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A. Words : letters Aa --Bb , bin , park , road , building , Shanghai

B. Structures : I live in …. I love …. I see …. That’s …

C. Functions : Give simple instructions; Refer to specific classroom objects.


1.Student's Book 2A page 2--6

2.Cassette 1A and a cassette player


4.Photograph page 1

5.Alphabet Cards

Teaching times:

5 times

Learning targets:

A.Basic aims:

1.Be able to identify the letters Aa -- Bb

2.Be able to give simple instructions

3.Be able to use the simple present tense to indicate facts

4.Be able to "point to your home"

5.Read the rhyme

B.Further aims:


saying a new rhyme substituting 'Shanghai' with another places

Language focus:

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b919138962.html,ing the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b919138962.html,ing the simple present tense to express interests and preferences

3.Learning the words: bin , park , road , building , Shanghai

Period 1

Teaching focus:

Using imperatives to give simple instructions

Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects

Teaching steps:

Period 2

Teaching focus:

Using the simple present tense to indicate facts

Using the simple present tense to express interests and preferences

talk answer

love you recongnize any? Sitting on the bench next to them were some tourists(a woman and her son). The boy asked Sam where he lived and Sam replied ' I live in Shanghai.' The boy said ' I love Shanghai.' Sam was pleased. Children, do you love Shanghai? If you do, you must help to keep it clean. Do not litter. Throw all rubbish into the bin. Can you find a bin in this picture? (Point to it)

B: Ask questions such as the following:

Where does Sam


Where do you


Dose Sam love


Do you love


What is

this?(point to

a bin and a



C: Hold up a stamped envelope and say ' My friend in Canada sent this to me. She had to write ' Shanghai ' on it because Ilive in Shanghai.

Say ' I live in

Sally. '


Get student to say after

The students look at the book and listen to the tape

Post-task activities

Draw a picture of the place they live in.

say something about pictures by using the sentences ' I live in …,

I love … '

Talk about


Look, listen

and tick the



Listen and


Period 3

Teaching focus:

Using nouns to identify object

Using proper nouns to refer to places Teaching steps:

and repeat.

the students to point to each picture as the word is being read out.

The students look at the letters and listen to the tape

Post-task activities

students have just learned

s1: I see a bin.

S2: That' s a building.

Homework Workbook page 3:

Colour the

word in the


Trace the


Read the ' let' s learn ' after the cassette

Period 4

Teaching focus:

Asking ' Wh-' questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person

Using the simple persent tense to express truth

Using the simple persent tense to express interests and preferences

Look , think, talk about and answer the questions .

The students into groups of four, one student ask the question ' Where do you live?'

the other three answer it. (change roles.)

The students to come to the front and act

The students to repeat.


Workbook page


Listen and draw the lines to find where they live.

Read the ' let'

s play ' after

the cassette.

Period 5

Teaching focus:

Using the simple persent tense to express interests and preferences


Read the ' let'

s enjoy

‘ after the


Make a new


Unit 4 Going about

Teaching designing:

Teaching aids:

A.Words: letters Gg—Hh, plane, ferry, train, taxi, car, bus, van.

B.Structures: Get ……How do you go to……

C.Functions: Give simple instructions; Using connectives to add information Material:

1.S tudent’s Book 2A p age 17-21

2.C assette 1A and a cassette player

3.W all charts

4.P hotograph page 14

5.A lphabet Cards

Teaching times:

5 times

Learning targets:

A.Basic aims:

1.B e able to identify the letters Gg--Hh

2.B e able to give simple instructions

3.B e able to introduce oneself using I’m.

4.B e able to write the sentence Hello, I’m .

5.S ing a song.

B.Further aims:

1.U sing more information to introduce oneself

2.T he sorts of the alphabet

Language focus:

1.U sing imperatives to give simple instructions

2.A sking How questions to find out means and Using prepositions to indicate meas

3.L earning the words: plane……

Period 1

Teaching focus:

Using imperative to give simple instructions

Period 2

Teaching focus:

Asking How questions to find out mean Using prepositions to indicate means Using formulaic expressions to take leave

Period 3

Teaching focus:

Using nouns to identify forms of transport.


