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《绯闻女孩》里的地道口语 -中英文

《绯闻女孩》里的地道口语 -中英文
《绯闻女孩》里的地道口语 -中英文

Gossip girl: Some one pours that man a drink. 有人要使他难堪了。

* 这里的语境是C被bart发现看脱衣舞,C发现Bart跟另一个女人在一起,他心生报复之念,想要跟Lily告密,这时GG说了这句话。我以前会错意了。

“somebody pour him a drink的意思是“快来个人帮他倒杯酒”。如果是倒酒到某个人的身上应该是somebody pourED a drink ON him 才是”。补充,by 刘仰牧

Blair:Yes, it would be really nice if I was sailing on the may flower.


* May flower 的典故。就是五月花号的那条船,英国人登上新大陆用的那条.

Gossip:Be careful what you fish for.


* 这里用的fish for,有点意思。

Chuck:I was born loaded. 我是含着金汤匙出生的。

* 原来金汤匙是这样说D。

Nate’s mum: Not another word of this. 别说了。

Vanessa: Baby steps. 慢慢来嘛。

Blair: Next you cross me, I won’t be as forgiving.


* 背叛用的cross,手软用的forgiving,算是意译?

Dan: I’m doomed. 我完蛋了。

Nate’s pa: I can hardly contain my joy. 我无法抑制自己的狂喜。

Blair: Guard my drink. 看着我的酒。

* Guard~

Gossip girl: Prohibition never stood a chance against exhibition.“阻止”在“表现”面前是没有用的。

* 这个。。押韵。。还有stand a chance.

Nate: I’m not over you. 我忘不了你。

* Over的感觉很棒,ASH新专辑里LITTLE MISS那首“I’m not over it”有感觉。

Dan: Mum’s having an affair. 妈妈有外遇了。

* 可能有人不知道affair有这个意思。。比如某迷。

Father: You don’t say. 不用说这个。

* Do 的用法很活,某迷印象比较深的一个是,问人家会不会说英语,一般不能惯性中文思维地问,can u speak English而是do you。Chuck: You wish. 你想得美。

* 还有一个,是在前面出现的,In your dreams.

Vanessa: C’mon, there’s nothin’ like a lil 80s hair metal to put a smile on your face after a day like this.


*很可爱的用法,to put a smile on your face.

Serena: Good point. 说得好。

Jenny: As you were. 你们继续吧。


Gossip: The only thing I’m dishing is seconds. 我只会上炒冷饭这道菜。

* 之前不知道dish有动词,ps,根据同学的说法,seconds应该是类似于二手货之类的意思,我觉得应该也是。。谢谢~

Dan: Right of your way, pal. 看路啊,伙计。

* 从马路中间把S从出租车前救下来,哈。可惜S当时根本不认识他。

Blair: How could he just blow me off? 他怎么可以放我鸽子?

* 以前放鸽子只知道Stand sb. Up这个说法。比如,she stood me up,她放我鸽子。

Eleanor: You had me worried sick. 你让我担心死了。


Serena: It was a last minute thing. (他)也是刚决定的。* 如果说,I’m a last minute person,那也可能是表达“我就是那种不到最后一分钟就不努力型”的意思。


Serena: Then vite, vite! 那就快点吧!


Eleanor: What am I supposed to do then? Make a scene? Behave like a pathetic, scorned wife?


* 这里的重点是Make a scene,上一集Blair跟chuck说,Nate从来不会让我出丑,就用的这个词组。

Passer-by: Of course, the throng of children in mittens should have tipped me off.


* 这里的告诉有暗示的意思,tip off这个词组在第一集还是第二集Dan在车上遇到NC的时候也有提到,他说,我的校服应该能告诉你们我跟你们是一个学校的,大概是这个意思。

Gossip: Looks like daddy’s lil’girl isn’t sugar and spice and everything nice after all.


* 这里的重点有两个,一个是sugar and spice,一个是and everything.


