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A spherical system of coordinates


Absolute scale绝对温标

Absolute temperature 绝对温度Absolute zero 绝对零度

Acute angle锐角

Adiabatic process绝热过程


Amount of heat 热量


Analytical expression解

Angular momentum角动量

Angular velocity角速度



Approximate solution近似解


Assume that 假设

At constant pressure定压比热

At rest静止的

Axial symmetry轴对称

Axis of rotation旋转轴

Be independent of 独立的

Be proportional to 与……成比例



Center of mass质心

Centripetal force向心力

Cgs 厘米-克-秒(Centimeter-Gram-Second) Change in jumps 跳跃的变化


Charge by conduct 负责的行为

Charge by induction 感应电荷Circulation motion圆周运动

Classical mechanics经典力学Coefficient系数


Combustion engine内燃机Comparison 参照物

Compensate 补偿,抵消


Consecutive 连贯的

Consequently结果,因此Conservation保存保护Considerable 相当大的Constant常量

Constructive interference 干涉Coordinate system坐标系Coulomb’s law库伦定律Counter-phase相位差

Cross-sectional 分类排列


Curvilinear motion曲线运动Cyclic process循环过程Decrement衰减率Denominator分母



Destructive interference破坏性干扰Developing发展中

Deviation from脱离逸出Diatomic双原子的



Dimension 维

Discrete value离散值Displacement位移

Distance 距离疏远Distribution function分布函数Divergence 分歧


Elastic collision弹性碰撞Electric dipole弹性偶极子Electric field 弹性场

Electric potential 弹性势

Electric potential energy弹性势能Electrically polarized电极化的Electrodynamics电动力学Electromagnetic电磁的


Electrostatic静电的Elementary mass元素的质量Embodiment体现具体化Emulsion感光乳剂


Energy level 能级

Entropy 熵


Equipartition principle均分原理



External force外力


First law of thermodynamics热力学第一定律Focal plane焦平面

Fraunhofer diffraction夫琅和费衍射

Free fall自由落体


Gamma photon伽马射线

General theory relativity广义相对论Geometrical几何的



Grow proportionally to 正比增长Harmonic function调和函数

Harmonic oscillator谐波发射器

Heat 高温热度

Heat capacity 热熔

Heat engine热机

Heat transfer热传递



Hologram 全息图

Holography 全系摄影


Huygens’ Principle 惠更斯原理Hypothetical medium 假设介质

Ideal gass理想气体

Identical 同一的,完全相同的


Impart 给予



Incident light入射光





Inertial reference frame惯性参考系Infrared radiation 红外线照射Initial moment 初力矩Instantaneous瞬间的

Insulator 绝缘体

Integral 完整的

Interference 干涉

Internal energy 内能

Internal force内力

Intra-molecular energy 分子内能Isotropic 单折射性,各向同性Kinematics运动学

Law of cosine law余弦定理

Length contraction长度收缩Macroscopic宏观的


Mass-energy conversion质能转换定理Mean distance 平均距离Mechanical equivalent of heat热功当量Mechanics力学

Molar heat gas capacity 摩尔热能Molecular physics分子物理学Momentum势能

Monatomic单原子的Monochromatic light单色光




Newton’s first law牛顿第一定律Non-equilibrium state非平衡态Normal acceleration法向加速度Normal to 垂直于


Nucleon 核子

Numerator 分子

Object beam 物体光束

Obtuse angle钝角


Overlap 重叠


Parallel axis theorem平行轴的定理Parallel beams平行光束

Parallel rays平行光Parallelogram method平行四边形法则Parameter of state状态参数Perfectly rigid body 完全刚体


Phase difference相位差



Point charge点电荷

Point particle质点



Principle of relativity相对论


Probability distribution function概率分布函数Projection 投射




Quantitative conclusion定量的结论

Quasi-static 准静态的




Real image实像

Rectilinear motion 直线运动Redistribution重新分配

Reference frame参考系

Reference wave参考波

Relative atomic mass of an element元素的相对原子质量

Relative molecular mass of substance物质相对分子质量

Relaxation process弛豫过程

Relaxation time 弛豫时间

Reversible process可逆过程

Rotational inertia转动惯量


Scalar field标量场

Semiconductor半导体Semitransparent 半透明的

Solid angle立体角

Spatial coherence 空间相干性

Special theory of relativity狭义相对论Specific heat capacity 比热容

Speed 速度速率

Stationary 固定的

Subscript下标Superpose 重叠的




Temporal coherence 时间相干性

Terminal velocity末速度

Test charge监测电荷

The difference on optical path 光路的区别The equation of state of an ideal gass理想盖斯方程

The magnitude of a vector向量的大小

The number of degree of freedom自由度数量The reciprocal of 倒数

The refractive index折射率

The right-hand screw rule右手螺旋定则

The second derivative of 二阶导数

The tangential acceleration切向加速度Thermodynamic temperature scale热力学温标Three dimensional三维的

