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1. Country music is one of the most popular forms of music in the United States today.


2.There is no other misfortune that could be compared with the loss of time.

没有其他的不幸可以与时间的损失作比较。 3.There is no friend as loyal as a good book 没有朋友像一本好书一样忠诚

4.Nowhere else in the world can you find scenery as attractive as in Switzerland.


5. No cassette tapes could rival CDs in terms of sound quality.


1.As is known to all, the year 2021 saw the successful launching of

China's first manned spaceship. 众所周知,2021年成功地发射了中国第一艘载人飞船。

2.Time has witnessed the long history, free academic atmosphere and energetic students' life of the university. 时间见证了这所大学悠久的历史、自由的学术氛围


3.The new century will see a significant and far-reaching change in China.


4.Nanjing, an ancient and beautiful city, has witnessed many great

historic events.

5.南京是一座古老而美丽的城市,见证了许多伟大的历史事件。 A visit to the places where he had studied and worked during his youth brought back many fond memories.


1.Watching exciting soccer games is the best way to take my mind off all the problems in my work

观看激动人心的足球比赛是解决我工作中所有问题的最好办法。 2.Friends sadly watched him drive off, knowing it would be long before they could meet again

朋友们伤心地看着他开了车,知道他们很快就不能再见面了。 3.It took the community workers a month to wipe off the graffiti, which used to be a notable sight of the city. 社区工作人员花了一个月的时间才擦掉这些涂鸦,这些涂鸦曾经是这个城市的显著景观。

4.In high altitude areas, people use lots of ways to keep off ultraviolet rays.


5.This village's water and power supplies have been cut off because of the snowstorm.


1.None of the competitors could catch up with the untiring runner who was in the lead.

没有一个参赛者能赶上领先的那个不屈不挠的赛跑运动员。 2.The football team was not in the zone and lost the game with the score 2 to 3.


3.If you make a great effort to practice your oral English, it will pay

off in the long run.


4.In the event of rain, the football match will be postponed 万一下雨,足球赛将延期举行。

5.When the day of the finals arrived, she was very nervous. Whether she could win or not was still up in the air 当决赛的日子到来时,她非常紧张。她是否能赢,还是悬而未决。

1.Resultantly, the fans had to accept the rescheduling of the concert due to the weather.

结果,由于天气原因,球迷们不得不接受音乐会的重新安排。 2.Luckily, we could cook all these delicious courses by following the steps provided in the recipe book. 幸运的是,我们可以按照食谱中提供的步骤烹饪所有这些美味的课程。

3.Notably, the credits earned from Internet open courses have' been officially accepted by many universities. 值得一提的是,许多大学已经正式接受了网络公开课程的学分。

4.More importantly, students understand that they should find a balance between their study and entertainment. 更重要的是,学生明白他们应该在学习和娱乐之间找到平衡。

5.Clearly, the media has hidden some important information from the public.




1. 那是个正规宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。 ( formal ) As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me t o. 2. 他的女友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯尚未根深蒂固之前把它改掉。(take hold) His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it t ook hold. 3. 他们预料到下几个月点的需求量很大,决定增加生产。(anticipate) Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, t hey have decided to increase its production. 4.据说比尔音译在违反公司的安全规章而被解雇。( violate ) It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company ' s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company ' s safety rules. 5. 据报道地方政府已采取适当措施避免严重缺水( water shortage )的可能性。 ( avoid,severe ) It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to a void the possibility of a severe water shortage. 1. 半个小时过去了,但末班车还没来。我们只好走回家。( go by ) Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn ' t come yet. We had to walk home. 2. 玛丽看上去对汉语考试很担心,因为她还没背熟课文。 ( learn by heart ) Mary seems to be very worried about the Chinese exam because she hasn ' t learned the texts by heart. 3. 既然篮球赛已被推迟,我们不妨去参观博物馆。( postpone ) Since the basketball match has been postponed, we might as well visit the museum. 4. 整个二次世界大战期间他一直和父母住在澳大利亚。 (all the way ) He stayed in Australia with his parents all the way through WW 口. 5. 自1985 年从南京大学毕业至今,可以说我与我的大学同学失去了联系。( kind of ,lose touch ) Since I graduated from Nanjing University in 1985, I have kind of lost t ouch with my classmates. 1. 正如科学家所预言的那样,全球污染成了人类面临的最严重的问题之一。 ( global ) As is predicted by scientists, global pollution has become one of the most serious pro blems humans are faced with. 2. 谋求这些职位的竞争很激烈——今年的求职者( applicant )是去年的五倍 (competition ) Competition for these jobs is very tough —we have five times as many applicants this year as we did last year/ there are five ti mes as many applicants this year as


