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新东方中级口译基础班笔记Lecture notes5-8

新东方中级口译基础班笔记Lecture notes5-8
新东方中级口译基础班笔记Lecture notes5-8


同级比较:as…as as good as it gets (ASAP, as well as, as far as, as long as , as early as )

Not so…as not as…as 不像。。。一样,与其。。。不如

Just as就像,同样

比较级:1。more than +number=over

More than+sth=not only

2.More +形容词副词比较级+than

Even much little+形容词比较级

3.No more than: only, 没有。。。怎么样,如同。。。一样,跟。。。差不多

No ….more than表达最高级

3.The more …the more

4.More and more

最高级:by far


1.Considering the fo llowing statements, made by the same man eight years apart. “Eventually, being …poor? won?t be as much a matter of living in a poor country as it will be a matter of having poor skills.”


2.He is not so much a historian as a scientist.(与其说他是位历史学家,不如说他是位科学家)

3.His wife may even help him with these things, just as he often helps her with the dishwashing and other household chores. (妻子会帮忙做这些事情,同样他也帮助她洗碗或干其他家务)。

1.Germany is Europe’s ―sick man‖, just as Japan is Asia’s.(03/3)德国是欧洲的病根,就象日本是亚洲的病根一样。

2.If there’s a threat of dangerous deflation – a general fall in price – the causes lie as much in Europe and Japan as in the United States.(03/3)


3.比较级中,有一些谚语值得翻译。There are many times when a third party is

more objective than the party concerned because he is not involved. (许多时候,第三方笔参与者更加客观,因为他们没有参与)


4.The pattern of government planned so long ago for 13 states today meets the needs of 50 states and more than 50 times as many people. (很久以前为当时13个州设计的政府体制,今天仍能满足50个州和超过当时人口50倍的人民的需要)Even more shocking is the fact that the number and rate of imprisonment have more than doubled over the past twenty years, and recidivism------that is the rate for re-arrest------is more than 60 percent.


5.The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.


(the more ….. the more 句型)

6.No social crusade aroused Elizabeth Williams' enthusiasm more than the expansion of educational facilities for immigrants to the United States.

给美国的新移民增加教育设施比任何社会运动都更多的激发了Elizabeth Williams的热情。7.Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the Untied States than did Henry Ford a pioneer in automobile production.

恐怕没有谁对大多数美国人的日常生活影响能超过汽车生产的先驱亨利.福特。8.Television is more than just an electronics; it is a means of expression, as well as a vehicle for communication, and as such becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings.

电视不仅仅是一件电器;它是表达的手段和交流的载体并因此成为联系他人的有力工具。9.After all, the long-term threat of cancer seems far more remote these days than the prospect of explosive incineration. (毕竟,眼下看来,癌症的长远威胁比起在炸弹中葬身火海的可能性,似乎遥远得多)

10.Stress is probably better measured anecdotally than statistically. (人们的紧张程度,故事所反映的可能比数据统计更为准确)

11.Sociologist found that obese students had a worse experience at school than their thinner peers and were less likely to attend college, and that the effects of being overweight hurt girls far more than boys.(社会学家发现肥胖的学生在学校的经历远不如瘦一些的同学,而且上大学的几率很低,超重的影响对女孩子的损害远远超过男孩子)

12.Nothing makes people think more warmly of the USA than a weak dollar.(疲软的美元最能够使人们对美国充满渴情)

13.The thin atmosphere is no more effective against damaging solar radiation than a paper umbrella against hail.(稀薄的大气----抵制危害的太阳辐射VS纸伞——抵御冰雹)

14.For 8years in a row, China has attracted more foreign capital than any other developing countries. (中国在吸收外资方面,连续8年居发展中国家之首)(capital, investment, liability, assets)

15.The president of the United States of America has more power than any other president in the democratic world----except the French President. (美国总统所用有


16.The company, by far the most important, permits the amassing of large sums of money by combinming investment of many people, making possible large-scale enterprises. (这种企业最为重要,因为他可以把许多人的投资筹集到一起形成巨额资金,从而可以办大型企业)

17.By far, the most serious economic problem in Britain is that of inflation, now being accelerated by over heated investment in capital and property and threatened further by a possible wage explosion.(英国目前最严重的经济问题是通货膨胀。资本和资产投资过热已经在推波助澜,而如果工资猛涨,则会令这个问题雪上加霜) 18.The next most difficult type of text is one filled with irony and sarcasm, since in written text the paralinguistic clues to the meaning are usually much more difficult to detect than when someone is speaking. (其次最难翻译的是充斥反语和讽刺的文本,因为在书面文本里,话语的弦外之音通常比演讲人讲话时更难察觉) 19.中国政府将坚定不移的实行对外开放政策,以更加积极推进全方位多层次宽领域的对外开放,在更大的范围和更深的程度上参与国际经济合作和竞争(The Chinese Government will unswervingly implement the opening-up policy and will more vigorously promote all-directional, multi-tiered and wide-ranging opening-up and take part in international economic cooperation and competition at greater width and depth.

20.目前中国是美国的第四大贸易伙伴,美国是中国的低二大贸易伙伴,在投资方面,美国在对华投资者中名列第二。(Currently, China is the fourth largest trade partner of the United states w hich, in turn, is China’s second largest trade partner. In respect of investment, the United States is the second largest investor in China. 21.过去,多于大多数中国人来说,拥有一辆私家车只是一个梦想,因为汽车的价格是普通工薪阶层一年工资的十几倍。(in the past, owning a private car was but

a dream for most Chinese people because the price of a car could be 10 times more

than the annual income of the average wage-earner.)

22.也许是地缘关系,也许是历史渊源的缘故,在世界性―汉语热‖升温中,亚洲的热度最高。(probably due to geographical proximity or historical connections, people in Asia have shown greater enthusiasm in learning Chinese than those in other parts of the world.)

23.汉语是世界上历史最悠久,发展水平最高的语言之一,有文字可考的历史不少于6000年(Chinese is among the world’s most highly developed language with the longest history, a recorded history of at least 6000 years. )

24.今天,人类拥有空前丰富的信息,工具和资源。(Today, mankind possesses rich information, tools and resources as never before)


Never have a heard someone could play better than him .


I always believe that no meeting in China is more efficient than the parents’ meeting held by the

school. (the most efficient meeting in China is parents’ meeting called by the school.)


This year’s output is greater than that of the last year.

This year’s output is greater than the last year’s.


China’s per capita agricultural land is less than that of many other countries in the world.

Collectively, the Asian Countries will have a larger economy than the rest of the world put together. (01/9)


These people, called intellectuals in the sense that they deal with symbols and ideas, have become professionalized in exactly the same sense as the engineer. (03/9)




强调对象不同,句子的主语就会有所区别The killer was arrested by the local police.(越狱)the local police arrested the killer (警察故事)

1.被,由,受,给, 应,于,遭到或者表达被动的动词

2.Black people were first brought to America from Africa as slaves. (黑人当初是被


3.Many colleges and universities are privately supported. (许多学院和大学是由私


4.Heads of federal departments are named by the president, and judges are either

elected directly by the people or are appointed by elected officials. (联邦政府各部部长由总统任命,法官由人民直接选举或者由选举出来的官员任命)

5.Actually, a great deal of the president’s power is controlled by the congress. (实际


6.One is invited to dinner at the home of a middle-aged couple. (有人应邀到一对


7.Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes. They are made

from a variety of materials, such as way and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers.



