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Lesson 1 Daily English:

1.What is your name?

My name is _______.

2.How old are you?

I am XXX.

3.What is your marital status?

I am XXX.

4.How many people are there in your family? There are four people in my family.

5.How long have you worked on board?

I have worked on board for two years.

6.How many countries have you ever been to?

I have been to two countries.

7.Do you like your job?

Yes。I like my job.

8.What is your favorite color?

XXX blue.

9.Which season do you like best?

I like spring the best.

10.What kind of music do you like?

I like pop music.

Lesson 2 XXX:

1.How many departments are there on board? There are two XXX.

2.What is the difference een port and starboard?

Port is the left side of the ship and starboard is the right side.

3.What is the meaning of bow?

Bow is the front part of the ship.

4.What is the meaning of stern?

XXX is the back part of the ship.

5.What is the meaning of deck?

Deck is the floor of the ship.

The n of clarifier is to remove solid impurities from oil。分杂机的作用是从油中去除固体杂质。

7.What is the purpose of the bilge separator?舱底水分离器的目的是什么?


8.What is the n of the sewage treatment plant?污水处理厂的作用是什么?

The n of the XXX before it is discharged into the sea。污水处理厂的作用是在排入海洋之前对污水进行处理和净化。

9.What is the purpose of the oily water separator?油水分离器的目的是什么?

XXX oil from oily water before it is discharged into the sea。


10.What is the n of the air compressor?空气压缩机的作用是


The n of the air compressor is to compress air and supply it to us systems on board the ship。such as the pneumatic control system。the air ning system。and the starting air system for the main engine。空气压缩机的作用是将空气压缩并供应到船上各种系统中,如气动控制系统、空调系统和主机起动空气系统。

To separate oil and water from bilge water.从船底水中分离


4.How does the oily water separator work?油水分离器是如


It XXX the oil and water.它利用重力和凝聚作用来分离油


5.What is the purpose of the incinerator?焚烧炉的目的是什么?


6.What is the n of the XXX?生活污水处理装置的作用是什么?

XXX before it is discharged into the sea.在排放到海洋之前


To separate oil from bilge water。the oily water separator is used。The n of the incinerator is to burn the oil sludge and solid wastes。Sewage should be treated in the sewage treatment plant。The ballast water n is the responsibility of the 4th engineer。The

oil content limit when discharging bilge water is 15 ppm。and if

the oil content is over 15 ppm。the ship may be XXX and setting。Garbage on board is XXX.

1.What is the pH value of cooling water kept at 20 degrees Celsius。The pH value is above 7 (ranging from 6.5 to 8).

2.How can impurities be removed from bilge water。Filtering is the method used for removing impurities.

3.Whose n is required before discharging bilge water。The n

of the Chief XXX.

4.What equipment should be used when discharging bilge water。XXX.

5.What pump is used to transfer bilge water from the slop tank to the oily water separator。A screw pump is used.

6.What valve is used to supply XXX to the fire main。An XXX used.

7.What is fresh water used for on board。Fresh water is used for drinking。cooling。and XXX.

8.Sea water is XXX.

9.The source used to produce fresh water is sea water.


1.n with the bridge is necessary when there is trouble in the engine room or when the standby engine is being used.

2.The engine telegraph should be checked one hour before standby engine use.

3.The engine telegraph is checked according to orders from the bridge.

4.XXX XXX departure.

5.Before starting the main engine。it is important to check the reversing and control gear.

XXX 确保所有船员都知道情况,并遵循应急程序。

2.What is the first thing you should do when you discover a

fire on board?


The first thing you should do is to sound the fire alarm and notify the bridge。立即按响火警报警器并通知驾驶台。

3.What are the three elements of the fire triangle?


XXX。heat。and oxygen。火灾三角形的三个元素是燃料、热量和氧气。

4.How should you use a fire extinguisher?


XXX at the base of the fire and sweep from side to side until the fire is XXX 把灭火器对准火源底部,左右扫射,直到火灭。

5.What should you do if a XXX?


You should provide first aid and seek medical n as soon as possible。提供急救,并尽快寻求医疗帮助。

6.What is the purpose of a muster n?



7.What is the importance of regular emergency drills?




8.How should you XXX?


You should use clear and concise language and follow the established XXX 使用清晰简洁的语言,并遵循已建立的通信程序,以确保所有船员都了解情况和自己的角色。

9.What should you do if the XXX?


You should follow the established XXX。遵循已建立的弃船程序,并确保所有船员安全疏散。

10.What is the XXX?


XXX can think clearly and make nal ns。which can be crucial in ensuring the safety of all crew members。保持冷静有助于确保你能够清晰地思考并做出理性决策,这对于确保所有船员的安全至关重要。

I must follow the muster list to take n。When XXX。how do you extinguish it。Cut off the power supply and use dry powder to put it out.

