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021. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods. So there is real cause for concern if consumers, particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expensive organic foods instead.

The word “maintain” is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) improve

(B) monitor

(C) preserve

(D) restore

022. In addition, there were performers and since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task.

The word “considerable” is cl osest in meaning to which of following?

(A) thoughtful

(B) substantial

(C) relational

(D) ceremonial

023. In addition, there were performers and since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task.

The word “enactment” is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) establishment

(B) performance

(C) authorization

(D) season

024. Staggering tasks confronted the people of the United States, North and South, when the Civil War ended. About a million and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilian life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy.

The word “Staggering” is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) specialized

(B) confusing

(C) various

(D) overwhelming

025. About a million and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilian life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy.

The word “devastated” is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) developing

(B) ruined

(C) complicated

(D) fragile

026. Some botanists hypothesized that the living cells of plants acted as pumps. But many experiments demonstrated that the stems of plants in which all the cells are killed can still move water to appreciable heights.

The word “demonstrated” is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) ignored

(B) showed

(C) disguised

(D) distinguished

027. As water is lost from the surface of the leaves, a negative pressure, or tension, is created. The evaporated water is replaced by water moving from inside the plant in unbroken columns that extend from the top of a plant to its roots. The same forces that create surface tension in any sample of water are responsible for the maintenance of these unbroken columns of water.

The wor d “extend” is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) stretch

(B) branch

(C) increase

(D) rotate

028. By opening vast areas of unoccupied land for residential expansion, the omnibuses, horse railways, commuter trains, and electric trolleys pulled settled regions outward two to four times more distant from city centers than they were in the premodern era.

The word “vast” is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) large

(B) basic

(C) new

(D) urban

029. The new accessibility of land around the periphery of almost every major city sparked an explosion of real estate development and fueled what we now know as urban sprawl. Between 1890 and 1920, for example, some 250,000 new residential lots were recorded within the borders of Chicago, most of them located in outlying areas.

The word “sparked” is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) brought about

(B) surrounded

(C) sent out

(D) followed

030. Anxious to take advantage of the possibilities of commuting, real estate developers added 800,000 potential building sites to the Chicago region in just thirty years-lots that could have

housed five to six million people.

The word “potential” is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) certain

(B) popular

(C) improved

(D) possible


优质参考文档 TOEFL词汇题精选440题 001.Mostoftheseleaderswereinvolvedinpubliclif easreformers,activistsworkingforwomen'srightt ovote,orauthors,andwerenot representative at allofthegreatofordinarRwomen. Theword"representative"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing? (A)tRpical (B)satisfied (C)supportive (D)distinctive 002.IntheUnitedStates,LouisComfortTiffanR(1 843- 1933)wasthemostnotedeRponentofthisstRle,pr oducingagreatvarietRofglassformsandsurfaces, whichwerewidelRcopiedintheirtimeandarehigh lR prized todaR. Theword"prized"isclosestinmeaningtowhichoff ollowing? (A)valued (B)universal (C)uncommon (D)preserved 003.TheArtNouveaustRlewasamajorforceinthe decorativeartsfrom1895until1915,althoughitsin fluencecontinuedthroughoutthemid- 1920's.ItwaseventuallRtobe overtaken bRanew schoolofthoughtknownasFunctionalismthathad beenpresentsincetheturnofthecenturR. Theword"overtaken"isclosestinmeaningtowhic hoffollowing? (A)surpassed (B)inclined (C)eRpressed (D)applied 004.Duringmostoftheirlives,surgeglaciersbeha velikenormalglaciers,travelingperhapsonlRaco upleofinchesperdaR.However,at intervals of10t o100Rears,theseglaciersmoveforwardupto100ti mesfasterthanusual. Theword"intervals"isclosestinmeaningtowhich offollowing? (A)records (B)speeds (C)distances (D)periods 005.Theincreasingwaterpressureundertheglaci ermightliftitoffitsbed,overcomingthefrictionbet weeniceandrock,thus freeing theglacier,whichr apidlRslidersdownhillsurgeglaciersalsomightbe influencedbRtheclimate,volcanicheat,orearthq uakes. Theword"freeing"isclosestinmeaningtowhicho ffollowing? (A)pushing (B)releasing (C)strengthening (D)draining 006.AfloodoficewouldthensurgeintotheSouther nSea.Withthecontinuedriseinsealevel,moreicew ould plunge intotheocean,causingsealevelstoris eevenhigher,whichinturnwouldreleasemoreicea ndsetinmotionaviciouscRcle. Theword"plunge"isclosestinmeaningtowhichof following?


《计算机基础》试卷 学院:专业:年级:姓名: 一判断题(每题1.5分,共15分) 1 Windows XP系统是一种应用软件。() 2 电子计算机的计算速度很快但计算精度不高。() 3 计算机不但有记忆功能,还有逻辑判断功能。() 4 常用微机系统中的字符编码是ASCII码。() 5 CRT通常是指阴极射线管的显示器。() 6 一个合法的数据中出现了7、8,该数据一定是10进制数。() 7 Num Lock 控制键用来打印当前屏幕中的内容。() 8 程序设计中的“变量”命名可以使用任何字符。() 9 在当型循环结构中循环程序体至少执行1次。() 10 一般认为,计算机病毒只能通过网络传播。()二选择题(每题2分,共40分) 1 下列那位科学家提出了测试机器智能的Turing规范 [A] 香农 [B] 艾伦·图灵 [C] 冯·诺伊曼 [D] 乔治·布尔 2 下列关于世界上第一台电子数字计算机的描述正确的是 [A]1941年ENIAC [B]1946年ENIAC [C]1945年EDVAC [D]1946年EDVAC 3 计算机最早的应用领域是___ __ [A] 科学计算 [B] 数据处理 [C] 过程控制 [D]文字处理 4 笔记本电脑属于_____________ [A] 巨型机 [B] 大型机 [C] 小型机 [D] 微型机 5 下列软件中不属于操作系统软件的是______ [A] Visual Basic [B] windows XP [C] UNIX [D] Linux 6 兰州大学学生电子邮件地址的完整形式是___ _ [A]用户名@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1316762940.html, [B]用户名#https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1316762940.html, [C]用户名/https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1316762940.html, [D]用户名https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1316762940.html, 7 电脑商有一报价:P4 2.8G/512MB/80GB/CD/声卡/1.44/15"LCD,7950元。其中数据项_____是指CPU时钟频率。



TOEFL词汇题精选440题 001. Most of these leaders were involved in public life as reformers, activists working for women's right to vote, or authors, and were not representative at all of the great of ordinary women. The word "representative" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) typical (B) satisfied (C) supportive (D) distinctive 002. In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffany (1843-1933) was the most noted exponent of this style, producing a great variety of glass forms and surfaces, which were widely copied in their time and are highly prized today. The word "prized" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) valued (B) universal (C) uncommon (D) preserved 003. The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 until 1915, although its influence continued throughout the mid-1920's. It was eventually to be overtaken by a new school of thought known as Functionalism that had been present since the turn of the century. The word "overtaken" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) surpassed (B) inclined (C) expressed (D) applied 004. During most of their lives, surge glaciers behave like normal glaciers, traveling perhaps only a couple of inches per day. However, at intervals of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster than usual. The word "intervals" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) records (B) speeds (C) distances (D) periods 005. The increasing water pressure under the glacier might lift it off its bed, overcoming the friction between ice and rock, thus freeing the glacier, which rapidly sliders downhill surge glaciers also might be influenced by the climate, volcanic heat, or earthquakes. The word "freeing" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) pushing (B) releasing (C) strengthening (D) draining 006. A flood of ice would then surge into the Southern Sea. With the continued rise in sea level, more ice would plunge into the ocean, causing sea levels to rise even higher, which in turn would release more ice and set in motion a vicious cycle. The word "plunge" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) drop (B) extend (C) melt (D) drift 007. Group members look to instrumental leaders to "get things done." Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well-being of a social group's members. The word "collective" is closest in 2


会计基础模拟试题二 一、是非题(共15题,每小题1分,共15分) 1.、会计主体确实是企业法人。( ) 2.、在重置成本计量下,资产和负债按照在公平交易中,熟悉情形的双方自愿进行资产交换或者债务清偿的金额计量。() 3、存货的可变现净值实质上是指净现金流入,而不是指存货的售价或合同价。() 4.、企业在使用固定资产卡片进行固定资产明细核算时,其固定资产卡片能够跨年连续使用只有在某种固定资产发生技术性能全然变化时,才能调换新卡片。() 5.、企业自创商誉以及内部产生的品牌,只要符合条件都可确认为无形资产。() 6.、资产清查要紧是对固定资产、流淌资产、无形资产、递延资产等资产进行清查,不包括对负债的清查。() 7.、记账凭证会计处理程序一样只适用于规模小、业务量少,记账凭证数量不多的会计主体。() 8.、在借贷记账法下发生额试算平稳的依据为全部账户本期借方发生额之和等于全部账户本期贷方发生额之和。() 9.、依照《企业会计准则》规定,固定资产盘盈应作为前期差错处理.通过“往常年度损益调整”科目核算,而不是通过“营业外收入”科目核算。() 10.、存货的采购成本包括存货的购买价款、进口关税和其他税费、运输费、仓储费、保险费以及其他可归属于存货采购成本的费用。() 11、以现金分配股利属于经济利益的流出,应该作为费用核算。( ) 12、单位要紧负责人调离时,应当进行的是局部、不定期清查。( ) 13、订本式账簿是指在记完账后,把记过账的账页装订成册的账簿。( ) 14、利润表是反映企业某一特定日期的经营成果的会计报表。( ) 15、不论哪种会计核算处理程序,在编制会计报表之前,都要进行对账工作。( ) 二、单选题(共30题,每小题1分,共30分) 1、下列经济业务,应填制现金收款凭证的是()。 A.从银行提取现金 B.以现金发放职工工资 C.出售报废固定资产收到现金 D.销售材料收到一张转账支票 2、下列会计科目,不属于资产类的是()。 A.预付账款 B.坏账预备 C.在途物资 D.递延收益 3、某企2010年年初未分配利润的借方余额为800 000元(未超过5年),当年实现利润 l 500 000元(假定不存在其他纳税调整事项),适用的所得税税率为25%,按10%的比例提取法定盈余公积。则年末,该企业应提取的盈余公积为()元。 A.100 500 B.32500 C.112500 D.15000


TOEFL词汇题精选440题 001. Most of these leaders were involved in public life as reformers, activists working for The word "representative" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) typical (B) satisfied (C) supportive (D) distinctive 002. In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffany (1843-1933) was the most noted exponent of this style, producing a great variety today. The word "prized" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) valued (B) universal (C) uncommon (D) preserved 003. The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 until 1915, although its influence continued throughout the mid-1920's. It was eventually to be overtaken by a new school of thought known as Functionalism that had been present since the turn of the century. The word "overtaken" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) surpassed (B) inclined (C) expressed (D) applied 004. During most of their lives, surge glaciers behave like normal glaciers, traveling perhaps only a couple of inches per day. However, at intervals of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster than usual. The word "intervals" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) records (B) speeds (C) distances (D) periods 005. The increasing water pressure under the glaciers also might be influenced by the climate, volcanic heat, or earthquakes. The word "freeing" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) pushing (B) releasing (C) strengthening (D) draining 006. A flood of ice would then surge into the turn would release more ice and set in motion a vicious cycle. The word "plunge" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) drop (B) extend (C) melt (D) drift 007. Group members look to instrumental leaders to "get things done." Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well-being of a social group's members. The word "collective" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) necessary (B) typical (C) group (D) particular 008. They offer sympathy when someone experiences difficulties or is subjected to discipline, are quick to lighten a serious


《大学计算机基础》模拟试题 一、单项选择题(毎小题1分,共50分) 1.在软件方面,第一代计算机主要使用()。 A) 机器语言 B) 高级程序设计语言 C) 数据库管理系统 D) BASIC和FORTRAN 2.一个完整的计算机系统通常应包括()。 A) 系统软件和应用软件 B) 计算机及其外部设备 C) 硬件系统和软件系统 D) 系统硬件和系统软件 3.计算机的存储系统通常包括()。 A) 内存储器和外存储器 B) 软盘和硬盘 C) ROM和RAM D) 内存和硬盘 4.在计算机内部,计算机能够直接执行的程序语言是()。 A) 汇编语言 B) C++语言 C) 机器语言 D) 高级语言 5.理论上已经证明,求解计算问题的程序控制结构的基本成分有()。 A) 转子(程序),返回,处理 B) 输入,处理,输出 C) 顺序,选择,重复 D) 输入/输出,转移,循环 6.操作系统的功能是()。 A)处理机管理,存储器管理,设备管理,文件管理 B)运算器管理,控制器管理,存储器管理,磁盘管理 C)硬盘管理,软盘管理,存储器管理,文件管理 D)程序管理,文件管理,编译管理,设备管理 7.在计算机内使用的计数制是()。 A) 二进制 B) 八进制 C) 十六进制 D) 十进制 8.下列有四种不同进制的数中,最小的数是()。 A) ()2 B) (75)10 C) (37)8 D) (2A)16 9.指令通常分为数据传送、算术运算、逻辑运算、程序控制、()等其他指令。 A)信号控制 B)通信 C)加法运算 D)输入输出 10.打印机是一种()。 A) 输出设备 B) 输入设备 C) 存储器 D) 运算器 11.在Windows 2000中,要安装一个应用程序,正确的操作应该是()。 A)打开"资源管理器"窗口,使用鼠标拖动操作 B)打开"控制面板"窗口,双击"添加/删除程序"图标 C)打开"MS-DOS"窗口,使用copy命令 D)打开"开始"菜单,选中"运行"项,在弹出的"运行"对话框中使用copy命令 12.资源管理器中用()方式显示文件与文件夹的所有信息。 A) 大图标 B) 小图标 C) 列表 D) 详细资料 13.以下哪种方法不可以释放硬盘上的空间()。 A) 删除无用文件 B) 运行“磁盘清理程序” C) 关闭不用的文件 D) 清空“回收站” 14.下列关于文档窗口的说法中正确的是( )。 A) 只能打开一个文档窗口 B) 可以同时打开多个文档窗口,被打开的窗口都是活动窗口


词汇题练习—tpo1-7 1.The word “precious” in the passage is closest in meaning to a.Exact b. scare c. valuable d.initial Although limited to a skull, the Pakicetus fossil provides precious details on the origins of …… 2.The word “exposed” in the passage is closest in mening to a.Explained b. visible c.identified d. located Several skeletons of another early whale, Basilosaurus, were found in sediments left by…and now exposed in the Sahara desert. 3.The word “propulsion” in the passage is closest in meaning to a.Staying afloat b.changing direction c. decreasing weight d.moving forward The structure of the backbone shows, however, that it swam like modern whales by moving the rear portion of its body up and down, even though a fluke was missing. The large hind legs were used for propulsion in water. 4.The word “threatened” in the passage is cloest in mening to a.Restricted b. endangered c. prevented d. rejected The expansion of desert-like conditions into areas where they did not previously exist is called deserfication. It has been estimated that an additional one-fourth of the Earth’s land surface is threatened by this process. 5.The word “delicate” in the passage is cloest in meaning to a.Fragile b.predictable c. complex d.valuable The semiarid lands bordering the deserts exist in a delicate ecological balance and are limited in their potential to adjust to increased exvironmental pressures. 6.The word “progressively” in the passage is cloest in meaning to a.Openly b. impressively c. objectively d.increasingly The cultivation of crops has expanded into progressively drier regions as population densities have grown. 7.The phrase “devoid of” in the passage is closest in meaning to a.Consisting of b. hidden by c. except for d. lacking in Since the raising of most crops necessitates the prior removal of the natural vegetation, crop failures leave extensive tracts of land deviold of a plant cover and susceptible to wind and water erosion. 8.The word “readily” in the passage is closest in meaning to a.Frequently b. easily c. intelligently d. obviously Exhibitors, however, wated to maximize their profits, which they could do more readily by projecting a handful of films to a hundreds of customers at a time…. 9.The word “assistance” in the passage is closest in meaning to a.Criticism b. leadership c. help d. approval …with the assistance of Edison’s former assistant…… 10.The word “expanded” in the passage is closest in meaning to a.Was enlarged b. was improved c. was varied d. was rejected At the same time, the image that the spectator looked at expanded from the miniscule peepshow dimensions of 1-2 inches (in height) to the life-size proportions of 6 or 9 feet. 11.The word “out of sight” in the passage is closet in meaning to (A) far away (B) hidden (C) partly visible d discovered 12.The word “incredible” in the passage is closet in meaning to (A) confusing


老托福词汇 440 题 TOEFL词汇题精选 001. Most of these leaders were involved in public life as reformers, activists working for women's right to vote, or authors, and were not representative at all (C) distances (D) periods of the great of ordinary women. The word "representative" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) typical (B) satisfied (C) supportive (D) distinctive 002. In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffany (1843-1933) was the most noted exponent of this style, producing a great variety of glass forms and surfaces, which were widely copied in their time and are highly prized today. The word "prized" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) valued (B) universal (C) uncommon (D) preserved 003. The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 until 1915, although its influence continued throughout the mid-1920's. It was eventually to be overtaken by a new school of thought known as Functionalism that had been present since the turn of the century. The word "overtaken" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) surpassed (B) inclined (C) expressed (D) applied 004. During most of their lives, surge glaciers behave like normal glaciers, traveling perhaps only a couple of inches per day. However, at intervals of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster than usual. The word "intervals" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) records (B) speeds 005. The increasing water pressure under the glacier might lift it off its bed, overcoming the friction between ice and rock, thus freeing the glacier, which rapidly sliders downhill surge glaciers also might be influenced by the climate, volcanic heat, or earthquakes. The word "freeing" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) pushing (B) releasing (C) strengthening (D) draining


2016学年第一学期《计算机基础》模拟考试试卷二 一.单项选择题(每小题有且只有一个正确的答案,每小题1.5分,共45分)1、下列不属于 ...计算机特点的是()D A、运算速度快 B、计算精度高 C、存储能力强 D、高度智能的思维方式 2、“文件传输协议”的英文缩写是()C A、WEB B、HTTP C、FTP D、HTML 3、多媒体计算机系统由______。()C A、计算机系统和各种媒体组成 B、计算机和多媒体操作系统组成 C、多媒体计算机硬件系统和多媒计算机软件系统组成 D、计算机系统和多媒体输入输出设备组成 4、将十进制数97转换成无符号二进制整数等于()B A、1011111 B、1100001 C、1101111 D、1100011 5、设汉字点阵为32ⅹ32,那么100个汉字的字形状信息所占用的字节数是()A A、12800 B、3200 C、32ⅹ3200 D、128k 6、显示或打印汉字时,系统使用的输出码为汉字的()B A、机内码 B、字形码 C、输入码 D、国际交换码 7、大写字母B的ASCII码值是()B A、65 B、66 C、41H D、97 8、计算机中所有信息的存储都采用()D A、十进制 B、十六进制 C、ASCII码 D、二进制 9、一个完整的计算机系统包括()D A、计算机及其外部设备 B、主机、键盘、显示器 C、系统软件和应用软件 D、硬件系统和软件系统 10、组成中央处理器(CPU)的主要部件是()D A、控制器和内存 B、运算器和内存 C、控制器和寄存器 D、运算器和控制器 11、计算机的内存储器是指()C A、RAM和C磁盘 B、ROM C、ROM和RAM D、硬盘和控制器 12、下列各类存储器中,断电后其信息会丢失的是()A A、RAM B、ROM C、硬盘 D、光盘 13、将发送端数字脉冲信号转换成模拟信号的过程称为()B A、链路传输 B、调制 C、解调 D、数字信道传输 14、计算机病毒实质上是()D A 操作者的幻觉 B 一类化学物质 C 一些微生物 D 一段程序 15、下列描述中不正确的()B A、多媒体技术最主要的两个特点是集成性和交互性 B、所有计算机的字长都是固定不变的,都是8位 C、计算机的存储容量是计算机的性能指标之一 D、各种高级语言的编译都属于系统软件 16、计算机软件包括______。()D A、程序 B、数据 C、有关文档资料 D、上述三项 17、计算机的硬件系统按照基本功能划分是由组成的()C A、CPU、键盘和显示器 B、主机、键盘和打印机 C、CPU、内存储器和输入输出设备 D、CPU、硬盘和光驱 18、下列选项中,不是微机总线的是()A A、地址总线 B、通信总线 C、数据总线 D、控制总线 19、计算机中的CPU对其只读不写,用来存储系统基本信息的存储器是()B A、RAM B、ROM C、Cache D、DOS 20、为解决各类应用问题而编写的程序,例如人事管理系统,称为()C A、系统软件 B、支撑软件 C、应用软件 D、服务性程序 21、世界上第一个计算机网络是______。()A A、ARPANET B、NSFNET C、ANSNET D、MILNET 22、不属于TCP/IP参考模型中的层次是()C A、应用层 B、传输层 C、会话层 D、互联层 23、下列各项中,不能作为IP地址的是()C A、 B、 C 、 D、 24、下列各项中,不能做为域名的是()D A、https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1316762940.html, B、https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1316762940.html, C、https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1316762940.html, D、www.c https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1316762940.html,.co 25、计算机网络是由______。()D A、工作站和服务器组成 B、客户机和服务器组成 C、通信介质和节点设备组成 D、通信子网和资源子网组成 26、在Windows XP中,下列属于浏览计算机的工具是()B A、任务栏 B、资源管理器 C、控制面板 D、回收站 27、WindowsXP中,按下Ctrl+Alt+Delete组合键时,会打开的窗口是()D A、我的电脑 B、控制面板 C、任务管理器 D、资源管理器 28、在Internet中完成从域名到IP地址或从IP地址到域名的转换的是下列哪个服务()A A、DNS B、FTP C、WWW D、ADSL 29、IPv6的地址长度是()C


【考前练习】托福词汇模拟练习题精选试题(二) 托福单词记忆对于大多数托福考生来说是一大难点。托福词汇的学习需要放在文章语境中去记忆和理解。以下为大家带来十道托福词汇模拟练习题精选试题(二),希望对大家托福备考有所帮助! 021. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods. So there is real cause for concern if consumers, particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expensive organic foods instead. The word “maintain” is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) improve (B) monitor (C) preserve (D) restore 022. In addition, there were performers and since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task. The word “considerable” is cl osest in meaning to which of following? (A) thoughtful (B) substantial (C) relational (D) ceremonial


《计算机基础》模拟试题二 一、单选题(每小题1分,共80分) 1、第一台数字电子计算机ENIAC,于在美国诞生。 年年年 2、IBM公司的“深蓝”计算机曾经与世界象棋大师进行比赛并获得胜利,“深蓝”体现了 计算机______方面的应用。 A. 科学计算 B. 数据处理 C. 辅助设计 D. 人工智能 3、将175转换成十六进制,结果为______。 A. AFH B. 10FH C. D0H D. 98H 4、如果(73)X=(3B)16,则X为______。 A. 2 B. 8 C. 10 D. 16 5、数据处理的基本单位是______。 A. 位 B. 字节 C. 字 D. 双字 6、假设某计算机的字长为8位,则十进制数(-100)10的反码表示为______。 A. B. C. D. 7、已知[X]补=,求X(真值)______。 A. -1000110 B. -1000101 C. 1000100 D. 1000110 8、某计算机字长为32位,用4个字节表示一个浮点数(如下图),其中尾数部分用定点小 数表示,则尾数部分可表示的最大数值为______。

A. 1 B. 1-2-23 C. 1-2-24 D. 1-2-22 9、已知字母“m”的ASCII码为6DH,则字母“p”的ASCII码是______ A. 68H B. 69H C. 70H D. 71H 10、汉字“往”的区位码是4589,其国标码是______。 A. CDF9H B. C5F9H C. 4D79H D. 65A9H 11、一个汉字的编码为B5BCH,它可能是______。 A. 国标码 B. 机内码 C. 区位码 D. ASCII码 12、根据冯.诺依曼机的基本特点,下面说法不正确的是______。 A. 采用存储程序方式,计算机能自动逐条取指令并运行。 B. 硬件与软件不分开,配置不同的硬件及软件来适应不同的要求 C. 指令和数据都采用二进制 D. 指令由操作码和地址码组成 13、关于计算机指令系统及工作原理,不正确的说法是______。 A. 所有计算机的指令系统都是一样的 B. 计算机自动处理是指运行预先编制好的运算程序 C. 指令逐条运行由计算机硬件实现 D. 计算机程序是用户根据某一任务的解决步骤,选用一组指令进行有序排列的集 合 14、不能用来衡量计算机运算速度的方法是______。 A. 时间频率 B. 指令执行速度MIPS C.核心程序法 D.外频 15、准确地说,计算机的中央处理器(CPU)是由______组成。 ①运算器②控制器③主存④寄存器 A.①② B. ①②③ C. ①②④ D. ①②③④ 16、关于计算机存储器,不正确的描述是______。 A. 顺序存储器只能按照顺序存取数据 B. 只读存储器中的内容不能修改 C. 随机存储器存取时间的长短也是随机的 D. 外存中的数据不能直接进入CPU 17、存取速度最快的存储器件是______。 A. 外存 B. 寄存器 C. 缓存 D. 内存


专业班姓名成绩 《计算机应用基础》模拟试卷二 说明: 1、本试题共5道大题,考试时间120分钟。 2、请将答案写在试卷指定的位置,否则将不得分。 一. 填空题(请将正确的答案填写在试题相应的位置上。) 1. 计算机网络最显著的特征是。 2. 函数SUM(B5:F5)相当于用户输入公式。 3. 常见的打印机有打印机、打印机和打印机3类。 4. CPU的中文意思是。 5. 窗口排列有______、纵向平铺和横向平铺3种方式。 6. 智能ABC输入法状态栏框表示处于________输入状态。 7. 局域网硬件中占主要地位的是。 8. IP地址采用分层结构,由和主机地址组成。 9. 在浏览器中,默认的协议是。 10. 在Excel中,一个工作簿中默认有张工作表,最多可有张工作表。 11. 如果某一单元格中的文本前面总有删除不掉的空格,那可能是因为。 12. 打印页码3,7,11,17~20表示打印的是。 13. 接入Internet的计算机必须共同遵守协议。 14. 复制文本排版格式可以单击工具栏上按钮,也可以用快捷来实现。 15. 第一台电子计算机的名字是,诞生与年。 16. 如果要在不同页的页眉页脚区放置不同的内容,应在对话框中设置。

17. 下述()不是Internet国际互联网的译名。 A.因特网 B.交互网 C.网际网 D.诺威网 18. 中央处理器的英文缩写是,由和组成。 19. 计算机语言有语言、语言和语言3类。 20. 微型计算机是由、和接口部件构成的。 二. 单选题(请将正确答案的序号填写在试题对应的括号内。) 1. 在Excel 2007中,若在A2单元格中输入“8^2”则显示结果为()。 A.16B.64C.=8^2D.8^2 2. 计算机能直接执行的程序是。 A.源程序B.机器语言程序C.高级语言程序D.汇编语言程序 3. 目前的计算机都是基于冯·诺依曼提出的原理。 A.二进制数B.布尔代数C.开关电路D.存储程序 4. PowerPoint 提供的幻灯片版式设计主要是为幻灯片设置。 A.背景图案B.动画效果 C.对象的颜色D.对象的种类和其间相互位置 5. 一个PowerPoint演示文稿是由若干个组成。 A.幻灯片B.图片和工作表C.电子邮件D.Office文档和动画 6. MPEG-1压缩算法广泛应用于()视频节目。 A.VCD B.DVD C.HDTV D.PAL