新目标大学英语综合教程1翻译 1. Country music is one of the most popular forms of music in the United States today. 乡村音乐是当今美国最流行的音乐形式之一。 2.There is no other misfortune that could be compared with the loss of time. 没有其他的不幸可以与时间的损失作比较。 3.There is no friend as loyal as a good book 没有朋友像一本好书一样忠诚 4.Nowhere else in the world can you find scenery as attractive as in Switzerland. 世界上任何地方都找不到像瑞士那样迷人的风景。 5. No cassette tapes could rival CDs in terms of sound quality. 在音质方面,没有盒式磁带能与CD媲美。 1.As is known to all, the year 2021 saw the successful launching of China's first manned spaceship. 众所周知,2021年成功地发射了中国第一艘载人飞船。 2.Time has witnessed the long history, free academic atmosphere and energetic students' life of the university. 时间见证了这所大学悠久的历史、自由的学术氛围 和充满活力的学生生活。 3.The new century will see a significant and far-reaching change in China. 新世纪将在中国发生重大而深远的变化。 4.Nanjing, an ancient and beautiful city, has witnessed many great historic events. 5.南京是一座古老而美丽的城市,见证了许多伟大的历史事件。 A visit to the places where he had studied and worked during his youth brought back many fond memories. 他去年轻时学习工作过的地方游览,勾起了许多美好的回忆。


新一代大学英语综合教程1 课后翻译 UNIT 1 2、Indeed, we might feel as if we are suddenly awash in friends. Yet right before our eyes, we're also changing the way we conduct relationships. Face-to-face chatting is giving way to texting and messaging; people even prefer these electronic exchanges to, for instance, simply talking on a phone.Smaller circles of friends are being partially eclipsed by Facebook acquaintances routinely numbered in the hundreds. Amid these smaller trends, growing research suggests we could be entering a period of crisis for the entire concept of friendship. Where is all this leading modern-day society? Perhaps to a dark place, one where electronic stimuli slowly replace the joys of human contact.确实如此,我们似乎感到突然之间好友数量井喷。不过,我们眼前也正在改变为人处世的方式。面对面的聊天正在被短信取代;相比打个电话,人们甚至更愿意使用这些电子交流方式。脸谱网上的熟人圈儿动辄数百人,相比之下,现实生活中规模较小的朋友圈则显得黯淡少光。在这些较细微的趋势中,越来越多的研究表明友谊的整个概念正在遭受危机,而我们也许正在一步步地迈向这个危机时代。所有这一切要把现代社会引向何方?也许现代社会就此陷入黑暗深渊,在这个深渊里,人与人之间交往的乐趣慢慢地被电子诱惑所取代。 8、No single person is at fault, of course. The pressures on friendship today are broad. They arise from the demands of work, say, or a general busyness that means we have less quality time for others. How many


