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1. 全面而系统的内容设计:牛津译林版高中英语教材教案内容全面,涵盖了听说读写四个方面,并配有丰富的练习题和写作指导。教案根据教材内容的难度和学生的学习需求,设计了一系列循序渐进的教学活动,帮助学生全面掌握英语技能。

2. 突出交际和实用性:教案注重培养学生的交际能力,通过丰富的口语练习、听说训练和任务型活动,让学生能够在实际生活中运用所学知识。教案中的实用性任务和真实情景案例,能够激发学生学习英语的兴趣和动力。

3. 强调学习策略和自主学习:教案注重培养学生的学习策略和自主学




单元:Unit 3 Travel journal


- 了解旅游的益处和挑战;

- 学习使用动词不定式和名词性从句描述旅行计划;

- 发展听说读写能力。


- 教师准备图片和实物资料,如旅行照片、景点介绍、旅游指南等;- 学生带上自己的旅游经历或计划。


Step 1: 导入旅游话题

- 通过展示图片、介绍自己的旅游经历或计划,引发学生对旅游和文化的兴趣,并让他们讨论旅游的益处和挑战。

Step 2: 学习新词汇和表达方式

- 呈现课文中的生词和短语,学生进行词义和用法辨析,并结合实际情


Step 3: 听力训练

- 听取旅行日记录音,学生根据听到的内容,完成相关问题和填空练习,并展开小组讨论。

Step 4: 口语表达

- 学生互相介绍自己的旅游经历或计划,并使用动词不定式和名词性从


Step 5: 阅读训练

- 学生阅读课本中的旅行日记,并回答相关问题,开始理解作者对旅行


Step 6: 写作指导

- 以“我最难忘的旅行经历”为题,学生根据自己的经历,写一篇100词








Unit 4Looking good, feeling good Welcome to the unit &Reading (I) I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. understand the structure and content of the news report; 2. read the news report critically and rewrite the title; 3. express their opinions on how to deal with weight problems properly. II. Key competence focus 1. Analyse the features of a news report. 2. Read the news report critically. III. Predicted area of difficulty Rewrite the title of the news report. IV.Teaching procedures Step 1 Brainstorming T asks Ss to express their opinions on weight problems. •Do you think senior high school students should pay much attention to their weight? Why or why not? •What do you think are healthy ways of losing weight? 【设计意图:让学生自由表达对减肥的看法,为下文的新闻报道做铺垫。】 Step 2 Predicting T asks Ss to predict what the news report will talk about according to the title and the pictures. 【设计意图:从文本的主题语境入手,让学生根据标题和图片推测文本内容,从而深度解读课文标题,培养学生预测性思维能力。】


牛津译林版高中英语教材教案 牛津译林版高中英语教材教案 第一部分:引言 作为全球使用率最高的高中英语教材之一,牛津译林版高中英语教材以其全面的内容、高质量的教案和提供个性化学习的特点,深受广大学生和教师的喜爱。本文将介绍牛津译林版高中英语教材教案的特点和优势,并给出一份常用于教学的教案,以帮助教师更好地利用教材进行教学。 第二部分:教案特点 1. 全面而系统的内容设计:牛津译林版高中英语教材教案内容全面,涵盖了听说读写四个方面,并配有丰富的练习题和写作指导。教案根据教材内容的难度和学生的学习需求,设计了一系列循序渐进的教学活动,帮助学生全面掌握英语技能。 2. 突出交际和实用性:教案注重培养学生的交际能力,通过丰富的口语练习、听说训练和任务型活动,让学生能够在实际生活中运用所学知识。教案中的实用性任务和真实情景案例,能够激发学生学习英语的兴趣和动力。 3. 强调学习策略和自主学习:教案注重培养学生的学习策略和自主学

