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劳动与社会保障专业词汇汇总劳动经济学Labour Economics/ Industrial Relation Studies

劳动心理学Labor Psychology

福利经济学Welfare Economics

社会政策Social Policy

公共管理Public Management

社会保护Social Protection

劳动法Labour Law

劳动关系Labour Relations

劳动合同Labour Contract

劳资谈判Collective Bargaining

劳资纠纷labor Dispute

劳动统计Labour Statistics

劳动指标Labour Indicators

就业指标Employment Indicators

社会保障指标Social Security Indicators


劳动力labor force

经济活动人口Economically Active Population

就业人口Employment Population

在业人口Working Population

劳动力参与率Labor Force Participation Rate

就业登记Employment Registration


非正规就业Informal Employment

灵活就业Flexible Employment


失业Unemployment / Jobless

失业率Unemployment Rate / Jobless Rate

城镇登记失业率urban registered unemployment rate 调查失业率Surveyed Unemployment Rate

长期失业Long-term Unemployment


职业培训Vocational Training

职业教育Vocational Education Exchange

人力资源Human Resources

人力资本Human Capital

公开招聘Open Recruitment



工作经历Work Experience

企业文化Corporate Culture


工作分析Job Analysis

工资Wages / Income / Salary

工资等级Salary Grade

最低工资Minimum Wages

收入分配Income Distribution

收入差距Income Disparities / Income Gap

职业安全Work Safety

劳动保护Labour Protection

事故预防Accident Prevention

职业病Occupational Disease

社会保障Social Security

社会保障号码Social Security Number

社会保险Social Insurance

劳动保险Labour Insurance

社会保险范围Social Insurance Coverage

社会保险基金Social Insurance Fund


社会保险待遇Social Insurance Benefits

社会保险待遇享受资格Qualification of Social Insurance

养老保险Old-Age Insurance

老年保障Old-Age Security

社会统筹Social Pooling

个人账户Individual Account

现收现付Pay as You Go

职业年金/企业年金??Annuity Pension / Supplementary Pension / Private Pension 医疗保险Medical Care / Public Health

公费医疗Free Medical Service

大病统筹Social Pooling for Serious Disease

医疗救助Medical Assistance

失业保险Unemployment Insurance

失业保险金Unemployment benefits

生育保险Maternity Insurance

工伤保险Work-related Insurance

工伤康复Injury Rehabilitation

家庭津贴Family Benefit / Family Allowance

社会福利Social Welfare


扶贫Poverty Relief / Poverty Alleviation

社会捐助Social Donation


弱势群体Disadvantaged / Vulnerable Population/ Groups

社会工作Social Work

优抚Preferential Treatment

五保Five Guarantees

社会救济Social Relief

最低生活保障minimun living standard guarantee 劳资关系union-management relations

雇佣关系employment relations


雇主协会manager union












转包contracting out


职位阶梯job ladder

家长制管理paternalistic management

工作生活质量计划quality of work life programs 职务扩大化job enlargement

职务轮换job rotation

职务深度job depth

自主性工作团队autonomous work teams

综合性工作团队integrated work teams

雇员参与计划employee involvement schemes

劳资联合委员会labor-management committees

共同管理计划comanagement arrangement

内部公平制度internal justice system

工会申诉制度union grievance system

雇员持股计划employee stock ownership plans

全面质量管理total quality management

双轨经营战略twin-track business strategy

心理契约psychological contract

“非强制“条款non-imposition clause

工会trade union

总工会general union

职业协会professional association

职业工会occupational union

同行工会craft union

白领工会non-manual union

行业工会industrial union

公司工会company union

垄断性行业工会monopoly industrial union

谈判单位bargaining unit

北美自由贸易协定North American Free Trade Agreement 对抗confrontation

休战armed truce

和睦相处working harmony


利润分享计划gainsharing program

授权选举certification election

间接纠察secondary picketing

失业效应unemployment effect

工会巡视员walking delegate

申诉程序grievance procedure

公共部门雇主public sector employer

公共选择理论public choice theory

自由放任主义laissez faire


社会正义social justice

维持生活工资living wage

热炉规则hot-stove rule

渐进性惩处progressive discipline

公正与公平fairness and equity

权力与职权power and authority







选举捐款campaign contribution

社会伙伴机制social partnership mechanism 失业政策unemployment policy

收入政策income policy

维持生活工资living wage

小额福利fringe benefit

劳动合同labor contract

体面工作decent work

核心劳动标准core labor standards

工资决定wage determination

计时工hour rated worker

非正规部门informal sector

书面合同written contract

诚实谈判bargain in good faith

正式谈判formal bargaining

协调性谈判coordinated bargaining

合作式谈判cooperative bargaining

让步式谈判concession bargaining



利益仲裁interest arbitration

常规仲裁conventional arbitration

最后仲裁final arbitration

集体协议collective agreement


国际劳工公约International Labor Organization Convention 劳动统计Labor statistics



长期职工Long-term staff

城乡一体化City and countryside integration

城镇登记失业率urban registered unemployment rate

城镇登记失业人员registered unemployed urbanites

城镇失业率urban unemployment rate

城镇失业人员unemployed persons in urban areas

城镇私营从业人员urban privately operated jobholders

出生率(又称粗出生率) birth rate (crude birth rate)


