt of downloaded works.

Trends and Convergence in Book Publishing

Opinion is divided on the benefit of corporate ownership. The positive view is that the rich parent company can infuse the publishing house with necessary capital, enabling it to attract better authors or to take gambles on new writers that would , in the past, have been impossible.

Publishers attempt to offset the large investments they do make through the sale of subsidiary rights, that is, the sale of the book, its contents, and even its characters to filmmakers, paperback publishers, book clubs, foreign publishers, and product producers like T-shirt, poster, coffee cup, and greeting card manufacturers.

?Growth of small presses

The overcommercialization of the book industry is mitigated somewhat by the rise in the number of smaller publishing houses. Although these smaller operations are large in number, they account for a very small proportion of books sold.

Restructuring of book retailing

There are approximately 20000 bookstores in the United States, but the number is dwindling as small independent operations find it increasingly difficult to compete with such chains as Barnes & Noble, Borders, and Books-A-Million.

?Hot Topic

The power of computer

Advantage:Gather and store information,Process problems,Control working process,Design new products,Help manage hotels, schools, hospitals, banks and so on,Teaching

Disadvantage:Violation of privacy,Computer crime,Unemployment,Lack of social interaction,Hackers,Porn,Make people lazy and dependent

Chapter Three Newspapers

?Key Words

executive editor 执行编辑(executive 执行的、行政的;执行者、经理主管人员)

front page 头版(front 前面、开头、前线;面对、朝向)

newsstand 报摊、杂志摊

subscription 订阅(量)(捐献、订金、签署、同意;subscriber)

(annual subscription 年度订阅,全年定费;bulk subscriptions 大批订阅)

newsworthy 新闻价值;有报导价值的(news 新闻、消息、新闻报导;foreign news; home news; news to this hour; piper’s news)

pseudojournalism 虚假新闻(pseudo 假的,冒充的;journalism 新闻,新闻材料,新闻学)

news sheets 新闻纸(sheet 一片,一张,薄片,被单)

diurnals 日报、日刊;每日的,白天的

penny press 便士报,廉价报纸(press 压、按、印刷、压力、拥挤,新闻)

mainstream paper 主流报纸

wire services 电讯服务(金属丝、电线、电报、电线;拍电报)

on-the-spot coverage 现场报道(coverage 覆盖、分析和报道某事物的范围、观察)

newspaper chains 报业集团(chain 一连串、一系列、连锁商店)

distribution 分销,发行

zoned editions 地区版(zoned 划成区域的)

ethnic press 少数种裔语言报纸(ethnic 人种的、种族的、少数民族)

alternative press 非正统报纸(alternative 二者选一的,可供选择的办法、事物,传统之外的)

dissident press 持不同政见报纸?(dissident 持不同政见者)

commuter papers 为乘交通工具上班族设计的报纸(commuter 经常往返者)

digital delivery daily 电子化投递日报

circulation area 发行区域(循环、流通、发行额)

layout 排版

newsletters 简报、时事通讯

public opinion 舆论

agenda setting 议程设置

After the Revolution, the new government of the United States had to determine for itself just how free a press it was willing to tolerate.

When the first Congress convened under the new Constitution in 1790, t he nation’s founders debate, drafted, and adopted the first 10 amendments of the Constitution, called the Bill of Right.

At the turn of the 19th century, urbanization, growing industries, movement of workers to the cities, and increasing literacy combined to create an audience for a new kind of paper, known as the penny press. Throughout this early period of the popularization of the newspaper, numerous foreign language dailies also began operation, primarily in major cities in which immigrants tended to settle.

Loss of competition within the industry, commercialism, civic journalism, and the evolution of newspaper readership are altering not only the nature of the medium but also its relationship with its audiences.

The newspaper industry has seen a dramatic decline in competition. This has taken two forms: loss of competing papers and concentration of ownership.

Online job hunting and auto sales services are already cutting into advertising profits of newspapers.

The Internet and the World Wide Web provide readers with more information and more depth, and with greater speed, than traditional newspaper.

In October 2001, the New York Times began digital delivery daily, delivering the paper, as it looks in print, to home and office computers.

To the chagrin of the established paper, readily available, easy-to-use, and inexpensive computer hardware and software can now be combined to do desktop publishing, small-scale print design, layout, and production. Chapter Three

A more pessimistic view of the future of newspapers is that as newspapers have reinvented themselves and become more user-friendly, more casual, more lifestyle-oriented, and more in touch with youth, they have become inessential and unimportant, just another commodity in an overcrowded marketplace of popular, personality-centered media.

New Trend in Digital Publishing and Communication


Publish on Mobile Phone

Search engine from PC to Mobile Phone


Integration, publish/subscription

?How to make a presentation

Focus on one interesting topic

Find the material

Get useful information and organize these information

Finish the PPT

Organize your speech

?How to make a presentation

Content of the material:

Basic Concept

Existing Problem & Current Method

Problem not resolved

Trend in the future

My interest and opinion

Chapter Four Magazines

online magazine 在线杂志

pictorial magazines 画刊newsstands 报摊

targeted audience 目标受众split runs 专门特刊circulation 发行量subscription 订阅

single-copy sale 单册零售controlled circulation 赠阅发行webzines 网络杂志brand magazine 品牌杂志

cable television 有线电视

ad revenues 广告收益

online magazine 在线杂志

readership 读者人数,读者的身份

pictorial magazines 画刊(pictorial 图示的,画报)newsstands 报摊,杂志摊

targeted audience 目标受众

split runs 专门特刊

circulation 发行量

subscription 订阅

single-copy sale 单册零售

controlled circulation 赠阅发行

webzines 网络杂志

brand magazine 品牌杂志

cable television 有线电视

ad revenues 广告收益

direct mail 直接邮件,直接投递广告

advertorials 报道式广告

complementary copy 补充性内容

Chapter Five Film

?Key Words

exhibition ( 电影) 上映(表现,展览会,显示)zoopraxiscope 幻灯片放映机

persistence of vision 视觉惯性(persistence 坚持,持续)

