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翻译硕士考研真实个人经验 感谢凯程郑老师对本文做出的重要贡献 成绩出来了,看到拟录取那三个字,一下子平静了。想想从去年6月份,到现在,一年而已,却觉得考研的岁月倏忽而过,早成了很遥远的过去。现在整日玩乐enjoy毕业季的心情,一下子不知道该怎么兑现这个要写考经的承诺。因为每次回想,记起来的全是零零碎碎的片段,那些和研友们一起吐槽一起叹息的镜头,那些一个人趴桌上不想坚持的时光,那些个早上起不来的日子,那条飞奔而去抢座位的路。学姐又在煽情,写个考经废话太多了。 好吧,先报一下初试成绩,我考的是北外翻译硕士(MTI)的笔译专业,初试有四科:政治(65),法语(84),翻译基础(专业课一)(105),汉语写作与百科知识(专业课二)(120),总分374。不知道大家晓不晓得北外复试的时候只用两门专业课的成绩,我的专业课成绩加起来是225,不是很好,属于中等吧,因为复试的时候听说还有240+的,所以我不是什么大牛,大三的时候考过一次二级笔译,实务也没有及格,考研的时候只想报个自己向往的学校,所以就选了北外,但是心里一直没底,能做的也只有咬牙坚持,一步一步的慢慢走,只是感谢那时候的坚持,才能有现在的安生日子。 一、汉语写作与百科知识 百科知识是专业课之一,满分150分,25个名词解释,每个2分,一篇应用文写作40分,一篇大作文60分。百科是我考得最好的一科,但也是考试之前我最没底的一科,因为我自己知识面很窄,也没有读过很多书,历史也学得不好,想想就打怵。但这一科,按我自己的经验,绝对可以好好复习准备提高成绩。因为好好分析真题就发现,北外的百科虽然是名词解释,但并不是特别难,主要侧重历史文化方面,所以我的复习方法是各个击破,用过的书有中国历史,世界通史,中国文学史,世界文学史,中国古代史,就是这些类的书,不一定非要用哪本,但看的时候一定要把可能考到的人物,术语等做好笔记,等考前就靠你的笔记了。虽然百科很exclusive,但好好复习一定能涵盖考点。【插播广告:既然这一科我考的还拿得出手,笔记又很重要,所以学姐想卖掉自己的笔记资料,我的笔记全是词条,即名词冒号后加我整理的解释答案,一共整理了一个大笔记本,一个小笔记本,包括世界历史中国历史世界文学史中国文学史等,售价100。13年的百科里名词解释部分,90%我都复习到了,所以笔记还是很有用的,不过不排除13年题目偏简单的原因~】但是想提醒大家,只看笔记的话应该印象不怎么深刻,大家还是把这些书看看,做到重点心里有数,然后背诵我的笔记,效果应该不错。 应用文写作和大作文部分,我真心没怎么上心,就是应用文熟悉一下各种类型的写作方法,大作文我考试之前练过4,5次,找找手感。 二、翻译基础 翻译基础是专业课之一,满分150,对于注重专业课成绩的北外来说更是重要。北外的翻译基础考试分为三部分,第一部分是短语翻译,汉译英英译汉各15个,每个1分;第二部分是英译汉,60分,共两篇,每篇的字数在200字左右;第三部分是汉译英,60分,共两篇,每篇字数也是200-300字。 先说说短语翻译吧,短语翻译一共30分,希望大家好好研究北外的真题,就会发现北外出题很喜欢时事,政经类的词汇,还有一些很热的词汇,比如13年就考到了“屌丝”“富二


[00:00.00]Lesson Fifteen[00:02.69]Section One:[00:04.73]Dialogue [00:05.77]Dialogue 1:[00:09.17]--What flights are there from London to Vienna tomorrow? [00:11.91]--If you'd like to take a seat, I'll find out for you.[00:14.08]--I'd like to travel first class, please. [00:15.70]--BEA Flight BE 502 takes off from Heathrow at 0925, and flies direct. [00:22.26]--What time have I got to get there? [00:24.63]--You'll have to be at West London Air Terminal by 0810 at the latest. [00:30.01]Dialogue 2:[00:33.88]--Another piece of meat pie?[00:35.71]--No, thanks, really. I'm on a diet. [00:38.06]--Please do. You've hardly eaten anything.[00:40.20]--It's delicious, but I don' think I ought to. [00:44.33]Dialogue 3:[00:48.64]--How about a nice cup of tea before you go?[00:50.73]--Yes, I'd love one. [00:52.01]--How doyou like it?[00:52.98]--A strong one with three spoons for me, please, [00:56.66]Dialogue 4:[01:01.15]--What are you going to have to drink?[01:04.55]--I'd like something cool. [01:06.48]--Would you care for some cake?[01:08.13]--Yes, I'll try a piece of cheese cake. [01:10.09]--It certainly looks tempting. I wouldn't mind some myself. [01:16.20]Dialogue 5:[01:20.64]--Have you chosen something, sir?[01:23.33]--Yes, I think I'll have the curry, please.[01:26.33]--What would you like afterwards?[01:28.16]--I'd like some fruit if you have any. [01:33.07]Dialogue 6:[01:36.16]--Would you like a cigarette?[01:38.93]--No, thanks. I'm trying to cut down. [01:40.88]--Go on. I owe you one from yesterday.[01:43.68]--OK, but next time you must have one of mine. [01:49.56]Dialogue 7:[01:53.63]--I wonder if you could help me---I'm looking for a room. [01:56.56]--I have got a vacancy, yes.