简单随机抽样Simple random sampling



经济活动人口Economically active population

劳动力资源Labor force resources

类型抽样??分层抽样?? Typical sampling(Stratified sampling)

临时职工Temporary staff

劳动报酬Payment for labor

劳动工资Labor wages

劳动就业Labor employment

劳动生产率Labor productivity

劳动收入Labor income

离休人员Retired personnel

离休人员保险福利费用Retired personnel's insurance and welfare expense 卖方市场Seller market

买方市场Buyer market

高失业??High unemployment

低失业??low unemployment

自然失业??natural unemployment

白领失业??White-collar unemployment

高龄失业??Old unemployment

高学历失业??Highly educated unemployment

结构性失业??Structural unemployment

周期性失业??Cyclical unemployment

隐蔽性失业??Disguised Unemployment

摩擦性失业??Frictional unemployment

季节性失业??Seasonal unemployment

教育性失业??Educational unemployment

制度性失业??Institutional unemployment

永久性失业??Permanent unemployment

知识性失业??Intellectual Unemployed

暂时性失业??Temporary unemployment

需求不足型失业?? Unemployment of insufficient demand

自愿失业??Voluntary unemployed

非自愿失业??Involuntary unemployment

城镇登记失业?? urban registered unemployment rate

长期失业??Long-term Unemployment

均衡失业??Balanced unemployment

增长型失业??Increasing unemployment

失业率??Unemployment Rate / Jobless Rate

平均失业率??The average unemployment rate

自然失业率??natural rate of unemployment

原住民登记失业率?? registered unemployment rate in indigenous 最优失业率??也就是自然失业率??natural rate of unemployment ??调查失业率??Surveyed Unemployment Rate

失业救济??Unemployment Relief

失业津贴??Unemployment benefits

失业保险??unemployment insurance

失业保险金?? Unemployment insurance benefits

失业补助金??Unemployment benefits

失业补偿金??unemployment compensation

失业辅助??Unemployment Guidance

失业赔偿??Unemployment compensation

失业登记?? registration of unemployment

失业保险制度??the unemployment insurance system

失业风险??Unemployment Risk

妇女儿童福利Women and children ’ s Wel fare

住房公积金??Housing Provident Fund

住房抵押贷款??Housing Mortgage Loan

社会优抚Social Entitle

军人保障Soldier Security

补充保障Additional Security

慈善事业Charity Work ??Philanthropy

社区服务Community Service

企业年金Annuity Pension

商业保险Commercial Insurance

家庭保障Family protection

社会保险型模式The social insurance-type model

福利国家模式The welfare state model

强制储蓄型模式Compulsory savings-type model

国家保险型模式National Insurance-model

社会保障基金Social Security Fund

社保基金的来源渠道Sources of Social Security Fund

国家财政拨款State funding

其他渠道Other channels

发行特种国债Issuing special bonds

国际援助International aid

社会保障基金的筹集模式The social security fund-raising mode


完全积累式fully accumulated model

部分积累式partial accumulation model

征税方式Tax form

征费方式Levy way

强制储蓄制Compulsory savings system

自由筹资Free Financing

福利彩票Welfare Lottery

社会募捐Community donation

社会保险基金Social Insurance Fund

社会保险基金的所有权分类The social insurance fund ownership classification 公共基金Public fund

机构基金Institutions Fund

个人基金Personal Fund

养老保险基金Pension Fund

医疗保险基金Medical insurance Fund

失业保险基金Unemployment insurance fund

工伤保险基金Injury Insurance Fund

生育保险基金Maternity Insurance Fund

护理保险基金Care Insurance Fund

社会保险基金来源Social insurance fund sources

三方负担Tripartite burden

双方负担Both burden

单方负担Unilateral burden

医疗保险medical care/ public health

大病统筹social pooling for serious disease

免费医疗free medical service

农村合作医疗cooperative medical service in rural areas

离休人员医疗保障medical security for honored retirees

医疗卫生体制health care system

社会医疗救助social medical relief/social medical assistance

医疗保障制度medical insurance system

城镇职工基本医疗保险制度basic medical insurance system for urban employees 医疗保险制度改革the reform of the medical insurance system

