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by the way 顺便说一下

in a way 在某种程度上

on the way home 在回家的路上

across the way 路对面, 街对面

over the way 路对面, 街对面

a long way off 在远处, 离得远

all the way 一路上, 沿路从远处, 特地自始至终

all the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来

quite the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来

very much the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来

all the way from... to [美]在...和...之间

be fond of one's own way 自己要怎样干就怎样干; 喜欢自行其是, 独断独行be in sb. 's way 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人

stand in sb. 's way 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人

be set in one's ways 死心眼, 脾气固执

beat one's way [美俚]无票乘车, 偷搭火车

blaze the way 开辟道路

bluff one's way out (of) 蒙混过关

bring up the hard way [口]严格地教育培养

by the way 顺路; 在途中顺便说, 附带说说

by way of 经由, 经过当作, 作为; 作出...样子

clear the way for sth. 为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件

pave the way for sth. 为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件

smooth the way for sth. 为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件

come in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长

fall in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用

为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长l

ie in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长

cut both ways 模棱两可; 互有利弊

discover the hard way 经历一番艰苦才学到、理解...

find out the hard way 经历一番艰苦才学到、理解...

edge one's way 挤过去

elbow one's way 挤着向前走

face both ways 脚踏两只船; 采取两面态度

fall by the way 中途掉队; 中途放弃、退出

feel one's way 谨慎小心地进行

prope one's way 谨慎小心地进行

find one's way out of 设法走出, 摆脱

fight one's way 奋斗前进, 打开一条道路

fight one's way back (to) (艰苦奋战)打回(原处)

find one's way to 设法赶到[进入]

find the way to 设法赶到[进入]

find one's way into 设法赶到[进入]

find the way into 设法赶到[进入]

force one's way 挤(出去), 冲(出去)

push one's way 挤(出去), 冲(出去)

shoulder one's way 挤(出去), 冲(出去)

squeeze one's way 挤(出去), 冲(出去)

thread one's way 挤(出去), 冲(出去)

work one's way 挤(出去), 冲(出去)

force out 挤(出去), 冲(出去)

push out 挤(出去), 冲(出去)

shoulder out 挤(出去), 冲(出去)

squeeze out 挤(出去), 冲(出去)

thread out 挤(出去), 冲(出去)

work out 挤(出去), 冲(出去)

follow one's way (=get one's way) 随心所欲地做; 独行其是

follow one's way (=have one's way) 随心所欲地做; 独行其是

gather way 增加速度; [喻]加强力量

get in the way 妨碍

get out of the way 让开; 避开解决(某事), 除去(某人), 摆脱

put out of the way 让开; 避开解决(某事), 除去(某人), 摆脱

get under way 出发; 开始前进

give way (to) 让步; 退让让位于消失; 消除变弱, 衰退被某种感情征服, 失去控制(健康等)垮掉, 恶化, 衰退(头脑、神态)开始失常(绳子、树枝)折断(吓得、累得)发软, 支持不住(股票)下跌

go a good way (对...)非常有效, (对...)大有帮助足够, 充分; 可以维持很久可以购买很多东西(指钱) (人)有成就, 有前途

go a great way (对...)非常有效, (对...)大有帮助足够, 充分; 可以维持很久可以购买很多东西(指钱) (人)有成就, 有前途

go a long way (对...)非常有效, (对...)大有帮助足够, 充分; 可以维持很久可以购买很多东西(指钱) (人)有成就, 有前途

go a good way with (对...)非常有效, (对...)大有帮助足够, 充分; 可以维持很久可以购买很多东西(指钱) (人)有成就, 有前途

go a great way with (对...)非常有效, (对...)大有帮助足够, 充分; 可以维持很久可以购买很多东西(指钱) (人)有成就, 有前途

go a long way with (对...)非常有效, (对...)大有帮助足够, 充分; 可以维持很久可以购买很多东西(指钱) (人)有成就, 有前途

go all the way with sb. 完全同意某人意见; 给某人以全力支持

go one's own way 一意孤行

take one's own way 一意孤行

go one's way(s) 动身, 前往

go out of one's way (to do) 特意去(做), 想尽各种办法(做)

go some way with 对...有点用处

go the way of 走...的道路, 重蹈...的覆辙

go the way of all flesh 死去, 逝世

go the way of nature 死去, 逝世

go the right way 采取正确[不正确]方法; 办得得法[不得法]

go the wrong way 采取正确[不正确]方法; 办得得法[不得法]

