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Forgiveness n.原谅,宽恕,饶恕;宽厚之心

Workmate n. 同事,工友

Oxygen n.氧(气)

Good-tempered a.脾气好的

Universal a.全体的;与全体有关的

Ironically ad.具讽刺意味地

Bitterness n.怨恨,愤恨,伤心或不愉快情绪

Host n.寄主,宿主;东道主,主人

Swiftly ad.很快地,即刻

Root sth. Out;root out sth.把(坏事等)彻底根除,杜绝

Take hold 固定下来,确立

Cripple vt.严重损坏或削弱;使残废

cling v.坚持,墨守;紧握住,紧抱住

cling to sth 坚持,墨守;忠实于某事物

determinedly ad.坚决地,决然地

heal v.使伤口愈合;使精神上的创伤恢复

proverb n.谚语

put v.用语言表达,叙述,说明

whoever pron.谁,凡是……的人

revenge n.报复,报仇

grave n.墓穴,坟墓

have no idea 不清楚

go about (doing) sth. 着手干某事

unfair a.不公平的,不公正的;不正当的

core n.核心,最重要的部分

shallow a.肤浅的,浅薄的

for one thing…,for another (thing)…首先…,再者…

sweep …under the carpet 把坏事或使人震惊之事掩盖起来

count sth. Against sb. 认为某事物不利于某人;因某事而低估某人initial a.开始的,最初的

relatively ad.相对地,比较地

one-off a.一次性的

constant a.持续不断地,连续发生的,一再重复的confrontation n.对抗,对峙

resentment n.因受虐待而愤恨,不满,怨恨

eat (away)at 烦扰,困扰

tackle v.采取行动处理,应付,解决

innocent a.人无罪的,无辜的

functional a.实用的,为实用而设计的;不加装饰的

impressive a.给人以强烈或良好印象的,令人难忘的

roll by 时间流逝

peel 表层,外层脱落;剥皮

like it or not 不管喜欢还是不喜欢

chipboard n.硬纸板,纸板,木渣板

jury n.陪审团

wart n.疣,肉赘

warts and all 不隐瞒缺点地,毫不遮丑地

flaw n.缺点,瑕疵

contentment n.满意,满足

reaction n.反应,回应

find it in one’s heart/oneself to do sth. 意欲做某事,忍心做某事,愿意做某事

move n. 步骤,行动

upset n. 心烦的,苦恼的,不适的

react vi. 发应;反对

let go (for sth.)放弃(某事)

at peace(with)与…保持友好,和谐;平静

nurture vi. 使发展;培养

do sb. wrong 中伤某人;冤枉某人;虐待某人

alternative n.可供选择的事物;取舍;抉择

sin n.冒犯上帝或宗教规定的罪v.违反教规;犯过失

Bible n.基督教《圣经》


thrilling n.情节紧张的,令人激动的

thrill v.使感到一阵激动,狂喜,恐怖等

doom vt.使…遭厄运;注定,命定

condemn vt.给…判刑,尤指判死刑或长期徒刑;给…定罪

criminal n.犯人,罪犯

sphere n. 兴趣或活动的范围,领域,界

activity n. 尤指娱乐或兴趣方面的活动

confine vt. 把…局限于,把…限制于

set sb. doing sth.使某人开始做某事

under/in …circumstances 在…情况下

mortal a.终有一死,不会长生不老的

attitude n. 态度,心态;感觉,想法

emphasize vt.强调,着重

vigor n. 活力,精力,精神

keenness n.敏锐

keen a.思想、感情或感觉等良好的;敏锐的;敏捷的

appreciation n. 感谢,感激

stretch vi. 延伸,延续,绵延

panorama n.风景的全貌,全景

adopt vt.采取

motto n.箴言,格言,座右铭

certainty n.确定性,确定的事;必然发生的事

take …for granted 对某人或某事不注意,不关心;认为是当然的,因视作当然而不重视picture vt. 想像,设想

picture sb./sth.as 将…想像成

all but 几乎,差不多

unimaginable a.难以想像的,不可思议的

endlessly ad.尤指不愉快的事情永无休止地,无穷尽地endless a. 尤指不愉快的事情永无休止的,无穷尽的petty a.不重要的;琐碎的

listlessness n.精神萎靡

listless a.无精打采的;倦怠的

characterize vt.是…的特征,以…为特征

deaf a.耳聋的,失聪的

blessing n.上帝的恩赐;幸事,幸运

observation n.观察,注意,监视

blessed a.神圣的;受上帝祝福的,有福的

take in看到,注意到

hazily ad.模糊地

the (same) old story 老一套

greatful to sb. for sth.因某事而对某人怀有感激之情conscious a.意识到的,察觉到的

stricken a.受灾的;患病的;受困扰的;遭损害的appreciative a.感激的;赞赏的;有欣赏力的appreciative of sth.因某事而心存感激

in particular特别;尤其

response n.回答

convince vt.使确信,使信服

worthy of值得

symmetry n.对称性;对称美,匀称

birch n.桦树,桦木

rough a.表面粗糙的,不平的

hopefully ad.怀有希望地

in search of搜索

bud n.蓓蕾,芽,苞

sign n.迹象,痕迹,征兆

awaken v.醒来;叫醒,唤醒

delightful a.令人非常高兴的,使人快乐的,讨人喜欢的texture n.手感,质感,质地

remarkable a.值得注意的;十分不平常的;出众的reveal vt.展现,显露出

quiver n.微颤,发抖

brook n.小河,溪

Persian n.波斯人/语的;波斯人,波斯语

rug n.小地毯

unending a.尤指不愉快的事情无休止的,无尽的;不断的drama n.剧本;戏剧,电视剧,广播剧

action n.剧本等的情节;故事;行动,活动;动作

stream vi.奔流,倾注;涌流

longing n.对…的渴望

long vi.渴望

long for切盼,渴望

convenience n.便利设施;带来方便的装置


shadowland n.阴影地带;虚幻境界

many a 许多

fame n. 声誉,名声,名气

private a私人的,个人的.

