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We can reap a lot from the rewarding experience of communicating with native speakers of English.

2. 在市长的帮助下,我们最终获准接触这起交通事故的受害者。

With the mayor’s help, we were at last allowed access to th ose people who suffered from the traffic accident.

3. 鲍勃和弗兰克一直不和。令他们尴尬的是,他们将到同一个部门工作。

Bob and Frank didn’t get along well with each other. It was embarrassing that they were to work in the same department

4. 小时候,我总告诉妹妹说狼来了,把她吓得直哭。

As a boy, I used to intimidate my sister into crying by telling her that a wolf was coming.

5. 做科学研究不容易,不仅需要时间、精力和经费,还需要具有自制力和奉献精神。

It is not easy to do scientific research it requires time, energy and money as well as discipline and commitment.


1.芬奇先生冲进她的房间,朝着她喊到:“难道你就不能把音乐关小一点?”Mr. Finch burst into her room and shouted at her, “Can’t you turn down the music a little bit?”

2. 我喜欢摇滚音乐,因为它通常节奏强,寓意深。

I like rock music because it usually has a strong rhythm and a powerful message.

3. 像往常一样,当他的父母不喜欢他的穿着时,便开始唠叨(bug)他。

As usual, wh en his parents don’t like what he wears, they start to bug him.

4. 代沟美国有,中国也有。

Generation gaps exist in the United States as well as in China.

5. 桑迪的母亲比以前更爱唠叨她,而她与母亲的争论也比平常更多了。

As her mother bugged Sandy much more than before, she argued with her mother a lot more than usual too.



Now that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try to adjust to a cold weather.

2. 他承诺帮助我们买下那幢房子,但有点勉强。

He promised to help us to buy the house, but with a little reluctance.

3. 这是一次重要的会议,请务必不要迟到。

This is an important meeting. Please see to it that you are not late for it.

4. 他是个有经验的商人;他做国际贸易已有好几年了。

He is an experienced businessman; he has engaged in foreign trade for quite a few years.

5. 她力劝我接受那个新职位,虽然那职位报酬并不优厚。

She urged me to accept the new post, although the job is not very well paid. 第四单元

1. 不管是有意识还是无意识,人们往往用眼神、面部表情、形体动作和态度表露真情,从而使他人产生包括从舒适到害怕的一连串反应。

In spite of consciously or unconsciously, people show their true feelings with their eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes, causing a chain of reactions, ranging from comfort to fear.

2. 想想你与一个陌生人的偶遇,把注意力集中在最初的七秒钟。你当时有何感想,你是如何“解读”他的呢?

Think of your encounter with a stranger. Focus on the first seven seconds. What did you feel and think? How did you “read” this person?

3. 当时你全身心地投入到了自己正在谈论的事情中,是那么专注,以至于完全没有感觉到害羞。

You were committed to what you were talking about and so absorbed in the moment that you lost all self-consciousness.

4. 演说家常常传递着含混不清的信息,但听众总是相信亲眼所见胜于耳闻。Public speakers often send mixed messages, but the audience believe what they see over what they hear.

5. 如果你想给人留下好印象,其诀窍在于始终保持一致。

If you want to make a good impression, the trick/skilled way is to be consistently you, at your best.


1.不管花多少钱,我们都要尽最大努力延长这位感染艾滋病毒的姑娘的生命。We will do our best to help the girl infected with the AIDS virus to live longer, regardless of the cost.


Please turn off the TV, because the noise will distract her from her homework.


It was a long time before the company implemented the program to improve the quality of its goods because of lack of money and necessary equipment.


When giving a lecture, Bob often prepared some pictures to illustrate how the situation mentioned in a text took place.


An able and successful businessman is good at making use of all the resources to make money.


1. 有了他父亲给的钱,他就能在附近的镇上买栋房子了。

With the money given by his father,he could afford a house in the town nearby.(Or …. he could afford to buy a house in the town nearby.)

2. 那位年轻女士太激动,以致情不自禁地提起了婚姻话题。

The young lady was so excited that she could not restrain herself from bringing up the subject of marriage. Or: … that she could not help bringing up the subject of marriage.

3. 恐怕你今天见不到他了,一小时前,他刚被派去执行一项重要任务了。

I’m afraid you can’t see him today because he was sent on an important mission just an hour ago.

4. 她年轻时,常常在笔记本里记下一些摘引自诗歌的内容。

When she was young,she used to store quotations from poems in a notebook.

5. 不管他们是谁,他们都得对这次事故负责任。

Whoever they are,they should take the responsibility for the accident/they should be responsible for the accident.


1. 一天当我沿着大街走的时候,钱包被人偷了。

The other day when I was walking along the street, I had my wallet stolen.

2. 我喜欢乘公共汽车上班,而不是自己驾车。那天上午也不例外。

When I go to work, I prefer taking a bus rather than driving and that morning was no exception.

