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You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1 – 13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

IMPROVING READING SPEED It is safe to say that almost anyone can double his speed of reading while maintaining equal or even higher comprehension. In other words, anyone can improve the speed with which he gets what he wants from his reading.

The average college student reads between 250 and 350 words per minute on fiction and non-technical materials. A "good" reading speed is around 500 to 700 words per minute, but some people can read a thousand words per minute or even faster on these materials. What makes the difference? There are three main factors involved in improving reading speed: (1) the desire to improve, (2) the willingness to try new techniques and (3) the motivation to practice.

Learning to read rapidly and well presupposes that you have the necessary vocabulary and comprehension skills. When you have advanced on the reading comprehension materials to a level at which you can understand college-level materials, you will be ready to begin speed reading practice in earnest.

Understanding the role of speed in the reading process is essential. Research has shown a close relation between speed and understanding. For example, in checking progress charts of thousands of individuals taking reading training, it has been found in most cases that an increase in rate has been paralleled by an increase in comprehension, and that where rate has gone down, comprehension has also decreased. Most adults are able to increase their rate of reading considerably and rather quickly without lowering comprehension.

Some of the facts which reduce reading rate:

(a)limited perceptual span i.e., word-by-word reading;

(b)slow perceptual reaction time, i.e., slowness of recognition and response to the


(c)vocalization, including the need to vocalize in order to achieve comprehension;

(d)faulty eye movements, including inaccuracy in placement of the page, in return

sweep, in rhythm and regularity of movement, etc.;

(e)regression, both habitual and as associated with habits of concentration

(f)lack of practice in reading, due simply to the fact that the person has read very

little and has limited reading interests so that very little reading is practiced in the daily or weekly schedule.

Since these conditions act also to reduce comprehension increasing the reading rate through eliminating them is likely to result in increased comprehension as well. This is an entirely different matter from simply speeding up the rate of reading without reference to the conditions responsible for the slow rate. In fact, simply speeding the

rate especially through forced acceleration, may actually result, and often does, in making the real reading problem more severe. In addition, forced acceleration may even destroy confidence in ability to read. The obvious solution, then is to increase rate as a part of a total improvement of the whole reading process.

A well planned program prepares for maximum increase in rate by establishing the necessary conditions. Three basic conditions include:

1.Eliminate the habit of pronouncing words as you read. If you sound out words

in your throat or whisper them, you can read slightly only as fast as you can read aloud. You should be able to read most materials at least two or three times faster silently than orally.

2.Avoid regressing (rereading). The average student reading at 250 words per

minute regresses or rereads about 20 times per page. Rereading words and phrases is a habit which will slow your reading speed down to a snail's pace.

Furthermore, the slowest reader usually regresses most frequently. Because he reads slowly, his mind has time to wander and his rereading reflects both his inability to concentrate and his lack of confidence in his comprehension skills.

3.Develop a wider eye-span. This will help you read more than one word at a

glance. Since written material is less meaningful if read word by word, this will help you learn to read by phrases or thought units.

Poor results are inevitable if the reader attempts to use the same rate indiscriminately for all types of material and for all reading purposes. He must learn to adjust his rate to his purpose in reading and to the difficulty of the material he is reading. This ranges from a maximum rate on easy, familiar, interesting material or in reading to gather information on a particular point, to minimal rate on material which is unfamiliar in content and language structure or which must be thoroughly digested. The effective reader adjusts his rate; the ineffective reader uses the same rate for all types of material.

Rate adjustment may be overall adjustment to the article as a whole, or internal adjustment within the article. Overall adjustment establishes the basic rate at which the total article is read; internal adjustment involves the necessary variations in rate for each varied part of the material. As an analogy, you plan to take a 100-mile mountain trip. Since this will be a relatively hard drive with hills, curves, and a mountain pass, you decide to take three hours for the total trip, averaging about 35 miles an hour. This is your overall rate adjustment. However, in actual driving you may slow down to no more than 15 miles per hour on some curves and hills, while speeding up to 50 miles per hour or more on relatively straight and level sections. This is your internal rate adjustment. There is no set rate, therefore, which the good reader follows inflexibly in reading a particular selection, even though he has set himself an overall rate for the total job.

In keeping your reading attack flexible, adjust your rate sensitivity from article to article. It is equally important to adjust your rate within a given article. Practice these techniques until a flexible reading rate becomes second nature to you.

—Adapted from:

Questions 1 - 4

Choose the appropriate letters A – D and write them in boxes 1 – 4 on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following is not a factor in improving your reading speed?

(A). willing to try new skills

(B). motivation to improve

(C). desire to practice

(D). hesitate to try new techniques

2. Understanding college level materials is a prerequisite for

(A). learning to comprehend rapidly.

(B). having the necessary vocabulary.

(C). beginning speed reading.

(D). practicing comprehension skills.

3. For most people

(A). a decrease in comprehension leads to a decrease in rate.

(B). a decrease in rate leads to a increase in comprehension.

(C). an increase in rate leads to an increase in comprehension.

(D). an increase in rate leads to a decrease in comprehension.

4. Speeding up your reading rate through forced acceleration often results in

(A). reducing comprehension.

(B). increasing comprehension.

(C). increasing your reading problem.

(D). reducing your reading problem.

Questions 5 – 9

Complete the table below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the

Questions 10 - 13

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? In boxes 10 – 13 on your answer sheet write.

TRUE FALSE NOT GIVEN if the statement is true

if the statement is false

if the information is not given in the passage

10.In gathering material on a topic a reader must maximize his reading rate.