Time averaged value时间平均价值

Time dilation时间扩张



Torsion balance扭秤


Translation motion平移运动


Tuning fork音叉

Twin paradox孪生子谬论

Ultraviolet light紫外线

Undeformable body

Uniform circular motion匀速圆周运动

Unit time单位时间

Vector field 矢量场


Velocity 速率

Virtual image虚像

Wave length 波长

Wave number波数


1, For a stationary field, the work done on a particle by the forces of the field may depend

on the initial and final position of the particle and not depend on the path along which the particle moved. Forces having such a property are called conservative.


2, A combination of bodies that are stationary relative to one another with respect to which motion is being considered an a timepiece indicating the time forms a reference frame.


3, The concepts of an equilibrium, state and a reversible process play a great part in thermodynamics. All the quantitative conclusions of thermodynamics are strictly applicable(适用) only to equilibrium states and reversible processes.


4, If a gas is in equilibrium, its molecules move absolutely without order, chaotically. All the directions of motion are equally probable, and none of them can be given preference over others.


5, Huygens principle: The theory by which light waves spreading out from a point source can be regarded as the superposition of tiny secondary wavelets.


6, If we imagine a separate isolated body in a space where no other bodies are present, then we can not speak of the motion of the body because there is nothing with respect to which the body could change its position.


7, A combination of bodies that are stationary relative to one another with respect to which motion is being considered and a timepiece indicate the time forms a reference frame.


8, Translational motion is defined as motion in which any straight line associated with the moving body remains parallel to itself .


9, Dynamics studies the motion of bodies with a view to what causes this motion to have the nature it does, i.e. with a view to the interactions between bodies.


10, Vectors are defined as quantities characterized by a numerical value and a direction and, also, as ones that are added according to the triangle or parallelogram



11, We shall define internal forces as the forces with which given body is acted upon by the other bodies of the system and external forces as those produced by the action of bodies not belong to the system.


12, For a conservative force, the work done on

a particle by the force may depend only on

the initial and final positions of the particle and not on the path along which the particle moved,.


13, Conservative forces can be defined in two ways:(1)as forces whose work does not depend on the path along which a particle passes from one point to the another, and(2) as forces whose work along any closed path equals zero.


14, We can thus use the function to determine the work done on a particle by conservative forces along any path beginning at arbitrary point 1 and terminating at arbitrary point 2 .

我们可以用ep表示保守力对质点从任意点1到任意点2所做的功。15, Assuming that the reference frame relative to which we are considering the complex motion of a rigid body is stationary, the motion of the body can be represented as rotation with the angular velocity in a reference frame moving translationally with the velocity relative to the stationary frame.


16, All the quantitative conclusions of the thermodynamics are strictly applicable only to equilibrium states and reversible processes.


17, The absolute temperature is proportional to the mean kinetic energy of translational motion of the molecules of a substance.

绝对温度与物质的平均平动动能成正比。18, The heat capacity of a body is defined as the quantity equal to the amount of heat that must be imparted to the body to raise its temperature by one Kelvin.


19, Temperature: A measure of the average kinetic energy per molecule in a substance, measure in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit or in Kelvin..


20, Absolute zero: the lowest possible

temperature that a substance may have- the temperature at which molecules of a substance have their minimum kinetic energy.


21, Multiplication theorem of probabilities: the probability of the simultaneous occurrence of statistically independent events equals the product of the probabilities of each of them occurring separately.

概率相乘定理:独立事件同时发生的概率等于每个事件单独发生概率的乘积。22, Entropy: a measure of the disorder of a system. Whenever energy freely transforms from one form to the another, the direction of transformation is toward a state of greater disorder and therefore toward one of greater entropy.


23, By coherence is meant the coordinated proceeding of several oscillatory or wave processes.

相干性是振荡和波动过程的协调性。24, The superposition of waves producing regions of reinforcement and regions of cancellation. Constructive interference refers to regions of reinforcement;

destructive interference refers to regions of cancellation.

光的叠加形成了加强区和减弱区,干涉相长形成加强区,干涉相消形成减弱区。25, There is no appreciable physical difference

between interference and diffraction. Both phenomena consist in the redistribution of the light flux as a result of superposition of the waves.


