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英语初级口语教程:三个愿望--口译初级 1

Text A

Three Wishes

Once upon a time , there lived a woodman and his wife. They were very poor, and they lived in a cottage on the edge of a forest. Every day, the woodman would set out early in the, morning to chop down trees. .

As the woodman was travelling through the forest one day, he saw a fine old oak tree. "That will make plenty of planks," he thought, as he felt the blade of his axe to make sure it was sharp. He was about to strike the tree with the axe , when he heard someone crying out: "Please don't hurt this tree. "

The woodman looked around him and saw a tiny fairy. "If you do not hurt this tree , " she said , "I will grant you and yotar wife three wishes. "

"I won't hurt the tree," said the woodman kindly. Then the fairy vanished !

That evening, the woodman walked slowly home. He was feeling very hungry and could not wait for his supper.

"Is my supper ready?" the woodman asked his wife.

"Not for at least two hours, replied his wife. So the woodman sat in a chair by the fire.

"I wish I had a big black sausage to eat right now," he said

out loud. And suddenly, a delicious sausage appeared on the table before himt "Why has that black sausage suddenly appeared?" the woodman's wife asked.

So the woodman told his wife the story about the fairy. But his wife was very angry. "You have wasted the first of our wishes," she said crossly. "I wish that sausage were on your nose !"

And with that, the sausage jumped up and stuck fast on the woodman's nose. His wife could not pull it off and nor could he, so the only thing to do was to w.ish it on the table again, which the

woodman did.

What a waste of three wishes! The only thing the woodman had was a good supper of black sausage.

Text B

They Threatened Me With a Knife POLICE INSPECTOR: Good evening , sir. I understand that you have been robbed.

MR LEE: I certainly have.

P. L: When did this happen?

MR LEE: About two hours ago.

P. L: Why didn't you report it before?

MR LEE: I couldn't. I was bound and gagged.

P. L: Please tell me exactly what happened

MR LEE: I was sitting in this room watching television when someone knocked on the

door. Without thinking, I opened it.

P. L: That wasn't very wise , sir.

MR LEE: I know. I was expecting my wife, you see, and thought it was her.

P.L: You should never open a door without looking to see who it is.

MR LEE: Yes , I know. I regret it very much.

P.L: What happened?

MR LEE: Two men pushed into the flat. One of them threatened me with a knife while the

other bound and gagged me.

P.L: Did you get a good look at them?

MR LEE: I'm afraid not. They were both wearing stockings over their faces.

P.L: What did they take?

MR LEE: My wallet, with $200 in it, my wristwatch. some of my

wife's jewellery from

our bedroom, and a silver photoframe.

P. L: They don't seem to have done much damage to the flat.

MR LEE: No. They had just begun to search when the dogs next

door began to bark. They

ran off then leaving me bound and gagged. It was some time

before my wife

returned and released me. I phoned the police at once.

P.L: My men began searching the area as soon as we received your call. I can't promise you

that we'll recover your property but we'll certainly do our best.


初级口语教程,英语口语入门学习材料 篇一:掌握英语口语-基础级口语教程 chapterone第一部分你问我答说英语 unit1whoAreYou?你是谁? part1Areyoua……?你是??吗? 1.Areyouachinese?Yes,Iamachinese.no,Iamnotachinese. 你是中国人吗?是的,我是中国人,/不,我不是中国人。 2.Areyouastudent?Yes,Iamastudent,no,Iamnotastudent. 你是学生吗?是的,我是学生,/不,我不是学生。 3.Areyouajuniorstudent?Yes,Iamajuniorstudent.no,Iamnotajuniorstudent.你是低年级学生吗?是的,我是低年级学生。不,我不是低年级学生。 4.Areyouaseniorstudent?Yes,Iamaseniorstudent.no,Iamnotaseniorstudent. 你是高年级学生吗?是的,我是高年级学生。不,我不是高年级学生。 5.Areyouateenager?Yes,Iamateenager,no,Inotateenager. 你是年轻人吗?是的,我是年轻人。不,我不是年轻人。 6.Areyouawebworm?Yes,Iamawebworm,no,Iamnotaweborm. 你是网虫吗?是的,我是网虫。不,我不是网虫。 7.Areyouanidolater?Yes,Iamanidolater,no,Iamnotanidolater. 你是追星族吗?是的,我是追星族。不,我不是追星族。 8.Areyouarascal?Yes,Iarascal.no,Iamnotarascal.