have a way of 有...习惯

have a way of doing sth. 有...习惯

have a way with (one) 善于接近(某种人) 有办法使人信服; 和蔼可亲, 有吸引人的风度

have it both ways (辩论时)一时说东, 一时说西, 两面讨好两全其美

have (everything) one's own way 为所欲为, 按照自己的意愿去做

hold one's way (沿着一条路)一直前进, 不停止按照原样干下去, 继续干

keep one's way (沿着一条路)一直前进, 不停止按照原样干下去, 继续干

in a way 有几分, 稍微; 在某一方面; 在某种意义上; 在某种程度上

in a bad way 病情严重; 精神不好; 受伤情况不好, 处境不好, 处于困境

in a big way 大规模地; 豪华地; 隆重地

in a great way 大规模地; 豪华地; 隆重地

in a family way 不拘礼节地, 家常随便地; 怀孕

in the family way 不拘礼节地, 家常随便地; 怀孕

in a general way 一般说来, 大体上

in a good way 昌盛地, 富裕地

in a hundred and one ways 千方百计地

in a round-about way 迂回曲折地; 转弯抹角, 兜圈子

in a small way 少量地; 小规模地, 简朴地

in a tin-pot way 蹩脚地, 不值钱地, 低劣地

in an absent way 心不在焉地

in an all-round way 全面地

in any way 无论如何, 在任何情况下

in every way 在各方面, 完全

in no way 决不, 无论如何不

in one's own way 自行其事, 随心所欲

in oneway or another 想方设法

in the way 挡住路, 妨碍, 多余的

in the way of 至于说..., 在...方面

in this way 这样, 以这种方式

just the other way 恰恰相反

keep out of the way 避开

know one's way about 精通(业务, 技术), 熟悉(情况) 机敏老练, 能随机应变lead the way 带路look one way and row another [口]声东击西, 别有企图look the other way 掉过脸去不理睬人, 装作没看lose one's way 迷路, 迷失方向; 误入歧途miss one's way 迷路, 迷失方向; 误入歧途make way 移动; (车, 船)前进获得进展, 起作用; (习惯, 风俗)为人所接受, 渐入人心make way for 为...让路make much way 走得快[慢]; 进步[不进步] make little way 走得快[慢]; 进步[不进步] make one's (own) way 前进, 繁荣, 兴隆; 发迹, 飞黄腾达make the best of one's way 拼命快走, 竭力进行mend one's way 改变习惯; 改正错误; 改变作风no way [美口]无论如何不, 决不no two ways about it 必不可免, 别无办法毫无疑问, 不可能有两种想法或意见on one's way to 到...去的途中on the way 在途中once in a way 有时, 偶然one way or another 不管怎样, 设法, 以这样或那样的方式one way or other 不管怎样, 设法, 以这样或那样的方式

one way or the other 不管怎样, 设法, 以这样或那样的方式out of the way 离大路很远的; 偏僻的, 远离人烟的在够不着的地方不妨碍人的, 不妨事的不同凡响的, 不寻常的错误的, 不成体统的pave the way for 为...铺平道路, 为...做好准备smooth the way for 为...铺平道路, 为...做好准备pay one's way 支付生活费勉强维持不负债能赚钱, 划得来pi ck one's way 小心走路, 谨慎前进pi ck one's steps 小心走路, 谨慎前进

plough one's way 艰难费力地前进, 开拓前进push one's way 推开(人群)通过, 挤过put it another way 换言之put oneself out of the way 不辞辛苦帮助别人put oneself out of the way to do sth. 不辞辛苦帮助别人put sb. out of the way 干掉某人; 把某人关进监牢rub sb. the right way 讨好某人; 抚慰某人rub sb. up the right way 讨好某人; 抚慰某人rub sb. the wrong way [口] 触怒某人, 使人感到不痛快rub sb. up the wrong way [口] 触怒某人, 使人感到不痛快see one's way clear 清楚知道自已应该怎样做see one's way to 清楚知道自已应该怎样做set sb. on his way 陪[送]某人走一段路给某人指明路途shoot a way (out) 开枪冲出[突围] show sb. the way 为某人引路smash one 'sway out of 冲出

stand in the way of 妨碍,阻住...的路stop sb.'s way 拦住某人swear one's way through 破口大骂take one's way to 向...出发,...向...走去

