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A Study on Linguistic Features and

Translation Strategies of English Business Contracts

Author: Yang tao

Tutor: Gao bei

(Oriental Science & Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128 )

Abstract:The specific way of information transmitting in business activities accounts for the specific features of business English, which transmits the information of business theory and practice. The article analyses the linguistic features of business English through three aspects: words, sentence and text. With examples taken from business English translations, the author interprets that the linguistic features of business English influence a translator’s compr ehension which in the end accounts for a corre ct business English translation. The exploring of principle of business English translation plays an important role in a successful translation. The author upholds the view that business English translators should follow the three principles of “faithfulness, exactness and consistency”. “Faithfulness” is the first principle for business English translators to follow; “exactness” is the key of these three principles; “consistency” guarantees a unified and standard translation.

Key words:business English; linguistic features; translation principle




(湖南农业大学东方科技学院,长沙 410128)

摘要:由于英语商务合同所传达的商务理论和实务等信息的特殊性,英语商务合同的语言有其特殊的特点。本文从英语商务合同的用词、句法、篇章三方面分析商务英语的语言特点。并由此从英语商务合同的用词、句法、篇章三方面分析译者掌握英语商务合同的语言特点的程度对翻译的影响, 通过例证说明译者关于英语商务合同的语言特点的掌握程度将影响其对原文的理解,而译者对原文的理解程度又关系到译文的正确与否。商务英语的原则与运用则是英语商务合同翻译的核心问题。笔者认为英语商务合同翻译应遵循“忠实,准确,统一”的原则。“忠实”原则是英语商务合同翻译人员必须遵循的首要原则;“准确”原则是英语商务合同翻译原则的核心;“统一”原则有利于英语商务合同译文的统一和规范。



Business English is a branch of English language system. It refers to the special English that serves for international business routines. The specific way of information transmitting in business activities accounts for the specific features of business English.

Along with the rapid development of global economy integration, international business routines are more and more frequent and, business English, as a language tool for international economic exchange and business routines, has a new type of comprehensive subject. Business English plays an important role in our national economy reform and innovation, and the business English translation is a bridge connecting Chinese and English. Business English translators should have strong awareness of the linguistic features of business English, so that translators can have a better comprehension.

Business English practical translation includes the translation of business letters, business contracts, business English advertisement and trademark and etc. Being familiar with these

pragmatically translations, business English translators can deal well with the tasks in different business sets. And a business English translator should learn the linguistic features of business English and explore its translation principles so as to translate a business English text successfully.

1 Linguistic Features of Business English

1. 1 Linguistic features in word

1.1.1 Simple words

Since businessmen make efficiency their top priority, simple words are applicable to achieve this goal. Another reason is related with the way of information transmitting in business routines which has

been regarded as the most important part of business; using simple words also do well for people to communicate, to catch the words immediately, while complex words or rare words are hard to understand. So it is understandable for businessmen to use simple words rather than complex words or rare words.

Some examples are as follows: [3] P51-52

complex or rare words simple words

account for by the fact that caused by

add the point that add that

at a price of $10 at $10

attempts try

deliberation thought

in the majority of cases most

tangible real

visualize see

1.1.2Abundance of business terms and abbreviated expression

Business terms take an important part in business English .It

is the primal task for business English translators to know some business terms. It will influence the business English translation, which the author will analyze in the next chapter. [1] P51-59 Let us look at some examples:

stockbroker 股票经济商costing 成本核算

restart 返聘chit 代金券

AAMA (Administrative Aspects of Market Access) 市场准入的行政管理措施

CEM (Contractual Equipment Manufacturer) 合同制造商

EV A (economic value added) 经济附加值

INRs (Initial Negotiating Rights) 最初谈判权

1.1.3 The variability of words’ meaning

In business English text, the same word can be interpreted in different meaning according to different contexts, which is the variability of business English words’ meaning. Such as: [4] P60-61

(1) Just as in that year, when those catastrophes were followed by substantial increases in insurance premiums, insures are already lobbying for rate relief.


(2) During the 1980’s the large premiums paid in acquisition often resulted in prices that greatly exceeded

the value of tangible asset.


(3)Liquidity refers to the ability of investors to exchange a financial asset, such as a bond or a share, for cash.


(4) Place goods in bond.


In addition, it is common for businessmen to use slang in oral speaking. Translators should pay more attention to slang and to clarify them so as to eliminate obstacles during communicating. Such as: [3] P26 (5) As I was about to say, I move that we table the discussion until our next meeting when everyone is present.


Here, “move” means “suggest”(建议), “table the discussion” means “to postpone the meeting”(推迟讨论).

(6) Can you come down a little?


Here, “come down” means “knock down the price”(压低价格).

1.2 Linguistic features in sentence

1.2.1 Concise sentences

Concise sentences conduce to transmit business information and play an important role in a business context. It is more convenient for businessmen to use concise sentences in business, either oral or written language. It saves time and, more importantly, avoids misunderstanding.

For example:

(7) We are a dealership chain specializing in personal computers. We were first established in Hong Kong in 1980. We now have a steady clientele in both the business and educational sectors. [5] P241


Above three sentences, each has its independent meaning. Avoiding using a long sentence, it aims to express meaning

straightforward and avoid misunderstanding.

1.2.2 Abundance of formulas

Businessmen have established many polite formulas by popular usage. These polite formulas have been accepted through common practice. T o use these formulas also contribute to standardize business article. Such as: [4] P161-163

(8) For your reference, we are enclosing a few copies of leaflets, and will send you samples under separate cover.


(9) Please inform us what special offer you can make us.


(10) We will adhere to this offer for two weeks.


1.2.3 Logical expressions

The logic expression is prominently featured in business English documents and contracts, especially in the expression about time and number.

For example:

(11) The goods shall be shipped per M.V. “Dong Feng” on November 10 and are due to arrive at Rotterdam in 140 days.


Here, it must use the preposition “in” to express the meaning about “several days later” rather than the preposition “after”. Because the preposition “after” can not exactly define the day on which day the good s will arrive.

(12) Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any orders or to collect any account on and after September 20.


(13) Our terms are cash within three months, i.e. on or before May 1.


(14) Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US $ 500(SAY FIVE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ONL Y)


1.3 Linguistic features in text

1.3.1 Plain style

Usually, it is not common to use rhetorical devices in business English context. Actually, most business contexts tend to adopt a plain style.

For example:

(15) I am requested by the Import and Export Department to inform you that the 150 tons of coal ordered from your company one month ago have not been delivered. Will you be so kind as to institute enquiries concerning this non-delivery?It will be appreciated that you give your reply as soon as possible.


Here, this paragraph directly presents its meaning without using any rhetorical devices to furnish its expression. It is a common style in business text.

1.3.2 Appropriate wording

The wording in business English is appropriate. And people in business circumstances tend to abstain from arrogance.

Let us look at an example:

(16) Delivery of rugs is now a matter of urgency. Will you please find out from British Rail what had happened to the consignment and let us know when we may expect delivery? We

are of course making our own enquiries at this end.


In this paragraph, though it is about complaint, it also pays attention to use kind words and the mild tone to make sure an appropriate wording.

