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(翻译) 2专业英语论文的写作方法

(翻译) 2专业英语论文的写作方法
(翻译) 2专业英语论文的写作方法

First vs. Third Person:IF there is one stylistic area where scientific disciplines and journals vary widely, it is the use of first vs. third person constructions.


Some disciplines and their journals have moved away from a very strict adherence to the third person construction,and permit limited use of the first person in published papers.


Other disciplines,especially the biomedical fields, still prefer the third person constrcution.


Limit our use of first person construction


(“i.e.,”I (or we) undertook this study……):usually it is most acceptable in the Introduction and Discussion sections, and then only to a limited


Use first person in the methods sparingly, and avoid its use in the results.


Use Active Verbs:Use active verbs whenever Possible;writing that overly uses passive

verbs(is,was,has,have,had)is deadly to read and

almost always results in more words than necessary

to say the same thing.


The clarity and effectiveness of your writing

will improve dramatically as you increase the use

of the active voice.


Other specific comments on style are also

included for each section of the paper.


Remember:precise word use,past tense,active voice,brevity.


References to the research findings of others

are an integral component of any research



The usual practice is to summarize the

finding or other information in your own words

and then cite the sourse.


Any ideas or other information that are not your own must be substantiated by a reference that is cited in the text.


As a rule,in research papers,direct quotation and footnoting are not practiced-simply restate the autho r′s ideas or findings in your own words and provide a




Why a Scientific Format?


The scientific format may seem confusing for the

beginning science writer due to its rigid structure

which is so different from writing in the humanities.


One reason for using this format is that it is a means of efficiently communicating scientific findings to the broad community of scientists in a uniform manner.


Another reason,perhaps more important than the

first, is that this format allows the paper

to be read at several different levels.


For example,

many people skim Titles to find out what

information is available on a subject.Others may read only titles and Abstracts. Those wanting to go

deeper may look at the Tables and Figures in the

Results,and so on.


The take home point here is that the scientific format helps to insure that at whatever level a person reads your paper(beyond title skimming), they will likely get the key results and conclusions.


The Sections of the Paper


Most journal-style scientific papers are subdivided into the following sections:


Title,Authors and Affiliation,Abstract,Introduction,Methods,Results,Discus sion,Acknowledgments,and Literatrue Cited, which parallel the experimental process.


This is the system we will use.This website describes the style,content,and format associated with each section.


The sections appear in a journal style paper in the following prescribed order:


Experimental process Section of Paper

What did I do in a nutshell? Abstract


What is the problem? Introduction 需要处理的问题(难题)是什么?引言

How did I solve the problem? Materials and Methods


What did I find out? Results


What does it mean? Discussion 此结果意味着什么?讨论

Who helped me out?




Whose work did I refer to? Literature Cited Extra information 额外的信息Appendices(optional)附录

Section Headings:


Main Section Headings:Each main section of the paper begins with a heading which should be capitalized, centered at the beginning of the section,and double

-spaced from the lines above and below.Do not

underline the heading or put a colon at the end.


Title,Authors′Names,and Institutional Affiliations

1.Function:Your paper should begin with a Title

that succinctly describes the contents of the https://www.sodocs.net/doc/bb19039260.html,e descriptive words that you would associate strongly with the content of your paper: the molecule studied,the organism used or studied,the treatment, the location of a field site,the response measured,etc.A majority of readers will find your paper via electronic database searches and those search engines key on words found in the title.


The title should be centered at the top of page 1(DO NOT use a title page-it is a waste of paper for our purposes);the title is NOT underlined or

i talicized. The authors′names and institutional

affiliation are double-spaced from and centered

below the title.When more than two authors,the

names are separated by commas except for the last which is separated from the previous name by the word “and”.