3. 在遭到持械袭击的受害者人中, 很少有人能够辨认出袭击他们的人,因为他们的注意力全集中在枪上,而不是放在持枪人上。

Some victims of armed attacks are seldom able to identify their offenders because their attention focuses on the guns, rather than on their users.

4. 这两个劫匪的作案手法表明他们可能就是过去几个月里这一地区多起抢劫案的元凶。

The two robbers’ methods suggested that they might be the same men who had committed a number of robberies in the area over the pass few months.

5. 我们珍惜自己行动的自由,劳动的果实和我们的生命。

We hold dear our freedom to move about, the fruits of labor and our own lives. 第八单元

1. 她对那可怜的生病的孩子充满了同情。

She was filled with pity for the poor diseased baby.

2. 欲寻珍珠就要潜入水中

He who would search for jewels must dive below.


I intended to go to see a film last night, but it rained.


There was a flood of complaints about the poor service at the restaurant .

5. 医疗检查证实她身体状况良好。

Medical tests established that she was in good health.



In the 21st century people will order their goods at home through the Internet and have them delivered.

2. 对高层管理人员来说,扩充管理方面的信息和知识尤为重要。

The increase in information and knowledge about management will be more important to top managers.

3. 由于许多地方禁止吸烟广告, 吸烟将变得不受欢迎。

As smoking advertising is banned in many areas, smoking cigarettes will be under siege.

4. 做家庭作业时, 每10个学生中有8个会利用诸如博物馆和科学设施之类的资源。

Eight out of every ten students will use sources such as museums and science facilities in doing their homework assignments.

5. 是我们自己的所为和所不为决定着我们的未来。

It is what we do and what we do not do that determine our future.



You have to either go out with us or stay at home. There is no middle point. 2. 老师表扬了那些学习用功、考试考得好的学生。

The tea cher gave credit to the students who had studied hard and done well in the exam.

3. 我工作的地方有很多计算机。(where)

Where I work there are plenty of computers.

4. 换言之,要保持自我,面对现实,不可贪财图利。

In other words, be yourself and face reality, but don’t sell out to convenience.

5. 那些缺乏真正内涵的人总是依赖外在因素—如外表或地位,以使自己感觉良好。

Those who lack genuine core values always rely on external factors——their looks or status——in order to feel good about themselves.


the job market is becoming increasingly competitive,and your application package should show that you are aware of employers'needs. your application letter must make a good first impression so use approprite letter format and salutations.don't write too much but make sure you emphasize what you can contribute to the organization.state some of your abilities and experience,back these up with examples,and refer the reader to your resume/CV for more information. your CV should be easy to read,with clear sections and headings,bullet or numbered points,and plenty of space.check some book or websites for acceptable formats.list your most recent experience or achievements first and work backwards in time,and don't send an identical CV every time-update it to reflect the specific job opporyunity. 就业市场的竞争正变得越来越激烈,你的应用程序包应该表明你知道招聘者的需要。 你的求职信必须做一个良好的第一印象,使用中文信件格式和礼。不要写太多,但一定要强调你可以为组织做出贡献。州的一些自己的能力和经验,这些例子,并参考读者你的简历/简历的更多信息。 你的简历应该易于阅读,明确部分和标题,子弹或编号的点,和足够的空间。检查一些书或网站可以接受的格式。首先列出你最近的经验或成就,工作时间向后推移,不要每次都发送一个相同的简历更新以反映特定的工作机会。 Uit4 Manpower Inc.,with 560000 workers,is the world's largest temporary employment agency.every moring ,its people swarm into the offices and factories of america,seeking a day's work for a day's pay.one day at a time as industrial giants like General Motors and IBM struggle to survive by reducing the number of employees,Manpower,based in Milwaukee,Wisconsin,is booming. even though its economy continues to recover,the us is increasingly becoming a nation of part timers and temporary workers.this "disposable" work force is the most important trend in american business today,and it is fundamentally changing the relationship between people and their jobs.the phenomenon provides a way for companies to remain globally competitive while avoiding market cycles and the growing burdens imposed by employment rules,healthcare costs and pension plans.for workers it can mean an end to the security,benefits and sense of importance that came form being a loyal employee. 人力资源公司,拥有560000员工,是世界上最大的临时就业机构。每天早上,人们涌入美国的办公室和工厂,寻找一天的工作一天的工资。每天一次等工业巨头通用汽车(General Motors)和IBM为生存而挣扎的减少员工的数量,人力,位于威斯康辛州密尔沃基正在蓬勃发展。尽管其经济持续复苏,美国正日益成为一个国家部分定时器和临时工。这种“一次性”工作是最重要的趋势在今天的美国业务,并从根本上改变人与人之间的关系和他们的工作。这种现象提供了一种方法为企业保持全球竞争力,同时避免市场周期和不断增长的就业负担的规定,医疗费用和养老金计划。对工作者来说,它可能意味着结束的安全、利益和意识的重要性,形成了一个忠诚的员工。


