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Unit 2:My Favourite School Subject.

Lesson 7:Don’t Be Late for Class!


1.掌握单词:subject, art, paint, sometime, future, watch

2.句型:I have painted six pictures this week.

I like art too, but I am not good at it.

It’s one of my favourites.

We do n’t want to be late for class.

3.注意: 现在完成时态




Lesson 8:E-mail Helps!


1.掌握单词:physical, education, except, mathematics, language, project, tonight, examination

2.句型:1. All our teachers make us study very hard.

2. It’s the best way to learn the language.

3. She has helped me with my math homework.





Les son 9:I Don’t Want to Miss Geog raphy!


1.掌握单词:since poor cough because seen convenient

2.句型:What’s your favourite subject ?


stop doing turn on What time is it ?




Lesson10 :Looking for Lisa


1. 掌握的词汇及短语:download, librarian, suddenly, rush, into , shout , whisper, quarter

2.继续学习现在完成时:如:Have you looked in the gym, Danny?

No, I haven’t.


情感目标:Working on the project in the library


Lesson11: Lily Learns about China!


1. 掌握的词汇:recently,southern, tourist

2. 识别的词汇及短语:take …to, Mother’s / Father’s / Children’s Day. 能力目标:能灵活运用所学词汇和句型

情感目标:learn about other countries


Lesson 12 Karen’s Hair Stood Up !


1. 掌握的词汇:mine, ocean, remind, finally, discussion

2. 识别的词汇及短语:at my aunt

’s house, be surprised, bring …to, remind sb of , show sb sth.


情感目标:Writing a diary


Unit Review 一、呈现目标,明确任务


1. 重点词汇:见第2单元

2. 时间的表达及谈论时间

3. 表达爱好的习语:如:My favourite subject is maths.

4. 语法:现在完成时


情感目标:Talking about time



初中英语冀教版八年级上册Unit2《Lesson12 Karen’s Hair Stood Up!》优质课公开课教师资格证面试试讲教案

初中英语冀教版八年级上册Unit2《Lesson12 Karen’s Hair Stood Up!》优质课公开课教案教师资格证面试试讲教案 1教学目标 1.掌握本课单词和短语:mine, finally, discussion, remind, ocean, remind…of…,pre sent…to… 2.了解课文内容,学会表达自己和他人的特长和喜欢的学科。 3. 现在完成时与一般过去时的运用。 4.小组合作学习,积极与他人合作,通过小组讨论分析、补充和质疑,巩固掌握所学知识,培养学习的科学态度。 2学情分析 学生通过本单的元对话、电子邮件以及一篇最喜欢的学科的短文的学习,了解了有关学校学习和生活的内容,逐步掌握谈论学校生活和自己最喜欢的学科的语句,能够简单就自己喜欢 的学科发表自己的看法。而本课学生通过第一课时的自学,对课文的生词,知识点和课文内容有了初步的了解。本课时通过阅读回答问题,填表格,听力练习,以及以小组合作的形式对跟踪练习的讨论、展示和点评,培养学生听,说,读和表达的能力,训练学生的独立思考,语言实际运用的能力。在小组合作中,积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务;拓宽视野,培养各种爱好以及对待学习的科学态度。 3重点难点 教学重点: 1.掌握本课的五个生词和短语remind …of …,present …to …,了解课文大意。 2.能够简单介绍自己和他人的特长和喜欢的学科。 教学难点: 现在完成时态与一般过去时态的区别使用。 4教学过程 4.1第二课时 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】Step 1 :Class Opening Step 1 :Class Opening . Greet the class and have the students practice spoken English for one minute . Topic: My Favourite Subject What subject do you like best?Why? It’s interesting/useful/amazing /relaxed/ important/a lot of fun/ hard but …


Unit 2:My Favourite School Subject. Lesson 7:Don’t Be Late for Class! 一、呈现目标,明确任务 1.掌握单词:subject, art, paint, sometime, future, watch 2.句型:I have painted six pictures this week. I like art too, but I am not good at it. It’s one of my favourites. We do n’t want to be late for class. 3.注意: 现在完成时态 能力目标:能灵活运用所学词汇和句型 情感目标:表达自己喜欢的科目和老师 二、合作预习,问题导向

Lesson 8:E-mail Helps! 一、呈现目标,明确任务 1.掌握单词:physical, education, except, mathematics, language, project, tonight, examination 2.句型:1. All our teachers make us study very hard. 2. It’s the best way to learn the language. 3. She has helped me with my math homework. 3.注意反身代词和介词的用法 能力目标:能灵活运用所学词汇和句型 情感目标:享受夏天 二、合作预习,问题导向

Les son 9:I Don’t Want to Miss Geog raphy! 一、呈现目标,明确任务 1.掌握单词:since poor cough because seen convenient 2.句型:What’s your favourite subject ? 3.注意: stop doing turn on What time is it ? 能力目标:能灵活运用所学词汇和句型 情感目标:调整考试心态 二、合作预习,问题导向


英语初二上冀教版unit2lesson9学案 Unit2MyFavoriteSchoolSubject Lesson9:Don'tbelateforclass Teachingaim: subject,art,hope,show, sometimes,start,hurry,late,begoodat,belatefor,pa inting,painter,timetable,intwominutes languagepoints: Teachingprocess Classopening 1lfreetalkaboutwhatyoudidonweekend? 2Asktwoquestions: .Whatsubjectsdotheyhave?Whatarethey? What'syourfavouritesubject?Whydoyouthinkso? Teachingsteps: Step1:Readthetextbystudents.Thenguessthemeaningsofthenewwords. 1.hopeIhopeyou'llshowthemtomesometime.我盼望今后某个时间你会把他们领来给 我看看。“You'llshowthemtomesometime”是“Ihope”引导的宾语从句。Hope意思是“盼望”。有两种搭配,即:hope+〔that〕从句,表示主语盼望自己或别人做某事;hopetodosth,表示主语盼望自己作某事。如:Ihope〔that〕youcanstudyhard.我盼望你能好好学习。 Hehopestogotherebybike.他盼望骑自行车去那。 但一定要注意,不能说hopesb.Todosth. 2.showto 3.sometime,sometimes,sometime,sometimes 4.hurry,inahurry,hurryup 5.begoodat,begoodto,begoodfor 6.painting,picture,drawing,photo, Step2:listentothetape.letthemrepeattheimportantparts.Talkaboutthelanguagen otes: 1Don'tbelateforclass!上课别迟到 句型是否定祈使句。因为late是形容词,因此前面必须加be.belateforsth.“干某事迟到”。例如:Hewaslateforschoolyesterday.昨天他上学迟到了。 2howmanysubjectsdoyouhave?你有多少科? Howmany后接可数名词复数。Howmanyapplesdoeshehave? 3Ihavepaintedsixnewpicturesthisweek.这周我差不多画了六副画。 现在完成时,表示关于目前来说差不多发生或完成的动作。不强调动作发生的时间。构成结构为:“have/has+v.-过去分词”。例如:Hehasdonehishomework他作完了作业。5Shehastaughtusalot.她教了我们许多东西。 Alot“特别,特别”修饰动词,表示程度。Alotof“许多,大量”修饰可数名词和不可数名词。例如:Helikesricealot.他特别喜爱米饭。 Therearealotofapplesonthetree.数上有许多苹果。 4It'soneofmyfavourites!它是我最喜爱的科目之一。 Oneof“其中之一”后接可数名词复数,用单数谓语。例如:OneofmygoodfriendsisLiMing.我的一个好朋友是李明

冀教版-英语-八上2单元 第8课 E-mail Helps!

冀教版八上英语参考教案 Unit 2 Lesson 8 E-mail Helps! 重点单词physical adj.身体的;肉体的 runner n. 跑鞋 except prep.除了……之外 tonight adv.& n. 今晚 重点短语physical education(P.E.) 体育 make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 see sb. do sth. 看见某人做某事 重点句子 1.All of our teachers make us study very,very hard. 所有 的老师都让我们学习非常、非常努力。 2.Everyone laughed except the teacher. 除了老师,大家都 笑了。 3.But I saw him smile. 但我看到他笑了。 4.It is the best way to learn the language.这是学习语言的 最好方法。 教学难点except的用法 环节1 新课导入 Lead in by discussing the following questions: How are Danny’s classes this year? How many e-mails has Li Ming written in English today? What are Li Ming’s class talking about this week? Show some pictures of class activities to the class.Let the students discuss the questions in groups.Then present their results in front of the class.The styles are different.They can be dialogues or reports. 设计意图:以学生感兴趣的问题开始新课,吸引学生的兴趣。 环节2 1.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. (1)Danny’s teacher made him________hard. (2)________education is Danny’s favourite class. (3)Of all the subjects,Li Ming likes________best. 2.Read the dialogue and answer the following questions: (1)What did Danny do in P.E. yesterday? (2)What does Li Ming’ s teacher tell his class to do every day? (3)Who is good at maths? 3.Make sentences with the language points: see sb.do, talk about, help with

【最新】冀教版八年级英语上册Unit2 Lesson 11 教案

Unit2 Lesson 11 教案 科目:英语课题Lesson 11 Lily learns about Chin a! 学习目标: 1,知识目标:熟记并运用词汇和句型。(recently, southern, tourist, Mothers’Day, Fathers’ Day.) 2,技能目标:听、说、读、写各项能力的培养。 3,情感目标:学会合作学习,勇于表现自己。 学习过程: 一.课前预习:小组内互查单词记忆情况。 小组内互查单词句型记忆情况。 课前检测: 按时___________________ 帮助...做 _____________ 冲进;匆忙进入___________ 禁止喧哗!_______________ 从事,致力于______________ 二.Free talk Have you learned about other countries in school? Which one is the most interesting?What foreign holidays do you know? 三.1.Read the lesson and fill in the blanks.part1 p27 2.Listen to the passage and write true (T) or false (F). Part2 p27 四.Find the holidays and write down. ——————————————————————————————————____________________________________________________________________ Can you think more?Say to your classmates 五.Work in groups and discuss. 1. A few days ago, our teacher took us to a Chinese grocery store and a Chinese restaurant.1) a few “几个,有些(表示肯定)”;few作形容词,表示“很少数的,几乎没有的”,都修饰可数名词复数。a little表示“一点儿,少量,一些”;little 意为“少,不多”,两者都修饰不可数名词。 习题:a few/few/a little/little Tom bought ________ books on his way home.汤姆在回家的路上买了几本书。There were __________ people in the streets.街上人很少。 We got ______ help from them. 我们没有从他们那儿得到什么帮助。 I had only ______ food for breakfast.早餐我只吃了一点食物。 2) take sb. to… 带领某人去…… 翻译:她带领我们去了一个漂亮的花园 2.On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, children say thank you to their parents. 向……道谢是__________________________相关短语____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________


Unit 2 Lesson 9 教学目标 1.Knowledge aims (知识目标):掌握本课词汇、词组及句型。 2.Ability aims (能力目标):熟练运用英语复述课文内容。 3.Emotion aims (情感目标):能简单介绍自己所爱学科。 教学重点 掌握本课重点单词、短语及句型。 教学难点 让学生学会用英语和同学沟通学校的学习情况。 教学过程一、导入 Words: since, poor, cough, because, seem Phrases: miss class/schoolhave a cough not at alllearn about Patterns: be convenient for・・・ What J s the matter? ask sb. (not) to do sth. What J s your favouritesubject? Why?

What' s the most interestingthing about your favouritesubject? 二、新课讲解 Read and answer 1How is Li Lin today? She has been sick for two days. She is fine today. Li Lin: I have been sick for two days. I had to miss school. Wang Mei: Oh poor Li Lin. How are you today? Are you OK? Li Lin : Yes. I' m fine today, but I still have a cough. 2What does Wang Mei think of physics? She thinks physics is a headache for her, she doesn, t understand it at all. Wang Mei: Good for you. I also like geography, but physics is a headache for me. I don, t understand it at all. 3What advice does Li Lin give to Wang Mei about physics? Li Lin advises they can do their homework together. She can help Wang Mei Li Lin: It seems hard, but don' t worry. T can help you. We can do our homework together. 4When will Li Lin and Wang Mei do their homework together? Every Thursday after school from 7:00 to 8:30. Li Lin : How about every Thursday after school from?: 00 to 8:30 ?

河北省保定市冀英学校冀教版八年级英语上册导学案unit2 lesson8 E-mail Helps

Lesson 8 E-mail Helps! 知识目标:1. 掌握重点词汇,短语,句型。2. 熟练运用重点句型。 技能目标:句子理解 1.All of the teachers make us study very very hard. 2. Everyone laughed except the teacher. 3. But I saw him smile. 4. I have written three e-mails in English today. 5. Ms. Liu gives us lots of interesting projects in English class. 6.She has helped me with my maths homework a lot. 7.It’s the best way to learn the language. I. Fill in the blanks with the correct form. 1. Colours can change our feelings. Orange makes us ____(feel) happy. 2. I see the boy ____(run) on the playground every morning. 3. Please tell the children _______(stop) making much noise. 4. The best way ______( realize) your dream is to work hard. 5. There are ________(a lot / a lot of) books in the library. We can learn _____(a lot /a lot of) from them. Ⅱ. Translate and write them down. 1.妈妈让我打扫房间。 _________________________________. 2.除了英语,我会说三种语言。 ___________________________________. 3.我看见一个老人上了公共汽车。 __________________________________. 4.她用英语唱了两首歌。 __________________________________. 5. 我有很多作业要做。 __________________________________. 6. 我向她学习了很多。 __________________________________.

冀教版英语八年级上册Unit 2Lesson 12教案

Unit 2 My Favourite School Subject Lesson12 【教学内容】 1.Learning some new words and phrases of lesson 12: mine, ocean, remind, finally, discussion, remind…of… 2.Talking about holidays. 【教学目标】 1.Remember some new words and phrases of lesson 12. 2.Summarize what thing you have done in this week. 【教学重难点】 1.Present perfect tense. 2.Talk about favorite class. 3.How to write diary? 【教学过程】 温故知新: Check some words and phrases of lesson 12: mine, ocean, remind, finally, discussion, remind…of… 激情导入: Ⅰ.Have you done anything interesting this week? Ⅱ.What have you done in your favorite class? 新课学习: Ⅰ.Showing the teaching aims on the blackboard and asking students to read them together. 1.Remembering some new words and phrases of lesson 12. 2.Talk about favorite class. Ⅱ.Learning lesson 12by themselves in groups. Listen to the passage and match the names with pictures. (Listening once or three times for finishing number 2of Let's Do It.) Ⅲ.Read the lesson and fill in the blanks. (At first, read the four questions and know the meaning. Second, read the dialogue quickly and fill in the blanks. Then, read the dialogue one


Unit 2 Lesson 12 教学目标 1.To learn to talk about your favourite subject with the wordsandexpressionsremindsbofsthfinallydiscussionTo use the pronouns correctly:mineyourshishersits 教学重点掌握本课重点单词、短语及句型。 教学难点让学生学会介绍自己和他人的特长以及喜欢的学科。 教学过程一、导入 Lead inHave you done anything interesting this week? What have you done in your favourite class? 二、新课讲解Language Points 1.I miss everyone at home! 我很想念家里的每一个人。 at home"在家,在国内",在国内外可以说at home andabroado Pop music is very popular at home and abroad. 流行音乐在国内外都很受欢迎。 Sorry, I left my credit card at home. 对不起,我把信用卡落在家里了。 2.Today at school, we talked to the class about our favourite subjects. 今天在学校,我们向全班同学谈论了我们最喜欢的科目。 alk to sb. about sth.和某人谈论某事

Our English teacher talked to us about how to learn English well. 我们的英语老师和我们谈论怎样学好英语。 3.We each brought a painting to class. 我们每个人带了一幅画到班里。 each是代词,意为“每个”,强调个体。each也可作形容词,作定语修饰名词。every也有“每一,每个”之意,但every只可作形容词,强调全体或全部。 Each/Every student has his own dictionary.(作形容词)=Each of the students has his own dictionary.(作代词) 每一个学生都有自己的字典。 4.The picture always reminds me of that holiday. 这张照片总是使我想起那个假期。 remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事The toy car reminds me of my happy childhood. 这辆玩具车使我想起了我幸福的童年。 Miss Lemon remind her boss of two appointments. 莱蒙小姐提醒她的老板有两个约会。 5.W e had a good discussion about how to stay healthy. 我们认真讨论了如何保持健康。 stay healthy “保持健康”,stay作系动词,表示“保持,持续”,后跟形容词,与keep同义I hope the weather will stay fine.

冀教版八年级英语上册教案Unit 2 第1课时

第一课时Lesson 7: Don’t Be Late for Class! 重点单词geography n.地理(学) sometime adv.在某时 painter n.画家 timetable n. 课程表;肉体的 重点短语be late for 迟到 in two minutes 两分钟之后 重点句子 1.I hope to see them sometime. 我希望以后还能见 到他们。 2.I like art too,but I’m not very good at it. 我也喜 欢艺术,但我不太擅长。 3.She has taught us a lot. 她教会了我们许多东西。 4.I am much better at art this year. 今年我的艺术好 多了。 5. Class will start in two minutes! 两分钟之后开始 上班。 教学难点初步了解现在完成时的用法 环节1 新课导入 Lead in by discussing the following questions: How many subjects do you study at school? What are these subjects? What subjects are you good at? Discuss the questions in groups. The teacher shows some pictures about different subjects to class. Ask the students to talk for three minutes.Then let them present the answers in class. 设计意图:教师通过设计几个学生感兴趣的问题导入新课,以调动他们学习的积极性。 环节2 1.Listen to the tape and answer the questions. (1)What’s Brian’s favourite subject? (2)Is Jenny good at art? (3)When does Jenny have art? 2.Read the text and decide if the following statements are true or false. (1)Brian painted seven pictures this week. (2)Jenny has art lesson every Tuesday. (3)Brian and Jenny don’t want to be late for class. 3.Introduce your favourite subject in groups.What is your favourite subject?Why do you like it?When do you have it at school?Make a dialogue between three or four students.Then present it in front of the class. 4.Work with your partner. Act out the dialogue between Brian and Jenny. 5.Suppose you are going to introduce your favourite subject. Write a short note.Remember to tell something

冀教版英语八年级上册Unit 2Lesson 11 教案

Lesson 11: Lily Learns about China 教学设计 师宝娟 【教材分析】 本课属于冀教版《英语》八年级上册Unit 2 My Favorite School Subject,本单元以school subjects 为话题,延伸出学校生活中的学科相关的许多细节,如谈论学习的时间,谈论学科的偏好等等。 本课是这一单元的第五课时Lesson 11 Lily Learns about China,是一篇阅读课文。本课以一位加拿大学生的口吻,讲述了自己最喜欢的学校科目social studies,并对在这一学科中的学习过程和收获进行了介绍。学生通过学习本课,掌握一些谈论最喜爱的学科的思路和方法。 一、设计思路 1.指导思想: 《中小学英语课程标准》指出:英语教学中应体现交际性,要结合学生的年龄特点和生活实际,创设交际情景,通过大量的语言实践,使学生获得综合运用英语和语言技能进行交际的能力。针对初中英语新教材容量大的特点,为了使教学面向全体学生,依据本课的课程理念,采用自主阅读为主,课堂小组合作为辅的学习模式,充分发挥学生学习的主观能动性。 2.教学目标 语言知识目标:掌握词汇recently, southern, tourist 语言技能目标:让学生了解并介绍自己最喜爱的学科。 情感目标:鼓励学生热爱校园生活,享受校园生活 3.教学重点与难点 教学重点: (1)掌握一些与介绍学科有关的词汇与表达 (2)激发学生兴趣,让学生学会介绍自己最喜欢的学科。 教学难点: 掌握介绍最喜爱的学科的思路与方法 二、教学准备 Powerpoint 制作的课件,图片等;课文录音

2021年冀教版英语八年级上册Unit 2 第2课时教案与反思

第二课时 Lesson 8: E-mail Helps! 满招损,谦受益。《尚书》 怀辰学校陈海峰组长 重点单词 physical adj.身体的;肉体的 runner n. 跑鞋 except prep.除了……之外 tonight adv.& n. 今晚 重点短语 physical education(P.E.) 体育 make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 see sb. do sth. 看见某人做某事 重点句子 1.All of our teachers make us study very,very hard. 所有的老师都让我们学习非常、非常努力。 2.Everyone laughed except

the teacher. 除了老师,大家都 笑了。 3.But I saw him smile. 但 我看到他笑了。 4.It is the best way to learn the language.这是学习语 言的最好方法。 except的用法 教学 难点 环节1 新课导入 Lead in by discussing the following questions: How are Danny’s classes this year? How many e-mails has Li Ming written in English today? What are Li Ming’s class talking about this week? Show some pictures of class activities to the class.Let the students discuss the questions in groups.Then present their results in front of the class.The styles are different.They can be dialogues or reports. 设计意图:以学生感兴趣的问题开始新课,吸引学生的兴趣。 环节2

河北省雄县第二中学冀教版英语八年级上册导学案Lesson 11 Lily Learns about China

Unit 2 My Favourite School Lesson 11 Lily Learns about China 【导学过程】 一、自主预习, 认真准备 1. 词形变化:learn(过去分词) live(过去分词) recent(adv.) south(adj.) be(动名词) see(动名词) tradition(adj.) interesting(最高级) much (比较级) good/well(比较级) children(所有格) country(复数) 2. 短语英汉互译:be good at in southern China some pictures of different places in China I think so. I love being a tourist and seeing new things. a few days ago many traditional foods Beijing Beijing Peking House in the future 二、自主探究,合作交流 读课文, 研讨课本要点。(1) 1)现在完成时的用法。①My family has lived in Canada for six years. ②Recently, my class has learned about China. Exx: ①I won’t go to the cinema this Sunday because I ________ (see) it already. ②11. My money is lost. I think someone has ____(偷窃) it.③We _________(study) English for six years.④The Browns __________(live) in China for ten years. (2)know about 了解,学习,(通过某种途径)得知,获知(有关的信息)。Have you learned about other countries in school? What foreign holidays do you know about? We learn about different countries of the world. Recently, my class has learned about China. I also learned about Chinese culture and festivals. I would like to learn more about China in the future. Exx: ① Children (了解)the world by playing. (3)形容词、副词的最高级.。Which one is the most interesting? I like Children’s Day best? Exx: ① Which subject is (interesting),physics, social studies or science? ②Who runs (fast) in your class? (4)几个重要短语和结构:take… to… 把某人带到某地;show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb. 把某物展示给某人;Mother’s Day Father’s Day Children’s Day Teachers’ Day the Spring Festival Women’s Day May Day Christmas Day. say thank you to sb. 三、当堂练习,检测固学


Unit2 Unit Review 优质课教案(河北省) 学习目标: 1. 复习现在完成时的构成和基本用法 2. 复习现在完成时的特殊用法 学习重点: 1. 掌握现在完成时在中考试题中的考察 学习难点: 1. 现在完成时与一般过去时的比较 2. 非延续性动词在现在完成时中的使用 导学流程 I. 导入 II. 了解感知 1. 基本结构 肯定句:主语+_______+_________+其他. 否定句:主语+_______+_____+_________+其他. 疑问句:_______+主语+________+其他. 回答: ________________ /___________________ 2. 基本用法 ① Kate is very happy because she____ already_______(find) her lost keys. ② Please don’t hand in the homework and Tom ____ _______(not finish) it yet. ※用法1:________________________________________________ 常见时间状语:______(已经) _______(还,尚未) ________(刚刚)_______(曾经) _______(从未_______(最近) _______(以前)_______(到目前为止) ③ Mr. Green______ ______(work) here since he came here. ④ We _____ ______(have) this bike for five years. ※用法2:________________________________________________ 常见时间状语:______+_______ _______+________


山西省广灵县第三中学八年级英语上Unit2 导学案冀教版 元知构 Talkaboutpeople ’shealthandgivead vice. Understandandmasterthestructure “I have⋯〞. Mastertheusageof “should〞. Memorizethekeyvocabularyinthisunit. 元学目 1、知与能力 Learntogiveadviceandmakesuggestions. Improvestudents’abilityoflistening,speaking,readingandwritingskills. 2、程与方法 Readingandwr itingskills. Learningstrategies :Usingwhatyouknow. Inferingcontent. 3、情感、度、价 Learnthehabitsofdifferentcountries. Exerciseeverydayandbuildastrongbody. 学重点 Masterthekeyvocabularyandthetargetlanguageofthisunit. 安排:Threeperiods 广灵三中2021学年第一学期

新授课导学稿 第一课时 课题Unit2What’sthematter? 学习目标:Words:matter;have;cold;stomachache;sore;back;arm;ear;eye;foot;hand;head;leg;mouth;neck;nose;stomach; tooth;throat;toothache;fever;rest;honey;dentist;should; headache;shouldn’t Phrases:haveacoldhaveasorethroathaveafeverseeadentist Sentences: 1.What’sthem atter?Ihaveacold. Ihaveaheadache/stomachache/toothache/soreback/sorethroat. Youshouldgotobed/drinksomewater. 学法指导 Inthisperiod,Wewilltalkabouthealth.Healthisfamiliar withus,it’salsoaroundus.So,howdoyouexpresshealth? Howdoyousolvesomeproblemsa boutit?Now,let’sdoit. 课前预习 thenewwordsonP7,P8.Underlinetheunknownwordsandpleasereadthemloudlyandtrytomemorize. 2.Findthesentenceswhichcanbeusedtoexpresshealth. 广灵三中2021学年第学期