When the fire alarm continuously sounds。what should the engine room personnel do。Start the fire pump。If a warning of a crankcase n is received。what steps should be XXX right away。ce speed and。the engine.

Before checking any kind of electrical equipment。what is essential。Cut off the power supply。If the exhaust temperature of the main engine is excessively high。what ns should you take。ce speed and identify the causes.

In the event of a blackout。what should you do as the chief engineer?

Go to the engine room and report to the bridge and captain。

There are four types of extinguishers: dry powder。foam。CO2 extinguisher。XXX。

In the event of a n。follow the orders of the duty engineer。

Before releasing carbon xide into the engine room。sound the alarm。secure n。and XXX

If there is flooding in the engine room。XXX。

If you find an oil spill in the sea。report it to the bridge。

XXX injured person who is not breathing。apply CPR。

To test the engine for the lifeboat。follow proper res and guidelines.

To start the boat engine。you need to activate the life-saving equipment and run it ahead and astern。When it XXX。materials such as sawdust。straw。and rags XXX used。The alarm signal

for an oil spill is one short。two long。and one short blast。while the signal for a man XXX from spreading。oil booms can be used as a barrier。Life-saving devices such as life-boats。life-rafts。

life-buoys。and life-jackets should be equipped on board the ship。In the event of an abandon ship order。you should XXX。

Moving on to Port State Control n。PSC stands for Port State Control。and its main purpose is to XXX.

XXX (船上油污应急计划)

Q: How often should you perform fire-fighting drill and life-saving drill?

A: Fire-fighting and life-saving drills XXX.

Lesson 12: ISM/ISPS n (ISM/ISPS检查)

1.What is ISPS?

A: XXX and Port Facility Security Code (国际船舶和港口设施保安规则).

2.What is ISM?

A: ISM stands for nal Safety Management Code (国际安全管理规则).

3.What is IOPP and how long is it valid?

A: XXX (国际防油污染公约) and it is valid for 5 years.

4.What does SMS stand for?

A: SMS stands for Safety Management System (安全管理体系).

5.What does SSO stand for in the ISPS Code?

A: XXX船舶保安员) in the ISPS Code.

6.What does SSA stand for in the ISPS Code?

A: XXX (船舶保安评估) in the ISPS Code.

7.What does ISSC stand for in the ISPS Code?

A: ISSC stands for nal Ship Security Certificate (国际船舶保安证书) in the ISPS Code.

高级) 值班机工英语听力与会话问答题部分

8.What does CSO stand for in the ISPS Code?

A: XXX保安员) in the ISPS Code.

What does SOPEP include?

SOPEP。XXX。should XXX and n equipment。XXX.

How often are security drills conducted?

XXX once every three months.

How can fuel oil viscosity be controlled in the main engine? XXX temperature.

Why XXX diesel engines?

Seawater is corrosive。which can damage the engine.

What is the method for cleaning lube oil filters?

XXX oil filters XXX.



Why is water treatment frequently carried out for boilers? Water treatment is XXX.


Refrigerating compressors may start and。XXX refrigerant。dirty or iced evaporators。or other issues.

7.Before disassembling the cylinder for the main engine。it is XXX that will be needed for the task.

8.To clean the fuel oil filters。it is XXX oil until all the impurities and debris are removed.

9.When standing by the engine。it is crucial to check the pressures and temperatures。warm up the engine。and use a XXX.

10.If the diesel engine exhausts white smoke。the first step is to。the engine immediately and check the fuel oil to ensure that it is of the XXX.


1.Can you list at least three mooring lines Yes .They are head line, breast line, spring line, and stern line. 你能列举集中缆绳吗头缆,横缆,倒缆和尾缆 2.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board The pilot ladder, a heaving line and a life buoy. 在引航员上船前要准备些什么引航梯,吊绳和救生圈。 3.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival Through VHF. 在到港前船舶如何与港口取得联系通过甚高频。 4.What kind of things should be reported to the pilot station The ship’s present position, ETA at pilot station or anchorage. 什么信息需要报告给引航站船舶的当前位置,预计到达引航站或者锚地的时间。 5.What should be confirmed from the pilot station Pilot’s boarding time and place, the ship’s side where the pilot ladder will be put. 什么信息需要引航站确认引航员的登船时间,地点和安放引航梯的船舷。 6.When the vessel enters the VTS area, what I srequested to report Ship’s name and call sign, present course and speed, ETA at the pilot station, the reporting point that the vessel is passing. 在船舶进入交管区时,需要报告些什么船名,呼号,当前的航向和速度,预计到达引航站的时间,船舶正通过的报告点。 7.If you are ordered: “stand by both engines!”, how should you reply and report I should repeat “stand by both engines”, then report “both engines stand by”. 如果你被命令“备双车”,你该怎么复诵和报告我会复诵“备双车”,报告“双车备好”。 8.Can you list 3 canals in the world Suez Canal, Panama Canal and Kiel Canal. 列举三大运河苏伊士运河,巴拿马运河和基尔运河。


