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SBCT Acronyms & Abbreviations

Name Comments Acronym /


1CD 1st Cavalry Division .

17FB 17th Fires Brigade Converted from 17th FA Brigade on 10

August 2007.

2CR 2d Cavalry Regiment

2ID 2nd Infantry Division

25ID 25th Infantry Division

28ID 28th Infantry Division

2SCR 2d Stryker Cavalry Regiment

4-6 ACS 4-6 Air Cavalry Squadron

4ID 4th Infantry Division

A&VTR Asset and Vulnerability Tracking Resource

A/DACG Arrival/Departure Airfield Control Group

A2C2 Army Airspace Command and Control

A2C2S Army Airborne Command and Control System

AA After Action; Anti-Aircraft; Available Airframes

AACA Army Airlift Clearance Authority

AAD Access Approval Document; Acquisition Activities

Division; Acronym/Abbreviation Definition; Advanced

Access and Disablement; Air Assault Division; Airborne

Assault Division; Aircraft Armament Division; Area Air

Defense; Army Air Defense; Army Automation Directorate

AAE Army Acquisition Executive

AAL Additional Authorizations List

AAN Army After Next

AAO Army Acquisition Objective

AAR Administrative Adjustment Report; After Action Review

AARMS Army Architecture Repository Management System

AASLT Air Assault

AB Area Based


ABCA American/British/Canadian

ABCESS Army Battle Command and Enablers System of Systems

ABCS Army Battle Command System The ABCS consists of subsystems for

the battlefield functional areas (BFAs),

each of which supports and provides

information to other systems, and

provides situational awareness of the


ABCT Airborne Battalion Combat Team; Airborne Brigade

Combat Team

ABF Asset Balance File

ABN Airborne

ABT Air Breathing Target

AC Active Component; Airfield Control; Aiming Circle;

Airfield Control; Arms Control; Army Command

ACADA Automatic Chemical Agent Alarm


ACAT Acquisition

ACC Army Component Command

ACCE Army Command and Control Element

ACE Advanced Collaborative Environment, Analysis Control


ACERT Army Computer Emergency Response Team

ACES Automated Communications Engineering Software

ACIP-LT Army Casualty Information Processing System – Light

ACMC Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps

ACN Airborne Communications Network


ACO Administrative


ACP Access Control Point; Air Campaign Plan; Airborne

Command Post; Alternate Command Post; Ammunition

Control Point; Area Command Post; Area Contingency

Plans; Army Campaign Plan; Assault Command Post

ACR Armored Cavalry Regiment

ACRBWG Army Cost Review Board Working Group

ACS Aerial Common Sensor; Air Cavalry Squadron; Army

Community Service

ACSIM Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management ACSIS Army C4ISR and Simulations Initialization System

ACT-E Analysis and Control Team-Enhanced; Analysis Control

Team – Enclave

ACTD Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration

ACU Active Component Unit(s)

ACUS Area Common User System

ACWT Average Customer Wait Time

AD/ACG Air Departure and Arrival Control Group

AD Active Directory; Air Defense; Air Drop; Area Defense;

Armored Division

ADA Air Defense Artillery

ADACC Air Defense Airspace Coordination Cell

ADAM Cell Air Defense Airspace Management Cell

ADAMS Air Defense and Airspace Management System


ADC Analyzed


Assistant Division Commander

ADCO Assistant Division Commander for Operations


ADCON Administrative

ADD Assistant Deputy Director; Authorization Document

Director, USAFMSA (MTOE)

ADDS Army Data Distribution System


ADL Army




ADLT Administrative


ADM Acquisition Decision Memorandum; Area Denial

Munitions; Admiral

ADMP Army Digitization Master Plan

ADNS Automated Digital Network System

ADRG Arc Digitized Raster Graphics

ADS Active Duty Support; Advanced Data Systems; Advanced

Display System; Aerial Delivery System; Air Defense

Section; Air Defense Sector; Air Defense Suppression; Area

Detection System; Artillery Delivered Sensor; Automated

digital Switch; Automatic Data Selection; Automatic

Defense System; Auxiliary Data System; Azimuth

Determining System

ADS-A Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Addressed

ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance- Broadcast

ADSI Air Defense Systems Integrator

Technology; Alaskan Daylight Time


ADT Active


Training Strategy



ADVON Advanced

AE Application Enclave; Army Enterprise

AEA Army Enterprise Architecture

AEADP Army Enterprise Architecture Development Plan/Process AEC Army Evaluation Center

AEHF Advanced Extremely High Frequency

AEPS Army Electronic Product Support

AERC Army Equipping and Re-utilization Conference



AES Advanced

AESF Army Enterprise Single Forest

AETF Army Evaluation Task Force


AF Air

AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System

AFFS-F Army Field Feeding System-Future

AFM Army Flow Model

AFP Approved Funding Plan; Army Functional Proponent;

Automatic Fill Program


AFS Automated


AFSB Army Field Support Brigade

AFSB-P/AFSB-PA Army Field Support Brigade – Pacific

AFSBn Army Field Support Battalion

AFSC Advanced Food Sanitation Center;

AMC Field Support Center, Army Field Support Command

AFTT Air Force Transition Team


AGL Above



AGM Air-to-Ground


AH Attack

AHA Ammunition Holding Area

AHS Ammunition Handling System

AI Actionable Intelligence; Actions Item; Area of Interest;

Army Installation; Artificial Intelligence; Automation


AIC Activity Identification Code; Allowance Item Code; Army

Intelligence Center; Army Interoperability Center;

Assignment Instruction Code; Attack Information Center;

Audio Intercommunications System; Automated Intelligence


AIE Army Enterprise Infostructure; Army Enterprise




AIL Allowable

AIMD Architecture and Integration Management Directorate (US


AIO Army Information Operations

AIOC Army Information Operations Capabilities

AIOT Army Information Operations Tasks AIO Tasks are Information

Engagement, Command and Control

Warfare, Military Deception, Operations

Security, and Information Protection. AIS ABCS Information Server; ABCS Information Services;

Action Items Summary; Automated Information Systems

AIT Advanced Individual Training

AiTR Aided Target Recognition

AITS Advanced Information Technology Systems

AJST Army Joint Support Team

AK Alaska; Access Kit; Arctic Kit

AKE Army Knowledge Enterprise

AKEA Army Knowledge Enterprise Architecture

AKM Army Knowledge Management

AKMS Army Key Management System

AKO Army Knowledge Online

AKO-S Army Knowledge Online-SIPRNET

Knowledge Exchange

AKX Architecture


ALCOM Alaska

ALD Authorized Load Date

ALE Auto Link Establishment

and Logistics Operations; Air Liaison

ALO Administrative

Officer; Airland Operations, Artillery Liaison Officer;

Aviation Liaison Officer; Authorized Level of Organization

ALOC Administrative & Logistical Operations Center;

Administrative and Logistics Operation Center;

Air Lines of Communication

ALSE Aviation Life Support Equipment

ALT Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology

AM Amplitude Modulation, Assemblage Management

AMB Ambassador;


AMC Advanced Marksmanship Course; Army-Marine Corps;

Army Materiel Command, Air Mobility Command

AMCB Army-Marine Corps Board

AMCOM US Army Aviation and Missile Command

AMCP Army-Marine Corps Convergence Plan; Army Material

Command Pamphlet

AMCS Army/Marine Corps SATCOM (Satellite Communications)

AMCT Army/Marine Corps Terrestrial

AMD Air and Missile Defense

AMDCCS Air and Missile Defense Command and Control System


Master Data File

AMDPCS Air and Missile Defense Planning and Control System

AMDWS Air and Missile Defense Workstation Provides planning connectivity between

all ADA command echelons.


Medical Department


Medical Department Property Accounting System



AMMO Ammunition

AMFET Army Modular Force Education Team

AMOUT Advanced Military Operations on Urban Terrain

AMP Acquisition Master Plan; Army Modernization Plan;

Automated Message Processing; Aviation Modernization


AMPE Automated


Processing Exchange

AMPS Advanced Modular Power System; Aviation Mission

Planning System; Automated Mission Planning System

Software Subsystem of ABCS used as mission planning/battle synchronization tool.

AMR Antimateriel


AMRAAM Advanced

Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile

AMRD Army Modernization Information Memorandum

AMSAA Army Material Systems Analysis Activity

AMSTE Affordable Moving Surface Target Engagement

AMS Aircraft Maintenance Support; Army Modernization

Schedule; Army Modernization Strategy

AMSS Army Materiel Status System; Army Modernization Support


AMT Air Maneuver Transporter; Army Modernization Transition AMTAS Army Modernization Training Automation System

ANAD Anniston



ANC Army Naming Convention

ANDVT Advanced Narrowband Digital Voice Terminal

ANR ABCS Network Reach

ANVIS Aviators Night Vision Imaging System

AO Action


Area of Operation

AOA Add on Armor

AoA Analysis of Alternatives

AOC Air Operations Center; Area of Concentration; Army

Occupation Code

AOE Area of Eligibility; Area of Embarkation; Area of

Excellence; Army of Excellence

AOL Action Officer Level

AOM After Operation Maintenance, Army Object Model

AOP Army Order of Precedence; Approved Operating Plan

AOR Area of Responsibility



AOT Assignment

AOWG Action Officer Working Group

AP Aerial Port; Anti-Personnel

APB Acquisition Program Baseline

APC Area Processing Center; Army Processing Center

APD Air Planning Document, Army Publishing Directorate APFSDS Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot

APLFO Army Port Liaison Field Offices

APM Assistant Project Manager

APO Advanced Planning and Optimization; Army Procurement


APOBS Anti-personnel Obstacle Breaching System

APOD Aerial Port of Debarkation

APOE Aerial Port of Embarkation

App Application

APR Acquisition Planning Records; Agency Procurement

Request; Airman Performance Report (USAF); Ammunition

Performance Report; Annual Performance Report; Annual

Program Review; Annual Progress Report; April;

Audiovisual Production Requirements

APS Army Prepositioned Stocks, Active Protection System

APT Active Protection Technology

APU Auxiliary Power Unit

AQI Al Qaeda in Iraq

AR Armor; Army; Army Regulation; Army Reserve; Army

Root; As Required; Automated Reasoning; Automatic Rifle AR2B Army Requirements and Resourcing Board

ARA Automated Reasoning Agents

ARC Accounting Requirements Code; Active Range Clearance;

Activity Readiness Code; Airborne Radio Communication;

American Red Cross

ARC-187 Radio Set AN/ARC-187

ARCIC Army Capabilities Integration Center

ARDP ABCS Resourced Distribution Plan; Army Requirements

Development Plan



Force Generation


ARI Activity Routing Indicator; Army Research Institute;

Automatic RESET Induction; Automatic Return Item

ARIL Automatic Return Item List

ARL US Army Research Laboratory, Airborne Reconnaissance


ARMS Army Readiness Management System

ARMT Armament; Army Reset Management Tool; Automated

Reset Management Tool




AROC Army Requirements Oversight Council

ARPL Authorized Replacement Parts List

ARSOF Army Special Operations Forces

ARSST Army Space Support Team




ARSTRAT Army Forces Strategic Command; Army Strategic

Command (US Army Space and Missile Defense





ARV Armed


ARV-A ARV-Assault

AS Administrative Support, Army Secretariat; Australia


Assistant Secretary of The Army

ASA(ALT); ASAALT Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology)

ASAPS Advanced SINCGARS Alternative Power Supply ASARC Army Systems Acquisition Review Council ASAS All Source Analysis System

ASAS-L All Source Analysis System-Light

ASAS RWS All Source Analysis System (ASAS) Remote Work Station (RWS)

ASAT Army Systems Approach to Training


ABCS Support Cell; ABCS Support Costs; Army Sustainment Command

ASCC Army Service Component Command (er); Army

Standardization Coordinating Committee

ASD Assistant Secretary of Defense ASE Aircraft Survivability Equipment ASEWG Architecture Systems Engineering Working Group ASG Area Support Group ASI Additional Skill Identifier ASIMS Army Standard Information Management System ASIOE Additional Support Item of Equipment; Associated Support

Item of Equipment

ASIP Advanced SINCGARS Improvement Program

ASL Authorized Stockage List ASLC Army Strategic Leaders Course ASLMS Authorized Stockage List Mobility System ASM Air-to-Surface Missile; Airspace Management; Army

Security Monitor; Automated System Management; Airfield Survivability Measures

ASMB Area Support Medical Battalion ASMC Area Support Medical Company ASMP Army Strategic Mobility Program ASN Assistant Secretary Navy; Autonomous System Number ASOC Air Support Operations Center ASOS Army Support to Other Services ASPB Army Strategic Planning Board ASPO Army Space Program Office ASPT

Alternative Site Processing Team; Artillery Skills

Proficiency Test

ASR Acquisition Strategy Report; Acquisition System Review;

Alternate Supply Route; Ammunition Supply Rate; Army Status Report

ASS Area Support Squad ASSC Army Shipper Service Control ASSDS Army Standard Supply and Distribution System

Asst Assistant AST Acquisition Support Team; Advanced Skills Training;

Advanced Surveillance Testbed; Alaskan Standard Time; Army Staff Target; Atlantic Standard Time

ASTAMIDS Airborne Standoff Minefield Detection System ASTMP Army Science and Technology Master Plan ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery AT Advance Team; Agile Training; Air Transportable; Anti-Tank; Army Terrestrial; Army Theater; Army


AT3 Advanced Tactical Targeting Technology

ATACMS Army Tactical Missile System

ATC Air Traffic Control; Army Test Center; Asset Tracking

Capabilities, Automatic Target Cueing

ATCCS Army Tactical Command & Control System

ATCP Army Transformation Campaign Plan

ATCTS Army Training and Certification Tracking System

ATD Actual Time of Departure; Advanced Technology

Demonstration/Development; Aided Target Detection

ATDL-1 Army Tactical Data Link 1

ATE Automated Test Equipment; Aviation Tactical Exercise

ATEC Army Test and Evaluation Command

ATEX Army Transformation Experiment

ATFLIR Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking Infrared Receiver

ATGM Anti-Tank Guided Missile

ATGMV Anti-Tank

Guided Missile Vehicle

ATIA Army Training Information Architecture

ATIRCM Advanced Threat Infrared Counter Measures

ATL Advanced Tactical Laser; Assistant Team Leader

ATLAS All-Terrain Lifter Army System (ATLAS) Provides lifting capability in all terrain. ATLDP Army Training and Leadership Development Panel

Management; Agile Training Mindset;

ATM Advanced


Asynchronous Transfer Mode

Mode Small Extension Node


ATM-SEN Asynchronous

ATO Air Tasking Order; Authority to Operate

ATP Ammunition Transfer Point

ATR Action Tracker Review; Army Transformation Roadmap,

Automatic Target Recognition


Requirements and Resources System; Army


Training Requirements Reporting System

ATSC Army Training Support Center

ATST Area TMDE Support Team

ATT Advanced Theater Transport; Army Tactical Tasks; Army

Transformation Team; Army Transformation Timelines

ATT-HI Army Transformation Team – Hawaii

ATT-WA Army Transformation Team – Washington

ATTLA Air Transportability Test Loading Agency

ATTN Attention

Transformation War Game


AU Agency Update; Attached Units

AUEL Automated Unit Equipment List


AUG Augmentation;

AUTL Army Universal Task List

AV Army Vision, Air vehicle

AVIM Aviation Intermediate Maintenance

AVN Aviation

Operations Center

AVTOC Aviation


AVTR Asset and Vulnerability Tracking Resource

AVUM Aviation Unit Maintenance

AW Air Warrior; Army Watercraft

and Control System


AWACS Airborne

AWE Advanced Warfighter Experiment; Advanced Warfighting

Experiment; Army Warfighter Experiment; Army

Warfighting Experiment

Weather Network

AWN Automate

AWO Ambiguous Warning Order

Watercraft Systems

AWS Army

B Billion

B2 Battalion and Below

B2C Battalion and Below Command

B2CS Battalion and Below Command Shelter

BaA; BAA Battalion and Above; Brigade and Above

BaB; BAB Battalion and Below; Brigade and Below

BAIS Battlefield Airborne Instrumentation System; Battlefield

Anti-Intrusion System; Battlefield Automation

Interoperability System

BANDIT Broadband Antenna Noise Desensitivity Investigative Tool BAO Brigade Ammunition Officer


Remote Terminal

BART Brigade

BAS Baseline Assessment Strategy; Basic; Basic Airspeed; Basic

Allowance for Subsistence; Basic Accounting System;

Battalion Aid Station; Battle Automation System; Battlefield

Air Support; Battlefield Area Support; Battlefield

Automated System; Battlefield Automation System;

Biological Agent Simulate; Biological Agent Stimulant;

Broad Area Search; Budget Allocation Summary; By All




BATS Biometric Automated Tool Set; Biometric Automated Tool


BAU By All Units

BAV Body Armor Vest

BAWS Biological Agent Warning System

BC Battle


BC&NSD Battle Command and Network Support Directorate BCAWS Battle Command as a Weapon System

BCBL(G) Battle Command Battle Lab (Fort Gordon)

BCC Battalion Commander’s Conference; Battle Command

Capability; Brigade Coordination Cell

BCCS Battle Command and Control System; Battle Command

Common Services

BCD Battlefield Coordination Detachment; Brigade, Corps,


BCID Battle Command Integration Directorate

BCIS Battlefield Combat Identification System

BCKS Battle Command Knowledge System

BCNST Battle Command Network Support Team

BCO Battle Command Operations

BCOU Battle Command Operations Update

BCOTM Battle Command On-the-Move

BCPL Battle Command Product Line

BCR Battle Command Reengineering; Battlefield

Communications Review

BCS Battery Computer System; Battle Command System

BCS3 Battle Command Sustainment and Support System

BCST Battle Command Support Team; Battle Command and Staff

Training; Broadcast

BCST-P Battle Command Support Team-Pacific

BCT Brigade Combat Team

BCTB Bagdad Country Team Briefing

BCTC Battle Command Training Center

BCTP Battle Command Training Program

BCWG Battle Command Working Group

BD Baseline Description; Battlefield Digitization; Battlefield

Distribution; Baud; Beginning Descent; Block Diagram;

Biological Defense; Bomb Disposal; By Date; By Direction; BDA Battle

Damage Assessment

BDAR Battle Damage Assessment & Repair

BDE/Bde Brigade

BDO Battle Dress Overgarment

BDU Battle Dress Uniform


BE Broadband

BEOD Body Explosive Ordinance Disposal



BES Budget

BEWSS Battlefield Environmental Weapons Systems Simulation BF Battle Fatigue; Blue Force

BFA Battlefield Functional Area; Blank Firing Adapter

BFACS Battlefield

Functional Area Control System

BFCS Ballistic Fire Control System

BFMTR Blue Force Message Translator

BFP Battalion Fielding Package; Big FTEWA (Force Threat

Evaluation and Weapon Assignment) Picture; Blue Force

Picture; By Fielding Phase

BFSB; BfSB Battlefield Surveillance Brigade(s)

BFT Battalion Field Training; Blue Force Tracker; Blue force

Tracker; Blue Force Tracking; Brigade Field Training BFTE Battalion Field Training Exercise; Brigade Field Training


BFV Bradley Fighting Vehicle

BGP Border Gateway Protocol

Big Eight Stryker IBCT C4ISR Installation Test of FBCB2, EPLRS,


and VDT.

