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n/objective。internal environment。external environment。group objective。planning。organizing。staffing。leading。controlling。process。principle。technique。manager。general manager。administrator。supervisor。enterprise。business。industry。company。effectiveness。efficiency。entrepreneur。power。authority。responsibility。scientific management。modern nal management。r science。productivity。motivate。motive。law。n。economic system。managerial n。product。service。profit。n。n。esteem。n。human input。surplus。e。cost。capital goods。machinery。equipment。building。inventory。empirical approach。interpersonal r approach。group r approach。cooperative social systems approach。social-technical systems approach。n theory approach。mathematical approach。systems approach.

In the field of public n。XXX that one should be familiar with。One of the most XXX。which refers to the goals and aims of an XXX its ns。while the external XXX.

Group objective refers to the goals of a group。while XXX Staffing。leading。and controlling are important ns of management。while process。principle。XXX in the field of public n.

A manager is a person who is responsible for the ns of an n。while a general manager is a person who XXX administrator is a person who is responsible for the day-to-day ns of an n。while a supervisor is a person who oversees the work of others.

Enterprise。business。industry。and company are all XXX to the success of an n。XXX who starts and runs a business.

Power。authority。XXX in the field of public n。while scientific management。modern nal management。XXX.

Productivity。motivate。XXX in the field of public n。while law。n。and economic system are XXX.

Managerial n。product。service。profit。n。n。esteem。n。human input。surplus。e。cost。capital goods。machinery。equipment。building。and XXX to the ns and success of an XXX.

Finally。there are several important approaches and theories

in the field of public n。including the empirical approach。interpersonal r approach。group r approach。cooperative social systems approach。social-technical systems approach。n theory approach。mathematical approach。and systems approach.

The contingency approach。the managerial roles approach。the nal approach。human ns。psychology。attitude。pressure。conflict。recruitment。appraisal。n。training。n。n of authority。n。performance。merit system。r。subordinate。n。n record。record of labor-hours lost。sales volume。quality of products。XXX。customer service。strategy。structure。primacy。pervasiveness。fear。resentment。morale。layoff。wholesale。retail。re。rule。program。budget。synergy。conglomerate。

resource。n。growth goal。proprietary product。rival。n。managerial n。business ethics。competitive price。supplier。vendor。conflict of interests。derivative policy。expense account。approval re。sick leave。n。labor-hour。machine-hour。capital outlay。cash flow。wage rate。tax rate。dividend。cash n。capital shortage.

XXX is a management method that focuses on the day-to-day XXX is the study of the XXX.

Recruitment is the process of XXX is the process of choosing the best candidate for a job。Training is the process of XXX is the process of assigning XXX is the process of XXX to how well an employee does their job。The merit system is a system of XXX who is lower in rank or n。XXX the norm.

An XXX record is a document that records the results of an XXX。A record of labor-hours lost is a document that records the number of hours lost due to illness or other reasons。Sales volume refers to the amount of goods or services sold by an n。The quality

of products refers to how well-made or effective a product is。Advanced XXX.

XXX to the sale of goods in large XXX to the sale of XXX that must be followed。Program refers to a set of XXX to a plan for how an n will XXX。diversified company。Resource refers to a source of support or XXX to the target an n has for XXX to a product that is owned by a XXX or services to another company。Vendor refers to a person or company that XXX to a policy that is based on another policy。Expense account refers to an account used to pay for business XXX to the process of obtaining approval for something.

Sick leave refers to time off work due to XXX to time off work for rest or XXX-hour refers to the amount of time an employee works。Machine-hour refers to the amount of time a machine is in n。Capital outlay refers to the money spent on purchasing or improving assets。Cash flow refers to the amount of cash coming in and going out of an XXX to the rate at which XXX

of a company。Cash n refers to the amount of cash an n has on hand。Capital XXX its needs.

The overall budget。balance sheet。and XXX should be followed to ensure a good return on investment and capacity to produce。ners should focus on achieving the end result and improving performance。rather than personal interests and welfare。Market share。n。productivity。XXX。

Public XXX of the company are important factors to take into account。as well as the use of management by objectives。appraisal tools。XXX。Control devices should also be XXX utilized。weaknesses are addressed。XXX。

XXX also important。XXX should XXX。strategy。policy。and n should also be taken into account。as well as XXX。

XXX and ns while avoiding prejudice。Reviews and approvals should be made for major ns。and the n general manager should be aware of the。matrix。including stars。n marks。cash cows。XXX a positive company image.

