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医学专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业英语词典、医学术语英文翻译: 熄风stop wind

活塞滴定管stop-cock buret

活栓润滑脂stop-cock grease


截流流射stop-flow injection

停训综合征stop-training syndrome

荫胎stoppage of growth of fetus

傍流动力学stopped-flow kinetics

有塞试管stoppered test tube


止血行瘀stopping bleeding and absorbing clots

傍药stopping dosage

戒酒stopping drinking

回乳stopping mik secretion

回乳stopping milk secretion

固涩止汗stopping perspiration with astringents

戒烟stopping smoking

贮存多糖storage polysaccharide

热能储存率storage rate of thermal energy

藏而不泻storage with no excretion

苏合香storax styrax liquidus

藏精store the essence of life

贮谷昆虫stored grain insect

贮谷害虫stored product insect

藏而不泄storing and not eliminating

藏而不泄storing?and?not eliminating

毛细血管扩张斑stork bites

斯一布二氏染剂stovallbllack stain

瓷炉stoving porcelain


斜视性弱视strabismic amblyopia


惊后瞳斜strabismus after convulsive seizure

交替斜视strabismus alternans

假性斜视strabismus apparens

共同性斜视strabismus concomitans

内斜视strabismus convergens

斜下视strabismus deorsum vergens

外斜视strabismus divergens

固定性斜视strabismus fixus

斜视镊strabismus forceps

斜视钩strabismus hook

隐斜视strabismus latens

显斜视strabismus manifestus

麻痹性斜视strabismus paralyticus

斜视剪strabismus scissors

假性斜视strabismus spurius

眼上斜视strabismus sursum vergens



骑跨伤straddle injury

骑跨性血栓straddle thrombus

直小动脉straight arterioles

直动脉straight artery

直无损伤止血钳straight atraumatic hemostatic forceps

直背综合征straight back syndrome

直血管钳straight blood-vessel forceps

直孔型准直器straight bore collimator

直解剖镊straight dissecting forceps

直挺straight elevator

直镊straight forceps

直线生长straight growth

直回straight gyrus

直形压肠板straight intestinal spatula

直刃虹膜刀straight iris knife

直伸抬腿straight leg raising

抬腿足背屈试验straight leg raising ang foot dorsiflexion test 直腿提伸症状straight leg raising test

远端小管直部straight portion of distal convoluted tubule

直部straight portion straight part

直型杆straight profiled bat

肾曲小管直部straight proximal tubule

贝利尼氏管straight renal tubule

肾直小管straight renal tubules

直尖刃手术刀straight sharp-pointed scalpel

直窦straight sinus

直锐匙型筛窦钳straight spoon type ethmoid forceps

直胃钳straight stomach clamps

直形缝合针straight suture needle

直细管straight tubule

直细精管straight tubules

直小静脉straight venules

肾直小静脉straight venules of kidney

直小血管straight vessels

挺定腿拔伸straightening traction

直剪straignt scissors

劳损评价strain evaluation

滤过量压力转送器strain gage pressure transducer

关节劳损strain of joint

紧张感觉strain sensation

种系特异性strain specificity

奕变管strain tube

韧带扭伤strained ligament

排便紧张straining at stool

无张力学说strainless theory


曼陀罗叶stramoium leaf

曼陀罗叶stramonium leaf

曼陀罗子stramonium seed

曼陀罗酊stramonium tincture

原生质丝strand of protoplasm

栗子痔strangulated hemorrhoid

绞窄性疝strangulated hernia

绞窄性腹股沟斜疝strangulated indirect inguinal hernia 绞窄性肠梗阻strangulated intestinal obstruction

勒死strangulation by ligature

绞窄性肠梗阻strangulation ileus

索沟strangulation mark

绞窄性疝strangulation of hernia

美克尔憩室绞窄strangulation of meckels diverticulum 阴茎绞窄strangulation of penis

气淋stranguria caused by disorder of qi

石淋stranguria caused by the passage of urinary stone 子淋stranguria during pregnancy

砂石淋stranguria from urolithiasis

劳淋stranguria induced by overstrain

膏淋stranguria marked by chyluria

老淋stranguria of the aged

血淋stranguria with blood

淋浊stranguria with trubid urine

热淋strangury caused by pathogeni heat

热淋strangury due a heat

热淋strangury due to heat

绊创膏strapping plaster

上丘白质层strata alba colliculi superioris

预防措施strategy for prevention

层状无长突细胞stratified amacrine cell

层状血块stratified clot

复层柱状上皮stratified columnar epiethelium

复层立方上皮stratified cubical epithelium

层状不均等stratified inhomogeneity

分层随机stratified random

复层鳞状上皮stratified spuamous epithelium

复层扁平上皮stratified squamous epithelium

层状纤维软骨stratiform fibrocartilage

白质灰质层stratum albocinereum

颅侧丘白质层stratum album colliculi superioris

表皮基质层stratum basale epidermidis

脑层stratum cerebrale

视网膜大脑层stratum cerebrale retinae

环层stratum circulare

鼓膜环状层stratum circulare membranae tympani

结肠肌环层stratum circulare tunicae muscularis coli

琉传的波囊动物肌层肠stratum circulare tunicae muscularis intestini 直肠环行肌层stratum circulare tunicae muscularis recti

表皮角质层stratum corneum epidermidis

表皮角质层stratum couneum

鼓膜皮肤层stratum cutaneum membranae tympani

圆柱细胞层stratum cylindricum

表皮生发层stratum dentatum epidermidis

背侧层stratum dorsale

子宫粘膜功能层stratum functionale

视神经神经节细胞层stratum ganglionare nervi optici

视网膜神经节层stratum ganglionare retinae

表皮生发层stratum germinativum epidermidis

小脑颗粒层stratum granulosum cerebelli

表皮粒层stratum granulosum epidermidis

泡状卵泡颗粒层stratum granulosum folliculi ovarici vesiculosi

颅侧丘灰质层stratum griseum coliculi superioris

上丘灰质层stratum griseum colliculi superioris

中间层stratum intermedium

内层stratum internum

丘系层stratum lemnisci

结肠肌纵层stratum longitudinale tunicae muscularis coli

纵向被囊动物肌肠层stratum longitudinale tunicae muscularis intestini 直肠纵行肌层stratum longitudinale tunicae muscularis recti

胃肌织膜纵层stratum longitudinale tunicae muscularis ventricul

分子层stratum moleculare

小脑分子层stratum moleculare cerebelli

视网膜分子层stratum moleculare retinae

鼓膜粘膜层stratum mucosum membranae tympani

视神经上皮层stratum neuroepitheliale

视网膜神经上皮层stratum neuroepitheliale retinae

核层stratum nucleare

真皮乳头层stratum papillare corii

乳头层stratum papillare cutis

色素层stratum pigmenti

睫状体色素层stratum pigmenti corporis ciliaris

虹膜色素层stratum pigmenti iridis

视网膜色素上皮层stratum pigmenti retinae

鼓膜放射层stratum radiatum membranae tympani

真皮网状层stratum reticulare corii

棘细胞层stratum spinosum epidermidis

带状层stratum zonale


杨梅样毛细血管瘤strawberry capillary hemangioma 草莓样胆囊strawberry gallbladder

杨梅状strawberry like

草莓状红斑strawberry mark

莓样疣strawberry nevus

杨梅疮strawberry sores

杨梅舌strawberry-like tongue




条纹性腺streak gonad

条索状卵巢streak gonads

划线培养法streak plating


射流扫描stream scanning

流动蒸气法stream steam sterilization

流动扫描streaming scanning


链球菌溶血素S strelysin s

强度时间曲线strength durationcurve

背肌力strength of back muscles

力气训练strength training

强度-时间曲线strength-duration curve

强度-时间曲线strengthduration curves


益寿壮阳strengthen reproductive essence

壮筋骨strengthen the bone

增强疗效strengthen the effect

固金strengthen the lung

健脾疏肝strengthen the spleen and clear the liver 利咽喉strengthen the throat

壮阳strengthen yang

滋补强壮strengthening by means of tonics

粘韧膏strengthening plaster

扶正strengthening the body resistance

固表strengthening the body surface resistance

强筋骨strengthening the bones and muscles

补中strengthening the middle-jiao

强筋健骨strengthening the muscles and bones

健脾strengthening the spleen

健脾化痰strengthening the spleen and reducing phlegm 健脾益气strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi 健脾和胃strengthening the spleen and stomach