take one's way towards 向...出发,...向...走去that way 那边那样

[口](about, for)(同...)在恋爱中; 非常喜欢the way of the world 社会上的习惯The furthest way about is the nearest way home. [谚]绕道路反近, 捷径常误人。The longest way about is the nearest way home. [谚]绕道路反近, 捷径常误人。The furthest way about is the shortest way home. [谚]绕道路反近, 捷径常误人。The longest way about is the shortest way home. [谚]绕道路反近, 捷径常误人。There are more ways than one to kill a cat. [谚] 达到目的的方法多得很。the Milky W- 银河, 天河this way and that 踌躇不决to one's way of thinking 据...的想法,...认为under way 在进行中, 发生; 在航行中watch which way the cat jumps 观望形势然后行动; 见风使舵win one's way 奋力前进; 取得成功wind one's way into 用巧妙的手段得到, 骗取work one's way 挤出一条路; 排除困难, 艰辛前进(through)靠做工读完(大学等) work one's way(out) 在船上做工以代船费work one's way in 深入; 渗透worm one's way (through) 慢慢前进way above [美]远远在上[超过] way ahead [美]远远在前面way back [美]很久以前, 老早就way behind [美]远远落在后面way below [美]低得多waydown [美]在更下面, 在更远的地方way off [美]有很大距离; 错得厉害way up [美] ad.远远在上, 在更高处 a.高级的, 优秀的


by way of someplace.途径某地 get in the way.妨碍 show somebody the way.为某人引路 lead the way.带路 set in one's ways.旧习难改 mend one's ways.改邪归正 the way of the world.世俗 just the other way.恰恰相反 in any way.无论如何 in no way.无论如何不;决不 put it another way.换言之 in a/the family way.不拘礼节地 go/take one's own way.一意孤行 give way (to).退让 on the way.在途中 on one's way to…….到……去的途中 on the way home 在回家的路上 lose one's way 迷路 show sb.the way 为某人引路 lead the way way of life 生活方式 by the way 顺便 the way of the world 世俗 give way to 退让 ① make one’s way: The team slowly made their way through the jungle. 这一队人艰难地行走在丛林中。 ② push one’s way: He pushed his way through the crowd. 他推开人群挤出去了。 ③ lose one’s way: He lost his way in the big city. 在这个大城市里,他迷失了方向。 ④ pick one’s way: He had to pick his way along the muddy path. 在泥泞的小路上,他只得择路而行。 ⑤ fight one’s way: The surrounded soldiers fought their way out. 这些被包围的士兵杀出了一条生路。 ⑥ feel one’s way:We couldn’t see anything in the cave, so we had to feel o ur way out. 我们在洞里什么也看不到,只得摸着出去。 ⑦ inch one’s way: On seeing the snake, he inched his way backwards. 一看到那条蛇,他就缓慢地退走了。 ⑧ laugh one’s way: He laughs his way through life. 他一辈子笑待人生 ⑨ wind one’s way: The path winds its way to the top of the mountain. 这条小路蜿蜒通向山顶。 ⑩ elbow one’s way: He elbowed his way to the front of the queue. 他(用肘)挤到队前面。


in the way 以这样的方法 in a way 在某种程度上说…… pave the way for 为……铺平道路 in no way 绝不 on the way 在路上;baby还未出生;……即将来临give way to 向……屈服 the other way round 相反…… stand in one's way 挡住某人的路 make way for 给……让路 lead one's way 为某人带路 lose one'e way 迷路 the way of living 生活方式 by way of ……的途径;作为…… make one's way to 前往某地 by the way 顺便提一下 很口语的:NO WAY!(没门儿!)[p:1] 有关“way”的短语 希望以下几条短语能给你帮助. by way of someplace.途径某地 get in the way.妨碍 show somebody the way.为某人引路 lead the way.带路 set in one's ways.旧习难改 mend one's ways.改邪归正 the way of the world.世俗 just the other way.恰恰相反 in any way.无论如何 in no way.无论如何不;决不 put it another way.换言之 in a/the family way.不拘礼节地

go/take one's own way.一意孤行 give way (to).退让 on the way.在途中 across the way 路对面, 街对面 over the way 路对面, 街对面 a long way off 在远处, 离得远 all the way 一路上, 沿路 从远处, 特地 自始至终 all the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来 quite the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来 very much the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来 all the way from... to [美]在...和...之间 be fond of one's own way 自己要怎样干就怎样干; 喜欢自行其是, 独断独行be in sb. 's way 挡?鹑说穆? 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人 stand in sb. 's way 挡?鹑说穆? 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人 be set in one's ways 死心眼, 脾气固执 beat one's way [美俚]无票乘车, 偷搭火车 blaze the way 开辟道路 bluff one's way out (of) 蒙混过关 bring up the hard way [口]严格地教育培养 by the way 顺路; 在途中 顺便说, 附带说说


