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妨碍impediment初等文化者semiliterate中途,缀学dropout空想家do-gooder有魅力charmer 钢铁般steely 使不及格flunk 冷静compose

游行parade 阴谋conspiracy 证词,证言testimony 学术生涯academic life 危险at stake 度过get by 坚持follow through 安定settle down 毕业证书diploma 王牌trump card

1. This research seems to lend some validity (有力的)to the theory that the drug might cause


2」n a number of developing countries ,war has been an additional impediment (障碍)to progress .

3. A nthe was about to play her trump card (王牌卡),without her sig nature none of the money

could be released .

4.1 flunked (挂科)my second year exams and was lucky not to be thrown out of college .

5.1 did not want to lose my composure (镇静)in front of her .

6. The man ageme nt did not seem to con sider office safety to be a priority (优先)

7. For three hours a committee of state sen ators liste ned to a parade (一系歹U) of local reside nts

givi ng their opinions.

8. Thousa nds of lives will be at stake (在危机关头)if emerge ncy aid does not arrive in the city


9. Brierley's book has the merit(优点)of being both information and readable .

10.1 think there was a conspiracy (阴谋)to keep me out of the committee .

1、Our youngest ,a world-class charmer ,did little to develop his intellectual talents but always get by . Un it Mrs Stifter.



2、Of average intelligenee or better ,they eventually quit school ,concluding they were dumb to

finish .


3、No one seems to stop to think that —no matter what environments they come from —most

kids do not put school first on their list uni ess they perceive someth ing is at stake, They had rather be saili ng.



4、Young people gen erally do not have the maturity to value educati on in the same way my adult

stude nts value it.


5、It is an expressi on of con fide nee by both teachers and pare nts that the stude nts have the

ability to lear n the material prese nted to them .


6、This means no more doing Scott / s assignments for him because he might fail. No more passing Jodi because she is such a n ice kid.





委托运送con sig nment随从en tourage追求求爱courtship 宣传人员publicist

性格比较极端的monomaniacal 药剂师pharmacist 抱怨whine ?about something

阻挠thwart教堂cathedral隔离quarantine较小的petite边缘brim 操作,通过navigate 诡异的eerily回想起reminiscent单调,乏味drab 一直,持续relentlessly潮湿dank破布tattered 预知prog no sis 流淌trickle 颓废的decade nt 刀口in cisi on 垫子支持bolster 化疗chemo茶叶蛋水煮poach完成,使尽善尽美

consummately 很多myriad 突出来,伸出来protrude 疲劳的嘶哑的raspy ?voice

1」t is not easy for Chin ese people to resp ond properly to others complime nts and equally difficult for them to accept criticisms gracefully (优雅)

2. We should be truly tha nkful to Mr De ng Xiao Pi ng for taki ng the plu nge (做一个决定)and in itiati ng the econo mic reform in chi na .

3. Unfortun ately ,televisi on studio are stra ngely desig ned and dress ing -rooms are ofte n miles away from the studios ,so we had to find a place where she and her entourage (随从人员)could relax in comfort without the n eed to climd stairs .

4. What is the use of whi ning about (发牢骚)you bad luck ?It is more importa nt to find the real cause of your misfort une.

5. The rising real estate prices thwarted (阻碍)his ambition of owning a house of his own in the big city ,disappo in ted ,he retur ned to his hometow n .

6. The old wome n sat sile ntly beside her collapsed house ,her eyes brim ming with (充满)

tears and hatred .

7. He writes clearly and lightheartedly about the 100 best rivers and gives his expert advice on how to navigate (航行)their reaches .

8.Outside the forest the snow was already six in ches deep and grow ing steadily , rele ntlessly

(无情地,残忍地)deeper .

9. There is no doubt that his duty exte nds to informing his patie nt ,if asked ,of the n ature of his

ill ness and its likely prog no sis (预测,诊断)

10. Those who are climb ing the career ladder fast may use alcohol as a booster to help them to achieve, and those who recog nize that they have failed to reach the top may also turn to alcohol ,in an attempt to bolster (支持,提升)their failing self-image.

11. A typically Chin ese coun tryside house is one whose eaves protrude (伸出,突出)over the wall.

12. The ship came back from the regi on that had just bee n attacked by a stra nge disease. Thus


health officials placed all its crew in quara ntine (检疫)

1、I had always dream of being proposed to in a Parisian cafe , under dazzling stars , like the one in

a Van Gogh kn ockoff that hangs in my studio apartme nt」n stead my boyfrie nd asked me to marry him while I was Win dex ing the bathroom mirror.



2、But the more time and effort I put in , the more the uni verse tried to thwart me .The Greek bank from Los An geles that I wan ted was not available. The stitch ing I had requested for my cathedral veil was all wrong. My ivory sick gow n was being quara ntined somewhere in Sin gapore. 但是,我投入的时间和精力越多,万事就越和我过不去,没有请到我想要的洛杉矶希腊乐队,我到教堂时所戴面纱的针线活也很糟,不是我原来所要求的。我订的象牙色的丝绸礼服被隔离在


3、I realized that a Big Day without my mother would be no day at all. Not having my dad, who passed away three years before, to walk me down the aisle was painful, but the thought of not hav ing Mom there was un bearable.



4、O ur baby sister who had looking after Mom since Dad / s death ,was gripped by fears as the familiar sights and smells were eerily remini sce nt of his final days , After con sult ing with doctors , we learned that stomach surgery was Mom / s only option ,we took the first opening.