Unit2 Asnack bar 1st period I、Teaching Contents: Let ' searn; Let ' Salk-- May I have a hot dog? II、Teaching Aims: 1、Using nouns to identify food and drinks: pizza, biscuit, hot dog, juice, water 2、Using the structure to communicate with others: May I have a hot dog? Yes, here you are. 3、Extend some expressions to describe food and drinks: yummy, delicious, nice, tasty, yukky 111、Main points and difficult points: Using nouns to identify food and drinks IV、Materials: Picture cards, word cards, CAI V、Teaching procedures Step 1 Pre-task preparations 1.T and Ss greet each other then Ss do daily English report. 2.Enjoy some part of cartoon film Disney Magic English: Delicious food 3.T questions: What food do you see in the movie? What food do you like to eat? Show some food on t he screen. Ss answer and discuss in groups. 4.T encourages Ss to find out her likes on food. Then lead out the new word--- pizza. 5.T draws circles, triangles, olives and changes into food to elicit: biscuit, sandwich, hamburger, hot dog. Ss watch and guess what can it be using shapes. Then practice the new words. Step 2 While-task procedures 1.T gives instruction to Ss to eat different food in different manners. Ss pretend to eat food and read the words. Make rhymes like: Pizza, pizza, big and round. Pizza, pizza, I like pizzas. Yummy, yummy, yummy! 2.T puts some food or food pictures on the desk and changes it a snack bar. T and Ss make a dialogue. Encouraged by T, Ss make a dialogue with T. Then T and Ss exchange their roles and make a dialogue. E licit the new sentence structure: S:Hello! What do you like/ want? T:May I have a hot dog? S: Yes, here you are. 3.Ss in pairs practice the new structure to make dialogues. Step 3 Post-task activities 1.T is a shop assistant. T gives Ss commands to arrange the shelf. Ss help T to put correct food on the s helf according to T' sorder. 2.T and Ss make a dialogue as a seller and a buyer. Listen to a dialogue and make a new dialogue in gr oups. Act out the dialogue Read the words aloud and make rhymes. VI、Blackboard design A snack bar Step 4 Assignment


Teaching Plan for Oxford English 2AM2U3My hair is short 教学设计说明 学情分析: 二年级学生经过一年的英语学习后,基本上逐渐适应了小学的英语学习生活,大多数学已经养成了良好的学习习惯,并且也掌握了学习英语的能力,他们对于英语学习的兴趣也愈加浓厚。他们能根据老师的语音语调进行模仿,也喜欢用英语进行简单的日常交流。同时,他们在听、说、读、表演等方面有了较大的进步。 通过一学年多的英语学习,他们基本具备了基本的听说能力,能进行简短的对话操练。在学习本单元容之前,他们已经知道了部分身体部位的单词,如face, eye, nose, mouth, ear等;对颜色、大小等形容词汇也涉略了一些;同时,他们能运用I am… It/This/That is…I can…等句型进行运用与分享。 模块教学任务分析: 2AM2的模块主题是Me, my family and friends (我和我的家庭与朋友),分别围绕I can swim(我会游泳),That’s my family(那是我的家庭)以及My hair is short(我的头发是短的)这三个与孩子家庭、学习生活息息相关的话题而展开。三个教学单元旨在帮助学生认识自我,感受能力;在进一步认识家庭成员的基础上,进行合理描述;在了解更多的人体部位的基础上,学会观察、学会比较、尝试描述与分享。 本模块学习的容较为宽泛,从了解自我延伸到了对家人的了解,从关注自身的能力转向了对家人的特征关注;在观察、比较与梳理中,学会比对、学会思考,在分享各自能力的同时,感受亲情、体验家庭的温馨。 单元教学任务分析: 2AM2U3的单元主题是My hair is short(我的头发是短的)。通过单元学习,要求学生能初步描述与运用身体的某些部位,如:hair, head, face等,能结合M y… is/are… Your… is/are… 句型来描述自身或对方的身体部位特征,合理介绍自己和对方的某些体貌特征。在此过程中,学会观察,学会捕捉与比较各自的身体部位特点,积累一定的生活经验。此外,学习、辨认、书写字母Kk和Ll等。 第一课时,借助场景(I am Giant),以学生喜爱的Giant和Supergirl为主线角色,通过图片和故事人物的描述引导学生学习相关身体部位单词,如:head, hair, face等;逐步感知句型My/ Your… is/are…来观察、介绍自己或对方的外貌特征,学会观察。在此过程中,初步感受字母Kk和Ll等。 第二课时,借助场景(You are Supergirl)复习本单元核心词汇,进一步理解与运用My/ Your… is/are…等句型来介绍自己和对方的外貌特征,学会合理描述,了解每人都有各自不同的特点。在此过程中,进一步训练字母Kk和Ll等。 第三课时,借助场景(You and me)较为熟练的复习单元核心(包括字母、单词与句子),进行单元整理与复习。