劳保医疗制度medical labor insurance system

基本医疗保险basic medical insurance

大额医疗费用互助subsidy for big amount of medical expenditure

企业补充医疗保险supplementary medical insurance for enterprise

商业医疗保险commercial medical insurance

多层次医疗保障体系multi-level medical security system

大病风险risk for catastrophic disease

医疗保险覆盖范围medical insurance coverage

卫生部Ministry of Health

卫生所health care center

卫生院community clinic


医疗保险机构medical insurance institutions

商业医疗保险公司commercial medical insurance company

医院信息管理系统information management system for hospitals

专科医院specialized hospitals

综合医院general hospitals

民营医疗机构private medical institutions

营利性医疗机构profit-going medical institutions

医院等级hospital grade

定点医疗机构designated medical institution

社区医院community hospital

定点药店designated pharmacy/designated drug store

慢性病chronic disease

精神病mental illness

医疗保险费medical insurance expenses

基本医疗保险基金basic medical insurance fund

企业补充医疗保险基金supplementary medical insurance fund for enterprise 医疗保险信息管理系统medical insurance management information system 医疗补助金medical subsidies

社会统筹social pooling

离退休人员医疗费用统筹social pooling for medical expenditures of retirees 个人帐户individual account

医疗保险金medical insurance premium

门诊outpatient service

门诊包干reimbursement quotas system for outpatient service charge

门诊病人patients of outpatient department

门诊部outpatient department

门诊费outpatient service charge

门诊人次person-times of outpatient service

门诊特殊病种special disease in outpatient service

诊疗项目范围scope of clinic items

诊疗项目管理management of clinic items

急诊费emergency call charge

手术费operation costs

药品费用drugs expenses

补充养老保险supplementary old-age insurance

企业补充养老保险supplementary old-age insurance for enterprise 多层次养老保障体系multi-level old-age security system

资金来源fund source

个人缴费individual contribution

用人单位缴费contribution of the employing units

基金筹集模式the mode of fund collection

缴费确定型defined contribution〔DC〕

完全积累式total accumulation model

个人储蓄性养老保险old-age insurance by personal savings

基金收缴contribution collection

企业/ 个人负担比例ratio of corporate/individual responsibility 企业/ 个人缴费率enterprise / individual contribution rate

企业/ 个人缴费额amount of corporate/ individual contribution

个人账户individual account

企业/个人缴费基数bases of corporate/ individual contribution

月平均工资average monthly wage

企业在职职工工资总额total pay-roll of enterprise employees

年金生命表annuity life table

职工福利费workers welfare fund

从成本中列支be listed as a production cost

代扣代缴withhold and remit

待遇支付benefit payment

现金给付cash payment

一次性给付Lump-sum benefit

分期给付staged benefit

给付条件qualifying condition/qualification for benefit

实际缴费年限actual contribution time

法定退休年龄statutory retirement age

提前退休early retirement

正常退休normal date retirement

累计缴费时间accumulated contribution time

待遇水平benefit level

企业年金替代率replacement rate of corporate pension

个人账户基金fund for individual accounts

专项基金special fund

积累基金accumulation funds

个人账户存储额deposit amount of individual accounts

累积数额accumulation amount

个人账户计息利率interest rate for calculation of individual accounts 基金收入revenue of the fund

给付增长率accrual rate of benefit

年金购买率annuity purchase rate

投资运营investment operation

投资组合investment portfolio

投资基金investment fund

年金风险annuity risk

运营收益率return rate of operation

保值增值maintenance and appreciation of values


信托财产/基金trust property/fund

信托受益人beneficiary of trust

信托合同trust contract 〔between corporate and trustee〕信托关系fiduciary relation

集体协商机制collective consultation system

职工代表大会congress of works representation

职工大会workers congress


第一次 社会调查The society investigates 家庭暴力Domestic violence 人在情境中Person in situation 弱势群体disadvantaged groups 社会公德social morality 青少年越轨与矫治Juvenile Delinquency & Correction 心理咨询Psychological Counseling Drug abuse 吸毒 Abandonment 遗弃 第二次 Abnormal behavior 异常行为 Abortion 堕胎流产 Adjustment problem 适应问题 Alleviation 减轻缓解缓和 Bachelor of social work 社会工作学士 Broken family/ broken marriage 破碎的婚姻、家庭 Capitalism 资本主义 Capitalist society Capitalist mode of production 资本主义生产方式Community involvement 社区参与(participation)Community integration 社区整合

