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压敏纸pressure-sensitive paper

沥青牛皮纸asphalt kraft paper

石蜡纸paraff in paper

聚乙烯涂覆纸polyethylene coated paper

不规则聚丙烯防潮牛皮纸atactic polypropylene coated moisture proof kraft paper

玻璃纸cellophane (regenerated cellulose film)

聚乙烯加工玻璃纸polyethylene extrusion-coated cellophane

氯乙烯加工纸vinylidene chloride treated paper

印刷用胶粘纸pressure sensitive adhesive papers for printing

纸绳paper string

纸幅面尺寸trimmed size of paper

砂纸abrasive paper

砂纸原纸abrasive base paper

吸收性纸absorbent paper

吸水纸,吸收性纸absorbing paper

帐簿纸account book paper

计算机用纸accounting machine paper

无酸纸acid free paper

耐酸纸acid proof paper,acid resistant paper 隔音纸acoustic paper

溴化银印相纸actinometer paper

吸湿纸active paper

计算机用纸adding machine paper

地址标签纸address label paper

胶粘纸adhesive paper

广告纸,招贴纸advertising paper

仿大理石纸agate paper

仿玛瑙大理石纹纸agate marble paper 耐老化纸age resistant paper

航空信纸air paper

名片纸alabaster paper

相簿纸alabaster paper

蛋白胶纸albumenized paper

蛋白胶纸albumin paper

地图纸aligning paper

耐碱纸alkali-proof paper

全棉纤维纸all rag paper

全木浆纸all wood paper

仿鳄皮纸allogator imitation paper

西班牙草浆印刷纸alpha printing paper 铝纸aluminum paper

铝衬纸aluminum casting paper

铝涂布纸aluminum coated paper

铝粉纸aluminum dusted paper

铝箔衬纸aluminum foil backing paper 铝箔夹层纸aluminum laminated paper 琥珀条纹纸amber laid paper

