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Part One Listening Comprehension

Section A (每题1分, 共8分)


2. C

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. C



Section B (每题1分,共8分)

9. fortune 10.eating

11. street performers/performances

12. portrait painting/drawing

13. $500 14. $2500 15. As many as you want 16. Three checks per month. Section C (每题1分, 共7分)

17.descriptions of events

18.add content

19.distinguishes them from

20.particular subject

21.related to



Section D (每题1分, 共7分)

24. 8 25. 50 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. D

Section E (每题1分,共5分)

31. F 32. F 33. T 34. F 35. F

Part Two Reading Comprehension

Section A (每题0.5分,共3分)

36. G 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. J 41. H

Section B (每题2分, 共10分)

42. B 43. A 44. D 45. B 46. C

Section C (每题2分, 共12分)

47. happy people also stay healthier/happy people are healthier

48. bring more happiness

49. Americans haven’t (really) gotten wealthier.

50. (For both,) people need more to get the same level of pleasure.

51. Adaptation, competition, and (increasing) materialism

52. We should keep pushing for more and better-paid jobs.

Section D (每题1分, 共10分)

53. F 54. T 55. F 56. T 57. T

58. E F 59.C G 60. E I 61. D G 62. F H

Tape Script of Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only ONCE. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which is the best answer.

1. M: Sorry to trouble you. But is there any possibility of borrowing a blanket? I feel cold.

W: I think we’ve got one. Could you wait until after take-off please?

Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

2.W: I wish my hair was longer.

M: Yes, pity you had it cut. If only you’d listened to me.

Q: What can we learn from the dialogue?

3. M: Did you mind coming back by coach instead of by train?

W: No, we didn't mind at all. It took a lot longer, but it was very comfortable and it was much cheaper. Q: How did the woman feel about the coming back by coach?

4. M: Your son seems to have made much progress in playing the piano. Does he attend any piano classes?

W: Yes, he takes lessons twice a week, but from next week on, he will go to the class only on Sunday. Q: How often will the woman’s son have piano lessons from next week?

5. W: We have to face the fact that it is a little hard to get fuel for the car.

M: Between you and me, I think there is always a way to get around this problem.

Q: What does the man mean?

6.W: Here is my electricity bill with my name and address.

M: I’m sorry but we need your passport or driver’s license as proof of your identity to open the new bank account.

Q: What is the man trying to do?

7. M: What’s Catherine’s English level like?

W: Good enough to get by on a day-to-day basis although the accent could be better.

Q: How good is Catherine’s English?

8. W: I’d like to settle into my new life here, and make some new friends.

M: I’m the last person to tell you what to do. I’ve been here for 6 months and still don’t know anyone. Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Complete the forms with the information you hear. The conversations will be spoken only ONCE.

Conversation One

M: Hi, Cathy! Welcome back! How was your trip to Brazil?

W: Oh, I loved every minute of it! Brazil is so different from any place I've ever been to, and there's so much to see there.

M. Yeah? Well, how's it different?

W: Well, you can find all sorts of street vendors in the cities. I went to some street markets where they sold really unusual things, like special powders that attract men.., or objects to cure snake bites. M: Wow!

W: And in one city I went to, I got my fortune told on the street.

M: Oh, yeah?

W: Yeah! The fortune-tellers use shells to tell your fortune. They throw the shells on a cloth, and the way they land tells about your future.

M. Huh! I've never heard of that before.

W: Mmm, but my favorite street activity was eating! In Bahia, you can buy these round cakes made of bean flour and filled with hot spices. They're fried and they're delicious. [Hmm] They're a specialty there.

M: Well, that sounds great. You know, I remember that when I went to France two years ago, I saw some pretty unusual things on the city streets, too.

W: Really? Like what?

M: Well, in Paris, you could watch all kinds of street performers. There were folk singers with guitars, classical musicians... [Oh, wow!-] Sometimes you could even see actors performing in plays.

W. That sounds like a lot of fun!

M: Oh, it is. You really see all sorts of things on the streets of Paris. In fact, you can even have your portrait painted right on the street. [-Wow!-] Yeah, the art students do them to practice drawing and painting.

W: Did you have your portrait done there?

M. Yeah, I did. In fact, I had it done twice!

Conversation Two

M1: Hello, how can I help you today?

M2: I would like to open a checking account.

M1: Is this your first account with Far East National Bank?

M2: Yes, it is. Excuse me, but do you mean I could have more than one?

M1: Certainly. There are several different kinds of accounts. You could have a checking account as well as a savings account, or you can have one of our special accounts.

M2: I think today I just want to start with a checking account.

M1: OK. Well, we have several checking accounts. The Personal Checking account is very basic. There is a minimum balance of $500, but we don’t pay any interest.

M1: Hmmm. What about the other accounts?

M2: We also have a Money Market account. It has a minimum balance of $2500. We pay you interest each month on the balance. However, there is a service charge if the balance falls below $2500.

M1: That sounds good. Are there any other differences?

M2: Yes. With Personal Checking, you can issue as many checks as you want. But with the Money Market, you are limited to three checks per month.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will listen to a talk about blog TWICE and fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear. Remember the words you need to fill in are ONE to THREE words.

Blog, a blend of the term “web log”, is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other materials such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

Most blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via widgets on the blogs and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.

Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art, photographs, music, video and audio.

Micro-blogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts.

Section D

Directions: In this section, you will listen to a health program from VOA. You will listen ONCE and do the exercises below, either filling in blanks or making choices.

Here is a good reason to be hopeful about the future: it might help you stay alive.

Findings from a new study were presented at a recent meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society. Researchers in the United States studied one hundred thousand women during an eight-year period, beginning in nineteen ninety-four. All of the women were fifty years of age or older. The study was part of the Women's Health Initiative organized by the National Institutes of Health.

