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儿子与情人 精神分析

儿子与情人 精神分析
儿子与情人 精神分析

The Analysis of Paul’ Oedipus Complex

--A Psychoanalytical Study on D.H Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers Abstract: D.H. Lawrence is one of the greatest writers in English literature.Sons and Lovers is one of his masterpieces which are known as a novel with a large amount of sexual descriptions in it. Although this book is quite controversial, it is very popular all over the world. In the novel, the hero Paul has Oedipus complex towards his mother which means that he loves his mother like loving his lover. In this paper, the author is trying to use Freud’s psychoanalytical theory to analysis Paul’s Oedipus complex and illustrate several reasons that cause it. Some factors in his family directly cause his Oedipus complex, but capitalism is the fundamental reason for Paul’s tragedy life.

Keywords: Oedipus complex, psychoanalytic theory, formations, reasons



I Introduction

D.H. Lawrence is one of the greatest writers in English literature whose masterpiece is Sons and Lovers. Due to his life experience and beliefs in the theory of psychoanalysis, there are a large amount of sexual descriptions in this novel. In fact, the hero of the novel has a strong Oedipus complex to his mother, Mrs. Morel. In this paper, the author uses psycholinguistic approach to analysis the development of Paul’s Oedipus complex and works out several reasons that cause the Oedipus complex.

1.1D.H Lawrence

D.H Lawrence was one of the distinctive writers in English literature. He was not only a novelist, but also a poet, dramatist and essayist.

Lawrence was born in coal miner’s family. His father was a coal miner but his mother was from a middle class family and was a well-educated woman. The differences between his father and mother led to his unharmonious family life. He got a lot of social experience from his father and great care from his mother. He received excessive care from his mother, or we can say that his mother spoiled him to some degree, and at the same time, Lawrence also had extraordinary love to his mother. He once said that he loved his mother, just like the feeling to lovers. With his mother’s love, he was unable to love other girls like a normal man. All these about his family life could be reflected in his novel Sons and Lovers.

Lawrence was deeply influenced by Freud’s psychoanalytical theory, so in his work, there are a large amount of descriptions about sex. He regarded the sexual intension as the root of everything. In his masterpieces, for example, Sons and lovers, Lady Chatterley’s Lover, he succeeded in describing sex vividly. Just because of this, his novel receives a lot of critics. In spite of these critics, his works are still welcomed due to his digging into people’s soul.

As a poet, Lawrence was also very successful. His poems can be divided into three periods: In the early period, his poems were mainly his autobiographic; in the middle period, he turned his subject into nature; in the last period, he expressed his opinions to life and rebirth.

Lawrence died in the year of 1930 at a very young age. His death is a great loss to

English literature. If he were able to live a longer life, he could have written more excellent works.

1.2Sons and Lovers

Sons and Lovers is the masterpiece and finest achievement of D.H Lawrence. Because of the sexual descriptions, it is representative in the banned movement. However, this did not influence its popularity among people. In fact, it has been welcomed in the readers all over the world.

This novel has a semiautobiographical nature since it is a model of D.H. Lawrence’s own life. In his own life, his life was just like the life of Paul’s. Just as what is mentioned above, he loved his mother and his mother’s love deeply influenced his life. With this love, he could not love other girls like other young man both physically and psychologically. These feelings above could be directly reflected in Paul’s struggling in the novel. In this novel, his mother was the prototype of Mrs. Morel who lost confidence in the life with Mr. Morel and fell in love with her son. As her first son died from the tiredness for making more money, she devoted all her love to her younger son, Paul; Miriam in the novel was in fact Lawrence’s girlfriend Jessie. With his mother’s love, he could not love Miriam and did not know how to deal with the relationship with Miriam and Clara; besides, Paul’s father was also a coal miner, just like Lawrence’s father. Mr. Morel hated his life and drank a lot; only after drinking, could he have the courage to let off his anger which intensified his contradictions with Mrs. Morel. In the end of the story, after Paul’s mother passed away, he left his hometown to be a real and independent man.

The book can be divided into two parts according to the content. The first part focuses on Paul’s Oedipus complex with his mother; the second part mainly describes his different relationship with Miriam and Clara.

II Literature Review

2.1 Studies on Sons and Lovers Home and Abroad

Studies on Sons and Lovers have been popular both in China and abroad, but these studies have different focuses.

Some researchers have been studying the work from the perspective of feminism

since Mrs. Morel’s mental process and behaviors are an example of the awakening of feminism; there are green studies on Sons and Lovers for in the novel, Lawrence expressed the Paul’s blood-consciousness. There are studies on this novel from the perspective of linguistic area: for example, there are conversational analyses on Lawrence’s language in it; other researchers focus on the language variants in the novel since the character’s languages differ from each other due to the different social status.

In this paper, the author plans to use Freud’s psychoanalytical theory to analysis this novel. In psychoanalytical theory, Oedipus complex is an important concept. The hero Paul in this novel has a strong Oedipus complex to his mother.

2.2 Psychoanalytical Theory

Psychoanalytical theory is an important theory in psychology and was first proposed by Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud. Soon, it is widely used in literature field to analysis writings.

There are three main principles in psychoanalytical approach: first, Freud proposed that most mental processes are unconscious; second, he claimed that the prime monitor of human behavior is libido which means sexual desire; third, many of people’s desires and memories are repressed in fact by the social taboos. Freud spited human mind into three parts: they are preconscious, conscious and unconscious which also equally means id, ego and superego. His focus in these three parts is unconscious. Freud emphasized the sexual differences and thought these differences are biologically determined rather than socially constructed. He advocated muscularism and regarded female as lacking male sexual organ.

According to Freud, psychic zone can be divided into three parts, id, ego and super ego: id is actually the reservoir of human desires and it could make a person evil. It is inaccessible and chaotic and at the same time lawless and amoral; for ego, it could protect people from excesses of id. It is ruled by reality principles and in fact a conscious mind. Ego could make people into human being by standing for reasons. As the most important function, ego could make a balance between id and superego; Superego is the moral censoring agency of human and it is largely unconscious.

Superego represents all the social rules and impulses toward perfection. It has the rules of morality repressing the drive of id and thrust the unconscious and conscious into id. But the overactive superego will create a sense of guilty.

In Freud’s theory, the unconscious is inaccessible for the individual. However, people could detect it through some traces or symbols, for example, dreams, tongue slips and jokes and so on. Subconscious, conscious and unconscious should be in a balanced position, or the repressed and desired will surface as abnormal behaviors.

In literature, psychoanalytical theory emphasizes that writers are day dreamers and they are psychoanalyzing the evidence in their life and connecting these with their works. At the same time, it intends to use the sex interpretations to psychoanalysis the characters in the writing.

Latter, the neo Freudianism appeared and De Jung, Lacan and Kristiva are the representatives this theory.

2.3 Oedipus Complex

According to psychoanalytical theory, complex is in fact a complicated emotional problem. This is a combination of generally correlated concepts or feelings which are probably caused by emotional hurt in one’s life experience. Once a person got hurt in a period of time, he will soon forget it and just sweep the unhappy experience in the memory. In fact, these feelings will deeply sink into his heart and become a part of unconsciousness and influence people’s behaviors and emotions to some degree. Complex is an emotional structure and everyone has it. But different people will have different results due to the different ways of dealing with them.