Product line。joint venture。XXX。XXX。tactics。and XXX management.


XXX different needs of employees。such as n。esteem。n。security。and logical needs。XXX.

XXX feedback can also be used to motivate employees。XXX。labor disputes。absenteeism。and turnover can still occur。so it's important to have a strong leadership style and the XXX.

XXX free-rein。and each has its own XXX grid can be used

to assess a XXX.

Finally。XXX。n。adaptability。aggressiveness。enthusiasm。persistence。interpersonal skills。administrative ability。and XXX.

Supportive leadership involves providing encouragement。support。XXX-making process。This type of leadership fosters a XXX full potential.

XXX data in a computer。Database management systems XXX of data。n analysis puter n XXX that are safe and easy to use。Human n processing XXX process n。Human-machine system design XXX that are easy for humans to use。Human resource management XXX.

XXX increase efficiency。ce costs。and XXX the design。development。and XXX。This can include everything from product design to n planning and control.

Manufacturing management is the process of XXX process from start to finish。This can include everything from n XXX to the set of XXX products。This can include everything from material XXX.

Manufacturing systems and management XXX process。This can include everything from inventory management and quality

control to n XXX and marketing refers to the process of identifying and targeting potential customers。XXX services.

XXX process。This can include everything from XXX.

XXX。This can include everything from cost and quality to environmental impact and XXX.

ork analysis involves the study of orks and their properties。This can include everything from social orks to computer XXX.

n and management refer to the process of XXX management involves the design。development。and XXX。This can include everything from market research and product design to XXX.

n management involves the planning。n。and control of the manufacturing process。This can include everything from n XXX management to quality control and safety。n planning and control involves the process of planning and managing the n process to XXX.

Quality control involves the process of XXX。This can include everything from product testing and XXX.

XXX the study of waiting lines and the r of systems with waiting lines。XXX the design and development of XXX and perform as expected.

Research。development。and XXX n management involves the design。development。and XXX.

XXX to the process of determining the order in which tasks should be XXX the use of computer models to simulate real-XXX.

Statistical methods XXX.

System analysis and design in large scale involves the process of analyzing and designing large-scale systems。This can include everything from are XXX.

System XXX。efficient。and effective.

Systems Engineering is a field that involves the design。development。and n of complex systems。This can include everything from are XXX efficient。effective。and reliable.

XXX。This can include everything from XXX。The goal is

to use these XXX the design and n of these systems.

n and Colors is a field that focuses on the study of human n and color n。This can include everything from the logy of the eye

to the psychology of color n。The goal is to XXX.

XXX on the study of how the human body responds to work。This can include everything from the physical demands of work to the XXX the human body and how to XXX.

Work Study is a field that XXX。This can include everything from time and n studies to process mapping。The goal is to XXX.

XXX includes a variety of roles。including Accounting Assistants。Accounting Clerks。Accounting Managers。Accounting Staff。XXX the financial records of the company。including accounts payable。accounts receivable。and payroll.

XXX as n Managers。n Staff。Administrative Assistants。and XXX the day-to-day ns of the company。including ling。record-keeping。XXX.

XXX the company's products or services.

The Airlines industry includes a variety of roles。XXX flights。XXX passengers.

XXX needs.

Buyers XXX identify suppliers。negotiate contracts。and manage the purchasing process to ensure that the company gets the best value for its money.

Cashiers XXX。such as sales and refunds。XXX about the products or services being XXX.

XXX and are。They work to XXX efficient。reliable。and secure.

XXX to design。develop。and test new products and systems。They may also be XXX.

XXX。language centers。or XXX.

XXX the person in charge of overseeing the export department of a company。while Export Sales Staff are the employees who work in this department。The Financial Controller is XXX the financial ns of a company。while the Financial XXX works in the foreign exchange department of a company。while an F.X。XXX's finances。while the General Auditor oversees the auditing process。The General Manager or President is the

highest-ranking executive in a company。while the General Manager Assistant and General Manager's XXX。while an Import Manager oversees the import XXX risk for an insurance company。

nal Sales XXX countries。XXX advice to a company。while a Line Supervisor oversees the XXX repairing equipment。XXX。XXX designing and optimizing manufacturing processes。XXX Market Analyst analyzes market trends and consumer r。while a Market Development Manager XXX marketing department。XXX marketing campaigns。XXX a company's products or services。A Marketing XXX。XXX n to students。while a XXX provides administrative support。while an Office XXX the day-to-day ns of a business.