8.The office of Mr. Arthur Tiger, the prominent industrialist, was broken into during

the weekend. A small amount of cash was taken and the office itself was left in a terrible mess.著名实业家XX的办公室周末遭劫,少量现金失窃,办公室内一片狼藉。



10.mannual labor was highly valued. (人们对体力劳动非常看重)

11.attracted by reports of great economic opportunities and religious and political

freedom, immigrants from many other countries flocked to the United States in

increasing numbers. (许多其他国家的人听说在美国经济上有很大的发展,还有宗教自由和政治自由,于是纷纷涌入美国,移民数量逐渐增多)

12.it was the man who worked with his head to achieve success in business and

industry who was looked up to. (靠脑力劳动在工商业界获得成功的人士才成为人们仰慕的对象)

13.The brokers are paid commissions by the buyers and the sellers for executing the

orders. (这些经纪行按买家和卖家的吩咐进行交易,从中收取佣金。

14.The Master of Arts degree occasionally may be obtained after one year of

additional specialized study. (偶尔,本科毕业后再学一年专业课程就可以获得文科硕士学位)

15.Over the years 26 amendments have been added, but the basic document has not

been changed. (自从那以后共增加26项修正案,但是宪法的基本文件始终未变)16.But the forune of the Ford family was already made. (但是,福特家族早已发了


https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d711390792.html,nd had to be cleared of trees in order to make farms; mines had to be developed;

houses, shops, and public buildings had to be build. (他们必须清除树木,垦荒造田,开矿,建造房屋,商店和公共建筑)

18.It has been found that certain bats emit squeaks and by receiving the echoes, they can locate

and steer clear of obstacles------or locate flying insects on which they feed. This echo-location in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar.



19.it is estimated, (奥运会给北京带来的间接收入估计达到54亿元,而带给北京

和全国的派生收入则是无法准确计算的:it is estimated that the indirect income to be gained by Beijing will reach USD 5.4 billion, and it is impossible to work out correct figure of the derivated income to be brought to Beijing and the whole country), it is predicted, (2001年将成为中国私人汽车消费时代的开始。It is predicted that the year of 2001 will mark the starting point of the era of private car consumption in China), it is reported (据报道,目前国外有2500万人在学习汉语和中国文化,有85个国家2100所大学开设汉语课程:it is reported that currently 25milion people in countries other than China are learning Chinese language and culture and that 2,100 universities in 85 countries offer Chnese courses.); it may be said that (可以说亚太经济合作组织为中国加入世界贸易组织提供了各种铺垫性的机会:it may be said that APEC provided variou opportunites to pave the way for China to join the WTO);

be expected to (国家统计局新闻发言人说,从2001年至2008年的7年间,由于奥运经济的拉动,国内生产总值平均每年能增加0.3 至0.4个百分点:According to the spokeman of the national Bureau of Statistics, during the 7years from 2001 to 2008, the average annua l GDP growth, driven by ―Olympic Economy‖, is expected to increase by 0.3 to 0.4 percentage point.)

20.同时也必须看到,经济全球化是一把双刃剑(at the same time, it must be noted

that economic globalization is a double-edged sword. )

21.必须指出,玩忽职守也是犯罪。(it must be noted that neglect of duty also

constitutes a crime.)


市。(By the mid-21st century, Beijing will have been completely modernized and become a first-class modern international metropolis in the world.)




Fortunately we arrived home before it rained

Lucky us, we just beat the rain.


I am gonna start the job from the bottom

I am gonna get in on the ground floor.


Shall we dance

How about cutting the rug a bit?


Do not be a coward and let me down

Do not go chicken on me


Pudong has witnessed great changed during the last 2 decades.


The rapid development in the past 20-plus years witnesses a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology in the western region of China.

她一生遭受了许多的不幸(She has experienced so many misfortunes in her life; She has seen much unhappiness in her life)

1. 人山人海:在诗词用语(poetic expression)里,英美人也有使用:“a (the)

sea of faces”,颇有咱的“人山人海”的味道。例如:Looking out upon the sea of faces, Mr. A delivered a touching speech.(望着一片人山人海的听众,A先生发表一篇动人的演说。)Standing at his podium, President Clinton saw a sea of faces waving at him.(克林顿总统站在讲台上看到人山人海的人群挥手向他致意。)。可见,说话者通常要在台上或高处,才有“人海”的感觉。因此,可以说:“I saw a sea of faces from the top of the building. ”

但在平地的人群中,就不说:“I saw the sea of faces.” 也不说:“There is

a sea of faces.”只说:“I saw a large crowd of people.”

2、家家有本难念的经:有人译成:“Every family cooking-pot has a

black spot.”(意思是:每个家庭的锅子都有黑色的污点。)这样说法,英美人恐怕不能充分了解。不过英美人最常见的说法是:“Many families have

skeletons in the closet.(许多家庭的衣柜里都有骨骸,骨骸就是指家丑。)”;

或者说:“Every family has its own source of shame.(每个家庭都有自己的丑事)”;说白些,就是:“Every family has its own problem.”

3、天下无不散的宴席:有人直译为:“There are no feasts in the wo rld

which do not break up at last.” 英美人听后,也许很难体会其中意义。如果

按照美语说法,也许更易理解:“All good things come to an end.(意思是:所有好的事情,总有结束的一天。)”;假如是指好友最后也有分别的一天,那么可以说:“Eventually, all bosom friends will drift apart.(bosom friend 是指知心的好友)”

4、平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚:有人照字面意思直译为:“When times are

easy, we do not burn the incense, but when the trouble comes, we embrace the feet of the Buddha.”这种说法,英美人也会一知半解。美语里一般说法是:“Worship God every day; not just in times of adversity.

(要每天敬拜神,不是只在困难时。)”;对学生也可以说:“If you study hard every day, exams will not seem overwhelming.(如果你每天用功,考试就不会形成压力。)”

5、挂羊头,卖狗肉:有人照字直译为:“He advertises mutton, but sells

dog’s flesh.”或“He hangs up a sheep’s head at the shop front and sells dog meat.”这两种译法,恐怕英美人都难理解,尤其谈到“狗肉”,他们更会反感,因为狗是他们最爱的宠物,不过英美人倒有相近的说法:“He applied

bait-and-switch tactics in business.(他经商的策略是先引诱顾客来,再改变货物的品质。)”,“Bait-and-switch”当名词用,也可不用连字号“This store uses bait and switch policy.” 或者简单的说:“Let the buyer be aware!

(让消费者提高警觉)”或“Say one thing and do another.”

6、一言既出,驷马难追:有人译成:“One word lets slip and four horses

will fail to catch it. 或A statement that once let loose cannot be

caught by four galloping horses.”这两种说法,中文味道嫌重,英美人未必理解。不过他们倒有类似的说法:“A word once let go cannot be recalled.”

或者说:“You cannot take back what you have said.(你说出的话,就不能再收回来。)”

7、祸从口出,言多必失:有人译为:“The mou th is the gate of

misfortune and evil.”英美人听了,恐怕不能完全理解。最好说成:“Careless talk leads to trouble.(不小心说话,会带来麻烦)或“The less said the better.

(说的愈少愈好)”甚至也可以说:“Shut the mouth and open the eyes.



