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EPISODE 1 “46 Linden Street”


Useful Language

●introduce yourself:自我介绍

My name is…


●ask for permission:征求同意

May I take a picture of you and your little boy?

●introduce a conversation:引出话题

By the way…

●thank someone:向人道谢

I appreciate your help.

Thank you.

Thanks again.

●respond to someone thanking you:回答别人的道谢

My pleasure.

You're welcome.

●start talking to a stranger:与陌生人攀谈

Excuse me.

●say good-bye after meeting someone for the first


It was nice meeting you.

It was a pleasure meeting you.

●describe something:描述事、物

A small canvas bag.

●compliment someone:赞美别人

I think it looks terrific on you.

●make suggestions:提出建议

Try this (sweater).

How about green?


I'm sorry I'm so late.

I'm really sorry.

●ask for help:请求协助

Can you help me?

●reassure someone:为人打气

Don't worry.

●ask if someone found something:询问别人是否捡到东西Did anyone find a small canvas bag?

●introduce someone:介绍别人

Let me introduce you.

This is…

●respond to an introduction:介绍后回答

How do you do?

It's nice to meet you.

●correct yourself:改正言辞错误

It's Richard's film! I mean, Alexandra Pappas.


Would you like something to eat?

Would you like to call home?

Can I drive you home?

●thank someone:向人道谢

I'm so glad you took the time and trouble to return (the bag).

●respond to thanks:回答别人的道谢

It was no trouble.

●accept an offer:接受别人好意

I'd appreciate that.

●refuse an offer:婉拒别人好意

No, thanks

Richard:Excuse me. 1 My name is 2 Richard Stewart I'm a photographer3. May I 4 take a picture of you and your little boy?

Mrs. Vann:What's it for? 5

Richard:It's for a book.

Mrs. Vann:You're writing a book?

Richard:It's a book of pictures 6. I call it Family Album, U.S.A.

Mrs. Vann:Oh, that's a nice idea Well, it's fine if you take our picture. I'm Martha vann. [She offers her hand.]7 Richard:Thank you. I appreciate your help. 8 [to the little boy]I'm 9 Richard. What's your name?


Richard:How old are you, Gerald?


Richard:And where do you live?

Mrs. Vann:We live in California10.

Richard:Well, welcome to New York.11 OK, just a second. 12 [He takes out a reflector 13 to have more light for his photographs.] I'm almost ready here.

[Alexandra, a sixteen-year-old girl, is watching.]

Alexandra:Can I help you?

Richard:Oh, please. [He gives her the reflector to hold. Then he speaks to Mrs. Vann and her son.] Hold Gerald's hand, please. Great! Now point14 to the buildings. Terrific! 15 Give Mommy a kiss, 16 Gerald. Nice! Thank you, Gerald. And thank you, Mrs. Vann.

Mrs. Vann:Oh, my pleasure 17 We'll be looking for your book.18

Richard:Thank you. Good-bye.Bye,19 Gerald.[to Alexandra]Thanks 20 again.

Alexandra:Oh, you're welcome 21.

Richard:Hey, 22 let me take your picture!

Alexandra:Wonderful. Please.

Richard:Are you from New York?

Alexandra:No, I'm from Greece23. I'm an exchange student24.

Richard:When did you come here?

Alexandra:Three months ago.

Richard:Your English is very good.

Alexandra:Thanks. 25 I studied English in school. [They sit on a bench.]

Richard:Would you like some coffee?

Alexandra:No, thank you. Tell me about your book.

Richard:Oh, it's not finished yet, but I have some of the pictures. Would you like to see them?

Alexandra:Yes. I'd like that.

Richard:Here they are. 26[He opens his bag and takes out a photo album27.]Family Album, U.S.A. It's an album of pictures of the United States:the cities, the special places, and the people. [He shows her the photos.] And these are pictures of people working:steelworkers, 28 bankers,29 police, street vendors, 30 ambulance drivers,31 doctors…Oh, this is my father. He's a doctor. This is my mother.

“It's an album of pictures of the United States.”

Alexandra:What's her name?

Richard:Ellen. My younger brother, Robbie. He goes to high school. This is my sister Susan. She works for a toy32company. Here's my grandfather. He lives in Florida. And this is my wife Marilyn.

Alexandra:Oh, she's very pretty.

Richard:Thanks. 33 And what about34 your family?

Alexandra:They are in Thessaloniki. That's a large city in northern Greece. But now I'm living in the Bronx35. Richard:With a Greek-American family?

Alexandra:No. Hispanic. 36

Richard:[He hears a foghorn.] Oh no! It's five thirty37. Will you excuse me? I have to meet my wife. Alexandra:It was nice meeting you.38

Richard:It was a pleasure meeting you,39 too. Thanks for your help. And good luck! I've got to go. 40 By the way, 41 I'm Richard. What's your name?


Richard:Bye-bye, Alexandra. Thanks.

Alexandra:Bye-bye. [Richard hurries off the boat. Alexandra sees that he forgot one of his bags. She takes it and begins to follow him.] Richard! Richard! You left your bag!


Outside the ferry building. Alexandra sees Richard leave in a taxicab. She asks a policeman for directions. Alexandra:Excuse me, officer Can you help me?


Alexandra:Can you tell me how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale?

Policeman:[He reads the name tag on Richard's bag.] “Richard Stewart,46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York.”1 You should take the number 1 subway.2

Alexandra:Is there a station near here?

Policeman:Yes. The station's that way. You should take the number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park. 3 Alexandra:Number 1 train to V an Cortlandt Park. Thank you.

Policeman:Anytime. 4 Good luck. 5 Remember, the number 1 train. The uptown platform 6.

Alexandra:Thank you.

Policeman:You're welcome.

[Alexandra walks toward the subway entrance. She passes the “uptown”sign.]

In a boutique7 . Marilyn Stewart, Richard's wife, is helping a customer.

Customer:Is this pink too bright for me?

Marilyn:Mmm-hmm. It is a very bright pink. Try this.

[She takes a red sweater from a table.] It's size eight. 8

Customer:But wear size ten.

Marilyn:How about green? It's size ten.

Customer:Let me9 try it on 10.

[Marilyn looks at her watch.]

Customer:I'm taking too much of your time.

Marilyn:It's six o'clock 11, Where's my husband? I was expecting him here at five forty-five12.

Customer:Don't worry. The traffic is very heavy13 at this hour14.

Marilyn:I know. But we're going to be late for dinner.

Customer:I'll take this green sweater, I like the color on me, don't you?15

Marilyn:think it looks terrific on you.

A little later. Richard rushes into the boutique.

Richard:I'm sorry I'm so late. I had a really bad day.16

Marilyn:It's ten after six17. We're late. Robbie's cooking tonight, and dinner's at six thirty18.

Richard:I know. I know. I'm really sorry. I left my bag of film on19 the ferry20. I went back for it,21 but the ferry was gone. I lost a whole day's work.22

Marilyn:I'll call the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office23.

Richard:I didn't think of 24 that. Thanks.

Marilyn:[She picks up the telephone and dials25 the number for information.]Hello. Yes. The number, please, of the 26 Staten Island Ferry lostand-found office. Five five five…zero eight zero eight. Thank you.[She hangs up and dials the number.]

Richard:I really appreciate it, Marilyn.27

Marilyn:Hello. Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon, a small canvas bag28, on the J. F. Kennedy Ferry? No? Maybe someone will find it. The name is Stewart, Richard Stewart. And the telephone number is five five five…three oh nine oh. Thank you.[She hangs up.]29 Sorry, Richard. They don't have it.

Richard:Thanks, anyway.30[thinking]There was a girl on the ferry. Now maybe…

Marilyn:Tell me about it on the way home. 31



1.“Richard Stewart,46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York.”这是一般地址的说法。如果写在信上,应为:Richard stewart

46 Linden Street,

Riverdale, New York, N. Y. ×××××(邮政编码)


2.You should take the number 1 subway.你应乘一路地铁。

3.You should take the number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park. 你应乘一路车在Van Cortlandt Park 下车。4.Anytime.=My pleasure.不用谢。Use Anytime after someone thanks you for doing something.

5.Good luck. 祝你好运。一般用于与人分手时,回答也用Good luck。

6.uptown platform:the place to wait for trains going north. 北线月台。在纽约,地铁线有uptown 北线(向北驶)和downtown南线(向南驶)之分,在每个地铁站口都有标志。

7.boutique:a small store that sells clothing and other special items. (妇女)时装店。

8.Try this [She takes a red sweater from a table. ]

It's size eight. 试试这一件,[她从桌子上拿起一件红色毛衣]这是8号的。

9.Let me…=Permit me…让我……,允许我……。The customer uses an informal pronunciation. She says Lemme. 在说这两个字时,这位顾客使用的是口语音:Lemme。

10.try (it) on:You try on an item of clothing to be sure that the size is correct and that you like the way it looks. 试穿。

11.six o'clock:6点钟。

12.five forty-five:5点45分。

13.The traffic is very heavy.=There are many cars. 交通很拥挤。


15.I like the color on me, don't you? 我觉得我穿这颜色不错,你说呢?