关于学好英语听力和口语的八大方法技巧分享 第一要诀:收听英语气象报告 英语气象报告的速度虽快但词汇简单固定内容单纯重复的可能性大而且在生活中随时都可以印证是听力入门的好教材。 第二要诀:收听中国国际广播之声的英语广播 中国国际广播之声(China Radio International)每天早上7:00-8:00中午11:00-12:00各有一小时的英语节目。 英语标准流利内容广泛但词汇较简单语速亦适中。 第三要诀:善用录音带或听力材料的MP3锻炼听说能力 不好的习惯:一边看书一边听磁带。 选材:与自己能力相适应的听力材料不要急于求成以免产生受挫心理。 先反复聆听内容起先只要抓住梗概多听几次后对细节的了解便越来越多。 听力较差的人可先阅读课文然后再集中精力领会每段每句的意思。 这样练习有助于培养倾听时注意力的集中使您的听力迅速进步。 第四要诀:听正常语速的英语才能加速听力的进步 听惯了语速放慢的英语在与外国人的实际交往中就很难适应甚至听不懂他们用正常语速讲的英语。

故意放慢语速时通常会把一句中每个词都清楚的读出来但在正常的会话中会出现很多同化(assimilation)减弱(reduction)连音(liaison)的现象。所以听语速正常的英语对于听力和会话极为重要。 第五要诀:从电视电影中学习英语 看英文电视电影不仅能了解西方人的文化和生活而且也是学习地道英语和提高英语听力的好机会。 选取的影片最好是以现代生活为背景的文艺片或喜剧片。如果您的听力不错要养成不看字幕的习惯。 程度稍差的就不要勉强自己否则英语没学成反倒破坏了欣赏电影的好心情。 这种情况下您可以先看字幕了解剧情(如果是电视节目那就要先录下来)再重新看一至数遍您的听力就可在轻松的心情下随着您对剧情了解的增多而迅速提高。 第六要诀:和朋友讨论影片情节 在英语学习中我们经常会与朋友或同学相约用英语交谈来提高英语会话能力但经常感到自己的语言贫乏所谈内容有限。 现在不妨试试新东方的影片情节演绎方法:配合前节所讲的从电视电影中学习英语先依据电影情节节选一个或多个片段个人选定一个角色然后在影片看熟之后试着把台词誊录成文字并背下来最后进行排练。


航海英语听力与会话第三版(问答与口述题参考答案) 重庆交通大学应用技术学院航海技术2班 此中翻译全属虚构 如有雷同纯属巧合 如究责任请找有道翻译

无限航区船舶二/三副问答题参考答案 第一章 1.What‘s your date of birth?你的出生日期。 My date of birth is --- 2.What‘s your seaman‘s book number?你的队长的国籍? My seaman‘s book number is ----- 3.where are you from ?你从哪里来? I am from --- 4.What‘s your Captain‘s nationality?你的队长的国籍? My Captain‘s nationality is --- 5.What do you think is the most inportant thing on board?你认为什么是最重要的东西登机 吗? I think the most important thing on board is safety navigation. 6.Which ports do you often call at?你常说的哪些港口? We often an Shanghai, Xiamen, Hong Kong. 7.What is your favorite TV program? 什么是你最喜欢的电视节目怎么样? My favorite TV program is news. 8.What is your favorite Wob site?什么是你最喜欢的网站吗? My favorite Web site is ---- 9.What is your favorite day of the week ? why?什么是一周中最喜欢的那一天吗?为什么? My favorite day of the week is Saturday, because it is holiday. 10.W hat is your favorite kind of movie?你最喜欢什么类型的电影? My favorite kind of movie is action movies. 11.W hat is your favorite kind of music?你最喜欢什么类型的音乐? My favorite kind of music is pop music. 12.W hat is your favorite magazine?什么是你最喜欢的杂志吗? My favorite magazine is --- 13.W hat is the population of your hometow?你的人口有成年时离开了家乡吗? There are 5 thousand people in my hometown.


课程考评方式与标准 课程名称:《航海英语听力与会话》 学分:8 学时:120 考评对象:航海技术专业学生 考评地点:语音室和多媒体教室 本课程考评方式和标准主要为考核高职航海技术专业学生的航海英语听力与会话交流能力而制定的。海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约(简称STCW 78/10公约)和国家海事局《中华人民共和国海船船员适任考试、评估和发证规则》强调了海员航海英语的岗位应用能力,这种能力主要涵盖了海员专业英语的综合应用能力。本课程的考评方式与标准的制定全面兼顾了国际公约和国内法规的相关要求,也充分考虑了航海英语听力与会话的课程标准要求。此外,考评方式和标准也考虑了应有的科学性、客观性和可行性,使考评既有助于提高学生的语言运用能力,又有助于培养学生的思维分析能力。 无论是国际公约、国内法规还是课程标准的要求,海员用专业英语进行有效沟通(Effective Communication)的能力均被列为首要的培养标准和要求。而航海技术专业学生的英语听说水平是检验其沟通能力最有效最直接的途径和方法,从另一方面讲,本考评方法和标准也是了解学生英语水平、检查教学大纲执行情况、评定教学质量、促进教学改革的重要手段。 根据航海英语听力与会话课程大纲中教学目标和内容,本课程对学生的学习评价主要由两部分组成,即平时考核和和终结性考核,分值权重前者占比为40%;后者占比为60%,具体考核方式和标准见下表:

1、平时考核 平时考核是学生在平时学习过程中课堂出勤、学习态度与服从意识、课题互动和课后听说训练。出勤率考核及处理参考学生学习管理规定处理,在学习态度与服从意识、课堂互动考核依据学生的课堂综合表现评定。如系课题提问,考核根据学生课堂发言的踊跃程度、流畅程度和正确率来判断;如系角色扮演,考核根据小组整体和成员个体表现综合评定。单元测验系在每个单元课堂教学完成后安排的测试练习,教师可灵活根据教学需要在单元教学结束后进行课堂训练,或根据单元课文内容的难易程度和题量大小安排1-2节课的时间进行单元测试,测试内容中主客观题型和题量分配根据实际情况合理设置。课后作业系课后教师布置在下次课对完成情况进行完成情况检查的结果。 2、终结性考核 本课程每学期期末进行终结性考核,以听力和会话技能评价两种方法分别进行,单科分数设定净值为100分,计算时占学期总分值的60%。具体听力考核和会话考核的考核标准如下: 2.1听力考试技能评价标准 听力考试技能评价的基本要求是航海技术专业学生能听懂中等难度在航海


值班机工英语听力与会话 Lesson 1 Daily English: 1.What is your name? My name is _______. 2.How old are you? I am XXX. 3.What is your marital status? I am XXX. 4.How many people are there in your family? There are four people in my family. 5.How long have you worked on board? I have worked on board for two years. 6.How many countries have you ever been to?

I have been to two countries. 7.Do you like your job? Yes。I like my job. 8.What is your favorite color? XXX blue. 9.Which season do you like best? I like spring the best. 10.What kind of music do you like? I like pop music. Lesson 2 XXX: 1.How many departments are there on board? There are two XXX. 2.What is the difference een port and starboard?


GMDSS英语口语练习题 问答题:44道 1.According to the SOLAS, which radio equipment is not necessary for the ships sailing in the sea area A2? (HF、INMARSAT、EGC are not necessary for the ships sailing in the sea area A2) 2.What does MRCC stand for and what is its function? (MRCC stands for Maritime rescue coordination center. It coordinates maritime rescue operation.) 3.Please spell your ship’s name and call sign (yuqiang/boxz) 4.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival? A ship can use VHF or radio to contact a port before her arrival.) 5.When the vessel enters the VTS area, what is usually requested to report? (When the vessel enters the VTS area, she should report her name, call sign, course, speed, ETA and so on) 6.What does “fairway speed” mean? ( mandatory speed in the fairway) (It is a speed at which a ship is sailing in a port.) 7.What should be confirmed from the pilot station? (Pilot’s boarding time, place to meet pilot, and on which side will the pilot ladder be rigged.) 8.Which mode is normally used when carrying out safety communications by NBDP? (FEC (Forward Error Correction)mode is used to carry out safety communication by NBDP) 9.What’s a safety signal prefixed by for sending a safety call? (SECURITE is used to send a safety call) 10.What does SECURITE mean in marine communications? (SECURITE is a safety signal for sending a safety call) 11.What does the safety call format or the safety signal indicate? (Safety signal indicates that the following information is about ship’s safety.) 12.Relating the reserve source of energy, if it is not a battery, what is the period of the test? (At least once a week) 13.How many times should the urgency signal “PAN PAN”be spoken when sending an urgency call? (Three times) 14.What’s an urgency signal prefixed by for sending an urgency call? (PAN PAN) 15.In accordance with the SOLAS Convention, what is the area outside sea areas A1, A2 and A3? (A4) 16.Shall an urgency communication have priority over all other communications except distress? (Yes, an urgency communication have priority over all other communications except distress) 17.Relating DSC facilities, what is the period of self test? (VHF DSC should be tested every day, MF/HF DSC should be tested once a week) 18.Which parties are those on-scene communications carried out between? (On-scene communication is carried out between SAR party and ship in distress) 19.What should a signal be prefixed by for distress traffic by radiotelephony? (MAYDAY)