The women were asked questions that measured their beliefs or ideas about the future. The researchers attempted to identify each woman's personality eight years after gathering the information.

The study found that hopeful individuals were fourteen percent less likely than other women to have died from any cause. The hopeful women were also thirty percent less likely to have died from heart disease after the eight years.

Hilary Tindle from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in Pennsylvania was the lead author of the report. She said the study confirmed earlier research that linked optimistic feelings to longer life.

The researchers also gathered information about people's education, financial earnings, physical activity and use of alcohol or cigarettes. Independent of those things, the findings still showed that optimists had less of a chance of dying during the eight-year period.

Some women who answered the questions were found to be cynically hostile, or highly untrusting of others. These women were sixteen percent more likely to die than the others. They also were twenty-three percent more likely to die of cancer.

The study also found that women who were not optimistic were more likely to smoke and have high blood pressure or diabetes. They were also more likely not to exercise.

Professor Tindle says the study did not confirm whether optimism leads to healthier choices, or if it actually affects a person's physical health. She also says the study does not prove that negative

emotions or distrust lead to bad health effects and shorter life. Yet there does appear to be a link that calls for more research.

Section E

Directions: In 2005 Steve Jobs delivered a speech at Stanford University where he told three stories of his life. In this section, you will hear one of the stories. Listen to the speech ONCE, and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Please write T for true or F for false on the Answer Sheet.

I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three stories.

The first story is about connecting the dots.

I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out?

It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: "We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They said: "Of course." My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college.

And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn't see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.

It wasn't all romantic. I didn't have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example:

Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn't have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating.

None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single

course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it's likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.

Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.


上海各大高校之最 1、情侣最多——松江大学城 上海有句话叫做“爱在华师大”,但是今天看来,华师大已经OUT了,松江大学城六七 所大学在那里,那是无时不情侣,无处不情侣。只要人类能够到达的地方就有情侣。 作为一个女生生活在松江,简直就是悲剧啊。 2、女生质量最高——上海外国语大学和同济大学并列 上外应该不用我多说了吧。 但是同济女生的美丽就是一个最大的意外………本来是冲着同济男生去的同济。结果发 现90%的同济男生长得一个样子………而同济女生则非~~常~~漂~~亮。整个学校的女生 普遍地清新自然、不施粉黛、也很时髦。带一个同济女朋友出门,不要太扎台型噢。 3、男生质量最高——上海理工大学 真是惊叹上理工男生数量之惊人,质量之上乘。连送饮用水的都是帅哥。 而相比于上理工,交大男生有点老成,看上去年龄偏大。不说话的时候有点像民工。 同济男生长得都一样:黑框眼镜+双肩包+休闲裤+nike跑鞋=同济男。缺乏多样性。 4、网吧最多——上海大学 松江七所学校才一家网吧,上海大学一所学校就七家网吧。而且七家网吧相隔不到5分钟。青浦校区的就惨了。男生去网吧,骑车要半个小时,坐轻轨要坐两站。 5、最大校区——上海交通大学闵行校区 交大大得催人泪下……4000亩的学校一望无际。 (1)没有自行车的同学在交大无法存活。 (2)实在不会骑车的同学可以坐交大的环校巴士。就是说,交大有一种自己的公共汽 车,在交大里面绕一圈有十几站路。而同学们从一幢教学楼A到另一幢教学楼B要坐好几站……理解了伐? 6、最舒服的图书馆——华东师范大学闵行校区 话说华师大的图书馆,远看像个垃圾桶,近看像个马桶。 官方哭着说:我们是个笔筒…… 他们一年四季开空调,空调开得像不要钱。在里面冬天脱衣服,夏天盖被子。 他们底楼是二手书店。然后接下去的每一层都有颜色不同的沙发。 幸福的是,冬天的时候可以躺在沙发里晒太阳,好幸福的。。。 7、最牛x黑车——松江大学城 松江的黑车:集团化,连锁化,规模化。准时出发,准点到达。 8、监狱一条街——上海政法学院 隔壁是青浦监狱、上海女子监狱、上海少管所,就连副院长都说,咱是“四大家族, 监狱一条街”。 9、雷人最多——复旦大学 复旦有个特色就是女生比较强势。在复旦,男生读文科,女生读理科——导致复旦当地 民风彪悍,雷人辈出。


