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Unit 2

1.When was the last time you were in _______ with your childhood friends?

A. context

B. contact

C. control

D. content

2.Like a boat at sea, his mind started to _______ when he wasn't interested.

A. float

B. soar

C. sink

D. drift

3.Mrs Jones didn't trust Jack, so she was very _______ to let him cut her grass.

A. reluctant

B. reluctantly

C. enthusiastic

D. enthusiastically

4.My house seems to be in a _______ state of disrepair—something is always broken!

A. perpetually

B. perpetual

C. perpetuity

D. perpetuate

5.The problem needs to be looked at from a historical _______ .

A. prospective

B. directive

C. perspective

D. executive

6.Dr. Carter has written _______ about the brain and its influence on our emotions.

A. extensively

B. intensively

C. extensive

D. intensive

7.The accident of last week _______ a review of school safety policy.

A. prompted

B. prompt

C. prompting

D. prompts

8.I am easily _______ by ice cream, so it's probably the best if I don't look at the dessert menu.

A. tempt

B. tempts

C. tempting

D. tempted

9.Wouldn't it be _______ if we didn't need to worry about money?

A. predictable

B. marvellous

C. astonishing

D. depressing

10.Researchers claim that there is a _______ link between caffeine and headaches.

A. definite

B. definitely

C. definition

D. defined

11.It's incredible to see how newborn babies are completely _______ on other people for everything.

A. depending

B. dependence

C. dependent

D. dependents

12.The criminal devised an _______ plan to escape from prison.

A. intrinsic

B. intricate

C. intrepid

D. intrusive

13.The court brought a _______ against the escaped prisoner.

A. persecution

B. persecute

C. prosecution

D. prosecute

14.Thank you for the offer to stay for dinner, but we don't want to _______.

A. pose

B. compose

C. propose

D. impose

15.Pedro's friends organized a friendly _______ to help him deal with his alcohol abuse.

A. contravention

B. invention

C. intervention

D. prevention

16.It's impossible to not be impressed by the Taj Mahal and _______ at its beauty.

A. respect

B. flaunt

C. marvel

D. admire

17.We should hire an _______ reviewer who isn't biased one way or the other.

A. internal

B. outdoor

C. indoor

D. external

18.I'm so excited for the new movie that waiting all year for it has been like _______.

A. tortures

B. torturing

C. tortuous

D. torture

19.Dylan likes to write _______ during his free time on the weekend.

A. poetry

B. poet

C. poetic

D. poem

20.The waterfall provided a _______ source of soothing background noise.

A. continual

B. continue

C. continuing

D. continuity

Unit 3

1.Next summer, the developers plan to _____ the old school into a museum.

A. convert

B. converse

C. converts

D. converge

2.Can you tell me what steps _____ a valid research proposal?

A. constitution

B. constitute

C. constituent

D. consist

3.The school received more money and _____ has been able to hire more teachers.

A. consequence

B. consequential

C. consequent

D. consequently

4.Different cultures' varying conceptions of _____ are visible in the types of clothes they generally wear.

A. jealousy

B. modesty

C. notoriety

D. clarity

5.Unfortunately, I didn't practice enough so I failed to _____ for the team.

A. qualify

B. succeed

C. thrive

D. attempt

6.Her job is to gather the data and then _____ the results to determine their significance.

A. analysis

B. analyze

C. analytical

D. analyst

7.My _____ clouded my judgment and prevented me from acting rationally when I saw my girlfriend with another man.

A. modesty

B. clarity

C. jealousy

D. notoriety

8.Jim is in Thailand on vacation; he loves to travel to _____ places.

A. erotic

B. robotic

C. exotic

D. mitotic

9.Love him or hate him, the President of the United States is one of the most _____ people in the world.

A. influential

B. domestic

C. instinctive

D. intransigent

10.In a change of pace from his recent international focus, the Prime Minister spoke last night about _____ issues.

A. exotic

B. rhythmic

C. expressive

D. domestic

Unit 4

1.Some people have an unhealthy _____ with technology and need to have every new gadget available.

A. session

B. obsession

C. recession

D. cessation

2.After much _____, Heather was finally able to convince her boss to award her employees with

a holiday bonus.

A. desistence

B. consistence

C. insistence

D. resistance

3.It's hard to _____ what the future might look like, but science fiction writers have been doing it for over a hundred years.