11.The basic rate for each part of the reading material involves an overall


12.The set rate for a 100-mile mountain trip is 35 miles an hour.

13. A good reader never establishes a set rate for reading an article.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14 – 26 which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.

Questions 14 - 18

Reading Passage 2 has 9 paragraphs A – I

From the list of headings below choose the 5 most suitable headings for paragraphs B, C, E, G and H. Write the appropriate numbers (ⅰ–ⅹ)


14.Paragraph B

15.Paragraph C

16.Paragraph E

17.Paragraph G

18.Paragraph H

scientists believe they understand fairly well, but insects began flying so much longer ago that details of their stepwise conquest of flight remain obscure. Scientists at Pennsylvania State University hypothesize, however, that a present-day flightless insect called the stonefly may be closely related to ancestral insects that first learned to fly more than 330 million years ago.

B. Last February, Dr. James H. Marden, a biologist at

Pennsylvania State University, and Melissa G. Kramer, his

student, began studying the behavior and biology of stoneflies - the immature nymphs of which are familiar to many fishermen as delicacies for trout. The nymphs begin life in river or pond water and then develop primitive wings enabling them to skim across water at high speed without actually taking to the air. Marden and Ms. Kramer have concluded that the humble ancestor of such expert fliers as mosquitoes and wasps may have been very much like the stonefly.

C.The stoneflies living in Canada and the northern United States, which belong to a primitive species called Taeniopteryx burksi, breed and mature in cold water and come to the surface for their skimming trip to shore in February and March. To study them, a scientist must work quickly, since the life span of a stonefly is only about two weeks. The adult stonefly has waterproof hair on its feet, and after reaching the surface of the water, it supports itself by coasting on the water's surface meniscus layer. To hasten its trip to the shore, the insect spreads its four feeble wings and flaps vigorously, using aerodynamic thrust to scoot across the water at speeds up to 2 feet per second. This, Marden said, appears to be the only time in its life the stonefly normally uses its wings.

D.In a series of experiments Marden described in a report published in the current issue of the journal Science, he found that although stoneflies in the wild, where ambient temperatures were recorded as ranging between 32 degrees and 53.6 degrees Fahrenheit, are completely flightless, their flying ability improves when they are warmed up in a laboratory. Even when warm, the insects never voluntarily take flight from a horizontal surface, but if they crawl to the edge of a table and drop over the side they will fly for a few yards before settling to the ground. Several specimens tested by the Penn State scientists actually gained a little altitude under their own power after being launched by hand, but none remained in the air for more than a few seconds.

E.Stoneflies are interesting, Marden said in an interview, because so little is known of the specific changes insects underwent in the remote past as they gained the ability to fly. The stonefly's faltering efforts to use its wings may approximate a transitional stage of evolution that occurred some 350 million years ago, when swimming insects first became fliers.

F.The study of insect evolution is hampered by a gigantic gap in the fossil record. Although fossils of early nonflying insects have been found in sediments dating from the Devonian period nearly 400 million years ago, no insect fossils have turned up from the following 75-million-year period. Marden said that fossil insects reappear in strata 325 million years old, but by then they had evolved greatly, and their increased diversity suggests that at least some species had left the water to colonize land. Many of the fossils of that period look like present-day insects, including grasshoppers.

G.Stoneflies lack some features that are important for true fliers, They have relatively weak wing muscles, and their thoracic cuticle plates are not fused together to create a rigid external skeleton. Rigidity is needed to provide strong, inflexible attachment points for an insect's wing muscles if it is to be capable of powered flight - a much more demanding activity than skimming or gliding. If the stonefly is similar to the first protofliers, this would argue against a widely held hypothesis that animal

flight begins with gliding, from which powered flight eventually develops. Stoneflies never glide, even though they are on the verge of flying.

H.Although the stonefly may have evolved to its present form in a progressive direction from primitive swimming insects, it is possible, Marden believes, that its evolution was digressive - that its ancestors were true fliers that evolved into nonflying skimmers. Skimming requires much less energy than true flight, as demonstrated by a new family of skimming "wing-in-ground-effect" flightless aircraft developed during the last decade in Russia, China and Germany. These aircraft never rise more than a few feet above the ground or water, but their stubby wings support them on an air cushion that eliminates the drag of surface friction.

I."Stoneflies seem to have found an ecological niche in any case," Marden said. Whether the evolutionary pathway of the stonefly was progressive or digressive makes little difference to the insect, he said, but to an entomologist, the direction is important. "By mapping behavioral characters and morphology 1of stoneflies, we hope eventually to infer the direction by which evolution carried them to their present stage of development," Marden said.


1morphology The branch of biology that deals with the form and structure of organisms

Questions 19 – 22

Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage, answer the following questions.

19. How long ago did stoneflies first use their wings?

20. How wide is the fossil gap?

21.Where is the only place that stoneflies actually fly?

22. What time of the year do stoneflies use their wings?

Questions 23 – 26

Complete the summary below. Choose your answers from the list below the summary. NB There are more words than spaces, so you will not use them all.

Stoneflies have ……(23)……wing muscles and a ……(24)……… external skeleton so that they cann ot be true fliers. As they can’t fly or ……(25)…… they skim. Less energy is needed for skimming and so stoneflies have found their ……(26)…... in life.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27 – 40 which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.

Maternal Education and Child Mortality that of mothers) as an effective way of improving children's health and reducing child mortality. Caldwell refers to the results of two surveys that were carried out in Nigeria to arrive at the conclusion that "Maternal education is the single most significant determinant of child mortality." However, maternal education is an intertwined factor, and hence may account for other variables that represent socio-economic conditions as well.

