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2019新人教高中英语选择性必修三Unit1Art-UsingLanguage P6-P7公开课教案


Unit1 Art--Using Language(P6-P7)公开课教案Teaching aims:

1.Enable students to know the relative knowledge about Chinese ink wash animation films by listening activities.

2.Guide students to express their understanding and appreciation on a certain art form after listening.

3.Help students to raise their awareness of inheriting traditional Chinese cultures.

Teaching key points:

1.Master expressions about presentation in ink wash paintings.

2.Learn and use the expressions in the listening text to introduce the paintings.

Teaching difficult points:

1.Enable students to catch the key information of the listening text.

2.Enable students to know some ink wash animation films.

Teaching procedures:

StepⅠ Pre-listening

Look at the pictures.Match the name with its painting.

What do you know about the ink wash paintings?

Cultural Note

Chinese ink wash paintings are unique to China,painted by Chinese brush pens with the ink,which show the outline of figures,view or animals vividly by simple lines and colours.Qi Baishi is one of the famous masters in ink wash paintings.

Now,the paintings are made into films.

Enjoy an ink wash animation film.How do you feel about it?


T:Dear class, look at the pictures and match the name with its painting.Can you find something special about the paintings?

Ss:It is painted by the brush pens...

T:Well,let’s know more about it...After knowing its common knowledge, a short movie is for you to enjoy and understand it.

StepⅠ While-listening

Activity 1Make predictions

Circle the key word(s) in each item.

Try to predict their order and the main idea of the presentation.

the background of ink wash animation films

a short review of the film

introduction to the topic of the presentation

a description of the story in the film

an explanation of the decline in ink wash


Suggested answers:


Activity 2Listening for gist

Listen for the first time.

Put them in the correct order and check your prediction.

Imitate the presentation.

the background of ink wash animation films

a short review of the film

introduction to the topic of the presentation

a description of the story in the film

an explanation of the decline in ink wash


1.What’s the function of the key words you’ve found out?


2.What’s the main idea of the presentation?

Suggested answers:


2.They are some general words to summarize something,which can be used to give the general or main idea of a paragraph or a passage.When summarizing your ideas,you can make your expression clearer and better organized by the general words.

3.The presentation introduces the development of Chinese ink wash animation films,taking the Feeling from the Mountain and Water as an example.

Activity 3Listening for details.

Listen again and answer the questions.

1.Which film does the speaker mainly talk about?

2.When were the three ink wash animation films produced?

3.Why is the film regarded as a masterpiece of Chinese ink wash animation?

4.What is the speaker’s attitude towards the ink wash animation style?

5.How do you feel about this kind of film?

Detail 1:Brief introduction of the films

1.Which film does the speaker mainly talk about?Do you know what it tells us?

The speaker talks about films in total.They are , and ,among which he mainly talks about .

2.When were the three ink wash animation films produced?

Artwork When

Feeling from

Mountain and Water

Tadpoles Searching

for Mother

The Cowboys’Flute

Enjoy a short video about the film—Feeling from Mountain and Water

Suggested answers:

1.3;Tadpoles Searching for Mother;Feeling from Mountain and Water;The Cowboys’Flute;Feeling from Mountain and Water


Artwork When

Feeling from


Mountain and Water



Searching for Mother

The Cowboy’s



Detail 2:Appreciation of the film

3.Why is the film regarded as a masterpiece of Chinese ink wash animation?

The animation and the make the film not only to the but also rich in .Therefore,this film is regarded by many people as a masterpiece of Chinese ink wash animation.

One sentence to summarize it:________________________________________ Suggested answers:

music;appealing;eyes and ears;emotion;18-minute

It is like a fine ink wash painting brought to life.

Detail 3:Speaker’s attitude and purpose

4.What is the speaker’s attitude towards the ink wash animation style?

Focus on the speaker’s choices of words,intonation,and the conclusion part in the speech.

One sentence to summarize it:_______________________________________ Suggested answer:

The speaker’s attitude to the style is positive.

Your attitude

5.How do you feel about this kind of film?Do you agree with the speaker?

Share your opinions with the class


Suggested answers:

After learning the films,I can’t help showing my appreciation to Chinese ink wash animation films.The ink wash paintings are out treasure,we need to do something to promote them as well.(The answers vary.)

StepⅠ Post-Listening

Group discussion:Compared to the presentation in the listening part, do you think your sharing just now is attractive and persuasive?