16.I had a really bad day. 我今天真是糟透了。

17.ten after six:6点10分。

18.six thirty:6点30分。

19.I left my bag of film on…我把装底片的包遗放在……上了。

20.ferry:A ferry is a boat that carries passengers or vehicles across a river or a narrow bit of sea. 渡船(用来运送乘客或车辆过河或海)。

21.I went back for it. 我回去找(它)。

22.I lost a whole day's work. 我把一整天的工作成果都丢了。

23.lost-and-found office:If you find something that doesn't belong to you, you take it to a lost-and-found office. People can go to this office to get their lost things. 失物招领处。

24.think of:If you think of something, You remember it or it comes into your mind. 记起,想到。例如:“I didn't think of that.”“我就没想到这个”。


26.The number, please, of the…请告诉我……的电话号码。用此来向查号台询问电话号码。

27.I really appreciate it, Marilyn. 我实在太感谢你(为我所做的这一切)了,Marilyn。

28.small canvas bag:小的粗帆布包。这里用了两个形容词来修饰“bag”(包)一词:small指尺寸;canvas


29.She hangs up. 她挂上(电话机)。

30.Thanks, anyway. 无论如何,我还是要谢谢你。

Use this expression to thank someone who tries to help but isn't able to. 当有人尽力想帮你但没帮上忙时可用此短语道谢。

31.Tell me about it on the way home. 在回家的路上告诉我吧。



2.美国的许多公共场所或公园都设有失物招领处(Lost-and-Found Office),失主可直接与之联系。

下面是Focus In的文字部分,供参考


Thank-you, I appreciate your help.

Thank-you. You're welcome.

Thank-you. You're welcome.

Thank you for your help.

Thanks a lot.

I want to thank you for your help.

Thank you.

Glad that I could help.

Don't mention it.

I'm glad that I could help.

Thanks. You're welcome.

Thanks Gerald, and thank you Mrs. Vann.

Oh, my pleasure.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Thank you very much.

It was very nice of you.

I appreciate it.

Thanks a lot.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Don't mention it.

I'm glad that I could help.

My pleasure.

It was nothing.

You're welcome.

The number one train to Van Cortlandt Park.

Thank you.

Anytime, good luck.

Thank-you very much.

It was very nice of you.

I appreciate it.

Thanks a lot. Thank-you.

You're welcome.

Don't mention it.

I'm glad that I could help.

My pleasure.

It was nothing.

You're welcome.

Thank you for your help.

Thanks a lot.

I want to thank you for your help.

Thank you.

Glad that I could help.

Don't mention it.

I'm glad that I could help.

Thanks. You're welcome.


I'm sorry, Richard. They don't have it.

Thanks anyway.

Thanks anyway.

It was nice of you to try.

I appreciate it.

Thanks a lot.

Thank you.


Don't mention it.

I'd really like to help.

You're welcome.

My pleasure.


Thank you.

You're welcome.


At the Stewarts' home in Riverdale that evening. Philip is on the phone with one of his patients.

Philip:And give her a teaspoon 1 of the medicine after every meal. Don't worry. She'll be fine. You're welcome. Good-bye.

Ellen:[She enters.]How are you?

Philip:I'm tired and hungry.

Ellen:Well, Marilyn and Richard called. They'll be here soon, and then we'll eat.

Philip:All right. Is …is Susan coming?

Ellen:Well, she'll be here later. She has to work late tonight.

Philip:And what's Robbie cooking for dinner?

Ellen:It's a surprise.

Philip:I hope it's pasta 2.

Later that evening. Philip, Ellen, Richard, Marilyn, Susan, and Robbie are in the Stewarts' kitchen. Philip:Robbie, the dinner was terrific.

Susan:Yes, it was delicious.

Marilyn:What's for dessert 3?

Robbie:Oh, I forgot dessert.

Philip:Robbie !

Ellen:Don't worry. We've got 4 lots of ice cream 5. [She goes to the refrigerator.]

Richard:Oh, I'd love some ice cream.

Ellen:Well, there's chocolate and coffee and a little vanilla 6.

Robbie:I'll have vanilla. Is that all right with everyone?

Philip:I'll have chocolate.

Marilyn:Me, too.7

Richard:Uh , one scoop 8 of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me.

Ellen:Robbie, will you help me serve 9?

[Robbie gets up to help . Richard brings the ice-cream dishes to Ellen.]

Richard:I keep thinking about that bag of film. Eight rolls. A whole day's work. And good stuff 10, too. Ellen:Don't worry, Richard. Someone will find it.

[The doorbell rings.]

Robbie:I'll get it. 11[ He opens the door. Alexandra isstanding there. She is holding Richard's bagof film.]Hello. Alexandra:Hello. Does Richard Stewart live here?

Robbie:Yes, he's my brother. I'm Robbie.…RobbieStewart.

Alexandra:I'm Alexandra Pappas. How do you do?12Your brother left his bag of film on theferryboat. I found it. Robbie:I'm really glad to see you. I mean …mybrother'll be really glad to see you!

Ellen:[Calling ] Robbie ! Who is it?

Robbie:It's Richard's film! I mean, AlexandraPappas. [to Alexandra] Come in, please.


Alexandra:Hello, Richard. I found your bag!

Richard:Oh, thank you! Thank you! Um…Alexandra, let me introduce you. This is 13 mywife Marilyn. Alexandra:Richard showed me your photo. How do youdo?

Marilyn:Oh yes. Richard told us all about you. It'snice to meet you. 14

Richard:And this is my mother, Ellen Stewart.

Alexandra:How do you do?

Richard:And my father, Dr. Philip Stewart.

Philip:Nice to meet you, 15 Alexandra.

Richard:And.…ah …you met Robbie.

Alexandra:Yes. And you must be Susan. Hi.

Susan:Hi. Welcome.

Richard:I'm so glad you found the bag and took thetime and trouble to return it. 16

Alexandra:Oh, it was no trouble. I just took the wrongtrain.17

Ellen:Would you like something to eat?

Alexandra:Thank you, no. I'm late for dinner at myhouse.18 I really have to go. 19

Richard:Would you like to call home 20?

Alexandra:I'd appreciate that. 21

Ellen:Please, use the phone.

Alexandra:Thanks. Excuse me. 22

Richard:[ to Robbie ] Alexandra's a high-school exchange student from Greece.

Robbie:Where does she live?

Richard:With a family in the Bronx.

Robbie:Oh, that's not too far from here!

Richard:Take it easy, 23 Robbie.

Alexandra:Thank you. I can only stay a few minutes.

Ellen:Have some iced tea.

Alexandra:Thanks, Mrs. Stewart.

Robbie:Please sit down, Alexandra.

Philip:So, you're an exchange student. Where doyou go to school? 24

Alexandra:At the Bronx High School of Science.

Philip:Oh, that's a very good school. What are yourfavorite subjects?25

Alexandra:Biology and mathematics. 26 Richard tells meyou're a doctor.

Philip:Yes, a pediatrician 27. And what does yourfather do 28?

Alexandra:He's a lawyer, in Thessaloniki.

Robbie:Would you like some pasta? I made it myself.It might be a little cold.

Alexandra:Thanks, no. I do 29 have to go. It was nicemeeting you all. 30

Marilyn:Well, maybe you'll come for lunch someSunday,31 so we can really thank you forbringing Richard's bag back.


Ellen:You're welcome anytime. 32[She and Richardwalk with Alexandra to the front door.]


Richard:Can I drive you home? 33

Alexandra:No, thanks. The train is just up the street. 34It won't take me long at all. 35

Richard:Well, you really saved the day for me, 36Alexandra.



Ellen:Good night. 37

[ Alexandra leaves.]

Philip:She's a smart young lady, and very nice.

Robbie:Very! [He sees Alexandra's bag on the chair. ]Hey, she forgot her bag!

Ellen:I guess we'll be seeing Alexandra again.Right, Robbie?



1.teaspoon:茶匙;咖啡匙。A teaspoon is a small spoon that you use to put sugar into tea or coffee. 2.pasta:Pasta is a type of food made from a mixture of flour, eggs, and water that is formed into different shapes. Spaghetti, macaroni, and noodles are types of pasta.通心粉,通心面。

3.dessert:something sweet at the end of a meal. 甜点。

4.We've got…=We have got…我们有……。

5.ice cream:Ice cream is a very cold, sweet-tasting food. 冰淇淋。

6.vanilla:香草香精。Vanilla is a flavoring that comes from a plant and that can be put into ice cream and other sweet food.香草香精是一种植物萃取物,可加入冰淇淋及其他甜食中食用。

7.Me, too. =I'll also have chocolate ice cream.我也要。


9.serve:If you serve people or if you serve foodand drink, you give people food and drink.伺候,给人端食物或饮料。

10.stuff:things.东西。Here, Richard is referring to his photographs.这里Richard指的是他拍的照片。11.I'll get it.我去开门。

12.How do you do?你好。This is a formal expression to say after someone introduces you.与人初次见面时的礼貌用语,用于正式场合。

13.This is…这位是……。Use this phrase to introduce people. You may also say, I'd like you to meet…这是用来介绍别人的一般用语,你也可以说“I'd like you to meet…”。这时被介绍的人可以说:“How do you do?”。14.It's nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。Use this expression after someone introduces you. It is less formal than How do you do?在别人介绍你后,使用这句话。这种说法不如How do you do? 正式。

15.Nice to meet you. =It's nice to meet you.