Big Five Non Stryker IBCT C4ISR Installation Test of FBCB2,



BH Battle

BIA Broad



BIC Brigade Intelligence and Communications



BII Basic

BIM Brigade Intelligence Meeting


BIT Built-in

BITE Built-in Test Equipment

BIU Brigade Intelligence Update

BJA Brigade Judge Advocate

BL Battle Laboratories; Block Leave

BLEFR Battle

Experimentation Final Report




BLOS Beyond-Line-of-Sight

BLST Brigade Logistics Support Team

BLUF Bottom Line Up Front


BM/C4I Battle

BMDS Ballistic Missile Defense System

BMIST Battlefield Medical Information System Telemedicine

BMO Battalion Maintenance Officer

BMP Boyeva Mashina Pehorti (Russian Armored Infantry


BMRE Brigade Mission Readiness Exercise

BMSC Brigade Medical Support Company

BN/Bn Battalion; Broadband Network

BNCOC Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Course

BNPP By Name Personnel Roster

BNR By Name Roster

BOC Back Order Cancellation; Basic Operational Capability;

Battalion Operation Center; Battery Operations Center

BOG Boots on the Ground

BOI Basis of Issue

BOIG Basis of Issue Guidance

BOIP Basis of Issue Plan Quantity of new/modified equipment

and support personnel

BOIPFD Basis of Issue Plan Feeder Data

BOLT Brigade Operational Law Team

BOS Battlefield Operating System

BP Basic Plan; Battle Position


and Visualization

BPV Battle

BR Battle Roster; Battle Rhythm

BRAC Base Realignment and Closure

BRAT Brigade Remote Access Terminal

BRIL Baseline Requirements Item List; Baseline Resource Item

List; Basic Required Item List

BRNAV Brigade Area Navigational Standards

BRP Battalion Release Point

BRSS Brigade Remote Subscriber Services; Brigade Remote

Subscriber System

BS Base Station; Battlestations; Battle Staff; Battle Support;

Bomb Squad; Bore Sight; Broadcast Source; Bronze Star;

By System

BSA Brigade Support Area

BSB Battlefield Surveillance Brigade; Brigade Support Battalion

BSC Battle Simulation Center; Brigade Support Company

BSI Battle Staff Integration

BSM Battlefield Spectrum Manager

BSMC Brigade Support Medical Company

BSN Brigade Subscriber Node

BSS Brigade Surgeon Section

BSTF Base Shop Test Facility

BT Ballistic Tip; Basic Training; Battalion Training; Beginning

of Transmission; Break Through; Break Transmission;

Biological Terrorism; Bomb Technician; Budget Estimate;

By Type;

BTDN Basic Tactical Data Networking



BTID Battlefield

BTIDS Battlefield Tracking Identification System

BTR Basic Training Record; Basic Training Requirements;

Branch Technical Review; Brigade Type Report; Budget

Transfer Request

Reasoning and Assessment


BTRA Battlefield

BU Bulletin; By Unit

BUA Battle Update Assessment

BUB Battle Update Briefing; Battlefield Update Briefing

BVTC Battlefield Video Teleconferencing

BW Bandwidth; Battlefield Waiver


BWFX Brigade


C Cargo (Plane); Confidential

C&GSC Command & General Staff College

C&RS Calibration and Repair Support

C/NDI Commercial

Non-developmental items



C-E Communications

C2 Command and Control

C2CATS Command Control Combined Arms Training Strategy

C2CC Command and Control Convergence Council

C2IEDM Command & Control Information Exchange Data Model

C2PC Command and Control Personal Computer Renamed Joint Tactical Common

Operational Picture Workstation


C2S Command and Control System Command and Control System (C2S) is

used to designate a commander’s

command and control system.

C2V Command and Control Vehicle

C3 Command, Control, and Communications

C3I Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence

C3S Command, Control and Communications Systems

C3T Command, Control and Communication –Tactical

C4 Command, Control, Communications and Computers

C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and


C4ISP Command, Control, Communications, Computers,

Intelligence Support Plan

C4ISR Command, Control, Communications, Computers,

Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance

C4OPS Command, Control, Communications and Computers


CA Canada; Civil Affairs; Combined Arms; Commanders

Assessment; Communications Architecture;

Communications Assessment

CAB Combat Aviation Brigade; Combined Arms Battalion

CAC Combined Arms Center; Combined Arms Command;

Common Access Card; Counter Attack Corps

CACTF Combined Arms Collective Training Facility

CADD Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate

CADRG Compressed Arc Digitized Raster Graphics

Ammunition Distribution System

CADS Containerized

CAFADS Combined Arms for Air Defense System

CAIG Cost Analysis Improvement Group

CAISI Combat Service Support (CSS) Automated Information

System Interface

CAIV Cost As and Independent Variable

CALFEX Combined Arms Live Fire Exercise

CALL Center for Army Lessons Learned

CAM Chemical



CAMEX Computer Assisted Map Exercise

CANE Chemical and Nuclear Environment, Combined Arms in a

Nuclear Environment

CAPR Capability


Capability Requirement; Cost

Accounting and Production Report

CARD Cost Analysis Requirements Document

CARS Contingency


Reconnaissance System

CAS Close Air Support

CASCOM Combined Arms Support Command

CASEVAC Casualty


CAT Category

CATC CECOM Army Transformation Cell

CATK Counter


CATS Combined Arms Training Strategy

CATT Combined Arms Tactical Trainer

CAV Cavalry

CB Campaign Briefing; Chemical/ Biological

CBA Capabilities

Based Assessment

CBD Chemical and Biological Defense

CBERT Chemical


Equipment Repair Team

CBG Carrier Battle Group

CBHCO Community Based Health Care Organization

CBI Computer-based


CBM CAISI Bridge Module

CBO Critical Bases of Operation

CBPM Cost by Program Manager

CBPS Chemical-Biological


Shelter CBPSS Chemical-Biological Protection Shelter System

CBRN Chemical,


Radiological, and Nuclear


CBRNE Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Enhanced


CBRNRS CBRN Reconnaissance System

CBS Corps Battle Simulator

CSB-X Continuing Balance System-Expanded

CBS Central Budgeting System; Chemical/Biological Sampling;

Close Boundary Sentry; Common Ballistic Shield; Common

Boresight System; Corps Battle Simulation; Corps Battle

Simulation System; Corps Battlefield Simulator; Cost

Breakdown Structure; Cost by System; COTS-Based System CBST Cost by System Type

CBT Combat; Combat Bridge Transporter; Computer-based




CBU Consistent

Battlespace Understanding; Cost/Budget Updates CBTM Cost by Type of Money

CBUR Cost by Unit Report

CC Civil Considerations; Civil Control; Close Combat; Combat

Camera; Combatant Command; Combatant Commander;

Command Center; Commercial Carrier; Communications

and Computers Close Combat refers to the direct finer finght executed primarily by combined arms maneuver units.

CCAWS Close Combat Anti-Armor Weapon System

CCC Command & Communication Center; Component

Commanders Conference; Corrosion Control Center

CCDR Combatant


CCE Combined Collaborative Environment

CCF Critical Command Functions, Commercial, Civil and


CCI Commanders Critical Information, Controlled

Cryptographic items

CCIR Commander’s Critical Information Requirements

CCL Common Access Card (CAC) Cryptographic Logon

CCO Close Combat Optics

CCP Casualty



Command and Control Processor;

Computer Control Panel; Concept Capability Plan;

Contamination Control Point; Copilot’s Control Panel; Cost

Change Proposal; Cost Control Program; Country Conflict


CCS Communications Control Set

CCSW Common Close Support Weapon

CCT Corps Combat Team

CCTD Close Combat Test Directorate

CCTT Close Combat Tactical Trainer

CCU Compact Computer Unit

CD Career Development; Certificate of Destruction; Chemical

Defense; Civil Defense; Collateral Damage; Collaboration

Data; Color Display; Combat Developer; Combat

Development; Compact Disk; Compact Display;

Communication Device; Concept Definition; Concept

Design; Concept Development; Confidential Document;

Contract Data; Contract Design; Cost Distribution; Critical


CD-ROM Compact Disk-Read Only Memory

CDA Commander’s Decision Aid; Commander’s Digital Assistant CDAS Central Decision/Analysis Support

CDD Capabilities Development Document; Certificate of

Disability for Discharge; Combat Definition Document;

Configuration Definition Document; Contract Delivery Date CDL Common Data Link

CDM Collaboration Data Manager

CDR Commander; Concept Design Review; Critical Design


CDS Cargo Delivery System; Certification Data Sheet; Chemical

Decontamination System; Containerized Delivery System CDT Central Daylight Time

C-E/CE Chemical Energy; Communications Electronics;

Comparative Evaluation; Construction Equipment; Cost


C-E LCMC ; CE LCMC Communication Electronics Life Cycle Management Command

CECOM US Army Communications Electronics Command

CEER-T Communications

Electronics Equipment Team;

Communication Electronics Evaluation Repair – Team CEJ Co-Evolution


CEK Cellular





Central Command

CENTRIX Combined Enterprise Regional Information Exchange CEP Concept Experimentation Program, Circular Error Probable CERDEC US Army Communication Electronics Research

Development and Engineering Command

CERT Computer

Emergency Response Team

CERTEX Certification


CF Causeway Ferry; Combined Force; Contingency Force;