有关way的短语 be on one's way 在旅途中 by a long way 大大的;…得多 by the way 1. 顺便说说,顺便提起Oh, by the way, while you were away I had a message.哦,顺便提一句,你不在的时候我收到了一条消息。 2. 在路上,在途中You will have a fine view of Moray Firth by the way.在途中你将欣赏到马里湾的美丽景色。come one's way 发生于某人身上,被某人碰到He did whatever jobs came his way.他碰上什么工作就干什么工作。 find a way 找到(达到目的)的方法 get (或 have) one's own way 一意孤行 give way 1. 屈服 2. 让路 3. (划手)用力划 go all (或

the whole) way 干到底 go out of one's way 特地(或故意)做 go one's own way (尤指不听不同建议)独自行动 go one's way 1. (事件、形势等)对某人有利I was just hoping things went my way.我只是希望情况对我有利。2. 离开One by one the staff went their way.职员们一个接一个地离开了。 go someone's way 同路Wait for Owen, he's going your way.等一下欧文,他跟你同路。 have it your (own) way (非正式)你想怎样就怎样 have/get a way with 擅长处理;有能力对付 in more ways than one 不单是这样,还有别的意思Shelley let her hair down in more ways than one.谢莉别有用意地将头发垂下。 in a way


by the way 顺便说一下 in a way 在某种程度上 on the way home 在回家的路上 across the way 路对面, 街对面 over the way 路对面, 街对面 a long way off 在远处, 离得远 all the way 一路上, 沿路从远处, 特地自始至终 all the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来 quite the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来 very much the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来 all the way from... to [美]在...和...之间 be fond of one's own way 自己要怎样干就怎样干; 喜欢自行其是, 独断独行be in sb. 's way 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人 stand in sb. 's way 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人 be set in one's ways 死心眼, 脾气固执 beat one's way [美俚]无票乘车, 偷搭火车 blaze the way 开辟道路 bluff one's way out (of) 蒙混过关 bring up the hard way [口]严格地教育培养 by the way 顺路; 在途中顺便说, 附带说说 by way of 经由, 经过当作, 作为; 作出...样子 clear the way for sth. 为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件 pave the way for sth. 为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件 smooth the way for sth. 为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件 come in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长 fall in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用 为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长l ie in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长 cut both ways 模棱两可; 互有利弊 discover the hard way 经历一番艰苦才学到、理解... find out the hard way 经历一番艰苦才学到、理解... edge one's way 挤过去 elbow one's way 挤着向前走 face both ways 脚踏两只船; 采取两面态度 fall by the way 中途掉队; 中途放弃、退出 feel one's way 谨慎小心地进行


across the way 路对面, 街对面 over the way 路对面, 街对面 a long way off 在远处, 离得远 all the way 一路上, 沿路从远处, 特地自始至终 all the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来 quite the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来 very much the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来 all the way from... to [美]在...和...之间 be fond of one's own way 自己要怎样干就怎样干; 喜欢自行其是, 独断独行 be in sb. 's way 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人 stand in sb. 's way 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人 be set in one's ways 死心眼, 脾气固执 beat one's way [美俚]无票乘车, 偷搭火车 blaze the way 开辟道路 bluff one's way out (of) 蒙混过关 bring up the hard way [口]严格地教育培养 by the way 顺路; 在途中顺便说, 附带说说 by way of 经由, 经过当作, 作为; 作出...样子 clear the way for sth. 为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件 pave the way for sth. 为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件 smooth the way for sth. 为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件

come in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长 fall in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长 lie in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长 cut both ways 模棱两可; 互有利弊 discover the hard way 经历一番艰苦才学到、理解... find out the hard way 经历一番艰苦才学到、理解... edge one's way 挤过去 elbow one's way 挤着向前走 face both ways 脚踏两只船; 采取两面态度 fall by the way 中途掉队; 中途放弃、退出 feel one's way 谨慎小心地进行 find one's way out of 设法走出, 摆脱 fight one's way 奋斗前进, 打开一条道路 fight one's way back (to) (艰苦奋战)打回(原处) find one's way to 设法赶到[进入] find the way to 设法赶到[进入] find one's way into 设法赶到[进入] find the way into 设法赶到[进入] force one's way 挤(出去), 冲(出去)