reward vt.酬报,酬谢,报答,奖赏

neglect n.被忽略的状况vt.忽视;忽略

freelance n.自由作家,自由撰稿人;自由职业者

prospect n.有根据的指望,期望,展望

srorage n.贮藏,储存,保管

superintendent n.某项活动或某一地区的主管人;监督人

manual a.手动的

genuine a.真正的,真诚的

put …to the test使…经手考验

uncertainty n.不确定,不可靠,半信半疑

agent n.经纪人

editor n.编辑,编者;报纸杂志等的主编,主笔

contract n.契约,合同

siren n.塞壬;妖妇

tempt vt.引诱某人去做…,诱使;怂恿

acquaintance n.相识但不很熟的人,泛泛之交

station vt.使驻扎,安置,设置

buck n.一美元

tease v.取笑,戏弄,拿…开玩笑

on the side作为兼职;暗地里

bull-headed a.指人愚笨固执的,顽固的

resolution n.决心要做的事

well vi.液体流,涌

stick it out 把难事坚持到底,忍耐到底

afterward ad.后来,以后

pace v.踱步于,慢步走于

cupboard n.橱柜,衣柜;食品橱,碗柜

crate n.板条箱,柳条箱;装货箱

sardine n.沙丁鱼

plunge v.使某物突然而猛力投入、穿入、进入

plunge in/into;plunge…in/into使某物突然而猛力投入、穿入、进入等;跳入;冲进;使投入某种活动

come up with 找到;拿出;提出;想出计划、答复等

crumple v.使皱;扭曲

goodness n.表示惊讶或愤怒,哎呀!天哪!谢天谢地!veteran a.&n.老资格的人,经验丰富的人

grocer n.食品杂货商;杂货铺的售货员

wither v.使植物等枯萎,使干枯,使凋谢

rumor n.流言,谣言,谣传

Rumor has it (that) 传说

steak n.牛或其他动物或鱼的肉排;牛排,牛扒

dash v.冲,猛冲

role model 榜样,楷模

sacrifice n.牺牲

make sacrifices 做出牺牲

gradually ad.逐渐地

slavery n.奴隶制度;努力身份

avoid vt.回避,故意避开

trace vt.追溯,追查

dazzle vt.使眼花,使目眩;耀眼

limelight n.公众注意的中心;舞台照明用的石灰光灯,钙光灯pack up 收拾行李

TV mini-series 电视连续短剧

in a/one sense 在某种意义上;在一定程度上

come across 尤指偶然遇见,碰上;发现

corrode v.使腐蚀;侵蚀

dime n.指美国、加拿大的钱币十分铸币,一角硬币

flood in 大量地涌入

tide n.潮;潮汐;潮水

huddle v.使挤成一团,使聚成一堆

bleak a.阴冷的;阴郁的,凄凉的

portrait n.肖像画,照片

medal n.奖章;勋章

press v.强烈地劝说;敦促;催促

be (hard)pressed to do sth. 处境为难,做某事有困难persistence n.坚持,持续

stay the course 坚持到底.

Unit 4

pessimism n.悲观;悲观主义

reverse n.相反

in reverse 反过来;反之亦然

cause-and-effect a. 因果的

powerful a. 强大的,作用大的,强效的,强烈的

shape vt. 影响…的形态等;决定进程等

ample a.充足的,充裕的

rational a. 想法,行为合理的,基于理性的

curse v.诅咒

perspective n.观察问题的视角

view vt. 考虑,看,认为

view sth./sb.from a …perspective 从…视角来看待某事或某人despair n. 绝望

highlight vt. 使…显著,突出,使注意力集中于

slip over 忽视,忽略,遗漏

by choice 出于自己选择地,凭爱好

by nature 处于本性地,天生地

live through 活过,经过困难,危险之后仍活着

crisis n. 危机,紧要关头

when all is said and done 结果,说到底,归根结底;毕竟,终究luxury n. 奢侈品

conversely ad. 另一方面,相反地

feed on / upon 感情等因…变得更强烈;尤指动物或婴孩吃,以…为食prophecy n.尤指根据个人感觉所作的预言

self-fulfilling prophecy 本身会成为事实的预言,应验的预言

service station 汽车修理站;兼营汽车修理的加油站

gas n. 汽油

attendant n. 公共场所服务员,侍役

odd a.奇特的,古怪的,异常的

uneasy a.不安心的,担心的,忧虑的

pull over把车停靠在路边

liver n.肝脏

gas station 汽车加油站

figure out理解,想出

disgusting a. 令人作呕的,令人厌恶的,讨厌的

hepatitis n.肝炎

negativism n.否定态度,怀疑主义

affirmation n.断言,肯定

thankful a.为…感到高兴的;欣慰的

tradition n.传统思维或行为方式,惯例;传统

incredible a.不可相信的;难以置信的

accomplish vt.完成任务等;做成功

naive a.幼稚的,无经验的;天真的;轻信的

make a difference 有很大影响或关系,很重要

solver n. 解决者

raise vt. 筹集;召集

in …terms/in terms of 从…观点来看,从…角度来讲

address vt.着手解决

criticize v.批评,指责

result in 导致,造成

benefit vt.尤指一行动或事件有益于,有利于,有助于

mankind n.人类

channel v.把…导向某一特定目的;引导;集中;朝向channel sth. into sth. 把…导向某一特定目的constructive a.陈述、话语等建设性的,积极的concerned with 关心的,感兴趣的;与…有关系unlimited a.无限的;无约束的

