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新模式英语1Unit2 Lesson2

新模式英语1Unit2 Lesson2
新模式英语1Unit2 Lesson2


JWC001-1-1 共4页



Unit5 ----L4

Hello, everyone. Welcome to my class! Nice to meet you.

ii. Ask students in groups to make a list of their favourite stores and businesses in the community or neighborhood. Ask them to classify the list by restaurants, services, clothing stores, etc.


1) Take a class poll. Ask: Who is nervous when you answer the phone in English?

Who likes to call agencies get information? Who doesn’t like to leave messages on answering machines? Who has problems understanding messages on answering machines?

2) State the objective: Today we will learn how to leave phone messages.

Presentation 1

Look at the picture on this page and ask the questions in the box.

○A Read about Gabriela’s problem.

Read the short passage as a class. Ask some comprehension questions to make sure students understand.

○B Talk in a group and complete the sentences below.


Listen to Gabriela leave a message. Circle the answers.


Ask students about Gabriela’s call. Play the recording again to refresh their memories. Write name, reason for calling, and phone number on the board. Ask students what Gabriela’s phone number is. Have them listen again. Ask why she is calling. Write answers as students give them to you on the board.

○D Read the chart with your classmates and teacher.

Presentation 3

○G Study the chart with your classmates and teacher.

Go over the chart carefully.

○H Match the questions with the responses.

○I Write questions. Put the words in the correct oder.

Do this exercise as a class.


Ask student volunteers to write their questions on the board.

III. Summary.(2miniutes)


2IV. Assignments.(2minutes)

i. P92 J。

ii. 试做练习册的相关练习。


新模式英语第一册unit1lesson1-2 广东省xxx学院广东省xxx学校理论课教案编号:NGQD-0707-09版本号:A/1页码:1编制/时间:审核/时间:批准/时间:课程名称NewModeofEnglish课题Unit1Talkingwithothers:Whereareyoufrom?Whatdoeshelooklike?授课班级1263FoodEngineeringandTesting授课日期2013.4.15/18授课时数4教学类型NewLesson教学方法Grammar-TranslationCommunicativeSituational教材及参考资料Textbook教学目标StudentscangivepersonalinationanddescribepeopleStudentsmastergra mmarpointhis/hersimplepresent:have;adjectiveorder教学重点及化解方法重点:Askandgivepersonalination化解方法:Dorcisestoreinforcewhatstudentshavelearn教学难点及化解方法难点:Grammarpoint:theusageofsimplepresent化解方法:DrillstudentsbyaskingquestionsaboutthepicturebelowthechartFonpag e3andaboutthemselves.Helpstudentstousecompletesentences.Writeth eirresponsesontheboardincompletesentences.教学准备laptop,teachingplanning教学对象分析Thereare32studentsinthisclass.Mostofthestudentscankeepsilentandlis tentotheteachercarefully,afewstudentshaveabadknowledgebasement, Duringtheclass,somestudentsaretooshytoopentheirmouthtospeakout.广东省xxx学院广东省xxxx学校理论课教案编制/时间:页码:


新课标下高效的英语课堂教学模式 发表时间:2014-08-04T16:58:14.530Z 来源:《科教新时代》2014年7月供稿作者:陈志堂[导读] 进一步引导教师教学观念的转变,全面促使教师自觉地、富有创造性地投入到教学变革之中,并以此为统领,有效地将“三维”目标落实到课堂教学之中。贵州省福泉市地松初级中学陈志堂 【摘要】高效能课堂教学旨在提高课堂教学的效率和效力。所谓效率是指在单位课时内完成教学任务的量;效力是对完成教学任务在质的方面的要求。我们以《英语课程标准》中提出的 “要实现学生在语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等方面的综合发展”为总目标,积极探索转变教学观念,改变教学方法,优化英语教学过程,着眼于学生英语综合能力的提高,培养学生的文化意识和全球意识,使他们形成良好的学习态度和学习习惯,为他们的终身发展打下坚实的基础。【关键词】高效;课堂教学;英语【中图分类号】G533.40 【文章标识码】D 【文章编号】1326-3587(2014)07-0030-01 一、研究目标新的课程改革的核心目标是实现课程功能的转变,就是要改变课程过于注重知识传授的倾向,强调形成积极主动的学习态度,使获得知识与技能的过程成为学会学习和形成正确价值观的过程。实现这样三位一体的课程功能,探究性学习是一个比较理想的载体,它有利于学生主动探究、乐于合作,形成积极的情感体验,有利于他们主动发现问题、分析和解决问题,形成良好的学习习惯。这种学习方式的转变将帮助学生学会学习,为终身学习做好准备。 二、追求学生学习方式的转变 《基础教育课程改革纲要》中指出:“改变课程实施过于强调接受学习,死记硬背,机械训练的现状,倡导学生主动参与,乐于探究,勤于动手,培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力,获取新知识的能力以及交流与合作的能力。”探究性学习就是要开发学生的潜在能力,让学生在开放、愉悦的学习环境中,运用多渠道的学习资源,增强实践动手能力和观察发现能力,培养探究和创新的综合运用能力,真正让学生从“灌输式”的枷锁下解放出来,成为一名“知识与能力的融和型”人才。当然英语教育提倡探究性学习方式,但也不能排除接受性学习。英语教育中有意义的接受性学习要与探究性学习整合使用,协调发展。 三、追求学生科学性和人文性的整合发展 社会的发展靠人的发展推动,人的发展除了要掌握认识自然和社会、改造自然和社会的科学知识外,还必须发展人的思想道德、情感意志、科学态度、价值取向、合作分享等人文素质。英语学科探究性学习要求英语课堂教学紧密联系现实世界和社会以及学生的生活实际,让学生亲自参与运用英语探究、解决问题的过程。这样不仅能促进学生的英语知识和运用知识的系统化和结构化,同时也能加深思想观念、情感意志、科学态度、价值取向、互助合作和团队精神等方面的人文性的感悟和体验,使科学性和人文性协调发展、整合发展。 四、追求学生实践能力和创新精神的发展 探究性学习为学生提供参与实践活动的客观情境。在真实的情境中学生运用英语发现问题、提出问题,调查研究,查阅文献获取信息,并对信息进行分析判断处理,进而解决问题。学生亲自实践活动的过程不仅获取了实践能力,也感染了积极的情感意志,丰富了创新精神的体验。 五、追求学生素质和个性的全面发展 传统英语教学以书本、教师和课堂为中心,忽视学生德智体美劳全面素质和个性的健全发展。不同于这种消极被动的接受知识的学习方式,探究性学习根据学生认知心理结构、能力结构、情感意志、策略方法和经历体验的个性差异,重视因材施教,发展每一个学生的个性。采用探究性学习方式,学生可以在真实的情境中积极主动地参与师生、生生之间的合作探究交流活动,从而不断获取知识、技能和能力,发展学生的世界观、人生观和价值观。 六、存在的问题及解决办法 (一)存在的问题。 1.课程改革的许多新理念,要落实到课堂教学活动中,实践时,许多教师还相对稚拙。教学的进程是非线性的,教师要有应对变化、滋生教学的基本功。这对教师的专业水平提出了更高的要求。要真正把认识和行动统一到课程改革的思想上来,教师需要有专业指导,必须坚持理论与实践的统一,着眼于研究的科学性。 2.学生经过几年的学习,尤其是进入初三年级的时候,出现了两极分化现象:一部分学生学习能力强,学习成绩好,学习兴趣也更浓;而另一部分学生则学习能力低,学习成绩越来越差,也就越来越失去了学习英语的兴趣。其表现在听说尚可,但读写则很难。 3.学生的读写能力还有待加强。从整体上看,学生的读写能力普遍较差,还不能很好地独立完成学习任务,需要在教师的指导下才能完成,因此,他们这方面的能力还有待提高。 (二)解决办法。 1.进一步引导教师教学观念的转变,全面促使教师自觉地、富有创造性地投入到教学变革之中,并以此为统领,有效地将“三维”目标落实到课堂教学之中。 2.教师应多向学生推荐一些图文并茂的英文读物,鼓励学生进行课外阅读,精挑细选一些幽默故事、笑话等英文材料,激发学生的阅读兴趣,提高学生的阅读能力。回首近年课题研究历程,我们更加意识到,科研是完善教育、完善人的重要载体和途径,是学校得以持续发展的强大驱动力,是显示现代教育魅力之所在。我们将不负众望,求实务真,积极创新,努力谱写出有关初中英语课堂教学有效模式建构理念的新篇章。