2020年大一上学期英语期末复习 Diary of a fresher 大一新生日记 Sunday 星期日 1 After a wearisome expedition by car from home, we arrive at my hall of residence, and I check in. The warden gives me a set of keys and a room number. My room is five floors up, and the lift has a sign on it, "Out of order". Finally, with my mother flushed and gasping for breath, we find Room 8, I unlock the door, and we all walk in. 1 从家里驱车经过一段疲惫的旅程才到达我住的宿舍楼。我进去登记。宿舍管理员给了我一串钥匙,并告诉了我房间号。我的房间在6楼,可电梯上写着“电梯已坏”。等我们终于找到8号房间的时候,妈妈已经涨红了脸,累得上气不接下气。我打开房门,我们都走了进去。 2 After one minute, my father climbs out. The room is barely big enough for one, and certainly not big enough for the whole family. I can stretch out full-length on the bed and touch three walls without moving a muscle. 2 但爸爸马上就从里面爬了出来。这个房间刚刚够一个人住,一家人都进去,肯定容不下。我躺在床上,把全身伸直,不动弹就可以碰到三面墙。 3 Lucky my brother and my dog didn't come too. 3 幸亏我哥哥和我的狗没有一起来。 4 Later. My parents have just left. I'm here alone, hemmed in by my books and a suitcase. What do I do next? 4 后来,爸爸妈妈就走了,只剩下我孤零零一个人,周围只有书和一个箱子。接下来我该做什么呢?Monday 星期一 5 There's a coffee morning for first-year students. I meet my tutor, a lofty man with sloping shoulders, who looks determined to be affable. 5 早上,有一个为一年级新生举办的咖啡早茶会。我见到了我的导师,他个子高高的,斜肩,好像打定了主意要平易近人。 6 "Have you come far?" He peers down at me. As he speaks, his head jerks wildly from side to side, which makes his coffee spill into the saucer. 6 “你是从很远的地方来的吗?” 他居高临下地看着我问道。他边说话边晃动脑袋,咖啡都洒到杯托里了。 7 "I live not far from Edinburgh, about six hours away," I explain. 7 “我家离爱丁堡不太远,开车大约6个小时,” 我说。 8 "Splendid!" he says, and moves on to the freshman standing beside me. "Have you come far?" he asks, "Splendid," he barks, without waiting for the answer, and moves on. He takes a sip of coffee, and looks thunderstruck to discover the cup is empty. 8 “好极了!” 他说,接着又转向站在我旁边的那个新生。“你是从很远的地方来的吗?” 他问。但不等那人作出任何回答,他就喊道,“好极了!” 然后就继续询问他人。他啜了一口咖啡,却惊讶地发现杯子是空的。 9 My mother calls. She enquires if I've met my tutor yet. 9 妈妈打来电话,问我是不是见到了导师。 Tuesday 星期二

新标准大学英语 综合教程1 课文翻译概述

新标准英语 1 课文翻译 Unit 1 大一新生日记 星期日 从家里出发后,我们开车开了很长一段时间才到达我住的宿舍楼。我进去登记。宿舍管理员给了我一串钥匙,并告诉了我房间号。我的房间在6楼,可电梯坏了。等我们终于找到8号房的时候,妈妈已经涨红了脸,上气不接下气。我打开门锁,我们都走了进去。 但爸爸马上就从里面钻了出来。这个房间刚刚够一个人住,一家人都进去,肯定装不下。我躺在床上,不动弹就可以碰到三面墙。 幸亏我哥哥和我的狗没一起来。 后来,爸爸妈妈就走了,只剩下我孤零零一个人。周围只有书和一个箱子。接下来我该做什么?

星期一 早上,有一个为一年级新生举办的咖啡早茶会。我见到了我的导师,他个子高高的,肩膀厚实,好像打定了主意要逗人开心。 “你是从很远的地方来的吗?”他问我。他边说话边晃悠脑袋,咖啡都洒到杯托里了。 “我家离爱丁堡不太远,开车大约6个小时,”我说。 “好极了!”他说,接着又走向站在我旁边的那个女孩儿。“你是从很远的地方来的吗?”他问。但不等那女孩儿作出任何回答,他就说到,“好极了!”然后就继续向前走。他啜了一口咖啡,却惊讶地发现杯子是空的。 妈妈打来电话。她问我是不是见到了导师。 星期二 我觉得有点儿饿,这才意识到我已经两天没吃东西了。我下楼去,得知一天三餐我可以在餐厅里吃。我下到餐厅排进了长队。 “早餐吃什么?”我问前面的男生。 “不知道。我来得太晚了,吃不上早餐了。这是午餐。”

午餐是自助餐,今天的菜谱是鸡肉、米饭、土豆、沙拉、蔬菜、奶酪、酸奶和水果。前面的男生每样儿都取一些放到托盘上,付了钱,坐下来吃。 我再也不觉得饿了。 妈妈打电话来。她问我有没有好好吃饭。 星期三 早上9点钟我要去听一个讲座。我醒时已经8:45了。竟然没有人叫我起床。奇怪。 我穿好衣服,急匆匆地赶到大讲堂。我在一个睡眼惺忪的女生旁边坐下。她看了看我,问:“刚起床?”她是怎么看出来的? 讲座进行了1个小时。结束时我看了看笔记,我根本就看不懂自己写的字。 那个女生名叫苏菲,和我一样,也是英语文学专业的学生。她看起来惊人地聪明。听完讲座后我们一起闲聊。她告诉我在空档年( 高中毕业后等着上大学的一年) 里,她已经把这学期书单上的书都读完了。她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。 妈妈来电话问我睡得好不好。

