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Unit 1


Mary is bent on a musician, practising piano hard from morning to night.


That piece of porcelain proves to be a real piece of antique and worths hundreds of thousands of dollars.


In the more expensive kind of antique shop, rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them from dust.


You must cherish the hope that one day you will be amply rewarded.


Listening to this song always reminds me of my pleasant days in the past.

Unit 2


The principles of fashion movement will help us to identify and predict fashion trends.


Fashion shows serve as an effective way of sales promotion.


It's fashion that affects every aspect of our lives.


Mankind loves beauty in nature.


What consumers are concerned with are style, colour, fabric and price.

Unit 3


Having had no formal training, Armani has raw talent for fashion design.


In the 1980,the Armani suits appealed to the wealthy young professionals.


His collection of women's clothing made the professional urban women take on a new look.


The coat blends casual and formal looks, which is a very popular fashion.


Fashion has kept changing and developing. Therefore, fashion designers have to keep bringing out new styles.

Unit 4

1、 人们常常把颜色和不同的物体、感觉、假日联系在一起。

People often associate colors with different objects, feelings and holidays.

2、 她没有对老师的忠告做出任何反应。

She didn't react to the teacher's advice at all.

3、 他宁愿在家看电视也不愿去参加那个晚会。

He would rather watch TV at home than go to that party.

4、 总的来说,她在英语方面取得了很大的进步。

On the whole, she has made much progress in English.


、 医学研究人员决心找出禽流感的发病原因。

The medical researchers are determined to find out the cause of bird flu.

Unit 5

1、 她得到了这份工作是因为她比你有优势。

She has get the job because she has an advantage over you.

2、 学习民间舞蹈对他们而言是非常重要的。

It is very important for them to learn folk dance.

3、 这种生活方式的确使他们延年益寿。

This way of life does add longevity to them.

4、 不管父母怎么想,他都打算从事专业舞蹈。

Regardless of what their parents think, he is going to dance professionally.

5、 有趣的是,他们在处理这类问题时没有差别。

Interestingly, there are no differences in how they handle these problems.

Unit 6

1、 他擅长处理形形色色的问题。

He is good at dealing with different kinds of problems.

2、 轮船驶向大海,最终消失在地平线处。

The ship made for the sea and vanished on the horizon in the end.

3、 这些理论已经被运用于实践。

These theories have applied to practice.

4、 你想的事和我想的事完全不同。

What you think about is completely distinct from what I think about.

5、 与大多数同学相比,她是班里最勤奋的学生。

In contrast with most students, she is the most diligent student in her class.

Unit 7

1、 文艺复兴是意大利科学和艺术的繁荣时期。

Renaissance is a period when the arts and sciences flourished in Italy.

2、 那个村子里的人连电灯都没见过,更不用说电视了。

The people in that village have not seen electric lights, let alone TV sets.

3、 12岁时他就成为一个有名的画师的徒弟。

At the age of 12, he became an apprentice to a famous painter.

4、 无论是绘画,雕塑还是建筑,米开朗基罗对于西方艺术的影响都是深远的。

Whether in painting, sculpture or architecture, Michelangelo’s influence on the western art has been immense.

5、 毕业典礼之后,我们摆好姿势照了相。

After the graduation ceremony, we were posed for pictures.

Unit 8

1、 刘海粟是中国最著名的现代画家和教育家之一。

Liu Haisu is one of china’s most famous artists and educators.

2、 齐白石不仅作画还专心致志于学作诗、书法、刻章。

Qi Baishi devoted himself to poetry, calligraphy, seal carving as well as painting.

3、 他将自己创造性的画法和一些著名画家的画技融为一体。

He integrated his own creativity with the painting techniques of some famous artirts.

4、 他接受了朋友的建议决定改革自己的绘画方法。

He took his friend’s advice and decided to reform his approaches to the painting.

5、 让人惊叹的是他在绘画中同时运用了工笔和写意两种风格。

What is fascinating about his works is that both the gongbi and the xieyi styles are used in his paintings.

Unit 9


Pop music is developing and changing,and merging with modern folk music day and day.


Audience participation is an essential characteristic of pop concerts.


They are going to make an experiment with new material.


Thank to you support,we achieved such a great success.


John looks alike his brother,but unlike his brother,he has a good sense of humour.

Unit 10

1、 成功只是一种机缘,重要的是不要沉溺其中。

Success is just a matter of chance and it’s important not to get too attached to it.

2、 很小的时候,他就表现出对绘画的热爱。

His love of painting was apparent from an early age.

3、 他的影片曾获得奥斯卡最佳外语片的提名。

His film was once nominated for Oscars’best foreign language films.

4、 我希望这次成功能激励你更加努力。

I hope this success will inspire you to pursue to work harder.

5、 尽管是个盲人,波切利在当代歌剧舞台上拥有最令人激动地嗓音。

Despite his being blind, Andrea Bocelli has an exciting voice in the contemporary opera.