Discuss how to make a well-organised and attractive presentation.

Outline of a presentation

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Brainstorming:More expressions in each part of the presentation.

Part Useful expressions

Suggested answers:

Outline of a presentation

Part 1:Introduction to the presentation topic

Part 2: Main Background

Description(brief introduction,appreciation,your attitude...)


Part 3:Conclusion of the presentation

Part Useful expressions

Introducing the topic I’m glad to have this opportunity to... Today,I’d like to talk/speak(to you) about... My topic today is...

I’d like to share some thoughts on...

Starting the point Let me/Let’s start by...

First,let me tell you about...

I’ve divided my topic into...parts Let’s turn now to...

Describing the example For instance,...

For example,...

Take...for example,...

Let me illustrate...

To illustrate,...

Let me give you an example,...

Summarizing the

points In conclusion,... To conclude,... In short,...

To sum up,... All in all,...

In brief,...

StepⅠ Talking

Activity 1Review the name of each ink wash painting.

Activity 2Group work

Choose one of the three ink wash paintings and work in groups to make a presentation about the painting with the help of the outline and useful expressions.

Activity 3Show time

Appreciate the charm of a speech

StepⅠ Homework

Practise and improve your representation. Make a short presentation video.

2019新人教高中英语选择性必修三Unit1Art-UsingLanguage P6-P7公开课教案

2019新人教高中英语选择性必修三 Unit1 Art--Using Language(P6-P7)公开课教案Teaching aims: 1.Enable students to know the relative knowledge about Chinese ink wash animation films by listening activities. 2.Guide students to express their understanding and appreciation on a certain art form after listening. 3.Help students to raise their awareness of inheriting traditional Chinese cultures. Teaching key points: 1.Master expressions about presentation in ink wash paintings. 2.Learn and use the expressions in the listening text to introduce the paintings. Teaching difficult points: 1.Enable students to catch the key information of the listening text. 2.Enable students to know some ink wash animation films. Teaching procedures: StepⅠ Pre-listening Look at the pictures.Match the name with its painting. What do you know about the ink wash paintings? Cultural Note Chinese ink wash paintings are unique to China,painted by Chinese brush pens with the ink,which show the outline of figures,view or animals vividly by simple lines and colours.Qi Baishi is one of the famous masters in ink wash paintings. Now,the paintings are made into films. Enjoy an ink wash animation film.How do you feel about it? Design:

Art Using language Video time-高中英语人教版(2019选择性必修第三册

Vincent / The starry night 歌曲原唱:唐·麦克林 Starry starry night, paint your palette blue and grey 星夜下调色板上只有蓝与灰 Look out on a summer's day, with eyes that know the darkness in my soul 你用那透视我灵魂深处的双眼望向夏日的天空Shadows on the hills, sketch the trees and daffodils 山上的阴影衬托出树和水仙的轮廓 Catch the breeze and the winter chills, in colors on the snowy linen land 用雪地斑驳的色彩捕捉微风和冬日的寒冷 Now I understand what you try to say to me 如今我才明白你想对我说些什么 How you suffered for your sanity 你清楚的时候承受了多大的痛苦 And how you tried to set them free 你努力想让他们得到解脱 They would not listen, They did not know how 他们却不予理会他们也不知道如何面对Perhaps they'll listen now 也许现在他们会知道 Starry starry night, Flaming flowers that brightly blaze 星夜下艳丽的花朵燃烧般的怒放 Swirling clouds in Violet haze, Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue 云朵在紫色的雾霭之中旋绕印在Vincent蓝色的瞳孔之中 Colors changing hue, Morning fields of amber grain 色彩变化万千清晨琥珀色的田野 Weathered faces lined in pain 饱经风霜的脸上写着痛苦 Are Soothed beneath the artist's loving hand 在艺术家灵性的手上得到真实的再现 For they could not love you, But still your love was true 因为他们不能爱你但你的爱依然真实存在 And when no hope was left inside, On that starry starry night 星夜下当心中没有一丝希望 You took your life as lovers often do 你像热恋的般结束了自己的生命 But I could have told you Vincent 但我希望曾经告诉你Vincent This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you 这个世界从来就不像你那样美好 Starry starry night, Portraits hung in empty halls 星夜下空荡荡的大厅里挂着你的画像Frameless heads on nameless walls 无名的墙上挂着没有边框的头像 With eyes that watch the world and can't forget 他们看着这世界无法忘记 like the stranger that you're met 就像你曾经遇到的陌生人 The ragged man in ragged cloth 衣衫褴褛面带嘲讽的人 The silver thorn in a blood rose 血红的玫瑰银色的刺 Lies crushed and broken on the virgin snow 破碎在洁白的雪地上 Now I think I know what you try to say to me 现在我想我明白你想对我说些什么了 That how you suffered for your sanity 就是你承受了多大的痛苦 And how you try to set them free 你努力想让他们得到解脱 They would not listen they're not listening still 他们却不予理会他们也不知道如何面对Perhaps they never will 也许他们以后也不会知道