健胃strengthening the stomach

扶阳strengthening yang-qi


剧烈运动strenuous exercise






链丝菌病strepto trichosis



念珠状链杆菌streptobacillus moniliformis



乳酸杆菌streptobacterium plantarum



不溶血性链球菌streptoccocus anhemolyticus

链球菌A多糖streptococcaal a polysaccharide


链球菌性关节炎streptococcal arthritis

链球菌脱氧核糖核酸酶streptococcal desoxyribonuclease 链球菌酶清创术streptococcal enzymatic debridement

链球菌溶纤维蛋白酶streptococcal fibrinllysin

链球菌性食物中毒streptococcal food poisoning

链球菌性龈炎streptococcal gingivitis

链球菌M蛋白streptococcal m protein

链球菌核酸酶streptococcal nucleinase

链球菌性咽峡炎streptococcal pharyngitis

链球菌性糠疹streptococcal pityrasis

链球菌性肺炎streptococcal pneumonia

链球菌蛋白酶streptococcal proteinase

链球菌咽痛streptococcal sore throat

链球菌性扁桃体炎streptococcal tonsillitis








链球菌凝集试验streptococcus agglutination test 白色链球菌streptococcus albus

链球菌抗毒素streptococcus antitoxin

链球菌性支气管炎streptococcus bronchitis

链球菌性蜂窝织炎streptococcus cellulitis

肠炎链球菌streptococcus enteritidis

链球菌性肠炎streptococcus enteritis

丹毒链球菌streptococcus erysipelatis

粪链球菌streptococcus faecalis

恶臭细球菌streptococcus foetidus

链球菌性脓疱病streptococcus impetigo

乳链球菌streptococcus lactis

链球菌噬菌体streptococcus phage

链球菌肺炎streptococcus pneumaonia

肺炎链球菌streptococcus pneumoniae

化脓性链球菌streptococcus pyogenes

恶性酿脓链球菌streptococcus pyogenes malignus 风湿病链球菌streptococcus rheumaticus

草绿色链球菌streptococcus viridans







链激酶活性streptokinase activation

双链酶streptokinase streptodornase





链溶素O streptolysin oxygenlabile


白色链霉菌streptomyces albus

金素链霉菌streptomyces aureofaciens

抗霉素链霉菌streptomyces resistomyciticus


链霉素和异烟肼streptomycin and isonicotinylhydrazide 链霉素依赖性streptomycin dependence

链霉素依赖性变异streptomycin dependent mutation

甘草酸链霉素streptomycin glycyrrhizinate

链霉素泛酸盐streptomycin pantothenate

链霉素中毒streptomycin poisoning

链霉素源streptomycin producer

链霉素生产streptomycin producing

链霉素耐受性streptomycin resistance

抗链霉素streptomycin resistanse

链霉素抗性突变streptomycin resistant mutation

链霉素硫酸盐streptomycin sulfate

懒粗辘nbjo streptomycin-dependent strain


链霉素酸streptomycinic acid







链孢子囊菌属streptospor angium

链孢子囊菌属streptospor angum



白色链丝菌streptothrix alba

芬香链丝菌streptothrix odorifera






偶氮磺酰胺streptozotocin diabetes



链球菌酶测定的抗体streptozyme-measured antibody


缓压装置stress breaker

压力性抑郁stress depression

压迫性尿失禁stress incont

压力性尿失禁stress incontinence

无言应力训练stress innoculation training

应激介入stress lntervention

压力管理stress management

压力性红细胞增多症stress polycythemia

弹性蛋白stress protein

压力综合证stress syndrom

运动负荷心肌显象stress thallium myocardial imaging 战伤后应激性溃疡stress ulcer after war injury

应激性溃疡综合征stress ulcer syndrome

压力溃疡stress ulceration

应激性尿失禁stress urinary incontinence

压力负担域stress-bearing area

压力增强扩散stress-enhanced diffusion

应激适应综合征stressed adaptation syndrome



伸展向心系stretch afferent

牵张损伤stretch injury

牵伸性神经炎stretch neuritis

伸展肌stretched muscle

担架stretcher litter

伸展运动stretching exercise

延伸生长stretching growth

链球菌核酸酶stretococcal nuclease

链球菌毒素stretococcun toxin

视网膜血管样纹stria angioidea retinae

内粒导层纹stria baillargeri interna

外侧纵纹stria longitudinalis lateralis

内侧纵纹stria longitudinalis medialis

锤纹stria mallearis

丘脑髓纹stria medullaris thalami

外粒层纹stria of external granular

眼底色素带stria pigmentosa fundi

视网膜血管样条带stria pigmentosa retinae

终纹stria terminalis

蜗管血管纹stria vascularis ductus cochlearis

白纹striae albicantes

萎缩性纹striae atrophicae

睫状纹striae cilaris

萎缩性皮肤条纹striae cutis distensae

膨胀性萎缩纹striae distensae

妊娠纹striae gravidarum

髓纹striae medullares ventriculi quarti

Retzius纹striae of Retzius

牙质线纹状体striae of Schreger

外侧嗅纹striae olfactoria lateralis

内侧嗅纹striae olfactoriae medialis

王尔德氏索striae transversae corporis callosi




纹状损伤striatal lesion

纹状区striate area

纹状体striate corpus

条状角膜炎striate keratitis

纹状导管striated duct

横纹肌原纤维striated muscle fibril

纹状体黑质变性striato-nigral degeneration

纹状体-苍白球系统striatum-pallidum system

专性厌氧菌strictly anaerobic bacteria

绝对卧床strictly confined to bed

尿道狭窄strictura urethrae

肛门狭窄stricture of anus

胆道狭窄stricture of biliary tract

咽鼓管狭窄stricture of eustachian tube

外耳道狭窄stricture of external auditory canal

胰管狭窄stricture of pancreatic duct

输尿管狭窄stricture of the ureter

输尿管肾盂交界处狭窄stricture of the ureteropelvic junction 输尿管肾盂接处狭窄stricture of ureteropelvic junction

