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take a plum tree for one’s wife and cranes for children – a lofty scholar


(like red)plum blossoms defying frost and snow






?as fragrant as orchids and cassia


?The air in the room was filled with fragrance of orchid and jasmine.


?pure heart and spirit


?premature death of a virtuous/ gifted individual; die a hero’s death




?spring up like mushroom; mushroom after rain


?have a well-thought-out plan; with complete confidence; have/keep a card up (in) one’s sleeve


?draw water with a bamboo basket; achieve nothing; all in vain


pour beans out of a bamboo tube –withhold nothing; make a clean breast of sth.; hold nothing back


green plum and a bamboo horse—a girl and a boy had an innocent affection for each other when they played together in childhood; companion in youth

势如破竹meet with no resistance

敲竹杠比喻利用别人的弱点或以某种口实为借口来索取财物pay through the nose (被)雨后春笋s pring up like mushrooms






1、cherry 樱桃

英语中,cherry比喻美人红润的嘴唇;a double cherry象征夫妻恩爱、亲密无间,相当于汉语“并蒂莲”



cherry lips and gleaming teeth


a small cherrylike mouth



[美国英语] [俚语] 惹人喜爱的人或物;极好的人或物

E.g.: a peach of a cook .


E.g. a peach of a study.


【打得漂亮的球】 a peach of a goal 一个绝妙的进球



Anybody could see she was a peach and of the cling variety.


She had a real peaches-and-cream complexion and a trim figure.


桃花运luck in love; a romance particularly lucky with women

桃李满天下have pupils everywhere; have students all over the country/ world

桃李年华in one’s young age (from 16 to 20)

桃腮杏眼rosy cheeks and almond eyes—fair feminine faces


桃色新闻news of illicit love

世外桃源Arcadia或the fairy land

桃李满天下 have students all over the country






【掌上明珠,珍宝】big apple也有纽约的意思

比如说:This train takes you right into the heart of The Big Apple.

这句话里,The Big Apple 指的是纽约市

love apple是番茄


1、Apple of one’s eye 心爱之物,掌上明珠,心肝宝贝

这种比喻大约出现在公元885年,来自《圣经·诗篇》第十七篇第八节:“求你保护我,如同保护眼中的瞳孔。”(Keep me as the apple of the eye.) 这里的apple指的是瞳孔,是眼睛里最敏感最珍贵的部分。Apple of one‘s eye指的是极珍贵或极宝贵的人或物、掌上明珠。2、Adam's apple 喉结

传说亚当偷吃禁果的时候,在惊慌失措中将一个苹果核卡在喉咙里,留下一个疙瘩。作为惩罚,上帝就让这个苹果核永远留在他的喉咙里,成为男性的喉结。这个故事伴随《圣经》代代相传,家喻户晓。后来人们就用Adam‘s apple表示“男人的喉结”。

3、Half apple 另一半,生命中注定的伴侣

上帝把亚当和夏娃被逐出伊甸园的时候~就将他们的爱情变成一个苹果,然后将苹果分成两半~往不同的方向丢向人间~ 两个half apple各自落下世界的两端~


4、in apple-pie order(有序的排列) “井井有条”

据说早在十八世纪美国独立战争以前,有一位美国的家庭主妇,她总是在每星期刚开始的时候就把全家人一周要吃的apple-pie做好,然后放到食品架上,每一格摆放一天要吃的“苹果派”,所有apple-pie都摆放得十分整齐,取食的时候非常方便。由此便产生了apple-pie order 这个成语。


美国小学有个传统习惯,即小学生为向老师表示尊敬和感谢,常把自己家里的红苹果带到学校里来,送给自己认为好的老师。从此apple polish便译为努力讨好。

6、apple of Sodom(空欢喜一场) (=Dead Sea apple)

索多姆地方的果子(古代传说中产于死海附近的果子, 外表好看但摘下来便化成灰烬根本无法食用,令人大失所望)。后来,人们便用apple of Sodom来表示“金玉其外,败絮其中”、“徒有其表(的人或物)”等含义。

7、as American as apple pie (典型的美国人的性格)

美国人向来喜欢吃苹果馅饼(apple pie),也就是我们常说的“苹果派”。始于他们刚从欧洲移居到美洲来的时候,是美国生活方式的一个特点,人们常说:as American as apple pie。这个习语的意思是:就像苹果派一样具有美国特色。

8、apples and oranges (苹果和桔子,风马牛不相及)

在《圣经》里,人们把所有的果实都叫苹果。在远古的欧洲大行其道,当时的欧洲人把所有的果实都叫作苹果,其中也包括桔子。后来为了便于区分,人们才叫苹果为苹果,桔子为桔子。于是英语中就出现了apples and oranges这个短语,表示“不同种类的物与人”,类似于汉语的“风马牛不相及”。


1、rose 玫瑰



?gather (life’s) roses 寻欢作乐

?Her aim was to gather roses whilst she might. 她的宗旨是及时行乐。

? a bed of roses 称心如意的境遇;安乐窝

? a path strewn with roses 铺满玫瑰花的道路;安乐的生活

?Life isn’t all roses.人生并不是事事如意。

?There is no rose without a thorn. 没有不带刺的玫瑰。没有尽善尽美的快乐。

? a rose with thorns 美中不足的事物

?under the rose privately私下里

?I can only say this among friends and under the rose.