第三次 Rational-emotive therapy 理性情绪疗法Marginalize 边缘化 Vulnerable 脆弱的 Vulnerable groups the Charity Organization Society慈善组织协会social exclusion社会排斥 social integration社会融合 social assistance社会救助 social security社会保障 rate of unemployment失业率 第四次 Role conflict 角色冲突 Role ambiguity 角色模糊 Stimulate 刺激 Inherent 固有的 Incompatible 不相容的 Appropriate 占用;合适的 Collaboration 合作 Therapist 理疗学家 Tolerate 忍受 Filial piety 孝道


社会工作专业词汇中英文对照 社会调查的理论与方法Theories & Methods for Social Investigation 社会调查方法 Methods for Social Investigation 社会工作 Social Work 社会统计分析与SYSTAT应用 Social Statistics Analysis & SYSTAT Application 社会统计学 Social Statistics 社会问题研究 Research on Social Problems 社会心理学 Social Psychology 社会学概论 Introduction to Sociololgy 社会学简论 Brief Introduction to Sociology 社会学理论专题 Current Issues in Theories of Socilolgy 社会学问题研究 Research on Problems of Sociology 社会学研究方法 Research Methods of Sociology 社会主义财政学 Finance of Socialism 社会主义各国政,经体制讨论 Discussion on Political & Economic Systems in Socialism 社会学 Sociology 社会工作者 Social worker 案主 Client

社会问题 Social problem 社会心理 Social mental state 社会调查 The society investigates 个案社会工作 Social cases work 团体社会工作 Social group work 社区社会工作 social Community work 社工导论 The introdution of social work 社会调查应用 the application for society investigates 家庭暴力 Domestic violence 失恋 Disappoint in love 人在情境中 Person in situation 弱势群体 disadvantaged groups 社会保障 social security 社会福利制度the social welfare system 社会公德 social morality 单亲家庭 single parent family 独生子女 the only child 失业率 rate of unemployment 民工 the imigrant worker 社会学概论 Introduction to Sociology 社会工作概论 Introduction to Social Work 社会心理学 Social Psychology


社会保障Social Security 社会保险Social Insurance ?参保participation in social insurance scheme ?参保人the insured ?个人缴费比例ratio of individual contribution ?个人账户individual account ?个人账户储存额deposit amount of individual accounts ?个人账户基金fund for individual accounts ?个人账户基金结余surplus in fund for individual accounts ?个人账户计息利率interest rate for calculation of interest of individual accounts ?社会保险机构Social security institution ?社会保险业务经办Social Insurance Operation ?在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险Social welfare insurance, particularly old-age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be made mandatory in urban areas. 1.养老 ?养老保险retirement insurance ?养老保险制度the old-age insurance system ?基本养老金basic pensions ?农村养老保险Old-age Insurance in Rural Area ?法定退休年龄statutory retirement age ?个人储蓄性养老保险old-age insurance by personal savings


安居工程housing project for low-income families 安居小区 a neighborhood for low-income families 保障妇女就业权利to guarantee women’s right to employment 补发拖欠的离退休人员统筹项目内的养老金All back pension entitlements have been paid for the retired covered by the overall government plan. 裁定保险赔偿adjudication of benefits 城镇居民最低生活保障guarantee of subsistence allowances for urban residents 在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险Social welfare insurance, particularly old-age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be made mandatory in urban areas. 城镇社会保障体系the social security system in urban areas 城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban employees 大力推行个人助学信贷Personal loans to finance education should be vigorously promoted. 待业人员job seekers 待遇优厚的工作 a well-paid job 单亲家庭single parent family 定向培训training for specific posts 独生子女the only child 对保障方案进行精算评估Security programs should undergo actuarial review. 对口扶贫provide poverty alleviation aid to the designated sister regions 福利分房buy a benefit-oriented apartment from the organization one works with 岗位培训on-job training 个人自愿计划voluntary private plans 工伤保险制度the on-job injury insurance system 工资收入分配制度the wage and income distribution system 关系国计民生的大事matters vital to national well-being and the people’s livelihood 关心和支持残疾人事业Programs to help the physically and mentally challenged deserve our care and support. 关心老龄人care for senior citizens. 国企下岗职工基本生活保障guarantee of basic cost of living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises 过温饱生活live a life at a subsistent level 合理调整就业结构to rationally readjust the employment structure 后勤服务社会化make logistic services independent in their operation 基本养老金basic pensions 计划生育责任制responsibility system of family planning 加快住房分配货币化进程capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation 加强计划生育工作further improve family planning 加强舆论监督ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion 家庭美德family virtues 建立集体合同制度to establish a group contract system 建立市场导向的就业机制to establish a market-oriented employment mechanism 建立新型的劳动关系to establish a new type of labor relations 教育程度educational status; education received 教育程度比率educational attainment ratio 精算界actuarial profession