unit 5

consult v.当顾问;查阅书籍等;向专业人员咨询,请教morale n.士气,斗志

capable a.熟练的;卓有成效的;能干的

rise (up) through the ranks晋升

falter vi.衰退,衰落

productivity n.生产效率

profit n.利润,收益,盈利

incentive n.刺激;鼓励;奖励

shake off拜托;逃脱;甩掉

gloom n.忧郁。愁闷

doom n.厄运;劫数

gloom and doom忧郁和沮丧情绪

atmosphere n.尤指室内的空气

poison vt.对…有不良影响,毒化

suspicion n.怀疑,嫌疑

stump vt.难住,难倒

casual a.非正式的,随便的

emerge vi.尤指调查后显露,露出真相

affair n.非配偶间的暧昧关系,私通

obvious a.明显的,明白的,显著的,显而易见的performance n.业绩,表现

conduct n.行为;举止;表现;品行

violate vt.违反,违背;触犯,侵犯

sacred a.庄严神圣的,神圣不可侵犯的

failing n.缺陷,缺点,弱点

constitute v.组成,构成;形成,成为

integrity n.正直;诚实

generosity n.慷慨,大方

noted a.尤指因有特别之处而著名的,知名的executive n.尤指商业上的主管,行政人员

visible a.明显的,可察觉到的

despite prep.不管;尽管,任凭

dilemma n.左右为难

talent n.某种天资,天赋;才能,本领

literature n.某一学科的文献,著述,图书资料

ethic n.伦理,道德体系

eminent a.指人卓越的,杰出的,出名的

figure a.人物

guideline n.指导方针,准则,行动纲领

industrial a.工业的,产业的

shift v.改变位置或方向,变换,转移,移动

function n.与另一事物有密切关系的事物;可变因素

charm n.魔力,美丽,吸引力

lubricate vt.做出某事以使行动等顺利进展;润滑

interaction n.互相作用,互相影响

interact vi. 互相作用,互相影响

superficial a.肤浅的,浅薄的

deceptive a.欺骗的,虚伪的;误导的

fake v.假装

musician n.音乐家,乐师;作曲家

admiration n.钦佩;赞美;羡慕

look on/upon (as)看待,看作,视为

role model模范,行为榜样

guarantee v.保证

fulfilment n.经过努力而获得成功的满足感;成就感

inside out里面翻到外面;由里到外

day by day一天天

challenging a.富有挑战性的;困难而有趣的

deposit n.储蓄,存款

account n.银行等中的账户

strength n.面对困境时的勇气或决心

responsible a.可靠的,值得信赖的;需对某事、某人负责的dependability n.可信任,可靠性

ingredient n.混合物的成分;尤指烹饪中的配料

over time随着时间的过去

infinite a.巨大的,极大的

variety n.种种,各种各样的事物

vulnerable a.指人或其感情脆弱的,敏感的

lapse n.失误,过失

get away with做坏事,错事未被发觉或未受惩罚

regardless adv.不管怎样

regardless of不顾,不管

ups and downs盛衰,沉浮

critical a.关键的,重要的

become of sb./sth.常指坏事…发生或遭遇某种情况;结果怎么样confide vt.吐露秘密,心事等

staff n.一个机构的全体职员,全体工作人员

do sb. a favour帮某人一个忙

unit 6

complexity n.复杂性;复杂的事物

contradictory a.矛盾的;抵触的

multitude n.众多,大量;大批,大群

integrate vt.使成为一体,使结合,使合并

integrate …with/into…使…与…成为一体

dialectical a.辩证的

dialectic n.辩证法

at rest静止不动的

calendar n.日历,月历

external a.外部的;外面的;外用的

laser n.激光器

beam n.光束

recharge vt.给…再充电

battery n.电池,电瓶,电池组

biorhythm n.生物节律

gene n.基因,遗传因子

trial n.试验

error n.错误,谬误

trial and error反复试验法以得出最佳效果

strategy n.为在某一方面取得成就指定的策略,计谋;行动计划

pole n.立场等截然想法的两极之一;极端

childishness n.幼稚,不成熟

childish a.幼稚的,不成熟的

genius n.天才人物,才子

(go) hand in hand密切相关

insight n.领悟;顿悟

superior a.上等的,优秀的

correlate n.使相关关联;显示有相互关系,有因果关系

convergent a.思维聚合的,求同的

divergent a.思维分散的,分异的

flexibility n.灵活性,弹性

originality n.创造力,独创力

rely vi.依靠,依赖;信任,信赖

rely on/upon sb./sth.(for) 依靠,依赖;信任,信赖

alternate v.使轮流,交替

extroverted a.性格外向的,好社交的

introverted a.性格内向的,不爱交际的