A. visualize

B. confer

C. mechanize

D. ascertain

4.I know almost everyone loves her new book, but I'm not even _____ interested in reading it.

A. massively

B. supposedly

C. entirely

D. remotely

5.Even though Mr Lewis didn't say it out loud, the _____ in his speech was that his staff didn't work hard enough.

A. personification

B. implication

C. justification

D. explanation

6.Many people complain that the cost of education is prohibitively expensive, but I think the cost of _____ is much higher.

A. ignore

B. ignorant

C. ignorance

D. ignoring

7.After he lost the competition, Lawrence felt completely and utterly _____.

A. dispirited

B. inquisitive

C. observant

D. unchanged

8.We need to come up with a _____ explanation for why we missed class yesterday.

A. plausible

B. sentient

C. staggering

D. corporate

9.Paul has become very _____ and conceited since he first tasted fame.

A. arrogance

B. elegant

C. elegance

D. arrogant

10.Dinosaurs have been _____ for approximately 65 million years!

A. succinct

B. extinct

C. instinct

D. blinked

Unit 7

1. My parents always taught me to _____ in the face of adversity.

A. perseverance

B. severe

C. severance

D. persevere

2. Could you please _____ the plant so it's not in front of the television?

A. punctuate

B. actuate

C. situate

D. fluctuate

3. The Prime Minister's speech will be remembered as one of the most _____ speeches ever given.

A. historic

B. history

C. historical

D. historian

4. Shelley had the _____ of being ahead of her time; she should've been born fifty years from now.

A. fortune

B. misfortune

C. fortunate

D. misfortunate

5.Mark can run a five-kilometre race pretty fast, but do you think he could _____ that speed for an entire marathon?

A. extend

B. protect

C. sustain

D. prolong

6. If you _____ David from the equation, do you still think his team could win the championship?

A. detract

B. distract

C. protract

D. subtract

7. She was, _____, one of the smartest students I've ever taught.

A. incident

B. incidence

C. incidental

D. incidentally

8. Do you think it's just a _____ that the car breaks down every time Sheila drives it?

A. coincidence

B. coincident

C. coincidental

D. coincidentally

9. My mother has _____ memory —she only remembers what she wants to remember.

A. defective

B. corrective

C. selective

D. elective

10.It's hard to believe how _____ people are until you see the helplessness of a newborn baby.

A. unlucky

B. vulnerable

C. insignificant

D. functional

11. In order to make cookies, you need to _____ together a lot of ingredients.

A. merge

B. blend

C. mingle

D. unite

12.His first novel was a failure, but his four _____ books were instant bestsellers.

A. successive

B. preceding

C. simultaneous

D. subsequent

13.I've never felt so _____ as when I saw the Himalayas and looked up at Mount Qomolangma.

A. insignificant

B. vulnerable

C. fortunate

D. amazing

14. Dr Carter was _____ a genius since no one else could replicate his work.

A. evidently

B. evident

C. evidence

D. evidential

15.Would you please turn off your cell phones for the _____ of the flight?

A. session

B. preservation

C. duration

D. termination

16.My daughter has been sick and kept me awake for three _____ nights.

A. consecutive

B. subsequent

C. succeeding

D. adjacent

17. William takes pride in his ability to _____ his parents' plans when he doesn't agree with them.

A. frustrating

B. frustration

C. frustrate

D. frustrated

18. Call the doctor! Nancy is _____, and I don't know what to do!

A. non-response

B. non-responsible

C. non-responding

D. non-responsive

19.There is a high _____ that we will get five inches of snow tonight.

A. probability

B. chance

C. odds

D. possibility

20.Robots are now a reality, but they still aren't very _____ to be useful.

A. function

B. functional

C. functioning

D. functionary

Unit 8

1. Harold _____ waited in the lobby for them to call him into the interview.

A. nervously

B. essentially

C. anomaly

D. blindly

2. We need to _____ natural resources today if we want our children to have them tomorrow.

A. reserve

B. disserve

C. conserve

D. preserve

3. I want the senator to make a _____ apology for his insensitive remarks.

A. sincere

B. humble

C. festive

D. morbid

4. I love Sundays because they are the only chance I get to _____ around and do nothing.

A. sneak

B. crawl

C. run

D. lounge

5. We're going to throw Maria an amazing _____ when she returns from Spain.

A. celebrate

B. celebration

C. celebratory

D. celebrating

6. The chocolate cake was a tiny bit of _____ in an otherwise ordinary meal.

A. decadent

B. decadents

C. cadence

D. decadence

7. My dog, Rex, was a _____ member of the family for 15 years.

A. beloved

B. belittled

C. bemused

D. belonged

8. It's impossible to _____ torture as a means of questioning.

A. beautify

B. justify

C. certify

D. mystify

9. Don't _____ around the house at night; the noises keep me awake.

A. lounge

B. pop

C. preach

D. sneak

10.I can't even describe the _____ I felt when I found out she got fired.

