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1. 补全短文出题思路:

书内共编写15篇短文,每篇短文内有5处填空,短文后有A-F 6个句子,要求根据短文的内容来选择5个句子,分别补回原有的位置。每题2分,共10分。主要目的是考核学员对5出填空出的前,后句,以及和选项之间的逻辑关系和理解能力。要注意:该考项不从书内出题,因此一定要掌握好答题的方法和技巧。

2. 补全短文解题步骤

(1)先看短文后A-F 6个句子。


3. 补全短文解题方法和技巧


特定词和关联词主要有:1. “连同、一起”, 2.表时间的介词 3. 代词,4. 定冠词

5. “the +名词”

6. 复数人称代词

7. 单数人称代词

8. 固定搭配:neither…nor,either…or, not only…but also等。9、other, another

?关联词为the+名词,前一句会出现the 后的名词。

?关联词为the second,前一句会出现the first。

?关联词为they, 上一句会出现复数名词。






?重点词是代词,说明横线前会出现与重点词相应单复数的人称代词或名词 4.


?“the +名词”作主语,说明上一句有此名词,或下一句会出现it (单数

或they (复数)





?固定搭配:neither…nor,either…or, not only…but also等。

?重点词是other, another等,说明横线前有与之相对应的情况。



Mobile phones

Mobile phones should carry a label if they proved to be a dangerous source of radiation, according to Robert Bell, a scientist. And no more mobile phone transmitter towers should be built until the long-term health effects of the electromagnetic radiation they emit is

scientifically evaluated, he said. "Nobody's going to drop dead overnight but we should be asking for more scientific information," Robert Bells said at a conference on the health effects of low-level radiation. ____1____

A report widely circulated among the public says that up to now scientists do not really know enough to guarantee there are no ill-effects on humans from electromagnetic radiation. According to Robert Bell, there are 3.3 million mobile phones in Australia alone and they are increasing by 2,000 a day. ___2__

As well, there are 2,000 transmitter towers around Australia, many in high density residential areas. ___3___ The electromagnetic radiation emitted from these towers may have already produced some harmful effects on the health of the residents nearby.

Robert Bell suggests that until more research is completed the Government should ban construction of phone towers from within a 500 metre radius of school grounds, child care centres, hospitals, sports playing fields and residential areas with a high percentage of children. ____4___ He adds that there is also evidence that if cancer sufferers are subjected to electromagnetic waves the growth rate of the disease accelerates.

_____5_____ According to Robert Bell, it is reasonable for the major telephone companies to funs it. Besides, he also urges the Government to set up a wide-ranging inquiry into possible health effects.


A. He says there is emerging evidence that children absorb low-level radiation at a rate more than three times that of adults.

解题思路:A选项中出现了He, 这是一个代词指代男性,所上一句有男性人名或he

B. By the year 2000 it is estimated that Australia will have 8 million mobile phones: nearly one for every two people.

解题思路:B选项出现了by,而且句中出现了8 million,所以上一句一定会出现数字。

C. " If mobile phones are found to be dangerous, they should carry a warning label until proper shields can be devised," he said.


D. Then who finances the research?


E. For example,Telstra , Optus and Vodaphone build their towers where it is geographically suitable to them and disregard the need of the community.


F. The conclusion is that mobile phones brings more harm than benefit.

解题思路:The conclusion结论是,说明这句话一定是结论,如果要填进短文一定是最后一段。

空1解题思路:空1的上一句出现了男性人名Robert Bells,所以我们知道空格一定会出现he,所以符合条件的只有A和C,我们还是通过相通相顺确定答案,上一句说Robet Bell一个关于低频辐射对于健康的影响的会议上说,下一句一定和会议内容也就是低频辐射对于健康的影响有关。C选项说如果手机很危险那么就应该贴上警示的标语直到适当的防护物出现,和辐射对于健康的影响是一致的,所以答案选择C。

空2解题思路:空二的上一句出现了Autralia, 而且出现了数字,根据选项B的特定词by,说明上一句一定有数字,而且B选项再次出现了Australia,所以这道题目的答案可以确定是B


空4解题思路:空四的下一句出现了he adds,所以空4一定会出现男性人名或者是he,只有A选项和C选项符合条件,所以我们要走相通相顺的方法,空4上一句说Robert Bell建议政府应该禁止在学校操场、儿童日托中心、医院、运动场所以及儿童占比例较高的居住场所方圆500米范围内建造发射塔。所以后面一定会解释原因,A选项说有证据证明儿童接受低频辐射的量是成人的3倍所以这道题目答案选择A


答案:1(C),2(B),3(E), 4(A), 5(D)


The world’s longest bridge

Rumor has it that a legendary six—headed monster lurks in the deep waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea between Italy and the island of Sicily.___1___When completed in 2010,the world’s longest bridge will weigh nearly 300,000 tons—equivalent to the iceberg that sank the Titanic—and stretch 5 kilometers long.“That’s nearly 50 percent longer than any other bridge ever built,”says structural engineer Shane Rixon.