3.Strategy for Writing Title

The title is not a section, but it is necessary and

important. The title should be short and unambiguous,yet be an adequate description of the work.A general rule-of-thumb is that the title should contain the key words describing the work presented. Remember that the title becomes the basis for most on-line computer searches-if your title is insufficient,few

peple will find or read your paper. ABSTRACT

1.FUNCTION:An abstract summarizes,in one paragraph (usually),the major aspects of the entire paper in the following prescribed sequence:the question(s) you investigated(or purpose),(from Introduction )state the purpose very clearly in the first or second sentence.the experimental design and methods used,(from Methods)clearly express the design of the study.

Name or briefly describe the basic methodology used without going into excessive detail-be sure to indicate the key techniques used.the major findings including key

quantitative results,or trends(from Results)report those results which answer the questions you were asking identify trends,relative change or differences,etc.a brief summary of your interpetations and conclusions,(from Discussion ) clearly state the implications of the answers your results gave you.Whereas the Title can only make the simplest statement about the content of your article,

the Abstract allows you to elaborate more on each major aspect of the paper.The length of your Abstract should be kept to about 200-300

words maximum(a typical standard length for juounals.)Limit your statements concerning each segment of the paper(i.e.purpose,methods,results,etc.)to two or three sentences,if possible.The

Abstract helps readers decide whether they want to read the rest of the paper,or it may be the only part they can obtain via electronic

literature searches or in published abstracts.

Therefore,enough key information(e.g.,summary

results,observations,trends,etc)must be included to make the Abstract useful to someone who may to reference your work.

How do you know when you have enough information in your Abstract?

A simple rule-of-thumb is to that you are another researcher doing an study similar to the one you are reporting.If your Abstract was the only part of the paper you could access,would you be happy with the information presented there?

2.Style:The Abstract is ONLY

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/bb19039260.html,e the

active voice when possible,but much

of it may require passive

constructions.Write your Abstract using

concise,but complete,

sentences,and get to the point quickly

.Use past tense.Maximum length should be 200-300 words,usually in a single paragraph.The Abstract SHOULD NOT contain:lengthy

background information,references to other literature,elliptical(i.e.,ending with…)or

incomplete sentences,abbreviations or terms that may be confusing to readers,any

sort of illustration,figure,or table,or references to them.

3Strategy:Although it is the first section of your paper,the Abstract,by definiton,must be written last since it will summarize the paper.To begin composing your Abstract,take whole sentences or key phrases from each section and put them in a sequence which summarizes the paper.

Then set about revising or adding words to make it all cohesive and clear.As you

become more proficient you will most likely compose the Abstract from scratch.Check your work: Once you have the completed abstract,check to make sure that the information in the abstract completely agrees with what is written in the paper.Confirm that all the information appearing the abstract actually appears in the body of the paper.


南京航空航天大学金城学院 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 系部经济系 专业国际经济与贸易 学生姓名陈雅琼学号2011051115 指导教师邓晶职称副教授 2015年5月

Economic policy,tourism trade and productive diversification (Excerpt) Iza Lejárraga,Peter Walkenhorst The broad lesson that can be inferred from the analysis is that promoting tourism linkages with the productive capabilities of a host country is a multi-faceted approach influenced by a variety of country conditions.Among these,fixed or semi-fixed factors of production,such as land,labor,or capital,seem to have a relatively minor influence.Within the domain of natural endowments,only agricultural capital emerged as significant.This is a result that corresponds to expectations,given that foods and beverages are the primary source of demand in the tourism economy.Hence,investments in agricultural technology may foment linkages with the tourism market.It is also worth mentioning that for significant backward linkages to emerge with local agriculture,a larger scale of tourism may be important. According to the regression results,a strong tourism–agriculture nexus will not necessarily develop at a small scale of tourism demand. It appears that variables related to the entrepreneurial capital of the host economy are of notable explanatory significance.The human development index(HDI), which is used to measure a country's general level of development,is significantly and positively associated with tourism linkages.One plausible explanation for this is that international tourists,who often originate in high-income countries,may feel more comfortable and thus be inclined to consume more in a host country that has a life-style to which they can relate easily.Moreover,it is important to remember that the HDI also captures the relative achievements of countries in the level of health and education of the population.Therefore,a higher HDI reflects a healthier and more educated workforce,and thus,the quality of local entrepreneurship.Related to this point,it is important to underscore that the level of participation of women in the host economy also has a significantly positive effect on linkages.In sum, enhancing local entrepreneurial capital may expand the linkages between tourism and other sectors of the host country.