旅游英语:预订机票情景对话及常用句型 越来越多的人都选择以飞机为出行方式。但是如何用一口流利的英语订机票呢这里总结了一些情景对话,还有一些常用的句型。大家都来学一学吧 A:Good morning. The Un ited Airli nes. What can I do for you 早上好。美国联合航空公司。我能为您做些什嘛 B:Yes, I'd like to make a reservati on to Bost on next week. 是的,我想订一张下周飞往波斯顿的机票。 A:Whe n do you want to fly 您想何时去 B:Monday, september 12. 周一,9月12日。 A:We have Flight 802 on mon day. Just a mome nt please. Let me check whether there're seats available. I'm sorry we are all booked up for Flight 802 on that day. 我们有周一802次航班。请稍等。让我查一下那天是否有座。非常抱歉802次航班机票已订完。 B:Then, any alternatives 那还有别的吗 A:The next available flight leaves at 9:30 Tuesday morning september 13. Shall I book you a seat 有一次航班在九月13日周二上午9:30起飞。我要为您订个座位吗 B:Er... it is a direct flight, is n't it 哦......是直航对吗 A:Yes it is. You want to go first class or coach 是的。您愿意订头等舱还是经济舱的机票 B:I prefer first class, what about the fare 我想订头等舱的机票。多少钱 A:One way is $176. 单程是176美元。 B:Ok I will take the 9:30 flight on Tuesday. 好的我要订周二9:30的机票。 A:A seat on Flight 807 to Boston 9:30 Tuesday morning. Is it all right, sir 一张807次航班周二早晨9:30飞往波斯顿的机票,对吗先生 B:Right. Can you also put me on the wait ing list for the 12th 对。你能把我放到12号等候名单中吗 A:Certa inly. May I have your n ame and teleph one nu mber 当然可以。请您告诉您的名字和联系方式。 B:My n ame is Lorus An ders on. You can reach me at . 我叫Lorus Anderson。我的电话是电话是,您可以和我取得联系。 A:I will no tify you if there is can cellati on. 若是取消我会通知您的。 B: Thank you very much.


随着经济的发展,各民族之间的联系不断加强,语言教育成为多民族、多语言国家必须面对和急待解决的问题。要实现各民族文化和语言的发展,各方面获得更好的发展,现代社会双语教育已成为一种必然选择。下面是给大家整理的双语比赛主持人主持词,仅供参考。 开场 男:尊敬的各位领导、各位老师,亲爱的同学们, 大家下午好! 女:Dear teachers and students, Good afternoon! 男:青春,是一个个跳动不安的音符。 女:Youth is a restless note. 男:青春,是一段段激情燃烧的年华。 女:Youth is a burning year. 男:让我们放飞梦的翅膀,倾听着青春的旋律。 女:Let?s fly the wings of dream, listening to the melody of youth. 男:让我们挥洒爱的心灵,徜徉在音乐的海洋。 女:Let's sway our love, wandering around in the ocean of music. 男:大庆市育才中学首届“育才杯英文歌曲大赛”今天将在这里隆重举行。 女:The first Yucai English song contest will be held here today. 男:出席本次大赛的评委老师有大庆市育才中学 (副校长梁景鹏,副校长王成双,校长助理国际部主任赵万清,国际部副主任宋艳莲,团委书记马宪颖,_______,) 女:The jury teachers are deputy principal____, assistant principle and director________, deputy director___________, league Secretary_________, 男:让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的光临指导。在此,我们也欢迎前来观看本次大赛的老师和同学们。 女:Let us applause warmly to wel e their visiting. Here, we also wel e our teachers and classmates. 女:飞扬的歌声,吟唱难忘的岁月,凝聚心头不变的情结。

Gossip Girl第一季读书笔记

美剧口语:《绯闻女孩》第一季地道口语(1) Lily: Serena you’ve been gone, doing who knows what with god knows who. Serena你一直都不在这里,在鬼知道什么是哪儿的地方做鬼知道是什么的事儿. * 很可爱的说法吧。 这里有同学提出疑问,某迷核对过了,是原文,you've been gone里的这个gone个人理解是做形容词(额,就是那个类型的了。不懂语法,差不多就是那个意思吧。。),就像avril有首歌叫when you're gone,同理。恩。 Chuck: Any interest in fresh air? 想出去走走透透气吗? * 好了,邀请别人终于可以不用“do you want to/would you wanna……”了。ps,这里C的意思是出去抽烟。。 Gossip: Game on. 游戏开始了。

