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1. Pangu The groundbreaking giant in the creation myth of the Han Nationality. However, the position in the Chinese myth system cannot be compared with the abated gods such as Nuwa Fuxi, the early ancient god, because the opening of heaven and earth appeared after the Han Dynasty, it can be determined that this is an ancient god who accepted the influence of the foreign creation myth. In his works, Wu Xujing of The Three Kingdoms put forward the "Pangu Egg" and "immortal", describing the chaos of heaven and earth like chicken Pangu, growing together with heaven and earth, and finally giving birth to all things. Ming people travel "open up an stream of popular biography" added a very magnificent pangu with tools to create the world of the story, formed the current popular in the world pangu said. According to the book, Pangu's tomb, located in the South China Sea, is considered to be the place where the soul of Pangu was buried. Whether the sleeping Pangu god encountered in the

trace of the sky is the soul of Pangu buried in the South China Sea?






2.Nine days xuan female Also known as "Xuan Nu" and "Yuan Nu", according to the Book of Songs, its first image is the ancestor of the merchants xuan Bird, after the history of Yin Ben Ji

mentioned that the ancestors of Yin Shang were born by their mother swallowing the Xuan bird eggs, which more rationally explains the reason why the merchants worship the xuan bird totem. Song "cloud Ji seven sign nine days xuan female legend" perfect goddess legend, said that she in the Yellow Emperor and Chiyou war trapped, by the teacher holy mother yuan Jun sent, down the side of the Yellow Emperor to line help, finally make the Yellow Emperor defeated Chiyou, xuan female meritorious in the country, was respected as a goddess. Later because of xuan female system "heaven, envy day, from day, wu day, heaven, sky, salty, heaven, all day" nine days, so called her "nine days", goddess in the absorption after receiving Taoism exclusive worship, song after many times appeared in the classical novels, the famous All Men Are Brothers, the song xuan and legacy "," female fairy history "," Xue Rengui zheng east " and so on. But at present, the most dedicated reason for the folk worship is not the wisdom of the goddess itself, but to pray to send

children to protect the students.




3.Big Dipper Jun According to the view of "Emperor of the River", the group only mastered the stars of the stars, but was absorbed by the

early Taoism, and formed the saying "Beidou bets to death, the south fight to life". Big dipper king ordered to listen to the world credit fault, and for the decision of the life several times, for folk is exercising great power position is very important gods, so since ancient times mount tai worship the big dipper king incense, is other gods, want to be the existence of noble? Similar to the floating of powerful officials in the world, in many documents, the specific identity of the Big Dipper Lord has not been determined. According to the river Map, " The Yellow Emperor name Xuanyuan, the Beidou god.” "Cloud Gupta seven sign" said that the Beidou king is Jiangxia people called Bo Dawan, and said that the Beidou king is Jiangxia people Chen Fengchang word one million. The "The True Spirit Position industry Map" says that King Beidou is King Wu of Zhou. At present, the gorgeous series is near the end of the "Romance of the gods" in the original arrangement of Huang Feihu's third son Huang Tianxiang was named as the Big Dipper Lord!







中国神话人物英语介绍 1. Pangu The groundbreaking giant in the creation myth of the Han Nationality. However, the position in the Chinese myth system cannot be compared with the abated gods such as Nuwa Fuxi, the early ancient god, because the opening of heaven and earth appeared after the Han Dynasty, it can be determined that this is an ancient god who accepted the influence of the foreign creation myth. In his works, Wu Xujing of The Three Kingdoms put forward the "Pangu Egg" and "immortal", describing the chaos of heaven and earth like chicken Pangu, growing together with heaven and earth, and finally giving birth to all things. Ming people travel "open up an stream of popular biography" added a very magnificent pangu with tools to create the world of the story, formed the current popular in the world pangu said. According to the book, Pangu's tomb, located in the South China Sea, is considered to be the place where the soul of Pangu was buried. Whether the sleeping Pangu god encountered in the