2.It is not strange to see, it is natural…….(因为德国的管理举世闻名,上海与德国大众的合作也非常良好,所以带有德国风情的上海国际汽车城的出现并不奇怪:Due to the world-renowned management expertise of German corperations and the good relations of cooperartion between Shanghai and V olkswagon, it is quite natural for Shanghai to build the auto base featuring the distinctive German style.)

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation.87年

She will be back in the last ten days of June.六月下旬

During the first part of his life, Watt studied weather and storm.年轻时

His father is in his sixties.年逾花甲

You are quite a stranger here.这里的人不认识你


The American airline industry has enjoyed significant expansion in the last twenty years.

在过去的20 年当中,美国航空业迅猛发展。

(Extension, concentration, dilution, growth, boom, prosperity, increase, decrease, stabilization, fluctuation)


The Chinese government is under no obligation to commit ourselves to rule out the use of force.

Her presence of mind had not completely deserted her; but she could not have trusted herself to speak.


4.名词-动词In negotiations and other relationships, Americans and Chinese both ususally lack sufficient information and cutural background to emphasize (communicate)well with each other. (加动词:在进行谈判和处理其他关系时,美国人和中国人通常都不大了解对方及其文化背景,因而不能很好的相互沟通) 5.名词-动词:上海国际汽车城的总体定位是成为亚洲最大的汽车贸易中心,博览中心,物流中心,研发中心,信息中心和服务中心。(The international auto city in Shanghai is planned to emerge as the largest center for auto trade, fair, logistics, research and development, information and service in Asia.)

6.动词-名词:人类已经跨入了新世纪,世界城市化的进程将进一步加快(With the advent of the new century, urbanization will be further accelerated worldwide.)

7.动词-名词:参与亚太经合组织对中国的影响是多方面的(The APEC membership has influenced China in many respects)

8.动词-介词:借助亚太经合组织,中国可以与其他成员共同致力于亚太地区的共同发展(Throgh APEC, China is able to join hands with its fellow members in achieving common development of this region.)thanks to, with the help with, By attending…..

9.False Friends 不忠实的朋友(不是"假朋友")

10.busboy 餐馆勤杂工(不是"公汽售票员")

11.busybody 爱管闲事的人(不是"大忙人")

12.dry goods (美)纺织品;(英)谷物(不是"干货")heartman 换心人([俚]男性接受心脏移植者)(不是"有心人")

13.mad doctor 精神病科医生(不是"发疯的医生")

14.eleventh hour 最后时刻(不是"十一点")

15.dead president 美钞(上印有总统头像)(并非"死了的总统")16.personal remark 人身攻击(不是"个人评论")

17.sweet water 淡水(不是"糖水"或"甜水")

18.confidence man 骗子(不是"信得过的人")

19.service station 加油站(不是"服务站")

20.rest room 厕所(不是"休息室")

21.dressing room 化妆室(不是"试衣室"或"更衣室")

22.sporting house 妓院(不是"体育室")

23.horse sense 常识(不是"马的感觉")

24.capital idea 好主意(不是"资本主义思想")

25.familiar talk 庸俗的交谈(不是"熟悉的谈话")black art 妖术(不是"黑色艺术")

26.black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是"陌生的黑人")white coal (作动力来源用的)水(不是"白煤")

27.white man 忠实可靠的人(不是"皮肤白的人")

28.yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以黄纸为封)(不是"黄色书籍")29.red tape 官僚习气(不是"红色带子")

30.blue stocking 女学者、女才子(不是"蓝色长统袜")China policy 对华政策(不是"中国政策")

31.Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是"中国龙")

32.American beauty 红蔷薇(不是"美国美女")

33.English disease 软骨病(不是"英国病")

34.Indian summer 愉快宁静的晚年(不是"印度的夏日")Greek gift 害人的礼品(不是"希腊礼物")

35.Spanish athlete 吹牛的人(不是"西班牙运动员")

36.French chalk 滑石粉(不是"法国粉笔")

37.pull one's leg 开玩笑(不是"拉后腿")

38.Break a leg 是指祝演讲者赢得满堂彩(不是打断…的腿)

39.in one's birthday suit 赤身裸体(不是"穿着生日礼服")

40.eat one's words 收回前言(不是"食言")

41.an apple of love 西红柿(不是"爱情之果")

42.handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆(不是"大字报")

43.bring down the house 博得全场喝彩(不是"推倒房子")

44.have a fit 勃然大怒(不是"试穿")

45.make one's hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然-恐惧(不是"令人发指--气愤")46.be taken in 受骗,上当(不是"被接纳")

47.think a great deal of oneself 高看或看重自己(不是"为自己想得很多")48.pull up one's socks 鼓起勇气(不是"提上袜子")

49.have the heart to do (用于否定句)忍心做……不是"有心做"或"有意做")50.What a shame! 多可惜!真遗憾!(不是"多可耻")

51.You don't say! 是吗!(不是"你别说")

52.You can say that again! 说得好!(不是"你可以再说一遍")

53.It has been 4 years since I smoked. 我戒烟4年了。(不是"我抽烟4年了")54.All his friends did not turn up. 他的朋友没全到。(不是"他的朋友全没到")55.People will be long forgetting her. 人们在很长时间内会记住她的。(不是"人们会永远忘记她")

56.He was only too pleased to let them go. 他很乐意让他们走。(不是"他太高兴了,不愿让他们走")

a fast runner跑得很快,

a smart learner学得很快

a good liar你真会说谎

a bad kisser你吻技真差

You are such a loser! 你真逊!

She has been a widow only for six months.他丈夫死了不到半年。

Our men’s wear is entitled to have 25% discount.七五折

During the 10th anniversary of our corporation’s founding, I’d like to have 35% off the original price.


英语句子中,由于语法上需要的并列结构,后置定语从句,现在分词过去分词等句子成分的出现,使得很多动词,宾语,或补足语被省略,那么在翻译成中文句子的过程中为了使表达更加明确需要词汇的增加。或者在句子翻译过程中,句子的逻辑关系要用一些中文的联结词来连接以便达到更好的意思表达效果。1.Detroit has some of the most beautiful residential neighborhoods in the USA and at the same time some of the most shocking slums. (底特律有一些美国最漂亮的住宅区,而同时也有一些最令人震惊的贫民窟) The fact that Romans also baked their food is evident from the ovens found in the ruins of Pompeii. (断壁残垣)。911 debris, relics 遗风遗俗

2.Brussels fell to him on September 3 and Antwerp the next day.