1.3.3 Ambiguous promise and cautiousness in the passive

“Since the promise in business has the influential effects of law which is re lated with benefits of each party, an over absolute promise may lead you to a passive stage if any accident happens .So the expression of promise in business English is relatively implicit.”[2] P74

For example:[2] P74


(17) We assure you that this error will never occur again. (Over absolute)

(18) We will do all we can to prevent a repetition of this error. (Moderate)

“Since business involves obligation an d responsibility, it is necessary to clarify t he subject. Therefore, passive sentences are used with caution in business English.” [8] P76

For example:

(19) The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by June 15.


Such an expression would be better than the follow expression: The goods should be delivered by June 15. In all, the author has analyzed the linguistic features of business English. In the next chapter, with examples taken from business English translations, the author will interpret the influence of linguistic

features of business English on translation.

2 The Influence of Linguistic Features of Business English on Translation

2. 1 Influence in the aspect of words

As business English is characterized by simple words, abund ance of business terms and the variability of words’ meaning, the translator should have a good command of these features, and the influence of these features onFor example:

(20) You are kindly requested to quote the FOB New York.


Th is sentence involves a business term “FOB” (Free on Board). If a translator neglects this linguistic feature of business English: specific business terms, and can not catch the meaning of the term “FOB”, he can not understand this sentence very well, let alone a successful translation.

Further more, it can be noticed that the term “FOB” has a subtle difference in usage in the U.S.A. In the American English, “FOB” identifies the address of good delivery, such as: FOB train, FOB factory. [5] P56

2.2 Influence in the aspect of sentence

In the aspect of sentence, we need to pay attention on the formula and logic.

First, let us compare the following two series:

common language contract formula

in the future hereafter

think deem

intend to do want to do

The words in the right column are the contract formulas, which are established by popular usage. If the translator is familiar with these formulas and other features of contract

sentences, he will be of advantage

to understand the contract and then to translate it well.

Second, let us look at the logic of the sentence:

(21) The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.


[6] P54-55

The original includes some legalese. This sentence has a high standard in logic and avoids any dispute. Therefore, the translation also should reflect this feature. Translator needs to have a thorough grasp of its feature, to understand and absorb its meaning, and then to express it to adhere to the rules of the translation so as to let target readers accept its information without much difficulty.

2.3 Influence in the aspect of text

The text features of business English are the compound of the features of words and sentences. The key of the business English context translation is the mutual understanding. Translators need to analyze its style, to notice its wording. Besides, translators also need to pay attention to deal with some details such as the expression of promise and the usage of passive in the text.

translation is apparent.

For example:

(22) Traditional hierarchical organizations control operating processes through standardization or jobs. These jobs are separated into sequential steps and carried out under direct supervision. However, the line workers lack both the authority and motivation to improve these routine tasks and are limited by their local view of the business. [7] P87

First, let us analyze its style. This paragraph is selected from Time for the Big Small Company in Financial Times. This business article talks about company organization structure. So, its style is plain and formal. Second, let us deal with some details. According to the context, the word “organization” would be better if it is translated into Chinese(企业或公司) rather than its common translation(组织,结构); “Hierarchical organizations” should be translated into Chinese(层级制组织机构) to adhere to the business terms rather than Chinese(等级森严的机构) which carries on personal emotion; in the phrase “line workers”, the “line” does not mean “production line” ,but “the line management” (直线管理体制). When dealing with these details, the understanding about this article is complete and then it can be expressed exactly in Chinese:


In all, during business English translation, translators’ comprehension accounts for the success of business English translation. While in this period, the linguistic features of business English will influence a translator’s understanding level.Therefore, business English translators should have strong

awareness of the linguistic features of business English.

3. The Principles and Application of Business English Translation

The second period of translation is expression. That is how to completely and naturally carry the information in the source language to the target readers; which involves the principles of business English translation.

Among the different principles put forward by different scholars, the author holds the view that the principles proposed by Professor Liu Fagong in his Exploring into the Principles of Chinese-English Business Translation, are basically applicable to the particularity of business English. Professor Liu puts forward the view that the major principles of business translation should be “faithfulness, exactness and consistency”. [2]P45-47 “Faithfulness means to correctly express the source language information in translation; it does not demand the grammar and sentence structure to be consistent with the original, but enquires the equality in the information connotation;

Exactness demands translators to select words and to express the concept accurately. Exactness is the core of this principle;

Consistency requires translators to maintain the translated names, the concepts and the terms consistently at any time. It does not permit change the identical concepts or terms at will.”[1]P45-47

Therefore, the author proposes that business English translation should abide by these principles to transmit the information exactly.

3.1 Faithfulness

“Faithfulness” is the first principle for business English

translators to follow, which demands that the information in translation must be equivalent with the information in source language. Information transmitting is the core of business, and the information should be equivalent. Here, the author stresses that it is the “equivalence”, but not the “similarity”. Translator must abide by the principle of “faithfulness” an d to transmit the equivalent information.

Let us look at some examples which does not abide by the principle of “faithfulness”:

(23) A particular average loss under 3% of the insured amount will not be recoverable but one amounting to or exceeding 3% will be paid.


This translation is false. Translator misunderstood the term “particular average loss”. The term “particular average” should be translated into Chinese (单独海损). Now, look at the collect translation:


Translator’s misunderstanding leads to the failure of information transmitting, let alone to reflect the faithfulness of translation.

Other examples:

(24) Lord Weinstock, the managing director of GEC, yesterday for the first time publicly ruled out a takeover bid for British Aerospace and said he would prefer to see joint ventures between the two companies. [6] P75

Translation: GEC 管理部主任Weinstock勋爵,昨天首次公开投标收购大布列颠航空工业公司,并说他希望两家公司组成一家合资公司,


Compared with the principle of faithfulness, this translation completely misinterprets the original information. First, “managing director” is director in charge of a whole company. Second, the translation of “rule out” is also false. “Rule out” means “regard as impossible or undesirable; dismiss, forbid.” These concepts are the core information in the original; however, the translator cannot faithfully transmit this important information.

In fact, the right translation should be:

GEC 公司的董事总经理温斯托克勋爵昨天首次公开取消对英国航空公司的收购出价,并说他宁愿设立由两家公司共同组建的合资企业。

In all, “faithfulness” requires translators to transmit the equivalent information. “Faithfulness” is the top priority for business English translators to adhere to.

3.2 Exactness

“Exactness” demands translators to choose the accurate words in translation, which ca n transmit the equivalent information with the one in source language. Accuracy in both understanding and choosing words is the first condition to guarantee the high quality of translation.

Exactness is the core of the business English translation. For translating the business text, there is high standard about exactly information transmitting. “Exactness” is the key point of business English translation.

To adhere to the principle of exactness, it demands to elect words exactly. Such as:

(25) Party A shall have a right of first refusal whenever Party

B wishes to sell any of its shares in the

Group. [5] P56


This translation completely deviates from the “exactness” spirit. The false resort impute to the misunde rstanding of the phrase “right of first refusal” (优先购买权).