26, Like charges repel each other, unlike charges attract each other.

同种电荷相互排斥,异种电荷相互吸引。27,The arrangement of the charges setting up the field being studied may change under the action of the test charge.


28.The Second law of thermodynamics: Heat

will never spontaneously flow from a cold object to a hot object. Also, no machine can be completely efficient in converting energy to work; some input energy is dissipated as heat. And finally, all systems tend to become more and more disordered as time goes by.


29.The special theory of relativity is based on

two postulate(1)The Principle of Relativity.

All the laws of physics are the same for all observers moving at a constant velocity with respect to one another. (2)The speed of light in free space is the same ()for all observers regardless of the motion of the source of the motion of the observer.


30.Conservative forces can be defined in two ways:(1)as forces whose work does not depend on the path along which a particle passes from one point to the another, and(2) as forces whose work along any closed path equals zero.



IT专业英语词汇大全带翻译阅读 在IT行业,需要认识许多的英语专业的词汇术语,今天在这里为大家介绍IT专业英语词汇大全,希望这些IT的专业英语词汇能帮助到大家! B Backup 备份 B Bandwidth 频带宽度 B Base 基地,基线,底座 B Base – address 基地址 B Battery 电池,蓄电池 B Bell 贝尔(电平单位) B Binary system 二进制 B Bit 位,波特 B Block 块,数据块,字组 B Board 配电盘,仪表板 B BOOL 布尔 B Broadcast 广播 B Browser 浏览器 B Bus 总线 B Busy 占线 B Byte 字节

B dataBase 数据库 B / I Battery Inverter 电池反相器,电池变极器 B / I Bus Interface 总线接口 B / W Black / White 黑/ 白 B&S Brown and Sharp gauge 英国电线线径规范 B.K.S. British Kinematograph Society 英国电影放映技术学会 B.S. C. British Society of Cinematographers 英国电影摄影(放映)技师会 B.S.S. British Standards Specification 英国标准规范 B.T.L. Bell Telephone Laboratories 贝尔电话实验室 B2BEC Business – to – Business E – Commerce 企业对企业电子商务 B3ZS Bipolar with Three – Zero Substitution 三零置换双极码 B8ZS Bipolar with 8th Zero Substitution 第八个零置换双极码 .b_w Atari – Mac的黑白图形格式〖后缀〗 BA Base Address 基地址 BA Basic Access 基本接入 BA Basic Assembler program 基本汇编程序 BA Benny Alagem 本尼;阿拉吉姆(柏德电脑的创始人,电脑零售市场的开拓者)

专业英语 词汇翻译

寻求最优化search for optimality 采用团队方法use a team approach 提高效率improve the efficiency 人员调度personnel schedules 仿真软件包simulation software packages 多目标决策分析multi-criteria decision analysis 统计分析statistical analysis 概率分布probability distribution 生产计划控制production plan and control 工艺卡片route-cards 半制品semiwork-in-process 在制品work-in-process 监控系统monitoring system 管理信息系统management information system 资源分配allocation of resources 产品开发成本product development cost 柔性制造flexible manufacturing 工艺设计process design 成组技术group technology 建模与仿真model and simulation 运筹学operational research 定量建模quantitative modeling 理论框架theoretical framework 利用率utilization rate 描述性研究descriptive research 库存控制inventory control 统计质量控制statistical quality control 送货速度delivering speed 提高生产率improve productivity 系统容量system capacity 原材料raw material 车间工人档案shop labor record 企业资源规划enterprise resource planning 咨询公司consulting firm 供应链supply chain 物料需求计划material requirements planning 高级计划与排程advanced planning and scheduling 投资回报率return on investment 克服难题和缺陷overcome problems and disadvantages 企业一般管理费用overhead 财务和技术总监finance and technology director 时间动作研究time-and-motion study 人工失误human error 维修人员maintenance personnel


Guest editor a vehicle of 一种手段 productivity生产力 perceive 感知 empirical means:经验方法 the prolonged exponential growth:长期的指数增长Fidelity:保真度 energy harvesting:能源获取 Ubiquitous computing:普适计算 Photosynthesis :光合作用 incident light 入射光 coated 覆盖的 humidity 湿度 moisture gradients:湿气梯度 semiconductor fabrication:半导体制造 Acoustic:声学的 Miniaturization:小型化 Photons:光子,量子 Concentrations:浓度 Tailored:定制的 Spectrum:光谱 sophisticated heterogeneous systems:复杂的异构系统Fusion:融合=aggregation Qualitative 定性的 Diffusion:扩散 duty-cycle:占空比 spatial dimension:空间范围 Dissemination:散播 Pervasive:普遍的 Trajectory:轨道 Ambient:周围的 ②leach Microsensors:微传感器 Cluster: 名词:簇动词:分簇 Cluster head:簇头 Hierarchy 分层 Application-Specific 应用相关的 In terms of 按照 Aggregate聚合 Diffusion:传播 Dissipated:耗散 Timeline 时间轴