输尿管膀胱开口处狭窄stricture of ureterovesical orifice

输精管狭窄stricture of vas

膀胱尿道口狭窄stricture of vesicourethral orifice

阴道狭窄环stricture ring of vagina

输尿管膀胱交界处狭窄stricture the ureterovesical orifice


鼻泪管狭窄切开术stricturotomy of naso-lacrimal duct

牙磨擦音stridor dentium

喉鸣如锯stridor serraticus


凶器打击面striking surface of weapon

击打手法striking technique

线样征string sign

悬癖string-like mass in hypochondriac region

弦脉string-like pulse

严紧反应stringent response

悬癖stringlike mass in hypochondriac region

串痛stringy pain




纹状体黑质束strionigral tract

带形记波器strip kymograph


剥工喘息stripper's asthma

剥裸法stripping film method

胃癯膜剥脱术stripping of gastic antrum mucosa

痔核剥离stripping of gemorrhoid

卵巢间质strma of ovary

绞窄性外痔strnagulated external henorrhoids

绞窄性疝strnagulated hernia

绞窄性内痔strnagulated internal hemorrhoids

马蓝strobilanthes cusia

马蓝strobilanthes flaccidifolius






喘鸣strodor wheeze

划线培养stroke culture

进展性发作stroke in evolution

每缩指数stroke index

推摩法stroke manipulation

每搏量stroke output

脑卒中后综合征stroke syndrome

敏搏指数stroke volume index

中风牙关紧闭握拳昏迷stroke with trismus clenched fists and coma 每搏作功指数stroke work index


虹膜基质stroma of iris

卵巢基质stroma of ovary


基质性子宫内膜异位stromal adenomyasis

间质性子宫内膜炎stromal endometriosis

子宫内膜间质异位stromal endometriosis of uterus

间质性增生stromal hyperplasia

基质黄体化stromal luteinization

间质性肉瘤stromal sarcoma

子宫内膜间质肉瘤stromal sarcoma of uterus

基质滋养芽stromal trophoblastic bud

卵巢基质瘤stromal tumors of ovary

基质防护抗原复合体stromata-protective antigen complex




强化酸性戊二醛strong acidic glutaraldehyde

强碱strong alkali

浓氨水strong ammonia

浓氢氧化铵溶液strong ammonia solution

浓枸橼酸铵溶液strong ammonium citrate solution

强健strong and healthy

强阴离子交换剂strong anion exchanger

强均衡迅速型strong balanced rapid type

强阳离子交换剂strong cation exchanger

烈性酒strong drink

感情强烈strong emotions

武火strong fire

强组织相容性抗原strong histocompatibility antigen

卢戈尔氏溶液strong iodine solution

浓碘酊strong iodine tincture

浓碱式醋酸铅溶液strong lead subacetate solution

浓盐酸萘唑啉溶液strong naphazoline hydrochloride solution 强氧化自由基strong oxidative free radical

寒邪过盛strong pathogenic cold

强蛋白银strong protein silver

洪脉strong pulse

强蛋白银strong silver protein

强刺激strong stimulation

高度酒strong wine

浓氢氧化铵溶液stronger ammonium hydroxide solution

浓玫瑰水stronger rose water

肌肉的坚软strongness or weakness of the muscles


肠类圆线虫strongyloides intestinalis

肠类圆线虫strongyloides stercoralis



氯化锶stronium chloride

氯化锶牙膏strontium chloride tooth paste

氢氧化锶strontium hydrate






毒毛旋花素K strophanthinum k

毒毛旋花子甙K strophanthoside


毒毛旋花子强心苷类strophanthus cardiac glycosides





小儿丘疹性荨麻疹strophulus infantum

红点性婴儿苔癣strophulus intertinctus

剧痒性婴儿苔癣strophulus pruriginosus


斯-布二氏染剂strovall-black stain


结构控制structura control

结构畸变structural aberration

结构色structural color

结构式structural formual

结构鉴定structural identfication

结构信息量structural information content

结构损害structural lesion

结构化粘度structural vescosity

结构非特异性药物structurally nonspecific srug

构效关系structure activity

结构活性关系structure activity relationship

结构临床联系structure clinical interview

结构功能关系structure function relationship

金络合物结构structure of metal complex

结构-活性相关structure-activity correlation

结构活性关系structure-activity relationship

毒素关系结构structure-toxicity relationship


刺激后胞浆基质结构structuredness of cytoplasmic matrix 与疾病斗争struggle against disease

动脉瘤性甲状腺肿struma aneurysmatica

巴塞多化甲状腺肿struma basedowificata

巴塞多氏甲状腺肿struma basedowii

钙化甲状腺肿struma calculosa

癌性甲状腺肿struma carcinomatosa

胶状腺病struma colloides

骨性甲状腺囊腺病struma cystica ossea

纤维性甲状腺肿struma fibrosa

舌甲状腺肿struma lingualis

淋巴瘤性甲状腺肿struma lymphomatosa

恶性甲状腺肿struma maligna

结节性甲状腺肿struma nodosa

卵巢甲状腺瘤struma ovarii

甲状腺肿样卵巢瘤struma ovartii

鳃后甲状腺肿struma postbranchialis

搏动性甲状腺肿struma pulsans

单纯性甲状腺肿struma simplex



裸疬素质strumous diathesis

出血性脑炎strumpell-leichtenstern type?of encephalitis 施特吕姆佩尔氏反射strumpells reflex


磷酸铵镁结石struvite calculus



盐酸士的宁strychnine hydrochloride

士的宁锋电位发射strychnine spike discharge

士的宁试验strychnine test


马钱子生物碱strychnos alkaloids

斯-哈二氏综合征strykerhalbeisen syndrome

土的宁发作实验strynchin seizure test




十八醇sttearyl alcohol

斯陶物原子模型stuart atomic model


顽痰stubborm phlegm

顽症stubborn illness

顽痰stubborn phlegm


灰泥角化症stucco keratosis

护生student nurse

实习护士student practical nurse

研究用模型study cast

研究模型study model

伤害研究study of injury

实痞stuffiness syndrome of excess type

鼻塞stuffy nose


干燥性闭塞性龟头炎stuhmers disease

残根牙钻stump bur

残肢幻觉stump hallucination

残端漏stump leakage

残肢神经痛stump neuralgia

残端神经瘤stump neuroma

胃残端stump of stomach

扁桃体残体stump of tonsil

残端痛stump pain

残端子宫妊娠stump pregnancy

残端溃疡stump ulcer

迟钝性忧郁症stuporous melancholia

第十因子sturat-prower factor

斯-卡-韦三氏综合征sturge-kalischer-weber syndrome

斯-韦二氏综合征sturgeweber syndrome

段续排尿stuttering urination

滴尿症stuttering vrination


茎突凸styioid prominence


茎突舌肌styloglossus muscle


茎突舌骨肌支stylohyoid branch

茎突舌骨韧带stylohyoid ligament

茎突舌骨肌stylohyoid muscle


桡骨茎突styloid process of radius

颞骨茎突styloid process of temporal bone

第三掌骨茎状突起styloid process of third metacarpal bone 尺骨茎突styloid process of ulna

埃格尔氏综合征styloide process syndrome

茎突下颌韧带stylomandibular ligament



茎乳动脉stylomastoid artery

茎乳孔stylomastoid foramen

茎乳静脉stylomastoid vein

茎突咽肌支stylopharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve 茎突咽肌stylopharyngeal muscle

