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Princeton 4

Section One: Listening Comprehension

1. (A) Her notebook is missing.

(B) Her handwriting is difficult to read.

(C) She wasn't in class this morning, either.

(D) She's already lent her notes to someone else.

2. (A) Get a schedule of events at the athletic center.

(B) Refer to the bus schedule.

(C) Wait for the shuttle in the student lounge.

(D) Borrow a schedule from another student.

3. (A) She looks good in blue.

(B) She never wears sweaters.

(C) She might prefer another color.

(D) She enjoys receiving gifts.

4. (A) Someone painted it for her.

(B) She finally had time to paint it.

(C) She decided to paint it later.

(D) Some friends will help her paint it.

5. (A) Today's seminar was informative.

(B) Another seminar will take place the following week.

(C) Next week's seminar is on a different topic.

(D) There will be two seminars next week.

6. (A) He's usually happy.

(B) He listens to music when he's in a good mood.

(C) He had to pay a high price for his stereo.

(D) He's pleased with his purchase.

7. (A) He can send the woman additional information.

(B) The woman received the wrong bill.

(C) He agrees that the charges are too high.

(D) He'll credit the woman's account.

8. (A) Answer her calls.

(B) Take her home.

(C) Write out a list of his calls.

(D) Telephone her later in the day.

9. (A} Taking a test.

(B) Giving Spanish tests to students.

(C) Paying for private lessons.

(D) Studying

10. (A) The window is broken.

(B) He's nervous about opening the window.

(C) It's not possible to open the window.

(D) It's too cold to open the window.

11. (A) He wasn't offered the job he had talked about.

(B) He didn't really want to work in the bookstore.

(C) He didn't really want to work in the bookstore was.

(D) He didn't refuse the bookstore job.

12. (A) She needed to change the letter before mailing it.

(B) She didn't know how much postage was needed.

(C) She didn't have the right coins to buy stamps.

(D) The stamp machine has been moved.

13. (A) They should go to lunch soon.

(B) He needs to make more coffee for lunch.

(C) There is enough coffee for several more cups.

(D) He won't drink any more coffee today.

14. (A) There are too many shopping centers already.

(B) They aren't really going to build a shopping center.

(C) He knew about the planned construction.

(D) He hasn't been to the other shopping centers.

15. (A) She has to do some work tomorrow.

(B) She'll attend tomorrow's performance.

(C) She doesn't intend to go to the play.

(D) She can't work at the theater tomorrow.

16. (A) She hasn't seen Kate.

(B) Kate has changed her plans.

(C) The man had misunderstood her.

(D) The man should go to New York next week.

17. (A) He doesn't want to attend the graduation ceremony.

(B) He's attended only one graduation ceremony.

(C) The woman doesn't have to attend the graduation ceremony.

(D) Attendance is taken at the graduation ceremony.

18. (A) Someone from the housing office fixed the faucet.

(B) Allen called the housing office for her.

(C) She replaced the faucet.

(D) Allen repaired the faucet.

19. (A) He didn't know that the woman was class treasurer.

(B) He doesn't want to be treasurer.

(C) He doesn't think the woman should run for office.

(D) He didn't know the elections were today.

20. (A) He doesn't have much time for tennis.

(B) He's enthusiastic about his new courses.

(C) He plays tennis better than she does.

(D) He's not very interested in his school work.

21. (A) He'll drive the woman to the paint store.

(B) He doesn't really like the painting.

(C) He'll hold the painting for the woman.

(D) He doesn't know where the painting is.

22. (A) The man hurried through breakfast.

(B) The room is too warm for a sweater.

(C) The man will be late if he doesn't hurry.

(D) The man's appearance shows that he was rushed.

23. (A) The doctor wasn't feeling well.

(B) He didn't see the new doctor.

(C) The doctor isn't new to the infirmary.

(D) He met the doctor at a conference.

24. (A) Pay Marsha for the bookshelf.

(B) Ask Marsha where the bookshelf is.

(C) Check for the book on Marsha's shelf

(D) Ask Marsha if she has an extra bookshelf.

25. (A) The man can get some paper at the new store.

(B) She just opened a new box of paper.

(C) She'll type the man's paper at her place.

(D) The man can buy today's paper at the newsstand.

26. (A) She saw only part of it,

(B) She couldn't go to see it.

(C) She wasn't in charge of it.

(D) She didn't understand it.

27. (A) He doesn't like old movies.

(B) He didn't see a large number of movies.

(C) He saw more m0vies than the woman did.

(D) His children have seen many movies.

28. (A) The airport is closed due to bad weather.

(B) An earlier closure affected the airport's schedule.

(C) The flight is following its regular schedule

(D) The plane will return to its point of departure.

29. (A) She hadn't begun to study biology.

(B) She hadn't liked the previous biology course.

(C) She did very well in elementary biology,

(D) She'd already taken all the biology courses.

30. (A) She recently moved to Miami.

(B) She needed a vacation.

(C) She'll leave for Miami soon.

(D) She was pleased to get his postcard.

31. (A) It's too noisy.

(B)'It's not convenient to the university,

(C) The heating system is defective.

(D) The owner is unpleasant.