B.Although the relationship between maternal education and children's health is no longer an issue to be debated, there still exists a dearth of research information on the mechanisms through which maternal education works to improve children's health. A few of the possible mechanisms that have been focused so far are pointed out below:

◆Education makes a woman conscious about the well being of herself and

her family. It gives the basic ideas about the path to well being and also equips and encourages to increase her knowledge on healthy living;

◆Education helps to form the attitude to practice "manners of hygiene";

◆Education equips mothers with the knowledge of scientific causes of

disease and proper health behaviour and illness behaviour for preventive and curative measures;

◆Education encourages mothers to adopt proper feeding practices;

◆Education makes the mothers more willing to use health care services

when necessary, and preparing them for overcoming the barriers in doing so. Doctors and nurses are more likely to listen to her, as she can demand their attention, whereas the illiterate might be completely rebuffed;

◆Education allows greater exposure to the mass media, which can keep

mothers better informed about the health issues;

◆Education empowers mothers to make and implement proper and timely

decisions regarding their children's health;

Thus, we find maternal education as a gate way toward diversified aspects of modern life that significantly affect children's morbidity and mortality.

C. A debate has arisen on the link between maternal education and children's health concerns relative effectiveness of general education (acquired through formal schooling) and health education. While the former enables a mother to become literate and hence gain access to the understanding of written material, the latter only provides her with information on certain health issues. However, educating through general education is time consuming, and to get positive results for the improvement of the health of the

illiterate masses, within a short time, health education might be a better choice.

D.Although health education as such might be effective for the illiterate, health education cannot be a substitute for general education to ensure survival and health of the children. Rather, more lessons on topics necessary to know in order to maintain a healthy life should be included in the textbooks (such as the germ theory of disease, symptoms of diseases the presence of which should be consulted with a doctor, knowledge in first aid etc.). General education equips a person with literacy -- which gives her access to books and to the mass media, which keeps her up to date regarding new information on health affairs. However, it would certainly be very beneficial to arrange annual or bi-annual health education programs to review the major health issues (and the issue of pregnancy and child care which is difficult for primary school children to grasp).

E.At this point another question may be raised: How many years of schooling is required for education to have a substantial amount of effect on children's survival/health? According to a study by Mahalanabis et al., in Bangladesh, schooling of seven years or more of the mothers reduced 55% risk of a child's being attacked by a severe disease resulting from diarrhea, but lesser number of schooling could not provide appreciable protection. Majumder and Islam's study in Bangladesh shows that child survival index moves up from .764 to .811 with the increase of education from no schooling to 5 years of schooling (Primary level in Bangladesh). But the increase of index for the difference between primary level to secondary level or higher (at least ten years of schooling) is even greater, moving up from .811 to .882. Thus, the difference between child survival index rises from .764 to .882 with the difference of no schooling to ten or more years of schooling. Lindenbaum's has mentioned a case of Khurshida, to show how a woman having seven years of schooling was able to ensure proper treatment for her sick child, after overcoming the different sorts of barriers, which came in her way.

F.Maternal education, on its own is not sufficient to ensure survival of children. However, all other efforts in absence of maternal education cannot be fully effective either. Hence, we should look for ways in which maternal education can be the most effective to ensure children's health to determine the appropriate policy to be obtained. From the discussion of the studies above, the following can be suggested:

◆At least seven years of schooling should be made compulsory for girls.

◆All basic health issues (which might differ from society to society) should

be covered in the textbooks and curricula of lower grades in school and be taught properly, so that even in cases of dropouts, the children will have sufficient health education to lead a healthy way of life, for themselves and their family and community.

◆As it is difficult for school children aged 12 or below to understand the

health issues related to pregnancy, child birth and child care,

arrangements for health education (annual/bi-annual) concerned with these and other basic health issues must be made. Mother and child health care programs must function properly to be beneficial for the public. The health care centers must be situated at suitable distance, and convenient opening hours, friendly behaviour of the staff and supply of sufficient facilities and medicines must be ensured.

G.Thus, it can be said that in order to ensure children's survival, the governments of third world countries, world organizations, donor countries and Non-Government Organizations, must take initiatives to ensure literacy and sufficient health-knowledge for the mothers and also provide appropriate conditions and environment for them to apply that knowledge. This indeed is a great task. But this has to be ensured to ensure the survival of children.

—Adapted from:

Questions 27 – 31

Reading Passage 3 has 7 paragraphs A - G. Which paragraph contains the following information?

27. A literate person has access to books and the mass media.

28. Educated mothers make right decisions in time.

29. The illiterate have handicaps to health care services.

30. Health issues relating to pregnancy should be included.

31. General education is the poorer choice.

Questions 32 – 35

Choose the appropriate letters A – D and write them in boxes 32 – 35 on your answer sheet.

32. In research there seems to be a ________________ of information

on how maternal education affects children’s health

A. plentiful supply

B. average supply

C. overabundant supply

D. meager supply

33. Which of the following statements about education and mothers is NOT


A. Medical staff are more helpful.

B. Demand for medical services declines.

C. Family health is improved.

D. Caring for the sick improves.

34. _________________ so that children may live and have a healthy

way of life for themselves and their family.

A. Health education is a priority.

B. More textbooks should be provided.

C. The illiterate masses need to be taught to read and write.

D. Health topics should be included in textbooks.

35. General education enables mothers to become _______________

A. able to read and write quickly.

B. informed on some health issues.

C. writers about some health issues.

D. able to read and write over a long time.

Questions 36 - 40

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3? In boxes 5 – 10 on your answer sheet write.