* on的用法如果全部都掌握,那么很多句子的表达都会更简洁了。比如“穿鞋”,就不用说“put your shoes on”而可以简单地说,“shoes on” 了。 Eric: No offense. Blair: None taken. ——没有冒犯的意思。 ——我不介意。 * 这是很经典的问答。好好记住了。。 Chuck: Move, plz. 请让一下。 * 如果是某迷,之前只知道,“excuse me”和“outta my way”两个说法。目前觉得这个很可爱。ps说这个可爱的原因是觉得它体现了C的风格,贵族式的傲慢。 Blair: Done and done. 成交! * 成交还有其他的说法,比如单用“Deal”。不过觉得大部份人应该都知道吧,下次可以用这个,比较有新鲜感了。。嗯。。 Blair:Nighty-night. 晚安。 * 可爱的说法吧~女孩子好好记下~。


英语口语课自我介绍-英语口语大赛 自我介绍 口语比赛自我介绍 小学英语口语竞赛自我介绍1 小学英语口语竞赛自我介绍 Dear teachers and classmates, thank you for giving me such a chance to introduce myself,thanks. 亲爱的老师们、同学门,感谢大家给了我这样一个机会来做自我介绍,这是我莫大的荣幸。I’m xxxxxx from chijiayu Primary school. I’mic and drawing pictures. 在我的课余时间,我喜欢骑自行车,听音乐和画画。 I like rabbit very much. It has two long ears and a short tail. It’s as lovely as me. Am I right? 我非常喜欢小兔子。它有两个长长的耳朵和一个短尾巴,和我

一样的可爱。我说的对吗?I like English very much, and I want to be an English teacher in my hometown in the future. 我非常喜欢英语,我以后要在家乡当一名英语老师。 Because my hometown is a mountain village, many children can’t speak English well. 因为我的家乡是一个山村,许多孩子不能很好地说英语。 I’m very confident. Because “Where there is a will, there is a way”. I believe my dream will come true. 我非常有信心,因为“有志者,事竟成。”我相信我的理想最终会实现。That’s all. Thank you for listening. 谢谢大家的聆听。小学英语口语竞赛自我介绍 胡可 Dear teachers and classmates, thank you for giving me such a chance to introduce ’s my great honor. I’m Hu Ke from Class 1, Grade 5. I’m ten years old.

gossip girl绯闻女孩第一季第二集台词

第二集 ur one and only source into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite. top story on my home page-- serena van der woodsen, everybody's favorite "it" girl, has just returned from a mysterious absence. you'll never believe what's on "gossip girl." someone saw serena getting off a train at grand central. and everyone is talking. blair,it's serena. serena? and b.'s boyfriend nate-- rumor has it-- he's always had a thing for serena. but you're back now. i didn't come back for you. look, blair's my best friend, and you're her boyfriend, and she loves you. why did she leave? why did she return? must be a lot of rumors why you're back. yeah, but none of them mention you. he tries to take his own life, and you're worried it's gonna cost you, mom? you have no idea what it's been like. the best friend and the boyfriend-- that's pretty classy, s. and nate's friend chuck won't let serena forget about her past. i'm trying to change. i liked you better before. and then there's dan, the outsider. looks like his childhood crush has returned. she doesn't know me. nobody knows me. it's cool. no. no, no, no, no, no. uh, serena, um, do you know this young man? oh, from last night. you remember me? you'd really go out with some guy you don't know? well, he can't be worse than the guys i do know. guess whose dad is cool. it's a trick question. yeah, 'cause it can't be ours. "top ten forgotten bands of the '90s." yeah, check out who's number nine. he's very proud. hey! hey, way to be forgotten. why is my daughter going to one of your concerts? well, our kids were bound to meet. it's a small island. are you sure it's not some ploy, your using my daughter to get to me now that your wife left you? serena and her mystery man made a surprise appearance at blair's kiss on the lips party. serena's here? what is she doing here? she wasn't invited. but serena wasn't the only one who made an impression... who's the newbie?