across the way 路对面, 街对面over the way 路对面, 街对面 a long way off 在远处, 离得远all the way 一路上, 沿路从远处, 特地自始至终all the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来quite the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来very much the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来all the way from... to [美]在...和...之间be fond of one's own way 自己要怎样干就怎样干; 喜欢自行其是, 独断独行be in sb. 's way 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人stand in sb. 's way 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人be set in one's ways 死心眼, 脾气固执beat one's way [美俚]无票乘车, 偷搭火车blaze the way 开辟道路bluff one's way out (of) 蒙混过关bring up the hard way [口]严格地教育培养by the way 顺路; 在途中顺便说, 附带说说by way of 经由, 经过当作, 作为; 作出...样子clear the way for sth. 为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件pave the way for sth. 为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件smooth the way for sth. 为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件come in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长fall in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长lie in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用为某


way与介词搭配 ■崔长平河南遂平一高(463100) ■表示“在去……的路上”,经常与介词on和to搭配,后接副词时,to要省去。 on the / one's way (to…) I called on Mr.Richards on my way back. He met me on the way home. He told me about the accident on the way to his home. They visited our country on their way back to London. They are still on the way. 注意:在表示引申含义“就要,将要”时,to后经常接用名词或动名词,不能接动词不定式。 He is on the way to success. He is well on his way to becoming an officer of the company. on the /one's way可以用作表语,意为“即将到来”。 The new machine you ordered is on its way. Christmas is on the way; we are in October already. Better weather is on the way. ■表示“方法,方式”时,经常与介词in 搭配。其后的定语从句经常由in which,that,或省略不用引导词来引导,引导词在定语从句中作状语。 Only in this way can you work out the problem. She was pleased with the way in which he had accepted her criticism. We admired him for the way in which he faced his difficulties. I don't like the way that you laugh at her. People liked the way (in which) he wrote and so he went on writing. He does not speak the way (that) I do. 注意:在表达“做……的方法或方式”时,其后常接“of + 动名词短语”或动词不定式短语。 It is a nice way of traveling; I shall do it again. There was only one way of doing this properly. The law provided them no way of getting a living. We have got to think out a way to explain it. No ways have been found to get rid of the polluted water. Men of science are trying to find ways to prevent the disease. 常用短语: by the way 顺便说一句,顺便问一句 by way of 取道,经由;作为;为了 in a bad way 身体状况不好;处于不良状态;情况不妙 in a small way 小规模地,简朴地 in a (one) way 在某种程度上;就某个意义来说 in any way 在任何方面,在哪方面 in no way 一点也不,怎样也不 (in) one way or another 以这种或那种方式 in the /one's way 碍事,挡道,妨碍 in a big way 大规模地,盛大的 way of life 生活方式 1


有关于way的常用短语 across the way 路对面,街对面 over the way 路对面,街对面 a long way off 在远处,离得远 all the way 一路上,沿路从远处,特地自始至终 all the other way [口]相反的,颠倒过来 quite the other way [口]相反的,颠倒过来 very much the other way [口]相反的,颠倒过来 all the way from... to [美]在...和...之间 be fond of one's own way 自己要怎样干就怎样干;喜欢自行其是,独断独行 be in sb. 's way 妨碍某人,阻挠某人 stand in sb. 's way 妨碍某人,阻挠某人 be set in one's ways 死心眼,脾气固执 beat one's way [美俚]无票乘车,偷搭火车 blaze the way 开辟道路 bluff one's way out (of) 蒙混过关 bring up the hard way [口]严格地教育培养 by the way 顺路;在途中顺便说,附带说说 by way of 经由,经过当作,作为;作出...样子 clear the way for sth. 为...铺平道路,为...准备条件 pave the way for sth. 为...铺平道路,为...准备条件 smooth the way for sth. 为...铺平道路,为...准备条件 come in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前;被某人碰到落到某人手里,可以被某人利用为某人所经历;为某人所擅长 fall in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前;被某人碰到落到某人手里,可以被某人利用为某人所经历;为某人所擅长 lie in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前;被某人碰到落到某人手里,可以被某人利用为某人所经历;为某人所擅长 cut both ways 模棱两可;互有利弊 discover the hard way 经历一番艰苦才学到、理解... find out the hard way 经历一番艰苦才学到、理解... edge one's way 挤过去 elbow one's way 挤着向前走 face both ways 脚踏两只船;采取两面态度 fall by the way 中途掉队;中途放弃、退出