NOT GIVEN if the statement agrees with the writer

if the statement contradicts the writer

if the there is no information about this in the passage

36. A decade of schooling means that the child survival index moves up

by .071.

37. School education of less than seven years increases the risk of severe


38. 7 years of schooling is compulsory for boys.

39. Children who leave school early will not have sufficient education to lead

a healthy life.

40. Health education should be arranged every two years.

Reading passage 1, Questions 1 - 13

1. D

2. C

3. C

4. C

5. Reading phrases/Read by phrases

6. Limited perceptual span

7. Slowness of recognition

8. Faulty eye movements

9. Avoid regressing

10. TRUE



13. TRUE

Reading passage 2, Questions 14 – 26

14. VIII

15. IX

16. IV

17. VII

18. III

19. 350 million years

20. 75 million years

21. a warm laboratory/ a laboratory

22. February and March

23. weak

24. flexible

25. glide

26. ecological niche

Reading passage3, Questions 27 – 40

27. D

28. B

29. B

30. F

31. C

32. D

33. B

34. D

35. D

36. NO



39. NO

40. NO

刘洪波 雅思阅读真经 内部讲义 中

【雅思真经派读写互通理论】 长难句理解 经典句型背诵 剑8 1.1 The revolutionary aspect of this new timekeeper was neither the descending weight that provided its motive force nor the gear wheels (which had been around for at least 1,300 years) that transferred the power; it was the part called the escapement. 1.3 Some researchers say the results constitute compelling evidence that telepathy is genuine. Other parapsychologists believe that the field is on the brink of collapse, having tried to produce definitive scientific proof and failed. Sceptics and advocates alike do concur on one issue, however, that the most impressive evidence so far has come from the so-called ‘ganzfeld’ e xperiments, a German term that means ‘whole field’. 2.2 The Little Ice Age was far from a deep freeze, however; rather an irregular seesaw of rapid climatic shifts, few lasting more than a quarter-century, driven by complex and still little understood interactions between the atmosphere and the ocean. 2.3 While it is true that the olfactory powers of humans are nothing like as fine as those possessed by certain animals, they are still remarkably acute. 3.3 It follows from the above that sparing use of energy reserves should tend to extend life. 3.1 Discussion now centres on whether the route through the maze is communicated as a 'left-right' sequence of turns or as a 'compass bearing and distance' message. 3.3 Forests are one of the main elements of our natural heritage. The decline of Europe's forests over the last decade and a half has led to an increasing awareness and understanding of the serious imbalances which threaten them. 4.2 The MSC has established a set of criteria by which commercial fisheries can be judged. 4.3 It was found that children from the noisy schools had higher blood pressure and were more easily distracted than those who attended the quiet schools. Moreover, there was no evidence of adaptability to the noise. In fact, the longer the children had attended the noisy schools, the more distractible they became. 剑6 1.2 Theoretically, in the world of trade, shipping costs do not matter. Goods, once they have been


1 Hometown Where do you come from? I am local here. What tourist attractions are there in your hometown? Would a foreign visitor enjoy them? Beijing is famous for its historical attractions like The Forbidden City and Summer Palace which attracts millions of foreign visitor each year. 1.Did you learn much about the history of your hometown in school? I think we all have trouble tracing the history of our hometown because we seldom learn it in school. 2.What do you think needs to change in your hometown? Traffic in my hometown is overly bad. It seems all the residences have to spend their entire life in a Beijing traffic jam. So the change of traffic situation is a must. 3.What place(s) in your hometown do you go to in your spare time? I am a shopping freak. I like to go to a big shopping mall when I have time. Shopping mall is multiple which allows me to get anything I

刘洪波 雅思高分阅读真经 下

READING PASSAGE 2 You should spend about 20 minutes on questions 14-26,which are based on Reading passage 2 on reading passage 2 on the following pages. Questions14-17 Reading passage 2 has five paragraphs A-E. Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B-E from the list of headings below. Write the correct number, I-VII, in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet. List of Headings I Seeking the transmission of radio signals from planets II Appropriate responses to signals from other civilizations III V ast distances to Earth’s closest neighbours IV Assumptions underlying the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence V Reasons for the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence VI Knowledge of extra-terrestrial life forms VII Likelihood of life on other planets Example Answer Paragraph A V 14 Paragraph B 15 Paragraph C 16 Paragraph D 17 Paragraph E