Critical Failure; Current Force

CFB Configuration Management Board

CFFCB Current Force and Future Force C4ISR Branch CFL Coordinated Fire Line CFLCC Coalition Forces Land Component Command; Combined

Force Land Component Command

CFM Contingency For Movement; Contractor Furnished Material;

Cubic Feet Per Minute

CFNWG Current Force Network Working Group CFS Call for Support; Contractor Field Service CFSR Contractor Field Service Representative CFU Current Force Unit

CFX Command Field Exercise CG Commanding General; Common Ground CGF Computer Generated Forces CGS / GSM Common Ground Station / Ground Station Module CGSC Command & General Staff College CH Cargo Helicopter; Common Hardware; Computer Hardware CHAIN Compartmented High Assurance Information Network CHATS Counter Intelligence/Human Intelligence Automated Tools


CHF Communication Handling Facilities CHIMS Counter Intelligence/Human Intelligence Management


CHL Combat Health Logistics CHP Common Hardware Platform CHPU Common Hardware Platform Upgrade CHS Common Hardware System; Common Health Support,

Common Hardware and Software; Computer Hardware Software

CHU Container Handling Unit CI Combat Intelligence; Commander’s Intent; Coordinating

Instructions; Counter-Intelligence

CI & IOPS Counter-Intelligence & Interrogation Operations CI & IOPS WS Counter-Intelligence & Interrogation Operations


CIA Central Intelligence Agency; Counter Insurgency Academy CIB Combat Infantryman Badge; Controlled Image Base CIC

Command Information Center; Commander’s Information

Console, Command Integration Cell

CID Combat Identification CIDC US Army Criminal Investigation Command CIDDS Combat Identification for Dismounted Soldier CIDNE Combined Information Data Network Exchange CIED; C-IED Counter Improvised Explosive Device C-IED J CIEDT Counter Improvised Explosive Device Technology CIF Central Issue Facility; Consolidated Issue Facility; Corps

Information Flow; Critical Input File

CIIC Controlled Item Inventory Code CIM Common Information Model

CINC Commander in Chief (replaced by Combatant Commander) Army doctrine change to use GCC instead of RCC or CINC. CIO Chief Information Officer CIP Combat Identification Panel

CIR Critical Incident Report CISA Coalition Information Sharing Architecture CJCS Chairman Joint Chief of Staff

CJCSI Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction

CJCSM Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Memorandum

CJSMPT Coalition Joint Spectrum Management Planning Tool CJTF Coalition Joint Task Force; Combined Joint Task Force


CK Containerized

CKEM Compact Kinetic Energy Missile

Ckt Circuit


CL Configured

CLMR Combat Land Mobile Radio

CLOE Common Logistics Operating Environment

CLRS Company Level Radio Sets

Service; Contractor Logistics Support CLS Commercial


Logistics Support Team

CLST Contractor

CLU Command Launch Unit

CM Chemical, Consequence Management; Countermine, Cruise


CMA Chemical Materials Agency

CMAOC Casualty & Memorial Affairs Operations Center

CMATT Coalition Military Assistance Training Team

CMB Combat Maneuver Battalion; Combat Medical Badge;

Combat Mobility Branch; Common Map Background;

Configuration Management Board

CMCS COMSEC Material Control System

CMF Career Management Field; Containerized Maintenance


CMI Computer Managed Instruction

CMMC Corps Materiel Management Center

CMO Civil Military Operations

CMP Common Message Processor; Computer Message Processor CMR Conditional

Material Release

CMS Combat Mobility System; Communications Management


CMT Contact Maintenance Truck; Contractor Management Team CMTC Combat Maneuver Training Center

CMV Contact Maintenance Vehicle

CMVS Combat Medic Vest System

CN Celestial


CNA Computer Network Attack

CNB Coalition Nation Brigade

CND Computer Network Defense

CNDT Computer Network Defense Team

CNE Computer Network Exploitation

CNPS Common Network Processing System

CNR Combat Net Radio

CNRS Combat Net Radio System(s)

CO Commanding Officer; Company



CO-RGT Company

COA Course of Action

COB Civilians on the Battlefield

COC; CoC Centralized Operational Control; Chain of Command;

Chemical of Concern; Coalition Operations Center; Code of

Conduct; Combat Operations Center; Command Operations

Center; Container Operations Center; Continuance of

Certification; Corps Operations Center; Council-of-

Colonels; Current Operations Cell;

COCOM Combatant Command (command authority)

COE; CoE Center of Excellence; Chief of Engineers; Common

Operating Environment; Concept of Employment; Concept

of Execution; Contemporary Operational Environment,

Contemporary Operating Environment; Corps of Engineers COEA Cost & Operational Effectiveness Analysis

COEI Components of the End Item

COG Centers of Gravity

COHORT Cohesion Operational Readiness Training; Cohesion for

Operational Readiness and Training

COI Communications Operating Instruction; Communities of

Interest; Critical Operational Issue; Contact of Interest COIC Critical Operational Issues and Criteria

COLT Combat Observation Lasing Team

COMINT Communications


COMM Communications

COMMEX Communications


COMMZ Communications


COMSEC Communications


CONOPS Concept of Operations; Continuity of Operations CONPLAN Concept


CONUS Continental United States

COO Concept of Operations

COOP Continuity



CoP Community of Practice

COP Close Observation Patrol; Coalition for Outsourcing and

Privatization; Combat Observation Post; Combat Outpost;

Command Observation Post; Command Operating Program;

Command Operation Procedure; Commitment and

Obligation Plan; Commitment, Obligation and Procurement;

Common Operating Picture; Common Operational Picture;

Communication Order Process; Community of Practice;

Contingency Operations Plan; Contingency Operations

Procedure; Continuity of Operations Plan; Contractor

Owned Property; Current Operations Picture

COR Contracting

Officer’s Representative

CoS; COS Chief of Staff; Class of Service; Concept of Support COSCOM Corps Support Command

COTM Charger on the Move

COTS Commercial-Off-the-Shelf

CP Central Repository; Collection Point; Combat Power;

Command Post Combat Power includes leadership and the six warfighting functions of movement and maneuver, fires, intelligence, sustainment, command and control, and protection.

CPA Chairman’s Program Assessment

CPAF Cost Plus Award Fee

CPATT Civilian Police Assistance Training Team

CPCS Combat Personnel Control System; Command Post Counter-

Surveillance; Common Program Control Station

CPD Capabilities Production Document

CPF Combat Patrol Forces

CPIT Corporate Phase-In Team

CPN Command Post Node

CPO Command Post Operations

CPOF Command Post of the Future

CPP Command Post Platform

CPR Chairman’s Program Recommendation

CPS Communication


System CPSIT Command Post Staff Integration Team

CPT Collaborative



CPU Central Processing Unit

CPX Command Post Exercise



CQM Close

Ready; Conditional Release



CR Cavalry

CRA Centralized Repair Activity; Continuing Resolution

Authority; Corps Rear Area

CRAF Civilian Reserve Air Fleet

C-RAM; CRAM Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar

CRD Capstone Requirements Document

CRIS Crewman’s Remote Interface System

CRLS Control Remote Landmine System

CROP Common Relevant Operating Picture; Containerized Roll-

in/Roll-out Platform; Container Roll On/Out Platforms

CROWS Common Remote Operating Weapons Station

CRP Central Receiving Point; Communications Relay Package

CRSP Central Receiving and Shipping Point



CRT Combat


CRU Combat


CS Civil Security; Civil Support; Cognitive Skills; Combat

Support; Current Situation

CSA U.S. Army Chief of Staff

CSAR Combat Search and Rescue

CSB Corps Support Battalion

CSC Combat Stress Control; Convoy Support Center; Customer

Service Center

CSDP Command Supply Discipline Program

CSEL Combat Survivor Evader Locators

CSF Critical Staff Functions

CSG Corps Support Group

CSIF Contractor

Support of Initial Fielding

Security Logistics Agency

CSLA Communications

CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access

CSO Civil Support Operations Civil Support Operations are only

executed in the United States. CSR Controlled Supply Rate


CSS Combat



Support Automation Management



CSSC Combat Service Support Company

CSSCS Combat Service Support Control System

CSSD Counter Sniper Shot Detection

CSSR Cost/schedule Status Report

CSSS Counter Sniper Sensor System

CSST Combat Support Shop Set

CST Central Standard Time; Civil Support Team

CSWNS Crew Served Weapon Night Sight

CT Certification Test; Chemical Terrorism;Collaborative

Tools; Collective Training; Combat Trains; Combating

Terrorism; Control Tower; Counterterrorism; Counter

Terrorism; Counter Terrorist

CTA Common Table of Allowance

CTC Cargo Transfer Company; Combined Arms Training Center;

Combat Training Center; Cost to Complete; Contract Target


CTC-IS Combat Training Center-Instrumentation System

CTCP Combat Training Command Post

CTD Common Tactical Display; Concept and Technology

Development; Concept Technology Demonstration

CTCP Combat Trains Command Post

CTIA Common Training Instrumentation Architecture

CTIL Command Tracked Item List; Commander’s Tracked Item

List; Critical Tracked Item List

CTIS Central Tire Inflation System; Combat Terrain Information


CTOPS Collaborative Training and Operations Planning System CTP Common Tactical Picture; Comprehensive Test Plan CTPS Combat Trauma Patient Simulator