习能力,通过引导学生进行情感反思、归纳总结,以及组织小组讨论和合作学习等方式,培养学生的学习主动性和团队合作能力。 第三部分:教案示例 主题:旅游与文化 单元:Unit 3 Travel journal 教学目标: - 了解旅游的益处和挑战; - 学习使用动词不定式和名词性从句描述旅行计划; - 发展听说读写能力。 教学准备: - 教师准备图片和实物资料,如旅行照片、景点介绍、旅游指南等;- 学生带上自己的旅游经历或计划。 教学过程: Step 1: 导入旅游话题 - 通过展示图片、介绍自己的旅游经历或计划,引发学生对旅游和文化的兴趣,并让他们讨论旅游的益处和挑战。 Step 2: 学习新词汇和表达方式


B7 Unit 2 Understanding each other Integrated skills Discussing the popularityof learning Chinese I.学习目标 By the end of this class, students will be able to: 1. acquire knowledge about the current situations of popularity of learning Chinese; 2. discuss the reasons for popular Chinese learning and its tendency. II. 导读导学 To illustrate reasons for popular Chinese learning; To identify the challenging aspects of foreigners learning Chinese; A层、写作常用词汇 1.参加汉语课程 2.读汉语报纸和杂志 3.变得越来越受欢迎 4.唱中文歌 5.流利地说汉语 6.中国经济的发展 B层、写作常用句式 1随着经济的发展…… 2.人们常说…… 3.在所有给出的理由中,有一个应该被提出。 4.为什么……的主要原因是…… 5.除此之外,我们不应该忽视…… 6.考虑到所有这些因素,我们可以安全地得出结论…… C层:写作

假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Tom注意到全球兴起了“汉语学习热(Chinese learning craze)”,写信向你询问,请你按照以下要点给他写一封回信。 1.汉语学习热的现象; 2.汉语学习热的原因。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Book 3 Unit 2 Natural disasters Project Making an information folder about rescue methods Teaching Aims By the end of this section, students will be able to: 1. collect and sort the information on a certain rescue method; 2. present the information of group work; 3. evaluate the works of different groups; 4. put all the works together to make an information folder. Teaching important points 1. To create and present an information folder. 2. To evaluate and comment on the information folder. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Preparation Have students collect some materials about rescue methods to prepare themselves for the project in groups. Step 2 Implementation Have students discuss different methods in natural disaster rescue. Ask students some questions. 1. What traditional methods can be used in searching for survivors? 2. What modern tools or equipment can be used to do the same thing? Step 3 Discussion Have students discuss which method they would like to research. Have students sort materials they are ready to use. Use the ideas in Part B on Page 27 and other possible aspects.


牛津英语译林版高一必修一Unit1 教案Unit 1School life Teaching aims of the whole unit: 1. Develop students ability’ of reading comprehension by reading an article about school life in the UK and two other articles about school clubs. 2. Develop students ability’ of listening comprehension by listening to two talks about school activities. 3. Develop students speaking’ ability by discussing daily school life and reporting school activities. 4. Develop students writing’ ability by writing a notice about school activities. 5. Develop students integrated’ skills of using English by making a poster for a school club. 6. Enlarge students vocabulary’ about school facilities. 7 Help students understand what an attributive clause is and what relative words function as in attributive clauses; teach students how to use relative pronouns that, which, who, whom and whose. Period arrangement: The whole unit: 12 periods Welcome to the unit: 1 period Reading: 2 periods Word power: 1 period Grammar and usage: 2 periods Task: 2 periods Project: 2 periods Self-assessment: 1 period Revision and exercises: 1 period Period 1Welcome to the unit I. Teaching aims: 1 Get students to know the different high school loves between the UK and China. 2 Develop students ’ English speakinglls. ski II. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Warming up Let some students make a self-introduction. 1. Introduce themselves. 2. Say something about their junior high school life. 3. Pair work: brain storm: When we are talking about our school life, what will we probably think of? What words or phrases will we use to describe our school life? Step 2 Presentation 1. Say the following to students: It s’the beginni ng of the new term. You ’ ve just finished your junior high and are about to enter a new period in your studies. I am happy to give your lessons and I hope we can be friends.