英语汉译英 大学英语1新标准综合教程翻译

1.他们对业余剧社的介绍给苏菲留下了很深的印象,于是她就报了名。 Their introduction of Amateur Dramatics impressed Sophie so much that she sighed up for it . 2.网络教育为全职人员提供了利用业余时间接受教育的机会。 Online education provides those who work full time with opportunities to receive further education in their spare time . 3.刚上大学时,他不知道是否需要把老师讲的内容一字不落地都记下来。 When he first arrived at university , he was not sure whether he was supposed to scribble down every word out of the professor’s mouth . 4.没有人觉察出他隐藏在笑容背后的绝望。 No one detects his despair well hidden behind his smile . 5.有些学生能轻松自如地与陌生人交谈,可有些学生却很难做到这一点。 Some students are easy about talking with strangers , while some others find it hard to do so . 1.他们这儿不卖薯条,如果你想吃,得去肯德基或麦当劳。(serve) They don’t serve chips / French fries here. If you want them, you have to go to a KFC or McDonald’s. 2.他捡起一个核桃,想用锤子把它砸开,可没想到却把它砸碎了。(crack ; crush) He picked up a walnut and tried to crack it with a hammer , but instead he crushed it . 3.当金子加热融化后,他们把金水倒进模子,铸成金条。(melt / mould). When the gold was heated and melted , they poured it into a mould to from a gold bar . 4.他承认是他打破了教室的窗玻璃。(admit to) He admitted to breaking the window of the classroom . 5.令我们欣喜的是,新的经济计划开始对经济发展产生积极影响。(have …effect on) To our delight , the new economic policy is beginning to have a positive effect on the economy . 1 老师很有可能不欣赏不会独立思考的学生。(not think much of …; think for oneself) It is most likely that a teacher won’t think much of a student who cannot think for himself. 2 他上中学的时候,几乎没有什么人被鼓励去做科学实验,更谈不上接受这方面的训练了。(hardly; much less) When he was in high school, hardly anyone had been encouraged, much less trained, to do scientific experiments. 3 嫉妒是由懒惰和无知造成的。(the res ult of …) Envy is the result of laziness and ignorance. 4 有些大学生是根据自己的专业来选择志愿服务的,而不是碰到什么就做什么.(volunteer job; rather than) Rather than picking any volunteer job, some college students choose activities based on their majors. 5 最好的办法就是把学生分成若干小组,让他们针对具体的问题进行讨论。(break up … into …; focus on) The best approach is to break the students up into several groups so that they can focus their discussion on specific problems. 1.据估计,目前中国4亿手机用户中,有大约一半人的隐私受到了威胁。(it is estimated that …;privacy)It is estimated that today , the privacy of half of the 0.4 billion mobile phone subscribers is in danger . 2.人们在购买生活必需品上的花费越少,他们安排的诸如旅游等娱乐活动就越多。(the less …the