茎突咽肌stylopharyngeus muscle



针术stylostixis needling

茎突舌骨韧带styloyoid ligament





蛇毒时间stypven time



苯乙烯外露styrene exposure



亚染色单体sub chromatid

包底衣sub coating

次相容的sub consistent

辅助护士sub nurse

毒药标记sub signo veneni

二腹肌下脓肿sub-digastric abscess

亚红斑剂量sub-erythemal dose


肩关节下脱位sub-joiny dislocation of shoulder

亚致死基因sub-lethal gene

亚系分化sub-line differentiation

亚痕量分析sub-trace analysis


肩峰下囊subacromial burs

肩峰下囊subacromial bursa

杜普累氏粘液囊炎subacromial bursitis

亚急性细菌性心内膜炎subactue bacterial endocarditis

亚急性联合变性subactue combined degeneration

亚急性播散状红斑狼疮subacut disseminate lupus erythematosus

亚急性细菌心内膜炎subacute bacterial endocarditis

脊髓亚急性联合变性subacute combined degenerastion of spinal cord 亚急性混合变性subacute combined degeneration

亚急性结膜炎subacute conjunctvitis

亚急性湿疹subacute eczema

亚急性渗液缩窄性心包炎subacute effusion-constricive pericarditis 亚急性脑炎subacute encephalitis

亚急性重症型肝炎subacute fatal hepaitis

亚急性肾小球肾炎subacute glomerulonephritis

亚急性粒细胞性白血病subacute granulocytc leukemia

亚急性肉芽肿性甲状腺炎subacute granulomatous thyroiditis

亚急性肝萎缩subacute hepatatrophy

亚急性肝坏死subacute hepatic necrotis

亚急性肝炎subacute hepatitis

亚急性乙型肝炎subacute hepatitis b

亚急性肝炎多叶性坏死subacute hepatitis multilobular necrosis

亚急性炎症subacute inflammation

亚急性肝萎缩subacute liver atrophy

亚急性脑膜炎subacute meningitis

亚急性脊髓视神经病subacute myelo-optic neuropathy

亚急性脊髓视神经病subacute myelo-optical neuropathy

亚急性脊髓视神经病subacute myelo-optico-neuropathy

亚急性脊髓视神经病subacute myelo-opticoneuropathy

亚急性坏死性脊髓病subacute necrotc myelopathy

亚急性坏死性脑脊髓病subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy

亚急性坏死性脑病subacute necrotizing encephalopathy

亚急性坏死性脊髓炎subacute necrotizing myelitis

亚急性肾炎subacute nephritis

亚急性非化脓型subacute non-suppurative type

亚急性胰炎subacute pancreaitis

亚急性硬化性全脑炎subacute sclerosing panence phalitis

亚急性硬化性全脑炎subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

亚急性硬化全脑炎病毒subacute sclerosing panencephalitis virus

亚急性硬化性全脑炎subacute sclerosng panencephalitis

亚急性海绵样脑病subacute spongiform encephalopathy

亚急性甲状腺炎subacute thyroiditis

亚急性黄色肝萎缩subacute yellow atrophy of liver

亚急性黄色肝萎缩subacute yellow necrosis


外膜下纤维组织形成subadventitial fibroplasia


主动脉下淋巴结subaortic lymph nodes

主动脉瓣下狭窄subaortic stenosis

蛛网膜下酒精阻滞subarachnoid alcohol block

蛛网膜下腔麻痹subarachnoid anesthesia

蛛网膜下腔subarachnoid cavity

蛛网膜下腔管理subarachnoid cavity administration

蛛网膜下腔出血度数subarachnoid hemorrhage grade

蛛网膜下神经根化学阻滞术subarachnoid root block with chemical agents 蛛网膜下腔阻滞麻醉subarachnoid space block anesthesia

蛛网膜下出血subarachnoidal bleeding

蛛网膜下池subarachnoidal cistern

蛛网膜下出血subarachnoidal hemorrhage

脊髓蛛网膜下腔化学药物注射术subarchnoid injection of chemical drug 弓状下窝subarcuate fossa

乳晕下脓肿subareolar abscess

乳晕下乳管乳头瘤subareolar duct papillomatosis

距骨下切断术subastragalar amputation


胸膜腔负压subatmospheric interpleural pressure



青壮年猝死综合征subben death syndrome

跟下滑囊炎subcalcaneal bursitis

布罗卡氏区subcallosal area

梁下束subcallosal fasciculus

梁下回subcallosal gyrus

梁下面积subcallous area


头下骨折subcapital fracture

头下型subcapital type


囊性白内障subcapsular cataract

被囊下上皮subcapsular epithelium

肝包膜下出血subcapsular hemorrhage of liver 被膜下肾摘除术subcapsular nephrectomy

被膜下窦subcapsular sinus

淋巴结缘窦subcapsular sinuses

脾被膜下切除术subcapsular splenectomy


软骨下骨板subcartilaginous osseous lamella 部分软骨的subcartrilaginous

胞选择学说subcellular selective theory

亚细胞成分subcellular somponent


软骨下骨subchondral bone






五纲特性subclass specificity

锁骨下袢subclavian loop

锁骨下神经subclavian nerve

锁骨下动脉丛subclavian plexus

锁骨下盗血综合征subclavian steal syndrome 锁骨下干subclavian trunk

锁骨下静脉穿刺subclavian vein puncture



锁骨下脱位subclavicular dislocation

锁骨下淋巴结subclavicular lymph nodes


锁骨下肌subclavius muscle


五临床的乳腺炎subclinical mastitis



连合下器subcommissural organ


赤丝subconjunctival capillaries

白睛溢血subconjunctival ecchymosis

结膜下出血subconjunctival hemorrhage

结膜下注射subconjunctival injection

结膜下组织subconjunctival tissue

结膜下移植法subconjunctival transplantation

喙突下脱位subcoracoid dislocation

角质层下脓疱症subcorneal pustular dermatosis

角层下脓疱病subcorneal pustulosis

皮层下失语subcortical aphasia

皮层下出血subcortical bleeding

皮质下细胞质subcortical cytoplasm

皮层下神经元subcortical nueron


肋下动脉subcostal artery

肋下阻滞subcostal block

肋下切口subcostal incision

肋下线subcostal line

肋下肌肉subcostal muscle

肋下肌subcostal muscles

肋下神经subcostal nerve

肋下平面subcostal plane

肋下扫描subcostal scan




肩峰皮下囊subcrtameous bursa of acromion

腹股沟皮下环subctaneous inguinal ring

皮下渗血subcuataneous extravasation

皮下小结subcutaneors nodule

皮下脓肿subcutaneous abscess

肩峰皮下囊subcutaneous acromial bursa

皮下使用subcutaneous administration

皮下出血subcutaneous bleeding

跟皮下囊subcutaneous bursa of calcaneus

喉结皮下囊subcutaneous bursa of laryngeal prominence 外侧踝皮下囊subcutaneous bursa of lateral ?malleolus 鹰嘴皮下滑液囊subcutaneous bursa of olecranon

