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1. The students in a class will fall out of their chairs laughing after I tell a joke. (笑得前仰后合)

2. Some say he owes much of his success in politics this ever-ready pen.(政治上的成功在很大程度上归功于)

3. The girls were thus deprived of a vital learning experience that would affect their entire lives. (被剥夺了重要的学习经历)

4. Creativity’s benefits reach beyond music and art. (受益于创造性的不只限于)

5. The joke is no less funny because it is so often used. (这个笑话并没有变得不再那么好笑)

6. If you can’t say what you want to say in three sentences, you ‘re probable straining.(你很可能过火)

7. Acknowledging some success or good fortune that has happened during the year seems particularly appropriate considering the sprit of the Christmas season.(鉴于圣诞节的气氛)

8. Even if your praise is a little ahead of reality , remember that expectations are often the parents of dreams fulfilled.(即使你的赞美之词与现实相比稍稍超前了一点)

9. The society reinforces its established values and turns out each sex in its traditional and expected mold . (按其传统的、期望的模式造就了不同性别的人)

10. Creativity is the key to a brighter future , say education and business experts. (具有创造性是通向光明前程的关键)

11. Children should be allowed to make decisions and understand their consequences. (清楚其后果)

12. Creativity is not something one is just born with, nor is it necessarily a characteristic of hi intelligence. (创造性并非与生俱来)

13. The most important traits of creative people is a very strong motivation to make order out of confusion. (从混乱中创造秩序)

14. In the process of growing up, each child learns hundreds of culturally patterned details of behavior.(在成长的过程中)

15. Some people tell jokes very well while others struggle to say something funny. (而有的人要想说一点有趣的事却要费好大的劲)

16. Parents just have to make sure they don’t take it too far. (不能做得太过火)。

17.The first time I didn't measure up to their expectations , (一旦我没达到他们的期望), I would hear, “ What kind of examples is that to set for other people who ride motorcycle?”

18. Sometimes they put us on a pedestal that feels more like a tightrope---so narrow that we’re bound to fall off eventually. ( 钢索如此之细我们最终必定会摔下来)。

19. One of the reasons we get along with so well is that we both say what ‘s on our

minds. (心里想什么就说什么).

20. There are days when I don’t want to pose for a picture with every fan I run into. ( 我并不想同遇见的每个球迷都摆姿式合影)。

21. All of us have played the part of a hypochondriac, imagining that we have some terrible disease on the strength of very minor symptoms .(只凭一些轻微的症状)

22. What if the air bag accidentally inflates (万一保险气囊意外充气膨胀,那该怎么办),while you are driving down the highway?

23. But fear of disease is not our only fear, and neither is risk of disease the only risk we run.(患病的危险也并非我们唯一会遇上的危险)

24. It is much more difficult when anxiety about other forms of risk is concerned, (但当涉及到其他形式的风险时)because with many risks, the situation is not as simple.

25. By reducing all risks to ratios or fractions of this sort, (通过把所有风险都简化为这种比率或分数),we can begin to compare different sorts of risks.

26. Confronting difficulty by quitting (知难而退)leaves you changed.

27. When you were predictable, unimaginative and routine (当你们老生常谈,毫无想象力,平平淡淡时), we listened as if to new and wonderful things.

28. These are questions that pop into my mind (涌现到我的脑海中的)when I think about what Neusner says.

29. When the going gets tough, the tough have to get down to work.(本来刻苦学习的人也得更加努力学习)

30. There is no doubt that Neusner should have taken a closer look at what college life is really like before formulating such a strong opinion about it.. (在发表这么强烈的论点之前)

key (unit 6,book 4)

Ⅰ. Choose the most appropriate word or phrases to complete the sentences.

1.We left the meeting, there obviously ________ no point in staying.

A) were B) being C) to be D) having

2. She ______ her knowledge and experience to get a new and better paid job.

A) drew in B) by virtue of C) capitalized on D) bear in mind

3. ____ she realized it was too late to go home.

A) It was not until dark that

B) Hardly did it grow dark that

C) No sooner it grew dark than

D) Scarcely had it grown dark than

4. You would be _______ a risk to let your child go to school by himself.

A) omitting B) attaching C) affording D) running

5. There are few electronic applications _______ to raise fears regarding future employment opportunities than robots.

A) likely B) more likely C) most likely D) much likely

6. The speech which he made _____ the project has bothered me greatly.

A) being concerned B) concerned C) be concerned D) concerning

7. The water froze inside the pipe, causing it to _____ and burst.

A) expand B) extend C) enlarge D) exaggerate

8. The manager promised to keep me ______ of how our business was going on.

A) to be informed B) on informing C) informed D) informing

9. The treatment is offered as an _______ to surgery.

A) access B) accomplishment C) approach D) alternative

10.I was advised to arrange for insurance _____ I needed medical treatment.

A) nevertheless B) although C) in case D) so that

11.The materials are designed to satisfy young people’s ______ for knowledge.

A) motivation B) thirst C) curiosity D) aspiration

12.We’d like to _____ a table for five for dinner this evening.

A) preserve B) reserve C) retain D) sustain

13.Although he was a teenager, Fred could resist ____ what to do and what not to do.

A) being told B) telling C) to be told D) to tell

14.The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have ______ supplies of petroleum.

A) proficient B) efficient C) potential D) sufficient

15.In fact, Peter would rather have left for San Francisco than _____ in New York.

A) to stay B) stayed C) staying D) having stayed

16.Britain has the highest _____ of road traffic in the world—over 60 cars for every mile of road.

A) popularity B) density C) intensity D) prosperity

17.How is it _____ your roommate’s request and yours are identical?

A) if B) so C) what D) that

18.In my opinion, he’s _____ the most imaginative of all the contemporary poets.

A) in all B) at best C) for all D) by far

19.The leader of the expedition _____ everyone to follow his example.

