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unban planning 城市规划town planning 城镇规划act of urban planning 城市规划法urban comprehensive planning 城市总体规划urban detailed planning 城市详细规划Residentiral district detailed planning 修建性详规regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规


reginal planning 区域规划urban system planning 城镇体系规划

urban sociology 城市社会学

urban economic 城市经济学

urban geograghy 城市地理学

urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划

(water supply and drainage \electricity supply\road building)



urban road system and transportation planning 城市道路系统和交通规划

urban road cross-section 城市道路横断面RS=remote sensin

g 遥感Gardening==Landscape architecture 园林=营造景观学

Urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计

Urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划

Urban desig

n 城市设计

Land-use plannin

g 土地利用规划The cultural and historic planning 历史文化名城

Protection plannin

g 保护规划Urbanizatio

n 城市化Suburbanizatio

n 郊区化Public participatio

n 公众参与Sustainable development(sustainability) 可持续性发展(可持续性)

Over-all urban layou

t 城市整体布局Pedestrian crossin

g 人行横道Human scal

e 人体尺寸

(sculpture fountain tea ba

r) (雕塑、喷泉、茶吧)

Traffic and parkin

g 交通与停车Landscape nod

e 景观节点

Brief history of urban planning

Archaeological 考古学的

Habitat 住处Aesthetics 美学Geometrical 几何学的

Moat 护城河Vehicles 车辆,交通工具,mechanization 机械化merchant-trader 商人阶级

urban elements 城市要素plazas 广场

malls 林荫道

The city and region Adaptable 适应性强的Organic entity 有机体Department stores 百货商店Opera 歌剧院Symphony 交响乐团Cathedrals 教堂

Density 密度Capacity

Circulation 循环Elimination of water 水处理措施

In three dimensional form 三维的

Condemn 谴责Rural area 农村地区Regional planning agencies 区域规划机构Service-oriented 以服务为宗旨的Frame of reference 参考标准Distribute 分类

Water area 水域Alteration 变更Inhabitants 居民Motorway 高速公路Update 改造


Abstract 摘要

Key words 关键词

Reference 参考资料

Urban problem

Dimension 大小

Descendant 子孙,后代

Luxury 奢侈

Dwelling 住所

Edifices 建筑群


Residence 居住

Employment 工作

Recreation 休憩


Swallow 吞咽,燕子

Urban fringes 城市边缘

Anti- 前缀,反对……的;如:antinuclear反核的 anticlockwise 逆时针的

Pro- 前缀,支持,同意……的;如:pro-American 亲美的pro-education重教育的

Grant 助学金,基金

Sewage 污水

Sewer 污水管

Sewage treatment plant 污水处理厂

Brain drain 人才流失

Drainage area 汇水面积

Traffic flow 交通量

Traffic concentration 交通密度

Traffic control 交通管制

Traffic bottleneck 交通瓶颈地段

Traffic island 交通岛(转盘)

Traffic point city 交通枢纽城市

Train-make-up 编组站

Urban redevelopment 旧城改造

Urban revitalization 城市复苏

Urban Function

Urban fabric 城市结构

Urban form 城市形体

Warehouse 仓库

Material processing center 原料加工中心Religious edifices 宗教建筑Correctional institution 教养院Transportation interface 交通分界面

CBD=central business district 城市中心商业区Public agencies of parking 停车公共管理机构Energy conservation 节能Individual building 单一建筑