2017年雅思考试阅读练习试题附答案 人的知识和人的力量这两件东西是结合为一体的;工作的失败都起于对因果关系的无知。以下是小编为大家搜索整理2017年雅思考试阅读练习试题附答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网! Volatility Kills You should spend about 20 minutes on Question 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage below. A Despite gun battles in the capital of Chad, rioting in Kenya and galloping inflation in Zimbabwe, the economics of sub-Saharan Africa arc, as a whole, in better shape than they were a few years ago. The World Bank has reported recently that this part of the continent experienced a respectable growth rate of 5.6 percent in 2006 and a higher rate from 1995 to 2005 than in previous decades. The bank has given a cautious assessment that the region may have reached a turning point. An overriding question for developmental economists remains whether the upswing will continue so Africans can grow their way out of a poverty that relegates some 40 percent of the nearly 744 million in that region to living on less than a dollar a day. The optimism, when inspected more closely, may be short-lived because of the persistence of a devastating pattern of economic volatility that has lingered for decades. B “In reality, African countries grow as fast as Asian countries and other developing countries during the good times, but afterward they see growth collapses,” comments Jorge Arbache, a senior World Bank economist. “How to prevent collapses may be as important as promoting growth.” If these collapses had not occurred, he observes, the level of gross domestic product for each citizen of the 48 nations of sub-Saharan Africa would have been a third higher. C The prerequisite to prevent the next crash are not in place, according to a World Bank study issued in January. Is Africa's Recent Growth Robust? The growth period that began in 1995, driven by a commodities boom spurred in particular by demand from China, may not be sustainable, because the economic fundamentals—new investment and the ability to stave off inflation, among other factors—are absent. The region lacks the necessary infrastructure that would encourage investors to look to Africa to find the next Bengaluru (Bangalore) or Shenzhen, a November report from the bank concludes. For sub-Saharan countries rich in oil and other resources, a boom period may even undermine efforts to institute sound economic practices. From 1996 to 2005, with growth accelerating, measures of governance—factors such as political stability, rule of law, and control of corruption—actually worsened, especially for countries endowed with abundant mineral resources, the January report notes. D Perhaps the most incisive analysis of the volatility question comes from Paul Collier, a longtime specialist in African economics at the University of Oxford and author of the recent book The Bottom Billion. He advocates a range of options that the U.S. and other nations could adopt when formulating policy toward African countries. They include revamped trade measures, better-apportioned aid and sustained military intervention in certain instances, to avert what he sees as a rapidly accelerating divergence of the world’s poorest, primarily in Africa, from the rest

Maps and Atlas 雅思阅读真经

Maps and Atlas I.TRUE/FALSE/NOTGIVEN. 1.The first map was made by Paleolithic hunters. 2.Refugees from Byzantine Empire fled west taking the texts of the Geographia. 3. Maps were basic tools of both commerce and war. 4.Some books, such as physics needed instruments, creating the need for manufacturing instrument. 5.The Grand Atlas was to famous atlas as a Rolls Royce to an ordinary sedan. 6.The creation for world Maps increased suddenly after Columbus’s discovery. 7.In the 14th century, maps were manuscript. 8.Byzantine Empire was defeated by Turks. 9.Gutenburg made printing maps more efficient. 10. The first map was found in Turkey. 11. The term “atlas” was first used by Geory Brawn. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/89422805.html,plete the sentences. 1.Perhaps the most ___________ of ancient maps is the Peutinger Table. 2.A dealer would see the maps from his own shop, since map _______ and _______ were usually _______________________. 3.The first atlas of city view and plans called ___________________________. III.Finish the timeline. 6200 B.C. _______________ ~~ __________ century manuscript copy for rad map of the Roman Empire ~~______________________ IV.Answer the questions.


剑桥雅思阅读考点词真经 如何使用本书 本书的动议基于下面几个理论: 一、记忆单词最有效的是根据文章的上下文,自然地有逻辑地记忆,而非背字典。如同我们从小是学习“人、口、手”,而非拿一本字典,先学提手旁,再记走之旁。我从来不提倡背任何的从A 到Z 的词汇书。我也写一些这类词汇书,那是完全为了迎合市场上这种错误的需求,被广大学员错误的背单词方法所“胁迫”。在此道歉。 本书以剑桥雅思4–8的文章为背景对词汇予以注释,通过阅读上下文记忆单词,使考生回归自然语言习得的逻辑习惯。 二、学好一门外语不需要多本词汇书,一本就够了,但是要反复多遍,自己在词汇旁边做一些笔记,比如同义词,反义词,相关的话题词汇等。把这本书当成自己的伙伴,经常在上面添加一些笔记,相当于自己在不断修订升级,主动参与印象会更深刻,最后你可能还会对它产生感情。 所以,这本书的排版留白很多,是留给考生的心得笔记区。 三、剑桥雅思4–8是全球雅思考生必做的真题。这本书包含阅读文章的重点词汇注释。所以,这本书是雅思考生必备的。 四、天下间所有阅读题其实是题目与原文的同义替换改写。所有阅读题的考点都是原文与题目的同义互换。在每篇文章的词汇注释最后,我把题目对应于原文的考点词汇罗列出来。 本书是国内第一本(全球范围内我不能确认)直接让考生透视雅思阅读题目考点的词汇书。换句话说,扒光了雅思命题者的绚丽外衣,使之“裸奔”。 考生把这本词汇书中每篇最后的“真题考点词替换清单”部分看一遍,其实等于做了一遍剑桥雅思4–8。多么高效啊,1个小时做完剑桥雅思真题4、5、6、7、8! 考生还可以用“真题考点词替换清单”来对照做题的思路,所以这本词汇书还是剑桥雅思4–8阅读题的解析! 有的题目的考点词替换没有罗列,因为在原文是原形出现,或词性不同而已;还有答案为NG 的题没有罗列。 考生理解了上面的这些话,那么雅思阅读完全就是送分的。致谢 在本书的编写过程中,赵小锐、刘畅、谭乐、刘娟、付晓楠、田杨、冯涛、成岩、程玲、李慧芳、刘素良、焦磊、柏立明、焦鸿、曹爱丽、张靖娴、袁伟、李海静、刘伟、杨志、贾玉梅、李悦也参与了资料收集及部分编写工作,在此一并感谢。 刘洪波公众微信号:liuhongbo-guixue 刘洪波微博:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/89422805.html,/lhbgx 刘洪波博客: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/89422805.html,/lhbgx 2012年10月 悉了考点词和答案,在考场上定位、寻找关键词和答案会颇有灵感。该书内容活泼,容易携带,它将让所有的散碎时间变得生动而有效。 《雅思阅读真经总纲》是一本奇书。该书让考生充分浸入雅思阅读测试文化,完全理解各种出题手法和应试策略。简洁、明确,文辞华美,赏心悦目。如果不懂雅思,如果不爱教育,焉能至此! 让热情飞吧。 “阅读真经三部曲”的衍生品是丰富的网络课程和下载资料,是那个在澳大利亚奔波的Ben 真诚的人生经历;是开创“真经流派”的Harvey 的才华和自信;是涉足网络传播Bobo 的亲切和热情(详见《雅思阅读真经5》推荐序)。 让才华飞吧。 一篇文章,散散乱乱,总为激情所扰。在出版之际,谨以此文为序。 雅思真经群号:284587791吕蕾公众微信号:lvlei1973 吕蕾微博:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/89422805.html,/lvlei1973吕蕾博客: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/89422805.html,/wonderfullei