A) promoted B) reinforced C) sparked D) inspired

20.The _____ goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching, particularly between researchers and teachers.

A) overall B) concise C) joint D) intensive

21.Many people like white color as it is a _____ of purity.

A) symbol B) sign C) signal D) symptom

22.This research has attracted wide ______ coverage and has featured on BBC television’s Tomorrow’s World.

A) message B) information C) media D) data

23.The energy ______ by the chain reaction is trans-formed into heat.

A) transferred B) released C) delivered D) conveyed

24.During the process, great care has to be taken to protect the ______ silk from damage.

A) sensitive B) tender C) delicate D) sensible

25.What a lovely party! It’s worth ____ all my life.

A) remembering B) to remember C) to be remembered D) being remembered

26. If you continue to steal, you’ll _______in prison.

A) act on B) turn around C) feed on D) end up

27 The ______ decision by the Supreme Court is

unlikely to be changed.

A) indefinite B) definitive C) reckless D) indifferent

28.You are expected to keep your judgment away

from any ____attitudes.

A) insignificant B) qualified C) partial D) legitimate

29.The kinds of experiences that travel agents are offering _____ from rafting on Africa’s Zambezi River to climbing some of the world’s highest mountains.

A) range B) assemble C) arrange D) expose

30. It was a bit long, but ______it was a good film.

A) nonetheless B) though C) despite D) otherwise

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition or adverb.

1. A dark suit is preferable ___ a light one for evening wear.

2. The writer was indifferent __ criticism, good or bad.

3. The rows of houses differ one from another only ___ the color of their front door.

4. What do you get if you divide 18 ______ 6?

5. Confronted ____ this new turn of events, he decided to revise his original plan.

6. It took them 2 hours to bring the fire _____ control.

7. She will end ____ penniless if she carries on spending as much as possible.

8. The company’s improved efficiency is starting to show ____ in increased profits.

9. She became a British resident _____ virtue of her marriage.

10. You should be worried about our children’s exposure ____ violence on television.

Ⅲ.Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 他的模样变化太大,你完全可能认不出他了。(may well)

His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him.

2. 我们说的那个人刚从大学毕业。(in question)

The man in question has just graduated from the university.

3. 你叫我把门锁上,我就照你说的做了。(accordingly)

You told me to lock the door and I acted accordingly.

4. 没有一个明智的人会说没危险。(sensible)

No sensible person would say (that) there is no risk/ danger there.

5. 贫穷使他沦落到以乞讨为生。(reduce…to)

Poverty reduced him to making a living by begging.

6. 我绝没有告诉警察我所怀疑的事情。(suspect)

I never told the police what I suspected

7. 只几分钟工夫,广场上的人数就大大地增加了。(multiply)

Only in a few minutes the number of people in the square multiplied greatly.

8. 上周他们派人给房子估价。(assess)

Last week they sent someone to assess the value of the house.

key (unit 7,book 4)

Directions:Choose the choice that best completes the sentence.

1.I’m so busy looking for a job these days that I have not ________ time to work on my thesis.

A. adequate

B. appropriate

C. equivalent

D. adept

2. Perseverance is ________ for one’s success.

A. major

B. emphatic

C. crucial

D. critic

3. He certainly ________ to be sent to prison.

A. deserts

B. serves

C. worthes

D. deserves

4. What has happened during that moment can not be ________ from his memory.

A. washed

B. erased

C. cleaned

D. deleted

5. The words you choose have effects on whether you can ________ your ideas or not.

A. stimulate

B. formulate

C. express

D. form

6. You should learn to be ________ of others.

A. excusable

B. forgive

C. forgiving

D. forbidden

7. A serious of problems ________ up.

A. popped

B. jumped

C. posed

D. arose

8. He is ________ as having said that our salary would be higher next month.

A. appointed

B. discussed

C. quoted

D. introduced

9. ________ his business will make a profit.


B. Supposedly

C. Supposing

D. Probable

10. You shouldn’t be so hard on your son, ________ he is only six years old.


B. therefore

C. so

D. after all

11. You should ________ lose your confidence.

A. by all means

B. by any means

C. by some means

D. by no means

12. He is ________ his rights as a citizen.


B. separated

C. deprived of

D. deprived

13. With so many things in my mind, I can hardly ________ to work.

A.get down

B. get

C. get away

D. get up

14. What he has ________ enriched his life experience.

A.gone through

B. gone to

C. gone by

D. gone in

15. Let bygones be bygones. Don’t always ________ it.

A.look down upon

B. look back on

C. look to

D. look after

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. Choose the ONE that best fits the passage.

Studies of friendship seem to implicate more complex factors. For example, one function friendship seems to fulfill is 16 it supports the image we have 17 ourselves, and 18 the value of the attitudes we hold.

Certainly we appear to 19 ourselves onto our friends; several studies have shown that we judge them to be more like us than 20.

This suggests that we ought to choose friends who are similar to us 21 than those who would be 22 (“opposite attract”), a prediction which is supported b y 23 evidence, at least so 24 as attitudes and beliefs are 25.

In one experiment, some developing friendships were 26 amongst first-year students living in the same hotel.It was found that similarity of 27 (towards politics, religion and aesthetics) was good predictor of 28 friendship would be established by the end of four months, though it had less to do with initial 29—not surprisingly, since attitudes may not be obvious on first inspection.

The difficulty of linking friendship 30 similarity of personality probably 31 the complexity of our personalities; we have many 32 and therefore require a disparate group of friends to support us.

This of course can explain why we may have two close friends who have little in 33, and indeed dislike each other. By 34 large, though, it looks as though we would do well to choose friends who 35 us.

