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Role of Sheng

The roles on the Chinese opera stage fall into

four categories -- Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou.

These roles have the natural features of age and

sex, as well as social status, and are

artificially exaggerated by makeup, costume and


Sheng, a male role, usually a leading one, dates

back to Southern Drama of the Song and Yuan

Dynasties (960-1368). This role appears in

operas in all historical periods. According to

the age and social status of the characters,

Sheng falls into five sub-groups: Laosheng,

Xiaosheng, Wusheng, Hongsheng and Wawasheng

(characters of children).

Laosheng is also known as Xusheng, meaning

bearded men, because the actors wear artificial

beards, and they are middle-aged or elderly men.

Most are upright and resolute characters. They

sing in their natural voices, and their actions

are serious ones.

Xiaosheng is a sub-category of Sheng

representing young male characters. They don't

wear artificial beards. They always sing in

their real voices, while in Kunqu and Pihuang

operas the singing mixes natural and falsetto


Wusheng stands for all of the male characters

who appear in battle scenes. They are further

subdivided into Changkao Wuheng, Duanda Wusheng,

Goulian Wusheng and Houxi Wusheng. They always

wear helmets and thick-soled boots. The generals

always carry long pikes. Wusheng roles call for

sturdy and vigorous actions, with resounding

declamations. The movements of the waist and

legs are powerful, and a high level of martial

arts skills is demanded in these roles. Duanda

Wusheng roles use short-handled weapons, and

their movements are light and swift.






Role of Dan in Peking Opera

The roles on the Chinese opera stage fall into

four categories: Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou.

These roles have the natural features of age and

sex, as well as social status, and are

artificially exaggerated by makeup, costume and


Dan is the general term in Peking Opera for

female roles. As early as in the Song Dynasty

(960-1279), the Zhuangdan role appeared.

Southern Drama and Northern Zaju, which

developed during the Song and Yuan Dynasties

(960-1368), also had Dan roles. After Kunqu

matured, it had Zhengdan, Xiaodan, Tidan and

Laodan. Later, more Dan types were developed.

Nowadays, the Dan roles are subdivided into

Zhengdan (or Qingyi), Huadan, Wudan, Laodan and

Caidan, in accordance with age, characteristics

and social positions of the roles.

Zhengdan role was the main Dan role in the

Northern Zaju. Zhengdan refers to young or

middle-aged women with gentle and refined

dispositions. Most of Zhengdan 's lines are

delivered in song, and even the spoken parts are

recited in rhythmic style. Always dressed in a

blue gown, Zhengdan is also called Qingyi (blue


Huadan is a role for a vivacious maiden, a young

woman with a frank and open personality, or a

woman of questionable character.

Wudan refers to female characters skilled in the

martial arts and can be subdivided into Daomadan

and Wudan, according to the social positions and

skills represented. Daomadan is good at using

pikes and spears, and at riding horses. Wudan

always wears short robes and the role emphasizes

acrobatics. Wudan plays gods and ghosts and has

excellent fighting skills.

Laodan usually represents aged women. He/She

sings in their natural voices, in a style

similar to that of Laosheng but in milder tones.

In some types of opera, Laodan is called Fudan

or Bodan.

Caidan, also called Choudan, represents clownish

and cunning females. The performance of this

part calls for exuberance.




Role of Jing

The roles on the Chinese opera stage fall into

four categories: Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou.

These roles have the natural features of age and

sex, as well as social status, and are

artificially exaggerated by makeup, costume and


Jing refers to painted-face roles, known

popularly as Hualian. The different colors and

designs on the faces represent males with

different characteristics. Some are bold and

vigorous and some are sinister, ruthless, crude

and rash. The voice is loud and clear, and the

movements are exaggerated.

The Jing role originates from the Fujing role of

the Song Zaju. The Jing roles gradually

increased in number, and became further divided

into several groups, according to the different

social positions and characters of the roles.