thick n.人群等最密集的;最厚或粗,密,浓等的部分

in the thick of sth.处在…的深处;在…正紧张的时候;在…正起劲的时候sideline n.球场等沿着边线的界外区域

on the sidelines作为旁观者,不参与

current a.现时的,当前的

extroversion n.性格外向

introversion n.性格内向

distinguish v.辨别,愤青,把…与…加以区别distinguish …from…把…与…加以区别

exhibit v.表示,显示特性、感情、能力等

humble a.谦虚的,谦逊的

outstangding a.优秀的,显著的,杰出的

conservative a.保守的,守旧的

take chances/take a chance冒险;碰运气

regard n.重视;考虑;方面

without regard to不顾,不管

novelty n.新颖;新奇性

economist n.经济学家,经济专家

emphatic a.强调的,着重的

in this/that regard在这那方面

nerve n.勇气;决心;意志力

innovation n.改革,革新,创新

passionate a.表现充满激情的

objective a.客观的,公正的,无偏见的n.目的,目标credibility n.可靠性;可信性

expose vt.使暴露

expose sb. to sth.使某人暴露于…,使某人遭受…enjoyment n.享乐

inventor n.发明家,发明者

threshold n.产生效果或影响的下限

inventive a.有发明或创造才能的;显示创造力的forefront n.最前线;最前列;最重要的位置

discipline n.大学的学科,科目

eminence n.尤指在科学、艺术等方面的显赫,卓越,出众criticism n.批评;职责

vicious a.恶意的,恶毒的,凶恶的

sculpture n.雕刻作品,雕塑品

devastating a.破坏性很大的,毁灭性的

painful a.使痛苦的;使肉体疼痛的

dry out用尽;枯竭

expertise n.专门技能;专业知识

fall away消失

sake n.利益;好处

for sb’s/sth.’s sake;for the sake of sb./sth.为…的好处着想strive vi. 尤指为获得某物而努力,奋斗,力求

strive for sth.为获得某物而努力,力求

jingle n.尤指广告、电视中的广告短歌

physicist n.物理学家

unit 7

interviewee n.尤指求职等受面试或面谈者

more often than not 经常,多半

employment n.职业,工作

goal n.目标;目的;足球、曲棍球的球门

analogy n.相似,类似;比喻

corporate a.公司的,法人的

opposition n.对手,对抗者

reserve n.贮藏;储备

in reserve备用的

coach n.体育运动的教练

goalkeeper n.足球队的守门员

striker n.足球队的前锋队员,攻击队员

midfielder n.中场队员

defender n.球赛中的防守队员

handicap vt.妨碍;使不利

to the best of one’s ability力所能及,竭尽全力

inspiration n.激励人心的人或事物,灵感

get in the way (of sth.)妨碍某人做某事,阻止某事发生

rash a.急躁的,鲁莽的,轻率的

in view of考虑到,由于,鉴于

leadership n.领导,带路,指引

guidance n.指导,引导

continuously ad.持续地,不间断地,连续地

continuous a.持续的,不间断的,连续的

loyal a.对…忠诚的,效忠的,忠贞的

in line with和…一致的

oneness n.一致性

herd n.没有主见,易受人支配的民众,老百姓,芸芸众生follow the herd随大流

vision n.构想,设想;念头

differ vi.有区别,与…相异,不同于

valid a.理由,论点等正当的,有根据的

complement vt.使某物完善;补充,补足

competent a.有能力的,胜任的,称职的

assess vt.评定,评价

assess/judge sth. on its (own) merits 对…客观评价

merit n.好的品质,优点

personally ad.攻击人的,针对个人的

inappropriate a.不适合的,不恰当的,不相称的

rejection n.拒绝接受

rebuff n. 对建议、要求或提供帮助、友谊所表示的拒绝;冷落lose heart灰心,泄气

to sb’s credit为某人带来荣誉,值得赞扬

feel free to do sth.不受约束地做某事

dismiss vt.不予考虑;摒弃念头、想法等

take up接受

unparalleled a.无比的,无双的;空前的

Chance are (high) that…很有可能

unit 8

hardship n.困苦,艰难,辛苦

contributor n.起促进作用者

disadvantage vt.使不利,使吃亏

drive sb. to sth.驱使某人处于…状况

achievement n.成就,成绩;完成;达到

classic a.最优秀的,第一流的;可作典范的;经典的

identify vt.发现;承认;确定

recognizable a.可辨认的;可认识的

abuse n.虐待

handicap n.身体或智力的残疾,弱智

limb n.四肢

playwright n剧作家.