转子皮下囊subcutaneous bursa of trochanter

跟皮下囊subcutaneous calcaneal bursa

皮下钙化subcutaneous calcinosis

皮下捻发感subcutaneous crepitus

皮下组织囊虫病subcutaneous cysticercosis

皮下凹陷瘢痕subcutaneous depressive scar

皮下水肿subcutaneous dropsy

阴囊皮下气肿subcutaneous emphysema of scrotum

皮下脂肪测定器subcutaneous fat calipers

皮下脂肪坏死subcutaneous fat necrosis

新生儿皮下脂肪坏死subcutaneous fat necrosis of newborn 皮下脂肪组织subcutaneous fatty tissue

皮下骨折subcutaneous fracture

皮下坏疽subcutaneous gangrene

新生儿皮下坏疸subcutaneous gangrene of newborn

皮下血肿subcutaneous hematoma

皮下插入subcutaneous implant

皮下切开术subcutaneous incision

皮下硬化subcutaneous induration

皮下髌骨下囊subcutaneous infrapatellar bursa

皮下注射subcutaneous infusion

腹股沟管皮下环subcutaneous inguinal ring

皮下损伤subcutaneous injury

皮下包块subcutaneous mass

皮下蝇蛆病subcutaneous myiasis

结核subcutaneous nodes

皮下结节型subcutaneous nodular type

皮下结节subcutaneous nodule

皮下部subcutaneous part

皮下袋状血肿subcutaneous pocket hematoma

皮下反应subcutaneous reaction

皮下组织缝合针subcutaneous suture needle

皮下滑膜囊subcutaneous synovial bursa

皮下腱切断术subcutaneous tenotomy

皮下输液subcutaneous transfusion

皮下结核性瘘subcutaneous tuberculous fistula

皮下瘤subcutaneous tumor

疽subcutaneous ulcer

皮下接种subcutaneous vaccination

腹壁静脉曲张subcutaneous varicose vein of abdominal wall 皮下静脉subcutaneous veins

腹部皮下静脉subcutaneous veins of abdomen

皮下缝合subcuticular suture

三角肌下囊subdeltoid bursa

三角肌下囊炎subdeltoid bursitis


皮下囊肿subdermal cyst

皮下电极subdermal elecdtrode


Chapter 1 Passage 1 Human Body In this passage you will learn: 1. Classification of organ systems 2. Structure and function of each organ system 3. Associated medical terms To understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc. 了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。研究人体结构的科学叫解剖学;研究人体功能的科学叫生理学。其他研究人体的科学包括生物学、细胞学、胚胎学、组织学、内分泌学、血液学、遗传学、免疫学、心理学等等。 Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article. 解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。本文描绘并阐述了各系统的主要部分。 The skeletal system is made of bones, joints between bones, and cartilage. Its function is to provide support and protection for the soft tissues and the organs of the body and to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body. There are 206 bones in the human skeleton. They have various shapes - long, short, cube - shaped, flat, and irregular. Many of the long bones have an interior space that is filled with bone marrow, where blood cells are made. 骨骼系统由骨、关节以及软骨组成。它对软组织及人体器官起到支持和保护作用,并牵动骨胳肌,引起各种运动。人体有206根骨头。骨形态不一,有长的、短、立方的、扁的及不规则的。许多长骨里有一个内层间隙,里面充填着骨髓,这即是血细胞的制造场所。 A joint is where bones are joined together. The connection can be so close that no movement is possible, as is the case in the skull. Other kinds of joints permit movement: either back and forth in one plane - as with the hinge joint of the elbow - or movement around a single axis - as with the pivot joint that permits the head to rotate. A wide range of movement is possible when the ball - shaped end of one bone fits into a socket at the end of another bone, as they do in the shoulder and hip joints. 关节把骨与骨连接起来。颅骨不能运动,是由于骨与骨之间的连接太紧密。但其它的关节可允许活动,如一个平面上的前后屈伸运动,如肘关节;或是绕轴心旋转运动,如枢轴点允许头部转动。如果一根骨的球形末端插入另一根骨的臼槽里,大辐度的运动(如肩关节、髋关节)即成为可能。 Cartilage is a more flexible material than bone. It serves as a protective, cushioning layer where bones come together. It also connects the ribs to the breastbone and provides a structural base for the nose and the external ear. An infant's skeleton is made of cartilage that is gradually replaced by bone as the infant grows into an adult. 软骨是一种比一般骨更具韧性的物质。它是骨连结的保护、缓冲层。它把肋骨与胸骨连结起来,也是鼻腔与内耳的结构基础。一个婴儿的骨骼就是由软骨组成,然后不断生长、


医学专业英语翻译 医学专业英语翻译如下:portable electric dental engine 轻便电动钻牙机,轻便牙钻portable hearing aid 袖珍助听器portable microtome 手提式切片机portable monitor 手提式监护仪portable obstetric table 轻便产床portable operating table 轻便手术台portable photoelectric colorimeter 便携式光电比色计portable suction unit 便携式吸引器portable testing set 便携式测试仪器portable typewriter 手提式打字机portable X-ray machine 手提式X 光机portacid 移酸滴管,滴酸器portal 门,入门portal venography 门静脉造影术port B/L 港口提单portcaustic 腐蚀药把持器porte 柄porte-acid 移酸滴管,滴酸器porte-aiguille 持针器porte-caustique 腐蚀药把持器porte-ligature 深部结扎器,缚线把持器porte-meche 填塞条器porte-noeud 瘤蒂结扎器porte-polisher 握柄磨光器porterage 搬运费portial impression trays 局部牙托portion 部分,段,份portligature 深部结扎器,缚线把线器port of arrival 到达港port of delivery 交货港port of departure 出发港port of destination 到达港目的港port of discharge 卸货港portogram 门静脉造影片


第一章医学英语词汇 医学领域涉及的科学和专业广泛,不仅包括基础医学和临床医学的诸多学科,还涉及化学和物理两大基础学科领域,甚至社会科学领域中的诸多学科和专业。因此,医学英语词汇数量庞大,其词汇量高达数十万。同时,由于医学专业的历史渊源,医学英语词汇大多含有希腊语和拉丁语成分,一些医学英语单词显得古怪而陌生,单词结构长而复杂。但就其构词法上基本遵循普通英语单词的构词规律,也往往由前缀、词根、后缀组成,虽然具有其自身的特点,也是可以找到规律的。因此,医学英语词汇构词法,理解与掌握单词尤其是组合词构成的基本知识,牢记必要的基本词素,就能找到掌握医学英语词汇的捷径。 第一节医学英语词汇的结构 一、医学词素 一般认为,词是语言中可独立使用表达意思的最小单位。但是,从结构方面来看时,词并不是最小的语言单位,许多单词可以细分为更小的,同时也是具有意义的单位.这些最小的有意义的单位就是词素。 医学词素(morpheme)是医学语词的组成部分,是医学英语中语音和语义的最小结合体。一个医学语词可以由一个词素构成,也可以由两个或两个以上的词素构成。从语义方面来看,医学词素有两种类型。一种医学词素含有明确的词汇意义,表达单词的主要意义,这类词素称为词根。例如,orth(o)-(正常的)、plasma(血浆)、reticul(o)-(网状)等。其中,plasma可以单独使用,这类词根称为自由词根。另外两个不能单独使用,是黏着词根,这类词根必须与其他词素结合使用。还有一类医学词素是词缀。词缀也有两种,一种屈折词缀只有语法意义而没有词汇的意义(如表示名词复数-s);另一咱派生词缀有一定的词汇意义,但只表达单词的次要意义。 二、医学词根 医学词根(root)是医学语词的基本形式,承载着医学语词的核心意义。一般认为,词根是同根词共有的、可以辨认的部分,也就是说,词根可以在不同的单词里出现,但它的基本形式和含义相同。例如,erythroblast(成红细胞)、erythrocatalysis(红细胞溶解)、erythroclasis(红细胞破碎)和erythrocytopenia(红细胞减少)都有一个共同的词根“erythr(o)-”(红的)。这一词根在不同的语词里出现,但形式没有什么变化,含义也相同。