5、W hat / s more , caring for my Mom made me realize how consummately she had cared for all of us, I will n ever forget when I went to see her in the inten sive-care un it. Just a few hours after her surgery, she was strung out with a myriad of plastic tubes protruding from her arms, nose and mouth. ” Liz, make sure you eat something “ she said in a strain raspy voice.



6、I have forgotten what kind of stitching is in my veil, But when I remove it from my face. I will be start ing at the two people I had love bey ond all reas on my soon-to be husba nd and the woma n who showed me what / s really important.




不诚实,不坦诚dis ingenu ous ness嫉妒轻蔑witheri ng

正式公开支持endorse连续的sequential尼古丁nicotine复杂老成sophistication诱惑力allure高度赞扬extol被覆盖的clad病理学pathology故意作对的堕落的邪恶的perverse 使一免受控制的exon erate 流行病学epidemiological 路标Ian dmark 代理人surrogate 嘲笑

嘲弄deride 详尽的彻底的exhaustively 备忘录便笺memorandum 错误的信息disinformation 使困惑,糊涂obfuscate 钉子spike 敲诈,勒索racketeering 杂乱,无秩序gaggle怀疑者skeptic全面流行的普遍的pandemic欺骗defraud鼓吹倡导advocacy

1. Given the sophistication (成熟)of modern machines, there is little that require manual labor .

2. After the police released their report ,john was exonerated(开脱)from all responsibility for the accide nt .

3. The world con structed by on li ne games seems to many youn gsters a reason able surrogate (代理)for "real life ",although what they see is not real in the least .

4」n a speech at the Con gress ,the preside nt extolled (赞美)the virtues of free en terprise and expressed his distaste for the blata nt hegem ony in IT in dustry .

5. He soon became notorious because he enjoyed deriving perverse (倒行逆施)satisfaction from embarrass ing people .

6.1 en dorse (赞同,支持,认可签署)everyth ing that has bee n said from both side of the House in support and admiration of him and of the courage and fortitude that he and his family have displayed.

7. The opposition members of the parliament derided (嘲笑,嘲讽)the government 's response to the crisis .

8. The poor wome n was defrauded (骗取)of her money by a dish on est acco untant .

9. The other guests were stunned into sile nee as he bega n swinging into the gaggle(a gaggle of 一群)of giggli ng photographers and kick ing at tem fran tically .

10. Back to the us, the sly bus in essma n was faced with racketeeri ng (敲诈勒索)charges that may send him to life impris onment .

1、In sequential testimony, each one stated that he did not believe tobacco was a health risk and that his company had taken no steps to manipulate the levels of nicotine in it / s cigarettes.



2、Early in the 20 century, opposition to cigarettes took a moral rather than a health-conscious tone, especially of wome n who wan ted to smoke, although even tha n many doctors were concerned that smok ing was a health risk.


3、Dr.Brandt, who has exhaustively combed through the tobacco companies / internal memora ndums and research docume nts that Big Tobacco un dersta nd many of the health risks of their products long before the 1964 surge on gen eral / s report.


4、And their marketing memorandums document advertising campaigns aimed at youngsters to hook whole new gen erati ons of smokes.

在他们的营销备忘录中,记录了他们针对青少年发动的广告活动,旨在诱惑一代代的新烟民。5、In stead these exports focused primarily on a small group of the dan gers of cigarettes duri ng the 1950s,ma ny of whom had or could eve ntually have ties to the tobacco in dustry.



6、Last August she conclude that the tobacco industry had engaged in a 40-years conspiracy to defraud smokers about tobacco / s health dan gers.




掠夺蹂躏harry探听窥探snoop枯萎皱缩shrivel th弹网火力网barrage a _of毫微秒nano seco nd由此导致变化的是或人催化剂catalyst吃惊min d-boggl ing 迫害折磨hassle



提供者服务purveyor极端好色的prurient呕吐spew卑鄙可耻vile气温下降lapse 出生高贵的有修养的文质彬彬的gentility小写字母lowercase尖刻的言语唐突的snippy档案archive图书馆馆长curator哀悼bemoan聚集聚拢muster大量的multitude a-of马刺


1」t is certa inly un democratic ,and many people are beg inning to feel that it borders on(相当于)the uncon stituti onal .

2. Traditi on ally ,orga ni zati ons are con structed pyramidally; with a hierarchy (阶级资料)most powerful at the top and progressively less so as the pyramid spreads dow nwards .

3. "No theory explains everything ,"she remarks ."yet it is just the desire to explain everything which is the spur(刺激,激励)of theory .

4. The archaeologist in the film knew that there was a curse (祸因,诅咒)upon anyone who en tered the pyramid .

5.1 have always believed tourism has an importa nt part to play in the spreadi ng of un dersta nding betwee n coun tries ,as well as being a catalyst(促进)for econo mic developme nt .

6. Her body looked dimini shed, almost shriveled(枯萎)in the huge chair ,and her hands on the arms bega n very gen tly to shake .

7. The talks will not be easy and the fun dame ntal differe nces betwee n the parties remai n as pote ntially irrecon cilable (不可调和的)as ever .

8. A real love song is infin itely more appropriate for Christmas tha n a trashy song cooked up(编造) as a commercial gimmick .

9. A local builder offered to kn ock dow n the rema in of the house in excha nge for the materials he could salvage (抢救)

10. Edward now wore the manic look of some ani mal tran sferred into the wrong en vir onmen t ,as though he might run amok(四处狂奔)or bite .

11. Ala n attempted to read every press clipp ing ,in terview anyone who ever knew the movie

star ,and cobble together (拼凑)a book out of it .

12.Some sociologists tend to bemoan (哀悼)the loss of community in the face of modern urba nism ;There is a wistfu I longing for the past in their an alysis of the moder n world.