16. A) that C) what B) which D) if

17. A) on C) in B) of D) at

18. A) confirms B)conforms C) confronts D) confines

19. A) program B) project C) protest D) provide

20. A) them B) theirs C) they are D) themselves

21. A) rather B) other C) more D) better

22. A) documentary B) supplementary C) implemental D) complementary

23. A) technical B)identical C) empirical D) classical

24. A) long B) far C) more D) good

25.A) connected B)conveyed C) intervened D) concerned

26. A) reacted B) invested C) traced D) monitored

27. A) attitudes B) values C) factors D) objects

28. A) that B) what C) which D) the

29. A) alliance B) machinery C) applause D) organization

30. A) to B) without C) towards D) with

31. A) resembles B) reflects C)recons D) revise

32. A) problems B)concerns C) facets D) factors

33. A) fact B) private C) common D) different

34. A) the B) a C) and D) in

35. A) assemble B) resemble C) respect D) relate


新视野大学英语2第三版unit8 textA课文翻译.doc

Unit 8 Section A Animals or children?—A scientist's choice 动物还是孩子?——一位科学家的选择 1 I am the enemy! I am one of those cursed, cruel physician scientists involved in animal research. These rumors sting, for I have never thought of myself as an evil person. I became a children's doctor because of my love for children and my supreme desire to keep them healthy. During medical school and residency, I saw many children die of cancer and bloodshed from injury — circumstances against which medicine has made great progress but still has a long way to go. More importantly, I also saw children healthy thanks to advances in medical science such as infant breathing support, powerful new medicines and surgical techniques and the entire field of organ transplantation. My desire to tip the scales in favor of healthy, happy children drew me to medical research. 1 我就是那个敌人!我就是那些被人诅咒的、残忍的、搞动物实验的医生科学家之一。这些谣言刺痛了我,因为我从来没想到自己是一个邪恶的人。我成为一位儿科医生,因为我爱孩子,也因为我的最大愿望是让他们保持健康。在医学院学习和住院医生实习时,我看到了许多儿童死于癌症和受伤流血——虽然对此医学正取得很大进步,但远非完善。更重要的是,我还看到孩子们能保持健康得益于医学的进步,如婴儿呼吸支持器,功效强大的新药物和外科手术技术及整个器官移植领域的发展。我希望孩子们健康快乐,这促使我从事医学研究。 2 My accusers have twisted the truth into a fable and cast me as the devil. They claim that I have no moral compass, that I torture innocent animals for the sole purpose of career advancement, and that my experiments have no relevance to medicine. Meanwhile, an uncaring public barely watches, convinced that the issue has no significance, and publicity-conscious senators and politicians increasingly give way to the lobbying of animal rights activists. 2 控诉我的人把真相歪曲成一则神话,并把我描写成恶魔。他们声称我没有道德界限,我折磨那些无辜动物的唯一目的就是为了自己的职业升迁,而我的实验根本与医药毫不相关。与此同时,无动于衷的公众几乎不闻不问,相信这个议题毫无意义,而具有宣传意识的参议员和政治家们却对动物权利活动家的游说不断作出让步。 3We,in medical research,have also been unbelievably uncaring.We have allowed the most extr eme animal rights protesters to creep in and frame the issue as one of"animal fraud"and hatred. We have persisted in our belief that a knowledgeable public would consent to the importance of animal research for public health.Perhaps we have been mistaken in not responding to the emoti onal tone of the argument.Perhaps we should have responded to those sad slogans and posters of animals by waving equally sad posters of children dying of cancer or external wounds. 3我们这些从事医学研究的人也显得令人难以置信的冷漠。我们允许最极端的动物权利活动家渐渐侵入,任凭他们把此类研究诬陷为“动物欺诈”和对动物的仇恨。我们一直坚信,有知识的公众会赞同动物研究对公众健康的重要性。也许我们的错误是没有对这场争论的感性基调作出反应。也许我们早应该挥动着儿童死于癌症或外伤的同样令人伤心的海报,来回应那些关于动物受害的伤感标语及海报。 4In the animal rights forum,much is made of the volume of pain these animals experience in the name of medical science.Activists deny that we are trying to help and say it is evidence of our ev il and cruel nature.A more reasonable argument,however,can be advanced in our defense.Life i


第十四课亦爱亦恨话纽约 托马斯·格里非斯 1.那些赞美“大苹果”的广告活动,还有那些印着带有“我爱纽约”字样的心形图案的T恤衫,只不过是它们在绝望中发出悲哀的迹象,只不过是纽约这个非凡的城市日趋衰落的象征。纽约过去从不自我炫耀,而只让别的城市去这样做,因为自我炫耀显得“小家子气”。纽约既然是独一无二的、最大的而且是最好的城市,也就没有必要宣称自己是如何与众不同了。 2.然而,今日的纽约再不是头号城市了。至少,在开创时尚、领导潮流方面,纽约是再也配不上这个称号了。今日的纽约非但常常跟不上美国政治前进的步伐,而且往往也合不上美国人生活情趣变化的节拍。过去有一个时期,它曾是全国流行服装款式方面无可争议的权威,但由于长期抵制越来越流行的休闲服装款式而丧失了其垄断地位。纽约已不再是众望所归、纷起仿效的对象了,如今它甚至以成为风行美国的时装潮流的抵制者,以成为摆脱全国清一色的单调局面的一隅逃遁之地面自鸣得意。 3.纽约无力保持排头兵的地位这一点已是越来越明显了。有十多座其他城市都已经有了一些在建筑艺术上很富有创造性的建筑物,·而纽约最近二十年来所造的任何一幢建筑物都不能与之相比。曾是托斯卡尼尼全国广播公司交响乐团演出场所的巨人般的曼哈顿电视演播厅,现在经常是空无一人,而好莱坞大量生产出的情景喜剧和约翰尼·卡森节目的实况转播却占满了加利福尼亚的广播电视发送频道。美国流行歌曲创作发行中心从纽约的廷潘胡同转移到了纳什维尔和好莱坞。拉斯韦加斯的赌场经常出高薪聘请曼哈顿没有哪一家夜总会请得起的歌手和艺员。而体育运动方面,那些规模较大的体育馆、比较激动人心的球队以及热情最高的球迷们,往往都出现在纽约以外的地方。 4.纽约从来都不是召集会议的好场所——因为那儿少友情,不安全,人口拥挤,消费高昂——但现在它似乎正在一定程度上争回其作为旅游胜地的地位。即便如此,大多数美国人对新奥尔良、旧金山、华盛顿或迪斯尼乐园等地的评价可能还是高于纽约。人们普遍认为,还有十几座其他城市,包括我的家乡西雅图,都比纽约更适于居住。 5.那么,为什么有许多欧洲人称纽约是他们最喜爱的城市呢?他们比大多数美国人更欣赏纽约这个国际大都市的五彩缤纷的生活,它那残存的、独此一家的欧洲社会准则以及它那众多外来民族混杂而居的社会。这些欧洲人中有些人也许是因为在麦迪逊大街和第五大街这两条双胞胎似的繁华大街上看到那些熟悉的国际名牌商号—口g6些专为迎合并蒙骗那些轻浮浅薄的有钱人而存在的珠宝店、鞋店和服装设计店——而感到心头踏实。然而事实并非如此,最令欧洲人激动不已的是这个城市的那种精神饱满的紧张气氛和它那种野性的活力。 6.纽约充满着活力、竞争和奋斗。同时,由于存在着一批能说会道的失意者,它也充满着嘲笑、轻侮和失意者的心灰意冷(“你说该咋办?”)。它充满着无休无止的斗争——为了地铁上的座位,为了引起一个的士司机、一个办事员或一个侍者的注意,为了有一个立足之地,