Unit one 绿化,永无止境 【1】环保主义思想已经深深的扎根于校园。你可以看到环保运动已经蔓延到了全国,从加利福利亚大学戴维斯分校的“零浪费”运动场到纽约州瓦瑟学院07级学生献给学校的价值10000美元的太阳能电池板。环保意识已经深入到同学们的内心,他们通过开展一些竞赛活动来推进回收再利用,并且大幅减少学生宿舍能源的使用。学校里还开设了一些与环境相关的课程与专业,甚至还设立了一些奖学金。这些新的举措是很有意义的。高等教育明确定位,不仅是要为社会培养有环保意识的公民,还要培养环保工程师,环保建筑师和环保政策的制定者。康奈尔大学的校长David Skorton说得好:“可持续发展势在必行。” 【2】想要寻找环保运动已经广泛开展的证据,只要关注全国各大学都热衷参与RecycleMania 竞赛就能找到答案。2008年的冠军不是像哈佛和斯坦福大学这些以环保著称的著名学府,而是在密歇根州的一所微不足道的大学——卡拉马祖大学。在十周的比赛中,卡拉马祖大学的同学们总共回收利用了59%的废物。(哈佛是27%,斯坦福是30%)。环保社团的成员们还开展了名为“宿舍风暴”的活动。他们在每个寝室都埋伏了同学来专门观察和宣传那些减少浪费的行为。他们还收集校内垃圾桶内的可回收材料——甚至运送塑料泡沫和废旧电脑到公司以便加工后再利用。他们把废弃的书拆开来使得纸张可以再利用。一些旧的椅子、杯子、扬声器和钢琴都在校园的二手货交易中重获新生,满屋子都是一些二手货,当然还是免费的。 【3】环保建筑也如春笋般突然出现在校园中,从杜克大学里带有环保屋顶的“智慧屋” (一间同时可作为绿色生活实验室的宿舍)到加州大学在默赛德新校区,那里的所有建筑都达到了美国绿色建筑委员会制定的标准。缅因州的福尔曼大学也实施了一项最不寻常的计划。在2008年6月,福尔曼大学与南方生活杂志协力创建了名为“绝壁村屋”的太阳能展示区。它占地3400平方英尺,在将来也许会成为环保主义者的梦想住宅。它拥有地热,有机花园,竹子地板(因为竹子长得快。)和符合美国能源之星环保标准的设备。有了室外的太阳能和室内的能源节约技术,这间屋子产生的能源比它所消耗的能源多6到10倍。一年以后,“绝壁村屋”将向外界开放。此后,该房屋将被改造成学校的可持续发展中心,该中心将开设一系列关于绿色生活的课程。


英语课后翻译 综合教程1 Unit 1 1. Finally, with my mother red in the face and short of breath, we find Room 8, I unlock the door, and we all walk in.(?介词with 表示状态,不必直译。) 等我们终于找到8号房间的时候,妈妈已经涨红了脸,上气不接下气。我打开门锁,我们都走了进去。 2. She impresses me, and I feel so ignorant that I shouldn’t even breathe the same air as her. 她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。 3.I don’t know why I have to be introduced to literature but the woman in the admissions office says it’s a requirement even though I’ve read Dostoyevsky and Melville and that’s admirable for someone without a high school education.(?翻译时将be introduced to literature 变成主动语态更通顺。) 我不知道为什么我非得了解文学。可是招生办公室的那位女士说这门课是必修课,即使我读过陀思妥也夫斯基和梅尔维尔的小说也得选,一个没上过高中的人能读这些书的确令人敬佩,但这门课是必修课。 4. I’m in heaven and the first thing to do is buy the required textbooks, cover them with the purple and white NYU book jackets so that people in the subway will look at me admiringly.(?I am in heaven 不能直译成“我上了天堂”,这句话应意译。) 我乐得飘飘然了,第一件事就是去买所需要的课本,然后用纽约大学紫白相间的护封把它们套起来,这样地铁里的乘客就会向我投来艳羡的目光了。 Then the professor tells us ideas don’t drop fully formed from the skies, that the Pilgrims were, in the long run, children of the Reformation with an accompanying world view and their attitudes to children were so informed.(?注意两个children 的翻译,第一个需意译。) 接着,教授告诉我们,观念并不是从天而降的现成品。从长远看,清教徒是宗教改革运动的产物,他们继承了宗教改革运动的世界观,并且他们对孩子的态度体现了宗教改革运动的思想。 1 他们对业余剧社的介绍给苏菲留下了深刻的印象,于是她就报了名。(Amateur Dramatics; sign up for) Their introduction of Amateur Dramatics impressed Sophie so much that she signed up for it. 2 网络教育为全职人员提供了利用业余时间接受继续教育的机会。(work full-time) Online education provides those who work full-time with opportunities to receive further education in their spare time. 3 刚上大学时,他不知道是否需要把老师讲的内容一字不落地都记下来。(be supposed to do; scribble down) When he first arrived at university, he was not sure whether he was supposed to scribble down every word out of the professor’s mouth. 4 没人觉察出他隐藏在笑容背后的绝望。(detect)


. ..... 新标准英语 1 课文翻译 Unit 1 大一新生日记 星期日 从家里出发后,我们开车开了很长一段时间才到达我住的宿舍楼。我进去登记。宿舍管理员给了我一串钥匙, 并告诉了我房间号。我的房间在6楼,可电梯坏了。等我们终于找到8号房的时候,妈妈已经涨红了脸,上气不接下气。我打开门锁,我们都走了进去。 但爸爸马上就从里面钻了出来。这个房间刚刚够一个人住,一家人都进去,肯定装不下。我躺在床上,不动弹就可以碰到三面墙。 幸亏我哥哥和我的狗没一起来。 后来,爸爸妈妈就走了,只剩下我孤零零一个人。周围只有书和一个箱子。接下来我该做什么?