2019年英语翻译考试汉译英初级口译必备(1) 近代中国经历了一段积贫积弱、任人宰割的历史。落后就要挨打,这是中国人民从屡遭外来侵略的悲惨经历中得出的刻骨铭心的教训。 一个国家只有首先自强,才能在世界上自立一百多年来,中国人民为 实现中华民族伟大复兴的目标实行了不懈努力。 China experienced a period of enduring impoverishment and long-standing debility in its modern history and was for a time at the mercy of other countries. Lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks, which is the never-forgotten lesson the Chinese people have learnt from their tragic experience of repeated foreign invasions. A country has to strengthen itself before it can be sure of its place in the world. For over a hundred years, the Chinese people have made unremitting efforts toward the goal of rejuvenating the nation. 中华人民共和国成立后,中国人民自力更生、改革开放、与时俱进,在社会主义建设中取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就。当前,中国人民 坚定不移地抓住发展这个第一要务,正满怀信心地为全面建设小康社会、实现现代化而团结奋斗。 Since the founding of the People’ s Republic of China, the Chinese people, through self- reliance, have carried out the national program of reform and opening up and, by keeping pace with the times, have made great achievements in building socialism that have caught the attention of the world. At present, the Chinese people stay focused on the primary task of development, working together with full confidence to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and striving to achieve modernization.


Lesson 1 Text A How Old Is She? A woman was having some trouble with her heart, so she went to see the doctor.He was a new doctor, and did not know her. so he first asked some questions, and one of them was , "How old are you?" "Well," she answered, "I don't remember. doctor, but I will try to think." She thought for a minute and then said, "Yes. I remember now, doctor! When I married, I was eighteen years old, and my husband was thirty. Now my husband is sixty, I know. And that is twice thirty. So I am twice eighteen. That is thirty-six, isn't it?" Text B Could I Speak to Jim,Please? A: Hello, 332440. B: Oh hello, Sally. This is Dave Thomson here. Could I speak to Jim please? A: I'm afraid he's not in at the moment Dave. He went out about an hour ago and he's not back yet B: Any idea when he might?be back? A: Well, he shouldn't be long. He said he was just going to get some paint. But I wouldn't be surprised if he's stopped off at the pub on B: O. K. well , tell him I've called , will you , and I'll try again later. the way back. A: All right. Goodbye , Dave. B: Thanks then Sally. Goodbye. Questions on Text B 7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. Accident The river, you see, was never really safe at that time of the year- early autumn, I mean, when there is heavy rainfall. So when I heard the children had gone swimming, as they used to all spring and summer, I knew there might be an


英语初级口语教程:三个愿望--口译初级 1 Text A Three Wishes Once upon a time , there lived a woodman and his wife. They were very poor, and they lived in a cottage on the edge of a forest. Every day, the woodman would set out early in the, morning to chop down trees. . As the woodman was travelling through the forest one day, he saw a fine old oak tree. "That will make plenty of planks," he thought, as he felt the blade of his axe to make sure it was sharp. He was about to strike the tree with the axe , when he heard someone crying out: "Please don't hurt this tree. " The woodman looked around him and saw a tiny fairy. "If you do not hurt this tree , " she said , "I will grant you and yotar wife three wishes. " "I won't hurt the tree," said the woodman kindly. Then the fairy vanished ! That evening, the woodman walked slowly home. He was feeling very hungry and could not wait for his supper. "Is my supper ready?" the woodman asked his wife. "Not for at least two hours, replied his wife. So the woodman sat in a chair by the fire. "I wish I had a big black sausage to eat right now," he said out loud. And suddenly, a delicious sausage appeared on the table before himt "Why has that black sausage suddenly appeared?" the woodman's wife asked. So the woodman told his wife the story about the fairy. But his wife was very angry. "You have wasted the first of our wishes," she said crossly. "I wish that sausage were on your nose !" And with that, the sausage jumped up and stuck fast on the woodman's nose. His wife could not pull it off and nor could he, so the only thing to do was to w.ish it on the table again, which the