关于论文结构和格式规范的有关问题,请认真阅读“外国语学院英语本科毕业论文撰写要求”,同时可查阅“MLA格式学位论文写作规范(供查询用)”。(建议:以本范文作为模板,把自己论文的相应部分复制后,以“选择性粘贴”—“无格式文本”的方式,粘贴到范文的相应位置,以保持与范文格式完全一致。)论文单面打印1份,左侧装订(两个钉子)。(这些说明打印时删除) 文学方向的请务必参考此范文(语言学教学、文化类也可参考)。 山东财经大学 本科毕业论文(设计) 范文2 题目:论《诺桑觉寺》的反哥特观念 学院外国语学院 专业英语 班级英语0801(注意原山经、原山财班级名称不同) 学号67 姓名李晓慧 指导教师王俊华 山东财经大学教务处制 二O一二年五月

山东财经大学学士学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 日期填写定稿日期5月1日。教师学生都要手写签名 学位论文作者签名: 年月日 山东财经大学关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解山东财经大学有关保留、使用学士学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留、送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅,学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印或其他复制手段保存论文。日期填写定稿日期5月1日。教师学生都要手写签名 指导教师签名:论文作者签名: 年月日年月日

On Anti-Gothicism in Northanger Abbey by Li Xiaohui Under the Supervision of Wang Junhua Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts School of Foreign Studies Shandong University of Finance and Economics May 2012


电厂蒸汽动力的基础和使用 1.1 为何需要了解蒸汽 对于目前为止最大的发电工业部门来说, 蒸汽动力是最为基础性的。 若没有蒸汽动力, 社会的样子将会变得和现在大为不同。我们将不得已的去依靠水力发电厂、风车、电池、太阳能蓄电池和燃料电池,这些方法只能为我们平日用电提供很小的一部分。 蒸汽是很重要的,产生和使用蒸汽的安全与效率取决于怎样控制和应用仪表,在术语中通常被简写成C&I(控制和仪表 。此书旨在在发电厂的工程规程和电子学、仪器仪表以 及控制工程之间架设一座桥梁。 作为开篇,我将在本章大体描述由水到蒸汽的形态变化,然后将叙述蒸汽产生和使用的基本原则的概述。这看似简单的课题实际上却极为复杂。这里, 我们有必要做一个概述:这本书不是内容详尽的论文,有的时候甚至会掩盖一些细节, 而这些细节将会使热力学家 和燃烧物理学家都为之一震。但我们应该了解,这本书的目的是为了使控制仪表工程师充 分理解这一课题,从而可以安全的处理实用控制系统设计、运作、维护等方面的问题。1.2沸腾:水到蒸汽的状态变化 当水被加热时,其温度变化能通过某种途径被察觉(例如用温度计 。通过这种方式 得到的热量因为在某时水开始沸腾时其效果可被察觉,因而被称为感热。 然而,我们还需要更深的了解。“沸腾”究竟是什么含义?在深入了解之前,我们必须考虑到物质的三种状态:固态,液态,气态。 (当气体中的原子被电离时所产生的等离子气体经常被认为是物质的第四种状态, 但在实际应用中, 只需考虑以上三种状态固态,