最新Unit 2 Smart Cars课文+翻译+练习

Smart Cars Michio Kaku 1 Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution. 智能汽车 米其奥·卡库 即便是过去70年间基本上没有多少变化的汽车工业,也将感受到计算机革命的影响。 2 The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century. There are presently 500 million cars on earth, or one car for every ten people. Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars, making it the world's biggest manufacturing industry. 汽车工业是20世纪最赚钱、最有影响力的产业之一。目前世界上有5亿辆车,或者说每10人就有1辆车。汽车工业的销售额达一万亿美元左右,从而成为世界上最大的制造业。 3 The car, and the roads it travels on, will be revolutionized in the twenty-first century. The key to tomorrow's "smart cars" will be sensors. "We'll see vehicles and roads that see and hear and feel and smell and talk and act," predicts Bill Spreitzer, technical director of General Motors Corporation's ITS program, which is designing the smart car and road of the future. 汽车及其行驶的道路,将在21世纪发生重大变革。未来“智能汽车”的关键在于传感器。“我们会见到能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话并能采取行动的车辆与道路,”正在设计未来智能汽车和智能道路的通用汽车公司ITS项目的技术主任比尔·斯普雷扎预言道。 4 Approximately 40,000 people are killed each year in the United States in traffic accidents. The number of people that are killed or badly injured in car accidents is so vast that we don't even bother to mention them in the newspapers anymore. Fully half of these fatalities come from drunk drivers, and many others from carelessness. A smart car could eliminate most of these car accidents. It can sense if a driver is drunk via electronic sensors that can pick up alcohol vapor in the air, and refuse to start up the engine. The car could also alert the police and provide its precise location if it is stolen. 美国每年有大约4万人死于交通事故。在汽车事故中死亡或严重受伤的人数太多,我们已经不屑在报纸上提及。这些死亡的人中至少有半数是酒后开车者造成的,另有许多死亡事故是驾驶员不小心所导致。智能汽车能消除绝大多数这类汽车事故。它能通过会感测空气中的酒精雾气的电子传感器检测开车者是否喝醉酒,并拒绝启动引擎。这种车还能在遇窃后通报警方,告知车辆的确切地点。

综合教程课文翻译awoman can learn anything a man canunittexta

Unit 6 Woman, Half the Sky Carolyn Turk works in a profession that has traditionally been a career for men. Here she talks about how she came to do so and how her success just goes to show that a woman can learn anything a man can. 卡洛琳特克从事的职业传统上一直是男人们的天下。在本文,她谈到自己是如何干上这一行的,并通过她的成功表明男人们能学会的事女人们也能做到。 Text A A Woman Can Learn Anything a Man Can Carolyn Turk 男人学得会的,女人也学得会 卡罗琳·特克1 When I was a kid, everything in my bedroom was pink. I have two sisters and we had a complete miniature kitchen, a herd of My Little Ponies and several Barbie and Ken dolls. We didn't have any toy trucks, G. I. Joes or basketballs. We did have a Wiffle-ball set, but you would have been hard-pressed to find it in our playroom. Tomboys we weren't.