Oedipus complex was originated from Greece mythology. In the mythology, Oedipus unwittingly killed his father, Laius and married his mother, Jocasta. Oedipus complex is an important issue in psychoanalytical theory. It refers to a child’s desire to sexually possess the parent of the opposite sex. For example, males are attracted by their mothers and females are attracted by their fathers. Freud first coined this concept and this is a basic idea in his famous psychoanalytic theory. Freud presumed that Oedipus complex is common in people’s life and the core of all the psychological problems. Oedipus complex is not only a psychological term, but also widely applied

in literature criticism area.

III The Formation and Manifestation of Paul’s Oedipus complex

3.1 The Formation of Paul’s Oedipus Complex

As we know that Paul’s parents (Mr. and Mrs. Morel) were from different social status. At the beginning of their marriage, they lived a happy life because they had n’t come across the difficulties in life up to then. Gradually, Mrs. Morel was getting fed up with the miserable life since it was so different from the life before her marriage. She was a proud lady with a strong will and had a strong desire of acquisitiveness and domination. On the other hand, Mr. Morel looked like a cheerful and energetic man. He had great passion to life and his work at first. However, as time went by, when his marriage met difficulties, his nature appeared. He was becoming coward and timid toward everything. Because of Mrs. Morel’s proud attitude towards her husband, Mr. Morel tried to avoid conflicts with his wife and repress his anger although he was quite unsatisfied with her. In his life, for most of the time, he was tolerating his wife’s disdain. Only when he was drank, could he be able to release his feelings freely and violently to his families. But after all, drinking could not solve every problem and save him. When he became sober, he was still Mr. Morel—a timid and coward man, feeling shame to what he did when he was unconscious. As a man, Mr. Morel could not use a positive attitude to face everything.

Due to Mr. Morel’s behavior, attitude and her own personality, Mrs. Morel at last abandoned her husband spiritually. On one hand, she was striking her husband’s self-esteem all day long which made Mr. Morel be more self-abased. In her eyes, her husband was a person without manhood; On the other hand, she was searching comfort from other persons and her son was her best choice. In fact, she was searching for a reliance to replace her husband.

When her first son, William, was born, she devoted all her life to love him. William was working in a law firm as a secretary. Because of his mother’s great expectations on him, he was working hard. Finally, one day he died because of the excessive fatigue. Mr. Morel was heart-broken for her son’s death and nearly lost hope to life. So when her second son, Paul, was born. She had more expectations to

him. More seriously, she regarded Paul as her life. Paul was an obedient child and did not want to let his mother down. At this time, Paul’s Oedipus complex started to form. When Mrs. Morel was trying more and more to control Paul’s everything, Paul was also becoming more and more obedient to his mother and loved his mother. His Oedipus complex had become his fate in his rest of the life.

3.2 Manifestations of Paul’s Oedipus Complex

It is obvious that Mrs. Morel’s love and control to Paul was dominating Paul’s everything, including his emotion and soul. As a result, Paul lost his ability to love anyone else and was emerged in the abnormal love from his mother, both psychologically and physically. His Oedipus complex was not formed in one day, but by the continuous affections from his mother. When he noticed his mother’s extraordinary love, he could not escape from that. Instead, he actively responded to that love which promoted his Oedipus complex.

First, Paul’s Oedipus complex was shown by his admiration towards his mother. When he was very young, he experienced not only delicate, subtle and sensitive kinship from his mother, but also the romantic and colorful love from her. When Mrs. Morel felt suffering from life, she could release her anger through talking to Paul and Paul nearly became her psychological harbor. She loved her son and encouraged Paul to work hard in order to be excellent to be a member of the upper class. Mrs. Morel wanted her son to do this because she was rather depressed by her current life and eager to go back to the life before her marriage. Paul understood what his mother was worrying about and comforted her often. Because of his sensitivity, all his attentions were attracted by his mother and he was sharing his mother’s happiness and sorrow all the time. Gradually, loving his mother had become a responsibility and aspiration of Paul’s.

Second, Paul’s Oedipus complex could also be seen from his suffering when he was dating with other girls. Paul’s mother was terrified with his son’s dating with other girls. She wanted to occupy his son instead of letting him to be an independent man. Sometimes, Paul wanted to escape from this control and date someone else. He had two girlfriends, Miriam and Clara. For Miriam, she and Paul had similar interest

and personality and they should have been a perfect couple. Miriam was a girl who was pursuing emotional satisfaction but lacked of passion in her relationship with Paul. She and Mrs. Morel were destined to be enemies for both of them were trying to occupy Paul’s soul. In the end, she was defeated by Mrs. Morel because of the irreplaceable kinship between Paul and Mrs. Morel. Another woman called Clara gave Paul physical satisfaction compared with Miriam. She was from lower class and separated with her husband. Their combination was transient and lifeless. When Paul felt depressed in his mother’s control and found no comfort in Miriam, what he wanted to get was to prove himself to be a real man. Unfortunately, he chose a wrong way of sexual releasing. Similar with Paul, the reason why Clara wanted to continue the relationship with Paul was also to prove her charm since she was not satisfied with her husband. When Paul was dating these two girls, he was obsessed by his mother. Although the dating was a temporary escape for Paul, he could not truly escape from his mother’s control in the end. Gradually, this Oedipus complex became his burden and suffering.

Third, Paul’s hatred towards his father was also one of the manifestations of his Oedipus complex. At a very young age, he had all kinds of negative feelings towards his father. His father was a rude man, both in the society and at home. When he was unhappy and down, he liked to drink because drinking could help him survive in the dark society and icy family. When he was drank, he would be very violent to his wife, and also to Paul. Paul was deeply impressed by his father’s behaviors. He hated Mr. Morel and hoped that he could stop drinking because it was fatal for a drinker to stop drinking, in another words, he wanted his father to die. We can see here that he regarded his father as his enemy. If his father died, he could sleep with his mother on the same bed. In fact, he enjoyed the feeling to sleep with his mother; besides, without his father, his mother could be happier than before since in his eyes, his father was the root of his mother’s unhappiness; at the same time, without his father, he could occupy his mother both psychologically and physically. The same as the feeling his mother had towards him, Paul had the same desire to his mother.

From all the details above, we can figure out that, Paul has a very serious Oedipus

complex. According to Freud, a lot of boys have Oedipus complex but it mainly exists in their subconscious and will not come to the conscious part so that most boys will ignore it. But when it is so obvious that he or the people around him could feel it, the subconscious and unconscious balance will be broken which will lead to psychological problems. Paul’s problem is that he was excessive reliant to his mother and lost the ability to love other girls in a right way.

IV The Reasons that Cause Paul’s Oedipus Complex

4.1 Family Causes for Paul’s Oedipus Complex

The most direct causes for Paul’s Oedipus complex are from his family. In his family, four people’s influences on Paul lead to his Oedipus complex: they are his father, his mother, his former elder brother and himself.

Paul’s father gave him the first influence on his Oedipus complex: Mr. Morel was from the lower class of the society. Because of his social status, he was not able to receive good education. He spoke local dialect and could not communicate with his wife and sons properly. As a result, he was looked down upon by them. In a normal family, a father should be an idol and a model of the sons. Sons tend to admire their father and imitate them to some degree. In Paul’s family, he did not have the opportunity to do this because he regarded his father as a man without manhood. In his eyes, a real man should not be like that. He wanted to change a man’s image to replace his father’s. Besides, Mr. Morel could not give Mrs. Morel a perfect family and a happy life. Paul had a strong will to take his father’s place to care for his mother because his father was too useless in his heart. So we can say Pau l’s father is the remote cause of his Oedipus complex.