CTSB Critical Task Selection Board

CTSF Central Technical Support Facility; Consolidated Training

Support Facility

CTTL Course Training Task List; Critical Training Task List CTU Computer Test Unit; Consolidated Table of Organization

and Equipment Update

CU Combat Unit; Common Understanding

cu Cubic

CUB Commander’s Update Briefing

CV Command Vehicle; Commander’s Vehicle (Stryker

Variant); Command Variant

CV-CPOA Combat Vehicle-Combat Performance Operational




CWC Cyber

CWRS Clear Water Rinse System

CWT Combat Weather Team; Customer Wait Time


CY Calendar

DA Department of the Army, Decision Analysis; Domain


addressing system


DAAS Defense

DAB Defense Acquisition Board

DAC Department of the Army Civilian

Airfield Control Group

DACG Departure

DAG Data Authentication Group

DAGR Defense Advanced Global Positioning System Receiver DAMO Department of the Army, Military Operations

DAMPL Department of Army Master Priority List

DAMWO Department of the Army Modification Work Order

DAP Downlink

Aircraft Parameters

DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

DART Documentation Assistance Review Team

DARTS Deployment and Reconstitution Tracking Software DAWE Division XX Advanced Warfighting Experiment



DB Digital

Battlespace Battle Lab

DBBL Dismounted

DBCS Digital Battle Command System; Dismounted Battle

Command System

DBL Distribution Based Logistics

DBLS Distribution Based Logistics System

DBTF Design, Build, Test, Field

DC Deep Collaboration; Direct Current; Desktop Computer;

Domain Controller

DC2 Digital Command and Control

DC2R Digital Command and Control Rehearsal

DCASS Defense

Army Switches System


Army Transmission Systems;


DCATS Defense


Directorate of Combined Arms Tactics; Discrepancy and

Corrective Action Tracking

DCG Deputy Commanding General

DCGS Distributed Common Ground Station

DCGS-A Distributed Common Ground Station – Army

DCG-T Deputy Commanding General – Transformation

DCG-T&R Deputy Commanding General – Training and Readiness DCI Director of Central Intelligence

DCID Director of Central Intelligence Directive

DCMD-I Defense Contracting Management District-International DCSDEV Deputy Chief of Staff, Developments

DCSDOC Deputy Chief of Staff, Doctrine

DCSLOG Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics

DCSPER Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel

DCSPRO Deputy Chief of Staff for Programs

DCST Deputy Chief of Staff for Training

DCT Division Combat Team

DCTS Distributed Collaboration Tool Suite

DCU Desert Camouflage Uniform/Desert Combat Uniform

DCX Division Capstone Exercise

DDACT Dismounted Data Automated Communications Terminal DDC Defense Distribution Center; Defense Documentation


DDDDD; D5 Deceive, Disrupt, Deny, Degrade, and Destroy

DDE Detect,

Decide, and Destroy

DDJC Defense Distribution Depot – San Joaquin, CA

DDN Defense Data Network

DDRT Defense Distribution Depot, Red River, Texas

Dissemination Service; Defense Distribution System; DDS Data

Digital Display System

DDSP Defense Distribution Depot, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania


DE Directed

DEA Data Exchange Agreement

DEC December; Digital Electronic Control



DEPEX Deployment Exercise

DEPLOYEX Deployment Exercise

DEPLOYORD Deployment Order

DEPORD Deployment Order

DESC Defense




DET Detachment, Displaced Equipment Training

DETT Displaced Equipment Training Team

Universal Combat Earthmover

DEUCE Deployable


DEV Developer;


DEW Directed


DF Deployable Force; Direction Finding

DFCC Digitization Force Coordination Cell; Digital Force

Coordination Center

DGDT Downsized Ground Data Terminal

DI Digital Ink; Digital Instruction; Digital Integration

Intelligence Agency

DIA Defense

DIACAP Department of Defense Information Assurance Certification

and Accreditation Process

DIC Document Identifier Code

and Staff Trainer


DICAST Digital

DIDB Distributed Information Database

Digital CP (TOC) Digital Command Post (Tactical Operations Center)


DIGEX Digital

DII Defense Information Infrastructure; Digital Instruction

Integration, Defense Industry Initiative

DIIT Digital Instruction Integration Team

DIMHRS Defense Integrated Military Human Resources System DIRLAUTH Direct Liaison

DIS Data Information Service; Data Interchange Summit;

Defense Information Service; Defense Information System;

Defense Intelligence Staff; Defense Investigative Service

DISA Defense Information Systems Agency; Defense Intelligence

Agency Information Systems Architecture; Deployable

Information Systems Architecture

DISC4 Director of Information Systems for Command, Control,

Communications and Computers

DISCOM Division Support Command

DISN Defense Information System Network Replaced Defense Data Network (DDN) DITSCAP Defense Information Technology Security Certification and

Accreditation Process

DIV Division


DIVARTY Division


DIVENG Division

DJC2 Deployable Joint Command and Control System



DLA Defense

DLIS Defense Logistics Integrated Systems

DMLSS Defense Medical Logistics Support System

Medical Logistics Standard Support – Assemblage

DMLSS-AM Defense



DM Dual

DMC DISA Mega-Center; Distribution Management Center

DMG Digital Master Gunner

DMIL Demilitarization

Management Center

DMMC Division


DMR Digital Multipurpose Range

DMS Defense Message System

Message System – Army

DMS-A Defense

DMWR Directorate of Morale, Welfare and Recreation



DNC Digital

DNP Discussion Notes Pod

DNS Data Network Services; Domain Name Server

DNVT Digital Nonsecure Voice Terminal Provides digital Nonsecure voice



DO Defense

Operations Center; Directorate of Contracting

DOC Deployment

DoD Department of Defense

DODD Department of Defense Directive

Of Defense Activity Address Code

DODAAC Department

DODI Department of Defense Instruction

DODIIS Department of Defense Intelligence Information System

DOI Directorate of Integration

DOIC Directorate of Integration Committee

DOIM Director of Information Management; Directorate of

Information Management

DOL Department of Logistics

DONSA Day of No Significant Activity

DOS Days of Supply; Department of State

DOTE Defense Operations Test & Evaluation; Directorate of Test

and Evaluation

DOTMLPF Doctrine,

Organization, Training, Material, Leadership and

Education, Personnel and Facilities (formerly DTLOMS)

DP Data Processing; Data Products; Decision Paper; Decision

Point; Defense Program; Depth; Development Plan;

Development Proposal; Digital Product; Displaced Person;

Distribution Point; Dual-Purpose

DPA Data Processing Activity; Defense Procurement Agency;

Directional Portable Antenna

Protect, Defend; Digital Product Development

DPD Detect,

Executive Officer


DPEO Deputy


移动通信术语英文缩写对照大全 3G-MSC 3rd Generation Mobile Switching Centre 第三代移动交换中心 3G-SGSN 3rd Generation Serving GPRS Support Node 第三代服务GPRS 的节点3GPP 3rd Generation partnership project 3 代合作项目 AAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer type 2 ATM 适配层 2 AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer type 5 ATM 适配层 5 ACIR Adjacent Channel Interference Ratio 邻道干扰比 ACLR Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio 邻道泄漏功率比 ACS Adjacent Channel Selectivity 邻道选择性210 ALCAP Access Link Control Application Part 接入链路控制应用部分 AMC Adapt Modulation Coding 自适应调制编码 ARQ Automatic Repeat Request 自动重复请求 ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One 抽象语义描述1 ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步传输模式 AuC Authentication Centre 鉴权中心 BCH Broadcast Channel 广播信道 BCCH Broadcast Control Channel 广播控制信道 BER Bit Error Rate 误比特率 BGCF Breakout Gateway Control Function 突破网关控制功能 BSC Base Station Controller 基站控制器 BSS Base Station Subsystem 基站子系统 BTS Base Transceiver Station 基站收发机 CC Call Control 呼叫控制 CCCH Common Control Channel 公共控制信道 CCH Control Channel 控制信道 CCPCH Common Control Physical Channel 公共控制物理信道 CDMA Code Division Multiple Access 码分多址 CDMA TDD CDMA Time Division Duplex 码分多址时分双工 CFN Connection Frame Number 连接帧号 CM Connection Management 连接管理 CN Core Network 核心网 CQI Channel Quality Indicator 信道质量指示 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余检验 CRNC Controlling Radio Network Controller 控制的无线网络控制器