去旅游的英语情景对话 英语口语是大学英语教学的重要内容。互联网和信息技术为大学英语口语教学提供了丰富的教学资源。整理了去旅游的英语情景对话,欢迎阅读! 去旅游的英语情景对话篇一亨利: May I see your passport,please? 麻烦请给我你的护照. 莫妮卡: Here is my passport. 这是我的护照. 亨利: What`s the purpose of your visit? 旅行的目的为何? 莫妮卡: Business. 公务. 亨利: How long will you be staying in the United States? 预计在美国停留多久? 莫妮卡: I plan to stay for about 10 days. I`m just passing through.I am leaving for Geneva tonight. 预计停留约10天.我只是过境而已.今晚即动身前往日内瓦. 亨利: Where are you staying? 将在那儿住宿?

莫妮卡: I will stay at Boston Hotel. 我将住在波士顿饭店. 亨利: Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan? 是否有台湾回程机票? 莫妮卡: yes,here it is. 有的.这就是回程机票. 亨利: How much money do you have with you? 随身携带多少现金? 莫妮卡: I have 800 dollars. 大约800元. 亨利: Good. Have a nice day. 祝你玩得愉快. 莫妮卡: Thank you. 谢谢. 去旅游的英语情景对话篇二安检: Next. 下一个. 汤姆: Oh, hello. 您好! 安检: Please put all your stuff in this box, take off your shoes, and walk through this gate here. 请把你所有的东西都放到这个盒子里.脱下鞋.走到这个门这里.


英语口语竞赛活动方案 一、活动目标 为了给学生营造一个良好的英语学习氛围,提高学生的英语口语 交际能力,调动学生学习英语的积极性,提供学生展现自我的舞台, 我校英语组特组织学生英语口语竞赛活动,让学生在学习英语的同时 体验学习的成功与快乐,让学生对英语更感兴趣,更好地学英语。 二、领导小组: 组长: 成员: 三、活动时间:2014年10月至11月。 四、活动人员:三年级至九年级全体学生。 五、比赛程序: 1.{ 2.初赛——班级自选:学生自我介绍和自主选题朗读演讲,时间限定在3分钟以内,11月15日前由各英语任课教师在任教班 级进行,每班推荐1人参加复赛。 3.复赛——学校组织决赛,时间在11月30日前进行,抽签决定比赛顺序。 六、复赛地点:学校操场 七、比赛内容: 三、四年级 (1)自我介绍:选手进行自我介绍。时间2分钟内 (2)看图说单词或看图说话:根据看到的图片说出相应的单词、

描述图片。时间2分钟内 (3)现场对话:选手与评委进行英文对话交流。时间2分钟内: 五、六年级 (1)自我介绍:选手进行自我介绍。2分钟以内。 (2)学生自主选课文朗读:时间限定在2分钟以内。 (3)现场对话:选手与评委进行英文对话时间限定在2分钟以内 七到九年级 (1)自我介绍:选手进行自我介绍。2分钟以内。 (2)学生自主选题演讲:时间限定在3分钟以内。 (3)现场对话:选手与评委进行英文对话时间限定在1分钟以内。 八、评委: > 八、奖项设置:三四年段、五六年段、七年级、八年级、九年级分别 设一等奖一名,二等奖数名。 九、活动筹备:横幅、奖状、奖品 十、活动流程 (一)筹备阶段: 1、各班英语老师要充分调动学生参与的积极性,引起学生对本次活动的重视,踊跃参加这次活动,认真准备,使这次活动圆满成功。 2、各班英语老师准备初赛和复赛的内容。 (二)初赛阶段:各班老师根据确定的比赛内容在本班进行,在11



