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Unit 4Looking good, feeling good

Welcome to the unit &Reading (I)

I. Learning objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. understand the structure and content of the news report;

2. read the news report critically and rewrite the title;

3. express their opinions on how to deal with weight problems properly.

II. Key competence focus

1. Analyse the features of a news report.

2. Read the news report critically.

III. Predicted area of difficulty

Rewrite the title of the news report.

IV.Teaching procedures

Step 1 Brainstorming

T asks Ss to express their opinions on weight problems.

•Do you think senior high school students should pay much attention to their weight? Why or why not?

•What do you think are healthy ways of losing weight?


Step 2 Predicting

T asks Ss to predict what the news report will talk about according to the title and the pictures.


Step 3 Analysing the structure

1.T asks Ss toanalyse the genre of the text.

2.T asks Ss to analyse the structure of the text.

3.T introduces the reading strategy of a news report.

T: A news report usually starts with a lead. It gives the most important information about an event. Then the following paragraphs give more detailed information about the event. Some news reports go on to provide background or supporting information.

4.T guides Ss to divide the news report into several parts and summarize the main idea of each point.

5.T introduces inverted-pyramid structure to Ss.

T: In news stories, the inverted pyramid refers to the structure where the most important information is presented first.The who, what, when, where and why appear at the start of a story, followed by supporting details and background information. The leadis an introductory paragraph and provides essential information for your communication to be successful (key messages such as who, what, when, where, why and how).

The bodycontains details that help readers to understand the news story better. The tailfocuses on the least important information that is interesting or nice for readers to have.

6.T guides Ss to think why a news story follows the structure of an inverted pyramid. T: This structurehelps readers get the key information quickly. Even those who have the time or intention to read only a single paragraph, or even single sentence will still know what the story is about. The inverted pyramid also helps editors when they need to cut a piece at a certain length to fit a publication: if the paragraphs get less and less important as you advance in the article, the article can easily be trimmed at practically any point.


Step 4 Close reading

1. T asks Ss to focus on part.1(para. 1) and answer the following question. What is the function of the first paragraph?To introduce some key information.

2.T asks Ss to focus on part 2 (paras. 2-4).

(1)T guides Ss to find out the details of the story.

•Jennifer has struggled with eating problems for a long time. She has not eaten breakfast for the last few months and had trouble concentrating in class. •Jennifer missed breakfast that day and hardly touched her dinner the night before. •Jennifer said she was feeling unwell.

•Jennifer passed out and was rushed to hospital.

•Jennifer was found to have dangerously low blood sugar levels and was treated immediately.

•Jennifer is out of danger and will recover in one or two days.

T: We can see that from part 2, we know more details about the story: what happened to Jennifer before she fainted, how she is now, etc.

(2)T asks Ss the following questions.

•What is the relationship between the first and the second paragraph?(The second paragraph further illustrates the lead..)

•Why was Jennifer rushed to hospital? (Because she fainted in her morning PE lesson.) •Can you paraphrase “They say that she has struggled with eating problems for a long time.”? (She has been trying for a long time to lose weight through skipping meals.)

•What did Laura do when she found out Jennifer was skipping meals? (She warned Jennifer that it was unhealthy.)

3. T asks Ss to focus on part 3 (para. 5-7) and answer the following questions. •What are some of the dangerous methods teenagers use to lose weight? (Skipping meals, over-exercising and taking weight-loss medicine.)

•What numbers are given in para. 5? What’s the purpose of giving these numbers? (Almost one fifth of teenagers regularly skip meals, one in ten over-exercise and four per cent even take weight-loss medicine. Giving these numbers can help support

the topic sentence of the paragraph.)

•What lifestyle tips did the expert give? (Having a healthy balanced diet, keeping regular hours and getting plenty of exercise.)


Step 5 Critical reading

1.T guides Ss to think of an alternative title for the news report.

T: Do you think the title is attractive enough? Do you have a better version? 2.T asks Ss to analyse the problem on their own.

T: Why do some teenagers care so much about their weight? What are the possible causes?

3.T asks Ss to act in the role of Jennifer’s friend.

T: If you were Jennifer’s classmate, how would you persuade her not to skip meals?