《英语》(选择性必修·第一册) Unit 1 Food matters Reading (II) I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1.understand the usage of the following words and expressions such as greedily, mood, emotion, link, relieve, cry out for, do the trick,etc. and use them properly and correctly; 2. learn to use more phrasal verbs with “up”; 3. learn to vary the language in writing using words and phrases with similar meanings. II. Key competence focus Vary the language in writing using words and phrases with similar meanings. III. Predicted area of difficulty Use the new words and expressions properly and correctly. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 warming up T asks Ss the following questions: What do you think of the comfort food? The students may answer: Comfort food makes me think of my memories from my sunny childhood. Comfort food makes us feel better, it makes up for bad feelings. Comfort food helps us recall happy memories. Comfort food takes us back to our culture roots, giving us “ the taste of home”. Comfort food is good food for soul … 【设计意图:回归课本,帮助学生复习前一日所阅读的文章内容;培养学生的语言概括能力和表达能力,自然过渡到下一环节。】 Step 2 Building your language 1. T gets the students to work in pairs and find the language focuses from the writing.


Unit 2The universal language Extended reading I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: 1.learn about Beethoven’s life and his works; 2.discuss the personality of Beethoven; 3.master the writing techniques of this article. II. Key competence focus L earn about Beethoven’s life and his works. III. Predicted area of difficulty Master the writing techniques of this article. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in T plays a Quiz with Ss to arouse their interest in the well-known musician: T lists relevant information and encourages Ss to guess the name of the musician. 【设计意图:学生通过猜名人游戏对即将阅读的故事主人公相关信息有一定的了解,同时吸引学生对高雅艺术的求知欲望,为下一步分析人物品质打下基础。】 Step 2 Global reading 1. T asks Ss to go through the passage quickly and sum up the main idea of each paragraph. 2. T encourages Ss to analyze the structure of the passage.


Unit 2 Let's talk teens Welcome to the unit & Reading教学设计 科目:英语课题:Welcome to the unit & Reading课时:1课时 教学目标与核心素养: 知识目标:获取与梳理文本中青少年成长与父母亲关系的紧张现象、其产生的原因及解决对策等基本信息。 能力目标:描述自己在成长过程中和父母亲关系紧张的经历,阐释其原因和处理的办法。情感目标:推理和论证作者的写作目的、观点和情感;赏析语篇的文体特征与修辞手法,探讨其与主题意 义的关联,理性表达自己的读后感受,加深对主题意义的理解。 教学重难点 教学重点:获取与梳理出文本中青少年成长与父母亲关系紧张的现象、其产生的原因及解决对策等基本信息;识别议论文的文本特征。 教学难点:赏析语篇的文体特征与修辞手法,探讨其与主题意义的关联;理性表达自己在成长过程中正确处理与父母亲的关系的观点和方法。 课前准备:多媒体,黑板,粉笔 教学过程: 一、Pre-reading 1. Greeting 2. Leading-in 教师活动:教师向学生展示音频,并让学生理解诗歌大意。 教师让学生读每行诗第一个字母,发现是什么。 学生活动:小组讨论下列问题: Q1: How would you describe Mother Bird's feelings inthe poem? Q2: Can you think of any Chinese poems about parents'love for their children? Q3: How do you think your parents feel about you?How can you tell? 活动目的:调动学生学习积极性,同时引入文章主题。