Paul’s mother is one of the main causes that lead to his Oedipus complex. Paul’s mother was from a comparatively high social class and she was better educated than his father. When they first met, passion made them get married without thinking too much about the future life. As a result, the marriage life seemed miserable to both of them. Mrs. Morel gradually was getting fed up with her life with Mr. Morel and felt depressed to him. As time went by, the contrast between them was becoming more and more obvious. Paul admired his mother more while he had more negative feelings

to his father. Mrs. Morel lacked of comfort and had to seek comfort from somewhere else. At this time, her son became her best choice. The more Mrs. Morel was reliant to Paul, the more Paul loved his mother.

Mrs. Morel had two sons actually. Her elder son died at a young age because of the great pressure and the heavy load of work. When Mrs. Morel wanted to search comfort, his first son, William, should have been her best choice. Unfortunately, all the responsibility of caring and loving his mother came to Paul as his brother passed away. Without Mr. Morel, without William, Paul became the only person Mrs. Morel could rely on. With the more and more intimate contact, Paul loved his mother gradually.

The root reason of Paul’s Oedipus complex is his timid and coward nature. At the beginning of the relationship with his mother, he enjoyed the feeling of loving and receiving love from his mother. As time went by, he was feeling that his mother’s extraordinary love was a heavy burden and like a net which he was not able to escape from. As a burden, he was responsible to his mother; as a net, when he wanted to live a normal life like others and fall in love with other girls, he could not forget his mother all the time although he was dating them. In the end, he had to go back to his mother. If Paul could be brave enough to cut this abnormal relationship as soon as he was aware of it. He could have lived an independent life earlier instead of being a real man only after his mother’s death.

4.2 Fundamental Reasons From Society that Cause Paul’s Oedipus Complex

Society has strong influence on people’s life, both physically and psychologically. We can see that Paul’s Oedipus complex is an unhealthy state of mind. Unhealthy society and unhealthy way of life will certainly lead to unhealthy mental state. Paul’s mental problem is of course a result of the society.

In the novel Sons and lovers, D.H Lawrence did not describe too much about the society. He concentrated more on the mental activities of people. However, as we read through this novel, we could clearly figure out that all the psychological activities were deeply influenced by the society: The capitalist society was destroying people’s life and leading people to a more miserable life.

“Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital good, by investments that are determined by private decision and by price, production and the distribution of good that are determined mainly by competition in free market”1In capitalist society, everything belongs to the owner and he will do whatever he could to exploit the workers to make a better profit. Because of the nature of the capitalism, the workers can not escape from the fate of being exploited.

Mr. Morel was a representative figure of this kind and his life was just a vivid picture of the working people in capitalist society.

Paul’s father was born in a lower class family and the class distinction made it impossible for him to live a different life. When he was young, he could not receive a good education so that in the later life he became an illiterate person whom people looked down upon. He had few opportunities to contact with the upper class people. The only chance was that he met his wife in a dancing party which seemed a change in his life. But fortune could not change his fate. His marriage life was still as miserable as before, or more miserable than before.

As a miner, he was dirty for most of the time. When he was in a mine, he had to work day and night and sometimes could not come up to the ground for several days. The heavy load of working made him be a machine instead of a man. When people went to relax after work, the only thing Mr. Morel could do after work was to drink to numb himself. As days went by, he lost the ability to release his feelings and the result was he was too oppressive to be a real man. After he went back home, sleeping and beating his wife had become an important part of Mr. Morel’s life.

Mr. Morel is a good example of the workers of the old generations. He was dissatisfied with the realty and had spirit of resistance but they did not know whom to resist. No one had told them that their miserable life was caused by the industrialized society and the capitalism. So they were not aware of the fact that the exploiting from the capitalists was the root of workers’ poverty. They were working in the dark humid underground mine and were running great risk of losing their lives. This kind of work 1Merriam-Webster: Merriam-Webster Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary, 2010

tended to lead workers to be rude and reasonable men. Drinking was their best pleasure. Being rude to their family members could be a kind of self-actualization for them. They lived in narrow and small houses; they walked on the muddy street; they were worrying about their hungry new-born babies; they were eager to know how to buy the next meal. For them, life was just like this, dirty and poor. Mrs. Morel’s life was just the lives of thousands of miner’s wives. The massive industrial production was adding more and more load to workers’ families and this was exactly the root of the Morel’s conflicts in daily lives. They had been a happy couple for a short period of time when they first got married, but Mrs. Morel’s dreams broke when she had to worry about trivial matters of the poor life and she realized that Mr. Morel was actually an illiterate man. Because of her despair, she was giving all her living bet to her son, Paul, which finally caused Paul’s psychopath.

V Conclusion

As we have analysis above, Paul gave all his love to his mother without any reserve and regarded his mother as his meaning of life. As we look through the history of capitalism, we realize that this machinery industrial civilization makes more and more people feel depressed and the tense living pace could kill people’s nature of being a real man. So we could conclude that the tragedy life of Mrs. Morel and Paul’s was caused not only by their personal characters, but also the result of the current social environment.

Oedipus complex is just like a shadow of a person, it is along with people all the time. However, people fail to find it and refuse to admit its existence. In fact, Oedipus complex is a kind of behaviors and emotion caused by libido in preconscious. Libido here does not only refer to sex, it includes all the emotions in preconscious. Freud explained it as a result of sexual distinct and stimuli from one of the parents (Father gives too much love to daughters or mother loves sons too much). In this situation, sons are likely to possess their mothers and it is natural to regard their fathers as enemies; daughters also want to occupy father s’ love and could not tolerate father’s gentleness to their mothers so that daughters and mothers become enemies. These instinct emotions generally could be controlled to some degree and can not be realized

because it lies in the preconscious. Even if it is realized, people are reluctant to admit it.

Oedipus complex will not do harm to people’s life if we could know enough about it and treat it in a right way. Generally, the tragedy life in the novel will not happen in ours. However, just because of the vivid descriptions on the hero’s psychology change and suffering, the novel Sons and Lovers could be a classical novel with the eternal beauty.


1. D.H. Lawrence (2011) Sons and Lovers. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司;



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看现代社会生态的变异. 名作欣赏(下月刊)(2013.1);




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《自卑与超越》读书笔记 自卑常常被认为是不好的,因此很多人否认自己的自卑情结。但是每个人或多或少都有自卑情结,正视自己的自卑和不足,是健康成长的前提。 孩童时代,我一直被班里的同学称为胖子,对外貌很自卑。但是我不允许自己承认这一点,也不允许别人发现这一点,当被叫到胖子的时候,我会用很恶劣的语言回应。随着年龄增长,我开始正视自己长得不够漂亮的事实,并且发现自信所体现出来的魅力。我常常告诉自己自信的女性最美丽,这种心理暗示带来的效果很好。 正视自己的自卑,并且把自卑用自信来掩盖,这是我对自我内心的调整,但是阿德勒的《自卑与超越》让我第一次比较系统的认识了自卑情结,并再一次对自己的内心进行了深层次探索。 《自卑与超越》一共十二章节,读完之后,有三点感受尤为深刻: 一、个体的生活意义与行为 什么是生活的意义?生活的问题都是和职业,社会和性相联系的。个人对这三个问题的反应,就表明了他生活的意义。错误的生活意义导致错误的行为。阿德勒由表及里的探索,有效解释了为什么纠正一个人的行为后,患者仍然会出现其他不良行为。关键不在于行为本身,而在于错误的生活意义没有被纠正。我在实习的过程中发现有两个16岁的小孩子,性格暴躁,不讲礼貌。我多次告诉他们这样是不对的,效果甚微。我问及了他们的家庭状况和小时候记忆深刻的故事。A的父母双亡,和爷爷相依为命。爷爷并不关心他的心里需要,只保证他有饭吃有衣服穿,有时候爷爷走亲戚,会把他一个人留在家里。长期的忽视使得他很孤单。B的情况更糟糕,唯一的亲人,哥哥在外打工,一年回家一次,他假期也呆在学校,无处可去,安静的时候,深黑的眼睛常常让人觉得悲伤。我第一次接触他对他印象非常好,爱照顾人,负责人。但是相处的过程中,我开始接触其他人,对他的关注度减少。接下来他的行为就变得让人无法忍受。了解到AB的生活环境和现状之后,在和他们的交流中我发现,他们表现的如此暴躁是因为他们怕被忽视,想引起老师的注意。但是由于他们的学习成绩和运动以及其他方面都表现平平,他们便选择了错误的方式来达到吸引注意的目的。我先主动调整了自己对待他们的态度,并且十分肯定了他们的优点。接着我发现他们的行为有了很大改