Step 6 Thinking and sharing

T: If you were an expert on health and were invited to give a lecture on losing weight, what would you present to your audience? Prepare with your group members to deliver a speech.


V. Homework

Continue the news report within 150 words.

When Jennifer came back to her class, all the classmates were very glad to see her back.________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Jennifer’s mom was delighted that Jennifer could recover so


_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


Unit 4Looking good, feeling good Welcome to the unit &Reading (I) I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. understand the structure and content of the news report; 2. read the news report critically and rewrite the title; 3. express their opinions on how to deal with weight problems properly. II. Key competence focus 1. Analyse the features of a news report. 2. Read the news report critically. III. Predicted area of difficulty Rewrite the title of the news report. IV.Teaching procedures Step 1 Brainstorming T asks Ss to express their opinions on weight problems. •Do you think senior high school students should pay much attention to their weight? Why or why not? •What do you think are healthy ways of losing weight? 【设计意图:让学生自由表达对减肥的看法,为下文的新闻报道做铺垫。】 Step 2 Predicting T asks Ss to predict what the news report will talk about according to the title and the pictures. 【设计意图:从文本的主题语境入手,让学生根据标题和图片推测文本内容,从而深度解读课文标题,培养学生预测性思维能力。】

2020-2021新教材高中英语Unit4教案+作业 外研版选择性必修第四册

Unit 4 Everyday economics 对比文 也许你在考试、工作和日常生活中经常需要比较和对比事物,这时你撰写的文章就是对比文。一般来说,这类文章通常是对事物的正反两个方面或者两种不同的观点进行对比,从而得出结论。 这类作文是以考生面临的两种选择为主题,最终以考生本人的选择和态度归结全文。如果考生对选择的态度是明确的,即二者选其一,那么考生分别阐述两种不同的观点的时候应该有自己的主观倾向性。比如:对赞成事物的优点要详写,缺点要略写;对反对的事物则反之,从而使自己的观点得以实现。如果考生的态度是不明确的,即两者各有利弊,那么就不应该完全肯定某一个事物,也不应该彻底否认另一个事物。如果个人看法与文章前面列举的某种观点相同或相似并且需要论述理由时,考生要避免简单地重复前面提到的论点。 [基本框架] 开头:阐述标题中涉及的现象并且提出问题。 主体:两种选择以及其理由或者优缺点。 结尾:综合前面的分析,表明自己的态度或者做法,并且简述选择的理由。 [常用词块] 1.an attempt to reach a consensus 达成共识的尝试 2.oppose changing the law 反对改变这个法规 3.a heated argument 一场激烈的争论 4.be regarded as immoral 被认为是不道德的 5.take account of environmental issues 考虑各方面的环境问题 6.in favour of equal pay for equal work 支持同工同酬 7.as far as sb.be concerned 就某人而言 8.when it comes to (doing)sth.当涉及(做)某事时 [常用语句] ★精彩开头 1.There is no consensus of opinions among people as to...人们对……没有共识。 2.When it comes to...,people's opinions/ideas/views vary from person to person.当涉及……,人们的观点因人而异。 3.When asked...,people have different opinions.当被问及……,人们有不同的

2021-2022学年高中英语人教版必修四教学案:Unit 4 Section 1 Word版含答案

Ⅰ.Match the word with its meaning. 1.defence A.come near or nearer to someone or sth. 2.likely B.to run or travel somewhere in a great hurry 3.represent C.very large or important, when compared to other things or people of a similar kind 4.dash D.a big bedroom for a lot of people 5.approach E.to say hello to sb.or to welcome sb. 6.greet F.action of defending oneself against an enemy's attack 7.misunderstand G.to be chosen to speak or act in place of someone 8.dormitory H.a place where two roads meet and cross each other 9.major I.understand sth.incorrectly 10.crossroads J.very probably 答案:1~5 FJGBA6~10 EIDCH Ⅱ.Write down the meaning of phrases in each sentence. 1.Look, dark clouds are gathering in the sky; it is likely to rain later on.很有可能…… 2.He joined the PLA to defend our country against the enemy .保卫……以免受 3.In general, the northerners are keen on dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.总的说来;通常With the help of body language, we can show our thoughts and feelings better.What do the following gestures mean? A.I am hungry.B.Quiet! C.Victory! D.Stop! E.Well-done! F.OK! 答案:(1)~(6)ECFBDA Ⅰ.Fast-reading 1.Read the passage and then try to write down the main idea. The passage is mainly about different body_languages in different countries.In order to avoid difficulties in today's world of cultural crossroads, we had better study_international_customs.