mature v.使成熟

haul/pull oneself up by one’s (own) bootstraps 靠自己的努力改善境遇haul v.用力地拖,拉

bootstrap n.靴子后面的靴襻,提靴带

consciousness n. 意识,观念;觉悟

courageously ad. 勇敢地,有胆量地,无畏地

courageous a. 勇敢的,有胆量的,无畏的

nurse sb./sth. through (sth.)悉心照料…使之渡过困境等

polio n.小儿麻痹症,急性骨髓灰白质炎

elect sb.to sth.选举某人担任某职位

elect vt.选举,推举

presidency n.总统或校长等的职位;总统或校长等的任期

in the depth(s) of在…深处;在…正中;处于…最坏的情况

depth n.极深处,深渊;正中;最坏的情况

depression n.经济大萧条,不景气时期

outspoken a.直言不讳的,坦率的

remainder n.剩余物,剩余部分;其余的人

spokesperson n.发言人;代言人

limitation n.限制因素;极限,限度

temper vt.通过加入某物使缓和;冲淡

self-control n.自我克制

self-discipline n.对自己的习惯、行为和欲望的自我约束,自律refer to sb./sth. As将某人或某事称作…

clumsy a.动作笨拙的,不灵巧的;姿势不优美的

baseball n.棒球运动;棒球

tap into 利用,开发

tap v.利用,开发,发掘

of all time 有史以来,空前的

club foot , clubfoot生下来即扭曲变位的畸形足,内弯足,变曲脚lord n.尤指英国的贵族

tuberculosis n.结核病;尤指肺结核

hunchback n.驼背的人

historic a.历史上有重大意义或影响的,历史性的

(graduate) with honors作为优等生毕业

source n.来源;处处

take …by the throat决心应对

make an excuse找借口

throat n.喉部,颈前部

grab v.攫取;抓住

take action采取行动

claim v.根据权利而对…提出要求;索取,认领;声称有…的权利stuff n.尤指个人的东西,所有物;材料

fire sb. up使某人激动、感兴趣或生气


Unit Two Optimism and Positive Thinking Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action ■ Working with Words and Expressions 1. In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ■ Answers: positive startled perspective harden shape address crises curse incredible 10) conversely 11) issue 12) response 13) prior 14) rare 15) accomplish 2. In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. ■ Answers: get the hang of have lived through makes a difference have no idea concerned with slipped over ran into in reverse mull over ■ I ncreasing Your Word Power 1. D ecide whether “do ”, “make ”or “take ”is needed to complete each of the following sentences. Change the verb form where necessary. ■ A nswers: does make take do make Take done taken making ))))))))) ))))))))) ))))))))) 10) took


Text A compelled 迫使destruction 破坏eternal 永恒的output 产量retreat 撤退threaten 威胁transfer 转移Text B bare 赤裸consumed 耗尽have emerged 出现hollow 空心mass 大量miracle 奇迹pile 一堆scrape擦spark 火星thereby 由此tipped 顶端trigger 触发 1. If you had had a spark of consideration for your family ,you wouldn't have taken so many stupid risks. 如果你有为你的家人多一点考虑,你就不会有那么多愚蠢的风险。 2. Due to the lack of labor force, even women in this village were compelled to work in the coal mines. 由于缺乏劳动力这个村的妇女甚至被迫在煤矿工作。 3. We went through lovely countryside with great mountains, some of them beautiful and green and wooded, while others bare and wild. 我们穿过了美丽的农村巨大的群山,其中一些美丽的绿色和繁茂的,而其他人赤裸的和野生。 4. The cleaner took off his coat and began to scrape the ashes from the furnace with his bare hands. 清洁脱掉外套,开始擦去炉上的灰烬随着他的赤裸的双手。 5. People in that area are already threatened with environmental destruction since 60% of the forest there has been destroyed. 人们已经感受到环境破坏方面的威胁,因为有60%的森林已被破坏 6. The auto company has seen a huge increase in the output of private can this year due to the improved working efficiency. 汽车公司已经看到了今年由于提高了工作效率,私人产量大幅增加。 7. Under the severe attack from enemy aircraft, the troops were forced to retreat from front. 在敌机的严厉打击下,前面的部队被迫撤退。 8. When I came up to a giraffe lying on the grasses, I found that it had been killed with a spear tipped with poison. 当我来到一个长颈鹿躺在草,我发现它已经被带毒尖矛杀死。 9. He stayed eight days in an open boat with no food, and he was still alive; his survival was a(n) miracle. 他在无遮档的小船上呆了八天,又无食物,还活下来了,这真是个奇迹。 10. Survival of the Fittest is an eternal truth of nature. 适者生存是一个自然界的永恒的真理。 11. His hear sank when he saw the fresh pile of mails, memos and telephone messages on his desk. 他听到沉没时,他看到邮件的新的一堆,在他的书桌上的备忘录和电话留言。 12. The military government refused to transfer power to a democratically elected civilian government. 军事政府拒绝将权力移交给一个民选的文官政府. 13. In that area nearly six million people are affected by the drought and the civil war, and there is a real danger of mass starvation. 在那个地区近六百万人受到干旱和内战的影响,并有大规模饥荒的一个真正的危险。 14. Postal service personnel who are severely irresponsible purposely delay sending mail, thereby giving rise to great loss of public trust. 谁是严重不负责任的邮政服务人员故意延迟发送邮件,致使公共信任的巨大损失。 15. With the increase in the number of foreign funded enterprises, various kinds of financial disputes have emerged. 随着外资企业的增加,各类经济纠纷的出现。 16. The earthquake may trigger landslides that cause great damage and loss of life. 地震可能引发的山体滑坡造 成巨大的破坏和生命损失。 17. Deforesting and global warming threaten to ruin the current and future state of our environment. 毁林和全球变暖的威胁破坏我们的环境的当前和未来的态。 18. It was reported that almost 7 million liters consumed during the 16-day beer festival in Germany that year. 据报道,每年大约7000000 公升的啤酒节的16 天在德国消耗。 19. On a bitterly cold night, the only shelter he could find was the hollow trunk of a great tree. 在一个寒冷的夜晚,他能找到的唯一的栖身之处是空心的大树的树干。

新世纪大学英语系列教材综合教程三(New century college English Series coursebook three, )

新世纪大学英语系列教材综合教程三3(New century college English Series coursebook three, 3) New century integrated unit test -- Unit 3, Book 4 Listening Comprehension Please fill in the Script as required: True or False Directions: There are ten statements in this section. Numbers are based on 1 to 6 Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Listen carefully and decide whether each of the following is true or false. (10 points) One True False Please fill in the Script as required: When, the, author, got, first, computer, he, was, rather, surprised, to, find, there, were, his, already, so,, many, magazines, computing., about Two True False Please fill in the Script as required:

The, author, was, sure, that, he, should, write, because, he,, had, acquired, enough, knowledge. Three True False Please fill in the Script as required: At, the, very, beginning, the, author, did, not, know, that, technology, and, freedom,, were, related, other., to, each Four True False Please fill in the Script as required: By, acquiring, more, knowledge, people, may, find, that, today's, truth,, may, not, be, true, tomorrow. Five True False Please fill in the Script as required: In 1992, Brazil, suffered, a, lot, the, terrible, rains, because, its, forecasters, from, did, not,, know, the, beforehand., relevant, information