Never, ever give up! 永不言弃! 1 As a young boy, Britain's great Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, attended a public school called Harrow. He was not a good student, and had he not been from a famous family, he probably would have been removed from the school for deviating from the rules. Thankfully, he did finish at Harrow and his errors there did not preclude him from going on to the university. He eventually had a premier army career whereby he was later elected prime minister. He achieved fame for his wit, wisdom, civic duty, and abundant courage in his refusal to surrender during the miserable dark days of World War II. His amazing determination helped motivate his entire nation and was an inspiration worldwide. 英国的伟大首相温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士,小时候在哈罗公学上学。当时他可不是个好学生,要不是出身名门,他可能早就因为违反纪律被开除了。谢天谢地,他总算从哈罗毕业了,在那里犯下的错误并没影响到他上大学。后来,他凭着军旅生涯中的杰出表现当选为英国首相。他的才思、智慧、公民责任感以及在二战痛苦而黑暗的时期拒绝投降的无畏勇气,为他赢得了美名。他非凡的决心,不仅激励了整个民族,还鼓舞了全世界。 2 Toward the end of his period as prime minister, he was invited to address the patriotic young boys at his old school, Harrow. The headmaster said, "Young gentlemen, the greatest speaker of our time, will be here in a few days to address you, and you should obey whatever sound advice he may give you." The great day arrived. Sir Winston stood up, all five feet, five inches and 107 kilos of him, and gave this short, clear-cut speech: "Young men, never give up. Never give up! Never give up! Never, never, never, never!" 在他首相任期即将结束时,他应邀前往母校哈罗公学,为满怀报国之志的同学们作演讲。校长说:“年轻的先生们,当代最伟大的演说家过几天就会来为你们演讲,他提出的任何中肯的建议,你们都要听从。”那个激动人心的日子终于到了。温斯顿爵士站了起来——他只有5英尺5英寸高,体重却有107公斤。他作了言简意赅的讲话:“年轻人,要永不放弃。永不放弃!永不放弃!永不,永不,永不,永不!” 3 Personal history, educational opportunity, individual dilemmas — none of these can inhibit a strong spirit committed to success. No task is too hard. No amount of preparation is too long or too difficult. Take the example of two of the most scholarly scientists of our age, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison. Both faced immense obstacles and extreme criticism. Both were called "slow to learn" and written off as idiots by their teachers. Thomas Edison ran away from school because his teacher whipped him repeatedly for asking too many questions. Einstein didn't speak fluently until he was almost nine years old and was such a poor student that some thought he was unable to learn. Yet both boys' parents believed in them. They worked intensely each day with their sons, and the boys learned to never bypass the long hours of hard work that they needed to succeed. In the end, both Einstein and Edison overcame their childhood persecution and went on to achieve magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today. 个人经历、教育机会、个人困境,这些都不能阻挡一个全力以赴追求成功的、有着坚强意志的人。任务再苦,准备再长,难度再大,都不能让他放弃自己的追求。就以本时代最有学问的两位科学家——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦和托马斯·爱迪生为例,他们都曾面临巨大的障碍和极


Lesson Two [h?nz]?kr?st??n][??nd?s?n] [o?n][?f?ri tel] Hans Christian Andersen’s Own Fairy Tale (I) [?dɑn?ld] [lu?iz] Donald and Louise Peattie 第2课汉斯·克里斯琴·安徒生自己的童话(1) 唐纳德·皮蒂和路易丝·皮蒂 [??p?n] ['denmɑ:rk] 1 Once upon a time there was a poor boy who lived in Denmark. His father, a shoemaker, had died, and his mother had married again. 1从前,在丹麦有一个可怜的小男孩。他的父亲是一名鞋匠,已经去世,而他的母亲改了嫁。 once upon a time 很久以前 2 One day the boy went to ask a favor of the Prince of Denmark. When the Prince asked him what he wanted, ?po??tri] ['θ??t?] the boy said, “I want to write plays in poetry and to act at the Royal Theater.”The Prince looked at the boy,at ?s?ns?b?l] his big hands and feet, at his big nose and large serious eyes, and gave a sensible answer. “It is one thing to act in plays, another to write them. I tell you this for your own good; learn a useful trade like shoemaking. “ 2一天,这个男孩去向丹麦王子请求帮助。当王子问他需要什么时,小男孩说:“我想用诗歌来写戏剧,并在皇家剧院演出。”王子


第一单元绝不屈服,绝不,绝不,绝不 丘吉尔 1距离上次你们校长盛情邀请我来这里已经快一年了,上次来是为了通过演唱我们自己的校歌来鼓舞我自己以及其他一些朋友的心灵的。在过去的十个月里,世界上发生了许多极为悲惨的事情——起起伏伏,多灾多难——但今天下午,这个十月的下午,在座的有谁能对过去这段时间所发生的事情以及我们国家和家园所发生的巨大改进不充满感激之情?是啊,当上次我来这里的时候,我们都非常的孤独,充满了绝望的孤独,这种状况持续了大约五六个月。我们当时的装备很差,而如今我们的装备已不再这么差了;但当时我们的装备的确非常差。我们受到了敌人的巨大威胁,他们的空袭至今仍在我们头顶上轰鸣,你们大家一定经历过这种空袭;我想你们大家一定开始对目前的这种局面感到烦躁,因为这种局面已经持续了很久而毫无转机。 2但我们必须学会正确对待这两种情况:不管是短暂激烈的,还是长期艰难地。人们通常都认为英国人总是在最后表现得最好。他们不想从一种危机转入另一种危机;他们不会总是期待战争每一天都会出现好的转机;但当他们慢慢下定决心要结束这一切的时候,那么,即使是要花费几个月,甚至数年的时间,他们也会做的。 3让我们把思绪拉到十个月之前我们在此相遇的情景,然后再转到现在。另外一个我想我们可以吸取的教训是,表面的东西往往具有欺骗性。正如吉普林所说的,我们必须“去面对胜利和灾难,并对这两种具有欺骗性的东西保持同样的态度。” 4你很难从事情的表面判断它的走势。尽管离开了想象力就做不了多少事情,但想象有时候会让事情看起来比实际情况更糟。那些富有想象力的人会发现很多也许根本就不存在的危险;也许会有更多的危险发生,但这些人同时也要祈求能被赐予额外的勇气来承受这种深远的想象力。但对所有人来说,毫无疑问,我们在这段时期所经历的——我要告诉你们——从这10个月的经历中所得到的经验就是:绝不屈服,绝不屈服,绝不,绝不,绝不,绝不——屈服于任何东西,不管它是伟大还是渺小,庞大还是细微——除了对荣誉和机智外,都绝不屈服。不屈从于暴力,不屈从于表面上气势汹汹的敌人。一年前我们孤军奋战,对许多国家来说,我们的命运似乎终止了,我们似乎完蛋了。我们所有的传统,我们的歌曲,我们学校的历史,这个国家的这一段历史,似乎都要随风而去了。 5如今大家的心情已完全不同。其他国家都认为英国已经翻开了新的一页,但其实我们的国家是站在一个缺口上。没有退缩,没有屈服的念头;这些对于英伦三岛以外的人来说都是奇迹般的事情,我们自己从来没有怀疑过,我们发现自己现在正处在这种局势中,就是我所说的,坚持就是胜利。 6你们今天唱了一段校歌:你们唱了特别为我所做的那段,你们今天一起重复了那段,我深感荣幸。但其中有一个词我想改一下——去年我就想改了,但当时没敢改。就是那句:“即使对最黑暗的日子,我们也要赞颂它。” 7我已经征得了校长的同意,将“更黑暗”改为“更严峻”。“即使是对更严峻的日子,我们也要称颂它。” 8让我们不要再谈及那些更黑暗的日子,而谈及那些更严峻的日子吧。这段时光并不是黑暗的日子;这些是伟大的日子——我们国家所经历的最伟大的一段日子;我们每个人都该感谢上帝能够允许我们参与其中,我们都各负其责,使这段日子在我们人类历史上留下永恒的印迹。