A. fury

B. furious

C. furor

D. furiously


新标准大学英语3 Unit1 Active reading(1) 4. b c c d c a 5.productive attendance resistance ambitious acceptance script impressive 6.attendance ambitious productive impressive resistance script acceptance 7.mortgage deck surf coastal;defy lengthy 8.b a b b b a b b Active reading(2) 4.triple cemetery rear biography cram budding finite elapse 5.elapsed;cemetery rear;crammed triple budding;biography finite 6.a b a a b b a a 7.a b b a a b b b a Language in use 6.(1)我们都觉得在校时间不多了,以后再也不会有这样的学习机会了,所以都下定决心不再虚度光阴。当然,下一年四五月份的期末考试最为重要。我们谁都不想考全班倒数第一,那也太丢人了,因此同学们之间的竞争压力特别大。以前每天下午5点以后,图书馆就空无

一人了,现在却要等到天快亮时才会有空座,小伙子们熬夜熬出了眼袋,他们脸色苍白,睡眼惺忪,却很自豪,好像这些都是表彰他们勤奋好学的奖章。 (2)明天行吗?明天只是个谎言;根本就没有什么明天,只有一张我们常常无法兑现的期票。明天甚至压根儿就不存在。你早上醒来时又是另一个今天了,同样的规则又可以全部套用。明天只是现在的另一种说法,是一块空地,除非我们开始在那里播种,否则它永远都是空地。你的时间会流逝(时间就在我们说话的当下滴答滴答地走着,每分钟顺时针走60秒,如果你不能很好地利用它,它就会走得更快些),而你没有取得任何成就来证明它的存在,唯独留下遗憾,留下一面后视镜,上面写满了“本可以做”“本应该做”“本来会做”的事情。 7.(1)Students differ about whether they should have their future mapped out when they are still at university .Some think they should have a definite goal and detailed plan, so as to brace themselves for any challenges, whereas some others think they don’t have to think much about the future , because future is full of uncertainties. (2)After a very careful check-up ,the scientist was told he had got a fatal disease .Although he knew that his life was ticking away ,instead of complaining about the fate ,the scientist decided to make the best of the remaining days ,and speed up the research project he and his colleagues initiated ,and have a shot at completing it ahead of schedule.


Unit 1 From her accent I guess she’s from the Northeast. 从她的口音我猜她是来自东北地区的。 It was very clever of her to turn his argument against himself. 她很聪明,使他对自己的论点 I found a couple of shoes under the bed but they don’t make a pair. 我在床下发现了一双鞋,但他们不做一双 4. Dr. Bright always takes his time as he examines his patients and treats them with extreme care. Bright博士总是把他的时间用于他检查他的病人,并把他们的极端护理 5. British companies are trying to avoid the fate their American counterparts have already suffered. 英国公司正试图避免他们的美国同行已经遭受的命运。 6. Wilfred’s remarks confirmed me in my opinion that he was an honorable young man. 威尔弗雷德的话证实了我在我看来,他是一个光荣的年轻人 7. The key witness for the prosecution was offered police protection after she received death threats. 检察机关的主要证人在收到死亡威胁后提供了警方的保护 8. I thought that was the end of the matter but subsequent events proved me wrong. 我认为这是事情的结束,但随后的事件证明我错了。 9. Having practiced for so long, the New York baseball team stands a chance winning the World Series this year. 经过这么长时间的练习,纽约棒球队赢得了今年的世界系列赛的机会。 10. At the trial , Bob’s teacher, who was called as a character witness, said he was a quiet boy who had never been in trouble before. 在审讯中,鲍伯的老师,被称为证人,说他是个安静的男孩以前从未惹过麻烦。 Unit 2 11. We’ve just had a very fruitful meeting with the management and we’re now much more hopeful about the pay rise. 我们刚刚与管理层有了一个非常富有成效的会议,我们现在对加薪的希望更大了 12. The book I’m reading explains the evolution of plant and animal life on earth. 我读的这本书解释了地球上动植物的进化