新视野大学英语第一册课文翻译 Unit 1 1学习外语是我一生中最艰苦也是最有意义的经历之一。虽然时常遭遇挫折,但却非常有价值。 2我学外语的经历始于初中的第一堂英语课。老师很慈祥耐心,时常表扬学生。由于这种积极的教学方法,我踊跃回答各种问题,从不怕答错。两年中,我的成绩一直名列前茅。 3到了高中后,我渴望继续学习英语。然而,高中时的经历与以前大不相同。以前,老师对所有的学生都很耐心,而新老师则总是惩罚答错的学生。每当有谁回答错了,她就会用长教鞭指着我们,上下挥舞大喊:“错!错!错!”没有多久,我便不再渴望回答问题了。我不仅失去了回答问题的乐趣,而且根本就不想再用英语说半个字。 4好在这种情况没持续多久。到了大学,我了解到所有学生必须上英语课。与高中老师不同,大学英语老师非常耐心和蔼,而且从来不带教鞭!不过情况却远不尽如人意。由于班大,每堂课能轮到我回答的问题寥寥无几。上了几周课后,我还发现许多同学的英语说得比我要好得多。我开始产生一种畏惧感。虽然原因与高中时不同,但我却又一次不敢开口了。看来我的英语水平要永远停步不前了。 5直到几年后我有机会参加远程英语课程,情况才有所改善。这种课程的媒介是一台电脑、一条电话线和一个调制解调器。我很快配齐了必要的设备并跟一个朋友学会了电脑操作技术,于是我每周用5到7天在网上的虚拟课堂里学习英语。 6网上学习并不比普通的课堂学习容易。它需要花许多的时间,需要学习者专心自律,以跟上课程进度。我尽力达到课程的最低要求,并按时完成作业。 7我随时随地都在学习。不管去哪里,我都随身携带一本袖珍字典和笔记本,笔记本上记着我遇到的生词。我学习中出过许多错,有时是令人尴尬的错误。有时我会因挫折而哭泣,有时甚至想放弃。但我从未因别的同学英语说得比我快而感到畏惧,因为在电脑屏幕上作出回答之前,我可以根据自己的需要花时间去琢磨自己的想法。突然有一天我发现自己什么都懂了,更重要的是,我说起英语来灵活自如。尽管我还是常常出错,还有很多东西要学,但我已尝到了刻苦学习的甜头。 8学习外语对我来说是非常艰辛的经历,但它又无比珍贵。它不仅使我懂得了艰苦努力的意义,而且让我了解了不同的文化,让我以一种全新的思维去看待事物。学习一门外语最令人兴奋的收获是我能与更多的人交流。与人交谈是我最喜欢的一项活动,新的语言使我能与陌生人交往,参与他们的谈话,并建立新的难以忘怀的友谊。由于我已能说英语,别人讲英语时我不再茫然不解了。我能够参与其中,并结交朋友。我能与人交流,并能够弥合我所说的语言和所处的文化与他们的语言和文化之间的鸿沟。 Unit 3 1在我还未成年时,如果有人看到我和父亲在一块儿,我就会觉得难堪。他腿瘸得很厉害,个子又矮。我们一起走路时,他的手搭在我臂上以保持平衡,人们就会盯着看。对于这种讨厌的注视,我打心眼里感到别扭。即使父亲注意到这些或感到不安,他也从不表露出来。 2我们的步伐难以协调一致——他常常停下脚步,而我的步子却显得不耐烦。正因为如此,我们一路很少说话。但每次出门时,他总说:“你按你的步速走,我跟着你。” 3我们通常就在地铁口和家门口之间来回,那是他上班的路线。他生病或天气恶劣时也坚持上班,几乎从不缺勤。他总是准点到办公室,即使别人做不到。这是件可以引以为荣的事。4当路上覆盖冰雪时,即使有人搀扶,他也难以行走。这种时候,我或者我的姐妹们就用一辆带有钢轮的儿童推车拉着他穿过纽约布鲁克林的街道到地铁站口。一到那儿,他就紧抓着地铁口的扶手一直往下走,因为地铁内比较暖和,下面几级台阶没有冰雪。曼哈顿的地铁站直通他们办公楼的地下室,他不用出站(就可到办公室)。下班回家时,我们会去布鲁克林