Unit 1 Sources of Energy 参考译文课文A 石油 1 油,和煤一样,存在于沉积岩中,而且可能由死去很长时间的生物有机体形成。含有石油的岩石几乎都来源于海洋,所以形成石油的有机物一定是海洋生物,而不是树木。 2 石油,并不是来自于逐渐积聚的木质物质,而可能是来自于逐渐积聚的海洋生物的脂肪物质。比如浮游生物:大量浮游在海水表层的单细胞生物。 3 有机物的脂肪物质主要由碳氢原子组成,因此并不需要太多的化学变化就可以形成石油。生物有机体只需在缺氧的条件下沉积到海湾浅水处的淤泥里。其脂肪不是分解腐烂,而是逐渐积聚,并在深层的淤泥里圈闭起来,进而经过细微的原子重组,最终形成石油。 4 油比水轻,呈液态,会经由上方覆盖的孔隙性岩石向上渗透,在地球上有些地区到达表层,古人将这些表层石油称为沥青、柏油或异庚烷。在古代和中世纪,这些石油油苗常被看作药品而不是燃料。 5 当然,表层的油苗数量很少。而石油油藏上方有时覆盖的是非孔隙性岩石。石油向上渗透抵达该岩石,然后在岩石下方逐渐积聚形成油层。若在上方的岩石上钻个孔,石油就可以通过该孔向上迁移。有时压力过大,石油会向高空喷出。1859 年在宾夕法尼亚州,由埃德温·德雷克成功打出第一口井。 6 如果可以发现一个合适的地点(勘探人员已经识别出地下可能圈闭有石油的地层结构),那么就很容易抽取这一液体燃料,这要比派人到地下把大块的固体煤炭砍成小块要容易得多。而且一旦获得石油,可以通过地上管道运输,而不必像煤一样,由运货车经过繁重的装卸任务来运输。 7 石油便于抽取,易于运输,促进了石油的应用。石油可以蒸馏成不同的馏分,每种馏分均由特定大小的分子组成,分子越小,该馏分就越容易蒸发。 8 到1 9 世纪下半叶,最重要的石油馏分是由中等大小的分子构成的煤油,它不易蒸发,被用于照明。9 然而,到19 世纪末人们研制出了内燃机。内燃机是通过在汽缸里将空气与可燃气体混合,产生爆炸来提供动力的。最便利的可燃气体是汽油——石油的又一馏分,由小分子构成,容易蒸发。10 这种内燃机与蒸汽机相比,机身小巧,可以瞬间启动;而蒸汽机需要一定时间,等待储水加热到沸点。11 随着各种带有内燃机的汽车、卡车、公共汽车、飞机等交通工具的使用,对于石油的需求激增。房屋不再用煤,而用燃烧燃料供热;轮船开始使用石油;电力也由燃油提供的能量来供给。12 在1900 年,来自石油的能量只是煤的4%,二战后,由石油的各种不同馏分提供的能量已经超过煤所供给的能量,而现在石油成为推动世界科技发展的主要燃料。13 石油相对于煤的便利却被另一个事实所抵消:地球上石油的数量比煤少得多。(这不足为奇,因为地球上形成石油的脂肪物质,要比形成煤的木质物质少得多。)14 还有另一种复杂情况,即石油的分布不如煤的分布均匀。世界上的主要能源消耗国有足够的煤,却严重缺乏石油。美国有世界石油总储量的10%,数十年来一直是主要石油生产国。现在亦是如此,但是美国大量消耗石油产品,使之成为石油进口国,对于这一重要资源不得不日益依赖其他国家。俄罗斯石油储量和美国相近,但消耗的少,因而可以成为石油出口国。15 地球上已知的石油储备约有3/5 集中在阿拉伯国家。例如,位于波斯湾岬角处的科威特,面积只有麻省那么大,人口只有50 万,却拥有世界已知石油储量的1/5。16 由石油引发的政治问题已经变得至关重要。 Unit 2 Social Science 参考译文课文A 求职面试新趋势 今天的求职者不得不经受当代面试技巧的考验 1 如果你最后一次参加求职面试是在五年或更长时间以前,那么当你重新进入就业市场时,你一定会大吃一惊。求职面试已经不再是舒适温馨的炉边闲谈了;当然,倒也不会走向另一个极端,成为为了检验你应对压力的能力而进行的令人生畏的询问。这些传统的方法已经象英式茶具车和两小时午餐休息一样过时了。 2 精明的现代企业已经明白,雇员选择不当是要付出代价的,因此,面试已经成为多层面,半科学化式的挑选程序的一部分,并且越来越可能由经过高级心理技术培训的经理人员来进行。面试还在加入高科技的内容:不久以后,求职者就会看到,面试小组中至少有一名成员是通过视频会议技术在外地甚至在海外参与面试的。 3 然而,有一点是没有变的。那就是,如果没有同未来的老板面对面接触过,你是很难得到工作的,75%的公司在雇佣每个部门的雇员时都采用面试。还有同样数量的公司认为,在选择雇员的所