八仙 the Eight Immortals 嫦娥 Chang’s ( the Chinese noon goddess) 伏羲 Fu Xi ( God of Fishery and Husbandry) 福禄寿三星 the three gods of fortune, prosperity and longevity 共工 God of Water 后羿 Houyi (a legendary hero who shot down nine suns) 黄帝 Yellow Emperor 夸父 Kuafu( a fabled sun-chasing giant) 女娲 Goddess of Sky-patching 盘古 Pan Gu (creator of the universe) 神农 Patron of Agriculture 禹 Yu(the reputed founder of the Xia Dynasty) 祝融 God of Fire 八仙 the Eight Immortals 比干 Pi Kan [civil god of wealth] 毕升 Pi Sheng [patrons of printers] 仓颉 Cang Jie [the inventor of Chinese characters in legend] 杜康 Du Kang [patron of restaurant keepers and alcohol merchants] 冯道 Feng Dao [patrons of printers] 冯节 Feng Chieh [gods of carvers of seals and stone tablets] 伏羲 Fu Hsi [god of philosophy; god of fishery and husbandry] 福禄寿三星 the three gods of fortune, prosperity and longevity 葛洪 Ko Hung [god of dyers] 共工 Kung Kung [god of water] 关公 Kuan Kung [god of war] 观音 Kuan Yin [goddess of mercy] 后羿 Houyi [a legendary hero who shot down nine suns] 胡敬德 Hu Ching-te [gate gods] 华佗 Hua Tuo [a famous surgeon] 黄帝 Yellow Emperor 霍大山 Huo Ta-shan [god of mountains] 济公 Jigong [a legendary monk who helped people with a magic fan] 济公活佛 Jigong [mad healer] 西游记:Journey to the West 花果山:Mountain of Flower and Fruit 水帘洞:Water Curtain Cave 南天门:Southern Gate of Heaven 灵霄殿:Hall of Miraculous Mist 离恨天:Thirty-Third Heaven 兜率宫:Tushita Palace 丹房:Elixir Pill Room 蟠桃园:Peach Garden 蟠桃胜会:Peach Banquet 瑶池:Jade Pool 宝阁:Pavilion 御马监:heavenly stables 龙宫:Dragon Palace 下界:Earth 美猴王:Handsome Monkey King 孙悟空:Sun Wukong 弼马温:Protector of the Horse 齐天大圣:Great Sage Equalling Heaven 大闹天宫:Havoc in Heaven 玉帝:Jade Emperor 王母:Queen Mother 大禹:Yu the Great 太上老君:Supreme Lord Lao Zi 太白金星:Great White Planet 托塔李天王:Heavenly King Li 降魔大元帅:Grant Demon-Subduing Marshal 哪吒:baby-faced Nezha 巨灵神:Mighty Magic Spirit 二郎神:god Erlang 四大天王:Four great Heavenly Kings 增长天王:Sword Heavenly King 广目天王:Lute Heavenly King 多闻天王:Umbrella Heavenly King

a story l know作文80词中国神话故事

a story l know作文80词中国神话故事 中国历史神话故事英语作文80词左右 ancient times, there have been ten suns in the sky, the sun to the earth was dry, the sea, the people suffer not live. A man named Yi hero of great strength, he with his bow arrows, one shot down nine of the sun. At last the sun at the general good, hurriedly plea for mercy, Yi was anger hold, ordered the sun next time landing, good for people to benefit. Yi's wife named Chang, beautiful, virtuous, kind hearted, everyone likes her very much. An old man admire Yi the divine and human, give him a packet of ever-young medicine, eat can ascend, ever-young. Yi reluctant beloved wife and folks, not one who ascended to heaven, took ever-young drug Chang'e collection. Yi had a student named Peng Meng, a treacherous villain, bent on stealing Yi ever-young drugs, their god. In August of this year fifteen, Yi with the disciples went out hunting. It was nearly dark, looking for excuses not to go hunting by into the ER 's residence, bullying Charng Er surrender medicine ever-young can ascend to heaven. The goddess of the moon have no alternative against one's will, hastily swallowed the medicine. Immediately, she was


中国神话里中国人的起源英语作文 It's a mystery where humans come from. But there is a myth to answer, I will not feel boring. There are many myths about God creating human beings on the Internet. First of all, I checked the myth that God created human beings. It is said that about 50000 years ago, a group of extraterrestrials came to the earth. They have a high level of knowledge. When they found that the gravity of the earth is not suitable for them to live in, they chose the energetic and intelligent female apes on the earth to inject into the hearts of spacemen for hybridization, which produced the earth people. In addition, there is the saying that Prometheus made man. Prometheus, the forerunner, landed on the earth. He was a descendant of God. He was smart and intelligent. He knew that the seeds of God were hidden in the earth. So he moistened them with river water and shaped them into human shapes. He absorbed good and evil from the hearts of various animals and sealed them in the human chest. His good friend, the goddess of command, Athena, sent the holy call of soul to only one There are half living


