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牛津英汉双解大辞典 Y(A至Z)

牛津英汉双解大辞典 Y(A至Z)
牛津英汉双解大辞典 Y(A至Z)

牛津英汉双解大辞典 Y, y

/ waI; waI/ n (pl Y's, y's / waIz; waIz/) the twenty-fifth letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第二十五个字母: `Yak' begins with (a) Y/`Y'. yak 一字以 y 字母开始.

Y chromosome

(biology 生) chromosome that occurs singly and only in male cells, and produces a male after combining with an X chromosome during thereproductive process Y染色体. Cf 参看 X chromosome(X).


n [pl] (Brit propr 专利名) men's underpants, with seams and an opening in the front sewn in the shape of an inverted Y 男用内裤(前有倒Y形开口者): a pair of Y-fronts 一条男用内裤(前有倒Y形开口者).

-y (also -ey)

suff 後缀 1 (with ns forming adjs 与名词结合构成形容词) full of; having the quality of 充满...的; 多...的; 有...性质的: dusty * icy * clayey. 2 (with vs forming adjs 与动词结合构成形容词) tending to 有...倾向的; 易...的: runny * sticky.


(forming advs 用以构成副词).


(forming uncountable ns 用以构成不可数名词).


suff 後缀 1 (with vs forming ns 与动词结合构成名词) action or process of ...的行动或过程: inquiry * expiry. 2 (also -ie) (with ns forming diminutives or pet names 与名词结合构成指小词或昵称): piggy * doggie * daddy * Susie.


abbr 缩写 = 1 yen1. 2 / waI; waI/ (US infml 口) = YMCA, YWCA.


/ waI; waI/ symb 符号 (a) (also y) (mathematics 数) unknown quantity 未知数: x = y + 2. (b) (fig 比喻) second unknown or unspecified person, number or influence 第二个未知的或未指明的人、数或影响力: Mr X met Miss Y. X先生遇见了Y小姐.


/ jCt; jBt/ n 1 light sailing-boat, esp one built specifically for racing 快艇; (尤指专为竞赛用的)帆船: [attrib 作定语] a yacht race, club, crew 帆船竞赛、俱乐部、(一组)选手 * a sand yacht, ie a yacht-like vehiclewith wheels for use on sand 沙滩车. 2 large (usu power-driven) vessel used for private pleasure cruising 大型(通常为机动的)游艇. Cf 参看 dinghy.


v [I] (usu in the continuous tenses 通常用於进行时态) travel or race in a yacht, especially as a hobby 乘坐快艇、帆船、游艇或进行比赛(尤指作为爱好): I go yachting most weekends in the summer. 在夏天, 我大多数周末都乘快艇游玩. yachting n [U] art, practice or sport of sailing yachts 帆船驾驶(术); 帆船驾驶运动: [attrib 作定语] yachting equipment 帆船驾驶设备.


/ -smEn; -smEn/ n (pl -smen / -smEn; -smEn/, fem 阴性作 `yachtswoman) person who has

yachting as a hobby 帆船运动爱好者: a round-the-worldyachtsman 环游世界一周的帆船运动爱好者.


/ jAk; jAk/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (away/on) (about sb/sth) (sl 俚) talk continuously and often noisily (usu about sth unimportant) 唠唠叨叨, 闲扯(常为高声地): Joy kept yacking (on) about the wedding. 乔伊唠唠叨叨地聊著婚礼的事.


n (usu sing 通常作单数) (sl 俚) persistent or trivial conversation; chatter 絮絮叨叨的谈话; 聊天; 唠叨: having a good old yack with the neighbours 与邻居痛快地闲扯往事.


/ 9jAkEtI 5jk; 9jAkEtI `jAk/ n [U] (sl 俚) persistent chatter 絮絮叨叨的谈话; 唠叨.


/ jE5hu:; jE`hu/ n (pl ~s) coarse brutish person 粗鲁的人: [attrib 作定语] a yahoo attitude 粗鲁的态度.


/ jAk; jAk/ n wild or domesticated ox of Central Asia, with long horns and hair 牛(产於中亚、西藏).


/ jeIl; jel/ n (also `Yale lock) (propr 专利名) type of lock with revolving internal parts, commonly used for doors, etc 耶鲁锁, 撞锁(常用作门等的锁): have a Yale (lock) fitted 安装耶鲁锁 * [attrib 作定语] a Yale key 耶鲁锁的钥匙.


/ jAm; jAm/ n 1 (a) edible starchy tuber of a tropical climbing plant 薯蓣(通称山药). (b) this plant 薯蓣. 2 (US) type of sweet potato 甘薯(通称白薯或红薯). yammer

/ 5jAmE(r); `jAmL/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (on) (aboutsb/sth) (infml derog 口, 贬) talk noisily and continuously; complain or speak in a whining, grumbling manner 高声不停地说; 抱怨; 嘟嘟囔囔地说: I do wish they'd stop yammering on about the size of the bill. 我真希望他们别再嘟嘟囔囔地抱怨帐单的价钱了.


/ 5jAmE(r); `jAmL/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (on) (aboutsb/sth) (infml derog 口, 贬) talk noisily and continuously; complain or speak in a whining, grumbling manner 高声不停地说; 抱怨; 嘟嘟囔囔地说: I do wish they'd stop yammering on about the size of the bill. 我真希望他们别再嘟嘟囔囔地抱怨帐单的价钱了.


/ jAN; jAN/ n [U] (in Chinese philosophy) the active bright male principle of the universe (中国哲学)阳. Cf 参看 yin.


/ jANk; jANk/ n (infml 口) = Yankee.


/ jANk; jANk/ v [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (infml 口) pull (sth) with a sudden sharp tug (often in a specifieddirection) 猛拉(某物)(常为向某方向): She yanked (on) the

rope and it broke. 她猛力一拉, 绳子就断了. * yank the bedclothes off one's bed 把床单从床上拉下来 * yank out a tooth 拔出一颗牙齿.


n sudden sharp tug 突然的猛拉: The old chain only needed a couple of yanks before it snapped. 这条旧链只拉了两下就断了.


/ 5jANkI; `jANkI/ (also Yank) n 1 (Brit infml 口) inhabitant of the United States of America; American 美国人; 美洲人: [attrib 作定语] Yankee hospitality 美国人的好客. 2 (US) (a) inhabitant of any of the NorthernStates, esp those of New England 美国北部各州的人;(尤指)新英格兰人. (b) Federal soldier in the AmericanCivil War (美国南北战争时的)北军.


/ jAp; jAp/ v (-pp-) [I, Ipr] 1 ~ (at sb/sth) (esp of small dogs) utter short sharp barks (尤指小狗)叫, 吠: yapping at the postman 向邮递员狂吠. 2 (sl 俚) talk noisily and foolishly 哇啦哇啦地瞎说: Stop yapping! 别瞎扯了!


n sound of yapping (小狗的)叫声; 哇啦哇啦的说话声.

Scotland Yard

/ 9skCtlEnd 5jB:d; `skBtlEnd`jBrd/ headquartersof the London police, now officially called New Scotland Yard; its Criminal Investigation Department 伦敦警察厅(现称New Scotland Yard新伦敦警察厅); 伦敦警察厅侦缉处: They called in Scotland Yard, ie asked for the help of this Department. 他们向伦敦警察厅侦缉处报了案. * Scotland Yard is/are investigating the crime. 伦敦警察厅正在对该罪案进行调查.


/ jB:d; jBrd/ n 1 (a) (usu unroofed) enclosed or partly enclosed space near or round a building or group of buildings, often paved 建筑物附近或周围(通常为无顶篷的)围起来的空地(常为经铺设者); 院子. (b) (US) = backyard (back2). 2 (usu in compounds 通常用以构成复合词) enclosure for a special purpose or business (为某目的或用途的)场地: a `railway yard/`marshalling yard, ie an area where trains are made up, and where coaches, wagons, etc are stored 铁路站场[调车场] * a `builder's yard 建筑场地.


/ jB:d; jBrd/ n 1 (abbr 缩写 yd) unit of length, equal to 3 feet (36 inches) or 0.9144 metre 码(长度单位, 等於 3 英尺或 0.9144米): Can you still buy cloth by the yard in Britain? 在英国买布还论码吗? =>App 4, 5 见附录4、 5. 2 long pole-like piece of wood fastened to a mast for supporting and spreading a sail 帆桁.


/ 5jB:dIdV; `jBrdIdV/ n [C, U] size measured in yards or square yards 码数; 平方码数: a considerable yardage of canvas 有相当大码数的帆布.


n either end of a yard2 (2) supporting a sail 帆桁端.

yard of ale

(a) ale or beer held in a deep slender drinking glass about a yard long (盛於约一码长的细长玻璃杯中的)麦芽酒或啤酒. (b) this drinking glass 这种玻璃酒杯.


/ 5jB:dstIk; `jBrd9stIk/ n ~ (of sth) standard of comparison 比较或衡量的标准; 尺度: Durability is one yardstick of quality. 耐久性是质量好坏的一个尺度. * We need a yardstick to measure our performance by. 我们的表现需要一个检验的标准. yarmulka

/ 5jQmUlkE; `jBrmElkE/ n skull-cap worn by Jewish men, esp at prayer (犹太男子戴的)无檐小圆帽(尤指祈祷时所戴者).


/ jB:n; jBrn/ n 1 [U] fibres (esp of wool) that have been spun for knitting, weaving, etc 纱; 线; (尤指)毛线. 2 [C] (infml 口) story; traveller's tale, esp one that is exaggerated or invented 故事; (旅行者的)奇谈(尤指夸张的或编造的). 3 (idm 习语) spin a yarn => spin.


v [I] (infml 口) tell yarns 讲故事; 信口开河: We stayed up yarning until midnight. 我们山南海北一直讲到深夜.


/ 5jArEU; `jAro/ n [C, U] plant with feathery leavesand small strong-smelling white or pinkish flowers in flat clusters 欧蓍草: hedgerows full of yarrow 有很多欧蓍草的灌木树篱.


/ 5jAFmAk; `jAF9mAk/ n veil covering most of the face, worn in public by Muslim women in certaincountries (某些国家的穆斯林妇女在公众场所戴的)面纱.


/ jR:; jR/ v [I] (of a ship or aircraft, etc) turn unsteadilyoff a straight or correct course (指轮船或飞行器等)偏航, 越出航线. Cf 参看 pitch2 4, roll2 6.


n such a turn 偏航; 越出航线.