32. (A) Tell the owner two months in advance that she's moving.

(B) Alert the housing authorities to her problem

(C) Move to another apartment in the same building.

(D) Leave by the end of the month.

33. (A) It must be on a higher floor.

(B) It must have quiet surroundings.

(C) It must be within driving distance of the university.

(D) It must be in a new building.

34. (A) Rent would be very expensive.

(B) Public transportation wouldn't be available.

(C) Apartment complexes in Windsor are old.

(D) Apartments in Windsor tend to be noisy.

35. (A) Start a new program at State College.

(B) Study at a different school.

(C) Find a summer job.

(D) Improve her grades.

36. (A) Journalism.

(B) Science.

(C) Management.

(D) Art

37. (A) Its reputation isn't as good as State College's.

(B) She can't get a good recommendation there.

(C) The registration office hasn't answered her letters yet.

(D) She may not get accepted there.

38. (A) Use her professors as references.

(B) Study more to improve her grades.

(C) Think more positively about the State College program.

(D) Write to the head of the art department.

39. (A) summer vacation.

(B) The homing office.

(C) Resident advisers.

(B) Check-out procedures.

40. (A) Register for summer school

(B) Repair holes in room walls.

(C) Return their keys to the housing office.

(D) Call the housing office.

41. (A)Their summer addresses.

(B) Any damage to their rooms.

(C) When they plan to leave.

(C) Questions for the housing office.

42. (A) The liquefaction of gas.

(B) Techniques used for refrigeration.

(C) Materials used to make industrial containers.

(D) The cost of transporting natural gas.

43. (A) It becomes brittle.

(B) It expands.

(C) It oxidizes.

(D) It bends.

44. (A) It has a low melting point.

(B) It's expensive.

(C) It often contains impurities.

(D) Its properties are unpredictable.

45. (A) Oxygen.

(B) Aluminum.

(C) Nickel.

(D) Boron.

46. (A) Behavior of owls in the wild.

(B) Experiments at the London Zoo.

(C) An investigation of accidental animal deaths.

(D) An increase in insects at the zoo.

47. (A) Owl cages.

(B) Insecticide spray.

(C) Sawdust.

(D) Mousetraps.

48. (A) Rats.

(B) Owls.

(C) Mice.

(D) Insects.

49. (A) They choked on sawdust.

(B) They were fed contaminated mice.

(C) They were bitten by deadly insects.

(D) They escaped from the zoo.

50. (A) To illustrate a principle about environmental poisons.

(B) To demonstrate the usefulness of chemicals.

(C) To show how zoo keepers raise mice in captivity.

(D) To prove a point about the building industry

Section Three: Reading Comprehension

Questions 1-11

With its radiant color and plantlike shape, the sea anemone looks more like a flower than an animal. More specifically, the sea anemone is formed quite like the flower for which it is named, with a body like a stem and tentacles like petals in brilliant shades of blue, green, pink, and red. Its diameter varies from about six millimeters in some species to more than ninety centimeters in the giant varieties of Australia. Like corals, hydras, and jellyfish, sea anemones are coelenterates. They can move slowly, but more often they attach the lower part of their cylindrical bodies to rocks, shells, or wharf pilings. The upper end of the sea anemone has a mouth surrounded by tentacles that the animal Uses to capture its food.

Stinging cells in the tentacles throw out tiny poison threads that paralyze other Small sea animals. The tentacles then drag this prey into the sea anemone's mouth. The food is digested in the large inner body cavity. When disturbed, a sea anemone retracts its tentacles and shortens its