物质由分子通过分子间的吸引力紧紧地靠在一起。当物质吸收热量,分子的能量升级并且 使得分子之间的间隙增大。当越来越多的能量被吸收,这种效果就会加剧,粒子之间相互脱离。这种由固态到液态的状态变化通常被称之为熔化。 当液体吸收了更多的热量时,一些分子获得了足够多的能量而从表面脱离,这个过程 被称为蒸发(凭此洒在地面的水会逐渐的消失在蒸发的过程中,一些分子是在相当低的 温度下脱离的,然而随着温度的上升,分子更加迅速的脱离,并且在某一温度上液体内部 变得非常剧烈,大量的气泡向液体表面升起。在这时我们称液体开始沸腾。这个过程是变为蒸汽的过程,也就是液体处于汽化状态。 让我们试想大量的水装在一个敞开的容器内。液体表面的空气对液体施加了一定的压 力,随着液体温度的上升,便会有足够的能量使得表面的分子挣脱出去,水这时开始改变 自身的状态,变成蒸汽。在此条件下获得更多的热量将不会引起温度上的明显变化。所增 加的能量只是被用来改变液体的状态。它的效用不能用温度计测量出来,但是它仍然发生 着。正因为如此,它被称为是潜在的,而不是可认知的热量。使这一现象发生的温度被称为是沸点。在常温常压下,水的沸点为100摄氏度。 如果液体表面的压力上升, 需要更多的能量才可以使得水变为蒸汽的状态。 换句话说, 必须使得温度更高才可以使它沸腾。总而言之,如果大气压力比正常值升高百分之十,水必须被加热到一百零二度才可以使之沸腾。


外文翻译 英文原文 Belt Conveying Systems Development of driving system Among the methods of material conveying employed,belt conveyors play a very important part in the reliable carrying of material over long distances at competitive cost.Conveyor systems have become larger and more complex and drive systems have also been going through a process of evolution and will continue to do so.Nowadays,bigger belts require more power and have brought the need for larger individual drives as well as multiple drives such as 3 drives of 750 kW for one belt(this is the case for the conveyor drives in Chengzhuang Mine).The ability to control drive acceleration torque is critical to belt conveyors’performance.An efficient drive system should be able to provide smooth,soft starts while maintaining belt tensions within the specified safe limits.For load sharing on multiple drives.torque and speed control are also important considerations in the drive system’s design. Due to the advances in conveyor drive control technology,at present many more reliable.Cost-effective and performance-driven conveyor drive systems covering a wide range of power are available for customers’ choices[1]. 1 Analysis on conveyor drive technologies 1.1 Direct drives Full-voltage starters.With a full-voltage starter design,the conveyor head shaft is direct-coupled to the motor through the gear drive.Direct full-voltage starters are adequate for relatively low-power, simple-profile conveyors.With direct fu11-voltage starters.no control is provided for various conveyor loads and.depending on the ratio between fu11-and no-1oad power requirements,empty starting times can be three or four times faster than full load.The maintenance-free starting system is simple,low-cost and very reliable.However, they cannot control starting torque and maximum stall torque;therefore.they are


Inventory management Inventory Control On the so-called "inventory control", many people will interpret it as a "storage management", which is actually a big distortion. The traditional narrow view, mainly for warehouse inventory control of materials for inventory, data processing, storage, distribution, etc., through the implementation of anti-corrosion, temperature and humidity control means, to make the custody of the physical inventory to maintain optimum purposes. This is just a form of inventory control, or can be defined as the physical inventory control. How, then, from a broad perspective to understand inventory control? Inventory control should be related to the company's financial and operational objectives, in particular operating cash flow by optimizing the entire demand and supply chain management processes (DSCM), a reasonable set of ERP control strategy, and supported by appropriate information processing tools, tools to achieved in ensuring the timely delivery of the premise, as far as possible to reduce inventory levels, reducing inventory and obsolescence, the risk of devaluation. In this sense, the physical inventory control to achieve financial goals is just a means to control the entire inventory or just a necessary part; from the perspective of organizational functions, physical inventory control, warehouse management is mainly the responsibility of The broad inventory control is the demand and supply chain management, and the whole company's responsibility. Why until now many people's understanding of inventory control, limited physical inventory control? The following two reasons can not be ignored: First, our enterprises do not attach importance to inventory control. Especially those who benefit relatively good business, as long as there is money on the few people to consider the problem of inventory turnover. Inventory control is simply interpreted as warehouse management, unless the time to spend money, it may have been to see the inventory problem, and see the results are often very simple procurement to buy more, or did not do warehouse departments . Second, ERP misleading. Invoicing software is simple audacity to call it ERP, companies on their so-called ERP can reduce the number of inventory, inventory control, seems to rely on their small software can get. Even as SAP, BAAN ERP world, the field of