16.I'm so glad you found the bag and took the time and trouble to return it.我很高兴你捡到了包,而且不惜花时间和麻烦把它送还给我。

17.Oh, it was no trouble. I just took the wrong train.哦,麻烦倒没有,只是我乘错了车。

18.I'm late for dinner at my house.我快赶不上回家吃晚饭了。

19.I really have to go.我的确得走了。

20.call home:给家里打电话。

21.I'd appreciate that.谢谢你(让我使用电话)。

22.Excuse me.对不起,失赔了。Use this polite phrase before you walk away from someone.在暂时走开之前使用的礼貌用语。

23.Take it easy. relax, be calm.别急;别紧张;沉住气。

24.Where do you go to school?你在哪里上学?

25.What are your favorite subjects?你喜欢哪些课程?

26.biology and mathematics:生物学和数学。

27.pediatrician:a children's doctor.儿科医生。

28.What does your father do? = What is your father's job? 你父亲做什么工作?

29.do:Here, do means“really.”真的(用来加强语气)。

30.It was nice meeting you all.很高兴能认识你们一家人。

31.Maybe you'll come for lunch some Sunday.或许哪个星期天你能来吃中饭。

32.You're welcome anytime.欢迎你随时来玩。

33.Can I drive you home?我开车送你回家好吗?

34.The train is just up the street.街的那头就有地铁。

35.It won't take me long at all.要不了多少时间就到了。

36.You really saved the day for me .= You really helped me a lot.你的确帮了我的大忙。

37.Good night.晚安。用于下午或晚上人们相互分手告别时。


1.一般说来,当人们第一次见面时,他们握一握对方的手说:“It's nice to meet you.”(很高兴见到你。)其

实,较正式的说法应是“How do you do?”(您好吗?)。可这种说法不太常用。第一次见面后,询问对方的工作或学习情况是开始交谈的典型方法。


下面是Focus In的文字部分,供参考


My name is Richard Stewart. I'm a photographer

I'm Martha Vann.

I'm Richard. What's your name?


By the way, I'm Richard. What's your name?


We live in California.

Are you from New York?

No, I'm from Greece.

I'm Robbie, Robbie Stewart.

I'm Alexandra Pappas. How do you do?

Alexandra, let me introduce you. This is my wife, Marilyn.

Richard showed me your photo. How do you do?

Oh Yes. Richard told us all about you. It's nice to meetyou.

And this is my mother, Ellen Stewart.

How do you do?

And my father, Dr. Philip Stewart.

Nice to meet you, Alexandra.

And you've met Robbie.

Yes. And you must be Susan. Hi.


It was nice meeting you all.

EPISODE 2 “The Blind Date”


Useful Language

●ask for help:请求协助

Excuse me. Can you help me?

●say good-bye to someone you just met:向首次见面人士道别

Hope to see you again.


Sorry I'm…

Excuse the mess.

●ask for directions:问路

Where is…?

I'm looking for…

●give directions:指路

Make a left turn. Then walk two blocks to the trafficlight.

●make excuses:辩解

I was lost.

I just moved here.

●accept an apology:接受道歉

Don't worry about…

It's fine.

●say a telephone number so someone can reach you:


I'll be at 555-1720.

●accept a gift:接受礼物

What pretty flowers!

●order something to eat or drink:点菜或点饮料

I'd like the mee krob.

I'll have the mee krob.

●make a suggestion:提出建议

How about…?

I recommend…

●greet someone:欢迎


●ask about someone's job:问别人的职业

What do you do?

●excuse yourself:请求原谅

Please forgive me.

●ask about a problem:询问对方的困难

What's the matter?

Is it serious?

●express concern:表示关怀

I hope nothing is wrong.

I hope your daughter is all right.

●ask about a past event:询问已发生的事情

What happened?

●ask about a problem:询问对方的困难

What's wrong?

●express surprise:表示惊讶

You won't believe it!

●leave someone after a date:约会后临别说辞

I had a nice evening.

●excuse yourself for making a surprise visit at a late hour:为太晚造访致歉

I hope it's not too late.

●accept an excuse:接受对方道歉

Not at all.

●invite someone to enter:邀请别人进门

Come in. Join us.

●make a promise:许诺

I promise I won't leave early.

●leave a group of people:告辞

I'm going to excuse myself.


On a street in downtown Manhattan 1. Harry Bennett is carrying some flowers. He takes out a piece of paper from his pocket. It reads, “Susan Stewart , 83 Wooster Street, phone 555-9470,8:00 P.M.”Harry stops to talk to a street vendor. He asks him for directions.

Harry:Excuse me. Can you help me?2

Vendor:Sure, what do you want 3?

Harry:Where is 83 Wooster Street ?

Vendor:That's easy. [ He points.] Walk to the corner.Then make a left turn 4. Then walk twoblocks 5 to the traffic light 6. Make another left to Wooster.

Harry:Thank you. To the corner and then a left?

Vendor:Yeah.7 A left, Hot dog?8 Only seventy-fivecents.

Harry:No. Thank you. I have a dinner date 9.

A little later. Harry is still lost 10. he goes to a pay phoneand dials Susan's telephone number.

Harry:555-9470 ... and it's busy. ... Try again.555-9470…and it's still busy. [ He walks toa grocery 11 store to ask for directions.] Ex-cuse me, ma'am 12. I'm looking for 83 Woost-er Street.

Woman:Yes. Wooster Street is two blocks, and 83 is to the right, about two houses.

Harry:Thank you, thank you!

Woman:You're welcome.

A few minutes later. Harry finds Wooster Street. He rings the buzzer13 to Susan's apartment.

Susan:[at the intercom14] Who is it?

Harry:harry Bennett. Is this Susan?

Susan:Yes, it https://www.sodocs.net/doc/a15899457.html,e up. I'm on the top floor.

Susan:[She opens the door.]Hello, Harry.It's nice to meet you.

Harry:Nice to meet you,15 Susan.[he gives her the flowers.] Sorry I'm late. The traffic16. The parking17. I was lost.

Susan:What pretty flowers! Thank you. Oh, please come in. Don't worry about being late. It's fine. Excuse the mess.18I just19moved here. Oh, I'd like you to meet my sister-in-law20Marilyn. Marilyn Stewart, this is harry Bennett.

Harry:Pleased to meet you.21

Marilyn:Nice to meet you, Harry.

Harry:Are we too late for our dinner reservation22?

Susan:No, the restaurant will hold our table. I know the owner very well. I eat there a lot.

Harry:Do you know the phone number of the restaurant? I'd like to call home and leave the number with the baby-sitter23.

Susan:Sure. The number is…five five five…seventeen twenty24.

Harry:May I use the phone?

[Susan indicates yes.]

Harry:Five five five…one seven two oh.25 Hello? Hi, Michelle. It's Daddy. Can I speak to Betty? I want to leave the phone number of the restaurant…Hi, Betty. I'll be at five five five…seventeen twenty. OK. Thanks. See you later. [He hangs up.]26 Well, that's done. Shall we27 go?

Susan:I'm ready. See you later, Marilyn.

Marilyn:have a nice evening.

Harry:Bye, Marilyn. Hope to see you again.28

Marilyn:Me, too. Have fun29!


Harry:After you.30



1.downtown Manhattan:曼哈顿闹市区(纽约市中心商业地带)。

2.Excuse me. Can you help me?劳驾,您能帮帮我吗?这是向旁人问路时的一种表达方式。

3.What do you want? The informal pronunciation is waddayawant?非正式的读法为waddayawant。4.make a left turn:Turn to the left.向左拐弯。

5.block:a building or group of buildings built between two streets.街,街区。

6.traffic light:a set of colored lights used for controlling and directing traffic.红绿灯。

7.yeah:an informal form of yes. yes的非正规形式。

8.hot dog:a long bread roll, which is cut along the middle and has a sausage in it.热狗(面包夹香肠)。9.date:a plan to meet someone at a special time. 约会(通常指男女社交性的约会)。blind date是不相识的男女由他人安排的第一次约会。dinnerdate是晚餐约会。

10.lost:unable to find the way. 迷路的。

11.grocery:a shop selling dry and preserved foods, like flour, coffee, sugar, rice and other things for the home.食品杂货店。

12.ma'am:a respectful word used for addressing a woman.对妇女的尊称。对未婚的女士称miss(小姐),对男士则称sir(先生)。


14.intercom:对讲机。在美国的一些公寓楼安装了对讲机。来访者,像harry在楼外通过对讲机与Susan 联系,她在房间内可通过按纽把楼下大门打开,放Harry进来。安装对讲机的目的是为了楼内住户的安全。intercom是intercommunication system的缩写。