Unit 17: 了解传统 I?m the overseas representative for a firm which manufactures cosmetics and perfumes. I?m going to France and Spain to see if I can introduce my company?s products into these markets. Do you have any advice for businessmen and women visiting these countries? 我是一家化妆品和香水公司的海外代表。我要去法国和西班牙,看看我是否能把我公司的产品引入这些市场。你对商人和妇女访问这些国家有什么建议呢? My husband?s firm has suggested that I accompany him on a tour of Korea, China and Japan next autumn. I?m told that wives are not usually invited to take part in the many social activities which a business trip like this usually involves. Is this true? I don?t want to spend my time sitting in a hotel room. And if I do go, what advice do you have about protocol for both me and my husband. 我丈夫的公司已经建议我陪他于明年秋季去韩国,中国和日本旅行。我被告知,类似这样的商务旅行所包含的种种社交活动一般是不邀请家眷的。这是真的吗?我不想整日都坐在酒店房间。但是如果我去了,你有什么对我和我丈夫在礼节上的建议。 I?ve heard that the formalities involved in business dealings in the Middle East are rather complex. Can you give me any tips as I?m off to the Gulf States on a business trip next month? 我听说在中东地区商务交往礼节相当复杂。我下个月要去海湾国家进行商务旅行,你可以给我一些建议吗? Gestures aren?t the only area in which the unwary traveler can get tripped up. Foreign cultures adhere to different business customs and protocol. For example: 粗心的旅客会触犯文化禁忌,并且不止是在手势上。外国文化遵循不同的商业习惯和礼节。例如: ●Caffeine junkies should restrain themselves in the Middle East. “three cups of tea or coffee is usually the polite limit in offices and during social calls.” counsels …Travel Pak,? a free publication of Alia, the Royal Jordanian Airline. “But if your host keeps going, you also may continue sipping. If you?ve had your fill, give your empty cup a quick twist---a sort of wiggle---as you hand it back. That means, ?No more, thank you.?” 咖啡因成瘾者在中东地区要约束自己。“三杯茶或咖啡通常是在办公室和社交拜访活动时的有礼貌的限度,”这是约旦皇家航空公司阿里雅的一本免费刊物《巴基斯坦之行》的建议。“但是如果主人仍然在喝,你可以继续小口喝一会。如果你己喝好,请在你归还杯子时,将空杯迅速转动一下。”这意味着,“我不要了,谢谢你。” ●Middle East visitors also should not be surprised “ if others barge right into the office in the middle of your conversation with the person you are seeing,” notes “Travel Pak.” An old Arab custom calls for keeping an “open office.” 《巴基斯坦之行》提醒到:旅客在中东也应不会奇怪“如果你正与他人会晤磋商时,突然有人闯入办公室”。一条阿拉伯传统习俗要求人们“开门办公”。 ●The British, however, consider it impolite to interrupt a visitor, even after all


全国教师教育网络联盟入学联考 (专科起点升本科) 大学语文复习备考题库参考答案 2010年 一、基础知识选择题(103题,每题1分) 1、 [B]; 2、[A]; 3、[A]; 4、[A]; 5、[A]; 6、[B]; 7、[B]; 8、[A]; 9、[D]; 10、[A];11、[A];12、[B];13、[D];14、[B];15、[C]; 16、[B];17、[B] ;18、[C]; 19、[A];20、[D];21、[C];22、[B];23、[D]; 24、[A];25、[D];26、[B];27、[A]; 28、[D];29、[D];30、[C];31、[B];32、[B]; 33、[C];34、[B];35、[D];36、[A]; 37、[C];38、[C];39、[A];40、[C];41、[C];42、[B];43、[B];44、[D];45、[B]; 46、[D];47、[C];48、[B];49、[A];50、[D];51、[D];52、[C];53、[D];54、[C]; 55、[D];56、[C];57、[A];58、[B];59、[B];60、[C];61、[B];62、[D];63、[A]; 64、[C];65、[B]; 66、[D];67、[A];68、[B];69、[D];70、[D];71、[B];72、[C]; 73、[C];74、[B];75、[C];76、[A];77、[B];78、[A];79、[C];80、[C];81、[B]; 82、[C];83、[B];84、[C]; 85、[B];86、[D];87、[A];88、[A];89、[B];90、[C]; 91、[D];92、[A];93、[D];94、[A];95、[B];96、[C];97、[A];98、[D];99、[C] 100、[A];101、[B];102、[C]; 103、[C] 二、阅读分析(36大题计66小题,每小题3分) (一):树:种,栽种; 谨:认真办好。 申:反复教导。 检:约束,制止。 涂:通“途”,道路。 发:开发粮仓。 (二):勖:勉励。 字:养育。 遂:饲养。 (三):1、老虎犀牛从笼子里跑了出来,龟甲美玉在匣子里被毁坏。 2、将季氏比作虎兕,将颛臾比作美玉,一个出兵侵略,一个就要象美玉被毁掉,而冉有、季路被比作守匣护椟之人,负有不可推卸的责任。 (四):无论诸侯还是大夫,不必忧虑财富太少,只需忧虑财富不均;不忧虑物质贫乏,只应忧虑人心不安。 (五):不正像米粒存放在粮仓之中吗? (六):1、左右的人说:“就是歌唱那…长剑回去吧?的人啊。” 2、我私自用(您的债款)给您买回了道义。 (七): 1、贫穷困乏不能养活自己,托人请求孟尝君。


华东师范大学期末试卷 概率论与数理统计 一. 选择题(20分,每题2分) 1. 已知随机变量X ~N(0,1),则2X 服从的分布为: A .)1(χB 。)1(2 χC 。)1,0(N D 。)1,1(F 2. 讨论某器件的寿命,设:事件A={该器件的寿命为200小时},事件B={该器件的寿 命为300小时},则: A . B A =B 。B A ? C 。B A ? D 。Φ=AB 3.设A,B 都是事件,且1)(,0)(,1)(≠>=A P A P B A P ,则=)(A B P () A.1 B.0 C.0.5 D.0.2 4.设A,B 都是事件,且2 1 )(= A P ,A, B 互不相容,则=)(B A P () B.41 C.0 D. 5 1 5.设A,B 都是事件,且2 1 )(= A P , A, B 互不相容,则=)(B A P () B. 41 C.0 D. 5 1 B 。若A,B 互不相容,则它们相互独立 C .若A,B 相互独立,则它们互不相容 D .若6.0)()(==B P A P ,则它们互不相容 7.已知随机变量X ~)(λπ,且}3{}2{===X P X P ,则)(),(X D X E 的值分别为: A.3,3 B.9,9 C.3,9 D.9,3 8.总体X ~),(2 σμN ,μ未知,4321,,,X X X X 是来自总体的简单随机样本,下面估计量中的哪一个是μ的无偏估计量:、