Let us look at the right translation:


This example stresses the importance to select the right words according to the connotation so as to ensure the information equivalent. Besides, in the process of translating, translators have duty to check the connotation of the original text.

(26) I was having problems because I just could not seem to priorities my work and organize my time. I just could not seem to keep up with the workload. I suppose they did not want to carry me any longer. Here, the word “carry” is the key in this translation. In this business setting, the word “carry” does not mean “to take, to have (sth) with one”, in this sentence, it means to maintain o r support one that is weaker or less competent. So the translation should be:我遇到了麻烦,因为我不能按优先顺序来处理工作、安排好我的时间。我好像就是赶不上工作进度。我想他们不愿意再扶持我了。

In all, to abide by the principle of exactness, translators need to deal with each detail to choose an exact word so as to ensure information equivalent.

3.3 Consistency

“Consistency” requires translator to adopt the consistent translated names, concepts and business terms that enable the target readers to understand the translation without any difficulty.

3.3.1 Translation of business terms

There is no doubt that business terms play an important role in business English. We have stated clearly in the former part of this paper that business English texts are full of business terms. When translators meet some business terms in translating, they had better keep to the same translation for the same term and abide by the principle of consistency. It is also necessary for the translator to accumulate certain business knowledge and terms.

3.3.2 Translation of names

With regard to the translation of names, attention should be paid to the specific nouns. For example, “Mr. Zhang” may be translated into Chinese “张先生” or “章先生”. So, if the translator can not decide what

the “Mr. Zhang” refers to, he should do some investigations rath er than guess by himself. The translation about the name of a company is also common in business translation.

So, when translating these specific nouns, author should follow the firmed translation so as to maintain the terms consistently. It also contributes to standardize the business English translation.

In all, to maintain the terms consistently conduce to successfully transmit the information equivalent. Conclusion In the former chapters, the author analyzes the linguistic features of business English, interprets the influence of these features on translation and exemplifies the principles of business English translation. As a special English serving for international business affairs, business English has two major functions: informative function and communicative function. In order to grasp exactly and exercise skillfully the business English, it is

necessary for translators to learn some relative international business knowledge and to learn the linguistic features of business English.

In practice, the author feels that, just having some common English language knowledge is incompetent at a job. So, in order to be qualified with the task, it is worth analyzing the linguistic features of business English. In our dairy work, it is a common task for us to translate some business letters, documents and etc. So, it is also worth exploring the translation principle of business English. The principles of “faithfulness, exactness and consistency” fit the characteristics of business English. T hey can serve as a guide in business English translation and have their pragmatic significance.


[1]Brown,Ronald C.Understanding labor and employment law in China.New York:Cambridge University


[2]Berry,https://www.sodocs.net/doc/c219097622.html,/doc/8b15361718.html,mercial law handbook .London:Law Society,2009.





[1]Brown,Ronald C.Understanding labor and employment law in China.New York:Cambridge University Press,2010.

[2]Berry,https://www.sodocs.net/doc/c219097622.html,/doc/8b15361718.html,mercial law handbook .London:Law Society,2009.




[6]杨芳.商务英语中俚语的风格及翻译[J].上海科技翻译,2004, (1):23-24.

[7]周兆祥,范志伟. 财经翻译漫谈[J].中国翻译,2003,1


My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Ms.Gao Bei , my teacher, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.

Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all my teachers. I am also greatly indebted my teachers at the Department of English .who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past four years.

Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.


商务英语翻译论文 商务英语的翻译是一项创造性和艺术性都比较强的实践活动,要求译者有较高的知识素养、尽可能宽的知识面。下文是店铺为大家整理的关于商务英语翻译论文的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考! 商务英语翻译论文篇1 浅析商务英语广告翻译 摘要:世界经济全球化使得广告和广告翻译显得越来越重要,广告以其独特的魅力影响着社会生活的方方面面,成为现代生活不可缺少的一部分。商务英语广告已经发展成为一种重要的实用文体, 有自己独特的语言风格。本文旨在探讨商务英语广告的语言特点以及翻译时应使用的策略,力图在商务英语广告翻译理论和翻译实践之间建起一座沟通的桥梁。 关键词:商务英语广告语言特点翻译策略 一、商务英语广告翻译的重要性 随着中国加入世界贸易组织,中国与世界各国在商务上的往来越来越密切。越来越多的中国企业和商品有机会进入国际市场,与此同时,也有越来越多的国外企业及产品不断进入国内市场。在激烈的产品市场竞争中,商家靠什么来克敌制胜?最有利的武器当然是商务广告。各个国家、企业都会支付庞大的费用来塑造自己的企业形象,宣传自己的产品。随着时间的推移,国际竞争将会越来越激烈,广告宣传的国际化趋势将会越来越明显。无论是中国企业,还是外国企业,都面临一个广告国际化、全球化的问题,这无疑会涉及到商务英语广告的翻译。商务英语广告有何特点,要如何来翻译才能适应时代的需要、市场竞争的需要,这已经成为商务人事关注的焦点问题。 二、商务英语广告的语言特点 1.商务英语广告的词汇特点 (1)杜撰新词 善于玩文字游戏的广告商们,会故意把人们所熟悉的字或词造成新词。新词不失原意,更添新意,赋予广告极大的魅力。

例如: The orangemostest Drink in the world. 世界上最最纯正的橙汁饮料。 在这则橙汁饮料的广告中,用 most和est 两个表示形容词最高级的词拼凑在一起,形成了“orange+most+est”,暗示这个品牌橙汁的特点就是高浓度、高质量。 (2)错拼 错拼就是指将原英语单词故意拼错,并造成一种新奇的视觉效果,从而给读者留下深刻的印象。 例如: We know eggsactly how to sell eggs. 我们真不知如何卖蛋。 这是一则销售禽蛋的广告。句中的eggsactly来自exactly,由于该广告是有关禽蛋的,所以,故意将exactly 拼成有egg(蛋)的eggsactly,以增强egg给人留下的印象,这种错拼可谓是精妙绝伦。 2.商务英语广告的句式特点 (1)句式简单 为了使顾客对商品留下深刻印象, 同时减少广告费用, 广告商们总会绞尽脑汁, 用简洁有力、节奏急促的短句和充满诱惑力的词语, 力争达到商品宣传的最佳效果。 例如: Make dreams come true. 让梦想成真。( 迪斯尼乐园) (2)多用疑问句 据统计,每30 句广告英语中就会出现一句疑问句。疑问句口语色彩浓厚、浅显易懂,能够突出主题,增加渲染力度,在引起人们共鸣的同时, 又不留痕迹地突出了商品的特征。 例如: What are luxury car should be?豪华汽车应该是怎样的?( 林肯汽车) 这则广告以疑问句形式出现,目的在于引起人们的好奇心, 吸引读者去思考, 去寻求答案。“What are luxury car should be? ”看似简单,