弹药筒纸ammunition paper

频率感应记录纸amplitude response recording paper 分析化学用滤纸analytical filter paper

斜面纸angle paper

斜截面纸angle-cut paper

斜角纸angular paper

动物胶表面施胶纸animal tub-sized paper


anti-acid paper


manila paper

防伪造纸anti-falsification paper

防霉纸anti-fungicide paper

防锈纸anti-rust paper

防锈原纸anti-rust base paper 防锈纸anti-tarnish paper

低光泽纸,仿古纸antique paper 仿古书籍纸antique book paper 杀菌纸antiseptic paper

保光泽纸antitarnish paper

水彩图画纸aquare(le) paper

档案纸archival paper

绝缘纸armature paper

香料纸aromatic paper

含砷纸arsenical paper

美术纸art paper

美术装饰纸art cover paper

水彩画纸art drawing paper

美术广告纸,美工宣传纸art poster paper

牙科用纸articulating paper

人造革纸artificial leather paper

仿羊皮纸artificial parchment paper

石棉纸asbestos paper

石棉(电)绝缘纸asbestos (electrical)insulating paper 消毒纸,防腐纸aseptic paper

无灰纸ashless paper

无灰滤纸ashless filter paper

防潮纸,沥青纸asphalt paper

沥青原纸asphalt base paper

防喘纸asthma paper

地图纸altas paper

彩色印刷纸autochion printing paper

压感复写纸autocopy paper

纪念册纸autograph paper

自动(划线)记录纸autographic register paper 复印纸autographic transfer paper

汽车袋用纸automobile-bag paper

复制纸,影印纸autotype paper

食品包装纸***enized paper

蓝条纹书写纸azure laid(writing) paper

书籍衬里纸back-lining paper 裱糊纸backing paper

腊肉包装纸bacon paper

(纸)袋纸bag paper

蔗渣浆纸bagasse paper

浸渍绝缘纸bakelite paper

浸渍绝缘纸bakelized paper

面包纸bakers paper

层合平衡纸balance sheet paper 单面沥青包装纸baling paper

气球用纸balloon paper

鲍尔斯唐纸balston’s paper

竹浆纸bamboo paper

绷带纸bandage paper

高级书写纸bank paper

钞票纸banknote paper

餐桌纸banquet table cover paper

理发头枕纸barber’s headrest paper 抗渗透纸barrier paper

钡地纸baryta paper

原纸base paper

(弹筒)装药用纸basewad paper

韧皮纸bast paper

高级信纸bath paper

涂蜡装饰纸batlk paper

蓄电池用纸battery paper

涂蜡装饰纸battik paper

曲折纸板beaming paper

床包装纸bedsted-wrapping paper 啤酒过滤纸beer-filter paper

夹层纸between-lay paper

字典纸bible paper

吸水性纸张bibulous paper

帐目纸bill paper

光泽广告纸billboard paper

自动记录纸billing machine paper 装订用纸binder’s paper

生物纸biochargeable paper

饼干包装纸biscuit paper

饼干包装纸biscuit cap paper

蜡笔画纸bistered pape


防潮纸,沥青纸bituminized paper 相册黑色衬纸black album paper


aterproof paper

防空纸blackout paper

刮刀涂布纸blade coated paper

空白书籍纸blank book paper

毛毯袋用纸blanket bag paper

空白书籍纸blanking paper

弹药用纸,矿工用纸blasting paper

耐漂纸blach resistant paper

鲜肉包装纸blood proof paper

吸墨纸blotting paper

兰色洋蜡包装纸blue candle wrapping paper 蓝印纸blueing paper

晒图纸blueprint paper

兰色描图纸bluetracing paper

扉页纸board paper

单面光扉页纸boardglazed paper

纱管纸,盘纸bobbin paper

原纸body paper

涂布原纸bodystock paper

仿制纸bogus paper

证券纸,高级书写纸bond paper

书籍纸book paper

帐簿纸booking paper

瓶签纸bottle labelling paper

压光辊用纸bowl paper

纸盒糊面纸boxcover paper

箱装书写纸boxed writings paper

盲文印刷纸braille(printing) paper 面包袋纸bread bag paper

面包标签纸bread label paper

光泽纸bristel paper

锦纹纸,压印花纸brocade paper

小册子用印刷纸brochure paper

破损纸张broken paper

溴素纸,照相放大纸bromide paper

金色皱纹纸bronze crepe paper

金色纸bronze paper

棕色晒图纸brown print paper

刷辊涂布纸brush(coated) paper

植物幼苗防风纸brushing kraft paper 泡沫涂布纸bubble coated paper

浅黄的复写纸buff copying paper

(制革用)磨光纸buff(ing) paper 暗色绘图纸buff drawing paper

建筑用纸building paper

松厚书籍纸bulking(book) pape 松厚纸bulky paper

染色加工纸bunt paper

布纹纸burlap lined paper

高光泽纸burnished paper

染色加工纸,过干纸burnt paper 包肉纸butcher’s paper

黄油包装纸butter paper

(电力)电缆纸cable paper

含毛壁纸caffoy paper

糕点包装纸cake wrapping paper 日历纸calenday paper

压光辊用纸calender bowl paper 压光处理的纸张calendered paper 仿革纸calf paper

布纹纸calico paper

布纹纸cambric paper

圣经纸combridge bible paper

宝石花纹涂布纸cameo paper

蜡烛包装纸candle paper

糖果袋纸candy bag paper