高等教育学-模拟练习题库-part1 1、对于教师的专业发展具有决定性作用的知识是(实践性知识)。 2、根据马丁?特罗的理论,高等教育的毛入学率低于15%的属于(精英教育)阶段,毛入学率大于15%小于50%为(大众化)阶段,毛入学率大于50%的为(普及化)阶段。 3、美国在20世纪70年代已完成了由(高等教育大众化向高等教育普及化)过渡的任务。 4、1963年《罗宾斯报告》建议“所有有能力并且有希望从高等教育中受益的人都应该有接受高等教育的机会”,使英国高等教育进入了一个(谁能受益谁升学)的新时代。 5、下列选项不属于我国高校办学自主权的是(人事配置权)。 6、高等教育管理权力下放的关键是(转变政府的职能)。 7、根据美国学者伯顿对各国高等教育系统的分类,(意大利)的高等教育办学模式为“单一公立系统,单一的管理部门”。 8、影响个体身心发展的因素有部因素和外部因素,而实现部因素和外部因素有机整合的途径是(社会实践)。 9、高等教育促进个体的主体性发展,主要是指要促进人的(主体意识)和主观能力的发展。 10、个体发展的部影响因素包括遗传和(主观能动性)。 11、通过高等教育,个体掌握了特定文化中的行为规,形成了特定文化所需要的社会性,从而在行为层面上成为合格的社会成员。这体现了高等教育(促进个体行为社会化)的作用。 12、高等教育的负向功能意味着高等教育结果的非目的性。近年来社会上掀起的高学历热,导致人们竞相追求高学历而导致高等教育存在过度教育现象,严重浪费教育资源。这反映出高等教育负向功能的(难以消除性)特征。 13、高等教育对个体的促进功能不包括(培养合格公民)。 14、高等教育的负向功能的基本特征不包括(自由性)。 15、高等教育是国家有组织地传播主流思想意识和(社会价值观)的重要途径。 16、承载大学教学、科研、社会服务等工作的基础和载体并体现高校办学水平和社会声誉标志的是(学科建设)。 17、高等学校的核心职能是(科学研究)。 18、普林斯顿大学在20世纪早期还只是一个名不见经传的学校,但由于爱伊斯坦的加盟以及在“曼哈顿工程”中的出色研究,使其成为现今美国最顶尖的大学之一。就科研对学科建设的促进作用来说,这一情况表明(科研可以保证学科的学术声誉)。 19、我国2016年开展的第四轮学科评估是从师资队伍与资源、人才培养质量、科学研究水平、社会服务于学科声誉等四个方面对学科建设进行评估,这表明一个学科能否成为重点学科,(从事科研的人员素质以及科研成果是否达到国际或国领先水平)是最重要的指标。20、以下关于高校的教学、科研和社会服务三者关系的结论中,正确的说法是(教学是根本,科研是源头,服务是深化)。 21、高校科研选题的(价值性原则)要求所选课题要对当前社会所出现问题的解决有一定帮助。 22、下列命题中体现高等教育政治功能的是(高等教育要培养社会主义事业的建设者和接班人)。 23、高校教师自主确定教学的容、教材和方法,提出自己独到的观点,形成“百家争鸣”的局面,这反映了高等教育文化功能中的(文化选择功能)。 24、高等学校面向产业界进行科技成果的开发、转化和推广,对社会发展起到重要的推动作用,这体现的是高等教育的(经济功能)。 25、高等教育的发展从根本上受制于(经济增长的质量与效果)。 26、下列关于高等教育的经济功能的表述中,不正确的是(高等教育通过培养人才可以决定


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3 People fishing on a lake must wait calmly so as not to scare the fish away. A. considerately C. alertly B. hungrily D. quietly 4 When department stores have an oversupply of good, they frequently cut prices to encourage sales. A. conceal C. damage B. review D. reduce 以上就是关于全真TOEFL试题集的部分内容,托福阅读做题量不在多,关键在于你所选择的材料和你是否把这些真题真正弄懂,好资料我们已经上传,供大家下载,接下来就靠大家努力啊! 相关字搜索:全真TOEFL试题集-阅读



创造力自我测验题 【指导语】 美国普林斯顿创造力研究所对招聘科技人员有一整套测试方法。以下是从中选出的45个问题,看似简单,只要按题正确而又坦率地作出你的选择,5分钟就可交卷。全部答毕,再看后面每题的得分,将总分相加。 【开始测验】 01.我在学习、工作时总是用正确的方法解决问题。 A.一非常同意 B.一般同意 C.模棱两可 D.不同意 E.强烈反对 02.如果知道提出问题没有希望得到答案而依然提出问题,这是浪费时间。 A.非常同意 B.一般同意 C.模棱两可 D.不同意 E.强烈反对 03.我认为解决问题的最好途径是循序渐进。 A.非常同意 B.一般同意 C.模棱两可 D.不同意 E. 强烈反对 04.有时我明知我的有些意见提出之后别人会不感兴趣,我仍然要提出我的看法。 A.非常同意 B. 一般同意 C.模棱两可 D.不同意 E.强烈反对 05.我花费很多时间考虑别人对我的看法。 A.非常同意 B.一般同意 C.模棱两可

D.不同意 E.强烈反对 06.我认为做一件事主要是自己觉得应该去做,而不是为了赢得别人的赞同。 A.非常同意 B.一般同意 C.模棱两可 D.不同意 E.强烈反对 07.我能长时期盯住困难问题不放。 A.非常同意 B.一般同意 C.模棱两可 D.不同意 E.强烈反对 08.有时我会对某些事物显得过分热情。 A.非常同意 B.一般同意 C.模棱两可 D.不同意 E.强烈反对 09.我经常在无所事事之时获得灵感。 A.非常同意 B.一般同意 C.模棱两可 D.不同意 E.强烈反对 10.解决问题的过程中,分析问题很快,而综合得到的信息却很慢。 A.非常同意 B.一般同意 C.模棱两可 D.不同意 E.强烈反对 11.我有搜集某些物品的嗜好。 A.非常同意 B.一般同意 C.模棱两可 D.不同意 E.强烈反对 12.幻想是我的许多设想的源泉。 A.非常同意 B.一般同意 C.模棱两可