预备篇细节练习题Southeast coast 4 million (surfing) beaches Moderate Cafes and restaurants Arts Opera house Olympic games Check/cheque book Cash card Savings/select savers 250 Okamura Apartment 106 kingstone Japanese 32 Married C B A Weekdays Passport photos Passport Sophia Red house Birmingham 793225 36 Wedding New street April 20 T596Z 5 films Answering the telephone Hillsdonne road 4.45 pounds 22 October Clear voice think quickly National holiday

Library Manuja Mary 38 39 rose 48346290\ Lunch A Metric black BD 6 Break for coffee/coffee break 6;30 Eat/drink Paris King George 8 Chocolate factory Art exhibition Ferry 15 mins Helper Nurse Cleaner Primary school teacher 11.30 9.30 Cage Back/backwards 120 Doctor 97 Roll Attached Weekends 110 65


《雅思阅读真经5》使用说明,补丁,难题解析 -----刘洪波 This book is underpinned by a scientific methodology, integrating reading skills and vocabulary building, and unveilling the real tests. 《雅思阅读真经5》超越了《真经234》中采用的三篇文章一套题的安排模式,所以它不仅是一本真题机经的预测,更重要的价值是它包含了一种培训体系和理念,引导读者在做题时暗合真经派的教学法。所以我在封面写了这段英语。 【使用流程】 我心中最理想的雅思考生是这样准备雅思阅读的: 1.先拿《剑桥雅思4-9》随便一本,比如4,模考四套题。现在我知道了雅思考试流程,内容,难度,自己现在和目标分数的差距,那种题型自己最讨厌。自己的词汇和语法还差多少。 2.学习《雅思阅读真经总纲》中各个题型的解题技巧,同时按题型修炼《雅思阅读真经5》,并背记真经5中每篇文章后面的核心词和考点词。(结合文章背单词是最有效的) 3.现在我对雅思阅读各个题型的命题思路和技巧都没问题了,学习《雅思阅读真经总纲》中前两章。了解真题各题型组合后不同的阅读顺序。再用《剑桥雅思5-9》开始模考。同时使用《剑桥雅思阅读考点词真经》,结合剑桥的文章复习单词,同时学习剑桥每道题的考点词设计。 4.考试。 5.庆祝高分,在@雅思教父刘洪波上晒出分数,我奖励《留学Super之路》一本,代价是一堆人会问你的心得,你要帮我给师弟师妹们在微博上答疑和分享学习经验,攒人品。 背后的科学理论是:要先练好内功和分解动作,再去和剑桥组合过招,进步感觉最快。内功没有,单独的招数还不熟,就天天跟人家拼组合拳,我很佩服一些考生的抗击打能力。 在第2步中,考生积累了单词(内功),集训了题型(招数),了解了题库机经(对手)。《真经5》的设计目的就是如此。 在做剑桥雅思真题之前,要了解它组合拳的路数。有两种组合顺序,在《雅思阅读真经总纲》中我详细阐述过。 所以:《真经5》、《总纲》和《考点词》,构成了雅思阅读的真经培训体系。 当然这是最理想化的。建立在你对雅思一无所知,一入门正巧就加入了贵学真经派。 如果马上考试,《真经5》只有预测和考点强化的作用。建议尽可能多做文章,背诵每篇后的考点词,挑选自己薄弱题型加强练习。 【补丁】 1. Passage 49 第10题答案漏印,标准答案为C。 【解析】 Reading Passage 1 冰箱 5. safer=better,took over=alternatives,所以答案是Freon。 6. 注意inventing=patented Reading Passage 2 诺贝尔 3. 判断填形容词。不能填Explosive,因为炸药都要爆炸,所以爆炸不是炸药的风险。可控的、安全的爆炸才是问题。对应原文15页第5行:the safety problems。注意到safety名

《雅思阅读真经5》使用说明,补丁,难题解析 (2)