英语七年级英语下册选词填空100及答案 一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.从方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确的形式填空(每个词或短语只能用一次)。 — OK, I won't. (2)Now stop________, or our neighbors will be angry. (3)—What's the matter, Jack? — The classroom is too ________. (4)—Your pet monkey is very clever. —Thank you. If I am sad, he ________ with me. (5)—Students shouldn't ________ others at school. —You're right. (6)The little boy fell from the bike and was ________ hurt. (7)—Class Five win the first place in the basketball game. — It's not surprising. Before the game, they ________ to practice basketball after school.(8)—What do you think of the song Liangliang? —It's really beautiful and becomes popular ________. (9)—I hear that Simon ________ when shopping last Sunday. — Oh, bad luck. (10)—Sandy is very helpful. —Yes. She often ________ someone in need on the bus. 【答案】(1)with eyes open wide (2)playing the piano (3)noisy (4)will do wonderful tricks (5)fight with (6)badly (7)did their best (8)all over the world (9)lost his way (10)gives a seat to 【解析】【分析】 lose one's way 迷路; with eyes open wide 睁大眼睛; do one's best 尽某人最大努力; fight with 与……打架; noise 噪音; play the piano 弹钢琴; give a seat to 给某人让座; all over the world 全世界; do wonderful tricks 表演绝妙的把戏; bad 坏的 (1)句意:——不要睁大你的眼睛做眼保健操。——好的,我不会这样做了。根据常识可知,做眼保健操要闭着眼睛,而不能睁着眼睛。且根据句中有谓语do,所以用with,故填with your eyes open wide。


1:Have you ever known anyone famous?If so,you may have found that they are remarkably similar to the rest of us.You may have even heard them object to people saying there is anything differe nt about them.“I’m really just a normal guy,”protests an actor who has recently rocketed into the spotlight.Ther e is,of course,usually a brief period when they actually start to believe they are as great as their worshipping fans suggest.They start to wear fancy clothes and talk as if everyone should hear wh at they have to say.This period,however,does not often last long.They fall back to reality as fast as they had originally risen above it all.What will it feel like to soar to such altitude and look do wn like an eagle from up high on everyone else?And what will it feel like to have flown so high on ly to wake from your dream and realize you;are only human?Some only see the cruelty in losing something they had gained.They often make desperate attempts to regain what they lost.Often these efforts result in even greater pain.Some become bankrupt financially and emotionally.The only real winners are those who are happy to be back on the ground with the rest of us. 你知道有著名的吗?如果是这样,您可能会发现它们非常相似,其余的人。甚至,你可能已经听到他们反对的人说对他们有什么不同。“我只是一个普通人,”抗议一个演员,他最近已经飙升到了聚光灯下。当然,通常是一个短暂的时期,他们真正开始相信他们是伟大如他们崇拜球迷建议。他们开始穿漂亮的衣服和交谈着,就好像每个人都应该听到他说话。这一时期,然而,不经常持续很长时间。他们回到现实原来一样快超过一切。什么会感觉高涨到这样的高度和向下看像一只鹰从高处其他人吗?和什么会感觉飞这么高只有从你的梦中醒来,意识到你;只是人类吗?一些人只看到残忍的失去的东西,他们得到了。他们往往使人绝望试图夺回他们所失去的。通常这些努力导致了更大的疼痛。一些在经济上和情感上倾家荡产。唯一的真正的赢家是快乐的人,回到陆地上与其余的人。 Have you ever heard of Jon Stewart?he is currently one of the most popular comics on television .His pessimistic view of the politics and government induces laughter,thought and even anger.h e has a clever wit that often runs into collision with some government policies.His whole show is devoted to making fun of the nonsense that occurs in politics.But,that makes his show so succes sful is his ability to tell his jokes with intelligence. It’s not just comedy,said one media expert.his comments have a lot of influence over a very lar ge audience in American.He has a lot of political power. Recently Stewart was a guest on a news show about politics.The host journalist sparked a heated debate when he inquired about Stewart responsibility to the American public.Stewart argued th at while the content of the script for his show may be political in nature,his primary obligation is to entertain.The host journalist,however,emphasized the political influence of his performance. The argument ended up rousing anger from both parties.The incident underlined how sensitive some people can be to what others find funny.It also showed how important comedians have be come to politics. 你有没有听说过乔恩·斯图尔特?他是目前最流行的一个漫画电视。他的悲观看法的政治和政府引发的笑声,思想甚至愤怒。他有一个聪明机智,经常会出现一些政府政策撞击。他的整个展示致力于取笑的废话,发生在政治。但是,这让他的节目如此成功在于他能告诉他的笑话与情报。 这不仅仅是喜剧,说媒体专家之一。他的言论有一个很大的影响力超过了大量的观众在美国。他有很多政治力量。 最近斯图尔特是一个新闻节目的嘉宾对政治。主机记者引发了一场激烈的辩论,当他询问