六年级下册语文试题-1至3单元单元检测卷(三) 人教新课标 无答案

2019年春季小学语文六年级下册单元检测题三(1至3单元)(完成时间:90分钟书写占2分总分:100分) 班别:姓名:成绩:等级: 一、听力测试:听老师把“综合复习”里《养花》这篇课文第1至3自然段 读一遍,然后判断正误,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(6分) 1.花开得大小好坏都不计较,只要开花,“我”就高兴。() 2.“我”养的花虽多,但是没有奇花异草。() 3.好种易活的花草自己会奋斗,置之不理也不会死的。() 二、基础知识。(共35分) 1.读拼音,写汉字。(7分) zhēng róng áo jié duàn cán bào ()()粥 ( )然()炼()2.解释加点的字。(3分) 弈.()秋,通.()国之善.()奕者也。 3.照样子,补充词语。(7分) 黑(沉沉)红()白()暖() 热()绿()亮()冷()4.在横线上填写合适的内容。(6分) 冷得()高兴得()睡得() 热得()激动得()急得()5.按要求写句子。(12分) (1)他借着微弱的亮光看摆在双膝上的一本破旧的书。(缩句) (2)我何曾留着游丝样的痕迹呢?(改成陈述句) (3)我一定要把事情弄清楚。(改为双重否定句) (4)书籍好比一架梯子,它引领我们登上知识的殿堂。(以“时间”为话题, 第 1 页(共 5 页)

仿写一个比喻句) 三、语言积累:按要求默写句子。(8分) 《文心雕龙》里的“()”告诉我们实践才能晓真知的道理;当我的伙伴在做某件事情半途而废时,我会用《左传》中的:“()”劝告他。四、课外拓展题。(2分) 老舍,中国小说家、剧作家。著有长篇小说《》、《赵子日》等,于1951年北京市人民政府授予“()”称号。五、阅读感悟:阅读短文,完成练习。(共19分) (一)两小儿辩日 孔子东游,见两小儿辩斗,问其故。 一儿曰:“我以日始出时去人近,而日中时远也。” 一儿以日初出远,而日中时近也。 一儿曰:“日初出大如车盖,及日中,则如盘盂,此不为远者小而近者大乎?” 一儿曰:“日初出沧沧凉凉,及其日中如探汤,此不为近者热而远者凉乎?”孔子不能决也。 两小儿笑曰:“孰为汝多知乎!” 1.给下列生字注音。(2分) 盂()孰()汝()沧() 2. 从文中哪一句话可见两小儿辩论内容的复杂性?(1分) 3.联系课文,说说下面句子的意思。(2分) 孰为汝多知乎! (二)爱因斯坦的故事 爱因斯坦是一位赫赫有名的科学家,他担任普林斯顿高级研究所主任后更忙了,很少能呆在办公室里,一切日常事务工作都由秘书处理。 第 2 页(共 5 页)


TOEFL全真试题 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理了托福练习试题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 TOEFL全真试题1 Reading Comprehension Time: 55 minutes (including the reading of the directions). Now set your clock for 55 minutes.Question 1-12 Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some cases millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the petals is called the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically


创造力测试 美国普林斯顿创造才能研究公司总经理、心理学家尤金?劳德塞,根据几年来对善于思考、富有创造力的男女科学家、工程师和企业经理的个性和品质的研究,设计了下面这套简单的试题,试验者只要10分钟的时间,就可知道自己是否具有创造才能。当然,如果你需要慎重考虑一下,适当延长试验时间也不会影响测试效果。 试验时,只要在每一句话后面,用一个字母表示你同意或不同意: (1)同意的用A,不同意的用C,吃不准或不知道的用B; (2)回答必须准确、忠实,不要猜测。 实验试题: 1.我不做盲目的事,也就是我总是有的放矢,用正确的步骤来解决每一个具体问题。 A B C 2.我认为,只提出问题而不想获得答案,无疑是浪费时间。 A B C 3.无论什么事情,要我发生兴趣,总比别人困难。 A B C 4.我认为,合乎逻辑的、循序渐进的方法,是解决问题的最好方法。 A B C 5.有时,我在小组里发表的意见,似乎使一些人感到厌烦。 A B C 6.我花费大量时间来考虑别人是怎样看待我的。 A B C 7.做自认为是正确的事情,比力求博得别人的赞同要重要得多。 A B C 8.我不尊重那些做事似乎没有把握的人。 A B C 9.我需要的刺激和兴趣比别人多。 A B C 10.我知道如何在考验面前,保持自己的内心镇静。

A B C 11.我能坚持很长一段时间解决难题。 A B C 12.有时我对事情过于热心。 A B C 13.在无事可做时,我倒常常想出好主意。 A B C 14.在解决问题时,我常常单凭直觉来判断“正确”或“错误”。 A B C 15.在解决问题时,我分析问题较快,而综合所收集的资料较慢。 A B C 16.有时我打破常规去做我原来并未想到要做的事。 A B C 17.我有收藏癖。 A B C 18.幻想促进了我许多重要计划的提出。 A B C 19.我喜欢客观而又理性的人。 A B C 20.如果要我在本职工作之外的两种职业中选择一种,我宁愿当一个实际工作者,而不当探索者。 A B C 21.我能与自己的同事或同行们很好地相处。 A B C 22.我有较高的审美感。 A B C 23.在我的一生中,我一直在追求着名利和地位。 A B C 24.我喜欢坚信自己的结论的人。 A B C 25.灵感与获得成功无关。