___2___They’re suspension bridges,massive structures built to span vast water channels or gorges.A suspension bridge needs just two towers to shoulder the structure’s mammoth weight,thanks to hefty supporting cables slung between the towers and anchored firmly in deep pools of cement at each end of the bridge.The Messina Strait Bridge will have two 54,100-ton towers,which will support most of the bridge’s load.The beefy cables of the bridge, each 1.2 meter in diameter, will hold up the longest and widest bridge deck ever built.

When construction begins on the Messina Strait Bridge in 2005,the first job will be to erect two 370 meter-tall steel towers.___3___Getting these cables up will be something.It’s not just their length—totally 5.3 kilometers—but their weight.___4___

After lowering vertical “suspender” cables from the main cables.builders will erect a 60 meter-wide 54,630-ton steel roadway, or deck——wide enough to accommodate 12 lanes of traffic.The deck’s weight will pull down on the cables with a force of 70,500 tons.In return,the cables yank up against their firmly rooted anchors with a force of 1 39,000 tons—equivalent to the weight of about 100,000 cars.Those anchors are essential.___5___


A. Some environmentalists are against the project on biological grounds.

解题思路:A选项出现the project,根据the+名词,上一句出现名词的原则,上一句一定有project。而且根据出现的复数名词,下一句可能出现复数人称代词they。

B. What do the world’s longest bridges have in common? (出现the+名词,上一句一定有这个名词)

解题思路:A选项出现the world’s longest bridgs,根据the+名词,上一句the+名词的原则,上一句一定有bridge

C. If true,one day you might spy the beast while zipping(呼啸而过across the Messina Strait Bridge.

解题思路: C选项出现了the+名词,根据the+名词原则,名词一定会出现在上一句中,所以上一句会出现spy,或者spy的同义词

D. They’re what will keep the bridge from going anywhere.


E. The second job will be to pull two sets of steel cables across the strait,each set being a bundle of 44,352 individual steel wires.

解题思路:E选项出现了明显的the second,既然有the second,上一句就一定会出现the first。

F. They will tip up the scales at 166,500 tons—more than half the bridge’s total mass.


空1解题思路:空1的上一句出现了monster ,这个词是beast的同义改写,也就等同于beast,C选项中出现the beast,和关联词信息相符,所以空1选择C。

空2解题思路:空2的下一句出现了they,所以空2一定会出现复数名词,A,B 都出现了复数名词,分别是environmentalists和bridges.空2的下一句还出现了briges,和B选项相符合,所以这道题目选择B。

空3解题思路:空3上一句出现了明显的the first,第一个,既然有第一个,就一定有第二个the second,选项中E出现了the second job,所以答案选择E。


空5解题思路:空5上一句出现了those anchors,是一个复数名词,下一句就可能出现附属人称代词they,选项中D和F都出现了they,但是由于F已经填入第4空,所以第5空填入D

答案:1(C),2(B), 3(E), 4(F), 5(D)


Einstein Named “Person of the Century”

Albert Einstein, whose theories on space time and matter helped unravel the secrets of the atom and of the universe, was chosen as “Person of the Century” by Time magazine on Sunday.

A man whose very name is synonymous with scientific genius, Einstein has come to represent more than any other person the flowering of 20th century scientific though that set the stage for the age of technology.

“The w orld has changed far more in the past 100 years than in any other century in history. The reason is not political or economic, but technological—technologies that flowed directly from advances in basic science,” wrote theoretical physicist Stephen Hawkin g in a Time essay explaining Einstein’s significance. _____ (1 _____.

Time chose as runner-up President Franklin Roosevelt1 to represent the triumph of freedom and democracy over fascism, and Mahatma Gandhi2 as an icon for a century when civil and human rights became crucial factors in global politics.

“What we saw was Franklin Roosevelt embodying the great theme of freedom’s fight against totalitarianism, Gandhi personifying the great theme of individuals struggling for their rights, and Einstein being both a great genius and a great symbol of a scientific revolution that brought with it amazing technological advances that helped expand the growth of freedom, ”said Time Magazine Editor Walter Isaacson.

Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany in 1879. _____ (2 _____. He was slow to learn to speak and did not do well in elementary school. He could not stomach organized learning and loathed taking exams3.

In 1905, however, he was to publish a theory which stands as one of the most intricate examples of human imagination in history. _____ (3 _____. Everything else—mass, weight, space, even time itself—is a variable. And he offered the world his now-famous equation: energy equals mass times the speed of light squared—E=mc2.

_____ (4 _____. “There was less faith in abs olutes, not only of time and space but also of truth and morality. ”

Einstein’s famous equation was also the seed that led to the development of atomic energy and weapons. In 1939, six years after he fled European fascism and settled at Princeton University, Einstein, an avowed pacifist4, signed a letter to President Roosevelt urging the United States to develop an atomic bomb before Nazi Germany did. _____ (5 _____. Einstein did not work on the project.

Einstein died in Princeton, New Jersey in 1955.




A. “Indirectly, relativity paved the way for a new relativism in morality, art and politics,” Isaacson wrote in an essay explaining Time’s choices.


B. How he thought of the relativity theory influenced the general public's view about Albert Einstein.

解题思路:选项B中出现了代词he,说明上一句有男性人名或者he,同时出现了the+名词,那么上一句将会出现the+名词中的名词,也就是relativity theory。

C. “Clearly, no scientist better represents those advances than Albe rt Einstein.”


D. Roosevelt heeded the advice and formed the “Manhattan Project” that secretly developed the first atomic weapon.


E. In his early years, Einstein did not show the promise of what he was to become.


F. In his “Special Theory of Relativity,” Einstein described how the only constant in the universe is the speed of light.

