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下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。1With immense relief , I stopped running





2 The scientists began to accumulate data.





3 Jack eventually overtook the last truck





4 Sometimes it is advisable to book hotels in advance.





5 The reason for their unusual behavior remains a puzzle.




6 That guy is really witty.





7 The world champion suffered a sensational defeat.





8 It seems that only Mary is eligible for the job





9 This poem depicts the beautiful scenery of a town in the south





10 The meaning is still obscure




11Dumped waste might contaminate water supplies





12 one theory postulates that the ancient Filipinos came from lndia and Persia





13 It is very difficult for a child to adhere to rules





14 I hope that I didn?t do anything absurd.1ast night





15 There should be laws that prohibit smoking around children







Sleep Problems Plague the Older Set

Older Amer icans often have difficulty getting a good night?S rest.It's a huge quality—of-life problem,experts say,because contrary to popular belief,seniors require about the same amount of sleep as younger adults.

“Sleep problems and sleep disorders are not an in herent(固有的)pa rt of aging,”said Dr.Harrison

G.Bloom,an associate clinical professor of geriatrics(老年病学)and medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.“It?S pretty much of a myth that older people need less sleep than younger people.”(e xamda)

Yet in a study published recently in The American Journal of Medicine,researchers found that more than half of older Americans have problems getting the sleep they need.

older people tend to have“sleep fragmentation,”meaning they wake up more of ten during the night,said study author Dr.Julie Gammck,an assistant professor of medicine in the Division of Geriatric Medicine at St.Louis University.

They also seem to get less“REM”sleep,the type of sleep during which rapid eye movement occurs,Bloom added.

It?s unclear what role these naturally occurring changes in sleep patterns have on person?s quality of life,Bloom said.“What is important,though,is that older people often have actual sleep disorders and problems with sleep,”he said.

And,experts say,there is usually more than one cause.

“Sleep trouble in older adults is typically associated with acute and chronic illnesses,including specific sleep disorders like sleep apnea(呼吸暂停)and restless leg syndrome that appear with greater frequency in older populations,”said Michael V.Vitiello , a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and associate director of the University of Washington?S Northwest Geriatric Education Center.

Taking multiple medications,as many older people do,can also lead t0 fatigue a“ hypersomnia ,”or being tired all the time,Bloom added.

Another big problem,he noted,IS depression and anxiety.“Those are very commonly associated with sleep problems.”

Despite the prevalence(流行)of sleep difficulties in older adults,m any pat ients Aren?t getting the help they need。As a result,problems like insomnia(失眠),restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea are underdiagnosed and undertreated,Bloom said.

16. Sleep problems can seriously affect one?s quality of life



C.Not mentioned

17. it is true that older people need less sleep than younger people



C.Not mentioned

18 Younger people in America seldom complain of sleep disorders.

A Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

19. The number of older Americans with sleep problems is not small.



C.Not mentioned

20. “SIeep fragmentation” refers to a marked lack of “REM” sleep



C.Not mentioned

21. The causes of sleep problems in older people remain unidentified.



C.Not mentioned

22. Actions will soon be taken in America to better help people with sleep problems



C.Not mentioned




Depression and the Elderly

1 We all feel sad at times.However,clinical depression is a serious matter.Clinical depression, sometimes called major depression,is a biologically based brain disorder that affects one?s thoughts,feelings,behavior,and physical health.When people complain that they feel terrible,they have no interest or take no pleasure

in things,have trouble sleeping,lack energy,have poor appetite,or cannot concentrate,depression is a definite possibility.

2 Depression in its many forms affects more than 6.5 million of the 35 million Americans who are 65 years or older.Most older people with depression have been suffering from episodes(发作)of the illness during much of their lives。For others.depression has a first onset(起病)in late life—even for those in their 80s and 90s. Depression in older persons is closely associated with dependency and disability and causes great suffering for the individual and the family

3 Many older people and their families don?t-recognize the symptoms of depression,aren?t aware that it is a medical illness,and don?t know how it is treated Others may mistake the symptoms of depression as sighs of dementia(痴呆).Also,many older people think that depression is a character flaw(缺陷)and are worried about being stigmatized(给…带来耻辱),SO they blame themselves for their illness and are too ashamed(羞耻的)to get help,Others worry that treatm ent would be too costly.

4 Older persons with depression rarely seek treatment for the illness。Unrecognized and untreated depression has fatal consequences in terms of both suicide and non-suicide mortality(死亡率).The highest rate of suicide in the US is among older white men?Depression IS the single most significant risk factor for suicide in that population。Tragically,many of those people who go on to commit suicide have reached out for help -20%see a doctor the day they die,40%the week they die,and 70%in the month they die. Yet depression is frequently missed.