1、Email cannot live with it, cannot live without it.


2、But it do not take very long before they discovered that the most important thing was the ability to send mail around, which they had not an ticipated at all.


3、In deed I fin ally knew for sure that the digital world was viscerally pote nt, whe n I found myself

in the middle of a bittle flight with my mother —on email.



4、She grasped long before the Internet become a household word, how on li ne com muni cati on offered new possibilities for transcending physical limitations, how as simple a thing as email could bring us closer to those we love.


5、With in crease freque ncy this collaboratio n is occurri ng across compa ny lin es, and ofte n without even the spur of commercial incen tives.



革新创新innovation 定义define 可以量化的quantifiable 迅速的rocket谜语难题

conundrum 工艺手工craft 困惑迷惑flummox 不舒服病态malaise停滞stagnation怀念向往yeaning 动机incentive 煽动provocative 永恒的perpetual独创性灵活性ingenuity

1. "You just can't escape the fact(忽略事实)that we're in a transformational period,"Cole

said ,"The old way is n ot survivable」n vestors , man agers and laborers all have accepted that big things have to be don e."

2.1 think you've just put a fin ger on (扌旨出)the biggest problem facing the Con servative party in this electio n.

3. The great conun drum (谜)of my life is that my public career continues to flourish and expa nd even at a time whe n the music I love ,the music I write ,the music I champi on ,the music on which

I am the world's leadi ng expert ,is utterly out of fashi on in every segme nt of musical society.

4. Flummoxed(使…混舌L ) by the surreality of history and the mind boggli ng cha nges uni eashed in the 60s,many writers in that era became minimalists ,withdrawing ,turtlelike ,inside their own homes and heads.

5. Ha nnah Aren dt's clear message is directed at the citize ns of democratic societies that the rais on d' etre of politics is freedom.

6. According to a survey of college graduates recently released by the government's Council of Labor Affairs(CLA),the average start ing mon thly salary for college graduates in 2006 decreased, which reveals stagnation(停滞)in economy.

7. Finan cial incen tives(鼓励机制)are said to exist where an age nt can expect some form of material reward-especially mon ey-i n excha nge for acting in a particular way.

8. Girls from dalit families,the lowest in the caste hierarchy in India have the yearning(渴望)for formal school educati on.

9. The heated argume nt is gett ing out of con trol, And it must be admitted that Challe nger is provocative (煽动的)in the last degree , but Summerlee has an acid tongue, which makes matters worse.

10. Malaise (不舒服,不适)is a feeli ng of gen eral discomfort or un eas in ess ,an out of sorts feeli ng ,ofte n the first in dicati on of an infection or other disease.

1、It is hard to escape the fact that in developed societies, despite progress innovation and prosperity there is someth ing not quite right.



2、Politicia ns, obsessed with in puts and outputs, targets and con trols, are flummoxed by immeasurable con cepts such as the value people place on spe nding time with their families. 政治家们满脑子的投入与产出,目标与调控,而对于诸如人们有多看重与家人共度时光之类的,


3、Another reason, which is relate, is that electoral cycles lend themselves to a culture of short —termism, with a n eed for immediate, qua ntifiable measureme nts and results.


4、Today we need to be just as revolutionary to put us back on track to social prosperity: to resp ond to that year ning for happ in ess.



5、Setting the right framework means creating incentives and removing barriers to remodel the con text with in which the whole of society makes choices.



6、Rather given our advances in terms of political freedom, economic enterprise and cultural ingen uity, life could and should be more satisfy ing.




重申reiterate仁慈的和谐的be nign超越胜过tran see nd史无前例un precede nted恢复力抵抗力resilienee 破裂的disruptive 暴涨skyrocket 松弛laxity 财政的fiscal 萧条懒散sluggishness 招致引发in cur加强inten sificatio n排列对array蠢事folly 厄运灾祸adversity严厉苛刻rigor 驱散消散dissipate地理政治的geopolitical使具体化embody契约covenant突发事件conflagration 征服克制subdue 揭示revealing 诽谤vilify 经济持续增长economy continues to grow 经济全面发展expand economies 摆脱贫困overcome poverty 良性进化benign evolution 国际经济

大融合international economic integration 国际贸易和投资一trade and investment 灵

活性和生产力flexibility and productivity 贸易障碍得以消除elimination of trade barriers 增大国际储备enlarge the pool of world savings 账目赤字account deficits 中长期medium and long term 全球竞争加剧intensification of global competition 开始终结the beginning of the end 人

口爆炸pro-baby-boom 管理好自己本国事物keep its house in order 理性方式in a rational way 老套的外交手段old-fashi oned diplomacy

1」n today / s global economy, firms and coun ties no Ion ger specialize in the product ion of goods alone, but in creas in gly in the finer tasks that make up the manu facturi ng, commercial processes, bringing about lower costs, better quality and more choice for con sumers.

在现今的全球经济下,公司和国家不再专营商品生产,而是越来越专注于精细的任务,这些任务贯穿制造、销售和财务各过程,并实现降低成本,提高质量和为消费者提供更多选择的目的。2、Globalization is providing the world with not only greater economic opportunities but also a remarkable resilie nee to eve nts that in the past would have prove n highly disruptive.



3、Just as with any other economic or social phenomenon, globalization faces risks that could challenge its growth or, worse, cause its reversal.正如其他任何经济或社会现象一样,全球化也


4、The strategies to tackle a new wave of globalization reversal are no mystery they were learned through hard experie nee.