英语口语学习:神话人物 OK. Growing up in America, in the United States, as a young child, we have three special people, mythical people, we believe in and we really like because they give us gifts or money. The first special person is the tooth fairy, and the tooth fairy gives you money for your teeth, so it works like this: when you're very young you lose all your teeth, usually one by one, so every time you lose a tooth you put your tooth under your pillow and when you wake up the next day, magically there is money under your pillow, usually it's a silver dollar, and so you're always very excited to get the money and it's kind of cool because, you know you're happy to lose teeth, maybe the only time you're happy to lose teeth you're entire life. The other special character we believe in is the Easter Bunny and the Easter Bunny hides Easter eggs on Easter Sunday. The Easter Bunny is a rabbit. Bunny means rabbit, and on Easter Sunday, a Christian holiday in March and April we go outside with a basket and we look for eggs the Easter bunny hid in the garden or backyard or something like that and there are two types of eggs: there are real eggs, hard-boiled eggs that are painted on the outside and often the children decorate those themselves and there are plastic eggs and plastic eggs are hollow on the inside and you can open them, and when you open them, there is candy or money, so those are the ones the kids really want to get. Actually, it's funny, sometimes kids won't even pick up the real eggs because they just want the eggs with money or candy in them.


关于西游记的英语介绍 "Journey to the West" is a classic Chinese classic full of mythological color and romanticism classic, mainly tells the story of Tang Seng, Sun Wukong, Pig eight jie, Sand Monk and his disciples after ninety-eight and eighty-one difficulties, all the way down the demon demon, save the danger, finally reached the west to obtain the true story. The story is composed of three parts: Sun Wukong making a scene in the sky, Tang Seng being born, and four teachers and his disciples going on a pilgrimage to the west. The novel with the aid of unrestrained imagination, bold and peculiar exaggeration, vivid twists and turns of the plot, lifelike characters, as well as humorous language, built a unique palace of art. Journey to the West tells us with the myth full of mysterious color that a perfect just cause is not plain sailing, but always has to go through difficulties and twists and turns. So we should carry forward their dedication, courage and the spirit of continuous struggle, in order to the final victory and keep moving forward courage. 《西游记》是我国古典名著中一部充满神话色彩与浪漫主义的经典之作,主要讲述了唐僧、孙悟空、猪八戒、沙僧师徒四人历经九九八十一难,一路降妖伏魔,化险为夷,最终到达西天取得真经的故事。 故事由孙悟空大闹天空、唐僧出世、师徒四人西天取经三部分组成,情节曲折,引人入胜。小说借助天马行空的想象,大胆奇特的夸张,生动曲折的故事情节,栩栩如生的人物形象,以及幽默诙谐的语言,构筑了一座独具特色的艺术宫殿。 《西游记》用充满神秘色彩的神话告诉我们,一项完美的正义事业,并不是一帆风顺的,总归是要经历艰难和曲折。所以我们要发扬他们那份执着、勇敢的精神和那不断奋斗、为了最终的胜利而不断前进的勇气。


中国神话故事英语作文 夜悄悄地来了,静静地躺在草地上数星星、看月亮,听妈妈讲嫦娥奔月的故事,多美好啊!下面是店铺带来的中国神话故事英语作文,欢迎阅读! 中国神话故事英语作文精选 Cao Cao Sings an Ode with Leveled Spear This is a story from Kingdoms. After suppressing the separatist forces in the north and taking control of the court,Cao Cao led his 830,000-strong army to the north bank of the Yangtze River,aiming to destroy Sun Quan and Liu Bei who were on the other side of the river. It was the thirteenth year of Jian Ah, the fifteenth day of the eleventh month. The weather was clear and bright, the wind calm, the waves still. Cao Cao ordered a feast and entertainment for the commanders that evening. The moon was bright and the GREat River lay slack,like a belt of white silk unrolled. Aboard ship, all the attendants were in damask coats and embroidered jackets. Cao Cao spoke to the assembly:“We have raised this force to purge evil,dispel threats to the ruling family and to calm the empire. The Southland alone remains outside our sphere. Today I invite you to join me. When we have received the submission of the Southland and the empire is at peace, we shall share with you the enjoyments of wealth and glory.” The audien ce rose as one to give Cao Cao thanks. Cao Cao was gratified and offered wine to the river. Then he quaffed three full goblets and, leveling his spear,said to his commanders,“Here is the weapon that broke the Yellow Scarves, took Lu Bu, eliminated Yuan Shu,subdued Yuan Shao, penetrated beyond the northern frontier,and conquered the east as far as Liao dong. In the length and