解题思路:选项F同样出现了男性人名,那么下一句同样可能出现he,the only constant 为the+形容词,所以上一句不会出现constant,但是可能下一句出现和constant的相关内容。

空1解题思路:第1空出现了人名Stephan Hawkin,而且之前就出现了“”,表示Hawkin写的内容,这个和选项C是一致的,所以答案选择C

空2解题思路:空2的前面出现了1879,是在说爱因斯坦出生于1879,所以我们可以得知这段在讲爱因斯坦的生平,选项E出现了In his early years,在他的早年,这个和生平的主题符合,所以答案选择E

空3解题思路:空3下一句出现了everything else 其他的,句后还出现了variable变化的,也就是说其他的都是变化的,只有唯一一个是稳定的,选项中F 出现了the only constant,也就是唯一稳定的,所以这道题目答案选择F


空5解题思路:空5的下一句出现了the project,所以空5一定有project,选项中D选项出现了the Manhatten Project,就是空5下一句提到的project,所以答案选择D。

答案:1(C), 2(E), 3(F), 4(A),5(D)


最新职称英语考试答题技巧 这是一篇由网络搜集整理的关于最新职称英语考试答题技巧的文档,希望对你能有帮助。 要掌握职称英语的应试技巧,必须对此项考试的特点有深入骨髓的透彻理解,单纯就题论题,不免失之偏颇,见树木而不见森林,或仅存于皮毛之论。倘若能从出题者的角度去剖析,高屋建瓴,借系铃之术解铃,则可势同破竹,直捣钝贼巢穴。 首先,从职称英语的考试取向上看:其重点在于词汇和阅读能力的考察(不考听、说、写),试卷6种题型中的第1部分词汇选项和第6部分完型填空分别是对词汇的含义和用法的测试,而第3(概括大意完成句子)、4(阅读理解)、5(补全短文)部分则从把握文章段落主旨、篇章的具体内容、根据上下文进行逻辑推断几个方面检验考生的英文阅读能力。但是,由于职称英语考生可携带字典进入考场,对词汇的测试难度已大打折扣,大纲中要求的5000-6000词汇量不过是虚张声势而已。从这个角度讲,一言以蔽之,职称英语即等同于阅读专项考试。阅读水平的检测,更直接一点说就是考第4部分阅读理解(用数字说话或许更有说服力,从各个部分的分值来看,第1部分、第4部分、第6部分三个题型的总分值为75分,剩余3部分仅有25分。在这75分中,3篇阅读文章又占去45分);但我们之所以要学习词汇,其重点和目的其实和学习语法知识一样,都是为阅读文章服务。第2(阅读判断)、3(概括大意完成句子)、5(补全短文)部分虽然也是考察阅读能力,由于分值少,题难作(耗时与三篇阅读理解相当),当留到最后或者仅择其一而答。其次,从职称英语的卷面设置上看:词汇部分和原题基本是

送分题(如果变化不大的话),意即只要掌握了教材并能熟练查阅词典便能得40分左右;换句话说,考生只要具备再答对20分题的英文阅读能力即可及格。100分的试卷归根结底只考其中的五分之一而已。考生如能对职称英语考试达以上的`认识,再因地制宜地根据自身特点制定学习方案,过关乃是顺理成章,水到渠成之事。 话虽如此,可每年又有30%左右的考生未能及格(根据有关统计数字,北京市职称英语的平均通过率为66%-70%),抛开其他原因不谈,他们大都犯了一个共同的错误——答题的顺序和时间安排不合理。如果按照试卷的前后顺序逐一作答,对于英文水平高的考生,未可厚非;但是基础薄弱、阅读和答题速度慢的考生必须另辟蹊径,否则只会顾此失彼,得不偿失。120分钟内阅读3800词,并答完65题,没有快速阅读能力和答题技巧根本不可能完成。 鉴于以上特点,我们建议考生拿到试卷后的第一步是浏览整张试卷,并用铅笔勾出所有来自教材中的题;普遍的方法是通过文章的标题(title)寻找,但有时原题的标题与教材中的有所差异甚至完全不同,如果出现这样的情况,考生须通过阅读每篇文章的第一句话来确认是否为原题。接下来第二步;先答词汇选项中的15道题,争取在15分钟内结束,最多不可超过20分钟;就词汇部分而言,出题者的本意是要求考生通过阅读一句话来根据上下文(context)猜测某个单词或短语的含义;实际上只要翻字典的速度够快、并掌握一定的技巧即可答对。(注意:电子辞典和带有“职称”字样的辞典严禁携带;考场用的辞典不可太厚,更不可太薄;前者查阅费时费力,后者收词量不足。考生可以携带1本以上的辞典,但每次只能用一本)。 答完词汇题后不要立即作第2部分的阅读判断,而应直奔阅读理解部分;