儿子与情人中母亲地性格分析旅游管理 儿子与情人中母亲地性格分析 《儿子与情人》反映了失败地家庭教育对于人成长和未来地影响.对我们今天地家庭生活和家庭教育都有指导和借鉴地意义. 《儿子与情人》是英国著名作家劳伦斯地一部长篇小说.在这篇小说里,作者讲述了一个家庭地人物关系和命运.这是个看似普通地家庭,有父亲,有母亲,有孩子,其中有男孩也有女孩.就是这个看似普通地家庭,却发生了不同地人物命运.尤其是其中地”母亲”,她是整个家庭地核心,她地人物性格是理解《儿子与情人》一文地重要线索. 一、年轻时候地母亲 年轻地时候地母亲和所有地年轻人一样,对生活充满期待和美好地期盼.“母亲”地初恋作者地笔墨不多,寥寥数笔.但就是那么少地篇幅,却告诉我们“母亲”地性格.那是“母亲”地年轻时候,应当说人刚成年地时候对生活地态度是充满幻想和不切实际地,但是“母亲”地性格在年轻地时候就已经成型喜欢宁静地生活、有主见但是内向胆小. (一)喜欢宁静地生活.体现在“母亲”和初恋地谈话,“我不喜欢,我恨做生意!”他激动地喊道.“你可能愿意做一个牧师吧.”她半恳求地说.“当然,我喜欢做一个牧师,我认为自己能做一个第一流地传教士.”传教士相对于生意人来说,工作地危险系数和稳定系数都要小得多,而且传教士要求人品要非常地正直.“母亲”地恳请充分证明了她希望她未来地丈夫从事稳定和人品要好.体现出“母亲”地性格特点安静、内向、理想主义. (二)有主见.“母亲”地有主见体现在初恋中就是母亲希望“他”能够

做一名传教士,而且面对“他”地软弱,一度用言语去刺激“他”,希望以此激起“他”地“男人”地冲动.这充分体现母亲心中有自己地主见,而且一旦主见认定之后,会付诸行动,锲而不舍. (三)内向胆小.“母亲”地内向胆小体现在初恋地段落中,就是“母亲” 知道了他因为父亲破产,去了诺伍德当老师.而且一去两年,沓无音讯.两年后母亲才去亲自探望“他”地境况,知道“他”已经结婚了.这充分说明母亲地内向和胆小.“母亲”既然已经认定了“他”,而且还自认为自己了解“他”,甚至怂恿“他”与家庭抗争,那么在“他”遇到苦难地时候就不应该袖手旁观.而是应该主动出击去寻找和帮助她.但是文中地“母亲”选择了等待.直到两年之后才去寻找,确得知“他”已经结婚地消息.也许“他”也曾经等待甚至期待“母亲”地到来.可是最终没有出现,只能被迫接受生活地现状与富有地寡妇结婚. 二、婚后地母亲 应当说作者是早早就交代了故事地结局地,早在故事开篇地初恋过程,劳伦斯就简要地交代了母亲地性格特点,婚后地“母亲”地性格和所作所为不过是人物个性地放大和转移变化而已. (一)生活地刺激,使母亲地性格发生了变化 “母亲”地丈夫莫瑞尔先生是个矿工,因为跳舞跳地很有魅力而且带给“母亲”人生观中从没有过地体验而爱上了这个矿工.“母亲”在第一个情人节和莫瑞尔先生相识,在第二个情人节和莫瑞尔先生结婚,在第三个情人节为莫瑞尔先生生下第一个孩子...婚姻地蜜月期只有短短地六个月,赤裸裸地现实就将“母亲”带入了现实中. 首先是经济原因.婚前莫瑞尔先生告诉“母亲”现在住地房子和隔壁地房


女性主义理论与流派 女性主义的发展演变的历史进程及特质划分为九大类:自由主义女性主义、社会主义/马克思主义女性主义、存在主义女性主义、激进女性主义、精神分析女性主义、存在主义女性主义、后现代女性主义、多元化全球女性主义及生态女性主义。 (1)自由主义女性主义 历史背景 自由主义女性主义,乃指由自由主义思潮发展而来的女性主义思潮。自由主义兴起于19世纪的西欧,以英国政治哲学家洛克(John Locke)为最重要的代表人物。在政治层面上,自由主义挑战当时君权神授的理念与君主专制的政治制度,指出政府的统治必须得到人民的同意;在经济层面上,随著资本主义市场的勃兴,旧有的封建制度对旅行、金融、贸易交易的种种限制也受到新兴中产阶级的挑战,以自由之名,争取更多的经贸机会与累积个人财富的机会。十七、十八世纪的女性主义者将自由主义的理念与主张加以延伸,扩张到妇女身上以及私领域的性别关系。她们认为,如果政治领域里的君权神授是不可以忍受的,那么为什么家庭里,仍保留著男性家长的绝对权威呢? 基本观点 一、理性 自由主义认为人类的共同本质是理性,这是人之所以异於禽兽之处,主张女人的本性和男人一样,是人性(human)与理性(rational),而非生殖性(sexual)。 二、自由主义与个人主义 人存在世界上的目的与意义,必须由个人决定,而非依赖他人的权威与意见,自主(autonomy)与自我决定(self-determination)就是自由主义所崇奉的原则,也就是不受别人干涉,自己决定自己的生存目标。 三、平等 「平等」是自由主义的核心原则,洛克认为每个人都有权去从事她所喜欢的事,并不受他人的干扰;同样地,她也必须尊重他人的权利与自由,不去干涉他人的事。所以个人必须去遵守法律与平等的原则。平等有二个面向,第一个面向是接受束缚的平等,也就是说大家要接受相同的法律限制;第二个面向是机会的平等,每个人均有均等的机会追求自我发展并发挥自我的潜能。 女性主义沿袭自由主义的理念,将之推广到女性身上。首先,妇女是人具有理性。理性是妇女以及所有人类的共通本质,而妇女的性别是次要的。根据自由、自主与自我的决定原则,女性主义认为女性生存的目的必须以自我实现、自我潜能发展为优先。女性的自我就是存在的目的,而非为了做妻子与母亲才存在,就好像男性是为了父亲与丈夫的角色而存在。 自由主义女性主义在概念上强调个人主义以及自我优先,同时在经验层次上又肯定家庭对女性的重要,这是其务实特性以及理念本身的内在局限。 代表人物和代表作品 一、玛丽.沃尔斯东(Mary Wollstonecraft,1759-1797)代表作:《为女权辩护》 沃尔斯东认为女人和男人一样具有理性。其主张女性要发展理性,培养独立自主的人格,同时她不特别支持女性参与公共领域的生活,她认为只有少数特别优秀的女性才会从事政治,大多数的女性是在家庭领域里去追求理性与独立。要达成理性与独立,首先,女性要有一技之长,能取得经济独立;其次,法律必须承认男女平等,女性也拥有财产权,而非附属於丈夫。