Unit1 ART单元整体教学设计-高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册单元整体教学设计(视频

Unit1 ART单元整体教学设计-高中英语人教版(2019)选择 性必修第三册单元整体教学设计(视频+课件+教案) 教学设计 目标 1. 学习并熟记有关艺术名称、绘画技巧和艺术流派等方面的基本知识; 2. 学习用英语表达并描述艺术作品,培养语言表达能力; 3. 学习欣赏、评价文艺作品,了解不同文化与地区艺术之美,培养审美能力和跨文化交际能力。 重点内容和难点 1. 知识点(1):艺术名称相关 2. 知识点(2):绘画技巧相关 3. 知识点(3):艺术流派相关 4. 语言表达能力:描述艺术作品的能力 5. 跨文化交际能力:了解不同文化与地区艺术之美,培养对艺术的欣赏和鉴赏能力 教学方法 1. 观看教师讲解的视频,学习单元内的知识点。 2. 欣赏名画,进行主题式讨论。 3. 进行情境式练习,培养学生语言表达能力。 4. 建立跨文化交际的环境,增强学生的审美和交流能力。 教学过程

教学步骤教学内容教学活动设计说明 Step1 导入 1. 布置课堂环境,播放有关艺术作品的视频; 2. 鼓励学生谈论对艺术的看法,描述艺术作品的特点。通过引入有关 艺术作品,激发学生对艺术的兴趣和好奇心,并培养学生对艺术作 品的观察和表达能力。 Step2 学习知识点(1) 1. 展示名画并讲解其名称,包括艺术 形式和主旨。 2. 进行英语单词学习,让学生熟记常见的艺术名称。通过学习艺术名称,提高学生的艺术识别和欣赏能力。 Step3 学习知识点(2) 1. 教授艺术绘画的各种技法和手法;2. 对学生进行情境式练习,让学生描述艺术作品的特点。基于不 同的绘画技法的鉴别和了解不同手法的表现力,提高学生艺术作品 鉴赏和图像分析能力。 Step4 学习知识点(3) 1. 介绍不同流派的艺术作品,包括其 特点、背景和艺术家生平; 2. 进行情境式讨论,让学生表达自己 对不同流派的艺术作品的看法。了解不同流派的艺术作品,拓宽学 生的视野,提高学生跨文化交际能力和艺术作品鉴赏能力。 Step5 综合实践教师布置一项集体批评和欣赏作业,引导学生 进行艺术作品评价和审美分享。通过学生所完成的艺术作品评价和 分享,促进学生对艺术作品的评价能力和交流能力。 Step6 总结复习单元内的知识点、重点内容和难点。进行知 识总结,提高学生对知识点的印象和理解程度。 教学资源 1. 教师讲解视频 2. 课堂展示的名画 3. 片段视频作业 4. 投影仪