One way of summarizing the American position is to state that we value originality and independence more than the Chinese do. The contrast between our two cultures can also be seen in terms of the fears we both harbor. Chinese teachers are fearful that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired; there is, on the other hand, no comparable hurry to promote creativity. American educators fear that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge; on the other hand, skills can be picked up later. However, I do not want to overstate my case. There is enormous creativity to be found in Chinese scientific, technological and artistic innovations past and present. And there is a danger of exaggerating creative breakthroughs in the West. When any innovation is examined closely, its reliance on previous achievements is all too apparent (the "standing on the shoulders of giants" phenomenon). But assuming that the contrast I have developed is valid, and that the fostering of skills and creativity are both worthwhile goals, the important question becomes this: Can we gather, from the Chinese and American extremes, a superior way to approach education, perhaps striking a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills?


Unit1 Working with words and expressions 1. 2. cloze Translation

Answers to Unit 2 Book 4 Unit Two Man and Technology Words in Action Working with Words and Expressions 1. 1) monitor 2) phenomenon 3) isolation 4) gradual 5) opponent 6) advent 7) genetic 8) consciously 9) extreme 10) nasty 11) boom 12) formal 13) soar 14) survey 15) Similarly 16) modify 17) rough 2. 1) at the same time 2) are stuck with 3) for certain 4) make no difference 5) on average 6) when it comes to 7) depends on 8) built into 9) come to mind 10) at work Increasing Your Word Power 1. Adjectives Nouns Adjectives

Nouns 1) technological technology 6) luxurious luxury 2) eternal eternity 7) leisurely leisure 3) miraculous miracle 8) subjective subject 4) relevant relevance 9) prosperous prosperity 5) analytical Analysis 10) innovative innovation 2. 2) multi-faith 3) multiform 4) multifunction 5) multi-ethnic 6) multilateral 7) multi-lingual 8) multimedia 9) multimillionaire 10) multinational 1) a multi-faith society 2) a multi-lingual secretary 3) a multimillionaire 4) a multinational motor-manufacturing corporation 5) a multifunction video camera


BOOK2课文译文 UNIT1 TextA 中国式的学习风格 1987年春,我和妻子埃伦带着我们18个月的儿子本杰明在繁忙的中国东部城市南京住了一个月,同时考察中国幼儿园和小学的艺术教育情况。然而,我和埃伦获得的有关中美教育观念差异的最难忘的体验并非来自课堂,而是来自我们在南京期间寓居的金陵饭店堂。 我们的房门钥匙系在一块标有房间号的大塑料板上。酒店鼓励客人外出时留下钥匙,可以交给服务员,也可以从一个槽口塞入钥匙箱。由于口子狭小,你得留神将钥匙放准位置才塞得进去。 本杰明爱拿着钥匙走来走去,边走边用力摇晃着。他还喜欢试着把钥匙往槽口里塞。由于他还年幼,不太明白得把钥匙放准位置才成,因此总塞不进去。本杰明一点也不在意。他从钥匙声响中得到的乐趣大概跟他偶尔把钥匙成功地塞进槽口而获得的乐趣一样多。 我和埃伦都满不在乎,任由本杰明拿着钥匙在钥匙箱槽口鼓捣。他的探索行为似乎并无任何害处。但我很快就观察到一个有趣的现象。饭店里任何一个中国工作人员若在近旁,都会走过来看着本杰明,见他初试失败,便都会试图帮忙。他们会轻轻握牢本杰明的手,直接将它引向钥匙槽口,进行必要的重新定位,并帮他把钥匙插入槽口。然后那位“老师”会有所期待地对着我和埃伦微笑,似乎等着我们说声谢谢——偶尔他会微微皱眉,似乎觉得我俩没有尽到当父母的责任。 我很快意识到,这件小事与我们在中国要做的工作直接相关:考察儿童早期教育(尤其是艺术教育)的方式,揭示中国人对创造性活动的态度。因此,不久我就在与中国教育工作者讨论时谈起了钥匙槽口一事。 两种不同的学习方式

我的中国同行,除了少数几个人外,对此事的态度与金陵饭店工作人员一样。既然大人知道怎么把钥匙塞进槽口——这是走近槽口的最终目的,既然孩子还很年幼,还没有灵巧到可以独自完成要做的动作,让他自己瞎折腾会有什么好处呢?他很有可能会灰心丧气发脾气——这当然不是所希望的结果。为什么不教他怎么做呢?他会高兴,他还能早些学会做这件事,进而去学做更复杂的事,如开门,或索要钥匙——这两件事到时候同样可以(也应该)示范给他看。 我俩颇为同情地听着这一番道理,解释道,首先,我们并不在意本杰明能不能把钥匙塞进钥匙的槽口。他玩得开心,而且在探索,这两点才是我们真正看重的。但关键在于,在这个过程中,我们试图让本杰明懂得,一个人是能够很好地自行解决问题的。这种自力更生的精神是美国中产阶级最重要的一条育儿观。如果我们向孩子演示该如何做某件事——把钥匙塞进钥匙槽口也好,画只鸡或是弥补某种错误行为也好——那他就不太可能自行想方设法去完成这件事。从更广泛的意义上说,他就不太可能——如美国人那样——将人生视为一系列 的情境,在这些情境中,一个人必须学会独立思考,学会独立解决问题,进而学会发现需要创造性地加以解决的新问题。 把着手教 回想起来,当时我就清楚地意识到,这件事正是体现了问题的关键之所在——而且不仅仅是一种意义上的关键之所在。这件事表明了我们两国在教育和艺术实践上的重要差异。 那些善意的中国旁观者前来帮助本杰明时,他们不是简单地像我可能会做的那样笨拙地或是犹犹豫豫地把他的手往下推。相反,他们极其熟练地、轻轻地把他引向所要到达的确切方向。 我逐渐认识到,这些中国人不是简单地以一种陈旧的方式塑造、引导本杰明的行为:他们是在恪守中国传统,把着手教,教得本杰明自己会愉快地要求再来一次。