23. Paragraph 1----------------

24. Paragraph 2----------------

25. Paragraph 3----------------

26. Paragraph 4----------------

A How common is depression in later life?

B What is depression?

C What relieves depression in older people?

D Why does depression in older people often go untreated?

E Can depression in older people be treated?

F What are the consequences of untreated depression in older people?

27. Clinical depression is different from-------------

28. Depression in older people is strongly linked with--------------

29. Depression is regarded by many older people as--------------

30. Many older people commit suicide as a result of----------------

A a character

B normal sadness and grief

C a definite possibility

D dependency and disability

E a significant risk factor

F unrecognized and untreated depression





Centers of the Great European Cities.

The centers of the great cities of Europe are meeting places by tradition.People gather there to drink coffee and chat late into the night.A mixture of locals and tourists make for an exciting,m etropolitan atmosphere.

Squares,plazas(广场)and arcades(拱廊)form the heart of Europe?S cities.

Venice in Italy has the Piazza San Marco—a beautiful square surrounded by shops,churches,restaurants and ca怆s.1n Barcelona,Spain,La Bosqueria is a lively market with hundreds of stalls selling all kinds of goods.London?s Covent Garden is filled with fruit and vegetable stalls by day and musicians,acrobats(杂技演员)and artists by night.The government buildings at the center of many cities Often are architecturally impressive.In London,they serve as a beautiful backdrop(背景)to the coffee tables that line the streets and the banks of the Thames.

These vibrant(有活力的)hearts are the product of centuries of evolution,social historian Joel Garreau told US News and World Report recently.“The reason people think Venice is SO great today is you don?t see all the mistakes,”said Garreau.“Those have all been removed.”Most European cities were laid o ut before the invention of the car,SO bars,restaurants and caf6s were near to people?s homes.To day, the focus of many Europeans?life has moved away from the centers.They live in the suburbs and outskirts,driving to supermarkets to get their supplies. But on a continent where people treasure convention,there are still those who hold onto traditional ways,living and shopping locally.These people,together with tourists,provide the city centers with their reason for existence.

Coffee culture plays a part in keeping these city centers flourishing.This is particularly true of Paris whose citizens are famous enthusiastic conversationalists,This skill is developed over many hours spent chatting over espressos(浓咖啡)and cigarettes.

Religion also plays a role in developing sociable atmosphere.People in Roman Catholic countries used to visit the Church on an almost daily basis.Entire communities would gather in the same building and then move out to the markets.caf6S and bars In the surrounding streets.An enormous example of this relationship between church and society is the Duomo.The huge marble cathedral in Florence,Italy is surrounded by bakeries and coffee shops,and caters not only to the tourist crowds,but also the local community.

31. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that each big city in Europe.

A. has many large squares.

B. has many very magnificent sky—scrapers.

C. draws tourists in large numbers every year.

D. has a center where tourists meet their spouses.

32 Which statement is NOT true of Covent Garden?

A. It is crowded with people.

B. It is located in London.

C. It is filled with stalls.

D. It is surrounded by shops,churches,restaurants and caf6s.

33. Why do people think that Venice is SO great?

A. Because it is a famous tourist attraction.

B. Because you can reach anywhere by boat.

C. Because it is well—known for its merchants.

D. Because all the mistakes have been removed.

34. what are Parisians famous for?

A .Their pursuit of independence.

B. Their enthusiasm for conversation.

C. Their ability to keep the city flourishing.

D .Their devotion to developing a multiple culture.

35 The writer cites the Duomo in the last paragraph as an example to illustrate that.

A. there is a tight link between church and society.

B. all churches are magnificent.

C. old churches are very popular.

D. high—rise churches are impressive.

第二篇Mental Retardation(智力迟钝).

Mental retardation is a condition in which people have lower than normal intelligence and are unable to function at the level expected for their age。People with mental retardation are usually born with it。or it develops early in their life.They may also have some difficulty with daily living skills such as learning to read and write and caring for them selves.

Doctors and other professionals determine that a person has mental retardation based on their intelligence and how well they can do everyday activities.

Intelligence is the ability to learn and understand.Levels of intelligence are measured by special tests called intelligence tests.The score a person gets on one of these tests gives a numerical(数字的)measure of a person?s intelligence.This is called an intelligence quotient(智商)Or IQ.

An average score on an IQ test is about 90 to 110.A person with mental retardation will usually score below 75 on an IQ test.

