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综合教程6 unit 10答案

综合教程6 unit 10答案
综合教程6 unit 10答案

Unit 10: Sweet September


IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.

1.September—coming as scheduled and in its unhurried pace—begins to reap what summer has


2.The plant entrusts its future to the seed and the root. The insect produces the egg and the pupa

in which its future is stored.

3.By the end of September, the autumn season has gathered an overwhelming abundance of



I. Explain the underlined parts in each sentence in your own words.

1). After summer’s heat and haste, the year consolidates itself.

→ steadies itself and strengthens its hold on what has been achieved

2). It creeps in on a misty dawn and vanishes in the hot afternoon.

→ comes in without being noticed; completely disappears

3). It tiptoes through the treetops, rouging a few leaves...

→ moves softly; making ... red

4). September flowers are less varied than those of May but so abundant that they make

September another flowery month.

→ so plentiful/existing in such large amounts

5). The surge is almost over and life begins to relax.

→ The period of fast growth and renewal; calm/slow down

6). The green prime is passing.

→ The best period of a year when all the plants are green and full of energy

7). But cold-blooded insects are at the mercy of the sun and now their clocks run down.

→ dependent on the sun; their lives are coming to an end

8). Now they are gregarious, with time for tribal gossip and community play.

→ have formed large flocks (or, so to speak, tribes and communities), and they have time to communicate and play with each other

9). The year’s season in the sun has run its course.

→ has come to a natural end

10). After the color in the woodlands, the leaves will blanket the soil.

→ cover the ground completely with a thick layer like a blanket

4. Explain the meaning of the underlined part in each sentence.

1). We cannot stand idly by while these people suffer.

→ do nothing

2). We’re going to have to up the tempo if we’re to finish the work on time.

→ work faster

3). The whole experience left me with frayed nerves.

→ feeling anxious

4). In her haste to get up from the table, she knocked over a cup.

→ hurry

5). I breathed in deeply the crisp mountain air.

→ cold, dry and fresh

6). In any advertising campaign, you must accent the areas where your product is better than those of the competition.

→ emphasize

7). My abiding memory is of him watering his plants in the garden on sunny afternoons.

→ lasting

8). There’s a big cupboard under the stairs for stowing toys.

→ storing

9). He pays scant attention to the needs of his children.

→ little

10). We were invigorated by our walk.

→ felt fresher, healthier and more energetic


I. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in brackets.

1). 我们赶紧跑出商店,拼命追赶,但那小偷已经无影无踪了。(vanish into)

→ We rushed out of the shop in hot pursuit, but the thief had vanished into thin air.

2). 如果你想成为一名演员,就必须全身心地投入。(commit oneself to)

→ If you want to be an actor you have to really commit yourself to it.

3). 他等到女儿睡着了,然后才蹑手蹑脚地悄悄走出房间。(tiptoe)

→ He waited until his daughter was asleep, and then tiptoed quietly out of the room.

4). 我能感觉到血液在我的血管里搏动。(pulse through)

→ I can feel the blood pulsing through my veins.

5). 如果你正确对待,中年将是你一生中的全盛时期。(prime)

→ Middle age can be the prime of your life if you have the right attitude.

6). 废弃的食品盒和瓶子被胡乱地扔在街道上。(discard; litter)

→ Discarded food containers and bottles littered the streets.

7). 在许多人眼中,他的所作所为严重地降低了自己的声誉。(diminish)

→In many people’s eyes, what he did has seriously diminish ed his reputation.

8). 过去没有现代的机械设备,农民基本上是看天吃饭。(at the mercy of)

→In the past, when there were no modern machines, the peasants were basically at the mercy of the weather

9). 由于人们预计价格会迅速上涨,便开始囤积货物。(hoard)

→ Expecting prices to rise rapidly, people started to hoard goods.

10). 这些变化被视为大范围改革的序幕。(prelude)

→ The changes are seen as a prelude to wide-ranging reforms.

II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.

Nothing. No tracks but my own are stitched into the dusting of fresh snow, white as birch bark, that fell during the night. No flittering shadows in the trees, not a sliver of bird song in the air.

What sun there is this time of year shines weakly, half-heartedly through the white gauze of clouds, offering not even the slightest pretense of warmth. A shiver runs through me as I stomp my feet for warmth and then listen again for any sign of life. The only sound is from the bare tips of branches chattering like teeth.