A spherical system of coordinates 球面坐标系统 Absolute scale 绝对温标 Absolute temperature 绝对温度Absolute zero 绝对零度Acute angle 锐角 Adiabatic process 绝热过程Adjacent 临近 的 Amount of heat 热量Amplitude 振幅 Analytical expression 解Angular momentum 角动量Angular velocity 角速度Annihilate 消灭 Appreciable 可感知的Approximate solution 近似解Arbitrarily 任意的变换莫测的Assume that 假设 At constant pressure 定压比热 At rest 静止的Axial symmetry 轴对称Axis of rotation 旋转轴Be independent of 独立的 Be proportional to 与?…成比例 Bend 使弯曲的 Capacitor 电容器Center of mass 质心 Centripetal force 向心力 Cgs 厘米-克-秒(Ce ntimeter-Gram-Seco nd) Change in jumps 跳跃的变化 Chaotic 无序的 Charge by conduct 负责的行为Charge by induction 感应电荷Circulation motion 圆周 运动Classical mecha nics 经典力学Coefficient 系数Coherent 连贯的Combustion engine 内燃机Comparison 参照物Compensate 补偿,抵消Conductor 导体Consecutive 连贯的Consequently 结果,因此Conservation 保存保护 Considerable 相当大的 Constant 常量 Constructive interference 干涉 Coordinate system 坐标系Coulomb ' s la库伦定律Counter-phase 相位差 Cross-sectional 分类排列Curl 卷曲, Curvilinear motion 曲线运动 Cyclic process 循环过程 Decrement 衰减率 Denominator 分母 Density 密度 Derivative 倒数 Destructive interference 破坏性干扰 Developing 发展中 Deviation from 脱离逸出 Diatomic 双原子的 Difference 差异 Diffraction 衍射 Dimension 维 Discrete value 离散值Displacement 位 移 Distance 距离疏远 Distribution function 分布函数 Divergence 分歧 Dynamics 动力学 Elastic collision 弹性碰撞 Electric dipole 弹性偶极子 Electric field 弹性场 Electric potential 弹性势 Electric potential energy 弹性势能 Electrically polarized 电极化的 Electrodynamics 电动力学 Electromagnetic 电磁的 Electron 电子 Electrostatic 静电的Elementary mass 元素的质量Embodiment 体现具体化 Emulsion 感光乳剂 Energy 能量精力 Energy level 能级Entropy 熵 Equilibrium 均衡 Equipartition principle 均分原理 Ether 乙醚 Exposure 暴露 External force 外力 Factor 因素


Give the floor to 请…发言 It is a great pleasure for me to 我很荣幸…Relevant issues 相关问题Updated research research result 最新的调查结果Attach the importance to 对…给予重视Lead-edge technologies 领先技术Minister Counselor 公使 Natural heritage 自然遗产Shared concern 共同关心的问题Well-deserved reputation 良好的信誉对…表示衷心的感谢express sincere gratitude to 请…讲话Let’ s welcome to give a speech 双边会议bilateral conference 以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎propose the warmest applause to 主办单位sponsor 颁奖仪式the Award Ceremony 贺词greeting speech 隆重举行observe the grand opening of 请…颁奖Let’s invite to present the award 取得圆满成功achieve complete ceremony 全球庆典global celebration ceremony 宣布…结束declare the closing of 请全体起立,奏国歌Please rise for the national anthem. Collective stewardship集体管理 Competitive job market充满竞争的就业市场 Financial institutions金融机构 Forward-looking进取 Gross National Product国民生产总值 Meet the challenges 迎接挑战 Public authorities公共机构 Regulatory mechanism 法规机制 The threshold of our transition into the new millenmum跨越新千年的门槛UNCHS (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements)联合国人居中心Urban residents 城市居民 Well-serviced formal city服务齐全的高尚城市 把…列为重要内容place as the priority 不放松工作never neglect the work 节约用水water conservation 对…表示衷心祝贺extend our sincere congratulations on 节约用水先进城市model city of water conservation 使…取得预期效果attain the results expected 授予…光荣称号confer honorable awards on 为…而奋斗strive for 严重缺水城市a city of severe water shortage