商务英语方向论文范文 商务英语,主要是指人们在商务活动中使用的英语,由语言知识、交际技能、专业知识等构成。商务英语作为一门专业英语,不仅具有一般英语特点,且具有丰富的文化底蕴。下文是店铺为大家搜集整理的关于商务英语方向论文范文的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考! 商务英语方向论文范文篇1 浅析商务英语信函的特点和翻译实践 【摘要】掌握撰写和翻译商务英语信函的技能是十分必要的,可以使我们在今后的商战中处于不败之地。本文阐述了现代商务英语信函的特点及翻译的问题。 【关键词】商务英语;信函写作;翻译 随着全球经济一体化进程的不断发展,商务活动日益频繁,互联网的迅猛发展使商务信函就成为国际贸易中客户之间沟通的主要方式。当前国际贸易中的竞争日趋激烈,时间、速度和效率显得更为重要。这必然带来商务信函风格和语言上的变化。各公司的董事和经理们都不愿意把时间浪费在阅读那些啰嗦,空洞的文字上,他们要求书信讲究实效,看一遍你就能知道说的是什么。现代书信的特点可以概括为清楚,简洁,有礼貌,语言风格更趋于自由和口语化。清楚就是要准确明白地表达自己的意思并确保对方也能准确领会你的写信意图;简洁就是用尽可能简单的或少的词语来表达意思;礼貌就是在写商务信函时要站在对方的立场上考虑问题并做到彬彬有礼。这些特点从商务信函的开头语中就可以看出。例如:一、介绍公司或公司产品Specializing in the export of Chinese foodstuff,we wish toexpress our desire to trade with you in this line. 我们专营中国食品的出口,希望与你方在这一行业建立贸易关系。 We are the largest garments trading company in Japan,andhave offices and representatives in all major cities and townsin Japan. 我们是日本最大的服装贸易公司在日本的所有主要城镇都有我们


商务英语合同翻译策略研究论文 Abstract The objective of this research paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the strategy for translating business English contracts for lawyers. The paper will outline the fundamental information of the contract, such as the identities of the parties, their rights and obligations, how they will fulfill their obligations, the duration of the contract, and the consequences for breach of the agreement. In addition, it will consider how to comply with Chinese laws and regulations, ensure the transparency of the terms of the agreement, clarify the legal force and enforceability of the contract, and other critical factors that should be considered before drafting a business contract. Introduction As the world becomes more connected, international business transactions are increasing rapidly, and it is essential to have a clear understanding of the terms of the contract. Business contracts are legal documents used to formalize agreements between two or more parties. These contracts define each party's duties and obligations and the responsibilities and liabilities to be shared by each party. Business contracts' legal language can be complex and challenging to comprehend, particularly for those who are not fluent in the English language.


商务英语翻译方面论文商务英语翻译方面论文 商务英语翻译是英语翻译教学的重要部分,是实现国家经济发展的不可或缺的一个方面,对商务英语翻译的研究可以促进商务英语翻译人才的成长和培养。下文是商务英语翻译方面论文,欢迎大家阅读参考! 商务英语翻译方面论文【1】 浅谈商务英语信函翻译的信达雅 摘要:商务英语信函作为沟通的桥梁,在对外贸易中起着不容忽视的作用。 因此,在翻译商务英语信函的过程中,译者必须准确、通顺、得体地再现原文的信息,以促进贸易活动的顺利进行。 本文主要从“信”、“达”、“雅”三个方面来浅析商务英语信函的翻译。 关键词:商务英语信函信达雅 我国近代伟大的启蒙思想家、翻译家严复1898年在《天演论·译例言》中提出的“信、达、雅”是影响最为深刻的翻译原则和标准。 现在普遍认为,“信”指忠实于原文,“达”指用通顺易懂的译入语表达原文的全部信息,“雅”则指译得有文采。 “雅”,是继“信”、“达”之后的对好的翻译的更高要求,也是译出好的译文的必要条件。 因此,翻译应在保证“信”与“达”的基础上力求做到“雅”。 “信达雅”作为翻译标准,其高度的理论概括性赋予其广泛的实践意义,因此适用于任何翻译,商务英语信函的翻译亦包括在内。 虽然商务英语信函的翻译和一般的翻译一样需要依据“信、达、雅”这个翻译标准,但是商务英语信函有着其自身的特点,因此其翻译又不同于一般的翻译。 本文将从“信”、“达”、“雅”三个方面来浅析商务英语信函的翻译。 一.商务英语信函翻译中的“信”

翻译应当忠实于原文,这是翻译最基本的要求。 因为若译得不准确,轻则就会招来内行人笑话,或产生误解,引起对方不快,重则就会误事,给工作带来损失,甚至会产生严重后果。 商务英语信函作为涉外商务活动中传递信息和洽谈业务的主要手段,其翻译更应遵循“信”这一标准。 1.内容准确完整 在翻译商务英语信函时,译者应当准确、忠实地再现原文信函的内容,翻译时不要漏译,要完整地把信息表达出来,使读者能够明白信函的真正意图。 商务英语信函与商务活动相关,涉及的是诸如建立贸易关系、询盘、报盘、订货、付款方式、合同、装运、保险、索赔等具体的商务操作,必然牵涉到很多的商务知识,这就要求译者既要熟悉商务流程,又要掌握基本的商务知识。 这样,译者才能准确把握原文的信息,翻译时才能更好地遵循“信”的标准,才能准确地传递各类商务信息。 2.用词严谨专业 商务英语信函是在商务活动领域使用的公函。 经过多年的发展,商务英语的语言表达已经打下了深深的行业印记,并且已经形成了一套较为完整的特有的语言表达形式,这就形成了商务英语信函的套语和习惯表达法。 商务英语在用词方面逐渐形成了固定的和常用的词汇。 一些普通的英语单词,在外贸中可能有着特定的意思,如enquiry(询问、查问)在商务英语中则为“询盘”的意思。 商务英语信函用词专业性强主要体现在大量的专业术语、行话、缩略语等上,如:FOB(离岸价)、CIF(到岸价)、insurance policy(保险单)、B/L(提单)、L/C(信用证)等。 商务英语信函的涉外性决定了其专业术语或缩略语必须约定俗成、国际通用,不能任意更改替换,且这些专业术语意思明确、内涵特定。 因此在翻译过程中,译者必须首先准确地了解这些专业术语、行话、缩略语、套语、习惯表达法的涵义和固定译法。 商务英语信函属于合同的附件之一,用词准确严谨。

商务英语毕业论文 [商务英语翻译类论文]

商务英语毕业论文 [商务英语翻译类论文] 商务英语是一门新兴的学科,商务英语翻译既是该学科中的关键一环,又是教学考的难点。下文是为大家整理的关于商务英语翻译类论文的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考! 商务英语翻译类论文篇1 高职商务英语翻译教学刍议 摘要:突破传统翻译教学模式,培养出精通国际商务知识并具有高翻译技能的实用型商务英语人才,是目前高职商务英语翻译教学的重要任务。本文探讨了高职商务英语翻译教学的现状、改革目标及教学方法。 关键词:高职商务英语翻译教学 1.引言 目前,国际间经济贸易等领域的交流与合作日益密切,对外语人才的需求日益增加,市场更加需要复合型外语人才。商务英语专业便是适应这一趋势而产生的一个较新的专业。该专业研究的就是运用英语解决商务实践问题,是商务知识与语言应用相结合的一门复合型学科。培养更多符合时代和市场要求的商务翻译人才已成为翻译教育工作的重中之重。高职高专的商务英语专业更强调培养高技能应用型人才。今年,高职高专