At first glance, nature doesn’t seem to have invested much in this late-winter day. The forest can seem like a rough etching —barren, lifeless and gray. There are subtle beauties —pine branches tipped in white, the pale-blue glow of moonlight off the snow. But this deep into winter, you look less for beauty than for signs that spring has not been forgotten.




乍一看,大自然似乎没有赋予这个晚冬季节多少景致。森林就像一幅粗糙的蚀刻版画——荒凉、苍茫,不见生息。周围的景色不乏淡雅之美——松树的枝头蒙上了一层白雪,月光洒在雪地上泛出淡蓝色的光辉。但在这晚冬时分,你的目光搜寻的, 与其说是美丽的景色, 不如说是春天尚未被遗忘的迹象。

IV. Chinese Translation of Paragraphs


1. 九月确实并非仅仅是一个月份,它更是一个季节、一份成就。它始于八月末梢,至于十月跟前,九月承前启后,别有一番快慰。历经夏天的酷热和慌躁,日子变得愈发厚重。从容而来的九月——以它自己的时机和节拍——终结了又一个夏天。

2. 九月捎来一丝秋意。它在清晨的薄雾中悄然而至,在午后的暖阳中化为乌有。它轻轻掠过树梢,染红几片树叶,然后又踩着一簇蓟花冠毛,穿过山谷飘然而去。它栖息山巅,声响犹如十月黄昏猫头鹰的啼叫,并与风儿追逐嬉戏。九月是个善变的小孩,时而像山核桃树上的松鼠忙忙碌碌,时而又像缓缓的小溪闲散慵懒。九月里夏日臻于成熟,尽显丰饶。

3. 一年中最珍贵的几天也出现在九月份——天气凉爽宜人,却不乏盎然生机;晴空如碧,空气清新,风中不夹灰尘。草地上还弥漫着干草的气息和青草刈割之后的清香。九月的花朵虽不及五月那般异彩纷呈,却也多得足以将九月点缀成另一个花季。秋麒麟草八月中旬开花,九月初进入盛花期,田野顿时一片金黄。晚秋的蓟万紫千红,而紫菀更是遍地开花,路边、草地、山顶,甚至城市空地,从纯白至色调各异的淡紫色再到深紫色的花朵随处可见。

4. 在人们的心目中春天是个诞生奇迹的季节,那时花蕾和新叶宣告着生命的不息。而九月则是永恒的时节,它为来年的新一代生命作好了准备。橡果熟了,山核桃结实了。植物将未来寄托于种子和根茎,昆虫把明天贮藏于卵和蛹。汹涌的生命开始归于平静。

5. 那浓郁的绿色已褪,树木开始发生变化;不久将叶落草枯。然而,生命的奇迹终将不灭,因为种子蕴含着生长与重生的奇妙萌芽。

6. 这是个缥缈的时节。蜘蛛的细丝在晨光中闪闪发亮,那是晚秋孵化的幼蛛具备爬行本能的明证。在这样缥缈的丝线上,幼蛛已爬到北极,甚至几乎行至喜马拉雅山脉的巅峰。不久,马利筋的豆荚就要开裂,绽放出银色的丝绒。

7. 这是秋收月圆的时节,皓月当空的日子将会持续一周。月儿不慌不急,升得早,落得晚。此时,忙碌的农夫甚至可在晚饭后重返田间,借着月光继续收割庄稼。还有其他要收获的,不过多数是围绕厨房而非谷仓进行。最后的丰收源于菜园,那晚熟的甜玉米、西红柿以及根茎类蔬菜。罐装、贮存、冷冻,厨房丰富多彩的收获由此达到了高潮。

8. 初霜在夜晚降临了,一个夜空如洗、星辰寥落、月亮近圆的夜晚。它悄无声息地降临人间,像蓟花冠毛似地静静刷过山坡上果园的角落。拂晓时分,在闪亮的叶子上,在发着微光的茎干上,在柔软黝黑的庭园藤蔓上,你随处可见它留下的踪迹。

9. 随后一两夜,霜乘着月光漫步山谷,尔后绕过北面的山丘返回再稍作停留。金色的初秋温柔地抚慰着大地。一丝淡淡的茴香弥漫在空气中,还有秋麒麟草的芬芳。薄雾漫舞,九月的阳光照彻九月那深蓝色的天空。