Mega-structures 大型建筑

Mega- 大,百万,强

Megalopolis 特大城市

Megaton 百万吨

R residence 居住用地黄色

C commercial 商业用地红色

M manufacture 工业用地紫褐色

W warehouse 仓储用地紫色

T transportation 交通用地蓝灰色

S square 道路广场用地留白处理

U utilities 市政公共设施用地接近蓝灰色G green space 绿地绿色

P particular 特殊用地

E 水域及其他用地


Corporate 公司的,法人的

Corporation 公司企业

Accessibility 可达性;易接近

Service radius 服务半径

Urban landscape

Topography 地形图

Well-matched 相匹配


Visual landscape 视觉景观

Visual environment 视觉环境

Visual landscape capacity 视觉景观容量

Tour industry 旅游业

Service industry 服务业

Relief road 辅助道路

Rural population 城镇居民

Roofline 屋顶轮廓线

风景园林四大要素:landscape plant




Urban design

Nature reserve 自然保护区

Civic enterprise 市政企业

Artery 动脉,干道,大道

Land developer 土地开发商

Broad thorough-fare 主干道

Water supply and drainage

A water supply for a town 城市给水系统

Storage reservoir 水库,蓄水库Distribution reservoir 水库,配水库Distribution pipes 配水管网

Water engineer 给水工程师Distribution system 配水系统

Catchment area 汇水面积

Open channel 明渠

Sewerage system 污水系统,排污体制

Separate 分流制Combined 合流制Rainfall 降水Domestic waste 生活污水Industrical waste 工业污水Stream flow 河流流量Runoff 径流Treatment plant 处理厂Sub-main 次干管Branch sewer 支管

City water department 城市供水部门


Spatial structure 空间转移

Labor force 劳动力

Renewable 可再生*

Biosphere 生物圈

Planned cities

Blueprints 蓝图

License 执照,许可证Minerals 矿物Hydroelectric power source 水利资源Monuments 纪念物

High-rise apartment 高层建筑物

Lawn 草地

Pavement 人行道

Sidewalk 人行道

Winding street 曲折的路

A view of Venice

Metropolis 都市

Construction work 市政建设

Slums 平民窟

Alleys 大街小巷

Populate 居住

Gothic 哥特式

Renaissance 文艺复兴式

Baroque 巴洛克式

land allocation拨地

Land and Building Advisory Committee [LBAC]土地及建设谘询委员会

land assembly汇集土地;征集土地

land bank土地储备;土地备用区

land classification土地分类;土地分等

land cost土地成本

land development土地发展

Land Development Corporation [LDC]土地发展公司〔土发公司〕Land Development Corporation Managing Board土地发展公司管理局Land Development Corporation Ordinance [Cap. 15]《土地发展公司条例》〔第15章〕

land disposal批地

land disposal programme批地计划

land drainage and flood path system土地排水及防洪道系统

Land Drainage Ordinance [Cap. 446]《土地排水条例》〔第446章〕land extensive industry广占土地的工业

land form地形

land formation土地平整;土地开拓

land freight transport陆上货运

land grant批地

land holding consolidation土地业权收集

land index土地指数

Land Information System [LIS]土地信息系统

land intensive industry土地集约工业

land law土地法

land lease批地契约;土地契约

land levelling土地平整

land management土地管理

land owner土地拥有人;土地业权人;地主

land ownership土地拥有权;土地业权

land policy土地政策

land premium地价;土地补价

land production增辟土地

land readjustment土地规划调整

land reclamation填海辟地

Land Record土地记录

land registration土地注册

Land Registration Ordinance [Cap. 128]《土地注册条例》〔第128章〕

land resource土地资源

land resumption收回土地

land revenue土地收益

land right土地权

land sales programme售地计划

land status土地类别;土地性质

Land Sub-committee [Land and Building Advisory Committee]土地小组委员会〔土地及建设谘询委员会〕

land supply土地供应

land surveying土地测量

land tenure土地年期;土地批租期;土地租用权;土地保有权

land transaction土地交易

land transport陆上运输

land use土地用途

land use classification土地用途分类

land use control土地用途管制

land use performance土地用途效能

land use plan土地用途图则;土地用途计划

land use survey土地用途调查

Land Use Transport Optimization Model [LUTO]土地及运输最佳配


land use zoning土地用途地带;土地用途地带区划

land valuation土地估价

land value地价

landed property地产




Lands Tribunal土地审裁处

Lands Tribunal Ordinance [Cap. 17]《土地审裁处条例》〔第17章〕landscape景观;风景;园景

landscape appraisal景观评估

landscape architecture景观建筑学;园林建筑学;园景设计学landscape buffer园景缓冲区

landscape conservation area景观保育区

landscape mounding景观土丘

landscape plan景观设计图

landscape planning景观规划

landscape protection area景观保护区;风景保护区

landscape reinstatement景观重整;园景修复

landscape strategy景观策略

landscape value景观价值

landscaped area景观美化地方;园景美化地方


landscaping proposal美化环境计划书





Lantau Link青屿干线

Lantau Port and Western Harbour Development Studies大屿山港口及西部海港发展研究

Lantau Port and Western Harbour Development Studies Final Rep ort--Executive Summary《大屿山港口及西部海港发展研究最后报告──摘要》