Dahualian with a fully painted face is known as

Zheng Jing. The roles represent men of high

social standing and good behavior, often court

ministers. Zheng Jing sings in vigorous and

sturdy tones.

Erhualian, also known as Fu Jing, has powerful

bodily movements and sturdy singing voices. Some

roles in this group represent rascally

ministers, recognizable by their white faces.

Wu'er Hualian is also known as Wu Jing. This

role is more physical than most of the others,

with little singing or reciting.

You Hualian, also known as Mao Jing, is a

clownish role. Some of You Hualian roles have

special skills, such as spouting fire from the

mouth or baring the teeth.





Role of Chou in Peking Opera

The roles on the Chinese opera stage fall into

four categories: Sheng Dan, Jing and Chou. These

roles have the natural features of age and sex,

as well as social status, and are artificially

exaggerated by makeup, costume and gestures.

The Chou is one of the main roles in Peking

Opera. The eyes and nose are surrounded by a

white patch, so Chou is also known as Xiao Hua

Lian (partly painted face).

The Chou roles originated in Southern Drama of

the Song and Yuan dynasties (960-1368) and

appear in various kinds of operas. They portray

various kinds of characters, some are

warm-hearted, simple and sincere, and some are

sinister and mean.

In modern operas, the performance of Chou roles

has developed rapidly, and different operas have

their own styles. In general, the Chou roles do

not focus on singing, but the dialogue is clear

and fluent. According to the social positions,

characters and skills demanded, the Chou roles

are divided into two categories: Wenchou

(civilian) and Wuchou (martial). Both have their

own special features.

Wuchou is also known as Kai Kou Tiao. It

requires not only a good command of the martial

arts or acrobatics, but also the ability to

deliver the lines both clearly and fluently. The

movements should be light and powerful


参考资料:百度 京剧在塑造人物方面有其独特的造型语言。它把不同性别、性格、年龄、身份的人物划分为不同的行当,一般说来有"生、旦、净、丑"四大行当。由于京剧人物造型形象鲜明、风格多样,有强烈的剧场效果,常常更易于激起观众的欣赏兴趣。 生行 京剧中的 "生",一般指剧中扮演男子的演员,其中又可细分为"老生"、"小生"和"武生"。"老生",顾名思义就是中老年男子角色,在剧中多扮演正直刚毅的人物形象,例如京剧《伍子胥》中的伍子胥.他们演出时要戴挂在耳朵上的假胡须,在京剧的行话中也叫"髯口",因此还专门有一套髯口上的表演功夫。胡须的颜色表示了人物的年龄。京剧《四郎探母》中的杨四郎年约三十岁,所戴胡须为黑色。京剧《秦香莲》中王延龄年约六十,所戴胡须为白色。老生在剧中一般注重演唱和细腻表演,唱腔上也最为丰富。台词用京剧中的韵白来表现,演唱用真声,风格刚劲、挺拔、质朴、醇厚,动作造型也以雍容、端方、庄重为基调。与老生相对应的是 "小生",在京剧中指青少 年男子角色,他们在剧中的动作造型儒雅倜傥、秀逸飞动。在演唱上采用真假声结合的唱法,演唱风格华美和明亮。例如京剧《白蛇传》中的许仙. "武生"是指扮演剧中年轻的男性武将,他们用高超的武打技术来展示剧中人物的武艺高强。不重演唱,注重武打动作的娴熟和技巧的难度。例如京剧《长坂坡》中的赵云. Role of Sheng The roles on the Chinese opera stage fall into four categories -- Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou. These roles have the natural features of age and sex, as well as social status, and are artificially exaggerated by makeup, costume and gestures. Sheng, a male role, usually a leading one, dates back to Southern Drama of the Song and Yuan Dynasties (960-1368). This role appears in operas in all historical periods. According to the age and social status of the characters, Sheng falls into five sub-groups: Laosheng, Xiaosheng, Wusheng, Hongsheng and Wawasheng (characters of children). Laosheng is also known as Xusheng, meaning bearded men, because the actors wear artificial beards, and they are middle-aged or elderly men. Most are upright and resolute characters. They


The character roles in Peking Opera are divided according to the sex, age, social satus, and profession of the characters into four main types known as sheng, dan, jing, and chou. Sheng are male roles and include laosheng (middle-aged or old men), xiaosheng (young men) and wusheng (men with martial skills). Dan refer to female roles and include qingyi (women who are proper and well-behaved), huadan ( vivacious young women), wudan ( women with marital skills) and laodan ( elderly women). Jing refer to the roles with painted faces. They are usually warriors, heroes, officials, or evil demons. Jing can be further divided into wenjing (civilians) and wujing (warriors). Chou, or clown, is a comic character and can be recognized at a glance from a patch/dab of white paint on his nose. Chou include wenchou (civilian clowns) and wuchou (clowns with martial skills). 京剧中角色根据人物的性别、年龄、社会地位和职业分为生、旦、净、丑四大类。“生”是男性角色,分老生(中老年男子)、小生(青年男子)和武生(会武功的男子)。“旦”指女性角色,分为青衣(行为规范的女子)、花旦(生性活泼的年轻女子)、武旦(会武功的女子和老旦(老年妇女)。“净”是画了花脸的角色,通常是武士、英雄、官员或恶魔、恶棍。“净”可分为文净(文官)和武净(武官)。“丑”是喜剧性角色,从他鼻子上一抹白颜色一眼就可以认出来,“丑”也分为文丑和武丑。


京剧的英文描写 Beijing opera, one of the most representative opera genres in China, is famous for its unique performance style, rich artistic connotation, and profound cultural heritage. The performance forms of Peking Opera are very diverse, including singing, reciting, acting, and fighting. Singing is the core of Peking Opera performance, with rich and varied vocal styles and singing techniques, such as the high-pitched and intense Xipi style and the deep and euphemistic Erhuang style. Reciting is an important part of Peking Opera performance, with unique rhythms and rhythms that complement the vocal styles, creating a unique artistic charm. Acting and fighting are the dance and martial arts elements in Peking Opera performance, which express the character and emotion through the actor's body language and stage movements. The stage design of Peking Opera is also very exquisite, focusing on creating a poetic and picturesque atmosphere. The scenery on the stage usually includes landscapes, terraces, gardens, etc., creating a dreamlike artistic effect. The costumes of the actors are also very exquisite, with different roles having different dress regulations, such as dragon robes, phoenix crowns, python robes, etc. These costumes are not only gorgeous and beautiful, but also contain rich cultural connotations. — 1 —


京剧的特点英文介绍作文_初二万能英语作文5篇 关于”京剧的特点介绍“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Features of Beijing Opera。以下是关于京剧的特点介绍的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。 关于”京剧的特点介绍“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Features of Beijing Opera。以下是关于京剧的特点介绍的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。 高分英语作文1:Features of Beijing Opera We should do more voluntary sports. I think if everyone tries his best, our city will be more beautiful. Nanjing is a middle school With the rapid development of life, I should pay more attention to the environmental protection of Nanjing. I think the Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing will be a great success. 中文翻译: 青奥会将在南京举行,这是世界上最重要的比赛之一,我想它可以提醒我们的青少年多做运动,我会多做运动,并提醒我的同学多做运动我认为健康对我们的身体最重要我们应该做更多的自愿运动我想如果每个人都尽力的话我们的城市会更加美丽南京作为一个中学生发展得越来越快,我应该更加关注南京的环境保护南京的环境我认为南京的青奥会一定会取得很大的成功。 万能作文模板2:京剧特色