常用军事用语的缩写——美国海军舰船种类代号 Aircraft Carriers 航空母舰 CV Aircraft Carrier 航空母舰 CVN Aircraft Carrier, Nuclear 核动力航母 CVB Aircraft Carrier, Large 大型航母 CVA Aircraft Carrier, Attack 攻击型航母 CVGH Aircraft Carrier, Guided Missile Helicopter 导弹直升机航母 CVL Aircraft Carrier, Light 轻型航母 CVE Aircraft Carrier, Escort 护航航母 CVS Seaplane Carrier (prior to and during WWII) 水上飞机母舰(二战前、二战期间)Anti-Submarine/Support Carrier (after WWII) 反潜/支援航母(二战后) CVH Aircraft Carrier, Helicopter 直升机航母 CVV Aircraft Carrier, Vertical Take Off And Landing 垂直起降飞机母舰 AVT Aircraft Carrier, Training Ship 训练航母 Battleships 战列舰 B/BB Battleship - Usually larger than 20,000 tons and armed with guns of 10" or more. 战列舰--通常20000吨以上、装甲防护、主炮口径10吋或更大 BM Monitors 浅水重炮舰 Cruisers 巡洋舰 C Cruiser 巡洋舰 ACR Armored Cruiser 装甲巡洋舰 CB Large Cruiser 大巡洋舰 CC Prior to 1961: Battlecruiser 战列巡洋舰(1961前) After 1961: Command Ship 指挥舰(1961后) CA Prior to 1931: Armored Cruiser 装甲巡洋舰(1931前) After 1931: Heavy Cruiser - a cruiser armed with guns 8" (20.3 cm) or larger 重巡洋舰(1931后)--装甲防护、8吋或更大口径主炮 CAG Heavy Cruiser, Guided Missile - a heavy cruiser converted to carry missiles 重型导弹巡洋舰--携带导弹的重巡洋舰 CG Guided Missile Cruiser 导弹巡洋舰 CGN Guided Missile Cruiser, Nuclear 核动力导弹巡洋舰 CH Cruiser with an assigned Helicopter直升机巡洋舰 CL Light Cruiser - cruiser armed with guns smaller than 8" (20.3 cm) 轻巡洋舰--装甲防护、 8吋以下主炮 CLAA Anti-Aircraft Light Cruiser 防空轻巡洋舰 CLC Command Light Cruiser 轻型指挥巡洋舰 CLH Helicoptor Light Cruiser - cruiser with an assigned Helicopter 轻型直升机巡洋舰--携带直升机的轻巡洋舰 CLK Light Cruiser, Killer (ASW) 反潜巡洋舰 CGH Guided Missile Cruiser with an assigned Helicopter导弹直升机巡洋舰 CLG Light Guided Missile Cruiser - a light cruiser converted to carry missiles 轻型导弹巡洋舰--携带导弹的轻巡洋舰 CLGN Light Guided Missile Cruiser, Nuclear 核动力轻型导弹巡洋舰 CS Scout Cruiser 侦察巡洋舰 CSG Strike Missile Cruiser 攻击型导弹巡洋舰 Destroyers 驱逐舰 D/DD Destroyer 驱逐舰 DE Destroyer Escort 护航驱逐舰 DDE Destroyer converted to Fleet Escort 护航驱逐舰 DDH Destroyer with an assigned Helicopter 直升机驱逐舰 DDG Guided Missile Destroyer 导弹驱逐舰


这两天在看MDCN网络系统的时候,碰到很多很多的术语,为了对这个MDCN 系统有进一步的了解,于是每碰到一个术语就百度一下,再一次让我感觉到,百度真是好东西,因为不只是百度到我直接想要的东西,还间接百度到我更加想要的知识。 现在把这两天我看到的、我学到的和我暂时没有用到的一些移动通信术语跟大家分享一下,也许你现在用不着,但只要你身在移动,你还是有可能碰到的。这些术语肯定不是很全面的,欢迎大家补充啊! A AAA:鉴权、认证、计费 AAS:自适应天线系统 AIE:增强互联演进 AMR:自适应多速率 API:应用程序接口 AR:接入路由器 ASON:自动交换光网络 AUC:鉴权中心 B B3G:后3G BG:边界网关 BGP(BorderGatewayProtocol,边界网关协议) BHSM:忙时短消息 BICC:承载独立的呼叫控制

BITS:大楼综合时钟系统 BPSK:二进制相移键控 BSC:基站控制器 BSS:基站子系统 BTS:基站 C CAMEL:移动增强逻辑的客户化应用 CDMA:码分多址接入 CMPP:中国移动点对点短消息 CG:计费网关 CGI:小区全球标识号 CMIP:公共管理信息协议 CN:核心网络 CORBA:公共对象请求代理体系结构 COTS:使用现货 CRBT(ColoringRingBackTone)多彩回铃音业务(彩铃)CSS:核心网子系统 CR:提交报告 CS:电路交换 CSD:电路交换数据 D DCS(DataCenterSystem)数据缓存中心

DHCP:动态主机配置协议 DSMP:数据业务管理平台 DWDM:密集波分复用 DXC:数字交叉连接 E EAI:企业应用集成 EDGE:GPRS演进的增强数据 E-OTD:增强型观测时间差分ETOM:增强电信运营视图 F FCAPS:故障、配置、计费、性能、安全FDD:频分双工 FDMA:频分多址接入 FR(FrameRelay):帧中继 G GIS:地理信息系统 GGSN:网关GPRS支持节点GMLC:网关移动位置中心 GMSK:高斯调制相移键控 GMSC:网关移动交换中心 8PSK:8进制相移键控 GPRS:通用分组无线业务


外贸专业术语缩写理解加背诵 1)FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人 (2)FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货 (3)FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货 (4)CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费 (5)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费 (6)CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地 (7)CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至目的地 (8)DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货 (9)DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货 (10)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货 (11)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货 (12)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货 主要船务术语简写: (1)ORC (Origen Recevie Charges) 本地收货费用(广东省收取) (2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 码头操作费(香港收取) (3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费 (4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费 (5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费 (6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 设备位置附加费 (7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交货费


机械专业术语Cylinder 气缸/顶缸 Shaft 导向轴 Linear_bushing 直线轴承 Slide_guide 直线导轨 Locating_Pin 定位销 Screw 螺栓 Spring 弹簧 Caster 脚轮 Tolerance 公差 Vacuum anemometer 压力开关 Lever 把手 Pull 拉手 Assembly drawing 装配图 Beam 横梁 Bending moment 弯矩 Bending stress 弯曲应力Chamfering 去角斜切 Channel 凹槽 Chattering 颤动 Coefficient of friction 摩擦系数Distortion 扭曲变形 Draft taper 拔模锥度 Draw out 拉拔 Fit tolerance 配合公差 Flexible rigidity 弯曲刚性 Hatching 剖面线 Plane strain 倒角应力 Repeated load 重覆载荷 Sketch 草图 Straightness 直度 Surface roughness 表面粗度 Tapping 攻螺丝 Toughness 韧性

Flap 盖板 Pointer chuck 指针筒 Mask 前框 Backcover 后壳 Nut 螺母 Screw cap 螺帽(用于盖住螺丝表面的小零件,多为塑料 制品,区别于螺母) 常见缩写 AP Advanced Purchaser APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning (先期产品质量策划) CAN Control Area Network CEOS CP Control plan DFMEA Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis DTP Data to production DTC Design to cost DV Design Validation EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility (电磁兼容性) EOP End of Production FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (潜在失效模式分 析) FPC Flexible Printed Circult (柔性印刷线路板) FPY First Pass Yield (一次交检合格率) MCA M achine C apablity A nalysis (设备能力分析) MDS Master data system MES Manufacturing Execute System MFU Maschinenf?higkeitsuntersuchung


英语中日常用语的缩写和简写 星期 星期一:MONDAY=MON 星期二:TUESDAY=TUS 星期三:WENSEDAY=WEN 星期四:THURSDAY=THUR 星期五:FRIDAY=FRI 星期六:SATURDAY=SAT 星期天:SUNDAY=SUN 月份 一月份=JAN 二月份=FEB 三月份=MAR 四月份=APR 五月份=MAY 六月份=JUN 七月份=JUL 八月份=AUG 九月份=SEP 十月份=OCT 十一月份=NOV 十二月份=DEC 常用词 4=FOR=FOREVER(到永远) 2=TO RTN=RETURN(送回) BT=BLOOD TYPE(血型) PLS=PLEASE(请) BD=BIRTHDAY(生日) REWARD=酬谢 REWARD 4 RETURN=送回有酬谢 ALLRG=过敏 军事术语 USMC=海军陆战队 NAVY=海军 AF=AIR FORCE(空军) ARMY=陆军 宗教类 C=CHRISTIANISM(基督教) J=JUDAISM(犹太教) C=CATHOLICISM(天主教) B=BUDDHISM(佛教) I=ISLAM(伊斯兰教) NR=NO REFERENCE(没有宗教信仰) 星座 水瓶座: AQUARIUS(1月21日 - 2月19日) 双鱼座: PISCES(2月20日 - 3月20日) 白羊座: ARIES (3月21日 - 4月20日) 金牛座: TAURUS(4月21日 - 5月21日) 双子座: GEMINI(5月22日 - 6月21日) 巨蟹座: CANCER(6月22日 - 7月23日) 狮子座: LEO(7月24日 - 8月23日)


互联网常见34个术语解释 之前花了点时间收集了一些互联网术语和解释,现在分享出来,给小伙伴们添堵添乱,哈哈:D!(1)DAU : daily active user,日活跃用户数量(2)MAU : 月活跃用户量(3)ARPU : (Average Revenue Per User)即每用户平均收入,用于衡量电信运营商和互联网公司业务收入的指标。(4)KPI :关键绩效指标法,是企业绩效考核的方法之一,其特点是考核指标围绕关键成果领域进行选取(5)MOU : 平均每户每月通话时间(minutesof usage)(6)OTT : “Over The Top”的缩写,是指通过互联网向用户提供各种应用服务。这种应用和目前运营商所提供的通信业务不同,它仅利用运营商的网络,而服务由运营商之外的第三方提供。目前,典型的OTT业务有互联网电视业务,苹果应用商店等。(7)CPC : 网络中最常见的一种广告形式,它是英文单词Cost Per Click 的缩写意思就是每次点击付费广告(8)CPM : Cost Per Mille,或者Cost Per Thousand;Cost PerImpressions,广告投放过程中,听到或者看到某广告的每一人平均分担到多少广告成本(9)CPA:每行动成本,Cost Per Action,指投放按广告实际效果,即按回应的有效问卷或定单来计费,而不限广告投放量。CPA的计价方式对于网站而言有一定的风险,但若广告投放成功,其收益也比CPM的计价方式要大得多。广告主为规避广告费用风险,只有当网络用户点击旗