学 生 综 合 能 力 测 试 题 姓名: 年级: 学校: 总测试时间:40分钟

一、观察力测试 (总时间:5分钟) 1、观察细致性测试(每题2分,共6分) (1)说出下面各图中少了什么东西,并把缺少的部分画出来。 (2)说出下面图画画的是什么?各处于什么状态? (1)(2)(3)(4) (3)下面的面孔有一张很特别,与谁都不相同,你能指出来吗? 请在图上打钩。

2、观察概括性测试(每题2分,共4分) (1)把下面两幅画的内容用一个成语写下来。 (2)把下面三幅画的内容用一个成语说出来。 (1)(2)

二、空间想象能力测试 (总时间:8分钟) 指导语:本测验测查空间想象能力,分三部分,每部分都有一定的时间限定,请在规定的时间内认真做完每部分题目。 (一)在空格上写出每个物体各有几个方面。为了使你能跟好地理解解题,请先看例题。 例:以下的物体A一共有6个面,所以在虚线上写6。下边的物体B有一个项,3各地面,4个外平面和2个内平面,共10个面,所以在空格中写上10。 A…6……… B…10… 共10小题,要求在2分钟内作完。 题目:仔细研究下列图形,你觉得有把握回答时,再作题。时间2分钟。 1 (二)仔细观察下列各对骰子。按骰子的点所标示的范围来判断一对骰子中的 第一个能够转成第二个所处的方位。如果能,请在“是”上画圈;如果不能请在“否”上花圈。 2 3 4 8 9 10

不要猜答案,对本测题来说,答不出也比答错强。共5小题,要求在2分钟内作完。 (三)下列各行图像的第一个都是一个立体物体,找出各行图像中是第一个图像处于不同方位下的相同的物体。时间3分钟。 是否 是否 是否 是否 1 2 A 1 2 3 5 是否


TOEFL普林斯顿样题1语法笔记 编委:Maya 1. Simple photographic lenses cannot _____ sharp, undistorted images over a wide field. (A) to form (B) are formed (C) forming (D) form Key: D 分析:考点是情态动词。句子主语为simple photographic lenses,宾语为images,所以空格处应和情态动词cannot构成句子的复合谓语。值得注意的是form是及物动词,其后要加宾语。 参考译文:简易的摄像机镜头不能捕捉住大范围的清晰而不失真的影像。 2. Of all the factors affecting agricultural yields, weather is the one ____ the most. (A) it influences farmers (B) that influences farmers (C) farmers that it influences (D) why farmers influence it Key: B 分析:考点是定语从句逗号前是介词短语做状语,逗号后才是这句话的主句。Weather is the one(factor),one代替前面的factor,句子已经完整。则the one后的空格应修饰the one,选B,that引导定语从句。 参考译文:在所有影响农业的因素中,天气是对农民影响最大的因素之一。 3. Beverly Sills, ______ assumed directorship of the New York City Opera in 1979. (A) be a star soprano (B) was a star soprano (C) a star soprano and (D) a star soprano Key: D 分析:考点是同位语句子主语是BS,谓语是assumed,宾语是directorship,主语后的空格应该为主语的同位语,起解释说明的作用。 参考译文:著名的女高音Beverly Sills, 曾于1979年在纽约市歌剧院担任指挥。 1 版权所有水妖的岛


Princeton 4 Section One: Listening Comprehension 1. (A) Her notebook is missing. (B) Her handwriting is difficult to read. (C) She wasn't in class this morning, either. (D) She's already lent her notes to someone else. 2. (A) Get a schedule of events at the athletic center. (B) Refer to the bus schedule. (C) Wait for the shuttle in the student lounge. (D) Borrow a schedule from another student. 3. (A) She looks good in blue. (B) She never wears sweaters. (C) She might prefer another color. (D) She enjoys receiving gifts. 4. (A) Someone painted it for her. (B) She finally had time to paint it. (C) She decided to paint it later. (D) Some friends will help her paint it. 5. (A) Today's seminar was informative. (B) Another seminar will take place the following week. (C) Next week's seminar is on a different topic. (D) There will be two seminars next week. 6. (A) He's usually happy. (B) He listens to music when he's in a good mood. (C) He had to pay a high price for his stereo. (D) He's pleased with his purchase. 7. (A) He can send the woman additional information. (B) The woman received the wrong bill. (C) He agrees that the charges are too high. (D) He'll credit the woman's account. 8. (A) Answer her calls. (B) Take her home. (C) Write out a list of his calls. (D) Telephone her later in the day. 9. (A} Taking a test. (B) Giving Spanish tests to students. (C) Paying for private lessons. (D) Studying 10. (A) The window is broken. (B) He's nervous about opening the window. (C) It's not possible to open the window. (D) It's too cold to open the window. 11. (A) He wasn't offered the job he had talked about. (B) He didn't really want to work in the bookstore. (C) He didn't really want to work in the bookstore was. (D) He didn't refuse the bookstore job. 12. (A) She needed to change the letter before mailing it. (B) She didn't know how much postage was needed. (C) She didn't have the right coins to buy stamps.