布纹书写纸canvas note paper

有光纸cap paper

电容器纸capacitor(tissue) paper 植物防护纸capping paper

货车包覆纸carlining paper

砂糖包装纸caramel paper

石碳酸纸carbolic paper

复写纸carbon paper

复写纸原纸carbon body paper

复写纸原纸carbon raw paper

复写纸原纸carbonizing paper

压感复写纸carbonless (copy) paper 打光用纸,研磨纸carboru


天气现象的英文表达 Khubilai 2008/10/1 以下按照英文字母顺序介绍气象现象(meteorological phenomena)。 ?air mass(气团):含有水蒸汽(water vapour)的一定温度(temperature)的大量空气(a large volume of air),包括移动(movement)和锋面(front)。 ?anticyclone(反气旋):空气向下移动(descending),形成高压区(a high pressure area)。?arctic cyclone(极地气旋):也叫polar vortices(plural of vortex)或polar cyclone。指大面积低压(low pressure),在冬天加强,而在夏天减弱。 ?clouds(云):指地球或其它行星大气(atmosphere above the surface of the Earth or other planetary body)中漂浮(floating)的一团可见的液滴(driplets)或冰晶(frozen crystals)。它也可以是引力吸引的可见物质(a visible mass attracted by gravity),也叫星云(interstellar clouds/nebulae)。云一般分为两大类:层状云(stratus/stratiform clouds)和积云(cumulus/cumuliform clouds)。按照高度(altitude),这两类可以继续细分为四个组(group/family)。 o 高云(high clouds):包括卷云(cirrus clouds)、卷积云(cirrocumulus clouds)和卷层云(cirrostratus clouds)。 o 中云(middle clouds):包括高积云(altocumulus clouds)和高层云(alostratus clouds)。o 低云(low clouds):注意,层云(stratus clouds)接触地面后叫雾(fog)。包括积云(cumulus/Cu)【包括淡积云(cumulus humilis)和中积云(cumulus mediocris)】、雨层云(nimbostratus/Ns)、层积云(stratocumulus/Sc)和层云(stratus/St)。 o 直展云(vertical clouds):包括积雨云(cumulonimbus/Cb)【包括秃积雨云(Cb calvus)、砧状积雨云(Cb incus)、乳状积雨云(Cb with mammatus)】、积云(cumulus/Cu)【包括浓积云(Cu congestus)】和火积云(pyrocumulus)。 o 其它云包括夜光云(noctilucent)和珠母云(nacreous/polar stratospheric clouds)。?drought(干旱):一个地区长达数月或数年的供水量不足(deficiency in water supply)。通常由于低于正常平均水平的降水(precipitation)造成。 ?dust devil(尘卷风):持续强旋风(long-lived whirlwind)。 ?dust storm/sandstorm(沙尘):通常发生在干旱与半干旱地区(arid and semi-arid regions),大量沙尘(sand and dust)被强风(gust)从干燥地表(dry surface)卷起。 ?extratropical cyclone(温带气旋):也叫mid-latitude cyclone(中纬度气旋)wave cyclone (波气旋)。 ?hail(冰雹):带有球形或不规则形状冰块(balls or irregular lumps of ice),即雹子(hailstones)。 ?hurricane(飓风):也叫tropical cyclone(热带气旋)。由于地点和强度的不同,它的名称可以是飓风、台风(typhoon)、热带风暴(tropical storm)、气旋风暴(cyclonic storm)、热带低压(tropical depression)或干脆叫气旋。 ?lightning(闪电):指大气放电(atmospheric discharge of electricity)。 ?mesocyclone(中气旋):气旋的一种。 ?rain(雨):指液体降水(liquid precipitation)。 o very light rain(毛毛雨); o light rain(微雨);


一.肉类 1.鸡鸭: chick gizzard 鸡杂 chicken fryer 小鸡块 2.猪肉 Liver 猪肝 Feet 猪脚 Pork ribs 排骨 Kidney 猪腰 Bag 猪肚 Pork steak 猪排 Pork-pieces 瘦肉块 Pork chops 连骨猪排 Rolled pork loin 卷好的腰部瘦肉连带皮 Pork sausage meat 作香肠的绞肉 Pork fillet 小里脊肉 Spare rib pork chops 带骨的瘦肉 Spare rib of pork 小排骨肉 Pork dripping 猪油滴 Lard 猪油 Joint 有骨的大块肉 Hock 蹄膀 Casserole pork 中间带骨的腿肉 Butt 猪的肩前腿肉 3.牛肉 Stewing beef 小块的瘦肉 Steak and kidney 牛肉块加牛腰 Ground beef 已绞好的牛肉 Frying steak 可煎食的大片牛排 Rump steak 大块牛排 Leg beef 牛键肉 Ox-tail 牛尾 Homey come tripe 蜂窝牛肚 Ox-tongues 牛舌 barnsley chops 带骨的腿肉 shoulder chops 肩肉 porter house steak 腰上的牛排肉 chuck steak 头肩肉筋,油较多 tenderized steak 拍打过的牛排 roll 牛肠 cowhells 牛筋 tripe pieces 牛肚块 best thick seam 白牛肚4.羊肉 Lamp chops 羊肉片 Leg of lamb 羊腿 二.海产类 1.鱼(fish) Herring 青鱼,鲱 Salmon 三文鱼 Bass 鲈鱼 Corvina 黄花鱼 Milkfish 奶鱼 Mullet 梭鱼,胭脂鱼,鲻鱼 Cod 鳕鱼 Tuna 金枪鱼,鲔鱼 Sea bream 海鲤 Hake 鳕鱼类 Carp 鲤鱼 Halibut 大比目鱼 Flounder 比目鱼 Plaice 欧蝶鱼 Swordfish 箭鱼 Octopus 章鱼 Squid 乌贼 Cuttlefish 墨鱼 Dressed squid 鱿鱼,花枝 Mackerel 鲭鱼 Haddock 北大西洋鳕鱼 Trout 鲑鱼 Cod fillets 鳕鱼块 Conger eel 鳗鱼 Tilapia 罗非鱼 Dace 鲮鱼 Red mullet 红鲣鱼 Herring roes 鲱鱼子 Boiled cod roes 鳕鱼子 2.贝类海鲜(shellfish) Oysters 牡蛎 Mussels 蚌类、椭圆形、没壳的是淡菜 Prawn 虾,对虾 Clam 蛤蚌 Scallops 扇贝 Crab stick 蟹肉条 Peeled prawns 虾仁