15.Nice to meet you. It's nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。第一次与某人见面时讲的问候语。16.traffic:交通(指路上的行人与车辆)。


18.Excuse the mess. I'm sorry that things are not neat. 抱歉屋里很乱。

19.just:recently; a short time ago. 最近。


21.Pleased to meet you. I'm pleased to meet you. 很高兴见到你。与Nice to meet you. 的意思和用法相同。22.reservation:an arrangement to hold a table in a restaurant for a specific time. 预订(席位、车、机、船票、旅馆房间等)。

23.baby-sitter:a person who takes care of babies or children while their perents are out. 临时保姆。

24.five five five…seventeen twenty:555-1720。这是念电话号码的一种形式。念完前三位号码,再两个两个地念后四位号码。

25.Five five five…one seven two oh. 555-1-7-2-0。这是念电话号码的另一种形式。念完前三位号码,再一个一个地念后四位号码。

26.He hangs up.他(讲完)挂断电话。

27.Shall we…? Use“Shall I”or“Shall we”to make a suggestion. This is a polite use. 用来提建议,显得礼貌。

28.Hope to see you again. 希望再见到你。对新朋友道别时讲的话。

29.fun:a good time. 愉快。

30.After you. I'll go after you. 请先走。一般男士让女士先下车或先出门时讲的话。


1.Susan和Harry原先彼此不相识,这是他们经别人安排的第一次会面(称为blind date)。这种约会的目的是为男女双方创造机会交往,互相深入了解。这种约会在美国十分平常,往往由亲朋好友来安排。地点可选在餐馆。像Susan和Harry他俩到了餐馆边吃边谈,所以叫dinner date。


下面是Focus In的文字部分,供参考


Excuse me, can you help me?

Sure, what do you want?

Where is 83 Wooster Street?

That's easy, walk to the corner and make a left trun, then walk two blocks to the traffic light, make another left to Wooster.


To the corner, and then a left.

Walk to the corner and make a left turn, then walk two blocks to the traffic light, make another left to Wooster. Come on Harry, it's your turn.

Follow the directions.

Excuse me, ma'am.

I am looking for 83 Wooster Street.

Yes.Wooster Street is two blocks and 83 is to the right.

Wooster street is two blocks and 83 is to the right. Come on harry, it's your turn, follow the directions. Congratulations, Harry.

You found 83 Wooster Street!

Now Harry,let's try some new directions.

Go to the traffic light at the corner of Prince Street and make a right turn. Go 1 block and make a left at Queen Street.

Go to 290 Queen Street.

Congratulations, Harry, you did it.


In a Thai restaurant1 later that evening. Somsak, the owner of the restaurant, greets2 Susan and Harry. Somsak:Ah! Miss Stewart! Welcome! How are you?

Susan:Fine, Somsak. And you?3

Somsak:Fine, thank you.

Susan:This is my friend Harry Bennett.

Harry:Pleased to meet you.

Somsak:Very nice to meet you. Any friend of Miss Stewart's is welcome at Somsak's. Follow me, please. Harry:[to Susan] I like it here.

Susan:I do, too. I come here often.

Somsak:A special4 place for special people.

Susan:Thank you, Somsak.

[Somsak leaves.]

Harry:Well! Nice restaurant.

Somsak:[He returns.] Would you like5 something to drink?

Susan:Yes, I'd like6 a glass of ginger ale7 with ice.Harry, what would you like?

Harry:Do you have a dry white wine?

Somsak:How about8 a California chablis9?

Harry:Chablis is fine.

Somsak:What would you like to eat?

Susan:I'd like the mee krob10. Harry, would you like to see a menu11?

Harry:No, it's OK. I'll have12 the mee krob also.[to Susan] What is it?

Susan:Crispy13 fried noodles. I love them.

Somsak:May I bring you14 a salad?

Susan:Oh yes. What do you recommend today?

Somsak:I recommend rose-petal salad15. Special for new friends.

Susan:[to Harry] Rose-petal salad?

Harry:Why not?16

Somsak:I'll take care of everything.17 [He leaves.]

Susan:I hope you're hungry.

Harry:What? Oh, yes. Starving.18 Well, I…

Susan:[at the same time] Well, I (19)

Harry:What do you do at Universe Toy Company20?

Susan:I'm the vice-president of new toy development21.


Susan:I know you're a CPA22.

Harry:That's true. Harry Bennett, certified public accountant. I love number. I do some work for Smith and Dale,23 your company's accounting firm24.

Susan:And so…

Harry:Here we are.25


Harry:I have a daughter.

Susan:I know. How old is she?

Harry:She's nine years old.

Susan:That's a nice age. What's her name?


Susan:Do you have a picture of her?

[Harry shows her a photo.]

Susan:She's very pretty.

Harry:Thank you.

Somsak:[He arrives with the salad.] Rose-petal salad. And there's phone call for you, Mr.Bennett.

Harry:Excuse me, Susan.[He leaves the table.]

Susan:[to Somsak] I hope nothing is wrong.

Somsak:I'll get the rest of the dinner. Excuse me.[He leaves.]

Harry:[He returns.]Please forgive me,26 Susan, but...I have to leave. I feel terrible, but (27)

Susan:What's the matter?28

Harry:My daughter isn't feeling well.

Susan:Oh no! Is it serious?

Harry:I don't know. The baby-sitter says she has a stomachache29, and she's crying. I'll have to go home. Will you forgive me?

Susan:Of course. I'm so sorry for Michelle. And you didn't have a chance to eat.

Harry:Oh, it's OK.30 Let me take you home first.

Susan:No, no. Please, go ahead.

Harry:It's our first date.

Susan:We'll make another. Please don't worry.

Harry:[He gets up to leave.]I'll phone you.

Susan:I hope your daughter is all right.31 Good-bye.




1.Thai restaurant:This restaurant serves food from the country of Thailand. 泰国餐厅。

2.greet:to welcome with words or actions. 欢迎,致问候。

3.Fine, Somsak. And you?当别人问候你时,你回答后,并要向对方问好。这是很典型的问候对话。A.How are you? B.Fine. And you? A.Fine, thank you.

4.special:not ordinary or usual. 特别的,不寻常的。

5.Would you like…? Do you want…? 您们要……? Use this phrase to offer food or a drink. 用来询问顾客要点什么菜或饮料。

6.I'd like…=I want…我要……。Use this phrase to order food or a drink. 这是点菜或饮料的一种讲法。7.ginger ale:a gassy non-alcoholic drink made with ginger. 姜味汽水。

8.How about…?来点……好吗?This phrase is another way to offer. 另一种建议菜肴的讲法。9.chablis:a type of nonsweet white wine. 干白葡萄酒。

10.mee krob:a popular Thai dish. 泰国一种家常餐点。

11.menu:a list of dishes in a meal. 菜单。

12.I'll have…=我想要……。另一种点菜的讲法。其它讲法还有:I'd like…Do you have…? What do you recommend?

13.crispy:dry and easily broken. 酥脆的。

14.May I bring you…?要不要来点……呢?向顾客推荐菜肴的另一种讲法。其它讲法还有:How about…? What would you like…? I recommend …等。

15.rose-petal salad:玫瑰花瓣色拉。

16.Why not? 为什么不呢?Harry赞同Susan的建议。

17.I'll take care of everything. I'll get everything for you. 我会照料好一切的。

18.starving:very hungry. 饿极了。

19.Well, I…Harry和Susan几乎同时讲话,他们想使气氛变得自然、松驰一些。尤其今天是他们的第一次约会。可能双方都有点紧张吧!

20.Universe Toy Company:宇宙玩具公司。

21.vice-president of new toy development:新玩具开发部副总经理。People bring Susan ideas for new toys. She has an important job in the company. Susan在这家公司担任重要工作,别人将新玩具的构想交给她进行深入研究。

22.CPA:certified public accountant. 有执照的会计师(职业会计师)。An accountant keeps business records. To become a CPA, an accountant must pass a government test. 会计师为公司处理账务报表。要成为一名会计师,须通过政府的考试。

23.Harry Bennett…for Smith and Dale. Harry在此讲的话,带有向Susan进行自我介绍的意思。24.firm:a business company. 公司。

25.Here we are. 所以我们才有缘相识。

26.Please forgive me.=I'm sorry. 对不起,请原谅。

27.I feel terrible, but…我感到十分抱歉,但是……句子的后半截省略了(但是我得回去了)。

28.What's the matter?=What's the problem? 怎么了?发生了什么事?

29.stomachache:a pain in the stomach. 胃疼,肚子痛。

30.Oh, it's OK.=Oh, it's all right. 噢,没关系。这是很口语化的讲法。

31.I hope your daughter is all right. 我希望你女儿安然无恙。表示一种祝愿。在Susan听说有Harry的电话后,她先后还讲了下面几句话表示关心和祝愿:

I hope nothing is wrong. (我希望没事。)

What's the matter? (怎么了?)

Oh, no! Is it serious? (糟糕,严重吗?)