美术专业理论知识(一) 一、填空题(40分) 1、中国新石器时代的绘画艺术,主要体现在(彩陶)的装饰纹样上。 2、在(峙峪)人和(山顶洞)人的装饰品上,呈现出成熟的钻孔技术,这在雕刻史上具有重要意义。 3、青铜器中的(礼器 ),是统治阶级用以区别尊卑等级的器物。 4、秦汉时代的美术中,兼有绘画与雕刻两种特点的是(画像石)与(画像砖)。 5、《霍去病墓前石刻》被称为“汉人石刻,气魄深沉雄大”的杰出代表,其主体雕刻是《马踏匈奴》。 6、六朝三大家指的是(顾恺之、陆探微、张僧繇)。 7、世界上现存最早的敞肩拱桥是隋代的(安济桥(赵州桥))。 8、画史上“吴带当风,曹衣出水”分别指的是

唐代画家(吴道子)和北齐画家(曹仲达)所独创的宗教图像样式。 9、唐代画马的名家是(韩干)、画牛的名家是(韩滉)。 10、“徐黄异体”指的是五代画家(徐熙)和(黄筌)的花鸟画风格。 11、宋代瓷器生产的五大名窑指的是(定、哥、汝、官、钧)窑。 12、宋代文人画赋予梅兰竹菊以道德品格,号称“(四君子画)”。其后成为传统绘画中的独特门类。 13、元代肖像画家(王绎),驰名江浙一带,著《写像秘诀》一书。 14、把写意花鸟推向新阶段的两名主要画家是(陈淳、徐渭)。 15、明代后期,在肖像画的发展中,以(曾鲸)为代表的墨骨敷彩画法,在当时的文人中影响很大。 16、“扬州八怪”大致分为三类:其中一类是厌

弃官场的文人画家,如(金农、高翔、汪士慎)等。 17、明清时期我国著名的四大名绣是(苏绣、粤绣、蜀绣)和(湘绣)。 18、被视为“海派”名家,但未定居上海的画家,有(赵之谦)和(虚谷)。 19、天津泥人张被徐悲鸿成为“虽杨惠之不足过也”。其创始人是(张长林)。 20、奠定擦笔水彩画法,并用时装美女做月份牌主要描写对象的是(郑曼陀)。 填空 1、“似与不似之间”是现代画家齐白石提出的绘画理论。 2、在绘画技法中,中国画通常采用高远、平远、深远的“散点”透视法取景作画的,而西画采用的则是焦点透视法。 3、我国著名的四大石窟是指麦积山石窟、云冈石窟、龙门石窟、敦煌莫高窟等石窟,它们分别位于甘肃省、山西省、河南省和甘肃省境内。

语法-普林斯顿样题 2

普林斯顿样题2 1. Helium is _____ all gases to liquefy and is impossible to solidify at normal air pressure. (A) more than difficult (B) the most difficult of (C) more difficult of (D) most difficult 2. Every year Canadian ______ about 75 percent of their exports to the United States. (A) businesses that sell (B) selling businesses (C)businesses sell (D) that sell to businesses 3. An innovator(主语同位语), ballerina Augusta Maywood was ___ a traveling company. (A) to form the first (B) the first to form (C) who formed the first (D) forming the first 4. When water freezes in the cracks of rocks(时间状语), _____ expands, causing the rocks to break apart(结果状语). (A) it (B) but (C) then (D) and 5. With x-ray microscopes scientists can see through live insects ___ even through solid pieces of metal. (A) however (B) nevertheless (C) or (D) yet 6. Dennis Chavez of New Mexico _____ to the House of Representatives in 1930 and to the Senate in 1938. (A) when elected (B) elected (C) who was elected (D) was elected 7. _______ are not leached out of soil, reclamation procedures are needed to restore the land’s productivity. (A) For concentration of salt (B) Salt concentrations that (C) If salt concentrations (D) With concentrations of salt


七年级下册第一单元测试题 一、单选题(本大题共4小题,共14分) 1.下列加点字音全对的一组是() A. 殷.红(yān)校.补(jiào)军帖.(tiě)鲜.为人知(xiān) B. 污秽(suì)钥匙(shī)硕果(shuò)鞠躬尽瘁(jǖ) C. 可汗.(hàn)惩.罚(chéng)哺.育(bǔ)锲.而不舍(qì) D. 气氛.(fēn)相称.(chèn)亘.古(gèn)深恶.痛疾(wù) 2.在下列句子的横线处填入的词语最恰当的一项是() ①对这一转变作出了巨大贡献的,有一位长期以来________的科学家:邓稼先。 ②那是中华民族________的时代,是有亡国灭种危险的时代。 ③邓稼先是中华民族核武器事业的奠基人和开拓者。张爱萍将军称他为“两弹元 勋”,他是________的。 ④今天,一个世纪以后,中国人站起来了。这是千千万万人努力的结果,是许许多 多________的英雄人物创造出来的伟大胜利。 ⑤1949年到1966年我在普林斯顿高等学术研究所工作,前后17年的时间里所长都 是物理学家奥本海默。当时他是美国________的人物。 A. ①鲜为人知②任人宰割③当之无愧④可歌可泣⑤家喻户晓 B. ①当之无愧②任人宰割③家喻户晓④鲜为人知⑤可歌可泣 C. ①鲜为人知②任人宰割③当之无愧④家喻户晓⑤可歌可泣 D. ①可歌可泣②家喻户晓③任人宰割④鲜为人知⑤当之无愧 3.下列语句中没有语病的一项是( ) A. 在成都市教育局的热情邀请下,诗人郑愁予远道而来,与成都教师共享文学之 乐。 B. 随着我市“阳光体育活动”广泛开展,同学们的身体素质得到了极大的改善。 C. 受“厄尔尼诺”现象影响,黄河流域干旱严重,专家预测小麦将减产大约30% 左右。 D. 为了避免受打扰的事情不再发生,金庸先生闭门谢客,低调地度过了92岁生日。 4.下列各句中加下划线的成语使用不正确的一项是 A. 净水器价格悬殊,质量参差不齐,购买者常常不知如何选择。 B. 据称迪士尼真人版《花木兰》将由白人担任男主角,情节也跟动画版《花木兰》 大相径庭。 C. 父母常年在外,奶奶年迈多病,拈轻怕重,很多农活儿就落在了年仅十二岁的 王安身上。