一、询问天气 How is the weather? What is the weather like? 天气预报怎么说? what did the weather forecast/weather report say? 二、是晴天 fine/nice/lovely/sunny/bright/clear 今天天气晴朗、阳光灿烂 it is bright and sunny. 三、雨雪阴天 下雨了:it is raining. it is raining heavily. it is raining cats and dogs outside. 阴天/多云it is cloudy 下雾:it fogs /it is foggy 下雪:it snows /it is snowing 刮风:it winds / it is windy / the wind is blowing hard outside. 下冰雹:hailstone is falling / it is hailing 飓风:hurricane 四、 潮湿:humid 干燥:dry 闷热:muggy/sweltering I am sweltering/it is sweltering. 凉爽:cool 温暖:warm 寒冷:cold/freezing cold 炎热:hot 五、34°C 34 degree centigrade/Celsius -2°C Minus 2 degree centigrade/ 2 degree centigrade below zero 六、最近天气多变 the weather changes a lot these days. 天气越来越热了 it is getting hotter and hotter/cold/warm/cool 前天:the day before yesterday 后天:the day after tomorrow 春天:spring 夏天:summer 秋天autumn/fall 冬天:winter


英文书写纸 年级:_____ 班级:_____ 学号:_______ 姓名:____________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


最全的食物英文表达 据360教育集团介绍:一.Poultry 家禽类 1. 鸡鸭: Fresh Grade Legs(thigh) 鸡大腿 Fresh Grade Breast 鸡胸 chicken fryer小鸡块Chicken Drumsticks 鸡小腿 Chicken Wings 鸡翅 Turkey 火鸡 chick gizzard鸡杂 Duck trim drum鸭翼脾 2. 猪肉: Liver 猪肝 Pork ribs 排骨 feet 猪脚 Kidney 猪腰 bag 猪肚 Hearts 猪心 Pork Steak 猪排 Pork-pieces 廋肉块 Pork Chops 连骨猪排 Rolled Pork loin 卷好的腰部瘦肉 Rolled Pork Belly 卷好的腰部瘦肉连带皮 Pork sausage meat 做香肠的绞肉 Pork Fillet 小里肌肉 Spare Rib Pork chops 带骨的瘦肉 Spare Rib of Pork 小排骨肉 Pork Dripping 猪油滴 Lard 猪油 Joint 有骨的大块肉 Hock 蹄膀 Casserole Pork 中间带骨的腿肉Butt猪的肩前腿肉 3. 牛肉: Stewing Beef 小块的瘦肉 Steak & Kidney 牛肉块加牛腰 ground beef已铰好的牛肉Frying steak 可煎食的大片牛排 Rump Steak 大块牛排 Leg Beef 牛键肉 OX-Tail 牛尾 OX-heart 牛心Homey come Tripe 蜂窝牛肚 OX-Tongues 牛舌 Barnsley Chops 带骨的腿肉 Shoulder Chops 肩肉 Porter House Steak 腰上的牛排肉 Chuck Steak 头肩肉筋、油较多 Tenderised Steak 拍打过的牛排 Roll 牛肠Cowhells 牛筋 Tripe Pieces 牛肚块 Best thick seam 白牛肚 4. 羊肉: lamb chops羊肉片 leg of lamb 羊腿 二.海产类 (Seafood) 1.鱼(fish):Herring 青鱼,鲱 Salmon三文鱼 Bass 鲈鱼 Corvina黄花鱼 Milkfish奶鱼 Mullet 梭鱼,胭脂鱼, 鲻鱼 Cod 鳕鱼 Tuna金枪鱼 Sea Bream 海鲤 Hake 鳕鱼类 Carp 鲤鱼 Halibut 大比目鱼flounder比目鱼 Plaice欧蝶鱼 Swordfish箭鱼 Octopus 鱆鱼 Squid 乌贼 cuttlefish 墨鱼 Dressed squid 花枝 Mackerel 鲭 Haddock 北大西洋鳕鱼 Trout鲑鱼 Cod Fillets 鳕鱼块 Conger (Eel)鳗鱼Tilapia罗非鱼 Dace鲮鱼 Red Mullet 红鲣 Herring roes 鲱鱼子 Boiled Cod roes 鳕鱼子 2.贝类海鲜(Shellfish): Oysters 牡_? Mussels 蚌类、黑色、椭圆形、没壳的是淡菜 Crab 螃蟹 Prawn 虾 clams 蛤蚌 scallops扇贝(小) Crab stick 蟹肉条 Peeled Prawns 虾仁 King Prawns 大虾 Tiger Prawns 虎虾 Shrimps 基围虾 Cockles 小贝肉 Lobster 龙虾 三.蔬菜类(Vegetables): Daikon白萝卜 Carrot 胡萝卜 Radish 小胡萝卜 Tomato 蕃茄 Parsnip 欧洲萝卜 Bok-choy小白菜long napa(suey choy) 大白菜 Spinach菠菜 Cabbage 卷心菜 Potato 马铃薯 russet potato褐色土豆Sweet potato红薯(红苕) Eggplant茄子 Celery 芹菜 Celery stalk芹菜梗 Asparagus芦笋 Lotus root 莲藕 Cilantro芫荽叶 Cauliflower 白花菜 Broccoli 绿花菜 Spring onions(scallion 或green onion)葱 Zucchini美洲南瓜(西葫芦) Mushroom 洋菇 Chives Flower韭菜花 shallot葱 Red cabbage 紫色包心菜 Squash(pumpkin)南瓜 acorn squash小青南瓜 Watercress 西洋菜豆瓣菜 Baby corn 玉米尖Sweet corn 玉米 Bitter melon苦瓜 Beet甜菜 chard甜菜 Onion 洋葱 lima bean 青豆 Brussels sprout 球芽甘蓝(小包菜) Garlic 大蒜 Ginger(root)姜 Leeks韭菜 Scallion(green onion) 葱 Mustard &