星期一 早上,有一个为一年级新生举办的咖啡早茶会。我见到了我的导师,他个子高高的,肩膀厚实,好像打定了主意要逗人开心。 “你是从很远的地方来的吗?”他问我。他边说话边晃悠脑袋,咖啡都洒到杯托里了。 “我家离爱丁堡不太远,开车大约6个小时,”我说。 “好极了!”他说,接着又走向站在我旁边的那个女孩儿。“你是从很远的地方来的吗?”他问。但不等那女孩儿作出任何回答,他就说到,“好极了!”然后就继续向前走。他啜了一口咖啡,却惊讶地发现杯子是空的。 妈妈打来电话。她问我是不是见到了导师。 星期二 我觉得有点儿饿,这才意识到我已经两天没吃东西了。我下楼去,得知一天三餐我可以在餐厅里吃。我下到餐厅排进了长队。 “早餐吃什么?”我问前面的男生。 “不知道。我来得太晚了,吃不上早餐了。这是午餐。”

. ..... 午餐是自助餐,今天的菜谱是鸡肉、米饭、土豆、沙拉、蔬菜、奶酪、酸奶和水果。前面的男生每样儿都取一 些放到托盘上,付了钱,坐下来吃。 我再也不觉得饿了。 妈妈打电话来。她问我有没有好好吃饭。 星期三 早上9点钟我要去听一个讲座。我醒时已经8:45了。竟然没有人叫我起床。奇怪。 我穿好衣服,急匆匆地赶到大讲堂。我在一个睡眼惺忪的女生旁边坐下。她看了看我,问:“刚起床?”她是怎么看出来的? 讲座进行了1个小时。结束时我看了看笔记,我根本就看不懂自己写的字。 那个女生名叫苏菲,和我一样,也是英语文学专业的学生。她看起来惊人地聪明。听完讲座后我们一起闲聊。她告诉我在空档年( 高中毕业后等着上大学的一年) 里,她已经把这学期书单上的书都读完了。她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。 妈妈来电话问我睡得好不好。