Section ⅢGrammar——定语从句(Ⅲ)和反意疑问句 一、非限制性定语从句 1.概述 非限制性定语从句与先行词的关系不密切,它的作用是用来提供附加的而非必要的信息,只是对先行词作进一步的解释、补充或说明,与先行词之间的关系较为松散,之间有逗号分隔。若去掉此定语从句,句子的主旨大意仍然明确,不会引起误解和太大的歧义。 Mr.Li is the manager of our company,whom you saw at the meeting yesterday. 李先生是我们公司的经理,昨天你在会上见过他。 2.关系词的作用

查尔斯·史密斯去年退休了,他曾是我的老师。 Xiao Wang,whom they often talk about,is going to America next month.(宾语) 他们经常谈到的那个小王下个月要去美国了。 There are many high buildings along the river,where there used to stand rows of trees.(地点状语) 沿河有很多的高楼,过去那儿是成排的树。 The earth goes around the sun,as we all know.(宾语) 众所周知,地球绕着太阳转。 [名师点津] (1)在非限制性定语从句中不能用that来代指人或物,而应当用who/whom指人,用which 指物。指人和指物的关系代词在非限制性定语从句中作宾语时也不能省略。指人作宾语时通常用宾格whom,口语中也可用who。 (2)非限制性定语从句不能用why引导,常用for which代替why。 [即时训练1] 用适当的关系词填空 ①China Today attracts a worldwide readership,which shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China. ②The books on the desk,whose covers are shiny,are prizes for us. ③We then moved to Paris,where we lived for six years. 3.as和which引导非限制性定语从句的区别 as,which引导非限制性定语从句指代整个句子 正如今天的报纸上说的,我们必须改进工作作风。(as引导非限制性定语从句,代指主句we must improve our style of work) Einstein,as we know,is a famous scientist. 众所周知,爱因斯坦是一位著名的科学家。(as引导非限制性定语从句,代指主句Einstein is a famous scientist) It rained hard yesterday,which prevented me from going to the park. 昨天雨下得很大,这阻止了我去公园。(which引导非限制性定语从句,代指主句It rained hard yesterday)

2022-2023新教材人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit4 Journey Across A

2022-2023新教材人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit4 Journey Across A 本单元名为"Journey Across A",意为"穿越A之旅",通过引人入胜的旅行故事,帮助学生了解和探索人类历史上重要的旅行事件和相关文化知识。本单元共分为四个部分: 1.Pre-Reading 在本部分,学生将通过观看旅行相关视频片段,了解不同旅行目的地的特点和吸引力,并展开关于旅行的讨论,为后续阅读做好铺垫。 2.Reading 本部分将引导学生阅读与旅行相关的文章和故事,并通过理解文章主旨、分析关键信息以及运用阅读策略来提升阅读能力。学生将了解到远古和近代旅行家的历险经历,以及他们所经历的文化碰撞和转变。 3.Vocabulary and Grammar

本部分将重点讲解与旅行和文化相关的词汇和语法结构,帮助 学生扩充词汇量和提高语法运用能力。学生将研究如何描述旅行目 的地和经历,并且掌握一些常用的旅行表达和交际技巧。 4.Post-Reading 在本部分,学生将通过小组讨论和展示来表达自己的观点和想法,并结合所学知识解答相关问题或解决问题。这将帮助学生巩固所学内容,并培养他们的表达和合作能力。 帮助学生了解不同旅行目的地的特点和吸引力。 提升学生的阅读能力,包括理解主旨、分析关键信息和应用阅 读策略。 扩充学生的词汇量,掌握与旅行和文化相关的词汇和语法结构。 培养学生的表达和合作能力,通过小组讨论和展示来表达观点 和解决问题。 培养学生的跨文化意识和理解力,通过了解不同文化之间的碰 撞和转变来拓宽视野。 以此大纲为指导,教师可以根据学生的实际情况和教学需要来 设计具体的教学活动和评估方式,以达到预期的教学效果。2022-