他于9 月 3 日攻克了布鲁塞尔,次日又拿下了安特卫普。

3.Detroit owes its rapid growth and one-time prosperity to the automobile, and above all to Henry Ford. (底特律的迅速发展及其一度繁荣归功于汽车业,尤其归功于亨利福特。

4.In 1903, Henry Ford’s first mass-produced Model T cars cost $850. (1903年,亨利福特的第一批大量生产的T型汽车每辆售价为850美金)

5.Now many plants have been dispersed to other parts of the states, and the unemployment, particularly among blacks, has become a serious problem. (现在许多工厂已经分散到美国其它地方,在底特律,失业,尤其是黑人失业,已经成为一个严重的问题)

6.有时在被动语态中也要考虑增加词汇,Many small and medium-sized cars are still being imported, especially from Germany and Japan. (美国仍在进口一些中小型汽车,特别是从德国和日本进口)。

7.Many articles in popular magazines are devoted to instruction in gardening, carpentry, upholstering, and interior decorating. (通俗杂志上有很多文章传授园艺,木工,布艺装潢和室内装潢的技术)

8.As it is noted above, the reconstructuring of the financial system will increase pressure for trade protection for Chinese firms. (正如上面提到的,金融制度重组将增加对中国公司进行贸易保护的压力)保护动作发出者指代不清楚9.Another says he has moved a heavy object into his office so that he can smash the window if a firebomb makes the elevator or the staircase impassable. (另一个人说他把一个很大的东西搬到办公室,如果遭到火焰炸弹袭击,不能从电梯或楼梯逃生,他就可以用这个东西将玻璃砸碎。)




在前面的翻译中,我们翻译过这样的中文词组―紧张态势―,―封闭的状态―,翻译成英语就是tension, and isolation在译成英语的时候态势和状态都成了抽象名词,失去了实意。与英语中的抽象名词不同,抽象名词在汉语中基本上不单独出现,一般是要有习惯搭配,组成以实带虚的词组,比如―衣食住行问题――听天由命的心态――贫穷落后的状况―等。所以在翻译中我们要先通过上下文先确定词汇在句子中是否具有实在的意义,如果有就按照实词翻译,否则就不翻译出来。简而言之,如果词汇在句子中充当主要的独立句子成分,按实词翻译,如果是辅助其他词汇构成新的词组,那么应当按虚词来翻译。


1.我们必须培养分析问题解决问题的能力(we must cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems)

2.失业是城市的常见现象(Unemployment tends to be a city phenomenon. )

3.对他来说,工作是重要的事情(To him, work is the most important thing)


1.你应该对退休问题抱有积极的态度(you should have a positive attitude towards retirement)

2.多年来该国一直存在严重的空气污染现象。(for many years, there has been serious air-pollution in that country)

3.大会的准备工作在继续进行(Preparations for the conference continued)4.他把自己的一生献给了儿童福利事业。(She devoted her whole life to the welfare of children.)

5.请及时向管理部门汇报工作情况。(please report your work to the management in a timely manner)

6.他在我不允许的情况下私自拿走的(he took it away without my permission)7.关于利润分配问题,我就说这些。(That’s all I’ve got to say about profit distribution)

8.政府结束了那个时期社会动荡不安的局面(The governemnt put an end to the social unrest and chaos of that time.)



由于英语是主语显著语(subject-prominent language),构建在主谓轴(subject-predicate pivot)上,主语决定了句法结构;汉语为语义性语言,其中主语的重要性相对较低,无主语的现象比比皆是。因此在汉英转化中最重要的就是确定主语,主语选择成功了,句子越翻越顺;选择失败,越翻越累。主语的确定归根结底有三种方法:使用原主语;重新确定主语;增补主语。


To be frank, if we leave aside mathematics and bypass the abundant formulas, the basic principles of the discipline (of science) are understandable and appreciable.

2.不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵。Those who don’t want to be the general are not good soldiers.

3.就只剩28美元了。There remained just 28 dollars.


1.表示时间天气等自然现象的无主句,借用英语习惯使用的it来翻译:1)都九点钟了,他还没有来。It’s already 9o’clock, and he hasn’t shown up.

2)下雨了,咱们快走吧it is raining now, let’s get going.

2. 用泛指的人称代词。We, you , one

1) 不到长城非好汉One who hasn’t been to the great wall is not a true man.

2) 进行社会主义现代化建设,必须尊重知识,尊重人才。In our drive for socialist modernization, we must respect knowledge and and talented people.

3) 再不快走就赶不上火车拉。(you will miss the train if you don’t hurry up )3. 采用there be 或it be …..to….句型

1)除了枪声,在没有其他的声音(There was no sound but that of the gunfire)

2)现在很难说谁对谁错(it is very difficult to tell who is right and who is wrong)4. 采用倒装语序

1)房间角落里站着一个中年男子(at the corner of the room stood a middle-aged man)

2)桌子上放着一束鲜花和一盒巧克力(on the table are a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolate.)

5. 使用被动语态,把汉语句子中的宾语变成被动句的主语

1)必须保证产品质量the quality of the products must be guaranteed.

2) 这里将建造一个新的博物馆。A new museum will be built here.

3) 本大楼禁止吸烟。Smoking is prohibited in this building.



Customers from various countries and regions are warmly welcome to establish and develop business relations.


It is anticipated that Hangzhou will establish friendly relations with more foreign countries.


I know it is difficult for you to persuade him out of the plan

I know for you to persuade him out of the plan is difficult. (符合语法,词法,不符合语言习惯)


The constant changes of the course of the Yangtze River in history, helped form a great many lakes in the area around Wuhan.


As is known to all, 1980 saw the succ essful launching of China’s first intercontinental missile.

See, witness, find

这个运动首先在北京兴起。Beijing first saw the rise of the movement.

南京发生过许多重大的历史事件。Nanjing witnessed many great historic events.

4月1日会议召开了。April 1 saw the opening of the meeting.


By the end of the last year, contracts and agreements were signed with some provinces and cities.


An international call to you is as easy as a call to Fenglao in the office.


We have won one victory after another for our cause.


1.真是太荒唐了。It’s absurd.

2.热得我满头大汗。I’m all in sweat with the heat.

3.你竟然喜欢他,真是有趣。It’s interesting that you like him.

6.我一见到那个孤儿,总会想起他的父母the sight of the orphan always reminds me of his parents.

汉语复句:句内关系比较复杂1从句在主句前,2从句连词不多,分句之间的关系常处于隐含状态,很难判断句子之间的逻辑关系, 而英语复句:1.从句位置灵活2.必须用连词。

汉语复句翻译时 1.简单句用非谓语动词,介词短语表示从属关系 2.复句,用从属连词或从句的形式处理。















通常会用and连接,否定用neither…nor… either…or…

早期的电影是无声的,你既听不到演员的对话,也听不到动作发出的响声。The early films were silent. You could neither hear the dialogue between the actors nor the sounds made by actions.

这一营销策略非常成功, 也就是说他们会赚一大笔钱. This is a very successful marketing strategy, which means they are going to make a big fortune by implementation. (解说句一般以定语从句方式翻译,不用关联词)

A job interview works both ways. On the one hand, employers measure shortlisted candidates during the conversation. On the other hand, prospective employees can decide whether the job in question is right for them. (工作面试是个双向选择的过程。一方面雇主会在交谈中衡量入围名单中的候选人,另一方面,准雇员也在考虑眼前的这份工作是否适合他。)



and… and then as soon as/ hardly … when /no sooner …than


Hardly had the computer started working, when viruses were found.


"The more she read, the more she liked it ,and before very long she had

read several acts, She felt the power of the words and their lingering

fragrance. Long after she had finished reading. when she had laid down

the book and was sitting there rapt and silent ,the lines continued to

ring on in her head."



Not only … but (also) as well


In the polar system, the planets as well as the sun itself are in constant motion.

美国内战前, 黑人不仅是劳动力, 还是资本家和农场主交易的物品.


或者… 是…还是不是…就是要么…要么宁可…也不

Either… or /would rather…than/ rather… than(动词不定式), prefer…to…(名词)


It’s hard, but I would rather go on with it than give it up.

宁死不屈would rather die than give up.



But though although even if as


Strong as he is, he will catch cold.

6.假设关系顺承:如果,要是,倘若if 逆接:即使,哪怕,就算even if,given, had 如果没有宇宙飞船,人类就不可能飞向太空。

If there had been no space ship, it would have been impossible for human beings go to space.