1.能听懂、会说A pie, please. Here you are. Thank you. 2.能使用正确的语音语调读好本单元对话。 3.能听懂、会说、初步认读a pie,a cake,a hamburger和a hot dog,发音准确。 4.会说歌谣“At a snack bar”。 5. 鼓励学生在日常适当的场合中运用本单元日常交际用语进行交流对话,从而体会英语学 习的快乐。 二、单元重点: 1.能听懂、会说A pie,please. Here you are. Thank you. 2.能使用正确的语音语调读好本单元对话。 3.能听懂、会说、初步认读a pie,a cake,a hamburger和a hot dog,发音准确。 三、单元难点: 1.能熟练认读a pie,a cake,a hamburger和a hot dog,发音准确,并能在句型中熟练运用。 2. 鼓励学生在日常适当的场合中运用本单元日常交际用语A pie,please. Here you are. Thank you. 进行交流对话。 四、教学安排:三课时 第一课时:复习和新授(复习水果类单词; 新授A部分课文以及B部分pie,cake两个单词)第二课时:巩固和新授(复习B部分pie和cake两个单词,新授B部分hamburger和hot dog 两个单词,巩固A部分课文) 第三课时:检测和提高(新授拓展C部分,操练A部分,情景运用) 第一课时: 一、教学内容: 《牛津小学英语2A》第七单元,第一课时(A Learn to say B Look and learn的pie,cake两个单词) 二、教学目标: 1、能听懂和基本会说A pie, please. Here you are,并且会使用Thank you进行对话交流, 语音语调正确。 2、能听懂并初步认读pie ,cake,做到发音准确。 三、教学重点: 1、能听懂A pie, please. Here you are,并且会使用Thank you进行交流,语音语调正 确。 2、能听懂并初步认读pie ,cake 发音准确。 四、教学难点: 1、能简单运用A pie, please. Here you are. Thank you音语调正确,特别是here的发音。 五、课前准备: 1. 教具准备 课件、词语卡片、录音机。 2 板书准备 预先写好课题Unit 7 Here you are

沪教版牛津英语2A M4U2

Lesson Plan Theme: Mudule4 The natural world Sub-topic: Unit 2 (1) In the forest Contents: fox, hippo, meat, grass Look at me. I’m a…I’m… I like… Learning Objectives: 1. To know the animals in the forest ‘fox hippo‘and what they eat ‘ meat gr ass’. 2. To learn the sentences: Look at… I like … 3. Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly. Materials: 1. Multimedia CD-ROM 2. Picture and word cards. 3. Cassette 1A and cassette player.