英语口语比赛的自我介绍该如何写呢?知道哦。让我们一起来看看下面的范文吧! 口语比赛英语自我介绍【1】Good afternoon, everyone! My name is wjh. I am 12 years old. Now I’m a student in Xitan School. The school is a little far from my home, so I uaually get up early and go to school by bike. My favorite subject in school is English, because it’s very interesting. I like Chinese too. My teachers are kind and fun. I like them. I have many friends at school and we usually study and play together. On weekends, I usually go shopping with my mother, sometimes I climb moutains with my father. I love my parents very much and they love me. I like eating fruits and vegetables, because I want to be healthy. Fish is my favorite food. It’s yummy. In four seasons, I like winter best. Because I like playing with snow. I made a beautiful snowman with my parents last year. I was very happy. I hope it will snow this year too. I have a dog. His name is Xixi. He is very smart and lovely. I like playing with him. I think I am a happy girl. I often smile and I’m very friendly. I hope you like me. Thank you! 口语比赛英语自我介绍【2】Goodafternoon,teachers!Today,I`m very happy to make a speech here。Now,let me introduce myself。My name is ZhuRuijie。My English name is Molly。I`m 12。I come from Class1 Grade 6 of TongPu No。2 Primary School。I`m an active girl。I like playing basketball。Because I think it`s very interesting。I`d like to eat potatoes。They`re tasty。My favourite colour is green。 And I like math best。It`s fun。On the weekend,I like reading books in my room。I have a happy family。My father is tall and strong。My mother is hard-working and tall,too。My brother is smart。And I`m a good student。My dream is to be a teacher,because I want to help the poor children in the future。 Thank you for listening!Please remember me!


英文名千万不能乱起不然老外会觉得你有特殊癖好! 从开始学英语的时候,老师就会给我们取很多英文名字。英大的年代,女生都叫Lily、Lucy,男生都叫Tom、Bob!走到哪儿都会撞名字!你身边也一定有好几个Mike...(一不小心,英大暴露了年纪)有些高逼格的同学,还会给自己取名为John。女生也会给自己取Cherry、Sunny等比较可爱的名字。这些名字,在老外看来都非!常!奇!葩!1Lily,Tom,就是“建军”、“建国”! 很多人的英文名叫Lily、Lucy、Helen、Bob、Tom...这些名字都来源于我们的初中英语课本。它们是你接触的第一批英文名,在这中间挑一个,肯定不会错!然鹅,这些名字在老外看来都是“老掉牙”了!老外听到这些名字的时候,会有一种你听到别人叫“建国”、“建军”、“兰花”...是不是很心塞?这些英文名是老一辈喜欢用的。一个年纪轻轻的小菇娘/小伙子在向老外介绍自己英文名的时候,就hin尴尬了! 大家可以取一些这样的名字,高贵又不过时: Elizabeth:英女皇的名字,肯定没人敢嘲笑你!William:意思是“强而有力的战士”,男生取这个名字,让人觉得你很strong and brave!Catherine:一个很有文艺气息的名字,让人一听就觉得是个有才有貌的菇娘!2Apple,Sunny,你以为很可爱?

很多小伙伴,尤其是女生,在取名字的时候,喜欢用水果、天气、食品。像Cherry、Sunny、Apple。有的还会取名叫April,因为我是4月生的! 用水果或动物作为自己的英文名,真的不太好...像Apple、Tiger、Kitty这样的,虽然老外也会取,但都很少用,一般都是作为外号使用。 你就想想,当老外和你说他的名字是小喵·布莱克,榴莲·克莱伊的时候,你是什么感觉...Candy是“糖果”的意思,是不是让人听起来很甜美?!对,确实很甜美!所以,国外很多夜间场所的菇娘们,在取“艺名”的时候,经常会用Candy 这个名字....另外,取名Sunny、April、Summer等用天气、月份、季节做英文名的小伙伴,会让老外os:你是播音员,要播报天气预告?!如果你想要大家觉得你很可爱,你可以取这些名字: Tiffany:谁都知道!(Tiffany蓝,每个女孩子都想要!)Crystal:含义是“透明的冰,霜”,会让别人觉得你很纯洁。Amber:橙黄色、琥珀的意思,你看起来很阳光!(可替代Sunny) 3Cherry仅仅是“樱桃”的意思? 以上两类的英文名至少还能听得过去,下面这些英文名在英语中有特殊的含义,大家在用的时候,要慎重。不然很容易引起误会,让老外怀疑你有特殊癖好!Cherry:除了“樱桃”的意思,还有“处女膜”的意思...