《英语》(必修·第三册) Unit 3The world online to Welcome the unit & Reading (I) I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: 1. know about some important milestones in the development of the Internet; 2. think critically and express their opinions on some advantages of the Internet; 3. think about what proper online behavioursare. II. Key competence focus 1. Analyse and summarize the structure of the text. 2. Think critically and express opinions freely. III. Predicted area of difficulty Understand the structure and keep a proper attitude towards the Internet. IV.Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in 1.T shows the pictures and asks the following three questions: •Who sent the first email and when?(It was sent in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson.) •What did the first webcam film? (A coffee pot outside the office.) •What were emojis, small digital images used to do? (To express ideas or feelings.) 2.T leadsSs to talk about the Internet by sharing the following two questions: •What do you often do on the Internet? I use the Internet to search for information that can help me with my homework; to read the latest news; to use the communication software to keep in touch with my friends; to listen to music; to use apps to take photos and play games... I depend a lot on the Internet to keep up to date with what is happening and to arrange my daily life; watching films online in my spare time is one way to entertain myself... •What effects do you think the Internet has on your life? The Internet has a great effect on our life. Without the Internet, our life will be different. 【设计意图:本单元的阅读课文是关于使用互联网的好处。在正式进入阅读环节之前,用几张图片和几个问题让学生大致了解一下互联网的发展史,为下一步的阅读做好顺承和铺垫。第二步的两个问题更是对学生进行了头脑风暴,让学生在读之前就已经对于使用互联网进行了积极地思考,并在下一步的阅读中有的放矢地去完成任务。】 Step 2 Reading for the structure T asks Ss to underline the topic sentence for each paragraph and complete the chart in A1.


Book 3 Unit 1 Nature in the balance Project Making a booklet on environmental problems Teaching Aims By the end of this section, students will be able to: 1. use effective communication skills when interacting with others; 2. collect and sort the material needed when making the booklet; 3. present the outcome of group work; 4. evaluate and comment on each other’s booklet. Teaching important points 1. To create and present a booklet. 2. To evaluate and comment on the booklet page. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Preparation 1.The teacher has students work in groups of four and collect different kinds of booklets as samples for discussion. 2.The teacher has students form a general idea of what a booklet should look like by showing several examples. 3.The teacher has students review the words and expressions relative to the topic of environmental problems in this unit. Step 2 Implementation The teacher has students discuss different environmental problems we are faced with and decide what topics should be included in a booklet on environmental problems. Step 3 Discussion The teacher has students discuss in groups, choose one problem to write about in the booklet and divide the tasks among group members by answering the following questions.


Unit 1 School Life Welcome Aims and requirements ♦ Read a magazine article about school life in the UK and two other articles about school clubs ♦ Listen to a headmaster talking about school activities ♦ Discuss daily school life with your class partner ♦ Report your school activities to your class teacher ♦ Write a notice about school activities ♦ Make a poster for a new school club procedures ●Welcome to the unit Step 1: Brainstorming It’s the beginning of a new term. You have just finished junior hig h and are about to enter a new period in your studies. I am very happy to have all of you in my class and I hope we can be friends. I can see that some of you are eager to know what studying at senior high will be like. Will it be different from junior high? Well, there are certainly many differences between junior high and senior high, but there are also some things that are the same in every school in China. What about schools in other countries? Do students learn differently and have different experiences? Are schools all over the world the same? This is the subject of our first unit. Today we are going to look at schools in the United Kingdom and try to work out if they are the same or different from schools in China. Here are four pictures that show some aspects of school life in the UK. Please look at the pictures, read the instructions and try to determine the differences between schools in China and the UK. Step 2: Discussing and practicing Let’s have a discussion for several minutes.(The teacher can use the following contents to help students.) Huge campus and low-rise buildings: In the United Kingdom,we can see huge campus and low-rise buildings in this picture. It is the biggest difference from schools in China. Schools in China usually have a large enough campus to make sure students have enough space to study and play in. But most school buildings are taller, at least three storeys. Lockers for every student: In the United Kingdom, there are rows of lockers by the classrooms for students to put their stationery, books, exercise-books and other belongings.In China students bring what they need for lessons to school and then take it all back home after school. Most


Welcome to the unit ◆内容分析 本板块利用多模态语篇—视频,呈现了三种较为常见的自然灾害:地震、 火山爆发和滑坡。学生通过观看视频、填写关键词,了解三种自然灾害的基本信息,为进一步学习本单元话题做好准备。 ◆教学目标 By the end of this section, students will be able to: 1. watch the video and get the basic knowledge of three types of natural disasters; 2. talk about other different types of natural disasters; 3. share with peers the information of the natural disasters in history. ◆教学建议 1. Have students watch the video and finish the blank-filling exercise on page 15. Possible answer a sudden shaking; hot gases; earth and rock 2. Have students answer the two questions on page 15. Possible answer 1. Another type of natural disaster that I know about is tsunamis. A tsunami is a series of huge waves, often caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption. Tsunamis often damage buildings severely and they can be deadly to humans. The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami killed more than 200,000 people. 2. Afghanistan Blizzard in 2008, the second worst blizzard in modern history with regard to casualties, had an estimated death toll of more than 900 due to temperatures that fell below —30℃ with up to 180 centimetres of snow in the mountainous regions. Some were frozen to death, and some died when their vehicles were blocked by snowdrifts. It also claimed more than 100,000 sheep and goats and 315,000 cattle. 3. Have students answer the following questions. (1) How many small earthquakes happen every year? Possible answer Several million small earthquakes happen every year. (2) What can the volcanic gas and ash cause? Possible answer They can cause acid rain and even storms. (3) What are landslides often caused by? Possible answer Heavy rainfall, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or other natural disasters. Sometimes human activities such as cutting down forests can also cause landslides. Video script Narrator: A natural disaster is a sudden natural event that causes great damage and suffering. It can happen anywhere, at any time. Let’s look at some examples. 29 An earthquake is a sudden s haking of the earth’s surface, caused by the movement of plates underground. Earthquakes are most common where plates meet. Several million small earthquakes happen every year, but most do not


《英语》选修·第四册) Unit 1 Honesty and responsibility Reading (II) I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1.learn some useful expressions and inverted sentences; 2.understand sentence structures and the usage of the following vocabulary:arrest, jaw, barely ,appointment,reliable,on the beat, tear down,,turn up,make one’s fortune,lose contact, no matter what…, 3.have a deep understanding of the theme of the short story. II. Key competence focus Learn to use the inverted sentences and useful expressions in different situations. III. Predicted area of difficulty Use sentence structures and useful expressions properly and correctly in new situations. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Revision 1.T asks Ss the following questions 1)What does the note tell you about the ending of the story? Jimmy was the policeman. He turned up as they agreed twenty years earlier, but he decided to fulfil (履行) his duty and have Bob arrested. 2)Do you think that Jimmy did the right thing? Why or why not? Because Jimmy was a policeman after all, whose duty was to protect the security (安全) of the whole society. 2. Individual work T encouragesSs to share the end of the story supposing the story did not stop here. T gives them a beginning for referrence . Bob was free after twenty years’ prison, and he walked in the street, l ost and helpless… It was a cold winter night, Bob felt like a stranger to thecity and everyone in it . he didn’t know where to go or whom to go to . A year after he had been arrested , his wife had left himand f ormer good friends had cut all contact with him. “Is there anyone here who still thinks of me ?” he wondered bitterly. he wandered blindly through the streets. In the dim light of a streetlamp, he Suddenly heard a familiar voice, “Bob I am here for our meeting, I knew you are sure to come to the same place where we had met twenty years before. ” Although twenty years had passed, Bob could still recognize the face---Jimm’s face. “ Long time no see,” murmured Bob , his voice trembling. At that moment the uncertainty was gone. 【设计意图:为了让学生更深地理解故事的主题—朋友与友情,激发学生的兴趣同时,激活学生的思维,就主题展开想象。】 Step 2 Group work T gets the students to pick out the useful expressions from the text,encourage them to make