2015~2016学年度第一学期15计算机班、15商务班、15机电班 《新模式英语1》期末考试卷A 考核方式:理论闭卷考核时间:100分钟 一、单选.(每题1分,共15分) 1、 __________________ your books. A open B opens C Open 2 、 __________________ the paper A Reads B reading C Read 3 、 __________________ the teacher A Listen to B listen to C Listens to 4、 __________________ your name AOpen B sit down C Write 5、 __________________ a piece of paper A Take out B open C Listen 6、 __________________ a student A Stand up B Help C Sit down 7、 We __________________16 years old. A am B is C are 8、 She __________________from San Diego. A am B is C are 9、 You __________________ married. A am B is C are 10、 Jennifer and I __________________ from the . A am B is C are 11、 The students __________________ from Cuba. A am B is C are 12、 John __________________ 6’tall. A has B is 13、 Yuuki __________________ three aunts A have B has. 14、 We __________________ for books at the bookkstore. A shop B shops 15、 Armand __________________ for flowers at the flower shop. 班级学号姓名成绩 A shop B shops 二、完形填空(共15分,每小题分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Finally I got my driving license (驾照) last summer. Mom decided to go with me to take my first trip around an empty parking lot. I knew my mother was an excellent 1 . She had driven over 20 years without getting one ticket. However, I found that she was not the best teacher for me. It wasn't that she shouted, or told me that I was doing poorly. Her“helpful instructions” 2 managed to make me more nervous. Since I could no longer practice with her, the job was 3 in the hands of my father. The idea of learning from Dad was not so 4 . I loved him dearly, but I just did not see Dad as someone I could be comfortable learning from. He almost never talked. We shared a typical


杨屯联校三段·六环节英语课堂教学模式三段·六环节即:1、课堂准备阶段(Step1. Warming-up╱Revision) 2、精讲多练阶段(Step2.Presentation ,Step 3.New lesson,Step4.Practise) 3、巩固发展阶段(Step5. Check and extension ,Step6.Summary) Step1. Warming-up╱Revision 有读有演,有张有弛,循序渐进,温故知新。 (1)温习单词环节: 上英语课时,学生按单词表的顺序用升、降调领读单词两遍、汉语一遍。每个学生熟读后,要求齐读。通过周而复始地训练,到期中监测时,每个学生能背出一至五模块的单词 期中监测后,再按以上方法领读六至十模块的单词。到期末监测时,每个学生都能背出一至十模块的单词。不同英语水平的学生见词会读,多数学生还能见词说句、即兴表演。 (2)朗读课文环节 每堂课,学生要朗读学过的一个模块(下一节课接着这个模块继续读)。如:五年级已学到第五模块时,本周的第一堂课读第一模块,第二堂课读第二模块,以此类推。读时,找一个学生领读标题,其他学生齐读正文。这样反复进行朗读,有利于学生把学过的知识稳扎稳打,同时也提高了学生的口语交际能力 Step2.Presentation 单词学习 (1)首先教师以图片或事物的形式教授新单词,学生通过跟师读,点读笔读,来初步接触新单词,并模仿标准的语音语调,师给予指导。 个人细读、背诵一段时间后,各小组进行组内检查。组内检查由组长组织,组长先读或背诵,再是副组长、组员依次轮流。采用这样形式,小组团结一致,合作愉快,发现问题会及时相互共同解决,还能帮助学习有困难的同学不掉队。 强化巩固单词时,我们要求学生:1)心里想着这个单词的汉意。2)眼睛看着单词的字母组合。3)口里读着单词的音。4)手指笔划着字母组合。 这样通过小组的合作练读,减少了学生自读时遇到的困难, 避免了学生自读时的枯燥无味。小组合作愉快,学生积极性高,个个乐不疲惫,几乎没有掉队的,达到了事半功倍的效果。