的商务英语翻译教学总体而言仍处于起步阶段,具体的教学目标、培养模式、课程设置、师资培训等标准尚未确立,很多问题值得探讨。 2.我国高职商务英语翻译教学现状 2.1教学模式陈旧,教师角色有待转换。 传统翻译教学普遍以教师为中心。正如豪丝(House)在其著作中描述的:“翻译课程的老师,常常是一位说目的语的人,发给学生一个篇子(为什么选了这篇文章一般是不解释的)。这种篇子中满是陷阱,也就是说,教师从一开始就不打算培养学生从事复杂、难度较大的翻译的技巧,而是迷惑他们,让他们出错……在以后的几节课上,全班同学逐句讨论文章中的每一个句子,最后由老师给出一个‘正确’的译文。”这种以教师为中心的教学法,将改错作为教学手段,将教师提供的参考译文作为翻译课的终极目标,不符合真实情况下翻译的本质特点,在一定程度上扼杀了学生学习翻译的主动性与创造性。(林克难,2000:56)陈葵阳也指出:“在教学过程中,常常是教师在台上一板一眼,学生在台下四平八稳。面对精妙之译,没有惊叹欣喜的喝彩;面对平淡之译,没有一显身手的欲望;面对蹩脚之译,也没有弃之重译的热情,师生之间缺乏积极的互动与合作。”(陈葵阳,20__:78)商英翻译教学重严密性和科学性,但很多高职院校教师的教学模式比较单一,只


商务英语的特点及翻译技巧探究论文商务英语的特点及翻译技巧探究论文 一、商务英语的特点 1.商务英语简洁性强 作为进行商业交流的主体语言,商务英语在形成的过程之中,不断经历洗练与凝结,在相关的商务理论的指导下,逐步形成了约定俗成的商务英语意思,并在长期的实践应用过程之中为商业领域内部的人所接受。在商务英语使用的过程中,只是简简单单的几个字和词语,就可以有效表述出一些十分复杂的商务交际现象。但是,在进行商务英语的翻译过程之中,却难以寻找出一些也足够简洁的中文术语来对于商务英语的内容进行阐释,这就导致商务英语的涵义难以通过翻译过程精确地表达出来。也正是由于商务英语表述的间接性,这就给商务英语的翻译过程带来了很多的困难,也很容易产生各种不同的翻译版本,导致商务英语的真实表达含义难以真实地展示出来。 2.商务英语内涵丰富 由于所从事的商务活动具有很多方面的内涵,这就决定了我国的商务英语翻译在发展的过程中。不断融合我国其他学科的精神内涵,这也就给商务英语的翻译过程增添了更多的时代化内涵。在这些学科之中,哲学对于我国的商务英语的影响最明显,很多的哲学理论都在商务英语的翻译过程之中有着具体的体现。但是,这些哲学思想很难在商务英语之中找到相对应的语言词汇,这也就给商务英语的翻译过程带来了很多的困难和障碍。 3.商务英语具有着文化独特性 在进行商务英语的翻译过程中,大部分都蕴含着独特的西方商务金融理论,是难以通过翻译来真实有效地展现出来的。例如,很多独特的“portfoliomanagement”以及“double-digitinflation”等理论,如果没有形成独特的翻译方法,这些独特的商务英语都是建立在西方的金融发展的实际情况之上的,在进行商务英语的翻译过程之中,很难准确地找到相应的词汇来与之对应,这也给商务英语的精准翻译带来了困难。 4.商务英语存在差异性 随着我国经济金融市场和西方经济金融市场之间的交流的逐步加深,越来越多的商务英语正在被翻译,先进的商务金融理论也开始向我国的商务领域之中传播,但是,在商务英语和我国的基本金融理论有机结合的过程之中,往往会出现含义混淆的情况。例如,在商务英语之中的“chronicinflation”和我国金融市场之


商务英语翻译论文参考范文 随着我国社会经济的进一步发展,以对外贸易为中心的涉外商务活动已经深入到各个企业,汉英商务翻译在中国对外商务交流中起着不可或缺的桥梁作用。下文是店铺为大家整理的关于商务英语翻译论文参考范文的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考! 商务英语翻译论文参考范文篇1 浅析商务英语合同翻译 【摘要】商务合同是规定合同当事人权利和义务的具有法律效力的正式文件,对合同文本翻译质量有着很高的要求。该文基于商务英语合同的词法和句法特点,分析了英语商务合同翻译的原则和方法,旨在提高翻译的准确性,保证交易双方的利益。 【关键词】英语商务合同翻译原则 一、前言 随着国际间的商务往来日益频繁和广泛,商务合同在国际交流中所起的作用也变得越来越重要,此外由于贸易有关方涉及不同的国家,起草与翻译国际商务合同就成为商务领域中的一项重要工作。 二、英语商务合同的语言特征 1.词汇层。词汇是语言的建筑材料,而单词是构成语言的最基本的独立运用单位,所以正确理解和选择词汇是保证商务合同英语翻译质量的首要条件。商务合同有很强的法律兼容性。因而要求词汇专业性、正式、严谨、准确且简洁、明了。 (1)专业词汇。商务合同种类繁多,包括货物销售合同、加工装配合同、技术转让合同等,涉及贸易、技术、法律、农业等学科。而专业术语是用来确切表达科学概念的词,具有丰富的内涵和外延。它们要求单义性,排斥多义性和歧义性,且都是固定的,不得随意更改。例如“collection”、“confirm”、“accept”、“tolerance”和“more or less”在普通英语中通常被译为“收集”、“确认”、“接受”、“承受”和“大约”,而在合同中,这些词则是商务术语,分别是“托收”、“保兑”、“承兑”、“公差”和“溢短装”的意思。


英语商务翻译论文 A Study on Linguistic Features and Translation Strategies of English Business Contracts Author: Yang tao Tutor: Gao bei (Oriental Science & Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128 ) Abstract:The specific way of information transmitting in business activities accounts for the specific features of business English, which transmits the information of business theory and practice. The article analyses the linguistic features of business English through three aspects: words, sentence and text. With examples taken from business English translations, the author interprets that the linguistic features of business English influence a translator’s compr ehension which in the end accounts for a corre ct business English translation. The exploring of principle of business English translation plays an important role in a successful translation. The author upholds the view that business English translators should follow the three principles of “faithfulness, exactness and consistency”. “Faithfulness” is the first principle for business English translators to follow; “exactness” is the key of these three principles; “consistency” guarantees a unified and standard translation. Key words:business English; linguistic features; translation principle 英语商务合同的语言特征及其翻译策略 作者:杨韬 指导老师:高贝 (湖南农业大学东方科技学院,长沙 410128)