龙源期刊网 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8f19162594.html, 英语口译初级学习过程中的难点探析 作者:刘安东 来源:《青年时代》2019年第30期 摘要:现如今,口译在市场上运用广泛,由于全球化的缘故,各行各业都能与口译挂钩。那么如何学好口译,培养口译人才已经成为了教育和商业的必修课题。虽然口译市场广阔,但尖端人才稀缺,这种现象从侧面体现了口译之难。笔者身为英语口译的初学者及爱好者深有体会。本文欲通过笔者自身体会试着探析英语口译初级学习过程中遇到的困难和问题,并尝试提出相应的解决方法。 关键词:英语口译初级学习;困难;解决方法 一、口译的定义及其涉及到的能力 口译作为双语转换活动是指由译员以口语的方式,将一种语言所表述的思想内容以另一种语言做出转述的即时翻译过程[1]。在这个过程中,口译人员需要将听到的信息以笔记的方式 记录下来,然后根据笔记回忆听到的内容,短时间内再将其转化成另一种语言。口译活动中,译员的听辨能力、译员的笔记、短时记忆和翻译功底是决定一个译员是否合格的几个因素。那么困扰大多数人的难题也都集中出现在训练这些能力的过程中。笔者接下来结合自身的经验和体会来探讨英语口译初级学习过程中会遇到的困难,以及给出相应的解决办法。 二、听力是口译的基础 口译中的信息主要是通过听来获取的,因此口译过程的第一环节就涉及听的能力,听懂是口译的关键步骤,译者的听力水平是口译的基础[2]。作为一名合格的口译员,不仅要听清楚 标准英语下讲话者传递的内容,更要能听清带有口音的英语。听力不只是听清楚讲话者所发出的字词,更要学会从整体以及结合当前背景快速抓住讲话者的意思。尤其是在听带有口音的讲话人发言时,译者不可能把每个单词都听清楚,但是可以通过结合发言者上下文的环境,理解讲话者想要表达的意思。这也就是为什么许多人都强调训练听辨能力而非单纯的听力能力。 笔者在初入口译时,听力部分是短板,常常因为听不明白而无法将口译进行下去。后来经过总结发现有以下几点问题:一是一句话中某个单词无法听出来,导致精力分散,进而影响其后的内容;二是听到某个词非常熟悉,但是无法回想起其意思,进而影响翻译;三是觉得原文速度较快,听力跟不上讲话的速度;四是一个句子太长,导致自己无法抓住句子核心意思;五是讲话者口音偏重,无法听清。其实在口译初级学习的过程中,前四点是最让人困扰的问题,它直接影响了口译员输出内容的质量。并且作为听力能力部分中较为基础的版块,也是口译人员必须进行大量训练的部分。


Unit 1 P1 China will earn 42.6 billion dollars in foreign exchange revenue with the annual average growth of nearly 8% and it is expected to be ranked third worldwide. 1.69 billion tourists will travel in china, representing an average 8% increase annually; the revenue from the domestic tourism will reach 881 billion yuan with an increase of 11% on the average every year; the tourism earnings will total 1.226 trillion yuan ,up 10%, representing 7% of GDP ; tourism will create 9.8 million direct and 49 million indirect job opportunities. 中国旅游创汇将达426亿元,年均增长8%左右,有望居世界第三位;国内旅游人数16.9亿人次,年均增长8%;国内旅游收入8810亿元,年均增长11%左右,旅游业总收入12260亿元,年均增长10%左右,相当于全国国内生产总值的7%;旅游带动直接就业980万人,间接就业4900万人。 P2 The eleventh five-year plan is a crucial strategic period for upgrading chin a’s tourism which will be faced with new opportunities and challenges. The tourism industry is continuously raising its status in the national economy. Currently, 24 provincial-cities have promoted tourism as their pillar, pioneering or crucial industry with the further optimization of the macro-environment of tourism. Accompanied by the progress of the development of the well-of society, the per capita GDP in china will jump from 1000 dollars to 3000 dollars, thus leading to a dramatically increased demand for tourism consumption. This constitutes the paramount driving force behind the sustainable bloom in china’s tourism. “十一五”是中国旅游业发展的重要战略提升期,面临着心得发展机遇和挑战。目前旅游业在国民经济中的地位不断提升,目前全国有24个省区市把旅游业定位为支柱产业、先导产业或重要产业,旅游业发展的宏观环境将进一步得到优化。随着全面建设小康社会的推进,中国人均生产总值将由1000美元向3000美元跨越,旅游消费需求将大幅度提升。这是中国旅游业持续兴旺的重要动力。