/ jR:l; jRl/ n (nautical 海) 1 (a) sailing-boat with two masts, the second being a short one near the stern (前桅高後桅低的)二桅帆船. (b) type of small fishing-boat 小渔船. 2 ship's boat with four or six oars (船载的四桨或六桨的)小艇.


/ jR:n; jRn/ v [I] 1 take (usu involuntarily) a deep breath with the mouth wide open, as when sleepy or bored 打哈欠. 2 (of large holes, etc) be wide open (指大洞穴等)张开, 裂开: The deep crevasse yawned at their feet. 他们脚下的冰川有一道深深的裂缝. * a yawning chasm 地上裂开的大坑 * (fig 比喻) a yawning gap between the rich and poor in our society 我们社会中贫富之间的鸿沟.


n 1 act of yawning (yawn v 1) 哈欠. 2 (usu sing 通常作单数) (infml derog 口, 贬) uninteresting or boring thing 乏味的或枯燥的事物: The meeting was one big yawn from start to finish. 那会议自始至终十分无聊.


/ jR:z; jRz/ n [sing or pl v] tropical skin disease causing raspberry-like swellings 雅司病.


abbr 缩写 = (pl yds) yard (measurement 量度单位): 12 yds of silk 12 码的丝绸. Cf 参看 ft, in.


/ ji:; ji/ pers pron 人称代词 (arch 古) (pl of thou *thou的复数) you 汝等; 君等. ye

/ ji:; ji, or pronounced as 或读作 the/ det (used in the names of pubs, shops, etc as if it were the old-fashioned spelling 用於酒馆、商店等的名称, 作仿古体拼写) = the: Ye Olde Bull and Bush, eg on a pub sign 布尔及布什老店(如於酒馆招牌上者). yea

/ jeI; je/ adv, n (arch 古) = yes. Cf 参看 nay.


/ jeE; jZE/ adv (infml 口) 1 (casual pronunciation of) yes *yes(的俗音). 2 (idm 习语) ,oh `yeah? (used to show that one does not believe what has been said 用以表示对所说的话不相信): `I'm going to meet the Prime Minister.' `Oh yeah? Very likely!' `我要去见首相了.'`噢, 是吗? 那太有可能了!'


/ jIE(r), also j\:(r); jIr/ n 1 [C] time taken by the earth to make one orbit round the sun, about 365 days 年. 2 [C] (also `calendar year) period from 1 January to 31 December, ie 365 days (or 366 in a leap year) divided into 12 months 历年: in the year 1865 在1865年 * this year 今年 * the year after next 後年 * a good year for cheap vegetables, ie a year in which vegetables are available cheaply 蔬菜便宜的好年成. 3 [C] any period of 365 consecutive days 一年: It's just a year (today) since I arrived here. 我来到这里(到今天)整一年了. * I arrived a year ago (today). 我是一年前(的今天)来的. * She's worked there for ten years. 她在那里工作十年了. * In a year's time they're getting married. 一年之後他们就要结婚了. * [attrib 作定语] a five-year forecast 五年的预测. 4 [C] period of one year associated with sth, such as education or finance 与某事物(如教育或财政)相关的一年的期间: the ,academic `year 学年 * the fi,nancial/,fiscal/,tax `year 财政[会计/课税]年度 * [attrib 作定语] first year students 一年级的学生. 5 [C usu pl 通常作复数] age; time of life 年纪; 年龄; 年岁: twenty years old/of age 二十岁 * a seventy-year-old man 七十岁的人 * She looks young for her years/for a woman of her years, ie looks younger than she is. 她看起来比她的岁数年轻. * He died in his sixtieth year, ie at the age of 59. 他在步入六十岁时去世(即实足年龄59岁). 6 years [pl] (infml 口) a long time 很久: I've worked for this firm for years (and years). 我为这家公司工作了很多年(很多年)了. * It's years since we last met. 我们已经很久没见面了.7 (idm 习语) the age/years of discretion => discretion.,all (the) year `round throughout the year 一年到头: He swims in the sea all year round. 他一年到头都在海里游泳. donkey's years => donkey. man, woman, car, etc of the `year person or thing chosen as outstanding in a particular field in a particular year 某年在某领域最杰出的人或事物: TV personality of the year 该年度电视圈的名人. not/never in a hundred, etc `years absolutelynot/never 绝对不[决不]. old beyond one's years => old. put `years on sb make sb feel or appear older 使某人觉得或显得老些: The shock put years on him. 这一场冲击使他见老. ring out the old year and ring in the new => ring2. take `years

off sb make sb feelor appear younger 使某人觉得或显得年轻些: Giving up smoking has taken years off her. 她戒烟以後显得年轻了. the turn of the year/century => turn2. year after `year continuously for many years 年年: She sent money year after year to help the poor. 她年年送钱帮助穷人.year by `year progressively each year 一年一年地: Yearby year their affection for each other grew stronger. 他们相爱逐年加深. the year `dot (infml 口) a very long time ago 很久以前: I've been going there every summer since the year dot. 我从很久以前每年夏天就都到那里去. year `in, year `out every year without exception 年复一年地. ,year of `grace; ,year of our `Lord (fml 文) any specified year after the birth of Christ 耶稣纪元某年; 公元某年: in the year of our Lord 1217, ie 1217 AD 公元1217年.


adj, adv (occurring) every year or once a year每年(的); 一年一次(的): a yearly conference/a conferenceheld yearly 一年一度的会议.


n book issued once a year, giving information (reports, statistics, etc) about a particular subject 年鉴; 年刊; 年报.


adj [attrib 作定语] continuing for or throughouta year 持续一年的; 整整一年的: a ,year-long `lecture tour 持续一年的演讲旅行.


/ 5jIElIN; `jIrlIN/ n animal, esp a horse, between one and two years old 一岁至两岁的动物(尤指马): a race for yearlings 一两岁小马的赛马 * [attrib 作定语] a yearling filly 一两岁的小雌马.


/ j\:n; j[n/ v [I, Ipr, It] ~ (for sb/sth) desire strongly or with compassion or tenderness; be filled with longing 渴望; 怜悯; 思念; 留恋; 盼望: a yearning desire 如饥似渴的欲望 * He yearned for his home and family. 他怀念故国家园. * She yearned to return to her native country. 她巴不得能回国.


n [C, U] ~ (for sb/sth); ~ (to do sth) strong desire; tender longing 渴望; 热望. yearningly



/ ji:st; jist/ n [C, U] (type of) fungous substance used in the making of beer and wine, or to make bread rise2(10) 酵母; 发酵物: brewer's yeast 啤酒用酵母 * baker's yeast 发面用酵母.


adj tasting or smelling strongly of yeast; frothy like yeast when it is developing 酵母味的; 发酵的; 起泡的.


n [U].


/ jel; jZl/ v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (out) (at sb/sth); ~ (out) (in/with sth) utter a loud sharp cry or cries as of pain, excitement, etc 号叫; 喊叫; 叫喊: Stop yelling, can't

you! 别嚷了, 行吗? * She yelled (out) at her mischievous child. 她对她淘气的孩子大喊大叫. * yell out in anguish, terror, pain, etc 因苦恼、惊恐、疼痛等叫喊起来* yell with fear, agony, laughter 害怕、痛苦、笑得喊叫起来.2 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ (at sb) (about/for sth); ~ (out) sth (at sb/sth) speak or say (sth) in a yelling voice 叫喊著说(某事): She yelled at him about his constant drunkenness. 她大嚷大叫说他总是烂醉如泥. * The crowd yelled (out) encouragement at the players. 人们叫喊著为选手打气. =>Usage at shout 用法见 shout.


n 1 loud sharp cry of pain, excitement, etc 叫声;喊声; 喊叫: a yell of terror 恐怖的叫喊声 * let out an ear-splitting yell 发出震耳欲聋的号叫声. 2 (US) particular type of shout or cheer used at a college to encourage a team, etc (学院中拉拉队助威的)喊叫声.


/ 5jelEU; `jZlo/ adj 1 (a) of the colour of ripe lemons, egg yolks or gold, or of a colour similar to this 黄(色)的. =>illus at spectrum 见spectrum插图. (b) (often offensive 常作轻蔑语) having the light brown skin and complexion of certain eastern Asian peoples (某些东亚民族)黄皮肤的. 2 (also `yellow-bellied) (infml derog 口, 贬) cowardly 胆怯的: I always suspected he was yellow. 我总怀疑他很胆小. 3 (idm 习语) a yellow `streak cowardice in sb's character 生性怯懦.


n (a) [C, U] the colour yellow 黄色: several different yellows (ie shades of yellow) in the paintbox 颜料盒中有几种不同色调的黄色. (b) [U] yellow substance,material or covering; yellow clothes 黄色的物质、材料或外层; 黄色的衣服: wearing yellow 穿著黄衣服.


v [I, Tn] (cause sth to) become yellow (使某物)变黄或发黄: yellowing autumn leaves 变黄的秋叶 * The manuscript had yellowed/was yellowed with age. 手稿因年久而发黄了.

yellowish, yellowy

adjs rather yellow 微黄的; 发黄的.


n [U].

yellow card

(in football, etc) card shown by the referee to a player that he is cautioning (足球等运动中的)黄牌, 黄卡(由裁判员出示, 用以向某运动员提出警告). Cf 参看 red card (red1).

yellow fever

[U] infectious tropical disease causing the skin to turn yellow 黄热病.

yellow flag

flag coloured yellow, displayed by a ship or hospital which is in quarantine 黄旗, 检疫旗(受隔离检疫的轮船或医院所悬挂的黄色旗子).

yellow line

yellow line painted at the side of a road to show restrictions on the parking of vehicles 黄线(路边限制停车者): You can't park on a double yellow line. 有双黄线


Yellow Pages

(propr 专利名) telephone directory, or section of one, listing companies according to the goods or services they offer 黄页(用黄色纸印刷的电话簿或其中部分, 按公司类别排列者).

the yellow press

(infml derog 口, 贬) newspapers that deliberately include sensational news items, etc in order to attract readers 低级报刊(故作耸人听闻的报道以哗众取宠的报纸). yellowhammer

/ 5jelEUhAmE(r); `jZlo9hAmL/ n type of small bird, the male of which has a yellow head, neck and breast 峋鸭(雄性头颈及胸部均为黄色的小鸟, 亦称黄道眉).


/ jelp; jZlp/ n a short sharp cry (of pain, anger, excitement, etc) (因痛苦、气愤、兴奋等的)短而尖的叫声: The dog gave a yelp when I trod on its paw. 我踩了那狗的爪子, 它汪汪叫了一声.


v [I] utter such a cry 发出短而尖的叫声.


/ jen; jZn/ n (pl unchanged 复数不变) unit of money in Japan 圆(日本的货币单位). yen

/ jen; jZn/ n (usu sing 通常作单数) ~ (for sth/to do sth) (infml 口) longing or yearning 渴望; 热望: I've always had a yen to visit Australia. 我总想去澳大利亚观光.


/ 5jEUmEn; `jomEn/ n (pl -men / -mEn; -mEn/) (Brit) 1 (esp arch 尤为古义) farmer who owns and works his land 自耕农: [attrib 作定语] yeoman farmers 自耕农. 2 (formerly) servant in a royal or noble household (旧时)(皇室或贵族的)侍者, 仆人.


/ -rI; -rI/ n [Gp] (Brit) (a) country landowners 自耕农. (b) (formerly) volunteer cavalry force raised from farmers, etc (旧时)(由农民等组成的)义勇骑兵队. Yeoman of the Guard

member of the British sovereign's bodyguard (英国王室的)卫士.

yeoman service

(esp rhet 尤作修辞) long and useful service; help, esp at a time of need 长期而有用的服务; 援助(尤指急需时): retiring after 40 years' yeoman service to the company 对公司勤勤恳恳工作40年後退休.


/ jes; jZs/ interj 1 (a) (used to answer in theaffirmative 用作肯定的答覆): `Is this a painting by Picasso?'`Yes, it is.' `这是毕加索的画吗?'`是.' * (emphatic 强调) `Don't you want to come with us?' `Yes, of course I do.'`你难道不愿意来跟我们在一起吗?'`我当然愿意.' (b) (used to show that a statement is correct or that the speaker agrees 用以表示一说法正确或说话人同意): `English is a difficult language.' `Yes, but not as difficult as Chinese.' `英语很难.'`是啊, 但没有汉

语那麽难.' * `Isn't she sweet?' `Yes, she is.' `她很可爱吧?'`对, 她很可爱.' (c) (used to agree with a request 用以表示同意一要求): `Can I borrow this record?' `Yes, of course.' `我可以借这张唱片吗?'`当然可以.' 2 (used to accept an invitation or offer 用以表示接受一邀请或提议): `Coffee?' `Yes, please.' `要咖啡吗?'`要, 谢谢.' 3 (used to acknowledge one's presence in a group or to reply when one is called 用以应答呼唤): `Williams.' `Yes, sir.' `威廉.'`到.' * `Waiter!' `Yes, madam.' `服务员!'`, 小姐.' 4 (used to ask what sb wants 用以询问某人之所需): `Yes?' `I'd like 2 tickets, please.' `要什麽?'`请给我来两张票.' Cf 参看 no interj.


n (pl yeses / 5jesIz; `jZsIz/) answer that affirms, agrees, accepts, etc 表示肯定、同意、接受等的答覆: Can't you give me a straight (ie direct) yes or no? 你能不能给我一个直截了当的答覆, 行还是不行?


/ 5jesmn; `jZs9mAn/ n (pl -men / -men;-9mZn/) weak person who always agrees with his superior(s) in order to win favour or approval 唯唯诺诺的人.


/ 5jestE jIE(r), also j\:(r); `jZstL9jIr/ n [U] (arch or rhet 古或修辞) the recent past 不久以前; 往昔: recalling holidays of yester-year 忆往昔之假日.


/ 5jestEdI, -deI; `jZstLdI, -9de/ adv on the day just past; on the day before today 在昨天; 在昨日:He arrived only yesterday. 他昨天刚到. * It was only yesterday that he arrived. 昨天他才刚刚到. * I can remember it as if it were yesterday. 我对此事记忆犹新, 恍如昨日一般. * Where were you yesterday morning/afternoon/evening? 昨天上午[下午/晚上]你在什麽地方?


n [U, C often pl 作不可数名词或可数名词, 後者常作复数] 1 the day before today 昨天; 昨日: Yesterday was Sunday. 昨天星期日. * Where's yesterday's(news) paper? 昨天的报纸在哪里? 2 the recent past 不久以前; 往昔: dressed in yesterday's fashions 穿著不久前流行的服装 * all our yesterdays 我们的往日. 3 (idm 习语) be born yesterday => born. the day before yesterday => day.

yesterday week

eight days ago 八天以前: I haven't seen him since yesterday week. 我有八天没见到他了.


/ jet; jZt/ adv 1 (a) (used in questions and negative sentences and after vs expressing uncertainty, usu in final position; in British English usu with the present or past perfect tense, in US English usu with the simple past 用於疑问句和否定句中及用於表示怀疑的动词之後, 通常位於句末; 在英式英语中通常用於现在或过去完成时态, 在美式英语通常用於简单过去时态) by this or that time; until now/then 到这时; 到那时; 直至现在[当时]; 尚; 还; 仍然: I haven't received a letter from him yet. 我至今尚未收到他的信. (Cf 参看 (US) I didn't receive a letter from him yet.) * `Are you ready?' `No, not yet.' `你准备好了吗?'`还没准备好呢.' * She was not yet sure if she could trust him. 她还没有把握确定是否相信他. * I doubt if he has read it yet. 我怀疑他是否看过这篇东西. (b) now or in the immediate future 现在; 马上; 立刻: Don't

go yet. 先不要走. * You don't need to start yet. 你不必立刻就走. =>Usage at already 用法见already already. 2 (used with a modal v; formal if placed immediately after the modal v 与情态动词连用; 若紧接情态动词之後则更文雅) at an indefinite time in the future 不久的将来; 迟早; 早晚: We may win yet. 我们迟早会获胜的. * She may surprise us all yet. 她总有一天会让我们大家感到惊奇. * (fml 文) We can yet reach our destination. 我们终究能达到目的. 3 (used after superlatives 用於最高级之後) made, produced, written, etc until and including now/then 直至现在[当时](所制造、生产、书写等): the most comprehensive study yet of his poetry 迄今为止对他的诗歌最全面的研究 * the highest building yet constructed 到现在为止最高的建筑物 * her best novel yet 她的最好的小说. 4 (used in front of comparatives 用於比较级之前) even 更: yet one more example of criminal negligence 另一个刑事疏忽之例 * yet another victim of government policy on national health funding 政府的国民保健拨款政策的另一个受害者 * a recent and yet more improbable theory 最新的而且也是更加不可信的理论 * advancing yet further 更进一步的发展. 5 (idm 习语) as `yet until now/then 到现在[当时]为止: an as yet unpublished document 现尚未发表的文件 * As yet little is known of the causes of the disease. 造成这种疾病的原因迄今几乎一无所知. yet a`gain (emphatic 强调) once more 再; 再一次: Yet again we can see the results of hasty decision-making. 我们可以再一次看到仓促作出决定的後果 > yet conj but at the same time; nevertheless 然而; 而; 但是: slow yet thorough 虽然慢但是彻底 * She trained hard all year yet still failed to reach her best form. 她全年艰苦训练, 然而仍未达到自己的最佳状态.


/ 5jetI; `jZtI/ n (also A,bominable `Snowman) large hairy man-like or bear-like creature reported to live in the highest part of the Himalayas 雪人(据报道生存在喜马拉雅山高处似人或似熊的巨大长毛动物).


/ ju:; ju/ n (a) (also `yew-tree) [C] small evergreen tree with dark-green needle-like leaves and small redberries, often planted for garden hedges and in churchyards 紫杉. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page i. (b) [U] wood of this tree 紫杉木. YHA

/ 9waI eItF 5eI; 9waI etF `e/ abbr 缩写 = (Brit) Youth Hostels Association 青年招待所协会.


/ jId; jId/ n ( sl offensive 讳, 俚, 蔑) Jew 犹太人.


/ 5jIdIF; `jIdIF/ adj, n [U] (of the) international Jewish language, a form of old German with words borrowed from Hebrew and several modern languages, used by Jews in or from E or Central Europe 依地语(的); (又译)意第绪语(的): speak (in) Yiddish 说依地语 * a Yiddish speaker 说依地语的人. Cf 参看 Hebrew.


/ ji:ld; jild/ v 1 [Tn] bear, produce or provide (a natural product, a result or profit) 生出、产生或提供(自然产物、结果或利润): trees that no longer yield fruit 不再结果实的树 * experiments yielding new insights 得到新的认识的实验 * Building societies' investment accountsyield high interest. 房屋建筑协会的投资利润获得很高

的利息. 2 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (to sb/sth) (fml 文) allow oneself to be overcome by pressure; cease opposition (to sb/sth) 屈服; 让步; (对某人[某事物])不再反对: The town was forced to yield after a long siege. 该城受长期围困而被迫弃守. * The government has not yielded to public opinion. 政府并未向舆论让步. * She yielded to temptation and had another chocolate. 她禁不住诱惑, 又吃了一块巧克力. (b) [I] be forced out of the usual or natural shape; bend or break under pressure (受外力)变形; (受压力)弯曲或折断: Despite all our attempts to break it open, the lock would not yield. 尽管我们想方设法要把锁弄断, 它却仍纹丝不动. * The dam eventually yielded and collapsed under the weight of water. 水坝在水的压力下终於决口. 3 [Ipr] ~ to sth be replaced or superseded by sth 被某事物代替或替换: Increasingly, farm land is yielding to property development. 地产的发展逐渐占据了农田. * The cinema has largely yielded to the home video. 电影业在很大程度上已让位给家庭录像电影. 4 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sb/sth (up) (to sb) (fml 文) (a) reluctantly give control of sth (to sb); deliver sb/sth (to sb) 勉强地将某事物交出(予某人); 将某人[某事物]送交(某人): The terrorists have yielded two of their hostages (up) to the police. 恐怖分子已把其中两名人质交给警方. (b) reveal sth; disclose sth 泄露、揭露、透露、暴露或露出某事物: The universe is slowly yielding up its secrets to scientists. 宇宙慢慢地向科学家展现了自己的秘密. 5 [I, Ipr] ~ (to sb/sth) (esp US) (of traffic) allow other traffic to have right of way (指道路上的来往车辆)让路给有先行权的车辆. 6 [I, Ipr] ~ (to sb/sth) (fml 文) admit that one is inferior (to sb/sth); concede 承认自己比不上(某人[某事物]); 让步; 忍让: I yield to no one in my admiration for (ie am one of the greatest admirers of) her work. 我比任何人都佩服她的工作.


n [U, C] (amount of) that which is yielded or produced 生产或出产(的量): a good, high, poor, etc yield of wheat 小麦的好收成、高产、歉收等 * What is the yield per acre? 每英亩的产量是多少? * the annual milk yield 牛奶的年产量.


adj (a) that can bend and give2(1); pliable rather than stiff 易弯曲的; 有弹性的; 柔软的: a soft, yielding material 柔软的、有弹性的材料. (b) likely to accept the wishes of others; not obstinate; compliant 顺从的; 不固执的; 依从的: a gentle, yielding personality 温柔、和顺的性情 * She is rarely yielding on such an issue. 在这类问题上她是很少让步的.




/ jIn; jIn/ n [U] (in Chinese philosophy) the passive dark female principle of the universe (中国哲学)阴. Cf 参看 yang.


/ 5jIpi:; `jIpi/ interj (infml 口) (used to express pleasure or excitement 用以表示愉快或兴奋).


/ 9waI em si: 5eI; 9waI Zm si `e/ (also US infml 美式口语作 Y) abbr 缩写 = Young Men's Christian Association基督教青年会: stay at the YMCA (hostel) 住在基督教青年会(招待所).


/ 5jEU jEU; `jo9jo/ n (pl ~s) (propr 专利名) toy consisting of two thick discs of wood or plastic with a deep groove between, which can be made to rise and fall on an attached string when this is jerked with a finger 悠悠(玩具, 为木制或塑料制两厚圆盘, 中间有一深沟连接一绳, 用手指抻绳可使之沿绳上下移动): The price of petrol is going up and down like a Yo-Yo. 汽油的价格像悠悠一样忽上忽下.


/ jCb; jBb/ (also yobbo / 5jCbEU; `jBbo/) n (pl ~s) (dated Brit sl 旧, 俚) aggressive, ill-tempered and ill-mannered young person; lout 粗俗的青年; 粗人.

yodel (also yodle)

/ 5jEUdl; `jodl/ v (-ll-; US -l-) [I, Tn] sing (a song) or utter a musical call, with frequent changes from the normal voice to high falsetto notes, in the traditional Swiss manner 用岳得尔调唱(歌)或呼喊(以瑞士的传统方式用真声和高音假嗓交替). yodel (also yodle)

n yodelling song or call 岳得尔调或呼喊.

yodeller (US yodeler)



/ 5jEUgE; `jo^E/ n [U] (a) Hindu philosophy that teaches control over the mind, senses and body in order to produce mystical experience and the union of the individual soul with the universal spirit 瑜伽派(印度哲学的一派). (b) system of exercises for the body and the control of breathing for those practising yoga or wanting to become fitter 瑜伽(术); 瑜伽修行法: [attrib 作定语] yoga classes 瑜伽学习班.


/ 5jEUgI; `jo^i/ n (pl ~s) teacher of or expert in yoga 瑜伽论者; 瑜伽(术)的导师或专家.

yoghurt (also `yogurt, `yoghourt)

/ 5jCgEt; ?@ 5jEUgErt;`jo^Lt/ n [U, C] slightly sour thick liquid food, consistingof milk fermented by added bacteria and often flavouredwith fruit, etc 酸乳酪(常以水果等调味): a breakfast of muesli and yoghurt 谷物、坚果及酸乳酪的早餐 * acarton of yoghurt 一纸盒酸乳酪 * Two strawberry yoghurts,please. 请来两份草莓酸乳酪. yoke

/ jEUk; jok/ n 1 [C] (a) shaped piece of wood fixed across the necks of two animals (esp oxen) pulling a cart, plough, etc 轭; (尤指)牛轭. (b) (pl unchanged 复数不变) two oxen working together 共轭牛(共同工作的一对牛): five yoke of oxen 五对共轭牛. 2 [C] object like a yoke in form or function, esp a piece of wood shaped to fit across a person's shoulders and support a pail at each end 轭状的或起轭作用的物体; (尤指)轭状扁担. 3 [C] (in dressmaking) part of a garment fitting round the shoulders or hips and from which the rest hangs (女服制作的)抵肩, (裙等的)腰. 4 [sing] ~ (ofsth/sb) (fml fig 文, 比喻) oppressive control; burdensomerestraint 束缚; 羁绊: throw off the yoke of slavery 摆脱奴隶制的枷锁 * under the yoke of a cruel master 在残暴的主人的控制之下.


v [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] 1 ~ sth (to sth); ~ sth and sth (together) put a yoke on (an

animal) 给(动物)上轭: yoke oxen to a plough 用轭把牛套在上 * yoke oxen together 用轭把牛套在一起. 2 ~ A (to/with B) (in sth); ~ A and B (together) (in sth) (fml 文) unite or form a bond between (people) 使(人)结合或联合: yoked to/with an unwilling partner 与一个不甘心情愿的伙伴结合在一起 * yoked (together) in marriage 联姻.


/ 5jEUkl; `jokl/ n (joc or derog 谑或贬) simple-minded country person; bumpkin 乡下佬; 土包子; 土老帽儿.


/ jEUk; jok/ n [C, U] round yellow part in the middle of the white of an egg 蛋黄; 卵黄: Beat up the yolks of three eggs. 把三个蛋黄搅匀. =>illus at egg 见 egg 插图. Yom Kippur

/ 9jCm 5kIpE(r), 9jCm kI5pUE(r); 9jom`kIpL,9jomkI`pJr/ annual Jewish holiday observed with fasting and prayers of penitence 赎罪日(一年一度的犹太人的节日, 於此日禁食及作忏悔祈祷).


/ jCmp; jBmp/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] (Brit army sl 英军俚) march with heavy equipment over difficult country 野外负重行军: yomping across moorland 穿过荒郊野外负重行军. yonder

/ 5jCndE(r); `jBndL/ det, adj, adv (arch or dialect 古或方) (that is or that can be seen) over there (在或可见於)那边(的): Do you see yonder clump of trees (ie that clump of trees over there)? 你看见那边的一丛树林了吗? * Whose is that farm (over) yonder? 那边的农场是谁的?


/ jR:(r); jRr/ n (idm 习语) of yore (arch or rhet 古或修辞) long ago 往昔: in days of yore 昔日.

Yorkshire pudding

/ 9jR:kFE 5pUdIN; 9jRrkFL `pJdIN/ baked batter2 often eaten with roast beef 约克郡布丁(常与烤牛肉同食): a large helping of Yorkshire pudding 一大块约克郡布丁 * four small Yorkshire puddings 四小块约克郡布丁.


/ ju:; ju/ pers pron 人称代词 1 person or people being addressed 您; 你; 你们. (a) (used as the subject or object of a v or after a prep; also used independently and after be 用作动词的主语或宾语或用於介词之後, 也可单独使用及用於be之後): You said you knew the way. 你说过你认识路的. * I thought she told you. 我以为她告诉你了. * This is just between you and me, ie not to be told to anyone else. 这事只是你知道我知道(不要告诉别人). * I don't think that hair-style is you, ie It doesn't suit your personality. 我认为那发型不适合你. * Is there anyone among you who is a doctor? 你们中间有医生吗? (b) (used with ns and adjs to address sb directly 与名词、形容词连用, 作直接称呼): You girls, stop talking! 你们这些女孩子, 别说话了! * You silly fool, you've lost us the game. 你这个傻瓜, 你把我们这一局给输了. * You angel, you've remembered my birthday. 你这个大好人, 还记得我的生日. 2 everyone; anyone (泛指)任何人: You learn a language better if you visit the country where it's spoken. 若到说某种语言的国家去, 就能把该种语言学得好些. * Driving on the left is strange at

first but you get used to it. 沿著路的左侧驾驶刚开始时有些别扭, 可是习惯了就好了. * It's easier to cycle with the wind behind you. 顺著风骑车省力. * Nobody wants to help you in this town. 在这座小城市里没有人愿意帮助别人. 3 (idm 习语) ,you and `yours you and your family and close friends 你和你的家属以及密切的朋友: a souvenir for you and yours to cherish 请你和你的家人惠存的一件纪念品.


/ 5ju:R:l; `ju9Rl/ pers pron 人称代词 (esp southern US 尤用於美国南部) you (plural) 你们: Have you-all brought swim-suits? 你们带游泳衣来了吗?


/ ju:d; jud/ contracted form 缩约式 1 you had => have. 2 you would => will1, would1. you'll

/ ju:l; jul/ contracted form 缩约式 you will => will1.


/ jUE(r), also jR:(r); jJr, jRr/ contracted form 缩约式 you are => be.


/ ju:v; juv/ contracted form 缩约式 you have => have.


/ jQN; jQN/ adj (-nger / -NgE(r); -N^L/, -ngest /-NgIst; -NgIst/) 1 not far advanced in life, growth, development, etc; of recent birth or origin 年轻的; 幼小的; 新诞生的; 新成立的: a young woman, animal, tree, nation 年轻的女人、幼小的动物、幼小的树、新成立的国家. Cf 参看 old2. 2 still near its beginning 仍然接近开始阶段的; 初期的: The evening is still young. 晚间刚开始不久. 3 the younger (fml 文) (used before or after a person's name, to distinguish that person from an older person with the same name 用於姓名之前或之後, 以区别於同名之年长者): the younger Pitt/Pitt the younger 年纪较轻的那个皮特. Cf 参看 elder1 2.4 (becoming dated 渐旧) (a) (used before a person'sname to distinguish esp a son from his father 用於姓名之前, 以区别父子, 指儿子): Young Jones is just like his father. 小琼斯真像他的父亲. (b) (used as a familiar or condescending form of address 用作亲切的或屈尊俯就的称呼): Now listen to me, (my) young man/lady! 听我说, (我的)小伙子[小姐]! 5 for, concerning or characteristic of youth or young people 青年的; 年轻人的: The young look is in fashion this year. 今年时兴扮年轻人的样子. * Those clothes she's wearing are much too young for her. 她穿的那些衣服显得太年轻了. 6 [pred 作表语] ~ in sth having little practice or experience in sth 对某事物不熟练或无甚经验: young in crime 初次犯罪. 7 (idm 习语) an angry young man => angry. not as/so young as one `used to be/(once) `was old or growing old and losing vigour, good health, etc 年老的; 失去青春活力或健康等的: I can't play squash twice a week: I'm not as young as I was, you know! 我不能一星期打两次壁球了, 我的体力大不如前了, 你要知道! not get any `younger become older 变老的: Of course long walks tire you out you're not getting any younger, you know. 当然走长路能把你累坏的--青春不再, 你要知道. an old head on young shoulders => old. young and `old (a`like) everyone, regardless of age 无论老少: This is a book for young and old (alike). 这本书老少咸宜. ,young at `heart in spite of one's age, still feeling and behaving as one did when one was young 人老心不老. the ,young i`dea (dated 旧) young people, esp schoolboys or schoolgirls and students青少年; (尤指)学生. one's young `lady/young `man (dated 旧) one's

girl-friend/boy-friend 女朋友; 男朋友: When's your young man coming to dinner, then? 你的男朋友什麽时候来吃饭呢? you're only young `once (saying 谚) young people should be allowed to enjoy themselves while they can, because they will have plenty to worry about when they get older 应准予年轻人及时行乐(因为年纪大时要有很多操心事). young

n [pl] 1 (of animals and birds) offspring; young ones (指鸟兽)雏; 仔; 崽: The cat fought fiercely to defend its young, ie its young kittens. 那只猫拼命反抗以保护小猫. 2 the young young people considered as a group 年轻人(总称): The young in our society need careand protection. 我们社会的年轻人需要受到关怀和爱护.3 (idm 习语) (be) with `young (of animals) pregnant (指动物)怀孕的.


adj fairly young; quite young 相当年轻的; 很幼小的: a youngish President 年轻的总统.


/ -stE(r); -stL/ n child; youth; young person孩子; 少年; 青年; 年轻人: How are the youngsters (ie yourchildren)? 你的孩子怎麽样?


NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely, (esp US) Yours truly are the commonest ways of ending formal and semi-formal letters. *Yours faithfully、 Yours sincerely、(尤用於美式英语的)Yours truly 是信末最常见的敬语, 用於正规的及半正规的书信均可. The correct style is to use Yours faithfullyto end a letter which begins Dear Sir/Madam (ie when the name of the person being addressed is not known to the writer) and Yours sincerely/truly after Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Smith (ie when the name is known but the person is not well known to the writer). 正确的格式是在信的开头用 Dear Sir/Madam(即不认识收信人), 则信末用 Yours faithfully, 而在信的开头用 Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Smith(即知其名而不熟悉者)则信末用 Yours sincerely/truly. *In US English Sincerely, Sincerely yours and Yours truly are often used. 在美式英语中常用 Sincerely、 Sincerely yours、 Yours truly. *If the writer knows the addressee personally, the first name is used and With best wishes may be added. 若写信人与收信人相识, 则信的开头用收信人的名字(不用姓), 信末可加 With best wishes. *More familiar still is the use of the first name and Yours (ever). 关系更密切者, 信的开头用收信人的名字(不用姓), 信末用 Yours (ever).


/ jR:(r); ?@ jUEr; jJr/ possess det 1 of or belonging to the person or people being addressed 您的; 你的; 你们的: Excuse me, is this your seat? 请问, 这是您的座位吗? * Your hair's going grey. 你的头发有些灰白了. * You'll see the post office on your right. 在你的右边能看到那个邮局. * Do you like your new job? 你喜欢你的新工作吗? 2 (often derog 常作贬义) (used to refer to sth that the person being addressed is associated with 用以指与对方有关的事物): These are your famous Oxford colleges (ie the ones you talk about), I suppose. 我想这些就是你常说的那些著名的牛津学院了. * I don't think much of your English weather. 我对你们英国的天气可不太欣赏. * (ironic 反语) You and your bright ideas! 你的高见又来了! 3 (also Your) (used when addressing royal people, important officials, etc 用以称呼皇室人员、重要官员等): Your Majesty 陛下 * Your Excellency 阁下.


/ jR:z; ?@ jUErz; jJrz/ possess pron 1 of or belonging to you 您的; 你的; 你们的: Is that book yours? 那本书是您的吗? * Is she a friend of yours? 她是你的朋友吗? 2 (usu 通常作 Yours, abbr 缩写 yrs) (used in ending a letter 用於信函的结尾): Yours sincerely * Yours faithfully * Yours truly (相当於中文书信的`谨上、敬上'等). =>Usage above 用法见上文.


/ jR:5self; ?@ jUEr5self; jJr`sZlf/ (pl -selves/- 5selvz; -`sZlvz/) reflex, emph pron 反身、强调代词 (onlytaking the main stress in sentences when used emphatically 仅用以加强语气时方读重音) 1 (reflex 反身) (used when the person or people addressed cause(s) and is/are affected by an action 作第二人称的反身代词): Have you `hurt yourself? 你把自己弄伤了吗? 2 (emph 强调) (used to emphasize the person or people addressed 用以加强第二人称的语气): You yourself are one of the chief offenders. 你自己就是其中一个主犯. * You can try it out for your`selves. 你们自己可以试一试. * Do it your`self I haven't got time. 你自己做--我没有时间. 3 (idm 习语) by your`self/your`selves(a) alone 独自; 单独: How long were you by yourself in the classroom? 你独自一人在教室里多长时间了?(b) without help 独力; 靠自己: Are you sure you did this exercise by yourself? 这个练习真是你自己做的吗?


/ ju:W; juW/ n (pl ~s / ju:Tz; juTz/) 1 [U] period of being young, esp the time between childhood and maturity 青少年时期: a wasted (ie unprofitably spent) youth 虚度的青少年时代 * I often went there in my youth. 我小时候常到那里去. * He painted scenes from his youth, ie that reminded him of the time when he was young. 他画的是他年轻时的景色. Cf 参看 age1 2. 2 [U] (fml 文) state or quality of being young 青春; 活力; 朝气; 血气: Her youth gives her an advantage over the other runners. 她年轻, 这是她比其他赛跑者优越的地方. * She is full of youth and vitality. 她充满了青春和活力. Cf 参看 age1 2. 3 [C] (often derog 常作贬义) young man (esp one in his teens) 青年男子, 小伙子(尤指十余岁的): As a youth he showed little promise. 他这个小伙子, 看不出有什麽出息. * The fight was started by some youths who had been drinking. 这场架是一帮喝醉了的小青年惹起的. 4 (also the youth) [sing or pl v] young people considered as a group 青年人(总称): the youth of the country/the country's youth 全国的青年人 * The youth of today has/have greater opportunities than ever before. 现在的青年人比以往任何时候都有更多的机会. * [attrib 作定语] youth culture, ie activities, interests, etc of young people 青年人的文化(活动、兴趣等). 5 (idm 习语) the first/full flush of youth => flush1.


/ -fl; -fEl/ adj having qualities typical of youth; young or seeming young 青年人的; 青春的; 有朝气的; 年轻的; 似年轻的: a youthful managing director 朝气蓬勃的总经理 * a youthful appearance 少相 * She's a very youthful sixty-five. 她已六十五岁却显得很年轻.


/ -fElI; -fElI/ adv.


n [U].

youth club

club (usu provided by a church, a localauthority or a voluntary organization) for young people'sleisure and social activities 青年俱乐部.

youth hostel

building in which cheap and simple food and accommodation is provided for (esp young) people on walking, riding or cycling holidays 青年招待所. `youth hostelling staying in youth hostels 住在青年招待所里: go youth hostelling 到青年招待所里去住.


/ jaUl; jaJl/ n loud wailing cry 哀号; 哭号; 号叫.


v [I] utter a yowl 哀号; 哭号; 号叫: kept awake by cats yowling all night 因整夜的猫叫声而无法入睡.


abbr 缩写 = 1 (pl yrs) year: valid for 3 yrs 3年有效 * a race for 2-yr olds, ie horses 两岁马的赛事. 2 your.


abbr 缩写 = yours: yrs sincerely, ie before a signature on a letter (用作书信署名前的敬语, 相当於中文的`谨上、敬上'等).


/ 9waI ti: 5es; 9waI ti `Zs/ abbr 缩写 = (Brit) Youth Training Scheme 青年训练计画: We've got a YTS girl helping us. 我们获得参加青年训练的一个姑娘的帮助. yucca

/ 5jQkE; `jQkE/ n tall plant with white bell-like flowers and stiff spiky leaves 丝兰(花).


/ jQk; jQk/ interj (sl 俚) (used to express disgust, distaste, etc 用以表示厌恶、反感等).


adj (-ier, -iest) (sl 俚) nasty; disgusting 讨厌的; 令人厌恶的: yucky school dinners 学校里难吃的饭菜.


/ ju:l; jul/ (also yule-tide / 5ju:ltaId; `jul9taId/) n (arch 古) festival of Christmas 圣诞节: [attrib 作定语] Yule-tide greetings, eg on a Christmas card 恭贺圣诞(如於圣诞贺卡上者).


n large log of wood traditionally burnt on Christmas Eve 圣诞柴(圣诞节前夕烧的木柴).


/ 9jQm 5jQm; `jQm`jQm/ interj (infml 口) (used to express pleasure while eating, or when thinking about eating, pleasant food 用以表示吃好东西时或想到吃好东西时的快乐).


/ 5jQmI; `jQmI/ adj (infml 口) (used esp by childrenin spoken English 尤用作儿童口语) tasty; delicious 味道好的; 好吃的: Chocolate cake for tea? How yummy! 有巧

克力蛋糕当茶点? 多好吃啊!


/ 5jQpI; `jQpI/ n (infml often derog 口, 常作贬义) young and ambitious professional person, esp one working in a city 雅皮(年轻有为的专业人士, 尤指在城市工作的). YWCA

/ 9waI dQblju: si: 5eI; 9waI dQbljJ si `e/ (also US infml 美式口语作 Y) abbr 缩写= Young Women's Christian Association 基督教女青年会: stay at the YWCA (hostel) 住在基督教女青年会(招待所).

牛津英汉双解大辞典 Y(A至Z)

牛津英汉双解大辞典 Y, y / waI; waI/ n (pl Y's, y's / waIz; waIz/) the twenty-fifth letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第二十五个字母: `Yak' begins with (a) Y/`Y'. yak 一字以 y 字母开始. Y chromosome (biology 生) chromosome that occurs singly and only in male cells, and produces a male after combining with an X chromosome during thereproductive process Y染色体. Cf 参看 X chromosome(X). Y-fronts n [pl] (Brit propr 专利名) men's underpants, with seams and an opening in the front sewn in the shape of an inverted Y 男用内裤(前有倒Y形开口者): a pair of Y-fronts 一条男用内裤(前有倒Y形开口者). -y (also -ey) suff 後缀 1 (with ns forming adjs 与名词结合构成形容词) full of; having the quality of 充满...的; 多...的; 有...性质的: dusty * icy * clayey. 2 (with vs forming adjs 与动词结合构成形容词) tending to 有...倾向的; 易...的: runny * sticky. -ily (forming advs 用以构成副词). -iness (forming uncountable ns 用以构成不可数名词). -y suff 後缀 1 (with vs forming ns 与动词结合构成名词) action or process of ...的行动或过程: inquiry * expiry. 2 (also -ie) (with ns forming diminutives or pet names 与名词结合构成指小词或昵称): piggy * doggie * daddy * Susie. Y abbr 缩写 = 1 yen1. 2 / waI; waI/ (US infml 口) = YMCA, YWCA. Y / waI; waI/ symb 符号 (a) (also y) (mathematics 数) unknown quantity 未知数: x = y + 2. (b) (fig 比喻) second unknown or unspecified person, number or influence 第二个未知的或未指明的人、数或影响力: Mr X met Miss Y. X先生遇见了Y小姐. yacht / jCt; jBt/ n 1 light sailing-boat, esp one built specifically for racing 快艇; (尤指专为竞赛用的)帆船: [attrib 作定语] a yacht race, club, crew 帆船竞赛、俱乐部、(一组)选手 * a sand yacht, ie a yacht-like vehiclewith wheels for use on sand 沙滩车. 2 large (usu power-driven) vessel used for private pleasure cruising 大型(通常为机动的)游艇. Cf 参看 dinghy. yacht v [I] (usu in the continuous tenses 通常用於进行时态) travel or race in a yacht, especially as a hobby 乘坐快艇、帆船、游艇或进行比赛(尤指作为爱好): I go yachting most weekends in the summer. 在夏天, 我大多数周末都乘快艇游玩. yachting n [U] art, practice or sport of sailing yachts 帆船驾驶(术); 帆船驾驶运动: [attrib 作定语] yachting equipment 帆船驾驶设备. yachtsman / -smEn; -smEn/ n (pl -smen / -smEn; -smEn/, fem 阴性作 `yachtswoman) person who has


《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》的语法性研究 文献综述 一、该选题的国内外研究现状 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》的语法性研究与分析对于词典的编纂提供了很好的向导,也对英语学习者对英语的学习带来了帮助。英语词典吸收了新的语言学理论,出现了许多新的释义方式,词典编纂者应时刻掌握使用者需求动态与认知习惯要求,编纂出更适合需求的词典。 (一)国外研究现状 早在二十世纪七十年代,Hornby A S于1978发表了“Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English-The complete Guide to Written and Spoken English ”的文章,从而对词典的研究打开了序幕,将词典的功能扩大化、细致化。 《牛津高阶》是历史悠久的字典,许多字典的标准是由它所建立,可以称为字典的大哥大。针对读者学习需求,不收古语、罕语,也不收字源。以国际音[IPA]为准,兼收英国音和美国英;英文定义简明;例句丰富;动词分及物和不及物,名词分可数和不可数。作为ESL词典的开山鼻祖,OALD确立了很多词典编写的标准,这些标准广泛的被其他出版社采用。OALD也一直把发行量第一作为广告来宣传自己。 A.P.Cowie于2002年发表的一篇论文名为“English Dictionaries for Foreign Learners: A History”也描述了英语词典对于外国学习者在学习英语的过程中所起到的作用,并且对其历史也作了详细的研究。同年,Rundel L.M. 也发表了一篇名为“Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners”的论文,他主要是针对一些进阶的学习者做的一些研究,他是用麦克米伦英语词典来作为研究对象,旨在通过对麦克米伦词典的研究来达到研究出增进人们学习英语的最佳途径以及编辑英语词典的方法等等。 (二)国内研究现状


牛津高阶英汉双解词典 英语谚语、格言和警句_Sayings and Proverbs 谚语、格言和警句蕴藏着人类的智慧,简短的词句、诙谐的表达中流露着人生的哲理。我希望能和大家一同分享这些睿智的语言,体悟语言世界的奥妙。现计划每天摘录一句,并附解释。如果大家对其中的某些妙句有兴趣和想法,欢迎大家针对性地发表意见;同时欢迎大家收集英语谚语、格言和警句在本贴发布,以供大家分享,最好注明出处。希望与大家快乐而智慧地共同进步。 我目前所摘的谚语、格言和警均来自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第七版)【商务印书馆,牛津大学出版社(中国)有限公司,2009年4月第3版】 Below is a list of well-known sayings and proverbs: fixed phrases or sentences that give advice or say something that is generally true. 下列广泛流传的谚语、格言和警句,即给予劝戒或表达普遍真理的固定短语或句子。 1—absence makes the heart grow fonder ?英文解释:used to say that when you are away from sb that you love, you love them even more ?翻译:不相见,倍思念 2—there's no accounting for taste ?英文解释:used to say how difficult it is to understand why sb likes sb/sth that you do not like at all ?翻译:人的爱憎好恶是无法解释的;人各有所好 3—actions speak louder than words ?英文解释:what a person actually does means more than what they say they will do ?翻译:行动比言语更为响亮 4—it'll be all ringt on the night ?英文解释:used to say that a performance, an event, etc. will be successful even if the preparations for it have not gone well ?翻译:(演出、活动等)到时候自会成功的;车到山前必有路 5—the apple doesn't fall far from the tree OR—the apple never falls far from the tree ?英文解释:a child usually behaves in a similar way to his or her parent(s) ?翻译:有什么样的父母就有什么样的儿女;上行下效


从《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第四版与第六版释义与注释的比较看词典发展的变迁 崔彬彬 《牛津高阶词典》Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (以下称OALD)最早是由已故AS霍恩比先生编纂的Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English,由牛津大学出版社在1948年出版。此后,凭借其精湛的编纂技术,高度的敬业精神等因素,牛津辞典很快成为词典界的权威及英语学习者心目中的首选,因此在全世界范围内得以一版再版,并被陆续翻译成各种语言。为了紧随时代的步伐,满足我国英语学习者的迫切需要,我国引进了《牛津高阶词典》并对其进行翻译使之成为适合于中国读者使用的英汉双解词典。第一部《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》以OALD 第二版为底本编译,于1970年出版,之后二版三版……一发不可收。至今在中国已有六版《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》。每一版都见证着中外词典编纂人世世代代不懈的追求与辛勤的耕作,才使得词典发展到了今天的成熟与多姿。这些版本之间到底有什么不同?仅仅是时间上的差异,单词量的差异还是产生了其它微妙的变化?本文拟从《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第四版与第六版释义与注释的比较来看不同版本词典的发展与变迁。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(以下简称牛津)第四版出版于1997年9月,共1910页。第六版出版于2004年6月,共2166页,与第四版出版的时间相隔不到七年。下面将就释义与注释为例阐述两版之间的差异。 一、释义的变化 释义的变化首先体现在前言中。在牛津第四版的前言中,没有对释义进行单独介绍。但在第六版中不仅包含此项内容,并有“释义说明”一项,占据两页的篇幅。可见第六版的编纂者已经赋予释义新的内涵及重要性并对此加强了阐释力度。编者在序言中指出“所有释义均用不超过3000的词汇解释。释义中所用词汇在附录8中给与列出。”(见牛津第六版序言)3000的词汇量已控制的非常小,接近高中生的词汇水平,也就是说连中学生都可以看得懂,可见编纂者在释义上所下的功夫与其独具匠心。下面主要以forgive及frenetic为例,具体看一下与第四版相比,第六版在释义方面有哪些改进。为清楚起见,释义将逐条列出。 forgive: 1. [Tn, Tn·pr, Dn·n]~ sth, ~ sb (for sth/doing sth) stop being angry or bitter towards sb or about sth; stop blaming or wanting to punish sb原谅;宽恕;饶恕(4版) 1. ~ sb/yourself (for sth/for doing sth)to stop feeling angry with sb who has done sth to harm, annoy or upset you; to stop feeling angry with yourself原谅;宽恕(6版) 从这一释义对比中,可以看出第六版有很大改进:如在释义之首用介词to开始,使表述更加严谨;在释义的措辞上也更注重科学性,更加易懂,如改being angry 为feeling angry;删除了词义中所没有的义项,如stop blaming or wanting to punish sb,取而代之的是stop feeling angry with sb who has done sth to harm, annoy or upset you。尽管只是一个简单的改变,却使得词典使用者更加清晰明了forgive所能应用的情景。原谅只是说明一个人已不再对别人或自己生气,而并不能表明此人还有要责备或惩罚别人的意思;另外,可以很明显的看到,在第四版具体释义前面出现的[Tn, Tn·pr, Dn·n]在第六版中已消失不见,这更利于英语学习者的使用。另外,在第六版中增加了to stop feeling angry with yourself,使得语言学习者


评《牛津短语动词词典》(英汉双解版) (田波尤子鹃江海职业技术学院外语系 225000) 摘要:作为针对进阶以上英语学习者的双解字典,《牛津短语词典》以方便学习者使用为宗旨,其宏观结构(宗旨、收词、版式和附录)以及微观结构(词目、释义、例证、标注)有其特色,同时在释义、例证翻译和例证设置方面的也有其不足。一部词典需要实现科学性,实用性和信息性的统一。 关键词:短语动词词典、宏观结构、微观结构 牛津出版的各种双解词典早已为广大读者熟悉和认可。然而这类词典一般难以详尽介绍英语单词的搭配组合,如习语、短语动词或词语搭配等。这些是进一步提高英语水平的学习者需要掌握的内容。为此,外语教学与研究出版社和牛津大学出版社联合推出了以进阶以上的英语学习者为对象的英汉双解版《牛津短语动词词典》和《牛津英语习语词典》。 作为该系列之一的《牛津短语动词词典》(Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary, 以下简称OPVD)以2001年出版的Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dicgtionary for Learners of English 为蓝本编译,收录6000多条英美常用的短语动词,内容涉及了体育、计算机技术、环保、商业等领域,附有语料库例证,展示短语动词用法。纵观OPVD的宏观和微观结构,其特色明显,体现出以方便学习者的宗旨,而其释义和例句翻译以及例证设置仍发现一些不足之处。下面将从这两方面具体阐述。 一词典特色 双语词典的编纂要着眼于使用者的需要。这个编辑方针看似平凡,可是不易贯彻的[1]。李明提出,比较好的解决办法是只为单一读者群服务为这些读者提供他们需要的尽可能多的信息,始终不渝地为他们提供方便[2]。OPVD在宏观结构上对于词典的读者对象、篇幅和收词做了明确定位。具体有以下特点: 1. 条目清晰 作为一本面向中等程度英语学习者的小型词典,该词典共收录6000多个动词,其中大多数是日常交流和报章的常用动词。作为成语词典而言,如何更好地处理成语条目的排列是成语词典编纂的主要问题之一。为方便读者查询,所有的短语动词词条按关键动词排列, 各词条中再按照小品词的字母顺序排列。而每组动词+小品词的组合中,又按照是否带宾语的情况先列出不带宾语的组合,然后是可不带可带宾语的组合,接着是必须带宾语的组合。对于必须带宾语的组合,先列出宾语为sb,然后是sb或sth,最后是只以sth为宾语的动词。其后是与itself, yourself等连用的动词,最后是用于被动语态的动词。这样的条目排列一目了然,让读者能够方便地检索到条目。此外,在查词典中的短语动词时虽然知道按照小品词的字母顺序查找,但是当一个动词条目下的短语动词条目过多的时候,在排版紧密的页面中不容易一下找到。OPVD就针对这一问题给出了了速查表,按顺序标明每一个短语动词所在的页码。以keep一词为例,词目下方在注音和不规则变化形式之后紧接着用列表的方式给出检索速查表:


使用方法:请先尝试按照中文反写英文,再与英文例句做比较,注意研究表达方式的转换。 LANGUAGE BANK用语库 About Saying what a text is about描述文章的内容 ?The book is about homeless people in the cities. 这本书写的是城市中无家可归的人们。 ?The report deals with the issue of homelessness in London. 这篇报道是关于伦敦的无家可归问题。 ?The writer discusses the problems faced by homeless people. 作者讨论了无家可归者面临的种种问题。 ?The article presents an overview of the issues surrounding homelessness. 这篇文章概述了有关无家可归的种种问题。 ?The novel explores the theme of friendship among homeless people. 这部小说探究了无家可归的人之间的友谊这个主题。 ?The first chapter examines the relationship between homelessness and drug addiction. 第一章考察了无家可归与吸毒成瘾之间的关系。 ?The paper considers the question of why so many young people become homeless. 这篇论文论述了为何如此多的年轻人变得无家可归的问题。


Vol.33No.3 M ar.2012 第33卷第3期2012年3月赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社会科学版) Journal of Chifeng University (Soc.Sci )双语词典是语言学习者、翻译工作人员必备的工具书。因为双语词典涉及到两种语言,所以它的编纂质量与其翻 译水平有很大的关系,而且词典翻译因其自身的特点,与文学、 科技文章等的翻译有很大的区别。词典翻译不仅仅是语义对等的问题,还关系到语用、语体及文化的对等,它们两者之间的对等可加强词典用户对所查词语的理解和认知。换言之,词典中源语和目的语的最终目的是一致的,要达成这个目标就要求词典翻译功能上的对等。因此,奈达的“功能对等”理论对词典翻译有很大的指导意义。 一、词典翻译的特点 词典是一种工具书,其翻译有其自身的特点,它与文 学、 法律章程、科技文章等的翻译有很大的差异。“词典翻译以词目词为核心,以词、短语、句子为独立处理单位;”① 词目 词的翻译,是以源语为依据,围绕着源语的语义、 语用、语体以提供对等词。在词典翻译中,根据源语与目的语的对等,章宜华将其分三类不同的对等关系,它们分别是:完全等值、部份等值、零等值。这里所说的“等值”是指“目的语与源语词目词的语义特征、功能特征、文体特征、语域范围和使 用规则等都基本相等。” ② 二、奈达的“功能对等”理论 奈达是美国著名的语言学家及翻译专家。他认为,能用一种语言表达的东西一定能用另一种语言来表达,一个民族使用的“落后”的语言结构并不会“限制”它对世界的认识能力,而不同“语言之间,文化之间能通过寻找翻译对等语,以恰当方式重新组织信息的形式和语义结构而进行交际”。③奈达的翻译思想大致分为三个发展阶段,而“功能对等”理论是在第三阶段,也就是社会符号学阶段提出来的。奈达在其1964出版的《翻译科学探索》中第一次提出“动态对等”翻译理论。这是经过他对《圣经》的翻译实践所得经验提炼所得的翻译观点。“动态对等”指的是“最切近的话自然对等”及“译文接受者和原文信息之间的关系应该与原文接受者和译文信息之间的关系基本相同”。在接下来的二十多年的研究中,奈达认为,在翻译中形式亦具有意义。在1986年的著作《从一种语言到另一种语言》中,“动态对等”这一说法用“功能对等”代替。而对于翻译的对象,奈达认为包括源语中所传达的语义、文体、文学形象上的情景的和心理效果方面,以及作品本身成功的或不成功的信息。 三、“功能对等”理论在词典翻译实践中的应用 “功能对等”理论是建立在社会符号学的基础上产生的, 奈达认为翻译即翻译意义,其重点是读者对译文的反应,而不是语言的表现形式。“双语词典的基本目的是在一种语言 的词汇单位之间寻找意义对等词。”④它所给出的对等词可帮助用户理解词语的释义,增加其对所查词语的意义认知效果。因此,目的语用户对词典中提供译文的理解应尽量与源语用户对词目词的理解产生一致的效果。这与奈达所提出的翻译思想是相同的,那就是强调读者对译文的反应。下面将结合“功能对等”理论,提出词典翻译的具体操作方法。 (一)词目词的翻译 1.直接提供对等词 针对一些在两种语言间语义、语用、语体对等的词汇,也就是章宜华所提出属于“完全等值”的词汇,可以直接给出对等词。章宜华认为完全对等的词汇主要存在于专业语言、专名和理据性较强的新技术、新事物、新概念的命名中。另外,刘宓庆在其著作《当代翻译理论》中也详细列出5种英汉对等的词汇,包括有:“(1)人称代词;(2)数词及其组合式和各种数理公式;(3)无歧义的科学技术名词及专业术语;(4)无歧义的人名、物名、地名;(5)无歧义的名词、无歧义的定式搭配及常用的自由搭配,如太阳→sun ;白雪→white snow ;rainy season →雨季,等等”。⑤这些在英汉两种语言中大致能一一对应的词汇,在词典中可给出对等词就能再现 源语的意义,方便用户理解词义。如 (本文例子均取自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第七版): (1)carrot:1[U,C]a long pointed orange root vegetable 胡萝卜(2)music:1sounds that are arranged in a way that is pleasant or exciting to listen to.People sing music or play it on instruments.音乐;乐曲 (3)window:1an opening in the wall or roof of a building,car,etc.,usually covered with glass,that allows light and air to come in and people to see out;the glass in a window 窗;窗户;窗口;窗玻璃 从这些例子中,可以看出目的语的对等词能忠实并全 奈达“功能对等”理论在双语词典翻译中的应用 ———以《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第七版为例 邓丽晖 (广东外语外贸大学 词典学研究中心,广东 广州 510420) 摘要:双语词典的翻译水平直接影响词典的质量。本文从奈达的“功能对等”理论出发,为《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第七版为例,简单介绍了词典的翻译方法。 关键词:功能对等;词典翻译;双语词典中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2596(2012)03-0194-02 194--


牛津词典是英国牛津大学出版社出版的多种英语词典的统称,是英国语言词典的代表。牛津词典共有20卷,它的存在更具有象征意义,象征着人类对知识无限的追求。 牛津系词典在词典界的有很高地位和标准,牛津的词典也分等级。 1、The Oxford English Dictionary,20 Volume Set 用于查找1150年的古旧词,作用类似于《汉语大词典》,属最高级的牛津词典,就是The Oxford English Dictionary(20 Volume Set)简称OED,这是牛津兄弟的老大,也是英语词典界的圣经。它一共有20卷,售价昂贵。很少有人能够读完这本词典,它的存在更具有象征意义,象征着人类对知识无限的追求。然而在电子时代失去了骇人的体量和质感,OED的光盘版,只需要两张CD-ROM。这套电子版的接口设计太差了。查完一个词之后没有一个后退键,只能用鼠标浏览。 2、The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary,2 Vol.Set 用于查找17世纪的古旧词,作用类似于《辞源》,The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (2 Vol. Set)是牛津出的The Oxford English Dictionary,20 Volume Set的一个简编版。这是牛津家族中第二大的词典,两大本3888页的厚度,这本词典在国内由上海外语教育出版社引进第五版。 3、The New Oxford Dictionary of English 是查现代的百科新词之用类似《辞海》,The New Oxford Dictionary of


1、问:什么是英汉双解词典?使用双解词典有何好处?如何使用英汉双解词典?英语达到 什么水平可以用双解词典? 答:英汉双解词典是在保留英语原版词典内容的基础上,为原版词典中的词条、例句和注释等提供对应的汉语翻译的词典。简单地说,它是在英语原版词典的基础上加上汉语释义的词典。比如《牛津英汉双解小词典》、《牛津袖珍英汉双解词典》以及《牛津现代英汉双解词典》等都属于这类词典。 由于英语和汉语并不是完全对应的,因此,使用英汉双解词典,读者既能了解某单词在汉语中的对应词,又能通过其英语释义更清楚、更准确地理解其含义,避免因单纯看汉语对应词而产生的词义扩大或缩小等带来的理解偏差。另外,使用英汉双解词典可以增加英语语感,同时学习到比较地道规范的英语用法和说法。在下面的两个例子中可以比较清楚地体现出来:⑴ cleaver noun butcher's heavy chopping tool (肉铺的)切肉刀。在这个例子中,汉语的翻译"切肉刀"只表达了工具的用途,但它的形态没有表达出来,如heavy表明这把刀是厚重的, chopping也说明这把刀是用来切大块肉的。由于英汉两种语言的不同,以及词典的容量有限,必然会导致一些有用信息的流失,所以保留英语是相当必要的。⑵ cupboard noun recess or piece of furniture with door and usually shelves 壁橱,碗橱, 橱柜。在这个例子中,汉语释义的作用是不言而喻的,英文部分的解释不能马上让读者产生理解和印象,而汉语的释义则立刻解决了这个问题。在查阅英汉双解词典时,不能只是满足于知道了一个英文单词的中文对应词,还要注意读它的英文释义,以便进一步领会其准确含义。一般来说,初中水平以上的英语学习者就可以使用英汉双解词典了。一开始,最好选用难度较低的这类词典,如《牛津英汉双解小词典》。而对于中、高级英语学习者来说《朗文当代高级英语辞典》(英英?英汉双解)、《麦克米伦高阶英汉双解词典》都是不错的选择。 2、问:什么叫英语学习词典? 答:英语学习词典是专为母语不是英语的学习者编纂的英语词典,其特点是: ⑴ 选词适当,根据语料库数据分析词频后选用英语学习者最需要的常用词汇。 ⑵ 释义简明,释义词汇控制在一定数量之内(如2000-3500个常用词汇),使学习者使用起来非常方便,因此很受英语学习者的欢迎。


K, k / keI; ke/ n (pl K's, k's / keIz; kez/) the eleventh letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第十一个字母: `King' begins with (a) K/`K' king字以k字母开始. K / keI; ke/ abbr 缩写= 1 kelvin(s). 2 (infml 口) one thousand (Greek kilo-) 一千(源自希腊文kilo-): She earns 12K (ie 12000) a year. 她一年挣12000英镑. phonetic (K.K. Vowels) / fE5netIk; fE`nZtIk/ The K.K. phonetic symbols (音标)used in this dictionary contains the following vowels and diphthongs. Press the pronunciation button to hear the sounds they represent. 1. i -- Example: see / si:; si/ 2. I -- Example: sit / sIt; sIt/ 3. e -- Example: ten / ten; tZn/ 4. A -- Example: hat / hAt; hAt/ 5. B -- Example: arm / B:m; Brm/ 6. C -- Example: watch / wCtF; wBtF/ 7. R -- Example: saw / sR:; sR/ 8. J -- Example: put / pUt; pJt/ 9. u -- Example: too / tu:; tu/ 10. Q -- Example: cup / kQp; kQp/ 11. [ -- Example: fur / f\:(r); f[/ 12. E -- Example: ago / E5gEU; E`^o/ 13. e -- Example: page / peIdV; pedV/ 14. o -- Example: home / hEUm; hom/ 15. aI -- Example: five / faIv; faIv/ 16. aJ -- Example: now / naU; naJ/ 17. RI -- Example: join / dVRIn; dVRIn/ 18. IE -- Example: near / nIE(r); nIE(r)/ 19. ZE -- Example: hair / heE(r); hZE(r)/ 20. JE -- Example: tour / tUE(r); tJE(r)/ phonetic (K.K. Consonants) / fE5netIk; fE`nZtIk/ The K.K. phonetic symbols (音标)used in this dictionary contains the following consonants. Press the pronunciation button to hear the sounds they represent. 1. p -- Example: pen / pen; pZn/ 2. b -- Example: bad / bAd; bAd/ 3. t -- Example: tea / ti:; ti/ 4. d -- Example: did / dId; dId/ 5. k -- Example: cat / kAt; kAt/ 6. ^ -- Example: got / gCt; ^Bt/ 7. tF -- Example: chin / tFIn; tFIn/ 8. dV -- Example: Jun e / dVu:n; dVun/ 9. f -- Example: fall / fR:l; fRl/ 10. v -- Example: voice / vRIs; vRIs/ 11. W -- Example: thin / WIn; WIn/ 12. T -- Example: then / Ten; TZn/ 13. s -- Example: so / sEU; so/ 14. z -- Example: zoo / zu:; zu/ 15. F -- Example: she / Fi:; Fi/ 16. V -- Example: vision / 5vIVn; `vIVEn/ 17. h -- Example: how / haU; haJ/ 18. m -- Example: man / mAn; mAn/ 19. n -- Example: no / nEU; no/ 20. N -- Example: sin g / sIN; sIN/ 21. l -- Example: leg / leg; lZ^/ 22. r -- Example: red / red; rZd/ 23. j -- Example: yes / jes; jZs/ 24. w -- Example: wet / wet; wZt/ kaffir / 5kAfE(r); `kAfL/ n (S African offensive 南非, 讳, 蔑) black African person 非洲黑人. kaftan = caftan. Kaiser / 5kaIzE(r); `kaIzL/ n title of the German and Austro-Hungarian emperors until 1918 皇帝(尤指1918年前的德国皇帝). kale (also kail) / keIl; kel/ n [U] type of cabbage with curly leaves 羽衣甘蓝. kaleidoscope / kE5laIdEskEUp; kE`laIdE9skop/ n (a) toy consisting of a tube containing small loose pieces of coloured glass, etc and mirrors which reflect these to form changing patterns when the tube is turned 万花筒. (b) (usu sing 通常作单数) (fig 比喻) constantly and quickly changing pattern 千变万化; 瞬息万变: His paintings are a kaleidoscope of gorgeous colours. 他的油画色彩斑斓,


《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第七版的特色 牛津大学出版社 Sarah Robertson 浏览人次:5,800 The Features of OALECD (the 7th Edition) Sarah Robertson Editorial Director, ELT Dictionaries, Oxford University Press OALD is a title of which Oxford University Press is very proud. Throughout its life, the monolingual edition of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD) has sold over 35 million copies, and is the biggest-selling single title of all time for OUP. As you probably know, Oxford has an enviable heritage in expertise in the English language, and in publication of dictionaries of English. The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary has the longest history of any dictionary for l earners of English. The first edition was conceived and written by A.S. Hornby, an English teacher in Japan in the 1920s. Hornby realised that dictionaries intended for native speakers of English were just not suitable or helpful for the students he taught. The definitions were long and included complex words, there were no illustrations, no help with pronunciation, and no example sentences demonstrating words in use. Hornby set about producing a dictionary that addressed all of these problems. For years his scribbled notes describing English words and phrases waited patiently on the backs of envelopes, post cards and scraps of paper, stored in boxes. Then in 1938 the pieces of paper began their transformation into the Learner’s Dictionary of Current Englis h, later to become the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, which was eventually published by Oxford University Press in 1948. Since then, new editions have been published in the years 1963, 1974, 1989, 1995, 2000 and 2005. Each edition has built on the strengths of its predecessors but remained true to the principles established by Hornby over 60 years ago. Hornby became extremely influential and respected in the world of ELT. After his dictionary was published, he continued teaching, and founded an educational trust which to this day is funded by royalties from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary and its Chinese bilingual editions. The trust supports the training and


牛津高阶英汉双解词典 AA汽车协会(英国一个为车主提供服务的组织) AAA美国汽车协会,(英国)业余体育协会 A&E(医院)急诊室 A and P大西洋与太平洋茶叶公司(在美国各州设有食品商店) A&R艺人及音乐产品部 Aard-vark土豚(非洲食蚁兽) Aargh啊(表示恐惧,愤怒等强烈情感) Aback吓了一跳,大吃一惊;震惊 Abacus算盘 Abaft在船尾,向船尾 Abalone鲍鱼 Abandon(不顾责任,义务等)离弃,遗弃,抛弃 (不得已而)舍弃,丢弃,离开 停止(支持或帮助),放弃(信念) 终止,放弃,不再有 陷入,沉湎于(某种感情) 《名》放任,放纵 Abandoned背离弃的,被遗弃的,被抛弃的 (人,行为)放纵的,不羁的 Abandonment离弃,遗弃,抛弃 放弃,中止 Abase表现卑微,卑躬屈节,屈从 Abashed羞愧,窘迫,尴尬 Abate(使)减弱哦,减轻,减退,减少 Abattoir=slaughterhouse Abaya 阿拉伯罩袍 Abba阿爸,爸爸 Abbess女修院院长 Abbey(大)隐修院,(曾为大隐修院的)大教堂 Abbot男修院院长 Abbreviate缩略,把(词语,名称)缩写(成…) Abbreviation略语,缩写词,缩写形式 ABC 基础知识,入门 1.美国广播公司(美国一家全国性的大型电视广播公司)Abdicate逊位,退位 失职,放弃(职责) Abdomen腹部,(昆虫的)腹部 Abdominal腹部的,腹痛 Abdominals腹肌 Abduct诱拐,劫持,绑架 Abductee被劫持者,被绑架者 Abductor劫持者,绑架者,绑匪 Abed在床上


《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》使用语法标识与缩写 a.adjective 形容词 adv. Adverb 副词 art.Article 冠词 conj. Conjunction 连词 int.interjection 感叹词 n.noun 名词 prep. preposition 介词 pron. pronoun 代词 v.verb 动词 vi. intranstive verb 不及物动词 vt. transtive verb 及物动词 C——可数名词 U——不可数名词 CGp——可数集合名词 Gp——-集合名词 sing v——复数名词与单数动词连用 pl v——单数名词与复数动词连用 sing or pl v-复数名词与单数或复数动词均可连用pl——复数名词与复数动词连用 sing——单数名词与单数动词连用 attrib——用作定语 pred——用作表语 La——系动词+形容词 Ln——系动词+名词 I——不及物动词 Ipr——不及物动词+介词短语 Ip——不及物动词+副词小词 In/pr——不及物动词+名词/介词短语 It——不及物动词+带to的不定式 Tn——及物动词+名词 Tn.pr——及物动词+名词+介词短语 Tn.p——及物动词+名词+副词小词 Tf——及物动词+限定式that从句 Tw——及物动词+从句或短语 Tt——及物动词+带to的不定式 Tnt——及物动词+名词+带to的不定式 Tg——及物动词+动词-ing成分 TSg——及物动词+名词(’s)+动词-ing成分

Tng——及物动词+名词+动词-ing成分 Tni——及物动词+名词+不带to的不定式 Cn.a——复合及物动词+名词+形容词 Cn.n——复合及物动词+名词+名词 Cn.n/a——复合及物动词+名词+名词或形容词Cn.t——复合及物动词+名词+带to的不定式Cn.g——复合及物动词+名词+动词-ing成分 Cn.i——复合及物动词+名词+不带to的不定式Dn.n——双及物动词++名词+介词短语 Dn.pr——双及物动词+名词+介词短语 Dn.f——双及物动词+名词+限定式that从句Dpr.f——双及物动词+介词短语+限定式that从句Dn.w——双及物动词+名词+wh-从句或短语 Dpr.w——双及物动词+介词短语+从句或短语Dn.t——双及物动词+名词+带to的不定式 Dpr.t——双及物动词+介词短语+带to的不定式 .