This book is underpinned by a scientific methodology, integrating reading skills and vocabulary building, and unveilling the real tests. 《雅思阅读真经5》超越了《真经234》中采用的三篇文章一套题的安排模式,所以它不仅是一本真题机经的预测,更重要的价值是它包含了一种培训体系和理念,引导读者在做题时暗合真经派的教学法。所以我在封面写了这段英语。 【使用流程】 我心中最理想的雅思考生是这样准备雅思阅读的: 1.先拿《剑桥雅思4-9》随便一本,比如4,模考四套题。现在我知道了雅思考试流程,内容,难度,自己现在和目标分数的差距,那种题型自己最讨厌。自己的词汇和语法还差多少。 2.学习《雅思阅读真经总纲》中各个题型的解题技巧,同时按题型修炼《雅思阅读真经5》,并背记真经5中每篇文章后面的核心词和考点词。(结合文章背单词是最有效的) 3.现在我对雅思阅读各个题型的命题思路和技巧都没问题了,学习《雅思阅读真经总纲》中前两章。了解真题各题型组合后不同的阅读顺序。再用《剑桥雅思5-9》开始模考。同时使用《剑桥雅思阅读考点词真经》,结合剑桥的文章复习单词,同时学习剑桥每道题的考点词设计。 4.考试。 5.庆祝高分,在@雅思教父刘洪波上晒出分数,我奖励《留学Super之路》一本,代价是一堆人会问你的心得,你要帮我给师弟师妹们在微博上答疑和分享学习经验,攒人品。 背后的科学理论是:要先练好内功和分解动作,再去和剑桥组合过招,进步感觉最快。内功没有,单独的招数还不熟,就天天跟人家拼组合拳,我很佩服一些考生的抗击打能力。 在第2步中,考生积累了单词(内功),集训了题型(招数),了解了题库机经(对手)。《真经5》的设计目的就是如此。 在做剑桥雅思真题之前,要了解它组合拳的路数。有两种组合顺序,在《雅思阅读真经总纲》中我详细阐述过。 所以:《真经5》、《总纲》和《考点词》,构成了雅思阅读的真经培训体系。 当然这是最理想化的。建立在你对雅思一无所知,一入门正巧就加入了贵学真经派。 如果马上考试,《真经5》只有预测和考点强化的作用。建议尽可能多做文章,背诵每篇后的考点词,挑选自己薄弱题型加强练习。 【补丁】 1. Passage 49 第10题答案漏印,标准答案为C。 【解析】 Reading Passage 1 冰箱 5. safer=better,took over=alternatives,所以答案是Freon。 6. 注意inventing=patented Reading Passage 2 诺贝尔 3. 判断填形容词。不能填Explosive,因为炸药都要爆炸,所以爆炸不是炸药的风险。可控的、安全的爆炸才是问题。对应原文15页第5行:the safety problems。注意到safety名词作定语,problems=risk,所以答案为safety。(本题设计参考《剑8》第67页第5题) 10. 不能只填prize。因为Summary中上句说:“他的秘书成为著名的反战人士。这是诺贝尔在他的遗嘱中包含了和平奖的部分原因。”所以,只填prize是不对的,会使Summary的因果逻辑不全。 Reading Passage 3 猛犸象 2. 难题,很多人是蒙对的。该题要对上下文联合理解。注意空格词性。(单词填空题可能词性变化,概率



READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1 – 13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. IMPROVING READING SPEED It is safe to say that almost anyone can double his speed of reading while maintaining equal or even higher comprehension. In other words, anyone can improve the speed with which he gets what he wants from his reading. The average college student reads between 250 and 350 words per minute on fiction and non-technical materials. A "good" reading speed is around 500 to 700 words per minute, but some people can read a thousand words per minute or even faster on these materials. What makes the difference? There are three main factors involved in improving reading speed: (1) the desire to improve, (2) the willingness to try new techniques and (3) the motivation to practice. Learning to read rapidly and well presupposes that you have the necessary vocabulary and comprehension skills. When you have advanced on the reading comprehension materials to a level at which you can understand college-level materials, you will be ready to begin speed reading practice in earnest. Understanding the role of speed in the reading process is essential. Research has shown a close relation between speed and understanding. For example, in checking progress charts of thousands of individuals taking reading training, it has been found in most cases that an increase in rate has been paralleled by an increase in comprehension, and that where rate has gone down, comprehension has also decreased. Most adults are able to increase their rate of reading considerably and rather quickly without lowering comprehension. Some of the facts which reduce reading rate: (a)limited perceptual span i.e., word-by-word reading; (b)slow perceptual reaction time, i.e., slowness of recognition and response to the material; (c)vocalization, including the need to vocalize in order to achieve comprehension; (d)faulty eye movements, including inaccuracy in placement of the page, in return sweep, in rhythm and regularity of movement, etc.; (e)regression, both habitual and as associated with habits of concentration (f)lack of practice in reading, due simply to the fact that the person has read very little and has limited reading interests so that very little reading is practiced in the daily or weekly schedule. Since these conditions act also to reduce comprehension increasing the reading rate through eliminating them is likely to result in increased comprehension as well. This is an entirely different matter from simply speeding up the rate of reading without reference to the conditions responsible for the slow rate. In fact, simply speeding the


所有雅思阅读考试只有一种命题方式-----同意替换(Paraphrase) -----刘洪波 《阅读机经整理》 1.雅思阅读为什么要考7分 中国考生写作差全球共性,口语差中国特性。在国外四个7比较好。三个6一个7换算成6.25为6.5! 2.雅思阅读如何读得快 no sound, 眼睛离书本远一点,单词进入研究多一点。(物理疗法) 读得懂的请读慢一点,读不懂的读快一点甚至跳过,自动调整阅读速度。 3.阅读方法 文章一遍读完所有题目做完!!! 先做细节题,后做自然段中心思想题! heading&TFNG题要先做细节题,不一定按题号顺序。根据题型选择做题顺序。 like hand down易如反掌 4.所有题的题干中每一个单词必然来源于原文!!! coin (first used)铸造;硬币。 高手与低手的差别:(看懂原文与题干的同义词对应)。勾画原文中与题干的同义词! 在雅思原文上作出思考的笔记。 任何一本剑桥雅思都是老题,价值在于难度与真题一样。 雅思考试:成绩可信赖,连续性。 无招胜有招 5.TFNG&Heading题型 西方讲究individual!讲自己的观点,用数据事实说话,不要别人的观点。 ①:T 概率最高, 首题不选NG,末题不选F。 首题对应文章前部分,最后一题NG比较高。 T3种出题题型:所有同义词改写80%是这种题,上写文总结归纳,文章中不同两句话前后照应的进行总结。 F2种出题题型:反义词设计,关系型驳斥(偷换主语之类)。 NG2种出题题型:出在原文中不相关联位置。 F题直接强烈的感觉,NG是一种可能性。 ②Heading题: 选上不选下(相邻两段都有某个意思时,选上不选下,因为每段都有承上启下句) 读完某一自然段+下自然段首句选中心思想。 雅思阅读:词汇(内功)+招数+实战+机经(对方招数) 阅读和听力旧题带新题 ----------------------------------------------分-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------割-----------------------------------------------------------------------线------------------------------------------