劳动与社会保障专业英语基本词汇职业技能鉴定 Appraisal of vocational skills 劳动与社会保障专业词汇汇总资格证书 Certification 职业介绍 Employment Exchange 人力资源 Human Resources 劳动经济学 Labour Economics/ Industrial 人力资本 Human Capital Relation Studies 公开招聘 Open Recruitment 劳动心理学 Labor Psychology 面试 Interview 福利经济学 Welfare Economics 职位 Position 社会政策 Social Policy 工作经历 Work Experience 公共管理 Public Management 企业文化 Corporate Culture 社会保护 Social Protection 定位Orientation 劳动法 Labour Law 工作分析 Job Analysis 劳动关系 Labour Relations 工资 Wages / Income / Salary 劳动合同Labour Contract 工资等级 Salary Grade 劳资谈判 Collective Bargaining 最低工资 Minimum Wages 劳资纠纷 labor Dispute 收入分配 Income Distribution 劳动统计 Labour Statistics 收入差距 Income Disparities / Income 劳动指标 Labour Indicators Gap 就业指标 Employment Indicators 职业安全 Work Safety 社会保障指标 Social Security Indicators 劳动保护 Labour Protection 就业 Employment 事故预防 Accident Prevention 劳动力 labor force 职业病


社会保障social security 残疾人社会保障social security for handicapped 福利保障security on welfare 风险risk 抚恤comfort and compensation 个人账户individual account 给付确定制defined benefit 给付项目benefit package 后付制post-payment 环境保障security on environment 公平equality 工伤社会保险social insurance for work-related 缴费确定制defined contribution 基金积累funded pooling 健康维护组织health maintenance organization(HMOs) 济贫法Poor Law 教育保障security for education 就业保障security for employment 康复保障security for recovery 老年福利elderly welfare 老年服务service for elderly 商业保险commercial insurance 社会保障制度social security system 社会保障制度改革the reform of social security system 社会保障法Social Security Act 社会保障基金social security fund 社会保障管理social security management 社会保障水平social security level 社会保障水平指标index of social security level 社会保险social insurance 社会保险基金social insurance fund 社会救济(社会救助) social assistance 生育基金child-bearing fund 现收现付pay as you go 医疗社会保险social insurance for medical 优待special treatment


劳动与社会保障专业词汇汇总劳动经济学Labour Economics/ Industrial Relation Studies 劳动心理学Labor Psychology 福利经济学Welfare Economics 社会政策Social Policy 公共管理Public Management 社会保护Social Protection 劳动法Labour Law 劳动关系Labour Relations 劳动合同Labour Contract 劳资谈判Collective Bargaining 劳资纠纷labor Dispute 劳动统计Labour Statistics 劳动指标Labour Indicators 就业指标Employment Indicators 社会保障指标Social Security Indicators 就业Employment 劳动力labor force 经济活动人口Economically Active Population 就业人口Employment Population 在业人口Working Population 劳动力参与率Labor Force Participation Rate 就业登记Employment Registration 再就业Re-employment 非正规就业Informal Employment 灵活就业Flexible Employment 自雇者Self-employment 失业Unemployment / Jobless 失业率Unemployment Rate / Jobless Rate


五险一金相关英语词汇 五险一金的英文:Insurance and Housing Fund “五险”指的是五种保险,包括养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险;“一金”指的是住房公积金。 1.Insurance[ɪnˈʃʊrəns]保险;保险费;预防措施。例句:Can you claim for the loss on your insurance?你能向你投保的公司要求赔偿这一损失吗? 2.养老保险的英文:Endowment Insurance 养老保险,全称社会基本养老保险,是国家和社会根据一定的法律和法规,为解决劳动者在达到国家规定的解除劳动义务的劳动年龄界限,或因年老丧失劳动能力退出劳动岗位后的基本生活而建立的一种社会保险制度。 例句:The law can compel employers to provide endo wment insurance.这项法律可强迫雇主提供养老保险。 3.生育保险的英文:Maternity Insurance 生育保险是国家通过立法,在怀孕和分娩的妇女劳动者暂时中断劳动时,由国家和社会提供医疗服务、生育津贴和产假的一种社会保险制度,国家或社会对生育的职工给予必