新概念英语第二册词汇:与way有关的常用短语 1、in the way 该短语有两个主要意思:一是表示“挡道;妨碍”,二是表示 “按照...方式/方法”。如: Can I go along with you? I won't get in the way. (我能和 你一块去吗?我不会碍你事的。) He can only do his homework in the way I told him. (他只 会按我告诉他的方法做作业。) 2、on the way 该短语表示“在路上”。能够单独使用,泛指在去某地的路上; 但如果要确切指代去某地,则需要后接介词to,再接要去的地点。例 外情况是,当后面的地点是home时,要省略to。如: On the way they had run into a high wind. (在路上,他们 碰上了大风。) One day I lost myself on the way to my uncle's house. (有一天我在去我叔叔家的路上迷失了方向。) I got caught in the snowstorm on the way home. (我在回家 的路上遇到了暴风雪。) 3、in this way 该短语表示“用这种方法;这样;所以”。在实际使用中,一般位 于句首,后面有时会用逗号隔开。当该短语与only连用,位于句首时,会引起倒装。如:

Only in this way can we win the game. (只有这样我们才能获胜。) In this way, he received new life and vigor. (从此,他迎来了人生的春天。) In this way, we move on from dream to dream. (就这样,从一个梦换到其他的梦。) 4、by the way 该短语表示“顺便说,顺便问一下”,一般位于句首。用来提示突然的想法等。如: Not bad. By the way, how is your mother? Is she all right? (还好。顺便问一下,你母亲怎么样?她好吗?) Louisa have go abroad, but that's just by the way. (路易莎出国了,不过这仅仅顺便说说。) 5、in a way 该短语表示“从某种水准上看,从某种意义上说”,一般位于句首。如: In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as warning to you. (在某种意义上来说,你犯那个错误我倒很高兴,因为那个错误会对你起警告作用。) I like Mary in a way, but she is very proud. (在一定水准上,我喜欢玛丽,不过她很骄傲。) 除了以上教材中提到的短语,其实下面几个相关way的短语也是较为常用的: 6、all the way


新概念英语第二册词汇:与way 有关的常用短语 1、in the way 该短语有两个主要意思:一是表示“挡道; 妨碍”,二是表示 “按照 ... 方式 / 方法”。如: Can I go along with you? I won't get in the way. ( 我能和你一块去吗 ?我不会碍你事的。 ) He can only do his homework in the way I told him. ( 他只会按我告诉他的方法做作业。) 2、on the way 该短语表示“在路上”。能够单独使用,泛指在去某地的路上; 但 如果要确切指代去某地,则需要后接介词to ,再接要去的地点。例外情 况是,当后面的地点是 home时,要省略 to 。如: On the way they had run into a high wind. (在路上,他们 碰上了大风。 ) One day I lost myself on the way to my uncle's house. ( 有一天我在去我叔叔家的路上迷失了方向。) I got caught in the snowstorm on the way home. (我在回家的路上遇到了暴风雪。) 3、in this way 该短语表示“用这种方法; 这样 ; 所以”。在实际使用中,一般位 于句首,后面有时会用逗号隔开。当该短语与only 连用,位于句首时,会引起倒装。如:

Only in this way can we win the game. (只有这样我们才能 获胜。 ) In this way, he received new life and vigor. (从此,他迎来了人生的春天。 ) In this way, we move on from dream to dream. (就这样,从一个梦换到其他的梦。) 4、by the way 该短语表示“顺便说,顺便问一下”,一般位于句首。用来提示 突然的想法等。如: Not bad. By the way, how is your mother? Is she all right? ( 还好。顺便问一下,你母亲怎么样 ?她好吗 ?) Louisa have go abroad, but that's just by the way. (路易莎出国了,不过这仅仅顺便说说。) 5、in a way 该短语表示“从某种水准上看,从某种意义上说”,一般位于句首。如: In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as warning to you. (在某种意义上来说,你犯那个错误我倒 很高兴,因为那个错误会对你起警告作用。) I like Mary in a way, but she is very proud. (在一定水准上,我喜欢玛丽,不过她很骄傲。) 除了以上教材中提到的短语,其实下面几个相关 way的短语也是较为常用的: 6、all the way


带way的短语 in the way按照,以……方式 Do your work in the way I have shown you. 按我给你示范的方法来做你的工作。 I do the work in the way you showed me. I fly the kite in the way you showed me. in the/one’s way挡路;妨碍(某人) Sorry, you are in the way.(在口语中很少用, 一般直接用Excuse me.就可以了) Don’t stand in the way. I can’t see the blackboard. in this way这样,以这种方式 He saves old envelopes. In this way, he has collected a great many stamps. in a way从某种意义上来说,在某种程度上 In a way, you are kind. in a friendly way 用友好的方式

in the family way 怀孕了, 快有小孩了(have a baby) The woman is in the family way. by the way随便说一声, 随便问一下(插入语,改变话题时用) By the way, have you seen Harry recently? on the/one’s way(to)在去……的途中(陈述句) : on the way to school/the office;on the way home out of the way 让路 Get out of the way! 你给我滚出去! get one's own way随心所欲(at one’s pleasure) Children get their own way during the holidays. by way of =1.Through; via: 通过;经由: flew to the Far East by way of the polar route. 经由极地航线飞往远东 =2.As a means of:以…的形式: made no comment by way of apology.以道歉形式未做任何评论

英语中in +...way短语用法小结

英语中in +...way短语用法小结 发表时间:2011-09-30T08:54:54.763Z 来源:《学英语》(初中教师版)2011年第7期供稿作者:张庆金[导读] 在一定程度上我可以理解你的意思,尽管我并不同意你的见解。江苏徐州市贾汪区南庄中学张庆金 1. in a /one way (a)在某种程度上,有点。 (1)In a way I can see what you mean, although I disagree with you . 在一定程度上我可以理解你的意思,尽管我并不同意你的见解。(2)I agree to what you have said in a way. 我有点同意你所说的。 (3)The work was well done in one way. 从某方面来说,这项工作做得很好。 (b)once in a way 破例,偶尔 He went to see them once in a way. 他偶尔去看他们。 2. in the way/in the way of/in sb’s way. 这些词组都有妨碍、挡道的意思。 (a) in the way 在途中;妨碍 (1)I couldn’t get through the gate because your car was in the way. 我无法从门里过去,因为你的汽车挡住了路。(2)She is always in the way. 她总是碍事。 (3)There are difficulties in the way. 在途中有困难。 (b) in sb’s way 挡住某人;妨碍某人;在某人的路上(1) Don’t be in the way. 别妨碍我。 (c) in the way of; stand/get in the( sb’s) way在……方面;碍事(1) We can afford very little in the way of expensive goods. 我们几乎负担不起昂贵的商品。 (2)Nothing must stand in the way of our plans. 什么都阻碍不了我们的计划实施。 3. in one’s own way 按自己的方式;自行其是(1) She allowed her son to act in his own way. 她让儿子自行其是。 (2) He is a genius in his way. 在某种程度上,他是个天才。 4. in a big/small way 大规模地;盛大地;/小规模地;简朴地(1) He was a shopkeeper in a small way. 他是个小本经营的店主。 (2) They started growing their own vegetables in a big way. 他们开始大规模地种植蔬菜了。 5. in any/some/many/every way(s) 在哪些(任何)/某(些)/很多/各个方面(1) Can I help you in any way? 我能在什么方面帮助你吗? (2)He looks like his father in many ways. 他在很多方面像他父亲。 (3)In some ways this job is quite difficult; in other ways it’s simple. 就某些方面而言,这项工作相当难;就另一方面而言,它却很简单。(4)Her behaviour was perfect in every way. 她的举止无论从哪方面讲都是完美的。 6. in this /that way 这样/那样;以这种/那种方式(1)This kind of food was made in this way. 这种食物就是以这种方式做的。 (2)Come this way, please . 请到这边来。 (3)This way, please.


Across the way路对面,街对面 over the way路对面,街对面 along way off在远处,离得远 all the way一路上,沿路从远处,特地自始至终 all the other way[口]相反的,颠倒过来 quite the other way[口]相反的,颠倒过来 very much the other way[口]相反的,颠倒过来 all the way from...to[美]在...和...之间 be fond of one's own way自己要怎样干就怎样干;喜欢自行其是,独断独行 be in sb.'s way妨碍某人,阻挠某人 stand in sb.'s way妨碍某人,阻挠某人 be set in one's ways死心眼,脾气固执 beat one's way[美俚]无票乘车,偷搭火车 blaze the way开辟道路 bluff one's way out(of)蒙混过关 bring up the hard way[口]严格地教育培养 by the way顺路;在途中顺便说,附带说说 by way of经由,经过当作,作为;作出...样子 clear the way for sth.为...铺平道路,为...准备条件 pave the way for sth.为...铺平道路,为...准备条件 smooth the way for sth.为...铺平道路,为...准备条件 come in sb.'s way走到某人跟前;被某人碰到落到某人手里,可以被某人利用为某人所经历;为某人所擅长 fall in sb.'s way走到某人跟前;被某人碰到落到某人手里,可以被某人利用为某人所经历;为某人所擅长 lie in sb.'s way走到某人跟前;被某人碰到落到某人手里,可以被某人利用为某人所经历;为某人所擅长 cut both ways模棱两可;互有利弊 discover the hard way经历一番艰苦才学到、理解... find out the hard way经历一番艰苦才学到、理解... edge one's way挤过去 elbow one's way挤着向前走 face both ways脚踏两只船;采取两面态度 fall by the way中途掉队;中途放弃、退出 feel one's way谨慎小心地进行 prope one's way谨慎小心地进行 find one's way out of设法走出,摆脱 fight one's way奋斗前进,打开一条道路