Unit1 Art单元分析 本单元主题:人与社会、人与自我 单元内容分析 本单元主要围绕“艺术”这一主题展开,通过介绍西方绘画艺术发展简史,展示中国水墨动画片的代表作品,提供艺术展览信息,逐步引导学生了解艺术的价值和意义,理解艺术家的创作动机,学会欣赏作品,体会艺术的魅力。对艺术发展史、艺术家及其作品进行深入的探讨、分析和解读,不仅仅是为了丰富学生的知识,扩展学生语言交流的空间,更重要的是为了激发学生对艺术的热爱,让艺术滋养他们的心灵,培养他们的艺术审美能力。 Opening Page 主题图选取了意大利著名画家拉斐尔的壁画作品《雅典学院》。画家以想象之力打破时空界限,以古希腊哲学家柏拉图举办雅典学院之逸事为题材,令自从古希腊以来的哲学、数学、音乐、天文等不同学科领域的文化名人齐聚一堂,其中包括亚里士多德、苏格拉底、柏拉图、毕达哥拉斯等。画家借画作追忆历史上的“黄金时代”,表达对追求智慧和真理者的赞颂、对美好未来的向往。选择这幅画作为单元主题图,一方面因为它是拉斐尔(“文艺复兴三杰”之一)最壮丽辉煌的作品,无论是作品主题、背景构图,还是人物形象,都具有丰富的寓意,值得观赏者慢慢挖掘、细细品味,这无疑能够激发学生强烈的好奇心和求知欲;另一方面,让学生结合这一画作思考艺术家创作的意图和动机,理解艺术家如何通过作品表达深刻的思想内涵,通过这样的感悟和体会过程,引导学生从艺术中汲取灵感和智慧,产生触类旁通的作用。 1.本单元的引言出自美国思想家拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生的散文《论美》(Beauty)。这两句话的意思是:“对美的喜爱是品味。对美的创造是艺术。”在《论美》一文中,爱默生指出:美是人类灵魂的一种需求。人人都有爱美之心,而艺术家不能仅仅满足于对美的仰慕之情。对美的追求和热爱,激励着艺术家不断创造作品,以新的形式去表现美。这种美的创造就是“艺术”。

新教材人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit1 Art 学案(知识点考点汇总及配套习题)

UNIT 1 ART Ⅰ.匹配词义 a.匹配下列单词词义 ()1.precise A.v t.购买;采购 ()2.breakthrough B.n.名誉;名声 ()3.reputation C.adj.准确的;精确的 ()4.purchase D.n.重大进展;突破 ()5.subjective E.adj.主观的 [答案]1—5CDBAE b.匹配下列短语词义 ()1.set apart from A.关注;聚焦于 ()2.in particular B.喜爱;喜欢 ()3.as a result C.尤其;特别 ()4.focus on D.使与众不同;使突出;使优于……()5.be fond of E.结果 [答案]1—5DCEAB Ⅱ.默写单词 1.realistic adj.现实的;逼真的 2.dimension n. 维;规模;范围 3.influential adj. 有很大影响力的;有支配力的4.noble adj. 崇高的;宏伟的;高贵的 n. 贵族成员;出身高贵的人 5.rank n. 地位;级别;行列 v t.&v i. 把……分等级;使排成行 6.sunrise n. 日出 7.outer adj. 外表的;外边的;外围的8.subsequent adj. 随后的;后来的;之后的9.sculpture n. 雕像;雕刻品;雕刻术

10.visual adj. 视觉的;视力的 Ⅰ.选词填空 precise;subsequent;subjective;primitive;convey;breakthrough;mythology;purchase;reputation;photography 1.Everyone's opinion is bound to be subjective. 2.His tone conveyed his real feelings more truly than his words. 3.In Greek mythology,Zeus was the ruler of Gods and men. 4.If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will give you a full refund. 5.She soon acquired a reputation as a first-class cook. 6.Scientists have made a breakthrough in their treatment of that disease. 7.Can you give a more precise definition of the word? 8.Primitive man hunted wild animals with crude stone implements. 9.Developments on this issue will be dealt with in a subsequent report. 10.Did you see the film about Antarctica? The photography was superb! Ⅱ.语法填空之派生词 1.It is not realistic(realism) to expect people to spend so much money. 2.Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic(humanity) morals. 3.She is one of the most influential(influence) figures in local politics. 4.The emergence(emerge) of the new idea encouraged us. 5.Exploring outer(out) space is a challenge to mankind. 6.He studied sculpture(sculptor) because he enjoyed working with clay. 1.As there have been so many different styles of Western art,it is impossible to describe them all in a short text. 由于西方艺术的风格千差万别,不可能用一个简短的文稿来描述它们。 2.While his paintings still had religious themes,they showed real people in a real environment. 虽然他的画仍然有宗教主题,但它们展示了真实环境中的真实人物。 3.With their deep colours and realism,some of the best oil paintings look like


2019新人教版高中英语选择性必修三unit1课文及翻译(英汉对照) During the Middle Ages。XXX and was often created for XXX。The artists of this d used a style called Byzantine。which featured flat。nal figures with XXX。as the Middle Ages progressed。XXX naturalistic style。with artists like XXX. 在中世纪时期,西方绘画主要关注宗教主题,通常是为教堂和大教堂创作的。这个时期的艺术家使用了一种称为拜占庭的风格,其中包括扁平的二维人物形象,大眼睛和风格化的姿势。然而,随着中世纪的进展,西方艺术开始向更加自然主义的风格转变,如XXX和XXX创作了更加真实的人物和风景描绘。 The Renaissance (14th to 17th century) 文艺复兴(14世纪到17世纪)