要的经济补偿和医疗保健的社会保险制度。 例句:The problem of our maternity insurance system.我国生育保险制度存在的问题。 4.医疗保险的英文:Medical Insurance 医疗保险一般指基本医疗保险,是为了补偿劳动者因疾病风险造成的经济损失而建立的一项社会保险制度。通过用人单位与个人缴费,建立医疗保险基金,参保人员患病就诊发生医疗费用后,由医疗保险机构对其给予一定的经济补偿。 例句:Medical insurance is very pricey.医疗保险费用昂贵。 5.工伤保险的英文:Employment Injury Insurance 工伤保险,是指劳动者在工作中或在规定的特殊情况下,遭受意外伤害或患职业病导致暂时或永久丧失劳动能力以及死亡时,劳动者或其遗属从国家和社会获得物质帮助的一种社会保险制度。 例句:There is no integral system in current employme nt injury insurance about compensating injury personnel.由于现行工伤保险赔偿中对工伤人员的康复没有完整的体系。 6.失业保险的英文:Unemployment Insurance


社会工作: social work 社会工作者: social worker 案主: client 个案社会工作: social case work 集体社会工作: social group/team work 社区社会工作: social community work 社会工作导论: The introduction of social work 社会工作实务: social work practice 社会调查应用 the application for society investigates 做好事的人: do-gooders 预防贫穷协会 :the Society for the Prevention of Pauperism 慈善组织协会:the Charity Organization Society 睦邻运动 :the settlement movement 《社会保障法案》 :Social Security Act 《济贫法》 :The Elizabeth Poor Law 《社会诊断》 :Social Diagnosis 全美社会工作者协会: the National Association of Social Workers 人类行为的生态学模式:Ecological model of human behavior 人类行为的医学模式: Medical Model of Human Behavior 人格凌乱:personality disorders 客观事实: objective facts 主观感觉: subjective feelings 问题觉醒: problem awareness 家庭暴力: domestic violence 老年人虐待elder abuse 遗弃: abandonment 忽视: neglect 吸毒: addiction disorders 越轨: delinquency 矫治: Correction 青少年越轨与矫治Juvenile Delinquency & Correction 老年社会工作Gerontological Social Work 失恋 Disappoint in love 失业率 rate of unemployment 弱势群体:Vulnerable groups /a disadvantaged minority 独生子女:the only child 单亲家庭: a single parent family 进城务工人员: migrant workers 领养 Adoption 社会问题: social issues 社会检查: social research 人在情境中 Person in situation 社会排斥: social exclusion 社 会交融: social integration 社会 营救: social assistance 社会福 利: social welfare 功能主义: functionalist perspective 镜中我: looking-glass self 机械团结 :mechanical solidarity 有机团结organic solidarity 社会学概论:Introduction to Sociology 社会调查的理论与方法Theories& Methods for Social Investigation 社会调查方法Methods for Social Investigation 社会统计分析与SYSTAT 应用 Social Statistics Analysis&SYSTAT Application 社会统计学Social Statistics 社会问题研究Research on Social Problems 社会心理学Social Psychology 社会学概论Introduction to Sociology 社会学简论Brief Introduction to Sociology 社会学理论专题 Current Issues in Theories of Sociology 社会学问题研究Research on Problems of Sociology 社会学研究方法Research Methods of Sociology 社会主义财政学Finance of Socialism 社会主义各国政,经系统谈论Discussion on Political & Economic Systems in Socialism 社会学 Sociology 社会保障social security 社会福利制度the social welfare system


劳动关系labor relations 1.Trustees 受托人 2.bodies corporate 法人团体 3.unincorporated associations 非公司社团 4.Third party 第三方 5.private sector pension membership 私营行业养老金会员 6.Collective scheme集体计划 7.consequential amendments 相应修正案 8.Conciliation 调解 9.union 工会 10.redeployment 调动工作 11.Collective scheme集体计划 12.Negotiation 协商,谈判 13.dispute 辩论,争论 14.the shape of labor relations 劳动关系的类型 15.conflict 冲突 16.contract 合同 17.The All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) 中国工商联盟 18.union organization 工会组织 19.non-governmental organizations (NGO)非政府组织 20.workers’ strikes 工人罢工 21.collective contract system 集体合同 22.work stoppage停工 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ae19196549.html,bor Dispute Mediation Body劳动争议调解机构 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ae19196549.html,bor Dispute Arbitration Committee劳动争议仲裁委员会 25.discrimination in employment 就业中的歧视 26.fair employment practices 公平的就业实践 27.employment-at-will 随意雇佣 28.triangle-relationship 三方关系 29.temporary employees临时工 30.temporary employment临时雇佣 31.permanent employment终身雇佣 32.JUVENILE WORKERS 童工 33.arbitrator 仲裁者 劳动经济 1.gross earning 总收入 2.inflation通货膨胀 3.EU/EEA-country 欧盟/欧洲经济区国家 4.Pension 津贴,退休金,抚恤金 5.Flat rate 统一费用 6.National Insurance contributions全国保险税 7.residual earnings 剩余收入 8.Equalisation均衡 9.Surplus 过剩,盈余,剩余,顺差,剩余的,过剩的


