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Lesson One

1. This picture brings back manypleasant memories of her Spanish holiday.

2. News and weather forecasts reports are staples of radio programmes.

3. By mere accident Tommet in a bar his Iong-lost brother who was thought to have

been killed in action during the war.

4. Bill in tuited somethi ng crim inal in their pla n.

5. They think that obsessive tidiness in factory is a bad sign .

6. Yesterday his mother sold several years ' worth of paper and magazines.

7. His hearte ning speech impelled us to (work with) greater efforts.

8. Those who enjoy pulling off a miracle often fail.

9. As Ian guage stude nts we should have a sense of nuan ces of pla in words

and expressi ons.

10. The rude behavior of Mrs. Taylor ' s adopted son is driving her into

a n ervous breakdow n.

11. I like to see films in general, and American Western and horrors in


12. In some sense Mary saw in her aunt a surrogate of her mother.

13. Myfather never equivocated, and he always gave somebrief but poignant


14. Though he disabled, he n ever tries of help ing people.

15. I n any coun try, those who are remiss in their duty must be severely

puni shed.

16. Aware ness of the fact that the child was in dan ger impelled the policema n to


Lesson 2

1. A. The chances are that they will be held up by traffic on their way

to the airport.

B. the plane takes off at 6:35. It would be a pity if they couldn ' t

make it.

2. Another popular notion which is in fact a misconception is that

expensive clothes invariably raise one ' s status.

3. Can you imagine what kind of life a man has lived who aspires to

excelle nee and abhors mediocrity

4. A copy of our latest product catalogue will be sent free of charge if

you will fill up the form on the reverse of this card and post it.

5. It will be an absurdity, if not a catastrophe. If half of the population of this city aba

ndons their posts and goes in for bus in ess.

6. Because they want their kids to be somebodies, some well-i nten ti oned

parents exercise enormous pressures on their children and the results all too ofte n prove the reverse.

7. The revered professor predicted that these brilliant young people would

surely maketheir way in the scientific-technical realm in a few years. 8. Many writers have quitted writing stories because, as they say there

is no market for them. Yet Less ing sticks and she would go on eve n if

there really wasn ' t any home for them but a private drawer.

9. Satire under his pen is only a meansto an end, a form to expose social evils.

10. It seemed no body at the party, not eve n the reporters, made special

note of the general ' s absenee which might have aroused the suspicion of his rivals.

11. During the first mon ths in the stra nge land, the new arrivals had to

take men ial jobs refused by the n atives and work like slaves to make

a liv ing. Later, hav ing saved eno ugh mon ey, most of them set up small

bus in esses.

12. In tellectual sluggards may get rich but they can n ever make good in

the academic field.

13. Schools should makeprodigious effort to inculcate the students with a sense of

justice and the love of truth.

14. Yesterday she received a telegram from her cousin in sian to the effect that the

latter would arrive today by the ni ght train in stead of the

morning train he had mentioned in his letter.

15. All her relatives were un der no illusi on that her husba nd could be

one of the three lucky survivors in the rece nt pla ne crash.

16. In the west many people rema in sin gle because they don ' t want to

tie themselves down (to be tired down) to responsibility.

17. If nothing interferes the school sports meet will be held as scheduled.

18. With Vincent play ing baseball is a means to an end, the best way to

get acqua in ted with those stars.

Less on Three

1. These gifts had got thoroughly mixed up and n eeded to be sorted into

three different sets.

2. The Security Coun cil would take issue with the proposals put forward

by the warri ng states.

3. Because of repeated defeated the enemy troops ' morale sank low and

their discipli ne broke loose.

4. In a bid to host the Olympic Games,what really counts is not the winning but the

spirit to compete and take part.

5. In desig ning the office build ing, due atte ntio n should be paid to the

people who will work in side it.

6. The well-groomed young manis impatient to wait for the bride to arrive and the

wedd ing cerem ony to start.

7. For several weeks, the city was in a turmoil. The rebels had surrounded the City

Hall, hailing stones, wielding sticks, and shouting slogans.

8. After the success of the experime nt, for several days, he in dulged

himself in the luxury of sleep ing late and gett ing up late.

9. I ' m not the type of person who thrives on city life. I am more

accustomed to (the ) life in the peaceful coun tryside.

10. Having weathered wind and rain for hundreds of years, these buildings of

Europea n style are barely recog ni zable as they were.