Lantau Port Development--Stage 1, Container Terminals 10 and

11 Ancillary Works (Design) Study大屿山港口发展──第一期工程十号及十一号货柜码头附属工程(设计)研究

Lantau Port Development--Stage 1, Container Terminals 10 and 11 (Preliminary Design) Study大屿山港口发展──第一期工程十号及十一号货柜码头(初步设计)研究

large site reduction factor大型地盘折减因素






layout area蓝图区;详细规划区

layout plan发展蓝图;详细蓝图

leachate treatment works渗滤污水处理厂

lead time筹建时间


lease conditions批约条件;契约条件;批地条件;租赁条件;批约条款

lease enforcement强制执行批约条款

lease modification契约修订

lease modification premium契约修订补价

lease restriction契约限制

lease term契约年期;租赁年期

leased area批租地区

leased land已批租土地





Letter "A"甲种换地权益书

Letter "B"乙种换地权益书

letter of intent意向书

letter of modification建筑牌照规约修订书;契约修订书;批地条款修订书

level crossing平交道口;铁路公路交叉点

level of confidence置信程度

level of significance显著水平


lifeguard tower救生员了望塔

light industrial area轻工业区

light industry轻工业

Light Rail Scheme reserve轻便铁路计划专用范围

Light Rail System轻便铁路系统

Light Rail Transit [LRT]轻便铁路〔轻铁〕

Light Rail Transit reserve轻便铁路专用范围

Light Rail Transit terminus轻便铁路总站

light traffic交通稀疏

light well天井

light-controlled junction灯号控制的路口


limited access road限制出入的通道;限制出入的通路linear analysis图线分析

linear block相连长形大厦

linear city带形城市

linear correlation线性相关

linear development线状发展

linear programming线性规划

linear regression线性回归


link road连接路

linked development相关发展

linked project相关计划;相关工程

linked signal system联动式交通灯系统

linked site相关地盘


livestock upgrading area禽畜业发展改善区

livestock waste treatment禽畜废物处理living density居住密度

living quarters住所

living quarters frame屋宇单位记录库living quarters size住所面积

load bearing负荷;承重

load factor负荷率

loading/unloading area上落客货区

loading/unloading bay上落客货处

loading/unloading facility上落客货设施local access road区内通道

local centre地区中心;乡区中心

local development value地区性发展价值local distributor地区干路

local open space邻舍休憩用地

local plan地区规划图

local public works地区性小工程;乡村工程local traffic地区交通;区内交通


location plan位置图

location theory区位论;位置理论locational requirement位置需求

lodging house旅馆

Long Term Housing Strategy长远房屋策略

Long Term Road Study长期道路研究

longitudinal profile纵断面图

longitudinal section纵剖面;纵切面

long-term development长远发展

long-term planning长远规划

lookout area观景区

lookout pavilion观景亭

lookout point观景处;观景台

loop road回旋路;环路

lorry and car parking货车及汽车停放处


lot amalgamation地段合并

lot boundary地段界线

lot number地段编号

lot section地段分段

low tide低潮

low-density residential development低密度住宅发展lower catchment area下段集水区


lowland rural area低地乡郊地区


城市设计(urban design) 城市性(urbanity) 城市化(urbanized) 城市景观(urbanscape) 公共生活空间(public space) 专业人员(specialist) 部分规定宪章的权力(partial regulatory power) 自上而下(Top—down) 自下而上(Bottom—up) 有机城市(Organic city) 自然城市(natural city) 人工城市(artificial city) 城市是人为的,而不是自发的(cities were made,they did not happen)可知性(legibility) 可意向性(imageability) 二 城邦(city--state) 卫城(Acropolis) 论坛、广场(forum) 奥古斯都广场(Forum of Augustus) 图拉真广场(Forum of Trajan) 经院哲学(scholasticism) 上帝之城(City of God) 尘世之城(City of Man) 建筑十书(On architecture) 论建筑(On the Art of Building in ten books) 形而上学(metaphysics) 花园城市(Garden city) 带形城市(Linear city) 工业城市(Industrial city) 三 功能主义(functionalist) 系统主义(Systemic) 形式主义(Formalist) 人文主义(Humanist) 国际现代建筑大会(congres international architecture moderne) 《雅典宪章》(Athens Charter) 形态模拟(analogy) 伏瓦生规划(Plan Voisin) 光辉城市(La Ville Radieuse) 欧斯曼式(Haussimannism) MARS(Modern Architectural Research Group) 伦敦规划(plan for London) 《城市设计的新理论》(A New Theory of Urban Design)