kinetograph 活动影像摄影机

emulsion 感光剂

replica image 图像复制品(replica 复制品)

montage 蒙太奇

factory studio 摄影棚,一般指电影制片公司(studio 工作制,演播室,摄影棚)

budget nights 特价夜场(budget 预算,做预算,廉价的)

concept film 概念电影

sample audience 抽样观众(sample 样品, 例子;取样,采样,尝试)

franchise film 系列电影(franchise 特权)

movie tie-in product 置入电影的产品广告(tie-in 搭卖的,搭卖的广告)

product placement 置入式产品广告,软广告的一种形式

theatrical film 剧场广告(theatrical 戏剧性的)

microcinema 微型影院

online video-on-demand 在线视频点播

paid-for messages 有偿信息

?History of the Movies

Early newspapers were developed by businesspeople and patriots for a small, politically involved elite that could read, but the early movie industry was built largely by entrepreneurs who wanted to make money entertaining everyone.

Unlike television, whose birth and growth were predetermined and guided by the already well-established radio industry, there were no precedents, no rules, and no expectations for movies.

?The early stage

When people watched the rapidly projected, sequential slides, they saw the pictures as if they were in motion. This perception is the result of a physiological phenomenon known as persistence of vision.

?The big studios

In 1908 Thomas Edison, foreseeing the huge amounts of money that could be made from movies, founded the Motion Picture Patents Company, often called simply the Trust.

The new studio system, with its more elaborate films and big-name stars, was born, and it controlled the movie industry.

The industry prospered not just because of its artistry, drive, and innovation but because it used these to meet the needs of a growing audience.

?Change comes to Hollywood

As was the case with newspapers and magazines, the advent of television significantly altered the movie-audience relationship.

The movie business also survived the Depression because of its size and power, both residing in a system of operation called vertical integration.

Using this system, studios produced their own films, distributed them through their own outlets, and exhibited them in their own theaters.

?Movies and Their Audiences

The movies are ―larger than life‖, and movie stars are much more glamorous than television stars.

What becomes of film as an important medium, say the movies’ defenders, is completely dependent on us, the audience.

?Scope and nature of the film industry

The movie business today enjoys financial health for two reasons. The first is improvements in its three component systems-production, distribution, and exhibition. The second, is that the movie industry has learned to live with television.

Chapter Six Radio and Sound Recording

?Key words

sound recording 音响设备

electronic mass medium 电子媒介

national broadcast medium 全国广播媒介

new and emerging 新兴的

public radio 公共广播

narrow defined audiences 细分受众

telegraph code 电报编码

point-to-point communication 点对点传播

radio telephone 无线电话

recorder player 留声机,唱机

soap operas 肥皂剧

listenership 听众数量

playlist 播放单

Internet piracy 网络盗版

Web radio 在线广播

Web-only radio 仅在线广播

streaming 网络浏览

MP3 音频压缩格式

Chapter Eight The Internet and the World Wide Web

?Key words

Internet 互联网

Web censorship 网络审查(censorship 审查机构、审查制度)

lap top 手提电脑

Palm Pilot 掌上电脑

website 网址

digital computer 数字电脑

protocols 协议

hosts 服务器

mainframe computer 主机;中央处理器

minicomputer 微型电脑

terminal 电脑终端

operating system 操作系统

semiconductor 半导体

integrated circuit 集成电路

multimedia 多媒体

ISP( Internet Service Provider) 互联网服务提供商

World Wide Web 万维网

search engine 搜索引擎

spider 网络蜘蛛

spam 垃圾邮件

global village 地球村

copyright 版权

censorware 审查软件

encryption 加密术

click stream 点击流

?A short history of the Internet

I n 1962 the Air Force wanted to maintain the military’s ability to transfer information around the country even if

a given area was destroyed in an enemy attack.

Scores of computer expert joined the rush toward the development of what we know today as the Internet, a global network of interconnected computers that communicate freely and share and exchange information.

The commercial computer explosion was ignited by IBM. Using its already well-entrenched organization system of trained sales and service professionals, IBM helped businesses find their way in the early days of the computer revolution.

?The personal computer

The leaders of the personal computer revolution were Bill Gates and the duo of Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak. Sensing that the future of computing was in these personal computers and that the power of computers would reside not in their size but in the software that ran them

At nearly the same time with Bill Gates, in 1977, Jobs and Wozniak, also college dropouts, perfected Apple Ⅱ, a low-cost, easy-to-use microcomputer designed specifically for personal rather than business use.

?The Internet Today

The World Wide Web is not a physical place, the heart of the Web lies in the protocols that defines its use, such as using hypertext transfer protocols (HTTP) to transport files from one place to another.

?The Internet and Its Users

Finding information on the Web is becoming easier thanks to the growing number of companies creating search engines, spiders, or Web crawlers.

?Changes in the Mass Communication Process

The Internet is different from these more traditional media. Rather than changing the relationship between audiences and industries, the Net changes the definition of the different components of the process and , as a result, changes their relationship.

?Changes in the Mass Communication Process

On the Net a single individual can communicate with as large audience as can the giant, multinational corporation that produces a network television program.

?The double edge of technology

Technology is a double-edged sword. Its power----for good and for bad---resides in us. The same aviation technology that we use to visit relatives halfway around the world can also be used to destroy the World Trade Center.

Translation Technique


They are waiting for a sight of the Queen passing by.

We can house you if the hotels are full.


On this question, people of different age groups think differently.


Officially, he’s on holiday; actually, he is in hospital.

Surprisingly enough, none of them showed any sign of fear in face of death.

She wisely didn’t attempt to apologize.


Tom, normally a timid boy, jumped into the river and saved the drowning girl.

Shanghai, once the paradise for adventurers, is now the largest industrial base in China.


I leave Beijing tonight, heartened with agreements we have reached, cheered by the frankness and fullness of our discussions, grateful for the hospitality you have accorded our party.


The unemployment rate in that country is expected to remain stable for 2009.