医学术语 一、词根(roots):每个单词的基本部分。 For example:port----transport,export,support,portable 来源于拉丁文“portare”,意为“运送”。 simil----simulate,similarity,assimilate 词根通常是末端开放的单词。 For example:gastr- 胃 pneumon- 肺 在组合词根时,需要加“o”在词根间(但需凭经验判断 何时不用加“o”)。 For example:gastr-o-enter-itis——胃肠炎 celio-gastr-otomy——剖腹胃切开术 二、组合词根时的排序原则: 首先命名近端结构,其次是远端结构。 For example:duoden-o-jejun-itis十二指肠空肠炎 esophag-o-gastr-ectomy食管胃切除术 当不存在自然的解剖连续性时,则按照流动方向决定词根的相对位置。For example:cholecyst-o-jejun-ostomy胆囊空肠吻合术 pancreatic-o-enter-ostomy胰管小肠吻合术

三、常用的解剖学词根 an:肛管(anal canal) celio:体腔(body cavity) arter:动脉(artery) cholecyst:胆囊(gallbladder)cec:盲肠(cecum) choledoch:总胆管(choledochus)chole :胆汁(bile) duoden:十二指肠(duodenum)col:结肠(colon) enter:小肠(small intestine)crani:颅骨(cranium) esophag:食道(esophagus) cyst:囊(sac) lapar:腹部,髂窝(abdomen,flank)gastr:胃(stomach) lith:结石(calculus,stone)hepat:肝(liver) mast:乳腺(mammary gland,breast)hem,hemat:血(blood) lysis:打碎,破坏(destruction)ile:回肠(ileum) jejun:空肠(jejunum)pancreat:胰腺(pancreas) phleb:小静脉(small vein)splen:脾脏(spleen) bronch:支气管(bronchus)ven:静脉(vein) card:心脏(heart)phren:呼吸膈(respiratory diaphragm) thorac:胸(chest) trache:气管(trachea)colp:阴道(vagina) oophor:卵巢(ovary)salping:输卵管,子宫管(fallopian tube, uterine tube)pyel:肾盂(pelvis of the kidney)ureter:输尿管(ureter)vesic:膀胱(urinary bladder) urethr:尿道(urethra)四、具有两个不同词根的器官或结构 子宫(uterus): hyster, metrium 肾脏(kidney):nephr,ren 管(vessel):angi——不一定是血管。


常用骨科医学专业英语词汇 骨科ORTHOPEDICS 1、概论INTRODUCTION *fracture n.骨折 pathological fracture 病理骨折 fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折 *open fracture 开放骨折 close fracture 闭合骨折 *comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折 compressed fracture 压缩骨折 shock n.休克 *deformity n.畸形 tenderness n.压痛 swelling n.肿胀 ecchymosis n.瘀斑 obstacle n.功能障碍 *bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合征infection n.感染 spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤 surrounding nerve 周围神经 *fat embolism 脂肪栓塞 bedsore n.褥疮

arthroclisis n.关节僵硬 ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死 ischemic contraction 缺血性挛缩 *traumatic arthritis 创伤性关节炎 hematoma n.血肿 *callus n.骨痂 heal n.愈合 *synovitis n.滑膜炎 *ligament n.韧带 *tendon n.肌腱 * pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎 *reduction n.复位 *bone traction 骨牵引 *osteoporosis n.骨质疏松 2、上肢骨折FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES clavicle n.锁骨 *humerus n.肱骨 *rotation n.旋转 supracondyle n.髁上 blister n.水疱 pulsate n.搏动 thrombus n.血栓


医学专业英语翻译 医学专业英语翻译如下: portable electric dental engine 轻便电动钻牙机,轻便牙钻portable hearing aid 袖珍助听器 portable microtome 手提式切片机 portable monitor 手提式监护仪 portable obstetric table 轻便产床 portable operating table 轻便手术台 portable photoelectric colorimeter 便携式光电比色计 portable suction unit 便携式吸引器 portable testing set 便携式测试仪器 portable typewriter 手提式打字机 portable X-ray machine 手提式X 光机 portacid 移酸滴管,滴酸器 portal 门,入门 portal venography 门静脉造影术 port B/L 港口提单 portcaustic 腐蚀药把持器 porte 柄 porte-acid 移酸滴管,滴酸器

porte-aiguille 持针器 porte-caustique 腐蚀药把持器 porte-ligature 深部结扎器,缚线把持器porte-meche 填塞条器 porte-noeud 瘤蒂结扎器 porte-polisher 握柄磨光器 porterage 搬运费 portial impression trays 局部牙托portion 部分,段,份 portligature 深部结扎器,缚线把线器port of arrival 到达港 port of delivery 交货港 port of departure 出发港 port of destination 到达港目的港 port of discharge 卸货港 portogram 门静脉造影片 portoraphy 门静脉造影术portovenogram 门静脉造影片 posion 阴离子,阳向离子 position 位置,状态 positioner 定位器(牙),位置控制器