The Renaissance was a d of great artistic and cultural change in Western Europe。During this time。XXX。XXX。Some of the most famous artists of the Renaissance include Leonardo da Vinci。Michelangelo。and Raphael。These artists created works that were characterized by their n to detail。use of perspective。and realistic ns of the human form. 文艺复兴是西欧一个伟大的艺术和文化变革时期。在这个时期,艺术家开始探索新的技术和风格,导致对古典艺术和文化的重新关注。文艺复兴时期最著名的艺术家包括XXX、 XXX和XXX。这些艺术家创作的作品以细节的关注、透视的 运用和对人体形态的真实描绘为特点。 XXX Baroque d (17th to 18th century) 巴洛克时期(17世纪到18世纪) The Baroque d was a time of XXX。Some of the most famous Baroque artists include。Rembrandt。XXX。bold colors。XXX.

2019新人教高中英语选择性必修三Unit1 Art 词汇教学教案

2019新人教高中英语选择性必修三Unitl Art词汇教学教案Teaching aims: 1.Enable students to master the usages of important words and expressions such as particular,rank,purchase,fond,representative and recognition. 2.Guide students to learn to use the right collocations between adjectives and nouns,verbs and objects etc. 3.Help students to use what you have learnt into writing. Teaching key and difficult points: 1.Help students to learn the bold words and expressions of the unit. 2.Exercises are expected to assist students to express themselves freely in English. 3.How to use the words and phrases in real situation. Teaching procedures: Step因Self-directed study—Word Formation In your self-study time,please find out the relative forms of the following words and at the same time,make out their meanings by referring to the dictionary or reference books. l.precise 玲 2.realist玲",现实主义-^adj. 3.particular 玲ac/也 "humanity f M/・ 5.influence->ad/. 6.photograph玲摄影 7.subject->ac//. 8.sculpturef".雕塑家 9.visual f lO.arch 玲 11.invest^/?.

Unit 1 Art 词汇每日练-高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册

选择性必修三Unitl词汇【每日练1】 Practice makes perfect. 班级姓名 基础单词. adv.准确地;精确地 1. adj.现实的;逼真的. adj.开展水平低的 2. n.维;规模. 尤其;特别 3. 使与众不同;使突出. n.人性;人道 4. n.重大突破;突破. adj.有很大影响力的 5.n.名声;名誉.adj.崇高的;宏伟的 6.n.地位;级别;行列.v.购买;采购 7.n.委托人.n.照相术;摄影 8.n.照相术;摄影.n.印象主义 9.v.出现;浮现.n.日出 10.v.表达;传递(思想、感情等).adj.主观的 11.adj.外表的;外边的.adj.随后的;后来的 12.adj .喜爱.n.神话 二.七选五 Parents should help their children understand money. 16 . So you may start talking about money when your child shows an interest in buying things,candy or toys.for example. The basic function of money Begin explaining the basic function of money by showing how people trade money for goods or services.lt is important to show your child how money is traded for the things he wants to have. If he wants to have a toy,give him the money and let him hand the money to the cashier (收银员).17. When your child grows a bit older and understands the basic function of money,you can start explaining more complex ways of using money. Money lessons Approach money lessons with openness and honesty. 18 . If you must say no to a child's request to spend money,explain,64You have enough toy trucks for now.^^ Or.if the request is for many different things.say,n You have to make a choice between this toy and that toy.” 19 Begin at the grocery store.Pick out two similar brands (品牌)of a