有关商务英语毕业论文范文 作为一门应用学科,商务英语既要让学生学习丰富的商务知识,又要学习商务方面的各种英语表达,提高商务英语综合水平。下面是店铺为大家整理的有关商务英语毕业论文,供大家参考。 有关商务英语毕业论文范文一:商务英语中商务文化的重要性摘要:随着全球化经济的发展,在各国的日常经济贸易等方面也愈来愈重要。我国自从加入到世贸组织之后,和各国的经济往来也日益频繁,这就需要商务英语的应用。而在我国的商务英语的教学过程中,由于在诸多层面还存在着不完善之处,所以在商务英语的教学整体效果还有待进一步优化。作为专业英语,商务英语的教学过程中,要能和国际商务专业的知识和英语技能得到有效的融合,这样才能有效适应国际化发展的潮流。基于此。本文主要就商务英语教学中商务文化的内涵及培养的重要性进行理论分析,然后对国际商务活动中的商务文化的差异性,及商务文化在商务英语中的体现加以详细分析,最后结合实际探究商务英语中商务文化培养的策略。 关键词:商务英语;商务文化;重要性 引言 经济的一体化发展背景下,使得商务英语的作用愈加的重要,在时代的不断变化的今天,商务英语的教学内容以及模式也有着诸多的变化。但是商务英语教学中的商务文化是教学的重点,如果不能充分重视商务文化,商务英语的应用过程中就会带来诸多的麻烦。商务英语作为比较特殊的语体,从本质上来说是语言类的学科,但从其在实际的应用情况来看,商务英语更像是社会技能的学科。尤其是在商务活动的开展过程中,商务英语的作用更为有着其独特性,在跨文化的商务交际能力方面的作用发挥就愈发突出,在这一背景下加强商务文化字商务英语中的作用发挥理论研究,对商务英语的教学水平提升就有着实质性意义。 一、商务英语教学中商务文化的内涵及培养的重要性分析 (一)商务英语教学中商务文化的内涵分析。新课程标准的实施要求



绍兴职业技术学院国际商务系 商务英语专业毕业论文 浅谈商务英语的特点及英译汉翻译技巧 姓名:沈樱樱 学号:A003075010524 指导教师: 郑运权 日期: May 8th, 2010

目录 中文摘要 (1) 英文摘要 (2) 提纲 (3) 正文 (4) 参考文献 (8)

浅谈商务英语的特点及英译汉翻译技巧 摘要:随着世界经济一体化的不断深化和扩展,国际商务活动日益频繁,商务英语的作用也变得日益显著,本文以商务英语作为实用英语语言工具的角度,对其显著的特点以及对应的英译汉翻译技巧进行简要分析,这有助于人们更好地学习商务英语,更好地进行商务沟通,取得国际经济贸易的成功。 关键词: 商务英语;特点;英译汉;翻译技巧

On the Study of the Characteristic of Business English and Its E-C Translation Skills Abstract: As the world continues to deepen economic integration and expansion of international business having become increasingly frequent, the role of Business English is becoming increasingly significant, the paper business English as a practical tool for English language point of view. Its significant features, as well as the English translation of the corresponding Chinese translation skills to carry out a brief analysis, which helps business people to learn better English, better for business communication, international economic and trade success. Key words: business English; features; English-Chinese translation; translation skills


中西方文化差异对翻译的影响的分析 摘要:翻译与文化有着密可不分的联系。文化的共性使翻译成为可能,但其语言文化的个性又给翻译活动设置了障碍。由于民族历史、社会制度、生活习惯等方面的差别,我国汉族文化与英、美等西方文化之间存在很大差异,这种差异造成思维方式不同,具体体现在汉、英两种语言上的表现包括词语理解与运用、词义内涵、联想意义及句式结构的不同等方面。为此,分析其理论原理,通过引用例句做进一步的探讨,并就某些方面提出相应的解决方法,是十分必要的。而且在当今全球化竞争日益激烈的形势下,如何把中英文翻译地更准确更贴近两种语言文化氛围,这是值得广大英语学习人士共同讨论一番的。 关键词:文化差异全球化翻译 正文:翻译是用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的内容、信息和风格忠实、流畅、艺术地再现出来的实践活动。美国翻译理论家奈特指出:“所谓翻译,就是指从语言到文体在译语中用最贴切而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息。”翻译作为语际交际, 不仅仅是语言的转换过程, 而且也是文化移植的过程。在很大程度, 它与文化因素、背景知识有很大的关系。王佐良曾说:“翻译的最大困难是两种文化的不同。”吕淑湘也说, 翻译家必须是一个杂家。“杂”就是指知识要广博。可见,解决好翻译中的文化差异问题,了解背景知识是保证译作成功的关键。文化在人类社会扮演着一个非常重要的角色.文化是一个社会物质文明与精神文明的总和。而语言是文化的载体,语言是文化的一面镜子.语言甚至是文化的一部分,特定的文化背景产生特定的语言。换句话说语言的学习过程也就是了解一种文化的过程。翻译作为语际交际, 不仅仅是语言的转换过程, 而且也是文化移植的过程[1 ]。在很大程度, 它与文化因素、背景知识有很大的关系。王佐良曾说:“翻译的最大困难是两种文化的不同。”吕淑湘也说, 翻译家必须是一个杂家。“杂”就是指知识要广博。可见,解决好翻译中的文化差异问题,了解背景知识是保证译作成功的关键。英语翻译不能脱离文化的教学。随着全球经济、政治和科技的一体化,多元文化并存势在必行,文化在各国交流与往来中变得极为重要。受其影响,文化成为文学翻译作品中的一个重要因素。在今天的社会中,翻译已不再仅仅被看作是语言符号的转换,而被看作是一种跨文化交际的行为。翻译成为了一种文化模式的转换。人们用“intercultural communication(跨文化交际) ”、“intercultural cooperation ( 跨文化合作) ”、“acculturation(文化交融) ”等一系列术语来替代“翻译”(郭建中,2000 , P277) 。因此,怎样更加准确、恰如其分地处理文学翻译中的文化差异是创造完美翻译作品的关键。。语词的翻译要求译者在广泛地、准确地了解他国文化中的观念、信仰、习俗、价值标准等方面的同时,忠实传达本国文化的价值与灵魂,才能真正做到不同文化间的交流。从事英语翻译要注意文化信息的传递,在实际工作中,文化信息有时很难传递到译入语中,结果对等的标准就不能完全做到。一般来说,文化差异对翻译的影响有如下几个方面: 一.传统文化的不同对翻译的影响:列如一外国游客在中国旅游,由于饮食和天气等缘故,导致身体不适,去医院看医生,医生给出的诊断结果是:由于吃多了辣制食物,出现上火。这时问题就出现了,到底怎样把“上火”这个词翻译成外国游人容易理解且易于接受的词语呢?一般如果对于中国人来说“上火”一词,是在熟悉不过了,然而对于一个初来乍到的外国人你仅仅说一个“hot”,他们该怎样去理解呢?所以当然在英文当中也有不少的此类的与文化有很大关联的词语,譬如,meet one’s w aterloo (一败涂地),对于学习英语的我们来说,如果你不懂语言出处的相关历史,我们很难翻译出它的真正意思,其实这句话