2016职称英语教材-卫生类C级完形填空及参考译文1 第一篇Better Control of TB Seen If a Faster Cure Is Found The World Health Organization1 estimates that about one-third of all people are infected with bacteria that cause tuberculosis . Most times, the infection remains inactive. But each year about eight million people develop active cases of TB, usually in their lungs. Two million people die of it. The disease has increased with the spread of AIDS and drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis. Current treatments take at least six months. People have to take a combination of several antibiotic drugs daily. But many people stop as soon as they feel better. Doing that can lead to an infection that resists treatment. Public health experts agree that a faster-acting cure for tuberculosis would be more effective. Now a study estimates just how effective it might be. A professor of international health at Harvard University2 led the study. Joshua Salomon says a shorter treatment program would likely mean not just more patients cured. It would also mean fewer infectious patients who can pass on their infection to others. The researchers developed a mathematical model to examine the effects of a two-month treatment plan. They tested the model with current TB conditions in Southeast Asia. The scientists found that a two-month treatment could prevent about twenty percent of new cases. And it might prevent about twenty-five percent of TB deaths. The model shows that these reductions would take place between two thousand twelve and two thousand thirty. That is, if a faster cure is developed and in wide use by two thousand twelve. The World Health Organization reductions the DOTS3 program in nineteen ninety. DOTS is Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course. Health workers watch tuberculosis patients take their daily pills to make sure they continue treatment. Earlier this year, an international partnership of organizations announced a plan to expand the DOTS program. The ten-year plan also aims to finance research into new TB drugs. The four most common drugs used now are more than forty years old. The Global Alliance for TB Drug Development4 says its long-term goal is a treatment that could work in as few as ten doses. 1.找到速效治疗剂可以更好控制结核病 世界卫生组织估计全球有大约三分之一的人感染了导致结核病的病菌。大多数时候,这种感染是不活跃的。但是每年大约有八百万结核病病例,通常是在肺部。两百万人因此丧命。结核病发病率由于艾滋病的传播和抗药型结核病的出现而增加。目前的治疗至少需要六个月。患病者不得不每日服用多种抗生素药品。许多人在稍感舒适后就停止使用药品,这么做可能导致抗药性感染。公共卫生专家一致认为针对结核病的速效治疗剂将会更加有效果。现在有一项研究评估这种速效治疗剂究竟效力有多大。这项研究由美国哈佛大学国际卫生方面的教授率领。Joshua Salomon说,疗程较短的治疗计划可能不仅仅意味着更多病人被治好,也意味着将感染传给别人的病人会更少。 研究者们设计了一个数学模型来检测两个月治疗计划的效果。他们以东南亚目前的结核病情况来检验这个模型。科学家们发现两个月的治疗可以防止大约20%的新病例,也可能防止大约5%因结核病引起的死亡。这个模型表明,如果速效治疗剂可以在2012年前研发出来并大规模使用的话,减少结核病例在2012年到2030年间就可以实现。 世界卫生组织在1990年制定了DOTS计划,DOTS意指短期直接观察治疗。卫生工作者监督结核病人每天服药,以确信他们继续治疗。今年年初,一个国际组织同盟宣布了一项扩大DOTS的计划。这个十年计划也旨在资助新结核药品的研究。现在四种最常用的药品也有四十多年的历史了。全球结核病药物开发联盟宣称它的长期目标是找到一种治疗方法,可以通过十次剂量就效果。


职称英语考试阅读理解答题方法和技巧 YKK standardization office【 YKK5AB- YKK08- YKK2C- YKK18】

【经典资料,WORD文档,可编辑修改】 【经典考试资料,答案附后,看后必过,WORD文档,可修改】 职称英语考试阅读理解答题方法和技巧 (一)阅读理解的出题思路 从宏观角度来说,阅读理解就是考查应试者对文章主旨和细节信息的理解能力;从微观角度来说,阅读理解就是具体落实到对词汇量、词汇的鉴别和灵活运用以及对语法结构的理解能力、判断能力,甚至阅读速度等能力的考查。 阅读理解是职称英语考试的第四部分,每年的职称英语考试用书都编写了50篇文章。每篇文章大约300~450词。在每篇文章的后面有五个问题,每个问题后有四个选项。正式考试时,有三篇阅读理解短文,一般其中有一篇来自考试用书,另外两篇来自教材外。阅读理解题,每题有3分,共45分。 来自考试用书上的一篇文章,每位应试者可以根据自己报考的级别参见考试用书的目录部分:A级以打“+”为主做重点准备;B级以打“*”为主做重点准备;C级以不打任何符号的文章做重点准备。要注意,文章后面的五个问题有时和教材上的题完全一样,但有时选项的位置会进行调整;有时题干发生一些小的变化(如:增加一些词,减少一些词或替换一些题);有时也重新设题。所以,123职称英语网辅导专家提醒广大考生在备考时,不要死记硬背选项,而要对文章的内容、问题和选项有充分的理解。来自考试用书外的两篇文章通常要比来自考试用书上的文章简单、短小和通俗一些。与从考试用书内出的一篇一样,多以主旨题、事实细节题、推理判断题、归纳总结题以及同义或近义词等为主。 (二)阅读理解的答题方法和技巧 阅读理解部分主要采取“查读法”。 阅读理解部分共有三篇文章,总共45分,分值非常高,尤其是来自考试用书外的两篇文章占了30分,这对很多英语基础薄弱考生来说更是困难重重。