任文英汉口译教程(一) 任文英汉口译教程 1. 介绍 什么是任文英汉口译 •任文英汉口译是一种将英语和汉语进行即场翻译的技能。 •它需要对两种语言的语法、词汇和文化有深入的理解。 为什么学习任文英汉口译 •任文英汉口译是一项重要的职业技能,能够为个人带来稳定的收入。 •学习任文英汉口译可以帮助你更好地理解和跨越不同文化之间的沟通障碍。 2. 基本技能 英语和汉语的语法和词汇 •学习和熟悉英语和汉语的语法规则和词汇是进行口译的基础。 •需要掌握常见的词汇和短语,并且了解它们在不同语境中的意思。听力技巧 •提高听力技巧是进行口译的关键。

•练习听力理解,包括辨别不同口音、语速和语气的能力。 口语表达能力 •有效的口语表达是进行口译的重要要素。 •练习口语表达,包括发音、语调和流利度的提高。 3. 提高技巧 词汇积累 •积累各种领域的词汇是提高口译技能的关键。 •阅读英语和汉语的文本,注意词汇的使用和上下文的语义。 文化背景了解 •了解英语和汉语背后的文化背景对于进行口译至关重要。 •学习相关的历史、地理、宗教和社会习俗等方面的知识。 实践口译 •参与口译活动和实践是提高口译技能的有效途径。 •可以参加会议、座谈会、翻译实习等活动,提高口译的实际运用能力。 4. 常见问题解答 口语速度的问题 •如何在快速的对话中保持准确的口译?

•练习听取快速口语的相关素材,并进行反复练习。 语法和词汇的问题 •如何在语法和词汇方面提高口译的准确性? •阅读大量的英语和汉语文本,注意语法和词汇的正确应用。 文化差异的问题 •如何应对不同文化之间的语言障碍? •学习不同文化的习俗、礼仪和价值观,以更好地理解和沟通。 以上是一份简要的任文英汉口译教程,希望对你提供帮助和指导。请按照教程中的指导逐步提高口译的技能,并不断进行实践和练习。 祝你成功!


43. 请您帮我把门打开好吗? Could you please help me open the door? 44. 没问题,请您在门口等候,我马上叫服务员过去。 No problem, Please wait at the door, we will call an attendant right away. 45. 请你立刻派人到我的房间来好吗? Could you send someone to my room right away? 46. 是的,先生,我马上叫服务员过去。Y es, sir, I will call an attendant to your room right away. 47. 我有一些衣服要洗。I want some clothes to be washed. 48. 衣服什么时间能洗好?When can I get my laundry back? 49. 我们洗衣有两种,快洗:4小时,普通洗衣:8小时,请问您要哪一种? We have two kinds of laundry service; regular service, you may get your laundry back in 8 hours or. express service you can get back in 4 hours. Which one do you prefer? 50. 请问内线怎么打? How can I make a room-to-room call? 51. 房间号码请先拨8,再拨房号,其它分机直拨。 Please dial 8 first, and then room number, another extension directly dial the number. 52. 请问您要打电话给哪个房间?需要我帮您转接吗? Would you tell me which room do you want to call to? May I transfer the call for you? 53. 请接855房。Please connect me to room 855. 54. 外线怎么打?请先拨9,然后拨您所要打的号码。 How can I make an external call? Please dial 9 first, and then the telephone number. 55. 请问您想打到哪里(国家,城市)? Where (which country / city) would you like to call, please? 56. 您可以告诉我电话号码吗?我帮您接通后再转入您房间? Could you tell me the telephone number , please? May I connect it first and then transfer into your room? 57. 对不起,这个号码是错的,您还有其它的号码吗? Excuse me. It’s the wrong number, do you have another one? 58. 请挂上电话后等一会,我会把电话接到您的房间的。 Please hang up and wait. I will transfer the call to your room. 59. 请不要挂线,我马上帮您接通。Hold on please, I will connect with it right now. 60. 本地电话1元一分钟,已抱括服务费。 Local call is one yuan a minute and including the service charge 61. 国际长途是8元一分钟,加20%服务费 The International call is eight yuan a minute,. plus twenty five percent service charge. 62. 你可以告诉我ATT对方付款的号码吗? Could you tell me the ATT collecting call number ? 63. 是10811. 让我提醒您,即使是由受话人付款,酒店方面仍要收取手续费的。 10811. May I remind you that there is still a handling charge for a collect call in the hotel? 64. 我房间很冷,请问有暖气吗?My room is too cold. Is there heating in the room?