城市规划专业英语词汇1 城市规划专业英语 来源:smthBBS ·unban planning 城市规划 town planning 城镇规划 act of urban planning 城市规划法 urban comprehensive planning 城市总体规划 urban detailed planning 城市详细规划 Residentiral district detailed planning 修建性详规 regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规 规划类的专业课程 reginal planning 区域规划 urban system planning 城镇体系规划 urban sociology 城市社会学 urban economic 城市经济学 urban geograghy 城市地理学 urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划 (water supply and drainage \electricity supply\road building) (城市供水、供电、道路修建) urban road system and transportation planning 城市道路系统和交通规划

精选文库urban road cross-section 城市道路横断面 urban management information system 城市管理信息系统 GIS =geograghy information system 地理信息系统 RS=remote sensing 遥感 Gardening==Landscape architecture 园林=营造景观学 Urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计Urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划 Urban design 城市设计 ·Land-use planning 土地利用规划 The cultural and historic planning 历史文化名城 Protection planning 保护规划 Urbanization 城市化 Suburbanization 郊区化 Public participation 公众参与 Sustainable development(sustainability) 可持续性发展(可持续性)Over-all urban layout 城市整体布局 Pedestrian crossing 人行横道 Human scale 人体尺寸 (sculpture fountain tea bar) (雕塑、喷泉、茶吧)Traffic and parking 交通与停车


城市规划专业英语 来源:smthBBS ·unban planning 城市规划 town planning 城镇规划 act of urban planning 城市规划法 urban comprehensive planning 城市总体规划 urban detailed planning 城市详细规划 Residentiral district detailed planning 修建性详规 regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规 规划类的专业课程 reginal planning 区域规划 urban system planning 城镇体系规划 urban sociology 城市社会学 urban economic 城市经济学 urban geograghy 城市地理学 urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划 (water supply and drainage \electricity supply\road building) (城市供水、供电、道路修建) urban road system and transportation planning 城市道路系统和交通规划urban road cross-section 城市道路横断面 urban management information system 城市管理信息系统 GIS =geograghy information system 地理信息系统 RS=remote sensing 遥感 Gardening==Landscape architecture 园林=营造景观学 Urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计Urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划 Urban design 城市设计 ·Land-use planning 土地利用规划 The cultural and historic planning 历史文化名城 Protection planning 保护规划 Urbanization 城市化 Suburbanization 郊区化 Public participation 公众参与 Sustainable development(sustainability) 可持续性发展(可持续性)Over-all urban layout 城市整体布局 Pedestrian crossing 人行横道 Human scale 人体尺寸 (sculpture fountain tea bar) (雕塑、喷泉、茶吧) Traffic and parking 交通与停车 Landscape node 景观节点