旅游景点常用的英语口语情景对话【旅游景点常用的英语口语情景对话】 I: Hi, Ma Chuang, long time no see, how is everything? 嗨!马闯,好久不见最近怎么样? Ma: Well, pretty good, how about you? 哈哈,挺好的,你呢? I: Same here! This summer would be very hot, where do you plan to have a vacation? 恩,我也一样!今年暑假很热,准备到哪去度假? Ma: I do not have any plan. But Hainan sounds great, and you? 我还没打算呢! 听朋友说海南不错哦! 你去哪儿? I: I have already decided!

我早就想好过了! Ma: Really? 真的? I: I am planning to go to Guilin. 我准备去桂林。 Ma: Is it interesting there? 是嘛? 那里好玩吗? I: Without a doubt! Have you ever heard"Guilin's scenery is the best in the world"? Summer there is very cool! With mountains and rivers around, seems I am just in heaven! What I love most is the snacks there, where the snacks are especially diversiform and delicious. 恩,当然啦! 听过“桂林山水甲天下”吧!那里的夏季非常凉爽!有山有水,而且又非常的美丽,住在山上感觉就像是在天堂一样!而我最喜欢的就是那里的小吃了,那里小吃特别丰富,美味可


一、请描述你所在读的学校 I study in Zhongfang Road Primary school, It is not big but it is very beautiful. At the gate of the school, there is a sculpture ['sk?lpt??](雕塑). It is a girl, who is reading a book. In the middle of the school , there is a six-floor bullding, it is our teaching building. Behind the building, there is a playground,it's very big. On the playground, we can play 、jump and run, we can enjoy ourselves there. There are many trees in our school. Grass is everywhere. In front of the teaching building, there is a garden, where there are all colors of flowers. We study hard in the school, Our life is happy and interesting. I love our school very much. 我就读于众纺路小学,它并不大但很漂亮。 在学校门口,有一个雕塑。它是个正在看书的女孩。学校中央是一幢六层楼,它是我们的教学楼。 在楼后面,有一个操场,它很大。在操场上,我们可以玩、跳和跑,我们在那可以玩得十分高兴。 在学校里有很多树木,草坪随处可见。在楼的前面有一个花园,那里有五颜六色的花。 在学校中我们刻苦学习,生活愉快而有趣。我喜欢我们的学校。 二、请讲述你在空闲时喜欢做的事情 I have many hobbies, I spend a lot of free time in reading, riding bicycle, and playing Zither['ziθ?古筝].


燕子砭镇中心小学第三届 “快乐英语”口语大赛活动方案 为了营造良好的英语学习氛围,培养学生对英语的兴趣,通过创设展现自我的舞台,让学生在活动中增强英语学习的信心,从而调动其英语学习积极性,提高学生英语口语表达能力。根据教研组工作安排,特举办燕子砭镇中心小学第三届“快乐英语”口语大赛。 一、参加人员要求三----六年级全体学生。 二、活动形式及内容 1、形式:大赛分初赛和复赛两个阶段进行。初赛以班为单位,由英语老师在班上组织初赛,每班选出四名代表,参加全校复赛。 2、内容(分年级层次) 三、四年级: 1)自我介绍(打招呼、介绍姓名、爱好等) 2)看图说单词,(教师提供20张图片,学生抽出8张图片猜单词或短语) 3)小游戏(抽签方式,选择一项,歌曲或者歌谣、missing游戏、数字游戏、我说你做) 4)小组朗读(根据提供的五项朗读内容,各班从中抽出一个进行朗读。) 5)根据实际回答问题。(共设置10个问题,学生抽出五个问题并回答。) 五、六年级: 1)自我介绍(打招呼、介绍名字、爱好、家庭等) 2)看图猜单词(教师提供20张图片,学生抽出8张图片猜单词或短语) 3)小组朗读(根据提供的五项朗读内容,各班从中抽出一个进行朗读。) 4)我有好记心(学生抽单词序号根据汉语提示说出单词或短语并说出单词的字母组合。) 5)根据实际回答问题。(共设置10个问题,学生抽出五个问题并回答。) 三、活动步骤 1.准备阶段:各班接到通知后,进行竞赛的初期准备活动,调动所有学生的参与热情,通过初赛选拔复赛参加人员。 2.初评阶段:本次大赛的初赛以班为单位,分班级进行初赛。 3.复赛阶段:在各班初评的基础上,推选出四名优秀的选手以班为单位代表班级参加全校的决赛。 四、活动要求 1. 请各班接此通知后,高度重视此项活动,严格按照要求进行操作,要与学生的日常教学相结合,提高学生的朗读和表演水平。初评阶段尽量扩大参与范围,并以此为契机,调动学生的参与热情和学习英语的信心。 2. 四年级的学生自我介绍不少于20秒,五年级的学生自我介绍不少于40秒,六年级学生自我介绍不少于60秒。 3.参赛选手按年级当场抽签决定顺序。 五、评奖方式在全校范围内评选出: 一等奖一名、二等奖二名,三等奖三名,其余为鼓励奖 六、活动时间和地点 大赛的决赛定于元月8日下午第一、二节课在电教室进行。届时请各位老师带参