参考文献 1Murakami T,G arcia CA,Reiter LT,et al.Charcot2M arie2T ooth disease and related inherited neuropathies.M edicine(Baltim ore),1996,75: 2332250. 2萧剑锋.腓骨肌萎缩症的分子遗传学研究进展.国外医学神经病学神经外科学分册,1998,25:1822185. 3Janssen E AM,K em p S,Hensels G W,et al.C onnexin32gene mutations in X2linked dominant Charcot2M arie2T ooth disease(C MTX1). Hum G enet,1997,99:5012505. 4Birouk N,Leguern E,M ais onobe T,et al.X2linked Charcot2M arie2 T ooth disease with connexin32mutations:clinical and electrophysiologic study.Neurology,1998,50:107421082. 5Nelis E,T immerman V,Jonghe PD,et al.Rapid screening of myelin genes in C MT1patients by SSCP analysis:identification of new mutations and polym orphisms in the P0gene.Hum G enet,1994,94:6532657.6R oa BB,G arcia CA,Suter U,et al.Charcot2M arie2T ooth disease type 1A.Ass ociation with a spontaneous point mutation in the PMP22gene. N Engl J M ed,1993,329:962101. 7Fairweather N,Bell C,C ochrane S,et al.Mutations in the connexin32 gene in X2linked dominant Charcot2M arie2T ooth disease.Hum M ol G enet,1994,3:29234. 8Bort S,Nelis E,T immerman V,et al.Mutational analysis of the MPZ, PMP22and Cx32genes in patients of S panish ancestry with Charcot2 M arie2T ooth disease and hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies.Hum G enet,1997,99:7462754. 9S ilander K,M eretoja P,Pihko H,et al.Screening for connexin32 mutations in Charcot2M arie2T ooth disease families with possible X2linked inheritance.Hum G enet,1997,100:3912397. (收稿:1998210206 修回:1999203224) (本文编辑:包雅琳) 神经病学常用医学名词(五) M MacE wen sign:麦克尤恩征 Marinesco2S j¨o gren syndrome:马里内斯科2舍格伦综合征 Mayer sign:迈耶征 McArdle disease:麦卡德尔病megaconial my opathy:大锥状颗粒肌病meningism:假性脑[脊]膜炎meningitis:脑[脊]膜炎 mening oencephalitis:脑膜脑炎 mening omyelitis:脊膜脊髓炎 Menkes disease:门克斯病又称“钢发综合征(steely hair syndrome)”metachromatic leukodystrophy:异染性脑白质营养不良 micturition syncope:排尿晕厥migraine:偏头痛 Millard2G ubler syndrome:米亚尔2居布勒综合征 mirror writing:镜像书写 mitochondrial my opathy:线粒体肌病 M ollaret meningitis:莫拉雷脑[脊]膜炎 m onoballismus:单肢投掷症 m ononeuritis:单神经炎 m onoplegia:单瘫 M oro reflex:莫罗反射 m otor aphasia:运动性失语[症] m otor apraxia:运动性失用[症] m otor nerve conduction velocity:运动神经传导速度m otor unit action potential:运动单位动作 电位 m otor unit potential:运动单位电位 multilead electrode:多导电极 multiple sclerosis:多发性硬化 multiple spike and slow wave complex:多棘 慢复合波 muscular hypertrophy:肌肥大 myalgia:肌痛 myasthenia:肌无力 myasthenia gravis:重症肌无力 myelitis:脊髓炎 myelopathy:脊髓病 my oclonic epilepsy:肌阵挛型癫痫 my oclonic seizure:肌阵挛发作 my oclonus:肌阵挛 my okymia:肌纤维颤搐 my opathy:肌病 my ositis:肌炎 my ositis ossificans:骨化性肌炎 my otonia:肌强直 my otonia atrophica:萎缩性肌强直 my otonic potential:肌强直电位 my otubular my opathy:肌管性肌病 M2wave:M波 N narcolepsy:发作性睡病 nascent m otor unit action potential:新生运 动单位动作电位 nas opharyngeal electrode:鼻咽电极 necrotic myelitis:坏死性脊髓炎 needle electrode:针电极 nemaline my opathy,rod my opathy:线状体 肌病,又称“棒状体肌病” neuralgia:神经痛 neuritis:神经炎 neurology:神经病学 neuromy ositis:神经肌炎 neuromy otonia:神经性肌强直 neuropathy:神经病 nodding spasm,spasmus nutans:点头痉挛 nominal aphasia:命名性失语[症] N othnagel sign:诺特纳格尔征 N othnagel syndrome:诺特纳格尔综合征 nuclear ophthalm oplegia:核性眼肌瘫痪 nystagmus:眼震 O ocular bobbing:眼球浮动 oculocephalogyric reflex:头眼反射 oculogyric crisis:眼动危象 oculogyric spasm:旋眼痉挛 oliv opontocerebellar atrophy:橄榄体脑桥小 脑萎缩 Oppenheim sign:奥本海姆征 optical neuromyelitis:视神经脊髓炎 orbicularis sign:眼轮匝肌征 (待续) (包雅琳 整理) ? 5 4 1 ? 中华神经科杂志1999年6月第32卷第3期 Chin J Neurol,June1999,V ol32,N o. 3 ? 1995-2005 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


cardiovascular diseases; 脑垂体的功能the function of pituitary; 泌尿道urinary tract; 分子molecule; 动脉artery; 内分泌学endocrinology; 呼吸困难dyspnea; 唾液saliva; 组织学histology; 血液循环blood circulation; 血液学hematology; 生理学physiology; 解剖学anatomy; 女性生殖系统femal reproductive system; 神经细胞nerve cell; 免疫学immunology; 消化不良dyspepsia; 随意肌voluntary muscle; 胚胎学embryology; 心理学psychology; 细胞学cytology; 原生质protoplasm; 细胞膜cell membrane; 细胞核nucleus; 细胞质(浆)cytoplasm; 脱氧核糖核酸deoxyribonucleic acid; 能半渗透的semipermeable; 分子生物学molecular biology; 碳水化合物carbohydrate; 有区别性的differentially; 使…完整intact; 根据according to; 遗传特性hereditary trait; 渗滤diffusion; 转换transaction; 蓝图blueprint; 染色体chromosome; 色素pigment; 排出废液excrete waste fluid; 散开disperse; 脉冲信号impulse; 核糖核酸ribonucleic acid; 损害正常功能impair the normal function; 污染环境pollute environment; 功能失调malfunction; 致病因子causative agents; 易受侵害的人群vulnerable groups; 局部化的感染localized infection; 花柳病venereal disease; 抗原与抗体antigen&antibody; 肌电图electromyogram; 多发性硬化multiple sclerosis; 心电图electrocardiograph; 疾病的后遗症sequelea of disease; 光纤技术fiber optic technology; 造血系统hematopoietic system; 致命的疾病fatal disease; 体液body fluid; 无副作用的治疗hazard-free treatment; 无侵犯的实验检查non-invasive laboratory test; 核磁共振nuclear magnetic resonance; 葡萄糖耐糖实验the glucose-tolerance test; 乐观的预后optimistic prognosis; 超声波检测法ultrasonography; 病史medical history; 随访活动follow-up visit; 营养不良nutritional deficiency; 使细节显著highlight detail; 脑电图electroencephalogram; 缺血的组织blood-starved tissue; 肌纤维muscle fiber; 随意肌voluntary muscle; 消化道alimentary canal; 肌腹fleshy belly of muscle; 横纹肌striated muscle; 肌肉痉挛cramps of muscle; 肌肉收缩muscle contraction; 肌肉附着点attachment of the muscle; 肌肉放松relaxation of muscle; 动脉出血arterial hemorrhage; 止端insertion;起端origion;供血blood supply; 屈肌flexor; 蛋白分子protein molecule; 纤维结缔组织fibrous connective tissue; 伸肌extensor; 意志力willpower; 横切面transverse section; 起搏器pacemaker; 肌萎缩muscle atrophy; 重症肌无力myasthenia gravis; 弥散性局部缺血diffuse ischemia; 常染色体隐性autosomal recessive; 全身性感染systemic infection; 受累的肌肉muscle involved; 显著相关性significant correlation; 神经末梢nerve terminal; 自体免疫反应autoimmune reaction; 神经支配innervation; 肌营养不良muscular dystrophy; 慢性营养不良chronic mulnutrition; 先天性肌病congenital myopathy; 预期寿命life expectancy; 免疫紊乱immunologic derangemant; 发病高峰年龄the peak age of onset; 胸腺肿瘤thymoma; 呼吸肌受累the involvement of respiratory muscle; 感染性肌炎inflammatory myositic; 去神经支配denervation; 矿物质吸收mineral absorption; 机械应力mechanical stress; 骨基质有机部分the organic parts of bone matrix; 青春期早熟premature puberty; 蛋白溶解酶protein-digesting enzyme; 破骨细胞osteoclast; 松质骨spongy bone; 骨折fracture; 不规则骨irregular bone; 骨骼系统skeletal system; 维生素吸收vitamin absorption; 骨钙丧失the loss of calcium from bone; 生长激素growth hormone;