第一章公共用语 口述 1. The engine room. (1) Position of the engine room on board. (2) Type of marine machinery in the engine room. (3) Feature of marine machinery in the engine room. The engine room is generally located at the stern near the ship bottom. In the engine room, there are a lot of machinery and systems, such as the main engine, generators, air compressors, oily water separator, boilers, pumps, all kinds of coolers, valves and so on. The main engine is the largest and most important machines. It is the heart of the engine room; it can supply power for the vessel’s propulsion; boilers for producing steam; fresh water generator used to produce fresh water from seawater; air compressor to supply compressed air; s teering gears for the control of the ship’s course. The modern improvement of control systems results in machinery space remaining unattended for long periods. That is UMS (Unattended Machinery Space). 2. The engine department. (1) Introduction of the importance of the engine department on board. (2) Introduction of personnel of the engine department. (3) Description of work in the engine department. The engine department is an extremely important department. It is responsible for all maintenance and operation of the electrical and mechanical equipment. Besides the engines in the engine room, the engine department crew is responsible for all of the sewage, air conditioning, lighting, and water on the ship. Without the engine department, the ship would not move. There are 4 engineers and 3 motormen and 2 electricians in the engine department on board my ship. We come form different parts of the country. But we all love our work and always help each other. We work in the engine room every day and do watch keeping in turn. We do maintenance on the main engine and the auxiliary machineries there. We also check the pressure and the temperature of the fuel and cooling systems. When we are on duty, we should keep the machines in good condition and keep the engine room clean and tidy. 3. Self-introduction. (1) Your education background. (2) Your working experience. (3) Your family. My name is ×××. I graduated from Qingdao Harbor V ocational & Technical College in 2009, majoring in marine engineering. I have worked on board for two years. Now I am a fourth engineer. I love my job. There are three people in my family:


一、 编写目的
1.实现 STCW 公约马尼拉修正案的履约工作;全面考核船员英语交流能力是否达到适任其职 务的要求,包括英语听力理解能力,口语表述能力以及需要掌握的英语词汇量的要求。
3.以现行大纲为基础,充分考虑履行《STCW 公约》2010 马尼拉修正案的要求以及不同职务 船员,即轮机长,大管轮和二、三管轮,在实际工作中履行其职责时在英语听力理解,口 语表达方面的英语交流能力适任需求
听力理解能力:能够听懂并理解《STCW 公约》对无限航区的各级别海员职务要求的船舶内部日常生活和 及听懂通过 VHF 和其他无线电和电子通信设备所进行的业务英语交流内容,包括机舱日常业务,应急情况 下用语,安全和保安等行为过程中的英语口语交际内容。能够听懂语速为每分钟 100-150 词的口语交流内 容,掌握中心大意,理解其中的重要事实,细节和关键性信息点。
口语表述能力:能够进行《STCW 公约》对无限航区的各级别海员职务要求的有效的面对面的口语沟通,包 括日常生活交流,船上业务工作交流,以及安全和保安等场景中的英语口语交流内容。能够掌握并使用与 机舱作业相关的《标准航海通信用语》(SMCP),发音基本准确,语言基本流畅,表意基本完整。
评估纲要 891 适用对象 892 893
无限航区 750KW 无限航区 750KW 无限航区 750KW


英语听力技巧中常见的问题与解决方法 在学习英语的过程中,听力是一个非常重要的技能。然而,很多学习者在英语 听力方面遇到了各种各样的问题。本文将探讨一些常见的听力问题,并提供相应的解决方法。 问题一:听不懂快速的英语对话 当我们在英语对话中遇到快速的语速时,很容易感到困惑。这是因为我们对于 快速的语速还不够熟悉,无法跟上对话的节奏。 解决方法:提高听力速度 提高听力速度是解决这个问题的关键。可以通过多听快速的英语材料,如英语 新闻、英语电台等,来逐渐适应快速的语速。此外,可以尝试使用一些听力训练软件或应用程序,这些工具可以帮助你逐渐提高听力速度。 问题二:听不懂口音重的英语 英语是一种全球性的语言,不同地区的人们会有不同的口音和发音习惯。当我 们听到一些口音重的英语时,很容易感到困惑。 解决方法:接触不同的口音 要克服这个问题,我们需要接触不同的口音。可以通过听不同地区的英语电台、观看英语电影或纪录片等方式来熟悉各种口音。此外,还可以参加一些英语口语交流活动,与来自不同地区的人们进行交流,提高对不同口音的理解能力。 问题三:听不懂常用的缩略语和俚语 在英语对话中,常常会出现一些缩略语和俚语,这些对于非母语者来说很容易 造成理解困难。 解决方法:学习常用的缩略语和俚语