高中英语 Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good理解 课文精研读教学案(含

Unit 4 Looking goodfeeling good 速读P44-45教材课文,完成以下任务: Ⅰ.阅读判断 判断以下句子提供的信息是正确,还是错误,还是没有提及: 1.Nowadays being thin is seen as being beautiful,so all the teenagers slim down by skipping their breakfast. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned. 2.Jennifer Jones felt unwell and fainted in her morning PE lesson because of her dangerously low blood sugar levels. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned. 3.According to a study conducted by health experts,healthy and proper ways of getting into shape have been founded for teenagers. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned. [答案]1-3 BAC Ⅱ.补全信息 选择正确选项填入空白处,补全所给句子提供的信息: A.to educate teenagers about the side effects of losing weight too quickly B.to have dangerously low blood sugar levels C.to see her back at school soon D.to stay energetic and fit E.to reach her target weight F.to have a healthy balanced diet 2.Jennifer's classmates hope ________________. 3.Jennifer thought that skipping meals would be a simple way ________________.


新外研社(19)高中英语必修一 Unit 4 Friends forever-Using Language教案Teaching objectives: 1.Enable the students to understand the structure and function of the restrictive attributive clauses. 2.Guide the students to understand and use the relative pronouns that , which, who, whom and whose in the context. 3.Lead the students to understand the content of general topics related to friendship and be able to use the attributive clauses appropriately. 4.Help the students to initially recognize the importance of friendship and the way to get along with friends, and form a healthy interpersonal relationship. Evaluation objectives: 1.Ask the students to summarize the basic knowledge of the attributive clauses to find out if they understand the basic structure of the attributive clauses and the correct use of relative pronouns 2.Ask the students to talk about friendship by using the attributive clauses to find out if they can correctly use the attributive clauses in actual contexts. 3.Ask the students to write a passage about friendship and find out if they can appreciate and understand the values of friendship. Teaching key points: 1.Enable the students to understand the basic structure of the attributive clauses. 2.Lead the students to appropriately express ideas, and describe people and things by using the attributive clauses. Teaching difficult points: 1.Enable the students to use correct relative pronouns to introduce the restrictive clauses. 2.Lead the students to use the attributive clauses in the real context. 3.Guide the students to recognize the importance of friendship, think about


making rockets that could escape Earth's gravity. Task 3 Read the text again, then complete the chart below. Task 4 Put the following sentences in time order. A second manned orbit and Chinese spacewalk was completed. Astronauts observe and measure the far side of the moon. Tiangong 2 space lab was launched into space. Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth. Step 4 Post reading 1.Do four multiple choices related to this passage (1).Who was the first person in the world to go into space? (C) (2).Who was the first man to orbit Earth in Shenzhou 5 spacecraft? (A) (3).In which satellites all the astronauts died during their missions?(A) (4). What’s the attitude to the space exploration according to the author?(A) 2. Retell Complete the passage according to the text. People have always wanted to learn more about space. Before the mid-20th century, most people felt (1)_________ (travel) into space was an impossible dream. However, (2)____ the help of