A.)(31 )(21T 43211X X X X +++= C.)432(5 1 T 43213X X X X +++= A.)(4 1 T 43214X X X X +-+= 9.总体X ~),(2 σμN ,μ未知,54321,,,,X X X X X 是来自总体的简单随机样本,下列μ的无偏估计量哪一个是较为有效的估计量: A.54321141)(81)(41T X X X X X ++++= B.)(61 )(41T 543212X X X X X ++++= D.)2(6 1 T 543214X X X X X ++++= 10.总体X ~),(2 σμN ,μ未知,54321,,,,X X X X X 是来自总体的简单随机样本,记 ∑==n i i X n X 1 1, 21 21 )(11X X n S n i i --=∑=, 2 1 22 )(1X X n S n i i -=∑=, 21 23 )(1μ-=∑=n i i X n S ,21 24)(1μ-= ∑=n i i X n S ,则服从自由度为1-n 的t 分布的 1X t 2 --=n S μ C.n S 3X t μ-= D .n S 4 X t μ -= 11.如果存在常数)0(,≠a b a ,使1}{=+=b aX Y p ,且+∞<<)(0X D ,则Y X ,


华东师范大学 2011年心理专硕347考研真题 一、选择题(每题2分,共120分) 1、科学心理学内涵最妥当的表述是 A.对潜意识的实证揭示 B.对人类行为的实证探讨 C.对个体行为和心理活动的研究 D.对社会事件与社会活动资料的搜集 2、下列匹配不正确的是 A.冯特-格式塔 B.马斯洛-人本主义 C.华生-行为主义 D.詹姆斯-机能主义 3、王琴某年高考得了高分,在大学学习中,各科成绩也很好,表明当年的高考试题具有 A.信度 B.效度 C.自变量 D.因变量

4、下列选项属于测验稳定性或多次测量结果一致性程度的是 A.信度 B.标准化 C.效度 D.常模 5、费希纳定律的公式是(S为感觉量,K和C为常数,R为刺激强度)A.I-KlgS B.S=RlgK C.S=KlgR D.K=SlgR 6、根据听觉位置理论观点,高音区在耳蜗的 A.顶部 B.中部 C.上部 D.底部 7、立体电影利用的知觉原理是 A.双眼辐合 B.运动透视 C.双眼视差 D.运动视差

8、造成两耳声音刺激的时间差别、强度差别、声波位相差别的原因是A.双耳线索 B.空间定位线索 C.单耳线索 D.两耳距离差 9、心理学的研究表明,在整个睡眠中,梦境一般发生在 A.快速眼动睡眠 B.β 波为主的睡眠 C.δ 波为主的睡眠 D.θ 波为主的睡眠 10、”眼观六路,耳听八方”的注意品质是 A.注意的广度 B.注意的转移 C.注意的分配 D.注意的稳定性 11、静态广告形成某些消费行为的生理机制,主要是 A.经典条件反射 B.操作条件反射 C.无条件刺激 D.无条件反应

12、在记忆系统中,具有加工处理信息和存储信息双重功能的记忆是A.工作记忆 B.感觉记忆 C.短时记忆 D.长时记忆 13、语义层次网络中的基本单元是 A.概念 B.判断 C.推理 D.归类 14、感知到思维的中介是 A.记忆 B.注意 C.袁象 D.想象 15、在解决问题过程中,通过减少当前状态与目标状态之间差异的策略是A.爬山法 B.类比迁移策略 C.手段-目的分析 D.目标递归策略


《华东师范大学大学英语选修课:英语阅读技巧教学大纲》English Reading Skills Syllabus of ECNU 课程名称:英语阅读技巧(English Reading Skills) 一、课程目的、任务:本课程为选修课程,旨在帮助已具有较扎实英语语言能力的学生进一 步培养其熟练、快速阅读各类英语原版读物的能力,如科技论文、报刊评论、说明、广告等。同时介绍有关英语国家的历史、文化、政治、教育、民俗等方面的知识。 二、课程内容:该课程以《中级阅读教程》(第二版)为主干教材,每一单元包含一独立主 题。每单元各包含三篇阅读材料,以第一篇为主,其它为辅。并配有相应的词汇理解题和阅读技巧讲座。 三、教学方式、实践环节的特色:教学过程中强调学生利用自己的语言知识和对背景的了解 对阅读材料进行积极的思维,从而达到扩大词汇、巩固所学、拓宽背景知识面、熟练掌握阅读技巧和纠正不良阅读习惯的目的。 四、教材及参考书目: 教材: 陈汉生编著:《中级阅读教程》(第二版),上海外语教育出版社,2003年 参考书目: 陈汉生编:《中级阅读教程》(第一版),上海外语教育出版社,1998年 路易丝??希拉萨瓦、琳达?马克斯坦编著,徐依非编译:《增进英语阅读技巧》,上海远东出版社,1992年 黄源深主编:《英国散文选读》,上海译文出版社,1991年 Reid Stephen: Purpose and Process A Reader for Writers, 1991 by Prentice-Hall Inc. 五、考核方式与评价结构: 平时成绩10% 期中成绩20%+ 期末成绩70% 六、讲授大纲: Unit 1: People: A Ma’am for All Seasons — the Queen Mother Skills: What is Reading Comprehension? Unit 2: Food: Craving the Crawlies Skills: Classroom Procedures Unit 3: House: Building a House Skills: Surveying the Chapter or Article Unit 4: Shopping: An English Christmas Skills: Organization Patterns That Authors Use Unit 5: Transport: Just Plane Dangerous? Skills: How Do Authors Connect Sentences and Relate Ideas? Unit 6: Environmental Protection: Clean Air, Dirty Fight Skills: How to Make Inferences Skills: How to Make References Unit 11: Crime: Bank Robberies Skills: To Improve Predicting, Previewing and Anticipation (1) Skills: To Improve Predicting, Previewing and Anticipation (2) Skills: To Improve Skimming and Scanning Unit 13: Entertainment: Biggest Season