四川外国语大学成都学院外语专业本科毕业论文写作规范 本科毕业论文是实现本科培养目标的重要教学环节。毕业论文的写作是对学生综合素质的检验,它既是检测学生综合运用所学的基础理论、专业知识和基本技能进行科学研究、理论思考与实践设计能力的重要手段,也是对他们进行初步的科研训练,掌握基本的科研方法,培养学生观察问题、分析问题和解决问题能力的重要过程。本科毕业论文是学院教学档案的重要组成部分,为了进一步做好本科生毕业论文工作,加强本科毕业论文的规范管理,结合我院实际,特制定本写作规范。 一、毕业论文总要求 本科毕业论文要求学生在掌握本专业的基础理论、专门知识和基本技能的基础上,通过查阅相关资料,有条理、有逻辑地观察问题、分析问题和解决问题。论文要求观点鲜明、论据充分、论证有力、逻辑性强、条理清楚、文字正确通顺、格式规范。同时,论文鼓励学生进行思维与观念上的创新,培养学生的创新能力,鼓励学生发表新见解;论文应该科学合理地利用资料,严禁抄袭或剽窃他人的作品(具体要求见《四川外语学院成都学院本科生毕业论文撰写条例(暂行)》)。 二、毕业论文打印格式 (一)纸型:A4纸型,除封面外,全部双面打印。 (二)页码:页码从正文第二页开始打印(首页不显示),放在页面的底端,采用“页面底端居中”的格式。 (三)字体:用汉语撰写的论文统一采用“宋体”,用英语、法语、俄语、德语、西班牙语撰写的论文采用“时代新罗马(Times New Roman)” 字体,用日语撰写的论文采用“明朝体”。 (四)字号:论文正文的字号用“小四”,章节标题用“四号”加粗。(五)页边距:采用Windows XP默认页边距:上2.54厘米,下2.54厘米,左3.17厘米,右3.17厘米。 (六)装订线:左边1厘米。 (七)行数:每页44行。 (八)页眉页脚:页眉1.5厘米,页脚1.75厘米。 (九)行距:论文全文采用1.5倍行距。 (十)对齐方式:论文正文采用“两端对齐”的方式,标题或副标题采用“居中”的方式。 三、论文组成部分 本科生的毕业论文应该包括以下部分,字数在3000-4000之间: 第一部分:论文封面页(Cover Page) 第二部分:论文题目页(Title Page) 第三部分:论文目录页(Outline Page) 第四部分:论文正文(Body) 第五部分:论文尾注(Endnotes)