城市规划专业英语默认分类 城市规划专业英语(一) unban planning 城市规划 town planning 城镇规划 act of urban planning 城市规划法 urban comprehensive planning 城市总体规划 urban detailed planning 城市详细规划 Residentiral district detailed planning 修建性详规 regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规 规划类的专业课程 reginal planning 区域规划 urban system planning 城镇体系规划 urban sociology 城市社会学 urban economic 城市经济学 urban geograghy 城市地理学 urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划 (water supply and drainage \electricity supply\road building) 城市供水、供电、道路修建)urban road system and transportation planning 城市道路系统和交通规划urban road cross-section 城市道路横断面 urban management information system 城市管理信息系统 GIS =geograghy information system 地理信息系统 RS=remote sensing 遥感 Gardening==Landscape architecture 园林=营造景观学Urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计Urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划Urban design 城市设计 ?Land-use planning 土地利用规划 The cultural and historic planning 历史文化名城 Protection planning 保护规划Urbanization 城市化Suburbanization 郊区化 Public participation 公众参与 Sustainable development(sustainability) 可持续性发展(可持续性)Over-all urban layout 城市整体布局Pedestrian crossing 人行横道 Human scale 人体尺寸(sculpture fountain tea bar) (雕塑、喷泉、茶吧)Traffic and parking 交通与停车Landscape node 景观节点 ?Brief history of urban planning Archaeological 考古学的 Habitat 住处 Aesthetics 美学


Urban planning 城市规划 Urban system 城镇体系 Urban system planning 城镇体系规划Master planning outline 城市总体规划纲要Master **prehensive planning 城市总体规划 District planning;zoning 分区规划Immediate planning 近期建设规划Detailed plan 城市详细规划Controlling plan;regulatory detailed planning 控制性详细规划Detailed planning 修建性详细规划Residential district planning 居住区规划Residential quarter 居住小区Residential cluster 居住组团 Urban structure;urban fabric 城市结构 Urban layout 城市布局 Urban morphology;urban form 城市形态Functional districts 城市功能分区Industrial districts 工业区Residential districts 居住区Commercial districts 城市商业区Institutes districts 文教区 Central business districts(CBD) 中心商务区Warehouse districts 仓储区 Scenic zone 风景区 Civic center 市中心 Building plan;residential district 居住区建设规划Sub-civic center 副市中心 Mixed-use districts 综合区 Power source 城市供电电源Electrical load 城市用电负荷High tension corridor 高压线走廊Power supply system 城市供电系统Communication system 通信系统 District heating 城市集中供热District heating system 城市供热系统Gas 城市燃气 Gas supply system 城市燃气供应系统Urban forestation 城市绿化 Urban green space system 城市绿化系统City ecosystem 城市生态系统Balance of city ecosystem 城市生态平衡City environmental pollution 城市环境污染City environmental quality 城市环境质量


城市规划专业英语词汇翻译 unban planning 城市规划 town planning 城镇规划 act of urban planning 城市规划法urban comprehensive planning 城市总体规划urban detailed planning 城市详细规划Residentiral district detailed planning 修建性详规regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规规划类的专业课程 reginal planning 区域规划urban system planning 城镇体系规划 urban sociology 城市社会学urban economic 城市经济学urban geograghy 城市地理学urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划 (water supply and drainage electricity supplyroad building) (城市供水、供电、道路修建) urban road system and transportation planning 城

市道路系统和交通规划 urban road cross-section 城市道路横断面 urban management information system 城市管理信息系统 GIS =geograghy information system 地理信息系统 RS=remote sensing 遥感 Gardening==Landscape architecture 园林=营造景观学 Urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计 Urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划 Urban design 城市设计 ·Land-use planning 土地利用规划 The cultural and historic planning 历史文化名城


城市规划专业英语词汇 专业英语词汇整理 一、城市规划专业词汇 1、专业词汇 act of urban planning 城市规划法 development strategy 发展战略 enforcement 规划实施 formulation guide 编制办法 global city system 全球城市体系 historic preservation 历史古迹保护 conservation of historical cultural cities 历史文化名城保护 conservation of historic landmarks and sites 文物古迹保护 conservation of scenic spots 风景名胜保护 conservation of historic buildings 古建筑保护 conservation:对于野生动、植物、自然资源及人造资源的利用,所采取的一种措施,以确 保这些资源得到保护和补充,包括在规划和设计工程时,保护现存具有重要机制的自然资源。 始终具有更积极意义的古迹保护,它倡导估计能为今用。Perservation则指的是原样不动的 消极保护。 land use administration 用途管理 planning theory 规划理论 theory in planning theory of planning planning reform 规划改革 public space 公共空间