10. 对于温血的生灵,九月干爽的夜晚令它们活力充沛。冷血的昆虫却听凭太阳的发落,生命奄奄一息。蝉静了下来,蟋蟀和美洲大螽斯的合唱也减弱了。纵然他们还会沙哑地歌唱,不过那声音则犹如小提琴手用破弓在烂弦上以小心谨慎的节奏演奏。

11. 之后便是贮藏的日子。老鼠几周前就已经开始收获和存贮种子,金花鼠正在往它的卧室中填塞过冬食物,松鼠将坚果树的慷慨馈赠私藏起来,美洲旱獭则尽情地吞吃杂草、红花草和水果,将所获储存于自己的皮下脂肪。

12. 扑动正准备集结迁徙。整个夏天,这些体形较大的啄木鸟都是独自行动,为家庭生


13. 九月末,秋天的藏宝箱早已盛满,财宝开始“外溢”。你看!它在静谧的午后流光溢彩,在落日的余晖里熠熠生辉。树林、路边和门口不久就会遍地是宝,琳琅满目,胜过印度君王最富庶的梦想。

14. 一年的阳光时令已经过去,大自然开始准备步入冬天。层林尽染之后,落叶铺满大地。秋天的残叶将先当冬被,然后再化为树根和娇弱的种子所需的腐殖质。万物迫切生长的时期已经结束,以待来年,但是生命却将自身潜藏在草根、球茎、种子和卵壳之中。


Unit 1 Part Ⅱ Reading Task Vocabulary Ⅰ1. 1)respectable 2)agony 3)put down 4)sequence 5)hold back 6)distribute 7)off and on 8)vivid 9)associate 10)finally 11)turn in 12)tackle 2. 1)has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2)was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3)a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’time. 4)gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5)buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1)reputation; rigid; to inspire 2)and tedious; What’s more; out of date ideas 3)compose; career; avoid showing; hardly hold back Ⅱviolating Ⅲ;in upon Comprehensive Exercises ⅠCloze back; tedious; scanned; recall; vivid; off and on; turn out/in; career ; surprise; pulled; blowing; dressed; scene; extraordinary; image; turn; excitement ⅡTranslation As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2)His girlfriend advised him to get out of /get rid of his bad habits of smoking before it took hold. 3)Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4)It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5)It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 2.Susan lost her legs because of/in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye/she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be able to lead a useful life. Unit 2 Part ⅡReading Task Vocabulary Ⅰ1. 1)absolutely 2)available 3)every now and then 4)are urging/urged 5)destination 6)mostly 7)hangs out 8)right away 9)reunion 10)or something 11)estimate 12)going ahead 2. 1)in the examination was still on his mind. 2)was completely choked up by the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game. 3)was so lost in study that she forgot to have dinner. 4)has come up and I am afraid I won’t be able to accomplish the project on time. 5)of equipping the new hospital was estimated at﹩2 million. 3. 1)were postponed; the awful; is estimated 2)reference; not available; am kind of 3)not much of a teacher; skips; go ahead Ⅱ;on Ⅲor less of/sort of 4. kind of/sort of 5. more or less 6. or something Comprehensive Exercises ⅠCloze up; awful; practically; neighborhood; correspondence; available; destination; reunion; Mostly; postponing; absolutely ; savings; embarrassment; phone; interrupted; touch; envelope; signed; message; needed ⅡHalf an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walk home. 2)Mary looks as if she is very worried about the Chinese exam because she hasn’t learned the texts by


Unit 1 lexf Organization

II. More Synonyms in Context 1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium. 2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off. 3)1 spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my words. 4) Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile body could withstand the harsh weather.