《儿子与情人》论文:《儿子与情人》中的男性气质 【中文摘要】D. H.劳伦斯是20世纪英国的杰出文学家,《儿子与情人》是他的第三部小说,也是他的第一部重要的小说。故事发生在19世纪工业化的英国,以一个名叫河川区的矿区为背景,描写了矿工莫瑞尔一家的生活以及他的几个子女的成长经历。国内外许多专家学者从不同视角对《儿子与情人》进行了解读,但大多专注于心理分析或者文本解读,而针对莫瑞尔父子三人男性气质的研究的论文却不多见。就国内外《儿子与情人》的研究现状而言,评论家主要以心理分析和文本分析为理论依据,围绕文本中的两个主要人物保罗和他的母亲莫瑞尔太太进行分析。事实上,保罗的父亲莫瑞尔和兄长威廉在小说中也有很重要的地位,他们理应得到关注。莫瑞尔及其子威廉和保罗的生活经历是三部不同的有关男性气质的历史。莫瑞尔的经历是一部充满挫折及心酸的历史;威廉的经历是一部激情与不安并存的历史;保罗的经历则是一部有惊无险的历史。本论文共分三个部分。第一部分包括《儿子与情人》国内外研究现状的综述、本论文的研究问题、研究、研究方法、及论文的整体框架。第二部分(论文的第一、二、三、四章)是论文的主干部分,分别论述了男性气质的理论,莫瑞尔,威廉及保罗的男性气质维护和建构历史。第一章是男性气质研究的简要历史,介绍了这一概念的产生发展史及在不同历史时期的不同体现。本章还介绍了澳大利亚社会学家康奈尔对不同类型男性气质的界定,说明了莫瑞尔、威廉和保罗分别代表了康奈尔划分的共谋性、

支配性边缘性的男性气质。第二章是关于莫瑞尔受伤的男性气质。首先论述了莫瑞尔太太如何尽力将丈夫的男性气质消解,及莫瑞尔如何尽最大努力来维护其共谋性男性气质。其次论述了莫瑞尔家的子女们,在其母亲的教唆下,如何伙同他们的母亲将父亲的男性气质消解掉, 及莫瑞尔怎样维护自己作为男性的尊严的。第三章分析了威廉建构支配性男性气质的过程。威廉从小就有建立支配性男性气质的雄心,其雄心得到了母亲充分的挖掘与培养。威廉缺少男性气质的榜样,同时他在精神和肉体上分别受控于母亲和女友,无法获得独立。他尽力摆脱母亲的控制以得到自我独立,然而以失败和死亡为结局,支配性男 性气质更无从可谈。第四章探讨了保罗的男性气质的建构。保罗开始不清楚自己想要建构什么类型的男性气质,后来决心成为一名艺术家并建构边缘性男性气质。为了获取独立,他必须摆脱母亲及两位女友的控制,她们分别是保罗的母亲精神与肉体层面的化身。保罗最终摆脱了这三个女人的控制,将一切过往抛在了身后,去城市开始了新的 生活。第三部分为结论。在前几章分析的基础上,本部分将简要总结莫瑞尔、威廉和保罗父子三人维护,建立自己男性气质成败的经验教训。 【英文摘要】D. H. Lawrence is a distinguished British writer in 20th century. Sons and Lovers (SL) is his third and also the first important novel. The story happens in the industrialized England, and its background is a mining community called Bottom. It describes the family life of the


英语专业学生阅读参考书目 字体大小:大| 中| 小2009-03-31 11:36 - 阅读:314 - 评论:0 英语专业学生阅读参考书目- [名著导读及下载] 2007-10-03 版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/256525419.html,/logs/10149438.html 英语专业学生阅读参考书目(高校英语专业四级考试大纲)一、英国文学 Kingsley Amis:Lucky Jim Jane Austen:Pride and Prejudice(傲慢与偏见) Arnold Bennett:The Old Wiveds'Tale Elizabeth Bowen:The Death of the Heart Charlotte Bronte:Jane Eyre(简爱) Emily Bronte:Wuthering Heights(呼啸山庄) Anthony Burgess:A Clockwork Orange Samuel BVutler:The Way of All Flesh A.S.Byatt:Possession Lewis Carroll:Alice's Adventures in Wonderland(爱丽丝漫游奇境记)Angela Carter:The Company of Wolves Agatha Christie:Murder on the Orient Express Ivy Compton-Burnett:A Family and a Fortune

Joseph Conrad:Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim Daniel Defoe:Robinson Crusoe Charles Dickens:David Copperfield Sir Arthur C. Ddyle:Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Margaret Drabble:The Waterfall Daphne Du Maurier:Rebecca George Eliot:Middlemarch E.M.Forster:Howards End, A Passage to India John Fowles:The French Lieutenant's Woman John Galsworthy:The Man of Property William Golding:Lord of the Flies Graham Greene:The Human Factor Thomas Hardy:Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Jude the Obscure Aldous Huxley:After Many a Summer Henry James:Daisy Miller James Joyce:A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Rudyard Kipling:Kim Charles Lamb:Tales from Shakespeared https://www.sodocs.net/doc/256525419.html,wrence:Sons and Lovers(儿子与情人) John Le Carred:The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Doris Lessing:The Grass Is Singing David Lodge:Nice Work W.Somerset Maugham:The Moon and Sixpence, Of Human Bondage Iris Murddoch:The Black Prince George Orwell:Nineteen Eighty-four