Vocabulary 2 : an effort to feel better , I started to make small changes in my life and cut down /back from 20 cigarettes in day to a mere three or four. 为了感觉更好,我开始做一些小小的改变在我的生活中,以及减少从每天20支香烟到大约只有三或四。 I wasted electricity as you do at home , my dad would make me pick up the bill.如果我像你一样浪费在家浪费电的话,我的爸爸将肯定会让我支付账单(自己买单)。 can get by with four computers at the moment , but we’ll need a couple more when the new staff arrive. 这个时候我们还有四台电脑尚可(通过),但是我们需要两台以上的电脑,当新的职工来的时候。 is impossible to get through this course just by working hard around exam times .这是不可能通过这门课程的,单单只是考前临时抱佛脚的话。 they quickly face up to their mistakes , the will miss a unique opportunity to settle the problem once and for all. 除非他们很快面对自己的错误,否则就会失去一个独一无二的机会来解决这个问题一劳永逸。 students were instructed to do the experiment carefully and to turn in their reports at the beginning of next week. 学生被指示做实验仔细,为了上交他们的报告在下星期初。 did not travel much when I was younger , but I’m certainly making up for lost time now. 在我年幼的时候我不太去旅行,但我现在一定要弥补失去的时间。 people are the ones who think up things for the rest of the world to keep busy at. 成功的人就是那些思考这世界还剩下什么东西,并且为此保持忙碌。 Unit 2 Vocabulary 1 :

新标准大学英语综合教程3 6-10单元 课后答案

Active reading (1) Last man down: the fireman’s story Language points 1 Last man down: the fireman’s story (Title) The expression last man down, similar to last man standing, refers to the survivor or winner. The last man down from the tower before it collapsed would be one of the bravest. 2 There were about two dozen of us by the bank of elevators ... (Para 2) A bank of elevators means a set of lifts. 3 Some had their turnout coats off, or tied around their waists. (Para 2) Turnout coats are the uniform firefighters wear when they turn out for a fire. 4 Others were raring to go. (Para 2) The expression raring to go is an old form of rearing up, and means being eager to go like a horse. 5 All of us were taking a beat to catch our breaths, and our bearings, figure out what the hell was going on. (Para 2) To take a beat means to rest for a moment. A bearing is an exact compass reading measured in degrees. To take your bearings is to find where you are. Here it means both physically and mentally. 6 We’d been at this thing, hard, for almost an hour, some a little bit less, and we were nowhere close to done. (Para 2) To be at this thing is a slang expression which means to work on this mission. The expression nowhere close to done means someone is far from completing their


Vocabulary I. 1. 1)on balance 5)illustrated9)involved 2)resist 6)budget 10)economic 3)haul 7)lowering11)blasting 4)wicked 8)boundary12)just about 2. 1)cut back/ down2)pick up 3)get by 4)get through 5)face up to 6)turn in 7)making up for8)think up 3. 1) pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy 2) often generate misleading thoughts 3) attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work 4) be suspected of doing everything for money 5) before he gets through life 4. 1) their indoor, a profit, to invest in 2) device, the improvement, on a global scale 3) stacked, temptation, never dined out II Confusable Words 1. 1) house 2) Home 3) home, family 4) household 2. 1) doubt 2) suspect 3) doubted 4) suspected 5) suspect III. Word Formation 1)rise2)final3)regular4)cash5)hows, whys 6)upped7)yellowed8)bottled9)lower10)search Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze 1. Text-related 1)get by2)temptation3)get through4)improvements 5)aside from6)suspect7)supplement8)profit


新视野大学英语3课后答案 新视野大学英语第二版读写教程第三册答案(1-7单元) Unit 1 III 1 beneath 2 disguised 3 whistles 4 restrain 5 grasp 6 longing 7 praying 8 faithful 9 pledge 10 drain IV 1 tell …on you 2 track down 3 work it out 4 picking on me 5 reckoned with 6 call on 7 on his own 8 get through 9 in disguise 10 revolves around V G O D I K L B F A N VI 1 advise 2 level 3 problems 4 necessity 5 skills 6 experience 7 solution 8 value 9 tool 10 manner VII 1 air-conditioned(装空调的;有冷气的) 2 handmade(手工制作的) 3 thunderstruck(非常吃惊的) 4 heartfelt(衷心的;诚挚的) 5 data-based(基于数据的) 6 self- employed(自主经营的) 7 custom-built(定制的;定做的) 8 weather-beaten(饱经风霜的) VIII