Unit1奔向更加光明的未来 1 下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。你们所取得的成就是你们自己多年努力的结果,也是你们的父母和老师们多年努力的结果。在这所大学里,我们承诺 将使你们学有所成。 2 在欢迎你们到来的这一刻,我想起自己高中毕业时的情景,还有妈妈为我和爸爸拍的合影。妈妈吩咐我们:“姿势自然点。” “等一等 , ”爸爸说,“把我递给他闹钟的情景拍下来。” 在大学期间,那个闹钟每天早晨叫醒我。至今它还放在我办公室的桌子上。 3 让我来告诉你们, 一些你们未必预料得到的事情。你们将会怀念以前的生活习惯,怀念父母曾经提醒你们要刻苦学习、取得佳绩。你们可能因为高中生活终于结束而喜极而泣,你 们的父母也可能因为终于不用再给你们洗衣服而喜极而泣!但是要记住:未来是建立在过 去扎实的基础上的。 4 对你们而言,接下来的四年将会是无与伦比的一段时光。在这里,你们拥有丰富的资源:有来自全国各地的有趣的学生,有学识渊博又充满爱心的老师,有综合性图书馆,有完备的运动设施,还有针对不同兴趣的学生社团——从文科社团到理科社团、到社区服务等等。你们将自由地探索、学习新科目。你们要学着习惯点灯熬油,学着结交充满魅力的人,学着 去追求新的爱好。我想鼓励你们充分利用这一特殊的经历,并用你们的干劲和热情去收获 这一机会所带来的丰硕成果。 5 有这么多课程可供选择,你可能会不知所措。你不可能选修所有的课程,但是要尽可能 体验更多的课程!大学里有很多事情可做可学,每件事情都会为你提供不同视角来审视世 界。如果我只能给你们一条选课建议的话,那就是:挑战自己!不要认为你早就了解自己对什么样的领域最感兴趣。选择一些你从未接触过的领域的课程。这样,你不仅会变得更加博学,而且更有可能发现一个你未曾想到的、能成就你未来的爱好。一个绝佳的例子就是时装设计师王薇薇,她最初学的是艺术史。随着时间的推移,王薇薇把艺术史研究和对时装的热爱结合起来,并将其转化为对设计的热情,从而使她成为全球闻名的设计师。 6 在大学里,一下子拥有这么多新鲜体验可能不会总是令人愉快的。在你的宿舍楼里,住在你 隔壁寝室的同学可能会反复播放同一首歌,令你头痛欲裂!你可能喜欢早起,而你的室友 却是个夜猫子!尽管如此,你和你的室友仍然可能成为最要好的朋友。如果有些新的经历让你感觉不那么舒心,不要担心。我保证快乐的经历会多于不快的经历。而且我保证几乎所有这些经历都会给你带来宝贵的经验教训,从而使你的生活更加丰富多彩。所以,带着热切的目光和欢乐的心情,勇敢向前去拥抱这些新的体验吧! 7 我们相信,你们的自我发现之旅和对爱好的寻求带给你们的将不仅仅是个人的进步。我们相信,当你们成为我们的学者群体中的一员时,你们很快就会认识到,大学不仅提供大量自我充实的机会,同时也带来了责任。一位智者说过:“教育代代相传,它就是社会的灵魂。”你们是你们家庭辛勤劳动成果的传承者,也是无数前辈辛勤劳动成果的传承者。他们积累了知识,并把知识传递给你们,而这些知识正是你们取得成功所必需的。现在轮到你们了。你们会获取什么样的知识?你们会发现什么样的兴趣爱好?你们怎样做才能为你们的子孙后代创造一个强大昌盛的未来? 8 我们很高兴能为你们人生旅途中这一重大阶段开启大门。我们很高兴你们将获得许多机会,也很高兴你们将作为社区、国家乃至世界的公民承担起应有的责任。欢迎你们!


句子选词填空 【2014 浙江绍兴】五、词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。 knife ride it beside active 56. Wendy camp up, sat ______ me and asked some questions. 57. Fast food ______ isn’t always bad for you, but too much of it is not good. 58. People in western countries usually eat with forks and ______. 59. The teacher hopes everyone will join ______ in class discussion. 60. Look! The little boy is ______ a bicycle over there. 56. beside 57. itself 58. knives 59. actively 60. riding 五、词与短语选择填空 (本题共10分,每小题2分) (2014湖北武汉) 仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构、句义和逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的。) keep out / strange / provide / delicious / give out / join 71. The best way to improve your English is to ______ an English club. 72. Be quiet please,class. I’m going to ______ your test papers. 73. Mr. Tan makes the best noodles in town. They’re _____! 74. There’s a _____ smell the house. Do you know what it is? 75. Could you ______ me with information about student exchange programs? 【答案】71. join 72. give out 73. delicious 74. strange 75. provide (2014贵州黔西南)VIII. 根据句意,从方框中选用合适的词并用其适当形式填空,其中有两项是多余的。(5小题,每小题2分,共10分) stay up show up beautiful prefer favorite love make 71. Mark Twain is Mary’s _______ author. 72. She _______ classical music to pop music. 73. The Fine Arts Museum is the ______ museum in our city. 74. I ______ eating ice cream on a hot day. It tastes good.