中国语言故事英语版 中国神话故事英语版

《中国语言故事英语版中国神话故事英语版》 Shieth, a famous beauty, had a pain in her bosom, so she had a frown on herface when she went out. One day, she felt the pain again and as usual, put herhands on her chest and frowned. Although people couldn't help taking a glanceat her, they liked the way she acted nevertheless. An ugly girl, named Dongth, from a village nearby, happened to see Shieth'sconduct in the street that day. And it suddenly occurred to her that this might bethe reason why Shieth was generally regarded as a beauty. Therefore Dongthaped Shieth, putting her hands on her chest and frowning too. When a rich man in the neighbourhood saw her, he shut his doors tightly anddid not go out. When a poor man saw her, he took his wife and children andgave her a wide berth. It was not Dongth's fault for being ugly, but aping with blindness was reallystupid. She only knew Shieth's frown looked beautiful but did not know thecause of the frown. 东施效颦,成语,效:效仿;颦:同矉,皱眉头的意思。东施:越国的丑女,代指丑妇。比喻模仿别人,不但模仿不好,反而出丑。有时也作自谦之词,表示自己根底差,学别人的长处没有学到家。


中国神话英语故事三篇 In ancient China。there was a legendary rulerXXX on the Eastern Sea and was caught in a strong wind。XXX she drowned。XXX "Jingwei"。XXX near the sea and despised it so much that it decided to fill it up。Every day。Jingwei XXX and the sea。carrying twigs and pebbles to drop into the water. Despite the roaring sea's warning that it was a meaningless task。Jingwei persisted and vowed to fill it up。even if it took thousands of years。The bird was XXX on until the end of time. Nüwa Mends the Sky According to Chinese mythology。the sky was once supported by four huge pillars。One day。the pillars collapsed。and the sky began to fall。The earth shook。mountains crumbled。and rivers XXX was dire。and the gods were at a loss as to how to fix it.


神话雷公的英语介绍 Title: The Mythical Realm of Lei Gong: The Chinese God of Thunder Introduction In the rich tapestry of Chinese mythology, one deity stands out for his awe-inspiring power and electrifying presence: Lei Gong, the God of Thunder. Revered throughout Chinese history, Lei Gong is a legendary figure whose thunderous roars and dazzling lightning strikes have captured the imagination of generations. This article delves into the mythical realm of Lei Gong, exploring his origins, significance, and enduring legacy in Chinese culture. Origin and Legends Lei Gong, often depicted as a fearsome warrior riding a chariot pulled by dragons, holds a prominent place in Chinese folklore. According to ancient tales, Lei Gong was once a mortal named Lü Yiguan.His extraordinary courage and virtue caught the attention of the Jade Emperor, ruler of heaven, who appointed him as the God of Thunder. Armed with a mighty hammer, Lei Gong traverses the skies during storms, creating thunder by striking his hammer and illuminating the heavens with his flashing lightning.


中国民间英语神话故事文字版精卫填海2019年11月22日 古代神话《精卫填海》中说,炎帝的小女儿女娃游东海溺死后,为了报仇,便化做精卫鸟,“常衔西山之山石,以堙于东海”。后来,一只海燕飞过东海时无意间看见了精卫,他为她的行为感到困惑不解,但了解了事情的起因之后,海燕为精卫大无畏的精神所打动,就与其结成了夫妻,生出许多小鸟,雌的像精卫,雄的像海燕。小精卫和她们的妈妈一样,也去衔石填海。直到今天,她们还在做着这种工作。 Long long time ago,there lived a little princess named Niu Wa (女娃) who was the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, the legendary ruler in ancient Chinese my thologyo 精卫填海讲|的是中国古代神话中炎帝宠爱的小女儿女儿的故事。 The littel princess loved watching the sunrise, admiring the spectacle of nature. She once asked her father where the sun 1ises. Her father said it was in the Eastern Sea and promised to take her there to see sunrise on a boat, but he had been too busy to do that。

女娃很喜欢看日出,喜欢大自然。她很想让父亲带她出去,到东海一- -太阳升起的地方 去看一看。可是因为父亲忙于公事:太阳升起时来到东海,直到太阳落下;日日如此,总是 不能带她去 0ne day, the litt1e princess got a boat behind her father' s back, sailing to the Eastern Sea. When she was away from the shore, unf or tunately, a strong wind rose and overthrew her boat. She was buried by the surging waves, being dr owmed quicklyo 这一天,女娃没告诉父亲,便一个人驾着一只小船向东海太阳升起的地方划去。不幸的是,海上突然起了狂风大浪,像山一样的海浪把女娃的小船打翻了,女娃不幸落入海中,终被无情的大海香没了。. After her death, her spirit turned into a beautiful bird with white beak and red claws. Since it often stood on a br anch, mourning herself sadly in the sound “jing wei, jing wei”, people called it' Jing Wei" 。 女娃死了,她的精魂化作了一只小鸟,花脑袋,白嘴壳,红色的爪子,十分可爱,可发