劳动与社会保障专业词汇汇总 劳动经济学Labour Economics/ Industrial Relation Studies 劳动心理学Labor Psychology 福利经济学Welfare Economics 社会政策Social Policy 公共管理Public Management 社会保护Social Protection 劳动法Labour Law 劳动关系Labour Relations 劳动合同Labour Contract 劳资谈判Collective Bargaining 劳资纠纷labor Dispute 劳动统计Labour Statistics 劳动指标Labour Indicators 就业指标Employment Indicators 社会保障指标Social Security Indicators 就业Employment 劳动力labor force 经济活动人口Economically Active Population 就业人口Employment Population 在业人口Working Population 劳动力参与率Labor Force Participation Rate 就业登记Employment Registration 再就业Re-employment 非正规就业Informal Employment 灵活就业Flexible Employment 自雇者Self-employment 失业Unemployment / Jobless 失业率Unemployment Rate / Jobless Rate 城镇登记失业率urban registered unemployment rate 调查失业率Surveyed Unemployment Rate 长期失业Long-term Unemployment 培训Training 职业培训Vocational Training 职业教育Vocational Education 职业技能鉴 定 Appraisal of vocational skills 资格证书Certification 职业介绍Employment Exchange 人力资源Human Resources 人力资本Human Capital 公开招聘Open Recruitment 面试Interview 职位Position 工作经历Work Experience 企业文化Corporate Culture 定位Orientation 工作分析Job Analysis 工资Wages / Income / Salary 工资等级Salary Grade 最低工资Minimum Wages 收入分配Income Distribution 收入差距Income Disparities / Income Gap 职业安全Work Safety 劳动保护Labour Protection 事故预防Accident Prevention 职业病Occupational Disease 社会保障Social Security 社会保障号 码 Social Security Number 社会保险Social Insurance 劳动保险Labour Insurance 社会保险范围Social Insurance Coverage 社会保险基Social Insurance Fund 缴费Contribution 社会保险待遇Social Insurance Benefits 社会保险待遇享受资格Qualification of Social Insurance 养老保险Old-Age Insurance 老年保障Old-Age Security 社会统筹Social Pooling 个人账户Individual Account 现收现付Pay as You Go 职业年金(企业年金)Annuity Pension / Supplementary Pension / Private Pension 医疗保险Medical Care / Public


●社会工作:social work ●社会工作者:social worker ●案主:client ●个案社会工作:social case work ●团体社会工作:social group/team work ●社区社会工作:social community work ●社会工作导论:The introduction of social work ●社会工作实务:social work practice ●做好事的人:do-gooders ●预防贫穷协会:the Society for the Prevention of Pauperism ●慈善组织协会:the Charity Organization Society ●睦邻运动:the settlement movement ●汤恩比馆:Toybee Hall ●霍尔馆:Hull House ●《社会保障法案》:Social Security Act ●《济贫法》:The Elizabeth Poor Law ●《社会诊断》:Social Diagnosis ●全美社会工作者协会:the National Association of Social Workers ●社会福利:social welfare ●人类行为的生态学模式: Ecological model of human behavior ●人类行为的医学模式: Medical Model of Human Behavior ●人格紊乱: personality disorders ●客观事实:objective facts ●主观感受:subjective feelings ●问题觉醒:problem awareness ●家庭暴力:domestic violence ●老年人虐待 elder abuse ●遗弃: abandonment ●忽视:neglect ●吸毒:addiction disorders ●社会学概论:Introduction to Sociololgy ●社会问题:social issues ●社会调查:social research ●弱势群体:Vulnerable groups ●/a disadvantaged minority ●独身子女: the only child ●单亲家庭:a single parent family 农民工:migrant workers ●社会排斥:social exclusion ●社会融合:social integration ●社会救助:social assistance ●功能主义:functionalist perspective ●镜中我:looking-glass self ●机械团结:mechanical solidarity ●越轨:delinquency ●矫治: Correction ●社会调查的理论与方法 Theories & Methods for Social Investigation ●社会调查方法 Methods for Social Investigation ●社会工作 Social Work ●社会统计分析与SYSTAT应用 Social Statistics Analysis & SYSTAT Application ●社会统计学 Social Statistics ●社会问题研究 Research on Social Problems ●社会心理学 Social Psychology ●社会学概论 Introduction to Sociololgy ●社会学简论 Brief Introduction to Sociology ●社会学理论专题 Current Issues in Theories of Socilolgy ●社会学问题研究 Research on Problems of Sociology ●社会学研究方法 Research Methods of Sociology ●社会主义财政学 Finance of Socialism ●社会主义各国政,经体制讨论 Discussion on Political & Economic Systems in Socialism ●社会学 Sociology ●社会工作者 Social worker ●案主 Client ●社会问题 Social problem ●社会心理 Social mental state ●社会调查 The society investigates ●个案社会工作 Social cases work ●团体社会工作 Social group work ●社区社会工作 social Community work ●社工导论 The introdution of social work ●社会调查应用 the application for society investigates ●家庭暴力 Domestic violence ●失恋 Disappoint in love ●人在情境中 Person in situation ●弱势群体 disadvantaged groups ●社会保障 social security ●社会福利制度the social welfare system ●社会公德 social morality ●单亲家庭 single parent family ●独生子女 the only child ●失业率 rate of unemployment ●民工 the imigrant worker ●社会学概论 Introduction to Sociology