The IQ test alone does not determine whether someone is mentally retarded.A person must also have trouble with everyday activities such as geeing dressed,eating,washing,or learning basic reading,writing,and arithmetic skills.

Mental retardation is not a disease itself.1t cannot be cured and it?s not contagious(传染的).This condition can be caused by several things that injure the brain or don?t allow the brain to develop normally.Many times we don?t know why a person has mental retardation.

Sometimes it may be caused by genes.Genes are chemical units found in every cell They carry the instructions telling , cells what to do.Sometimes。children receive abnormal genes from their parents.

A defective gene may also develop spontaneously.Neither parent would have passed on the gene,but the gene changes before the baby develops.

Some other problems that can cause mental retardation also happen before a child is born.It is important for the brain to develop properly if a child is to have normal intelligence.“Planning a pregnancy is the most important decision most of us will make in our lifetime.A healthy lifestyle and good medical care should begin before a woman becomes pregnant and continue throughout the pregnancy,”says Jodi

is a risk to the developing baby.Also,a premature birth or problems during childbirth can sometimes harm the baby?s developing brain.while premature babies are generally fine,there is a greater chance that they may have mental retardation.

In some cases.a young child can develop m ental retardation after being sick with a serious infection or other illness.or after suffering a bad head injury.

36. A child can be taken as mentally retarded.f he or she.

A. was born prematurely.

B. has lower than normal intelligence.

C. has low intelligence and low daily living skills.

D. has normal intelligence but difficulties in learning.

37.A person of high intelligence will probably score.

A. above 110 on an IQ test.

B. 110 on an IQ test.

C. 90 on an IQ test.

D. below 75 on an IQ test.

38. Which Of the following is NOT true of mental retardation?

A. It is not curable.

B. Its victims are usually born with it.

C. Its causes are not fully identified yet.

D. It can spread among family members.

39. Which is NOT a possible cause of mental retardation?

A. Alcohol or drug abuse.

B. Abnormal genes from the parents.

C. A well-?planned pregnancy.

D. Problems during childbirth.

40 .The word “While” in Line 4 from the bottom can best be replaced by.

A .Unless.

B. Because.

C. Since.

D. Although.

第三篇Many Older Doctors Plan to Phase out Their Practice.

The results Of a new survey indicate that 48 percent of physicians between 50 and 65 years Of age are planning to reduce or end their clinical practice in the next。l to 3 years.The findings also suggest that many older physicians believe that their younger counterparts do not have the work ethic they do.

The survey,which was conducted by Merritt Hawkins&Associates,a Texas-based physician search and consulting firm,suggests that many older physicians are simply unhappy with the changes that have taken place in medicine over the Years.

“When Baby Boom doctors entered medicine they had control over how they p racticed and the fee they charged.But the rules changed on them in mid?stream and now many are looking for a ticket out,”Mark Smith,executive vice president of Merritt Hawkins&Associates,said in a statement.

“Our study is the only one I am aware of that examines the career plans of.

physicians in the 50-To-65 age group.”This age group represents more than One-third of all physicians in the U.S.If they stop working in the coming years,It will have a “significant impact”on the overall supply of physicians,Smith told Reuters Health_.

The results of the survey,which included 1,170 respondents(调查对象),show that 24 percent Of older physicians are planning to leave clinical practice all together In the next 1 to 3 years.Specifically,1 4 percent said they were planning on retiring,7 percent said they were looking for a m edical job a non—patient care setting,and 3 Percent said they were seeking a job in a non—m edical field.

For those physicians not leaving clinical practice,many said they would make changes to reduce the number of patients they treat.For instance,12 percent said they would begin working part—time,8 percent said they planned to stop taking new patients Or markedly reduce their patient load,and 4 percent expressed a desire to work on a temporary basis.

When asked about the work ethic of physicians entering practice today,68 percent of the respondents said that these younger doctors are not as dedicated Or as hard working as physicians who entered practice 20 t0 30 years ago.

Fifty-seven percent of older physicians said they would not recommend medicine as a career to their own children.Similarly,44 percent said they would not select medicine as a career if they were starting out today.

“The most ominous(不祥的)finding is that about one half of physicians surveyed plant to either abandon

said.“The U.S。already is facing a widespread shortage Of physicians,Should older,…workhorse?physicians choose to o pt out Of patient care. access to medical services will be further restricted.”.