新人教版高中英语选择性必修三课文及翻译 Unit1 Reading and Thinking A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING 西方绘画艺术简史 What is Western art? It is hard to give a precise definition. As there have been so many different styles of Western art, it is impossible to describe them all in a short text. Perhaps the best way to understand Western art is to look at the development of Western painting over the centuries. 什么是西方艺术?很难给出一个精确的定义。由于西方的艺术风格多种多样,在短短的一篇课文里不可能进行全面的描述。也许了解西方艺术的最好方法就是看看几个世纪以来西方绘画的发展。 The Middle Ages (from the 5th to the 15th century) 中世纪(5世纪到15世纪) During the Middle Ages, the purpose of Western art was to teach people about Christianity. Thus, artists were not interested in painting realistic scenes. Their works were often primitive and two-dimensional, and the main characters were often made much larger than everyone else to show their importance. This began to change in the 13th century with Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337). While his paintings still had religious themes, they showed real people in a real environment. In particular, his paintings are set apart from other paintings by their realistic human faces and deep emotional impact. 在中世纪,西方艺术的目的是向人们传授基督教因此,艺术家对写实场景不感兴趣。他们的作品通常较为粗糙且二维化,主体人物通常比其他人物大得多,以显示他们的重要性。这种情况在13世纪时因乔托·迪·邦多纳(1267-1337)而开始改变。尽管他的画仍然带有宗教主题,但它们展示的是真实的环境中的真实人物。尤其是他的画作,因其逼真的人物面貌和深刻的情感冲击而从其他画作中脱颖而出。 The Renaissance (from the 14th to the 17th century) 文艺复兴时期(14世纪到17世纪) New ideas and values gradually replaced old ones from the Middle Ages. As a result, painters concentrated less on religious themes. They began to adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. An important breakthrough during this period was the use of perspective by Masaccio (1401-1428). Influential painters such as Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519, Michelangelo(1475-1564), and Raphael (1483-1520) built upon Giotto and Masaccio's innovations to produce some of the greatest art that Europe had ever seen. 新的思想和价值观逐渐取代了中世纪的思想和价值观。因此,画家较少关注宗教主题。他们开始采取一种更人性化的生活态度。这一时期的一个重要突破是马萨乔(1401-1428)对透视法的运用。一些颇具影响力的画家,例如莱昂纳多达芬·奇、米开朗琪罗和拉斐尔,在乔托和马萨乔的创新基础上继续发展,创造出欧洲前所未见的一些最伟大的艺术作品 Another innovation was the use of oil paints. With their deep colours and realism, some of the best oil paintings look like photographs. While painters as early as Da Vinci had used oil, this technique reached its height with Rembrandt(1606-1669), who gained a reputation as a master of shadow and light. 另一个创新是油画颜料的使用。由于其深沉的色彩和现实主义风格,一些最好的油画看上去就像是照片。尽管早在达芬奇时代一些画家就使用油彩绘画,但伦勃朗使得这种技艺达到顶

人教版高中英语选择性必修三同步练习题 Unit 1 Art-Using Language(含答案)

Unit 1 Art-Using Language 词汇短语过关斩将 一.默写单词 1.ink n.墨水;墨汁;油墨 2.animation n. (电脑、录像)动画制作;动画片 3.frame n. 画面;框架vt. 给……镶框;陷害 4.symphony n. 交响乐;交响曲 5.decline n. (数量、价格、质量等的)减少;下降;衰落vi.&vt. 减少;下降;衰落;谢绝 6.bronze n. 青铜;深红褐色adj. 青铜色的;深红褐色的 7.ceramic n. 陶瓷制品;制陶艺术 8.vase n. 花瓶;装饰瓶 9.civil adj. 国民的;民用的;民事的 10.guarantee vt. 保证;确保;肯定……必然发生n. 保证;保修单;担保物 11.contemporary adj. 当代的;现代的;属同时期的n. 同代人;同辈人 12.worthy adj. 值得……的;有价值的 二.拓展词汇 1.represent vt.&vi.代表;表现;描绘→representative adj.典型的;有代表性的n.代表 2.exhibit vt.&vi.展览;显示;提出(证据等)→exhibition n.展览;(技能、感情或行为的)表演 3.artist n.艺术家;美术家(尤指画家);大师→artistic adj.艺术的;艺术家的 4.enter vt.进入→entry n.加入;进入;参与 5.recognize vt.&vi.认出;识别;承认→recognition n.承认;认出;赞誉 6.Buddhist adj.佛教的n.佛教徒→Buddhism n.佛教 7.expand vt.扩张vi.张开;展开→expansion n.扩张;扩展;扩大 三.翻译短语 1.be regarded as 被看作 2.gain recognition 得到认可 3.on display 展出 4.be intended to 旨在……;是为了…… 5.bring...to life 赋予……生命;使……鲜活起来 6.be worthy of 值得