Even if Columbus has not discovered the continent of America, somebody else might have discovered it.



且欣赏英国名教授David Hawkes (霍克思)怎样运用灵心妙手,妥贴译成合乎惯用法的地道英文:

"Xi feng's eyes became moist and for a moment she was too overcome to speak.

' I know "the weather and human life are both unpredictable,"' she said

at last ,'but she's only a child still. If anything should happen to her

as a result of this illness ,I think all the fun would go out of life!'"

7.条件关系特定条件:只有…才,只要…就only … if as long as, if only

无条件:无论…都不管任凭no matter…..

只要英国政府同意不再干涉伊朗诸如核武器试验方面的问题, 伊朗政府就同意释放人质.

The Iran government agreed to release the 15 hostages only if the British government promised not to intrude their domestic issues like nuclear weapon tests any more.

不管联合国宪章有多权威, 美国政府仍干涉他国内政. No matter how authoritative the UN Chater is, the US government still intrudes on other countries sovereigncy as 8.因果关系(so..that.., result in, lead to, because, thus , hence, consequently)

这件衬衫的价格很离谱, 以至于很多人都支付不起.

The price of this shirt is so exorbitant that quite a lot of people can’t afford it.


China, which abounds in material and spiritual resources, is bound to play a decisive role in international affairs.


中级口译练习题 SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST (1) (30 minutes) Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. A majority of the world’s climate scientists have convinced themselves, and also a lot of laymen, some of whom have political power, that the Earth’s climate is changing; that the change, from humanity’s point of view, is for the worse; and that the cause is human activity, in the form of excessive emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. 世界上大多数气候科学家不但自己确信,也说服了很多外行人士(其中包括一些政界人士)-- 地球的气候正在改变;这种改变,从人类角度来看,是消极的;这种改变的始作俑者是人类,是由于排放超量的诸如二氧化碳等温室气体而造成的。 A minority, though, are sceptical. Some think that recent data suggesting the Earth’s average temperature is rising are explained by natural variations in solar radiation, and that this trend may be coming to an end. Others argue that there is no conclusive evidence that modern temperatures are higher than they used to be. 少数人对此表示怀疑。一些人认为,最近有充分的数据表明地球平均气温上升是由于太阳辐射的自然波动,而且这种变化已接近尾声。另一些人认为并没有决定性证据表明近现代的地球温度高于古代。 We believe that global warming is a serious threat, and that the world needs to take steps to try to avert it. That is the job of the politicians. But we do not believe that climate change is a certainty. There are no certainties in science. Prevailing theories must be constantly tested against evidence, and more evidence collected, and the theories tested again. That is the job of the scientists. 我们深信,全球气候变暖是一个严峻的威胁,全人类都需要采取行动改变这种状况--这是政治家的职责。但是我们并不认为气候变化已成定局。科学无绝对。流行的理论必须反复经过验证,才能下定论—这是科学家的工作。 【解析】 本次中口英译汉的文章节选自《经济学人》(The Economist)网站2009年11月26日的文章 A heated debate,配合当时的哥本哈根气候大会,属于事实热点,文字难度偏低。 第一段里的laymen是一个难点,这里的laymen是指不具有专业科学知识的外行,其中还包括政治家。另外,后文的“for the worse”表示“事情在向坏的方面发展”。 第二段,有第一句统摄,后面分述两种情况,并列关系需要发出来,没有太多难点。 第三段给出了报刊自己的观点,分别对政治家和科学家提出了期望。倒数第二段翻译被动语态时,需要注意,表达时要符合汉语习惯。 SECTION 4: TRANSLATION TEST (2) (30 minutes) Directions: Translate the following passage into English and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.


09.02.01 翻译 专八真题+散文佳作108篇 听力特快 普特听力网 互相英语 特点: 1.较正式的文体 2.只翻译划线部分(汉译英不用看,英译汉最好看完整) 3.人生哲理,道德教育 注意: 1.时间分配 2.书写工整 3.难点应对相对难点绝对难点 英语与汉语对比: 1.英语重结果, 汉译英要还原逻辑关系,还原结构 2.英语重直线,汉语重螺旋 English meat with Chinese bones. 3.语重分析,汉语重综合 还原逻辑词(重点) 4.英语多长句,汉语多短句 5.英语多被动,汉语多主动 6.英语多省略,汉语多补充 E.g. Ambition is the mother of destruction as well as of evil. 野心不仅是罪恶的根源,同时也是毁灭的根源。

7.英语多前重心,汉语多后重心重心前置 8.英语多写实,汉语多联想 9.英语多引申,汉语多推理 “但是”的区别意义: 让步:对推论的否定 转折:直接否定 虚度年华:spend life in vain 翻译时,加插入语处理是一个很好用的方法。实践注意点: 1.理解清晰 字面→实质 例如:冷若冰霜→icy manners to their fans 词语的逻辑关系: 1)偏正 2)动宾 3)并列 2.表达困难 1)拼写 2)时态 3)虚拟域去 4)表达突破 例如:若有所失→a vague sense of loss

如果考试中遇到难点,要灵活处理 上下义改写+同义词替换 2009.02.02写作 教育的目的: Adequate expertise fd Professional commitment Upright conduct Competent mental condition 经典写作模式 Agree or disagree? Introductory paragraph(不写题目) 1. general statement →背景交代 开头先写一个与主题思想相反的观点(以第三人称的方式) ◆多用大词(3个或3个音节以上) 大词含量10%*400=40 Some /many /a number of people who think this view that……claim that…… Large /great /huge /certain/ considerable /infinite/tremendous /enormous /astronomical Hold /believe / insist / propose / assert/ maintain Idea /standpoint ◆实词要多样化variety


一.雅思大作文的15大考察内容 考察频率最高专题: ? 1. 教育:儿童,中学,大学教育体制和方法 ? 2. 科技发展对生活的影响 ? 3.文化的组成因素和保护 ? 4.生活方式的转变和社会观念 ? 5. 全球化及其影响 ? 6. 环境问题和环境保护 ?7. 政府投资 考察次重点专题: ? 1. 艺术的价值 ? 2.媒体的作用 ? 3.广告的影响 ? 4.动物的保护和动物实验 ? 5.城乡差距和城市化 ? 6.犯罪 ?7.弱势群体:妇女的权利,妇女参军 ?8.体育 雅思写作错误检查表(10条) 1.使用了正确的语法结构:时态语态,主谓一致,从句,用词准确(名词,动词,形容 词的形式),介词,冠词 2.句式有变化 3.使用了一定量的词汇 4. 拼写没有错误 5. 观点明确,语意精准不模糊 6. 每段主题句都表明了该段中心思想,所有拓展句支持句都紧扣主题 7. 大量的过渡性词语(逻辑连接词),使句子间和段落间都具有逻辑性和条理性 8. 提供了足够的细节,例子或论据 9. 每一段话都得到充分展开 10. 每一段话都紧扣文章主题 如何应用: a.1347当做检查项目,其他当做考前提醒 b.时间紧,就改第一段和每段的前两句话 三.大作文首段基本写作策略---三步走 1.转述背景,扩展题目(setting/ background information ):把题目所提供的背景再用自 己的话拓展转述同义替换一下 题目:It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sports or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to be a good sports person or musician. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 考官写的开头段: The relative importance of natural talent and training is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to explain different levels of ability in, for example, sports, art or music. 2. 说明意图(statement of purposes):