1. well-informed(对……非常熟悉的) 2 new-found(新获得的) 3 hard-earned(辛苦挣得的) 4 soft-spoken(说话温柔的) 5 newly-married(新婚的)6 widely-held(普遍认为的) 7 well-meant (出于好意的) 8 well-educated(受过良好教育的) IX 1 no matter how different it may seem form any other substance 2 no matter what a woman tries to do to improve her situation 3 no matter what excuse he gives 4 no matter what anyone else may think 5 no matter how they rewrite history X 1 just as we gained fame in victory we lost nothing in defeat 2 just as the head teacher plays a significant role in the school Jane plays a significant role f leader in the classroom. 3 whoever was out there obviously couldn’t se e him just as he couldn’t see them. 4 she has been searching all her life for the perfect chocolate just as I have been searching for the perfect beer. 5 you can make those kinds of comparisons just as you were doing the analyses a minute ago. XI


V ocabulary Unit 1 1. My job varies between the extremely tedious and the annoyingly busy. On balance I think I’m happier during the really busy times; no time to think about how bored I am. 2. It is the nature of the wise to resist pleasures, but the foolish to be a slave to them. 3.I figure out a good team of dogs ,hitched to a light sled, can haul 1000 pounds of goods. 4. In the story, the little girl has a wicked stepmother, who makes her life a misery. 5. Nothing has become a real till it is experienced –even a proverb is no proverb to you till your life has illustrated it. 6. Nowadays almost all libraries are finding it increasingly difficult to remain within their budget. 7. You can increase a tyre’s grip in winter by slightly lowering its pressure. 8. Lake superior, Huron Erie and Ontario are shared by united states and Canada ,and from part of the boundary between the two countries. 9. The police are investigating the three men allegedly involved in organizing and carrying out the bank robbery. 10. I do not doubt in the least that inflation leads to economic decline. 11. A blizzard was blasting great drifts of snow across the lake. 12. Tim says just about everybody will be affected by the tax increases, but I am sure he’s exaggerating . 1. In an effort to feel better, I started to make small changes in my life and cut back / cut down from 20 cigarettes a day to a mere three or four. 2. If I wasted electricity as you do at home, my dad would make me pick up the bill. 3.We can get by with four computers at the moment, but we'll need a couple more when the new staff arrive. 4.It is impossible to get through this course just by working hard around exam times. 5.Unless they quickly face up to their mistakes, they will miss a unique opportunity to settle the problem once and for all. 6.The students were instructed to do the experiment carefully and to turn in their reports at the beginning of next week. 7. I didn't travel much when I was younger, but I'm certainly making up for lost time


全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程3习题答案(4-8) Unit 5 Giving Thanks Text A Content Questions 1. He wrote them on a ship on the way to the island of Tulagi in the South Pacific on Thanksgiving Day, 1943. 2. Preparing a traditional Thanksgiving dinner featuring roast turkey made the writer extremely busy. 3. The writer was thinking about Thanksgiving. 4. He decided to write letters to show gratitude to those who had helped him in his life. 5. He had always accepted what they had done for him, but never expressed to any of them a simple “Thank you.” 6. He decided to write to his father, his grandmother, and the Rev. Lonual Nelson, his grammar school principal. 7. His father had impressed upon him from boyhood a love of books and reading. 8. He remembered that each morning Nelson would open the school with a prayer over his assembled students. 9. He recalled how his grandmother had taught him to tell the truth, to share, and to be forgiving and considerate of others. And he thanked her for her delicious food and for all the wonderful things she had done for him. 10. His reading of their letters left him not only astonished but also more humbled than before, because they all thanked him rather than saying they would forgive him for not having previously thanked them. 11. The writer learned that one should learn to express appreciation for others’ efforts. 12. The writer wished for all people the common sense to achieve world peace, and find the good and praise it. Text Organization 1. Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas Part One P aras. 1-9 On Thanksgiving Day 1943, as a young coastguardsman at sea, the writer came up with the idea of expressing his gratitude to people who had helped him before. Part Two P aras. 10-16 The writer wrote three thank-you letters to his father, the Rev. Nelson and his grandmother. Part Three Paras.17-23 The writer got three letters in reply. Part Four Paras. 24-26 The writer wishes everyone to find the good and praise it. 2 Correspondents Letters Sent Letters Received Father Thanks him for teaching the writer from boyhood to love books and reading. Tells the writer how he, as a teacher and a father as well, felt content with his own son. The Rev. Nelson Thanks him for his morning school prayers. i Tells the writer about his retirement coupled with self-doubt, and the re?assurance brought to him by the writer's letter. Grandmother T hanks her for teaching the writer how to tell the truth, to share and to be forgiving, and for