高中英语新人教版选择性必修三 Unit 1 Art知识点汇总

高中英语新人教版选择性必修三Unit 1 Art知识点汇 总 【词汇短语】 1. It is hard to give a precise definition. (P2) 很难给出一个明确的定义。 precise /prɪˈsaɪs/ adj. 准确的;精确的 【搭配】 to be precise 确切地说 be precise in 在……方面精确、准确 at that precise moment 就在那一刻 【拓展】 precisely /prɪˈsaɪsli/ adv.准确地;精确地;的确如此 【例句】 我可以相当准确地说出这件事发生的时间。 2. Thus, artists were not interested in painting realistic scenes. (P2) 因此,艺术家们对描绘真实场景并无兴趣。 realistic /ˌriːə'lɪstɪk/ adj. 现实的;逼真的 【搭配】 be realistic about 对……实事求是 【拓展】 realism /'riːəlɪzəm/ n. 逼真;现实主义;务实作风 realist /'riːəlɪst/ n. 现实主义画家(或作家等);现实主义者 【例句】 我们必须实事求是地估计我们获胜的可能性。 他说话的架势像个现实主义者,但他明显对现实一无所知。

3.In particular, his paintings are set apart from other paintings by their realistic human faces and deep emotional impact. (P2) 他的绘画尤其以逼真人脸和强烈的情感冲击而与众不同。 in particular 尤其;特别(=particularly) 【拓展】 be particular about 对……讲究/挑剔 【例句】 fiction. 他喜欢阅读,尤其是科幻小说。 这位设计师在用色上非常讲究。 4.In particular, his paintings are set apart from other paintings by their realistic human faces and deep emotional impact. (P2) 他的绘画尤其以逼真人脸和强烈的情感冲击而与众不同。 set apart from 使与众不同;使突出;使优于…… 【拓展】 set ... apart ... 分开放,隔离开 set apart for 把(某物)留给…… 【例句】 她的高雅风格使她与其他记者截然不同。 留出两个房间作为图书室。 5.An important breakthrough during this period was the use of perspective by Masaccio (1401–1428). (P2) 这一时期的一项重大突破是马萨乔(1401年—1428年)对透视法的运用。breakthrough /ˈbreɪkθruː/ n. 重大进展;突破 【搭配】

人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第三册 Unit 1 Art同步教材语法填空-(含答案)

选择性必修三 教材同步语法考察 unit1 一、单句语法填空 1. The young manager was asked to justify the decision________(precise). 2.We have to be________(real) about our chances of winning and try our best to grab the chance. 3.The artists had a lot of comments about the techniques in the painting ________particular. 4. The operator's bright red scarf set her apart ________the other girls. 5. It seemed that they paid more attention to the________(human) nature of classical photography. 6.Although she was out of shape, she still concentrated ________her teaching. 7. Newton was not just a genius. He was among the most________(influence) figures, famous for his laws of motion. 8.Besides,I am fond ________our little rented house in the suburb, which is not far from the workplace. 9.His techniques________(rank)high among those of other contemporary photographers won him great popularity. 10.Our observation suggests that people do________(subject) consider the project influential to their life. 11. In this Chinese-style building, you can see________(arch) and square doors and windows, which show great manual skills. 12.Thanks to their________(invest),the researchers make a breakthrough in technology. 13.Their humanistic values and devotion to human welfare will________(memorise) forever. 14. The artist behaved________(humble) and refused to express his subjective attitude to the painting. 15. The organisation________(criticise) due to its lack of humanistic education. 16. Although the realist went through many difficulties,his dream________(realise) finally. 17. He was not properly________(represent)of influential opinion in our school. 18. More and more teenagers are fond of the electronic dictionary including some________(animation). 19.These________(art) have a permanent influence on the realistic art. 20. Representatives of the meeting gain free________(enter) to the museum. 21. Her devotion to caring the elderly people who live in poverty won her________(recognize). 22. Despite a sharp decline in profits this year, the company is confident of further________(expand). 23.I intended________(take) up a part-time job,which might be influential to my choice to career. 24. They are lucky to see many primitive paintings ________exhibition in the museum. 25.One of the ways to improve your spoken English is________(practice) it for half an hour every morning. 26.When she was young,her dream was________(become)a singer. 27. Our goal this year is________(increase) the production of cars by 20%. 28. The purpose of education is________(develop) a fine personality in children. 29.What I want to do is________(express) my thanks to you for offering me the job, which gives me a chance to develop myself.