Unit1 为自己而写 从孩提时代,我还住在贝尔维尔时,我的脑子里就断断续续地转着当作家的念头,但直等到我高中三年级,这一想法才有了实现的可能。在这之前,我对所有跟英文课沾边的事都感到腻味。我觉得英文语法枯燥难懂。我痛恨那些长而乏味的段落写作,老师读着受累,我写着痛苦。 弗利格尔先生接我们的高三英文课时,我就准备着在这门最最单调乏味的课上再熬上沉闷的一年。弗利格尔先生在学生中以其说话干巴和激励学生无术而出名。据说他拘谨刻板,完全落后于时代。我看他有六七十岁了,古板之极。他戴着古板的毫无装饰的眼镜,微微卷曲的头发剪得笔齐,梳得纹丝不乱。他身穿古板的套装,白衬衣领扣外的领带打得——丝不苟。他有着古板的尖下巴,古板的直鼻梁,说起话来—本正经,字斟句酌,彬彬有礼,活脱脱一个滑稽的老古董。 我作好准备,打算在弗利格尔先生的班上一无所获地混上一年,不少日子过去了,还真不出所料。后半学期我们学写随笔小品文。弗利格尔先生发下一张家庭作业纸,出了不少题供我们选择。像“暑假二三事”那样傻乎乎的题目倒是一个也没有,但绝大多数—样乏味。我把作文题带回家,—直没写,直到要交作业的前一天晚上。我躺在沙发上,最终不得不面对这一讨厌的功课,便从笔记本里抽出作文题目单粗粗—看。我的目光落在“吃意大利细面条的艺术”这个题目上。 这个题目在我脑海里唤起了一连串不同寻常的图像。贝尔维尔之夜的清晰的回忆如潮水一般涌来,当时,我们大家一起围坐在晚餐桌旁——艾伦舅舅、我母亲、查理舅舅、多丽丝、哈尔舅舅、帕特舅妈晚饭做的是意大利细面条。那时意大利细面条还是很少听说的异国食品。多丽丝和我都还从来没吃过,在座的大人也是经验不足,没有—个吃起来得心应手的。艾伦舅舅家诙谐有趣的场景全都重现在我的脑海中,我回想起来,当晚我们笑作—团,争论着该如何地把面条从盘子上送到嘴里才算合乎礼仪。 突然我就想描述那一切,描述当时那种温馨美好的气氛,但我把它写下来仅仅是想自得其乐,而不是为弗利格尔先生而写。那是我想重新捕捉并珍藏在心中的一个时刻。我想重温那个夜晚的愉快。然而,照我希望的那样去写,就会违反我在学校里学的正式作文的种种法则,弗利格尔先生也肯定会打它一个不及格。没关系。等我为自己写好了之后,我可以再为弗利格尔先生写点什么别的东西。 等我写完时已是半夜时分,再没时间为弗利格尔先生写一篇循规蹈矩、像模像样的文章了。第二天上午,我别无选择,只好把我为自己而写的贝尔维尔晚餐的故事交了上去。两天后弗利格尔先生发还批改过的作文,他把别人的都发了,就是没有我的。我正准备着遵命——放学就去弗利格尔先生那儿挨训,却看见他从桌上拿起我的作文,敲了敲桌子让大家注意听。“好了,孩子们,”他说。“我要给你们念一篇小品文。文章的题目是:吃意大利细面条的艺术。” 于是他开始念了。是我写的!他给全班大声念我写的文章。更不可思议的是,全班同学都在听着他念,而且听得很专心。有人笑出声来,接着全班都笑了,不是轻蔑嘲弄,而是乐乎乎地开怀大笑。就连弗利格尔先生也停顿了两三次,好抑制他那丝拘谨的微笑。我尽力不流露出得意的心情,但是看到我写的文章竟然能使别人大笑,我真是心花怒放。就在十一年级,可谓是最后的时刻,我找到了一个今生想做的事。这是我整个求学生涯中最幸福的一刻。弗利格尔先生念完后说道:“瞧,孩子们,这就是小品文,懂了没有?这才是——知道吗——这才是小品文的精髓,知道了没有!祝贺你,贝克先生。”他这番话使我沉浸在十全十美的幸福之中。


1. This author introduces his life in university. As a fresher, the writer has many problems about life and study. His tutor is unfriendly and uncaring. The library’s rules are too strict. The writer joins many clubs and make friends to solve these problems. 作者介绍了他在大学的生活。作为一个新人,他在学习和生活上有很多困难。他的导师不友善不关心。图书馆规则很严格。作者加了很多社团和朋友来解决这些问题。 2. The writer tells his newly life in New York. He did many full time jobs while he is taking classes. He was faced with many problem. He felt inferior to his classmates because of his low diploma and his Irish accent. He did not know how to take notes in the class. He was puzzled by what the professor said and afraid to ask questions in the class. 作者介绍了他在纽约的生活。他在上课时仍然要做很多全职工作。他面对很多困难。他感觉比他的同学低等因为他的低学位和爱尔兰口音。他为教授讲的东西感到困惑和害怕问同学问题。