要解决这个问题,我们需要积极学习常用的缩略语和俚语。可以购买一本专门介绍英语俚语和缩略语的书籍,或者通过在线学习资源来学习。此外,多与英语母语者交流,向他们请教一些常用的俚语和缩略语,也是一个很好的学习方法。 问题四:分辨不清语音中的细微差别 英语中有很多细微的语音差别,如元音的发音、辅音的发音等。对于非母语者来说,分辨这些细微差别是一个挑战。 解决方法:练习语音差别 要解决这个问题,我们需要进行大量的语音训练。可以通过模仿英语母语者的发音来提高自己的语音能力。可以使用一些语音训练软件或应用程序,来帮助纠正自己的发音错误。此外,多听英语口语材料,如英语电影、英语歌曲等,也可以提高对语音差别的分辨能力。 问题五:无法理解长篇听力材料 当我们面对长篇的听力材料时,很容易感到心生畏惧,无法集中注意力。 解决方法:提高听力耐力 要解决这个问题,我们需要提高听力耐力。可以通过多听长篇的英语材料,如英语演讲、英语讲座等,来逐渐提高自己的听力耐力。此外,可以尝试使用一些听力训练软件或应用程序,这些工具可以帮助你逐渐提高听力耐力。 总结: 英语听力是学习英语的重要组成部分,但很多学习者在听力方面遇到了各种问题。通过提高听力速度、接触不同的口音、学习常用的缩略语和俚语、练习语音差别以及提高听力耐力,我们可以逐渐克服这些问题。希望本文提供的解决方法对大家在英语听力方面有所帮助。

三副英语听力与会话 -回复

三副英语听力与会话-回复 摘要: 一、英语听力的重要性 1.提高英语综合能力 2.丰富英语学习途径 3.助力国内外考试及职业发展 二、英语听力训练方法 1.选择合适的听力材料 2.养成良好的听力习惯 3.多样化的听力练习方式 三、英语口语交流技巧 1.提高口语表达能力 2.了解英语国家文化差异 3.积极参与口语互动 四、提高英语听力与会话的建议 1.长期坚持,形成习惯 2.结合实际需求,制定学习计划 3.融入实际场景,进行角色扮演 正文: 英语作为全球通用语言,在日常生活、学习和工作中都扮演着重要角色。而英语听力与会话能力,更是衡量一个人英语水平的重要标准。如何提高英语

听力与会话能力,成为许多英语学习者关心的问题。本文将从英语听力的重要性、训练方法、口语交流技巧及建议等方面进行阐述。 首先,英语听力的重要性不容忽视。听力是英语学习的基石,通过听力训练,我们可以积累大量的词汇和短语,提高我们的英语综合能力。此外,英语听力也是丰富英语学习途径的重要手段。我们可以通过收听英语广播、观看英语电影和参与英语角等活动,不断地提高自己的英语听力水平。同时,良好的英语听力能力也是助力国内外考试及职业发展的重要因素。 其次,要想提高英语听力,训练方法至关重要。选择合适的听力材料是提高英语听力的关键。我们可以选择贴近自己水平的材料,从易到难,逐步提高难度。此外,养成良好的听力习惯也是提高英语听力的关键。我们可以每天抽出一定时间进行听力训练,让英语成为我们生活的一部分。多样化的听力练习方式也是提高英语听力的有效途径。除了收听英语广播和观看英语电影外,我们还可以通过在线课程、手机APP 等多种方式进行英语听力训练。 再者,英语口语交流技巧对于提高英语听力与会话能力具有重要意义。提高口语表达能力,可以帮助我们更好地理解英语听力材料。了解英语国家文化差异,也有助于我们在实际交流中更好地理解对方的意思。积极参与口语互动,可以让我们在实际场景中锻炼英语听力与会话能力。 最后,提高英语听力与会话的建议是:长期坚持,形成习惯。只有长期不断地进行英语听力训练,才能真正提高我们的英语听力水平。结合实际需求,制定学习计划,让我们的英语学习更加高效。融入实际场景,进行角色扮演,可以让我们的英语听力与会话能力得到更好的锻炼。 总之,提高英语听力与会话能力需要我们在多方面下功夫。


(高级)值班机工英语听力与会话(1-13 课全)Answer the Questions:(问答题部分分值60%) Lesson 1 Daily English(10 题 ) 1. What is your name[neim]?你叫什么名字? My name is我叫。 2. How old are you?你多大了? Twenty.我 20 岁了。 3.What is your marital['m?ritl] status['steit?s]? 你的婚姻情况是什么? Married['m?rid] /Single['si?ɡl].已婚/只身一人。 4. How many people are there in your family [?f?mili] ?你家里有几口人?Four people.我家里有四口人。 5. How long have you worked[w ?:kt] on board [b?:d]? 你在船上工作多久了? 2 years.两年了。 6. How many countries['k ?ntriz] have you ever['ev?] been to? 你以前去过几个国家? 2 countries.两个。 7. Do you like your job?你喜爱你的工作吗? Yes, I like it.是的,我很喜爱我的工作。 8. What is your favorite [?feiv?rit] color [?k?l?]?你最喜爱的颜色是? Blue [blu:] .蓝色。 9. Which season[?si:z?n] do you like best?你最喜爱哪个季节? Spring.春季。 10. What kind of music[?mju:zik] do you like?你喜爱什么种类的音乐? Pop music.流行音乐 Lesson 2Common terms on board(5 题 )