Lesson Plan Theme: Mudule4 The natural world Sub-topic: Unit 2 (2) In the forest Contents: Look at… It likes… Learning Objectives: 1. To learn the key sentences: Look at… It likes… 2. Form the good habit of taking care of the animals and pretect them. Materials: 1. Multimedia CD-ROM 2. Picture and word cards. 3. Cassette 1A and cassette player.


上海牛津英语二年级上册完整教案及习题 Module l Unit1 知识点梳理 认知内容:能听懂并会说Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night. Goodbye. Hello. How are you? Fine. Thank you. And you? I’m very well. Thank you. 能正确认读单词morning afternoon 能认读书写字母Aa Bb 能力要求:通过问候语的学习,了解不同时间段的问候方式,会用所学的句型在不同的时间问候别人。 情感态度:通过How are you?的学习,懂得同学之间应该相互关爱,养成有礼貌的良好行为。

Exercise for reading and writing practice(读写练习) I.Copy the letters and words(正确抄写下列字母组和单词) 1. MGK 2. bdp 3. ADE 4.bca 5.evening 6.afternoon 7.night 8.apple Ⅱ.Read and circle(看图片,圈出与图片相符的单词) Ⅲ.Look,read and judge(看一看,读一读,判断下列句子与图片是否相符,相符的用表示,不符的用表示 13.Look at the sun. It is morning. ( ) 14.What do you see? I see an apple. ( ) 15.Good afternoon.( ) 16.It is my bag.( ) Ⅳ.Choose the, right answer(选出正确的答案) ( ) 17. How you? A.are B.am ( ) 18. morning, Miss Hu. A.good B.Good



Teaching Plan for Oxford English 2A M1 Getting to know you M1U2 I’m Danny 教学设计说明 学情分析: 二年级学生经过一年多的英语学习,已经有了一定的词汇量,对英语学习产生了较为浓厚的学习兴趣,良好的学习习惯也在慢慢形成。学生们善于模仿,对儿歌、游戏、肢体表演等活动形式尤感兴趣。 他们具备了基本的听说能力,能进行简短的日常对话交流。能进行简单的打招呼;能用高矮、胖瘦等形容词进行自我介绍以及对相关人物作出描述; 模块教学任务分析: 2AM1U1的学习主题是Getting to know you(慢慢认识你),分别围绕Hello(你好),I’m Danny(我是Danny)以及A new classmate(一个新同学)这三个与孩子学习生活息息相关的话题而展开。三个教学单元旨在帮助学生懂得如何与他人打招呼问候、介绍自己、形容自己和他人以及认识新朋友,了解新朋友。 本模块从简单的打招呼延伸到问候他人,从了解自身的特点转向了他人特点的了解。此外,通过本模块的学习,旨在鼓励学生逐步养成礼貌待人、友爱同学的好品质,逐步养成懂礼貌,尊重他人的好品质。 单元教学任务分析: 2AM1U2的单元主题是I’m Danny,主要学习一些常见的名词(boy, girl)和形容词(big, small);通过I’m…和You’re…两个句型,能初步进行自我介绍和对对方的描述,其中涉及性别、高矮、胖瘦、大小和姓名等信息,在交流与分享中分清你我,学会观察、合理描述,了解各自的不同特点,积累一定的生活经验。 此外,本单元还要求学生能准确认读、书写字母Cc和Dd。 单元教学设计思考: 第一课时,通过Danny和Mary的自我介绍和相互描述,学习boy, girl, big, small 等四个核心词汇,初步感知与理解I’m… You’re… ”的不同与表达。 第二课时,借助Danny认识的新朋友,在复习单元核心词汇的基础上,进一步理解与运用I’m…和You’re…。 第三课时,借助动物故事,在一定的情节中较为熟练的感知、运用单元核心词汇与核心句型。