可编辑 The Answers to Unit 1 Enhance Your Language Awareness (I) Working with Words and Expressions 3. (1) fond of (2) is …related to (3) according to (4) To a certain degree (5) vice versa (6) no doubt (7) rid …of (8) cleared up (9) or else (10) at all costs (11) sure enough (12) let alone (13) similar to (14) It ' HBD use (15) in my opinion (16) was worth (II) Increasing Your Word Power 1. (1) c (2) d (3) b (4) b ⑸ 2. (1) obtain communicate (5) relevant (8) enjoyable (9) means (12) characters (13) astonished (2) confident (4) advantage (6) helpful (10) process (14) apparently ⑶ (7) extreme (11) particularly

2. ⑴ highly/very (2) quite/very quite/very/increasingly (4) quite/simply/very 3. 4. No Mistake especia l especially necessarily f necessary freque nt f freque ntly No Mistake easily f easy No Mistake in dividually f in dividual much f many high f highly appare ntly f appare nt remarkably f remarkable probable f probably No Mistake (III) Grammar Task 1: ⑴ would/should (2) should/would (3) might ⑷ would ⑸ must (6) can' (7) should would (8) must 可编辑


(1)这个婴儿还不会爬(crawl),更不要说走了。(let alone) The baby can’t even crawl yet, let alone walk! (2)威尔声称谋杀案发生时他正在与一群朋友吃饭,但是我认为他在说谎。(claim, in one’s opinion) Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, but in my opinion he told a lie. (3)一定程度上阅读速度与阅读技巧密切相关;有了阅读技巧,你就可以更好地应对课外阅读了。(to a certain extent, relate …to …, cope with) To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills; and with reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better. (4)根据规则他俩都可以参加比赛。(according to) According to the regulation/rule, they both can play the game/participate in the game. (5)有些人想当然地认为日语(Japanese)中的每一个词在汉语中都有对应的词语。(assume, equivalent) Some people assume that there is a Chinese equivalent for every Japanese word. (6)我们已将所有的相关信息告知了警方。(relevant) We have passed all relevant information on to the police. (7)关于那件事你问我再多的问题也没用,因为我是不会回答你的。(it’s no use) There is no use asking me any more questions about that matter because I won't answer. (8)事先没有仔细阅读合同(contract)就签了名是吉姆的错误。(on one’s part) It was a mistake on Jim's part to sign the contract without reading it carefully. (9)他们拒绝向我们提供所需要的全部信息。(provide …with) They refused to provide us with all the information we need. (10) 这起事故与三年前发生的一起事故极为相似。(similar to) This accident is very similar to the one that happened three years ago. (11)这部影片是根据莎士比亚的戏剧改编的。(base on) The film is based on a play by Shakespeare (12)如果你的英语和电脑技能都掌握得好,那么你在谋职时就一定比别人更有优势。(have an advantage over) If you have a good command of English and computer skills, you will surely have an advantage over others in finding a job.


Unit 4 Text A New words and Expressions 1. respect: n.a particular point or detail Grace was a fine woman — perfect in almost every respect. Collocations: in this respect在这个方面in every respect 在各个方面 in some respects 在有些方面in any respect 在任何方面in no respect绝不 2. as regards:on the subject of; concerning Could you elaborate on your government policy as regards environmental protection? There are no special rules as regards what clothes you should wear. 至于应该穿什么衣服, 并没有硬性规定。 3. cut off: ①to cause sb. to die sooner than is normal 使夭折 Disease cut Smith off in the best part of his life ②to remove sth. (from sth. larger) by cutting切下He cut off a metre of cloth from the roll. ③to stop, interrupt or isolate中断Several villages have been cut off by the snow. ④to separate sth. by cutting it away from the main part 切断Don’t cut your fingers off! 4. inquire: v.to ask for information She inquired of me most politely whether I wished to continue Collocations inquire about查问;查明inquire after问候;问安 inquire for查询(货物);求见inquire into查究;调查 CF: ask, demand, inquire & question这些动词均含有“问”,“询问”之意。 ask最为普通,可与demand, inquire和question换用,但ask用于口语中,指提出问题让人回答。例如: demand指根据自己的权利、职责或身份认为有必要弄清情况而正式发问,常隐含命令对方回答的意味。例如: inquire比较正式,指为得到真实情况而详细询问或调查了解。例如: question指因感到可疑或为了解情况,弄清究竟而发问,有时指一连串的发问。例如:5. part: v.to separate or divide If we must part, I hope we can be friends.如果我们必须分手,我希望我们分了手还是朋友。 6. exclaim: v.to cry out suddenly and loudly for pain, anger, surprise, etc. He could not help exclaiming at how much his son has grown. CF: cry, shout, exclaim & scream这些动词的均有“喊”,“叫”之意。 cry一般指因恐惧、痛苦、惊奇等而喊叫。 shout指有意识地高声喊叫,常用于提出警告、不满、发命令或唤起注意等。 exclaim多指因高兴、愤怒、痛苦、惊讶等突发感情而高声喊叫。 scream指因恐惧、快乐或痛苦而发出尖叫声 7. keen: adj. 1) sharp, active, sensitive Dogs have a keen sense of smell. 2) intense, strong, deep After retirement, he had a keen sense of loss. 退休后,他有一种强烈的失落感。 3) eager, enthusiastic She was not very keen on football. CF: sharp, acute & keen 这些形容词均有“锐利的”,“敏锐的”,“机敏的”之意。