整体思路 一句话概括口译听力训练“听得懂、记得住、写得快” 听得懂 复习思路:听力有效词汇量,熟悉背景知识及常考套路,适应各类发音现象 练习内容:VOA,BBC标准语速及类似难度的听抄与跟读练习,昂立教师博客听抄练习,高级口译笔试听力Q6-10新闻题听抄练习 记得住 复习思路:个人笔记习惯训练,属于自己的笔记符号,以复述强化短期记忆 练习内容: *0709-030910套真题中的SpotDictation+Sentence/PassageTranslation(中级包括statements,高级包括Note-TakingandGap-Filling) *听力教程(Statements+非对话类的篇章+Sentence/PassageTranslation)(中级包括statements) *昂立版预测试卷(8套) 写得快 复习思路:强化“在规定时间内写下想表达的大意”,熟练,果断 专项练习 SpotDictation 复习思路:记录单词快速、准确、精炼,熟悉自己的书写习惯,快速誊写

练习内容:真题(10),昂立版预测试卷(8),听力教程(12/16) 评分标准:20题,每题分,共计30分。只对名、动、形、副词直接扣分,其余错误作标记,统一酌情扣1-3分 17%oftheemployees分) 请对以下答案模拟打分: 卷面回答一:70%oftheemployees 卷面回答二:17%ofemployee 卷面回答三:17%oftheemployers 保底分数:70%,21分 潜力指数:★★★★ 重要性指数:★★★★ 对三类单词的不同处理 本身难度较大的词 syntheticfertilizers,lucrative,discernable,obsolete,dismantling不妨放弃 发音带来难度的词processedfood,frostresistant,safeforhumanconsumption 通读补全 常考的核心词 communication,unconsciously,cooperation,satisfaction,relationship熟练书写 对考试难度的正确理解:以0703中级真题的部分答案为例 atfault coverup


——参考范本—— 【资格考试】2019最新整理-中级口译听力试题分析 ______年______月______日 ____________________部门

纵观本次3.19中级口译考试听力部分,难度基本与05年9月持平,低于最难的05年3月试题。文章体裁虽呈多元化趋势,但即使略 有难度的金融类(如ATM取款机)、商务类(如工作午餐)、教育类(如继续教育)却都与生活息息相关,广大考生也可得心应手。 Spot-dictation几乎没有超出六级范围的词汇,因此对大多数考 生来说生词不是难点,相反一些其它的因素制约了我们得到满分的几率。比如由于在考场的紧张情绪而没有能够按照预定的计划在听写之 前进行抢读,导致不能进行有效预测,部分空格多填或少填单词而造 成失分。 针对Statement部分,相对以往,原句长度略微有所增加,但并 没有如托福考试那样出现中国考生不熟悉的本土化词组搭配;同时转 折题型多次出现,对于这样的考点,我们在培训过程中已有应对准备,考生通过反复操练已经形成了对“but”的条件反射;另外,因果题、 观点题也有明显引导词,只要听时注意句子的重心所在,题目也就能 迎刃而解。此外,本次考试第三题后半句“There goes my social life”也是此次听力照搬《中级听力教程(第二版)》(P.404,sample test 5, statement第二句)原文的情况了,如此一来,原先,面对与教材多处雷同的听力考试,很多同学会走只不听听力、只看 tape script的捷径,现今,这样的窍门已经不再适用,当下中级口译听力明显关注实际听力能力的考察,因此通过课堂上的大量练习、提 高实力还是重中之重。 对于Talks & Conversations的解题,并不存在有意设置的难点。细节题相当平实,有些与托福相似,可以利用特定场景的特定思路来


新东方高中3500 核心词汇速记班笔记整理 字母: A牛,尖锐 B孕妇,房子 C拿,喊叫,运输 D门,向外引导,挖 E向外,由内而外发散的,窗,眼睛 F标记(大部分表示的是不好的标记),飞 G搬运,土地 H梯子,高,篱笆,手,拥抱 I自己(eg:im-否定) J跳跃(这个字母出现在莎士比亚后期) K嘴,口 L长度,拉伸,手臂,腿 M山,水 N标准,门 O嘴,圆形的东西 P手掌 Q女性(女性的背面),敏捷、迅速(猴子) R芽,草,直立,旋转,路 S曲线,牙齿,切分 T连接,舌头,标记(正向的标记) U(由V 演变而来) V水,胜利,路,看 W水,女性(两个V 连起来是W) X未知,愈 Z曲线 字母互变规律: 1.元音字母互变规律eg: do-de ad-ac 2.辅音字母互变规律eg: f-v b-p r-l-n(南方人老奶奶热牛奶—lao lai lai le liu lai) 3.字母同化规律eg: a+相同的两个字母,则a+第一个字母=ad 4.字母省略规律eg: already的al 实际上是all,“全部”的意思 5.字母错位规律 词根: acu:尖端acute 尖锐的 ag:做,行动agency代理处;agenda 议程 agri:田地,农业agriculture 农业 ann: 年annual 每年的 astro,aster :(star) 星星,天体disaster灾难;astronomy 天文学 audi, audit 听:audible 可听见的;audience 观众,听众 bi,bio:生命:biology 生物学biography 传记 brillil :发光:brilliant 闪耀的


常用万能句型: 1、Nothing has received more praise and abuse than something 译文:没有什么能像…这样毁誉参半。 2、There is no doubt that 译文:毫无疑问 3、The reason why + 句子~~~ is that + 句子 译文:之所以…主要在于 4 、So + 形容词+ be + 主词+ that + 句子(如此…以至于…) 译文:如此…因此 5、It is conceivable that + 句子 译文:可想而知 6 、Leave much to be desired 译文:…远不能令人满意 7、The most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that 译文:造成该现象的最主要原因在于 8 、A is to B what C is to D 译文:A 对于B 就恰如C对于D 9 、There are probably many reasons contributing to this phenomenon 译文:造成该现象的原因有许多。 10、When it comes to ……, 译文:一谈到… 11、No one can deny the fact that…

译文:没有人能否认 12、To be sure, the topic concerning ……can always attract our eyes 译文:无疑,有关…话题总是能够引起人们的关注 13、Never has …failed to fascinate us in modern society 译文:在当代社会…总是能够引起人们的关注 14、Simply put,… 译文:简而言之, 15、It is no overstatement to say that 译文:可以毫不夸张地说 16、…is a good case in point 译文:…就是一个绝佳的例子 17、People assume different attitudes towards this issue 译文:人们对该问题的观点不一而同。 18、As is widely-accepted,… 译文:众所周知, 19、To conclude,… 译文:总之, 20、Nothing is further from the truth than this opinion 译文:没有任罕菊净种说法比这种观点更加荒唐了。 21、There is an element of truth in both opinions 译文:这两种观点都有其可取之处。 22、Another consideration in this case is that…


1)香港是在国家走向盛世的背景下回归到祖国的怀抱的 HK returned to its motherland at the time of her rise to power 6,中国是世界上经济增长最快的国家之一 1)众所周知,亚洲是全球经济发展最为迅速的地区,中国是亚洲经济增长最快的国家,上海市中国经济发展最引人注目的城市之一。(Asia has the fastest growing economy in the world while china’s economic development /takes the lead /leads/tops in Asia. And shanghai is among the cities )7,出现这样的投资热有许多缘由1)投资热there are many reasons/ factors for this investment fever/rush (contribute to, attribute to) 2)the phenomenal success has led to a worldwide fever to proliferate https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d711390792.html, companies, both as a prestigious symbol and a quicker way to wealth.硅谷巨大的成功在全世界范围内掀起了一股兴办网络公司的热潮,因为网络公司既是身份的象征优势快速致富的途径 3)TV violence has swollen the torrent of real-life crime.电视暴力镜头对生活中的犯罪现象起到了推波助澜的作用 4)文化是指一个民族的整体生活方式culture means/is/ refers to the total way of life of a nation. 5)经济学的研究对象是在变化着的市场上人们的购买行为economics studies/examines the changing purchase behavior of consumers. 6)心理学主要研究的是人psychology treats /studies people. 7)当代市场营销学认为从经济的角度上消费决定生产。Modern marketing subscribes to the notion that production is justified by 8,很重视对外开放attach great important to/ put much emphasis on opening to the outside world.