中国京剧是中国最具代表性的传统戏曲艺术形式之一。下面是对中国京剧的英文介绍: Peking Opera, also known as Beijing Opera, is one of the most representative forms of traditional Chinese opera. It originated in the late 18th century and became popular during the Qing Dynasty. Peking Opera combines elements of singing, dancing, acting, and acrobatics, creating a highly stylized and visually stunning performance. The artistry of Peking Opera lies in its elaborate costumes, intricate makeup, and distinct vocal techniques. Performers wear colorful costumes that represent different character types, such as warriors, scholars, or villains. The actors also apply specific facial makeup, known as "jing," which symbolizes the character's personality and traits. The singing style in Peking Opera is known for its high-pitched vocals and unique vocal techniques. The performers use a combination of falsetto, belting, and nasal tones to convey emotions and portray characters. The music is accompanied by traditional Chinese instruments like the bamboo flute, drum, and stringed instruments. Peking Opera performances often involve acrobatic stunts, martial arts, and dance movements. Actors showcase their skills through precise gestures, graceful movements, and dynamic combat sequences. The storytelling is based on classical Chinese literature, history, and folklore, with themes of loyalty, righteousness, and love. Over the years, Peking Opera has gained recognition and appreciation both within China and internationally. Its distinctive artistic style, rich cultural heritage, and symbolic storytelling have made it an integral part of Chinese traditional performing arts.


Peking Opera, also known as "Beijing Opera", is a traditional Chinese opera art with a history of more than 200 years. It originated from the combination of several genres of Chinese opera in the late 18th century and was officially named "Peking Opera" in 1950. The art of Peking Opera combines music, singing, acrobatics, acting and mime, and is one of the most important forms of Chinese traditional culture. The main characters of Peking Opera are generally male roles, with a variety of different roles such as old men, young men, officials, soldiers, women and children. The stage props mainly include chairs, tables, fans, bottles, screens, lanterns, etc. The music of Peking Opera is mainly composed of aria, chorus and instrumental music. The aria is the main part of the performance, with different lengths and styles to show different emotional expressions and characters. The chorus is usually composed of several lines of people, used to express the feelings of the characters and enhance the atmosphere. The instrumental music is mainly played by the orchestra located at the left and right sides of the stage, providing background music for the performance.


京剧相声英文介绍简短句子 1、Peking Opera is a pearl in the treasure house of traditional Chinese art. Peking Opera facial makeup, Peking Opera singing, Peking Opera performance is colorful, wonderful and novel, is a national, exaggerated art. 2、Singing characteristics of Peking Opera: Peking Opera music belongs to the Pihuang system and absorbs and integrates Kunqu Opera and Wooden Clappers. 3. The division of Peking Opera roles is relatively strict, in the early stages of life, namely, Dan, net, end, ugly, martial arts, popular (dragon) seven lines, and later to living, Dan, clean ugly, characters, such as loyalty and rape, beauty and ugliness, and good and evil. 4、 Peking Opera is a comprehensive performing art, which integrates singing (singing), reading (chanting), doing (performance), fighting (martial arts) and dancing (dance). It narrates stories, depicts characters and expresses different thoughts and feelings. 5、 Peking Opera is divided into literature, martial arts, group plays, characters, Dan, clean and ugly.


京剧英文介绍简短 京剧(Peking Opera),又称平剧,是中国的国粹之一。它融合了唱、念、做、打等多种表演艺术形式,并以其独特的音乐、唱腔、脸谱和舞台表演而闻名。京剧的历史可以追溯到18 世纪,经过长期的发展和演变,形成了丰富多彩的剧目和表演风格。它不仅在中国受到广泛喜爱,也在世界范围内享有盛誉。 The following is a brief introduction to Peking Opera in English: Peking Opera, also known as Pingju, is one of the national treasures of China. It incorporates various performing arts such as singing, reciting, acting, and acrobatics, and is renowned for its unique music, singing styles, facial makeup, and stage performances. With a history dating back to the 18th century, Peking Opera has undergone long-term development and evolution, forming a rich and diverse repertoire and performance style. It is not only widely loved in China but also enjoys a high reputation worldwide.


Introduction to Peking Opera Peking Opera, also known as Beijing Opera, is a form of traditional Chinese theater that incorporates speech, song, dance, and acrobatics. It originated in the late 18th century and has since become one of China's most famous cultural art forms. The opera combines various elements such as music, vocal performance, acting, and martial arts to portray stories from Chinese history and folklore. The actors wear elaborate costumes and use stylized movements to convey emotions and tell their tales. Peking Opera is characterized by its unique style of singing, called jinghuang or jingju, which involves a combination of falsetto and exaggerated delivery. The songs are often accompanied by a small ensemble consisting of percussion instruments, stringed instruments, and woodwinds. The performers employ a wide range of movements, including intricate hand gestures, acrobatic stunts, and facial expressions to communicate with the audience. Each movement and gesture carries symbolic meaning and helps to convey the emotions and intentions of the characters. Peking Opera has a colorful repertoire that includes historical dramas, mythological stories, and adaptations of classical literature. The plays often explore themes such as loyalty, love, righteousness, and patriotism. Over the years, Peking Opera has gained international recognition and has been performed in various countries around the world. It continues to be an important part of Chinese culture, captivating audiences with its vibrant costumes, mesmerizing music, and powerful performances.


Beijing Opera, also known as Peking Opera, is a traditional form of Chinese theatreBeijing Opera, also known as Peking Opera, is a traditional form of Chinese theatre that originated in the late 18th century. It combines singing, acting, martial arts, and acrobatics to create a unique art form that is highly stylized and symbolic. The music of Beijing Opera is based on traditional Chinese folk songs and instruments, such as the erhu, pipa, and gong. The lyrics are written in a specific style called "jingju", which features rhymed couplets and alliteration. The performers of Beijing Opera wear elaborate costumes and makeup that are designed to represent different characters and roles. The colors and patterns of the costumes have specific meanings and are used to convey information about the character's status, personality, and mood. In addition to singing and acting, Beijing Opera also features intricate choreography and acrobatic movements. The performers use their bodies to express emotions and tell the story, often performing feats of strength and agility that seem impossible. Over the years, Beijing Opera has become an important part of Chinese cultural heritage and has gained international


京剧英语介绍 1京剧简介及背景 Peking opera or Beijing opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre which combines music,vocal performance,mime,dance and acrobatics.It arose in the late 18th century and became fully developed and recognized by the mid-19th century.It was extremely popular in Qing Dynasty court and has come to be regarded as one of the cultural treasures of China.Major performance troupes are based in Beijing and Tianjin in the north,and Shanghai in the south.The art form is also preserved in Taiwan,where it is known as Guoju.It has also spread to other countries such as the United States and Japan. Although it is called Beijing Opera,its origins are not in Beijing but in provinces of Anhui and Hubei.The early Qing Dynasty saw a great development of a plethora of http://operas.In the middle of the Qing Dynasty,Hui and Han operas were brought into Beijing.They became immensely popular with the imperial family,nobles,officials and the commoners.The marriage of Hui and Han operas became known as the Beijing opera. Peking opera features four main types of performers.Performing troupes often have several of each variety,as well as numerous secondary and tertiary performers.They utilize the skills of speech,song,dance,and combat in movements which are symbolic and suggestive,rather than realistic.Above all,the skill of performers is evaluated according to the beauty of their movements.Performers also adhere to a variety of stylistic conventions that help audiences navigate the plot of the production.The layers of meaning within each movement must be expressed in time with music.The music of Peking opera can be divided into the Xipi and Erhuang styles.Melodies include arias,fixed-tune melodies,and percussion patterns.The repertoire of Peking opera includes over 1,400 works,which are based on Chinese history,folklore,and,increasingly,contemporary life. Peking opera was denounced as“feudalistic”and“bourgeoise”during the Cultural Revolution,and replaced with the eight revolutionary model operas as a means of propaganda and indoctrination.After the Cultural Revolution,these transformations were largely http://undone.In recent years,Peking opera has attempted numerous reforms in response to sagging audience numbers.These reforms,which include improving performance quality,adapting new performance


1. Beijing Opera, also known as Peking Opera, is a traditional Chinese art form that combines singing, dancing, martial arts, and acrobatics. It originated in Beijing during the late 18th century and has since become one of the most popular forms of Chinese opera. 京剧,也被称为北京剧,是一种融合了唱、舞、武术和杂技的中国传统艺术形式。它起源于18世纪末的北京,成为中国最受欢迎的戏曲之一。 2. The distinctive features of Beijing Opera include elaborate costumes, stylized makeup, and complex vocal techniques. Performers wear brightly colored costumes and use exaggerated movements to portray their characters. The makeup, known as "jing," is highly symbolic and helps the audience distinguish between different roles. 京剧的独特特点包括精致的服装、风格化的化妆和复杂的声乐技巧。演员穿着鲜艳的服装,并通过夸张的动作来表现角色。化妆,被称为“京”,具有很高的象征性,并帮助观众区分不同的角色。 3. Beijing Opera combines various storytelling techniques, such as singing, spoken dialogue, and mime. The singing style, known as "xiangsheng," involves a unique combination of singing and recitation. The performers use specific gestures and movements to convey emotions and actions. 京剧融合了各种叙事技巧,如唱、说和默剧。唱腔,被称为“相声”,是一种唱和说相结合的独特方式。演员用特定的手势和动作来传达情感和行动。 4. Beijing Opera often draws inspiration from historical events, myths, and legends. The stories typically revolve around themes of loyalty, righteousness, and sacrifice. The performances showcase the traditions, values, and social norms of Chinese culture. 京剧常常从历史事件、神话和传说中汲取灵感。故事通常围绕忠诚、正义和牺牲的主题展开。演出展示了中国文化的传统、价值观和社会规范。 5. Beijing Opera is not only popular in China but also internationally recognized as an important cultural heritage. It has been performed in various countries around the world, gaining appreciation for its artistic beauty and unique style.


中国京剧文化英文介绍简短 Beijing Opera, also known as Peking Opera, is a traditional Chinese performing art that originated in Beijing. It is a combination of singing, dancing, acting, and acrobatics, and is considered the quintessence of Chinese culture. Beijing Opera has a history of over 200 years and has been influenced by various Chinese art forms, including folk opera and martial arts. The opera is characterized by vivid facial makeup and elaborate costumes, which help to depict the personalities and emotions of the characters. The performers also use stylized gestures, movements, and vocal techniques to convey their roles effectively. The repertoire of Beijing Opera includes a wide range of themes, from historical events and legends to contemporary stories, all of which are deeply rooted in Chinese history and culture.


中国京剧英文版介绍 Chinese Beijing Opera, also known as Peking Opera, is one of the most distinctive and influential traditional Chinese art forms. With its unique blend of singing, acting, martial arts, and acrobatics, Beijing Opera has captivated audiences both in China and around the world. In this article, we will provide an introduction to this renowned cultural treasure. Originating in the late 18th century, Beijing Opera was developed in the capital city, Beijing. It combines elements from previous opera styles prevalent in various regions of China and draws inspiration from literature, history, and folklore. During the Qing Dynasty, it became the preferred form of entertainment for the imperial court and the public alike. In Beijing Opera, elaborate costumes play a crucial role in bringing characters to life. Each color and pattern represents specific character traits or social status. The performers' facial makeup, called "jing," further enhances the characters, depicting their moral integrity, personality, and emotional state. For example, red symbolizes bravery and loyalty, while white signifies treachery and cunning. The vocal style in Beijing Opera is unique, characterized by its high-pitched, melodious singing. The actors employ various vocal techniques, such as falsetto, belting, and vibrato, to convey different emotions. The melodies are accompanied by traditional Chinese instruments, including the bamboo flute, two-stringed fiddle, and plucked instruments like the lute and zither.