21世纪大学英语口语初级教程1答案 1、—Why is Mary asking Bob about the school trip? —Because she wants to know ______.()[单选题] * A. how does he think of the trip B. what does he think of the trip C. what he likes the trip D. how he likes the trip(正确答案) 2、_____ is not known yet. [单选题] * A. Although he is serious about it B. No matter how we will do the task C. Whether we will go outing or not(正确答案) D. Unless they come to see us 3、27.Will it ______ warm in the room? [单选题] * A.are B.be(正确答案) C.is D.going to be

4、She serves as a secretary in a university. [单选题] * A. 为…服务 B. 担任…职务(正确答案) C. 竞争…服务 D. 申请…职务 5、Where have you _______ these days? [单选题] * A. been(正确答案) B. be C. is D. are 6、35.Everyone in China ______ Mid-Autumn Day. [单选题] * A.likes(正确答案) B.like C.is liking D.are like 7、My mother’s birthday is coming. I want to buy a new shirt ______ her.()[单选题] * A. at


初级英语口语教程 初级英语口语教程 英语是一门全球通用的语言,掌握英语口语对于交流和求职都非常重要。本教程将为初级学习者提供一些常用的英语口语表达和练习方法。 第一部分:基础表达 1.问候和自我介绍 - Hello!/Hi! 你好! - What's your name? 你叫什么名字? - My name is… 我叫… - Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 2.寒暄 - How are you? 你好吗? - I'm fine, thank you. And you? 我很好,谢谢。你呢? - I'm good too. 我也很好。 3.道歉和谢谢 - I'm sorry. 对不起。 - That's okay. 没关系。 - Thank you. 谢谢。 - You're welcome. 不客气。 4.询问和提供帮助

- Can I help you? 我可以帮你吗? - Yes, please. 是的,请。 - No, thank you. 不,谢谢。 - Do you need any help? 你需要帮忙吗? - Yes, please. 是的,请。 第二部分:日常生活对话 1.购物 - How much is this? 这个多少钱? - It's $10. 十美元。 - Can I try it on? 我可以试试吗? - Of course. 当然可以。 - I'll take it. 我要买这个。 2.餐馆对话 - Do you have a reservation? 你预订了吗? - Yes, under the name of John. 是的,约翰预订的。 - What would you like to drink? 你想喝点什么? - I'll have a glass of water, please. 请给我来一杯水。 3.问路 - Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the train station? 对不起,你能告诉我怎样去火车站吗? - Sure, just go straight and turn left at the second traffic light. 当然,一直往前走,在第二个红绿灯处左转。 - Thank you very much. 非常感谢。


关于英语初级口译 引导语:下面是的关于初级英语口译的信息,大家可以看看。 初级口译考出来一点用都没的,因为有中级口译和高级口译,如果只考个初级口译证书,以后反而会被人家说你英语水平低。 而且现在中级口译的用处也已经没前几年大了,所以如果楼主有英语4级词汇打底的话,建议认真准备一下就直接考中级口译,否那么是浪费时间又浪费钱。 中级口译认真复习的话不是很难考出。通常过了专四的水平应该可以冲刺下中级的,不过大一的水平,初级口译足以了。 初级口译又叫根底口译,英语3级水平(或相当)就可以了。每年举办2次,3月和9月。提前3周报名。 有专门教材 中高级口译对能力的要求比四六级要高,加上其通过率不高(全国中高级口译的通过率为7.9%)。因此,证书的含金量很高,能够作为求职中的一个砝码。大一学中级口译当然可以,现在一些中学生都有通过高口的。 首先弄清几点:初级口译是教育部,北京外国语大学的。一般考出来没什么用。没有人会成认你这个证书是口译证书,而且是初级的,根本…… 俗称是用钱买回来的。 比拟简单,没有任何含金量。北外的初级口译,需要到达英语专业2年级及以上能力,也就是说6级左右的水平。劝你去考CET-6吧,北外的口译证书根本上没有人看,很多人都不知道这个证书。 口译不是适合每一个人,口译需要有超强的短时记忆能力,语言概括分析能力,语言表达能力,以及最主要的口译记笔记能力。

如果你真的很想靠口译,劝你去考上海的中级口译(岗位资格证书)。当然也有根底口译(只是能力证书,不是岗位证书)这个根底口译证书,比大学4、6级还简单,高中毕业就可以。上海的中级口译笔试难度在大学4-6级,但是口试比拟难,而且通过率比拟低,含金量很高。上海口译岗位资格证书考试含金量很高,主要就是在口试中的口译局部需要很高的能力,并且会卡人也就是通过率。如果你真的想做翻译的话,建议你去考人事部的翻译。 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试。通过考试,你的名字就会在中国的人事部备案。三、二、一的顺序,三级最简单,一级最难。还有就是NAATI 3 澳大利亚翻译证书,通过率只有个位数…… 看了那么多的翻译证书,都比北外的初级强。


初级英语口语训练 初级英语口语训练 英语口语是学习英语的重要环节,对于初学者来说,口语训练更是必不可少。下面列举了一些初级英语口语训练的方法和技巧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。 1. 多听多说:多听英语,提高对语音和语调的敏感度。可以通过听英语歌曲、看英语电影或者听英语广播来提高自己的听力水平。然后多说英语,大胆地开口练习口语,不要怕犯错。 2. 跟读练习:选择一段简短的英语对话或者文章,先跟读几遍,然后试着模仿原音录制自己的声音,对比两者的差异,找出自己需要改进的地方。可以使用录音软件或者手机进行录制,并多次反复练习。 3. 参加口语班或者英语角:加入一个口语班或者参加英语角可以提供一个良好的练习环境,与其他人进行交流,相互纠正发音错误,提高口语表达能力。结交一些英语母语人士或者有流利口语的朋友也是一个很好的方法。 4. 角色扮演:找一个搭档,互相扮演不同的角色进行对话练习。可以选择一些日常生活中常见的情景,如去餐厅点餐、买东西等,模拟

真实对话,提高口语流利度。 5. 创造语境:在日常生活中创造英语口语的使用场景。可以尝试用英语给自己做一份简单的早餐菜单,或者用英语和朋友一起制定一个周末的活动计划。通过积极使用英语,让口语成为自己的一部分。 6. 多用口语材料练习:利用各种英语口语教材、练习册或者网上资源进行口语训练。可以找一些与自己水平相符的材料,进行口语模仿、对话练习,逐渐提高口语表达能力。 7. 录音自我评估:每次练习口语后,录制自己的声音并进行回放,自我评估自己的发音、语调、流利度等方面的表现。找出自己的不足之处,并进行针对性的改进练习。 总之,初级英语口语训练需要持之以恒、多样化的练习方法,并注重反馈和自我评估。只有不断地练习和实践,才能提高口语水平,更加自信地运用英语进行交流。


新世纪英语口语教程(修订版)介绍 1. 引言 新世纪英语口语教程(修订版)是一套针对初学者而设计的英语口 语教材。本教材采用了熟悉的话题和情景对话,使学习者能够掌握与 日常生活相关的表达和交际技巧。本文将对新世纪英语口语教材进行 详细介绍。 2. 内容概述 新世纪英语口语教材分为四个级别,分别为初级、中级、高级和 超级。每个级别包含十二个单元,涵盖了日常生活中的各个方面,例 如问路、购物、饮食、旅游、工作、健康等。每个单元都包含了听力、口语、阅读和写作练习,旨在提高学习者在英语交际方面的能力。 3. 重点特色 本教材有以下几个特色: 3.1. 实用性 本教材关注的是实际应用,涵盖了生活中各个场景中需要用到的 英语表达和技巧。学习者通过本教材能够获取真正有用的英语能力。3.2. 多样性 本教材不仅包含各种生活情境中的对话,还引入了小说、新闻、 电影等不同类型的文章,帮助学习者更全面地了解英语语言和文化。

3.3. 科技化 本教材配有听力材料和录音,学习者可以通过多种方式进行学习,例如使用电子书、在线听力、下载MP3等。这种科技化的学习方式大 大提高了学习效率。 3.4. 增强记忆 本教材采取了多种方式来帮助学习者记忆英语单词和语法知识, 例如在对话中反复使用一些关键词汇、设计口诀和记忆图、使用相关 图片等。 4. 使用体验 学习者使用新世纪英语口语教材有如下体验: 4.1. 语言简单明了 本教材的英语表达简洁明了,初学者也能轻松掌握。而且作者采 用口语化的表达方式,使学习者在交际时更容易应对。 4.2. 学习效率高 本教材在不同级别中逐渐提高难度,让学习者逐步提高英语口语 水平。同时,教材还注重复习巩固,加深学习者的记忆。 4.3. 提高自信 通过学习这套教材,学习者可以有效应对日常外语环境,提高自 己的外语交际能力和自信心。


中日口译教程初级 第一章:口译基础知识 1.1 口译的定义和特点 口译是一种将一种语言的口头表达转换为另一种语言口头表达的技能。它要求译员具备高度的语言能力和专业知识,能够准确地传达讲话者的意思和情感。 1.2 口译的分类和应用领域 口译可以分为同声传译和交替传译两种形式。同声传译主要用于国际会议和大型活动,交替传译则广泛应用于商务、旅游、文化交流等领域。 1.3 口译的基本要求和技巧 口译要求译员具备扎实的语言基础和广博的知识背景。同时,译员还需要具备快速思维和灵活应变的能力,以应对各种意外情况。 第二章:口译技巧训练 2.1 听力技巧 在口译中,听力是非常重要的一项技能。译员需要通过大量的听力训练,提高自己的听觉辨别能力和听记能力。 2.2 记忆技巧 记忆是口译中的另一个关键技能。译员需要通过不断的练习,提高

自己的记忆力和记忆速度,以便更好地传达讲话者的意思。 2.3 表达技巧 口译不仅要求译员准确传达讲话者的意思,还需要译员具备良好的表达能力。译员需要学会使用适当的词汇和表达方式,以使译文更加流畅自然。 第三章:常见口译场景 3.1 商务口译 商务口译主要用于商务谈判、会议和商务活动等场合。译员需要具备商务知识和行业背景,以便更好地理解和传达相关信息。 3.2 旅游口译 旅游口译主要用于导游和旅游服务人员。译员需要具备丰富的旅游知识和相关景点介绍,以提供给游客准确、流畅的口译服务。 3.3 文化交流口译 文化交流口译主要用于文化活动、艺术展览和演讲等场合。译员需要具备相关领域的专业知识和艺术品鉴能力,以便更好地传达文化信息。 结语 口译是一项高度专业化的技能,需要译员具备扎实的语言基础和广博的知识背景。通过不断的学习和练习,我们可以提高口译能力,


初级英语口语100句 1. Hello. 你好。 2. Hi. 你好。 3. Good morning. 早上好。 4. How are you? 你好吗? 5. Fine, thank you. 很好,谢谢。 6.I’m not felling well. 我不太舒服。 7. This is Mr. Bob Brown. 这是鲍比•布朗先生。This is Miss Jane Miller. 这是珍妮•米勒小姐。 8. How do you do Mr. Brown? 布朗先生,您好。 9. Nice to meet you, Miss Miller. 米勒小姐,见到你很高兴。 10.May, I’d like you to meet my colleague, Peter.玛丽,我想让你认识我的同事彼得。 11. May I know your name, please. 请告诉我您的尊姓大名。 12. My name is Bill Taylor. 我叫比尔•泰勒。 13. Good-bye. 再见。 14. See you later. 待会儿见。 15. Good night. 晚安。 16. Thank you very much for your help. 非常感谢你对我的帮助。 17. My pleasure. 别客气。 18.You’re welcome. 不用谢。 19. No problem. 别客气。 20.What’s the time now? 现在几点? 21.It’s ten o’clock. 十点。

22.It’s half past eleven. 十一点半。 23.It’s a quarter past twelve. 十二点一刻。 24. What day is today? 今天是星期天。 25.It’s Wednesday. 星期三。 26.What’s the date today? 今天几号? 27.It’s March 5. 三月五日。 28.What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样? 29.It’s sunny. 晴天。 30. What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气如何? 31.It’ll be cold. 会很冷。 32.What’s the temperature today? 今天气温几度? 33.The high will be 32℃ and the low will be 20℃.最高温度摄氏32度,最低温度20度。 34.What’s your job? 你是干什么的? 35.I’m a taxi driver. 我是出租车司机。 36. What do you do? 你做什么工作? 37. I work as a salesman. 我是推销员。 38. Go straight on to the traffic lights, Then turn left.一直往前走,到绿灯路口,然后向左拐。 39. Excuse me, sir. Is there a bank near here? 劳驾,先生,(请问)附近有银行吗? 40. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Shanghai Museum? 对不起,能告诉我去上海博物馆的路吗? 41. You can go there by metro, get off at the Peo ple’s Square. 可以乘地铁去那儿,在人民广场下车。