A. Words : letters Aa --Bb , bin , park , road , building , Shanghai B. Structures : I live in …. I love …. I see …. That’s … C. Functions : Give simple instructions; Refer to specific classroom objects. Material: 1.Student's Book 2A page 2--6 2.Cassette 1A and a cassette player 3.Wallcharts 4.Photograph page 1 5.Alphabet Cards Teaching times: 5 times Learning targets: A.Basic aims: 1.Be able to identify the letters Aa -- Bb 2.Be able to give simple instructions 3.Be able to use the simple present tense to indicate facts 4.Be able to "point to your home" 5.Read the rhyme B.Further aims: 1. saying a new rhyme substituting 'Shanghai' with another places Language focus: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b919138962.html,ing the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b919138962.html,ing the simple present tense to express interests and preferences 3.Learning the words: bin , park , road , building , Shanghai Period 1 Teaching focus: Using imperatives to give simple instructions Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects Teaching steps:


牛津上海版小学英语二年级下册全册教案 目录 Module1 Using my five senses《Unit1 What can you see》 (2) Module1 Using my five senses《Unit2 Touch and feel》 (8) Module1 Using my five senses《Unit3 What can you hear》 (12) Module2 My favourite things《Unit1 Things I like doing》 (22) Module2 My favourite things《Unit2 My favourite food》 (28) Module2 My favourite things《Unit3 Animals I like》 (33) Module3 Things around us《Unit1 The four seasons》 (41) Module3 Things around us《Unit2 Rules》 (46) Module3 Things around us《Unit3 My clothes》 (56) Module4 More things to learn《Unit1 Activities》 (61) Module4 More things to learn《Unit2 Mother’s Day》 (65) Module4 More things to learn《Unit3 Story time》 (70)

Module1 Using my five senses《Unit1 What can you see?》1教学目标 能够正确朗读单词white, purple, pink, orange, brown, bl ack,并拼写单词。 能够运用特殊疑问句What colour is…? What can you see?进行提问,并做相应的回答。 能够用句型I can see…(n.pl.)来表达自己看到的事物。 2学情分析 这是2B M1 U1 What can you see?中第一课时,在这课中,学生主要学习表示颜色的词white, purple, pink, orange, br own, black,以及用句型What colour is…? It is…Wha t can you see? I can see(n.pl.)来对看到的事物进行简单的问答。在一年级1A M4中学生已经学会了表示颜色的词red,yell ow,green,blue,(orange,pink儿歌里学过的)句型What colour i s…? It is的简单问答,同时在2AM3U1中学过了句型What ca n you see? I can see…所以这一单元要学会仔细观察,理解物体的复数形式,主要学会用句型的复数形式来表达所看到的事物。如:What can you see?I can see apples. 3重点难点 能够正确朗读单词white, purple, pink, orange, brown, bl ack,并拼写单词。 能够运用特殊疑问句What colour is…? What can you see?

2A M2U2 That's my family(课时教案)牛津上海版(试用本)

2A M2U2 That's my family(课时教案)牛津上海版(试 用本) 教学目标: 1. 了解家庭成员的称呼和表达方式 2. 理解家庭成员的重要性和作用 3. 能够用单词和简单的句子介绍自己的家庭成员 4.提高学生的听、说、读、写能力。 教学重点: 1. 家庭成员名称及与父母、兄弟姐妹之间的称呼方式。 2. 学生能够用简单句子介绍自己的家庭成员。 教学难点: 1.家庭成员作用的理解 2.学生用英语进行简短口语交流与表述。 教学过程: Warm-up (5分钟) 1. Greetings (2分钟) T: Good morning/afternoon ,everyone!Please stand up / sit down. Let's start our class. S: Good morning/afternoon, Miss ___. T:How are you today? S:I'm fine, thank you. And you?