11. Before the in terviews, the hoary -headed father patted him on the shoulder in an

extremely reassuri ng manner and wished him every success.

12. Some people believed that the Monore doctri ne means that Europea n

n atio ns should no Ion ger in terfere with America n n ati ons or try to acquire more territories in the Western Hemisphere.

13. As a remedy for the blight of mediocrity , our society should show greater respect

for excelle nee in educati on.

14. The young mother lamented that it was her own lack of concern that had drive n

her boy from the house that ni ght.

15. His en thusiasm ebbed away whe n he lear ned how troublesome it was to go

through the red tape in order to go abroad for further studies.

16. As prices are skyrocket ing, workers are determ ined to go on strike, regardless

of its con seque nces.

17. It is absurd to wear a pair of torn blue jeans at such a formal dinner.

18. The educational qualifications of intellectuals should entitle them

to higher salaries.

Less on Four

1. John remained motionless without even blinking, because he knew who the chairma n remark was leveled at /aga in st.

2. The messagewas delivered to the wrong department owing to a mistake on the part of a clerk.

3. It seems that in every attack Dicke ns makes upon society he always points to a change of spirit rather than a change of social structure.

4. Before they covered 2 km in the desert, the explorers had walked themselves dizzy and exhausted.

5. After their seizure of the city, the enemytroops started to despoil all the build in gs.

6. He had wandered in the unsavory areas of London and seen for himself the appalling living conditions of the poor.

7. Conrad points to a dan ger that is already appare nt in his frie nd ' s

writi ng, that of alie nati ng his characters from their social con text.

8. The circumstances of her childhood are not easy to establish; these were facts she herself wished to forget.

9. These pages tell at least as much, if no more was jeopardized.

10. Wheneveran important decision is made, they defer to (the opinion of) their departme nt head.

11. As he had made bad inv estme nts, his fortune was jeopardized.

12. All the staff members must be alert to the dan ger of fire.

13. He is a person who will stand up for what he thinks right, no matter what the cost to himself.

14. The highest award he won in the intern ati onal con test testifies

to his musical tale nt.

15. The peasants in that poverty-stricken area worked hard to try and wrest a livi ng from the soil.

16. He spoke in such a round-about way that we found it hard to fathom his real


17. In the dark ness of ni ght, an in describable fear overlook him whe n

he moved on alone in the jun gle.

18. The local department responsible for the HopeProject has collected con

tributi ons of about 2millio n yua n.

Less on Five

1. The first thing to do is to assess the fixed assets of that company.

2. His pare nts bought not a few picture books for him, but now he has outgrow n


3. The sen ator is not likely to sla nt toward this bill out of

partisa nship.

4. To an alyze trends of stock market is the project of the would-be

econo mist.

5. He is fairly sophisticated, so he can identify at first glance the

self-ce ntered people in their guises.

6. The simplicity and clarity of this analytic approach far outweighs

its drawbacks.

7. Mrs. Smith was so busily engaged in her writing that she left the

discipli ning of the childre n to her husba nd.

8. After the first round of matches, the drawing of lots turned the scale in favor of the Chin ese football team.

9. He claimed that he was public-spirited as could be see n from what he

had done, but his rivals declared that he was a mere humbug.

10. As safety in production is neglected inn that factory, a dozen workers

have been maimed in the past three years.

11. In that sea food restaura nt, they were so overcharged that they thought it almost

dow nright robbery.

12. Joh n went up to his rival and wan ted to give him a hug only to be sn ubbed by

the latter.

13. In dow ntow n Shan ghai, not only have the shops un derg one a facelift,

but many arresti ng sculptures have bee n put up along the streets as well. 14. What he left to his desce ndants as an added asset is his in domitable


15. Whenhe woke up, the early morning sun light was filteri ng through the curta ins

into his bedroom.

16. After lear ning about how they had bee n build ing their en terprise

through arduous efforts, he had a compulsi on to write a no vel about


17. In order to maintain the integrity of this ancient building, we should

exclude the use of steel and glass in its renovation.

18. With the con scious ness that it is a mult in ati onal coun try, the

tourists were not at all surprised to find such big differe nces in

the customs at differe nt parts of that coun try.

Less on Six

of fun ds, they could not put into practice the pla n they had made.

see her off and on in the school library, but I do not know her n ame.

understand you are in a difficult position, and neither you nor Jack owes me any expla natio n.

is very angry with the manager, for he is nonchalant to her suggestion.