怎么用英语表达“天气好热” 一、十个表示“天气好热”的形容词: 1、hot:热的,温度高的,使人感到热的 例句: It is as hot as a sauna. 这天气简直就像在蒸桑拿。 sauna ['sn] n. 桑拿浴;蒸汽浴 这句话也可以替换成: It is as hot as hell. 这天气热得跟地狱似的。 2、stifling ['stafl] :闷热的(让人感到浑身不舒服的那种闷热) 例句: The stifling heat drives me crazy. 这种闷热的天气让我抓狂了。 3、muggy ['mɡi] :闷热的;湿热的(比较潮湿的气候) 例句: We may expect muggy weather when the rainy season begins. 雨季开始时,我们预料会有闷热的天气。 4、boiling ['bl] :酷热的(除了表达天气热,还有极其愤怒的意思)例句: We felt sluggish on such a boiling hot day and could only slop around. 在如此酷热的天气下,我们动也不想动,只能懒洋洋地走。 5、sultry ['sltri]:闷热的,酷热的

例句: I met her in a sultry summer afternoon. 我在夏天一个闷热的下午遇见了她。 6、blistering ['blstr] :酷热的;起泡的;激烈的 例句: In the blistering sun they stood patiently, like a small battalion. 骄阳下他们耐心地站着,像一个小军营。 这个词的动词形式是blister,意思是使起水泡;痛打;猛烈抨击。例句: The sap of this plantblisters the skin. 这种植物的汁液会使皮肤起水疱。 7、torrid ['trd] :酷热的;热情的 例句: She almost can tolerate any kind of torrid days. 她几乎能忍受各种酷热的天气。 8、scorching ['skrt] 炎热的 例句: The scorching heat was beginning to get her down. 灼热的天气使她开始感到疲倦。 9、sweltering ['swltr] 闷热的;热得难受的 例句: On sweltering summer days, sleeping is just fine. 夏日炎炎正好眠。 10、roasting ['rost] 非常热的;用于烤炙的 例句:


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各种食物的英文说法 一.Poultry 家禽类 1.鸡鸭: Fresh Grade Legs(thigh) 鸡大腿 Fresh Grade Breast 鸡胸 chicken fryer小鸡块 Chicken Drumsticks 鸡小腿 Chicken Wings 鸡翅 Turkey 火鸡 chick gizzard鸡杂 Duck trim drum鸭翼脾 2.猪肉: Liver 猪肝 Pork ribs 排骨 feet 猪脚 Kidney 猪腰 bag 猪肚 Hearts 猪心 Pork Steak 猪排 Pork-pieces 廋肉块 Pork Chops 连骨猪排 Rolled Pork loin 卷好的腰部瘦肉 Rolled Pork Belly 卷好的腰部瘦肉连带皮 Pork sausage meat 做香肠的绞肉 Pork Fillet 小里肌肉 Spare Rib Pork chops 带骨的瘦肉 Spare Rib of Pork 小排骨肉 Pork Dripping 猪油滴 Lard 猪油 Joint 有骨的大块肉 Hock 蹄膀 Casserole Pork 中间带骨的腿肉Butt猪的肩前腿肉3.牛肉: Stewing Beef 小块的瘦肉 Steak & Kidney 牛肉块加牛腰 ground beef已铰好的牛肉 Frying steak 可煎食的大片牛排 Rump Steak 大块牛排 Leg Beef 牛键肉 OX-Tail 牛尾 OX-heart 牛心 Homey come Tripe 蜂窝牛肚

OX-Tongues 牛舌 Barnsley Chops 带骨的腿肉Shoulder Chops 肩肉 Porter House Steak 腰上的牛排肉Chuck Steak 头肩肉筋、油较多Tenderised Steak 拍打过的牛排Roll 牛肠 Cowhells 牛筋 Tripe Pieces 牛肚块 Best thick seam 白牛肚 4.羊肉: lamb chops羊肉片 leg of lamb 羊腿 二.海产类(Seafood) 1.鱼(fish): Herring 青鱼,鲱 Salmon三文鱼 Bass 鲈鱼 Corvina黄花鱼 Milkfish奶鱼 Mullet梭鱼,胭脂鱼, 鲻鱼 Cod 鳕鱼 Tuna金枪鱼 Sea Bream 海鲤 Hake 鳕鱼类 Carp 鲤鱼 Halibut 大比目鱼 flounder比目鱼 Plaice欧蝶鱼 Swordfish箭鱼 Octopus 鱆鱼 Squid 乌贼 cuttlefish 墨鱼 Dressed squid 花枝 Mackerel 鲭 Haddock 北大西洋鳕鱼 Trout鲑鱼 Cod Fillets 鳕鱼块 Conger (Eel)鳗鱼 Tilapia罗非鱼 Dace鲮鱼 Red Mullet 红鲣


Five days forecast 未来五天预报monsoon zone 季风带precipitation 降雨量 clear to overcast 晴转多云 fine/fair/sunny 晴朗 cloudy 多云 foggy 有雾 misty 薄雾 drizzle 小雨 pour/downpour 大雨 sleet 雨夹雪 hail/hailstone 冰雹 windy 有风 gale wind 大风 stormy wind 暴风 light air 1级风 moderate breeze 4级风moderate gale 7级风 whole gale 10级风 typhoon 台风 drought 干旱 Today's Graphic 今日气象图

oceanic climate 海洋性气候Centigrade 摄氏 cloudy to overcast 阴转多云mild 温暖 overcast/dull/gloomy 阴天frosty 霜冻 damp 潮湿 shower 阵雨 storm 暴风雨 light snow 小雪 monsoon rain 季风雨 breezy 微风阵阵 heavy/high wind 大风 gust 阵风 light breeze 2级风 fresh breeze 5级风 fresh gale 8级风 storm 11级风 duststorm 沙暴 ice sheet 冰川 Weather Forecast 天气预报continental climate 大陆性气候

Fahrenheit 华氏 turning out cloudy 转阴 cool 凉爽 snowy 有雪 chilly 微冷 wet 雨天 thundery shower 雷阵雨 thundery storm 雷雨 blizzard 暴风雪 seasonal rain 季雨 gentle wind 和风 windy and dusty 风沙 piercing wind 寒风 gentle breeze 3级风 strong breeze 6级风 strong gale 9级风 hurricane 12级风/飓风 flood 洪水 iceburg 冰山 ============= 天气词汇中英文对照表: 01Sandstorm, Duststorm, Sand, Dust 浮尘,扬沙,沙尘暴等沙尘天气


1. pig out 狼吞虎咽、大吃特吃 Would you like to pig out with us tonight ? 今晚想不想跟我们一起去胡吃海喝一顿? 2. eat up 吃光、吃完、尽情吃 You can eat up the rest of the food. 你可以把剩余的食物吃光。 3. eat out 上馆子吃、出去吃饭 It's a good idea to eat out once a while. 隔段时间在外面吃一顿真不错。 4. eat in 在家吃饭 Are you going to eat in or eat out? 你今天打算在家吃饭还是在饭馆吃饭? 各种各样的“吃” 5. eat like a bird 吃得很少 Girls always eat like a bird in order to keep a slender figure.