2021-2022学年人教版高中英语必修三教学案:Unit 4 Section 3 Word版含答案

Section_ⅢGrammar—主语从句 语法图解 探究发觉 ①What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe. ②The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not. ③What is even more important is that as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface. ④It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development oflife. ⑤What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas. ⑥So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved. [我的发觉] (1)以上黑体部分在句中作主语。 (2)①句中的what在从句中作表语,但⑤句中的what在从句中作宾语;③句中的what在从句中作主语。 (3)②⑥句中的whether意为:是否。 (4)④句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面that引导的从句。 一、定义 在主从复合句中充当主语的从句即为主语从句。 What made people excited was that the solar ship had completed around-the-world trip. 让人们感动的是太阳能船已完成了环游世界的旅行。 It worried the woman that her son was always playing computer games. 儿子始终在玩电脑玩耍,这让这个女人很担忧。 二、主语从句的连接词及其句法功能 1.连接词that和whether/if (1)that在从句中不充当任何句子成分,本身无任何意义,只起连接作用,但不行省略。 That she survived the accident is a miracle. 她在事故中幸免于难简直是奇迹。 (2)whether/if在从句中不充当任何句子成分,起连接作用,意为“是否”,不行省略。 Whether the plan will be carried out is still unknown. =It is still unknown if/whether the plan will be carried out. 这个方案是否会实施还不知道。 [名师点津]whether引导的主语从句既可放在句首也可放在句尾,但if引导的主语从句只能放在句尾,前面需用it作形式主语。 [即时演练1]补全句子 ①That_she_could_come_to_help_us made us very happy. 她能来挂念我们使我们很兴奋。 ②Whether_she_is_coming_or_not doesn't matter too much. 她来不来都无关紧要。 2.连接代词(who, whose, whom, what, which, whichever, whoever, whomever, whatever等) 连接代词引导主语从句,在从句中可以作主语、宾语、表语或定语。 Whichever (of you) comes in first will receive a prize. 无论(你们)谁先到都可以得奖。 Who will go to the concert is not known. 不知道谁会去听音乐会。 Whatever you do in your spare time should do no harm to others. 无论你在业余时间做什么都不应当损害其他人。 [名师点津]who 引导的主语从句表示一件“事情”,而whoever引导的主语从句指“人”。 3.连接副词(when, where, how, why等) 连接副词引导主语从句并在从句中作状语。 How this happened is not clear to anyone. 这件事怎样发生的,谁也不清楚。 When we will have a meeting is an important question. 我们何时进行会议是个重要的问题。 Where I spend my summer is no business of yours. 我在哪里过暑假不关你的事。 [名师点津]名词性从句引导词的确定步骤: (1)分析句式结构,明确名词性从句在句中的功能; (2)明确名词性从句所表达的意义; (3)明确名词性从句中所需要的成分及意义; (4)确定从句的引导词。

2021_2022学年新教材高中英语Unit4 案含解析新人教版必修第一册

Unit 4 Natural Disasters Discovering Useful Structures 限制性定语从句(1) that, which, who, whom, whose引导的定语从句 观察以下课文原句并思考黑体部分的功能与构成: 1. There were deep cracks that appeared in the well walls. 2. Two thirds of the people who lived there were dead or injured. 3. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed. 【归纳填空】 限制性定语从句的功能: 修饰或限定主句中的某个名词或代词(先行词) 一、定义 定语从句可以分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。 1. 限制性定语从句 它是先行词在意义上不可缺少的定语, 如果去掉, 主句的意思就不完整或失去意义。这种从句与主句的关系十分密切, 书写时不可用逗号分开。如果关系代词在限制性定语从句中作宾语, 关系代词通常可以省略。 *(2020·全国Ⅰ卷)Here’s a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction. 这里有些可以让你回到正轨的方法。 *Everything comes to him who waits. 功夫不负有心人。 2. 非限制性定语从句 它只是对先行词作附加补充说明, 如果去掉, 主句的意思仍然清楚、完整。这种从句与主句的关系不是很密切, 书写时往往用逗号分开。非限制性定语从句不用that引导。 *(2020·浙江高考)The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp, which was surrounded by a high wire fence.


Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good Period 4 Integrated skills & extended reading 一、单句语法填空 1.Your price is too high.We ask for a (reduce) of 5%. 2.Houses in the suburbs often have no (individual). 3.The town is so (beauty)!I just love it. 4.Sewing is considered a (male) occupation. 5.There is a (say) that behind every successful man there’ s a woman. 6.She once made a brief (appear) on television. 7.His being late made it (possible) for the meeting to be held on time. 8.I believe they fall upon one another (blind). 9.A full man is made by combining efforts with (confident). 10.Every great (achieve) is a dream before it becomes a reality. 二、选用方框内合适的单词替换下列句子中的画线单词(每个单词限用一次) 三、根据括号内的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 汤姆辜负了父母的期望。(live up to) 2. 结果所有的活儿都是我一个人干了。(end up)