T:I'm fine, too. Thank you. Now, let's begin our class. 2. A family photo (3分钟) T: Let's look at this family photo. Who can tell me about this family? S: There are many people in this family. There is a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a baby, and someone else. T:Very good. Do you know how they are related to each other? S:The father and the mother are the parents, the brother is the son and the sister is the daughter. The baby may be their child or granddaughter etc. Presentation(25分钟) 1. Family members (10分钟) T: Let's learn some new words now. Do you know the names of your family members? Can you say brother, sister, mother, father, and baby? Who can show me father in Chinese?(Act it out with the students) 2. Family photos (5分钟) T: Now, let's look at some pictures of families in different cultures. Who can tell what is different about these families compared to the family we saw earlier? 3. a Role play (10分钟) T: Next, let's practice how to introduce our family members. Please work with a partner. One person is the interviewer, and the other is the interviewee.


牛津英语沪教版2am1u1教案 教案标题:牛津英语沪教版2am1u1教案 教学目标: 1. 能够听懂、认读并正确发音单词:cat, dog, pig, bird, fish, rabbit, monkey, elephant。 2. 能够理解并运用句型:What's this? It's a cat/dog/pig/bird/fish/rabbit/monkey/elephant。 3. 能够用正确的语音和语调朗读句子。 4. 能够通过图片和动作表达自己的意思。 教学重点: 1. 单词的听、说、读、写。 2. 句型"What's this? It's a/an..."的理解和运用。 教学准备: 1. 教材:牛津英语沪教版2A第一单元第一课。 2. 多媒体设备:投影仪、电脑。 教学过程: Step 1: Warming up 1. Greet the students and review the previous lesson by asking questions like "How are you today?" and "What did we learn last time?" 2. Sing the "Hello" song and encourage students to join in. Step 2: Presentation 1. Show pictures of different animals (cat, dog, pig, bird, fish, rabbit, monkey,

elephant) and elicit the names of the animals from the students. 2. Introduce the new vocabulary by saying the words aloud and having the students repeat after you. 3. Use TPR (Total Physical Response) to help students remember the words. For example, for the word "cat," make a cat gesture with your hands and meow like a cat. Step 3: Practice 1. Play a game of "What's missing?" with the animal flashcards. Show the flashcards to the students, then remove one and ask "What's missing?" Encourage students to answer using the correct vocabulary. 2. Introduce the sentence pattern "What's this? It's a/an..." by pointing to the flashcards and asking "What's this?" After eliciting the correct answer, have the students repeat the sentence. 3. Give each student a flashcard and have them walk around the classroom asking their classmates "What's this?" and answering with the correct sentence pattern. Step 4: Production 1. Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a set of animal flashcards. 2. Have the students take turns asking and answering "What's this?" using the flashcards. 3. Monitor the students' pronunciation and provide feedback and corrections as needed.


Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 1 Good morning The first period 一、Teaching aim 认知内容: 能听懂会说Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night.及回答。 能力要求:学会用所学句型进行情境表演。 情感态度:学会在不同时间里和人打招呼。 二、Teaching procedures Pre-task preparation Warmer a. Say hello to everybody b. P.4 song c. Elicit Alice: Ask and answer Who is she? She is Alice. While-task procedure 1.Revision morning afternoon Good morning. Good afternoon. a. Listen to a dialogue (It’s 8o’clock in the morning. Alice is going to school. She meets her friend Kitty.) Good morning, Alice. Good morning, Kitty. (It’s 14o’clock in the afternoon. Alice is having an English class.) Good afternoon, Alice. Goodafternoon, Miss… b. try to say the dialogue c. play a game: according to the pictures, Judge the words 2. Introduction evening night Good evening. Good night. a. Listen to a dialogue and try to understand the meaning of the dialogue (It’s 18o’clock in the evening. Alice is having a dinner.) Good evening, Alice. Good evening, dad. (It’s 21o’clock at night. Alice is going to bed.)