新托福口语考试试题小范例 (发布时间:2007-8-7 15:31:00 来自:模考网 实例: Narrator: “Public transportation should be encouraged instead of private cars.” Do you agree with this statement? Please give reasons for your answer. You may begin to prepare your response after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Preparation time: 15 seconds Response time: 45 seconds Narrator: Please begin speaking after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Suggested Answer: With the improvement of living standards, some people can afford to buy their own cars. They drive to work or drive to the suburbs, enjoying the happy holidays. Yet, private cars can’t replace public transportation, such as buses or subways. Compared with private cars, buses and subways have several advantages. First, they are very cheap. A

普林斯顿样题1 section 2

不做能力之外的事,但要做全能之内的每一件事。一个人应当将人类最伟大的责任及其目标与理想,放在日常生活,及当下所发生的事物之上。例如:藉由这些练习的养成,来发展自我,以便于帮助同人类,提供建议。即使不见得在短期之内能见到成果。这便是正精进(To let all the foregoing exercises become a habit) 普林斯顿样题① Section 2

1. Simple photographic lenses cannot _____ sharp, undistorted images over a 宾语状语wide field. (A) to form (B) are formed (C) forming (D) form 分析:考点是情态动词与动词原形构成谓语。句子主语为simple photographic lenses,宾语为images,所以空格处应和情态动词cannot构成句子的复合谓语。参考译文:简易的摄像机镜头不能捕捉住大范围的清晰而不失真的影像。 2. Of all the factors affecting agricultural yields, weather is 状语主语谓语 most. (A) it influences farmers (B) that influences farmers (C) farmers that it influences (D) why farmers influence it 分析:考点是定语从句。逗号前是介词短语做状语,逗号后才是这句话的主句。Weather is the one(factor),one代替前面的factor,句子已经完整。则the one 后的空格应修饰the one, that在此引导定语从句。 参考译文:在所有影响农业收成的因素中,天气是对农民影响最大的因素之一。 3. Beverly Sills, ______, assumed directorship of the New York City Opera in 主语同位语谓语宾语定语状语1979. (A) be a star soprano (B) was a star soprano (C) a star soprano and (D) a star soprano 分析:考点是同位语。句子主语是BS,谓语是assumed,宾语是directorship,主语后的空格应该为主语的同位语,起补充说明主语的作用。 参考译文:著名的女高音Beverly Sills, 曾于1979年在纽约市歌剧院担任指挥。 4. ______ of tissues is known as histology.


宁强三中七年级语文下册第一单元综合检测试题 一、积累和运用(共6小题,计17分) 1. 下列各组词语中,加点字的读音全都正确的一组是(2分)() A. 殷.红yān校.补jiào深恶.痛绝wù锲.而不舍qì B. 澎湃.pài选聘.pìn妇孺.皆知rú兀.兀穷年wù C. 赫然hè..咳嗽.shòu鲜.为人知xuǎn热泪满眶.kuàng D. 无垠.yín彷.徨páng目不窥.园kuì炯.炯有神jiǒng 2. 下列各组词语中,汉字书写全都正确的一组是(2分)() A. 疙瘩小揩层出不穷截然不同 B. 典籍抱歉鞠躬尽悴高潮迭起 C. 元勋薪金无暇及此家喻户晓 D. 深宵抹杀锋芒必露可歌可泣 3. 请从所给的三个词语中,选出一个最符合语境的填写在横线上。(2分) (1)中华民族的儿女要以永不(怠慢懈怠疏懒)的精神状态和一往无前的奋斗姿态,继续朝着实现中华民族伟大复兴的宏伟目标奋勇前进。 (2)梦在前方,路在脚下。自胜者强,自强者胜。实现我们的发展目标,需要广大青年(刚毅不屈不屈不挠锲而不舍)、驰而不息的努力。 4. 经典诗文默写。(6分) (1),弹琴复长啸。(王维《竹里馆》) (2),何人不起故园情。(李白《春夜洛城闻笛》)(3)杨花榆荚无才思,。(韩愈《晚春》) (4)马上相逢无纸笔,。(岑参《逢入京使》)(5)君问归期未有期,。(李商隐《夜雨寄北》)(6)峨眉山月半轮秋,。(李白《峨眉山月歌》) 5. 阅读语段,按要求完成下面的题目。(3分) ①中华文明历史悠久,从先秦两汉,到隋唐宋明,经历了数个学术思想繁荣时期。②在漫漫历史长河中,中华民族产生了儒、释、道等……各家学说,涌现了孔子、孟子、鲁迅等一大批思想大家,留下了浩如烟海的文化遗产。③中国古代大量鸿篇巨制中包含着丰富的哲学社会科学内容,包含着丰富的治国理政智慧。④这些为古人改造世界、认识世界提供了重要依据,也为中华文明提供了重要内容,为人类文明做出了巨大贡献。 (1)第②句的标点符号使用有误,请将修改意见写在下面的横线上。(1分) .