open space 空地 Warehouse仓库 residentialisation 居住区改造 settlement 居住 town cluster 城镇群 the build environment 建成环境 Urban and Rural Planning Law 城乡规划法 new town policy 新城政策 urban-rural dual planning system 二元规划体系 green belt policy 绿带政策 design review 规划评价 Urban Image 城市意向 Cityscape 城市风貌 urban competitiveness 城市竞争力 urbanization 城市化 Suburbanization 郊区化 First-ring suburbs 近郊区 Rural area农村地区 urban built-up area 城市建成区 designated function of a city 城市性质 strategy for urban development 城市发展战略 goal for urban development 城市发展目标 direction for urban development 城市发展方向urban function 城市职能 urban system planning 城镇规划体系 over-all urban layout城市整体布局 planning frame-work 规划框架 land use classification 用地分类 land assignment 土地分配 Land-use planning 土地利用规划 industrial land 产业用地


城市规划专业英语术语与词汇 urban planning 城市规划 town planning 城镇规划 act of urban planning 城市规划法 urban comprehensive planning 城市总体规划 urban detailed planning 城市详细规划 regulatory detailed planning 控制性详细规划 regional planning 区域规划 urban system planning 城镇体系规划 urban sociology 城市社会学 urban economics 城市经济学 urban geography 城市地理学 urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划 water supply and drainage 给排水 electricity supply\power supply 供电 urban road system 城市道路系统 urban transportation\traffic planning 城市交通规划 urban road cross-section 城市道路横断面 urban management information system 城市管理信息系统 GIS =geographical information system 地理信息系统 RS=remote sensing 遥感 gardening 园艺 landscape architecture 景观建筑 urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计 urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划 urban design 城市设计 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ land-use planning 土地利用规划 historic and cultural city 历史文化名城 protection\conservation planning 保护规划 urbanization 城市化 suburbanization 郊区化 public participation 公众参与 sustainable development 可持续性发展 over-all urban layout 城市整体布局 pedestrian crossing 人行横道 human scale 人类尺度 street furniture 街道小品 sculpture and fountain 雕塑和喷泉 traffic and parking 交通与停车 landscape node 景观节点 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- archaeological 考古学的


专业英语词汇集 urban planning 城市规划 town planning 城镇规划 act of urban planning 城市规划法 urban comprehensive planning 城市总体规划 urban detailed planning 城市详细规划 Residentiral district detailed planning 修建性详规 regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规 规划类的专业课程 reginal planning 区域规划 urban system planning 城镇体系规划 urban sociology 城市社会学 urban economic 城市经济学 urban geograghy 城市地理学 urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划 water supply and drainage \electricity supply\road building 城市供水、供电、道路修建 urban road system and transportation planning 城市道路系统和交通规划urban road cross-section 城市道路横断面 urban management information system 城市管理信息系统 GIS =geograghy information system 地理信息系统 RS=remote sensing 遥感 Gardening==Landscape architecture 园林=营造景观学 Urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计Urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划 Urban design 城市设计 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Land-use planning 土地利用规划 The cultural and historic planning 历史文化名城 Protection planning 保护规划 Urbanization 城市化 Suburbanization 郊区化 Public participation 公众参与 Sustainable development(sustainability) 可持续性发展(可持续性)Over-all urban layout 城市整体布局 Pedestrian crossing 人行横道 Human scale 人体尺寸 Street furniture 街道小品 (sculpture fountain tea bar) (雕塑、喷泉、茶吧)Traffic and parking 交通与停车 Landscape node 景观节点 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Archaeological 考古学的 Habitat 住处