女孩子们吃的很少,为的是保持苗条的身材。 6. grab a bite 随便吃几口垫垫肚子 Let's grab a bite before we go. 走之前咱们先赶紧垫垫肚子吧! 7. I've had enough/I'm full 我吃饱了 I'm full. That big lunch made me sleepy. 我吃饱了,那顿丰盛的午餐使我昏昏欲睡。 8. be on a hunger strike 绝食 The prisoners went on a hunger strike. 犯人们进行绝食抗议。 9. be on a diet 节食 The doctor says I've got to go on a diet. 医生说我得节食。 10. overeat 吃得太多 I overate at the party last night and got violent indigestion.


Part One: Weather in Wuhan City Introduction: The weather in Wuhan is really “singular and unique”, for years it has been regarded as one of the three stoves in China. Wuhan natives suffer a lot from it. So can you describe the features of weather in Wuhan? So how do you deal with the nasty weather in summer and winter in Wuhan, and share your experience with us. 各种天气的英文说法 First group: clear to overcast 晴转多云cloudy to overcast 阴转多云sunny interval 多云间晴partly cloudy /partly bright 晴间多云fine/fair/sunny 晴朗cloudy /overcast 多云或阴foggy 有雾mist / misty 薄雾或轻雾mild 温暖 Second group: drizzle毛毛雨, 小雨pour/downpour 大雨sleet 雨夹雪hail/hailstone 冰雹shower 阵雨storm 暴风雨light snow 小雪monsoon rain 季风雨dust/sandstorm 沙尘暴snowy 有雪thunder shower 雷阵雨thunder storm 雷暴雨chilly 微冷cool 凉爽blizzard 暴风雪snowstorm 暴风雪snow shower 阵雪flood 洪水precipitation 降雨量dust-storm 浮尘或扬沙lightning闪电light snow 小雪heavy shower 强阵雨occasional shower 零星阵雨freezing rain 冻雨frost /frosty 霜冻freezing 冰冻的damp 潮湿haze 霾wet /humid 潮湿drought 干旱clammy Third group: light air 1级风light breeze 2级风gentle breeze 3级风moderate breeze 4级风fresh breeze 5级风strong breeze 6级风moderate gale 7级风fresh gale 8级风strong gale 9级风whole gale 10级风storm 11级风hurricane 12级风/飓风typhoon 台风tornado 龙卷风breezy 微风heavy/high wind /gale 大风gentle wind 和风windy and dusty 风沙piercing wind 寒风windy 有风gale wind 大风stormy wind 暴风gust 阵风 “天气热”的地道英语表达 1.It's hot enough to melt hell. I hope it will be cooler soon. 现在热得足以把地狱熔化了,希望很快能够凉快一点。 2.It's stifling! I can hardly breathe. 天气太闷热了!我都没法呼吸了。 3.I can't bare the heat; I am leaking! 我受不了这么热,我浑身都在滴水! 4.I am sweating like a pig, and I'm not doing anything. 虽然我什么都没做,但还是汗流浃背。 5.Let's stay at home; you could fry eggs on the sidewalk. 我们呆在家里吧,人行道上都可以煎蛋了。 6.I don't want to go out; it's raining fire! 我不想出去,天气火热火热的! 7.It's too hot to think. I need to find someplace to cool off. 热得我都没法思考。我需要找个地方凉快凉快。 8.Today is a thermometer breaker! Let's go swimming.


食品英语-民以食为天-各种食品英语说法 一.Poultry家禽类 1.鸡鸭: Fresh Grade Legs(thigh) 鸡大腿 Fresh Grade Breast 鸡胸 chicken fryer小鸡块 Chicken Drumsticks 鸡小腿 Chicken Wings 鸡翅 Turkey 火鸡 chick gizzard鸡杂 Duck trim drum鸭翼脾 2.猪肉: Pigs Liver 猪肝 Pork ribs 排骨 Pigs feet 猪脚 Pigs Kidney 猪腰 Pig bag 猪肚 Pigs Hearts 猪心 Pork Steak 猪排 Pork-pieces 廋肉块 Pork Chops 连骨猪排 Rolled Pork loin 卷好的腰部瘦肉 Rolled Pork Belly 卷好的腰部瘦肉连带皮 Pork sausage meat 做香肠的绞肉 Pork Fillet 小里肌肉 Spare Rib Pork chops 带骨的瘦肉 Spare Rib of Pork 小排骨肉 Pork Dripping 猪油滴

Lard 猪油 Joint 有骨的大块肉 Hock 蹄膀 Casserole Pork 中间带骨的腿肉Butt猪的肩前腿肉 3.牛肉: Stewing Beef 小块的瘦肉 Steak & Kidney 牛肉块加牛腰ground beef已铰好的牛肉Frying steak 可煎食的大片牛排Rump Steak 大块牛排 Leg Beef 牛键肉 OX-Tail 牛尾 OX-heart 牛心 Homey come Tripe 蜂窝牛肚 OX-Tongues 牛舌 Barnsley Chops 带骨的腿肉Shoulder Chops 肩肉 Porter House Steak 腰上的牛排肉Chuck Steak 头肩肉筋、油较多Tenderised Steak 拍打过的牛排Roll 牛肠 Cowhells 牛筋 Tripe Pieces 牛肚块 Best thick seam 白牛肚 4.羊肉: lamb chops羊肉片 leg of lamb 羊腿


天气预报的英语表达方式: sunny晴天cloudy多云overcast阴天light rain 小雨moderate rain 中雨heavy rain 大雨moderate snow中雪heavy snow 大雪 light snow 小雪rainstorm暴雨thunderstorm雷雨fog雾frost霜冻sleet 雨夹雪typhoon台风sandstorm 沙尘暴 天气状况 Wind direction风向Wind force 风力Lowest temperature最低气温(℃) Highest temperature最高气温(℃) AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴AM Showers=上午阵雨AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨Clear=晴朗Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴Drifting Snow=飘雪Drizzle=毛毛雨Dust=灰尘Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风Fog=雾Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹Heavy Rain=大雨Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨Heavy Snow=大雪Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨Light Drizzle=微雨Light Rain=小雨Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪Lightening=雷电Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗Mostly Cloudy=大部多云


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Safety is the usual choice for global travelers when faced with a menu of unknown dishes. But a great meal transcends all cultural boundaries, and sharing the food of your host country is the best way to connect with its people and culture. 对于国际旅行者来说,当看到菜单上面都是自己不知道的菜肴时,他们往往会选择自己认为安全 的食物。但是美食是超越所有文化界限的,品尝当地的食物是融入当地文化以及与当地人交流的最佳方式。 Argentina 阿根廷 This South American nation is best known for beef and empanadas, but there’s so much more to explore. Believe it or not, the ice cream here is among the best in the world, and dulce de leche and malbec flavors are absolute must-haves. If you’re in the mood for cheese, don’t leave without sampling provoleta –a smoky provolone sprinkled with oregano. As for native Andean cuisine, locro, a hearty stew of corn, beans, squash and meat, is delicious. 这个南美洲国家的牛肉和肉馅卷饼很出名,不过还有更多美食等你尝试。不管你相不相信,这里的冰激淋在世界上数一数二,其中牛奶焦糖口味和马尔白克口味冰激淋是一定要品尝的。如果你喜欢奶酪,那你就不能错过品尝奶酪烤饼——一种撒了牛至叶粉的烟熏味波萝伏洛干酪。而安第斯山当地的菜肴炖肉汤——一种玉米、豆子、南瓜和肉一起炖的丰盛菜肴——非常美味。 Brazil 巴西 No culinary trip here is complete without a visit to the state of Bahia. First thing to order: Moqueca de peixe, a fish (and sometimes shrimp) stew made with tomatoes and coconut milk. For a satisfying weekend lunch –not unlike American brunch –feijoada, a heavy stew of beans, meat and sausage, served with rice, can be found all over Brazil. If you’re looking for something lighter, fresh grilled fish with tomato-and-onion salad coupled with a couple of Brahma beers is a perfect beach meal. 如果没有去巴伊亚州,那么你在巴西的美食之旅就不完整。第一道要点的菜是炖鱼,就是将鱼(有时还有虾)和西红柿以及椰子汁一起炖。像美国的早午餐一样,丰盛的周末午餐巴西炖菜——豆子、肉和香肠一起炖,配上米饭——在整个巴西都能品尝到。如果你想要品尝一些较清淡的菜肴,鲜嫩的烤鱼、西红柿洋葱色拉,再配上几瓶博浪啤酒简直是一顿完美的海滩餐。 China 中国 In Beijing the restaurants in the alleyways of Qianmen are renowned for hot pot, or huo guo. Here you’ll find the streets are lined with boiling pots filled with soup ingredients. Its excellent selections range from Mongolian specialties –best known for lamb and mutton dishes –and spicy Szechuan. Some 600-plus miles away, Shanghai is best known for its street food, especially soup dumplings. But don’t stop there, sheng jian bao, steamed pork bun, makes for a perfect snack, while jian bing, egg-based crepes with a bean sauce or chili smear, is