医学专业在线英语词典 篇一:医学科研工作者会用到的 5 大英文词典----百替生物 医学科研工作者会用到的 5 大英文词典 做科学研究,看英文文献肯定是逃避不了的。但是面对着文献中无限多的英文单词,以及 各种专业词汇,就算是英文大牛恐怕也不敢完全保证能够通篇顺利的读下来吧,那么选择一本 好的英文词典,将会使你的科研工作事半功倍。 1.灵格斯词典 这个词典或许知道的人不多,但是这个词典的好用程度绝对可以名列前茅的。灵格斯词 典最大的优势就在于,它有着多到令人难以置信的扩展词库,而且这些词库中还有各种各样的 专业词库,天文、地理、生物、化学各个方面都有。对于医学研究工作者来说,其中的英汉分 子生物学词典和湘雅医学词典扩展包, 将会成为科研生活中的利器。 还有一点不得不提到的是, 灵格斯内置了 Google 翻译,虽然仍然需要联网使用,但是据笔者发现,有时候 Google 网站打 不开的时候,灵格斯整合的 Google 翻译却还可以使用,这不得不赞一个。 2.Google 翻译 不用多说,页面简洁,使用方便,随开随用,不用担心软件升级问题,也不会弹出各种 小广告,多种语言随时切换,支持段落翻译,而且质量与同时期其它的翻译软件相比,翻译质 量有明显的优势。使用方便,只要有网就能翻译。缺点在于功能比较单一。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/995060173.html,KI 翻译助手 CNKI 翻译助手最大的优势也在于它的学术性:所有的例句都是出自于学术期刊,并且通 过这些句子还可以找到到对应的文献来源。然而,这些例句虽然都来源于国内的学术期刊,不 能排除有些 Chinglish 的表达。所以,CNKI 助手非常适合搜索一些专业术语,不仅了解用法, 还能顺带看看国内学术界在该领域的文献。 4.有道金山 有道词典使用的是《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》词库,所包含的词条和例句紧跟现代生活。 有道的功能比较全面,带很多扩展功能,包括全文翻译、屏幕取词、划词翻译、例句搜索、网 络释义、真人语音朗读等。还可将单词存入生词本,依靠云同步随时复习,适合词汇量积累。 不好的地方就是,比较占系统内存,小广告多。 5.金山词霸 金山和有道其实不分伯仲,不同的是金山词霸收录的《牛津词典》的词条,该词典详细 的追溯了每个英语词的来源,释义和印证丰富,可以算作是英语词汇的最高权威。金山和有道 在其它的功能上并没有太大差异,在产品的外观上区别,也是仁者见仁智者见智,单凭自己的 喜好来选吧。 篇二:在线词典资源大全 在线词典资源大全


这里汇聚了中西医学行业的大部分英语词汇和详细解说,如果要查询相关词汇,你可以点此word 文档工具栏的“编辑”,找到“查找”,然后点开输入你要查询的词汇就可以查询了。 西医篇: 1、医院部门及科室名称 2、医务人员名称 3、诊断和治疗常用词汇 4、常见疾病名称 5、常见手术名称 6、常用药物名称 7、常用护理术语 8、常用临床医学术语 9、医疗器材 10、医学英语快速记忆-后缀 11、主要人体系统名称 12、医院类型名称 13、医学词汇 14、医学常用字首与字根 1.医院部门及科室名称 out-patient department 门诊部 In-patient department 住院部 Nursing department 护理部 Admission office 住院处 Discharge office 出院处 Registration office 挂号处 Reception room, waiting room 侯诊室 Consultation room 诊察室 Isolation room 隔离室 Delivery room 分娩室 Emergency room 急诊室 Ward 病房室 Department of internal medicine 内科 Department of surgery 外科 Department of pediatrics 儿科 Department of obstetrics and gynecology 妇科 Department of neurology 神经科 Department of ophtalmology 眼科 E.N.T.department 耳鼻喉科 Department of stomatology 口腔科 Department of urology 泌尿科 Department of orthopedic 骨科 Department of traumatology 创伤科 Department of endocrinology 内分泌科


医学专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业英语词典、医学术语英文翻译: 熄风stop wind 活塞滴定管stop-cock buret 活栓润滑脂stop-cock grease 滞流stop-flow 截流流射stop-flow injection 停训综合征stop-training syndrome 荫胎stoppage of growth of fetus 傍流动力学stopped-flow kinetics 有塞试管stoppered test tube 塞塞子stoppering 止血行瘀stopping bleeding and absorbing clots 傍药stopping dosage 戒酒stopping drinking 回乳stopping mik secretion 回乳stopping milk secretion 固涩止汗stopping perspiration with astringents 戒烟stopping smoking 贮存多糖storage polysaccharide 热能储存率storage rate of thermal energy 藏而不泻storage with no excretion 苏合香storax styrax liquidus 藏精store the essence of life 贮谷昆虫stored grain insect 贮谷害虫stored product insect 藏而不泄storing and not eliminating 藏而不泄storing?and?not eliminating 毛细血管扩张斑stork bites 斯一布二氏染剂stovallbllack stain 瓷炉stoving porcelain 斜视计strabismeter 斜视性弱视strabismic amblyopia 斜视测量法strabismometry 惊后瞳斜strabismus after convulsive seizure 交替斜视strabismus alternans 假性斜视strabismus apparens 共同性斜视strabismus concomitans 内斜视strabismus convergens 斜下视strabismus deorsum vergens 外斜视strabismus divergens 固定性斜视strabismus fixus 斜视镊strabismus forceps 斜视钩strabismus hook 隐斜视strabismus latens


一、绪论 中医学TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine), 中医学理论体系的形成Origination of TCM, 形成formation, 发展development 中医学理论体系的基本特点 The basic characteristic of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory 整体观the whole concept, 辨证论治syndrome differentiation and treatment 第一章阴阳五行学说 阴阳Yin-yang , 阴阳的特性the property of yin-yang 阴阳之间的相互关系Interaction between yin and yang 阴阳对立制约Opposition of yin and yang 阴阳互根互用Interdependence between yin and yang 阴阳消长平衡Wane and Wax between yin and yang 阴阳相互转化Mutual transformation between yin and yang 阴阳学说在中医学中的应用 The applications of the theory of yin-yang in TCM 说明人体的组织结构Explanation of the histological structure of the human body 解释人体的生理功能Explanation of the physiology function activity of the human body 阐释病理变化Explanation of pathogenesis 阴阳偏盛Relative predominance of yin or yang 阳偏盛Relative predominance of yang 阴偏盛Relative predominance of yin 阴阳偏衰Relative decline of yin or yang 阳偏衰Relative decline of yang 阴偏衰Relative decline of yin 五行the five elements,

常用医学名词:Medical Terminology

常用医学名词:Medical Terminology 常用医学名词:Medical Terminology常用医学名词:Medical Terminology过敏allergy 健康诊断gernral check-up physical examination 检查examination 入院admission to hospotial 退院discharge from hospital 症状symptom 营养nutrition 病例clinical history 诊断diagnosis 治疗treatment 预防prevention 呼吸respiration 便通bowel movement 便stool 血液blood 脉搏pulse, pulsation 尿urine

脉搏数pulse rate 血型blood type 血压blood pressure 麻醉anesthesia 全身麻醉general anesthesia 静脉麻醉intravenous anesthesia 脊椎麻醉spinal anesthesia 局部麻醉local anesthesia 手术operation 切除resectionlie 副作用side effect 洗净irrigation 注射injection x光x-ray 红外线ultra red-ray 慢性的chronic 急性的acute 体格build 亲戚relative 遗传heredity 免疫immunity 血清serum

流行性的epidemic 潜伏期incubation period 滤过性病毒virus 消毒sterilization 抗生素antibiotic 脑波e.e.g 洗肠enema 结核反映tuberculin reaction 华氏fahrenheit 摄氏celsius, centigrade 常用医学名词:Medical Terminology 相关内容:
