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2017 年春仁爱英语八年级下册英语导学案

Unit 6Topic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise.

Section A







1.受伤 ________________

2.习惯 ________________

3.害怕 ________________

4.多一点自信 __________________


6.节约能源 _____________________

7.引起空气污染_________________8.写下 ___________________

9.同意 /不同意某人 ___________________10.发生事故 ___________________

11.立刻打 110___________________12.送去医院___________________



1.Many passengers were hurt. 译: ______________________________________________________

点拨: hurt 1.及物动词:使受伤;伤害。His left leg was hurt..

译: _____________________________________

2.不及物动词:疼;难受。His left leg hurt.

译: _____________________________________

巩固: 1. He had a fall yesterday. Today his right leg ____________.

A. still hurts

B. is still hurt

C. are still hurting

D. was hurt

2. After examining me carefully, the doctor said ,” you _______ a bone in your back.”

A. are hurt

B. hurt


2.You ’ ll get used to it soon译.: ______________________________________________________

回忆: get used to _______ (do) sth,be used to ________ (do) sth.

译: ___________________________

链接: used to _________(do) sth译:___________________________

练习: 1.我习惯了饭后散步。I _______ _______ ________ _________ after meals.

2.他过去很胖。He _______ ________ ________ heavy .

3.你们过去常常收集模型飞机吗?________ you _______ _______ _______model planes?

4.His father is used to ____________ (drink ) milk in the morning.

3.When I first arrived , I was afraid of riding my bike anywhere.

译: ________________________________________________________________________

回忆: be afraid of sth. 译: ___________________be afraid of doing sth

译: ___________________

练习 : 1.我害怕蛇。 I _______ ________ _________ snakes.

2.Tom 害怕当众讲话。Tom ______ _________ __________ ___________ in public.

链接: be afraid to do sth. 译: ___________________

1. I’ m not afraidtalkto with others now.

译: ___________________________________________

2.Mary 不敢独自呆在家里。Mary ______ ___________ ________ _________ at home ________.

4.If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents.

译: ___________________________________________

2017 年春仁爱英语八年级下册英语导学案

few , ________, fewest few 修饰 __________ 名词, fewer 修饰 __________ 名词

little, ________, ______ little 修饰 __________ 名词,less 修饰 __________ 名词


many ______ _______ many 修饰 __________ 名词more 修饰 __________ 名词

much _______ ________ much 修饰 __________ 名词more 修饰 __________ 名词

巩固: 1. There will be __________ ( 更多的 ) schools in 20 years .

2.There will be __________ ( 更少的 ) free time next week.

3.There will be __________ ( 更少的 ) trees on both sides of the road .

4.I have _________ ( 更多的 ) money than Jane.

5.Now I like riding my bike around the city more than before.

译: ___________________________________________

6.It’ s easy to park bikes ,too译.:___________________________________________

It ’ s impossible to finish so much work in an hour.

译: ___________________________________________

回忆:在此处it 作 ______________, 真正的主语为______________ 短语

练习: 1.在公共场所吐痰是种坏(行为)。_________ is bad _______ ________in public.

2.骑自行车探险明陵非常刺激。______ is _______ ________ _________the Ming Tombs _______ _______.

3.早上吃早饭很有必要。 _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ _________ in the morning.

提升: It is +adj+ for sb .+to do sth.


_______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ___________ ________ _________ in the morning.


________ is __________ ________ __________to listen ______________ in class.



1.Who was hurt in the traffic accident yesterday?

Many ________________ were hurt.

2.What does Darren think of the traffic in Beijing?

He thinks it ’s ____________.

3.What was Michael afraid of when he first arrived in Beijing?

He was afraid of riding his bike ___________.

4.What is the advantage of riding bikes?

Cycling can help us save energy and it doesn ’tcause air ___________.

任务二:读课文,完成 1c。在书上写下骑自行车的优势。完成1d的讨论,在下面写下劣势。_____________________________



任务三:听音,完成 2.

任务四:根据3a 的图片,完成书上的句子,并把事故的经过写下来。







2017 年春仁爱英语八年级下册英语导学案



1、 P shouldn’tput their hands and heads out of the windows while the train is moving.

2、 He must be c to drive so fast. It ’s so dangerous.

3、 Where is my watch? I can ’tfind it a.

4、 You must s down at a crossing or a sharp turn.

5、 The math problem is too difficult. It’s i for me to work it out.

6、 Birth and d are opposites.


1、她在这场交通事故中受了伤。She was the traffic accident.


We a spring trip it doesn’train tomorrow.

3、汤姆撞到了一棵大树。Tom a big tree.

4、横穿繁忙的街道是很危险的。very dangerous a busy street.

5、当我们陷入麻烦时,可以向警察寻求帮助。When we are in trouble, we can ask.


We to find out what happened to Julie as soon as we heard the news.

Unit 6 Topic 3

Section B








2. 实际上;事实上___________________________


4. 穿浅色的衣服___________________________

5.在夜里 ___________________________

6. 违反交通规则___________________________

遵守交通规则___________________________7. 被罚款 ___________________________

8.处在危险中 ___________________________ 9. 收到罚单 ___________________________

10.过繁忙的马路___________________________11. 在不适当的地方转弯___________________________ 12.引起麻烦 ___________________________13. 违章停车 ___________________________



1.We should wear bicycle helmets when riding.译:___________________________________________

看学案 Section A 的第九个讲解while listening to an MP3.

when riding完整句子为:when ________ ___________ riding.

2.If we ride at night ,we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes.


If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger.


2017 年春仁爱英语八年级下册英语导学案

点拨 : if引导__________________从句。详细内容看下面的Grammar 。


A) 含义

条件状语从句表示主句动作发生的条件,在初中阶段常由if( 如果 )引导,表示假如有从句的动作发生

就会有主句的动作发生。例如:Please call me if he is at home. 假如他在家的话,请给我打电话。

If we ride at night ,we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes.

If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger.


1).break the rules ; get a fine____________________________________________________________

2.)cross a busy road ; be in danger__________________________________________________________

3.)make a wrong turn; cause trouble_________________________________________________________

4.)not drive carefully ; get hurt_____________________________________________________________

B) 时态:如果主句是一般将来时态,条件状语从句用一般现在时(主将从现)。例如:

I won ’t go there with you if it rains tomorrow. 译: ________________________________________


1.)If you ____________(be) ill ,you should see a doctor at once.

2.)You must wear a helmet if you ______________(ride) a motorcycle.

3.)They ____________(not go) on a trip if it _______________(rain) tomorrow.

4.)It you _____________(break) the traffic rules , you ________________(get) a fine.

5.)If the noise ___________________(not stop) soon, I ______________________(not go )on studying.

C) 条件状语从句有时可用“祈使句 +and / or+ 简单句”表示。其中 and 表示句意顺承; or 则表示转折,意为“否则”。例如:

If you work harder, you’ll pass the exam.

= Work h arder, and you’ ll pass the exam译:. ___________________________________________

If you don’ t hurry up, you’ ll miss the train.

= Hurry up, or you’ ll miss the译train:.


1.) If you study hard er ,you’ ll pass the exam. ___________ harder, _________ you’ ll pass the exam.

2.)If we don ’hurryt up ,we will be late for school.____________ up, ____________ we will be late for school.

3.)Be careful, or you will make mistakes in your exams.

If you ________ ________careful, you ______ __________mistakes in your exams.


任务 1:听录音,回答下面问题,并完成1b。

1. What are Kangkang and Michael talking about?

They are talking about the bicycle a________ in Caishikou Street.

2. How can we stay safe when riding?

We should never ride too f______, and we can wear bicycle h________.

3. What should we do if we ride at night?

We should have l_________ on the bicycle or wear l__________ clothes.

4. What will happen if we break the traffic rules?

We may get a f_________ and even be in d_________.

任务 2:根据 2a 图片,运用条件状语从句写句子。

任务 3:完成 2b,并写出至少 5 条交通规则,然后背下来。

2017 年春仁爱英语八年级下册英语导学案



1、 Keep away! The building is in d of collapsing( 垮塌 ) at any time.

2、 It ’s safer to ride wearing l clothes at night.

3、 --What ’s your t?— I’m afraid of riding home alone at night.

4、 It ’s safe for us to wear helmets when we ride m on the road.

5、 Our parents tell us that we should always cross the road at the c.

6、 The s on the wall said “No spitting ”.



His father often him on the road.

2、他昨天被罚款40 元。

He a¥ 40yesterday.


Many people bicycles health and pleasure.


You must drive of the road in China.


Why not go to?

Unit 6 Topic 2

Section C



2017 年春仁爱英语八年级下册英语导学案







4.对 ...有好处







(1)The bicycle is one of the most important vehicles in the world.

(2)In every country people use bicycles for work, for sport or just for fun.

(3)Bicycles share the road with cars and trucks.

(4)In a word, the best way to be safe is to be careful.

II. 课文解读:

1. Drivers do not always notice bicycles.

“ notice ”意为“注意到” ,后可接名词、代词作宾语,也可以接不带to 的不定式或v-ing 形式作宾语补足语。如:

Did you notice the boy in blue?

I noticed the teacher come into the office.

2. So bicycle riders must pay attention to the traffic around them and know traffic signals.

“ pay attention to ”意为“注意”, to 在这里是介词,后接名词、代词或动词的-ing 形式,如:We must pay attention to this problem.

You should pay attention to spelling.


任务 1:读1a,列出自行车骑行的好处,并背下来。

任务 2:阅读 1a,列出自行车骑行的注意事项,并背下来。

任务 3:完成 1b 和 1c 以及 2.

任务 4:写作:综合任务 1 和任务 2,以及 3 的要求,写一篇小短文。


I. 选词填空 ,并注意其正确形式。

safe, truck, look, attention, case

1) There are many vehicles on the road such as cars, buses and .

2) We must make sure that we are in now.

3) In of fire, walk quickly to the nearest door.

4) out! The bus is coming.

5) We must pay to the traffic lights when we cross the road.


( ) 1) English is one of ______.

A. most useful subjects

B. the most useful subject

C. the useful subject

D. the most useful subjects

( ) 2) ______ do you study music for? A. What B. Why C. When D. How

( ) 3) I noticed a girl ______ into the gym.

A. come

B. came

C. comes

D. to come

( ) 4) Sam didn ’ t pay attention to ______ his math teacher just now.

A. listen to

B. listens

C. listening to

D. listening

( ) 5) ______, we should try our best to study.

A. In words

B. In a word

C. Look out

D. On a word


More and (1) ______ people like riding (2)_____ nowadays. You can see many people especially young men ride bicycles in the park or on the road. They use them

(3) _____work, for sport or just for fun.

Bicycle riding becomes the most popular way. It has many advantages. Bicycles are not (4) ______ so every family can buy one. Also, bicycle riding is (5) ______for health. It is good exercise. If you go to work by riding a bicycle instead of driving a car or (6) ______a bus, you can have a better chance of getting enough exercise you need everyday. It makes us become (7) ______ .There are many ways of traveling. But I like

(8)____by bicycle. I can set out ( 出发 ) when I like and stop when I like. I can go wherever I like. When I feel (9) ______, I can sit down by the bike and have a good rest. I can save much (10) ______ for tickets and much time.

Unit 6 Topic 3

Section D






1.最高的海拔 ________________________________


3.21 个计时赛段 ______________________________

4. 一两天 ________________________________

5.穿越 ________________________________

6. 拥有最好总计成绩的人________________________

7 最大的盐水湖8.(河流)流入,注入

9.开始于 2002 年


1.It has the highest altitude among all races hosted by the International Cycling Union.

译: _______________________________________________________________________________

点拨: hosted 过去分词作修饰语,修饰all races.

I know a boy ________ (call) Mingming. He lives in a city _________ (name) Xinxiang. His mother likes

the program ________(host) by Wang Xiaoya. She also likes reading a novel _________ (write) by Lu Yao. 2.Today the race covers around 2000 miles and there are 21 timed stages over three weeks.

译: _______________________________________________________________________________ 点拨: A ) cover 动词: spread over The Ming Tombs _________an area of 40 km 2 .

B) over 介词: more than He stayed in Shanghai for _________ a month.

3.The roads are very difficult to ride on. 译: _________________________________________________

点拨: on 能去掉吗?答:_____________ .

同理的句子:I need a pen to write with . I need a house to live in . There is nothing to worry _______.

4. Twenty-three rivers and streets empty into Qinghai Lake.

“ empty”意为“倒空,排空” ,用作动词,如:This river empties into the South Sea.

5.It has the highest altitude among all races hosted by the International Cycling Union.

“ among”译为“在之中” ,用在三个或三个以上的人或物前,

如: I’ m the thinnest among my classmates.


任务 1:阅读短文,完成填空。

The Tour de France began in. At the beginning, it was only 1 500 miles long, but today it covers miles. In the race, there are timed stages. It takes over weeks to finish the race. During the race, the cyclists have or days to rest. The roads are very difficult to ride on.

任务 2:阅读短文,完成 1 的判断正误。

任务 3:小短文,根据 2 的事故报告,把事故的经过写下来。




everyone the, the roads much safer.


You should your teacher you are school.


sunny tomorrow, we on a field trip.

(4) 越过繁忙的道路是很危险的。dangerous the busy street.

(5) 随地吐痰是不好的行为。bad everywhere.


()1. —The girls ____ the boys in that exciting football match.—How surprising!

A. win

B. beat

C. hit

D. hurt

()2. She didn’ t ahaverest and ____.

A. continue working

B. go on working

C. went on to work

D. went on working

()3. Beijing is famous ____ its places of interest, such as the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall.

A. for

B. as

C. to

D. in

()4. When you ____ the classroom, please turn off the lights.

2017 年春仁爱英语八年级下册英语导学案

A. left

B. are leaving

C. leave

D. leaves

( )5. Jack is a little ____ than Peter. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest ( )6. At last, the truck avoided ____ the tree. A. hit B. to hit C. hitting D. hits

( )7. Li Lei ’ s legs were the intraffic accident yesterday.

A. badly hurt

B. bad hurt

C. hurts

D. hurt bad

( )8. Miss Li warns us ____ loudly in the classroom.

A. not speak

B. not speaking

C. not to speak

D. don t’speak

( )9. Many animals are not found ____ else. They are extinct ( 灭绝的 ).

A. anywhere

B. everywhere

C. in anywhere

D. in everywhere

( )10. In Britain, you must drive on the ____ side of the road.

A. right-hand

B. right hand

C. left hand

D. left-hand

( )11. —Are there any _____ in the accident? — Yes. Five people _____.

A. death; die

B. deaths; died

C. death; died

D. deaths; die

( )12. Jim usually _____ his father at golf when he was young.

A. wins

B. won

C. beats

D. beat

( )13. — You should avoid _____ loudly in the library. — Sorry, sir.

A. talking with

B. talking

C. to talk with

D. to talk

( )14. — May I _____ you to post the letter? — With pleasure.

A. help

B. mind

C. trouble

D. serve

( )15. If you _____ able to come tomorrow, please let me know your reason.

A. aren't

B. won't be

C. weren't

D. wouldn't

Ⅱ、词汇部分(A) 根据句意及首字母提示填空。

1. When you are going across the road, you shouldn ’ t r .

2.You may call the police when you are in t_____________.

3.In China, when you see the yellow lights, please s____________ down.

4.He always wants to get more money without working. He must be c______________.

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/be681684.html,nce Armstrong l_____ the American team to win the Tour de France in 1999.


6.There are twenty _____________ ( 乘客 ) in the bus.

7.It is _____________ ( 不可能的 ) to finish this work in an hour.

8.Mary won the game. She was ___________ ( 成功的 ).

9.Bicycle accidents can also bring us sadness and ______________ ( 死亡 ).

10.Did you see my watch? I can ’tfind it ____________ ( 任何地方 ).


11.Michael rode his bicycle so fast that he _________ _________( 撞上 ) an old man.

12.Mr. Zheng noticed that he was _________ _________( 处在危险中 ).

13.The train began to _________ _________( 减速 ) and soon stopped.

14.Though it's only a small town, _________ _________( 数以百万计的 ) travelers come here every year.

15.To everyone's surprise, he won the match _________ _________( 再一次 ).


1. It ’s impolite to spit everywhere. ( 改为同义句 ) ___________ ___________ everywhere is impolite.

2. I have over ten story books. Would you like one?( 改为同义句 )

I have _________ __________ ten story books. Would you like one?

3. Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.( 改为同义句 )

Shanghai is ________ __________ _______ in China.

4. Why don ’tyou go to school earlier?( 改为同义句 ) __________ __________ go to school earlier?

5.Get up early, or you will be late.( 改为同义句 )

_________ __________ _______ get up early, you _________ be late.


导学案Unit5 Topic3审核人:编写人: 班级:姓名: Unit5 Topic3 Section A 一、目标导航【明确目标,把握方向】 1.学习描述感觉的句子; 2.继续学习表达对他人关心和建议的句子; 3.学习简单句的六种基本句型。 二、自主预习【课前预习,探索新知】 Ⅰ、读1a,回答1b的问题。 Ⅱ、读1a,完成1c的填空。 Ⅲ、在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语 1. have a test 2. get nervous 3. 做演讲 IV、在文中划出下面的句子并翻译 1.This is Michael speaking. 译:_______________________. 注意:英语中的电话用语是比较特殊的,请用电话用语翻译下面的句子 a.你是谁?________________ b.我是Nick。__________________ c.请等一下。 ____________________ d.我能留个口信儿吗?___________________ e.我能捎口信儿吗?_______________________ 2.Is there anything wrong? 译:_______________________. 可省略为:? 同义句:What's wrong? / What's the matter? /What's the problem? 3.I feel more relaxed now because of your help. 译: 回忆:because和because of 的区别 后接从句;后跟名词,代词,或名词短语。 填空: a. Wang Mings feels unhappy he failed the Chinese exam. b. Mr. Lee was very excited the ticket to the movie. 语法重点简单句的六种基本句型、V1.S +V+P(主语+系动词+表语) You look excited. S V P 注:常见的系动词有 分析:Tom's father sounded worried. 其中主语是:;系动词是:;


Unit6 I’m going to study computer science. 第一课时Section A (1a—2d) 一、学习目标 知识目标: 学会使用下列单词和短语:cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist, grow up, be sure about, make sure 句型:What do you want to be? How are you going to do that? 能力目标:通过听说训练及小组合作,全面提高自己的听说技能。 情感目标:激情投入,全力以赴地学习,为实现自己的理想目标而奋斗。 教学重点:单词、短语及be going to 结构。 教学难点:对未来计划和理想职业的准确表达。 二、预习展示 小提琴手____________ cook_________ engineer_________ driver____________ 钢琴家____________ 医生___________ 飞行员___________ scientist___________ 长大_____________ 计算机程序设计员_______________________ 擅长______________ keep on___________ 对…有把握_____________ make sure________________ 三、合作探究 知识探究 1.keep on doing sth.继续/坚持做某事(表示动作反复,强调动作与动作之间的时间间隔及某人做某事的决心。)keep doing sth.(表示连续不断的动作,或某一动词的持续状态。) 对点训练 (1)My father kept on ____________(smoke) though we wanted him to stop it. (2)Why does the dog keep_____? A. bark B. to bark C. barks D. barking 四、当堂反馈 单项选择。 1.---What’s your brother going to____when he_____up? ----A soldier. A. do; grow B. have ; grows C. be ; grows D. play ; grow 2. Her father is an ____________in a big factory. A. star B. engineer C. worker D. player 3.--- are you going to be a pianist in the future ? ----I’m going to practice playing the piano every day. A. What B .When C. How D. Why 4.There an art exhibition this Sunday. A. have B. is going to have C. is going to be D. is going to hold 5. He is going to to New York with his parents. A. take B. move C. bring D. stay


Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1 I am so happy. SectionA 一、目标导航【明确目标,把握方向】 1.掌握表达个人情感的词汇,并能正确表达个人情感; 2.掌握“系动词+形容词”的系表结构及用法。 二、自主预习【课前预习,探索新知】 Ⅰ.读译1a,回答问题 1.Why does Kangkang look excited? ________________________________________________ 2.When are they going to see the movie? _____________________________________________ 3.Where are Kangkang, Michael and Jane going to spend the evening? ___________________________________________________________ Ⅱ.读译3a,回答问题 1.Did Mr. Lee get a ticket to the movie? ______________________________________ 2.How did he feel? ______________________________________ Ⅲ. 在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语 1.看上去很激动___________ 2.邀请…做… _____________ 3.去看电影__________________ 4.《音乐之声》__________________ 5.我最喜爱的电影之一_____________________ 6.为…准备… _________________ 7.向…致谢________________ 8.笑脸___________________ 9.去电影院看电影__________________ 10.感到失望_____________ 11.尝着很香___________ 12.听着很美_____________ 13.帮助别人____________ 14.受到穷人们的欢迎_______________ 15.对穷人们很残暴____________________ 16.不受人们的欢迎________________________ 17.本周六______________ 18.真遗憾!_______________ 19.感到开心__________________ 20.在电视上播出______________ Ⅳ. 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译 1.How are you doing? Very well. 译:_________________________ 思考:well可以换成good吗? 链接:我们学过的见面问候的方式有很多: 第一次见面问候(正式的)_________________________对应答语_________________________ 第一次见面问候(非正式的)_______________________对应答语_________________________ 熟悉的人见面问候______________________________对应答语_________________________ 熟悉的人见面问候______________________________对应答语_________________________ 2.My father and mother want to invite your parents to go to the movie. 1 2 3 译:_____________________________________________________________ 点拨:to的用法有两种: 一、不定式符号to ; 二、介词to 分析:句子中的三个to: (1)_____________ (2)_____________ (3)______________ 练习: 妈妈让我早睡早起。Mum______me_____ _____ _____bed and_____ _____ early. 3.I went to buy a ticket, but there was none left. 译:_____________________________________ 对比:I went to look for the children, but there was none left. 译:___________________________ 点拨:none = no one---既可以指人也可以指物left是leave(留下)的过去分词形式,不是过去式


2017-2018仁爱版初中英语八年级下册导学案 Unit 5 Feeling Happy Why all the smiling faces? Section A 任务一:I 1 听录音补全下面的答句。 1. How does Kangkang look? He looks ____________. 2. Why does Kangkang look excited? Because his parents want to _________ Jane?s parents _________ _________ to the movies. 3. Is Jane fond of the movie The Sound of Music? Yes, it is ________ ________ her favorite movies. 4. What are Jane and Kangkang going to do on Saturday evening? They will _________ the evening at Kangkang?s __________. 5. What will Kangkang?s mom do? She will ___________ some delicious food __________them. II. 读课文,翻译短语并完成解析。 1. “How are you doing?”的意思是______________, 这是一个问候语,与之类似的还有How are you?/ How is it going? /How are you getting along?,回答此类问候,常用:fine/ very well, + thank you/thanks. 2. “ invite your parents to go to the movies”意思是________________, 我们可以总结“邀请某人做某事”,句型为________________________. 例:Sally 昨天邀请我参加她的生日聚会。________________________________________。 3. “spend the evening at my house.”意思是_________________。Spend 当花费讲,句型为______________________ 或_________________________。 4. “prepare some delicious food for us”意思是____________________。我们可以总结“为…准备…”,句型为:________________。“为…做准备”是________________。和我们之前学过的句型___________________意思相同。例:他们正在为考试做准备。____________ _________________或___________________________。 5. “say thanks to your mom.”意思是__________________。我们可以总结“向某人道谢”句型为_____________________。扩展一下:向某人道歉、道别、打招呼分别为say ____________/___________/___________ to sb.


2013年人教版八年级英语(下册)导学案 【课题】 Unit1 section A 1a-2c ( 1课时) 【学习目标】 学会用将来时态预言。 【重点、难点】 1.will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答。 2. There be 句型的一般将来时。 【导学指导】 温故知新小组讨论设想未来世界的变化。 运用be going to谈论将来的计划和打算。 自主互助学习 知识剖析: 一般将来时态 构成: will / be going to +动词原形 1.用be going to do表示将来:主要意义,一是表示“意图”,即打算在最近的将来或将来进行某事。 Are you going to post that letter? I am going to book a ticket. 另一意义是表示“预见”,即现在已有迹象表明将要发生或即将发生某种情况。 It’s going to rain. 2.用will/ shall do表示将来: You will feel better after taking this medicine. 助动词will+动词原形 I will not lend the book to you. 变否定句直接在will后加not She will come to have class tomorrow. Will she come to have class tomorrow? 变一般疑问句,直接把will提到句首。 Yes,she will/ No.she won’t . 3. fewer 与less及more表数量的用法。 1)few(形容词)“几乎没有,很少的”,修饰可数名词。其比较级、最高级为规则变化:few-fewer-fewe st“a few”表示“一些”“few”带否定含义,“几乎没有”。 2)little(形容词)“很少的,几乎没有的”(“小的,幼小的”),修饰不可数名词。其比较级、最高级为不规则变化:little-less-least。例:There will be less pollution. “a little”表“一些”,“little”带否定含义,“几乎没有”。 3)many“许多”,修饰可数名词。much“许多”,修饰不可数名词。 比较级、最高级为不规则变化:many / much -more-most。 重点难点释义: 1. In ten years 十年后 In+一段时间:…..之后 in 5 months :5个月后 in 3 years: 3年后 in a week: 一周后 I′ll be a reporter in ten years.十年后我会是一个记者 学习过程: 1.小组看图1a,完成下列对话。 A: Will people have ________ in their homes? B: Yes, ________ ________. I think every home will have one. 2. 小组合作讨论预测未来世界的变化完成1a 。 3. 小组合作训练 1)will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答。 2)There be 句型的一般将来时。 4. 听力技能提高。 1)听录音完成1b 。 2)听前预测2a/2b 。 3) 听录音完成2a/2b 。 5.综合运用能力提高。 小组合作运用将来时的句型对未来作出预测。完成1c/2c 。 【课堂练习】 一、根据汉语意思,完成句子。一空一词。 1. 书籍将会仅仅在电脑,而不在纸上。


Unit1 参考答案 第一课时 检测提升 Ⅰ单项选择 1 A 2 D 3 B 4 D 5 B Ⅱ适当词型填空 1 had 2 Does,have 3 lie,rest 4 anything 5 better Ⅲ翻译句子 1 What’s the matter?/ What’s wrong?/ What’s the trouble? 2 Maybe you should see a dentist. 3 What s hould I do? 4 He didn’t have enough money yesterday 5 You’d better bake your temperature. 6 Nanc y has a stomachache today. Ⅳ补全对话 A D B C 第二课时 Ⅰ根据首字母填写单词 1 matter 2 ears,eyes 3 temperature 4 fever 5 passengers Ⅱ介词填空 1 At 2 along 3 on 4 of 5 to 6 for 7 without 8 off 9 for 10 to 11 with 12 onto 13 to 14 in Ⅲ翻译句子: 1 The driver of bus No.26 saw an old man lying on the side of the road. 2 Thanks to Mr.Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time. 3 To his su rprise, they all agree to go with him. 4 They don’t want to get into trouble. 5 He expe cted most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus. Ⅳ选择最佳答案 1 What’s 2 feel 3 fever 4 bored V 1.B 2.B 3.B 4.C 第三课时 Ⅰ英汉互译 1.扎绷带 2.清洗脸部 3.告诉他去医院 4.put on a clean T-shirt 5.rest for a few days 6.have a nosebleed 7.get an x-rag 8.get hit on the head 9.碰破了膝盖 Ⅱ. 单项选择 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A Ⅲ. 句型转换 1.What’s wrong ?/ Wh at’s the trouble? 2. I have a pain on my back. 3. The young bus driver is 24 year s old. Ⅳ补全对话 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.E Ⅴ翻译句子 1.The doctor told my father to give up smoking. 2 Mrs green is a 36-year-old woman. 3What happened to him?/ What was the matter with him ?


Unit5 Topic3 导学案 编写人: __________________ 审核人:_________________ 班级:____________________ 姓名:_____________________ Unit5 Topic3 Section A 一、目标导航【明确目标,把握方向】 1. 学习描述感觉的句子; 2. 继续学习表达对他人关心和建议的句子; 3. 学习简单句的六种基本句型。 二、自主预习【课前预习,探索新知】 I、读1a,回答1b的问题。 n、读1a,完成1c的填空。 川、在文中找到,戈U出并背诵下面的短语 1. have a test __________ 2._get _n ervous_ __________ 3. _____________________________ 做演讲 IV、在文中划出下面的句子并翻译 1. This is Michael speaking. 译: _________________________ . 注意:英语中的电话用语是比较特殊的,请用电话用语翻译下面的句子 a. ________________________ 你是谁?_________________________ b. 我是Nick。 c. 请等一下。 d.我能留个口信儿吗?______________________ e.我能捎口信儿吗? ___________________________ 2.Is there anything wrong? 译:_________________________ . 可省略为:__________ ? _______ 同义句:What's wrong? / What ' the matter? /What ' the problem? 3.I feel more relaxed now because of your help. 译:____________________________________ 回忆:because 和because of 的区别 _________ 后接从句;______________ 后跟名词,代词,或名词短语。 填空: a. Wang Mings feels un happy he_failed_the Chin ese exam. b. Mr. Lee was very excited the ticket_to_the_movie. V、语法重点简单句的六种基本句型 1.S +V+P(主语+系动词+表语) You look_excited.— S V P 注:常见的系动词有______________________________________________________________ 分析:Toms father sounded worried. 其中主语是:________ ;系动词是:__________ ; 2.S+V(主语+谓语) They arrived._ S V 分析:The cat was sleeping. 其中主语是:_______ ;谓语是:__________________ 3.S+V+O(主语+谓语+宾语)

人教版英语八年级下册英语 第一单元学案

八年级下册Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section A 1. What’ s the matter? 怎么啦?出什么事情了? 【解析】 What’ s the matter with you? = What’s the trouble with you? = What’ s wrong with you?你怎么了? = What’s up? = What happens to sb.? 【2013自贡3】18. —What’s the matter ______ Tom. He is wet through. —His car ran _______ the river. ; in ; into ; into —What’s the matter with you ? —I have a bad cold. ( ) ①What’s ____ with you? A. trouble B. the matter C. the wrong D. matter ( )②—______? —Nothing serious , but a bit tired. —Better have a rest now, dear. A. Is that all B. Is there anything else C. What’s this D. What’s the matter with you 【2011.云南昆明】27. —What’s the matter with Tina? —_______________. A. She is away. B. She is cool. C. She has a sore throat. D. She should take some medicine 【拓展】matter的用法(1) It doesn’t matter没关系(用来回答别人道歉时的用语) ( ) —I’m sorr y to break your pen. —_______ A. That’s right B. It doesn’t matter C. Thank you 【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】17.-I have a pain in my back. -_____ . You’d better see a doctor. A. I’m sorry to hear that B. Nothing serious C. It doesn’t matter 【2013四川广安】26.—Sorry, I'm late again. —______. A.That’s OK B.It doesn't matter C.Good idea 2. I have a cold 我感冒了 I have a stomachache 我患胃痛 I have a sore back. 我背痛。 【解析1】have a/an + 疾病名词“患……病”(cold/fever/cough) have a sore throat 患喉咙痛have a sore back 患背痛 have a fever 发烧have a cold =catch a cold 患感冒 have a stomachache 患胃痛have a toothache患牙痛 have a headache 患头痛have a backache患背痛 ①Mike’s sister _________________(not have) a stomachache. 【2012曲靖中考】I didn’t sleep well last night, because I _____ a toothache . A. was B. went C. had D. took 【2013山东莱芜】—Tony, What’s ___ matter with you? —I have _____ toothache. A. a; the B. the; a C. /; the D. the; /


导学案(教师)模板 年级八年级科目英语课题(章节) Unit 1

二、写出下列身体部位。 【课堂探究】 1.I have a stomachache.意为:_________________。其中stomachache是名词,意为:____________,是由名词_____________(胃;腹部)加后缀__________(疼痛)构成的复合名词。 提示:此类复合名词还有:背痛__________、牙痛__________、头痛__________等。 2.have a cold 意为:____________ , have 也可以换成catch,即______________。 提示:表示有某种“病症;症状”常用“have + a + 名词”结构,have在此类短语中意为:___________。例如: 发烧________________ 胃痛________________ 咳嗽________________ 3.What’s the matter?意为:____________________。常用于询问对方有什么问题或有什么不顺心的事,也可用于询问某物出了什么故障,后可接with sb./sth.,表示“某人/某物怎么了”。同义句型有: the trouble What’s the problem(with sb./sth.) wrong 4.I think you should lie down and rest.我认为你应该躺下休息。 ①.lie down意为“躺下”,其中lie是动词,意为:_______________。需要注意的是,lie的过去式是__________。注意区分下列词: 原形过去式现在分词 lie(动词)躺,位于lay lying lie(动词)说谎lied lying lay(动词)下蛋;放置laid laying


最新仁爱英语八年级下册单元导学案 Topic 1 I have some exciting news to tell you. 一、词的形式 decide(名词)_____________ raise(过去式)____________ discuss(现在分词)____________ cinema(复数)_______________ dollar(复数) _________________ sell(过去式)________________ queen(对应词)______________ Canada(形容词)_____________ condition(复数)____________ comfortable(动词)___________ greet(名词)__________ safe(副词)____________ 二、重点词组及短语 1. find out 2. start out 3.air conditioning 4.go on a trip to 5.make a decision 6.decide on 7. over the phone 8..go on a spring field trip 9. go on a three-day visit to 10.railway station 11.train station 12. hard sleeper 13. soft sleeper 14. field trip 15. pay for 16. book tickets 17.departure time 18.arrival time 19.total price 20. per ticket 21. a standard room with two single beds . 22. two rooms without a bathroom or air conditioning 23. one-way ticket 24. round-trip ticket https://www.sodocs.net/doc/be681684.html,e up with 26.work out 27. put on a show 28.borrow…from… 29. l end…to..30. as soon as 31. hear from 32.look forward to (doing) sth 33. raise money 34.tell sb. not to do sth.


Unit 1 What’s the matter(Section A 1a-2d) 学习目标: 1.我要会用本课所学四会单词短语; 2.阅读理解对话、短文并能复述,能用所学词汇、句型进行情景口头表达和书面表达;2我能使用should及shouldn’t对不同健康问题给出有针对性的合理建议; 3. 我要提升听、说能力。 重点,难点: 1.学会表达身体的各种不适; 2. 识记对于不同健康问题的针对性建议的词汇;灵活给出建议; 3.使用英语与同学灵活、自由、更深层次地谈论身体健康的话题。 独学准备:1.独学1a-2d中的单词及短语2.自读对话2d两次,把握大意,划出不懂之处并自己查字典解决

当堂测评分层达标 一.自主学习: 1.完成下列短语翻译。 发烧_____________; 躺下休息 ______________; 喝大量的水_____________;看牙医 __________; 加蜂蜜的热茶___________ ;看牙医/医生 ; 拍x光片____________; 患咳嗽的病_____________;伤到自己_____________;量体温__________;敷上药_____________;嗓子疼_______________; 二.根据首字母提示和句意提示填空。 1. I have a toothache, I have to see a d______. 2. She is tired, she should go to bed early, she s______ go to the party. 3. When you have a headache, please lie down and r______. 4. I have a t____ __, so I want to see a dentist. 5.–I have a stomachache .- You shouldn’t eat a______ . 6. Open your m______ and say “AH” . 7. It’s a good habit to brush your t ______twice a day . 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I’m feeling terrible, I have a _______ (stomach). 2.You should ______ (drink) enough water every day. Our body needs much water. 3.I think everyone has two________(foot) 4.When you have a stomachache, you shouldn’t eat ____________(something). 四.根据汉语提示,完成句子,每空一词 1.你怎么了?我喉咙痛。 一What’s the ___ with you?一I have a ____throat. 2.我喜欢喝热蜂蜜茶。 I like ________ hot tea ________ honey. 3.你需要间歇性的远离电脑。 You ________________________________ . 4.那听起来像是一个好主意。 _____________________________________ . 5.你应该躺下休息。 You ________ lie down and ________. 6.我应该量体温吗? Should I _____ ____ ________________? 7. 我头疼。 I have ___ ________________. 8、你周末做什么了? What_____ you_____ on the _________? 9、你应该离开电脑休息一下。You need to _____ ________ ______ _______the computer. 10.我认为你应该躺下来休息。I think you should ______ ______ and rest. 五.根据首字母提示完成表示身体部位的单词 I’m a robot(机器人).I have a h_______, but there is no h______ on my head .I can see with my e_____. I can smell(闻)with my n________. I have a m_________, but there aren’t any t_______ in it because I never eat anything. I have two e_______, so I can hear everything. My n_____ is very short , I can’t turn my head. I have a strong body, but I don’t have a_______ or h_______. I don’t have l_______ or f________, either. So I can’t walk.课后反馈:


(人教版)八年级英语下册(全册)优秀同步 导学案汇总

Section A 1a-2d 【学习目标】 1.识记并准确运用身体部位的词汇。 2.学会询问他人身体健康状况。 【学习重点和难点】 重点:识记身体部位的多个词;掌握多个询问他人身体健康状况的问法。 难点:不同身体部位不舒服的表达方法。 【学法指导】自主互助学习 知识链接:

结合三组学生的表演及课本Page7上的对话总结三种询问他人身体健康状况的句子: 1. ___________________________________________________; 2._____________________________________________________; 3.____________________ _________________________________ 【目标评价】 提问,演板,书面小测试。 【学习过程】 1. 浏览1a部分,借助单词表完成1a。 2. 师生讨论结果并朗读它们。 3. 积极参与识别身体部位词汇的游戏。 4. 浏览课本图片中的对话后完成下列词组: 怎么了__________________; 感冒了_______________; 背酸痛______________;胃痛,肚子痛___________________; 喉咙痛_______________________。 5. 浏览1b要求及所给名称,弄清要求及准确掌握5个名字的发音。 6. 弄清1-5几个人所在位置。 7. 听录音并按要求完成1b。

8. 讨论答案并再放录音,要求学生大声重复。并再次完成下列词组: 怎么了__________________; 感冒了______________; 背酸痛_______________;胃痛,肚子痛___________________; 喉咙痛______________;牙疼___________; 头疼_________________________; 9. 查阅字典或者资料完成下列词组: 咳嗽____________________; 打喷嚏___________________; 发烧_______________________; 10. 小组讨论以上表述身体健康问题的词组可分几种类型并按照类型罗列在下边空白处。 11. 两人一组编造对话(注意要有表演)。 12. 争取机会表演对话。 【拓展巩固】 说出身体部位的词及表述身体部位疼痛的三种类型;说出询问别人身体状况的三种问法及如何回答;注意foot、tooth的复数形式。 【课堂练习】 写出下列表身体部位疼痛的词汇。


Topic 1 Why all the smili ng faces? Section A 任务一:I 1听录音补全下面的答句。 1. How does Kan gka ng look? He looks ___________ . 2. Why does Kan gka ng look excited? Because his pare nts want to _______ Jane's pare nts ___________________ t o the movies. 3. Is Jane fond of the movie The Sound of Music? Yes, it is _______________ her favorite movies. 4. What are Jane and Kan gka ng going to do on Saturday eve ning? They will _________ the evening at Kangkang ' ____________ . 5. What will Kangkang ' mom do? She will __________ some delicious food ___________ them. II.读课文,翻译短语并完成解析。 1. How are you doing? ”的意思是________________ ,这是一个问候语,与之类似的还有 How are you?/ How is it going? /How are you getting along? ,回答此类问候,常用:fine/ very well, + tha nk you/tha nks. 2. Invite your parents to go to the movies "意思是_________________ ,我们可以总结"邀请 某人做某事”,句型为__________________________ .例:Sally昨天邀请我参加她的生日聚 3. spend the evening at my house.” 意思是__________________ 。 Spend 当花费讲,句型为 _______________________ 或_____________________________ 。 4. prepare some delicious food for us ” 意思是 ____________________ 。我们可以总结 "为…准备…”,句型为:_________________ 。“为…做准备”是_________________ 。和我们之 前学过的句型____________________ 意思相同。例:他们正在为考试做准备。_____________ __________________ 或______________________________ 。 5. “ say thanks to your mom. ”意思是__________________ 。我们可以总结“向某人道谢” 句型为______________________ 。扩展一下:向某人道歉、道别、打招呼分别为say ___________ / ______________________ t o sb. 6. You look excited. ” 意思是______________________ 。句中的excited 是____________ (形容词/副词)修饰句中的 ____________ (you/ look )。这一句也可以改写成You are excited. ”意思与原句基本相同。那么我们发现原句中的look和be动词起到的作用一样,都是用 来说明主语的。are excited这种用来说明主语的结构,叫做“系表结构”,那么同样look excited也是系表结构,其中look做句中的______________ 语。与之类似的表达如: ①The music sounds won derful. ②The sweater feels soft. ③Kan gka ng looks tired..