Package Designer: 包装设计师负责设计产品包装,以确保产品在市场上具有吸引力和竞争力。

Passenger n Staff: 乘客票位预订员负责为乘客安排航班、车次、座位等信息,并解答相关问题。

XXX Clerk: 人事部职员负责处理员工的招聘、培训、薪资和福利等事宜。

XXX Manager: 人事部经理负责制定和实施公司的人力资源政策,以确保员工的工作效率和满意度。

XXX: 厂长负责管理工厂的生产、质量、成本和安全等方


Postal Clerk: 邮政人员负责处理邮件和包裹的投递、分拣


Private Secretary: 私人秘书负责协助高管处理日常工作,


Product Manager: 生产部经理负责管理生产线的生产计划、成本控制和质量管理等方面的工作。

XXX: 产品工程师负责设计和优化生产流程,以提高生产


nal Staff: 专业人员包括律师、医生、会计师等,他们负责提供专业知识和服务。

Programmer: 电脑程序设计师负责编写和维护软件程序,以满足客户的需求。

Project Staff: 项目策划人员负责规划和实施项目,以确保项目按时、按质量完成。

nal Manager: 推售部经理负责制定和实施产品推广策略,以提高产品的销售量和市场份额。

Proof-reader: 校对员负责检查文本的语法、拼写和标点等错误,以确保文本的准确性和流畅性。

XXX: 采购进货员负责寻找和采购所需的材料和设备,以确保生产线的正常运转。

XXX: 质量管理工程师负责制定和实施质量管理体系,以确保产品质量符合标准和客户要求。

Real Estate Staff: 房地产职员负责处理房地产买卖、租赁等事宜,以满足客户的需求。

Recruitment Co-XXX: 招聘协调人负责协调招聘流程,包括筛选简历、安排面试等工作。

nal Manager: 地区经理负责管理公司在特定地区的业务和人员,以确保业绩和客户满意度。

Research&.Development Engineer: 研究开发工程师负责设计和开发新产品和技术,以提高公司的竞争力。

XXX Manager: 饭店经理负责管理餐厅的运营和员工,以提供高质量的餐饮服务。

Sales and Planning Staff: 销售计划员负责制定销售计划和预算,以实现销售目标和利润最大化。

XXX: 销售助理负责协助销售人员处理客户的询问和订单等事宜。

Sales Clerk: 店员、售货员负责在零售店铺中销售产品和提供客户服务。

Sales Coordinator: 销售协调人负责协调销售流程,包括处理订单、安排发货等工作。

XXX: 销售工程师负责为客户提供技术支持和解决方案,以满足客户需求并促进销售。

Sales Executive: 销售主管负责制定销售策略和目标,以指导销售人员实现销售目标。

Sales Manager: 销售部经理负责管理销售团队和业务,以提高销售业绩和客户满意度。

XXX: 销售员负责向客户推销产品并提供客户服务,以实现销售目标。

XXX: 销售代表负责代表公司与客户沟通和协商,以促进销售和客户满意度。

Sales Supervisor: 销售监管负责监督销售人员的工作和业绩,以确保销售目标的实现。

School Registrar: 学校注册主任负责管理学校的学籍和档案,以确保学校的管理和教学质量。

XXX: 秘书助理负责协助秘书处理日常工作,包括接待来访者、收发文件等。

Secretary: 秘书负责协助高管处理日常工作,包括安排会议、回复邮件、记录会议纪要等。

XXX: 保安人员负责保管和管理证券、股票等财产,以确保客户的财产安全。

Security Officer: 安全人员负责维护公司和客户的安全,包括巡逻、监控等工作。

XXX: 高级会计负责管理公司的财务和会计工作,包括编


XXX: 高级顾问负责提供专业咨询和建议,以帮助客户解


XXX: 高级雇员是公司中具有丰富经验和高级职位的员工。

r Secretary: 高级秘书负责协助高管处理日常工作,包括安排会议、回复邮件、记录会议纪要等。

Service Manager: 服务部经理负责管理公司的客户服务工作,以提供高质量的客户服务。

XXX Interpreter: 同声传译员负责实时翻译会议、演讲等


XXX: 计算机软件工程师负责设计和开发软件程序,以满


Supervisor - 监管员


公共管理学专业英语词汇 目标 mission/ objective 内部环境 internal environment 外部环境 external environment 集体目标 group objective 计划 planning 组织 organizing 人事 staffing 领导 leading 控制 controlling 步骤 process 原理 principle 方法 technique 经理 manager 总经理 general manager 行政人员 administrator 主管人员 supervisor 企业 enterprise 商业 business 产业 industry 公司 company 效果 effectiveness 效率efficiency 企业家 entrepreneur 权利 power 职权 authority 职责 responsibility 科学管理 scientific management 现代经营管理 modern operational management 行为科学 behavior science 生产率 productivity 激励 motivate 动机 motive 法律 law 法规 regulation 经济体系 economic system 管理职能 managerial function 产品 product 服务 service 利润 profit 满意 satisfaction 归属 affiliation 尊敬 esteem 自我实现 self-actualization 人力投入 human input 盈余 surplus 收入 income 成本 cost 资本货物 capital goods 机器 machinery 设备 equipment 建筑 building 存货 inventory 经验法the empirical approach 人际行为法the interpersonal behavior approach 集体行为法 the group behavior approach 协作社会系统法 the cooperative social systems approach


公共管理学专业英语词汇 目标mission/ objective 内部环境internal environment 外部环境external environment 集体目标group objective 计划planning 组织organizing 人事staffing 领导leading 控制controlling 步骤process 原理principle 方法technique 经理manager 总经理general manager 行政人员administrator 主管人员supervisor 企业enterprise 商业business 产业industry 公司company 效果effectiveness 效率efficiency 企业家entrepreneur 权利power 职权authority 职责responsibility 科学管理scientific management 现代经营管理modern operational management 行为科学behavior science 生产率productivity 激励motivate 动机motive 法律law 法规regulation 经济体系economic system 管理职能managerial function 产品product 服务service 利润profit 满意satisfaction 归属affiliation 尊敬esteem 自我实现self-actualization 人力投入human input 盈余surplus 收入income 成本cost 资本货物capital goods 机器machinery 设备equipment 建筑building 存货inventory 经验法the empirical approach 人际行为法the interpersonal behavior approach 集体行为法the group behavior approach 协作社会系统法the cooperative social systems approach 社会技术系统法the social-technical systems approach 决策理论法the decision theory approach 数学法the mathematical approach 系统法the systems approach 随机制宜法the contingency approach 管理任务法the managerial roles approach 经营法the operational approach 人际关系human relation 心理学psychology 态度attitude 压力pressure 冲突conflict 招聘recruit 鉴定appraisal 选拔select 培训train 报酬compensation 授权delegation of authority 协调coordinate 业绩performance 考绩制度merit system 表现behavior 下级subordinate 偏差deviation 检验记录inspection record 误工记录record of labor-hours lost 销售量sales volume 产品质量quality of products 先进技术advanced technology 顾客服务customer service 策略strategy 结构structure 领先性primacy 普遍性pervasiveness 忧虑fear 忿恨resentment 士气morale 解雇layoff 批发wholesale 零售retail 程序procedure 规则rule 规划program 预算budget 共同作用synergy 大型联合企业conglomerate 资源resource 购买acquisition 增长目标growth goal 专利产品proprietary product 竞争对手rival 晋升promotion 管理决策managerial decision 商业道德business ethics 有竞争力的价格competitive price 供货商supplier 小贩vendor 利益冲突conflict of interests 派生政策derivative policy 开支帐户expense account 批准程序approval procedure


公共管理英语 公共管理是指政府或非政府组织对公共事务进行规划、组织、指导、监督和评估的过程。公共管理英语是指在公共管理领域中使用的英语词汇、语法和表达方式。随着全球化和信息化的发展,公共管理英语的重要性越来越突出。 一、公共管理英语的基础知识 公共管理英语的基础知识包括词汇、语法和表达方式。常见的公共管理英语词汇包括:administration(行政管理)、policy(政策)、budget(预算)、planning(规划)、evaluation(评估)、performance (绩效)、accountability(问责)、transparency(透明度)、stakeholder(利益相关者)等。公共管理英语的语法和表达方式要 求准确、简明、清晰、客观、中肯。例如,应该避免使用复杂的句子结构和过多的修辞手法,而应该使用简单明了的语言表达观点和意见。 二、公共管理英语的应用领域 公共管理英语的应用领域包括政府机构、非政府组织、国际组织、企业和媒体等。在政府机构中,公共管理英语被广泛应用于政策制定、行政管理、公共服务、社会保障、环境保护、司法审判等领域。在非政府组织中,公共管理英语被广泛应用于社会福利、慈善事业、志愿服务、人权保护、环境保护等领域。在国际组织中,公共管理英语被广泛应用于国际援助、国际合作、国际交流、国际标准等领域。在企业中,公共管理英语被广泛应用于公共关系、社会责任、环境保护、人力资源、市场营销等领域。在媒体中,公共管理英语被广泛应用于