PART 1 Core problems: 1.Study 1)Do you work or are you a student? 2)What subject are you studying? 3)Why did you choose to study that subject? The first reason I think is that this subject is my motivation and I enjoy studying it very much. What’s more, although this subject is very demanding, it practices my hands-on ability and makes me a qualified candidate for a promising job. 4)Would you say your university is a good one? Yes, I love my university. XXX University is a dynamic, innovative and forward-looking institution which provides us with convenience facilities and considerate services. Apart from this, the campus view is really attractive. All professors here are learned and warm-hearted and they help me a lot with my courses. Not only do I get my degree here, but also I acquire my living skills, which I think will benefit me for the rest of my life. 5)Why are you taking the IELTS test? This IELTS test is a necessary for me to get an offer from my ideal university. Actually, I’m planning to further my study abroad to broaden my horizon. I really want to experience a new education system to train my creative thinking and get to know a different culture. 2.Hometown 1)Where do you come from? 2)What kind of place is it? I come from a city with profound history. Its name is XXX. It’s small but vibrant. It located in XXX province and used to be a crucial place along the Silk Road. Besides, it was a vital military position and was called XXX in ancient time. 3)What's the most famous place in your hometown? 4)What do you think needs to change in your hometown? My hometown lies in the northwestern part of China. We are suffering a desperate shortage of water, but our hydraulic system is overly bad. So I think change of the way how we use water is a must. 5)What benefits are there to live in a big city? There are better health care in big cities and more working opportunities makes it easier for job hunters to find their satisfactory jobs. Besides, better education system in big cities may cultivate more competitive students. 6)How’s the weather in your hometown? There is a clear division of the climate in my hometown. The summer isn’t that scorching like it in Nanjing while the winter is really freezing cold. We have a long period of spring and autumn. At that time, the weather is mild and delightful and the sky is as blue as the calm sea. In a word, I love the weather in my hometown rather than here. 3.Accommodation 1)What kind of housing do you live in? I live on campus, it’s a dorm. And there are four people in it. 2)Describe the place you live? My dorm lies in the suburban area of Nanjing. It’s a convenient place for me to go to classroom and library, not


雅思写作完全攻略Total Solution of IELTS Writing 俞伟国 -2009- 雅思考试作文部分题型 课时安排: Marking System Essay Writing Introduction Body Conclusion Structure Report Writing

(From Mat Clark) 近年雅思考试中国大陆考区作文部分得分情况Band4 or below: 15%-20% Band5: 60% Band6: 15%-20% Band7: <5% Band8 or above: Rare Key Language Features in Marking System Task Response: 1. No evidence of digression/irrelevant content 2. Adequate Words 3. Position + Supporting Ideas + Development Coherence and Cohesion 1.Logical overall structure 2.Topic Sentence 3.Cohesive devices Lexical Resource 1.Accurateness 2.Authentic Vocabulary (Less-common Vocabulary) 3.Variety Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.Accurateness https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d711390792.html,plex Sentence 3.Variety

欢迎光临俞老师的BLOG: Chapter One-Essay Writing 第一章. 议论文完全攻略 _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Part One-Introduction -闪亮开篇- -Version 5.7- Structure of Introduction 1. Background Information (1). Lead-in Sentence (Introduce the subject of the topic) (2). Public Opinion (State your position) 2. Statement1.主体背景(Background Information) (1) In the last century, the first man walking on the moon said: “It is a big step for mankind”. However, some people think it made ______________________________, when _______________________________________________________________ _ he time, the first for


雅思复习资料必备 一、基本的训练材料 市面上的雅思备考材料种类繁多、参差不齐,如何从繁多的资料中选择最接近ielts 考试的训练材料哪?我的建议是—— 1.首先 cambridge university press 出的材料。所有的ielts试题都是由 cambridge university 考试委员会出的,所以选用复习材料第一选 cambridge university press 出的材料。虽说可能有点难,但你必须适应它,它的难度可以说就是ielts的难度。 2. 慎用澳大利亚出的材料,一般他们的难度偏低。 3.尽量不用国内自己杜撰的材料。 下面给大家推荐一些雅思资料 综合类: 《how to prepare for ielts》 其他任何备考书都可以不买,这本必须买!用过的人都说,这是目前最接近真题的材料了。我也非常喜欢这本书,老外写的 建议用法:初期可以看这本书,了解题型,分项练习。最后有4个paper, 阅读有难度,可以复习中后期做。《insight into ielts》 由剑桥大学雅思培训专家编写 ,剑桥大学出版社出版。系英联邦国家雅思培训机构专用教材。此书提供的 实例 特别是听力口语资料均选自雅思考试库,最为接近雅思考试真题。向来被奉为雅思培训领域的精典教材, 中国雅思培训机构的如新东方、环球均将此书作为自己编辑教材的第一手资料。 此书有雅思培训 “圣经”之称。属于雅思杀手级材料。 2004 年,出品了姊妹篇《insight into ielts extra》。透析1是紫皮,¥50左右,透析2是深绿色,一书一磁带。透析2不错。《101 helpful hints for ielts 》、《202 useful exercises for ielts》 虽说可能有些过时了,但确是很重要的基础训练教材。尤其是内容基本涵盖了 Australia 的背景,另外对数字和字母的发音训练极其有用。觉得确实是过时了,就是好题外面的书也能找到。 《focus on ielts》 剑桥刚出不久,基本上囊括所有背景知识与词汇。《cambrdige ielts 1》、《cambrdige ielts 2 》、《cambrdige ielts 3》 每本书带有4套a类训练题、2套g类训练题。不用多说了,建议留几套,考前拿来作模拟考试训练。 我建议大家好好研究剑3,有烤鸭专门钻研书本的听力,不断精听,听记原文,精读剑桥阅读文章,吸取 好的句型和表达,写作也有了提高。书后的写作范文也值得好好学习。 《cambrdige ielts 4》《cambrdige ielts 5》 《