商务英语长句翻译成汉语 关键词:商务英语长句翻译标准翻译要求翻译策略中国论文职称论文 摘要:本文分析了商务英语的翻译标准及商务英语长句对翻译的要求,并提出了商务英语长句汉译的一些行之有效的策略。 关键词:商务英语长句翻译标准翻译要求翻译策略 商务英语是英语在商务场合这一特定的专业学科服务的专门用途英语。随着经济全球化步伐的加快,商务英语作为我国涉外经济活动的主要交际语言,其作用日渐增强。商务英语的翻译工作更是显得非常重要。其中,最难以处理的莫过于对长句的汉译。笔者就商务英语长句的句法特征及其对应的英译汉翻译策略作简单概述。 一、商务英语的翻译标准及要求 对于翻译的标准,自1898年严复提出“信、达、雅”的翻译主张以来,人们一直讨论不断,争论不休,目前尚无定论。而各家学者对商务英语的翻译标准也不一,比如,刘法公先生曾提出了“忠实、准确、统一”的商务翻译标准; 叶玉龙等认为“对商务英语来说,翻译标准除‘忠实通顺’外,还应加上‘地道’”。张新红、李明认为,“商务英语翻译译者除了要精通两种语言及其文化以及熟悉翻译技巧之外,还必须熟悉商务方面的知识,了解商务各个领域的语言特点和表达法”。 专家们的论述见仁见智,但笔者认为,对于对外商务英语的翻译应博采众长,“以忠实通顺为基础,力求准确与统一”。 “忠实通顺”,指商务英语的译文应是英语原文信息的真实反映,译者应最大限度地将商务英语原文作者所赋予原文的语言文字转移到汉语译文里。译文除了要忠实于商务英语原文外,还要明白晓畅,符合汉语商务文献的语言规范和行为规范的要求,也就是说,译文要像汉语里商界人士所说的行话。忠实与通顺二者相互依存,若译文忠实而不通顺,读者就看不懂,也就达不到交易的目的;若通顺而不忠实,脱离原文的内容与风格,则会使商务活动受到阻碍,通顺也就毫无意义。


商务英语翻译国内外研究的综述论文 随着国际交流合作的扩大和经济贸易的高速开展,社会对“语言+专业”复合型人才的需求日益旺盛,商务英语作为ESP的重要分支,吸引了国内外众多学者进展研究。 英美等国的应用语言学者在20世纪60年代就提出了关于“专门用处英语”或“特殊用处英语”(简称ESP)的教学理论。 1.ESP的理论研究。理论研究主要答复商务英语作为专门用处英语(ESP)的语言本质、学科属性、文体特征等认识论层面的问题。例如,Strevens指出:在内容和目的有特定学习群体的特殊需要时,ESP不仅包含英语语言技能的训练,而且有明显的专业内涵,是语言技能训练与专业知识的结合。Barber、Tarone和Lackstrom 等学者从文体学、句法学、语用学、体裁分析等角度研究了商务英语的词汇特点、语言特征和文体特征,通过分析语言的宏观构造和实现这些构造的微观语法词汇形式,来研究商务英语翻译的认知构造和建构策略,探究特定商务交际情境下的语言学习。 2.ESP的应用研究。应用研究主要解决与专门用处英语教学有关的系列问题,如教学大纲的制定、课程设置、教材编写、语言技能的培训、测量和评估以及教学方法等。例如,Dudley主张在专门用处英语教学中以任务为主,以应用为核心的教学途径,即“为用而学,用中学,学中用”。它为学生提供了较大的理论空间,能较好地发挥学生的主动性和创造性。Douglas指出,特殊目的语言才能由语言知识(语法知识、语篇知识、功能知识和社会语言学知识),策略才能和背景知识(话语领域)构成,因此商务英语翻译才能的培养应从语言知识、策略才能和商务背景知识三方面着手。

国内商务英语翻译教学研究从xx年起开场蓬勃开展,并逐渐呈现上升趋势。详细研究现状如下: 1.研究主题类型。商务英语翻译教学研究大体分为五类,一是进展理论剖析,即分析语言学理论尤其是翻译学理论对商务英语翻译教学的指导意义,如建构主义、功能目的理论等指导下的商务英语翻译教学;二是研究教学形式,即讨论当今流行的一些教学形式或教学方法在商务英语翻译课堂中的运用,如任务型教学法、工程教学法、小组合作法、案例分析法等;三是研究现状、提出对策,即描绘当前商务英语翻译教学的现状(如学生根底较差、教材陈旧、师资力量缺乏等),并提出相应的解决对策;四是研究翻译实训教学,即关注校企合作,面向市场或区域经济的商务英语翻译教学;五是关注网络多媒体和语料库在商务英语翻译教学中的运用。 2.研究方法。国内对商务英语翻译教学的研究方法以定性研究为主,如对教学经历的、对课堂教学的设置等,而定量研究较少。鉴于定量研究和定性研究各有其优缺点,可以实现不同的研究目的,广东外语外贸大学的桂诗春教授指出:“应用语言学必须和其他自然科学一样,采用科学的方法、现代化的统计和测量手段进展量化分析,以系统数据为根底的定量研究应引起商务英语翻译研究者的关注和运用。” 3.研究趋势。随着商务英语翻译教学研究的开展,其研究方法正逐渐呈现跨学科的特点,即运用测量学、心理语言学、社会语言学、应用语言学、语言习得等学科的新开展来指导商务英语翻译教学的研究。二是对市场需求及学习主体的研究,如影响学生翻译才能习得等因素,在商务英语翻译教学研究中的作用逐渐得到重视。三是计算机辅助教学,如语料库、机器翻译等在商务英语翻译教学


商务信函翻译技巧论文 篇一:浅谈商务函电翻译的用词技巧 浅谈商务函电翻译的用词技巧 摘要:商务英语函电是以英语为载体,与国际贸易专业知识关联紧密,表现形式多样且涉及文化差异与法律特征的一种信息沟通手段。鉴于商务英语函电的突出特点,商务英语论文在进行翻译时必须掌握一定的翻译技巧,确保翻译的准确性。 关键词:商务英语函电特点翻译 Abstract: Business English Correspondence in English as the carrier, and closely associated with international trade expertise, many forms and involve cultural differences and legal characteristics of a communication tool. In view of the salient features of business

English correspondence, business papers during the English translation of the translation must master certain skills to ensure the accuracy of translation. Keywords: Business English translation of correspondence features 前言 商务英语是一种被赋予了特定社会功能的英语变体,是特殊用途英语当中的一个分支,主要应用于商业环境当中。商务英语虽然是来源于通用英语,具有一般英语语言所具备的语言学特征,但是,由于它的使用范围有所限定,因此同时也表现出词汇及语法上的独特性。函电是商务交往中沟通联络、处理业务和交流信息最常用的一种方式。商务英语函电的特点及翻译技巧总结如下:1商务英语函电特点 风格 以英语为表达载体商务英语函电是以英语为载体进行信息传递与沟通的一种商务信函。在国际贸易活动中所使用