I'm so sorry for Michelle. (我真为Michelle难过。)




在美国餐馆里,点菜的顺序一般是这样的:(1)饮料(drinks),(2)汤(soup),色拉(salad),主菜(main dish; main course; entree);甜点(dessert)等。其中点salad时,侍者都会问“What kind of dressing for your salad?”(色拉上面要放什么调味?)可选择Thousand lsland, French, ltalian等等。

下面是Focus In的文字部分,供参考


Somsak is offering.

Would you like something to drink?

“Would you like, would you like something to drink?

Would you like something to drink?”

How about a California chablis?

“How about, how about a California chablis? How about a California chablis?”

May I bring you a salad?

“May I bring, may bring, may I bring you a salad? may I bring, may I bring you a salad? Would you like a cup of coffee? How about some herbal tea? May I bring you some dessert?”

Susan and Harry are ordering.

I'd like a glass of ginger-ale with ice.

“I'd like, I'd like a glass of ginger-ale with ice. I'd like a glass of ginger-ale with ice.”

Do you have a dry white wine?

“Do you have, do you have a dry white wine? Do you have a dry white wine?

I'll have the mee krob also.

“I'll have, I'll have the mee krob also. have the mee krob also. I'd like a cup of coffee. Do you have some herbal tea? I'll have some dessert.”

Do you have a dry white wine? How about a California chablis? That's fine.


In Susan's apartment. Susan and her sister-in-law Marilyn are eating the food from the Thai restaurant.

Marilyn:What happened?1

Susan:The baby-sitter called. His daughter is sick.

Marilyn:What's wrong?

Susan:I think she has a stomachache. He's a good father.

Marilyn:So…what do you think of him2?

Susan:He's very nice. But I think he was nervous3 tonight. It was his first date in two years. Marilyn:Will you see him again?

Susan:I hope so.4*

Marilyn:This food is delicious5.

Susan:He didn't get a thing to eat.6

Marilyn:[She looks at the food on the table. ] You ordered enough for three or four people, but I'm not complaining7. The food is delicious.

[There is a knock8 at the door.]

Susan:Who is that?

Marilyn:Do you think it's (9)

Susan:No. [She goes to the door and looks through the peephole10] You won't believe it,11 Marilyn!

Marilyn:I believe it. Even without looking.

[Susan opens the door. ]



Harry:Your downstairs neighbor let me in.

Susan:Did you go home?

Harry:I did, but everything is OK, so I decided to come back. To apologize13 for leaving so early, I brought you a little gift. [He gives her a plant.] It's a bonsai tree14 for your new apartment. Hi, Marilyn. I hope it's not too late.

Marilyn:Oh, not at all. We're still eating.

Susan:Please, come in. Join us. It's our meal from the restaurant. And how is your daughter? Harry:Oh, she's fine. It was only a tummy15 ache.

Susan:It's good that you went back.

Harry:Yes, I think it's important for me to be there since her mother died.

Susan:I agree. Aren't you hungry?16

Harry:As a matter of fact…17 I am hungry.

Marilyn:There's lots of food left.

Harry:[eating] Mmm, this is delicious!18


Marilyn:I'm going to excuse myself.19 [She gets up.] I have a lot of work to do to get ready for tomorrow. Good night, Harry. It was nice meeting you.

Harry:Bye, Marilyn.

Marilyn:Good night, Susan.

Susan:Good night, Marilyn.

[Marilyn leaves.]

Susan:She's going to a fashion show20 here in the city tomorrow. She is sleeping here so she won't have to travel from Riverdale in the morning.

Harry:You two must be closet21.

Susan:We are. The whole Stewart family is close.

Harry:I like that.

Later that evening…

Harry:And then, two years ago, my wife died.

Susan:You miss her.

Harry:I do...yes, but I have Michelle...and with time (22)

Susan:Is there anyone else in your life?23

Harry:No, not yet. What about you?24

Susan:Oh, I date occasionally25, but my work keeps me busy.

Harry:[He looks at his watch.] Ooh, speaking of26keeping busy----I have an early start tomorrow,and the baby-sitter has to get home. [He starts to put on his jacket.] Where did the time go?27 It's midnight28. Thank you,Susan. I had a nice evening.

Susan:Me, too, Harry. [She walks with him to the door.] Harry?



具体先听一遍或者几遍,5-8秒为短句细听,尽量听懂.若遇到听不懂的再看原文,前提是不懂。可以采取听写的形式,尽量用自己的拼写方式去写英文单词,在修正。 把整个Act听完大概知道其意义,就看原文对照,错误总结和分类,可以包括语音、语法、拼写、增漏。 跟读,对照书本。 然后能自然流畅的说出。 可以自己模拟场景,就象走遍美国一样。 场景化是走遍美国的特色~~ 译背,就是在跟读边跟背这样在听不懂的词或者句子,对照原文来梳理更记忆深刻。 看翻译文本,把重点词句和好动词,好句,句型用法,自己归纳。只限于一个Act 朗读课文,追求流利。完结于一课就是2个或3个Act。 注意色彩的运用。红色是没听懂的,粉色是需记忆的。灰色是语法类的见解。带星号是重点或红粉色的都有的成分。 个人经验告诉你怎么听。你坚持上至少6个星期,然后看看自己的进步有多大。 首先一个星期的安排。2天慢速1天常速1天慢速2天常速复习 光听没用 做听写。拿一个正式的本子。上面的安排是让听写的用的 4分钟左右的听力材料。不要太难。 慢速的方法:第一遍从头到尾听一次。第二遍开始,听一句暂停一句,不管多长。然后写下来。一开始可能只能写下四五个词,没关系,空着。听第二句。写下来可能惨不忍睹,没关系,全写完以后,从头到尾再听第三遍,还是一句一句听。这次能补上好多了。大概听到第4次,不要听了,对照文稿往上补。然后查词。最后不要看稿子听一次,如果还有没懂的,听到懂为止。 常速的方法:第一遍从头到尾听一次。第二遍再听一次,把上次没听懂的地方使劲听。然后做听写,跟慢速的方法一样。开始写的结果绝对会惨不忍睹,慢慢坚持就好了了.我一开始做听写的时候觉得挺没用的,而且浪费时间,一篇常速我得听二十几遍。慢速的因为句子长也是快二十遍。五分钟的材料我得用差不多两个小时才能弄完。后来才过了三个星期,就发现这个方法绝对是相当牛逼。我现在练习了一年了,我现在做一篇大概只需要不到半个小时。都不用专门记单词,单词自然背下来了。你试上3各月,基本所有的VOA都能听懂95%以上 这上面是一部分。是精听 还有一部分。一定要做 每天拿出来一点时间,听2个材料就好,慢速常速看你的水平,听的时候别太在意内容。第一次听就跟着shadowing 具体你可以百度一下什么叫“影子跟读”,做个1次或者2次就行了,这个见效慢,但是很有用。一个能培养语感,一个能加强听的能力和写的能力这个是辅助精听的 方法在这了看你自己做不做了

走遍美国电子书 (13)

Y ou're Tops ACT I Is that you, Susan? 是吗Susan It's me, Grandpa. 是我爷爷。 Am I glad to see you! 我看到真的很高兴 And am I glad to see you! 我看见你才高兴呢 I am also glad to be here. 我很高兴来这。 How are things? 近如何 I have been talking to a group of salesmen 我一直在与一群推销人栽谈话 since ten this morning, 从今天上午十点起 and I'm real exhausted. 我实在是精疲力竭了。 Well, you look good. 嗯看起来蛮好的。 What's Harry doing tonight? Harry今晚做什麽 He and Michelle 他和Michelle are visiting relatives in New Jersey today. 今天去New Jersey拜访访亲戚去了 The rest of our family went to the movies. 我们家其馀的人都去靠电影了。 So it's just you and me, Susan. 所以这只有和我Susan。 It's nice to be alone with you, Grandpa. 很高兴单独与你在一起爷爷。 We don't get to see enough of each other. 我们在一起的时间太少亮恕 Oh, I feel the same way, Susan. 噢我也有同样的感受Susan。 I miss seeing you. 我很想见到。 But to tell the truth, 但是老实说 next time 下一次 I'd like to go into the city and meet you there, 我想到城看 instead of you coming here. 而不是到这来 Y ou don't need to do that, Grandpa. 你不用这样爷爷。 Y eah, I do. 不我要这样。 I need to get out more. 我需要多出门去。 Well, I mean 我的意思是 there's a lot to do around the house, 这屋有很多事可做 and I love being here with the family, 而我也喜欢和家人在一破稹 you know, 知道的 but I'm restless. 但我闲不住。 Since I retired, 自从我退休以後 I've got extra time on my hands. 我有过多空闲时间。 I understand, Grandpa. 我能体会爷爷。 I think you do. 我想能体会。 Frankly, 坦白地说 I'd like to use my brain a little more. 我想多用用我的脑子。 Grandpa, 爷爷 you have so much energy and so many years of experience. 你精力这麽好又有这鼢多年的经验。

走遍美国——playing games

Convenient 方便 Suburbs 郊区 Aquarium 水族馆 Incredible 不可思议的 Manage 想法做到 Squeeze 挤 Metropolitan 大都市的 It’s just incredible.简直令人难以置信 Inviting 吸引人 Pumpernickel 黑面包 Get to know each other 相互认识 Care about 关心 There we are.好了,表示什么已经准备好了。 It looks inviting. Focus in The suburbs and the city Playing games2 I had never been there before.我以前从没有去过那。 Tuna fish 金枪鱼 Scout 童子军 Manufacture 制造 In charge of 负责 Happen to 偶然,碰巧 I understand you’re in the toy business.听说你是做玩具生意的。 (这里understand是听说的意思。) He is a vice-president in charge of marketing. Who is in charge of this office? Boring 无聊 Shuffle the deck 洗牌 Face down 朝下 Face up 朝上 Counterclockwise 逆时针 Twelve-to fifteen-year-olds12到15岁的孩子 How are you enjoying the game so far? 到目前为止你们觉得这个游戏有意思吗? It’s not a bad game. It’s just slow.可以用just, only等来缓和语气。 He is behind the times.他落后于时代了。在英语中常用BE动词加介词表示汉语中实意动词的概念。 Focus in Take my word!