职称英语综合类补全短文第四篇The First Four Minute逐句翻译

The First Four Minutes最初四分钟 When do people decide whether or not they want to become friends?人们什么时候决定他们是否愿意成为朋友?During their first four minutes together, according to a book by Dr. Leonard Zunin. In his book, “Contact:The first four minutes" he offers this advice to anyone interested in starting new friendships:“Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes. (1) A lot of people's whole lives would change if they did just that. ”按列奥纳多?祖尼博士的书中所说是在他们相处的最初四分钟。在他的书《接触:最初四分钟》里,他向所有对开始新的友谊感兴趣的人们提出了这样的建议:“每次你在社交场合遇到什么人时,全神贯注地注意他四分钟。如果这样做了的话,他们的生活就会完全不同。”; You may have noticed that the average person does not give his undivided attention to someone he has just met. 你可能已经注意到了,一般人都不会全神贯注地注意一个他刚认识的人。(2) He keeps looking over the other person's shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more.他不停地往其他人身后看,好像要在屋里其他地方找到更趣的人似的。If anyone has ever done this to you, you probably did not like him very much.如果有人对你这样,你大概不会很喜欢他。

职称英语考试六大题型解题技巧汇总 (4)

阅读理解的解题技巧汇总 (1) 完形填空的解题技巧汇总 (4) 阅读判断做题技巧汇总 (6) 概括大意与完成句子解题技巧汇总 (8) 补全短文的解题技巧汇总 (9) 职称英语查字典技巧汇总 (10) 职称英语考试六大题型解题技巧汇总 阅读理解的解题技巧汇总 一、大标题做题法: 1 、大标题就是文章的中心思想,所有题目的正确答案必须与大标题保持一致。 2、凡是含有大标题或大标题中关键词的选项往往就是正确答案。 3、该方法尤其适用于主旨题。 4、大标题中不认识的单词一定要查字典。 5、大标题中的名词动词和形容词最重要 二、红花绿叶做题法 如果有某个单词,这个选项就被选,这个单词叫红花词;如果有某个单词,这个选项就不选,这个单词叫绿叶词。 1 红花词 a. 一类红花:all of the above( 一般在第四项,且没有失手过)。 objective 客观的、公正的一般在态度题上必选 b. 二类红花:may, might, can, could, likely, usually, relatively, important, some及其派 生词(something, someone, somebody) 2 绿叶 a. 一类绿叶:none of the above, indifferent(冷淡、漠不关心的), only b. 二类绿叶:must, always, every(以及其派生词),each, all(词组除外), absolutely, at all 、 never 、whatever、only、 3 红花绿叶的理论基础: a. 绝对化概念不能选(相对化可选) b. 消极概念不能选(积极可选) 注意:当某一个单词在原文和选项中意思不一样时,该选项往往不能入选。例如like在原文中是“像”(介词),选项中却是“喜欢”(动词)意思。 三、顺序出题原则: 1、题目出题的顺序和文章展开的顺序基本上是一致的。所有文章都要考虑这个方法。 2、主旨题和是非题往往与顺序出题无关。 四﹑关键词回归定位法:这个方法把句子题变成了词汇题。 1、该方法是阅读理解最核心最基本的做题方法 2、关键词的位置一般在题干中,偶尔在题枝中 3、关键词的作用:回归原文,定位答案所在句 4、关键词的特点:显眼,好找,在文章中出现的频率一定要低


职称英语考试的答题技巧 要掌握职称英语的应试技巧,必须对此项考试的特点有深入骨髓的透彻理解,单纯就题论题,不免失之偏颇,见树木而不见森林,或仅存于皮毛之论。倘若能从出题者的角度去剖析,高屋建瓴,借系铃之术解铃,则可势同破竹,直捣钝贼巢穴。 首先,从职称英语的考试取向上看:其重点在于词汇和阅读能力的考察,试卷6种题型中的第1部分词汇选项和第6部分完型填空分别是对词汇的含义和用法的测试,而第3、4、5部分则从把握文章段落主旨、篇章的具体内容、根据上下文进行逻辑推断几个方面检验考生的英文阅读能力。但是,由于职称英语考生可携带字典进入考场,对词汇的测试难度已大打折扣,大纲中要求的5000-6000词汇量不过是虚张声势而已。从这个角度讲,一言以蔽之,职称英语即等同于阅读专项考试。阅读水平的检测,更直接一点说就是考第4部分阅读理解;但我们之所以要词汇,其重点和目的其实和学习语法知识一样,都是为阅读文章服务。第2、3、5部分虽然也是考察阅读能力,由于分值少,题难作,当留到最后或者仅择其一而答。其次,从职称英语的卷面设置上看:词汇部分和原题基本是送分题,意即只要掌握了教材并能熟练查阅词典便能得40分左右;换句话说,考生只要具备再答对20分题的英文阅读能力即可及格。100分的'试卷归根结底只考其中的五分之一而已。考生如能对达以