Globalization is sweeping aside national borders and changing relations between nations. What impact does this have on national identities and loyalties? Are they strengthened or weakened? The author investigates. 全球化正在扫除国界、改变国与国之间的关系。这对国家的认同和对国家的忠诚会带来什么影响呢?它们会得到加强还是削弱?作者对这些问题进行了探讨。 In Search of Davos ManPeter Gumbel 1. William Browder was born in Princeton, New Jersey, grew up in Chicago, and studied at Stanford University in California. But don't call him an American. For the past 16 of his 40 years he has lived outside the ., first in London and then, from 1996, in Moscow, where he runs his own investment firm. Browder now manages $ billion in assets. In 1998 he gave up his American passport to become a British citizen, since his life is now centered in Europe. "National identity makes no difference for me," he says. "I feel completely international. If you have four good friends and you like what you are doing, it doesn't matter where you are. That's globalization." 寻找达沃斯人 彼得·甘贝尔 威廉·布劳德出生于新泽西州的普林斯顿,在芝加哥长大,就读于加利福尼亚州的斯坦福大学。但别叫他美国人。他今年40岁,过去16年来一直生活在美国以外的地方,先是在伦敦,1996年后在莫斯科经营他自己的投资公司。布劳德如今掌管着价值16亿美元的资产。1998年,他放弃美国护照,成为英国公民,因为他现在的生活中心在欧洲。“国家认同对我来说不重要,”他说,“我觉得自己完全是个国际人。如果你有四个朋友,又喜欢你所做的事情,那么你在哪儿无关紧要。这就是全球化。” 2. Alex Mandl is also a fervent believer in globalization, but he views himself very differently. A former president of AT&T, Mandl, 61, was born in Austria and now runs a French technology company, which is doing more and more business in China. He reckons he spends about 90% of his time traveling on business. But despite all that globetrotting, Mandl who has been a . citizen for 45 years still identifies himself as an American. "I see myself as American without any hesitation. The fact that I spend a lot of time in other places doesn't change that," he says. 亚历克斯·曼德尔也是全球化的狂热信徒,但他对自己的看法与布劳德不同。61岁的曼德尔曾任美国电报电话公司总裁。他出生于奥地利,现在经营着一家法国技术公司,该公司在中国的业务与日俱增。他估计自己几乎90%的时间都花在出差上。然而,尽管曼德尔全球到处跑,已经做了45年美国公民的他还是认为自己是个美国人。“我毫不迟疑地把自己当作美国人。我在其他地方度过很多时间,但是这一事实不能改变我是美国人,”他说。 3. Although Browder and Mandl define their nationality differently, both see their identity as a matter of personal choice, not an accident of birth. And not incidentally, both are Davos Men, members of the international business élite who trek each year to the Swiss Alpine town for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, founded in 1971. This week, Browder and Mandl will join more than 2,200 executives, politicians, academics, journalists, writers and a handful of Hollywood stars for five days of networking, parties and endless earnest discussions about everything from post-election Iraq and HIV in Africa to the global supply of oil and the implications of nanotechnology. Yet this year, perhaps more than ever, a hot topic at Davos is Davos itself. Whatever their considerable differences, most Davos Men and


新世纪大学英语综合教程1教材答案 The Answers to Unit 1 Enhance Your Language Awareness (I)Working with Words and Expressions 2. (1) obtain (2) confident (3) communicate (4) advantage (5) relevant (6) helpful (7) extreme (8) enjoyable (9) means (10) process (11) particularly (12) characters (13) astonished (14) apparently 3. (1) fond of (2) is…related to (3) according to (4) To a certain degree (5) vice versa (6) no doubt (7) rid… of (8) cleared up (9) or else (10) at all costs (11) sure enough (12) let alone (13) similar to (14) It’s no use (15) in my opinion (16) was worth (II)Increasing Your Word Power 1. (1) c (2) d (3) b (4) b (5) b (6) d 2. (1) highly/very (2) quite/very (3) quite/very/increasingly (4) quite/simply/very 3. 4.No Mistake especial→especially necessarily →necessary frequent → frequently No Mistake easily → easy No Mistake i ndividually → individual m uch → many


2. (1) obtain (2) confident (3) communicate (4) advantage (5) relevant (6) helpful (7) extreme (8) enjoyable (9) means (10) process (11) particularly (12) characters (13) astonished (14) apparently 3. (1) fond of (2) is…related to (3) according to (4) To a certain degree (5) vice versa (6) no doubt (7) rid… of (8) cleare d up (9) or else (10) at all costs (11) sure enough (12) let alone (13) similar to (14) It’s no use (15) in my opinion (16) was worth (II)Increasing Your Word Power 1. (1) c (2) d (3) b (4) b

(5) b (6) d

2. (1) highly/very (2) quite/very (3) quite/very/increasingly (4) quite/simply/very 3. 4.No Mistake especial→ especially necessarily → necessary frequent → frequently No Mistake ea sily → easy No Mistake i ndividually → individual m uch → many h igh → highly a pparently → apparent r emarkably → remarkable p robable → probably No Mistake (III)Grammar Task 1: (1)would/should (2) should/would (3) might (4) would