- 90 - Appendix I III. Usage 1)But often it is not until we fall ill that we finally learn to appreciate good health. 2)A rich old lady lay dead at home for two weeks—and nobody knew anything about it. 3)It's said he dropped dead from a heart attack when he was at work 1)Don't sit too close to the fire to keep warm—you could easily get burned, especially if you fall asleep. 4)In those days people believed in marrying young and having children early. 5)Little Tom was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes. ■ Structure 1. 1) To his great delight, Dr. Deng discovered two genes in wild rice that can increase the yield by 30 percent. 2)To her great relief, her daughter had left the building before it collapsed. 3)To our disappointment, our women's team lost out to the North Koreans. 4)We think, much to our regret, that we will not be able to visit you during the coming Christmas. 2. 1) These birds nest in the vast swamps (which lie to the) east of the Nile. 2)By 1948, the People's Liberation Army had gained control of the vast areas north of the Yangtze River. 3)Michelle was born in a small village in the north of France, but came to live in the United States at the age of four. ■ 4) The Columbia River rises in western Canada and continues/runs through the United States for about 1,900 kilometers west of the Rocky Mountains. Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze (A) 1. invasion 3. Conquest 5. launching 7. campaign 9. reckon with 2. s tand in the way 4. c atching... off his guard 6. d eclaration 8. d rag on 10. b ringing...to a


Unit1 Ways of Learning Vocabulary I 1. 1)insert 2)on occasion 3)investigate 4)In retrospect 5)initial 6)phenomena 7)attached 8)make up for 9)is awaiting 10)not; in the least 11)promote 12)emerged 2. 1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2)is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 3)as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4)is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 5)by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines. 3. 1)be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating 2)somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to 3)assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superior II 1. 1)continual 2)continuous 3)continual 4)continuous 2. 1)principal 2)principal 3)principle 4)principles 5)principal III 1.themselves 2.himself/herself 3.herself/by herself/on her own 4.itself 5.ourselves 6.yourself/by yourself/on your own Comprehensive Exercises I.cloze 1.


我家现有三只猫。最近的孩子都很现实,所以他们向父亲询问:“猫究竟有什么用?”我被问住了。 不错,这么说来,狗可以防贼,或把扔出去的球拾回来,多少为人干点事。但是猫呢?由于现在老鼠也不太看得到了,所以它就是吃、睡、出去走走,饿了就回来,然后再吃了睡,仅仅如此,对人什么贡献也没有。 “什么用也没有这一点不就挺好吗?因为仅仅呆在那里就挺有意思。”—我只能这样回答,但这恐怕不能成为对孩子的回答吧。这个暂且不说,就仅仅是看着动物的行动,就令我感到快乐。每当看到它们沿着松树或刺槐的树干,垂直一气上窜好几米,为扑捉飞着的虫子高高地跳跃在空中时,好像在这时才会发出感叹,“动物做的是多么准确而毫无徒劳的动作啊。 “畜生的卑鄙”之类的话在人的言里是有的。但不能说都是这样。有些作为母亲的人甚至不愿生育、养育孩子,扔掉孩子或让孩子死掉,在这样的世界上,猫的育儿却充满细心的情爱和无限的耐心。 说是育儿,也并不是老猫让孩子吃点心,给孩子买玩具,而只不过是把自己在草地上扑捉到的四脚蛇叼来给小猫之类而已。用奇妙的叫声呼唤孩子,孩子过去后“啪”的一下把猎物放下来,然后自己不经意地看着孩子玩耍四脚蛇。恰如我们人的母亲照看自己孩子时满足、安心的表情,呆呆地看着。 还有,老猫在小猫吃盘子里的食物时,远远地一直等待,等小猫吃完后,再去吃期盼已久的小猫剩下的东西。责备小猫时,老猫是何等温柔地啃咬小猫的啊,用收起爪的前蹄又是何等有分寸地拍打小猫啊,而绝不会进行责打。“连不会说话的兽类,父母也竟如此对子女爱怜,何况人乎?”实朝的这句诗,实在是千真万确。 还不仅如此,可怜的是它们还日夜受到人类文明的惊吓。连听到吸尘器的声音也会吓得发抖,喷气式飞机在头上低空飞过的话,慌忙躲藏到隐蔽处。那低眉俯首、无容身之地的样子,使它变得更小。人如果活得不易,它们也活得很不容易。 猫的数量增加以后,、家中到处都可见到散乱的小动物的尸骸,从四脚蛇到蚌蟒、蝗虫、蝗螂、蜂、金龟子、蝴蝶、蛾子、蟋蟀,有时甚至还有蝼蛄之类。明明可以在外面玩就行了,但猫一看有机会就必然会带到房间内来处理。 在海边温暖的草地上好像有好多四脚蛇。落到猫手中的四脚蛇大多被揪断了尾巴。这并不是猫要吃它,而是长时间地把它作为玩具的缘故。在对方因猫的爪子受伤变弱直到死去之前,忽而用嘴叼起,忽而前爪去捅,要是逃跑就赶上去按住,或是用两个爪子夹住抛向空中。玩腻了,就抛下连头也不回地走开。 肯定也有运气好的,死里逃生勉强爬出去的四脚蛇,但更多的是想逃也逃不掉,而在家具后或垫子、褥子底下变成鱼十似的干巴巴的样子。我感觉到或许那以后也有在房间的某处住下来的,因为某日某时,四脚蛇突然从阴暗处跑出,吓了我一大跳。 因为这件事,我与四脚蛇彻底地亲密起来,本来爬虫类一看到就会令人心情不快,必用木棍之类处理掉才算完,但最近,却不管是活的还是死的,都可以拿在手上了。这样一来,四脚蛇这样的东西也成了不拘泥于相貌的可爱动物了。还不仅如此,我还对四脚蛇刮目相看了起来。