华师大 计算机网络与网络工程 平时作业

平时作业(测验) 一、简要描述每对术语的主要区别 1. 计算机网络与计算机互联系统 答:计算机网络,是指将地理位置不同的具有独立功能的多台计算机及其外部设备,通过通信线路连接起来,在网络操作系统,网络管理软件及网络通信协议的管理和协调下,实现资源共享和信息传递的计算机系统。互联网,即广域网、局域网及单机按照一定的通讯协议组成的国际计算机网络。互联网是指将两台计算机或者是两台以上的计算机终端、客户端、服务端通过计算机信息技术的手段互相联系起来的结果。 2.OSI 参考模型与TCP/IP 答:OSI参考模型有七个层次,从上而下分别为:应用层、表示层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层、物理层。TCP没有表示层、会话层,互连网层与网络层相当,网络接口层,则对应数据链路层和物理层。TCP/IP有四个层次,从上而下分别为:应用层、传输层、互连网层、网络接口层。 3.分组交换与电路交换 答:分组交换的特点:信息以分组为单位传输;并不在发送方和接收方之间提前建立实际的铜线连接,而是采用存储转发的方式;转发延时短;数据传输灵活(每个分组可按不同路径不同顺序到达)转发差错少;在目的结点要对分组进行重组,增加了复杂性。电路交换的特点:数据传输前需要建立一条端到端的物理通路,要经过线路建立、数据通信、释放连接三个阶段;在通话的全部时间内用户始终占用端到端的固定传输带宽;没有冲突的危险,不存在拥塞。 4.Go-back-n 与选择重发 答:连续重发请求(Go-back-n)ARQ方案是指发送方可以连续发送一系列信息帧,即不用等前一帧被确认便可继续发送下一帧,效率大大提高。选择重发ARQ方案是当接收方发现某帧出错后,其后继续送来的正确帧虽然不能立即递交给接收方的高层,但接收方仍可收下来,存放在一个缓冲区中,同时要求发送方重新传送出错的那一帧。 5.CSMA/CD与CSMA/CA 答:CSMA/CD:带有冲突检测的载波监听多路访问,可以检测冲突,但无法“避免” CSMA/CA 带有冲突避免的载波侦听多路访问,发送包的同时不能检测到信道上有无冲突,只能尽量‘避免’ 1.两者的传输介质不同,CSMA/CD用于总线式以太网而则用于无线局域网802.11a/b/g/n 等等;2.检测方式不同,CSMA/CD通过电缆中电压的变化来检测,当数据发生碰撞时,电缆中的电压就会随着发生变化;而采用能量检测(ED)、载波检测(CS)和能量载波混合检测三种检测信道空闲的方式; 6.虚电路与数据报 答:数据报服务:无连接;每个分组带上完整地址信息;每个分组独立路由;故障时影响小;不保证按序、可能丢失;复杂处理由传输层承担虚电路服务:面向连接;连接建立后每个分组仅带上虚电路号;仅建立虚电路时实施路由选择;故障时影响大;保证按序、可靠传输;复杂处理由网络层承担。 7.IP 地址与端口号 答:IP地址:IP地址是用来唯一标识互联网上计算机的逻辑地址,让电脑之间可以相互通信。每台连网计算机都依靠IP地址来互相区分,相互联系。端口号:TCP/IP协议中的端口,端口号的范围从0到65535,比如用于浏览网页服务的80端口,用于FTP服务的21端口等等8.子网划分与CIDR


华东师范大学历年研究生录取情况 学科教学(英语) 学科教学(英语)专业简介 (外语学院) 专业概况: 全日制学科教学(英语)专业于2009年开始招收硕士研究生。该专业旨在培养掌握现代教育理论、具有较强的教育教学实践和研究能力、具有良好的英语学科学识修养和扎实的外语教学理论知识的高素质的中小学英语教师。 主要课程: 《外语课程标准与教材设计》、《外语测试与评估》、《外语教学研究方法论》、《语言统计学》、《外语教学理论与实践》、《外语教育心理学》等 毕业生去向: 该专业毕业生主要从事中小学、中等专业职业学校的英语教学,也可在其他事业单位、出版社等工作。 学位 论文: 历年指导研究生学位论文信息

学科教学(英语)专业简介 (教育科学学院课程与教学系) 专业概况: 本学科依托华东师范大学教育和英语专业的学科优势,形成了英语教育的研究特色。学科团队广泛联系中小学英语教育实际,致力于提高我国中小学英语教育质量的理论研究和实践探索,积极开展对外交流合作,参与研制我国英语学科课程和教材,修订学科教学大纲,为国家基础教育英语学科课程政策和课程建设提供决策咨询。我校英语教育学科注重理论与实践研究,切实推进我国英语课程与教学改革,学科研究目前已居于国内前列。本专业具有博士和硕士学位授予权本专业以培养具有现代教育观念、较高的思想政治品德,具有较高的英语教学实践技能和研究能力的中小学校英语骨干教师为主要目标,学习期限二年 主要课程: 1、英语教育专题研究 2、英语教材开发研究 3、英语课程与教学论 4、英语课堂案例研究 毕业生去向: 本专业研究生毕业后主要在中小学、市区教研室、培训机构及出版社从事教学与科研工作 学位 论文: 历年指导研究生学位论文信息 初试 华东师范大学2013年招收攻读硕士学位研究生专业目录招生院 系(所)代码招生院系 (所) 专 业 代 码 专业名 称 研究方向考试科目 招 生 人 数 备注 109外语学院04 51 08 学科教 学(英 语) 00 不区分研 究方向 ①101思想政治理论②201英语 一③333教育综合④913综合英 语(A) 10 教育硕 士,专业 学位。 113教育科学 学院课程 与教学系 04 51 08 学科教 学(英 语) 00 不区分研 究方向 ①101思想政治理论②201英语 一③333教育综合④921综合英 语(B) 12 教育硕 士,专业 学位。