牛津幼儿英语2A教案 LT

《牛津幼儿英语》2A教学周计划表 教学 周次 课时教学目标备注 Week 1 Lesso n 1 学习单词kindergarten。认识身边的朋友,并跟他们打招呼。 Lesso n 2 学习单词door、window、wall。熟悉句型Nice to meet you。 Week 2 Lesso n 3 学习自我介绍,认识身边的朋友,并跟他们打招呼。 Lesso n 4 学习歌谣《Open the Door!》 Week 3 Lesso n 5 学习open the door和close the window的表达,并会做相应动作。 Lesso n 6 学习歌曲《I Can Say My A B C》 Week 4 Lesso n 7 学习歌曲《I Can Say My A B C》 Lesso n 8 《Let’s Make》+《Practice》系统复习本单元学过的内容。 Week 5 Lesso n 1 学习单词pear、peach。熟悉I like…的表达。 Lesso学习单词grapes、watermelon。熟悉

n 2 I like…的表达。 Week 6 Lesso n 3 情景模拟表演,学习句型What do you like? I like… Lesso n 4 学习歌谣《I Like Pears》 Week 7 Lesso n 5 学习eat apples和drink grape juice 的表达,并会做相应动作。 Lesso n 6 学习歌曲《London Bridge》 Week 8 Lesso n 7 学习歌曲《London Bridge》 Lesso n 8 《Let’s make》+《Practice》系统复习本单元学过的内容。 Week 9 Lesso n 1 学习单词egg、candy。熟悉I want…的表达。 Lesso n 2 学习单词coffee、milk。熟悉I want…的表达。 Week 10 Lesso n 3 情景模拟表演,学习句型What do you want? I want… Lesso n 4 学习歌谣《I Want Eggs》


牛津小学英语2A教案 课题:Unit1 My family 教材类型:所属学科:英语>>2A(二上) 主备教师:秦红梅备课时间:3 浏览人数:1 ☆教学调整☆教案内容: 教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说、会认单词father、mother、brother、sister、me 2、能用This is my …来介绍自己的家庭成员。 教学重点 目标1、2 教学准备: 手指套、全家福照片、图片、一副眼镜、领带 教学时间:三课时 教学过程: 第一课时 一、warm up 1、greetingT: Good morning. How are you? 2、listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. Put it down.二、present ation T show the family photo: now, boys and girls, look,what is this? This is my family photo. Look, my father, my mother and me . This is my family.用手圈一 下。教my family.由慢到快。 Ss read one by one Ss say : my family, your family.(出示他们的照片) (一)teach: father, mother, me (1)老师出示自己的全家照自问自答:look, guess who is he? S: Father. (给予学 生适当的奖励) T: Yes. This is my father。 T show the card :father 贴于Bb, 领读几遍,注意th 的发音。 Ss read : father,father ,my father (一小组传卡片挨个读; 一组一组读,) T : look, this is my father. 出示句型卡片This is my …… 学生跟读遍。 T:Who can follow me ?introduce your father学生手指着照片练说。 (2)教师指着自己父亲的照片问:This is my father. Is this my father? S: No.(若学生能说出mother, 则给予奖励) T: This is my mother. 出示卡片mother 贴于Bb上,领读。

牛津上海版英语七年级上Unit2 Our animal friends教案

Unit 2 Our animal friends 一、单元分析(Unit Analysis) (一)单元地位(Unit Position) 1 本课中不定代词one的使用是一个难点。教师有必要在课堂教学中加以一定的机械性训练。同 时可以拓展ones的用法,然后放在一起操练。 2 If 引导的条件从句。If 在过去时态的用法不是初中的重点,所以没有必要强调,但是有必要操 练if条件状语从句中,主句是情态动词的用法。 3 Must 作为情态动词,在本课中和if 联系在一起使用。是我们通常所说的“主将从现”的用法 之一,作为初中阶段一个重要的知识点,教师一定要设置情景多加操练。 4. Wh-特殊疑问句及答句的用法,如:What / Why / Where …?等。教师应对学生进行这方面的训练。 (二)单元目标(Unit Target) 1 正确应用不定代词one 和ones。明白它们分别指代可数的单数同类和复数同类。 2 能够正确使用if条件从句中主句用must的用法。如:We must take good care of it if we have a pet. 3 了解SPCA这一国际机构的功能和一些基本情况,培养对小动物的爱心与关心。 (三)单元重点(Unit Points) 1 关键词汇和表达法: 1)词汇和表达:the SPCA, inspector, kennel, the light brown one, in danger, junior members, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, keep … from danger, drown, rescue, a vet, raise money for the SPCA, by doing something, old towels and blankets, in many ways, catch robbers, lost people, on one’s farms 2)动词过去式:kept, guarded, helped, ate 二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)


2A Module 3 Places and activities Unit 1 In the playground 一、单元内容与要求 二、单元教学目标 ❖知识与技能 1、在In the playground的语境中能使用核心词汇:slide, seesaw, swing对儿童乐园中的游乐设施进行描述,要求语音基本准确。 2、在In the playground的语境中能够听懂并准确、流利地使用核心语句What can you see? I can see a …对事物进行提问及回答,要求语音基本准确,表达较为流畅。 3、在In the playground的语境中能够听懂并准确使用语句What colour is it? It’s…对于所看到的物体能就其颜色进行询问及回答。 4、在In the playground的语境中能够尝试运用It’s nice. I can play on the…和It’s so fun.等语句对儿童乐园里的物体以及活动进行描述。 5、能够正确朗读包含字母“Mm”、“Nn”的单词:mouse, net及字母儿歌。 ❖文化与情感 通过学习使得学生发现儿童乐园的美好,体验在游乐设施中玩耍的愉快心情。 ❖学习策略 1. 通过听说读的方式,以语篇语境带动核心词句的学习。 2. 以chant的形式操练巩固核心词句。

【语用任务】 能在playground游玩的语境中,用三到五句话对于children’s garden中看到的游乐设施以围绕这些设施开展的活动进行描述。做到语音基本准确,表达较为流畅。

五、单课文本内容与教学过程 Period1 A nice children’s garden 主体学习文本: The children’s garden is nice. I can see a slide. It’s red. I can see a seesaw. It’s yellow and blue. I can see a swing. It’s orange and brown. 预设输出语言: I can see a… It’s…(colour). It’s nice. 第一课时教学过程:


精心整理 学年度第一学期二年级英语教学工作计划 教学的知识目标: 1、本学期要求41个单词的词汇量,其中包括表示时间、器官,玩具、学习用品、星体、植物和食物的名次学习;表示动作的动词学习;还有表示数量的量词学习;描述体形、年龄的形容词。要求能音、形、义的辨别,部分简单单词要求拼写。还有26个基本英文字母的学习。 2、学习表示问候的句型:Goodevening\Goodnight,复习Goodmorning\Goodafternoon\Goodbye\Hello\Hi!等问候词。 3、定惯词a、an的学习及了解其区别。 4、学会用I’m….介绍自己。 5、学会用whoamI?问,用you’re…..m….来回 答。 6、学会用Canyou….?及用 7、学会第三人称的描述:She/Heis…. No,she/heisn’t…. 8、学会用My和Your 9、学会Whatcanyousee?Icansee…. 10、认识介词:in,on,at,under 11、学会祈使句:put….In/on…,复习 12、继续学习数词six、seven….. 13、了解否定祈使Don’t 14、初步掌握Ilike… 教学的目标任务: 本书的设计都是以一个具体主题为背景来分单 元学习的,我们 1 2、认知 3、所有 4 5、要熟读课文,达到听录音同步跟读的要求。 6、对儿歌理解,并可以朗诵或是吟唱,甚至可以根据所学改变歌曲。 7、必须熟练掌握固定问答句的问答。 8、所有课本要求的重点句型必须问答自如。 教学措施: 1、以提高和保护学生的学习兴趣为主,多鼓励,多表扬。 2、通过不断的教育和适当的强制教育培养学生的英语学习习惯。 3、最大地发掘学生的潜能,对每一单元的内容力争人人过关,同时适当地补充些课外内容,强化口语,创设更好的语言环境。