2. (1) obtain (2) confident (3) communicate (4) advantage (5) relevant (6) helpful (7) extreme (8) enjoyable (9) means (10) process (11) particularly (12) characters (13) astonished (14) apparently 3. (1) fond of (2) is…related to (3) according to (4) To a certain degree (5) vice versa (6) no doubt (7) rid… of (8) cleare d up (9) or else (10) at all costs (11) sure enough (12) let alone (13) similar to (14) It’s no use (15) in my opinion (16) was worth (II)Increasing Your Word Power 1. (1) c (2) d (3) b (4) b (5) b (6) d 2. (1) highly/very (2) quite/very (3) quite/very/increasingly (4) quite/simply/very 3. 4.No Mistake especial→ especially

necessarily → necessary frequent → frequently No Mistake ea sily → easy No Mistake i ndividually → individual m uch → many h igh → highly a pparently → apparent r emarkably → remarkable p robable → probably No Mistake (III)Grammar Task 1: (1)would/should (2) should/would (3) might (4) would (5) must (6) can’t (7) should would (8) must Task 2: (1)We passed the afternoon very pleasantly, roller-skating in the sun and talking about our childhood under a tree. / The afternoon passed very pleasantly, while we roller-skated in the sun and talked about our childhood under a tree. (2)On entering the lecture hall, I was surprised at the size of the crowd. / When I entered the lecture hall, I was surprised at the size of the crowd. (3)When I was only a small boy, my father took me to Beijing and we had a lot of fun together. (4)To write well, a person must read good books. (IV)Cloze (1) doubt (2) efficient (3) where (4) advantage (5) afford (6) claim (7) fluently (8) qualified (9) extent (10) ridiculous (11) perfect (12) as (13) because (14) individual (V)Translation 1. Translate the sentences (1) The baby can’t even crawl yet, let alone walk. (2) Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, but in my opinion he told a lie. (3) To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills; and with reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better. (4) According to the regulation/rule, they both can play the game/participate in the game.


Key to book4 un it1-4 Unit 1 Active readi ng (1) Look ing for a job after uni versity? First, get off the sofa Read ing and un dersta nding Dealing with unfamiliar words 3 Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 to make progress by moving to the n ext stage in a series of acti ons or events (proceed) 2 the process of cha nging from one situati on, form or state to ano ther (tra nsiti on) 3 not feeli ng in volved with some one or someth ing in a close or emoti onal way (detached) 4 referri ng to somethi ng which will happe n soon (upco ming) 5 to be sitting still in a position that is not upright (slump) 6 to retur n to a previous state or way of behav ing (revert) 7 to say what happe ned (reco unt) 4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3. It isn ' t easy to make the (tr)a nsiti on from a busy uni versity stude nt to an un employed young adult (2) slumped on a bar stool or half watch ing a min dless televisi on show, wondering if and how their career is going to (3) proceed . Many people who have experie need a long period of in activity like this, whe n (4) reco un ti ng how they felt at the