上的认识,再因地制宜地根据自身特点制定学习方案,过关乃是顺理成章,水到渠成之事。 话虽如此,可每年又有30%左右的考生未能及格(根据有关统计数字,北京市职称英语的平均通过率为66%-70%),抛开其他原因不谈,他们大都犯了一个共同的错误——答题的顺序和时间安排不合理。如果按照试卷的前后顺序逐一作答,对于英文水平高的考生,未可厚非;但是基础薄弱、阅读和答题速度慢的考生必须另辟蹊径,否则只会顾此失彼,得不偿失。120分钟内阅读3800词,并答完65题,没有快速阅读能力和答题技巧根本不可能完成。 鉴于以上特点,我们建议考生拿到试卷后的第一步是浏览整张试卷,并用铅笔勾出所有教材中的题;普遍的方法是通过文章的标题(title)寻找,但有时原题的标题与教材中的有所差异甚至完全不同,如果出现这样的情况,考生须通过阅读每篇文章的第一句话来确认是否为原题。接下来第二步;先答词汇选项中的15道题,争取在15分钟内结束,最多不可超过20分钟;就词汇部分而言,出题者的本意是要求考生通过阅读一句话来根据上下文(context)猜测某个单词或短语的含义;实际上只要翻字典的速度够快、并掌握一定的技巧即可答对。(注意:电子辞典和带有“职称”字样的辞典严禁携带;考场用的辞典不可太厚,更不可太薄;前者查阅费时费力,后者收词量不足。考生可以携带1本以上的辞典,但每次只能用一本)。

职称英语补全短文 第3课时1

职称英语补全短文第3课时1 PASSAGE 8 Einstein Named "Person of Century" Albert Einstein,whose theories on space time and matter helped unravel the secrets of the atom and of the universe,was chosen as "Person of the Century" by Time magazine on Sunday. A man whose very name is synonymous with scientific genius,Einstein has come to represent_(1)_the flowering of 20th century scientific thought that set the stage for the age of technology. "The world has changed far more in the past 100 years than in any other century in history. The reason is not political or economic,but technological-technologies_(2)_," wrote theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking in a Time essay explaining Einstein's significance. "Clearly,no scientist better represents those advances than Albert Einstein." Time chose as runner-up President Franklin Roosevelt to represent the triumph of freedom and democracy over fascism,and Mahatma Gandhi as an icon for a century when

中考英语 任务型阅读常用的解题技巧

中考英语任务型阅读常用的解题技巧 一、英语任务型阅读 1.阅读短文,⑴根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词;⑵完成同义句转换,每空一词; ⑶⑷⑸根据短文内容回答问题。 Dinosaurs(恐龙)once lived on the earth for a long time. They suddenly disappeared millions of years ago. What happened to them? That's still a mystery. People never stop searching for the answer. Some US scientists say it is because there were not enough male(雄性的)dinosaurs. They got this idea after researching crocodiles(鳄鱼). Mother crocodiles lay eggs and later baby crocodiles come out. The local temperature decides the sex(性别)of the baby crocodile. When the eggs are at a temperature of 26℃ to 30℃,the babies are all girls; when the temperature is 30℃ to 34℃,there are both boys and girls; when it is 34℃ to 36℃, only boys are born. Dinosaurs' babies also came from eggs. So scientists have given us a new picture: millions of years ago, it suddenly became very cold. Almost all dinosaur babies were girls. There were fewer and fewer male dinosaurs. Mother dinosaurs could not give birth to more babies. Finally, these powerful animals disappeared. (1)①e________ as many or as much as necessary ②l________ to produce eggs from the bodies of birds, insects and so on (2)同义句转换 Dinosaurs' babies also came from eggs. Dinosaurs' babies came from eggs ________ ________. (3)When did dinosaurs suddenly disappear? (4)What decides the sex of the baby crocodile? (5)Are the baby crocodiles only boys when it's 35℃? 【答案】(1)enough;lay (2)as;well (3)Millions of years ago. (4)The local temperature. (5)Yes. 【解析】【分析】主要讲了通过调查鳄鱼得知数百万年前恐龙消失的原因。 (1)①根据Some US scientists say it is because there were not enough male(雄性的)dinosaurs.可知是足够的,故填enough。 ②根据Mother crocodiles lay eggs and later baby crocodiles come out.可知是下蛋,故填lay。 (2)句意:恐龙宝宝也从蛋里出生。根据also,也,可知also等于as well,故填as well。 (3)根据They suddenly disappeared millions of years ago,可知数百万年前恐龙消失了,故填Millions of years ago.。


2020职称英语补全短文练习题(1) The Invader of AIDS The invader is small, even in the microscopic world of bacteria and viruses. It is alive only in the strictest sense of the world. It had no intelligence, no means of mobility, no methods of defense in the outside world. It is fragile, easily killed by common household bleach(漂白剂)and even short periods outside the body. 1 . It is the AIDS virus, and it is a killer. AIDS is a disease, caused by a virus that breaks down part of the body’s immune system, leaving a person defenseless against a variety of unusual life-threatening illnesses.2 . The body’s immune system normally provides us the weapons we need to win constant battles with invading viruses, bacteria and other invading organisms. His defense system is powerful but not perfect. 3 . We do not even know that anything is happening. But the AIDS virus acts differently from other invaders. It attacks the very cells that normally protect us. 4 . It turns our own white blood cells into mini-factories or making more viruses. Each time a cell is taken over, it fills up with thousands of new viruses, dies and releases those viruses, with attack more white blood cells. After enough attacks, our defense system is weakened and certain infections and conditions that we normally fight off with no problem take advantage of his weakness.