走遍美国 第三课 Marilyn, you want coffee or tea? Marilyn,你要咖啡还是茶? Coffee, please. 请来点咖啡。 I am so excited! 我感到好兴奋! At this time tomorrow morning, 明早这时候, Grandpa will be sitting in the kitchen with us. 爷爷就和我们一起坐在厨房里啦。 When does he arrive? 他什么时候到? At six o'clock this evening. 今晚六点。 By plane? 坐飞机来? No, by train. 不,坐火车。 Are we picking him up at the station? 我们要去车站接他吗? Not Grandpa. 爷爷不是这种人,He doesn't want anybody picking him up. 他不愿意让别人接他, He likes to be independent. 他独立性很强。 Huh. 哦。 Oh, let's go upstairs and prepare Grandpa's room. 对,我们上去准备一下爷爷的房间。 Great! Let's do it! 好,我们去! Good morning, Mom. 早安,妈妈。 Morning. 早安。 Well, hi, fellas. 你们大家好。 Hello. 哈罗。 Hi, honey. 嗨,亲爱的。 Morning, Marilyn. 早安,Marilyn。 We are going upstairs to set up Grandpa's


-- ☆ SitMan 助您征服外语☆ -- [生词摘录] [要点摘录] ----难点句子记录于此 [我的听写] ----可在此处逐句听写 [原文] Robbie, this new Walkman is absolutely wonderful. Robbie 这个新的怂身听真棒。Richard and Marilyn bought it for me for my birthday. 这是Richard和Mariilyn送给我的生日礼物。 They're so thoughtful. 他们真周到。 You are very lucky, Robbie, to have such a nice family. Robbie 你真幸运拥有一个这样温馨的家。 Is something wrong, Alexandra? Alexandra 怎麽麽 No, nothing. 没有没什麽。 Yes, there is. 有有心事 I can tell. 我能觉察到。 What's the matter? 到底发生了什麽事 Come on, you can tell me. 说吧告诉我。 What's up? 有什麽事 I don't know. 我也说不上来。 Something's wrong. 有点不对劲。 OK, let's talk. 好吧我们就来谈烫浮 I received a letter from my parents this morning. 今天早上我收到父哪敢环信。Did they write some bad news? 他们写了什麽坏消舷⒙ No. 没有。 Well, then why are you so sad? 那那为什麽如创四压 I miss them. 我想念他们 I miss them very much. 我非常想他们。 I'm sorry, Alexandra. 我为难过 Alexaandra。 But I understand. 但是我能理解。 The Molinas treat me so nicely, Molina一家人对我汉芎 and I love being with your family so much ... 我也很喜欢和你们技以谝黄…… but when I received the letter 但是当我收到那封 with photographs of my family, I cried. 连同家人照片时挝哭了。 I cried because I miss them all. 我哭因为我想念怂们。 You really miss your family, don't you? 非常惦念的家热是吗 Yes. I know I must seem silly. 是的我知道我看览匆定很可笑。 It's not like I have nobody. 我身边非没有亲浇的人。 I like the Molinas very much, 我很喜欢Molina一技胰


走遍美国(1) EPISODE1 46 Linden Street Act1. Richard: Excuse me.My name is Richard Stewart. I'm a photographer.May take a picture and your little boy? Mrs.Vann: What's it for? Richard: It's for a book. Mrs.Vann: You're writing a book? Richard: It's a book of pictures. I call it Family Album,U.S.A. Mrs.Vann: Oh, that's a nice idea.Well,it's fine if you take our picture. I'm Martha Vann. Richard: Thank you. I appreciate your help. I'm Richard.What's your name? Gerald:Gerald. Richard: How old are you,Gerald? Gerald:Five. Richard: And where do you live? Mrs.Vann: We live in California. Richard: Well, welcome to New York.OK, just a second. I'm almost ready here. Alexadra: Can I help you? Richard: O h, please.Hold Gerald's hand, please.Great! Now point to the


《走遍美国》教材分析及评价 摘要:《走遍美国》(Family Album U.S.A.)是一套在大陆畅销数百万册、在全球35个国家同步使用的生活化美语教材。对我国英语学习者而言,其地位和受推崇的程度尚不及《新概念》英语。本文对《走遍美国》这一套教材作了简要介绍之后,较为详细地从教材编写理念、教材内容、教材的不足之处等方面做出分析和评价。 关键词:《走遍美国》;教材简介;分析和评价 《走遍美国》(Family Album U.S.A.)是一套在大陆畅销数百万册、在全球35个国家同步使用的生活化美语教材。在中国期刊全文数据库中对关键词“走遍美国”进行检索发现,我国学者对该套教材的研究非常少。究其原因,《走遍美国》与更加令我国英语学习者追捧的《新概念英语》相比,不论是从发行量来讲还是从使用范围来讲都明显处于劣势。但这并不能简单地作为评价一套教材好与坏的标准。事实上,它在编写理念、内容体系等方面有它独特的优点,不得不说是一套难得的视听教材。 1. 《走遍美国》教材简介 《走遍美国》(Family Album U.S.A.)是一套在中国大陆广泛使用的生活化美语教材。其是由美国新闻总署赞助,美国Prentice Hall公司制作,独家授权。该教材所采用的"电视影集"式的组织形式,是在向全球105个国家的英语教学者广泛咨询后决定的,电视剧情节感人,能吸引学习者的兴趣。《走遍美国》电视影集代表了国际最高制作水平,它的编剧兼导演William,以及动画制作群Dovetail Group都曾几度荣获艾美奖,所有演员都是优秀的专业演员,他们美语发音清晰、体态语言丰富,效果远远超出了一般所谓的“情景会话”教材。 《走遍美国》以住在纽约的一家三代人的生活为中心,内容涉及约会、就餐、节日等美国各地风土人情、社会生活的许多方面。这套教材突出了最新的交际教学法,与情景式教学法和句型式教学法相比是一大突破。教材以快速增进听说能

走遍美国电子书 (25)

Country Music ACT I Hot dogs. I love hot dogs. 热狗。我舷不度狗。 There is nothing better than a hot dog in the country. 在美国没佑斜热裙更好的东西了。 Hot dogs and mustard. 热狗和芥哪 Cooked outdoors over an open fire. 在户外的换堆上烤。 I wish I had one now. 我真希望舷在就来一个。 Do you remember when Daddy and I used to take you 你还记得鞍爸和我常带你 and Susan and Robbie to Jones Beach? Susan Roobbie去Jones海滨的事吗 Oh, I sure do. 哦我当热记得。 We'd wait until dark and make a fire, 我们等到烫黑就升火 and we'd cook the hot dogs. 然後烤热构贰 Oh, don't forget the mustard. 噢不要屯了芥末。 And, oh, does anybody want ketchup? 噢有人乙 酱吗 I might as well take it along. 我还是一档来著。 And now to make sure we've got the hamburger patties. 再来务北要带汉堡碎肉饼。 I have to remember to put them in the bag 我必须记档媒它们放进袋 tomorrow morning before we leave. 在明天早缮临走之前。 I'll remind you, Richard. 我会提醒你的Richard。 Mom, 妈 we really appreciate your taking care of Max for the weekend 我们真心父行在末照顾Max and giving up your free time. 放的暇时间。 I love doing it. 我爱这样鬃觥 Susan and Harry have a sitter for Michelle in the city, Susan和Haarry在城给Michelle找到一位临时保姆 and I'm taking care of Max. 我就来照构薓ax。 It's no big deal. 这没有什鼢帷 I am happy to do it for you. 我很高兴挝你们做这件事。 I guess Max is asleep by now. 我想Max现现在已经睡觉了 He's not crying anymore. 他不再哭亮恕 Oh, poor baby. 噢可怜档男” 贝。 He's teething. 他正在长蜒齿。 Well, he's asleep--finally. 好了他种侦睡著了。 I feel so bad for him. 我为他难构 It hurts so much when a baby gets his first teeth. 小孩子长档一颗牙齿时好痛哟。 He'll be fine, Marilyn. 他不会有适碌Marilyn。 Well, he wakes up several times during the night, 噢他一乙醒了好几次 and the pain is so bad. 疼得很厉害。 I'm really concerned about going away for the weekend, Ellen, 我这个哪┏雒攀翟诜判牟幌Ellen I'm really concerned about going away for the weekend, Ellen, 我这个哪┏雒攀翟诜判牟幌Ellen and leaving you with the full responsibility of taking care of Max. 还要把照构薓ax的全部责任留