?see sth with rose-colored glasses/spectacles 看到事情好的一面;乐观

His life so far has been easy and happy, so he often sees things with rose-colored spectacles.

中西用于婚丧场合的植物:百合lily,松柏pine & cypress,迷迭香rosemary,杨柳willow 2、百合lily


to gild/paint the lily “画蛇添足”、“多此一举”

lilies and roses 花容玉貌

lily-footed (旧时中国妇女)有三寸金莲的,缠过足的

3、松柏pine, cypress

英语中pine, cypress含有“死亡”“哀悼”之意,因松柏常做棺木。


4、rosemary 迷迭香

在英语文化里,rosemary既可以用于丧礼上,也用于婚礼上。在葬礼上,人们把rosemary 放在故去亲人的墓上,以表示对死者的怀念。在婚礼上作装饰,象征爱情的结合,因为rosemary在花语中表示“坚贞的爱情”。

5、willow 杨柳

英语中willow含有“悲伤”、“哀悼”的国俗语义。在英语中,willow因枝条低垂,又叫weeping willow, weeping 既有低垂之意,又有哭泣之意,因而willow也称哭柳。英国墓地多种植柳树,象征死亡和哀悼。


?柳暗花明又一村There is a way out (for somebody).; Every cloud has a silver lining.

?柳眉the eyebrows of a beautiful woman; arch eyebrows

?柳腰small waist; soft waistline

?寻花问柳rove(徘徊,环顾) among flowers and willows—visit places/houses of ill

fame; frequent houses of courtesans ;visit/frequent brothels


6、daffodil 水仙






Not to let the grass grow under one’s feet. 不要浪费时光。

英语中grassroots一词,意为“基层的,一般民众的,来自民间的”,现已直译引入汉语,使用越来越频繁,如:草根阶层,草根人物,草根文学,草根经济,等等。“打草惊蛇”则是惊动坏人,使其逃跑或采取对策,陈文伯建议译为:beat the grass and frighten away the snake –act rashly and alert the enemy。此成语中的“蛇”相当于英

语snake in the grass,表示“隐藏的坏人”。

8、梨花pear blossom


不要分梨。Don’t cut the pear [pair].

(苏轼)一树梨花压海棠(老牛啃嫩草)May-December Marriage


9、laurel 桂


为桂冠诗人poet laureate。

古希腊人习惯用桂树的枝叶编成冠冕,献给体育竞技的优胜者作为奖赏,因此英语中laurels 喻指“冠军”、“胜利”

look to one’s laurels保持名声

rest/sit/sit back on one’s laurels固步自封,满足于已得到的荣誉

to reap/gain/win laurels 赢得荣誉


carry off one’s palm得胜,居首位,夺魁

He carried off the palm by sheer perseverance.


yield the palm to 承认输给;承认不如……好

After listening to everyone’s opinions he yielded the palm to my good judgement.


11、西方具有宗教内涵的植物词:olive 橄榄(枝)



12、elder 接骨木



13、fig, fig-leaf, fig-tree 无花果,无花果叶,无花果树


Their new constitution was a fig leaf to conceal their betrayal of the masses.


fir 冷杉


holly 冬青树





②凶猛的人,严厉警惕的守护人(源于希腊神话:祭献给宙斯的“金羊毛”golden fleece由一条永远不眠的毒龙看守。)

龙袍imperial robe


The imperial countenance shows great pleasure, or the emperor looks greatly pleased.

望子成龙to hope that one’s son will become somebody


A child with clever and intelligent parents will do better than a child with dull and stupid ones. ; Like begets like.


There were snakes and vipers creeping around among the dragons – the high and low were mixed together.

龙飞凤舞make beautiful strokes with one’s pen

龙凤呈祥in extremely good fortune

龙马精神the spirit of a dragon horse

龙肝凤胆rare delicacies

Her mother is a real dragon. 她母亲把她看管得真够严。

She’s a bit of a dragon around this place.她是这里很跋扈的人。



?西方phoenix:“长生不死”的象征,也叫the Arabian bird, the bird of wonder

三、老虎tiger 狮子lion


西方lion:①百兽之王,勇敢、威严;②比喻人们尊敬或害怕的人或国家;③狮子文章是英国国徽,以the British Lion转喻“英国”;④旧式伦敦塔内驯养着许多猛狮,主人常陪同乡下来客参观游览,后lions泛指名胜古迹;⑤亦有“社会名人”、“名流”之意;⑥残忍,贪婪



?虎背熊腰thick, powerful back and shoulders

?龙争虎斗 a fierce struggle between two persons equally gigantic in size and


虎头蛇尾 a brave beginning and weak ending

虎父无犬子 A wise goose never lays a tame(驯服的;平淡的)egg

虎毒不食子All men, good or bad, rarely illtreat (虐待)their own children.


?to twist the Lion’s tail 冒犯英国政府,侮辱英国人

?as brave/ bold as a lion 勇猛如狮

?see/show the lions 游览,带人参观名胜

? a literary lion 文学名人

?the lion’s share 最大的一份,最好的一份

?an ass (驴子)in a lion’s skin 狐假虎威

?Little birds pick a dead lion. 虎落平阳被犬欺

?the lion’s mouth 险境;狮口,虎穴

河东狮吼lioness’s roar (describing the fear of a henpecked husband); have a shrewish wife

四、牛ox/ buffalo/ bull/ cow/ calf马horse/ mare/ pony/mule


力大如牛as strong as a horse

吹牛talk horse 老黄牛: work like a willing horse

2. 西方ox/ buffalo/ bull/ cow/ calf

?calf: 小牛;愚蠢的胆小鬼,稚嫩的人

?calf love/ puppy love: 少男少女对异性的短暂爱情;早年初恋

?the golden calf


金钱,物质财富worship the golden calf?


?bull: 公牛;体壮的人;笨拙粗鲁、动辄闯祸的人;桀骜不驯,盛气凌人,恃强凌弱;(俚)


? a bull in china shop


?John Bull

?英国作家John Arbuthnot在The History of John bull《英国历史》中用John Bull来贬斥


?take the bull by the horns 大胆地对付困难,不畏艰险

?bull market 上涨行情,多头市场

?bull’s eye 靶心;中心目标

?hit the bull’s eye ?正中要害

?bullshit 胡说,废话,大话



1、吃老本:rest on one’s laurels; rest on past achievements; live off one’s past gains/glory

2、啃老族:NEET (英)/boomerang child/kid(美)

【注】NEET是Not Currently Engaged in Education, Employment or Training 或Not in Education, Employment or Training的缩略语

3、童子鸡:Spring chicken

4、夫妻肺片:Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce

5、回锅肉:Sautéed Spicy Pork

6、麻婆豆腐:Mapo Tofu (Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce)



东坡肉—braised pork;叫花鸡—Beggar’s chicken (toasted in lotus leaf and earth mud chicken, invented by two beggars in Qing Dynasty)


德州扒鸡—Dezhou grilled chicken;北京烤鸭—Roast Beijing duck;

南京板鸭—Steamed Nanjing duck;扬州炒饭—Fried rice, Yangzhou style;


useful words and expressions

炒、炸、煎、爆:fried (soft-fried, stir-fried, quick-fried, deep-fried, etc.)

烧:roast, grilled, braised, sauté





卷(spring roll; steamed roll) 麻辣:spicy 五香:spiced


Y ou’re more than a shadow, I’ve just to believe. 我坚信,你不会只是我生命中的一个过客。Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill) 永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。(英国首相丘吉尔) It's not our abilities that show what we truly are,it is our choices.决定我们成为什么样的人,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。 Sometimes you have to smile and act like everything is okay, hold back the tears and walk away.有时候你不得不笑,表现得好像一切OK,然后,忍着眼泪走开。 Chuck:“your world would be much easier if I didn't come back. 如果没有我,你的世界会简单些。。。。Queen B :“but it wouldn't be my world without you in it.”但是失去了你,我的世界将不复存在。《Gossip Girl》 I want someone who's afraid of losing me.我希望找到一个会担心失去我的人。 【Chanel告诉女孩】1.A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位且光芒四射。2. In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different. 想要无可取代,就必须时刻与众不同。3. fashion passes, style remains.时尚会过去,但风格永存。 My favorite part of the day is when I first wake up because for those five seconds, I don’t remember any thing. 一天当中我最爱的时刻就是早晨刚刚醒来的那五秒钟,因为自己什么也不记得,一片空白。 Falling in love with a town,it is probably because someone you love resides in it. 爱上一座城,大抵是因为,这里住着一个你爱的人。 Y ou’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction. 如果晚上带着满意入睡,早上就会更有决心起床! Sometimes you gotta shut up, swallow your pride and accept that you're wrong. It's not giving up. It's called growing up. 有时候,你需要做的就是闭嘴,放下所谓的自尊,承认自己的错误。这不叫放弃,而叫成长。 The key for happiness is not to find a perfect person, but find someone and build a perfect relationship with him.幸福的关键不在于找到一个完美的人,而在于找到一个人,然后和他一起努力建立一个完美的关系 The god creates the fingerprints because he wants us to know that actually everyone has a scar.上帝之所以创造指纹,是因为,他想让人们知道其实每个人都有伤痕。 Y ou are the reason why I became stronger.But you are my weakness.因为你,我懂得了成长,可你,依旧是我的伤。 A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things, but will stick around.如果一个女人真的爱你,她会因为很多事情对你发脾气,却始终坚守在你身边。 Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.情人眼里出西施。 Y ou'll never have to go through anything alone, ever again, because you have me now.你再也不必独自经历风雨,因为,你现在有我了。 Three things in life when gone never come back: time, opportunity, and words.人生有三样东西不可挽回:时间,机遇,以及说出去的话 Y ou cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too. 不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。 To have a moonlight walk with you tonight is my best dream. 今晚和你在月光中散步是我最大


第二讲英汉句式结构对比与翻译 如果说词是最小的可以独立运用的意义单位,那么句子是语言的基本运用单位。一般情况下,进行语篇翻译时,无论是英译汉还是汉译英,基本上都是以句子为翻译单位的。尤其是英译汉时,即使是一个很长的句子,一般也要将整个句子通盘考虑,搞清整个句子的逻辑关系才能将句子翻译成既能忠实传达原文信息、风格、逻辑关系又能保持通顺的中文。 如果是汉译英,有时句子较长,可以根据意群进行切分,然后将切分开的句子逐句译为英文。将英汉两种语言的句式结构进行对比,了解两种语言在句式结构上的异同之处,对翻译来说是非常重要的一环。 英文句式结构 英文句式结构基本上都可以归纳为主谓结构,即S+V(主语+谓语动词)的结构,即使是祈使句,也不过是省略了主语的句子。英文的句子结构在S+V的结构上可以扩展,但总不外乎五种基本变化。 (1)S+V:He langhed. (2)S+V+O:Mary is reading Harry Potter. 3)S+V+O+O.c. We heard them quarrelling. (4)S+V+I.O+D.C He gave me some first-hand marerial. (5)S+link.V+P He is in dangerous situation. 以上这些句型充分显示出英文的基本句式结构是主谓结构,而且这是一种高度语法化的句式结构,其中主语一般是动作的发出者(doer\agent)或动作的承受者(doee),即整个句子分别为主动语态和被动语态。 用上述主谓结构来套中文的句子模式,有一部分汉语句子与上述英语句子基本是对应的。例(1)至(5)的意思,中文也有与英文相似的结构,分别为: (1)C:他笑了。 (2)C:玛丽在读《哈里.波特》。 (3)C:我们听见他们争吵。 (4)C:他给我一些一手资料。 (5)C:他处于危险的境地。/他处境危险。 二、中文句式结构 (一)主谓结构(S + V ) 例1:他没来。(S + V ) He didin’t come. 例2:全家人都在看电视。(S + V + O) The family are watching TV. 例3:我们看到很多人站在广场上。( S + V + O + O.C ) We saw many people standing on the square. 例4:你能递给我那本书吗?( S + V + I.O + D.C) Would you please pass me the book? 例5:他看上去很失望。(S + link. V + P) He looks disappointed.


第二章英汉句式结构对比与翻译 一. 英文句式结构 基本上为主谓结构,可以扩展为5种: 主+谓、主+谓+宾、主+谓+宾+宾补、主+谓+宾+间宾+直宾、主+系+表。汉语中有部分句子与上述英文句子是对应的。 二. 中文句式结构 (一)主谓结构。(可分为主动和被动) (二)主题—评述句 1. 很多汉语句子是“话题性”很强的句子,即句子的前面是一个话题,后面是对话题的评述或陈述、描述。 如:他处境很危险;楼上住着个女工。 2. 其中话题跟后面的动词只是对这个话题所作的说明,不一定表示主语所指称的实体的行动或性质,或者后面根本就没有动词。 3. 结论:将此类句子翻译成英文时,需进行句式结构的调整,在整个句中找到可以在英文中作主语的词,然后再根据主语选择合适的动词,如果找不到主语,就需要添加主语,或将句子中动作的承受着作主语,变为英文的被动语态。 4. 主题—评述句可归纳为如下几种: ⑴动作承受者作话题。如:那件事我已经办好了。 ⑵双话题。如:我头疼。 ⑶动词或动词短语作话题。如:加入世贸组织利大于弊。 ⑷从句作话题。如:张三明天去美国,我觉得很奇怪。 ⑸地点作话题。如:桌上搁着一碗饭。 ⑹时间作话题。如:今天风和日暖。 (三)无主句 1.即“非主语句”,一种是没有主语的,叫无主句,还有一种是由一个词构成的,叫独词句,如:火!注意!这种句 子可以直译。 2.一般来说,无主句主要用于以下几种情况: ⑴表达客观、科学、公正的语气。汉语的一些科技材料或法律条文中往往使用无主句,目的是使表达的内容更科学、公正。这种情况下,无主句要以为英文的主谓结构时,一般都转化为被动语态,也就是使用原文的宾语做主语,因为被动语态不强调动作的发出者,可以比较准确地表达原文的语用效果。 如:要制造飞机,就要考虑空气阻力问题。Air resistance has to be taken into consideration when an airplane is to be made. ⑵表达不满又不失礼貌地语气。汉语中无主句多用来表达一种微妙的情感,在不强调施事者的情况下,表达自己的观点,不满等。在英语中,遇到同样的情况,一般较为广泛地使用被动语态。这样说话人可以避免对自己所说的话负责,听话人也不会感到说话人在把自己的主观意志强加给自己。所以,此类无主句可以译为英语的被动句。有时也可以用形式主语it,避开主观语气。 如:为什么总把这些麻烦事推给我呢?Why are these troubles always left to me? 有时也可以用形式主语it,避开主观语气。 如:学这一套,不如去学照相。It is better to learn photographing than to learn this stuff. ⑶省略第一人称主语“我”或“我们”。有时候为了直接表达自己的观点,说话人刻意省去了“我”或“我们”。这些无主句往往出现在较为正式的场合或正式的书面报告中,翻译成英文时可根据集体情况添加主语“我”或“我们”,最好不要将其转译为英语的被动语态。 如:希望一切问题都会迎刃而解。I hope that all the problems will be readily solved.


如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见。 if we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then i wish we had never encountered. 2 。宁愿笑着流泪,也不哭着说后悔。心碎了,还需再补吗? i would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry, when my heart is broken, is it needed to fix? 3 。没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。 no one indebted for others, while many people dont know how to cherish others. 4 。命里有时钟需有命里无时莫强求you will have it if it belongs to you, whereas you dont kvetch for it if it doesnt appear in your life. 5 。当香烟爱上火柴时,就注定受到伤害when a cigarette falls in love with a match, it is destined to be hurt. 6。爱情??在指缝间承诺指缝…。在爱情下交缠。love ,promised between the fingers finger rift, twisted in the love 7。没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won?t make you cry. 8 。记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。 remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. alter what is changeable, and accept what is unchangeable. love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 爱情就像 一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。 if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。每一个沐浴在 爱河中的人都是诗人。 look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对 我而言意味着什么。distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更 近。 i need him like i need the air to breathe. 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。 if equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让 我爱多一些吧。 love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。


英汉互译翻译句子三篇 1、因为学生们的积极参与,这次足球赛实行得很顺利。 (thanks to) Thanks to the active participation of the students, the football match went on very smoothly. 2、这部电影描写了一位中国老人的幸福时光。 (happy moments) This film describes the happy moments of an old Chinese man. 3、因特网的普及改变了人们以往寻找新朋友和新观点的方式。(wide use of) The wide use of Internet has changed the way we used to discover new friends and new ideas. 4、就在众多的网址中,有很多是非盈利的网址。 (non-profit site) Among the great number of websites, many are non-profit ones. 5、老年网为美国的一些老年人提供了表达自己情感的机会。(express one's feelings) SeniorNet provides the opportunity for some American seniors to express their feelings. 6、学生们谈论的话题涉及文化和政治。 (range from) The conversation topics of the students range from culture to politics. 7、这位老人甚至在患病期间还经常安慰他人。 (in times of sickness) The old man often comforted others even in time of sickness. 8、看来我们不能回避一些少量的难题。 (a handful; avoid)


华 中 师 范 大 学 本 科 生 课 程 论 文 论文题目 English-Chinese Contrast and Translation 完成时间 2013.05.31 课程名称 英汉对比与翻译 专 业 辅修第二学位英语专业 年 级 2010英语第二学位辅修本科生 注:本科生须在规定期限内完成课程论文,并用A4页面打印,加此封面装订成册后,送交评审教师。教师应及时评定成绩,并至迟在下学期开学后两周内将此课程论文及成绩报告单一并交本单位本科生教学秘书存档。 姓 名 郭培斌 学 号 2010210596 成 绩 评卷人

English-Chinese Contrast and Translation I. Introduction I have learned the “Comparison of English and Translation:An Introduction ” for a semester and I would like to talk about some of my own understanding of this course here . II. Native Language Transfer in first language learning : Interference or Facilitation ? Some people may ask what is language transfer . Transfer is the influence resulting from the similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously acquired . (Od-lin , 1989 : 27 ) We could divided translate into two part : Negative Transfer and Positive Transfer . By awareness of the similarities and differences between the two languages can facilitate first language learning . 2.1 Negative Transfer To sum up , there are probably three causes would form negative transfer . Firstly , analogical use of one’s prior knowledge of the mother tongue makes us study Chinese-style English easier . Secondly , Confusion comes from scanty knowledge of differences between the two languages . Thirdly , we always unconscious falling back on the mother tongue since customary . For a few example : 2.1.1 The writer likes writing at light (night) . The sound /n/ does not exist in some Chinese dialects and /l/ serves as a substitute . 2.1.2 He only eat two meal a day . Neither nouns nor verbs have inflections in Chinese . 2.1.3 Shanghai is said to have thirteen million population . The noun renkou , the Chinese equivalent of “population ”can have a numerical pre-modifier . 2.1 4 He suggested me to accept this offer . The verb jianyi , the Chinese equivalent of “suggest ” can be used in VOC pattern in Chinese . 2.1.5 --Your English is wonderful . --No , no . My English is still poor . The negative reply to a compliment is considered in Chinese as modest and courteous . We could turn negative transfer into positive by making analysis on differences between the two languages and arouse the learner’s awareness of avoiding or reducing errors from analogy . III. Contrast and Translation : Enlightenment on translation from the contrast


1 我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美。 No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world. 2 爱情是一个精心设计的谎言。 Love is a carefully designed lie. 3 承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽地盘旋然后不见。 Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover. 4 凋谢是真实的,盛开只是一种过去。 Fading is true while flowering is past. 5 为什么幸福总是擦肩而过,偶尔想你的时候就让回忆来陪我。 Why I have never catched the happiness? Whenever I want you ,I will be accompanyed by the memory of... 6 如果你为错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错过群星了。 If you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining stars. 7 如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见。 If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered. 8 宁愿笑著流泪,也不哭著说后悔。心碎了,还需再补吗? I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix? 9 天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而鸟儿已飞过。 There are no trails of the wings in the sky, while the birds has flied away. 10 当香烟爱上火柴时,就注定受到伤害。 When a cigarette falls in love with a match,it is destined to be hurt. 11 人活着,总是要得罪一些人的,就要看那些人是否值得得罪。 When alive ,we may probably offend some people.However, we must think about whether they are deserved offended. 12 命里有时终需有,命里无时莫强求。 You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don''t kveth kvetch for it if it doesn''t appear in your life. 13 没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。 No one indebted for others,while many people don''t know how to cherish others. 14 永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定。 Eternity is not a distance but a decision. 15 在回忆里继续梦幻不如在地狱里等待天堂。 Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell. 16 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。 Where there is great love, there are always miracles. 17 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。 Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 18 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. 19 有了你,我迷失了自我;失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again. 20 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。


韩刚B2A“译点通”笔译独家秘笈之:汉译英十大技巧 一、中文结构“三步走”。主要是指涉及政府外宣类题材的句子结构划分技巧。所谓“三步走”,具体是指:中文长句中,第一步给出理念、指导方针或原则,第二步具体阐述在这种方针原则的指导下都做了什么或者要做什么,第三步给出结果或者要实现的目标。在具体行文时,可以按照“每一步”信息的多少进行“逐步”切句或者灵活整合。有了“三步走”原则,长句一点儿都不可怕!这一汉英句式逻辑分析技巧在实操训练中非常实用也极易掌握!详见各循环相关实例分析。 二、“孰轻孰重”要分明。主要是指中英句子结构差异:中文结构“前轻后重”,中文结构事实、背景在前,表态、判断、结论在后,英文恰恰相反,是“前重后轻”。结构差异了然于胸,“表态判断为主,事实背景为从”,在翻译时有了这样一个主从句框架搭建原则,逻辑一目了然,译文自然“行云流水”!详见各循环相关实例分析。 三、结构搭建“三剑客”。主要是指汉译英时结构搭建常用的三个功能词或形式,即as, ing, with。译文结构好不好,它们说了算!可以不夸张地说,谁尽早熟练掌握了这三个功能词或形式,谁就能尽早步入汉英翻译的殿堂!详见各循环相关实例分析。 四、同义重复“并译”行。主要是指中文具有前后呼应、信息重叠的特点,经常使用四字甚至八字表达同一意思,英译时必须压缩合并减译,提取核心意思,力求简洁、流畅,如:骄傲与自豪,千山万水,你中有我、我中有你,等等。中文还有一个典型特点,即“双动词现象”,如:调整和优化,提高和加强,保障和改善民生,加强和完善。以“调整和优化”为例,这两个词在具体上下文中往往属于同义动词,调整的目的就是优化,而优化就是一种调整,直接取同义翻译即可。详见各循环相关实例分析。 五、“千变万化”增张力。主要是指中英翻译要“千变万化”,“同义发散”,选取不同角度对同一内容进行诠释,使用同义词进行替换等等,以此来凸显英文语言的多变性。这与平时大家学习英文写作的要求完全一致,即,同义词替换多多益善!要从写作的高度看翻译!详见各循环相关实例分析。 六、具体、概括“不相容”。主要是指汉英翻译的原则之一“舍宏观概括、取微观具体”。中文里往往会在具体信息后添加概括信息,如:“以人为本”的理念、“先到先得”的韩刚B2A“译点通”: 90天攻克CATTI三级笔译6


第五章英汉句子对比与翻译 第一节英汉在连贯方式上的“形合”与“意合” 连贯是句子依据合理的语义和逻辑关系,恰当地连为一体的语篇特征,但在重意合的汉语中,这种特征往往隐含在上下文中,呈“隐性”状态,但这并不妨碍汉语读者对其阅读和理解,因为汉语是依靠语篇的语境意义来弥补其在逻辑和连贯方面的不足,而英语语篇中的逻辑和连贯关系则表现出“显性”的特征,既它的逻辑和连贯关系是通过外在的形式,既词法和句法结构来体现的,因此,在翻译过程中,译者就应该注意这种“隐性”和“显性”之间的转换。翻译练习: 1)We crossed the Y angtze and arrived at the station, where I bought a ticket while he saw to my luggage… At the sight of his back tears started to my eyes, but I wiped them hastily so that neither he nor anyone else might see them. 2)As the weather was getting better, we decided to go for an outing the next day. 3)Three month later, when he had spent all his five dollars, he felt obliged to climb onto slow-going freight trains, despite the police’s pursuits or arrests. 4)It was only his legendary travel experiences, especially the experiences of his visit to the northern part of Shaanxi Province 60 years ago that determined his lifetime cause, thus closely connoting his life with the Chinese revolution. 第二节英汉在语义层次表达上的“形合”和“意合” 进行英汉对比研究的学者们常将英语句子比作树木结构,将汉语的句子比作竹子结构。这就是说,英语句子中充满了从属结构,从属结构包括了动词的非限定形式、介词短语和各种分句。从属结构可以比作“枝杈”;汉语句子充满了并立结构,并立分句之间用逗号分开,直直的,每有“枝杈”,像根竹子。汉语的这些并立分句常被称作“流水句”。英语句子的树木结构是英语的形合在语意层次表现上的具体体现:句子的主干(主句)用来表示主要信息,从属结构(枝杈)表示次要信息。这样意义层次在表面结构上就表现出来了,呈显性;汉语句子的竹子结构是汉语的意合在语意层次表现上的具体体现:句子中充满了在形式上并立的分句,语意层次要靠上下文来表示,在表面形式上看不出来,呈隐性。英汉翻译中就应该充分考虑到英文和中文的这些不同特征。翻译练习: 1)X-rays are able to pass through objects and thus make visible details that are otherwise impossible to observe. 2)“How does the human brain work” remains one of the most profound questions confronting modern science. 3)One out of every ten persons in 1978 United States labor force was a teenager, compared with one out of fifteen in 1960.


励志唯美英语句子翻译(一) 1.The past cannot changed, the future is yet in your power. 逝者不可追,来者犹可待。 2.If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission. 不问可否,方有所成。 3.Courage is grace under pressure. 勇气就是压力之下的优雅。 4.Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. 走出舒适区,生活才算真正开始。 5.It is better to wear out than to rush out. 与其生锈发霉,不如物尽其用。 6.If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees. 若将心事付清风,莫怪清风话丛林。 7.The grand essentials of happiness are : something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. 幸福最重要的是:有所为,有所爱,有所期待。 8.Humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat. 真正的勇士,就算可能失败,也要继续前行。 9.The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 最黑暗的时光在黎明之前。


106个激励自己的英语句子 1. Time flies.时光易逝。 2. Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。 3. Time and tide wait for no man.岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。 4. Time tries all.时间检验一切。 5. Time tries truth.时间检验真理。 6. Time past cannot be called back again.光阴一去不复返。 7. All time is no time when it is past.光阴一去不复返。 8. No one can call back yesterday. Yesterday will not be called again.昨日不复来。 9. Tomorrow comes never.切莫依赖明天。 10.One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天胜似两个明天。 11.The morning sun never lasts a day.好景不常;朝阳不能光照全日。 12.Christmas comes but once a year.圣诞一年只一度。 13.Pleasant hours fly past.快乐时光去如飞。 14.Happiness takes no account of time.欢娱不惜时光逝。 15.Time tames the strongest grief.时间能缓和极度的悲痛。 16.The day is short but the work is much.工作多,光阴迫。 17.Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。 18.Have you somewhat to do tomorrow, do it today.明天如有事,今天就去做。