[01:58.60]--What sort of price are you asking? [02:00.35]--Eight pounds fifty a week excluding laundry.[02:03.12]--Would it be convenient to see the room? [02:04.81]---Can you call back later? We're right in the middle of lunch. [02:11.58]Dialogue 8:[02:13.75]--Will Dr. Black be able to see me at about 9.15 tomorrow? [02:18.19]--Sorry, but he's fully booked till eleven unless there's a cancellaion. [02:21.14]--Would ten to one be convenient?[02:22.92]--Yes, he's free then. [02:27.88]Dialogue 9:[02:30.78]---Can you fix me up with a part-time job?[02:32.79]--Anything in particular that appeals to you?[02:35.09]--I was rather hoping to find something in a school.[02:37.68]--Have you done that kind of thing before?[02:39.53]--Yes, I was doing the same job last summer.[02:41.78]--I might be able to help you, but I'd need references. [02:51.15]Section Two:[02:53.43]A. Quick Lunch:[02:56.80]Waitress: A table for one, sir?[02:58.57]Mr. Radford: Yes, please.[02:59.54]Waitress: Are you having the set lunch?[03:01.11]Mr. Radford: Yes.[03:01.92]Waitress: What would you like to start with?[03:03.35]Mr. Radford: What's the soup of the day?[03:04.76]Waitress: Mushroom.[03:05.73]Mr. Radford: Yes, please. I'll have that.[03:07.12]Waitress: And for your main course? [03:08.81]Mr. Radford: The plaice, I think, and apple tart to follow.[03:11.48]Waitress: Would you like something to drink with your meal[03:13.88]Mr. Radford: Yes. A lager please.03:16.05]Waitress: Thank you.[03:20.28]B Dinner:[03:24.17]Waiter: Good afternoon.[03:26.32]Mr. Blackmore: Good afternoon. I have a table for two under the name of Blackmore.[03:29.58]Waiter: Yes, sir. Would you like to come this way?[03:32.40]Mr. Blackmore: Thank you.[03:33.29]Waiter: Can I take your coat, madam?[03:35.01]Mrs. Blackmore: Thank you. [03:35.90]Waiter: Will this table do for you?[03:38.12]Mr. Blaclcmore: That will be fine, thanks. [03:39.12]Waiter: Would you like a drink before your meal?[03:41.36]Mrs. Blaclcmore: Yes. A dry sherry, please. [03:43.32]Mr. Blackmore: Half of bitter for me.[03:44.76]Waiter: Are you ready to order? [03:47.55]Mr. Blackmore: Yes, I think so.[03:49.02]Waiter: What would you like for starters, madam? [03:50.77]Mrs. Blackmore: I can't decide. What do you recommend? []Waiter: Well, the prawns are always popular. The pate is very good...[]Mrs. Blackmore: The prawns then please, for me.[03:59.37]Waiter: And for you, sir?[04:00.15]Mr. Blackmore: I think Vii try the soup. [04:01.64]Waiter: Very good, sir. And to follow?[04:04.38]Mrs. Blackmore: Rack of lamb, I think. [04:06.58]Waiter: And for you, sir?[04:08.72]Mr. Blackmore: I'll have the steak. [04:10.34]Waiter: How would you like your steak done, sir?[04:12.72]Mr. Blackmore: Medium rare, please. [04:13.92]Waiter: Thank you. Would you like to see the wine list?[03]Mr. Blackmore: Do you have a house wine? [04:19.04]Waiter: Yes, sir. Red or white?[04:21.34]Mr. Blackmore: Do you have half bottles or half carafes? [04:23.98]Waiter: Yes, sir.[04:24.58]Mr. Blackmore: One of each then, please. [04:29.12]C. Interview: [04:33.30]Reporter: Now, Susan. You've had a few minutes to rest. [04:37.64]Can you tell us something about yourself?. How old are you and what do you do? [04:41.53]Susan: I'm twenty-two and I'm a bus conductress. [04:44.06]Reporter: A bus conductress! So you're used to collecting money.Who taught you to cycle? [04:50.70]Susan: Nobody. I taught myself. I've been cycling since I was five. [04:54.85]Reporter: And who bought that beautiful racing cycle for you? [04:58.04]Susan: I bought it myself. I worked over-time. [05:00.44]Reporter: Good for you! And what are you going to do now? [05:03.26]Susan: Now? If you mean this minute, I'm going to have a long hot bath. [05:07.86]Reporter: You must need to relax. Again, congratulations. [05:11.70]That was Susan James, winner of this year's London to Brighton cycle race. [05:21.08]D. Why can't I do what I like? [05:26.72]I hope I never grow old! My grandfather lives with us and he's making my life a misery. [05:34.85]When I was small he was kind and cheerful. [05:38.37]But now he's always complaining and criticising. [05:42.29]I mustn't interrupt when he's talking. It's rude. [05:45.32]He doesn't like my clothes. 'Nice girls'don't dress like that. [05:50.28]I shouldn't wear make-up. 'Natural beauty is best. [05:54.65]Sometimes he interferes with my homework. [05:57.91]When I was young we used to do maths differently,he says. [06:02.87]Honestly, he's so old he doesn't know anything. [06:06.69]But that doesn't stop him criticising me. [06:09.67]He doesn't like my friends or my favorite records. [06:12.96]'You're making too much noise,' he calls. 'I can't get to sleep. [06:17.74]When he's not complaining he's asking questions. 'Where are you going? Where have you been? [06:24.30]Why aren't you helping your mother?' He thinks Ym six, not sixteen. [06:29.60]Anyway, why can't I do what I like? It's my life, not his. [06:40.62]Section Three:[06:44.31]Dictation.[06:47.86]Philip is a very interesting boy. He is clever but he doesn't like school.[07:01.52]He hates study ing but he is very keen on learning new practical skills.[07:11.68]In his spare time he often repairs motorbikes.

北京外国语大学翻译硕士 报录比

全国8大分校·出题人阅卷人加盟·多对一跟踪督促·精准考研信息·考前绝密押题·复试协议保过高端状元集训营·一对一押题保分·专业课视频课程·全套真题(含解析)笔记·专 业课押题卷 北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研资料-考研考博 一.北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研内容分析专业招生人数 初试复试翻译 硕士笔译: 英语学院:30人专用英语学院:15人口译 英语学院:24人 高翻学院:55人政治100分二外100分英语翻译基础150分汉语写作与百科知识150分1、北外高翻复试流程,口译和同传复试相同,包括:视译+ 复述+面试+二外听力。2、英语学院的英语笔 译复试包括:视译+ 面试+二外听力(2015 年取消笔试) 二.育明考研考博辅导中心武老师解析: 针对北京外国语大学2016年整体的变化,给大家分析下: 1,北京外国语大学16年有三个学院招生,分别是高翻(口译)、英语学院(笔译和口译)、专用英语学院(笔译)。不管哪个学院,初试考的都是一样的,总体北外招生人数扩招了,对于16年的考生是一个很好的机会,甚至专用英语学院还有调剂名额。预计17年也会延续16年的变化,有北外情节的考生可以根据自己的情况选择。

2,2016年的分数线和以往有所不同,英院笔译217,口译209,高翻学院16年没有专业课划线,总分350,单科过线就可以参加复试,专用英语学院也是和高翻学院一样,总分350. 3,三个学院初试一样,只是复试和课程设置不同,从竞争激烈程度来看一次是高翻,英院和专用英语学院。 育明教育考博分校针对北京外国语大学翻译硕士专业考研开设的 辅导课程有:专业课一对一·全程集训营·视频班·复试保过班·高端协议班。每年专业课课程班的平均通过率都在85%以上。育明学校从2006年开始积累的深厚高校资源,整合利用历届育明优秀学员的成功经验与高分资料,为每一位学员构建考研成功的基础保障。 咨询扣扣:二三九八四零八零二三 三.翻译硕士考研资料:(全套) (一)汉语写作与百科知识---天津出版传媒集团 李国正,夏衍教授主编,这本书针对近三年各个翻译硕士院校的真题进行了分析和统计,并总结了历年各个院校翻译硕士考研规律。 翻译硕士英语真题解析---天津科技出版社出版 英语翻译基础真题解析----天津科技出版社出版 (二)真题集汇总: 2010年翻译硕士考研真题集 2011年翻译硕士考研真题集 全国8大分校·出题人阅卷人加盟·多对一跟踪督促·精准考研信息·考前绝密押题·复试协议保过高端状元集训营·一对一押题保分·专业课视频课程·全套真题(含解析)笔记·专 业课押题卷


MUNDAY, Jeremy. 2001. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications. London: Routledge. 2、Gentzler, Edwin. 1993. Contemporary Translation Theories. London: Routledge. 3、Pym, Anthony. 2010. Exploring Translation Theories. London & New York: Routledge. 4、Colina, Sonia. 2003. Translation Teaching from Research to the Classroom. Toronto: McGraw Hill. 5、Hatim, Basil. 2005. Teaching and Researching Translation. Beijing:FLTRP. 6、陈福康. 2000.《中国译学理论史稿》(修订本),上海:外语教育出版社。 7、马会娟苗菊. 2009.《当代西方翻译理论选读》,外语教学与研究出版社。 8、泛读书目:外研社、外教社翻译研究文库、John Benjamins Publishing Company出版的翻译系列丛书;《中国翻译》和外语类核心期刊发 北大 、翻译研究方向参考书目: (请注意:下面给出的仅是一个框架性的书目,并非博士考试的出题范围,英语系只是提供一个可供参考的文本资源) 马祖毅等:《中国翻译通史》(5卷本),湖北教育出版社,2006。 罗新彰编:《翻译论集》,商务印书馆,1984。 Bassnett, S. Translation Studies(3rd ed.). London and New York: Routledge, 2002. Gentzler, E. Contemporary Translation Theories. London and New York: Routledge, 1993. Hermans, T. ed. The Manipulation of Literature: Studies in Literary Translation. Beckenham, Kent: Croom Helm Ltd, 1985. Newmark, P. Approaches to Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. Nida, E. A. Toward a Science of Translation. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1964. Steiner, G. After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. Toury, G. Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. Venuti, L. The Translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translation. London and New York: Routledge, 1995.


我是三跨考上北外的MTI笔译。 前几天收拾东西的时候收拾出来一堆资料,想了想考研这段日子的经历,真的是无语凝噎啊。一直以来都是潜水党,在考研期间在论坛上也得到了很多学长学姐的帮助,还有一起努力的小伙伴,最后能考上很开心。心想着就来分享一下自己的初试复试经验和资料,像当初的学姐和学长一样~顺便攒个人品~~ 我是非211,985的一类学校新闻专业的,六级刚过500,大概就是吃着自己高中的老本。高中是理科的,至于为什么选了北外的MTI的笔译,这是个很纠结的过程,大部分都是自己的原因就不啰嗦了,直接切入正题。 考试科目自然不用说,大家都知道。我考的是英院的笔译,一是我自己比较喜欢自己翻东西的感觉,二是口译属于高翻学院复试占70%,自己本身就是跨专业,有点没底气。分数的话有点不好意思说出口,总分373还算是可以,政治65,日语91,翻译基础90(膝盖已碎),百科127. 北外今年的笔译线是211,我只多了六分,再按照初复试比例算,基本上擦线,而且很不占优势,虽然最后很幸运的录取了,但是大家也知道翻译基础这门课在复试是还会再考一遍,我这分数,想想都想抱着树哭。但是也是因为这个计分方法,初试的差距在一定程度上也拉小了,所以压线翻身的机会还是很大的,凡事都要辩证看哈。所以,大家在复习的时候,特别是跨考的童鞋,一定要注意各个科目复习的力度,整体来衡量一下,特别重视好专业课,专业课中翻译基础这门课更是要作为重中之重来看待。之所以考这么差还敢舔着脸来写经验贴,就是想把自己的一些经验特别是血淋淋的教训,大家可以参考一下,毕竟每个人的情况和学习方法不同,

说的不对的地方希望大家帮我指出来或者提一些建议,这样以后的学习也会更加的顺利一些。 一、政治和二外(日语) 这两门科目只要单科过国家线,然后帮助总分过北外的总分线,其他就不太要紧。因为自己高中时理科的,高一就分科了,政治历史全然没学啊,所以我给自己定的就是政治过线,不做过多纠缠,日语尽量考高一些,使得这两门课的总分不和别人拉太大的差距。 1、政治: 这个我真的没脸说,本来觉得自己考得还挺好的,结果只有65,后面主观题答太差啦,不过对于考研时才知道马恩不是前苏联,而是德国,而且还震惊了很久。觉得毁三观的我来说,已经很满足了。复习的思路大致上就是其他人一样,肖秀荣,风中劲草这些系列的,最后真的要说肖四肖八不容错过,压中好几道大题你绝对值得拥有。庆幸的是,考研过程中把自己之前的哲学这一部分缺口给补上来了,这一块对我来说真的觉得很难,所以如果大家觉得在哲学上有问题的话,推荐张俊芳的马原,网站上的音频和讲义都有,这老太太简直把马原讲神了,条理很清楚,做题技巧也很好。按部就班,不犯低级错误,不出重大失误,政治基本上过线没问题。就算是这块不太熟悉,也不要心急,像我这种纯白痴,高中还是理科,天天叫着毁三观毁三观叫了几年才知道三观是哪三观的人都能考到65,大家一定都能考高分的。


北京外国语大学--高翻院 众所周知,北外公布了19年硕士招生考试不再考察二外了。所以,今年报考北外的考生应该是有所增加。 那么,今天再来了解一下北外高翻院的相关课程。 复语同声传译方向硕士课程(MA) 复语型翻译是指译员至少掌握三门语言,即A语言、B语言和C语言或者A语言和至少两门C语言,并能应用这三门语言从事会议同声传译和其它类型口笔译工作。复语型翻译在欧盟范围内广泛应用,主要得益于欧盟的多语言环境和对多语种翻译的需求。随着中国在世界经济和政治事务中发挥越来越重要的作用,尤其是随着“”一带一路“战略的推进,中国对复语型翻译人才的需求不断增加,国际组织和欧盟对汉语为A语

言的复语型翻译人才的需求也在不断增加。北京外国语大学高级翻译学院于2007年设立翻译理论与实践复语同声传译专业方向,旨在培养复语型会议口译人才,以弥补国内复语型翻译人才的缺口。目前该专业涵盖德语、法语、俄语、西班牙语和韩语方向,并吸引了来自德国、加拿大、西班牙、意大利的留学生。 专业培养目标 能够从事以汉语和英语为主要语言或者以汉语和德语、法语、俄语、西班牙语或韩语为主要语言的会议口译工作,满足国内外对汉语为A语言的复语型会议口译人才的需求。 同声传译方向课程(MA) 高翻学院同声传译方向课程继承了联合国译员训练班(部)的教学传统,注重知识积累、语言能力的提高和翻译技能的培养。经过多年的磨砺发展,我院形成了一套有特色的精品课程,包括英汉笔译、汉英笔译、口译基础、英汉交替传译、汉英交替传译、英汉/汉英视译、英汉同声传译、汉英同声传译、百科知识、写作方法和翻译理论等。其中的翻译课采用模块化教学,涵盖政治、经济、法律、卫生、科技、气候变化、文化艺术等多个专题,以便在传授翻译技巧的同时,构建学生的知识体系。百科知识课要求学生阅读不同专业领域的基础性中英文著作,以提高学生的语言表达能力、了解不同学科的知识框架。口笔译板块和知识课板块之间相互协调、良性互动,形成有机整体;语言、知识、技能三管齐下,为学生成长为优秀译员打下坚实基础。


[00:00.00]Lesson Fourteen [00:02.51]Section One:[00:04.73]Dialogue[00:06.30]Dialogue 1[00:09.61]--I want to fly to Geneva on or about the first.[00:13.06]--I'll just see what there is.[00:14.45]--I want to go economy, and I'd prefer the morning. [00:17.08]--Lufthansa Flight LH 203 leaves at 0920.[00:22.23]--What time do I have to be there? [00:23.98]--The coach leaves for the airport at 0815. [00:28.68]Dialogue 2:00:31.56]--You must have some more chicken.[00:33.04]--No, thanks. I'm supposed to be slimming.[00:35.92]--Can't I tempt you?[00:37.02]--Well, maybe I could manage a very small piece. [00:43.86]Dialogue 3:[00:47.07]--I expect you could do with a cup of tea, couldn't you?[00:49.37]--I'd rather have a cup of coffee, if you don't mind.[00:50.78]--Milk and sugar?[00:52.82]--A milky one without sugar, please. [00:57.52]Dialogue 4:[01:00.97]--What would you like to drink?[01:02.69]--A black coffee for me, please.[01:04.91]--How about something to eat?[01:06.93]--Yes, I'd love a portion of that strawberry tart.[01:09.75]--Right. I'll see if I can catch the waitress's eye. [01:16.98]Dialogue 5:[01:19.20]--Can I take your order, sir?[01:21.45]--Yes. I'd like to try the steak, please. [01:24.56]--And to follow?[01:26.18]--Ice-cream, please. [01:30.62]Dialogue 6:[01:34.67]--Can I help you, madam?[01:38.14]--Is there a bank at this hotel? [01:39.87]--Yes, madam, the International Bank has an office on the ground floor of the hotel.[01:43.50]--Is it open yet?[01:45.04]--Yes, madam, the bank is open from Monday to Friday from 9.30 a.m. tiff 3.00 p.m.[01:49.90]--Thank you. [01:53.63]Dialogue 7:[01:58.00]--Can I still get breakfast in the brasserie? [02:00.16]--Yes, sir, if you hurry you can just make it--breakfast is served until 10.30. [02:05.26]Dialogue 8:[02:07.40]--How soon do I have to leave my room? [02:11.47]--Normally it's by 12 noon on the day of your departure. [02:14.19]--Well, you see, my plane doesn't go till half past five tomorrow afternoon. [02:17.77]--I see. Which room is it, madam?[02:20.09]--Room 577--the name is Browning. [02:22.97]--Ah yes, Mrs. Browning. You may keep the room till 3 p.m. if you wish. [02:26.96]--Oh, that's nice. Thank you very much. [02:31.01]Section Two:[02:34.04]A. Telephone Conversations: [02:37.49]Conversation 1:[02:41.49]Mrs. Henderson has just answered the telephone.[02:43.76]Frank wasn't in so she had to take a message for him.[02:47.63]Listen to the conversation and look at the message she wrote.[02:52.23]Julie: 789 6443. Who's calling, please?[02:57.24]Paul: Paul Clark here. Can I speak to Mr. Henderson, please?[03:00.51]Julie: Sorry, he's out at the moment. Can I take a message? [03:03.61]Paul: Yes, please. Could you tell him that his car will be ready by 6 p.m. on Thursday? [03:08.66]Julie: Yes, of course. I'll do that. What's your number, in case he wants to ring you? [03:13.38]Paul: 2748 double 53.[03:16.26]Julie: (repeating) 2... 7...4, 8... double 5...3. Thank you. Goodbye. [03:24.88]Conversation 2: [03:28.56]Male: 268 7435. Who's calling?[03:32.74]Female: This is Helen Adams. Could I speak to my husband? [03:36.50]Male: Sorry, Mr. Adams is out. Can I take a message?[03:40.16]Female: Could you tell him that my mother is arriving on Thursday? At about 1 p.m.[03:45.31]Male: Right, Mrs. Adams. I'll do that. Where are you, in case he wants to ring you?[03:51.00]Female: I'm not at home. The number here is 773 3298. [03:57.27]Male: (repeating the number) 773 3298. Thank you. Goodbye. [04:04.51]Conversation 3:[04:08.63]Female: 575 4661. Who's calling, please? [04:15.58]Male: This is Mr. Jones from the Daily Star. I'd like to talk to Mr.Henderson.[04:20.21]Female: Sorry, I'm afraid he isn't in. Can I take a message?[04:23.55]Male: Yes... Please tell him that the advertisement will definitely be in Friday's paper. That's Friday, the 13th of thismonth.[04:30.73]Female: Certainly, Mr. Jones. What's the phone number, in case he has forgotten.[04:36.06]Male: My number? (astounded) The number of the Daily Star?[04:40.06]Everyone knows it. (chanting) 123 4567. [04:45.05]Female: (laughing and repeating) 1-2-3 4-5-6-7. Thank you,Mr. Jones.[04:54.66]B. Shopping: [04:59.02]Shopkeeper: Yes, Mrs. Davies? What could we do for you today?[05:02.16]Mrs. Davies: I want to order some foods.[05:03.86]Shopkeeper: Well, I thought that might be the reason you came here, Mrs. Davies. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.[05:07.25]Mrs. Davies: But I want rather a lot, so you'll have to deliver it. [05:10.75]Shopkeeper: That's perfectly all right. You just order whatever you like and we'll send it straight round to your house this afternoon.[05:17.15]Mrs. Davies: Right. Well, first of all I want two boxes of baked beans. [05:22.06]Shopkeeper: You mean two tins?[]Mrs. Davies: No, I mean two boxes. Two boxes of tins of baked beans.[05:2]Shopkeeper: But each box contains forty-eight tins. Are you really sure you want so many? I mean, it would take a long time to eat so many.[]Mrs. Davies: Who said anything about eating them? I'm saving them. [05:39.70]Shopkeeper: Saving them?[05:40.77]Mrs. Davies: Yes, for the war.[05:42.23]Shopkeeper: War? Are we going to have a war?[05:44.01]Mrs. Davies: You never know. I'm not taking any chances. I read the papers. You're not going to catch me stuck in the house without a thing to eat.[05:52.13]So put down two boxes of baked beans,will you?[05:56.08]And three boxes of rice,[05:58.58]five boxes of spaghetti and you'd better send me a hundred tins of tomato sauce to go with it. Have you got that?[06:06.58]Shopkeeper: Yes, two boxes of baked beans, three boxes of rice,five boxes of spaghetti and a hundred tins of tomato sauce.[06:13.89]But I'm not sure we have all these things in stock. I mean not that amount.[06:17.76]Mrs. Davies: How soon can you get them, then?[06:]Shopkeeper: Well, within the next few days. I don't suppose you'll be needing them before then, will you?[06:18.51]Mrs. Davies: You never can tell. It's touch and go. I was watching the nice man on the television last night.[06:25.27]You know, the one with the nice teeth. Lovely smile he's got. [06:29.77]And he said, 'Well, you never can tell.' And that set me thinking, you see. [06:35.30]Anyway, you just deliver them as soon as you can. I shan't be going out again after today. [06:41.02]Now ... now what else? Ah yes, tea and sugar.[06:45.91]I'd better have a couple of boxes of each of those.[06:49.17]No ... no make if four of sugar. I've got a sweet tooth. [06:52.94]Shopkeeper: So two boxes of tea and four boxes of sugar. Anything else? [06:56.75]It doesn't sound a very interesting diet. How about half a dozen boxes of tinned fish? [07:02.08]Mrs. Davies: Fish? No, can't stand fish. Oh, but that reminds me,eight boxes of cat food. [0]Shopkeeper: Cat food?[]Mrs. Davies: Yes. Not for me. You don't think I'm going to sit there on my own, do you?[07:18.20]Section Three:[07:20.73]Spot Dictation.[07:22.72]Spot Dictation 1: [07:26.66]A (sailor) once went into (a pub.) in a very dark street in (Liverpool).[07:32.51]He got (very drunk) there and staggered out (around 1 1 p.m.).[07:38.65]Around (midnight), one of his friends found him (on his hands and knees) in the gutter.[07:42.88]"What are you doing (there)?" he inquired. "Vm looking for (my wallet).[07:47.17]I think I lost it in that dark street (down there)," he said.[07:50.82]"Well, if you lost it (in that street), why are you looking for it (here)?" the friend (demanded).[07:55.42]The sailor thought for a moment. Because (the light) is better here," he answered. [08:02.87]Spot Dictation 2:[08:06.50]A famous (855)-year-old (millionaire) once gave a lecture at (an American university).[08:12.51]"Ym going to tell you how to live (a long, healthy life) and how to get (very rich at the same time)," he announced.[08:18.51]"The (secret) is very (simple)." "All you have to do is (avoid bad habits) like (drinking) and (smoking).[08:25.57]But you have to (get up early) every morning, (work) at least (10 hours) a day and (save every) penny, as well," he said.[08:33.27]A young man in (the audience) stood up. "My father did (all those things) and yet he died (a very poor man) at the age of only (39).[08:40.85]How do you (explain that)?" he asked. The millionaire thought (for a moment).