Militarists 军国主义者Prime Minister 总理、首相VIP very important person 非常重要的人Mean temperature 平均温度Surveyor general 测量总监,测绘局长Lord mayoralty 市长的职位Mayor 市长Municipal government 市政府The town hall 市政厅Best-planed 规划的Backdrop 衬托Torrens River 托伦斯河Ha=hectare公顷N and S =north and southGrid pattern 方格护城河Moat 中山公园the Sun Yat-Sen Park故宫博物院the Palace Museum太庙the Imperial Ancestral Temple太和殿the Hall of Supreme Harmony午门the Meridian Gate外朝the Outer Palace内廷the Inner Court金水桥the Golden Water Bridge太和门the Gate of Supreme Harmony中和殿the Hall of Complete Harmony保和殿the Hall of Preserving Harmony御花园the imperial garden白塔the White Dagoba燕京Beijing琉璃瓦glazed tiles影壁screen天坛the Temple of Heaven祭天祈谷to warship heaven and pray for good harvest祈年殿the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest汉白玉white marble三音石the Triple Sound Stones冬至the winter solstice回音壁the Echo Wall皇穹宇the Imperial Vault of Heaven圜丘the Circular Mound Altar孟子Mencius逃学play truant机杼loom思想家thinker烛台candlestick上香burn incense百家争鸣Let a hundred schools of thought contend.失去知觉become unconscious昏迷in a comamass压器质量atomic fission 原子裂变Hydro bill 水费账单Tin mailbox 铁信箱Industrial revolution 工业革命,产业革命Grammar school 英国的中等学校Oxford 牛津Cambridge 剑桥Chaucer 乔叟Building canals 开凿运河Royal Society 皇家学会Congress 美国国会The war = the Civil WarA fifth 五分之一Eight-tenths 十分之八Joint venturePer head = per personForeign exchange dealing 外汇交易The international community 国际社会The open door policy 改革开放政策Quadruple 翻两番Player 参加者Major economy 经济大国International trade and investment 国际贸易和投资Conundrum=puzzling problemFinite stock : limited quantityTax treaty 税务条约Patent law 专利法Special Economic Zones经济特区WTO(World Trade Organization)世界贸易组织Position 立场Market access市场准入Protocol 议定书大学四年级senior year住院治疗hospitalisation内陆水域inland waters养殖aquaculture水产品aquatic products 集约化intensification畜产品animal by-products木本食物arbor foodstuffs半殖民地的semi-colonial半封建的semi-feudal所有制ownership自力更生self-reliance豆类legume薯类tuber联合国粮农组织the UN Food and Agriculture Organization温饱问题adequate food and clothingbilateral trade 双边贸易总产量aggregate output贸易与金融关系commercial and financial ties外汇交易foreign exchange劳动密集型产业labour intensive industriesSaint Valentine’s day 圣瓦伦廷节Southern California 南加州井冈山the Jinggang Mountion落汤鸡like a drowned rat下班knocked off剧团opera troupe毛衣sweater织毛线to knit花样pattern都说我好spoke well of me一位中年女工a middle-aged woman worker纺线to spin干部cadre鲸鱼whale鳕鱼codblubber 鲸脂vitamin 维生素halibut 比目鱼perfume香水petrol汽油internal combustion engine 内燃机sedimentary rocks 沉积岩shale页岩geologist 地质学家oil drillers钻探石油的人asphalt沥青substance物质pitch lake沥青湖crude oil原油sample样品prospecting勘探gallon加仑treat处理refinery 精炼厂,炼油厂vapour蒸汽paraffin: kerosene煤油laboratory 实验室living organisms 生物体fabric: framework/system框架,结构superhighway 高速公路applied entomology应用昆虫学generalization 一般化,普遍化,概括,广义性an insect-free world: a world without insectstreadmill :a monotonous routine of work in which there is little or no satisfactory progressinfertile eggs 未受精卵the screw-worm fly螺旋锥蝇the hatching larvae孵化中的幼虫parasitic寄生的the host寄主steer公牛infestation传染subtropical亚热带的whetted the appetites of : aroused the interest of extinction : eradicationtriumphant: victorious / successfuldemonstration: a show a evidence海洋油气资源offshore oil and gas resources 石油地质储备oil reserves上下油一体化integrate upstream and downstream开发exploit勘探explore含油气构造deposits of oil and gas大陆架continental shelves专属经济区exclusive economic zones生命支持系统bio-support system调节器regulator准则norms 宝库treasure house前言forewordcourt of appeals 上诉法院indictment : accusation/ chargeamendment 修正案act 法bill议案hearings 听证会lobby 院外活动集团legislature 立法机关,立法机构trade-off 交换,协定,交易,平衡contracting states 各成员国,缔约各国利润及亏损risks and losses董事长the vice-chairman有关外汇事宜foreign exchange transaction净利润the net profit个人所得税individual income tax不可抗力force majeure终止terminate违反合同breach the contract / a breach of contract调解conciliation仲裁arbitration 公布promulgation生效enter into force修改amenddifferences 分歧toast 祝酒词common ground 共同点culminate: reach its highest pointsurmount: get round /settle 超越,战胜正式外交关系full diplomatic relations