800个有趣句子帮你记忆7000个单词(完整) 800个有趣句子帮你记忆7000个单词(完整修正版)-1 学习是件苦差事,自己不努力,资料再好也白搭。不过还是希望这些有趣的句子能给你的学习带去些许的乐趣。 本想一次性贴完,但作为一个资深“电脑洁癖综合症”患者,发现这800个句子中有很多标点错误,不免癖性大发,非要一个个修改过来才肯罢休。学习是件苦差事,发帖也是体力活。于是决定每次贴100句,分8次贴完(当然,你也可以直接去搜完整版的,如果你不太在意那些小瑕疵的话)。 发这个帖子的另外一个感触是(不耐烦的同学可以直接跳过了),在资讯越来越庞杂的今天,我们好像还患了一种叫“收集癖”的癖病——收集了N多的资源(比如书籍、学习资料、电影),心里说以后有时间慢慢品读,而真正潜心进入的却少之又少。事实是,我们正陷入“收集”这件事本身而快感连连。呜呼哀哉。 1. With my own ears I clearly heard the heart beat of the nuclear bomb. 我亲耳清楚地听到原子弹的心脏的跳动。 2. Next year the bearded bear will bear a dear baby in the rear. 明年,长胡子的熊将在后方产一头可爱的小崽。 3. Early I searched through the earth for earthenware so as to research in earthquake. 早先我在泥土中搜寻陶器以研究地震。 4. I learn that learned earnest men earn much by learning. 我得知有学问而认真的人靠学问挣很多钱。 5. She swears to wear the pearl s that appear to be pears. 她发誓要戴那些看起来像梨子的珍珠。 6. I nearly fear to tear the tearful girl's test paper. 我几乎害怕撕那个泪流满面的女孩的试卷。 7. The bold folk fold up the gold and hol d it in hand. 大胆的人们将黄金折叠起来拿在手里。 8. The customers are accustomed to the di sgusting custom. 顾客们习惯了令人讨厌的风俗。 9. The dust in the industrial zone frustrated the industrious man. 工业区里的灰尘使勤勉的人灰心。 10. The just budget judge just justifies the adjustment of justice. 公正的预算法官只不过为司法调整辩护而已。 11. I used to abuse the unusual usage, but now I'm not used to doing so. 我过去常滥用这个不寻常的用法,但我现在不习惯这样做。 12. The lace placed in the palace is replaced first, and di splaced later. 放在皇宫的带子先被替换,后来被转移。 13. I paced in the peaceful spacecraft. 我在宁静的宇宙飞船里踱步。 14. Sir, your bird stirred my girlfriend's birthday party. 先生,你的鸟搅了我女友的生日聚会。 15. The waterproof material is suitable for the aerial used near the waterfall. 这种耐水材料适合用在瀑布附近的天线。 16. I hint that the faint saint pai nted the printer with a pint of paint. 我暗示说虚弱的圣徒用了一品脱油漆涂印刷机。


英汉句子比较与翻译(1) 英汉句子结构比较 英语重形合(hypotaxis),汉语重意合(parataxis) 形合主要靠语言本身语法手段(形式手段),意合主要靠句子内部逻辑联系 ?奈达《译意》Translating meaning: 就汉语和英语而言,也许在语言学中最重要的一个区别就是形合与意合的对比(contrast between hypotaxis and parataxis) 英语注重显性衔接(overt cohesion),汉语注重隐性连贯(covert coherence) ?傅雷:东方人与西方人的思维方式有基本分歧,我人重综合,重归纳,重暗示,重含蓄;西方人则重分析,细微曲折,挖掘唯恐不尽,描写唯恐不周。 ?汉语学家王力:西洋语法是硬的,没有弹性;中国语法是软的,富有弹性。……所以中国语法以达意为主。英国人写文章往往化零为整,而中国人写文章却往往化整为零。 ●由于距离远,又缺乏交通工具,使农村社会与外界隔绝,而这种隔绝,又由于通讯工具 不足而变得更加严重。 A.Because there is a great distance and there are not enough transport facilities, the rural world is isolated. This isolation has become more serious because there are not enough information media. B.The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and lack of transport facilities, is compounded by the paucity of the information media. 英语句子中,名词与介词占优势 主谓机制:抓住了谓语动词就抓住了英语句子的灵魂。 名词与名词之间的联系要借介词来串通 ●Carlisle Street runs westward, across a great black bridge, down a hill and up again, by little shops and meat-markets, past single-storied homes, until suddenly it stops against a wide green lawn. (7个介词) ●卡莱尔大街往西伸展,越过一座黑色大桥,爬下山岗又爬上去,经过许多小铺和肉市, 又经过一些平房,然后突然朝着一大片绿色草地中止了。 ●Inadequate training for farmers and the low productivity of many farms place the majority of country dwellers in a disadvantageous position in their own countries. ●农民缺乏训练,许多农场生产率很低,这就使得大多数农民处于贫穷的境地。 英汉句子重心的差异 ●We believe that it is right and necessary that people with different political and social systems should live side by side—not just in a passive way but as active friends. ●我们认为生活在不同政治社会制度下的各国人民应该共处,不仅仅是消极共处,而是要 积极地友好相处,这是正确而必要的。 汉语的习惯是叙事在前,表态在后。英语的习惯是表态在前,叙事在后。 ●The visit gives me the opportunity which I have long sought, to see for myself the achievements of the Chinese people. 这次访问使我有机会亲眼看一看中国人民取得的成就,这是我向往已久的。 ●I am heartened by the assurance which your Government has repeatedly given that the arrangements for Hong Kong contained in the Agreement are not measures of expediency. ●贵国政府一再表示,协议中有关香港的安排不是权宜之计,这种保证使我感到鼓舞。 英语:end-weight头轻脚重,属于主语显著(subject-prominent)语言 It is….to…; there…