英语听力和口语 英语是现代社会中最重要的语言之一,因此,学习英语听力和口语对于个人和职业发展都非常重要。英语听力和口语是英语语言学习的两个重要方面,它们相互关联,互相促进,使学习者能够更好地理解和使用英语语言。 英语听力 英语听力是英语语言学习的重要组成部分。在学习英语听力时,学习者需要掌握一些技巧,以便更好地理解英语的语音、语调和语速。以下是一些有用的技巧: 1. 监听英语广播和电视 听英语广播和电视可以帮助学习者更好地了解英语的语音、语调和语速。这些广播和电视节目可以在各种平台上找到,如互联网、电视和广播。 2. 练习听力理解 练习听力理解是提高英语听力的关键。学习者可以通过听英语对话、新闻报道和其他英语材料来提高听力水平。这些材料可以在英语学习网站、电子书和其他资源中找到。 3. 注重听力细节 在听英语时,学习者需要注意细节,如语音、语调和语速。这些细节可以帮助学习者更好地理解英语。 4. 练习口语 练习口语可以帮助学习者更好地理解英语。通过练习口语,学习

者可以更好地理解英语的语音和语调,并更好地应用它们。 英语口语 英语口语是英语语言学习的另一个重要方面。在学习英语口语时,学习者需要掌握一些技巧,以便更好地使用英语语言。 1. 练习口语 练习口语是提高英语口语的关键。学习者可以通过与其他英语母语人士交流、参加英语演讲比赛和其他英语活动来提高口语水平。 2. 学习英语口语技巧 学习英语口语技巧可以帮助学习者更好地使用英语语言。这些技巧包括正确的发音、语调和语速。 3. 练习听力 练习听力可以帮助学习者更好地理解英语口语。通过练习听力,学习者可以更好地理解英语的语音和语调,并更好地应用它们。 4. 练习口语表达 练习口语表达可以帮助学习者更好地使用英语语言。通过练习口语表达,学习者可以更好地理解英语的语音和语调,并更好地应用它们。 总结 英语听力和口语是英语语言学习的两个重要方面。学习者需要掌握一些技巧,以便更好地理解和使用英语语言。通过练习听力和口语,学习者可以提高英语水平,并在职业和个人生活中获得更多机会。

航海专业 英语听力与会话标准版

航海英语听力与会话(标准版) Maritime English for Listening and Conversation 对本课程总体的说明 教学目的 本课程为航海技术海洋船舶驾驶专业的主干课程。本课程是船舶驾驶专业学生必修的专业英语课程,为学生进行海船船员航海英语听力与评估打下基础,同时也是学生毕业后能在外派船舶上工作而进行的语言技能准备。 教学要求 通过本课程的学习和相关听、说学习,要求学生达到: 能用英语熟练地传达并应答车令、舵令、靠离泊令、锚泊令及与代理联系靠泊等业务; 基本上能使用英语与引水员、海关、移民局及港口国检查人员进行沟通;能较好地进行船舶遇险、救助、申请免除检疫的VHF对话;掌握船舶公共用语,能用英语表达进出港业务和装卸作业;熟悉船舶航行、消防救生和船上结构设备等英语术语,并能用英语部署应急演习。 本课程是航海技术专业的课,也是该专业学生参加评估的课程之一。与其他课程相比,本课程具有以下明显特点: 1.授课过程侧重于专业词汇的解释,学生利用课程所配的光盘不断练习听力能力,根据所听到的内容来选择答案。 2.课程中所需要听明白的句子本身并不复杂,所要选择的项目也较简单,但如果没有听清楚,则答案将无法正确选择,因此本课程在授课过程中将有大部分时间分配给学生,自主练习听力,教师针对学生的个别问题作单独的辅导、讲解。 3.口述和问答部分涉及到航海技术的各专业课程,针对学生部分专业课尚未学习的具体情况及学生用英语来回答问题存在的障碍,宜采用:作业----范例讲解/作业讲评----反复练习的授课方式。 4.阅读部分的授课采用:教师领读---学生课后练习的方法。 5.考试采用口试,试题由计算机从海事局题库中随机抽取,教师根据学生回答情况:语义表达准/正确程度----发音---语速等综合评定成绩。 第一章公共用语 首次讲授《航海英语听力与会话》(本科学生----课程名称为《航海英语会话》)时,首先向学生讲明本课程的特点和授课方法,并介绍听力系统的使用方法。 听力系统采用海事局统一标准,利用教材所配的光盘,在统一讲解后,让学生尝试进入系统,对个别理解能力较差的学生,采用个别辅导。 利用听力系统进行练习时,要求学生不但能进行系统进行练习,而且要求学生能正确选择所要练习的内容,并特别注意所练听力内容的显示方式 (1)初次使用可选择:题干、问题和选项均显示; (2)第二轮采用考试要求,对于“单句”和“对话”---只显示选项,不显示题干和问题;对于“短文”---显示选项和问题,不显示题干;对于“口述”