1010040042刘嘉怡法律与行政学院社会工作 《超越自卑》读书笔记 在金鑫老师的推荐下学生认真拜读了奥地利著名心理学家阿德勒博士的代表作品《超越自卑》。阿德勒生于维也纳近郊的一个米商家庭,早年曾在维也纳大学学医,获得博士学位。初期追随弗洛伊德,后分道扬镳,自创了一个以“自卑情结”为中心的个体心理学,认为人类的一切都是出于“自卑”以及对“自卑感”的克服和超越,强调个人与生存环境间互动对行为的影响。据说“此书被西方人视为了解自我和他人的教科书,起到了《圣经》起不到的作用”,是其最具影响力的一部作品,对后来西方心理学的发展具有重要意义。 《超越自卑》主要介绍了生活的意义、心灵与肉体、自卑感与优越感、早期的记忆、梦、家庭的影响、学校的影响、青春期、犯罪及其预防、职业、人及同伴和爱情与婚姻等十二个主要论点,共十二章。 在这本书里,阿德勒以平易轻松的笔调,描写了自卑感的形象、对个人行为的影响,以及个人如何克服自卑感,将其转变为对优越地位的追求,以获取光辉灿烂的成就。任何一个人在成长过程中,最初都是以感觉来判断是非好恶。刚出生的婴儿到幼年阶段,接收到任何负面的信息,印象都会特别深刻。容貌、身材的高矮胖瘦、课业成绩的好坏、家庭背景的差异等等,都有可能在人的成长过程中,种下自卑的因子。因此应该以坦然的态度面对自我内心中的自卑情结,使自己在生活、工作、处事上,避免走入自暴自弃或是骄傲自大的偏锋,才能够超越自己。 首先,本书第一章《生活的意义》是全书的纲领,也是阿德勒个体心理学的理论核心。他提出,每一个人类个体在面对生存时,都要面临三个问题:职业、社交(与他人的关系)和性(即爱情和婚姻)。每个人都要面对这三大问题,而由此作出的反应表现出他对生活意义的最深层的感受。他分析了人们各种错误“生活意义”的共同尺度:缺乏从属感和社会兴趣,过度关注自我,和正确“生活意义”的共同尺度:有从属感和社会兴趣,作为团体的一份子,愿为人类幸福贡献出自己的一份力量。阿德勒从个体心理学观点出发阐明人生道路和人生意义。他提出,当个体不足以应对环境挑战时,对其现时地位的不满必然将会导致不同程度的自卑感。自卑感乃是人类最普通的情绪,但人无法一直在自卑感下生活。因此,追求作为其补偿的优越感,是所有人的通性。简单地来说,即用“优越感”来弥补“自卑感”。然而,并不是人人都能超越自卑。理想的补偿方式,是通过改变现实生活的处境来消除自卑,甚至获得成就。而生活的失败者,则在不合作的态度中,在自己的想象里获得满足。关键在于正确理解生活,并拥有对他人有益的合作的生活态度。家长和教师应培养儿童对别人、对社会的兴趣,使他们真正认识“奉献乃是生活的真正意义”。这样,他们就能够从自卑走向超越。 阿德勒说,自卑感实际上是人类不断发展的动因。科学的兴起就是因为人类感到他们的无知和他们对预测未来的需要而努力奋斗的结果。优越感的目标取决于每个人所赋予生活的意义,是建立在他的生活方式之中。人类对优越感的追求是我们所有文化贡献的源泉。而超越力量的大小,审视自卑心的强弱,以及个性、企图心等。自卑与超越的相对强弱不同,在不同的人身上,衍生出许多种不同的性格与行为来。正因这股力量相当强大,若能够妥善运用,则可以成为一股不断突破的动力,否则,将成为另一个失败的开始。 从我们的童年开始,自卑感对我们的影响就从未停止过。儿童因为自身的弱小,在成长中无时无刻不伴随着自卑。为了补偿这种感受,他们应该练习与他人合作的能力,以获得生活的安全感,并在这种愉悦中,获得兴趣并发展终身受益的技能。在家庭的影响一章中,阿德勒描述了家庭对个人的巨大影响。儿童时期在家庭中的地位以及生活方式,给每一个孩子都留下了不可磨灭的印象。母亲不仅应该使孩子和她很好地合作,更重要的是培养孩子学


西方文论论文 学 院 文学院 专 业 汉语言文学 年 级 2009级 姓 名 杨夏清 论文题目 浅析女性主义 指导教师 朱庆福 职称 副教授 2012年6月2日 学号:

目录 摘要 (3) 关键词 (3) 前言 (3) 一、女性主义产生的原因 (3) 二、女性主义的影响 (5) (一)社会科学领域 (5) (二)文学创作领域 (7) 参考文献 (8)

浅析女性主义 摘要:女权主义,又叫女性主义,它是近、现代西方的一种社会和政治思潮,女权运动的意识形态。基本特征为争取妇女的权益,要求保护并扩大她们的应得权利。认为女性一向为习惯势力和法律的歧视和限制,享受不到与男性同等的政治、经济、文化和社会地位。那么女权主义它产生的根本原因是什么呢?它在社会科学领域及文学创作上又产生了怎样的影响呢? 关键词:女性主义;原因;影响;社会科学;文学创作 前言 女权主义批评是与西方妇女解放运动的发展分不开的,特别是20世纪60年代西方第二次女权运动的高涨,直接引发了女权主义文学批评。西方妇女解放运动第一次浪潮出现在19世纪后半叶到20世纪初期,以1920年至1928年英美妇女获得完全的选举权为达到高潮的标志。60年代后出现了第二次女权运动。这次女权运动的大背景是法国和西欧的学生造反运动,以及美国的抗议越战的和平运动、黑人的反种族歧视运动和公民权运动。欧美政治斗争的风起云涌,成为这次妇女解放的直接导火线。这次女权运动已超越了第一次女权运动争取妇女财产权、选举权的范围和目标,逐步深入到就业、教育、福利和政治、文化各领域,并努力上升到对妇女的本质和文化构成的探讨,“它包括一名妇女应是什么的真正问题,我们的女性气质和特征怎样界定、以及我们怎样重新界定的问题,它包括反对妇女作为供男性消费的性欲对象的战役,反对色情描写、强奸等暴力形式;妇女解放运动关心妇女的教育、福利权利、机会的均等,工资、工作环境选择的自由,妇女有了孩子后的生活,是否要孩子以及什么时候要孩子的权利;关注父权制的压迫方式,它和阶级及种族对妇女的压抑等等”。显然这次女权运动的深广度远远超过了第一次。 一、女性主义产生的原因 妇女解放运动是女性主义的直接导火线,要探索女性主义产生的根本原因必须要了解妇女解放运动的来龙去脉。有压迫就会有反抗,对妇女无休止的压迫便


河北师范大学毕业论文 论文题目A Tentative Analysis of the Character of (英文)Mrs. Morel in son and lovers and the Causes 论文题目试析《儿子与情人》中莫瑞尔太太的性格及(中文)其成因

A T entative Analysis of the Character of Mrs. Morel in son and lovers and the Causes 1.Introduction David Herbert Lawrence (1885—1930) is an out standing English novelist in the twentieth century, and called “one of the greatest personalities in the English history”. He was born in Eastwood, Norttinghamshire, in central England. He was the fourth child of a struggling coal miner. And his childhood was dominated by poverty and friction between his parents. In 1913 Lawrence’s novel Sons and Lovers was punished, which was a quasi—autobiographical account of a young man’s coning of age in the early y ears of the twentieth century. Setting in working class in Nottinghamshire, it focuses on class conflicts and gender issues as young Paul Morel was torn between a passionate mother and other women.(毕业论文参考网原创论文)And Sons and Lovers is just the fiction that makes Lawrence be famous in English Literature. Mother Fixation was a sensitive subject in the literature world that research about it was not much; Freud was also lack of specific evidence for it that was posed by him. In the 20th century, the work sons and lovers aroused a great sensation in the literature world that people put their attention to Mother Fixation. Most people believed that it was a strong evidence for Freud’s theory-Mother Fixation. In the work sons and lovers, Mrs. Gertrude morel, the mother, was a woman of strong character and refinement. Her husband was a miner who drank heavily and he was irresponsible which often led to terrible quarrels in the family. Paul Morel grew up in such a miserable setting. The mother lavished her love on him and determined to save him from the shadow of the coal mine. But when he was in love with Miriam, Mrs. Morel was afraid that she might lose him so she did her best to come between them. Finally, the two lovers had to divorce from each other. A second attachment, to Clara, gradually fizzled out, too clearly, both failures were caused by the possessive mother, it was not only until the mother died that the son began to find for his true love earnestly. It is one of the greatest autobiographical novels of the last century and it is loved far and wide in the world. Although Lawrence denied this, his family background was so like the dramatic persona Paul’s. He was in love with the wife of a professor; the woman of three children was 6 years older than Lawrence made up for the loss of his mother. From Lawrence and his work Sons and Lovers we should learn something about it. 2. Character of Mrs. Morel 2.1Helpless In the 19th century of England, the people were divided into three stratums. They were the upper class, the middle class and the lower class. People from different classes had different goals and