新东方唐静翻译笔记整理版 转载自:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d711390792.html,/viewthread.php?tid=129509 考研翻译:a. 弄清什么是翻译(理论、教学、实践)/(translation、interpretation、交传、simultaneously interpretation)b. 怎么做翻译 1. 考研翻译中英汉语语言特点 1)形合与意合2)繁复与简短 3)被动与主动少用被字4)抽象与具体根据汉语习惯增加表示范畴和概念的词来解释具体 Evolution:进化find 发现(成果、结果) tension:缓解中东的紧张(形势、局面)must(必去的地方/景点)past(过去的情况、现象、景象) 2. 考研翻译的题型、题型特点、考试内容和评分标准 1)考研翻译的题型 2)考研翻译的题型特点划线句子是长难句,一般35词 3)考研翻译的考试内容 (1)考察专有名词(人名、地名、国家名称、术语98年big bang 大爆炸理论常识性)、词组(inflationary universe theory宇宙膨胀理论operational research expert运筹学专家)多义词(school学派life生命生活熟词生义set:集合offend:排污超标)生词(2)考察一般性翻译技巧:a)词义选择:分析词根词缀multimedia determinism(决定论)、分析上下文、根据汉语习惯搭配来翻译、寻找汉语同义词翻译aspect问题elegant 完善的,完美的 b)词序调整:中英文词序不对等 c)词性转换:介词换动词,名词换动词(emphasis) d)生词法 (3)考察具体句型的翻译步骤和方法:定语状语宾语主语表语同位语并列比较倒装插入强调被动否定形式主语there be 4)考研翻译的评分标准:分段给分微观评分综合扣分 3. 考研翻译解题中的常见问题(只可意会不可言传、表达不清)和应对策略 理解的关键在于理解英语的语法结构;表达的关键在于用汉语习惯来调整和翻译4. 考研翻译的步骤、标准和方法(严复:信、达、雅) 标准:准确、通顺、完整 步骤:通读全句,准确理解 分析成分,划分意群 选择词义,贴切表达 适当调整,书写译文 One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavioral science continues to trace behavior to states of mind(心理状态), feelings, traits of character(性格特征), human nature, and so on.一个困难在于几乎所有(全部)所谓的行为科学——一个困难在于所谓的行为科学几乎全部根据心理状态、情感、性格特征、人性等来寻找行为的根源——to: According to—— Trace to: find the original thing according to sth. The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the

雅思 全套新东方ielts笔记 最新新东方听力笔记 ★【汉魅】

最新新东方听力笔记 概述: 一.雅思听力基本情况 可做任何标记。 分数段:12-18:4分19-24:5分25-30:6分 31-35:7分 36-38:8分39-40:9分根据难易要乘系数 二.两个误区 听懂核心词汇,掌握拼写。 极少考理解,多考记录信息点,所听即所得。 三.两个基本范围 1. survival english (社会生活,人际交往等) 2. academic english (学术类,教育类,热点话题) 四.问题 1.利用停顿时间抢读后面题目 2.直接书写答案 3.区分考试安排者声音,根据指导做题 4.手眼耳并用,听看写一体 五.雅思听力四大特点 1. 国际口音:(英、美、澳)(英音50%,澳20%,美20%,其他10%) 不利:习惯美音,不习惯英音,必须熟悉英音; 有利:新口音(大西洋口音,适于中国人);动词短语不是考试重点(掌握一般程度:第一个意思即可),去掉了很多地域性的方言。 2. 四段叙述:1、3section是对话,2、4section是陈述,一般来说难度递增。 不利:a.不知道听力磁带和题目间如何建立关系——采用顺序原则(85%):答案顺序和问题顺序一致。 b.无法集中注意力(听力中不包含问题,无法对大脑产生刺激)——改变听力学习习惯,练习时应聚精会神,忌跑神和恐慌。 有利:不是每句话都要听懂,应试图听懂每一句包含答案的句子(先看题,再猜答案,然后做题) 3. 边听边做: 不利:a.阅读量大——要求快速阅读(技巧+能力)——速读 b.写量大——要求手眼耳并用(加强听写能力,掌握四级单词听写) 有利:a.不考推理、总结、归纳题,主要考查细节,所听即所得。 4. 题型多样:10种题型 不利:不熟悉题型 有利:难度较低 六、听力应试策略 短期目标:1.紧扣9套题,十种题型,十种场景。 2.记补充的单词和地名。四级词汇(大学英语四级速听速记)。 3.精听六盘磁带。 中期目标:1.短期任务。 2.再做一点题。听力强化最新指南,雅思听力课外强化教程,英语中级听力(关于hotel/resta urant,news不听)。 3.背单词。 长期目标:1.加强发音以及听音的训练。 2.再做一些题目。


听力 ·时间与题量(40)40分钟,40道题 40分钟包括做题和填卡,用三十分钟听题,10分钟答题抄答案,填卡。 训练方式:平时每天不停的听30-40分钟的听力,中间不能停 考前的两个月要集中训练 Tips:记单词时要注意发音和音标 背住200-300个地名或人名 碰到这种题先通过名字判断性别,再通过声音特质判断每个人分别是谁 下面分别分别介绍4个section Section1 主要考的生存场景 咨询信息银行服务学校了解购房信息保险申请医疗健康工作面试购物活动旅游计划 Section 2 主要考文化背景 旅游介绍、节目介绍、培训课程介绍、社交生活 Section 3 学术研究 ·形式:对话 ·内容:学术讨论 作业讨论、学术经验交流、请教咨询、调查研究、如何写论文 Section4 课堂学习 形式:独白 内容:学术讲座 环境、资源能源、天文考古、生物、历史、健康、其他 难点主要在section2、3 Tips:这些分类平时要一个个准备好而难点主要在section 2、3 若考试时间允许,先看section3 若时间不允许,顺着看 训练方式:听读结合法 1、不看原文先听n遍(2≤n≤5) 2、n+1遍时看解析 2、n+2遍时检验n+3 n+n …跟读知道读的一样 训练的基本原则:先看题,带着问题听录音,有的放矢 三大元素1、单词(·新单词·搭配主要词组·习语) 3、结合语法3、注意语音

搭配take (up off over) Show(up off around) 习语(自己多收集一些)like: Cross you fingers for me 祝我好运 Get cold feet 后怕 Get under ones skin 让某人非常生气 语调的差别比如what a man 这个词组不同的语调来说会有好和坏的意思 音标d+j →d?t+j→t?(收集音标的差别) 跟读的资源(no Cambridge!美式口语跟读VOA 英式口语跟读 BBC 下载VOA的一些网站:旺旺音乐可可听力 slierles 39 注意其他的口音比如印度口音 r读成 l 清浊音部分元音短促 ?老师推荐电影法国一个购物狂的自白米国时空线索 俄国夺宝奇兵天生一对消防犬 Tips:so long是指后会无期的意思 雅思听力的特点: 1、口音多(英美澳为主,要适应这三种口音)甚至会有日本口音 方法:听真题,听广播,看西片(适应口音) 2、场景多(常考的场景有十种)旅游、租房…后面会提到 方法:熟悉场景词汇(听力词汇熟悉) 3、题多(常考的体型十种) 方法:熟悉题型,熟能生巧 4、顺序原则 方法:练习快速阅读(tips:如果没听到就放弃那一部分而且也有可能出现乱序 5、出题思路固定 6、所听到的就是所得到的,但是要注意单词的拼写 Tips :注意一个单词多种的意思 like: Stable adj 1、稳定的 n 2、马厩 Pen 1、钢笔 2、猪圈 3、母天鹅 雅思听力常考的内容 数词(日期,电话,邮编等)、名词(人名,地名)、修饰词 △雅思解题原则:定位核心词(不可替换的) 关于pronunciation 的一些tips: 1、升降调找到重音,向上读,后面轻音结束 eg: important[im?p?:t?nt]p 往上读 2、关于爆破 Ask bob to sit together with us K 不读t连读 前一个单词以/p,b,t,d,k,g/结尾,后一单词以不同的辅音开头,此时/p,