有关商务英语方面论文商务英语毕业论文 商务英语是外贸人员同世界各地开展进出口贸易时用于洽谈交易、联系业务的一种应用语言。下文是WTT为大家整理的有关商务英语方面论文的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考! 有关商务英语方面论文篇 1 浅论商务英语教学 美国的次贷危机演变成金融危机,不仅威胁了美国经济,也殃及世界上其他国家,其负面效应对中国经济形成了较大的冲击,尤其是对外依存度较高的外贸行业受到的影响则更大。严峻的经济形势很大程度上影响了商务英语专业学生的就业。商务英语专业的学生在日趋白热化的就业竞争中胜出?这对商务英语教学提出了更高的要求。 一、商务英语课程特点与教学现状 Hutchinson和Waters认为商务英语是专门用途英语中的一个分支,是一门以语言学为主导、吸收了一切与商业相关的领域的学科研究方法的综合陛学科,基本上属于应用语言学。从语言的角度看,商务英语是商务环境中应用的英语,但从内容而言,商务英语叉不能脱离商务。其特点是:(1)以目的为导向;(2)以自我学习为中心;(3)真实语料2]。例如,BEC商务英语口试主要考查考生商务交往过程中运用

英文的能力。商务交往主要包括建立和保持商务联络、谈论工作、制定计划与安排工作等,目的性和实用性较强。20xx年高等 教育出版社出版的《体验商务英语》还设置了真实的案例分析。 改革开放后,中国众多高校纷纷开设“经贸英语”、“商贸英语”、“商务英语”以及“外贸英语”等课程,培养既通晓外语又精通国际商务的复合型人才。有的院校如上海对外贸易大学还开设了相关的研究生课程。另外,出版了一系列商务英语教材,例如英国剑桥大学出版社出版的级商务英语教材,与其相关的商务英语考试和培训已获得了广泛的关注和肯定。 但是,我国多数讲授商务英语的英语教师由于受专业知识的限制,往往用讲授基础英语的方法进行商务英语教学,以词汇和语法教学为主;而多数讲授商务英语的商务专业课教师由于缺乏语言教学的经验,教学中以翻译为主。这两种教学模式只是在形式上把英语与专业结合起来,其基本模式是:分析商务英语中某些句子的语法现象;逐句翻译成汉语以解句义。 这种“语法~翻译”教学法虽然解决了学习者初涉商务英语时所遇到的“既看不懂也记不住”的难题,然而课堂中缺少师生双向交流的机会,学生接受的是死记硬背的“填鸭式”教育,教师难以帮助学生获得以英语为媒介进行商务交流的能力,未能体现“以目的为导向、以学生为自我学习中心”这一商务英语特


商务英语翻译的文化适应性问题探析的论文 语言文化论文

内容摘要:随着世界经济一体化趋势日渐明显,国家、地区之间联系紧密化态势不断增强,商务英语在经济组织交往活动中日益发挥重要作用,如何有效利用商务英语实现经济组织交往的无缝对接成为亟待解决的难题。本文立足商务英语翻译现状,以企业文化理论为分析背景,以企业文化适应性特征为切入点,探讨了商务英语翻译过程中的文化适应性问题,以期为商务英语翻译工作提供有益借鉴和参考。 关键词:商务英语翻译文化适应性 商务英语翻译问题概述 从某种意义上讲,国家间、地区间经济交往的实质是国家文化、地区文化的互动、交流与接触。在不同文化的交互过程中,首先面临的问题就是弱化和消除文化障碍,实现文化沟通和交流。英语作为国家间、地区间经济交往和商务往来的有效工具,具有存在形式的多样性与表达方式的多样性等特点,这些特征不仅反映着国家、地区间文化的差异性,也影响着商务英语翻译的准确性。因此,商务英语翻译必须注重国外企业与本国企业之间的文化差异。 作为一种社会存在,文化环境是一个不同区域、行业、特征和性质的文化交织影响、能动渗透的有机能动场,尤其是其中的文化传统有着较强的波及力和辐射力,会对社会生活的诸多方面造成影响效应,商务英语翻译也不例外。企业文化是企业在长期发展演化过程中形成的历史产物,是社会文化在企业组织管理实践中的折射,也是西方管理理论在经历“经济人”、“社会人”、“自我实现的人”与“复杂人”假设之后,对组织的文化价值、经营理念、管理过程和未来经营业绩关系的又一次重新审视。https://www.sodocs.net/doc/c219097622.html,企业文化渗透于企业的一切活动中,又流溢于企业的一切活动之上,既是企业组织的基因和灵魂,也是企业持续发展的潜在动力和重要保障;既是制度性和非制度性、绝对性和相对性的辩证统一,也是批判性和继承性、稳定性和动态性的有机结合。商务英语翻译过程中的文化适应,应关注和把握以下三个方面: 重视商务英语翻译的外部环境 密切关注国外企业文化的最新成果,充分考虑商务英语翻译的外部环境。随着我国企业


第一篇:商务英语论文翻译技巧论文 商务英语论文翻译技巧论文 浅析商务英语翻译技巧 [摘要]商务英语翻译是商务英语专业的重要课程,因此做好商务英语翻译是此专业学生的基本功。要想做好商务英语翻译,必须做到适当释义性翻译,用词正式规范,适当增减词量,谨慎选用易混淆的词语。 [关键词]商务英语翻译技巧 一、商务英语概述 在对外贸易、招商引资、国际旅游、海外投资以及国际运输等商务活动中所使用的英语统称为商务英语。商务英语文体复杂,所涉及的专业范围很广,包括广告英语、法律英语、应用文英语、包装英语等功能变体英语等多种。目前翻译界所提出的商务翻译标准,大多数脱胎于传统翻译理论“信、达、雅”,过于单一和笼统,不适合商务翻译的实际情况。笔者认为,翻译的问题应该具体问题具体分析,因为具体的翻译受到翻译的性质、目的以及不同读者群的制约。同时,商务文件又涉及双方的权利和义务,这就要求译者忠实地把原作的内容模拟出来。 二、商务英语词汇的语用特征 1.受文化差异的影响 不同的文化不可避免地会发生局部的交叉、碰撞和冲突,从而给 语言的翻译带来种种障碍和困难,正如翻译家尤金?奈达所指出的:“对于真正成功的翻译而言,熟悉两种文化甚至比掌握两种语言更为重要,因为词语只有在其作用的文化背景中才有意义。”文化的差异给翻译所带来的困难是多方面的,在词汇层面主要表现为词汇的空白,冲突、寓意和联想不一致,而在商务英语词汇中尤为突出。 2.缩略语的运用 “时间就是金钱”这句习语人人皆知,而商务工作又特别讲究效率,常言“商场犹如战场”来说明商务活动节奏之快。由于商务活动的特点,其语言也要求简单明了,因此人们在商务交往中约定俗成,形成了大量的缩略语(acronyms),其数量之多,涉及面之广,是其他语言无法比拟的。 3.形象化词和新词的运用 随着国家之间商务活动的交流和发展,在商务英语中也出现了一些生动形象的词汇来特指某些商务现象或行为。如:big name,big-name company指金字招牌,大名鼎鼎的公司、大牌公司。Heavy weight意思是“重量级公司”。bellwether原意是领头羊,而现在借指业界领袖人物、引申为领跑者等。 三、商务英语的翻译对策