英语学术论文写作实践作业 作者 系(院)外国语学院 专业英语 年级2xxx级 学号 写作意向 旅游的快速发展以及随着中国融入全球化经济,中国与世界各国的交流不断增多,例如,加入WTO、2008年北京成功举办奥运会及上海世博会等,这些显示了中国在国际舞台上扮演越来越重要的角色。近些年来,越来越多的国家希望了解中国,许多外国朋友纷至沓来。特别是中国旅游风景名胜区,每年接待的外国游客越来越多。为了方便外国友人,我国旅游景区就必须提供英语景点导游词。旅游景点导游词主要指的是旅游景区公开和面对旅游者的告示、指示、提示、警示、标示等文字及图形信息,涉及到食、宿、行、游、娱、购等日常生活的方方面面。在旅游景区内,游客最为集中,与旅游宣传册、地图、宣传单等相比,景点导游词更加引人注目集中,更加直截了当地发挥其信息指示功能。由于旅游景点导游词需要及时满足的是社会公众和旅游者的直接社会、行为和心理需求,也反映了生活在这个社会群体的整体文化素质、道德修养和精神面貌,是一个国家对外交流水平和人文环境的具体体现。因此其翻译质量将会响到游客的旅游线路、兴致、感受及印象,进而间接影响我国旅游业的发展。因此,对旅游景点导游词的特点、翻译策略进行探讨具有一定的现实意义。 资料的初步整理 对于英语景点导游词,许多中外学者都做出自己的研究,提出自己的观点。以下是中外学术界的众多研究和观点。 蔡媛媛(2007)《英语景点导游词的语言特点》一文中指出,英语景点导游词具有相应的功能特点。(1)指示性。指示性景点导游词主要是提供给公众一些信息服务,没有任何限制或强制在内,同时也不强制要求公众采取任何行动,其功能只是指示服务内容。因此,指示性景点导游词也被称为指导性或引导性景点导游词。这也是景点导游词最基本、最主要的功能。例如:One Way (单行线)、Tickets (售票处)、Department Store (百货商场)。(2)提示性。提示性景点导游词提示性景点导游词提醒公众注意某些事情,同时提示性景点导游词也并不针对特殊或个别人群。这类景点导游词应用非常广泛,通过提示性景点导游词可以了解什么该做什么不该做,但是这种提示性景点导游词并不具有强制性,公众可根据实际情况来选择执行或不执行。例如:Caution!Radiation(当心射线)、Watch Your Hand(当心夹手)、Don’t Touch(请勿手扶)。(3)限制性。限制性景点导游词对有关公众提出限制或约束的要求,希望有关公众为了大众的利益遵守一定的规则。多数情况下限制性景点导游词语气较为直接,一目了然,但不会让人感到强硬、粗暴或无理。例如:Athletes Only (运动员专用通道)、Large Vehicles Keep Right (大型车靠右)。(4)强制性。强制性景点导游词对有关公众有较大约束力,要求有关公众必须或不得采取任何行动或严格遵守规则。这类景点导游词的语言直接、强制,没有任何商量的余地。例如:No Parking (禁止停车)。 上面是学者对景点导游词特点的研究,对于翻译,颜莉(2008)《英语景点导游词的文体特点及汉英翻译》一文中说到,在进行景点导游词的汉英翻译前,应先了解英语景点导游词的文体特点,这样才能更加准确地将汉语景点导游词译为地道的英语表达方式。代博君(2010)在《景点导游词的语言特征及翻译策略》一文中指出,景点导游词的翻译应属于实用翻译,也称语用翻译。法国翻译理论家Jean Delisle 将语用翻译界定为:运用语用学知识对语用文


英语专业毕业论文翻译 类论文 Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT

毕业论文(设计)Title:The Application of the Iconicity to the Translation of Chinese Poetry 题目:象似性在中国诗歌翻译中的应用 学生姓名孔令霞 学号 BC09150201 指导教师祁晓菲助教 年级 2009级英语本科(翻译方向)二班 专业英语 系别外国语言文学系

黑龙江外国语学院本科生毕业论文(设计)任务书 摘要

索绪尔提出的语言符号任意性,近些年不断受到质疑,来自语言象似性的研究是最大的挑战。语言象似性理论是针对语言任意性理论提出来的,并在不断发展。象似性是当今认知语言学研究中的一个重要课题,是指语言符号的能指与所指之间的自然联系。本文以中国诗歌英译为例,探讨象似性在中国诗歌翻译中的应用,从以下几个部分阐述:(1)象似性的发展;(2)象似性的定义及分类;(3)中国诗歌翻译的标准;(4)象似性在中国诗歌翻译中的应用,主要从以下几个方面论述:声音象似、顺序象似、数量象似、对称象似方面。通过以上几个方面的探究,探讨了中国诗歌翻译中象似性原则的重大作用,在诗歌翻译过程中有助于得到“形神皆似”和“意美、音美、形美”的理想翻译效果。 关键词:象似性;诗歌;翻译