网络专业词汇英语翻译 网络专业词汇英语翻译 account(帐号):一个有指定的用户名和口令的用于访问计算机或网络的表格,它通常带有一个主目录,一个e-mail信箱和一系列访问权限。 address(地址):1、某台计算机(也称网上主机或Intermet节点)的地址,格式为host.Subdomain.domain。2、一个e-mail地址,格式为***********************.domain。3、一个Web地址(URL)格式为:http://host.subdomain.domain/option...-filename.ext。 address book(地址簿):在有些e-mail程序中,address book是e-mail地址的简要列表。 anonymous FTP(匿名FTP):FTP(Internet文件传输协议)最常见的使用方法。允许匿名FTP访问的FTP的FTP节点,不要求在访问时输入口令——登录时用户只需输入Anonymous 作为用户名,将自己的e-mail地址作为口令以备记录。 *.answers:用于邮寄FAQ公告的调制新闻组。在“*.answers”中,“*”代表任何名称。“*.answers”新闻组包括news.answers、alt.answers、rec.answers,misc.answers等等。 article(文章):一个Usenet邮件。 attachment(附件):与用户e-mail消息一起发送的任何格式的数据文件。 .avi:Windows平台提供的电影格式。 back(返回):1、一个Web浏览器命令,通常是一个用于返回用户先前看过的页面或链路的快捷键。2、在Unix页面程序中,这个命令可以返回到前一个屏幕。 bandwidth(带宽):1、在一定时间间隔内通过传输线所能传输的信息量。2、竭尽全力不想在网络中浪费时间的人常常提起的一个字眼。


医学专业英语词汇翻译(三) 小编为大家整理了一些医学专业英语词汇翻译,一起来学习吧! 医学专业英语词汇翻译: 肌萎缩 muscle atrophy; 重症肌无力 myasthenia gravis; 弥散性局部缺血 diffuse ischemia; 常染色体隐性 autosomal recessive; 全身性感染 systemic infection; 受累的肌肉 muscle involved; 显著相关性 significant correlation; 神经末梢 nerve terminal; 自体免疫反应 autoimmune reaction; 神经支配 innervation; 肌营养不良 muscular dystrophy; 慢性营养不良 chronic mulnutrition; 先天性肌病 congenital myopathy; 预期寿命 life expectancy; 免疫紊乱 immunologic derangemant; 发病高峰年龄 the peak age of onset; 胸腺肿瘤 thymoma; 呼吸肌受累 the involvement of respiratory muscle; 感染性肌炎 inflammatory myositic; 去神经支配 denervation; 矿物质吸收 mineral absorption; 机械应力 mechanical stress; 骨基质有机部分 the organic parts of bone matrix; 青春期早熟 premature puberty; 蛋白溶解酶 protein-digesting enzyme; 破骨细胞 osteoclast;


技术需求technical requirements 硬件规格hardware specification 标准standard 高密度high density 机箱chassis 电源冗余power redundancy / redundant power supply 业务板卡插槽business card slot 提供provide 业务板service board 通道channel 接口ports 过流保护overcurrent protection 交换容量exchange capacity 内存memory 板载onboard 工作环境温度working temperature 性能指标performance indicators 可管理A数量the number of manageable AP 最大无线用户数量the maximum number of wireless users 列表容量list capacity VLAN 数量quantity 软件技术规格software technology specification 应用application 支持多个地址池multi-address-pool available 静态路由static router AP 发现AC方式the way AP found AC 静态IP发现found by IP 漫游roaming 在AC内快速漫游rapid roaming within AC 跨AC间快速漫游rapid roaming cross AC 数据转发方式data forwarding mode 本地转发local forwarding 集中转发centralized forwarding 射频管理RF management Radio 开关Radio ON/OFF 无线模式选择wireless mode selection 手动或自动信道选择manual or automatic channel selection 功率调整power adjustment 强制STA 漫游force STA roaming 安全特性security features 认证authentication 内置built-in 防止攻击anti-attack 泛洪攻击flood attack