社会保障专业英语学位考试词汇 A well-paid job 待遇优厚的工作 Absent father 缺席父亲 Absent mother 缺席母亲 Active choice 主动选择 Actuary 精算师 Additional pension 附加养老金 Administration 行政管理 Adopting Institutions 收养机构 Adoption 收养 Adult literacy rate 成人识字率 Adverse selection 逆向选择 Ageing 老龄化 Ageism 年龄歧视 Aging of population 人口老龄化 Aging Population 老龄人口 Almshouse 贫民院,救济所 Annuities 年金,养老金 Assessment 评估 Assimilation 同化 Assistance program for medical care 医疗救助 Association 协会 Asymmetry 不对称 Baby boom 婴儿潮、生育高峰 Balance of trade 贸易平衡 Basic medical insurance 基本医疗保险 Basic old-age insurance 基本养老保险 Beneficiary 受益人、受惠者 Benefits 福利待遇 Birth rate 人口出生率 Blaming the victim 谴责受害者 Bond 债券

Build a moderately prosperous society in all respects 全面建设小康社会 Capital Construction 基本建设 Capital Market 资本市场 Capitalization process 货币化进程 Case services 个案服务 Casework 个案工作 Cash 现金 Centralization 集权 Charity organization society 慈善组织协会 Charity programs 慈善事业 Civil Affairs 民政事务 Civil society 公民社会 Class 阶级 Clinical social work 临床社会工作 Closed system 封闭系统 Code of ethics 伦理宣言 Comfort and compensation 抚恤 Commercial insurance 商业保险 Common human needs 共同人类需求 Community Development 社区建设、社区发展Community participation 社区参与 Community service 社区服务 Community Services Centers 社区服务中心 Community 社区 Community-based organization(CBO)社区基层组织 Compulsory education 义务教育 Compulsory savings model 强制储蓄Contribution 缴费 Created environment 人造文化 Cross-cultural perspective 跨文化视角 Cultural pluralism 文化多元主义 Cultural relativism 文化相对主义 Culture of poverty 贫困文化Decentralization 分权


劳动与社会保障专业英语根本词汇 Lt D

劳动与社会保障专业词汇汇总 劳动经济学Labour Economics/ Industrial Relation Studies 劳动心理学Labor Psychology 福利经济学Welfare Economics 社会政策Social Policy 公共管理Public Management 社会保护Social Protection 劳动法Labour Law 劳动关系Labour Relations 劳动合同Labour Contract 劳资谈判Collective Bargaining 劳资纠纷labor Dispute 劳动统计Labour Statistics 劳动指标Labour Indicators 就业指标Employment Indicators 社会保障指标Social Security Indicators 就业Employment 劳动力labor force 经济活动人口

Economically Active Population 就业人口Employment Population 在业人口Working Population 劳动力参与率Labor Force Participation Rate 就业登记Employment Registration 再就业Re-employment 非正规就业Informal Employment 灵活就业Flexible Employment 自雇者Self-employment 失业Unemployment / Jobless 失业率Unemployment Rate / Jobless Rate 城镇登记失业率urban registered unemployment rate 调查失业率Surveyed Unemployment Rate 长期失业Long-term Unemployment 培训Training 职业培训Vocational Training 职业教育Vocational Education 职业技能鉴定Appraisal of vocational skills