1.现代城市规划是怎么出现的?为什么出现? Modern urban planning was emerged to resolve the problems brought by Industrial Revolution. It was physical and technical with focus on land-use .原因:Industrialization brought with the rapid economic growth,the expansion of city and the immigration of population. Large scale population growth in city and without any planning caused many problems of housing, sanitation and infrastructure, and the spread of cholera and other waterborne diseases. So the emergence of Urban Planning was to create a pleasant, self-contained environment providing for work, settlement and leisure. 2.为什么要做增长控制和衰退管理? Control growth: A comman situation is when long-term residents and recent in-migrants decide that growth is occurring too rapidly and destroying the quality of life that attracted development.In order to preserve the quality of life as well as to relieve the pressures on the infrastructure, public services, and public costs created by new development. Decline Management: It does not mean decaynecessarily,since some places have redeveloped and improved their quality of life with fewer people living there.This approach invdves elements of preserving what is good about these cities while encouraging change and innovation for things that do not seem to be viable any longer. 3.英国规划的等级 Level 1, Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) at the national level Level 2, Regional Planning Guidance (RPG) at the Regional Level Level 3, Development Plans at the Local/district level 4.总规,详规,分规的特征 Comprehensive Plan:sets the basic policies for development of the city, the general relation between the various land uses—residential,commercial,and industrial and forms the framework of the urban structure. Precise Plan: 1. they define the standards for development of the city, the standards of population density, the design of the circulation system, and the amount and location of open space and physical facilities for business and residence. 2. the precise plans provide a program for development, a basis for timing proposed improvements in the city, the location, design, and installation of utilities, schools, parks, the extension of subdivision development, and the redevelopment of devastated areas. Zoning: 1. Be the legal regulation of the use of land 2. It is an application of the police power for the protection of the public health,welfare,and safety. 3. be adopted and rendered effective as a legal ordinance 5.什么事世界级城市?竞争力是什么? A world-class city firstly was the center of political power, trade, finance, at the meantime, it was the center of global or regional economy, culture, technology and education. A well-trained labour force, a modern and efficient infrastructure, and attractive QQL are three key issues forming a world-class city’competitiveness. 6.什么是贵族化?什么是郊区扩张? Gentrification,the conversion of socially marginal and working-class areas of the central city


专业英语词汇集(1) unban planning 城市规划 town planning 城镇规划 act of urban planning 城市规划法 urban comprehensive planning 城市总体规划 urban detailed planning 城市详细规划Residentiral district detailed planning 修建性详规 regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规 规划类的专业课程 reginal planning 区域规划 urban system planning 城镇体系规划 urban sociology 城市社会学 urban economic 城市经济学 urban geograghy 城市地理学 urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划 (water supply and drainage \electricity supply\road building) (城市供水、供电、道路修建)urban road system and transportation planning 城市道路系统和交通规划 urban road cross-section 城市道路横断面urban management information system 城市管理信息系统GIS =geograghy information system 地理信息系统

RS=remote sensing 遥感Gardening==Landscape architecture 园林=营造景观学Urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计Urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划Urban design 城市设计 Land-use planning 土地利用规划The cultural and historic planning 历史文化名城Protection planning 保护规划Urbanization 城市化Suburbanization 郊区化 Public participation 公众参与Sustainable development(sustainability) 可持续性发展(可持续性)Over-all urban layout 城市整体布局Pedestrian crossing 人行横道Human scale 人体尺寸(sculpture fountain tea bar) (雕塑、喷泉、茶吧)Traffic and parking 交通与停车Landscape node 景观节点 (2) Archaeological 考古学的Habitat 住处Aesthetics 美学Geometrical 几何学的