EPISODE 1 46 Linden Street Act1. Richard: Excuse me.My name is Richard Stewart. I'm a photographer.May take a picture and your little boy? Mrs.Vann: What's it for? Richard: It's for a book. Mrs.Vann: You're writing a book? Richard: It's a book of pictures. I call it Family Album,U.S.A. Mrs.Vann: Oh, that's a nice idea.Well,it's fine if you take our picture. I'm Martha Vann. Richard: Thank you. I appreciate your help. I'm Richard.What's your name? Gerald: Gerald. Richard: How old are you,Gerald? Gerald: Five. Richard: And where do you live? Mrs.Vann: We live in California. Richard: Well, welcome to New York.OK, just a second. I'm almost ready here. Alexadra: Can I help you? Richard: Oh, please.HoldGerald's hand, please.Great! Now point to the buildings.Terrific! Give Mommy a kiss, Gerald. Nice! Thank you, Gerald. And thank you,Mrs Vann. Mrs.Vann: Oh, my pleasure.We'll be looking for your book. Richard: Thank you. Good-bye. Bye, Gerald.Thanks again. Alexandra: Oh, you're welcome. Richard: Hey, let me take your picture! Alexandra: Wonderful.Please. Richard: Are you from New York? Alexandra: No, I'm from Greece. I'm an exchange student. Richard: When did you come here? Alexandra: Three months ago. Richard: Your English is very good. Alexandra: Thanks. I studied English in school. Richard: Would you like some coffee? Alexandra: No, thank you. Tell me about your book. Richard: Oh, it's not finished yet, but I have some of the pictures. Would you like to see them? Alexandra: Yes, I'd like that. Richard: Here they are. Family Album, U.S.A. It's an album of pictures of the United States:the cities, the special places, and the people. And these are pictures of people working:steelworkers, bankers, police, street vendors, ambulance drivers, doctors...Oh, this is my father. He's a doctor. This is my mother. Alexandra: What's her name? Richard: Ellen. My younger brother, Robbie. He goes to high school. This is my sister Susan. She works for a toy company.Here's my grandfather. He lives in


初中课文涉及的外国作家 《我的信念》作者玛丽居里。玛丽·居里,法国。世界著名科学家,研究放射性现象,发现镭和钋两种天然放射性元素,一生两度获诺贝尔奖(第一次获得诺贝尔物理奖,第二次获得诺贝尔化学奖)。用了好几年在研究镭的过程中,作为杰出科学家,居里夫人有一般科学家所没有的社会影响。尤其因为是成功女性的先驱,她的典范激励了很多人。 《绿色蝈蝈》作者法布尔。选自《昆虫的故事》法布尔:法国昆虫学家,动物行为学家,作家。 《金色花》作者泰戈尔。选自《泰戈尔诗选》。泰戈尔:是一位印度诗人、作家、艺术家、小说家、思想家、哲学家和印度民族主义者、社会活动家。是具有巨大世界影响的作家。印度人民尊崇他、热爱他,称他为诗圣、印度的良心和印度的灵魂。 1913年他获得诺贝尔文学奖,是第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的亚洲人。其作品《故事诗》和《两亩地》是印度人民喜闻乐见、广为传诵的不朽诗篇。脍炙人口的《喀布尔人》、《素芭》和《摩诃摩耶》均为世界短篇小说的杰作。 《皇帝的新装》作者安徒生。安徒生丹麦19世纪童话作家,世界文学童话创始人。代表作:《海的女儿》、《丑小鸭》、《卖火柴的小女孩》 《假如生活欺骗了你》作者普希金。普希金,俄国伟大的诗人、小说家,19世纪俄国浪漫主义文学主要代表,同时也是现实主义文学的奠基人,现代标准俄语的创始人,被誉为“俄国文学之父”、“俄国诗歌的太阳”,被高尔基誉为“一切开端的开端”。 《未选择的路》作者弗罗斯特。罗伯特·弗罗斯特,美国诗人。他徒步漫游过许多地方,被认为是“新英格兰的农民诗人”。弗罗斯特又常被称为“交替性的诗人”,意指他处在传统诗歌和现代派诗歌交替的一个时期。他又被认为与艾略特同为美国现代诗歌的两大中心。 《最后一课》作者都德。都德:19世纪法国著名现实主义作家,有法国的狄更斯之称。其作品《最后一课》和《柏林之围》由于具有深刻的爱国主义内容和精湛的艺术技巧而享有极高的声誉,成为世界短篇小说中的杰作。 《我的叔叔于勒》作者莫泊桑。莫泊桑:19世纪后半期法国优秀的批判现实主义作家。一生创作了6部长篇小说和356多篇中短篇小说,他的文学成就以短篇小说最为突出,是与契诃夫和欧·亨利并列的世界短篇小说之王,对后世产生极大影响。其代表作有:《羊脂球》《项链》《我的叔叔于勒》《一生》《漂亮朋友》 《列夫。托尔斯泰》作者茨威格。茨威格:奥地利著名作家、小说家、传记作家。擅长写小说、人物传记,也写诗歌戏剧、传记、散文特写和翻译作品。作品有《月光小巷》《看不见的珍藏》《一个陌生女人的来信》《象棋的故事》等。 《在沙漠中心》作者圣-埃克苏佩里。圣-埃克苏佩里法国作家、飞行员,生于一个传统的天主教贵族家庭,在他的经典儿童小说《小王子》出版一年后,为祖国披甲对抗纳粹德军。在1944年7月31日执行一次飞行任务时失踪。代表作《小王子》《夜航》。