新视野大学英语4选词填空答案及翻译 一 Have you ever known anyone famous? If so, you may have found that they are remarkably similar to th e rest of us. You may have even heard them object to people saying there is anything different about them. “I’m really just a normal guy,”protests an acto r who has recently rocketed into the spotlight. There is, of course, usually a brief period when they actually start t o believe they are as great as their worshipping f ans suggest. They start to wear fancy clothes and talk as if everyone should hear what they have to say. This period, however, does not often last long. They fall back to reality as fast as they h ad originally risen above it all. What will it feel like to soar to such altitude and look down like an eagle from up high on everyone else? And what will it feel like to have flown so hi gh only to wake from your dream and realize you are only human? Some only see the cruelty in losin


Unit1 奔向更加光明的未来 1 下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。你们所取得的成就是你们自己多年努力的结果,也是你们的父母和老师们多年努力的结果。在这所大学里,我们承诺将使你们学有所成。 2 在欢迎你们到来的这一刻,我想起自己高中毕业时的情景,还有妈妈为我和爸爸拍的合影。妈妈吩咐我们:“姿势自然点。”“等一等,”爸爸说,“把我递给他闹钟的情景拍下来。”在大学期间,那个闹钟每天早晨叫醒我。至今它还放在我办公室的桌子上。 3 让我来告诉你们,一些你们未必预料得到的事情。你们将会怀念以前的生活习惯,怀念父母曾经提醒你们要刻苦学习、取得佳绩。你们可能因为高中生活终于结束而喜极而泣,你们的父母也可能因为终于不用再给你们洗衣服而喜极而泣!但是要记住:未来是建立在过去扎实的基础上的。 4 对你们而言,接下来的四年将会是无与伦比的一段时光。在这里,你们拥有丰富的资源:有来自全国各地的有趣的学生,有学识渊博又充满爱心的老师,有综合性图书馆,有完备的运动设施,还有针对不同兴趣的学生社团——从文科社团到理科社团、到社区服务等等。你们将自由地探索、学习新科目。你们要学着习惯点灯熬油,学着结交充满魅力的人,学着去追求新的爱好。我想鼓励你们充分利用这一特殊的经历,并用你们的干劲和热情去收获这一机会所带来的丰硕成果。 5 有这么多课程可供选择,你可能会不知所措。你不可能选修所有的课程,但是要尽可能体验更多的课程!大学里有很多事情可做可学,每件事情都会为你提供不同视角来审视世界。如果我只能给你们一条选课建议的话,那就是:挑战自己!不要认为你早就了解自己对什么样的领域最感兴趣。选择一些你从未接触过的领域的课程。这样,你不仅会变得更加博学,而且更有可能发现一个你未曾想到的、能成就你未来的爱好。一个绝佳的例子就是时装设计师王薇薇,她最初学的是艺术史。随着时间的推移,王薇薇把艺术史研究和对时装的热爱结合起来,并将其转化为对设计的热情,从而使她成为全球闻名的设计师。 6 在大学里,一下子拥有这么多新鲜体验可能不会总是令人愉快的。在你的宿舍楼里,住在你隔壁寝室的同学可能会反复播放同一首歌,令你头痛欲裂!你可能喜欢早起,而你的室友却是个夜猫子!尽管如此,你和你的室友仍然可能成为最要好的朋友。如果有些新的经历让你感觉不那么舒心,不要担心。我保证快乐的经历会多于不快的经历。而且我保证几乎所有这些经历都会给你带来宝贵的经验教训,从而使你的生活更加丰富多彩。所以,带着热切的目光和欢乐的心情,勇敢向前去拥抱这些新的体验吧! 7 我们相信,你们的自我发现之旅和对爱好的寻求带给你们的将不仅仅是个人的进步。我们相信,当你们成为我们的学者群体中的一员时,你们很快就会认识到,大学不仅提供大量自我充实的机会,同时也带来了责任。一位智者说过:“教育代代相传,它就是社会的灵魂。”你们是你们家庭辛勤劳动成果的传承者,也是无数前辈辛勤劳动成果的传承者。他们积累了知识,并把知识传递给你们,而这些知识正是你们取得成功所必需的。现在轮到你们了。你们会获取什么样的知识?你们会发现什么样的兴趣爱好?你们怎样做才能为你们的子孙后代创造一个强大昌盛的未来? 8 我们很高兴能为你们人生旅途中这一重大阶段开启大门。我们很高兴你们将获得许多机会,也很高兴你们将作为社区、国家乃至世界的公民承担起应有的责任。欢迎你们!