英语词汇专业名词翻译 英语词汇专业名词翻译 话说词汇bedrock英汉双语综合解析 bedrock [?bedr?k] n. 基岩; 牢固基础; 基本事实,基本原则; 最低点; {近义词} substratum基础 solid rock坚石(基岩) base底部 foundation根基 basis基础 core核心 heart心 root根 anchor锚 basics基本因素basic principle基本原理 fundamental principle基本原理{短语} bedrock price最低价格underlying bedrock下伏基岩come down to bedrock穷根究底,弄清事情的... {英英解释} Noun: solid unweathered rock lying beneath surface deposits of soil principles from which other truths can be derived; "first you must learn the fundamentals" "let's get down to basics" {词汇应用} 1.Whatever he heard, he always came down to bedrock. 不管他听到,他总刨根问底。 2.Ownership of land is the bedrock of democracy. 土地所有权是民主的基础。 3.Ancient culture is the bedrock of all. 古老的文化蕴孕着时代永恒的文明。 话说英语词汇bedroll英汉双语综合解析 bedroll [?bedr??l]


集成电路integrated circuit 可编程逻辑控制器programmable logic controller 暂态过程transient process 有功、无功、视在功率active//reactive//apparent power 高通、低通、带通滤波器high pass//low pass//band pass filter 单位负反馈unit negative feedback 温度传感器temperature sensor 稳态响应steadystate response 片内存储On-chip memory 控制理论和控制工程control theory and control engineering 最优控制optimal control 自适应控制self-adaptive control 根轨迹root focus 相平面phase plane 升压、降压变压器booster //stepdown transformer 发射极、发射结emitter// emitter junction 相位超前、滞后phase lead//lag 三相同步、异步响应电机three phase synchronous//nonsynchronous response motor 三相对称电源、负载three phase Symmetry power//load 三相四线制three phase four-wire system 过程控制process control 晶闸管thyristor 电流转化器Current converter 温度调节器Temperature regulator 线性、非线性控制系统Linear//nonlinear control system 误差校正系统Error correction system 交流电机alternating current motor 理想运放ideal operational amplifier 开环、闭环增益Open//Closed loop gain 工厂供电Factory power supply 架空传输线Overhead transmission lines 串联、并联谐振Series //Parallel resonant 异步电机Asynchronous motor 多智能体multi-agent 特征方程、根Characteristic equations//roots 变频器、开关inverter// Frequency conversion switch 电机拖动Motor drive 人工智能Artificial intelligence 汽车电子Automobile electronic 楼宇自动化Building automation 逐次逼近Successive approximation 采样保持Sampling keep 量化编码Quantitative coding 嵌入式系统Embedded system


医学英语专业词汇大全单词带翻译 Apnea呼吸暂停 Aplastic Anemia再生不良性贫血 Arterio Venous Malformation 动静脉畸形 Bronchial Asthma支气管性气喘 Bronchitis支气管炎 Cephalopematoma头血肿 Erythema红斑 Hypospadia尿道下裂 Dehydration 脱水 Hydrocephalus水脑 Hydrocele 阴囊积水 Polydactylia多指畸形 Pyoderma脓皮症 Sepsis 败血症 Tonsillitis扁桃腺炎 Encephalitis脑炎 Gastroenteritis肠胃炎 Necrotizing Enterocolitis坏死性小肠结肠炎 Malignant恶性的 Congenital Malformation 先天性畸形 Neonatal Asphyxia新生儿窒息 Cleft Palate 颚裂

Dental Caries 龋齿 catelepsy 僵直 illogical thinking 不合逻辑思考 pressure speech 言语急迫 thought blocking 思考中断 incoherent 语无伦次 thought Withdrawal 思想退缩 irrelevant 答非所问 delusion 妄想 delusion of persecution 被害妄想 Facial Nerve Paralysis 颜面神经麻痹 Hives Urticaria蕈麻疹 Torticollis斜颈 Vaccine疫苗 Incubator 保温箱 Cleft lip 兔唇 Chicken pox 水痘 Club foot 畸足 Diphtheria白喉 Dengue fever 登革热 Eczema湿疹 Congenital syphilis 先天性梅毒 German Measles/ Rubella德国麻疹 Giant baby巨婴