Unit 4 Matriculation Fixation Chinese Translation of Paragraphs 1. 两年前的一天,我坐在费城一所医院的大厅里焦急地等待着,一位素不相识的人突然向我讲述了他女儿的大学就读计划。由于那天下午我79岁的老母亲刚动了大手术,还没醒过来,我无法全神贯注地听他的叙述。但是随着他讲述的深入,我却记住了其中的大部分与话题有关的细节。 2. 这位女生虽然算不上出类拔萃,但还算出色,她已经被一所一流名牌大学接受,不过没有助学金。与此同时,一所当地的二大学也录取了她,并承诺全免学费。由于家里还有几个孩子排在后面将上大学,经济自然有些紧,这位父亲便说服女儿接受了第二所大学的录取通知。现在,他担心她某天会懊悔这个决定,因为她将来毕业的学校名气较小,结交不广,为她敞开的大门也少些。虽然她的学位证书使她离通往成功的黄金大道并不遥远,但却不会把她直接放在这条大道上。 3. 我本世俗百姓,对一些陌生人的婚姻、职业和嗜好最为私密的细枝末节耳熟能详,因此很早便掌握了调解这类危机的必备技巧。我告诉这位男士,我许多高中同学都毕业于这所二流大学,但他们都过上了丰富而充实的生活。 4. 我告诉他,我自己就毕业于费城一所二流大学,和她女儿要就读的学校并无二致,而我也已在世上为自己找到了一小块立足之地。我还告诉他,我的大学岁月是我人生中最快乐的时光,教授们既有才识又很敬业,对他们的教诲和启发我永怀感恩之心。他又追问我的个人情况,我解释说我是个自由作家,我扼要罗列了自己的资历,还告诉他我对自己的职业生涯也很满意。 5. 这位父亲从来没有听说过我,也没有读过我的作品。尽管他对我那可怜的履历佯装兴趣,我依然看出他已经崩溃了。他女儿也计划从事新闻行业,如果走上和我一样的学术道路,最终也会像我一样失败。


Unitl课文翻译及课后练习翻译参考答案 课文翻译: Unitl从能力到责任 当代的大学生对他们在社会中所扮演的角色的认识模糊不清。他们致力于寻求在他们看來似乎是最现实的东西:追求安全保障,追逐物质财富的枳累。年轻人努力想使自己成人成才、有所作为,但他们也承认自己的迷茫:在这个变幻莫测的时代,他们该信仰什么?大学生一直在寻找真我的所在,寻找生活的意义。一如芸芸众生的我们,他们也感到纠结 ------------- 方血,他们崇尚奉献于人的理想主义,而另一方面,他们又经不住自身利益的诱惑,陷入利己主义的世界里欲罢不能。 最终,本科教育的质量将由毕业生参与社会与公民活动的主动性来衡量。雷崔德?尼布尔曾经写道:“一个人只有奉献社会,才能了解自我。一个人如果一味地以自我为屮心(或直译:一个人如杲不能找到自我以外的中心),他将会失去自我。”理想化的本科教育应该反映在超越自我中。在这一个残酷的、竞争激烈的社会,人们期望大学生能具备正直、文明, 甚至富有同情心的人格品质,这是否己是一种奢望?人们期望大学的人文教育会有助于培养学生的人际交往能力,如今是否仍然适合(或直译:希望大学的人文教育能使大学生在与他人的人际交往中具备人文情怀,这是否合适)? 毫无疑问,大学生应该履行公民的义务。这迫切需要美国教育有助于弥合公共政策与公众理解程度之间的极具危险性、正日益加深的鸿沟。建设性思考政府议程问题所必备的知识似乎越来越无法掌握。所以很多人认为想通过公众的参与来解决复杂的公共问题已不再可能行得通。他们问,如果一些非专业人士甚至不懂专业术语,怎么可能让他们去讨论重大的政策选择问题? 核能的利用应该扩大还是削弱?水资源能保证充足的供应吗?怎样控制军备竞赛?大气污染的安全标准是多少?甚至连人类的起源与灭绝这样近乎玄乎的问题也会被列入政治议事日程。 公民们带着类似的困惑讨论“星球大战”问题,试图搞懂那些关于“威慑”与“反威慑”等高科技的专业术语。像地方的区域规划,学校种族隔离制的废除,排水系统的问题, 公共交通的治理,以及相互竞争川的有线电视公司对许可证的申请等这些曾经看起来只是一些地方性事务的事情,现在也需要专家来解决。这些专家讨论专门术语,常常不是阐明问题, 反而使问题变得让人迷惑不解。然而,公共生活的复杂性,要求更多、而非更少的信息资料; 需要更积极、而非更消极的公众参与。 对于那些关心“民治”政府的人,公众理解程度的每况愈下是无法接受的。当今世界, 人类生存问题吉凶未卜、危在旦夕,无知是不可取的。由视野有限的专家完全控制政策制定, 这也是不可容忍的。作为公民,我们如果不能找到更好的方法教育自己,如果不能提出难题, 并得到满意的答案,那么我们会冒险做一些关键性的决定,不是基于我们所了解的知识,而是基于对一两个所谓专家的盲目信任。 我们的民主社会需要一批受过良好教育(well-informed)、关心他人(caring)的人士。他们能作为公民,本着服务大众的精神,团结一致,相互学习,参与到民主建设之屮。 我们需要关心公众事务的人,他们能参与调查,知道如何提出合适的问题,了解公民政策制定的程序,并能够对那些影响深远的问题做出有根据的、敏锐的判断。诚然,没有哪个社会机构能独立培养我们所需的领导人才,但我们深信,如果“民治政府”要有生命力的话, 大学相对于其他机构来说,更有责任去培养我们国家所急需的开明领导人。 为了完成这个迫切的使命,所需的视野不仅要着眼国内,还必须放眼世界。当代大学生必须还了解其它国家的民族与文化。人类的势力范围已涉及到太空,一切变得都很明了,我们都是同一个星球的守护者。在过去的半个世纪中,我们的地球变得越來越拥挤,相互依赖性越来越强,同时也更加变化莫测。如果学生不能超越自我,不能更好地理解自己在这个复杂世界中