华东师范大学大学简介 华东师范大学大学简介 华东师范大学大学简介 华东师范大学是由国家举办,教育部主管,教育部与上海市人民政府重点共建的综合性研究型大学。学校成立于1951年10月16日,是以大夏大学(1924年)、光华大学(1925年)为基础,同时调进复旦 大学、同济大学、浙江大学和圣约翰大学等高校的部分系科,在大 夏大学原址上创办的。1959年学校被中公中央确定为全国16所重 点院校之一。1972年与上海师范学院、上海体育学院等院校合并, 改名上海师范大学。1978年学校再次被确认为全国重点大学。1980 年恢复华东师范大学校名。1986年学校被国务院批准成为设立研究 生院的33所高等院校之一。1996年被列入“211工程”国家重点建 设大学行列。1997、1998年,上海幼儿师范高等专科学校、上海教 育学院和上海第二教育学院先后并入。2002年根据上海市高校布局 结构调整的战略部署,启动闵行校区规划建设,2006年学校主体搬 迁到闵行校区,形成了“一校两区、联动发展”的`办学格局。2006 年教育部和上海市决定重点共建华东师范大学,学校进入国家“985 工程”高校行列。 学校秉承大夏大学、光华大学等前身学校“自强不息”、“格致诚正”的精神和学思结合、中外汇通的传统,追求“智慧的创获, 品性的陶熔,民族和社会的发展”的大学理想,恪守“求实创造, 为人师表”的校训规范,按照《华东师范大学改革与发展规划纲要(2010—2020)》和《华东师范大学第十二个五年发展规划》要求, 朝着“拥有若干一流学科,多学科协调发展,引领中国教师教育发 展的世界知名的高水平研究型大学”目标稳步迈进,力争在2020年 左右进入世界知名高水平研究型大学行列,在本世纪中叶建成世界 一流大学。


华东师范大学成人高等教育(网络教育) 公共课 《英语(A)》模拟卷(B卷) 考试形式:闭卷考试时间:90分钟 学习中心:_________ 姓名:_________ 学号:_________ 成绩:_________ 注:答案统一做在答题纸上。 Part I 单选题(20%)(答案务必写在答题纸上) 1. Let?s ______B__________now. A. go work B. go to work C. to go work D. to work 2. Li Hong is a teacher __A__ a small school. A. at B. for C. over D. on 3. Can you __A____ me the book? A. lend B. borrow C. lent D. borrowing 4. She does her homework __C__ evening. A. in B. at C. in the D. at the 5. —What is the date today? —___B______. A. It?s half past one B. It?s the first of December C. It?s Monday D. It?s Sunday 6. The ______C_________ names are Sam and Jack. A. twins B. twin?s C. twins? D. twin 7. ______D___ beautiful garden it is! A. What B. How C. How a D. What a 8. I?m from Shanghai and where are you ___B______ ? A. at B. from C. on D. in 9. She always _____C_____ early in the morning and comes back home late in the afternoon. A. goes work B. go to work C. goes to work D. go work 10. Class begins __B__ eight in the morning. A. in B. at C. \ D. on 11. They are the students ___C__ Class One. A. in B. at C. of D. on 12. —What time is it now? —It?s___A___.( 8:31) A. eight past thirty-one B. twenty-nine to nine C. thirty-one past eight D. nine to twenty-nine


华东师范大学期末试卷(A) 2xxx----2xxx 学年第xx学期 总分 任课教 师签名 学生姓名_______________ 学号_________________ 学生系别____________ 专业____________ 年级__________ 班级________ 课程名称数理统计课程性质(必修) 一、填空题(每空3分,共30分) 1. 设总体X~R[0, θ],X1, X2, …, X10为从此总体中抽取的一个容量为10的样本,X(1), X(2), …, X(10)为次序统计量,则(X(1), X(10))的联合密度为______________________________________________. 2. 设总体X~p(x; θ), θ∈Θ. 如果对任意实函数?(x), 由_________, 总可推出________________, 则称参数分布族{p(x;θ); θ∈Θ}是完备的。 3. 如果存在未知参数θ的________________, 则称θ是可估的。 4. 如果未知参数θ的先验分布π(θ)与后验分布π(θ | x1, x2, …, x n)同属一种分布类,则称此种先验分布为θ的____________________。 5. 一个假设检验的功效是指_____________________; 而势函数是指_________________________________________________。 6. 有两批数据,第一批数据为:80, 70, 73, 72, 62, 65, 74, 71, 63, 64, 68, 6 7. 第二批数据为:72, 60, 76, 62, 63, 46, 68, 71, 61, 65, 66, 67. 则第二批数据在合样本中的秩和为__________________.