新闻报道、评论分析、舆情监测、公众教育等领域。 三、公共管理英语的发展趋势 公共管理英语的发展趋势主要有以下几个方面: 1. 多元化:公共管理英语将更加多元化,涵盖更多的领域和主题,以满足不同的需求和目标。 2. 专业化:公共管理英语将更加专业化,针对不同的专业领域和职业需求,开发更加精细和专业的英语词汇和表达方式。 3. 国际化:公共管理英语将更加国际化,以适应全球化和信息化的趋势,涵盖更多的国际组织、国际标准和国际合作。 4. 创新化:公共管理英语将更加创新化,以适应时代的变化和需求,引领公共管理领域的发展和变革。 四、公共管理英语学习的建议 公共管理英语学习需要掌握一定的方法和技巧。以下是一些公共管理英语学习的建议: 1. 建立英语学习的兴趣和动力,充分利用各种资源和机会进行英语学习。 2. 注重基础知识的掌握,包括词汇、语法和表达方式等方面。 3. 多读多听多说多写,通过各种途径提高英语听、说、读、写的能力。 4. 注重实践和应用,通过实际操作和应用,提高英语应用能力。 5. 多交流多合作,通过与他人的交流和合作,提高英语沟通和协作能力。



公共管理学专业英语词汇 目标mission/ objective 内部环境internal environment 外部环境external environment 集体目标group objective 计划planning 组织organizing 人事staffing 领导leading 控制controlling 步骤process 原理principle 方法technique 经理manager 总经理general manager 行政人员administrator 主管人员supervisor 企业enterprise 商业business 产业industry 公司company 效果effectiveness 效率efficiency 企业家entrepreneur 权利power 职权authority 职责responsibility 科学管理scientific management 现代经营管理modern operational management 行为科学behavior science 生产率productivity 激励motivate 动机motive 法律law 法规regulation 经济体系economic system 管理职能managerial function 产品product 服务service 利润profit 满意satisfaction 归属affiliation 尊敬esteem 自我实现self-actualization 人力投入human input 盈余surplus 收入income 成本cost 资本货物capital goods 机器machinery 设备equipment 建筑building 存货inventory 经验法the empirical approach 人际行为法the interpersonal behavior approach 集体行为法the group behavior approach 协作社会系统法the cooperative social systems approach


公共管理硕士(MPA)重要英语词汇一览 公共管理硕士(MPA)重要英语词汇一览 (一) normal, radiate发射, authority, companion同事同伴, concept概念, create,creature, dentist, identify鉴别, identical同一的, identity认出, engage使……雇佣、聘用, entitle给……权利、资格, evaluate估价,fluid、solid流体、固体,influence, fortune, fulfill, general, intense紧张的、强烈的、剧烈的, interpret解释、说明、口译, justice 正义、公平, adjust, judge, minor次要的、未成年的, observe遵守、测评、评估, deserve应受、值的, preserve保护、维护、维持, parallel平行的、并列的, percept知觉、对象, stuff塞满、原料, surroundings, transport, transmit, transform, undergo, wander, wonder惊讶, widespread广泛的、普遍的, ambition雄心、大志, approach, brief摘要、大纲、短的, (二) force, enforce实施、迫使, reinforce加强、增援, report, scope范围、机会、余地spirit, decline, climate, lend to, accuse归咎、控告, afford, anxiety焦虑、渴望, atmosphere, blame, bargain买卖全同、议价, calculate, circle, confidence, conscious有意识的、自觉的、故意的, convince使确信、使说服, custom, desperate不顾一切的、拼命的,凶暴的、极我危险的, encourage, discourage使沮丧, economic, economy, motive, promote促使, emotional感