“Way” 短语讲解_用法辨析 英语语法.doc

“Way” 短语讲解_用法辨析 高三课文中有这样一句话:Silk from China found its way over land along the Silk Road to India, the Middle East and Rome...,句中find its way 表示to reach someplace by discovering the right way to get there。这里运用了拟人手法。把silk比拟做有思想的人,主动地寻找自己的路线,显得生动有活力。全句可译为: 中国的丝绸沿着丝绸之路到达印度﹑中东和罗马。英语中有许多含有way的短语,生动形象,意味深长,具有汉语达不到的效果,值得品味: ①make one’s way: The team slowly made their way through the jungle. 这一队人艰难地行走在丛林中。 ②push one’s way: He pushed his way through the crowd. 他推开人群挤出去了。 ③lose one’s way: He lost his way in the big city. 在这个大城市里,他迷失了方向。 ④pick one’s way: He had to pick his way along the muddy path. 在泥泞的小路上,他只得择路而行。 ⑤fight one’s way: The surrounded soldiers fought their way out. 这些被包围的士兵杀出了一条生路。 ⑥feel one’s way: We couldn’t see anything in the cave, so we had to feel our way out. 我们在洞里什么也看不到,只得摸着出去。


包含way的短语及中文 by the way 顺便说一下 in a way 在某种程度上 on the way home 在回家的路上 across the way 路对面, 街对面over the way 路对面, 街对面 a long way off 在远处, 离得远all the way 一路上, 沿路从远处, 特地自始至终all the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来quite the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来very much the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来 all the way from... to [美]在...和...之间be fond of one's own way 自己要怎样干就怎样干; 喜欢自行其是, 独断独行be in sb. 's way 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人stand in sb. 's way 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人be set in one's ways 死心眼, 脾气固执beat one's way [美俚]无票乘车, 偷搭火车blaze the way 开辟道路bluff one's way out (of) 蒙混过关bring up the hard way [口]严格地教育培养by the way 顺路; 在途中顺便说, 附带说说by way of 经由, 经过当作, 作为; 作出...样子clear the way for sth. 为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件pave the way for sth. 为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件smooth the way for sth. 为...铺平道路, 为...准备条件 come in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长fall in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长lie in sb.'s way 走到某人跟前; 被某人碰到落到某人手里, 可以被某人利用为某人所经历; 为某人所擅长cut both ways 模棱两可; 互有利弊discover the hard way 经历一番艰苦才学到、理解... find out the hard way 经历一番艰苦才学到、理解... edge one's way 挤过去elbow one's way 挤着向前走face both ways 脚踏两只船; 采取两面态度fall by the way 中途掉队; 中途放弃、退出feel one's way 谨慎小心地进行prope one's way 谨慎小心地进行find one's way out of 设法走出, 摆脱fight one's way 奋斗前进, 打开一条道路fight one's way back (to) (艰苦奋战)打回(原处) find one's way to 设法赶到[进入] find the way to 设法赶到[进入] find one's way into 设法赶到[进入] find the way into 设法赶到[进入] force one's way 挤(出去), 冲(出去) push one's way 挤(出去), 冲(出去) shoulder one's way 挤(出去), 冲(出去) squeeze one's way 挤(出去), 冲(出去) thread one's way 挤(出去), 冲(出去) work one's way 挤(出去), 冲(出去) force out 挤(出去), 冲(出去) push out 挤(出去), 冲(出去) shoulder out 挤(出去), 冲(出去) squeeze out 挤(出去), 冲(出去) thread out 挤(出去), 冲(出去) work out 挤(出去), 冲(出去) follow one's way (=get one's way) 随心所欲地做; 独行其是follow one's way (=have one's way) 随心所欲地做; 独行其是gather way 增加速度; [喻]加强力量get in the way 妨碍get out of the way 让开; 避开解决(某事), 除去(某人), 摆脱put out of the way 让开; 避开解决