Abstract The arbitrariness theory of language signs proposed by Saussure is severely challenged by the study of language iconicity in recent years. The theory of iconicity is put forward in contrast to that of arbitrariness and has been developing gradually. Iconicity, which is an important subject in the research of cognitive linguistics, refers to a natural resemblance or analogy between the form of a sign and the object or concept. This thesis mainly discusses the application of the iconicity to the translation of Chinese poetry. The paper is better described from the following parts: (1) The development of the iconicity; (2) The definition and classification of the iconicity; (3) The standards of the translation to Chinese poetry; (4) The application of the iconicity to the translation of Chinese poetry, mainly discussed from the following aspects: sound iconicity, order iconicity, quantity iconicity, and symmetrical iconicity. Through in-depth discussion of the above aspects, this paper could come to the conclusion that the iconicity is very important in the translation of poetry. It is conductive to reach the ideal effect of “the similarity of form and spirit” and “the three beauties”. Key words: the iconicity; poetry; translation


本科及研究生学术论文参考文献格式 (Bibliography, Works Citied, References) 一.文学、翻译方向:MLA (一)说明 1. 文献类别标识 (1)常用文献类型用单字母标识 专著——[M](monograph);期刊文章——[J](journal);专著、论文集中的析出文献——[A](article);论文集——[C](collected papers);学位论文——[D](dissertation);专利——[P](patent);技术标准——[S](standardization);报纸——[N](newspaper article);科技报告——[R](report);其他未说明的文献类型,如字典——[Z] (2)电子文献载体类型用双字母标识 磁带——[MT](magnetic tape);磁盘——[DK](disk);光盘——[CD](CD-ROM);联机网络——[OL](online); (3)电子文献载体类型的参考文献类型标识(文献类型标识/载体类型标识) 联机网上数据库——[DB/OL](data base online);磁带数据库——[DB/MT](data base on magnetic tape);光盘图书——[M/CD](monograph on CD-ROM);磁盘软件——[CP/DK](computer program on disk);)网上期刊——[J/OL](serial online);网上电子公告——[EB/OL](electronic bulletin board online) 2. 文献排序 (1)先外文,后中文。 (2)所有文献均按作者的姓(或机构名称)的字母顺序排列。


英文论文翻译 英文论文翻译 一,英文题名的翻译 1 题名的结构 英文题名以短语为主要形式,尤以名词短语(nounphrase)最常见,即题名基本上由1个或几个名词加上其前置和(或)后置定语构成。短语型题名短语型题名要确定好中心词,再进行前后修饰。各短语型题名个词的顺序很重要,词序不当,会导致表达不准。题名一般不应是陈述句,因为题名主要起标示作用,而陈述句容易使题名具有判断式的语义;且陈述句不够精练和醒目,重点也不易突出。少数情况(评述性,综述性和驳斥性)下可以用疑问句做题名,疑问句可有探讨性语气,易引起读者兴趣。 题名的字数题名不应过长。国外科技期刊一般对题名字数有所限制。例如,美国医学会规定题名不超过2行,每行不超过42个印刷符号和空格;英国数学会要求题名不超过12个词。总的原则是,题名应确切,简练,醒目题名应确切,题名应确切简练,醒目,在能准确反映论文特定内容的前提下,题名词数越少越好。 2 中英文题名的一致性翻译 同一篇论文,其英文题名与中文题名内容上应一致,但不等于说词语要一一对应。在许多情况下,个别非实质性的词可以省略或变动。 3 题名中的冠词的翻译 科技论文题名中的冠词简化冠词有简化冠词简化的趋势,凡可用可不用的冠词均可不用。 4 题名中的大小写翻译 题名字母的大小写有以下3种格式: 5 全部字母大写翻译; 每个词的首字母大写,但3个或4个字母以下的冠词,连词,介词全部小写; 题名第1个词的首字母大写,其余字母均小写。 6 题名中的缩略词语翻译 已得到整个科技界或本行业科技人员公认的缩略词语,才可用于题名中,否则不要轻易使用。 二,作者与作者单位的英译 作者:中国人名按汉语拼音拼写 单位:单位名称要写全(由小到大),并附地址和邮政编码,确保联系方便。 三,英文论文翻译中英文摘要翻译 1 英文摘要的时态: 英文摘要时态的运用也以简练为佳。 一般现在时:用于说明研究目的,叙述研究内容,描述结果,得出结论,提出建议或讨论等;涉及到公认事实,自然规律,永恒真理等,也要用一般现在时。 一般过去时:用于叙述过去某一时刻的发现,某一研究过程(实验,观察,调查,医疗等过程)。用一般过去时描述的发现,现象,往往是尚不能确认为自然规律,永恒真理,只是当时情况;所描述的研究过程也明显带有过去时间的痕迹。 现在完成时和过去完成时:完成时少用完成时少用。现在完成时把过去发生的或过去已完成的事情完成时少用与现在联系起来,而过去完成时可用来表示过去某一时间以前已经完成的事情,或在一个过去事情完成之前就已完成的另一过去行为。 2 英文论文翻译中英文摘要的语态: 采用何种语态,既要考虑摘要的特点,又要满足表达的需要。一篇摘要很短,尽量不要随便混用,更不要在一个句子里混用。 主动语态:摘要中谓语动词采用主动语态,有助于文字简洁,表达有力。 被动语态:以前强调多用被动语态,理由是科技论文主要是说明事实经过,至于那件事