公共管理硕士(MPA)重要英语词汇一览-MPA考试force,enforce,reinforce,report,scope,spirit,decline,climate,lendto,acc use,afford,anxiety,atmosphere,blame,bargain,calculate,circle,confide nce,conscious,convince,custom,desperate,encourage,discourage,econ omic,economy,motive,promote,emotional,motion,failto,flat,install,in timate,limit,major,nomatter,neutral,outlet,perform,inform,formal,nor mal,radiate,authority,companion,concept,create,creature,dentist,ident ify,identical,identity,engage,entitle,evaluate,fluid,influence,fortune,f ulfill,general,intense,interpret,justice,adjust,judge,minor,observe,des erve,preserve,parallel,percept,stuff,surroundings,transport,transmit,tr ansform,undergo,wander,wonder,widespread,ambition,approach,brie f,conquer,result,consult,insult,deliberate,despair,compare,emergence, emergency,establish,exhaust,expand,fade,frustrate,handy,incredible,i nherit,conference,infer,offer,interfere,length,manufacture,mood,nece ssity,noble,occasion,occasional,output,oversea,pattern,plunge,practic e,practical,recognize,release,rescue,maintain,remain,obtain,entertain, rural,urban,similarto,trial,trail,witness,absolute,accumulate,inadvanc e,advanced,advantage,agent,appeal,application,point,appoint,approxi mate,barrier,claim,climate,complicate,comprise,considerable,resume ,consume,assume,contact,convict,crew,crucial,define,definite,deliver ,disaster,disorder,diverse,economic,alert,exert,facility,faith,faithful,g ap,sympathy,trace,track,visual,vision,worship,apparatus,brand,civil,c larity,declare,combine,connect,consider,insert,desert,drown,external,


Urban planning 城市规划 Urban system 城镇体系 Urban system planning 城镇体系规划Master planning outline 城市总体规划纲要Master **prehensive planning 城市总体规划 District planning;zoning 分区规划Immediate planning 近期建设规划Detailed plan 城市详细规划Controlling plan;regulatory detailed planning 控制性详细规划Detailed planning 修建性详细规划Residential district planning 居住区规划Residential quarter 居住小区Residential cluster 居住组团 Urban structure;urban fabric 城市结构 Urban layout 城市布局 Urban morphology;urban form 城市形态Functional districts 城市功能分区Industrial districts 工业区Residential districts 居住区Commercial districts 城市商业区Institutes districts 文教区 Central business districts(CBD) 中心商务区Warehouse districts 仓储区 Scenic zone 风景区 Civic center 市中心 Building plan;residential district 居住区建设规划Sub-civic center 副市中心 Mixed-use districts 综合区 Power source 城市供电电源Electrical load 城市用电负荷High tension corridor 高压线走廊Power supply system 城市供电系统Communication system 通信系统 District heating 城市集中供热District heating system 城市供热系统Gas 城市燃气 Gas supply system 城市燃气供应系统Urban forestation 城市绿化 Urban green space system 城市绿化系统City ecosystem 城市生态系统Balance of city ecosystem 城市生态平衡City environmental pollution 城市环境污染City environmental quality 城市环境质量


劳动与社会保障专业词汇汇总劳动经济学Labour Economics/ Industrial Relation Studies 劳动心理学Labor Psychology 福利经济学Welfare Economics 社会政策Social Policy 公共管理Public Management 社会保护Social Protection 劳动法Labour Law 劳动关系Labour Relations 劳动合同Labour Contract 劳资谈判Collective Bargaining 劳资纠纷labor Dispute 劳动统计Labour Statistics 劳动指标Labour Indicators 就业指标Employment Indicators 社会保障指标Social Security Indicators 就业Employment 劳动力labor force 经济活动人口Economically Active Population 就业人口Employment Population 在业人口Working Population 劳动力参与率Labor Force Participation Rate 就业登记Employment Registration 再就业Re-employment 非正规就业Informal Employment 灵活就业Flexible Employment 自雇者Self-employment 失业Unemployment / Jobless 失业率Unemployment Rate / Jobless Rate