华东师范大学 2000年攻读硕士研究生试题 考试科目:普通心理学(含心理学史) 招生专业:心理学 一、简述下列术语(每小题3分,共30分) 1、操作条件反射 2、注意稳定性 3、想象表象 4、意志行动 5、兴趣 6、程序性知识 7、性格特征 8、离差智商 9、趋避冲突10、激情 二、论述题(每题10分,共70分) 1、试述知觉是人对感觉信息的组织与解释过程。 2、试述长期记忆系统(long-term memory system)中的信息储存与提取过程。 3、试述概念形成的过程和影响概念形成的因素。 4、试述场独立性和场依存性与人格特质之间的关系。 5、试述斯金纳行为主义心理学体系的主要内容和基本观点。 6、试述格式塔心理学的研究方法。 7、试述认知心理学与行为主义心理学的本质区别。 华东师范大学 2000年攻读硕士研究生试题 考试科目:心理统计与测量(需带计算器) 心理统计部分 一、是非题(10分):请仔阅读以下句子,判断其是否正确,用T表示正确,用F表示错误,填写在前面的括号中。注意,不得使用任何其他符号。 ()1.差异系数是一种相对差异量。 ()2.抽样分布指的是抽取的样本中个体数值的次数分布。 ()3.从正态总体中随机抽取的容量为n的一切工作切可能样本的平均数的分布也呈正态分布。 ()4.当自由度逐渐增大时,t分布逐渐接近正态分布。 ()5.总体上的各种数字特征叫总体统计量。 ()6.相关系数可以直接计算其平均数。 ()7.对一元线性回归方程,可以有多种方法检验其显著性。 ()8.偏态量和峰态量是用以描述数据分布特征的统计量。 ()9.中位数检验就是比较两个样本中的中位数高低。 ()10.从正态分布图来看,z=0处的概率是最大的。 二、简答题(8分): 1.什么是标准分数?使用标准分数有什么好处?(4分) 2.方差分析是逻辑是什么?(4分) 三、问答题(10分) 如果有两个样本,一个是实验组,另一个对照组,分别施以两种教学方法,后期测验后如何对其成绩(百分制)进行统计检验,以确定两种教学方法有无显著差异? 四、填表题(12分) 有一个双因素方差分析实验,A因素为教材,共3种;B因素为教法,共4种。交叉分析后得到12种处理,假定每个处理中有2名被试。经过教学后进行测验,得到一个方差分析表,请完成它。注:不必说明有无显著意义等。(答案按照1-12填写在答题纸上) 差异来源平方和自由度方差F


2016年华东师范大学学科教学(英语)考研 以下内容由凯程老师搜集整理,供考研的同学们参考。更多考研辅导班的详细内容,请咨询凯程老师。 一、华东师范大学学科教学(英语)考研科目有哪些? 学科教学(英语)专业要求学生掌握现代外语教育理论、积极参加英语教育教学实践和研究。 (101)思想政治理论 (201)英语一 (913)综合英语(A) 华东师范大学学科教学(英语)考研考试科目全国统一命题,参见教育部考试中心编制的考试大纲。 备注: 华东师范大学学科教学(英语)专业为教育硕士,专业学位。 二、华东师范大学学科教学(英语)考研研究方向有哪些? 华东师范大学学科教学(英语)考研不区分研究方向。 三、华东师范大学学科教学(英语)考研参考书目有哪些? 《教育学》王道俊、王汉澜主编,人教出版社。 《中国教育史》孙培青主编,华东师大出版社。 《外国教育史》戴本博主编,人教出版社。 《普通心理学》彭聃龄主编,北师大出。 807 语言学基本理论

《语言学教程》(修订版)北大出版社胡壮麟 四、华东师范大学学科教学(英语)考研报录比怎么样? 华东师范大学2013年考研学科教学(英语)(专业学位)专业招生人数为10。华东师范大学2012年考研学科教学(英语)(专业学位)专业招生人数为10。华东师范大学2011年考研学科教学(英语)(专业学位)专业招生人数为15。 五、学科教学(英语)考研院校推荐怎么样? 目前,国内的高校开设学科教学(英语)这门课程的和声誉比较好的有:(10027)北京师范大学、(10200)东北师范大学、(10246)复旦大学、(10486)武汉大学 (10487)华中科技大学、(10533)中南大学、(10269)华东师范大学 六、学科教学(英语)考研就业方向怎么样? 一般来说,学科教学(英语)考研毕业生会选择从事教书、翻译、文秘,也可以进公司干行政或者公关,有些学生可以选择策划管理以及进媒体工作。


华东师范大学网络教育学院计算机基础作业及答案 一、选择题 1.世界上第一台电子计算机“ENIAC”采用的逻辑元件是____D____。 A. 大规模集成电路 B. 集成电路 C. 晶体管 D. 电子管 2. 计算机的基本组成包括____D____。 A. 中央处理器CPU、主板、电源和输入输出设备 B. 中央处理器CPU、内存、输入和出设备 C. 中央处理器CPU、硬盘和软盘、显示器和电源 D. 中央处理器CPU、存储器、输入输出设备 3. 下列软件中属于系统软件的是___C______。 A. Authorware 多媒体制作软件 B. C语言程序设计软件 C. GIS 地理信息系统处理软件 D. Photoshop图像处理软件 4. 一般说来,下列打印机中,___B_____的打印速度最快。 A. 针式打印机 B. 激光打印机 C. 黑白喷墨打印机 D. 彩色喷墨打印机 5. 十六进制数 B42H 转换成十进制数和二进制数分别是____A______。

A. 2882 和 101101000010B B. 2596 和 0010010110010110B C. 2340 和 101000100100B D. 2844 和 0010010110010110B 6. 操作系统是__D________。 A. 用户与软件的接口 B. 系统软件与应用软件的接口 C. 主机与外设的接口 D. 用户与计算机的接口 7. 在搜索或显示文件目录时,若用户选择通配符*.*,其含义为 ____C______。 A. 选中所有含有*的文件 B. 选中所有扩展名中含有*的文件 C. 选中所有文件 D. 选中非可执行的文件 8. 下列关于删除操作的说法中只有_____B_____是不对的。 A. 把文件名或快捷图标拖放到“回收站”中,该文件被逻辑删除 B. 在“我的电脑”中选中该文件,按下键,该文件被逻辑删除 C. 在“回收站”中选中该文件,按下键,该文件被逻辑删除 D. 在“桌面”中选中该文件,按下键,该文件被逻辑删除 9. 在Windows中下面的叙述正确的是____A______。 A. “写字板”是字处理软件,不能进行图文处理 B. “画图”是绘图工具,不能输入文字 C. “写字板”和“画图”均可以进行文字和图形处理