教学过程(代号A—4) 第 1 页 1 / 3

Practice 1(练习1) B\Write sentences about the students in the picture. Describe their hair, eyes, height, and weight, Use the words from the boxes above. Presentation2 (示范讲解2) Read the bar graph about eye color in Kenji's class. See if students can identify who might have the different eye colors. Prepare students for focused l_istening by going over the vocabulary again for hair color, height, and weight. Practice 2(练习2) D\Look at the picture on page 7. In a group, fill in the bar graphs about Kenji's class. Presentation3 (示范讲解3) Ask three students to come to the front of the room. Ask them to line up left to right by height. Write height on the board and allow students to figure out if they should go from the tallest to the shortest or vice versa. Write tall, taller tallest and short, shorter, shortest on the board. Avoid using students to describe heavy. You may wish to interject that the word fat is not used to describe people in social situations because it can be degrading. F\Read the chart with your classmates and teacher. Provide example sentences for each of the adjectives given. Use the students in the picture n the classroom. on page 7 rather than Ss in the classroom. Write e.p on the board. Help Ss understand that the word than is necessary when using comparative adjectives. You may need to express here that your comparisons are opinions and they may not all agree.


审阅签名: 版本/状态:D/1

Unit 5 ------ L2 ii. Having a free talk. 1. Make a big circle on the board. Write community inside the circle. Draw lines out from the circle and make four secondary circles. Label one of them lodging. Make lines form this circle to additional circles. Label these Hotels, Motels, and Hostels. 2. Ask students to close their books and help you complete the cluster. Use Medical Care, Parks and Recreation, and Residential Areas for the remaining three secondary circles. 3. In the Activity Bank CD-ROM template folder, there are cluster diagrams that can be duplicated for each student. ⅲ.Review some words. Introduction Identify well-know places in your community and ask students where they are located. Accept and answer. State the objective: Today we will give and follow street directions. Presentation 1 1.Write turn around on the board and ask students to repeat. 2.Ask students to open their books and look at the picture. Ask the questions in the box. ○A Practice the conversation. Ask volunteers to act out the conversation as if they are doing a role-play. Go over the new words briefly with them. ○B Practice these phrases with your classmates and teacher. Presentation 2 1.Study the map with students by asking questions. Such as: What street is next to First Street? Where is the car? 2.Review the direction vocabulary with the class again as you did in Exercise B on the previous page. 3.Draw a similar map on the board.


教案首页 授课日期 班级 课题: Unit 6 Lesson 1 Parts of the body 教学目的要求: 1. Students can read and identify the words of body parts 2. Students can ask and answer :What is theproblem? My leg/hand ? hurt(s) 3. Students can talk to the doctor about their body problems 教学重点: Students can understand the instructions and do the right reactions to point out body parts 教学难点: Ss will be able to use the sentence patterns to talk about their body problems 授课方法:授法,小法、交法、任型教学法 教学参考及教具(含多媒体教学设备):《新模式英1》、黑板、粉笔 PPT、卡、。 授课执行情况及分析: 板书设计或授课提纲 Lesson 1 Parts of the body Ⅰ. New Words 1.The top part of the body: head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth 2.The middle part of the body: neck, shoulder, back, arm, hand, finger, stomach 3.The last part of the body: bottom, leg, knee, foot, toe Ⅱ. Sentence Patterns A:What ’ s the problem? B:My leg hurts./ My feet hurt.


期末考试《新模式英语》 试卷 第1页( 共4 页) 期末考试《大学英语1》试卷 第2页( 共4页) 成都五月花计算机专业学校__________专业________级________班 姓名____________学号____________ ………………………………(密)………………………………(封)………………………………(线)……………………………… 密 封 线 内 答 题 无 效 《新模式英语》课程试卷 答卷说明:1、本试卷满分100分,答题时间90分钟。 2、请用蓝色或黑色的钢笔和中性笔作答。 3、考生必须准确填写姓名、学号等信息,考试结束上交本试卷。 得分 评卷人 I. Vocabulary and Structure(1*30=30) 1、 __________________ your books. A open B opens C Open D opened 2. I have two boys but ______ of them likes sweets. A.neither B.both C.none D.either 3. __________________ the paper A Reads B reading C Read 4 __________________ the teacher A Listen to B listen to C Listens to D listening 5. __________________ your name A Open B sit down C Write D writing 6. She felt ill but she managed to keep ___ ____ A.painful B.doubtful C.respectful D.cheerful 7. __________________ a student A Stand up B Help C Sit down D helping 8. __________________ a piece of paper A Take out B open C Listen D taking 9. His camera is much more expensive than ______ A.hers B.her C.it D.its 10 We __________________16 years old. A am B is C are D was 11. She __________________from San Diego. A am B is C are D come 12. she __________________ the radio and __________________the newspaper every day A listens to reads B listens to read C listen to read D listen for reading 13. Give me the red one ____ the green one , A.instead of B.because of C.on account of D.up to 14. This is the picture ___ my family. A.for B.of C.in D.at 15.He practices English in class ___ 5:00___ 6:30. A.from for B.from to C.from at Dfrom in 16.We ___ each other somewhere A.meeting B.to be met C.to have met D.to have been met 17. All of us know that he is ____ honest boy A.an B.a C.the D./ 18. _____ I help you? A.What can B.What may C.May D.Ought 19. Look! ____ A.There comes the bus B.The bus here comes C. The bus coming D.Bus comes 20. The music made him _______ excited A.feeling B.felt C.to feel D.feel 21. — Do your parents live here in the United States? —No ._______they live in Vietnam. A .and B. right now C. now D.and then 22. —May I use your telephone , please? —_______ A.Can A.Certainly C.May D.It ’s welcome 23. —Please don ’t make a noise —______ A.Yes, I won ’t B.No, I won ’t C.No, I will D.Yes, I will 24.Do you know the man who _____ by just now? A.pass B.past C.passed D.pasted 25. ____ Miss Smith ’s class. A.welcome to B.welcoming to C Welcome to D.welcome 26 — What color are Gabriela and Roberto ’s belts? —_______black. A.Their belts are B.they belt are C.Their belts were D.They belts are 27. It is ______ to answer her questions as honestly as you can. A.important B.happy C.surely D.interesting 28.Having got a cold , he had a painful headache ,but _______fever A.high B.much C.little D.low 29. —What does he look like? —he ___black hair and brown ___. A.have eye B.has eyes C.had eye D.have eyes 30.I was born _____ Monday A.on B.at C.in D.for 座位号


小学英语“有效教学”课堂教学模式 小学英语课堂教学常见课型分类 一、第一种分法:新授课与复习课 根据教材的整体结构与体例,小学三到六年级英语课课型主要分为新授课与复习课两大类。 二、第二种分法:词汇和句型教学课与课文教学课 每单元的BCD是词汇和句型教学课。A部分是课文教学课。 课文教学课分为会话式课文教学与语篇式课文教学两种。课文教学着重是培养学生的阅读理解能力和语言的综合运用能力。课文内容是针对某一话题的一篇长会话或一篇短文。课文中应用了一些新的词汇与句型,包含了一些语法和功能知识。 小学英语新授课基本课堂教学模式 按照英语新课程标准,小学英语课堂教学的基本模式是:热身活动——新知呈现——语言操练——综合运用——小结并布置作业。 1、热身/复习活动(Warming-up/Revision) 此环节的目的是:激活大脑和激活已学知识。把学生们的积极性调动起来,使他们积极参与到课堂学习中。 热身活动的形式主要包括:1、Sing some English songs(歌曲).2、Say the poem or chant(歌谣).3、Play some games(游戏).4、TPR活动 5、Do the actions.(角色扮演)6、Greetings(问候)7、Free talk(问答交流或日常交流)8、Repeat the text(复述课文)等等。 注意活动的互动形式应为师生互动或生生互动。 2、新知呈现(Presentation) 新知呈现阶段是学生语言输入的最初阶段,是一节课的重点教学环节。 这阶段的教学原则是:(1)设置真实语境。(2)聚焦重点语言。(3)优选呈现方式。(4)体现短时高效。 新学习项目的呈现方式是非常重要的,呈现方式应当直观、生动有趣,能让学生一目了然,了解这堂课所要学习的语言知识。 呈现方式主要有:实物、图片、简笔画、挂图、课件、录音、游戏、歌曲、歌谣、表演、TPR等等。 3、语言操练(Practice) 语言操练阶段是学生学习和掌握语言的关键阶段,它起着承上启下的重要作用。 学生通过新知呈现阶段的学习,还需要大量的语言操练,以达到真正的语言


构造生动而高效的英语 课堂教学模式 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】

构造生动而高效的英语课堂教学模式(1) 作者:发表时间 2009-05-12 阅读次数:1821次选中单词可以查看中文意思 教师的授课是乏味的,学生的学习就是被动的,课堂缺乏生气,学生则缺乏活力,教育效果自然不理想。只有生动的课堂才是高效的课堂,才能激发和更大限度地提高学生的学习兴趣。那么如 何能使课堂生动而高效呢 以下几点是我在实践中的一些体会。 一、进行生动有趣的课前交际 1. free talk 教师在讲授新课前可和学生作简单的语言交流,在教师的启动下和适当的引导下, 自然过渡到新课的学习上,这不失为一种轻松而有效的方法,很多课型都可用此法。如我在教授牛津初中英语7a unit 1 reading 时,和学生进行了如下自由交流。 t :boys and girls, i’m very happy every day, because i have many good friends to share my happiness and bitterness together. and i love making friends. do you want to meet some of my good friends ss:… t:(show the pictures for the students) look at the pictures of them. do you know them before let’s get to know them one by one, ok ss:… 这样,全体学生进入良好的准备状态,激发了他们的学习兴趣,从而产生了一种探求知识的渴 望。 2.自编短剧,调动学习积极性。 学习要“学以致用”,而英语的学习更是如此。我们要让学生学了英语后,要会开口说英语。为此,我会不惜花费时间让学生到台前表演他们自编的课本剧。具体做法如下:我按座次同桌轮流


期末B 试卷 《新模式英语1》 2016.3 班级_______ 姓名________学号 分数___________ 一.选择题目:(每题1分,共15分) 1.We blue eyes and blond hair. A. have B. has C. are D.is 2.She 30 years old . A.are B. is C. has D. / 3. John 6’ tall . A. has B. is C./ D. have 4.How much the cheese ? A. is B. are C . has D.have 5.How much the pencils ? A. is B.are C. do D.does 6. — Do you know the foreign student in Class 2? —Yes. She's from America. ______ name is Alice. A. Her B. His C. My D. Its 7. —Dad, would you like to play chess with me? —Well, my dear, I'd love to, ____ I have to write a report. A. for B. and C. but D. or 8. The doctor told Mary that she ________ give up fatty foods because it was bad for her health. A. could B. should C. might D. would 9. —What a lovely dog! _____is it? —It's 11 years old. A. How much B. How heavy C. How long D. How old 10. While I ________ dinner last night, Angela called me and asked about homework. A. have B. will have C. was having D. am having 11. —Jim, do you want to come over for lunch tomorrow? —I'm sorry I can't. I _______ a movie with some friends. A. am going to see B. see C. saw D. have seen 12. We can start the meeting now ,as all the people ________. A. arrive B. have arrived C. arrived D. will arrive 13. Lily is a tidy girl. Her room ________ clean all the time A. kept B. was kept C. is kept D. keeps 14. My dad usually stops ________ a newspaper on his way home after work. A. to buy B. buying C. bought D. buy 15. —Tell me ________ my glasses, Sam. —They were just on the table, grandma. A. where will you find B. where you will find C. where did you find D. where you found 24. 25


济源市技工学校10—11学年第二学期 10级新模式英语试卷 一、Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案。每题1分,共20分) ( )1、The famous actor plays his children in the park. A) about B) in C) at D) with ( )2、 The volunteers love students in that small village in the west of China. A) they B) picture C) their D) themselves ( )3、You can get much about the Would Expo on the Internet. A) map B) picture C) ticket D) information ( )4、New Zealand has two islands. One is North Island and is South island. A) another B) the other C) other D) the others ( )5、Listing is just as as speaking in language learning. A) important B) more important C) most important D) the most important ( )6、Is this a photo of your daughter? She looks in the pink dress! A) lovely B) quietly C) politely D) happily ( )7、We will have no water to drink we don’t protect the earth. A) until B) before C) though D) if ( )8、Money is important, it can’t buy everything. A) for B) but C) or D) so ( )9、Today is Father’s Day. My mother a special dinner for my grandpa now. A) prepare B) prepared C) is preparing D) will prepare ( )10、Tina and her parents to England for sightseeing last summer. A) go B) went C) will go D) have gone ( )11、The Harry Potter books pretty popular since they were published. A) become B) will become C) have become D) are becoming ( )12、A Disneyland Park(迪斯尼乐园) in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future. A)builds B) has built C) will build D) will be built ( )13、Richard turned off the computer after he had finished the email. A) write B) to write C) writing D) wrote ( )14、Before going to the History Museum, our teacher told us the public rules. A) obey B) to obey C) obeying D) obeyed ( )15、Everyone go through the security check(安检)when entering the World Expo Park. A) can B) may C) must D) ought ( )16、--- is it from here to the railway station? ---About ten kilometers. A) How far B) How fast C) How soon D) How often ( )17、 exciting sport it is to climb the mountains! A) How B) What C) What a D) What an ( )18、I want to know . A) when we should arrive at the airport. B) when should we arrive at the airport C) when the airport we should arrive at D) when the airport should we arrive at ( )19、My dog is gentle and never bites, so you needn’t be .


新型英语课堂教学模式点滴(一) 1、要构建新型的英语课堂教学,教师必须转变教育教学观念,更新旧观念,树立新理念。要适应教育教学改革的新形势,教师就必须与时俱进,彻底革除陈旧、落后、保守的旧观念,树立全新的教育理念。 1)、要树立可持续发展的教育理念。一方面要在学科知识与专业技能的教学上强化选择性;另一方面要强化和突出培养学生生存、发展的素质。 2)、全面发展的教育观念。就是要面向全体学生,尊重学生的个性发展。 3)、创新的教育理念。教师要增强创新意识,破除迷信,冲破旧框框,用教育改革的新思想、课程改革的新理念,来指导教育教学实践。 4)、民主合作的教育理念。教师要坚强合作,要营造一种教育教学民主氛围,创造一个平等、民主、宽松、上进的心理活动场。 5)、终身教育和教育服务的理念。教师要树立终身学习,不断充实自己,树立教育为社会发展服务,为学生服务的新理念。 2、要构建新型的英语课堂教学,要求课堂上要面向全体学生,为学生全面 发展和终身发展奠定基础。 英语课程标准以素质教育为宗旨,充分体现“以人为本”的教育思想,把对学生的学习兴趣、态度和自信心的培养放在英语教学的首要地位,把学生学习策和健全人格的形式,作为学习的重要组成部分,在掌握基础知识和基本技能的同时,提出了建立语感和获得基本的语言运用能力的要求,注重学生智力的开发和智能的培养,为学生的发展和终身学习打下良好的基础。因此课堂上教师要面向全体学生,因材施教,注意培养每个学生各方面能力,把素质教育贯穿于英语课堂教学之中,改变以往教师只注重少数优生的培养,而忽视大部分后进生培养的错误观念,特别关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,绝非挖苦、讽刺和批评,努力培养学生的综合素质能力。 3、要构建新型的英语课堂教学模式,要突出学生主体,尊重学生的个性发 展,构建互动的师生关系、教学关系。 教学是教师的教与学生的学的统一,这种统一的实质是交往。教学过程是师生交往、共同发展的互动过程。在教学过程中要处理好传授知识与培养能力的关系,注意培养学生的独立性和自主性,引导学生质疑、调查、探究,在实践中学习,使学生成为教师指导下主动的、富有个性的过程,教师应尊重学生的人格,关注个体差异,满足不同需要,创设能引导学生主动参与的教育环境,激发学生的学习积极性,培养学生掌握和运用知识的态度和能力,使每个学生都得到充分的发 展。 4、要构建新型的课堂教学模式,要改革英语考试制度。现行的英语考试制度是以注重考查英语语法知识、语言知识和“双基”为主,忽视了学生语言能力的培养及运用交际的功能,教师与学生为了应试,疲于奔命,加重了学生的学业负担,使他们的身心受到伤害,压抑学生的自主学习和创新能力的培养,这种考试制度已不适应时代发展的要求,考试制度不改革,就难以实施新课程标准,也不 能更好地实施素质教育。 5、要构建新型的课堂教学模式,还应改革教师和学生的评价制度,不能以分数的高低作为评价教师的教和学生的学的效果。新课程标准要求我们要注重形