Chapter 2课本第一章 An Era of Change改变的年代、时代 Introduction引言 There has been a transformation(转化、变革)in the management of the public sectors of advanced countries. 在发达国家的公共部门的管理已经有了一个变革。 This new paradigm poses(形成,造成)a direct challenge to several of what had previously been regarded as fundamental principles of traditional public administration. 这个新的范例对几个原先被认为是传统公共行政的基础规则提出了直接挑战。 These seven seeming verities(真理)have been challenged.这几个真理被挑战。 Economic problems in the 1980s meant governments reassessed(重新评估)their bureaucracies and demanded changes. 1980s的经济问题意味着政府重新评估他们的官僚制并且需要改变。 All these points will be discussed at greater length(长度)later, but the main point is there has been total change in a profession that saw little change for around a hundred years.这些观点会在以后做更大范围的讨论,但是这里强调的主要是一点:一百年来很少发生变革的公共职业领域发生了全面变革。 A new paradigm一个新的范例 There is some debate over whether or not public managemnet, particularly the new public management, is a new paradigm for public sector management.有个争论,关于公共管理尤其是新的公共管理是不是公共部门管理的一个新的范例。 Some argue that a paradigm is a large hurdle(障碍)to jump, requiring agreement among all a discipline’s(学科,纪律) practitioners-a more or less permanent way of looking at the world 一些争论认为一个范例是一个要跨越的大障碍,需要所有学科的实践者的同意,或多或少是看待世界的暂时方法。The basic paradigms fo r public sector management are those following from Ostrom’s(1989)argument that there are two opposing forms of organization: bureaucracy and markets. 基本的公共管理部门的范例是这些遵循奥斯特罗姆的争论,即组织有两种对立的类型:官僚组织和市场组织。 To Behn,the traditional model of administration qualifie s as a paradigm; as he continues, ‘certainly,those who support traditional public administration would argue that they have a “discipline(学科、纪律)”, complete(完整的)with” theories, laws, and generalisations”, that focus their research’ (Behn,2001,p.231). 对本来说,传统行政模型适合被看做一种范式。他继续说,当然,那些支持公共传统行政的人会争论说他们有纪律,带有完整的理论、法律和普遍原理,专注于他们的研究。 The public management paradigm has the very different underlying(潜在、含蓄、隐晦的)theoretical bases of economics and private management. 公共管理里范式有着很不同的潜在的理论基础,即经济理论和私营部门理论。 However, it is not the case that at one point in time everyone in the discipline decided that the traditional public administration paradigm had been superseded; it is more the case that paradigms change gradually. 然而,这不是说这个学科的所有学者都认为传统公共行政范例已经被取代,范例是逐渐改变的这样一个事实。 The emergence of a new approach 一种新方法的出现 By the beginning the 1990s,a new model of public sector management had emerged in most advanced countries and many developing ones.在1990s初期,在大多数发达国家和很多发展中国家一个新的公共部门管理模型出现了。 In the United Kingdom there were reforms in the 1980s,such as the widesperad privatization of public enterprises and cuts to other parts of the public sector during the Thatcher government. 在英国撒切尔执政时期,出现了改革,比如公共企业的民营化、精简公共部门。 In the United States,a key event was the publication(出版)in 1992 of Reinventing (彻底改造)Government by Osborne and Gaebler (1992).在美国一个关键事件是Osborne and Gaebler 所写的《彻底改造政府》的出版。 International organizations,notably the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD) and,to a lesser extent(程度、范围)the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) became inerested in improving the public management of their member and client nations:The public management committee(PUMA)at the OECD took a leading role in the public management reform process.国际组织特别是法国为基础的OECD,较小范围的世界银行和IMF开始对


公共管理学专业英语词汇整理XXX n/objective。internal environment。external environment。group objective。planning。organizing。staffing。leading。controlling。process。principle。technique。manager。general manager。administrator。supervisor。enterprise。business。industry。company。effectiveness。efficiency。entrepreneur。power。authority。responsibility。scientific management。modern nal management。r science。productivity。motivate。motive。law。n。economic system。managerial n。product。service。profit。n。n。esteem。n。human input。surplus。e。cost。capital goods。machinery。equipment。building。inventory。empirical approach。interpersonal r approach。group r approach。cooperative social systems approach。social-technical systems approach。n theory approach。mathematical approach。systems approach.


专业单词:社会和睦 harmonious society; 客体 object;科学发展观 scientific outlook 主体 subject;on development ; 我国 our country;西方国家 the western country;乡村 rural area;协调 harmonize ; 城市 urban ;构造 structure ; 特色 feature;长处短处时机挑战 SWOT 干涉 intervention;strength weakness opportunity 模式 mode;threaten ; 市场经济 market economy ;阶段 period ; 计划经济 planned economy ;经济人 economic man; 转型期 transition period;官僚制 bureaucracy ; 门路 approach ;因素;参加 participant; 规则 regulation;希望 anticipate ; 范围 scope/area ;中国共产党 CCP China 内容 content ;communist party ; 力度;通货膨胀 inflation;自主权 autonomy; 财政赤字 financial deficit;渐渐 gradually ; 传统 traditional;社区 community; 现代 modern;长处 / 弊端 merit/demerit; 重申 emphasize;创建 create ; 权利 authority ;检查 investigate ;