职称英语补全短文题型介绍及解答技巧 补全短文不会从教材上除原题,所以大家在平时需要自己掌握答题技巧。本部分1篇文章,5个空白,6个选项,将其放回文章原有位置,以恢复文章原貌,分值为10分。从历年考生的反映来看,这种题型重在考查应试者把握文章结构、掌握作者思路的能力。这是一种较高层次的阅读理解能力,难度较大,不宜花太长时间; 另外,选错一个选项可能导致两个错误,所以我们在考试中不宜将本题作为得分点。做对了赚了,做错了也不必担心,主要精力放在词汇、完型和阅读理解上(三部分占75分,其中有将近40%的原题); 其次,补全短文要求考生能够读懂全文,理解大意。同时还需要能理解空白处的上下文,并能理清逻辑关系。 解题技巧: 首先,要先预测选项,注意抓选项主干,猜测选项的大致意思; 同时要注意连词,代词,名词,形容词,副词等的出现; 之后,回到原文中看看空白处所在的位置。如果是在段首句,也许意味着是中心主题句,如果是在段尾句,也许意味着是中心主题句或是细节论述;如果是在段中,意味着是细节论述。 最后,根据空白处的前后句的意思,按先易后难的顺序将原文恢复原貌。做完之后在把文章看一遍,检查一下所填的顺序是否符合文章二下文的要求。 下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章面貌。 Forests for Cities You are standing in a beautiful forest in Japan. The air is clean and smells like plants and flowers. There are 175 different kinds of trees, and 60


一、合理安排答题顺序有技巧 两个优先原则:1、优先做觉得比较简单、比较容易得分的题,或者是选自教材上的原题。2、优先做那些所占分值较高的题,如阅读理解,这样的题得分比较多,将这些题先做完,这样在后面做题的过程中心里会更轻松。 第1步教材原题1篇阅读理解和完形填空:建议用时20-30分钟;第2步词汇选项:建议用时10-15分钟;第3步阅读判断:建议用时10分钟;第4步教材外的2篇阅读理解:建议用时50分钟;第5步补全短文:建议用时10分钟;第6步概括大意与完成句子:建议用时8分钟。 二、查字典有技巧 1、对于词汇选项题,建议查词时最好从b)和c)答案查起。据美国权威机构通过对标准化考试的研究与分析,最终得出结论:在a)、b)、c)、d)四个选项中,b)和c)正确的几率较大。 2、重点查阅单词的常用解释。一个单词有时会有多个意思,但在职称英语考试中一般只考察该词语的前三个义项为主。 3、查词汇要抓住重点,要学习根据上下文意思去理解,切记挨个去查。 三、六大题型答题有技巧 1、词汇选项:(1)先熟后生:把15道题的划线单词浏览一遍,要求掌握的单词,有印象就可以选了(2)一步到位:对于陌生的划线单词,直接查字典。 2、阅读判断:(1)浏览全文,确定题目中的关键词,然后寻找关键词在文章中所在的句子以及段落。(2)根据关键词找出与该陈述句关系最密切的原文句子(可能是一句或几句话),或是句型相似、意思相同(相近、相反)。(2)仔细阅读与陈述句关联的句子(一句或几句话),根据这些句子的信息及其规律与陈述句进行比较,最后做出正确的判断。 3、阅读理解:(1)通读一遍文章及其选项,分析考题的题型


职称英语综合类B级真题(补全短文) 第5部分补全短文(第46-50题,每题1分,共5分) 下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复原貌。 Saving a City’s Public Art Avoiding traffic jams in Los Angeles may be impossible, but the city’s colorful freeway murals(壁画)can brighten even the worst commute. Paintings that depict(描述)famous people and historical scenes cover office buildings and freeway walls all access the city. With a collection of more than 2,000 murals, Los Angeles is the unofficial mural capital of the world. But the combination of graffiti(涂鸦), pollution, and hot sun has left many L.A. murals in terrible condition. _____(46)in the past, experts say, little attention was given to caring for public art. Artists were even expected to maintain their own works, not an easy task with cars racing by along the freeway._____(47)The work started in 2003. So far, 16 walls have been selected and more may be added later. Until about 1960, public murals in Los Angeles were rare. But in the 1960s and 1970s, young L.A. artists began to study early 20th-century Mexican mural painting_____(48) The most famous mural in the city is Judith Baca’s “The Great Wall,” a 13-foot-high(4-meter-high)painting that runs for half a mile (0.8 kilometer) in North Hollywood, _____(49)it took eight years to complete—400 underprivileged teenagers painted the designs—and is probably the longest mural in the world. One of the murals that will be restored now is Kent Twitchell’s “Seventh Street Altarpiece.” which he painted for the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984. _____ (50)