Unit 3 Security Text A Years ago in America, it was customary for families to leave their doors unlocked, day and night. In this essay, Greene regrets that people can no longer trust each other and have to resort to elaborate security systems to protect themselves and their possessions. 许多年前,在美国,家家户户白天黑夜不锁门是司空见惯的。在本文中,格林叹惜人们不再相互信任,不得不凭借设计精密的安全设备来保护自己和财产。 The Land of the Lock Bob Greene 锁之国 1 In the house where I grew up, it was our custom to leave the front door on the latch at night. I don't know if that was a local term or if it is universal; "on the latch" meant the door was closed but not locked. None of us carried keys; the last one in for the evening would close up, and that was it. 小时候在家里,我们的前门总是夜不落锁。我不知道这是当地的一种说法还是大家都这么说;"不落锁"的意思是掩上门,但不锁住。我们谁都不带钥匙;晚上最后一个回家的人把门关上,这就行了。 2 Those days are over. In rural areas as well as in cities, doors do not stay unlocked, even for part of an evening. 那样的日子已经一去不复返了。在乡下,在城里,门不再关着不锁上,哪怕是傍晚一段时间也不例外。 3 Suburbs and country areas are, in many ways, even more vulnerable than well-patroled urban streets. Statistics show the crime rate rising more dramatically in those allegedly tranquil areas than in cities. At any rate, the era of leaving the front door on the latch is over. 在许多方面,郊区和农村甚至比巡查严密的城市街道更易受到攻击。统计显示,那些据称是安宁的地区的犯罪率上升得比城镇更为显著。不管怎么说,前门虚掩不落锁的时代是一去不复返了。 4 It has been replaced by dead-bolt locks, security chains, electronic alarm systems and trip wires hooked up to a police station or private guard firm. Many suburban families have sliding glass doors on their patios, with steel bars elegantly built in so no one can pry the doors open. 取而代之的是防盗锁、防护链、电子报警系统,以及连接警署或私人保安公司的报警装置。郊区的许多人家在露台上安装了玻璃滑门,侧有装得很讲究的钢条,这样就没人能把门撬开。 5 It is not uncommon, in the most pleasant of homes, to see pasted on the windows small notices announcing that the premises are under surveillance by this security force or that guard company. 在最温馨的居家,也常常看得到窗上贴着小小的告示,称本宅由某家安全机构或某个保安公司负责监管。


新视野大学英语3第三版课文翻译 Unit 1 The Way to Success 课文A Never, ever give up! 永不言弃! As a young boy, Britain's great Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, attended a public school called Harrow. He was not a good student, and had he not been from a famous family, he probably would have been removed from the school for deviating from the rules. Thankfully, he did finish at Harrow and his errors there did not preclude him from going on to the university. He eventually had a premier army career whereby he was later elected prime minister. He achieved fame for his wit, wisdom, civic duty, and abundant courage in his refusal to surrender during the miserable dark days of World War II. His amazing determination helped motivate his entire nation and was an inspiration worldwide. Toward the end of his period as prime minister, he was invited to address the patriotic young boys at his old school, Harrow. The headmaster said, "Young gentlemen, the greatest speaker of our time, will be here in a few days to address you, and you should obey whatever sound advice he may give you." The great day arrived. Sir Winston stood up, all five feet, five inches and 107 kilos of him, and gave this short, clear-cut speech: "Young men, never give up. Never give up! Never give up! Never, never, never, never!" 英国的伟大首相温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士,小时候在哈罗公学上学。当时他可不是个好学生,要不是出身名门,他可能早就因为违反纪律被开除了。谢天谢地,他总算从哈罗毕业了,在那里犯下的错误并没影响到他上大学。后来,他凭着军旅生涯中的杰出表现当选为英国首相。他的才思、智慧、公民责任感以及在二战痛苦而黑暗的时期拒绝投降的无畏勇气,为他赢得了美名。他非凡的决心,不仅激励了整个民族,还鼓舞了全世界。 在他首相任期即将结束时,他应邀前往母校哈罗公学,为满怀报国之志的同学们作演讲。校长说:“年轻的先生们,当代最伟大的演说家过几天就会来为你们演讲,他提出的任何中肯的建议,你们都要听从。”那个激动人心的日子终于到了。温斯顿爵士站了起来——他只有5 英尺5 英寸高,体重却有107 公斤。他作了言简意赅的讲话:“年轻人,要永不放弃。永不放弃!永不放弃!永不,永不,永不,永不!” Personal history, educational opportunity, individual dilemmas - none of these can inhibit a strong spirit committed to success. No task is too hard. No amount of preparation is too long or too difficult. Take the example of two of the most scholarly scientists of our age, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison. Both faced immense obstacles and extreme criticism. Both were called "slow to learn" and written off as idiots by their teachers. Thomas Edison ran away from school because his teacher whipped him repeatedly for asking too many questions. Einstein didn't speak fluently until he was almost nine years old and was such a poor student that some thought he was unable to learn. Yet both boys' parents believed in them. They worked intensely each day with their sons, and the boys learned to never bypass the long hours of hard work that they needed to succeed. In the end, both Einstein and Edison overcame their childhood persecution and went on to achieve magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today. Consider also the heroic example of Abraham Lincoln, who faced substantial hardships,