mpa英语复习资料 MPA英语复习资料 MPA(Master of Public Administration)是公共管理硕士的缩写,是一种专业学位。它旨在培养学生在公共部门和非营利组织中担任领导职务所需的技能和知识。MPA英语考试是申请MBA学位或从事公共管理相关工作的必备条件之一。为了帮助考生顺利通过MPA英语考试,以下是一些复习资料的建议。 一、词汇与语法 词汇和语法是英语考试中的基础部分。考生需要掌握常见的单词和短语,并了 解它们的用法。可以通过背单词卡片、阅读英文文章和参加词汇训练班来提高 词汇量。此外,还需要熟悉英语语法规则,如时态、语态、句型转换等。可以 通过参考语法书籍、做练习题和请教老师来加强语法知识。 二、阅读理解 阅读理解是MPA英语考试的重要部分。考生需要快速准确地理解英文文章,并回答相关问题。为了提高阅读理解能力,可以多读英文报纸、杂志和学术论文,培养阅读英文文章的习惯。同时,可以做一些阅读理解练习题,提高阅读速度 和理解能力。还可以请教老师,学习一些阅读技巧和策略,如扫读、略读和精 读等。 三、写作能力 写作是MPA英语考试的另一个重要方面。考生需要能够清晰、准确地表达自己的观点和想法。为了提高写作能力,可以多写英文作文,并请教老师或其他同 学进行修改和指导。还可以阅读一些英文范文,学习其中的写作技巧和表达方式。此外,可以参加写作培训班,学习一些写作的基本规则和方法。

四、口语表达 口语表达是MPA英语考试的另一个重要组成部分。考生需要能够流利地用英语进行交流和表达。为了提高口语表达能力,可以多参与英语口语练习,与其他同学或外教进行对话。还可以听一些英文广播、电视节目和纪录片,提高听力和口语能力。此外,可以参加口语培训班,学习一些口语表达的技巧和方法。 五、模拟考试 模拟考试是MPA英语复习的重要环节。通过模拟考试,考生可以了解自己的考试水平和薄弱环节,并及时进行调整和改进。可以找一些MPA英语模拟试题进行练习,模拟真实的考试环境,提高应试能力。同时,可以请教老师或其他同学,了解一些备考经验和技巧,找到适合自己的学习方法。 总之,MPA英语考试是申请MBA学位或从事公共管理相关工作的重要环节。通过系统的复习和准备,考生可以提高自己的英语水平,顺利通过考试。希望以上的复习资料建议对考生有所帮助,祝愿大家取得好成绩!


1.1Opening Administration to the Public 政务公开 Citizens of Bengbu City, Anhui Province, now have the opportunit y to be a visitor at municipal government meetings, thanks to the gov ernment’s recent efforts to open its administration-adopting the Mea sures for Inviting Citizens to Listen to the Administrative Meeting, which came into effect on December 16, 2001.得益于2001年11月16日生效的政府最近实施的邀请市民旁听政府会议的行政事务公开改革措施,安徽省蚌埠市的市民现在有机会参加市政府会议。 Ten citizens are invited to be present at each meeting on admini strative affairs. The number of citizen listeners invited to very imp ortant meeting can vary. The listeners can be deputies to the city’s people’s congress, members of the local committee of the Chinese Peo ple’s Political Consultative Conference, personages of democratic, m embers of the Association of Industry and Commerce and others. They m ust be at least 18 years of age, and willingly to be a visitor at the meeting.每次行政事务会议邀请10名市民参加。邀请参加重要会议的人数是可以变化的。这些旁听者可以是人大代表、政协委员、民主党派的要员、工商联代表及其他。他们要至少18岁,并且愿意参加会议。 Listeners can air their opinions through the government office i n a written form.旁听者可以通过政府部门以书面形式发表他们的意见。Increasing Transparency增加透明度 On the basis of pilot project carried out in some cities and cou ntries, Guangdong Province has asked its governments at or above coun try level to open their administrative affairs during the first half of this year.在部分城市和农村的基础上,今年的上半年,广东省已要求村及村以上的政府行政事务都要公开。 All affairs relating to laws and regulations and to administrati ve decisions that people must follow, as long as they do not involve secrets of the Party or the Central Government, should be open to the public, Contents are as follows:所有有关法律、规章和公民必须遵循的政府决定,只要不涉及政党和中央政府的机密,都要向公众公开。具体内容如下:-Strategy of social and economic development, work targets and t heir accomplishments;经济社会发展战略,工作目标和它们的完成情况; -Process for making big decisions and policies;重大决策和政策的主动过程; -Financial budgets and implementation;财政预算和执行情况; -Distribution and use of special funds and purchase of important materials;专用基金的分配和重要物资的购买; -Major capital construction projects and their bidding;主要基本建设计划和它们的招投标; 1