5、Another essential component is rules-based international cooperation, particularly when it comes to containing or dissipat ing geopolitical threats to global stability.



Assembly-line workers at Ford 研究生英语应用教程-翻译训练

Assembly-line workers at Ford and Chrysler no longer chat about whether they'll spend their $5,000-to-$10,000 year-end profit-sharing windfalls on a family vacation or a motorboat. This year there's little profit to share. Many also stand to lose $10,000 to $20,000 in reduced annual overtime pay. And their white-collar bosses aren't doing much better. Ford's 6,000 executives won't be getting any bonuses. The people who sell the cars and make most of their money from commissions are suffering much the same fate. All these workers are in effect paying to keep their job--and it's a trend that's accelerating far beyond the auto industry. Suddenly, everyone from $1 million-a-year investment bankers to middle managers and department-store clerks is facing a reduction of 10% to 100% in bonuses, profit sharing, stock options and commission payments. Some workers are even taking cuts in base salaries. Many employers and economists believe this newfound flexibility in pay may help keep unemployment a bit lower than it has been in previous downturns. But even as it cushions the blow, it is also spreading the pain to far more Americans. Robert Reich, Labor Secretary in the first Clinton Administration and now a professor of economics and social policy at Brandeis University, observes that "the biggest problem people will face this time around will be not the loss of jobs but the loss of income."


Unit1 1.semiliterate:a.semi-educated;having only an elementary level of reading and writing ability半文盲的,有初等文化的semi-:half or partly 2.dropout:n.a personwho leavesschool before finishing a course(尤指中学的)退学学生 3.do-gooder:n.sb.who does things that they think will help other people,although the other people might not find their actions helpful一个总是试着帮助别人的人(通常是贬义);不实际的社会改革家(指幼稚的理想主义者,支持善心或博爱的事件的改革者) 4.impediment:n.obstacles,barriers妨碍,阻止,阻碍,阻挡 5.trump card:anything decisiveheld in reservefor useat a critical time王牌 6.charmer:n.a personwho hasgood qualities that make you like him/her讨人喜欢的人,有魅力的人,有迷惑力的人(尤指迷人的女人) 7.get by:to be able to deal with a situation with difficulty,usually by having just enoughof sth.you need,suchas money过得去 8.settledown:to becomequiet and calm(使)安静下来;平息 9.flunk:v.to fail an exam or courseof study不及格 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1d11728165.html,posure:n.calmnessandcontrol平静;镇静;沉着 11.parade:n.a seriesof peopleor things that appearone after the other 12.at stake:to be won or lost;risked受到威胁,面临危险 13.sail:v.to move quickly and effortlessly投入 14.testimony:n.spokenor written statementthat sth.is true证词,证明 15.conspiracy:n.act of joint planning of a crime阴谋,共谋 16.doom:v.to makesb.or sth.certain to do or experiencesth.unpleasant注定 17.follow through:to continue a stroke,motion,plan,or reasoningthrough to the end 将动作、计划等进行到底 18.I flunked my secondyearexamsandwas lucky not to be thrown out of college. 19.The managementdid not seemto consideroffice safetyto be a priority. 20.Thousandsof lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon. 21.I think therewas a conspiracy to keep me out of the committee. Unit2 1.propose:v.[to sb.]to aska personto marry one提亲;求婚 2.knockoff:n.a copy or reproduction of a designetc.esp.one madeillegally假货;赝品 3.Windex:v.to clean with a kind of detergentby the brand of Windex用Windex牌清洁剂清洗 4.takethe plunge:to take a decisive first step,commit oneself irrevocably to a course of action冒险尝试 5.bridesmaid:n.a girl or unmarried woman attending the bride at a wedding女傧相;伴娘 6.maid of honor:a principal bridesmaid女傧相


课文原文1-7 Unit 1 The Hidden Side of Happiness 1 Hurricanes, house fires, cancer, whitewater rafting accidents, plane crashes, vicious attacks in dark alleyways. Nobody asks for any of it. But to their surprise, many people find that enduring such a harrowing ordeal ultimately changes them for the better.Their refrain might go something like this: "I wish it hadn't happened, but I'm a better person for it." 1飓风、房屋失火、癌症、激流漂筏失事、坠机、昏暗小巷遭歹徒袭击,没人想找上这些事儿。但出人意料的是,很多人发现遭受这样一次痛苦的磨难最终会使他们向好的方面转变。他们可能都会这样说:“我希望这事没发生,但因为它我变得更完美了。” 2 We love to hear the stories of people who have been transformed by their tribulations, perhaps because they testify to a bona fide type of psychological truth, one that sometimes gets lost amid endless reports of disaster: There seems to be a built-in human capacity to flourish under the most difficult circumstances. Positive responses to profoundly disturbing experiences are not limited to the toughest or the bravest.In fact, roughly half the people who struggle with adversity say that their lives subsequently in some ways improved. 2我们都爱听人们经历苦难后发生转变的故事,可能是因为这些故事证实了一条真正的心理学上的真理,这条真理有时会湮没在无数关于灾难的报道中:在最困难的境况中,人所具有的一种内在的奋发向上的能力会进发出来。对那些令人极度恐慌的经历作出?积极回应的并不仅限于最坚强或最勇敢的人。实际上,大约半数与逆境抗争过的人都说他们的生活从此在某些方面有了改善。