Unit 3 Art for Art’s Sake Active reading (1) Reading and understanding 2 Choose the best answer to the questions. 1 Why does the writer divide listening to music into three types of experience? (a) It is important to keep the different types of experience separate. (b) It makes it easier to understand what is happening when we listen to music. (c) It is the traditional way of referring to the experience of listening. (d) Different people listen on different planes, according to the type of person they are. 2 What is the main characteristic of the sensuous plane? (a) It is the sort of feeling we get when listening to music on the radio. (b) It can only be experienced by people who aren’t musicians. (c) It is a reaction we have which is generated by the sound of the music. (d) It does not give us any real sense of pleasure. (It does give us pleasure.) 3 What is the main characteristic of the expressive plane? (a) It can only be experienced by intelligent people. (b) It is when we believe the composer is communicating something to us. (c) It is a controversial concept; some composers don’t think it exists. (d) It is most obviously apparent in the music of Stravinsky. 4 What is the main characteristic of the musical plane? (a) It can only be experienced by people who have studied to read music. (b) It is the ability to experience different musical elements. (c) It is the plane that we experience instinctively, without realizing it. (d) It is the easiest of the three planes to appreciate. 5 How do most people usually listen to music? (a) On only one plane at any given moment. (b) On all three planes at the same time. (c) Without paying enough attention. (d) Without understanding what they are doing. 6 Why does the writer end the passage by referring to the theatre? (a) The theatre also offers three types of experience. (b) Composers are like the characters in a play. (c) Theatre is the form of art which is most similar to music. (d) The audience in a theatre are like musicians in an orchestra. 3 Match the liste ners’ activities with the planes they are on.


第二版新视野大学英语读写教程第三册uni1答案 1. No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception. 2. Just as all his sister’s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them. 3. Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles. 4. If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more. 5. Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children. 6. Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company. 1. 每当有人帮了你,无论事情大小,无论他地位高低,你都应该对他说声“谢谢”。 2.蒸汽机的发明使船舶发生了变化,正如其已经改变了陆地运输一样。 3.尽管经理努力帮忙,他还是不能找到问题的根源所在。 4.这个女孩的生活天天围着哥哥转,完全明白该做什么来使哥哥高兴。 5.如果你不知道自己想要什么,你最终得到的可能都是自己不想要对。 6.吉米有他妹妹帮助他度过那些没有父亲的艰难日子。 第二版新视野大学英语读写教程第三册unit2答案 1. The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence. 2. All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron. 3. No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion. 4. Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance. 5. If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible. 6. Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem. 1. 作为补救缺铁的一种方法,专家推荐食用肉、鸡和鱼,它们是最好的铁质来源,也是唯一最容易被身体吸收的铁质来源。 2.铁质储量为零时,你会觉得虚弱,疲乏无力,喘不过气,这是缺铁第三阶段的典型症状。 3. 耐力运动员,尤其是女性,经常会缺铁,如果增食肉类食物或服用铁质补剂,能够恢复到健康状态。 4.这位运动医学专家认为,感到劳累、工作效率差的人,最好食用牛肉、羊肉,它们含有最易被吸收的铁质。 5.铁质储量低的人应该去咨询医生,看看是否应通过调整饮食或服用铁质补剂来校正不足。 6.一般说来,如果你忽视自己摄入的铁质含量,不在铁质储备失去之前注意警告信号,你会有危险。 第二版新视野大学英语读写教程第三册uni3答案