His frequent absence from class must be dealt with immediately.

Nowadays, her songs are so popular among the young people that they are played on the radio every Sunday.


What we say here will not be long remembered.

We both believe that through vigilance and strength, in your words, a war can be postponed, and in our words, war can be avoided.


It is said that the new president is going to pay a visit to the refugee camp.

It is reported that ten people died in the traffic accident.

It must be pointed out that mistakes of this kind should not be repeated.

It is believed that more and more people in China will be moving out of the city to live in the country.

It is known to all that smoking does harm to our health.

It is hoped that you will be back after you complete your Ph.D. in the U.S.A.


Law offers us our best hope of overcoming the differences that prevail the world.

I am deeply touched by the warm and friendly words the President has just addressed to me.


I told the news to Robert, who told it to his friend Larry, and soon the news spread all over the campus.


He appeared to be returning home from a walk, for his shoes, which followed a fashion long since out of date, were covered with dust.


Norway is, quite naturally, paying great attention to developments in Europe and in the Atlantic community, which are so instrumental to the maintenance of peace and security of the world.


My uncle, who will be seventy tomorrow, is still a keen soprtsman.


Charlie, who never believed in interfering if it could be avoided, left her alone, hoping that she would eventually come around.


Most people in America, minority people in particular, are convinced that injustices exist in their economic system.

the +ed分词(形容词)

the exploited(被剥削的人)

the oppressed(受压迫的人)

the disabled (残疾人)

the inexperienced (没经验的人)

the young

The wounded was a policeman.

The wounded were taken to hospital.

Robin Hood and his men robbed the rich to help the poor.


Standing together, we can further peace and security. Great nations, if adversaries, cannot draw from each other’s strengths.


I suppose that if a man has a confused mind he will write in a confused way, if his temper is capricious his prose will be fantastical, and if he has a quick, darting intelligence that is reminded by the matter in hand of a hundred things, he will, unless he has great self-control, load his pages with metaphor and simile.


The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slave; whether they are to have any property they call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them.


将下列句子译成汉语 1.This equipment has been employed for years. 这台设备已被使用了很多年。 2.Air is mixture of gases. 空气是混合气体。 3.Plants make use of the oxygen in carbon dioxide. 植物利用二氧化碳中的氧气。 4.A body with a negative charge possesses more electrons than protons. 带负电的电子所含的电子比质子多。 5.Other evaporation materials and processes will be discussed briefly. 其他一些蒸发材料和蒸发过程将简单地加以讨论。 6、The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its performance. 操作机器需要懂得机器的一些性能。 7、The flow of electrons is from the negative zinc plate to the positive copper plate. 电子从负的锌板流向正的铜板。 8、In their work they pay much attention to the combination of theory with practice. 他们在工作中非常注重实践与理论的结合。 9、Petroleum convenience in use is evident. 石油便于使用是显而易见的。 10、These operations are used only for solute recovery or solute removal. 这些操作仅用于回收杂质或去除溶质。


非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程 考试大纲 (试行稿) 《非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程考试大纲》(Non English Major Graduate Stu dent English Qualifying Test,简称GET)是根据《非英语专业研究生英语(第一外语)教学大纲(试行稿)》制定的。本大纲规定了硕士生英语学位课程通过考试的内容、形式、时间和计分。考试目的在于考核已修完研究生英语课程的学生是否达到教学大纲所规定的各项要求,以及实际掌握和运用英语的能力。 一、基础英语部分 本考试共有六个部分:听力理解(占15%)、词汇(占10%)、完形填空(占15%)、阅读理解(30%)、翻译(占20%)、写作(占10%)。分两份试卷:试卷一(Paperl)包括前四个部分,共80题;试卷二(Paper2)包括翻译和写作,共3题。全部题目按顺序统一编号。 第一部分听力理解(Part I Listening Comprehension);听力理解部分主要测试考生掌握听力材料中心思想和主要内容的能力,判断对话情景、场合、人物关系、身份和说话人的意图及话语含义的能力。共15题,考试时间为15分钟左右。主要测试考生能否一遍听懂语速为每分钟120个词的对话和短文。本部分共有二节: A节(Section A):共9题,每题为一段对话。问句后有15秒间隙,要求考生从所给出的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。 B节(Section B):共6题,题目或为问句或为未完成的句子,分别安排在2—3篇听力材料之后。要求考生在15秒的间隙中从所给出的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。 第二部分词汇(Part I Vocabulary):词汇部分主要测试考生运用词汇和短语的能力。测试教学大纲的词汇表、词组表及词根词缀表所覆盖的内容。着重测试研究生阶段所学的词和基础词的多种词性及词义搭配、易混词的区别及难词的认知。词汇与词组的比例为7∶3。共20题,分A、B两节,考试为10分钟。 A节(Section A):共10题。每题为一英文句,句中有一词或固定词组下面划有横线,要求从所给的四个选择项中选出该划线词或词组的最佳同义词或最佳释义。 B节(Section B):共10题。每题为一英文句,句子中有一个空白,要求从所给的四个选择项中选出最恰当的词或词组使该句成为逻辑合理、表达正确的英文句。 第三部分完形填空(Part III Cloze Test):主要测试考生在语篇水平上的理解能力和实际运用语言的能力。测试内容可以是句型、结构,也可以是词汇、词组和习惯用语。共15题。考试时间为10分钟。测试的形式是在一篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文(约200—250词)


ACCOUNTING ENGLISH Middle-of-term Test Papers PartⅠ.Translating the following terms 1、Notes to financial statements 2、Accounting elements 3、Variable costs 4、Economic entity 5、Depreciation expense 6、Deferred income taxes 7、Nominal accounts 8、ROA 9、LIFO 10、Work in process 11、现金收支 12、原材料 13、制造费用 14、相关性 15、持续经营 16、复式记账 17、优先股 18、预付费用 19、购货退回与折让 20、永续盘存制

PartⅡ.True or False 1、 The accounting process generates financial reports for both “internal ”and “external”users. 2、The balance sheet reflects the basic accounting equation and the means of financing the organization's assets. 3、The existence of Accounts Receivable on the Balance Sheet indicates that the company has one or more creditors. 4、Liabilities are classified and presented in increasing order of liquidity. 5、Working capital equals current assets less current liabilities. 6、Declaration of dividends reduces the retained earnings portion of the owners' equity of the corporation and creates a liabilities called Dividends Payable. 7、A chart of accounts is a listing of the titles of all accounts. 8、The cash basis of accounting often violates the matching rule. 9、Closing entries convert real and nominal accounts to zero balance. 10、The work sheet is published with the balance sheet and income statement, as a supplementary statement. 11、A company's sustainable growth rate is the highest growth rate in sales it can attain without issuing new stock. 12、Only rapidly growing firms have growth management problems.


直升机helicopter 机体 fuselage,body 座舱 main cabin 旋翼桨叶rotor 旋翼桨毂rotor head 旋翼铰rotor hinge 自动倾斜器swashplate 尾桨桨叶tail rotor 尾桨桨毂tail rotor head 主减速器 main gearbox 中间减速器middle gearbox 尾部减速器rail gearbox 功率输出轴power transmissionshaft 尾部传动轴tail transmissionshaft 水平尾翼,平尾 horizontal tail 垂直尾翼,垂尾 vertical tail 水平安定面 stabilizer 垂直安定面 fin 起落架 undercarriage,landing gear 定轴式涡轮轴发动机fixed shaftturbine yur-boshaft engine 辅助动力装置auxiliary powerunit 燃油调节器 fuel regulator 驾驶杆control stick ,cyclic 脚蹬 pedal,anti-torque pedal 总距杆collective 旋翼转速 rotor speed 尾翼 tail 重心 center of gravity 外挂物 external stores 高度表 altimeter 空速表 air-speed meter,air-speed indic-tor 升降速度表 vertical-speed indicator,rate-of-climb meter

功率 power 转速 speed of revolution 进气道 air intake,air inlet 表速 indicated airspeed 真速 true airspeed 高度 height altitude 升力 lift 拉力 thrust 阻力 drag 诱导阻力 induced drag 摩擦阻力 skin-friction drag 压差阻力 pressure drag 升力系数 lift coefficient 阻力系数 drag coefficient 迎角 angle of attack,angle of incidence 失速 stall 升阻比 lift-drag ratio 地面效应 ground effect 标准大气压 standard atmosphere 侧滑角 angle of sideslip 俯仰角 angle of pitch,inclination angle,el-evation 偏航角 angle of yaw,azimuth angle 滚转角 angle of roll,angle of bank,bank angle 航迹倾斜角 flight path angle,flight-pathinclinationangle,flight-path climb an-gle,angle of velocity pitch 轨迹偏转角course angle,flight-path track angle,angleof velocity yaw 速度滚转角angle of roll,flight-path bankangle,angle ofvelocity roll 俯仰角速度rate of pitch 偏航角速度rate of yaw 滚转角速度rate of roll


1.英语学术论文的语言风格特点就(知人方能论世) 为什么我们会读不懂SCI上面的文章呢? 第一,由于SCI里面出现的专业词汇一般都是出现在特定领域,一类是一词对应于一意,另外一类则是一词多义。 其次,名词化结构则是另外另外一个普遍出现的现象,可以看到,复合名词,加前缀和后缀,以及省略现象可谓是漫山遍野,因为文体要求行文简洁、表达客观、内容确切、信息量大、强调存在的事实,一般文章不会夹杂着太多主观看法。 最后,大量使用长句和定语从句SCI论文发表中大量使用长句和定语从句,在论证上起到连接信息和强调信息的作用。广泛使用被动语态SCI论文发表中侧重叙事推理,强调客观准确,第一、二人称使用过多,会造成主观臆断的印象。因此尽量使用第三人称叙述,采用被动语态。名词作定语和缩写词使用频繁SCI论文发表中要求结构紧凑、行文简炼,缩写词和名词作定语的频繁使用,增大了信息密度,简化了句型。 如果我们能逆向思维,转换个角度去看文章,如果你要发表一篇SCI论文,你会怎么去构造你的行为,你如何组织你文章的逻辑,特别是用词方面,口语和一些狸语在一般

情况不应该出现在文章中。还有些中式英语也会极大地影响我们的阅读,例如说足球比赛,可不是我们想象中的football match (之前有次演讲说,英语里面不能有2个名词的情况,在此就举了个例子bicycle man),而应该做football play亦作soccer play。 2.翻译是一门艺术,从某种意义上来讲是没有标准答案的。 这里本人想要想要阐述这样一种观点,翻译是一个不断精进的过程,翻译最初的目的即是为了实现语言之间的一个互相沟通,然而不同的人对一句话,应该会有着不同的理解。这也就有了译者极大的自由发挥性,但是译者必须准确理解原文的基础之上的。 有三个字可以高度概括翻译的精髓“信,达,雅”,想必大家都应该听过。”“信”指意义不背原文,即是译文要准确,不歪曲,不遗漏,也不要随意增减意思;同样可以举个例子?This is a pan in my hand (请问如何翻译呢?) “达”指不拘泥于原文形式,译文通顺明白;这里就涉及到一个直译和意译的关系啦,否则就会出现像bicycle


英语各类考试 三一口语(GESE)的全称为:英国伦敦三一学院英语口语等级考试(GESE-Graded Examinations in Speakers of Other Languages),它是经英国文化委员会提议,专门为非英语国家设计的纯英语口语等级考试体系。该考试共有12个级别,分成4个档次,每个档次有三个级别,其中1-6级是非常适合孩子的,这是现有英语考试中不多的适合孩子考试之一;7级以上不太适合孩子,但也可以考。 等级考试描述 英国伦敦三一学院英语口语等级考试(GESE-Graded Examinations in Speakers of Other Languages)是经英国文化委员会提议,专门为非英语国家设计的英语口语等级考试体系。目前已在世界四十多个国家和地区开展这项考试。1995年,北京高等学校教育科技发展中心开始与伦敦三一学院在教师培训和口语考试方面进行合作并取得了较好的效果。1999年,北京教育考试院与伦敦三一学院正式签署合作协议,引进该项考试。 等级考试的权威性 伦敦三一学院(TCL-Trinity College London)是经英国政府批准、为英国文化委员会承认的考试机构。伦敦三一学院在世界各地举办音乐、戏剧、英语口语等多类考试,是英国英语口语考试和授予英语教师资格证书的主要机构之一,也是英语考试服务系统的主要国际承办者之一。1995年,伦敦三一学院因其英语教育方面的成就获得英国女王嘉奖。伦敦三一口语证书是目前最火爆的口语水平测试证书,它以其权威性、实用性、系统性成为重点中学所青睐的英语口语能力证明之一。三一口语考试共分为12个级别,每三个级别为一个阶段,三一口语考试每月底进行,一个半两个月后出成绩。 内容 三一口语测试适于6-7岁以上母语为非英语的英语学习者。此项测试共分为四段12个级别。1-3级为预备段;4-6级为初级段;7-9级为中级段;10-12级为高级段。高级别的考试涵盖低于该级别的其他级别的内容。考试形式为考生与考官进行一对一的交谈。考试成绩评定:A—优秀,B—良好,C —及格,D—不及格 优势 大家为什么要考“三一口语”这一问题,首先,从发展方面来看,三一口语存在着很多的优势: 1.三一口语是国内第一个不与笔试捆绑的专项、系统的英语口语考试。 2.所有级别的考试都实行一对一的交流形式,与人机对话的考试方式相比更显人性化。 3.每个月中下旬组织一次考试,较之公共英语(每年仅三月和九月两次)机会较多。 4.三一口语考试无职业、学历、地域、年龄等限制,任何母语非英语的人员均可参加。 5.三一口语为水平考试,考试通过率高,证书颁发得快。对急于获得证书的家长是一个不错的选择。然后,再从学习成长方面来看,三一口语可能是所有认证考试中最适合学生学习的课程。三一口语的多层次、多类别、幽默风趣的学习方式更能够调动中小学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性。三一口语更侧语言沟通的交流与表达,使得学生能在学习的过程中快速的提高自己的英语表达水平,非常有利于孩子以后的成长和发展。最后,从学习的困难


Chest plain film/plain chest radiography 胸部平片Posteroanterior 后前位 Left-lateral 左侧位 Contour 轮廓 Symmetric 对称 Lung field 肺野 Lung marking 肺纹理 Lesion 病变 Lung hilar 肺门 Mediastinum 胸廓 Diaphragm 膈肌 Rib 肋骨 Round-shaped 类圆形的 Mass 团块 Post-basic segment 后基底段 Lobulated-edge 边缘分叶 Well-defined margin 边界清楚 ill-define margin 边缘不清vague margin Homogeneous attenuation 密度均匀 Thoracic vertebraes 胸椎 Obstructive atelectasis 阻塞性肺不张 Sign of “recersal S”反S征 Bilateral 双侧的 Cloud-shaped areas 大片密度增高区域 Piece-like high attunuation 片状高密度Pulmonary edema 肺水肿 Node 结节 Acute miliary tuberculosis 急性粟粒性肺结核Anteroposterior abdomen plain film 腹部平片Supine overhead projection 仰卧前后位投照Radiopaque foreign body 不透光异物 Stone 结石 Liver 肝gallbladder 胆kidney 肾 Bowel 肠 Distension 扩张 Free gas 游离气体 Vertebrate and pelvis bone 腰椎和骨盆 Plain film of pelvis 骨盆平片 Acetabulun 髋臼 Hip joint 髋关节 Bone destruction 骨质破坏 Femoral head 股骨头 The left hip joint space 左髋关节间隙Osteoporosis 骨质疏松


The diode consists of a tungsten filament, which gives off electrons when it is heated, and a plate toward which the electrons migrate when the field is in the right direction.二极管由一根钨丝和一块极板组成:钨丝受热时放出电子,当电场方向为正时,这些电子便向极板移动。Objectionable hydrogen sulfide is removed from such a gas or form naturally occurring hydrocarbon gases by washing with various alkaline solutions in which it is absorbed. 要从这样的煤气或天然存在的烃类气体中除去有害物质硫化氢。就要用能吸收硫化氢的各种碱性溶液来洗涤. 作业:翻译,注意定语的译法 Over a period of more than 400 million year, trees have evolved as the tallest, most massive, and longest lived organisms ever to inhabit the Earth. Introducing the table which gives the correspondence of volumes and system numbers with divisions and classes and applying the classification thus determined to find out the appropriate volume. 作业:翻译,注意被动语态的译法 Everying in the world is built up from atoms. No work can be done without energy. Evaporation is conducted by vaporizing a portion of the solvent to produce a concentrated solution or thick liquor. 作业:翻译,指明词序的转变 Two widely used alloy of copper are brase and bronze. Having been well insulated, the wire may be used as a conductor. 作业:翻译,并指明黑字体句子成分转换的译法 Sodium is very active chemically. Methane is less than half as heavy as water. The different hydrocarbons in crude oil boil at different temperatures. 作业:翻译,并指明黑字体词类转换的译法 Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible. Many chemical reactions need heat to make them take place. Machine parts of irregular shape can be washed very clean by ultrasonic. The expression of the relation between force, mass and acceleration is as follows. He is a stranger to the operation of the electronic computer. Generally speaking, methane series are rather inert. One of the outstanding properties of carbon atom is its ability to share its electrons with other carbon atoms.


英语专业实习报告 ????实习学校.市二中学,上海市第二中学,自己初中,高中7年的母校,可以说是再熟悉不过,看到大学里对口的学校里有这所的时候,没有丝毫犹豫地就填进了志愿里,也如愿的在母校开始了大学必经的实习阶段,也是别有一番意义的.回学校实习,亲切万分,亲爱的老师们还在,接受教育的学生们却是一张张全新的面孔,想想自己离开学校3年来的进进出出,目前的3个年级都是我毕业后考进市二的学生.学校的操场,小花园,甚至是几间教室,都是充满回忆的地方,接下来实习的日子,走过这些地方的时候,过去的记忆就不断在脑海里回旋. ????初日.我们一行8位同学到达市二后,接待我们的是现任教导主任高萍老师,她向我们简单介绍了下学校目前的状况,以及实习期间需要注意的一些事项.接下来是认识带教老师,我与其他2位同学分到高一,其余5位同学到高二.英语学科的带教老师是王雅芬老师,教学经验丰富,还担任高一的年级组长;班主任唐虹老师,自己高三时,她教过我政治,算是相当熟悉,呵呵.带教老师和班主任都向我们简单介绍了一下所带班级的基本情况.第一天只是熟悉下校园,第二天正式到班级,当时想到就要面对40多个学生,不免还是有点担心和紧张. ????身份.实习老师,是个很特别的存在.还记得第一次被班级里学生叫老师好的时候的那种错愕,渐渐适应,然后自如反应,点头示意.开始的一个礼拜,日渐习惯起学校的生活,仿佛重回高中时代一般,只是是以一种全新的角度来看待学生,以老师的身份来要求自己了,这种感觉挺奇妙的,以往觉得“高高在上”的老师,突然间成了身边的“同事”,作为实习老师,又该以怎样的态度去面对高中的学生?身份的转变,是实习阶段第一个要跨越的坎吧,正确认识自己的身份:带教老师的学生,高中学生的老师. ????高一(X)班.担任实习班主任工作的班级是高一(7)班,高一年级两个理科班之一,与我那时的理科班大为不同,现在理科班的学生不像我们那时那么沉闷,就像班主任唐老师所说,对于老师来说是喜忧参半吧,毕竟调皮的学生太多,比较不容易控制.一进教室就看到教室后的墙壁上贴满了奖状,看的出来这个班级在学校里也是相当活跃的,学校里评选的各个之星,几乎7班也每个都有份.班上同学的性格很活泼,几天相处下来,就建立起了不错的关系,谈谈班级同学,日常琐事,甚至也有同学会来找我解答问题,谈谈理想,也让自己渐渐有了的确是个老师了的觉悟. ????听课.实习的必经阶段,听课不仅能够学习带教老师的教学方法,也能熟悉自己将要教学的班级.高中阶段的英语课程与大学里大不相同,尽管自己以前高中时也上过牛津的教材,现在的教学要求又有新的变化,也因老师的不同,教学方法上有很大的差异.带教的王老师教态相当严谨,备课很充分,听第一节课的时候就觉得整节课规划的很好,让学生知道这节课要完成的内容,就算有突发状况的发生,也能自行控制好时间等等.学校规定的听课是10节左右,自己基本上能去听的课都去了,为的是想了解整个章节上课的完整过程,每个部分都有不同的上课手段和形式,都是值得学习的地方.大学里所学的英语教学法课程,提及不少教学


非英语专业的我如何成为一名翻译 通常一些不太熟悉的人问起大学学什么专业的时候,我一般都会简单的说英语专业。一来我确实有个英语专业的本科文凭,虽然是自考的。并且我又做了多年的英语翻译,水平也不错。另外还有一个很大的原因是这样可以避免过多的解释。其实我大学里学的不是英语专业。作为一个高中时期物理化学成绩很出色的理科生,虽然我也非常喜欢英语和历史、文学,但是在填报大学专业的时候却想都没想就惯性地全选了理工类。不得不说,当时的自己视野非常狭窄,十几年前网络信息还没有这么发达,几本厚厚的专业填报指南在同学手中传来传去,每个专业看上去都神秘而神圣。我当时没有在外上大学的亲友给参谋,父母文化程度也不高,社会经验仅限于所在乡镇最多到县城的小世界,无法给予我额外的指导和启发。而自己在多年强化学习的过程中也从未关注过自己内心的需求,从来没有想过自己真正喜欢什么,未来想要做什么。虽然学习成绩不错,也都是一路被老师和考试推着走过来的。可以说,那个时候心智尚未开启,一切都很懵懂。进入大学以后,视野慢慢变得开阔,接触的人群里有了很多思想比较先进头脑灵活行为独树一帜的人,逐渐受到震撼和启发,自己也开始无意识地寻找自己的个性和定位。后来我强烈地意识到自己以后不想做一辈子科研类的工作,




一学习总结 1理论课程学习总结 人说,“走进大学就一只脚踏进了社会”,这句话没说错。上大学之前,我们有三分之二的时间在学校认真学习科学知识,缺乏自理能力,不懂人情世故。而上了大学之后,不仅要学习,还要管理好自己的生活、处理好与同学、老师的关系。所有这些都不是老师和爸妈能教会的,要靠自己在日常生活中不断的学习和总结经验教训。 在大学里,有些人刻苦专研专业知识,希望将来在专业方面有所突破或能继续深造;有些人则在学好功课的基础上,发现了自己某方面的潜力,比如:较强的社交能力、体育比较好等。而大学这样一个宽松的环境正为他们提供了一个实现自我的舞台。因此,在大学里,我们不仅可以更深入的学习科学知识,还可以在业余时间挖掘自身的潜力和增强自身的特长。但不管将来你从事什么工作,首先要学好英语和用好计算机,这是形势所迫,也是现实。随着现代化步伐的加快,计算机已经成为我们进行各项工作的主要工具,而学好英语是用好计算机的基础,以后走上工作岗位,不会英语和计算机,我们将寸步难行。 但有很多同学说,英语很难学,就是学不好。其实并不是不能学好,我认为没有学不会的东西,除非你不去努力或方法不对。说句实在话,学语言确实是一件比较困难的事,尤其是在一个没有相关语言环境的情况下去学。因为学语言包括听,说,读,写四个方面,要想做到这四个方面都强确实不容易。但我们可以先掌握好基础知识,再根据自己以后的发展方向决定在哪个方面进行提高。比如,你决定以后从事软件开发的工作,那你可以多看看这方面的英文版的书籍。 可是,尽管英语是如此的难学,很多同学还是不以为然。许多同学进入大学后就想着如何去玩,觉得初中、高中这六年憋得实在不行了。可是放松也要有限度,不能荒废了学业,难道辛辛苦苦考上大学就是来玩的吗?因此,当我们在享受大学生活给我们带来新鲜和刺激时,不要忘了花点时间去读读单词,看看英语文章。把英语学习当成一种乐趣,而不仅仅是应付学校的考试和通过四六级。 其次,就要说到计算机知识的学习了,对于我们信息管理专业来说,计算机就是我们谋生的工具。首先,我们应学会最基本的使用电脑的操作,如开机、关机、软件的安装、office的使用、电脑的日常维护等。此外,随着科学技术的日新月异的发展,网络在人们的生活中起着越来越重要的作用,不管是日常生活、交友、娱乐还是工作,人们越来越依赖于网络。因此我们还要学会上网,学会利


专业英语结课报告翻译:基于AT89S51单片机的电子万年历的设计 班级:10级电子信息统本01班 姓名:席宇康 学号:101102010128

摘要 本文借助电路仿真软件Protues对基于AT89S51单片机的电子万年历的设计方法及仿真进行了全面的阐述。该电子万年历在硬件方面主要采用AT89C51单片机作为主控核心,由DS1302时钟芯片提供时钟、1602LCM点阵液晶显示屏显示。AT89C51单片机是由Atmel公司推出的,功耗小,电压可选用4~6V电压供电;DS1302时钟芯片是美国DALLAS公司推出的具有涓细电流充电功能的低功耗实时时钟芯片,它可以对年、月、日、星期、时、分、秒进行计时,还具有闰年补偿等多种功能,而且DS1302的使用寿命长,误差小;数字显示是采用的LED液晶显示屏来显示,可以同时显示年、月、日、星期、时、分、秒等信息。此外,该电子万年历还具有时间校准等功能。在软件方面,主要包括日历程序、时间调整程序,显示程序等。所有程序编写完成后,在Keil软件中进行调试,确定没有问题后,在Proteus软件中嵌入单片机内进行仿真。 论文主要研究了液晶显示器LED及时钟芯片DS1302,温度传感器DS18B20与单片机之间的硬件互联及通信,对数种硬件连接方案进行了详尽的比较,在软件方面对日历算法也进行了论述。 研究结果表明,由于万年历的应用相当普遍,所以其设计的核心在于硬件成本的节约软件算法的优化,力求做到物美价廉,才能拥有更广阔的市场前景。 关键词:单片机;DS1302;LED 绪论 随着社会、科技的发展,人类得知时间,从观太阳、摆钟到现在电子钟,不断研究、创新。为了在观测时间的同时,能够了解其它与人类密切相关的信息,比如温度、星期、日期等,电子万年历诞生了,它集时间、日期、星期和温度功能于一身,具有读取方便、显示直观、功能多样、电路简洁等诸多优点,符合电子仪器仪表的发展趋势。伴随着电子技术的迅速发展,特别是随大规模集


非英语专业研究生英语(第一外语) 教学大纲 -、总则 (—)为了保证达到《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办法》中规定的外国语学习要求,进行非英语专业研究生英语课程的教学工作,特制定本大纲。 (二)研究生英语教学的宗旨是为了使学生掌握英语这门工具进行本专业的学习、研究与国际交流,为我国的社会主义建设服务,在教学中要坚持从实际出发、学以致用的原则,培养和提高研究生运用英语的能力。 二、硕士研究生的英语教学与考试 (一)教学对象 本大纲的教学对象是非英语专业的硕士研究生(以下简称硕士生)。硕士生入学时应达到以下水平: (1)掌握4000个左右常用单词及370个左右常用词组(能正确识别词类,选择词义),对其中1500个左右基本词能复用性掌握(即能正确识别词类,选择词义,英汉互译,熟悉某些常用搭配和用法)并具有初步的构词知识; (2)掌握基本语法知识(具备大学英语覆盖的语法知识); (3)能阅读一般难度(相当于大学英语四级课文的难度)的英语读物,理解基本正确,阅读速度为每分钟50词左右。 1

(4)能将一般难度的英语短文译成汉语,理解基本正确,译文达意;能将一般难度的汉语句子译成英语,内容表达与语法基本正确; (5)具有初步的写作能力。 硕士生中有一定数量单独考试入学的学生,其入学水平亦应逐步达到上述要求。 (二)教学目的 硕士生英语教学目的是培养学生具有较熟练的阅读能力,一定的写、译能力和基本的听、说能力,能够以英语为工具进行本专业的学习和研究。对听、说能力要求较高的专业,可根据需要,加强听、说能力的培养。 (三)教学要求 硕士生的英语教学包括基础英语和专业英语两部分。 1、基础英语部分 (1)词汇 理解性掌握5000个左右的常用单词及500个左右常用词组,复用性掌握其中2000个左右的基本词。认知120个左右常用词根和词缀,并能根据构词法识别派生词。 (2)语法 能较熟练地运用语法知识,能理解语法结构复杂的长难句。 (3)读 2


Chinese by Jerry Norman 龚群虎 Page number, Chinese, English 1 0 2 共时synchronic 3 历时diachronic 4 linguist 语言学家 5 汉语研究Chinese studies 6 调号tone mark 7 1-1 8 甲骨文oracle bone inscription/script 9 古汉语Classical Chinese 10 中古汉语Middle Chinese 11 早期白话Early Vernacular Chinese 12 上海方言Shanghai dialect 13 书面语言written language 14 口头语言spoken language 15 文化连续性cultural continuity 16 汉语方言Chinese dialects 17 北京话Peking dialect 18 广州话Cantonese 19 文言文Literary Chinese 20 方言学家dialectologist 21 金文bronze inscription/script 22 孔子Confucius 23 孟子Mencius 24 方言描写dialect description 25 高本汉(人名)Bernhard Karlgren 26 中古汉语(高本汉)Ancient Chinese 27 赵元任(人名)Yuen Ren Chao 28 吴语Wu dialects 29 方言调查dialect survey/fieldwork 30 共通语koine 31 现代汉语Modern Chinese 32 方言dialect 33 1-2 34 (汉语)周边语言neighboring languages 35 阿尔泰语系Altaic language family 36 突厥语言Turkic languages 37 蒙古语言Mongolian languages 38 通古斯语言Tungusic languages 39 日语Japanese


Chapter 1 Introduction: Why Project Management? True/False 1) Projects have a process orientation. F 2) Client interest in a project is highest during the termination and conceptual phases. T Multiple Choice 1). A project typically has: A) A defined start and end date. B) A defined start date but no defined end date. C) No defined start but a defined end date. D) No defined start or end date. 2) Which of the following statements about project success criteria is best? A) Project cost is an external performance measure. B) Completion time is an internal performance measure. C) Client acceptance is an internal performance measure. D) Client acceptance is often referred to as conducting a quality check. Short Answer 1) What changes in the business environment have necessitated a greater use of project management skills?


英语专业实习调查报告 在大学,英语专业的理论学习仅限于课本知识,同学们可以在实习中尝试把所学知识运用到实践中去。下面是小编为您收集整理的英语专业实习调查报告范文,欢迎阅读与参考。 英语专业实习调查报告(一) 实习的目的和意义: 对学生已学部份理论知识进行综合运用的培训,加强学生对社会和了解,培养和训练学生认识,观察社会以及分析解决问题的能力, 提高学生的专业技能,实习可以学到书本外的知识和能力,开阔视野, 是一扇认识和观察社会的窗口,可以提高听说能力,可以培养合作沟通能力,有助于发现自身专业及能力方面的不足,明确以后改进的方向. 社会实践方式: 学校组织. 社会实践的时间地点:20xx年.锦汉展览馆 实习对于大学生来说是非常有必要的,虽然自己在进入大学前也有过好几年的工作经验,但并没有这种有组织有目的的实践经历,所学商务英语专业和实习地为交易会对自己来说也都算是新的领域.于XX年秋在锦汉展览的实习虽然是短短的二十几天,但却经历了一个完整的工作历程.我觉得在这次实习中有很多新的体会和感受. 首先,对于交易会有了一个整体的认识.交易会在促进商品出口方面起着重大的作用.交易会这种活动的本身带动

了国内经济发展,尤其是广州经济.它作为一个窗口展现在国外人士面前,除了经济上的互动还有文化,技术,知识各方面的互动,商品附上了民族文化气息.此次实习,扩宽了我们的视野,扩展了知识面,更有利于我们之后学习各国文化的理论课程.不同肤色的人,不同的服饰带着不同的风情,兀自成为一道风景,又以汇合的笔墨构成一幅风景图.让我对世界融炉字样产生了遐想.我喜欢上了这流动的画面,这变换的色彩. 工作的总体职责是: 1. 按时参加班前(后)会,服从主管工作安排,及时汇报情况。 2.上岗前检查岗位设备设施是否正常运作,如发现设备有异常,应及时报告主管人员:提出前配备好所需物品,作好充分准备。 3.留意当天的特别事项,总结情况,与交班人员做好交接班工作,填写好意见登记本,并及时向小组长或主管人员反映。 4.同时每个人都应肩负起“八大员”职责: 1)导展员:正确介绍展览会信息。 2)客服员:及时准确的解决客户的问题。 3)消防员:及时消除火灾隐患。 4)保安员:随时肩负起展馆、人员及财务的安全责任。


英语专业与非英语专业学生选用词典的差异 厦门大学外文学院08级英专四班,翁凡茸 学号:12020082203202 摘要:有效使用英语工具书是当今英语学习的趋势。本文通过比较分析市面上主流词典的收词、释义风格、例证与编排,来区分英语专业与非英语专业选用词典的差异,以期为各类人群选择合适自己的英语工具书提出建设性意见。 关键词:词典,英语专业,非英语专业 一、引言 由于英语专业学生与非英语专业学生在英语基础、学习进程与就业方向等方面有着较大的差异,故在挑选适合自己的英语工具书时,标准也有明显的不同。目前,市场上的各大词典有的专为英语专业学习者量身定做,有的则为非专业的英语爱好者打造。如何选择适合自己的英语工具书,则是一门重要的学问。以下我们将对各种工具书的功能与特点进行介绍与分析,以明确区分英语专业与非英语专业学生选用词典的差异。 二、正文

1.浅谈英语专业学生应当如何选用词典 根据调查研究,每两种语言互译之后,在整体含义上至少存在70%的差异。所以对于英语专业的学生来说,英汉词典甚至有可能成为学习途中的绊脚石。比如:breakfast在英语词典中是这样解释的:the first meal of the day,它的准确意思是“一天的第一顿饭”而不是“早餐”的意思。因此,学习英语过程中,对于每个单词的认识,应当在其语言本身中认识,而不是运用汉语来解释,这样读者才能体会到词与词之间细微的差异。由此可见,要想真正学好英语,英语专业学生应当开始跳出汉英词典的窠臼,开始接触英英词典 英英词典最大的好处就是提供了一个纯英语的环境。通过查词典可以增加英语的阅读量,而看懂英语释义的过程就是学习用英语思考、用英语理解的过程,这可以帮助你跳过中文的中间环节,直接理解单词的含义。从而提高你的英语反应速度。如果要真正学好英语,至少一定要有一本英英词典。另外,使用英英词典能够增加语感,准确理解英语单词的词义及用法,有助于培养英语学习者书面语和口语的准确表达及语言技能的恰当运用。(陈玉珍,2003:2) 以下介绍几部适合英语专业学生使用的英英词典: (1)《柯林斯高级英语学习词典》(Collins Cobuild Advanced learner's Dictionary)