职称英语补全短文答题思路与逻辑推理 1、做题总思路: 从分析题型知道,这类题其实是前两类考题(阅读判断和概括大意与完成句子)的综合,说白一点,它只不过是要找出各选项在原文的出处而已,并且这个出处已经确定了5个填充处给予选择,从这点上说,比前两类题更简单。所以,做前两类题的步骤和技巧,特别是思路和逻辑推理方法,在这类题中运用更合适、更能体现和更能发挥得淋漓尽致。 针对这类题的要求和特点:是要在6个选项句子(陈述句)中分别选出5个符合语法知识、逻辑结构和前后内容意思衔接的选项,补充到原文划线的填充处(是在某段落之前、之后或两句子之中),使原文成为一篇意思完整、前后连贯的短文;根据其要求与特点,有的放矢,我们再次运用综合分析排除法来选出正确的答案:一是不符合语法知识的排除,二是不符合逻辑结构的排除,三是不能使填充处前后内容衔接、意思连贯的排除。 要正确运用这些方法,当然能通读并读懂原文最好,但很难做到并且没有必要这样做,我们的思路总是要化复杂为简单、化难为易、化大为小来做题,所以,我们要把短文化为句子、句子化为单词来做,这样就简单得多了。因此,做这类题的重点,一是选项句子,而选项句子重点是它的中心词,包括:名词、代词和连接词,这三种词是我们必须重视的,也是我们了解该选项句子意思,运用上述三种方法的前提,二是填充处的前后段或前后

句子,弄清楚这个填充处所在位置的意义以及其前后段或前后句子的逻辑关系和内容意思,也是运用上述方法的前提。 2、做题步骤:(根据总思路和参照前两类考题,分四步走) (1)第一步:找出各选项句子中心词:名词、代词和连接词,了解这句子的大概意思(要该选项中划出其中心词并简要写也其大意)。对于中心词的查找方法,除了直接查字典外,请参看前两类考题所述技巧,在此不再赘述。建议:如果有点英语基础,在做这一步之前最好快速游览一个全文,了解全文大概是讲什么的。然后,根据各选项句子的大概意思,初步设想一下它们最有可能的位置和彼此顺序(当然,这也可以不做); (2)第二步:按顺序了解某一个填充处前后段或前后句子的逻辑关系和大概内容意思。这也是类似找中心句子与中心词的方法,找出前后段最接近填充处的句子的中心词(名词、代词和连接词),或者找出填充处前后句子的中心词,了解其大概意思和相互间的逻辑关系; (3)第三步:把选项句子中心词及其大意与填充处前后段或前后句子的逻辑关系及大意进行对照,运用下述的做题技巧,综合分析排除,确定最有可能的选项或直接确定答案;并把确定了的答案把它划去和把最有可能的选项(A、B、C)写到填充处,无论能否确定答案,都要接着往下做下一个填空处,以如类推。因为这类题是6选5,基本上是一个萝卜一个筐,每个选项最多只能用一次,并且基本上都必须用上,所以,不能确定最后唯一答案


职称英语考试阅读理解答题方法和技巧(一)阅读理解的出题思路 从宏观角度来说,阅读理解就是考查应试者对文章主旨和细节信息的理解能力;从微观角度来说,阅读理解就是具体落实到对词汇量、词汇的鉴别和灵活运用以及对语法结构的理解能力、判断能力,甚至阅读速度等能力的考查。 阅读理解是职称英语考试的第四部分,每年的职称英语考试用书都编写了50篇文章。每篇文章大约300~450词。在每篇文章的后面有五个问题,每个问题后有四个选项。正式考试时,有三篇阅读理解短文,一般其中有一篇来自考试用书,另外两篇来自教材外。阅读理解题,每题有3分,共45分。 来自考试用书上的一篇文章,每位应试者可以根据自己报考的级别参见考试用书的目录部分:A级以打“+”为主做重点准备;B级以打“*”为主做重点准备;C级以不打任何符号的文章做重点准备。要注意,文章后面的五个问题有时和教材上的题完全一样,但有时选项的位置会进行调整;有时题干发生一些小的变化(如:增加一些词,减少一些词或替换一些题);有时也重新设题。所以,123职称英语网辅导专家提醒广大考生在备考时,不要死记硬背选项,而要对文章的内容、问题和选项有充分的理解。来自考试用书外的两篇文章通常要比来自考试用书上的文章简单、短小和通俗一些。与从考试用书内出的一篇一样,多以主旨题、事实细节题、推理判断题、归纳总结题以及同义或近义词等为主。 (二)阅读理解的答题方法和技巧 阅读理解部分主要采取“查读法”。 阅读理解部分共有三篇文章,总共45分,分值非常高,尤其是来自考试用书外的两篇文章占了30分,这对很多英语基础薄弱考生来说更是困难重重。 查读法就是要扬长避短,集中精力解决主要问题。具体做法是先看短文后面的五个问题,


职称英语理工B补全短文答案详解 xx年职称英语理工B补全短文答案详解 第5部分:补全短文(第46~50题,每题2分,共10分) 下面的短文有5处空白,短文后面有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。 Avoiding traffic jams in Los Angeles ___y be impossible, but the city's colorful freeway murals(壁画)can brighten even the worst mute. Paintings that depict(描述)famous people and historical s ___nes cover offi ___ buildings and freeway walls all aess the city. With a collection of more than 2,000 murals, Los Angeles is the unofficial mural capital of the world. But the bination of graffiti(涂鸦), pollution, and hot sun has left ___ny L.A. murals in terrible condition. _____(46)in the past, experts say, little attention was given to caring for public art. Artists were even expected to ___intain their own works, not an easy task with cars racing by along the freeway.