Unit1 academia 学术界acumen 敏锐due 应给的,欠下的ambiguous 不明确的ambiguity 不明确brink 始发点;边缘collaborative 协作的,合作的collaborator 合作者,协作者contributor 投稿人,撰稿人conviction 坚定的信仰或主张expertise 专门知识,专门技能foster 培养,促进,助长headhunter 猎头lone wolf 自行其是的人,好独处的人mindset 思维定式mitigate 缓和,减轻mobilize 争取支持,动用资源newbie 新手,网络新用户outshine 优于…,使…黯然失perception 看法,认识prioritize 使…优先prospective 预期的,未来的,可能的scary 可怕的studied 经过深思熟虑的teamwork 合作,协作,配合transition 过渡,转变act on 按…行事count on 指望in pursuit of 追求,寻求make up 编造(说法、解释)pep talk 鼓舞士气的讲话place a bet 下赌注put one’s neck on the line 冒险stick one’s neck out 说冒险的话stand out 突出;显眼adherence 坚守,信守affirm 肯定,强化autonomy 自主能力blockhead 笨蛋,蠢人brief 案情摘要,案情简介civility 礼貌,客气cost effective 低成本高利润的cut-rate 减价销售cynical 愤世嫉俗的dealing 商业活动,商业往来discource 谈话,交谈eminent 著名的,有名望的unit2 aftertaste 余味apportion 分配,分摊apprentice 学徒broth 肉汤,米汤,菜汤ceramic 陶瓷的chili pepper 辣椒粉chrysanthemum 菊(花)collective 集体的,共同的commemorate 纪念,庆祝culinary 烹饪的drainage 排水,排污dynasty 朝,代eccentric 怪异的,古怪的exquisite 精致的facet 一个方面fare 食物ferment 使…发酵filling 馅fragrance 香味garnish 装饰菜ginger 姜glutinous 很黏的greasy 多脂的,沾油脂的harmonious 和睦的,融洽的humility 谦逊,谦恭improvise 即兴表演,即席而作light 味清淡的;浓度低的;易消化的lingering 经久不消的literally 逐字地;照着原文longevity 长寿maw 动物的嘴precept 戒律,准则reed 芦苇reign 统治时期renowned 著名的scallop 扇贝seniority 年长,职位高specialty 特色菜stew 炖,焖


一、你认为自己是什么样的人,那你就是什么样的人 如果你改变想法——从悲观变为乐观——你就可以改变自己的生活 [1]你看酒杯是半杯有酒而不是半杯空着的吗?你的眼睛是盯着炸面圈,而不是它中间的孔吗?当研究者们仔细观察积极思维的作用时,这些陈词滥调突然间都成了科学问题。 [2]迅速增多的大量研究工作——迄今已有104个研究项目,涉及大约15 000人——证明乐观的态度可以使你更快乐、更健康、更成功。与此相反,悲观则导致无望、疾病以及失败它与沮丧、孤独、令人苦恼的腼腆密切相关。休斯敦莱斯大学的心理学家克雷格·A·安德森说:“如果我们能够教会人们更积极地思考,那就如同为他们注射了预防这些心理疾病的疫苗。” [3] “你的能力固然重要,”匹兹堡卡内基–梅隆大学的心理学家迈克尔·F·沙伊尔说,“但你成功的信念影响到你是否真能成功。”在某种程度上,这是由于乐观者和悲观者以截然不同的方式对待同样的挑战和失望。 [4]以你的工作为例。宾夕法尼亚大学的心理学家马丁·E·P·塞利格曼与同事彼得·舒尔曼在一项重要研究中对大都会人寿保险公司的推销员进行了调查。他们发现,在工龄较长的推销员中,积极思考者比消极思考者要多推销37%的保险额。在新雇用的推销员中,乐观主义者则多销了20%。 [5]公司受到了触动,便雇用了100名虽未通过标准化行业测试但在态度乐观一项得分很高的人。这些本来可能根本不会被雇用的人售出的保险额高出一般的推销员10%。 [6]他们是如何做到的呢?据塞利格曼说,乐观主义者成功的秘诀就在于他的“解释方式”。出了问题之后,悲观主义者倾向于自责。他说:“我不善于做这种事,我总是失败。”乐观主义者则寻找漏洞,他责怪天气,抱怨电话线路,甚至怪罪别人。他认为,是那个客户当时情绪不好。当一切顺利时,乐观主义者居功自傲而悲观主义者只把成功视为侥幸。[7]克雷格·安德森让一组学生给陌生人打电话,请他们为红十字会献血。当他们的第一、二个电话未能得到对方同意时,悲观者说:“我干不了这事。乐观主义者则对自己说:“我需要试试另一种方法。” [8]无论是消极还是积极,都是一种本身会成为事实的预言。安德森说:如果人们感到没有希望,他们就不会费事去获得成功所需的技能。” [9]据安德森看来,有无控制感是成功的试金石。乐观者能够掌握自己的命运。如果事情不顺利,他立刻做出反应,寻找解决办法,制定新的行动计划,并且主动寻求指点。悲观者则感到自己只能由命运摆布,行动拖拉。既然认为毫无办法,他便不去寻求指点。 [10]乐观主义者也许认为自己比事实能够证明的要强——有时正是这一点使他们充满生机。匹兹堡肿瘤研究所的桑德拉·利维博士对患晚期乳腺癌的妇女进行了研究。对那些通常持乐观态度的妇女来说,两次发病间隔的时间比较长,而这是生存下去的最好预兆。在一次对早期乳腺癌妇女的初步研究中,利维博士发现这一疾病在悲观病人身上复发更早。 [11]乐观态度不会使不治之症痊愈,却有可能预防疾病。在一项长期研究中,研究人员跟踪观察了一组哈佛大学毕业生的健康史。所有这些人都是班上的学生,并且健康状况良好。他们之中有的是积极思考者,有的是消极思考者。20年后,悲观者中患有中年常见病——高血压、糖尿病、心脏病——的人数要比乐观者多。 [12]许多研究显示,悲观者的无助感会损害人体的自然防御体系,即免疫系统。密执安大学的克里斯托弗·彼德森博士发现悲观主义者不能很好地照顾自己。他消极被动,无法避开生活中的打击,无论做什么都会担心身体不好或其他灾难将临。他大嚼不利于健康的垃圾食品,逃避体育锻炼,不听医生的劝告,还总是要再贪一杯。 [13]在多数人身上,乐观主义和悲观主义兼而有之,但总是更倾向于其中之一。塞利格曼说,这是一种早在“母亲膝下”就开始形成的思维模式,来自千万次警告或鼓励,消极的或积极的话语。过多的“不许”及危险警告会使一个孩子感到无能、恐惧以及悲观。 [14]随着年龄的增长,儿童能体会到许多小小的成就感,如学会系鞋带等。家长可以促使这类成功转变为控制感,从而培养出乐观主义。 [15]悲观是一种很难克服的习惯,但并非不能克服。在一系列具有重大突破的研究中,伊利诺伊大学的卡罗尔·德韦克博士对小学低年级儿童做了一些工作。她帮助那些屡屡出错的学生改变对失败原因的解释——从“我准是很笨”变成“我学习还不够努力”——因此他们的学习成绩提高了。 [16]匹兹堡的利维博士想知道把病人变成乐观主义者是否会延长他们的生命。在一次试验性研究中,两组结肠癌病人受到同样方式的治疗,但其中一些人还得到了鼓励乐观态度的心理帮助。试验结果表明这一做法有一定的效果。现在已在计划实施一项重大研究,以确定这一心理变化是否会改变病情的发展。 [17]因此,如果你是个悲观主义者,你完全有理由乐观起来。你能改变自己。以下就是范德比尔特大学的心理学家史蒂夫·霍朗指出的方法:


第一单元 妨碍impediment初等文化者semiliterate中途,缀学dropout空想家do-gooder有魅力charmer 钢铁般steely 使不及格flunk 冷静compose 游行parade 阴谋conspiracy 证词,证言testimony 学术生涯academic life 危险at stake 度过get by 坚持follow through 安定settle down 毕业证书diploma 王牌trump card 1. This research seems to lend some validity (有力的)to the theory that the drug might cause cancer. 2」n a number of developing countries ,war has been an additional impediment (障碍)to progress . 3. A nthe was about to play her trump card (王牌卡),without her sig nature none of the money could be released . 4.1 flunked (挂科)my second year exams and was lucky not to be thrown out of college . 5.1 did not want to lose my composure (镇静)in front of her . 6. The man ageme nt did not seem to con sider office safety to be a priority (优先) 7. For three hours a committee of state sen ators liste ned to a parade (一系歹U) of local reside nts givi ng their opinions. 8. Thousa nds of lives will be at stake (在危机关头)if emerge ncy aid does not arrive in the city soon. 9. Brierley's book has the merit(优点)of being both information and readable . 10.1 think there was a conspiracy (阴谋)to keep me out of the committee . 1、Our youngest ,a world-class charmer ,did little to develop his intellectual talents but always get by . Un it Mrs Stifter. 我的小儿子是个世界级的万人迷,学习不怎么动脑筋却总能蒙混过关,知道施蒂夫特夫人当 了他的老师,这种局面才彻底改变。 2、Of average intelligenee or better ,they eventually quit school ,concluding they were dumb to finish . 这些学生的智力水平至少也算中等,但最终都退学了,他们总结说自己太笨了,学不下去了。 3、No one seems to stop to think that —no matter what environments they come from —most kids do not put school first on their list uni ess they perceive someth ing is at stake, They had rather be saili ng. 似乎没有人停下来想想看,无论孩子们来自何种环境,他们当中大多数若不是发现情况到了 危急关头,才不会把功课当作头等大事呢,他们宁可混日子。 4、Young people gen erally do not have the maturity to value educati on in the same way my adult stude nts value it. 年轻人往往不够成熟,不能够像我的成人学生们那样去重视教育。 5、It is an expressi on of con fide nee by both teachers and pare nts that the stude nts have the ability to lear n the material prese nted to them .

工程硕士研究生英语基础教程 课文翻译

Unit 1 我的第一份工作 汽车清洁工 [1] 我从父母那儿获得了很强的工作道德观。他们俩都经历过大萧条时期,对不是按常规工作的人感到难以理解。我曾经告诉我妈妈,西尔堆斯特·史泰龙工作10周挣1200万美元,“那他在一年其余的日子里干什么呢?”她问。 [2] 我把父母的工作道德观带入了我在故乡马萨诸塞州安多佛镇附近的威尔明顿镇福特汽车专营店干的第一份工作。那时我16岁,学期当中我干活干到五、六点,暑假期间则每天干12个小时。我干的是汽车清洁小工的活儿,也就是清洗,抛光等事,并确保纸地板垫的位置合适。还有一项职责是在夜里将汽车轮毂盖取下来以免被偷,第二天再还回原处。这是一项很费劲的工作,因为我们有占大约7英亩地的汽车。 [3] 一天,我抱着一大捧毂盖转过一个角落,几乎与我们新任总经理撞了个满怀。我吓了一跳,结果把毂盖全掉在了地上。他当场就解雇了我。 [4] 我羞愧万分,不愿让父母知道这件事。大约有两周的时间,我每天都忙到晚上,然后我会回家说工作干得很愉快。

[5] 走投无路之下,我写了一封信给亨利·福特二世,告诉他所发生的事情。我说我们家是福特车的忠实用户,并说我长大成年后打算买一辆野马车。最后,汽车专卖店的店主给我打来了电话。“我不知道你在底特律认识谁,”他说,“但如果你还想要回你原来的工作的话,这工作就归你了。” [6] 后来在大学期间,我想在一家劳斯菜斯(罗尔斯—罗伊斯)的专营店干活,但店主说他们不缺人。即便如此,我还是开始在那儿清洗汽车。当店主注意到我时,我说我会一直干到他雇我。最后他真雇了我。 [7] 成功需要毅力。态度也很重要。我从不认为我那时比其他任何人强,但我一直相信我当时干的活别人都赶不上。 出纳员 [1] 第一次与我祖母坐在她位于曼哈顿的药店的现金出纳机后时,我l0岁。不久之后,她就让我一个人坐在那儿。很快我就知道了礼貌对待顾客以及说“谢谢”的重要性。 [2] 起初我的报酬是糖果,后来我每小时得到50美分。每天放学后我都工作,暑假、周末和假期则从上午8点干到下午7点。我父亲帮我在银行立了一个账户。看着存款数增加比我当时本可以买到的任何东西都更让我满足。 [3] 祖母是一位严厉的监工,从不给我任何特殊照顾。她像鹰一样注视着我的一举一动,不过却放手让我应付象在午餐高峰时干活这样压力很大的场面。她的信任教会了我如何对待责任。


课后文章翻译 Unit 1 李明是学化学的,性格开朗幽默,颇有魅力,但英语成绩不佳,每次只能勉强及格。老师 警告他,英语不好会阻碍他拿奖学金,并亮出了自己的王牌:如果李明不努力,就让他考 试不过关。老师还告诉他,学习英语不能只为了文凭,否则他即使大学毕业,也还是个半 文盲。李明虽然保持镇定,但他明白,他的学业生涯正在攸关之际,必须安心下来埋头学 习,坚持不懈。 Li Ming was a chemistry major, a charmer noted for his easygoing and humorous temperament. However, his English was so poor that he always barely got by. The teacher admonished him that his poor English would be an impediment to scholarship. What’ s more, she showed her trump card: if Li Ming did not work hard. She would flunk him. He was also told that he should not learn English merely for the sake of his diploma, otherwise, even after graduation from university, he would still be semiliterate. Although Li Ming did not lose his composure, he was well aware that he had to settle down to work and follow through because his academic life was at stake. Unit 2 我的朋友琳达接受过良好的教育,既美丽又端庄,三十好几依然没有人向她 求婚。究其原因,她的事业心极强,整日扑在工作上,每天来往于住处和公司之 间,根本没有时间和异性交往。一想到女儿这么大了还单身一人,她父母就焦虑 不安。他们不知道该如何是好,甚至还去咨询一些社会学专家。 但是事情在上个月出现了转机,公司的总部调琳达到培训部。在新的工作岗位上,琳 达遇到了第一个触动她心弦的男人。从此,他们几乎每天约会,琳达意 识到她会不顾一切地爱这个男人。决定嫁人的时候,她告诉了我这个好消息。虽然琳达的爱 情让人想起电影中才会有的浪漫故事,我也担忧未来究竟会怎样,但我还是表达了我由衷的 祝福,并爽快答应在婚礼那天做他们的伴娘和伴郎随从中的一员。 Linda, my good friend, has received good education and is both beautiful and elegant. She was not proposed to even when she was well over thirty.The reason is that she, as a career –oriented woman, is devoted to her work. Navigating between home and the company, she had hardly any time to socialize with people of the opposite sex. Her parents were gripped by anxiety at the thought of their daughter still remaining single at such an age. They did not know what to do and even consulted with some sociologists. But the situation began to change last month, when the headquarters of the company transferred Linda to the training department. On the new post , Linda met a man who tugged on her heartstrings for the first time. Ever since then, they dated virtually on a daily basis, and Linda realized that she would love the man beyond all reason. When she decided to take the matrimonial plunge, she informed me. Though Linda ’ s love is reminiscent of the romance that we see only in movies and I don’ t know what the future will hold for her, I give her my heart-felt wishes and agree


Unit 1 To have a mind to do a thing is to foresee a future possibility; it is to have a plan for its accomplishment; it is to note the means which make the plan capable of execution and the obstructions in the way--or,if it is really a mind to do the thing and not a vague aspiration it is to have a plan which takes account of resources and difficulties. ——John Dewey 用心去做一件事,就是要预见未来的可能性,要为成功制定一个计划,要找到实施计划、避开障碍的方法——或者是一颗真正做事的心,而不是一个模糊的愿望,是考虑了所有资源和困难的计划。 ——约翰·杜威The Good Mind Is Flexible 优秀的头脑是灵活的 Edgar Dale埃德加?戴尔 1For many years we have talked about education in a changing society but have done little to educate for uncertainty. Perhaps the best insurance we can offer for this uncertainty is the presence of a good mind. To develop a good mind the student must learn how to learn and develop a taste for learning. The world of tomorrow needs flexible individuals, intellig ently mobile individuals, individuals who can land on their feet when their jobs become technologically obsolete, individuals who can cope with the unexpected. 1 多年来,我们一直在讨论日新月异的社会中的教育问题,却没有采取切实行动来教育人们如何应对变化。或许面对变化,我们的最佳保障是拥有优秀的头脑。要培养优秀的头脑,学生需要掌握学习方法,培养学习兴趣。未来的世界所需要的人才应该具备很强的适应能力,而且他们灵活而机敏,当其所从事的工作技术上落伍时,他们依然能够于逆境之中站稳脚跟,而且他们有能力应对突发的意外。 2To educate for flexibility we must distinguish between training and education. To train is to emphasize fixed responses, to stress immediate goals to the neglect of long-term growth . To educate, however, is to foster limitless growth, lifelong learning, to develop the good mind. 2 要培养灵活的头脑,我们需要区别什么是训练,什么是教育。训练就是加强固定的反应,重视即时目标,而忽略长远发展。教育则旨在促进无限的成长,鼓励终生的学习,培养优秀的头脑。 3Mark Twain's story about the cat is in order here. He said that a cat that jumps onto a hot stove will never jump on a hot stove again. Nor, he added, will she ever jump on a cold one. The cat can be trained but, contrary to what cat-lovers may say, cannot be educated.