全新版大学英语综合教程第三册课后参考答案 Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live Part II Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life Text Organization 1. Part One Paras 1-3 The writer views his life in the country as a self-reliant and satisfying one. Part Two Paras 4-7 Life in the country is good yet sometimes very hard. Part Three Paras 8-11 After quitting his job, the writer's income was reduced, but he and his family were able to manage to get by. Part Four Paras 12-15 A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy have made it possible for the family to enjoy their life in the country. 2. Happy Moments and Events Hardships 1)growing nearly all their fruits and vegetables 1)working hard both in winter and in summer 2)canoeing, picnicking, long bicycle rides, etc. 2)harsh environment and weather condition 3)keeping warm inside the house in winter 3)anxious moments after the writer quit his job 4)writing freelance articles 4)cutting back on daily expenses 5)earning enough money while maintaining a happy family life 5)solitude Vocabulary I. insurance 2) On balance 3) aside from resist 4) cut back 5) resist 6) haul 7) supplemented 8) sprayed 9) wicked 10) illustrated 11) budget 12) digest 13) boundary 14) get by 15) at that point 2. 1) cut back / down 2) pickup 3) get by 4) get through 5) face up to 6) turn in 7) turning out 8) think up 3. 1) While farming, Benneker pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy. 2) Misused words often generate misleading thoughts.

新标准大学英语综合教程(第二版)Book3 Unit3课后答案

Unit 3 Active Reading (1) 2 1 b 2c 3b 4b 5b 6a 3 1 c 2a 3c 4a 5b 6b 4 1composer 2 constitutes 3capacity 4 qualified 5sufficiently 6rhythm 7 derived 5 1.proclaim 2.analogy (It’s quite easy to make an apology between poetry and music) 3.clarity 4.for the sake of 5.potent 6.costumes 6 1a 2b 3a 4a 5b 6a 7a 8a 7 1d 2d 8 1, 3, 5, 6 Active Reading (2) 4 1 scenario 2 pose 3 collapse 4 surrenders 5 marvels 6 prosperous 7 await 8 exceeds 5 1 prominent 2 obliging 3 perception 4 swaying 5 distracts 6 multiple 7 suspending 8 devises 6 1b 2b 3b 4a 5a 6a 7b 8a Language in use 1 1 songwriter 2 film director 3 headscarf 4 backpack 5 lipstick 6 shoelace 7 mail polish

2 1 Swooping in on a shorter woman, the sailor kissed her. 2 Acting impulsively and aiming accurately, he commanded that the camera’s shutter close at the most poignant moment. 3 Grabbing the viewer’s attention, the photo never seems to let go. 4 Closing her eyes, she was content to remain unaware of her pursuer’s identity. 5 Never knowing the truth, they glossed over the war’s miseries and romanticized life. 6 One assumes that the couple will live in a split-level home, driving big cars and producing lots of children. 3 1 Regardless of the task set by the magazine which employed him, the photographer always managed to get the best picture. 2 He kept looking for the photo, regardless of the crowds. 3 Regardless of how perfectly the pose of the sailor and the woman was arranged, he didn’t have to set up this shot. 4 Regardless of the facts, people know that life will be good from now on. 5 Regardless of what people still remember of photos in the past, this one reminds us that we felt better as a nation and as individuals. 5 1 marvel at 2 popular appeal 3 highly-/full- /well-qualified 4 perceived…as 5 exceeded…expectations Translation 6 《格尔尼卡》是西班牙艺术家巴勃罗·毕加索1937年为抗议轰炸西班牙北部一个小村庄而作的一幅巨型壁画。这幅大型壁画高3.49米,宽7.76米,展示了暴力和混乱给人和动物带来的苦难以及对建筑物的破坏。令人吃惊的是,整个壁画的色调由灰、黑、白组成,没有用鲜艳的红色来表现血腥的场面,但恐怖的景象却历历在目。画面上的人物并非用写实主义的画法来表现,而是采用立体派和抽象派的画法,但无辜平民惨遭屠杀的惨象却一目了然:一位母亲怀抱死婴,张嘴尖叫,她仰面朝天,伤心欲绝;一位士兵横尸地上,手里还紧握着一把断剑;另外三个人也都处于震惊和痛苦之中。画面中的动物——包括一匹受伤的马和一只哭泣的鸟——也都被描绘成这次屠杀的无辜受害者。毫无疑问,描绘这些扭曲变形的骇人慘象的目的就是让观众感到震惊。这种对人类悲苦惨状的描绘是对战争的残酷和荒谬的深刻控诉。 7 In the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang, the murals with “flying apsaras”are one of the most well-known artefacts. The flying apsaras in the Dunhuang Grotto Murals are a product of the intermixing of Indian and Chinese culture. In India, flying celestial beings called “flying apsaras” appear mostly in murals in Buddhist caves, while in the