41. Which is NOT true of physicians in the 50一to一65 age group in the U.S.?

A. They are mostly baby boomers.

B. They have nothing to complain about.

C. Many of them plan to gradually stop their practice.

D. They account for over one4hi~of all physicians in the country.

42. The survey was focused on.

A. the living conditions of older physicians in the U.S.

B. the career plans of older physicians in the U.S.

C. the retirement plans of older physicians in the U.S.

D. the achievements of older physicians in the U,S.

43. Many older physicians in the U.S.view the work ethic of their younger counterparts.

A. with appreciation

B. with disapproval.

C. with jealous

D. with indifference.

44. In the eyes of many older physicians,medicine.

A. comes first in their choice of a career for their children.

B. remains their lifelong pursuit.

C. is not as good a career as it used to be.

D. is more demanding than it used to be.

45 lf many older physicians stop working in the coming years,Americans will have.

A. even less access to medical services.

B. even better patient care.

C. a shortage of younger physicians.

D. more job opportunities.




What?s Lacking in “sicko”?

When it comes to economic decision, there are always trade—offs(取舍).Gain one thing and you lose som ething else -------------(46)

The central argument of Michael Moore?S movie“ Sicko”一that the cure to the

nation,s health care problems is a single—payer system—is hardly novel and is certainly worth consideration,whether or not you agree with it.But in comparing the American system with single—payer plans of other countries—Britain,France,Canada and Cuba—Mr.Moore left Out the trade.offs,characterizing those countries as health care paradises------------(47)

Kurt loder,the film critic who is best known as the anchor(主持人)of“MTV News,”wrote a cri tique(批评)of the f¨m for MTV?s website.…Sicko,”he said,“does a real service,ice”in portraying(描绘)victims of American insurance companies—like the people who died because their only treatment options were

considered“experimental” and therefore not covered--------------(48)

when“governments attempt to regulate the balance between a limited supply of health care and an unlimited demand for it,they?re inevitably forced to ration treatment,”Mr.Loder

asserted----------------(49)Mr.Loder cited the short film“Dead Meat,”which presents anecdotes(轶事)of failure in the Canadian single?payer system. in its One-sidedness,“Dead Meat”might have made for a nice double feature with“Sicko,”and left movie—goers with a more complete understanding of the complications of deciding on a health care system.-------------------(50)

This all makes an otherwise “emotionally compelling film not necessarily an intellectually satisfying one,”wrote Darren Barefoot,a Canadian blogger (博客作者).

A. Mr.Moore also decided to ignore problems in other countries,like France?S high taxes and Britain?s cash—short hospitals

B. But the film as a whole,he concluded,is“breathtakingly meretricious(似是而非的),”in large part because of its characterizations of other countries?health care Systems

C. The problems have been noticed—and criticism is coming not just from Mr Moore?S detractors(诋毁者)

E. Health care is the prevention,treatment,and management of illness

F. This is particularly true in health care,a market in which scarce(稀罕的)goods are ridiculously expensive,but needed by everybody


第6部分:完形填空(第51~65题,每题1分,共1 5分)


ManyChildren?S Deaths Preventable:WHO

Over five million children die each yearfrom disease,infections and accidents Related-------------- (51)theirenvironment although many of these deaths are largely preventable,says the WorldHealth Organization.

On Monday,the WHO asked governm ents and citizensaround the world to take action to create healthy-------------- (52)for childrenas it celebrated World Health Day.

“The biggest threats to children?Shealth lurk(潜藏) in the very-----------(53)that should be safest—home,school andcommunity,said Dr.Gro Harlem B.rundtland director-general of the WHO at the day?Slaunch in New Delhi,India.

“Every child has the right to----------- (54)upin a healthy home school and community.The future development of ourchildren——and of their world—depends on ---------- (55)enjoying good healthnow.We have their future in our---------- (56) Now we must work more effectivelytogether to----------- (57)the risks from the environment which our childrenface,”B.rundtland said.

This year?s them e,“Healthy Environments forChildren”foc uses on the many dangers ---------- (58)by children in and aroundthe places where they live and play.

These include inadequate access tosafe ---------- (59)water and sanitation(卫生设备),insect?borne diseases,airpollution,chemical hazards and injuries from traffic.Falls burns anddrownings.

Communities around the world organized events to promoteawareness of children?s health issues

---------- (60)included drawing contestsfor schoolchildren in Vietnam street plays in India,puppet(木

偶)shows in Namibiaand professional lectures for policy makers in Germany andelsewhere.

Activities also took---------- (61)in cities across Canada onMonday.Including Calgary,Montreal,Halifax and Ottawa.

Although childrenunder five represent only 1 0 per cent of the world?S popula tion,they bear 40per cent of the global disease---------- (62),says the WHO.And as much asone—third of the total burden of disease may be caused by environmental---------- (63)

World Health Day has been celebrated on April 7th---------- (64)1 950.Each year the WHO chooses a theme to highlight areas ofparticular https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e716726006.html,st year?s ---------- (65),Move for Health.focuses onpromoting physical activity as part of healthy living.

51. A.by B. to C.on D.at

52. A. environments B. foods C.colors D.drinks

53. A. laces B.chances C.times D.posts

54. A.stay B. pick C.grow D.get

55. A.our B. yourC.his D.their

56. A.hands B. arms C.hopes D.happiness

57. A.run B.reduce C.take D.regard

58. A.accepted B. stated C.reached D.faced

59. A.drinking B. spraying C.splashing D.working

60. A.that B. what C.which Dsom e

61. A.way B. order C.route D.place

62. A.burden B. penalty Csuffering D.difficulty

63. A.reasons B. courses C.facts D.factors

64. A.after B. since C.in D.from

65. A.concern B. area C.theme D.celebration


职称英语考试卫生类(C类)试题及答案6 Happy Therapy (诊疗) Norman Cousins was a businessman from the United States who often traveled around the world on business. He enjoyed his work and traveling. Then, after returning to tile United States from a busy and tiring trip to Russia, Mr. Cousins got sick. Because he had pushed his body to the limit of its strength on the trip, a chemical change began to take place inside him. The material between his bones became weak. In less than one week after his return, he could not stand. Every move that he made was painful. He was not able to sleep at night. The doctors told Mr. Cousins that they did not know how to cure his problems and he might never get over the illness. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to give up hope. Mr. Cousins thought that unhappy thoughts were causing bad chemical changes in his body. He did not want to take medicine to cure himself. Instead, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness. He began to experiment on himself while still in the hospital by watching funny shows on television. Mr. Cousins quickly found that ten minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain-free sleep at night. Deciding that the doctors could not help him, Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel room where he could continue his experiments with laughter. For eight days, Mr. Cousins rested in the hotel room watching funny shows on television, reading funny books, and sleeping whenever he felt tired. Within three weeks, he felt well enough to take a vacation to Puerto Rico where he began running on the beach for


05 I. Vocabulary(20 points) 1.Within days he became paralyzed, and people feared that he might die. But he _________. a. absorbed b. dissolved c. discovered d. recovered 2. Tilden, the other presidential ______, actually received more votes. a. advocate b. candidate c. sponsor d. opponent 3. An Olympic runner wins a _______. a. medal b. model c. modle d. modest 4. To find out how the bees managed to tell time, an unusual experiment was _______ four years ago. a. carried on b. carried away c. carried out d. carried out 5. Every society has its own peculiar custom and _____ of acting. a. ways b. behavior c. attitude d. means 6. They ______ their knowledge in the exploding world of ideas. a. modernize b. supply c. update d. upgrade 7. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and ______ in a quiet neighborhood. a. all in all b. above all c. after all d over all 8. It’s difficult to divine what constitutes an ______ tip in any country. a. appropriate b. thoughtful c. considerable d. sufficient 9. Shipbuilders would not _____ their money unless they knew that they could make a profit. a. invest b. invent d. involve d. invite 10. At the end of four years, these six extra hours of each year ____ twenty-four hours, or one full day. a. add up to b. make up for c. come up with d. put up with 11. Don’t ______ this news to the public until we give you the go-head. a. release b. relieve c. relate d. retain 12. Earth is one of nine planets which ______ around the sun. a. spin b. roll c. rotate d. revolve 13. “No sense in you getting us both killed!” I yelled _____ him. a. at b. with c. to d. out 14. What you have done is ______ doctor’s orders. a. attached to b. responsible to c. resistant to d. contrary to 15. I want to express the _____ of all of us, for this wonderfully warm welcome. a. appreciation b. enjoyment d. evaluation d. reputation 16. We hire and ______ people mainly for their ability to do business. a. proceed b. progress c. promise d. promote 17. According to government mandate in the Lion City, tipping is not ______. a. admitted b. remitted c. permitted d. emitted 18. The environmental costs were regarded more as temporary inconveniences than as _____ liability. a. imaginative b. peculiar c. persistent d. original


职称英语考试卫生类(B类)试题及答案4 第4部分:阅读理解(第31~45题,每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题定1个选项。 Happy Therapy (诊疗) Norman Cousins was a businessman from the United States who often traveled around the world on business. He enjoyed his work and traveling. Then, after returning to the United States from a busy and tiring trip to Russia, Mr. Cousins got sick. Because he had pushed his body to the limit of its strength on the trip, a chemical change began to take place inside him. The material between his bones became weak. In less than one week after his return, he could not stand. Every move that he made was painful. He was not able to sleep at night. The doctors told Mr. Cousins that they did not know how to cure his problems and he might never get over the illness. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to give up hope. Mr. Cousins thought that unhappy thoughts were causing bad chemical changes in his body. He did not want to take medicine to cure himself. Instead, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness. He began to experiment on himself while still in the hospital by watching funny shows on television. Mr. Cousins quickly found that ten minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain-free sleep at night, Deciding that the doctors could not help him, Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel room where he could continue his experiments with laughter. For eight days, Mr. Cousins rested in the hotel room watching funny shows on television, reading funny books, and sleeping whenever he felt tired. Within three weeks, he felt


2020年职称英语《卫生类》阅读判断练习5 They Say Ireland's the Best Ireland is the best place in the world lo live for 2005.according to a life quality ranking that appeared in Britain.s Economist magazine last week. The ambitious attempt to compare happiness levels around the World is based ol3 the principle that wealth is not the only measure of human satisfaction and well-being. The index of 111 countries uses data on incomes.health.unemployment.climate,political stability,job security,gender equality as well as what the magazine calls "freedom,family and community life". Despite the bad weather,troubled health service.traffic congestion(拥挤),gender inequality,and the high cost of living.Ireland scored an impressive 8.33 points out of l0. That put it well ahead of second-place Switzerland,which managed 8.07. Zimbabwe. troubled by political insecurity and hunger,is rated the gloomiest(最差的),picking up only 3.89 points. "Although rising incomes and increased individual choices are highly valued,"the report said. "some of the factors associated with modernization such as the breakdown(崩溃)in traditional institutions and family values in part take away from a positive impact." "Ireland wins because it successfully combines the most desirable elements of the new with the preservation of


全国职称英语考试历年真题及答案 理工类-A级 2003-2010 目录 1.2003年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (2) 2.2004年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (16) 3.2005年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (35) 4.2006年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (54) 5.2007年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (68) 6.2008年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (76) 7.2009年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (89) 8.2010年全国职称英语考试(理工类A级)真题及答案 (102)

2003年职称英语等级考试理工类A级试题及答案第一部分:词汇选项(第1—15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 1. The union representative put across her argument very effectively. A explained B invented C considered D accepted 2. He talks tough but has a tender heart. A heavy B strong C kind D wild 3. It is no use debating the relative merits of this policy. A making B taking C discussing D expecting 4. Our statistics show that we consume all that we are capable of producing. A waste B buy C use D sell 5. The fuel tanks had a capacity of 140 liters. A function B ability C power D volume 6. Our lives are intimately bound up with theirs. A tensely B nearly C carefully D closely 7. Her faith upheld her in times of sadness. A supported B excited C inspired D directed


职称英语卫生类B真题及答案 第1部分:词汇选项(第1。15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请为每处画线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1 I believe that her account of what happened is very accurate. A simple B precise C vivid D close 2 He based his conclusion on the evidence given by the prisoner. A offered B worked C made D satisfied 3 The union called off the strike at the last minute yesterday. A cancelled B staged C lengthened D organized

4 I have earned a lot of money, but that is not the issue. A goal B task C key D point 5 There has been a lot of debate among us about the necessity to save money A talk B suggestions C discussion D ideas 6 The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in October. A show B mark C record D carry 7 He endured unbearable agonies before he finally passed away. A left B relaxed C died D slept


2020年职称英语考试卫生类B级阅读判断练习及答案 (3) “We hire talent. ” Those are the words of Rod Franz, a civil service computer technology director, responding to the question of opportunities for women who are interested in pursuing careers as computer technicians. On at least one of three shifts in his operation, the male-female ratio is 50-50. That is not surprising because government and educational institutes are required by the law to make every effort to open hiring opportunities to women and minority workers. What may be even more interesting to young women is that,according to Franz, private industry is hiring women and minorities away from us. And, since private industry pays more, it succeeds. Managers in the rapidly growing computer service field are quick to agree. They strongly encourage women to train for technician jobs, and they actively recruit female technicians across the country. They believe that this career field offers a wealth of possibility for women. A recent study by the Devry Institute of Technology that involved 100 employment managers in the Chicago area showed,too, that the number of women entering the field of computer science is on the rise, and that those already in the field are moving up. A significant increase in the number of women


2010年全国职称英语综合类(B级)考试真题及答案第一部分:词汇选项(第1-15题,每题1分。共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1.Patricia stared at the other girls with resentment. A.doubt B.anger C.love D.surprise 2.I want to provide my boys with a decent education. A.speeial B.private C.good D.general 3.Her father was a quiet man with graceful manners. A.polite B.similar C.usual D.bad 4.There was a profound silence after his remark. A.short B.deep C.proud D.sudden 5.The document was compiled by the Department of Health. A.printed B.attached C.written

6.In the process,the light energy converts to heat energy. A.change B.reduces C.leaves D.drops 7.Many cities have restricted smoking in public places. A.limited B.allowed C.stopped D.kept 8.The thief was finally captured two miles away from the village. A.killed B.jailed C.caught D.found 9.If we leave now,we should miss the traffic. A.mix B.avoid C.direct D.stop 10.What are my chances of promotion if I stay here? A.advancement B.replacement C.retirement D.adveaisement 11.We've seen a marked shift in our approach to the social issues.A.great


2020年职称英语卫生类阅读判断练习(3) Online Cancer Chat with a Safety Net Cancer Research UK has launched an online chat forum for cancer patients to swap stories and share experiences on how to cope with such a devastating disease. But Cancer Chat is a forum with a difference: it has an information safety net. This means that a Cancer Research UK team will keep a watching brief to ensure that patients are not subjected to rogue "cancer cures" or scientifically unsound information. Anyone can have access to the messages posted on Cancer Chat but if people wish to post a message they will need to register. And Rebekah Gibbs,cancer patient and star of TV's Casualty has pledged her support for the new project."I think Cancer Chat is a brilliant idea," she said."I have written a public diary about what I went through with breast cancer and I have had such a heart-warming response from other people going through the same thing. "The idea of a Cancer Chat forum means you can share information about treatment and side effects and you can really open up about your feelings online in a way that can be difficult when talking to close friends and family.And with Cancer Research UK monitoring the forum people can be reassured about the quality of information being exchanged."


2010年全国职称英语综合类(B级)考试真题及答案 第一部分:词汇选项(第1-15题,每题1分。共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1.Patricia stared at the other girls with resentment. A.doubt B.anger C.love D.surprise 2.I want to provide my boys with a decent education. A.speeial B.private C.good D.general 3.Her father was a quiet man with graceful manners. A.polite B.similar C.usual D.bad 4.There was a profound silence after his remark. A.short B.deep C.proud D.sudden

5.The document was compiled by the Department of Health. A.printed B.attached C.written D.sent 6.In the process,the light energy converts to heat energy. A.change B.reduces C.leaves D.drops 7.Many cities have restricted smoking in public places. A.limited B.allowed C.stopped D.kept 8.The thief was finally captured two miles away from the village. A.killed B.jailed C.caught D.found 9.If we leave now,we should miss the traffic. A.mix B.avoid C.direct


职称英语卫生类A级考试真题及答案 2011年职称英语考试已于今天结束,2011年职称英语卫生类A级考试真题及答案 一、词汇选项 1. urging (pushing) 2. tolerate (stand ) 3.obsecure ( unclear) 4. trembling (shaking) 5. steady (continious) 6. grasp ( undestasnd) 7. provoked (caused) 8. finds faults with (criticizes) 9. approach (handle ) 10. remarking (saying ) 11. hailed (praised ) 12. asserted (maintained) 13. considerabaly (greatly) 14. scared (afraid) 15. vigorous (energetic ) 二、阅读判断 16-22参考答案BCABACB 标题:Relieving the Pain 主旨大意:运动对于治疗各种痛疼有益处 16. To treat pain, patients should stop moving around

答案:B(wrong:错) 17. Headaches are partly caused by lack of excecise 答案:C(not mentioned:未提及) 18. Exercise helps to take the pressure off the site of pain 答案:A(right:正确) 19. Doctors often use drugs such as endprphins to treat patients 答案:B(wrong:错) 20. Backache sufferers often end up taking more than one drug to kill pain 答案:A(right:正确) 21. Excercises helps pain sufferers to recover more quickly than traditional treatment 答案:C(not mentioned:未提及) 22. New pain clinc ask patients to give up drugs completely 答案:B(wrong:错) 三、概括大意与完成句子 23-26参考答案DECA 标题:Owls and Larks 主旨大意:早起的人和晚起的人的差别及形成原因 23. 答案:D (why do we need sleep?) 24. 答案:E (what makes paople owls or larks ?) 25. 答案:C ( which is better,being an owl or a lark?) 26. 答案:A (What should we avoid ?) 完成句子 27-30参考答案:FDAB


很多考生在备考全国职称英语卫生类考试的时候,难免是会不知道要做一些什么样的真题的。 下文是百分网为大家准备了全国职称英语卫生类考试的一些真题与参考答案相关内容,希望能对大家有所帮助!全国职称英语卫生类考试真题及答案:补全短文US Signs GlobalTobacco Treaty1 The UnitedStates has taken the first step toward approving a global tobacco treaty thatpromises to help control the deadly effects of tobacco use throughout theworld. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson signed the FrameworkConvention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) this week at the United Nations. (46)_____2 The FCTC wasdeveloped by the World Health Organization and approved by members of the WorldHealth Assembly,including the United States, last year.(47)_____3 For instance,cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on atleast 30% of the front and back of every pack. (48)_____It also requires banson tobacco advertising, though there are some exceptions for countries like theUnited States, where the Constitution prohibits such an outright ban.4 (49)_____ TheWorld Health Organization estimates that tobacco use kills nearly 5 millionpeople worldwide every year. In the US alone, about 440,000 people die eachyear from tobacco-related illnesses; about one-third of all cancers in


2010年中石油职称英语考试真题及参考答案 I. Vocabulary Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1. It is possible to predict how much energy and water a building will consume, how much _______ will be needed. A. matter B. things C. material D. substance 2. They found that the positive thinkers sold 37 percent more insurance than did the_______ thinkers. A. negative B. positive C. active D. passive 3. In labs around the world, bad bugs are undergoing the ultimate rehabilitation, being _______ from life-threatening viruses and bacteria into lifesaving therapeutic agents. A. translated B. transported C. transformed D. transmitted 4. The fresh air is sometimes humid from the _______rainfall of this area. A. numerous B. abundant C. plenty D. substantive 5. We know that many animals _______ the deep seas at pressures of 15,000 pounds per square inch. A. live on B. live in C. live through D. live up to 6. Speakers and writers of the Germanic languages _______for a great deal of the world's output in everything from economics to literature to military to science and technology. A. account B. allow C. apply D. arrange 7. _______of the great state of Illinois, let me express my deepest gratitude for the privilege of addressing this convention. A. On account B. In honor C. In place D. On behalf 8. The companies that are finding ways to hang on to their older workers _______ from an intangible commodity: wisdom. A. obtain B. earn C. develop D. benefit 9. I raced to_______ Jill. A. keep on B. keep up with C. come up with D. come up to 10. Managers need to monitor inflation trends so they can make good _______.


职称英语考试卫生类A级试题答案(完整版) 2011年职称英语考试已于3月26日结束,2011年职称英语考试卫生类A级试题答案(完整版) 一.2011年职称英语考试卫生类A级试题答案(完整版):词汇选项 1. urging (pushing) 2. tolerate (stand ) 3.obsecure ( unclear) 4. trembling (shaking) 5. steady (continious) 6. grasp ( undestasnd) 7. provoked (caused) 8. finds faults with (criticizes) 9. approach (handle ) 10. remarking (saying ) 11. hailed (praised ) 12. asserted (maintained) 13. considerabaly (greatly) 14. scared (afraid) 15. vigorous (energetic ) 二.2011年职称英语考试卫生类A级试题答案(完整版):阅读判断 16-22参考答案BCABACB 标题:Relieving the Pain 主旨大意:运动对于治疗各种痛疼有益处 16. To treat pain, patients should stop moving around

答案:B(wrong:错) 17. Headaches are partly caused by lack of excecise 答案:C(not mentioned:未提及) 18. Exercise helps to take the pressure off the site of pain 答案:A(right:正确) 19. Doctors often use drugs such as endprphins to treat patients 答案:B(wrong:错) 20. Backache sufferers often end up taking more than one drug to kill pain 答案:A(right:正确) 21. Excercises helps pain sufferers to recover more quickly than traditional treatment 答案:C(not mentioned:未提及) 22. New pain clinc ask patients to give up drugs completely 答案:B(wrong:错) 三.2011年职称英语考试卫生类A级试题答案(完整版):概括大意与完成句子 23-26参考答案DECA 标题:Owls and Larks 主旨大意:早起的人和晚起的人的差别及形成原因 23. 答案:D (why do we need sleep?) 24. 答案:E (what makes paople owls or larks ?) 25. 答案:C ( which is better,being an owl or a lark?) 26. 答案:A (What should we avoid ?) 完成句子 27-30参考答案:FDAB