转] 专业中文词汇英语翻译 1、中国意念词(Chinesenesses) 八卦 trigram 阴、阳 yin, yang 道 Dao(cf. logo) 江湖(世界) the jianghu World (the traits’ world) e.g. You can’t control everything in a traits’ world. (人在江湖, 身不由己) 道 Daoism(Taoism) 上火 excessive internal heat 儒学 Confucianism 红学(《红楼梦》研究) redology 世外桃源 Shangri-la or Arcadia 开放 kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world) 大锅饭 getting an equal share regardless of the work done 伤痕文学 scar literature or the literature of the wounded 不搞一刀切no imposing uniformity on … 合乎国情,顺乎民意 to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people 乱摊派,乱收费 imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge 铁交椅 iron (lifet ime) post’s; guaranteed leading post 脱贫 to shake off poverty; anti-poverty 治则兴,乱则衰 Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline

专业英语 词组翻译

1. artificial intelligence 人工智能 2. paper-tape reader 纸带阅读器 3. optical computer 光计算机 4. neural network 神经网络 5. instruction set 指令集 6. parallel processing 并行处理 7. difference engine 差分机 8. versatile logical element 通用逻辑元件 9. silicon substrate 硅衬底 10. vacuum tube 真空管 11. 数据的存储与处理the storage and handling of data 12. 超大规模集成电路very large-scale integrated circuit 13. 中央处理器central processing unit 14. 个人计算机personal computer 15. 模拟计算机analogue computer 16. 数字计算机digital computer 17. 通用计算机general-purpose computer 18. 处理器芯片processor chip 19. 操作指令operating instructions 20. 输入设备input device 1. artificial neural network 人工神经网络 2. computer architecture 计算机体系结构 3. robust computer program 健壮的计算机程序 4. human-computer interface 人机接口 5. knowledge representation 知识表示 6. 数值分析numerical analysis 7. 程序设计环境programming environment 8. 数据结构data structure 9. 存储和检索信息store and retrieve information 10. 虚拟现实virtual reality 1. data field 数据字段,数据域 2. learning curve 学习曲线 3. third-party solution 第三方解决方案 4. Windows Media Player Windows媒体播放器 5. 开始按钮Start button 6. 指定输入区designated input area 7. 手写体识别系统handwriting-recognition system 8. 字符集character set 1. function key 功能键,操作键 2. voice recognition module 语音识别模块 3. touch-sensitive region 触敏区 4. address bus 地址总线 5. flatbed scanner 平板扫描仪 6. dot-matrix printer 点阵打印机(针式打印机)


医学英语翻译常用专业词汇 如下: M (①meter ②molar) ①米②容积克分子的(溶液) MA (milliampere) 毫安(培) maceration 浸渍,浸软 maceration tank 浸渍槽 macerator 浸渍器 Mach 马赫(音速单位) machcardiogram (abbr. MCG) 心机械图(即对心电、心音、颈动脉波,心尖搏动图进行同步 记录,可对各图型和时相及其相互关系进行研究) machine(abbr. mach.) 机,机器,装置 machine parts 机器零件 machinery 机器,机械装置 macro- 巨,大,长,宏观 macroanalysis 常量分析 macrochemistry 常量化学 macroroentgenogram X 射线放大照片 macroroentgenography X 射线放大工业照像术 made-up 人工的,制成的,预制的 madisterion 拔毛镊 madisterium 拔毛镊 madistor 晶体磁控管 magamp 磁性放大器 magazine ①杂志,期刊②箱,盒,办片匣,暗盒③软片盒 magic 魔术,不可思议的 magic eye ①电眼②光调谐指示管 magic lantern 幻灯 magmeter 直读式频率计

magnalium 镁铝合金 magnesia anastomosis tube 镁氧吻合管 magnesium (abbr. Mg) 镁 magnet 吸铁器,磁铁 magnet for eye 眼用吸铁器 magnetic 磁(性)的 magnetic amplifier 磁性放大器,磁增强器 magnetic attraction 磁吸引 magnetic belt 磁性治病带 magnetic core memory 磁心存储器 magnetic deflector 磁偏转器 magnetic drum puter 磁鼓计算机 magnetic drum memory 磁鼓存储器 magnetic electricity 磁电 magnetic extractor 磁力取物器(内窥镜) magnetic field therapy apparatus 磁疗机 magnetic flowmeter 磁通流量计 magnetic flux 磁通量 magnetic head 磁头 magnetic ink 磁性墨水 magnetic material 磁性材料 magnetic powder plugger 磁粉充填器 magnetic resonance 磁共振 magnetic resonance spectroscopy 磁共振波谱学 magnetics 磁力学,磁性元件 magnetic separator 磁力分离器 magnetic shield 磁屏蔽 magnetic sound amplifying stethoscope 磁声放大听诊器 magnetic spectrograph 磁谱仪