专业英语阅读 翻译文章

C o m m e n c e m e n t o f t h e Commercial Operation of 600M W U n i t , "H i ro n o N o. 5Thermal Power Station of The Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc." Commercial operation of The Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. Hirono No. 5 Thermal Power Station commenced in July 2004. This plant is a 600 MW coal-fired supercritical power plant. The main line-up of the plant, which features a steam turbine and a boiler, are supplied by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI). MHI set up this plant with a range of such key equipment along with ancillary facilities such as control systems, a flue gas treatment system, a wastewater treatment system, and stacks. This report gives a brief overview of the advanced technologies applied to the steam turbine and boiler of this plant supplied by MHI. 1. Introduction The Hirono No. 5 Thermal Power Station began com-mercial operation in July 2004. It is a 600 MW coal-fired,supercritical power plant that operates under the high-est global standards for steam conditions (24.5MPa x 600/600o C). The steam turbine has various advanced MHI tech-nologies, including the first 600 MW class two-casing turbine, high- and intermediate-pressure combined cas-ing developed by utilizing high temperature materials and cooling structures to cope with the ultra supercritical steam condition, 48 inch steel integral shroud blade (ISB), a new type of condenser, and a single shell deaerator cum storage tank. The boiler adopted in this plant has MHI's advanced technologies. They are reduced emission of NOx and unburned carbon with the A-PM burner and MRS pul-verizer. In addition, the vertical waterwall furnace that uses high temperature compatible materials and rifled tubes are adopted. Further, the plant is very much streamlined through the use of such simple systems and equipment as de-scribed below: (1) unification of air duct and flue gas duct into a single line through the adoption of a maximum capacity class fan, (2) unification of all feed water heaters into a single line, (3) unification of circulating water pumps into a single line, and (4) adoption of a plant starting system that does not rely on the boiler circulating pump. Since the plant is located in a narrow site adjacent to existing units operated using oil and gas, the overall arrangement of the plant has been improved by consult-ing with the Owner and is arranged in a more compact manner. Advanced MHI technologies have also been adopted in ancillary facilities. This includes the use of a dry se-lective catalytic NOx removal system, a high performance flue gas treatment system based on the harmonious de-sign of a double contact flow scrubber type flue gas desulfurization system with a low-low temperature dry electrostatic precipitator, an overall waste water treat-ment system, and self-supporting group stacks. In this way, MHI has drawn upon all of its competencies in es-tablishing this plant. 2. Steam turbine Figure 1Figure 1 shows an external view of the Hirono No. 5 steam turbine. Fig. 1 View of the 600 MW Hirono No.5 steam turbine HIROMASA MOMMA*1 TAKAYUKI SUTO*1RYUJI IWAMOTO*3 JUNICHI ISHIGURO*1TOSHIHIRO MIYAWAKI*2TSUYOSHI NAKAHARA*4


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