中国古代神话故事英文版:愚公移山Taihang, Wong Uk two mountains, up to a radius of 700, up to ten feet Qiba Qian. They originally located in the southern part of Jizhou, on the north shore of the Yellow River. Called the Foolish Old Man of the northern people, nearly 90-year-old age, living in the face of Hill. Foolish Old Man of the Hill suffer from blocking the road to the north, go all the way Raoyuan. Foolish Old Man of the then convened to discuss the whole family, said: “You and I both tried two big mountains to be leveled, it has to pass Yuzhou in the south, to reach the south bank of Han River, will you?“ We have agreed with him. Foolish Old Man”s wife questioned said: “With your strength, not even the father of Quebec Hill have cut the land grievances, and can Taihang, Wong Uk Shan how these two do? Besides, where on earth to go?“ We One after another: “to the edge of the earth and rock into the Bohai Sea, north of the hidden land.“ Foolish Old Man of the children and grandchildren can then lead the three-Tiaodan, stone cutting, digging the soil, Kei basket delivered to the edge of the Bohai Sea. Beijing”s neighbors last name has a widow orphans, just seven or


中国神话英语故事三篇 精卫填海 Once upon a time, the youngest daughter of Yan, legary ruler of primitive China, went boating on the Eastern Sea. While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized. Jt before she was buried by the surging waves, her spirit turned into a beautiful bird. As it flew over the roaring sea, it cried sadly in the sound "jinwei, jingwei". That was why people cal it "Jingwei". The bird lived on a mountain near the sea. It hated the sea so much that it decided to fill it up. Every day, it flew to and fro between the mountain and the sea, carrying in a twig or a pebble from the mountain and dropping it into the sea. One day, the roaring sea said to Jingwei, "Poor little bird, stop doing that meaningless thing! You'll never fill me up." Jingwei replied, "I'll fill you up doubt! I will, even if it'll take me thoands of years! I'll fight on until doomsday!" The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles

中国神话雷公 英语介绍

中国神话雷公英语介绍 The Chinese myth of the Thunder God (雷公, Léi Gōng) depicts a powerful deity associated with thunder and lightning. In Chinese folklore and mythology, the Thunder God is often portrayed as a fearsome warrior with a muscular build, carrying a drum and drumsticks. He is known for his ability to create thunderclaps and lightning strikes by beating his drum. According to legend, the Thunder God is the son-in-law of the Jade Emperor, the ruler of heaven in Chinese mythology. He is responsible for maintaining order in the heavens and protecting the mortal realm from evil forces. In Chinese culture, thunder and lightning are believed to be consequences of the Thunder God's anger or battles against demons and evil spirits. The Thunder God plays a significant role in Chinese rituals and celebrations, particularly during the Dragon Boat Festival, as people believe that firecrackers and loud noises can drive away evil spirits. In some regions, people would hang red charms with the image of the Thunder God on doorways to ward off bad luck and bring good fortune. In modern times, the Thunder God has become a prominent figure in Chinese popular culture, appearing in various forms of entertainment such as movies, TV shows, and video games. He is often depicted as an awe-inspiring deity with the power to vanquish evil and protect the innocent. Overall, the Thunder God holds a significant place in Chinese mythology and culture. As the guardian of the heavens and


英文版中国古代神话故事 目录 英文版中国古代神话故事 (1) 1、精卫填海(版本一) (2) 2、精卫填海(版本二) (3) 3、精卫填海(版本三) (3) 4、愚公移山 (4) 5、夸父追日(版本一) (6) 6、夸父追日(版本二) (7) 7、女娲补天 (9) 8、玉兔捣药 (11) 9、牛郎织女 (12)

、精卫填海(版本一) The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea Once upon a time, the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, legendary ruler of primitive China, went boating on the Eastern Sea. While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized. Just before she was buried by the surging waves, her spirit turned into a beautiful bird. As it flew over the roaring sea, it cried sadly in the sound "jinwei, jingwei". That was why people called it "Jingwei". The bird lived on a mountain near the sea. It hated the sea so much that it decided to fill it up. Every day, it flew to and fro between the mountain and the sea, carrying in a twig or a pebble from the mountain and dropping it into the sea. One day, the roaring sea said to Jingwei, "Poor little bird, stop doing that meaningless thing! You'll never fill me up." Jingwei replied, "I'll fill you up no doubt! I will, even if it'll take me thousands of years! I'll fight on until doomsday!" The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles from the mountain to the Eastern Sea without taking a rest. From this fable comes the idiom "The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea". We use it to describe people who are firm and indomitable and will not stop until they reach their goal.