机务英语听力真题 二英译汉 16 Brake Seizure剩车抱死 17 The airplane has three main jack points and four auxiliary jack points. 飞机有三个主顶点和四个辅助顶点 18 NOTE:Make sure you set and release the parking brake with the same hydraulic systen pressurized.If you release the parking brake with a different system pressurized,you wil transfer hydraulic fluid from one system to the other. 注意:确保使用同一个增压的液压系统设置和释放停留刹车.如果使用不同的增压系药

释放停留刹车,会使液压油从一个系统转移到另一个系统19 CAUTION:WHEN YOU CLOSE THE BATTERY SWITCH,THE BATTERY AND STANDBY BUSES HAV POWER.YOU WILL DISCHARGE THE BATTERY TO ZERO VOLTS VERY FAST.YOU SHOULD GET A AC POWER SOURCE ON THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM QUICKLY. 告读:当你闭合电瓶电门,电瓶礼流条和备用汇流条有电这样你将很快就把电瓶电压释 到零伏,你应当尽快给电源系统提供交流电. 20 Do not supply more than 60 psi of pressure to the pneumatic system.If you supply too much pressure,damage to equipment and injuries to personnel can occur. 不要给气源系统提供超过60psi的压力.如果你提供过高的压


轮机英语听力与会话第四版答案 1. How many important canals are there all over the world? (They are Panama Canal and Suez Canal.) 2. How long have you worked on board? (I have worked for 10 years.) 3. What is your marital status? How many departments are there on board? (I am married,. There are three departments ) 4. How many people are there in your family? Are you married? (There are three people . Yes,I am/No I `m not.) 5. How many countries have you ever been to? (There are four countries.) 6. Which classification society is your ship registered with? (Our ship is registered with CCS.) 7. Please tell me the minimum safe oxygen percentage for the safety of the workers in an enclosed space. (The percentage is 18.) 8. When did you begin to work on board? What kind of ship have you worked on? (The year is 2008. The ship is VLCC.)


03轮机/商贸《轮机英语听力与会话》教学大纲 一、课程性质与任务 课程性质:本课程为海船轮机/商贸英语专业的一门必修课,为适应《STCW78/95公约》和我国海事局颁布的《中华人民共和国海船船员适任考试、评估和发证规则》而编写的。 主要任务:听力部分:在培养学生听懂基础语言单位(如语音、字母、数字、单词、句型等)的基础上,逐步培养学生在语言水平上的理解能力和熟练程度。会话:利用教材提供的语言和内容进行口头表达能力和专业会话能力的基本训练。 二、课时分配 本课程教学总课时为156课时,航海英语听力与会话(一) 72学时; 轮机英语听力与会话84学时; 具体课时分配参照下表: 航海英语听力与会话(一): 实用文档


轮机英语听力与会话: 三、课程教学内容 航海英语听力与会话(一):实用文档

Unit1: 招呼与介绍 听懂日常的招呼以及相互介绍的用语,并加以使用。 重点:相关的重点句型 难点:句型操练及实际应用 Unit2:住宿安排 熟悉有关住宿的会话用语并加以操练。 重点:相关的重点句型 难点:句型操练及实际应用 Unit3:参观船 熟悉船舶结构以及有关信息的用语 重点:相关的重点短语与句型 难点:句型操练及实际应用 Unit4:在驾驶台 熟悉驾驶台设备有关的用语。 重点:相关的重点短语与句型 难点:句型操练及实际应用 Unit5:在轮机舱 熟悉与轮机有关的术语,如主机,辅机以及他们对航海的重要性。听懂简单的会话并学会表达。 重点:相关的重点短语与句型 难点:句型操练及实际应用 实用文档

Unit6:在码头边聊天 熟悉与谈论海边景色,港区设施有关的用语。 重点:相关的重点短语与句型 难点:句型操练及实际应用 Unit7:在食堂聚会 了解有关聚会用语,以及常用的英文菜名。 重点:相关的重点短语与句型 难点:句型操练及实际应用 Unit8:与大副在甲板 了解有关船舶航行,航行安全,导航标志的简单用语。 重点:相关的重点短语与句型 难点:句型操练及实际应用 Unit9:船上的一天 熟悉关于谈论时间,日期,以及一天活动的用语。了解简单的航海图书名称。 重点;相关的重点短语与句型 难点:句型操练及实际应用 Unit10:船上的体育活动和娱乐 熟悉有关体育活动和娱乐的用语以及如何谈论个人爱好。 重点:相关的重点短语与句型 难点:句型操练及实际应用 实用文档