综合教程1课后答案 Unit 1 College Life Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action 1. (P.23) 1) deliver 2) polish 3) available 4) latter 5)file 6) thrive 7) undertook 8) practical 9) fulfill 10) perceived 11) accumulated 12) multiplied 2. (P.24) 1)compromise 2) self-induced 3) steered 4) frame 5)demonstrated 6) employ 7) promote 8) impressed 9)contribution 10) deliberately 11) financial 12) economic 3.(P.24) 1)makes a point of 2) refresh my memory 3) lead to 4) at hand 5) working out 6) under pressure 7) Last but not least 8) down 9) In addition to 10) were involved 11) in other words 12) pointed out 13) pay off 4. (P.25) 1) scored 2) scheduled 3) assigned 4) motivated 5) crucial 6) promote 7) perform 8) debate 9) scanned 10) devised 11) advocated 12) clarify 13) priorities 14) compromised 15) context 16) undertook Final sentence: academic excellence Increasing Your Word Power 1.( P.26~27) 1)principal/ major 2) top 3) major 4) top 5)principal 6) major 7) schedule 8)advocate/have advocated 9) top 10) approach 11)blame 12) major/ principal 13) advocate 14) schedule 15)blame 16) approaching 17) pressure 18) pace 19)pressured 20) pace Cloze (P.31) 1)academic 2) priorities 3) conducted 4) principles 5)begin 6) priority 7) compromised 8) addition 9)filling 10) Speaking 11) formula 12)Participation/ Participating 13) based 14) least 15)way 16) pressure


汪晓寒 location 场所位置 dumb 愚蠢的(foolish),哑的(toneless) assure 向某人保证(promise),使确信(guarantee) glorious 极好的(wonderful),辉煌的(splendid),光荣的 (completely) exhaust 筋疲力尽,用完 community 社区 committee 交流 fade 渐渐消失,褪色 comtast 持续的,不变的 humiliate 羞辱,使丢脸 simultaneous 同事的 interference 干涉,干扰 keep (sb)in suspense 使产生悬念 talented /gift/ genius 天赋 typical 典型的 consist of / be made up of 由……组成 reversal 颠倒 critical 至关重要的 principal 主要的 initial 最初的 investigate 调查 elementary 基本的 vigorous 用力地,精力充沛的 colleague 同事 creative 独创的 creativity 创造力 originality 独创性 independence 独立 enormous 巨大的,极大的 breakthrough 突破 (一到五单元单词) 1)背离传统需要极大的勇气。(departure,enormous)' It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition. 3) 很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。(creative,desirable) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age. 5)如果这些数据在统计上是站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。 (throw lighton, investigate, valid) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.


《高级日语》课程教学大纲 课程编号:D20662B0 课程属性:必修 学时:146学时学分:7 先修课程:中级日语、日本文学史、日本概况、日语实用语法 考核方式:考试 使用教材: 陆静华主编,《日语综合教程》(第五册),上海外语教育出版社,2006年 陈小芬主编,《日语综合教程》(第六册),上海外语教育出版社,2006年 季林根主编,《日语综合教程》(第七册),上海外语教育出版社,2011年 主要参考书: 陆静华、陈小芬主编,《日语综合教程第五、六册课文翻译与练习答案》,上海外语教育出版社,2007年 皮细庚主编,《日语综合教程》(第八册),上海外语教育出版社,2008年 季林根、皮细庚主编,《日语综合教程第七、八册课文翻译与练习答案》,上海外语教育出版社,2009年 周炎辉主编,《日语语法词法·句法》,湖南大学出版社,2000年 一、课程的性质和任务 高级日语是一门综合技能的课程,它涉及日语的听、说、写、读、译等多种实践能力的培养,是本科日语专业的专业必修课。该课程旨在培养学生更进一步熟练掌握日语知识;提高学生实际应用语言的能力;丰富学生的日本社会文化知识,培养文化理解能力,熟练地掌握日语语法体系,使学生达到日本国际交流基金和日本国际交流协会设立的“国际日本语能力考试”的2级水平。 本课程是“中级日语”课程的继续,教学重点从一、二年级的讲解词汇、语法、句型逐渐过渡到分析文章、理解语言背后的社会心理文化,从而掌握地道的日语。通过灵活多样的教学方法,充分调动学生的主观能动性,使学生积极参与课程教学。教师不仅要分析文章、