5.5到7.0一个雅思考了5次的过来人经验 很多人会觉得雅思考了5次这怎么可能呢?这在一些没考过雅思的人眼中确实是天方夜谭,但是这在备考雅思出国的考生眼中,这并不是一件不可能发生的事情。很多雅思考生都是在一次次的打击中吸取了经验,然后再战,这其中的心酸和坎坷,只有自己知道。下面天道小编将要和大家分享的就是这样一个案例。希望大家能够从中吸取点对自己有用的经验。 (一)当你决定了一件事情的时候,就要勇敢去做 很多朋友考雅思的目的就是出国读书,不管是本科还是研究生。据不完全统计,大家能够看得上的学校的雅思要求一般是6.5/6.0,而对于商科来说,要求会达到7.0/6.0 or 6.5甚至更多。 而雅思的口语和写作同时达到6.0,对于大多数的朋友来说是有难度的。既然是大多数,当然就不包括经常和歪国人一起趴或者英专的朋友们了。这时,作为和雅思具有同样效用的英语测试考试,托福就出现在了很多人的选择之中。 所以我们需要问自己一个问题,我到底是考托福还是雅思?相信无数人都纠结过这个问题。在这里我想说, 如果申请英国的学校,请选择雅思; 如果选择美国的学校,请选择托福; 如果选择其他国家的学校,请看一下托福和雅思的效用相同程度。 比如我申请的墨尔本大学的托福要求是79分(小分我没有注意。。。),而雅思是6.5/6.0,如果是这样的话,我建议选择托福,因为雅思口语和写作同时上6是有难度的。 好的,既然你选择了雅思,就请坚持不懈地考下去,不要中场休息,也不要临阵脱逃,更不要想还有一个托福妹妹在隔壁。看一遍小标题。开始你的烤鸭之路。 (二)如果你什么都没准备好的话,不要浪费钱 大家可以看到我在2015.5.16考了一次雅思。说说这次雅思的意义吧。 没意义。 在这次雅思考试之前,我没有做过一套试题,更不知道每个单项会怎么考。甚至在考试前夕,我还做了近一个多星期IAAF国际田联的志愿活动。。。先说一下我的背景吧,辽宁娃,高考英语133/150,但是我们英语是没有听力的(其实也是会放听力录音也有试题,但是不算分数,只给某些英语专业的录取做参考用),四级400多分过了,六级400多分也过了,好像六级比四级还高一点,两次都是裸考,大学几年英语用得不是很多,听说能力基本报废。。。 所以,第一次雅思考试以5.5分告终,完败。在这里要说一下雅思考试的基本注意事项,虽说很多老师或者朋友都会讲,但是我认为还是很重要的。


最新雅思G类阅读真题 G类阅读 一篇说员工出差的报销问题:不确定能不能报销的先找line manager(可能是其他人这个记不清了);报销要保存帐单;车票和国内国际机票国内机票只能经济舱国际的可以其他;住宿旅馆要求经常去的地区只能住单位联系的酒店有折扣其他地区3星级或多少钱以下;其他文具啥的费用怎么样忘了 另一篇超市招聘长期员工,面试后给feedback,店内不让查电子邮件,要提供有住址的帐单,其他不记得了 还有一篇说的几个房屋广告:楼层高的那个不适合老人和残疾人; 天花板高的那个有储物空间;附近有学校的适合家庭带小孩;有一个房子下面有双车库,另一个外边有双车库是迷惑项;有个房子internal需要decorate,题目里说需要painting;另一个房子是房间已经update过了;还有一个房子是很小但是可以扩大,并且有风格特色,忘了是不是前面其中的一个。 第四篇大阅读是鲸鱼唱歌的题,只记得大概,第一部分是选择1940年1950年一直到1980年都有什么成果,第二部分t/f/ng的前几个西岸东岸鱼群的弄得有点晕,后面选择题,问鲸鱼唱歌是小节重复还是主题重复啥的,还问了什么情况下变歌,还有同个海洋的鲸鱼,地理位置近的歌声相近之类的。 G类的作文 小作文向房屋中介介绍自己租房要求到一个英语国家快开始工作了全家要租房子 大作文air travel 越来越便宜有人说是positive 进步有人反对,分析两边给出自己的观点。 经验分享如下: 雅思阅读:速读就是方法 听力和阅读我实在没什么可以分享的,考前从来没复习过,如果说技巧的, 可以介绍一 个阅读技巧,因为本人没出来之前A类就考过阅读8.5,所以 有点小经验,大部分同学的问题是读不完,我觉得最重要的千万不要看不懂一句话,就没完没了的读那句话,快速的向后看,通过后面的文章理解前面的,通过问题来猜测文章大意.先通读问题,然后带着问题速读,注意一定要速读原文!!!! 雅思听力:机经少看