2021-2022学年高中英语译林版选修8教学案:Unit 4 Section 4 Word版含答案

强调 [语法初识] 原句感知自主探究①It was Mary who did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening. ②It was in the park that I met my old teacher yesterday. ③It is a pity that you didn't see the film yesterday evening. ④It was seven o'clock when we reached the mountain village. ⑤It was yesterday that I met my old teacher in the park. ⑥It was my old teacher that I met in the park yesterday. ⑦Maria, do tell us a little about the Venice Film Festival. ⑧It is a good idea that we will have a swim this Sunday. (1)以上各句中,句①②⑤⑥⑦ 表示强调。 (2)上述句子中表示强调有两 种表现形式。一种是用do/does/did+动词原形表示;另一种是用强调句型表示。 (3)句③中的that引导主语从句,it是形式主语。同样用法 的还有句⑧。 (4)句④中的it是代词;when 引导时间状语从句。 [语法剖析] 强调的功能和作用 在表达中,强调是对句中的主语、宾语、状语或状语从句进行充分强调而接受的一种特殊的表达结构,强调是一种修辞方法,能起到突出信息的作用。 语法点一强调句型 1.强调句型的基本结构 I came across Jim in the park yesterday. →It was I that/who came across Jim in the park yesterday.(强调主语) →It was Jim that/who I came across in the park yesterday.(强调宾语) →It was in the park that I came across Jim yesterday.(强调地点状语) →It was yesterday that I came across Jim in the park.(强调时间状语) 昨天我在公园偶然遇到了吉姆。 [名师点津]强调主语时,that/who后的谓语与被强调的主语在人称和数上保持全都。 [即时演练1] (1)单句语法填空 ①(2022·天津高考改编)You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel that the coach picks up tourists. (2)请对下列句子中加黑的部分进行强调 ②I was reading English this morning. →It_was_English_that_I_was_reading_this_morning. →It_was_this_morning_that_I_was_reading_English. ③I met Tom in the reading room yesterday afternoon. →It_was_Tom_that_I_met_in_the_reading_room_yesterday_afternoon. 2.强调句型的“多变”形式 (1)一般疑问式:Is/Was +it +被强调部分+that +句子的其他部分(陈述语序)? Is it the dictionary that you are looking for? 这是你在找的字典吗? Was it yesterday that he found my pen in the classroom? 是昨天他在教室里找到了我的钢笔吗?

Unit 4 知识重点总结讲义2022-2023学年高中英语外研版必修第一册

外研版必修一Unit4知识重点总结 一,重点词用法及相关短语:1. familiar--熟悉的名词:familiarity熟悉*1)be familiar to sb.---被某人熟知2)sb. be familiar with ....----熟悉... similar---相似的similarity---相似性be similar to.... 2.adventure---n. 奇遇adj---adventurous--惊险的 3.prefer--v. 更喜欢n.---preference偏爱*1)have a preference for sth.--偏爱... prefer相关短语回顾:*4. lose track of...----keep track of 5.deliver--v. 递送,传送,交付,接生,助产,发表n.--delivery 交付 5.advance--n.进步,进展adj.--advanced--高级的,先进的 *1)in advance--预先,提前=ahead of time 2) make an advance in...=make progress in 在...取得进步3)advance across...---前进穿过... 4)in advance of...---在...之前 6.maintain--v.保持n.--maintenance 保养7. enable--v. 使可能---disabled v.使伤残adj.--无能力的*enable sb. To do sth. 8.tend--v. 易于做某事n.---tendency趋势*1)have a tendency to do sth.有做某事的趋势 2)tend to do sth.--易于做某事3)tend to sb.---照顾某人4) a tendency towards...----...的倾向 9.criminal--crime罪行n. 10. acquire--v. 获得,购得adj--acquired 已获得的,acquisition--获得物acquirement--n. 获得学得的东西 10.prove---v. 证明n.proof---证据* 1) It’s proved that...---已经证明... 2) prove+名词/that...证明... 3)prove sb. to be +名词---证明某人是... 11.illustrate--v. 说明n.--illustration--插图n. illustrator---插图画家12. inspiring--adj. 鼓舞人心的,n.--inspiration 灵感https://www.sodocs.net/doc/2219351539.html,fort--n.安慰adj.--comfortable舒服的discomfort--不舒服14.patience--n. 耐心adj.--patient 有耐心的,名--病人adv.--patiently--耐心地 *1)lose patience with...----对...失去耐心2)have little patience with...---对...没有耐心3)be patient with...---对...有耐心15.humour--n. 幽默感adj--humorous--幽默的 16.quality--n. 素质n.---quantity--数量qualify---v. 使有资格*1)be of poor /good quality--好的/坏的素质2)goods of a high quality--高质量的产品 17.anxious--adj. 焦虑的n.--anxiety 焦虑,不安*1)with anxiety--不安地2)be anxious for..----渴望... 3)be anxious to do sth.---急于做... 4)be anxious about...----对...感到担心/焦虑 18.distance--v. 使...保持距离adj.--distant遥远的remote遥远的*1)in the distance---在远方 3)from a distance--从远处3)distance oneself from sth.--撇清自己与关系 19.dine--v. 就餐diner--就餐者20.fortune--巨款*fame and fortune 20.hustle v.---拼命干=work hard 21.turn up--出现*1)turn to sb.---求助于某人2) turn over--翻身,认真思考3)turn out to be...---结果是... 4)turn round--转身5)turn on=switch on 打开 21.appoint---v.i 约定,指定adj--appointed 约定的 22.scene--场景,现场,地点,场面,景色,领域*1) beyond the scenes---在后台2)on the scene在现场 23.location--n.地点v. locate 建造找出... 课文重点:24. what if...?---要是...将会怎样25.stay in touch with...----与...保持联系26.social medial tools--社交媒体工具27 be up to...---取决于.../ 正在做28.maintain friendships---维持友情29.contain contact with---与...保持联系30. the digital age---数据时代31.enable sb. To do sth.---促使某人做... 32.connect...with...----把...和...联系在一起33.real and meaningful---真实有意的34.keep in mind---牢记make up one’s mind to do sth.---决定做某事35.positive updates---积极的最新消息 37.throw the baby out with the bathwater-----部分良莠不分一起扔掉 38.long for----渴望39. make a statement---做陈述40.distance oneself from....----使...自己置...之外41.be set in...-----以...为背景42.leave work---下班43.go up to...----走向... 44.have a chat----进行聊天45.be to start for----准备向...出发46. make one’s fortune----发财 47.drag ... out of...----把...从...拖出48.ought to---应该做.... 49.work out...-----得到,算出 50.have sth. done----让...被... 51.between two meets----两次会面52.keep hustling----坚持拼命干