帜广告,链接广告主网页后,才按点击次数付给广告站点费用。(10)CPR:每回应成本,Cost Per Response,以浏览者的每一个回应计费。这种广告计费充分体现了网络广告“及时反应、直接互动、准确记录”的特点,但是,这个显然是属于辅助销售的广告模式,对于那些实际只要亮出名字就已经有一半满足的品牌广告要求,大概所有的网站都会给予拒绝,因为得到广告费的机会比CPC还要渺茫。(11)CPP:每购买成本,Cost Per Purchase,广告主为规避广告费用风险,只有在网络用户点击旗帜广告并进行在线交易后,才按销售笔数付给广告站点费用。无论是CPA还是CPP,广告主都要求发生目标消费者的“点击”,甚至进一步形成购买,才予付费;CPM则只要求发生“目击”(或称“展露”、“印象”),就产生广告付费。(12)PFP:按业绩付 费,Pay-For-Performance(13)IP:“Intellectual Property”的缩写,即知识产权(14)ACG:为英文Animation、Comic、Game的缩写,是动画、漫画、游戏的总称。ACG文化的发源地是日本,以网络及其他方式传播。为华人社会常用的次文化词汇(日本并不使用这个词,在英语为主的国家里也并不普及)。(15)KOL:关键意见领袖(Key Opinion Leader,KOL)基本上就是在微博上有话语权的那些人。也是我们常说的微博红人之类的,这些人在一些行业可能是专业的,或者非常有经验的,所以他们的话通常都能够让他的粉丝信


专业术语常用名词缩写中英文对照 请选择您所要查询的字母:A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-L-M-O-P-R-S-T-U-V A:Actuator 执行器 A:Amplifier 放大器 A:Attendance员工考勤 A:Attenuation衰减 AA:Antenna amplifier 开线放大器 AA:Architectural Acoustics建筑声学 AC:Analogue Controller 模拟控制器 ACD:Automatic Call Distribution 自动分配话务 ACS:Access Control System出入控制系统 AD:Addressable Detector地址探测器 ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer分插复用器 ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉冲编码调制 AF:Acoustic Feedback 声反馈 AFR:Amplitude /Frequency Response 幅频响应 AGC:Automati Gain Control自动增益控制 AHU:Air Handling Unit 空气处理机组 A-I:Auto-iris自动光圈 AIS:Alarm Indication Signal 告警指示信号 AITS:Acknowledged Information Transfer Service确认操作 ALC:Automati Level Control 自动平衡控制 ALS:Alarm Seconds 告警秒 ALU:Analogue Lines Unit 模拟用户线单元 AM:Administration Module管理模块 AN:Access Network 接入网 ANSI:American National Standards Institute美国国家标准学会 APS:Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护倒换 ASC:Automati Slope Control 自动斜率控制 ATH:Analogue Trunk Unit 模拟中继单元 ATM:Asynchrous Transfer Mode 异步传送方式 AU- PPJE:AU Pointer Positive Justification 管理单元正指针调整 AU:Administration Unit 管理单元 AU-AIS:Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU告警指示信号AUG:Administration Unit Group 管理单元组 AU-LOP:Loss of Administrative Unit Pointer AU指针丢失 AU-NPJE:AU Pointer Negative Justification管理单元负指针调整 AUP:Administration Unit Pointer管理单元指针 AVCD:Auchio &Video Control Device 音像控制装置 AWG:American Wire Gauge美国线缆规格 BA:Bridge Amplifier桥接放大器 TOP


企业管理常用缩写术语中英文对照 ? :5S管理 ?6σ:六西格玛管理 A ? : 作业制成本制度(Activity-Based Costing) ? ABB: 实施作业制预算制度(Activity-Based Budgeting) ? : 作业制成本管理(Activity-Base Management) ? APS: () ? : () ? ATP: () ? AVL: 认可的供货商清单(Approved Vendor List) B ? :物料清单(Bill Of Material) ? :企业流程再造(Business Process Reengineering) ? :平衡记分卡(Balanced ScoreCard) ? BTF:计划生产(Build To Forecast) ? BTO:(Build To Order) C ? :要径法(Critical Path Method) ? CPM:每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨(Complaint per Million) ? :客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management) ? CRP:(Capacity Requirements Planning) ? CTO:客制化生产(Configuration To Order) D ? :限制驱导式排程法(Drum-Buffer-Rope) ? DMT:成熟度验证(Design Maturing Testing) ? DVT:设计验证(Design Verification Testing) ? :运销资源计划(Distribution Resource Planning) ? DSS:(Decision Support System) E


常见的重要电脑专业术语及其缩写 常见的重要电脑英语及其缩写 PC : Personal Computer ,个人计算机、个人电脑,又 称微型计算机或微机。 NC: Network Computer ,网络计算机。 MPC: Multimedia Personal Computer ,多媒体个人电脑。 MMX:是MultiMedia eXtensions(多媒体扩展)的缩写,是第六代CPU芯片的重要特点。MMX技术是在CPU中加入了特地为视频信号(Video Signal),音频信号(Audio Signal)以及图像处理(Graphical Manipulation)而设计的57条指令,因此,MMX CPU极大地提高了电脑的多媒体(如立体声、视频、三维动画等)处理功能。 Intel Pentium 166MHz MMXTM: Intel Pentium是英特尔(Intel)公司生产的“奔腾”CPU意为 “ Registered ” (注册商标166MHz指CPU时钟频率,MHz 即Mega Hertz的缩写。MMXTM 中的TM是“ Trade Mark ”的简写意为“注册商标”。 OOP: Object Oriented

Programming, 面向对象的程序设计。所谓“对象”就是一个或一组数据以及处理这些数据的方法和过程的集合。面向对象的程序设计完全不同于传统的面向过程程序设计,它大大地降低了软件开发的难度,使编程就像搭积木一样简单,是当今电脑编程的一股势不可挡的潮流。 28VGA: 28 是指彩色显示器上的黄光网点间距(点距),点距越小的显示器,图像就越细腻、越好,这是因为彩色屏幕上的每个像点都是由一组红、绿、蓝光汇聚而成的,由于在技术上三束光还不能100% 地汇聚在一点上,因此会产生一种黄光网点的间隔,这种间隔越小,屏幕上显示的图像越清晰。VGA 是Video Graphics Array(视频图形阵列)的缩写。 FAT :Allocation Table, 文件分配表,它的作用是记录硬盘中有关文件如何被分散存储在不同扇区的信息。 EPA :Environmental Protection Agency 的简称,美国环境保护署。EPA 于1992 年宣布了“能源之星” (Energy Star)计划,并得到了国际社会的积极响应。只要启动电脑,过不了几秒钟就能见到屏幕上出现“能源之星”的标志。能源之星的目标是当电脑系统的各个部件不活动时自动进入低功耗状态,当部件的能动性恢复(即当键盘、鼠标等被使用)时,电脑系统自动回到完全清醒的状态。对于符合能源之星 规范的产品,EPA 将发给能源之星标志“ EPA


外企日常工作中常用的英语术语和缩写语.txt6宽容润滑了彼此的关系,消除了彼此的隔阂,扫清了彼此的顾忌,增进了彼此的了解。外企日常工作中常用的英语术语和缩写语 办公室职员(Office Clerk)加入公司的整个过程为例,引出在跨国公司(MNC-Multi-National Company) 工作中,日常人们喜欢经常使用的术语(Terminology)和缩写语(Abbreviation)。 [找工作Job Searching]我立志大学毕业后加入一家跨国公司。我制作了精美的个人简历(Resume, cv)。我参加了校园招聘(Campus Recruitment)。我关注报纸招聘广告(Recruiting Ads)。我也经常浏览招聘网站(Recruiting Website)。我还参加人才招聘会(Job Fair)。 [参加面试Be invited for Interview] 我选择了几家中意的公司,投出了简历。终于接到了人力资源部(Human Resources Department)邀请面试的通知。经过几轮面试(Interview)和笔试(Written Test)我终于接到了XXXX公司的聘用书(Offer Letter)。这是一家独资/合资企业(Wholly Foreign-Owned Company/Joint-Venture)。 [录用条件Employment Terms] 我隶属XX部门(Department)。我的职位(Position)是XXXX。我的工作职责(Job Responsibilities)是XXXX。我的直接上司(Direct Supervisor)是XXX。我的起点工资(Starting Salary)是XXXX。我的入职日期(Join-Date)是XXXX。我的试用期(Probation)是3个月。首期劳动合同(Labor Contract/Employment Contract)的期限(Term)是3年。 [第一天上班 First day of join] 我乘坐公司班车(Shuttle Bus/Commuting Bus)来到公司。先来到人力资源部报到(Register)。我填了一系列的表格(Forms)。我领到了工卡(Badge Card)、餐卡(Meal Card)、员工手册(Employee Manual)、培训手册(Training Handbook)、保险手册(Insurance Handbook)、安全环境健康(EHS-Environment, Health and Safety)手册。公司培训主管(Training Supervisor)为我做了入职培训(Orientation)。我了解了公司的安全须知(Safety Precautions)和紧急疏散通道(Emergency Evacuation Route)。 [部门 Department] 我随后来到我的部门,见到了我的部门经理(Department Manager)和同事(Colleagues)。我来到我的办公桌(Desk)前,看到办公用品(Stationery)和台式计算机(DeskTop)已经摆在桌上。经理说以后还会配备笔记本电脑(Notebook/LapTop)。 [午餐 Lunch] 中午在公司餐厅(Cafeteria)吃饭,是免费的午餐(Free Lunch)。饭后跟大家一起外出散步。 [第一次会议 First meeting] 下午部门开会(Have a Meeting),讨论目前面临的困难和问题(Difficulty & Issues),经理要求大家通过脑力激荡(Brain-Storming),找出问题的根源(Root Cause),并提出解决方案(Solutions)。 [各种类型会议 Various meetings] 公司有多种会议。部门经理的管理层会议(Staff Meeting)。讨论项目进展的项目会议 (Project Meeting)。讨论预算的预算会议(Budgeting Meeting)。与美国总部的电话会议(Teleconference Call)。还可以利用视频会议系统(Video Conference)或网络会议(Net-Meeting)系统开会。有各种周会(Weekly Meeting)、月例会(Monthly Meeting)、季度会议(Quarterly Meeting)和年度会议(Annual Meeting)。