句子结构,还要介绍大量的语言文化背景知识,避免“中国式日语”的出现,为学生在今后的工作中使用日语打下坚实的基础。 二、教学目标与要求 高级日语教学的目标是:培养学生具有较强的阅读能力和较高的听、说、写、读、译的能力,使他们能用日语交流信息。培养学生良好学习作风,正确掌握良好的语言学习方法。培养学生逻辑思维能力,丰富社会文化知识,以适应社会发展和建设的需要。 本课程的具体教学要求: 1.读一般性日语文章,能理解作品的主要内涵和意境;能较好地归纳、概括其主要内容;能独立分析文章的思想观点、文章结构、语言技巧及问题修饰。 2.对于相当日语能力测试一级水平的文章,借助工具书、参考注释能读懂大意。 3.能用日语写出格式标准、语言基本正确、内容明了的书信、调查报告等各种文体的文章;能写内容充实,具有一定广度和深度的说明文、议论文和论文。 4.能翻译用现代日语撰写的各种文章、书籍。 5.能用日语较正确地表达自己的思想、感情,能与日本人自由交谈。 三、学时分配 本课程的学时共分配在三个学期完成,即大学3年级上、下两学期,大学4年级上学期。根据不同学年学生的具体日语水平,各学期的具体学时也不同。三年级上学期72学时,三年级下学期54学时,四年级上学期20学时。


大学英语综合教程一 Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ. 1.respectable 2.agony 3.put…down 4.sequence 5.hold back 6.distribute 7.off and on 8.vivid 9.associate 10.finally 11.turn in 12.tackle 2. 1.has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2.was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.

3.a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time. 4.gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5.buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1.reputation, rigid, to inspire 2.and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d217285891.html,pose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d217285891.html,posed 2.severe 3.agony 4.extraordinary 5.recall https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d217285891.html,mand 7.was violating 8.anticipate Ⅲ. 1.at 2.for 3.of 4.with


综合教程4课后答案 Handouts and Key to book4 unit 1-4 Unit 1 Active reading (1) Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofa Background information About the passage: This is an article by an Education Correspondent, Alexandra Blair, published in September 2008 in The Times, a long-established British quality newspaper. In Europe generally, and in Britain in particular, for a number of years there has been a r i s i ng nu mber of stude nts who go to uni vers ity and therefore more new graduates seeking employment. However, for many graduates finding a job became harder in 2008 - 2009 because the economic downturn - then a rcccssion - meant that many employers werereducing their workforce. After their final exams, some students rested in the summer before looking for jobs and then they found that it was difficult to find employment in their field or at the level they wanted. The


最全的全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2答案 课后练习答案 Unit1 Ways of Learning Part II Reading Task Comprehension Content Question Pair Work 1. They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing. 2. Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel. 3. They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly. 4. Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity. 5. Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel. 6. He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively by


全新版大学英语综合教程4【第二版】习题答案 主编:李荫华 上海外语教育出版社 Unit 1 Part II Text A lexf Organization Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas Part One Paras 1-2 Introduction — Both Napoleon's and Hitler's military campaigns failed because of the severity of the Russian winter. Part Two Paras 3-11 Napoleon's military campaign against Russia Part Three Paras 12-20 Hitler's military campaign against the Soviet Union Part Four Para 21 Conclusion—the elements of nature must be rekoned with in any military campaign. 2. Sections Paragraphs Main Ideas Section One Paras 12-13 Hitler's blitzkrieg against Russia and Stalin's scorched earth policy Section Two Paras 14-18 the battles fought at Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad Section Three Paras 19-20 the Russian counter-offensive and the outcome of the war Vocabulary I. 1. 1) alliance 2) at the cost of 3) stroke 4) limp 5) minus 6) regions 7) declarations 8) siege 9) raw 10) bide his time 11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of 2. 1) is faced with 2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on 5) get by 6) dine out 7) have cut back 8) get through 3. 1) The rapid advance in gene therapy may lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future. 2)Production in many factories has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock workers’ strike 3)Sara has made up her mind that her leisure interests will/should never get in the way of her career. 4) Obviously the reporter's question caught the foreign minister off guard. 5)The introduction of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date /obso lete. 4.1) Being faced with an enemy forces much superior to ours, we had to give up the occupation of big cities and retreat to the rural and mountainous regions to build up our bases. 2) Unity is crucial to the efficient operation of an organization. Failure to reckon with this problem will weaken its strength. In many cases,work may be brought to a halt by constant internal struggle in an organization. 3) The Red Army fought a heroic battle at Stalingrad and won the decisive victory against the Germans. In fact, this battle turned the tide in the Second World War. During this famous battle, the Soviet troops withstood the German siege and weakened the German army by launching a series of counterattacks.