They say the early bird gets the worn. Inspiring motivation...if you're the bird. The worm, however, has no idea when her future will be plucked away by the next airborne attacker.都说早起的鸟儿有虫吃。励志之极...如果你是只鸟的话。但是,虫儿却不知道她的未来何时会被飞翔的猎食者啄食。 Everything I have was from scheming and lying and working the angles. You are Mozart. I'm Salieri. No matter how hard I work, I will never be you. 我所拥有的一切都是靠施诡计耍手段投机取巧得来的。你好比莫扎特,而我却是萨列里。无论我怎么努力,都不会有你的成就。(萨列里是与莫扎特同时代的杰出音乐家。但一个由来已久的传说使得人们认为,他是一个才能不及莫扎特,妒忌心重的作曲家,并且设计害死了音乐天才莫扎特。) It's the people you know best that you can hurt the most. 我们伤害得最深的往往是我们最亲近的人。 Are you sure that I'm the one person you wanna be with? 你确定我就是那个你想要与之共度一生的人吗? The things that have been slowly simmering always taste the most satisfying. Bon appetite. 慢慢煨炖的东西口感才是最好的。祝有个好胃口。(在这句话中bon是法语词汇,译为“好的”。在英语中经常用到,比如,Bon voyage! 祝您一路平安) I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you. 如果你发生了什么事我也不能独活下去。 A man accepts responsibility for his actions. A man takes care of his family. A man doesn't pay a mother to abandon her child and then tell that child his mother is dead. A man doesn't try to have his own son killed! 男人会对自己的行为负责;男人会照顾他的家庭;男人不会雇人遗弃他的孩子,然后告诉这个孩子他的妈妈已经死了;男人不会去谋杀自己的孩子。 Every trembling bone in my tired and scared body wants to marry you. 我疲惫害怕的身体里,每一根颤抖的骨头都想要嫁给你。 - Live with you could never be boring. - Blair Conrnelia Waldorf, will you marry me? - 跟你生活在一起不可能会无聊的。 - 布莱尔·科妮莉娅·霍道夫,你愿意嫁给我吗? Once I got inside, I wasn't leaving, because that's when I saw you. 一旦我进去了,我就不会走,因为在那时我看到了你。 -We're just two crazy kids dying to tie the knot. - If anyone recognizes you, then that knot will become a noose around your neck. - 我们只是两个渴望喜结连理的孩子。 - 如果有人认出你来了,那就不是结连理而是绕脖子了。

旅游英语情景口语对话:Checking In

旅游英语情景口语对话:Checking In DESK PERSON: May I help you? CAROL: Yes, I would like to check in. DESK PERSON: Do you have a reservation? CAROL: Yes, my name is Carol Jiang. That's spelled J - I - A - N - G. DESK PERSON: I'm sorry, Ma'am. I can't find anything under that name. Do you have your confirmation number? CAROL: No, I don't have it with me. But I know I have a reservation. My husband made it for me last month. DESK PERSON: Well, let me look again. How do you spell your first name, Ma'am? CAROL: C - A - R - O - L. Carol. DESK PERSON:I don't find a “Carol” in the computer for today. I have a Carol Larson here. But that reservation is for next Monday. CAROL: No, that's not me. My name is Jiang, not Larson. My husband reserved for me. DESK PERSON: Are you sure he used your name, Ma'am? Maybe he reserved under his name.