《心理咨询的理论与实践》试题3 第二章精神分析理论 一、单选题 1.下面哪个人物与精神分析有关()。 A 荣格 B 马赫 C 华生 D 安吉尔 2、下列哪种理论是对心理咨询与治疗的影响比较大?()。 A 原型理论 B 特征分析 C 精神分析 D 平行加工 3、( )是精神分析疗法的代表人物。()。 A 罗杰斯 B 斯金纳 C 弗洛伊德 D 巴甫洛夫: 4、哪种理论认为认同是社会文化的重要心理机制? ()。 A精神分析 B行为主义; C人本主义 D认知主义。 5、在精神分析中,有的病人产生对治疗者的依恋甚至爱慕称为。()。 A 投射 B 移情 C 外设 D 转移 6、下列心理学流派中,哪一个被称为“第三势力。()。 A 精神分析学派 B 人本主义 C 机能主义学派 D 行为主义学派 7、精神分析理论认为,造成抑郁的原因是。()。 A 自我惩罚 B 习得的无助感 C 高度的成就需要 D 难以处理的独立状态 8、下列哪种理论是心理动力学理论? ()。 A 原型理论 B 特征分析 C 精神分析 D 平行加工 9、持环境决定论观点的是。() A 机能主义心理学 B 格式塔心理学

C 行为主义心理学 D 精神分析学说 10、首先将弗洛伊德的经典精神分析理论应用于团体治疗的是:()。 A 华生 B 霍妮 C 班图拉 D 沃尔夫 二、多选题 1.精神分析心理学中的心理防御机制有是()。 A 压抑 B 退行 C 言语 D 沉默 2.神经症的心理病理学中症状是()。 A被压抑的潜意识中的欲望寻求满足的曲折的表现 B 自我与本能欲望 C是压抑与被压抑两种势力妥协的产物 D 自我没有得到实现 3.弗洛伊德认为焦虑主要包括()。 A真实性焦虑 B神经性焦虑 C 道德性焦虑 D现实性焦虑 4.心理防御方法中的合理化包括()。 A个体遭受挫折时用利于自己的理由来为自己辨解。 B 面临的窘境加以文饰隐满自己的真实动机。 C以象征性的行为来抵消已往发生的痛苦事件。 D 指精神上的痛苦,焦虑转化为躯体症状表现出来。 5.童年期的思维的基本特点有:()。 A 经历一个思维发展的质变过程。 B 没有发生质变。 C 不能摆脱形象性的逻辑思维。 D 逻辑思维可以摆脱形象。 6.佛洛伊德认为人格的三种构成是()。 A 本我 B自我


动物庄园的小学生读书笔记 导语:读书笔记是指读书时为了把自己的读书心得记录下来或为了把文中的精彩部分出来而做的笔记。在读书时,写读书笔记是训练阅读的好方法。记忆,对于积累知识是重要的,但是不能依赖记忆。下面是动物庄园读书笔记,欢迎阅读! 《动物庄园》是乔治·奥威尔的著名中篇小说,最初知道这本书是在高中历史书里,被其简介所迷,一直想看但都因自己懒惰加上被很多外国文学书的文风影响,对外国文学一向是敬而远之,以至于几年过去了仍和《动物庄园》缘悭一面。 今年开了外国文学课,要交读书笔记,可怜我只看了半部《儿子与情人》、三分之一的《生命不能承受之轻》、五分之一的《了不起的盖茨比》、十分之一的《堂吉诃德》、几十页的《飘》,真的是写不出来什么读书笔记,想来想去,唯一看过的一本全本的外国文学书便要算初中时看的《鲁宾逊漂流记》了,但那时只是看热闹,并不明白书中的勇于冒险、奋斗不屈的精神,而且隔了这么多年,情节也早就忘的七七八八了,要拿这本书写的话还真个是无从下笔。不得已只好找一本书来看,全当是应付差事,哎,希望老师不要鄙夷我这种行径,我真的是对外国文学没多大的热情。 虽然是抱着应付的心思,当初也对老师要交读书笔记一事颇有微词,但是现在看来,老师这个举措无疑是好的,虽然“逼”我读自己不喜欢读的书,但幸好有《动物庄园》,找了好久外国文学书,经过一番筛选,终于定下这本,看完之后深觉不虚此看,心里小小的感

谢了一下老师,如果不是她的要求,在可以预见的未来数十年或许来我都不会读到这本书了,那这就真是个遗憾了。 书中的故事并不复杂,在一个名叫曼纳的庄园里,养着各种各 样的动物,一天晚上,在动物里颇具威望的老雄猪麦哲召集所有动物开会,宣扬它的革命思想,号召所有动物进行反抗,以改变动物们被奴役、被宰杀的命运,动物不能再遭受剥削,要奋起驱逐人类,过上自己当家作主的幸福自由的生活。老麦哲给动物们讲了一个它才做过的梦,那是一个动物消灭了人类并且过上了梦寐以求的幸福生活的梦,它还教会了动物们一首失传已久的歌《英格兰兽》,以激发动物们的革命热情和革命信心。歌词是这样的: 英格兰兽,爱尔兰兽, 普天之下的兽, 倾听我喜悦的佳音, 倾听那金色的未来。 那一天迟早要到来, 暴虐的人类终将消灭, 富饶的英格兰大地, 将只留下我们的足迹。 我们的鼻中不再扣环, 我们的背上不再配鞍, 蹶子、马刺会永远锈蚀 不再有残酷的鞭子噼啪抽闪。