2022-2021学年高中英语【云南】同步教案:Unit4(共5课时)(人教新课标必修3) Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars Period 1 and 2: Warming up and reading I.Warming up: Lead-in Good morning, class! Today, w are going to take Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars. Before we read the text, let’s turn to page 97 and get familiarized with the vocabulary first. Pay attention to the making of the word. Study the prefixes, roots and suffixes in the words. Play a game to learn the names and positions of the planets: Venus is next to Mercury. Earth is the third planet. Mars is between Earth and Jupiter. Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun. Saturn is between Uranus and Jupiter. Mercury is closest to the sun. II. Pre-reading 1. Looking and saying Have you ever wondered how the universe began? Well I'm sure you may have many answers to this question, but I have one that perhaps, you may not have heard of yet. I will be giving you my theory on this subject. Now look at the screen and listen to me telling you something exciting. 科学家透露:宇宙可能有两个 我们的宇宙和一个"隐蔽的"宇宙共同"镶嵌"在"五维空间"中。在我们的宇宙早 期,这两个宇宙发生了一次相撞事故,相撞产生的能量生成了我们宇宙中的物 质和能量。 2. Talking and sharing Do you know how the universe began? In the 1920s in California, astronomer Edwin Hubble observed distant galaxies using an extremely powerful telescope. He made two mind-boggling(unbelievable) discoveries. First, Hubble figured out that the Milky Way isn’t the only galaxy. He realized that faint, cloud-like objects in the night sky are actually other galaxies far, far away. The Milky Way is just one of billions of galaxies. Second, Hubble discovered that the galaxies are constantly moving away from each other. In other words, the universe is expanding. The biggest thing that we know about is getting bigger all the time. A few years later, Belgian astronomer Georges Lemaître used Hubble‘s amazing discoveries to suggest an answer to a big astronomy question: “How did the universe begin?” III. Reading 1. Listening and reading aloud Now please listen to the recording and then read the text aloud. Pay attention to how the native speaker is reading along and where the pauses are within each sentence. I will play the tape twice and you shall read aloud twice, too. 2.Reading and underlining Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them into your notebook after class as homework.