星期 星期一:MONDAY=MON 星期二:TUESDAY=TUS 星期三:WENSEDAY=WEN 星期四:THURSDAY=THUR 星期五:FRIDAY=FRI 星期六:SA TURDAY=SA T 星期天:SUNDAY=SUN 月份 一月份=JAN 二月份=FEB 三月份=MAR 四月份=APR 五月份=MAY六月份=JUN 七月份=JUL 八月份=AUG 九月份=SEP 十月份=OCT 十一月份=NOV 十二月份=DEC 常用词 VIP = very improtant person重要人物 IMP (import)进口 EXP (export)出口 MAX (maximum)最大的、的最大限度的 MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度 DOC (document)文件、的单据 INT (international)国际的 EMS (express mail special)特快传递 IRC(International Red Cross)国际红十字会 UNESCO(the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural organization)联合国教科文组织 W.C(water closet) CIA(central intelligence agence)美国中情局 FBI(feberal bureau of investigation)美国联邦调查局 FA(football association)足协 4=FOR 到永远=FOREVER 2=TO RTN=RETURN(送回) BT=BLOOD TYPE(血型) PLS=PLEASE(请) BD=BIRTHDAY(生日) REWARD=酬谢 REWARD 4 RETURN=送回有酬谢 ALLRG=过敏 军事术语 USMC=海军陆战队 NA VY=海军 AF=AIR FORCE(空军) ARMY=陆军 宗教类 C=CHRISTIANISM(基督教) J=JUDAISM(犹太教) C=CA THOLICISM(天主教) B=BUDDHISM(佛教) I=ISLAM(伊斯兰教) NR=NO REFERENCE(没有宗教信仰)


计算机常用名词缩写 局域网LAN 无线局域网WLAN 城域网MAN 广域网W AN 万维网WWW 国际标准化组织ISO 开放系统互联OSI 超文本传输协议HTTP 互联网协议IP 传输控制协议TCP 用户数据报协UDP 文件传输协议FTP 域名系统DNS 网络接入点NAP 异步传输模式ATM 国际电信联盟ITU 无线电通信部门ITU-R 电信标准化部门ITU-T 开发部门ITU-D 电气和电子工程师协会IEEE Internet 体系结构委员会IAB Internet 研究任务组IRTF Internet 工程任务组IETF 无屏蔽双绞线UTP 公共交换电话网络PSTN 汇接点POP 数字用户线路DSL 非对称数字用户线路ADSL 离散的多信道调制DMT 无线本地回路WLL 频分多路复用FDM 时分多路复用TDM 波分多路复用WDM 数字的高级移动电话系统D-AMPS 全球移动通信系统GSM 码分多路访问CDMA 通用分组无线业务GPRS 同步数据链路控制SDLC 高级数据通信控制规程ADCCP 高级数据链路控制HDLC 链路访问规程LAP 点到点协议PPP 链路控制协议LCP 网络控制协议NCP 介质访问控制MAC 载波侦听多路访问CSMA 带冲突检测的CSMA CSMA/CD 冲突避免的CSMA CSMA/CA 波分复用多路访问WDMA 基站AP 避免冲突的多路访问MACA 无线的MACA 逻辑链路控制LLC 跳频扩频FHSS 直接序列扩频DSSS 正交频分多路复用OFDM 高速率的直接序列扩展HR-DSSS 分布式协调功能DCF 点协调功能PCF 基本服务集BSS 基本服务区BSA 分配系统DS 扩展的服务集ESS 本地多点分发服务LMDS 周边区域网络PAN 逻辑链路控制适应协议L2CAP 流的服务质量QoS 多协议标签交换MPLS 网络地址转换NAT 无类别域间路由CIDR Internet 控制消息协议ICMP 地址解析协议ARP 反向地址解析协议RARP 动态主机配置协议DHCP 开放的最短路径优先OSPF 外部网关协议BGP Internet 组管理协议IGMP 传输协议数据单元TPDU 传输服务访问点TSAP 网络服务访问点NSAP 远过程调用RPC 实时传输协议RTP 加性增长/乘性下降AIMD 流控制传输协议SCTP 对等系统P2P 互联网服务提供商ISP 屏蔽双绞线STP 纵向冗余校验LRC 循环冗余校验CRC 前向纠错FEC 虚路径标识VPI 虚通路标识VCI 虚拟专网VPN 虚拟局域网VLAN 适配层A TM AAL 分段和重组SAR 汇集子层Cs 异步时分多路复用ATDM 准同步数字序列PDH 同步数字序列SDH 同步光网络Sonnet 自动重发请求ARQ 综合业务数字网ISDN 信息服务IIS Intern 程控交换CBX 无线网路终端通信技术WIFI 简单网络管理协议SNMP 简单邮件传送协议SMTP 互联网数据报协议IDP 核心网关协议LGP 扩展网关协议Egp 路由信息协议RIP 无线应用协议W AP 国际电话电报咨询委员会CCITT 国际计算机通信会议ICCC 美国国家标准协会ANSI


Abbreviation: PAGA-Public address general alarm ; PAS-Public address speaklouder; PAT-Public address telephone station; PAB-Public address Beacon; PAC-Public address control unit; MDF-Distributing Frame; ODF-Optic Fiber Distributing Frame; CCTV-CCTV; CAM-Camera; CAME-Camera Ex proof; IDR-Intrusion detector receiver; IDS-Intrusion detector system; IDT-Intrusion detector transmitter; PBX-Private branch exchange; LAN-Local area network; VSAT-Very small aperture terminal; EMSV-Emergency Mobile Satellite Vehicle RFTS-Remote Fiber Test System IAS-Integration Alarm System HSWR-High-power Short-wave Radio System PCS-Patrolling Control System NVS: Network Video Server DVR: Digital Video Recorder PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Network IAD: Integrated Access Device ODU: Outdoor Unit IDU: Indoor Unit PBX: Private Automatic Branch Exchange MCU: Multi-point Control Unit VTE: Virtual Terminal Environment VSAT: Very Small Aperture Terminal VCS: Video Conference System LNB: Low noise block SMC: Network Management Server for VCS DCC: Data Communication Channels BNC: Bayonet Nut Connector CCTV Closed Circuit Television Systems


采购员经常遇到的英文缩写 1. R&D (research&design) 研发 2. APS (automated purchasing system) 自动采购系统 3. CAD (computer automated design) 计算机辅助设计 4. EDI (electronic data interchange) 电子数据交换系统 5. ERP (enterprise resource planning) 企业资源计划 6. ANX (automotive network exchange) 自动网络交换 7. CPO (chief procurement officers) 采购总监 8. CPE (collaborative planning and execution) 合作计划和执行 9. TCA (total cost of acquisition) 总获取成本 10. CPFR (collaborative,planning,forecasting,replenishment) 合作,计划,预测,补充 11. SCM (supply chain management) 供应链管理 12. VMI (vendor managed inventory) 卖方管理库存 13. VMR (vendor managed replenishment) 卖方管理补货 14. SCOR (supply chain operations reference) 供应链管理指南 15. LEW (least ex works) 最小离岸价 16. MOM (markup over coat model) 成本变动 17. 3PL (third party logistics) 第三方后勤服务 18. MRP (material requirements planning) 物料需求计划 19. CIO (computer information officers) 信息主管 20. PDCA (plan-do-check action cycle) 计划-实施-检查循环


原创]计算机网络常见术语简称对照表 以下是本人总结的网络术语简称。大多数是常见的网络术语简称,但这些简称不是全部的网络术语简称。其中打*号表示网民最常见的网络术语简称,作为普通网民的参考。 *ADSL:不对称数字订阅线路 AH:鉴定文件头 *ARP:地址解析协议ATM:异步传输模式 BOD:弹性带宽运用*CCM:拨号控制管理 CDSL:消费者数字订阅线路*CGI:通用网关接口 DCE:数据通信设备DES:数据加密标准 *DNS:域名系统DTE:数据终端设备 *FTP:文件传输协议*Ghost:全面硬件导向系统转移 HDSL:高比特率数字订阅线路HTTP:超文本传输协议 ICMP:因特网信息控制协议IKE:因特网密钥交换协议 *Internet:因特网*IP:网际协议 *ISDN:综合服务数字网络ISOC:因特网协会 *ISP:因特网服务提供商*LAN:局域网 L2TP:二级通道协议LMDS:局域多点分布式系统 MIME:多用途因特网邮件扩展协议 *MODEM:调制解调器NAT:网络地址转换 *NC:网络计算机 NDS:目录服务NNTP:网络新闻传输协议 *MSN:微软网络 PDS:公众目录支持 PGP:优良保密协议 PICS:因特网内容选择平台 POF:聚合体光纤 *POP3:第三版电子邮局协议 *PPTP:点对点通道协议 RADSL:速率自适应数字订阅线路 RARP:反向地址解析协议 RDF:资源描述框架 SIS:交换式网络互联服务 S/MIME:安全多用途因特网邮件扩展协议 *SNMP:简单网络管理协议 *SMTP:简单邮件传输协议 SKIP:因特网简单密钥交换协议 SUA:单用户帐号 *TCP:传输控制协议 UART:通用异步接收/发送装置 UDP:用户数据报协议 ULS::用户定位服务 *VOD:视频点播 *VPN:虚拟局域网