0308托福试题 阅读(55minutes) Question 1-11 If food is allowed to stand for some time, it putrefies .When the putrefied material is examined microscopically ,it is found to be teeming with bacteria. Where do these bacteria come from , since they are not seen in fresh food? Even until the mid-nineteenth century, many people believed that such microorganisms originated by spontaneous (5 ) generation ,a hypothetical process by which living organisms develop from nonliving matter. The most powerful opponent of the theory of spontaneous generation was the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur(1822-1895).Pasteur showed that structures present in air closely resemble the microorganisms seen in putrefying materials .He did (10) this by passing air through guncotton filters, the fibers of which stop solid particles. After the guncotton was dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, the particles that it had trapped fell to the bottom of the liquid and were examined on a microscope slide .Pasteur found that in ordinary air these exists a variety of


创造力测试题 美国心理学家尤金?劳德赛,设计了下面的测验题,并指出试验者只需10分钟左右的时间,就可测出自己的创造力水平。试验时,只需在每一句话后面,用一个字母表示同意或不同意,同意的用A,不同意的用C,不清楚或吃不准的用B。回答必须准确、忠实。 (1)我不做盲目的事,也就是我总是有的放矢,用正确的步骤来解决每一个具体问题。 (2)我认为,只提出问题而不想获得答案,无疑是浪费时间。 (3)无论什么事情要我发生兴趣,总比别人困难。 (4)我认为合乎逻辑的、循序渐进的方法,是解决问题的最好可法。 (5)有时,我在小组里发表的意见,似乎使一些人感到厌烦。 (6)我花大量时间来考虑别人是怎样看我的。 (7)我自认为是正确的事情,比力求博得别人的赞同要重要得多。 (8)我不尊重那些做事似乎没有把握的人。 (9)我需要的刺激和兴趣比别人多。

(10)我知道如何在考验面前,保持自己的内心镇静。 (11)我能坚持很长一段时间来解决难题。 (12)有时我对事情过于热心。 (13)在特别无事可做时,我倒常常想出好主意。 (14)解决问题时,我常单凭直觉来判断“正确”或“错误”。 (15)解决问题时,我分析问题较快,而综合所收集的资料较慢。 (16)有时我打破常规去做我原来并未想到要做的事。 (17)我有搜集东西的癖好。 (18)幻想促进了我许多重要计划的提出。 (19)我喜欢客观而有理性的人。 (20)如果我在本职工作之外的两种职业中选择一种,我宁愿当一个实际工作者,而不当探索者。 (21)我能与我的同事或同行们很好地相处。 (22)我有较高的审美感。 (23)在我一生中。我一直在追求着名利和地位。 (24)我喜欢那些坚信自己结论的人。 (25)灵感与成功无关。 (26)争论时使我感到最高兴的是,原来与我观点不一致的人变成了我的朋友,即使牺牲我原先的观点也在所不惜。 (27)我更太的兴趣在于提出新建议,而不在于设法说


林斯顿样题 2 1. Helium is _____ all gases to liquefy and is impossible to solidify at normal air pressure. (A) more than difficult (B) the most difficult of (C) more difficult of (D) most difficult 2. Every year Canadian ______ about 75 percent of their exports to the United States. (A) businesses that sell (B) selling businesses (C) businesses sell (D) that sell to businesses 3. An innovator, ballerina Augusta Maywood was ___ a traveling company. (A) to form the first (B) the first to form (C) who formed the first (D) forming the first 4. When water freezes in the cracks of rocks, _____ expands, causing the rocks to break apart. (A) it (B) but (C) then (D) and 5. With x-ray microscopes scientists can see through live insects ___ even through solid pieces of metal. (A) however (B) nevertheless (C) or (D) yet 6. Dennis Chavez of New Mexico _____ to the House of Representatives in 1930 and to the Senate in 1938. (A) when elected (B) elected (C) who was elected (D) was elected 7. _______ are not leached out of soil, reclamation procedures are needed to restore the land’s productivity. (A) For concentration of salt (B) Salt concentrations that (C) If salt concentrations (D) With concentrations of salt 8. ______ social crusade aroused Elizabeth Williams’ enthusiasm more than the expansion of educational facilities for immigrants to the United States. (A) No (B) Nothing