2017华东师范大学应用心理硕士347真题分析一、题型分析 题型:选择题35*2、名词解释8*5,简答题7*10,论述题4*20,应用题2*20 从题目分布上来看,华师注重普心、社会和咨询的考察,其次是统计、发展、变态、人格、测量,实验没有考。选择题普心、发展、社会所占的比重较多,而且选择题偏向于简单,尽量在选择题上不要失分。名词解释考社会和咨询较多,其他科目各考一题,这里要注意,名词解释有8题,但每题所占分值较大,所以大家还是要认真对待我们的名词解释。此外,有的名词解释也非常有意思,比如“刻板印象威胁”这道题,平时大家复习的时候肯定是刻板印象见的多一些,所以18年同学要注意在复习的过程中对一些常见名词解释要注意拓展,再拓展一步就对了。简答题也是雨露均沾,对于论述题,肯定会考一题普心,一题社会,今年的教育和普心合在一起考察自我效能感,所以大家在复习时,特别是准备答题时,要注意知识点的联结,不要死记硬背某个知识点,利用知识点分析某个现象或者提出解决方案的思维,也是非常重要的。今年的应用题考了一题咨询案例分析,一题单因素方差分析,也是非常简单。所以,纵观我们华师的整个考题,总体上偏向基础,大家在复习的时候,全面掌握

知识点,反复练习基础考点,这样拿到高分肯定不是问题。 二、参考书目 [1] 《心理学导论》,梁宁建主编,上海教育出版社,2011年; 《普通心理学》(第四版),彭聃龄主编,北京师范大学出版社,2011年; [2] 《儿童发展心理学》,桑标主编,高等教育出版社,2009年; [3] 《管理心理学》,刘永芳主编,清华大学出版社,2008年;【以此书为主】 《工业与组织心理学》(原书第五版),(美)保罗E. 斯佩克特著,孟慧译,机械工业出版社,2010年; [4] 《社会心理学:解读社会,诠释生活》崔丽娟、才源源,华东师范大学出版社,2008年。 [5] 《变态心理学纲要》(第4版),(美)马克·杜兰德,(美)巴洛著,王建平等译,中国人民大学出版社,2009年。 《变态心理学》,钱铭怡,北京大学出版社 [6] 《现代心理与教育统计学》,张厚粲,徐建平著,北京师范大学出版社,2004。 [7] 《实验心理学》,郭秀艳著,杨治良审校,人民教育出版社2009。 [8] 《心理与教育测量》(第三版),郑日昌、吴九君,人民教育出版社。 [9] 《心理咨询与治疗》,钱铭怡,北京大学出版社1994。 《临床心理学》,王登峰,人民教育出版社2008。 [10] 《人格心理学》,美Jerry M.Burger著;陈会昌[等],中国轻工业出版社。


1、上海财经大学(国定路校区) 2、上海外国语大学(松江校区) 3、上海理工大学(中环路) 军工路516号( 近控江路) 4、复旦大学(枫林校区) 上海市徐汇区医学院路138号 5、复旦大学(张江校区) 6、上海海事大学临港校区 7、上海政法学院 8、上海外国语大学(虹口校区) 9、上海师大徐汇校区西部桂林路100号电话 10、东华大学(延安路校区) 1、复旦大学(邯郸校区) 2、上海交通大学(徐汇校区) 3、同济大学(四平路校区) 4、华东师范大学(中北校区) 5、上海交通大学(闵行校区) 6、华东师范大学(闵行校区) 7、上海大学宝山区上大路99号(近南陈路) 8、华东理工大学(徐汇校区) 9、同济大学(嘉定校区) 10、上海第二工业大学(金海路校区) 1、上海海洋大学(临港校区) 2、上海对外经贸大学 3、上海金融学院(民雪路) 4、复旦大学(江湾新校区) 5、华东理工大学(奉贤校区) 6、上海大学(嘉定校区) 7、上海电机学院临港校区 8、同济大学(沪北校区) 9、上海商学院(奉浦校区) 10、上海体育学院西校区

1、上海电力大学 2、上海建桥学院临港新校区 3、上海师范大学奉贤校区 4、上海应用技术大学 5、中欧国际工商学院 6、上海理工大学军工路校区南校区军工路334号 7、上海电力大学南汇校区学海路28号 8、上海海事大学 9、上海市税务干部学校 10、上海立信会计学院松江大学城校区

1、复旦大学上海医学院上海市徐汇区东安路130号 2、同济大学(沪西校区) 3、上海师范大学(徐汇校区)桂林路100号 4、上海市长宁区教育学院? 5、上海交通大学(法华校区)? 6、上海科技大学?海科路100 7、华东政法大学(松江校区) 8、上海民远学院(唐念路) 9、同济大学黄浦分部 10、上海海洋大学?中州路10号


华东师范大学 博士学位研究生入学考试 英语试卷 Paper One Part I Listening Comprehension 15% (20 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear ten short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. A. From the policemen. C. In the town. B. In the car. D. At the police station. 2. A. Doctor. C. Receptionist. B. Secretary. D. Patient. 3. A. Mr. Bixy's secretary. C. A typist. B. Mr. Bixby's friend. D. Mr. Bixby's client. 4. A. Ron. C. Lucy. B. Ron's friend. D. Lucy's husband. 5. A. Visiting as many places as he can. C. Visiting his friends here. B. Visiting a variety of museums. D. Visiting the art museums. 6. A. The first speaker's is going to spend the weekend there and then visit some friends. 1