新一代大学英语综合教程1 英语课文翻译

新一代大学英语综合教程1 英语课文翻译 新一代大学英语综合教程1 英语课文翻译答案 新一代大学英语综合教程1 课后翻译 UNIT 1 2、Indeed, we might feel as if we are suddenly awash in friends. Yet right before our eyes, we're also changing the way we conduct relationships. Face- to-face chatting is giving way to texting and messaging; people even prefer these electronic exchanges to, for instance, simply talking on a phone.Smaller circles of friends are being partially eclipsed by Facebook acquaintances routinely numbered in the hundreds. Amid these smaller trends, growing research suggests we could be entering a period of crisis for the entire concept of friendship. Where is all this leading modern-day society? Perhaps to a dark place, one where electronic stimuli slowly replace the joys of human contact.确实如此,我们似乎感到突然之间好友数量井喷。不过,我们眼前也正在改变为 人处世的方式。面对面的聊天正在被短信取代;相比打个电话,人们甚至更愿意使用这些 电子交流方式。脸谱网上的熟人圈儿动辄数百人,相比之下,现实生活中规模较小的朋友 圈则显得黯淡少光。在这些较细微的趋势中,越来越多的研究表明友谊的整个概念正在遭 受危机,而我们也许正在一步步地迈向这个危机时代。所有这一切要把现代社会引向何方?也许现代社会就此陷入黑暗深渊,在这个深渊里,人与人之间交往的乐趣慢慢地被电子诱 惑所取代。 8、No single person is at fault, of course. The pressures on friendship today are broad. They arise from the demands of work, say, or a general busyness that means we have less quality time for others. How many individuals would say that friendship is the most important thing in their lives, only to move thousands of miles across the continent to take up a better-paid job?当然,这并不是某个人的错。如今,交友压力来自方方面面。比如来自工作压力,或是整天瞎忙,无法和他人享有高质量的沟通时间。有人嘴上说友谊是生命中最重要的东西,却为了一份 收入颇丰的工作远赴千里之外。这样的人还少吗? 9、Of course, we learn how to make friends ― or not ― in our most formative years, as children. Recent studies on childhood, and how the contemporary life of the child affects friendships, are illuminating. Again, the general mood is one of concern, and a central conclusion often reached relates to a lack of what is called "unstructured time."当然,我们是在性格成型 的最重要的孩提时期学会如何结交朋友或是如何断交。最近,关于儿童期和儿时生活对交 友的影响的研究很有启发性。这些研究再一次关注了风气这个问题,其主要结论都与孩子

新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程 精读1 课后参考翻译

新标准大学英语综合教程1 课后参考翻译 Unit 1 英译汉:T oday, a gap year refers mostly to a year taken before starting university or college. During their gap year, American students either engage in advanced academic courses or do some volunteer work to improve their knowledge, maturity, decision-making, leadership, independence, self-sufficiency and more, thus improving their résumés before going to college. British and European students, however, take a much more holiday-style approach to the gap year by generally working for 3–6 months and then travelling around the world before college begins. This is intended to expand their minds, personal confidence, experiences and interests prior to college. It is a much less structured approach than taken in the United States, and is generally viewed by parents as a formative year for young adults to become independent and learn a great deal of responsibility prior to engaging in university life. 参考译文:如今,间隔年最为普遍的含义是指上大学前的一年。在这一年中,美国学生或是学习高级学术类课程,或是做一些志愿服务,以此来提高自己的知识水平、成熟度、决策力、领导力、独立性、自给自足以及多方面的能力,力求在上大学之前让自己的简历变得更加完善。然而,英国和欧洲的学生更倾向于把间隔年当作假期来看待。他们通常用3-6个月的时间打打工,然后利用剩余的时间在大学开学前环球旅行。这样,在上大学前,他们可以增长见识,提升自信,丰富阅历,培养兴趣。与美国的间隔年不同,英国和欧洲的做法没有那么周密的安排。家长们通常把间隔年看作是年轻人成长起来的一年,他们在开始大学生活之前变得独立,并学会承担很多责任。 汉译英:今天,很多中国的大学非常重视培养学生的创新意识和创业精神(entrepreneurship)。很多知名大学与多家公司建立长期的合作关系。这些公司会定期从大学中录用合格的毕业生。此外,有些校友还创建启动资金,支持学生创办自己的企业。一些大学的校长表示,创业与学习并不矛盾,鼓励学生创业可以帮助他们将专业知识应用于实践,提升自身的竞争力(competitiveness)。 参考译文:Today, many Chinese universities attach great importance to cultivating innovation awareness and entrepreneurship. Many prestigious universities establish long-term relationships with a lot of companies. These companies recruit qualified graduates from the universities on a regular basis. What’s more, some alumni even create start-up funds to support students in starting their own business. The presidents of some universities say that doing business and studying are not in conflict and that encouraging students to set up businesses can help them put their specialized knowledge into practice and raise their competitiveness. 比如,把冰糖和梨放在一起蒸是很好的药膳,可以起到润肺(moisten lung)、化痰(dissolve phlegm)、止咳(arrest cough)的作用。 For example, pear steamed with rock sugar is a medicated diet, good for moistening