第一集 Family Album, U.S.A. ACT I Excuse me. My name is Richard Stewart. 对不起我叫Richarrd Stewart I'm a photographer. 我是一位摄影师。 May I take a picture of you and your little boy? 我可以替和的小小男孩拍一张照 What's it for? 是做什麽用的 It's for a book. 是为一本书拍的。 You're writing a book? 你在写一本书吗? It's a book of pictures. 这是一本摄影集。 I call it Family Album, U.S.A. 我称之为美国写真真 Oh, that's a nice idea. 噢这想法不错。 Well, it's fine if you take our picture. 你想拍我们的照就就请吧 I'm Martha Vann. 我叫Martha Vann。 Thank you. I appreciate your help. 谢谢很感谢的帮帮助 I'm Richard. What's your name? 我是Richard 你叫适谗 Gerald. Gerald。 How old are you, Gerald? Gerald 你今年多大大 Five. 五岁。 And where do you live? 你们住在哪 We live in California. 我们住在Californiaa 。 Well, welcome to New York. 噢欢迎你们到纽约约来 OK, just a second. 好了请稍等一下。 I'm almost ready here. 我快要准备就绪了。 Can I help you? 我能帮你忙吗 Oh, please. 噢太好了。 Hold Gerald's hand, please. Great! 请握住Gerald的手。。很 Now point to the buildings. 现在请指著那些建筑筑物 Terrific! 好极了 Give Mommy a kiss, Gerald. Nice! Gerald 亲一亲妈妈妈很 Thank you, Gerald. 谢谢你Gerald。 And thank you, Mrs. Vann. 谢谢Vann太太 Oh, my pleasure. 噢不客气。 We'll be looking for your book. 我们会去买你的书。 Thank you. Good-bye. Bye, Gerald. 谢谢。再见。Geraldd 再见。Thanks again. 再次谢谢。 Oh, you're welcome. 噢请别客气。 Hey, let me take your picture! 嘿让我给拍一张张 Wonderful. Please. 好啊请。 Are you from New York? 是从纽约来的吗 No, I'm from Greece. 不是我是从希腊来来的 I'm an exchange student. 我是一名交换学生。 When did you come here? 是什麽时候来这的 Three months ago. 三个月之前。 Your English is very good. 的英语说得很好。 Thanks. 谢谢你的奖。 I studied English in school. 我是在学校学的英英语 Would you like some coffee? 要不要来点咖啡 No, thank you. 不要谢谢。 Tell me about your book. 谈谈你的书吧。 Oh, it's not finished yet, 噢它尚未完成 but I have some of the pictures. 但我手头有一些照片片 Would you like to see them? 要不要看一看 Yes. I'd like that. 要啊我想看一看。 Here they are. Family Album, U.S.A. 就在这。美国写写 It's an album of pictures of the United States: 是关於美国的 the cities, the special places, and the people. 一些城市一些特别别的地方以及人们的摄影选辑 And these are pictures of people working: 这是工作中人们的照照steelworkers, bankers, police, street vendors, 钢架工人银行职员员警察街头小 ambulance drivers, doctors.... 救护车驾驶医生等等等… Oh, this is my father. He's a doctor. 噢这是我父亲他他是一名医生This is my mother. 这是我母亲。 This is my mother. 这是我母亲。 What's her name? 她叫什麽名字 Ellen. Ellen。 My younger brother, Robbie. 这是我弟弟Robbie He goes to high school. 他在上高中。 This is my sister Susan. 这是我妹妹Susan She works for a toy company. 她在一家玩具公司工工作 Here's my grandfather. He lives in Florida. 这是我祖父他住在在Florida And this is my wife Marilyn. 这是我太太Marilyn Oh, she's very pretty. 噢她很漂亮。 Thanks. And what about your family? 谢谢。那的家庭呢 They are in Thessaloniki. 他们住在Thessaloniiki That's a large city in northern Greece. 那是希腊北部的一个个大城市 But now I'm living in the Bronx. 但现在我住在Bronx乔 With a Greek-American family? 跟希裔美国家庭住吗 No. Hispanic. 不是是西语裔家庭庭 Oh no! It's five thirty. 哎呀已经五点半了了 Will you excuse me? 我失陪了 I have to meet my wife. 我得去接我太太。 It was nice meeting you. 非常高兴遇见你。 It was a pleasure meeting you, too. 我也很高兴碰到。 Thanks for your help. 谢谢的帮助。 And good luck! I've got to go. 祝好运我得走了了 By the way, I'm Richard. 噢我忘了说我叫叫Richar What's your name? 呢 Alexandra. Alexandra。 Bye-bye, Alexandra. Thanks. 再见Alexandra 行谢。 Bye-bye. Richard! Richard! You left your bag! 再见。Richard Ricchard 你掉了一个旅行袋。 Family Album, U.S.A. It's an album of pictures of the United States. Richard takes many pictures for his album. He photographs the cities like New York... and other special places. He photographs people working: police, ambulance drivers, steel workers, doctors. Philip Stewart, Richard's father, is a doctor. He's a pediatrician, a children's doctor. And Richard's mother, Ellen Stewart, is a home maker. His brother Robbie, is a student of Riverdale High School. He's 17. Richard has one sister. Her name is Susan. She works for a toy company in New York City. Malcolm Stewart is Richard's grandfather. He's 72 years old and lives in Florida. And this is Richard's wife, Marilyn Stewart. She is a fashion designer and a sales clerk in a boutique in New York City. You'll meet Marilyn Stewart and all of the other Stewarts in Family Album, U.S.A. ACT II Excuse me, officer. 对不起警官。 Can you help me? 你能帮帮我吗 Sure. 当然可以。 Can you tell me 你能告诉我 how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale? 怎麽去Riverdale的亮值墙致? "Richard Stewart, 46 Linden Street, “Richard Stewart 林登街46号Riverdale, New York." Riverdale 纽约” You should take the number 1 subway. 应当搭一路地铁。 Is there a station near here? 附近有地铁站吗 Yes. The station's that way. 有。地铁站在那边。 You should take the number 1 train 搭一路车 to Van Cortlandt Park. 到Van Cortlandt公栽下车。 Number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park. Thank you. 一路车到Van Cortlaandt公园。谢谢。 Anytime. Good luck. 不用谢。祝好运。 Remember, the number 1 train. The uptown platform. 记住搭一路车在在北月 Thank you. 谢谢。 You're welcome. 不客气。 Is this pink too bright for me? 我穿粉红色会不会太太过鲜艳


美国著名女作家海伦.凯勒著名传记等原文摘录 1.暗与寂 黑暗将使人更加珍惜光明,寂静将使人更加喜爱声音。——海伦凯勒《我生活的故事》2.精神信仰 因为在我生活的漫长黑夜里,我读过的书以及别人读给我听的书,已经变成一座伟大光明的灯塔,向我揭示出人类生活和人类精神的最深泉源。——海伦凯勒《我生活的故事》3.心灵之感 世界上最美丽的东西,看不见也摸不着,要靠心灵去感受。——海伦凯勒《我生活的故事》4.珍贵却无声 爱是摸不着的,但你却能感到她带来的甜蜜。——海伦凯勒《我生活的故事》 5.永远热爱万物 仅仅靠触觉就能感受到这么多的幸福,那么,如果能看见,我会发现多少更美好的东西啊!人生最大的灾难,不在于过去的创伤,而在于把未来放弃。不怀希望,不论什么事情都做不出来。——海伦凯勒《我生活的故事》 6.感觉的重要 我身上的所有原子都是振动仪。通过房屋到处感觉到的振动,我能猜出每天都在发生什么事情。——海伦凯勒《我生活的故事》 7.变的乐观 死亡只是从这个房间搬迁大那个房间,可是我可能跟别的人不太一样,因为我在那个新的房间就可以用眼睛看到东西了。——海伦凯勒《我生活的故事》 8.我们的“不一样” 我们分明是不一样,能看得见的人和看不见的人互相不一样。不是感觉不一样,而是使用感觉的方法不一样。只是为了找到超越感觉的智慧而展开的想象力和勇气不一样而已。 我努力求取知识,目的在于希望日后能使用,为社会贡献一点力量。——海伦凯勒《我生活的故事》 9.全力以赴 只要是真正有益于社会的事情,而又是我能做的,我都将全力以赴。——海伦凯勒《我生活的故事》 10.一直在前进 我的任务是练习,练习,不断地练习。失败和疲劳常常将我绊倒,但一想到再坚持一会儿就能让我所爱的人看到我的进步,我就有了勇气。——海伦凯勒《我生活的故事》 11.信心满怀 对于凌驾命运之上的人来说,信心就好似生命的主宰。——海伦凯勒《我生活的故事》12.眼眸 在能看见的第一天下午,我将到森林里进行一次远足,让我的眼睛陶醉在自然界的美丽之中,在几小时内,拼命吸取那经常展现在正常视力人面前的光辉灿烂的广阔奇观。——海伦凯勒《假如给我三天光明》 13.有视觉的第二天,我要在黎明起身,去看黑夜变为白昼的动人奇迹。我将怀着敬畏之心,仰望壮丽的曙光全景,与此同时,太阳唤醒了沉睡的大地。——海伦凯勒《假如给我三天光明》 14.这三天中的最后一刻终于到来了,我要仔细地看他们每一个人,每一张脸,然后深深地把他们的模样刻在脑海里,储存在我的记忆中。或许这才是最有意义的,也是我最该干的一


英语口语情景对话有那些应该注意的 重庆英语培训学校提示英语口语情景对话时应该注意的有那些,英语口语对话要把它想象成就是在和外国人对话,很多学生在尝试的时候觉得很好笑,其实这是应该很严肃的面对的事情。英语口语是与外国人交流最基础的,它还包含了听力,你得很熟练的听清楚对方说的是什么,然后才好与之交流。那到底在英语口语的时候应该注意那些呢?下面我们一起去学习一下。 English training school in chongqing hints spoken English situational dialogue it should be noted that there are those,English spoken language dialogue to think of it is in conversation with a foreigner,many students trying to feel very funny,actually this is not something that should be very serious face.Oral English is the most basic communication with foreigners,it also contains the hearing,you are very skilled hear what the other said,then just good communication with them.That exactly what should be paid attention to in spoken English?Here we are going to learn together. 规律很明显,建议你把历年X考的英语题目按顺序做一个纵向的比拟。比如说我湖北省的中考英语选择题第一题是冠词第二题是动词的过去式等等,有套路的把你历年的X考题目搜集起来,纵向比较以后绝对可以找到以后主攻的方向。1.教材问题 英语教材那么多我底用什么啊!很多人都问. 老的教材也都在改版,新教材每年都在出.底用什么啊~~ 经典的就是好用的.语言是一个长期积累的文化沉淀,那么我以我学习经历告诉你.十几年内不可能有很大很大的改动,除了潮语in语的增加与丰富(别管这些,很多外国爸爸妈妈都不懂孩子在说什么咱还是先学清楚基本的,语言的体系是不会变的. 所以我说老的经典胜过大造噱头的新书. 那个就是洗脑,<疯狂英语>就是典型的垃圾.而且对英语没有什么协助 首先我给你推荐几个比较好的教材吧~ 1.Looklistenlearn看听学) 一共有四册,这个是英语权威教材《新概念英语》编者L.G.A lexanda编写的另外一套轻松易懂却又非常实用的教材。其中第四册的难度大约是新概念的第三册和第二册的难度。可不要小看这本书哦,这套书采用了大量的对话,可以完美的训练你口语、语感、听力等等而且这本书中对语法的诠释一点都不含糊!非常好!这是国内许多外国语学校采用的入门级教材。 2.newconceptEnglish 如果你没有听说过新概念就太… 绝对是有他风靡数十年的魅力所在而且新概念的配套自学辅导丛书、测试题等等教辅都有很完善的配套。绝对可以满足你需要的哦新概念作为英语教材的龙头老大。 3.LookAhead展望未来)