外国文学名著赏析 浅析《儿子与情人》中的俄狄浦斯情结 姓名:赵彤 学号:131090430 学院:师范学院 专业:小学教育 班级:B0904

浅析《儿子与情人》中的俄狄浦斯情结 摘要:俄狄浦斯情结又称“恋母情结”,是精神分析学中的术语。在英国作家劳伦斯的作品《儿子与情人》中,这一情结得到了充分的体现。本文通过对恋母情结的理解并结合劳伦斯本人的生平分析作品,探究俄狄浦斯情结在这一作品中的完整体现,并揭示《儿子与情人》一书的意义及带给我们的启示。 关键词:劳伦斯;《儿子与情人》;弗洛伊德主义;俄狄浦斯情结 D.H 劳伦斯是 19 世纪末 20 世纪初一位著名的英国作家。F.R. 利维斯称他是“我们时代最伟大的创作天才,英语文学中的大家之一”[1]。他一生创作了多部优秀的作品,《儿子与情人》是其成名作,小说主要描述了矿工沃特·莫雷尔一家处于工业社会中的痛苦与不幸。西格蒙德·弗洛伊德是 20 世纪初奥地利精神病医生、著名心理学家。他和其他心理学家共同创立的“精神分析学”从上世纪末开始一直在欧美各国流行。虽然劳伦斯曾经公开声明说:“我不是一个弗洛伊德主义者,从来都不是的———弗洛伊德主义只不过是医学科学的分支”[2],但小说中的许多人物及其关系上的描写在很大程度上符合弗洛伊德的理论学说。 一、《儿子与情人》一书概述 《儿子与情人》是英国现代主义作家劳伦斯的力作。小说也为劳伦斯赢得了广泛的声誉。这部小说带有浓厚的自传色彩,以诺丁汉附近的一个矿区为背景,围绕煤矿工人莫瑞而一家展开。通过青年主人公保罗的成长过程反映了极其深刻的社会问题与心理问题。保罗的母亲葛楚德与保罗的父亲婚后不睦,转向对儿子寻求爱的寄托。这种感情超越了正常的母爱,成为控制与占据儿子感情的中心,致使保罗产生了一种弗洛伊德心理学上的“俄狄浦斯情结”的变态心理。他爱母亲胜过其他任何女性。米丽安是个农家姑娘,保罗曾经常与她在一起学习、玩耍,交往中米丽安对保罗堆积直浓厚的情感。但米丽安由于受家庭中严格的宗教观念的影响,将爱情的任何热烈表示都视为不轨和无耻,只追求精神的恋爱。保罗由于米丽安的这种情况及母亲对他的感情控制,对她们两个人的情感充满了爱与恨,致使他与米丽安的情感破裂终结。保罗为了摆脱母亲在精神上对他的控制和米丽安给他感情上的打击,投入了一个与丈夫分居的女工克拉拉的怀抱。这虽然使他们得到了一丝肉体上的满足,但缺乏精神上的共同信仰和理解,两人在精神上并没有完全融合,反而增加了他的苦闷。保罗又陷入了分裂与矛盾的困境。纯粹的精神恋爱不能使他幸福,单纯的肉体满足也不能给他长久的快乐,保罗无法找到精神与肉体统一起来的爱情。与米丽安和克拉拉的两次感情的夭折,使他明白只要母亲在世一天,他就永远不会找到合适的女朋友。只有在母亲去世后他才在精神上和感情上摆脱了控制,他才成为一个独立的男子汉。但是,母亲离世后,他却失去了感情的纽带,没有了依托,他失


试析《儿子与情人》中莫瑞尔太太的性格及其成1. 介绍 大卫?赫伯特?劳伦斯(1885 - 1930)是一个站在二十世纪英国小说家,称为“一个最大的个性在英国历史”。他出生在伊斯特伍德,Norttinghamshire,在英格兰中部。他的第四个孩子一个苦苦挣扎的矿工。和他的童年是由贫穷和摩擦他的父母。 1913年劳伦斯的小说《儿子与情人》受到了惩罚,这是一个quasi-autobiographical讲述了一个年轻人的锥形的年龄在20世纪初期。设置在工人阶级在诺丁汉郡,它侧重于阶级冲突和性别问题作为年轻的保罗?莫雷尔是一个充满激情的母亲之间左右为难和其他女人。和《儿子与情人》只是小说使劳伦斯是著名的英国文学中。 恋母情结是一个敏感的话题,在文学世界的研究并不多,弗洛伊德也缺乏明确的证据,形成了他。在20世纪,《儿子与情人》的工作引起了巨大的轰动,文学世界,人们把他们的注意力转向恋母情结。大多数人都认为,这是一个强有力的证据弗洛伊德的theory-Mother固定。 在《儿子与情人》的工作,格特鲁德?莫雷尔太太,母亲是一个女人的坚强的性格和细化。她的丈夫是一个矿工大量饮酒的人,他是不负责任的,往往会导致可怕的争吵的家庭。保罗?莫雷尔成长在一个如此悲惨的设置。她的母亲对他的爱和慷慨的决心使他在煤矿的影子。但当他在爱与米黎亚,莫雷尔太太很担心她会失去他,所以她尽量他们之间来。最后,两个恋人互相离婚。第二个附件,克拉拉,逐渐失败了,也很清楚,两个失败引起的占有欲的母亲来说,这不仅是直到母亲过世的儿子,

开始认真找对真爱。它是伟大的自传小说上世纪它是爱到广泛的在世界。 尽管劳伦斯对此予以否认,他的家庭背景是如此喜欢戏剧性的角色保罗的。他在爱妻子的一个教授;三个孩子的女人是6岁的劳伦斯弥补了失去了他的母亲。来自劳伦斯和他的作品《儿子与情人》我们应该学习的。 2. 莫雷尔太太的特征 无助 在19世纪的英国,人们被分成三个阶层。他们是上层阶级、中产阶级和下层阶级。来自不同阶层的人们有不同的目标和他们不同的待遇。所以,家庭被视为严重的同等重要的地位。 我们知道,这是一个灾难,一个女人嫁给一个错误的人,所以被格特鲁德。因为突然的热情,女孩,格特鲁德来自富裕和强大的家庭结婚了可怜的矿工。当激情消失了她发现那个人太粗暴了,他不能依赖。无休止的争吵使她的梦想破碎,她不惜重金,她爱她的第二个儿子,保罗,死后的最年长的儿子。有这么多的希望在她儿子,她想控制他的儿子包括行为和灵魂,所以,他永远不会把回到她和另一个女孩同去。 意志坚强、聪明雄心勃勃的结论 尽管恋母情结是一个敏感的话题在文学世界,人们很少参考。它存在于社会作为一种常见现象,扭曲了母亲和儿子的灵魂,甚至破坏了家庭,这也遵循人类的道德。对《儿子与情人》一书的作者、D.H.劳伦斯的恋母情结,使他如此盲目的,他不小心的道德原则和不知道他是来


心理咨询期中作业 一、精神分析理论: (一)理解: 精神分析理论为弗洛伊德所创立的一个学说,受到了很大的影响,精神分析理论属于心理动力学理论,是弗洛伊德于19世纪末20世纪初创立。精神分析理论是现代心理学的奠基石,它的影响远不是局限于临床心理学领域,对于整个心理科学乃至西方人文科学的各个领域均有深远的影响。在心理咨询中,主要的部分有:无意识和压抑理论、性心理发展学说、人格构成学说和神经症的心理病理学说。精神分析的主要方法有:自由联想、梦的分析、抗拒的分析、移情的分析、解释等。 (二)评价: 精神分析理论认识到了潜意识的存在、主张从过去了解现在、对梦境进行分析,注意观察和运用移情关系。 从产生条件看,精神分析不是传统的学院心理学,而是在精神病(psych sis)治疗实践中产生的。 从研究对象来看,精神分析不是研究正常的人,而是治疗失常的人,例如变态行为、人格失常等问题。 从研究内容来看,精神分析不是侧重研究传统心理学如感知、思维等显意识心理问题,而是著重探讨潜意识、情欲、动机及人格等更深层次的内容,故又把它称为深度心理学。 从研究方法来看,精神分析不是采取有控制的实验室实验法,而是运用临床观察法。 从精神分析的特点可知,该理论与心理咨询与治疗有著密切的关系,它既是心理咨询的一个重要理论,又给心理咨询与治疗提供了具体的指导和实施的方法。因此,学习和研究精神分析有重要的理论价值和实践意义。 (三)适用领域: 1、在临床领域的应用实践 弗洛伊德提出经典精神分析理论时的依据就是他在做医生时治疗经验的总结,所以经典精神分析理论提出后必然在临床领域得到大量的应用。在心理咨询中,常见的经典精神分析技术主要有:自由联想、、沙盘和绘画技术等等。咨询效果的评估,不能仅仅局限于精神分析的评估手段,还要根据来访者自己的叙述、判断,借助于一些心理测量手段以及其他方面的分析观察,做出一个较为全面、准确的评价。近年来的精神分析方法,运用精神分析的原则和理念,采用现代的咨询模式,可以在数月内短期治疗,精神分析正逐渐走向实用、普遍和有效。 2、在教育文化领域的应用