研究生英语综合教程(上)熊海虹课后部分翻译答案 (1)1

第一单元 “一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,竞争也同样在进行,”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’!这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。这样,不仅对那些行动快速的人们,也对那些思维敏捷,并有勇气按自己的想法行事的人们都提出了要求。这需要全公司各部门的运作,而不仅仅是管理部门的工作。 “Business happens 24/7/365, which means that competition happens 24/7/365, as well,” says Haut. “One way that companies win is by getting …there? faster, which means that you not only have to mobilize all of the functions that support a business to move q uickly, but you have to know how t o decide where …there? is! This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their convictions. This needs to run throughout an organization and is not exclusive to management.” 最后,职业地位包含对职业标准的遵守。很多律师通过在行业内外把自己塑造成一个具有良好职业道德的典范来找到自我价值。对那些在所有职业行为中都表现出极度正直和谦逊有礼的律师们来说,当管理阶层对他们理应受到的特别尊重表示肯定时,便又获得了另一种形式的精神报酬。 Lastly, professional status encompasses adherence to ethical standards. Most lawyers find self worth in setting an example—both within the profession and within the larger society—as ethical actors. When management affirms the special respect due to lawyers who act with the utmost integrity and civility in all of their professional dealings, it provides yet another form of compensation. 第四单元 很多研究发现婴儿获得关爱的质量会影响到他们以后的交友,在学校的表现,如何应对陌生的或可能充满压力的情况,以及他们成年后如何建立并且维系情感连系。正是因为这些原因,人们与家庭成员的早期亲密关系才如此至关重要。在人情冷漠的环境中(如孤儿院,某些寄养家庭,或缺乏关爱的家庭)长大的孩子会出现情感和社会性发育不良,语言和运动技能迟缓,以及精神健康问题。Much research shows that the quality of care infants receive affects how they later get along with friends, how well they do in school, how they react to new and possibly stressful situations, and how they form and maintain loving relationships as adults. It is for these reasons thatpeople's early intimate relationships within their family of origin1 are so critical. Children who are raised in impersonal environments (orphanage, some foster homes, or unloving families) show emotional and social underdevelopment, language and motor skills retardation, and mental health problems. 一开始让人相互吸引的是什么?许多人相信“世上有一个人是你为之而生的”,而且命运会将你俩带到一起。这样的想法很浪漫却不现实。实证研究发现,是文化标准和价值观而非命运,将人们连系在一起。我们错过了成千上万的可能的爱人,因为他们早就被正式的或非正式的挑选理想爱人的准则筛选出局,这些准则包括年龄、种族、地域、社会阶层、宗教、性倾向、健康状况或外表。 What attracts individuals to each other in the first place? Many people believe that "there's one person out there that one is meant for" and that destiny will bring them together. Such beliefs are romantic but unrealistic. Empirical studies show that cultural norms and values, not fate, bring people together We will never meet millions of potential lovers because they are "filtered out" by formal or informal rules on partner eligibility due ton factors such as age, race, distance, Social class, religion, sexual orientation, health, or physical appearanc e. 第五单元 做瑜伽没有场地的限制,一套瑜伽动作通常需要20 分钟到两个小时或者更多的时间,而一个小时左右的时间则是一系列动作和冥想的最佳选择。根据瑜伽师和学派的不同,一些瑜伽动作做起来辛苦异常,而另一些却只是在呼吸和心跳平稳的情况下调整和伸展肢体。每天练习瑜伽会达到最好的效果,随着动作越来越熟练,你就可以加大强度和难度这样瑜伽就能成为你相伴终生的日常锻炼方式了。练习基础的瑜伽动作即可收到增强力量,改善柔韧性并使人感到舒适的效果,但要想达到完美和高深的境界还是需要日积月累的练习,这也是瑜伽吸引人的地方之一。 Yoga routines can take anywhere from 20 minutes to two or more hours, with one hour being a good time investment to perform a sequence of postures and a meditation. Some yoga routines, depending on the teacher and school, can be as strenuous as the most difficult workout, and some routines merely stretch and align the body while the breath and heart rate are kept slow and steady. Yoga achieves its best results when it is practiced as a daily discipline, and yoga can be a life-long exercise routine, offering deeper and more challenging positions as a practitioner becomes more adept. The basic positions can increase a person?s strength, flexibility and sense of well-being almost immediately, but it can take years to perfect and deepen them, which is an appealing and stimulating aspect of yoga for many. 第七单元 人性的恒定性是众所周知的,因为没有人相信一个人能够从根本上改变他的本性。这就是为什么一个恶名远扬的人很难重建公众对他的信心。人们凭经验知道某一年中表现出无赖性格的人不太可能在第二年有任何改观。小偷也不会变成值得信赖的员工。吝