城市规划建设英语术语 保留地 reserved land 步行街 pedestrian street 仓储区 warehouse district 仓储用地 warehouse land 城市城镇 city 城市布局 urban layout 城市道路面积率 urban road area ratio 城市道路网 urban road network 城市道路网密度 density of urban road network 城市道路系统 urban road system 城市对外交通 intercity transportation 城市发展方向 direction for urban development 城市发展目标 goal for urban development 城市发展战略 strategy for urban development 城市防洪 urban flood control 城市防洪标准 flood control standard 城市防洪工程 flood control works 城市防空 urban air defense 城市防灾 urban disaster prevention 城市防震 earthquake hazard protection 城市给水 water supply 城市给水工程 water supply engineering 城市给水系统 water supply system 城市工程管线综合 integrated design for utilities pipelines 城市功能分区 functional districts 城市供电电源 power source 城市供电系统 power supply system 城市供热系统 district heating system 城市规划 urban planning 城市规划法规 legislation on urban planning 城市规划管理 urban planning administration 城市规划建设管理 urban planning and development control 城市规划区 urban planning area 城市规划用地管理 urban planning land use administration 城市规模 city size 城市化 urbanization 城市化水平 urbanization level 城市环境保护 city environmental protection 城市环境污染 city environmental pollution 城市环境质量 city environmental quality 城市环境质量评价 city environmental quality assessment 城市基础设施 urban infrastructure 城市集中供热 district heating


都市规划建设英语术语 保存地 reserved land 步行街 pedestrian street 仓储区 warehouse district 仓储用地 warehouse land 都市(城乡) city 都市布局 urban layout 都市道路面积率 urban road area ratio 都市道路网 urban road network 都市道路网密度 density of urban road network 都市道路系统 urban road system 都市对外交通 intercity transportation 都市发展方向 direction for urban development 都市发展目旳 goal for urban development 都市发展战略 strategy for urban development 都市防洪 urban flood control 都市防洪原则 flood control standard 都市防洪工程 flood control works 都市防空 urban air defense 都市防灾 urban disaster prevention 都市防震 earthquake hazard protection 都市给水 water supply 都市给水工程 water supply engineering 都市给水系统 water supply system 都市工程管线综合 integrated design for utilities pipelines 都市功能分区 functional districts 都市供电电源 power source 都市供电系统 power supply system 都市供热系统 district heating system 都市规划 urban planning 都市规划法规 legislation on urban planning 都市规划管理 urban planning administration 都市规划建设管理 urban planning and development control 都市规划区 urban planning area 都市规划用地管理 urban planning land use administration 都市规模 city size 都市化 urbanization 都市化水平 urbanization level 都市环保 city environmental protection 都市环境污染 city environmental pollution 都市环境质量 city environmental quality


城市规划专业英语词汇 unban planning 城市规划town planning 城镇规划act of urban planning 城市规划法urban comprehensive planning 城市总体规划urban detailed planning 城市详细规划Residentiral district detailed planning 修建性详规regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规 规划类的专业课程 reginal planning 区域规划urban system planning 城镇体系规划 urban sociology 城市社会学 urban economic 城市经济学 urban geograghy 城市地理学 urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划 (water supply and drainage \electricity supply\road building) (城市供水、供电、

道路修建) urban road system and transportation planning 城市道路系统和交通规划 urban road cross-section 城市道路横断面RS=remote sensin g 遥感Gardening==Landscape architecture 园林=营造景观学 Urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计 Urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划 Urban desig n 城市设计 Land-use plannin g 土地利用规划The cultural and historic planning 历史文化名城 Protection plannin g 保护规划Urbanizatio


Access for traffic 交通入口Access 通道,入口Accommodation standards 接待设施标准 Action plan for tourism 旅游行动计划 Action programme 行动计划Adapting financing techniques 采用融资方式 Additional facilities needed 新增设施需求量 Administration 管理 Advertising 广告 Age 年龄 Agenda 二十一世纪议程 Aims in planning 规划目的 Air transport 航空运输 Air-conditioning system 空调系统Aircraft development 航空器研发Airline deregulation act 1978 1978年航空解制法 Airports 机场Allotment gardens 小公共花园Alpine resorts 高山度假地Alternative destinations 替代性目的地 Alternative forms 多解规划方法Alternative tourism 代替性旅游Amenities 优美环境 Analytic hierarchic process 层次分析法 Angling 钓鱼 Apartments/flats 普通公寓/单元Approaches to planning 规划方法Aquatic parks 水上乐园 Average densities 平均密度Average overall densities 总体平均密度 Average specific densities 分项平均密度 Back-of-house areas (宾馆)后台区 Basic facilities 普通设施