七年级英语下册选词填空 复习(word)

七年级英语下册选词填空复习(word) 一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (2)Students can ________ for half an hour after the second class. (3)Lily plays the violin well and she wants to be a________. (4)It takes me thirty minutes to practice ________ English every day. (5)—Who are you? —I am Bill's ________. 【答案】(1)teeth (2)relax (3)musician (4)speaking (5)friend 【解析】【分析】 music音乐;relax放松;friend朋友;speak说话;tooth牙齿。 (1)句意:早起不要忘了刷牙。根据常识我们知道,清早起来要刷牙,刷牙,brush one's teeth ,故答案是teeth。 (2)句意:下了第二节课学生们可以放松半个小时。一般在第二节课之间有一个大课间,这是让学生放松的时候,can是情态动词,后跟动词原形,故答案是relax。 (3)句意:莉莉小提琴拉得好,她想成为音乐家。根据 Lily plays the violin well 可知她想成为音乐家。音乐家musician,可数名词,根据a,可知应使用单数形式,故答案是musician。 (4)句意:每天练习说英语花费我三十分钟的时间。根据English可知是练习说英语,应使用speak,practice doing sth.练习做某事,固定搭配,应使用动词的ing形式,故答案是speaking。 (5)句意:——你是谁?——我是比尔的朋友。Bill's是名词所有格,后跟名词,根据I,可知是是比尔的朋友,故答案是friend。 【点评】本题考查单词在语境中的运用,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定打配合基本句型。 2.根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每次限用一次。


Unit 2 一、填单词 1、China’s economic success over the past three decades has raised the living standards of hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens. 中国在过去三十年取得的经济成功提高了千百万中国人民的生活水平。 2、Citibank(花旗银行) picked the chief executive of https://www.sodocs.net/doc/e4685646.html, as its first Chinese customer Thursday to open an account at its new branch in the historic Peace Hotel along Shanghai’s fabled waterfront. 花旗银行星期四 选择了易唐执行总裁作为它新分行的第一位中国开户客户,该分行在位于上海外滩著名的和平饭店内。 3、The United States last Wednesday imposed tariffs of up to 30 percent on a range of foreign steel imports to help protect its domestic industry. 美国上星期三对外国进口钢材征收30 %的关税以保护国内钢产业。 4、Although he was raised as a Christian, he’s not really very religious.虽然他被当做一个基督徒被养大,但他不是非常虔诚的宗教信徒 5、You can distinguish between frogs and toads in the following way: frogs have slender bodies, long limbs, and a smooth skin, and toads have stouter bodies, shorts limbs and dry skin. 你可以从以下方面区分青蛙和蟾蜍:青蛙身体细长,四肢很长并且皮肤光滑,而蟾蜍身体粗壮,四肢短,皮肤干燥。 6、From the airplane window I could see a web of city streets. 从飞机的窗口我能看到城市街道的网状图 7、Aunt Pat smiled at her little niece and bade her to eat. 帕特阿姨笑着


Unit 1 As a foreigner doing business in the United States, I feel very rushed.作为一个外国人在美国做生意,我觉得很匆忙。I am used to friendly opening exchanges when doing business.我习惯了做生意的时候,开放交流的友好。Here in Chicago, things are different.在芝加哥,一切都不同了There is no time for getting to know one another. This does not seem appropriate to me.你没有时间去了解彼此。这似乎并不适合我。There is no chance to develop a sense of trust when people meet to talk over issues. 是没有机会发展一个信任人们见面时谈的问题。There are no rituals like tea or coffee before discussing business, though this is a(n) convention in my country.没有任何仪式喜欢茶或者咖啡谈生意,虽然这是一个在我国(略)公约。When we discuss business it starts with a(n) leisurely chat.当我们讨论业务开始与(氮)悠闲地聊天。I think that it is important for business partners to get familiar with each other first and to feel relaxed. If the exchange is too abrupt , there is a risk that something will be forgotten.我认为这是非常重要的商业伙伴熟悉彼此第一和放松。如果交流是太突然了,有一种风险,有些事情是可以遗忘。Some possibilities go without being assessed when there is too much pressure. I don't believe this is the best strategy for proper communication. 一些可能没有得到评估时,有太多的压力。我不相信这是最好的战略,适当的沟通。c。此外,看法是,他们只是不关心你作为个人在这里。你基本上只是另一种赚钱的方法。 All of this used to create a real dilemma for me. 这一切,用来创建一个真正的困境我。At first, it caused me to have as little interaction with American


新视野大学英语第三版第二册读写课文所有翻译 Unit 1 Text A 一堂难忘的英语课 1 如果我是唯一一个还在纠正小孩英语的家长,那么我儿子也许是对的。对他而言,我是一个乏味的怪物:一个他不得不听其教诲的父亲,一个还沉湎于语法规则的人,对此我儿子似乎颇为反感。 2 我觉得我是在最近偶遇我以前的一位学生时,才开始对这个问题认真起来的。这个学生刚从欧洲旅游回来。我满怀着诚挚期待问她:“欧洲之行如何?” 3 她点了三四下头,绞尽脑汁,苦苦寻找恰当的词语,然后惊呼:“真是,哇!” 4 没了。所有希腊文明和罗马建筑的辉煌居然囊括于一个浓缩的、不完整的语句之中!我的学生以“哇!”来表示她的惊叹,我只能以摇头表达比之更强烈的忧虑。 5 关于正确使用英语能力下降的问题,有许多不同的故事。学生的确本应该能够区分诸如their/there/they're之间的不同,或区别complimentary 跟complementary之间显而易见的差异。由于这些知识缺陷,他们承受着大部分不该承受的批评和指责,因为舆论认为他们应该学得更好。 6 学生并不笨,他们只是被周围所看到和听到的语言误导了。举例来说,杂货店的指示牌会把他们引向stationary(静止处),虽然便笺本、相册、和笔记本等真正的stationery(文具用品)并没有被钉在那儿。朋友和亲人常宣称They've just ate。实际上,他们应该说They've just eaten。因此,批评学生不合乎情理。 7 对这种缺乏语言功底而引起的负面指责应归咎于我们的学校。学校应对英语熟练程度制定出更高的标准。可相反,学校只教零星的语法,高级词汇更是少之又少。还有就是,学校的年轻教师显然缺乏这些重要的语言结构方面的知识,因为他们过去也没接触过。学校有责任教会年轻人进行有效的语言沟通,可他们并没把语言的基本框架——准确的语法和恰当的词汇——充分地传授给学生。 8 因为语法对大多数年轻学生而言枯燥且乏味,所以我觉得讲授语法得一步一步、注重技巧地进行。有一天机会来了。我跟儿子开车外出。我们出发时,他看到一只小鸟飞得很不稳,就说:“它飞的不稳。”(It's flying so unsteady.)我小心翼翼地问:“儿子,鸟怎么飞?”“有问题吗?我说得不对吗?(Did I say anything incorrectly?)”他一头雾水。“太好了,你说的是incorrectly而不是incorrect。我们用副词来描述动词。所以,要用unsteadily来描述鸟飞,而不是unsteady。” 9 他对我的纠正很好奇,就问我什么是副词。我慢慢解释道:“副词是用来修饰动词的词。”这又导致了他询问我什么是动词。我解释说:“动词是表示行为的词,例如:爸爸开卡车。‘开’是动词,因为它是爸爸在做的事。” 10 他开始对表示行为的词产生兴趣,所以我们又罗列了几个动词:“飞行”、“游泳”、“跳水”、“跑步”。然后,他又好奇地问我,其他的词有没有说明它们的用法和功能的名称。这就引发了我们对名词、形容词和冠词的讨论。在短短十分钟的驾驶时间内,他从对语法一无所知到学会了句子中主要词语的词性。这是一次


A. (2019·山东青岛)41. Jack is a good learner because he always what he needs to learn with something interesting. (2019·山东青岛)42. English Day is coming, and we an English party soon. (2019·山东青岛)43. He to hand in his science report last week. (2019·山东青岛)44. The writer is so popular that he more than 200,000 books so far. (2019·山东青岛)45. — Where is Grace? — She is at the gate of the theatre. She in line to buy tickets. 【答案】 41. connects 42. will organize 43. was required 44. has sold 45. is waiting 【解析】 41. connects 句意:杰克是一名好的学习者,因为他总是将他需要学习的东西与什么有趣的事情联系在一起。connect …with 把……与……联系在一起,是固定搭配用法。 42. will organize 句意:英语日将到了,我们不久将组织一次英语聚会。“组织英语到会”是将要发生的事情,因此应用一般将来时态。 43. was required 句意:上周他被要求上交他的科学报告。空白处表示“被要求做某事”,因此应用一般过去时态的被动语态。 44. has sold 句意:这位作家是如此受欢迎,以至于到现在为止他已销售了二十多万本书。由关键词so far,可知本句应用现在完成时态。 45. is waiting 理解语境可知,格蕾丝现在正剧院的门口,正在排队买票。动作正在发生,因此应用现在进行时态。 五、(2019江苏连云港)选词填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) —Sorry, Mum. I’ll clean it right away. 57. (2019江苏连云港)— You look so worried. What can I do for you? —I ______ my key. Have you seen it? 58. (2019江苏连云港) Louis Cha Leung-yung, one of the greatest Chinese writers, ______ last year. He built a fantastic wuxia world and created different types of heroes. 59. (2019江苏连云港) Do scientists agree that there’s a ______ that humans in the future would live on Mars? 60. (2019江苏连云港) It ______, but the boys went on playing football on the playground. 61. (2019江苏连云港) The Smiths ______ their children about table manners and always remind them to behave well. 62. (2019江苏连云港) — I ______ since last night. —You’d better go to see a doctor. 63. (2019江苏连云港) Alibaba opened a hotel in which a series of tasks ______ check-in, light control and room service can be done by AI and robots. 64. (2019江苏连云港)The rainy season usually ______ from June to September in my hometown.