全国中学生双英杯创新能力英语口语大赛 《双英杯》奖学金英语口语考试获奖名单 全国中学生双英杯创新能力英语口语大赛组委会根据《普通高中课程标准》对听说核心素养的要求,为学生应掌握一定的语篇朗读技能,如语调节奏及停顿等。此外,还应掌握听与说对应的相关理解性技能和表达性技能。为了让学生掌握系统的听说知识结构是英语听说教学的核心,也是学生学习听说最高效的方法。学一种语言,交流是目的,而学生往往学到最后还是不会在实际交流中说英语。“哑巴英语”是中国英语教学的痼疾,要改变这种现状就必须注意英语教学的“应用”与“实用”。而“人机对话时代”的来临将有助于改变哑巴英语现状。因此,各省、市纷纷开展中小学英语口语人机对话测试培训活动,同时也提出要创新测评技术,深化中小学英语教学方法和测试方法的改革,应用语音识别技术、人工智能技术推进外语考试改革、推进教育现代化。人机对话可以根据考试设计的需求,有针对性地进行命题、组卷,并完成试题呈现、接受答案、计分、数据分析以及结果解释等一系列环节。能够更准确客观的评估全国中小学英语教育教学水平,并促进教师转变教育思想,激发中小学生学习英语的兴趣,进而促进教学质量的增长。本竞赛活动将严格遵循教育部下发的《中小学生竞赛活动管理若干规定》的文件精神进行,坚持自愿报名参加的原则,致力于将中小学英语教学提高到一个新的水平。 年《双英杯》奖学金有杭州双英教育咨询服务有限公司提供赞助,注:【参加中学生英语笔试考试和英语人机对话口语考试同学才能获得此奖励,师生同得,学生奖励全国一等奖获得者元,二等奖获得者元,三等奖获得者元,老师奖励全国一等奖获得者元,二等奖获得者元,三等奖获得者元】,激发了学习英语的兴趣,为英语的持久学习和个人发展打下了良好的基础,所有的证书都是北京统一颁发的,都有防伪标志,现在都要备档案了,从今年开始我们都加上学生准考证号码作为身份验证,学生的获奖信息网上都能直接查询到。同时也为中考高考提供获奖者信息为参考依据,浙江双英教育英语数学竞赛网()等媒体上。

很有爱的绯闻女孩Blair and Chuck

很有爱的绯闻女孩Blair and Chuck-经典台词语录大全 绯闻女孩经典台词-第一季03 Blair: Do you like me? B:你喜欢我吗? Chuck: Define “like”. C:定义喜欢。 绯闻女孩经典台词-第一季18集 Chuck: Y ou don’t belong with Nate, never have, never will. Blair: Y ou don’t belong with anyone. C:你并不属于N,从来不会,并且永远不会。 B:你不属于任何人。 绯闻女孩经典台词-第二季01 C:Please don"t leave with him. C: 请不要和他走。 Blair: Why? Give me a reason and "I"m Chuck Bass" doesn"t count. B:为什么?给我个理由而“I am chuck bass”不算。 Chuck: "Cause you don"t want to. C:因为你不想跟他走。 Blair: Not good enough. B:不够好。 Chuck: "Cause I don"t want you to. C:因为我不想你跟他走。 Blair: That"s not enough. B:还不够。 Chuck: What else is there? C:还有什么呢? Blair: The true reason, I should stay right where I am and not get in the car. Three words.Eight letters. Say it...and I"m yours. B:真正的理由啊,我应该不上车的理由!三个字,八个字母,说出来,那我就是你的了。Chuck: I... I ... C:我....我...... Blair: Thank you. That"s all I needed to hear. B:谢谢,我要听的已经够了。 绯闻女孩经典台词-第二季 B:whatever you"re going through,I want to be there for you. B:不管你去哪里,我都会跟随着你的。 C:you are not my girlfriend. C: 你不是我的女朋友。 B:but I am me , you are you.we are chuck and blair,blair and chuck. The worst thing you"ve ever done,the darkest thought you have ever had.I will stand by you through anything. B:但是我是我,而你是你。我们是恰克和布莱尔,布莱尔和恰克。你做过的最坏的事情,
